#squishy cool fanfic
mistressheroine · 1 year
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Bethyl inspired by the in for a penny, in for a pound series by the amazing @im-immortal 🖤 I literally do a happy dance every time I get the update email through 😆
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candycandy00 · 5 months
if i am not too late, can we get geto in mafia town where he is the interrogator. congrats on the 2k!!! i'll look forward to reading everything ❤️🌻
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The Sweetest Torture - A Geto Suguru x Reader Fanfic
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Mafia AU. Edging. Light bondage (handcuffs). Oral sex. 
Part of CandyCandy’s 2k Followers Event! Likes are welcome and loved but comments and reblogs make me all warm and squishy inside! Dividers by @benkeibear!
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How did it come to this? An hour ago you were waiting tables at the small cafe you work at. Now you’re in some dank basement, sitting in an uncomfortable metal chair, your wrists handcuffed behind your back. 
You live in a Mafia town. The local Falzone Mafia family controls the whole area, and though they can be intimidating, they’re overall easy to get along with. They generally do more good than harm, helping the local economy by bringing in tourists to their casino and keeping all crime but their own practically nonexistent. A few of them come into the cafe often, and one of them in particular has caught your eye. 
He’s from Japan, but he’s been with the Falzone family since he was a child, according to him. His name is Suguru, and he’s unbelievably beautiful. He has the sort of beauty that stops people dead in their tracks, forcing them to look at him until he’s out of sight. 
He stops in the cafe almost every day, always ordering a coffee and a pastry. He’s given you a few flirty, suggestive comments, and in response you let him know you were interested. But he’s yet to make a move since then. In fact he cooled off completely. No more flirting. To be honest, it’s been a bit of a blow to your self esteem.
A new employee of the family named Juliano has been coming into the cafe lately. He seems to be drunk on the power being part of a Mafia family gives him. He’s loud, disruptive, and often frightens the other customers. When Suguru has been in the cafe at the same time, he’s called Juliano down and made him apologize, but they don’t often visit together. 
Two nights ago, you were cleaning up the cafe alone before closing up for the night when you heard a commotion outside. Thinking it was the two alley cats fighting again, you stepped outside to shoo them away before they hurt each other. But when you stepped around the corner of the cafe and peered into the alley, you saw two men. 
One was Juliano. The other was a member of the Falzone family that you recognized as Antonio. You didn’t know him well but he never caused problems as far as you knew. They were shoving each other and arguing. Antonio yelled out a few words, most of which you couldn’t hear clearly. Except one: “Traitor!”
Juliano lunged toward him, something silver glinting in his hand. It only took a moment for you to realize Juliano was stabbing Antonio with a knife. As Antonio crumpled to the pavement, you tried to sneak away, to make it back inside before Juliano spotted you. But you didn’t make it. He was on you in an instant, shoving you against the outside wall of the cafe and holding his knife to your throat. 
“If you breathe a word of this to anyone, you’re fucking dead! Do you understand me?”
You nodded, too terrified to speak, your eyes becoming wet. 
Juliano’s breath was hot on your face as he said, “Not just you. I’ll kill everyone you love. Your whole family. So you better keep your mouth shut, no matter what!”
You nodded vigorously again. “I-I won’t tell anyone!”
He left then, and you slunk back into the cafe feeling exhausted and frightened. Antonio’s body was found the next day, and the Falzone family immediately began investigating to find out who killed one of their own. They questioned you at length, but you lied and said you’d closed up early that night and went home. That was yesterday. 
Today, a couple of Falzone members came in and told you they’d asked around. Turns out you didn’t close up early. Someone walked by later in the evening and saw you wiping down tables. So why did you lie? What did you have to hide? Were you in cahoots with the killer? You panicked and probably only seemed more suspicious by trying to add more lies. So they took you back to their base, dragged you into this pitch dark room, and handcuffed you in this chair. Someone turned on a light that hung over your head like a spotlight and said their interrogator would be in to talk to you soon. 
You’ve lived in a Mafia town long enough to know “interrogator” is a nice term for “torturer”. You have no idea what’s going to happen to you, but probably nothing good. Should you just tell the truth? They probably wouldn’t believe you at this point, and Juliano would definitely try to make good on his threat. No, you can’t risk your family’s safety. 
The door creaks open and you look up to see which member of the family will be spending the evening ripping out your fingernails. Most of these men are regulars at the cafe. You chat with them, know exactly how they all like their coffee, laugh at their jokes. You feel a sense of fondness for them, so whoever it is, this is going to hurt in more ways than just physically. 
Your jaw nearly drops when Suguru walks into the room. He’s their torturer?! Him?! You feel sick to your stomach as he closes the door behind him and approaches. You’d rather it be anyone but him!
He steps closer to you and looks down at your face. He wears a complicated expression as he sighs and says, “Can you just tell me what happened two nights ago?”
“I-I didn’t see anything! There’s nothing to tell!”
“Then why did you lie about closing up early?” Suguru asks. 
You hesitate, trying to think up another lie. “I don’t know… I guess I just panicked when I was being questioned.”
“You do see how that makes you seem suspicious, right? You talk to Falzone guys every day at the cafe. It just doesn’t make sense for you to panic unless you have something to hide.”
You look up at him, wanting desperately to tell him the truth, but too scared of what Juliana will do to retaliate. By this point the man probably has a plan in mind for covering things up even if you tell. 
Suguru steps even closer and leans down, putting his hands on the arm rests of your chair. A strand of silky black hair falls over his face as he says, “There are lots of things I want to do to you, but hurting you is not one of them. Please just tell me the truth.”
You can feel tears stinging your eyes. You really are in an impossible situation. “I… can’t.”
There’s a flash of something in his eyes, as if he just realized something. He lowers his voice to nearly a whisper and says, “Has someone threatened you? Tell me, and we can-“
The door suddenly opens, causing Suguru to straighten up and turn to face the newcomer. When he steps aside, your heart nearly stops when you see Juliano standing inside the door. He’s staring at you with dark eyes. 
“What do you want, Juliano?” Suguru asks, seemingly slightly annoyed by the other man’s presence. 
“Just came to observe,” Juliano says. “The boss okayed it. Antonio was a good friend of mine.”
You’re trying hard to control your expression, to not look at Juliano too much and make it obvious that you’re scared of him. But you can feel his eyes on you. He’s here to make sure you don’t talk. 
Suguru narrows his eyes. “I don’t work with an observer. You’re hindering my interrogation.”
From his tone of voice, it seems clear that Suguru doesn’t like Juliano. Figures. Suguru is too classy to be friends with such a brute. 
Juliano moves closer to you. “Oh come on. Just slap the little bitch around a few times and she’ll talk.” He raises his hand and swings it down toward your face. With the handcuffs on, you can’t even try to protect yourself, so you squeeze your eyes shut. But the impact never comes. You open your eyes again to see Suguru holding Juliano’s arm. 
“I have my own way of doing things,” Suguru says, a warning tone to his voice. “And I’m not going to let you interfere. If the boss really wants you in here, he can come and tell me himself. Until then, get the fuck out.”
Juliano jerks his arm free and gives Suguru a dark, angry look. Then he gives you a meaningful glance before storming out of the room. 
Suguru walks over and locks the door with a heavy bolt. “There. No more unwelcome distractions. Now where were we?”
When he steps back over to you, he leans over you again. “So? Is someone threatening you? Someone from a rival family? We can protect you.”
But could they protect you from one of their own? Could they protect your whole family? What if they just didn’t believe you? There were too many uncertainties. You lowered your head. “I’m sorry. I can’t tell you anything.”
Suguru stands up straight and runs a hand through his bangs. “Alright. Looks like I’m going to have to force you.”
Your eyes shoot up to his face in alarm. 
He meets your gaze. “I have ways of making people talk. I like to tailor my methods to the individual.”
You try to shrink away from him but you have nowhere to go in the chair. “Please don’t hurt me!” you cry. 
He looms over you, looking down with a sultry expression. His liquid amber eyes seem just a little darker. His lips curve into a subtle smile. “I’ve found that for many people, the most effective torture isn’t inflicting pain. It’s denying pleasure.”
Suguru squats down in front of the chair, his thighs spreading deliciously. One warm hand rests on your knee. “I know you want me,” he says in that entirely too smooth voice. “You practically said so last week. I can give you everything you want and more.” His hand slides up your leg, under your floral sundress, caressing you with soft, sensual motions. “Just tell me the truth, and I’ll give you pleasure like you’ve never even dreamed of before.”
You squirm in the chair, squeezing your thighs together. He really is inhumanly beautiful, like someone from a fairytale. He’s right that you want him. You’ve wanted him from the moment you laid eyes on him, on his lustrous black hair and muscular shape. You’ve dreamed about him taking you, bending you over one of the tables at the cafe and having his way with you. 
But you have to resist! 
You shake your head as you try to pull away from him. “I can’t!”
He slides his other hand under your dress, then uses both hands to pull your panties down, under your hips, and all the way down your legs. After tossing them aside, he gently pushes your legs apart. Your dress is bunched up between your legs, still preserving your modesty. 
“You do want me, don’t you?” he asks, his eyes staring into yours. 
“Y-yes…” you mumble, closing your eyes. 
You feel his hands on your thighs again, creeping upward. Slowly, he pulls your dress up to your waist. The feeling of the soft fabric grazing over your bare pussy is so alluring, your breaths start to come quicker. Finally, you feel the cool air in the room between your legs, and you know you’re exposed. 
“You’re beautiful,” you hear Suguru say. “The things I could do to your body… the things I could make you feel… if only you would tell me what you saw.”
You open your eyes and look at him. God, you want him! “I… I didn’t see anything!”
His hands continue stroking your thighs, getting oh so close to where you want them to be. He leans toward you, almost close enough to kiss you, and says in a low voice at your ear, “You’re not being truthful. Don’t you want me to make you cum over and over? Don’t you want my tongue on your cute little clit? My cock inside you?”
Your chest is rising and falling rapidly with your fast breathing, your skin feeling heated and flushed. “Yes… I want that!”
One of his hands moves up and slightly brushes over your slick pussy. “I want that too,” he says. 
You have a sobering thought, and you can’t stop yourself from speaking it. “Now you’re not being truthful,” you tell him. 
He looks surprised. “What do you mean?”
“After I told you I’m interested, you backed off. You were just teasing me this whole time.”
A hint of sadness passes over his lovely features. “In my line of work, starting a relationship with someone is dangerous, for them more than me. I can sleep around all I want, but the moment I want something more, there’s a chance that person could be targeted.”
Wait, does that mean he wants something more with you? But he’s afraid you’ll be attacked in order to hurt him? The thought makes you feel warm, but it also makes the current situation far worse. Now you want him more than ever. 
You look him in the eyes. “I wish I could tell you! But I can’t!”
He gives a disappointed sigh. “What a shame. I was looking forward to taking you to heaven.”
The hand that had been ghosting over you between your legs suddenly stops moving, and you feel his soft fingers slipping between your folds to rub your clit. You nearly jump out of the chair. He smiles at you as your back arches. God, his touch is amazing! You almost spill every secret you have right then and there. 
You moan as he strokes you expertly, already on the edge. But just as you feel like release is getting close, he stops, pulling his hand away. You let out a whine, jutting your hips out as if chasing his hand. He waits for your body to calm down, then returns his hand, his fingers tracing circles around your clit again. He watches as you start to come undone, trembling in the chair, and then stops again. 
“Please… Suguru…” you breathe out, desperate for release. 
“Just tell me the truth,” he replies. “If someone is threatening you, we can protect you.”
You shake your head, tears leaking out of your eyes. He touches you again, bringing you so close once more. 
“My… my family…” you mutter. 
“They threatened your family? We’ll protect them too. You have my word.”
“You won’t believe me!” you cry as he pulls his hand away again. 
He leans his face in close to yours, looking you in the eyes. “Do you trust me?”
You hesitate for a moment, then nod. 
“Then I trust you,” he says. “I’ll believe whatever you say.”
He moves his face down then, burying it between your shaking thighs, and begins devouring your pussy. As his tongue runs over your clit, you finally give in. You couldn’t possibly bear having this pleasure taken away from you. 
“Juliano! Juliano stabbed Antonio!”
Suguru’s face tilts up slightly to look at your face, but his mouth continues pleasuring you until you finally reach sweet release, climaxing with a scream. 
He pulls away and stands up, licking his lips. “Juliano, huh? I can’t say I’m surprised. He’s a sneaky little rat.”
Catching your breath, you look up at Suguru. “He said he’d kill me and my family if I told anyone. Please don’t let him!”
Suguru gives you a reassuring smile. “I won’t let anything happen to you or your family. You can count on it.”
You sigh in relief, feeling tears on your face. 
“But before I confront him,” Suguru says, dropping down to his knees in front of you, “I believe I promised you a reward for telling the truth.”
You watch, enraptured, as he unbuckles his belt and opens his pants. He pulls out a cock that suits him perfectly: big, tall, and gorgeous. You can’t tear your eyes off it as he put his hands on your hips and slides you down a bit, so that you’re close to the edge of the seat, your hands still cuffed behind you. This position pulls slightly on your arms, but you can ignore some minor discomfort. Especially when he spreads you open and that magnificent cock pushes inside you. 
Ahhh, he fills you up so perfectly! He begins thrusting into you, slowly at first, deeply and intimately. He gradually picks up speed, the friction of his skin against yours making you moan and buck your hips. He leans over you, his hair falling over his shoulders, and kisses your lips. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he says. “I had to hold back every time I went to the cafe. I wanted to fuck you in your waitress uniform, right in front of everyone!”
You almost think you’d let him. He goes so deep, and he hits exactly the right spot within you. “S-Suguru!” you cry out, your pussy clenching him tightly as another orgasm slams into you. 
He keeps thrusting as you quiver beneath him, his hand stroking your hair. You can feel him twitching and pulsing inside you before he lets out a groan, then he absolutely stuffs you with his cum. 
You look up at him with dazed eyes. “Promise you’ll protect me?”
He’s breathing hard as he slowly pulls out of you. “With my life,” he replies. 
You watch him button his pants and then pull your dress back down, covering you modestly. He’s just stepping around you to unlock the handcuffs when there’s a banging on the door. He freezes and motions for you to be quiet. On the way to the door, he bends down and grabs your discarded panties, shoving them into his pocket. 
At the door, he says, “Who is it? I’m busy.”
You hear Juliano’s voice. “The boss couldn’t come down here, but he said I can observe. Look, I’m sorry I tried to tell you how to do your job, alright?”
You know what Juliano is doing. He wants to stay in the room as much as possible, to intimidate you and make sure you don’t talk. Little does he know he’s too late. 
Surprisingly, Suguru unlocks the door and lets him in. Juliano steps into the room, scowls at you, and asks, “Any luck?”
Suguru gives him a dark look. “What do you think, Juliano?”
Juliano, perhaps noticing the clear hostility radiating off of Suguru, suddenly looks at you again. “Has she been telling lies about me?” When no one says anything, he looks at Suguru again. “Are you seriously gonna believe this cheap little cunt over me?!”
Suguru punches him, so fast and so hard that Juliano has no chance to dodge or even bring up an arm to protect his face. He flops backwards onto the floor, unmoving. 
You stare at the man on the floor. “Is… is he dead?”
Suguru walks back over to you and finishes uncuffing you. “No, I just knocked him out. I’ll send someone to get your family and bring them here to stay for a while, just until we make sure Juliano doesn’t have any lackeys.”
You let Suguru help you to your feet, rubbing your sore wrists. “What’s going to happen to him?” you ask, nodding toward Juliano. 
Suguru smiles. “I’ll be putting him in that chair, interrogating him next. Though my methods for dealing with him will be very different,” he says, gently turning you around to see the wall that was behind your chair. It’s lined with hundreds of sharp, dangerous looking tools and utensils. 
“Oh,” you say, feeling a chill come over you. 
“I didn’t want you to see it while you were in here. I didn’t want to scare you,” Suguru says. 
You’re grateful for that. But you feel just a little bad for Juliano. He probably deserves whatever he gets though. 
Suguru holds out his hand to you. “Come on, you can stay in my room until all this settles down.” 
You take it, feeling like the safest person in the world. 
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
low self esteem — inosuke, tanjirou, tengen
Author’s Note: started writing these as headcanons re: how they were requested, but ended up writing them as preferences. 😅 Sometimes a fanfic just writes itself the way it wants to be written, ya feel? 🤷🏻‍♀️☺️
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low self esteem — inosuke, tanjirou, tengen
Hashibira Inosuke x Reader, Kamado Tanjirou x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~1,400
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hi... I saw yo do emergency request... I was looking for one, my body dysphoria it's been getting pretty bad this days and tomorrow I'm going to a swimming pool and it's killing me inside, I love swimming but this is ruining it for me... So, can I have some headcanons for Inosuke and Tengen with an S/O with low self-esteem? Thank you, ILY
Suggestion Fulfilled: Can you write a tanjiro x reader fic where reader is insecure of her body hair? (Like me?🥲)
I wanna know how he reacts so bad:(((
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Inosuke doesn’t know what’s been said or done, but he recognizes the strain in your smile, how you linger in the bathroom longer, heart squeezing when you gently brush his fingers away from your hips as he comes up behind you.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” he grins, propping his head on your shoulder.
“Nothing,” you mutter, turning the sink on, then off, then on again.
“We brushing our teeth?” as he reaches for his toothbrush, chest pressed hot and solid against your back.
“Nope, just thinking.”
You turn off the sink, small sigh sitting heavy in your lungs.
“About how pretty you are?” he smirks, nipping at your earlobe, “Your hair smells nice.”
“At least I’ve got something going for me.”
“Hey,” frowning now, forearms strong and secure as he places his palms on the counter, body boxing you in, protective warning in his tone, “Did someone talk shit? Why’re you saying that?”
“Nobody said anything,” leaning into his embrace, eyes closing, “I’m fine.”
“You are fine!” voice loud and riled, “You are so fine! From your nice smelling hair to your gorgeous smile to your squishy cheeks to your-”
“I’m not sure your opinion counts,” you chuckle wryly, “You seem to believe I’m faultless.”
“Oh you aren’t,” Inosuke quips, fondness in his eye roll, “You can be very annoying,” ignoring your indignant huff, “But you’re definitely more wonderful than you are annoying.”
“That’s… sweet.”
“That’s the first compliment you ever gave me,” he declares proudly, “It suits both of us.”
“I guess it does,” finally wiggling around to meet his gaze, lips hesitant and light as you kiss his clavicle, “Thank you.”
“I got a kiss!” he exclaims, “A special, one-of-a-kind kiss!” the tightening of his arms your only warning before you’re lifted slightly, his joy and devotion carefully spinning you.
Maybe he doesn’t know what’s been said or done, but he does know how brightly you shine: how full his life and heart are because you’re seeped into every vein and every crevice — because you glow through his darkest tremors. I wish you knew how special your kisses are as he holds you, bathroom mirror soft with affection as you hand him his toothbrush Minty fresh or garlic bread savory, they’re my favorite part of every day.
“Yor kithes ‘re mahical,” he informs you, toothbrush in mouth, toothpaste dribbling down his chin.
“Oh?” you raise an amused eyebrow, “I’m glad you noticed,” eyes crinkling as you smile, “They’re imbued with my love for you.”
And although the moments ebb and flow, Inosuke’s reminded of how perfectly you scintillate, your brilliance glittering as it drifts warm and slow onto his skin. Special, one-of-a-kind, magical indeed.
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“I love your thighs,” Tanjirou grins, muscular frame spooning your legs, adoring eyes peering up at you.
“You’re gonna suffocate down there,” teasingly lowering the blankets till you can barely see him, “Taaanjiiirooou?” letting go of the blankets, “Where did you gooo?”
Cool fingers stroke your shins as he sprinkles your kneecaps with kisses, lump squirming happily when you scratch at his head, I could stay like this forever warm in your hearts.
“You’re so cozy!” he declares, affection audible even through the layers of blankets, “So fuzzy!” nuzzling at your calf.
Uh oh he winces as your legs jolt upward, force clipping the tip of his nose, eyes watering as he quickly resurfaces.
“Did that tickle?” his brow furrows, taking in your suddenly scrunched position, “I didn’t mean to!”
“Didn’t tickle,” you murmur, avoiding his gaze, cheeks burning as you swath yourself, forehead barely visible.
“Why’re you hiding from me?” amused smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “You know I didn’t mean to tickle you, and I won’t do it again… unless you want me to?” eyes sparkling as he winks at you.
Instead of your typical quip or declaration of Tickle war!, your body curls further into itself, Tanjirou’s gut clenching at the sour tinge of frustration and shame encroaching on your usual soft scent.
“You know being cozy is a compliment, right?” he asks carefully, “You’re home and heaven to me,” voice quiet, “I can let my guard down when we’re together. We take care of each other.”
“I know,” you mumble, “I don’t mind being cozy.”
 So then why… “What did I say?” not accusing or angry, but gently worried, “How did I hurt you?”
Relief filling his chest when you uncurl a sliver, anxious hands reaching for his—which he happily provides—his skin indented with tiny crescents as you grip firmly.
“I’m… fuzzy?” breaths shallow, tone higher than normal, “What does that mean? Is that okay? Should I go shave? I didn’t think it mattered since I didn’t go anywhere today, but I guess I wasn’t considering your preference,” kicking away the blankets, “Give me five minutes. I’ll shave, and then maybe we could continue-”
“I love you,” Tanjirou interrupts roughly, throat tight at the fear in your stare, “Your body hair is beautiful. Fuzzy is never bad. It’s inviting. Huggable. Sometimes it tickles a little, and sometimes it itches, and I love it. It’s absolutely okay. If you feel like shaving, then shave. If you don’t feel like shaving, then don’t. Where you’re going or what you’re doing doesn’t matter: what matters is how secure and safe you feel — how much you feel like you. My preference? I appreciate you showering every so often,” cracking a wry smile, “But beyond that? I just prefer you,” raising your knuckles to his lips, kissing delicately, “Now do you want to shave, or continue cuddling? Either way, I’m here for you.”
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“What on earth?”
“Tengen, don’t give me attitude.”
“Don’t ask me stupid questions!”
You’d smack his bicep if you weren’t so curious and eager for his answer, quiet fear simmering in your stomach, eyes narrowed in what you hope comes across as sly or playful.
“You’re not fooling anyone, least of all yourself,” he sighs, gentle stare bypassing your act in an instant.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter, mouth pursed, eyes closing tightly.
“Are you going to cry?”
“You can be really insensitive,” you huff, wiping harshly at your face, “I mean, look at you!”
“I’m a man of muscle and flashiness. That’s all.”
“Bullshit,” you snort, gesturing wildly at his hair, his torso, his legs, “You’re tall and handsome and charming and-”
“And I choose to love you,” hands catching your wrists, tenderly tucking your hands into his sternum, “There is no competition between us. If I’m enough for you, then I trust in you. Do you not trust in me?”
Swallowing thickly, you exhale loudly, frustration building in your voice, “That- That isn’t the point! Of course you’re enough for me! You’re YOU!”
“I think that’s exactly the point,” as he steps closer to you, “How do you think you’re enough for me?” breath blowing warm on your hair, “By not being you?”
“Stop speaking in riddles! I DON’T KNOW. I don’t know how I’m enough for you. Maybe you’re so damn generous that you-”
“I do not pity you,” tone warningly sharp, “I admire you. I appreciate you. I’m in awe of you. And I don’t understand how on earth you could believe otherwise. Do you ignore the bathroom mirror every day? Do my compliments go in one ear and out the other?” urgency digging into your skin, “Does my gratitude mean so little to you?”
Stifling a sob, you shove yourself into Tengen, arms locked around his waist, expression buried in his chest, bitterness coating your tongue. You don’t understand bouncing hollow through your skull; I understand echoing inaudible through his own.
“I apologize for being insensitive,” he murmurs slowly, palms steadying and calm against your back, “I’m sure I upset you whenever I say I’m going to hell, just as I feel upset that I haven’t adequately assured you of my affection toward you — that I haven’t provided the same security that I feel with you, for you,” thumb reaching up to smudge a teardrop as you pull away slightly, “I feel disappointed in myself. Of course, confidence develops most sincerely from within, but I doubt my attitude has helped,” sheepish smile gracing his lips, “I want to build you up. I want you to build yourself up. I want you to feel as loved by me as I do by you.”
“I want that too,” you whisper softly, “It’s so difficult though.”
“And that’s okay,” he chuckles fondly, pecking your nose, “As your muscly, flashy man, I’m more than happy to lift what I can for you, and to cheer you on through whatever I can’t.”
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obsessivevoidkitten · 5 months
Ok so another one. Not a fanfic but I am just genuinely curious about Synthis. Because HOLY FUCK YOU CAN'T JUST DROP A BANGER CONCEPT AND EXPECT US(me) TO JUST BE SATISFIED WITH BEING RAILED, WORSHIPPED, AND RAVAGED BY A HOT 7ft TALL BEEFY BULL MAN (I am beyond satisfied but still...)
A company that sells their actual employees, regardless if they're hired for actual work or just to be sold, is kinda a really [insert word that would describe what I am feeling rn because there are too many] concept. Like... you probably just did it to give Arrin a way to be able to get his darling mate when they live in another planet and no other reason but you kinda dropped a really cool concept.
A company sells their employees (even if they have family or friends or people that care for them deeply) to random people and still manage to keep their facade as this Disney-like or Amazon-like company that just happens to have many branches (I'm trying and failing to make an analogy-thingy here). That could get very dark very quickly. Get-A-Darling®. Come get your submissive and breedable darlings here. We offer a wide variety of cute darlings. We got sleek and slender, muscular and tall, and chubby and squish-- oh the chief already got the squishy one... Anyway, we at Synthis believe in inclusivity and giving our customers full satisfaction, of course. We might even give you their (worn) underwear to see/sniff/smell if they'd be a great fit before you get them~
Ok, I'm getting off topic. What I am saying is that a company manages to keep their image as this respectable as respectable as a corporation that owns everything I guess... corporation even while they sell their employees to various individuals with various intents. Like, darling might be one of the very lucky ones. Sold to a soft Yandere who just wants someone soft, squishy, chubby, sexy, and cuddly to love, worship, breed, and adore. What if someone got sold to a Yandere Asshole or a regular slimy asshole? Or just sold to plain old slavery? Or shitty warehouse job with abusive management? Or for their organs?
What if they're doing double duty as the Syndicate from the Strom (Yandere Assassin/Bounty Hunter) one shot?
You dropped this really cool concept about a company that dabbles in human trafficking in order to cater to people who we may call “human fuckers” (they're freaky and horni and squishy and cuddly) and I just wanna say that I think that's fucking great and awesome
Do you think Synthis gave out their (to be sold) employees' worn underwear to the people that were going to buy them?
No they don't sell people with loving friends and family! That would make it harder to operate.
Mostly sell only to very specific clients.
I do like the used undies sampler pack idea to help them pick a person.
Organs can be grown and sold cheaply (synthis synthetics organs department) so no worry of reader sold for organs.
Possible for slavery, but the robots of the future are stronger, more willing, and overall cheaper since there's no med cost or food or sleep or even a habitat required. So it just isn't practical.
Most customers are looking for something to love them or slide their dick in.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Can you please make a pure vanilla fanfic please (I know you know it’s me hehehehe)
Pure Vanilla Cookie Dating Headcanons
pure vanilla cookie x reader
summary: what being in a relationship with pure vanilla cookie is like!
warnings: mentions of flirting, physical touch, i think that's all but lmk if there's more cuz i wrote this at 3 am lol
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very very sweet. he's always really caring about you and he wants to keep you safe
he gets flustered easily. one flirty comment and BOOM you have successfully made him a very blushy boi.
likes giving you gifts a lot. will give you flowers he picked from the garden or even something he made himself. believes that giving gifts is an easy and fun way to show his affection to you :]
also really likes spending time with you. he can get very busy very easily, so every moment spent with you is a moment he treasures.
loves whenever you two have picnics in the garden. it's probably his favourite thing to do as a date with you
he has squishy cheeks. you like to smush his cheeks for fun. tHEYRE JUST SO SQUISHY HOW CAN YOU NOT??
^^^ he always chuckles whenever you squish his cheeks too. thinks your antics are adorable
likes to make you flower crowns and gives them to you. thinks flower crowns really suit you :]
loves holding your hand whenever he's feeling down. any time spent with you instantly boosts his mood!
have i mentioned he likes spending time with you? yes? well im mentioning it again.
absolutely LOVES being around you and spending time with you. he adores you and loves being around you whenever he can.
overall 10/10 very wholesome and kind and adorable and
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a/n: i don't simp for pure vanilla but writing this was amazing HE IS SO ADORABLE also hello good friend of mine that likes fanfic you sent me this request while we were on a call how very cool of you to do ty for supporting my silly little fanfic blog :] also once again i am like. speedrunning my requests rn. i haven't been able to fall asleep at all so im just like. sitting here writing about everyone's favourite blorbos at 3 am lol. look forward to more fics soon because we are clearing out the inbox
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? let me know!
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queewp · 2 years
I wanna hear more about ur merturtle au pls. I think it's pretty neat and u have very squishy designs. Also is it okay to write fanfic of ur au? It wouldn't be much and it'll be my first time writing but I have a tentative idea.
OH!! Ofc u can use the designs // idea with credit ^^ If u ever write something, defo mention it to me on here so I can read it >:) The overall thing was originally just going to be fun ideas, and nothing major. Overall, basically everything is the same from the original, other than a few quirks and designs the turtles have. Leo would always make a snarky comment about how he'd have "The voice of a siren." Which ofc, Donnie would always correct. He's the fastest swimmer of the group, and is the one that usually dominates fighting fields. Ofc- only if he uses his brain, which he kinda needs to work on. Donnie on the other hand, had to figure out how to comfortably live his life out of the water, and be able to be happy with it. He's made a few adjustments, probably like keeping water in his battle shell and having a regular schedule to keep himself from not being too agitated. In this version ofc, he's made all of his equipment waterproof! Including Shelldon ofc!! Raph, as a thresher shark, I'd imagine his fighting style would change a bit. Ofc he'd still be the absolute tank, but I like to imagine he'd manage to kinda use his tail to his advantage. Like Splinter, he uses his tail as a weapon and can stun enemies And as the Raph fan I am, thought that maybe it'd be cool to explore a small idea: Raph's always been paranoid of his smile, of being too rough, of being too scary, etc. I want him to both understand his struggles and realize that those he really cares about just want to see the true him, and not a hand covering his sharp smile. Aka, some free angst I could mess around with ;) Mikey... i actually don't have a lot for him? He'd be a force of keeping the family together, kinda like in the cannon. He'd have the most colorful fighting style, especially when u add water to the mix! He'd be the one to make Raph realize how wrong he was about himself, he'd be the one to help Donnie with his designs, and he'd help Leo realize that a lot of the stuff that's happened to them wasn't his fault. Also, part of me would find it funny if HE was the one who had some sort of 'siren' 'mermaid' powers. Or this could just be me watching too much avatar and the last airbender- but i think it'd be funny if he could manipulate water, and have all that cool mermaid powers!! Just an idea tho ^^ NOW UH- sorry if that's a lot to read, so have this lil comic WIP. I probably won't finish it knowing me- it is my birthday after all, but I'm glad people are taking interest in my little au :]
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uhshsmsmaka · 7 months
hiiii I just wanted to say you’re super epic, I love your cod:bocw art and like,,, your blog in general! keep up the cool work and stay silly, you’re amazing and I love seeing you on my dash!!
Honestly, I can’t express how much that means to me. I get worried people don’t really enjoy my art that much because it has such a squishy and sfw contrast to most of the CoD fandom’s taste, but I feel like the bocw fandom is really neat and fun and cool to talk to??
I’d like to get into other Black Ops games and I have a lot of plans for future content *cough cough* Bell hurt/comfort fanfic *cough cough* but this is all I have for now! ^^
thank you so so so much for you kind words and supporting my stuff lately and I will indeed stay silly >:3c
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Comfort after the rain
So this is a very self-indulgent fanfic, because this scene has been repeating in my head for days now! I hope you'll enjoy it!
It was raining cats and dogs, when I walked through the cemetery. Even though we were in spring, the temperature took a small dip and with the rain, it was a bit chilly. There had been another murder or crime happening near by and the Sleeping Kogoro had solved it once again!
I ran into him and his children sometimes, when I visited Café Poirot for some snacks or a coffee and to be honest, I didn't think him capable of clearing all these cases. But books and covers and all that...
When I walked through the graves, trying to be quick but not disturbing people taking care of them, I stopped dead in my tracks. There on the ground in the pouring rain sat Amuro Tooru, the waiter of Poirot and disciple of the Great Detective.
The blond man seemed desolate and apathetic, very different from the cool, outgoing and friendly guy who often rubbed me the wrong way. Not because he was rude or anything, but he seemed like this fake nice guy, like people pretending to be your friend in school, but use all your trust and secrets against you.
His clothes were sopping wet, and he seemed to be looking out into a blank abyss. I was considering my options and motivations for a moment and then walked up to him, grocery bags swinging in one hand, umbrella over my head in the other. As I stepped up to him, Amuro didn't look up, but he showed signs of awareness, so I waited a moment. When nothing happened, I cleared my throat:
“You'll catch a bad cold like this, Mr. Amuro! Can I accompany you somewhere?”
I then heard some rustling and watched as his small, white dog came yipping out of some bushes.
“Hey Haro! Are you out here as well? Making sure your dad isn't alone, huh? Such a good boy!”
I glanced at the blond next to me, his face a blank mask, but funnily enough, seemingly more honest than ever.
“I have some nice, fresh meat for you, as a reward for being such a good puppy!”
The dog was running laps around us, then plopped his butt on the ground and sat, looking at his owner, who still hadn't really moved or made a sound.
I sighed and crouched down, trying to keep the umbrella over the three of us.
“I won't look at the names here, it's none of my business. And it is your right to mourn in whatever way you need, but if you'd like, I can offer you a warm, dry place to be silent and sad without being alone or having to fulfill the nice boy, customer service act...”
I offered my hand, not expecting a reaction. After a few beats he took it in one of his and I had to suppress a wince at the cold skin and the realization of how long he must have been sitting here.
After I got up and Amuro followed, I took the lead to my flat, Haro doing an excellent job of herding us.
When I opened the door and shook out the umbrella, the dog zoomed inside, inspecting every inch, while his dad stood in the entrance, dripping, well more carrying a few buckets worth of water with him.
Making a mental note to definitely mop the floors later, I instructed him to take of his wet clothes, while speeding into the bedroom for some dry ones.
Thankfully I had some too big sweatpants and some T-Shirts I use to sleep in, that would fit the man about two heads taller than me. I kind of stretched my arm holding them around the doorway, into the entrance, so he could take them.
I quickly chucked my damp clothes into a hamper and put on some lounge-wear, than stepped out when it sounded like Tooru had finished changing.
Haro had by now been in every room, so he was following on the heels of my unexpected guest, who I lead to my couch. I took the softest, warmest blanket I had, one I had crocheted years ago and carefully washed so the wool was incredibly squishy and wrapped it around him.
The first sign of life on his face was a short flash of surprise when the blanket touched him.
He took a corner in between two fingers and rubbed it, probably knowing I made it myself. I had been crafting all kinds of things during my short breaks at the café, after all.
“Would you rather like a fruit tea, or herbal?”, I asked, to which he gave the tiniest of shrugs.
So I went to the kitchen and brewed a fruit tea and a peppermint tea, choosing two kinds I liked, so that I could drink the one he didn't want. I also prepared the meat I promised Haro and put it on a plate and gave him a bowl of fresh water. I put the teas on the table in front of the couch, turning to leave the man alone, when he took hold of my wrist, lightly enough for me to easily pull back if I wanted to.
He seemed surprised at the action and so was I, honestly, but I sat down next to him, both of us taking a cup and watching the rainstorm outside through the windows, existing in a bubble of calm somberness, that was tinged with melancholy, but also a strange kind of understanding.
This was a piece of a puzzle to a very complicated situation and man, and had I known the aftermath, I would have still done everything the same way.
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 1 year
Get to know you questions!! Tag whoever you like :D
Writing my answers in orange!
1) top 5 or top 10 favorite animals (depending on how many animals you like)
Hermit Crabs, Pigeons, Otters, Anglerfish, Shrimp, Cats, Manned Wolves, Salamander, Sheep, Axolotls :D
2) top 3 Minecraft mobs
Mooshroom, chicken, and parrot!!!
3) favorite vocaloid song or My Singing Monsters island theme and why! (If you don’t like/know Vocaloid/MSM, just name a song or genre you like and why :D)
Fav Vocaloid song is Brain Explosion girl recently, and fav MSM theme HAS to be cold island. Or maybe earth???? Hm
4) favorite and least favorite textures, no why needed :333
Fav is squishy soft things, least favorite is ice in a freezer
5) not your favorite color, but your favorite color palette (bonus points if you have a pic of the specific palette or a photo/artwork of the pallet you like!!)
Purple, Green, Orange, Pink, and Black! Total Halloween vibes!!
6) fav book you had to read for school (fiction or non fiction work lol, and if you don’t like/have any then just name a book or fanfic you like!)
Of Mice and Men was surprisingly amazing! Thought I’d hate it tbh
7) how do you think of the months of the year in your head? Left to right, top to bottom, in specific numbered rows and columns? Tell me :D
I think of it like this:
January, February, March, April
May, June, July, August
September, October, November, December
8) assigned harry potter/ilvermorny house or Percy Jackson cabin or Warrior cats clan something like that lol (if you don’t have anything like that, star sign works too!)
I’ll do em all lol: Slytherin/Hufflepuff, Pukwudgie, Dionysus’s, RiverClan, I’m an Aries sun/gemini rising/pisces moon :D
9) MBTI???? Love those things :33 (If you haven’t taken the test yet or u just don’t wanna cuz it’s too long, are you a solider poet or king?)
I’m an ENFP-T! I thought I’d get king but I got poet lol
10) something “cringe” you actually rly like, no shame here :D
Gacha Life/Club, the styles just so cutesy! Ohhh also K-Pop, I’m a TOTAL stay :33 and DSMP, it’s just rly cool to me
11) characters from shows/movies/games you kin/stan/just adore!! NOT ACCEPTING IRL PPL PLZ AND THANK U :D (unless it’s urself, we like self love in these parts)
For me I currently kin Dazai, Edward Elric, c!TommyInnit, and I completely STAN any Project Sekai character. I mean any of them.
12) 5 people you’d wanna be at a party with and why! (Can be alive or dead, real or fake, celebrities or randos, humans or otherwise :D)
My grandpa to see him again, Roy mustang to see if he’s a bastard irl, Hachi/Kenshi Yonezu just to see how he’s doing, Kanye West to just ask him why, and BeastChild (the YouTuber) just cause I really like his stuff and would wanna meet him!
13) favorite hobby/fandom specific term and its meaning :333
I’m a writer (well, aspiring anyway, I’m not rly that good) and I love the idea of the sexy lamp. Basically if you’re writing a female character that could be replaced with a sexy lampshade and nothing about the story changes then you’re writing a BAD FEMALE CHARACTER XD
Cause it’s spooky season il leave it at 13 ;)
Happy answering!!!
No pressure tags :3 @touratoura @theancientwonder @kneecoal-mooma @citrushomie @skytheamazing @mitski-slope @a-trench-coat-of-confused-worms @dicklesswonder-blog @vicaridoo
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fandom-friday · 6 months
This wolfpack art with Plo Koon😭💔 https://www.tumblr.com/goldnightshaade/744858000057139200/plo-and-his-sons?source=share
Super cute sleepy!Omega and Wrecker!!! https://www.tumblr.com/theartgremlin/742369160810643456/big-brother-dont-even-need-two-hands?source=share
This super cool concept of Older Omega meeting jer younger self!! https://www.tumblr.com/lamiliani/742179382145220609/my-child-omega-but-also-with-her-older-au-self?source=share
For fanfics I bring yall this heartbreaking piece about Dogma post!Umbara... It's hurt no comfort so beware, but I loved the moment between him and Fox! https://archiveofourown.org/works/52734280
Ok so all of the art is so sweet and cool and soft and makes me feel squishy and warm and then YOU SLAP ME DOWN WITH THE HURT AND ANGST ON THAT LAST FIC WHEW. WHAT A GUT PUNCH. Either way, thank you for sending all of these in! They are outstanding!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
HI IT'S SQUISHY fic ask game time:
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
ok uhhhh uh uh
F: i think if i had to choose anything, it'd probably be the cat petting circle scene from and who do you think i'll be (without you)?, because i am. really really bad at juggling more than like 3 characters in a scene and this has FIVE and it's still really fun to read, at least for me. it's dynamic, though admittedly the attention still mostly falls on kuwabara and yusuke (sorry keiko </3 i wish you were more prominent in this one but alas) everyone carries some weight. i'm also not great at understanding (and thus writing) anger, so yusuke's bubbling frustration through the scene is like.. kinda cool to me. (a/n: eikichi is kuwabara's cat lol)
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i'm also including another two from this same fic bc i think they're neat as well :)
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(i'll put a transcript of the screenshots at the end under the read more)
honestly, i love writing yusuke's dialogue no matter what he's saying, so this fic's got a few moments i'm very fond of, but didn't include. anyway it's the only good thing i've ever written (<- exaggerating, but it's probably my favorite fic i've written, and maybe favorite prose piece)
i also remember enjoying some of the dialogue between sagawa and majima in tough love for loveless things, and i assume i liked a lot of the stuff for i long for you and your expert hands, but i... haven't revisited that one in a long time (idk why but i'm a little afraid to?? i haven't forgotten it though), so i couldn't point to anything specific really ^ ^'
I: hm... i think i overindulge in characters just talking about nothing, at least when it comes to my writing. if i like them, i like hearing them talk about nothing, and it tends to bloat scenes and drag on, i figure. i also tend to gravitate towards really specific intensely described points of imagery that barely come up again and totally break the flow of the scene (oops). in terms of guilty pleasures in reading, uh...? i'm kind of a sucker for werewolf stuff because i got that dog in me. im drawing a blank ig sorry <3 OH i've always been hopelessly fond of whump / hurt/comfort / sickfic STUFF. legit since i was a child. i like it when they're out of it i like it when they're woozy. and anything with dumb hijinks and/or slapstick is good to me. comedy's hard and i like seeing idiots be idiots. and really introspective/inner monologue heavy pieces are mmmmwah for writing and reading
R: oh man. whatever i'm currently reading often ends up influencing my writing in noticeable (to me) ways. one time i was writing smth for my fiction writing class and i typed out a sentence that felt at once like smth dr seuss would write (you'll never guess what unit my children's lit class was on) and a line from lolita (because that's what i was reading at the time). it's a mashup that worked weirdly well. ANYWAY to actually answer the question, the little prince ruined me as a kid, and a lot of the way i express sadness and emptiness is channeling saint-exupery there. currently, arkady martine and andzrej sapkowski have been influencing my scenery descriptions in particular, because that's what i was most recently reading, but earlier this year i remember cormac mccarthy's the road finding its way under my pen a lot. for really flowery stuff (i don't think you see it much in my fics, but it's not Never), i think of alfred tennyson's maud quite often. this is not a conclusive list im just empty brained :P
X: ohhohohohohhh. god help me but i love making all of them suffer. to love something is to vivi/dissect it. currently kuwabara is the one i'm putting through the most though (<- channeling personal issues into this orange guy), but majima and kiryu were always lots of fun to break down >:). perhaps that's the real answer to the guilty pleasure section
“Hey, why’s she goin’ to Kurama and you and not me?” Yusuke complained, pouting at Keiko.
Kuwabara piped up. “Maybe it’s ‘cuz they have manners, unlike some of us.”
“Or patience,” Botan offered.
Yusuke stuck out his leg and prodded Kuwabara’s arm. “Yeah, and how’re your manners workin’ out for ya? You still look like someone’s been playin’ tic-tac-toe on your hands or did she become a saint overnight?”
“Shut up, Urameshi.”
Keiko spoke up from her spot on the floor. “Aw, I think she’s just sweet. Right?” She put her chin on her folded arms and gently rubbed at Eikichi’s cheek. With a warm smile, Keiko turned her head into her arms further, squishing her face, openly endeared. “Even if she bites sometimes.”
“Finally, someone gets it,” Kuwabara moaned. “Keiko, tell Urameshi that for me, will ya?”
Yusuke didn’t buy it. “If she was sweet she’d be sweet to me, too.”
“Benevolence is nearly always conditional,” Kurama said, leaning over to rub Eikichi’s ears. “Perhaps she senses your standoffishness and simply chooses not to engage with someone who does not seem to want her.” Kurama’s brilliant green eyes swept back to Yusuke for emphasis. “You two may have that in common.”
“Wh—?!” Yusuke spluttered a bit, before settling on, “Watch it, fox boy.”
“Aw,” Botan giggled, “Yusuke, it’s alright, you know. Some of us just have an animal-like charm. Meow meow!” She hooked her hands like paws.
“Right, and I’m saying Eikichi’s not so charming. I mean, she’s been ignoring you, too, Botan, whaddyou think?”
“Oh, she’s just lovely! Simply adorable,” Botan cooed.
“Heheh, looks like you’re outnumbered, Urameshi!”
Rocking his chair back lazily, Yusuke noticed Kuwabara’s scratch-laced hands and whistled. “Damn, Kuwabara. It’s kinda beating you up, huh? That cat o’ yours. You look like you just fought me, only smaller.”
“For the last time, Urameshi, Eikichi’s a she! Quit it with the it crap or I’ll knock you into next Sunday brunch.” He jabbed his chopsticks at Yusuke pointedly. “And I don’t think you could get any smaller.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. She’s beating the shit outta you. But what’s with that? I thought kittens were s’posed to be all cute n’ cuddly.” Yusuke swirled his drink thoughtfully before taking a swig.
“You’ve never had a kitten, have you, Urameshi?” Kuwabara deadpanned. He had the right to do that now that he was a cat-rearing expert, as if he hadn't learned it very recently himself.
“No. ’M not really crazy about animals. Neither's my mom.” Under his breath, Yusuke added, “Knowing her, that’s probably for the best.”
“Wh—? How?!” 
Yusuke shrugged.
Kuwabara huffed. “Ugh, she’s teething right now, okay? And I haven’t got her a scratching post yet. She’ll grow out of it, you’ll see.”
“Whatever you say, man. Just try not to lose any limbs waiting for her to get manners, arright? Don’t wanna make our fights even more one-sided. That’d just be sad.”
“Yeah, right, Urameshi.” Kuwabara puffed out his chest. “Eikichi could take two o’ my limbs and I’d still wipe the street with ya.”
“Hey, try beating me with four limbs first, tough guy.”
The conversation devolved into threats and bickering from there, culminating in little more than wrinkled uniforms and mussed hair-dos, and one final exchange.
“You haven’t even met her, Urameshi, so how could you know what she’s like?”
“‘Cuz you’re carryin’ the proof right there, stupid! Look, don’t take it so personal. I just don’t feel like spending all day roughhousing with someone that far beneath my weight class, even if she is the precious little angel you say she is."
Yusuke lounged on the floor, Eikichi sitting on his chest and staring down at him.
“What’re you starin’ at, Stinkass?”
Kuwabara scoffed loudly, fluffing out the pillow Yusuke would use.
Yusuke smirked at him. “Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, I left my manners at home.” He cleared his throat. “What are you staring at, Her Royal Majesty the Queen Stinkass?”
“Man, why'dya only pick mean pet names to give ‘er?” It came out a bit harsher than he meant.
“What?” Yusuke began to sit up, but stopped when he remembered Eikichi’s place on him. He dropped back down and shut his eyes lazily. “These aren’t pet names, they’re, like, insults. That I don’t mean.”
“So ‘Stinkass’ is your idea of an affectionate nickname?”
“Gee, you don’t have to make it sound so damn girly. I’m just callin’ her that ‘cause I like her.”
“Ooh~ so you like her, huh?” Kuwabara sat up on his knees and—once Eikichi got the hint and clambered off—smacked Yusuke’s face with his pillow, holding it over his face. “Whatever happened to not bein’ mushy, tough guy?”
Yusuke wrenched the pillow from his grip and lazily swung it at him, not bothering to get up. “Hey, you told me she doesn’t judge about that sorta thing, right? And I’m learnin’ there’s benefits to bein’ mushy, like kicking ass better.” He shifted to crack his back, then sighed, relaxing into the floor. “I’m just sticking to my way, and sometimes that means calling her Kuwabara’s Favorite Little Shitblaster or whatever.”
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missninapea · 3 months
🤍An Angel's Comfort🤍
✨A Good Omens fanfic✨
Aziraphale noticed me crying, a concerned look appeared on his face as he walked towards me.
Aziraphale: "Nina, dear..is everything alright? What's the matter?"
I looked at him, tears running down my cheeks. I choked between sobs trying to speak.
Aziraphale spoke in a soft, comforting tone in his voice, it sounded warm and angelic.
Aziraphale: "Go on, sweetling.. Tell me what's bothering you.. It's okay. I'm right here."
Me: "I..." I choked a little, holding in my sobs.
Aziraphale: "It's alright dear, it's just you and I.. He rubs your shoulder."
My eyes start to overflow with tears making my vision blurry. I broke down into loud sobs. Similarly to an infant. Me: "IT'S NOT FAIR! NOTHING IN THIS STUPID WORLD IS FAIR!!"
Aziraphale grew more worried. He gasped a little, hearing my words.
Aziraphale: "Ooh, I know, dear.. life's not fair.. I'm sorry..It's alright, sweetling.." He said soothingly.
I kept sobbing loudly, so much I began to hyperventilate a little. I felt stressed, so much stress I began to feel slightly ill.
Aziraphale: "Shh shh.." He hugs and consoles you.
I hugged him back, trying to fight the urge of a panic attack. But I still kept crying loudly.
Aziraphale: "Shhh.. Look at me, dearie. It's okay.. Nothing in this world is perfect, alright?" He said slowly rubbing my back.
Then I started to calm down.. taking slow deep breaths.
Aziraphale: "That's it, sweetheart. Take deep breaths. Listen to my voice.. Everything will be okay.."
I hugged him more. Slowly running out of tears. The stress and the sick feeling fading away. I continued taking deep breaths.
Aziraphale: "There we go. You're doing wonderful, dear. Just breathe.."
I began to feel soothed and relaxed by the angel's voice.
Aziraphale: "Yes, just like that.. You're okay, Ninapea.."
He kissed my cheek gently. I blushed a little by his sudden affection.
Aziraphale: "I love you so very much.. remember that.."
Me: "Okay..I love you too, Mr. Fell.."
Aziraphale: "Now, why don't we watch some movies while we snuggle?~" He said with a comforting smile.
Me: "I'd love that.."
Aziraphale: "Oh! And let's not forget about the hot chocolate. And I'll bake some cookies for us. How does that sound?"
Me: "Sure." I said, and started to cheer up.
Aziraphale gave me a heated blanket while he started to prepare the hot chocolate. I can hear the angel humming softly from the kitchen. I smiled, admiring his cuteness.
He was done making the hot chocolates, he slowly walked out of the kitchen with two mugs. One for me and one for himself.
Aziraphale: "Here you are, dear.~ A nice toasty hot chocolate for you.~" He said handing the mug to me.
Me: "Oh, thank you.~"
Aziraphale: "My pleasure. Careful, it's very hot.~"
Me: "I'll just let it cool off a bit."
Aziraphale: "As you please.~"
They both sat quietly on the couch until..
Aziraphale: "Oh, right! I forgot to add marshmallows!~"
I giggled softly. I love marshmallows.. especially with hot cocoa.
The angel went back to the kitchen. He looked in the pantry and got a bag of squishy marshmallows.
Aziraphale: "Ah, perfect.. Found them, dear!~"
Me: "Ooh yaaay~"
Aziraphale came back with the marshmallows and sat down next to me.
Aziraphale: "And I know how much you love marshmallows, darling~" He said with a playful wink.
My cheeks flushed at the way he winked at me. He noticed the blush on my face.
Aziraphale: "Aw, dear..~ You look so lovely with those rosy cheeks of yours.~" The angel said sweetly.
I giggled as I scooted closer to the angel.
Me: "Thanks..~"
I kissed his cheek gently
Aziraphale: "Oh, you cheeky little minx..~" He said playfully. "Hmm.. shall we get started with the cookies, love?~"
Me: "Mhm..~" I said, feeling content and happy.
I love that angel so much. <3
The End♥️
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The soft ones live
Some kinda fanfic where Momo finds a human while exploring the outside. From Momo's POV.
You can pretend you're the human, and then bloop it becomes a Momo x Reader fanfic! Cool, right?
(please keep in mind Momo is speaking in his native language, i just wrote his lines in English for your convenience 🙂 Also you can read the human's POV here. It's the same story but from the human's POV.)
It had been a few days since the Walled City 99 opened up to the outside world. Despite their excitement, the outsiders didn't dare to venture too far from the city without preparations for a well-planned expedition. This new world was nearly alien to them, after all.
For the time being, they wandered the close surroundings outside of the walled city together, processing the unfathomable freedom they had been blessed with.
Momo was hoping to meet the little outsider again now that they were outside, but so far... No luck...
One day, Momo was standing outside alone, staring at the sun. It didn't hurt him in any way, having glass and image sensors instead of retinas, but he sometimes found himself mesmerised by the raw, powerful brightness of the celestial object, once only described in ancient texts...
The familiar sound sent an surge of surprise and happiness through him. He let out a high-pitched bleep as he quickly looked down to spot the cat.
Ah... But this little animal was mostly white, only some spots were orange, unlike the little outsider...
Although a little disappointed, Momo was glad to see a lifeform he considered friendly and trustworthy.
"Oh, hey there, cat..." He said with a small wave.
The cat didn't like that... This metal thing looked big and made unfamiliar sounds. The cat ran away into the greenery.
"Uh-... wait!... Do you happen to know an orange cat??..." Momo, in his excitement, clumsily stepped over bushes and crouched under branches to follow the cat, getting his coat and hat stuck to trees a few times...
Wrestling with the vegetation, the face on his monitor changed into a sad frown... And eventually into an angry frown.
After a few minutes, he made it to a clearing. However, after looking around him, he finally had to accept that he lost sight of the cat... He shook his head and dusted some leaves off his coat, letting out a low wobbly sigh.
But then a sound he didn't recognize made him freeze like a statue.
It sounded like an empty spray can being forced to exhale what little air it still held. A hiss? No, it sounded like something... bigger.
With a fearful expression, he turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.
It took a moment for his facial recognition system to see it, but right there, behind a tree, a face was staring at him with wide eyes.
But it wasn't a companion.
This face did not glow, almost part of the shadows of the trees. This face was round... It looked soft... a little bit squishy, hairless for the most part, and displayed such complex eyes, and a... a nose... None of these features shaped like the ones of a cat, no...
Yes, yes Momo was familiar with this facial structure... Well, sort of. The ancient posters and paintings he collected over the decades wouldn't lie to him, would they? He had almost no doubt... This being was... a soft one. A human.
Although he was mostly frozen in fear, Momo's monitor changed to display a speechless, surprised expression. He cautiously tilted his head, trying to get a better look, as he let out an sharp buzz of curiosity. It was kind of his way of gasping.
A human... The soft ones were still here... Could they really have been waiting outside, all this time?...
A long time ago, Momo and the outsiders once discussed the theory that some of the soft ones could still be outside, but that theory always felt more like fantasy! And yet, unless Momo was mistaking, it was right there before his very eyes.
However, the soft one in front of him didn't seem to like the attention. The human made a hushed high-pitched sound as their eyebrows lowered with fearful frown. They started slowly stepping backward, away from Momo.
"Oh... Oh no, please, wait!...." Shakily, Momo hurriedly shook his head and showed the palm of his hands, taking a step back himself.
He was so overwhelmed. What should he do!? This encounter could mean everything... it could change the world forever, both for the companions, and for whatever was left of the humans... What if he screws it all up??...
Zbaltazar would have done a much better job at handling this encounter. Momo just knew it...
He tried to remember everything he's ever read about humans, as fast as possible.
Although he could read and write in the ancient texts of humans, he didn't know how to pronounce human words... Audio recordings of humans in the slums were so scarce... Yet another human art the companions had lost over the centuries...
But he remembered something... an ancient poster of human times he used to own... The poster featured the word "peace" under a human hand holding up two fingers... It was such a colorful poster, he missed it.
Without wasting any more time (since the human kept slowly inching away), Momo held up two fingers on both of his hands, showing them to the human.
"Peace!... Do you understand?... Peace..." He said in his companion bloops and bleeps, as he nodded his head a little insistently. "Peace..." He repeated, as if it could help in any way.
The human stopped, and squinted their eyes at Momo.
Momo would be holding his breath, if he had any. He now put a hand to his chest. "I'm... Momo!... Uhh-..." He hesitated, then traced the human letters on his chest... "M-O-M-O".
The human blinked and opened their mouth to speak. "...Momo...?"
"!..." Momo let out a high-pitched computer tone of excitement. A human pronounced his name in the ancient tongue? A human pronounced his name in the ancient tongue!!... "...MmO-mO..." Momo repeated, twisting and adjusting his bloops and bleeps to mimic human pronunciation... his pronunciation wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. And then, his monitor turned into a blissful smile, as he nervously yet excitedly put his hands together.
The human was staring with less fear now, and even decided to take a step forward and mutter something... Sadly, Momo still didn't understand human speech.
Momo's expression turned from a blank one to a sad frown, as he shrugged apologetically.
"I'm sorry... I-... I don't understand..." Momo blooped.
The human raised an eyebrow at him, eyeing him up and down.
Momo tapped the tips of his index fingers together a few times, then pointed a finger up. "But I can read and write!..." He tilted his body a bit to the side and mimed the action of holding a pencil and writing on a piece of paper. "Write...!"
The human stared, visibly hesitating, then carefully traced the word "H-E-L-L-O" in the air.
Momo was tilting his head a bit, watching attentively. "...Yes. Yes that means hello! Hello!!..." He straightened his head and excitedly yet awkwardly waved to the human.
The human's expression softened, now fully replaced by curiosity, and a very very subtle smile. The human hesitantly waved back, and spoke again in the ancient tongue... "Hello..."
Momo's monitor once again displayed a cheerful smile, as he let out a high-pitched coo. "hEll-O..." He again tried to mimic human speech.
The human seemed to react well, although they still looked very confused.
But Momo could barley contain his excitement now. "This is amazing... I know you can't understand what I'm saying, but I have so much to tell you. We've come so far, and I have so many questions..."
Although the human didn't understand anything, they stared at Momo attentively with friendly curiosity, with a raised eyebrow.
"...Hah..." Momo shyly put a hand behind his head, realizing he probably looked a little silly. "Would you... follow me??... If- if we can just go get a notebook and a pencil...!! Please!..." He gestured the human to follow him, taking a few steps back, then put his hands together in a begging way.
The human frowned a tiny bit as they stared at him, glancing to the side just a few seconds, showing some hesitation... Then finally took a few steps towards Momo.
Momo let out another bloop of excitement as he nodded eagerly.
He didn't waste time, and started heading back to the entrance of the city, constantly checking on the human following behind. He even continued talking about how excited he was, about the companions, about where he was leading the human and why... Almost like he already forgot the human couldn't understand him right now.
It was the beginning of a world-changing connection.
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wololo-01 · 4 months
Wolo, thank you so much for the little honorable mention in your recent post it's such a huge honor to be seen as someone who inspires others and to hear that the way I write villains is positively amazing! I LOVE villains, both the cartoony not so harmful kind but also the dark fucked up bastard flavor kind as well! As a kid I always thought heroes were cool but I grew to love and appreciate the dark evil villains I read about from books I own and fanfics I discovered on AO3!
I've also made so many wonderful characters in THSC Fandom it makes me smile knowing so many people and friends love them and their stories or want to know more! I truly love your art style and find it so squishy and shaped! You're a good person, a wonderful artist and a sweet soul just like Minnie and the others I got to know through here! Don't ever sell yourself short Wolo!
Stay awesome my friend!💕
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But, I'm so happy to hear that!!, I really so soooo happy!!, as also a person who as kid used to thought heros cool but as grow up start to love and appreciating villains!, ohhh especially the dark evil ones!!! AHAHAHA THEM ARE MY FAVORITES!! I the cartoony not so harmful and also the goofy ones are kinda also my favorite but I like more a dark theme ehehehe I read very little but I saw so many series and especially films about these types of villains which made me get like a passion from them and see start reading about who villains are written like this, And seeing you and the other favorite people I have writing your guys villains like that makes me jump and explode of joy!!!
Your ocs too!!! I'm so happy too to have the chance to know about them, their personalities, their story, their backstory, their facts and much more, It's no surprise that people would like them as they really deserve recognition, love and want to be better known by soo many people!, them are wonderful like you, everyone it is really happy to know your oc and you!! Really if I have the time I would love to read about ALL your ocs (if remember you have like 70 Or something? geez I think you got too much of the power of "creativity and talent!" But I'm not complaining hehehe keep doing this Please!! I'M NEED MORE OF YOUR OCS CONTENT!!!! 🙏🙏)
YOU stay awesome and fantastic too friend!!!
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
Hello! Just dropping by to ask you how you are :D
Also i wanted to say that your art style is super cool and squishy-looking (??? I dont know how to describe but everytime i see your drawings i just wanna pinch at it so its cute i suppose. Smth along those lines and definitely more add slay to it). I realky cant explain how much i like your art-
Also i hope you achieve your dream and make it far in life! Just keep working on it <3
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When I saw this my heart felt like it was going to explode x3 it was too sweet and precious (I kinda fan girl it to my friend)
I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner, I wanted to draw how happy this comment made me feel but it was really hard cause I felt so happy I couldn’t decide it. Sorry ^^;;
Also I wanna share that I’m in the process of trying to start a ko-fi, so you guys can help me reach my dreams + you’ll get sneak peaks or exclusive stuff hehe. I’m still working on it plus I’m still trying to research more on using ko fi. (If you guys have any tip, please do share)
I’ll also try my best to respond to all your lovely comments (or the ask I get), i want you guys to know I really appreciate your comments and critiques. It means a lot thank you ^^
For actual fanfics or comic, I’m still working on them on I might post an yandere art I’ve been working on, sorry for the wait and thank you for being patient!
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ricardian-werewolf · 1 year
How I spent my summer
Because I am a Ricardian of small stature and much sass, Here's how I've been spending my summer:
annoying everyone I know IRL about Richard III
Buying myself membership to the American Richard III society
watching the lost king and reading about medieval armor
slowly writing my extensive fanfic where I, a Ricardian, make Richard, the Duke of Gloucester and rightful king of England, a vampire. And then I also gave him babysitting duties for a country on the precipice of anarchy because of Nuclear Winter.
make Richard's beloved wife and son vampires because a: I'm a writer and this is a figment of my imagination, and b; No Anne and Ned means Richard will be SAD and wallow and not move the plot no matter how much I write.
drawn way too much art of Richard with boar imagery
slept with my hardback copy of the sunne in splendour in my arms and been woken by it hitting my face.
watched all of Harry Lloyd's filmography solely for his face.
Broke down and watched the White Queen. Hated every minute of it except for Aneurin as Richard and little Ned.
re-reading the His Dark Materials trilogy for a Sunne in Splendour Au
re-watched the Narnia movies so I can include on Richard's insane laundry list of fictional duties - chaperoning 4 Pevensie children and a talking mouse.
wallowed in moments of anxious terror by reading Richard III by Paul Murray Kendall and crying when Ned and Anne died. I'm in early 1485 and we're really falling down a slippery slope.
Had an excellent birthday which my homies @dreadbirate and @the-oo-o-odore attended and wherein we coined the term: Ricardibucks, a synonym of mom-bucks.
spent my whole week at the beach reading about Richard III
received a war game on Richard III where you can play as him and create a Yorkist victory for the wars of the roses
also received a really cool paper book for the wars of the roses where I can make my own figures - Richard ofc will be first choice.
will soon buy myself a stuffed boar for the sole reason of naming him Dickon and so I can have a squishy friend as I go off on my next great academic adventure.
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