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domysterio · 7 months ago
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r/SquareCircle made a post about Rhea's "once a bottom, always a bottom" story and I saw this comment and went "huh" and I wanted to share with you!
That would make the storyline even more painful to watch (we don't need even more toxic masculinity in a story that's already brimming with it and its crowd), but I thought that was a unique view of what's going on with Dom lol but now I'm really here hoping that his Mami shirt from this week wasn't a mistake and in fact, another type of breadcrumb for what's to come :') like, we haven't seen the outcome of Finn taking Liv's hotel keycard and being alone with her at their clubhouse yet, so... I'm getting pretty delulu with this, I know, but at least other people in that post also mentioned Rhea's merch, so I'd like to believe we'll get something good in the future
For sure Dom has fallen victim to toxic masculinity on the toxic masculinity show. The problem is those who relate to that think it's the best story going. They don't care about his character progression or how it was tossed, only that he is now the Big Man who has a hot chick who makes him tendies and let's him play video games. It's absurd.
Him wearing the Mami pants is a mystery to me. I don't know how something like that would get overlooked? And he purposefully took off liv's merch that was around his waist. Like, he had to have been aware he had Mami on his ass? Also he recently had some that said sucio on the ass and has some that have nothing. There's been a lot of little hints and clues but the problem is they could be coincidences. 😭
Like a big one is video games. In the clubhouse it was always Finn, JD, and Carlito playing games. The only time I remember Dom playing a game is when he was alone with Liv before the tag match. Could be a coincidence or not. I have no clue at this point.
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retinafunk · 5 years ago
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Todays crration, Sweet potatoes, red peppers 🌶 and red lentils curry #curry #cooking #diy #indian #lentils #sweetpotato #squarecircle #lekker #foodporn #foodie (at Düsseldorf, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B--cWEfgHAE/?igshid=kzll7zhuw5y6
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betterlivedlives · 5 years ago
Friday fun with Benji Tiberius Kirk. He is always ready to put in the work and spar. #puttinginthework #readytowork #boxing #boxingtraining #boxinggym #functionaltraining #freestyle #fridayfun #spar #sparring #squarecircle #veggiepower #veganboxing. #jiujitsulifestyle #nofakingit #noexcuses #consistency #consistencyiskey #goals #usaboxing (at K-FIT Minooka) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rMNobp0pn/?igshid=1xlidpco77zsw
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ofthuinn · 2 years ago
[vector vision]
Raster image format, meaning it is made of pixels.
Lossless compression, so no quality is lost when saved.
Supports transparency (alpha channel).
May appear pixelated when zoomed in or scaled up, as it has a fixed resolution.
Vector image format, meaning it is made of shapes defined by mathematical equations.
Infinitely scalable without losing quality.
Usually smaller file sizes for simple images.
Not all p5.js functions may work well with SVGs, and performance could be affected with complex images.
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zia-tile · 5 years ago
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Our handmade Orbital cement tile in white+pewter adds a patterned pop 💥 to this laundry room designed by @edwarddeeganarchitects 👍⁣ ⁣ Grids of overlapping circles like our Orbital tile date back to at least the 7th century BC and we’re heavily used by the Romans. How cool is that?! 😎⁣ ⁣⁣ #ziatile #cementtile #tilenirvana #tiletheworld #tiletuesday #tilevibes #ihavethisthingwithtiles #tilelove #orbital #ihavethisthingwithfloors #interiorinspo #ziatiles #designedinLA #hex #orbitaltile #handmade #squarecircle #handmadetileforthepeople #tile #cementtiles #encausticcementtiles #tilevibez #circles #doingneutralright #neutrals #neutralvibes ⁣#circlevibes https://www.instagram.com/p/B55qcJ0nQiy/?igshid=1qacw7k2sa0hx
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wordsnlyrics · 5 years ago
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@gaw_wrestling @blaironyx #wrestling #squarecircle (at Berwyn Eagles 2125) https://www.instagram.com/p/B20b1v8pR9R/?igshid=t6930tk8rywx
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chrisephotos · 6 years ago
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Championship Pro Wrestling did a event on August 31,2019 at www.riverbendrvpark.org in Falling Waters WV. This is the CPW Roster with Super Star WWE "The Barbarian" and as seen on WWE TV Bill Bain,with the Promoter Shane Shadows. #championshipprowrestling #cpw #wrestling #ring #squarecircle #stars #wrestlingboots #art #fans #kids #fun #riverbendrvpark #fallingwaters #berkeleycounty #wv #bookme #photography #photographyeveryday #samsung #note10plus #phonephoto #followme @chrisephotos #like FB-chriseichelberger photography #supportindependentwrestling #supportslocalbusiness (at River Bend Membership Corporation - RBMC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B130webJdwY/?igshid=1fq6jstfj26gp
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thoughtportrait · 3 years ago
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Edward Muybridge studies in Motion with AI - Taylor Moore 2022
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1-tiger-every-day · 2 years ago
Thanks for that super thorough explanation! He sounds relatable lmao
Tell me about Hoshi. What is the tiger connection
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ao3-spideypool · 3 years ago
new york's finest
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30K9PeY
by SquareCircles
Peter Parker new he shouldn't be hanging around the masked mercenary known as Deadpool.
His Dad would kill him, for one.
But something inside him couldn't stop going back.
Words: 3231, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark & Original Character(s), Peter Parker & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Spideypool - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30K9PeY
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retinafunk · 5 years ago
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Minha casa es sua casa #joint #cannabis #ashtray #squarecircle #composition #circle #quote #hospitality #cannabisculture https://www.instagram.com/p/B84WsQpiC0Z/?igshid=vt3syx3b0yxd
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betterlivedlives · 5 years ago
Every week we put in the work on Saturdays we spar. #sparring #spar #puttinginthework #wework #timetowork #boxing #boxingtraining #boxinggym #functionalstrength #functionaltraining #squarecircle #ringtime #mobility #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fistintheface #veganboxing #vegan #nomeatathlete #plantstrong #jiujitsulifestyle (at K-FIT Minooka) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9t6clVpuHs/?igshid=1i0o77tke8a72
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thecausal-blog · 7 years ago
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02/23/2001-12/2/2017 #MiguelCotto#PuertoRico#Boxing#UFC#LeftHook##madisonsquaregarden #SquareCircle #FloydMayweather#ConorMcGregor#GoldenBoyPromotions#TopRank#JayZ#LionelMessi#JayZ#NFL#odellbeckhamjr #LebronJames #Yankees #Yankees#ESPN#hboboxing #showtimeboxing #Clemson#alabama #oklahoma #georgia (at Madison Square Garden)
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backbayboxing · 8 years ago
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#BackBayBoxing #haymakersforhope #fightcamp #kicked-off Monday August 7th on a massively positive note. After Sunday's away fixture and #mediaday in enemy territory, I was filled with so many memories from days with my brothers and father growing up and traveling around gyms in Ireland. Early Sunday mornings ain't when you mess with the #irish...there's still an edge from that one last drop, that #onefortheroad lads as they say that'll help ya sleep. Post-bout I was, as usual, customarily chewing on a straw. Sucking up the last drop of coffee from a homemade vanilla latte thinking 'Christ my head hurts', 'what time is it again?', 'wow, this place is fancy looking!', 'what's with all the pretty girls in #boxinggloves?', then back to 'what time is it again?, and of course 'Christ my head hurts' but all of a sudden it was time to focus. There's a saying in Ireland, 'if you don't know where the toilets at, you're already in trouble!' so I decided I'd better go find it and fill up my plastic cup with some water. Different places bring back the most vivid emotions and memories of gyms for me and as I was still looking around admiring the fancy decor one of my fighters asked me 'so, how do I get into the ring?' All I could do was smile and think #theresafirstimeforeverything. Our opponent was waiting, bouncing about confidently in her #squarecircle. They'd been here before, they were about to play their cards, we hadn't even looked at ours yet. They say that a #littlebitofknowledge is a dangerous thing, on Sunday, we learned so much and we #haventevenstarted! We've #lotsdone but #teambackbayboxing and #coachjohnnyirish are just warming up! @msalicelioa @snapsbydaph Welcome to #fightcamp! #gameon #cantwaituntilfightnight (at Back Bay Boxing Gym and Fitness, Boston)
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elebaldwin · 8 years ago
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Merinda, my love 🍅 Another reason to love March. . . . . #italy #tomatoes #spring #inthesink #primavera #casamia_italy #browsingitaly #morning #mytinykitchen #squarecircle
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chrisephotos · 7 years ago
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Former WWE Superstar Emma at ACW/Big Time Wrestling at Hagerstown MD #wwesuperstars #wwedivas #wrestling #artist #talent #ring #squarecircle #bookher #australien #phonephotography #photographyeveryday #followme and like my FB page (at South Hagerstown High School)
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