#squads who have been to hell and back and would die for each other!
wantonlywindswept · 1 year
so i won’t write it because...well, because why would i write about jedi when clone troopers and mandalorians are right there
but i often see quinlan vos (shoutout to QV, who i only know through fic but you seem like a delightful character) assigned to the Guard in a ‘the guard FINALLY gets their own jedi’ story, and those (or with other jedi) stories are Extremely Rad but i don’t think i’ve seen one yet
where anakin is the one assigned to the Guard?
like it makes so much sense, palpatine would be able to keep his future apprentice close in his creepy way, and nobody can bitch about the Guard not having jedi oversight (including the Guard themselves) bc look, there is one! nevermind that he’s off with his super-secret wife most of the time or anything
and that could go a couple interesting ways, including veering straight into the deep end of despair and the guard knowing there’s no way out and no one to save them
or maybe anakin notices and tries to stop it because he knows what slavery looks like
or maybe the guard notice how creepy palpatine is toward anakin and try to stop that
maybe obi-wan comes to visit his padawan in the guard offices and goes ‘wow the vibes in here are RANCID’ and does shit about that
idk i just think it’s an interesting dynamic that could be explored, particularly in the aspect of anakin and fox both having palpatine’s attention but for very different reasons and for very different purposes with very, very different consequences.
...someone else should explore that, ftr. i’ma be over here playing with space marines
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angstywaifu · 6 months
The Lost Sister - Part 16
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: Hope you guys are excited, we are about to start diving into Ophelia's signet! Let me know your thoughts on what you think it could be!
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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As I dismount Mealladh after finishing flight training for the day, I hear Tairn growl. So loud to ground shakes slightly. I look up to see his eyes trained on someone. Dain. And he looks angry, more so than usual. Tairn clearly does not like the sight of him as he bares his teeth at him, saliva pooling on the ground beneath him.
Remind me to never annoy you. I say to Mealladh through the bond.
She chuckles. I will never get that angry at you unless you do something stupid. Which I highly doubt.
My bond with Mealladh was getting strong quickly. We could easily communicate with each other, shield each other out with ease. Even without having taken a single Signet Training class. So far the only one in our squad to show a signet had been Sawyer. He could control metal. Nearly took his opponents arm off in challenges when it manifested. Ridoc had told us the story over one of our meals. He thought it was the coolest thing he had ever seen. When would I get my signet? What would it be? They always said the signet represented the rider. Something about their personality or something to aid them. Something they needed. Every time I had tried to think about what it could be I came up short.
Rhiannon appears next to me as Dain slowly approaches Violet. “What do you think that’s about?”
I shake my head. “No idea. But Dain looks angry and Tairn does not look pleased about it.”
”No he does not.” We both laugh.
As it was our last class of the day we were waiting for Violet. All of us usually headed back to the dorms together before . As Tairn takes off Violet looks over to us and motions for us to leave. She had obviously agreed to talk to Dain.
”Have they talked since threshing?” I ask Rhiannon as we start to walk back down to the Quadrant, Ridoc and Sawyer not far ahead.
She shakes her head. “Don’t think so. She hasn’t mentioned if he has. And she would have.”
I nod. “That could be an interesting conversation they’re about to have then.”
”I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that one.” She adds with a smirk.
”Definitely. He says one wrong thing and she’s gonna rip into him.”
As if on queue I hear loud voices behind me. I turn my head to see they’ve barely made it a few steps and she is already angry at him. Poor boy. But he did this to himself. He’d been trying to baby her, send her to the scribes where he thought she belonged. But Violet had been thriving here despite her the limitations of her body. Hell she had bonded the strongest dragon in the Quadrant. Hell she had gotten two dragons. Something no one had ever seen before. And yet he still saw her as this poor frail girl that needed protection. I was thankful Garrick and Xaden had pretty much looked past that with me. I had made sure to prove I was not the girl they left behind in Aretia. I had grown, I had changed. I had adapted to survive. Not that I had much choice. Though I probably could have refused and ended up dead or locked in a cell. I chose the option that kept me alive. The option that got me back to my family, and as close to home that I could get.
The afternoon sun blinds me for a moment as we walk into the courtyard, busy with other riders now that classes are out for the day. I feel that familiar feeling and look over to see Xaden and Garrick leaning against the Academic Building, as if watching over their domain. Their eyes immediately meet mine.
”So what’s going on with you and Tavis?” Asks Ridoc as we stop just inside the courtyard, waiting for Violet to catch up. “Made it official yet now you’ve done the deed.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
Rhiannon groans and rolls her eyes at him. “Really? You still call sex the deed? How old are you again?”
”Hey I was just trying to be more subtle about it in case anyone was listening.” He defends with his hands raised.
”Then don’t ask in a courtyard filled with almost the entire quadrant?” I bite back a laugh at her sassy remark.
”It’s fine Rhi. But if you must know, not yet.” I tell him bluntly.
”And I am not telling you details.” I say as I cut him off causing Sawyer and Rhiannon to laugh at his annoyed face.
Violet storms into the courtyard, clearly not pleased after her conversation with Dain. I laugh as she looks over at Xaden and gives him the middle finger as he arches an eyebrow at her. He can probably sense her mood through the bond. His gaze flickers to Dain who walks through the archway looking sorry for himself.
”Everything all right?” Rhiannon asks as she walks up to us.
”Dain is an ass -”
”MAKE IT STOP!” Someone screams as they run down the steps at an alarming speed, holding his head between his hands as if he was in pain. Not if. He was in pain.
I don’t know his name, but I know he’s one of the first years in third wing. He sits near us in battle brief.
“For gods, sake, make it stop!” He screams again, stumbling into the courtyard.
Every rider is on alert. Hands hovering over weapons ready to attack. Mine move to the daggers on my thighs. Next to Violet I see Xaden and Garrick move forward in a defensive stance, ready to jump in at a moments notice. The riders slowly creep forward, a circle forming around him. He was manifesting his signet. And something in my gut told me it wasn’t good.
”Jeremiah!” A cadet shouts as they rush forward.
”You!” He yells as he spins towards a third year, pointing his finger at him. “You think I’ve lost it!” The way his eyes flare and the tilt of his head, I don’t blame the third year. All of us are thinking it. “How does he know? He shouldn’t know!”
That’s when it clicks. He’s inntinnsic. The one signet that means instant death. All of our thoughts are open to him. And the thought makes my blood turn cold.
”And you!” He spins around, this time to a second year. “What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he screaming?”
He spins towards Dain. “Is Violet going to hate me forever? Why can’t she see that I just want to keep her alive? How is he…? He’s reading my thoughts!”
I have to give Jeremiah some credit. He mimicked Dain’s tone almost perfectly. I look over at Violet to see she looks just as terrified as the rest of us. Xaden and Garrick step forward, shoving Ridoc aside as they move up next to Violet and I who were at the front of our group. Everyone grasps their weapons as Jeremiah unsheathes his shortsword.
”Make it stop! Can’t any of you see? The thoughts won’t stop!” He’s panicking.
”Xaden. You need to do something.” I say sternly, dagger now gripped in my right hand.
He nods before turning to Violet. “Start mentally reciting whatever bookish shit you’ve learned.”
She looks at him confused.
He looks at both of us. “If you value your secrets, clear your thoughts. Now.”
Shit. I quickly slam up my shield as hard as I can. Try to recite what ever useless information I can as well.
”And you!” My heart drops as his eyes lock onto Garrick. “Damn it all to hell. He’ll know about Are-” He barely gets his sentence out before Xaden’s shadows wrap around his mouth, silencing him.
All I can do is stare at Jeremiah. To anyone else Are could have been anything. Could have been any word. But with Xaden’s reaction, I know its not nothing. Something in my heart knows what he was about to say. He was about to say Aretia. My home. Our home. That was destroyed years ago. But why would Garrick have been thinking about it.
Something tugs in my mind. And it isn’t Mealladh. It’s as if something else is there. I focus how Melgren had taught me. I’m in the courtyard back in Aretia. My home. To my left is the throne room door, where I can see Mealladh’s red and white presence glowing around the door I’ve shut off. But at the end of the courtyard is something else. Another presence wrapped in… black shadows? Just like Jeremiah was now. Something in me is calling to pull at it, investigate. I feel my left hand twitch as if wanting to tug on it. I’m so focused on it I don’t even see the professor rush towards Jeremiah. My left hand flexes as my mind tugs on the presence in my courtyard in my head. But as I do so the professor grips his head and a crack echoes off the walls. But I hear it louder in my head as the presence disappears as well as the shadows. Everyone’s so focused on the professor and Jeremiah to notice my recoil. Everyone except for two. As I snap out of it I look over to see Xaden and Garrick staring at me wide eyed. Their eyes darting between me and the floor. Underneath my foot is a deep but short crack. One that was definitely not there before. I can tell from the slight scorch mark and power radiating from it. They go to start towards me but I push through the crowd and use my size to get away before they can get to me. Yet again I am running away as Garrick calls my name from behind me. Part 17 Tag List: @riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta
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iaminfourthwing · 5 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter II
Silence takes over the courtyard as Commandant Panchek stands stunned on the dais in the front. “Come again, rider? How dare you interrupt-“
The boy steps to the side, revealing my lingering figure behind him and the mans face pales instantly when his eyes find my glaring ones. Fear strikes his face.
Damn, I know that my father is scary, and his reputation is ahead of him but that the higher ups still shit their pants when they see me will never not surprise me. That makes me think … how many people around here, besides the Commandant, did father informed that I'll join Basgiath this year?
“A-ah Cadet! I-it’s great to see you’ve made it safely across the Parapet.” Did he- did he just stutter?! My face surely must show amusement because he tries to hide his nervousness and fear with a shit eating grin. If one word describes this man, then it’s pathetic.
He turns to another third year I know all too well – Fen Riorsons son, Xaden. The bane of my father’s existence. He already warned me about my future wingleader and the other “marked ones”.
Xaden looks good though, even with the confused frown on his face that almost everyone up there wears since I arrived with the rider next to- oh well. Not next to me anymore. He must have went off to find his squad.
I can feel the stares on me and hear the whispers of the other cadets on me, while my glare is still fixated on the persons up the dais. My bet is, Panchek tells them who I am and that they discuss which wing I’ll join, even though General Melgren and Sorrengail made it crystal clear where I'll be going.
Suddenly Xaden tenses and throws a quick glance over his shoulder with fury in his eyes to which I only lift an eyebrow in question when our eyes meet. Then he turns back to the others and nods.
The crowd is waiting patiently for them to finish up and it’s Panchek who steps forward again.
“As I was saying, three hundred and two of you have survived the Parapet to become cadets today,” he wears that political slimy smile again. “Good job. Sixty-seven did not.”
Well, that’s unfortunate. My guess is that the weather had a big impact on those numbers, but it could have been that asshole that threw other candidates from the Parapet down like he owns the place. A shiver runs down my spine while thinking he lingers around somewhere, possibly making friends that are as crazy as him. Shits about to get real when my name is revealed, and I don`t know what I should hope for, but I fear the worst.
He talks about the Codex and what we should expect during our first year while he gestures wildly with his hands. All talk, no bite this man. I had the unfortunate luck to meet him more than just once through my father’s career and I did not enjoy his company any fucking minute. He is annoying as hell and wants General Sorrengails position first, and then my fathers. As if that would ever happen, when father’s signet is one of the most important on the continent and when he has Codagh.
“… My best advice? Don’t die.” Easier said than done.
He walks off the dais with his executive commandant in tow but not without throwing a quick glance my way. Please just go away.
A brunette woman steps forward and calls out the section and squad leaders to take their positions. While finding their place in the front, Dain Aetos eyes meet mine over the distance, his eyebrows furrowed as he tries to study me, nice try buddy. He stands in the section of Second Wing; I think he is squad leader for Flame Section if I recall right.
We met each other over a year ago through Violet, since he is or was her best friend. I never liked him, too much of a “we have to strictly follow the rules” guy. But he isn't really fond of me too, thinks I am a bad influence on Violet.
One by one, cadets find their way into formation and soon Second Wing is called.
“Violet Sorrengail. Second Squad! Flame Section! Second Wing!”
Thank god's she is alive, but wait- those were not General Sorrengails orders!!? This is really bad and after finding said girl in the masses she seems to be relieved, but when I let my gaze fall on Dain again– oh? I see how it is. He must have something to do with this, because he has the audacity to smirk when his eyes find mine again. But I know it better than him, he won't be laughing for long.
Violet and her friend (?) walk over to their assigned squad and take place into formation. Third Wing is called and after that Fourth Wing. Time to shine – or not. I am one of the last cadets to be called into formation.
“Arya Melgren. Second Squad! Flame Section! Fourth Wing!” Xaden calls out.
There are more than just a few startled gasps and shocked whispers of my last name.
Only a handful of carefully selected people, mostly leadership, my teachers/trainers plus Violet and Dain, know about my existence, so I am not surprised that the majority here had no fucking clue that General Melgren has a daughter. Even the wingleader, beside Riorson, and their executives look uncomfortable.
I quickly make my way into formation while Xaden is busy studying Violet, trying to find out how the fuck he gets her into Fourth Wing and with the little tilt of his head I think he figured out what to do. He turns his back to the crowd to talk to the wingleader of Second Squad, and then the other two wingleader joins what seems to be a heated discussion. Whispers fills the Rotunda as everyone is waiting for further instructions from their leaders. They turn back and Xadens smirk tells me he got what he wanted. Thank fuck, I wouldn’t want to be in General Sorrengails wrath when she finds out that her daughter would have been somewhere else than the assigned wing.
“Dain Aetos, you and your squad will switch with Aura Beinhaven’s,” Nyra orders. My squad.
“Follow me” Beinhaven says and steps forward with her squad following. Well, everyone but me, I have specific orders from above. And while my now ex-squad gives me confused stares as they're passing me, Xaden and I share a quick glance. He nods once and I know, I stay where I am, about to join Aetos squad.
Aetos and his squad find their way into my direction, the squad leader at the front.
“Aetos” I greet him with a grin on my lips, arms crossed. I`ll annoy the fuck out of him this year, this will be so much fun. “Melgren,” he replies with a frown on his face, “I believe your squad is now in Second Wing.”
“I am right where I belong to. Fourth Wing, Flame Section, Second Squad. Those were the orders” I say, my gaze hardening to underline what I am hinting at. Realization crosses his face, and he grows uncomfortable under my glare.
“Into formation, Second Squad!” he orders with a hiss when he notices cadets lingering around.
Violet and her friend find their place next to me, greeting me with a gentle smile which I gladly return. “Arya, I am glad to see you.” “Same goes for you, Silver One. I am happy to see you made it safely.”
The dark tanned girl next to her scoffs at my response, which confuses me. “Hardly” she murmurs.
My eyes find Violets blue ones with question marks all over my face. She leans over and whispers “A guy from now First Wing tried to kill me after throwing another candidate down the Parapet, Jack Barlowe is his name” in my ear. Oh shit, that must have been the asshole I saw earlier when I observed the candidates.
Eyes widening, I quickly scan her for possible injuries but to my relief, I find none.
“Quiet” Dain hisses in front of us.
Our focus shifts back up the dais where Xaden steps forward. Violet tenses as she keeps eye contact with our wingleader. I take her hand into mine to ease her nerves, which doesn`t goes unnoticed by her friend. Shit, I need to ask Vi for her name before I embarrass myself.
“Rhiannon Matthias” the girl whispers to which I send a thankful nod and a gentle smile, getting a grin back in return.
“You’re all cadets now,” Xadens voice caries out over the formations. “Take a look at your squad. These are the only people guaranteed by Codex not to kill you. But just because they can’t end your life doesn’t mean others won’t. You want a dragon? Earn one.”
Some cadets cheer like they already have a dragon, but the three of us stay quiet. There is nothing to cheer about in this hellhole.
I space out while Xaden edges the crowd but along the cheers … there is something different. It’s not just cheering, that`s-
“Oh gods, they are beautiful” Rhiannon whispers as my gaze shifts to the sky. There they are – the dragons belonging to the leadership of the Riders Quadrant.
Unbelievably gorgeous and incredibly deadly at the same time. It’s always unsettling to be around Codagh, since he is the biggest dragon on the continent and given our history, but Sgaeyl, Xadens dragon – she is undeniable fascinating and terrifying. Especially when she stares into Violets eyes like she wants to eat her.
A cadet bolds out of formation, screaming and trying to get away from here. All hell breaks loose.
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snapghoul · 4 days
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If we happen to be left half alive
Ethan discovers Mav almost died during the uranium mission.
Note: first of three ideas requested by Sunshine, so thank you ❤️❤️
Warnings: discussion of near death
Song: won’t get fooled again - the who
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Pete definitely felt his age. Ejecting from a jet traveling at Mach speed left him feeling like he'd been through a blender. His chest throbbed with bruises, and though he was thankful nothing was cracked or broken, it sure felt that way. He slumped in a chair at his beach house, aware that Cyclone had made it abundantly clear he needed to stay in Fightertown vicinity. That was a bitter pill to swallow; all Pete wanted was to return to the desert, fix his plane, and find some peace away from the endless parade of pilots knocking on his door. He loved his squad—those kids were just concerned—but he needed some time to simply exist.
With nothing on but the sound of the waves crashing across the narrow street, he leaned back in the chair, eyes closed, letting the beach’s rhythm wash over him. After two weeks of non-stop action and nearly dying in a frozen tundra, he craved nothing more than stillness.
The screen door creaked open, and he sighed, expecting it to be Bradley or another Dagger who felt entitled to stroll in unannounced. He braced himself for the impending visit but cracked an eye open when he heard a familiar sigh and saw someone settle onto the couch opposite him.
“Walk right in, welcome to Maverick’s revolving door. How can I help you?” Pete quipped, a chuckle escaping his lips. Ethan smirked, a soft snort of amusement slipping out.
“You should really lock that. Who knows who might just walk in?” Ethan replied, slouching deeper into the cushion, a rare display of comfort.
“If I did, I’d have to replace it. The Navy would just break it down,” Pete shrugged, wincing slightly at the jab of pain.
“I bet,” Ethan nodded. “I heard about the uranium situation.”
Pete raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on his face, his brother always so quick to cut to the point. He lifted his head from the cushion, narrowing his eyes at his twin. “You heard, or you dug it up?”
Ethan matched his gaze, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Same difference.”
Pete rolled his eyes, anticipating that it wouldn’t be long before his brother started probing. They both understood the risks of their lives but rarely discussed them. Still, Ethan had always prioritized others' safety over his own, and Pete knew that well.
Pete prepared to reassure him, raising a hand to wave off the concern as he always did. But Ethan beat him to it, the fear and pain in his eyes silencing Pete's attempts at comfort.
“You got shot down, Peter! You infiltrated an enemy base to steal an F-14 Tomcat! You almost died—what the hell were you thinking?” The frustration echoed in Ethan's voice, the same tone he’d used when he shouted at Bradley for coming after him.
“Three times if you count getting shot at by a helicopter and almost going down again on the way out,” Pete replied, forcing a smile and shrugging, trying to lighten the mood.
But Ethan's expression darkened, brows furrowing and mouth tightening in disapproval.
“Ethan—” Pete started, but Ethan held up a hand to stop him.
“You almost died, three times! Look, I know I can’t talk, but—” Ethan clenched his fist, shaking his head in frustration. “You’re the only family I have left. If you die on me—”
Pete sat up with a groan. He knew this moment was coming, yet it still hit hard. It was a stark truth: they were all each other had. He felt the weight of their shared worry.
“I know, E, I know. I’m sorry. In that moment, if I didn’t put myself between those missiles and Bradley, it was a risk I was willing to take.” His voice was steady, resolute. He would take any risk for Bradley; he owed that much to Goose and Carol.
Ethan’s expression softened, realizing the depth of Pete’s commitment. It had been a long time since Bradley was mentioned, and Ethan understood how much the kid meant to his brother.
“Okay… just—be careful?” Ethan finally said, his voice more vulnerable.
Pete smiled, nodding. “Always. You be careful too.”
They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their argument lingering. It wasn’t often they clashed like this. Ethan sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“I’m actually surprised they didn’t send you. Y’know, a secret uranium site in a remote, impossible location seems more your style,” Pete said with a smile.
Ethan chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, me too.”
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neppednep · 5 months
Hey! If you're busy feel free to ignore this, but could I please get some romantic headcanons for Red Hood? No hard feelings if you don't want to, since she's not on the masterlist or anything, or if you just don't want to do it. But if you do end up doing it then thanks a lot for taking the time out of your life, as well as keeping this blog running.
I wish you a good day, as well as luck in any future endeavors!
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Red Hood Romantic HCs
I wanted to make a part for Dorothy too, but I've been busy as hell, so that'll probably come after I get through a couple other asks.
Also, if a charcter isn't in the Nikke masterlist, feel free to still request. I have to remake it one of these days because of the photo limit. Anyways, sorry for being late and hope you enjoy.
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》 Being in a relationship with Red Hood can be a mixed bag. On one hand, you two really do love each other, even through the whole alien invasion, pretty much the end of humanity thing. On the other hand, you two don't get as much time together as you used to and even that is an understatement. Between her new duties as a Nikke and worrying whether or not she'll make it back home after her missions, it can get stressful.
》 You would be lying if you said it was easy when she first became a Nikke though. The two of you weren't exactly well off, living in a relatively small village away from most of the fighting. You didn't really think much of it, not realizing just how bad it was until raptures practically appeared out of nowhere, killing everyone in sight. While you were evacuated… you couldn't find her. The only proof of her existence being the cassette player she gifted a friend of yours.
Your breath freezes in your throat as you stare at the red haired woman, proudly walking down the street with a gun damn near twice her size tossed over her shoulder. You don't even know what to feel.
》 Imagine your surprise, spending months thinking she was dead until you saw her and a few others, still alive, receiving a hero's welcome at the city you were staying at.
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You couldn't even move, practically stuck in place as you stare at the spitting image of your supposedly dead girlfriend.
She scans the crowd, her eyes eventually land on you, having to double take before stopping dead in her tracks. You have no time to react before you see a huge smile on her face. Her weapon falls to the ground with a loud crash and the next thing you know your feet leave the ground as you're taken into a bone crushing huh.
No words really needed to be spoken between the two of you, everyone else in the crowd forgotten. You just bury your head into her large chest, letting reality sink in.
She's still alive and back with you, so you won't complain.
》 It really doesn't seem like much has even changed, besides that hug she goes right back to how everything was before. Immediately dragging you off with strength you didn't think possible. She wasn't a small woman by any means but it just wasn't human. After she introduced you to her squad and catching up, you found out she wasn't. It was a lot to take in. She did die… kind of? Then got turned into some powerful android who fights aliens for the sake of humanity.
》 Irrelevant. By the end of the day you two were in your house, listening to the cassette player she never seemed to get tired of.
》 She did seem a bit different though, only through very small things anyone else wouldn't really notice. Red Hood was definitely more clingy than she used to be, not to mention she was practically treating you like you were made of glass most of the time. It wasn't a bad thing though, just relaxing in her arms, getting the pillow treatment.
》 It did kind of suck when she had to go out on missions. She was on the best and one of the only squads around, but you still worried whether she'd make it back home or not.
》 Dates are certainly fun. Taking you to a shooting range, though not letting you shoot her gun of course, as you'd probably do more damage to yourself than the target. She's quite fond of showing off in simulations, or just going to see a movie or concert, though needless to say those are exceptionally rare these days.
》 Speaking of shooting ranges, out of everyone in her squad, Snow White is someone Red Hood loves to bring around. She's a nice girl, if a bit childish but she definitely looks up to Red Hood, and you to a certain extent. If you like guns or shooting, she'll be coming over a lot to run ideas through you or just hang out, almost seeing you as an older sibling.
》 Definitely protective of you. Not that many people would really try to hurt you. Your girlfriend is part of the Goddess Squad and an android that can tear through even the strongest Raptures with ease. Even then, she won't resort to violence too quickly, usually just using her words to drive them off. If that doesn't work… a flick probably won't kill them.
》 Red Hood is more romantic then her relatively rough and playful exterior lets on. You can't really blame her, you two didn't have the best life growing up, after all. Some nights it'll just be you two staring into the setting sun in a comfortable silence. She does still have a girly side buried deep somewhere in here, though it rarely comes out. She claims doing stuff like that just reminds her of what she’s fighting for, but with the way she stares at you, you know it's deeper than that.
》 It was quite the surprise when one day, out of nowhere, Red Hood approached you saying she was going on her last mission. You were a bit confused, but she brushed it off saying she's been fighting for long enough and wants to spend the rest of her life with you.
》 Was… that some kind of proposal?
》 If it was, you didn't have time to blink, let alone even ask before her face flushed red as she gave her usual smile and speeding off. You just chuckled and shook your head. She was always a free spirit, and you know she'll be back. She always comes back.
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hastalavistabyebye · 1 month
AO3 version
“Some snakes eat birds.” Bacara said, still playing with the daisy he had picked up. 
“Mmh,” Ponds assented, not looking up from where he was curled against his cyare, his head comfortably pillowed on the Marine’s chest. 
He usually loved to talk about herpetology but right now the sun was warm, the grass was soft and he was half asleep in his lover’s arms. 
“I promise to not eat you.” 
Ponds didn't need to look up to know that Bacara’s eyes were shining with that particular light that could rival Cody’s best shit eating grin. It was present clear as day in the lilt of his voice. Ponds still straightened up on his elbow. After all, this certainly deserved an eye to eye response. 
“I think that’s a bit late of a promise.” He leered down.  
He grew up herding three future Marshal Commanders and one GAR-wild renown biter. All of them sass-masters. He knew how to deal with shit-eating grins’ variety of bullshit, thank you very much. 
Bacara laughed. Not the private chuckle that escaped him sometimes, certainly not the amused huff he reserved for more public settings, when he was the always focused Marine Commander. It was the warm, free laugh that shaked his shoulders and made him throw back his head. The one that seemed reserved just for Ponds and that he learned every detail of, committing to memory every instance where he heard and felt it, just like he was right now, the rumble of it echoing in his own ribcage, pressed close to each other as they were. It made Ponds smile. 
“And who said I was the bird ? You're the birdwatcher and I'm the herpetology expert, it should be the other way around. And I absolutely don't promise to not eat you.”
Bacara sneakered even more, smirking up at him at that last part. The daisy weaved between his fingers seemingly completely forgotten. 
“I’m holding you up to that.” 
Oh, that was something Ponds would gladly get behind. But he didn't get the time to continue that line of discussion, Bacara had already sobered down some and was looking at him with eyes full of tenderness, as if he had the most beautiful thing in the Galaxy right in front of him. 
“You can only be the bird. As you said, I'm the birdwatcher, and you're my favorite thing to observe.” He murmured, taking his lover by surprise when he slid the daisy carefully behind Ponds’ ear. 
The latter groaned and flopped back on Bacara’s chest, hiding his burning face in his shoulder. The Marine sneakered again, like a tooka that got the cream. 
“That’s it. No more crappy holo-drama for you. I don't give a kriff if it’s your squad’s bonding time.” 
“There is no escaping the holo-drama sessions, you know it as well as I do.” Bacara responded wisely. His squad’s telenovela viewing was sacred. You could always try to hide from it, but it would only get yourself hunted down. Not that any of them ever tried. “At least, none of them decided that your presence was now needed.”
Ponds whined pitifully at that, swiping playfully at the Marine’s shoulder. Bacara smiled at him, he tightened his hold on Ponds’ waist compassionately, dropping a kiss on the top of his head. 
“If that ever happens, please kill me. Neyo has too much dirt on me and he would use it, it would only be merciful of you.”
“As you wish.” Bacara sighed, as seriously as Ponds. “But I'm sure you would have loved Prince Kirrrza’s love story with Mako, the skilled handmaiden of his rival, Jodne, Queen of Naboo.”
“Ner Kara, I would die for you and fight at your side through all of the Sith's hells in a heartbeat. But please. Please, spare me this torture.”
Bacara laughed again. And even if this time it was at Ponds’ detriment, he didn't care at all. The Marine went back to explain the symbolism of daisies and other meadow flowers in one of the systems he had landed on, like he had been before they went off track. No more holodrama was brought up for the rest of the day, to Ponds’ greatest relief. 
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blood-injections · 1 year
i would like to respectfully ask for venom sibs hcs
Of course of course
Just. My love and my hate for you are infinite. Yeah. Classic case of siblings that have been through hell. They want each other dead but they'd die for eachother, theyd kill themselves before letting the other one die.
Deadly fucking fighters, they're an awesome team, like if youve ever seen, idk, guardians of the galaxy movies, the newest one especially, this is just the first example that popped into my head, but like i remember the fight scenes were choreographed really well and theyre just. A fucking team. And they move around eachother and can fight without talking because they know eachother so well and understand and they move like one being, like they share a mind, all twisting and ducking around eachother and taking out enemies and its all seamless. Kobra and Poison are like that and are fucking deadly, especially with the mix of their abilities, Poison's deadly shot and Kobra's close range process, like theyll be back to back but twisting around eachother and poison shoots down the dracs hiding behind cover or shooting from furthur, while Kobra moves around like a serpent and takes out those who run in to try their luck, just getting cut down by his blade or boot or his power glove, if they manage to get that close. Fights seem to be over in seconds and they've laid waste to many a squad of dracs together.
Neurodivergent as hell. Kobra autism/bpd, Poison adhd
They're both naturally blond but while Kobra likes his blonde hair Poison HATES theirs, so they dye it every color under the sun, expect for..
If its a story where its less diluted by death spells and they love eacother, then they have matching hair streaks, Kobra the same red dye that Poison uses, and Poison just doesn't dye a strand of theirs, since their blonde matches.
Usually Poisons seen as the more dramatic one, but kobras just as bad, they're total bitches, nobody can gossip and shit talk like they can, and Kobra might actually be sassier than Poison is.
Trans in opposite directions and they find it so funny, Poison hates that Kobras taller though, because "You're my Little brother, you should be shorter than me :("
They both have a crippling addiction to chewing bubble gum.
They know everything about each other, like everything, even things unintentionally, like poison will completely fucking make up a fake situation and use it as blackmail against Kobra as a joke but then kobras like HOW DO YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT and poisons like wait you actually DID that???? I made it up?? And its like the most weird absurd thing ever that they just came up with for fun and. This has happened like several times. Where it turns out its real, they just guessed it, probably unconsciously mind read it, because they're like that. I think they do that a lot, like sometimes they have no clue what the other is thinking or going through but sometimes they're fucking mindmelded and can like read everything theyre thinking and communicate with just their eyes and shit and have entire silent conversations.
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gayartbirb · 6 months
About Poison Ivy and Count Vertigo
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Hi, hello, I’m not dead, I’ve just been incredibly busy and kind of taking a break from social media in general. Currently on a MASSIVE DC Comics kick and there’s one particular topic that I’ve seen some HORRENDOUS takes about on here, so let’s discuss.
I never thought I’d be saying this, but CONTENT WARNING: I’m unfortunately going to be discussing topics related to rape and sexual assault below the cut. If that ain’t your cup of tea, I completely understand, and you’re free to scroll away now. TLDR if you don’t wanna read the whole thing: I’ve seen people accuse Poison Ivy of raping Count Vertigo just because she brainwashed him. These people have clearly never read the comic in question, and I’m sick and tired of this misinformation being spread around.
Okay? Okay, let’s do this.
So, it shouldn’t suprise anyone that Poison Ivy is probably one of my favorite DC characters of all time. I mean, I consider her to be one of my first gay awakenings (the others were Darcy from Winx Club and Emma Frost from Wolverine and the X-Men, if you’re wondering). So, when I see people accuse Ivy of being a full-blown RAPIST, I’m obviously gonna be upset.
Now, me being a simp is not clouding my judgement in this case. When I first saw people making this claim, I tried my dammdest to put my bias to the side and figure out what the hell these people were talking about. Lo and behold, I find out that it’s complete BS.
This particular claim stems from John Ostrander’s run on Suicide Squad starting back in 1987. I’m specifically referring to issue #45. This section on Count Vertigo’s Wikipedia page explains what went down infinitely better than I could, so I’m just gonna quote it here:
“He would later come to join the Suicide Squad in exchange for a shortened prison sentence, and it was revealed that he was plagued by bipolar disorder. After the Suicide Squad disbanded for the first time, Count Vertigo was captured by Vlatavan rebels, who wished to use his powers to overthrow the current Vlatavan government. They used a variety of drugs on him, each with a differing effect on the Count, as he would for example suddenly see himself as an Angel of Vengeance, sent to wreak havoc on the current rulers. Although he largely believed himself master of his own will, his mood swings were completely subject to his captors.
He was captured by Poison Ivy when the Suicide Squad came in and resolved the conflict and Kaligari (then-ruler of Vlatava) was murdered. Count Vertigo was Poison Ivy's slave for a long period of time, during which he grew to hate Poison Ivy and frequently threatened to kill her when he was free of her control. Amanda Waller was able to free Vertigo of her control so that he could stop a group of missiles hitting Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem at the behest of the villain Kobra. If the Dome had been destroyed, innocent lives would have been lost in a resulting war.
Vertigo succeeded, and it turned out that as he went into rehab and expunged the chemicals that had been pumped into his body by both Ivy and the rebels, that he was unwittingly cured of the disorder that had plagued him for so long.”
I’d also like to point out this snippet:
“Vertigo also resolved his grudge with Poison Ivy. During the War of the Gods crossover, he was perfectly willing to let her die when he found her abandoned on an Amazonian island; ironically, she was bound and promised whoever freed her, her undying devotion. Snickering snidely, Vertigo left her to die in the ruins of the collapsing temple they were in. Still, Ivy was saved, and Count Vertigo would later reluctantly work alongside her in the Suicide Squad, leaving their grudge be.”
Now, what does this have to do with Ivy allegedly being a rapist? Well, I’ve seen multiple people on here claim that Ivy raped Count Vertigo when she brainwashed him. To be quite blunt, this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is no, and I mean NO instances of Ivy raping or assaulting Count Vertigo. The worst thing she does is have him do things for her. That’s it. No overly sexual stuff in there at all. Here, take some pages that (hopefully) prove my point:
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So, tell me why I’m seeing people say stuff like this (these were all taken from @super-hero-confessions btw. No hate to that blog, and I’m sorry y’all got caught in the crossfire on this one):
“What Poison Ivy did to Count Vertigo is exactly what Purple Man did to Jessica Jones. If it’s okay to stan Ivy, then it should be okay to stan Killgrave.”
Now, I’m saying all of this in relation to Count Vertigo. If there’s any ACTUAL instances of Ivy raping someone, feel free to let me know. HOWEVER, if you’re going to do that, I want you to cite the actual comic where it happens. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in college, it’s that you should never make a claim if you can’t back it up with an actual source.
That being said, I think the idea of Ivy and Vertigo being a couple is really funny, and I’m absolutely down to write a fanfiction addressing all of this stuff if anyone’s interested. I may be a shitty fiction writer, but dammit, I’m willing to try.
Anyway, stop calling Ivy a rapist. Sure, she does stuff that crosses a line on occassion, but she’s a villain. I’m pretty sure they all do that.
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Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go listen to some Precure OST’s to cleanse my mind of this absolute nonsense.
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rosemaryreaper · 2 months
Batten down the hatches!
This snippet has been sitting in my drafts for a while, and since I don’t know when I’ll ever finish it, here it is. The basic premise: a strange mystery lures our ragtag crew, including Danse, Haylen, and Ros, on an unconventional adventure outside the Commonwealth, with some help from Longfellow along the way.
Or, in other words, I really just wanted to use my sailing background in a fic for once.
* * * *
This wasn’t how Haylen had ever imagined she would die.
A fiery vertibird crash had been at the top of the list at one point. Execution by firing squad, briefly, at another. Throat torn out by a feral? Wouldn’t have been surprised. Replaced by a synth? Always a possibility. Shot by a raider? Hell, who hadn’t been. But to die lost at sea? The thought had never crossed her mind. Until now.
It was a toss-up how they would be lost. She had her caps on “lightning strike,” but “washed overboard” was a close second. She had never trusted those rusted old lifelines. The longer they took to get the sails in, though, the faster “capsizing” crept towards the lead.
The world roiled in shades of gray one ink drop away from pure sightlessness. The ocean was a shapeless mass of tar, heard more as an angry whisper on the hulls than seen. The rain just cold pinpricks on the exposed slivers of her skin, its faint pattering drowned out by the wind howling through the stays.
Then the world was bright, bright, bright. There was white light bursting in the clouds and silver gleaming on the backs of short, choppy waves. The deck flooded into view in front of her, beyond her hands and their tight-knuckled grip on the helm. Shadows stretched from frantic bodies. Rain dotted her vision like static on a terminal, blasted across her goggles by the wind. A reflector glinted on the elbow of someone’s foul weather jacket. Then it went dark again—darker than dark—while the white clung behind her eyes. Longfellow’s resulting curse lost itself in a crash of thunder.
Haylen fought the urge to rub her eyes to clear them. It wouldn’t have done any good, between the night and her rain-blasted goggles. She blinked until she could make out the three figures by the mast, barely visible in the dim beam of Longfellow’s headlamp. Danse’s broad shoulders strained as he shoved his weight against the winch handle, to no avail. Caleb held tight to the boom, tugging at the tangled lines. Neither were making progress. The mainsail strained dangerously at three-quarters of its full height.
Haylen imagined she could hear the anemometer whirring at the top of the mast. Numbers blinked on the tiny screens behind the helm: wind holding steady at 30 knots, gusting higher. There was a gust at 40 knots…48 knots…52 knots…climbing. Something groaned deep within the Kingfisher. They should have reefed the main minutes ago.
In the cockpit, somewhat sheltered from the rain, Ros and Chloe swiftly cranked in the jib. Haylen waved a hand when there was a handkerchief of the forward sail left. Trusting her, they stopped. Ros secured the significantly more cooperative line around the winch while Chloe locked the sheet. Haylen shoved down an instant wave of anxiety. She had made the call on instinct and five days’ worth of knowledge. She had no idea if she was right.
The starboard jackline furiously slapped the deck with each gust, tossing extra noise into the wind-driven cacophony. Longfellow’s headlamp shone in her direction. His rough voice rushed by her ears. She gave a frustrated flick of her wrist. She couldn’t hear a word he was saying.
A wave hit the hull beam-on, jolting the ship to port. Caleb’s ass hit the deck with a thud they could all feel. Haylen braced herself against the traveler before hers could do the same. Danse snagged the back of Caleb’s harness before he could tumble away. The jackline pulled taut as Longfellow stumbled, but otherwise the old harborman remained standing.
The headlamp relocated her. Longfellow pointed into the wind, arm straight and fingers together. She replied by turning the helm in the same direction. Bouncing on the choppy waves, the Kingfisher swung into irons, where Haylen held her best she could. She had just thrown the ship’s steering capability into the wind—almost literally.
Without any forward momentum, the Kingfisher jerked uncomfortably from hull to hull, rolling and dipping in a new direction each second. She swung the helm from port to starboard and back again, struggling to keep the bow to the wind. “Luffing” was too gentle a word to describe the aggressive beating of the sails. The boom creaked bitterly as it bucked against the mainsheet, rattling the blocks all the way aft on the traveler. Suddenly fearful one would break off and hit her, Haylen pulled herself closer to the helm.
The men were shouting at each other, the words even less sensical than before. Ros and Chloe clung to the cockpit tables, their feet slipping on the floor’s worn grip. Haylen couldn’t tell if the damp feeling beneath her foul weather gear was sweat or rain. The sky burst into cold silver. Thunder crashed back down with the dark. It was 3 A.M. and she had never felt more awake.
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gardenofshadcws · 1 year
Dracula Daily Day 86
Dr. Seward’s Diary
Renfield nooooo I’m so upset
Dracula how dare you beat my boy like this I’m in PAIN
Dr. Abe this is so not an accident what are you talking about
Arthur and Quincey heard the plot needed them and who are they to refuse?
Can we save his life because he’s a human and a good bean and not just because he has information?  Like please?
“What’s wrong with my face?” I’m DISTRAUGHT
“I must go back to death - or worse” DRACULA HOW COULD YOU
The way Renfield capitalizes He like Dracula is a god, or on a level with God is so telling without saying much at all
Ugh this poor thing has been a victim this entire time.  And Jack just looks at him like a science experiment.
“I don’t care for the pale people” AAAHH MINA
Everything hurts and I’m dying
Oh cool we’ve gotten what we wanted so we’re just ditching im I guess.
Quincey I love you but I think saving her from becoming a vampire is more important than silly Victorian propriety
It’s truly disgusting how many adaptations saw this scene with Dracula drinking from Mina and decided “romantic?  Sexy?  Soulmates???”
Noooo Mina ;~;
This part is destroying me
Jonathan seeing his wife distress and immediately going “I’m going to kill the fucker” is glorious
Mina and Jonathan are relationship goals
“I much touch him or kiss him no more”  “aww hell no” Jonathan is the most ride or die ever.  Given the choice between Mina or God and he chooses Mina I LOVE this sweet boy
NOOO THE RECORDS.  But it’s okay, Mina’s the best and saved everything
Quincey and his bats, man.
I’m so upset
The story of Dracula slipping in to attack Mina is just as horrifying the second time around
“A little refreshment” ewww
And there goes Jonathan’s hair
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
Jonathan stressing makes me stressed
God’s not helping you, your friends are helping you
He tried to save Mina and this is what he gets 
This attendant sucks at his job and now my SWEET BOY IS DEAD.
Nothing should have been kept from Mina in the first place dammit
“I shall die!” MINAAAA.
Van Helsing’s right for once, that’s not actually going to help anything. 
Yes, lockpicking, much better than breaking in.
At least Mina doesn’t have fangs yet, that’s a good sign
Way to go Van Helsing, you made Mina cry again.
And then you burned her head.  You’re handling this extremely poorly, man.
Poor Mina :(  Girl just wants to live her life
“She shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone” AWWWW.  JONATHAN YOU ARE THE SWEETEST.
This is so romantic it’s melting my black dead heart
“I have written this in the train” Just like the beginning of the book, that’s a beautiful callback.
“The place smells so vilely” perhaps that’s because you just lit a cigar, Art (yes, I know it’s Vamp Stink)
Dr. Seward’s Diary
It always seems like a long wait when we’re waiting for Arthur and Quincey.
Jonathan babyyyy
Yeah, Jack, you’ve got nothing on Jonathan I’m sorry
So, if Dracula was a scholar, are we… condemning the seeking of knowledge over faith?  Is that what’s happening here?
The zoophagous patient had a NAME, dammit
Jonathan is out for BLOOD.  And not in the vampire way
There’s Dracula, it’s battle time!
Jonathan where the HELL did you get a kukri
Damn.  SO close.
All this and Mina’s still trying to put on a brave face
Can we stop talking about Mina’s purity because that’s giving off some really icky Madonna-whore stuff
These two love each other so freaking much
Stoker’s letting his boys cry again you love to see it
I am also in tears by the way if you even care
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
I too thought today would never end
“My poor wronged darling” awww
It’s okay, guys, Quincey’s here to protect you :’) 
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My 2023 in books. Part IV
Big Swiss - Jen Beagin ⭐⭐⭐ 3/5
It is a witty, funny, very clever novel. It gives us the troop of messed-up female protagonists and I think it is very important to be able to empathize and love this type of protagonists. It is a book that you have to pick up and read at specific moments in life.
 “It takes an enormous amount of energy—and courage—to free yourself, to follow the path of transformation without abandoning yourself, without fleeing from your pain and all the loss you’ve experienced.” 
A visit from the goon squad- Jennifer Egan  ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5   
I liked. It has a strange structure. It's not exactly a novel, it's several stories intertwined with each other. You live, you get old and you die. It breaks your heart a little but at the same time it's beautiful. If you like music you will also enjoy it.
“There's a fine line between thinking about somebody and thinking about not thinking about somebody, but I have the patience and the self-control to walk that line for hours - days, if I have to.”
The Candy House - Jennifer Egan ⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5
It's a difficult book to describe, it's good. They are intertwined stories. It's about technology, very black mirror. It serves as a sequel to “A visit from the goon squad” but can be read on its own. What I like about Egan is that she takes the time to give each of his characters independence. This book shows that as humans we have the need to connect with each other and I think that is beautiful.
“Who could resist the chance to revisit our memories, the majority of which we’d forgotten so completely that they seemed to belong to someone else?”
Bakkhai - Translation Anne Carson - Euripides - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5    
I'm going to say it again... Anne Carson was born to translate Euripides. I read in a review “Anne Carson and Euripides where born for eachother” I love it. The Bacchae is a beautiful tragedy, even subversive I would say.
“Beginnings are special because most of them are fake”
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories -Howard Phillips Lovecraft ⭐⭐⭐  3/5 
It's a reread, spooky october. Love it. I don't have much to say about it, I read it little by little before going to sleep every day to get in the mood. I would like to say that it was more transcendental for my life.
Orpheus & Eurydice: A Lyric Sequence - Gregory Orr ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5 
A beautiful collection of poems. It destroyed my soul. It is the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. I know the story by heart, even so every word hurt me. I loved it. I don't really read poetry, but this was a nice surprise.
“To guide someone through the halls of hell is not the same as love”
Electra- Other Version Translation by Anne Carson -  Sophocles  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5 
Lines above I already declared my love for Anne Carson. I will declare my love for Electra by Sophocles. It is a wonderful tragedy. It shows that when injustice persists, when the laws do not work, there, within one, the most human thing that exists is born: resentment.
“As for me- what harm can do it do to die in words?”
“I live in a place of tears”
We Paint - Chloe Ashby ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5   
So sad. Written in a very beautiful way, another book about grief. But this time it is the grief of having lost a best friend. Somehow it brought back memories of the past. Heartbreaking.
“Better to be strangers for life, she must have thought, than to pick each other apart, one long, slow day at a time.” 
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous- Ocean Vuong ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5 
Another of my favorite books I read this year. Damn Vuong writes with immeasurable talent. Gentle but strong. At times raw but at others soft. With such detail that each word is well calculated. I shed tears all the time. It is a perfect book.
“Sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined.” 
“When does a war end? When can I say your name and have it mean only your name and not what you left behind?”
“I'm sorry I keep saying How are you? when I really mean Are you happy?”
Lanny - Max Porter ⭐⭐⭐⭐  4/5 
A fucking weird story. But I liked it. Max Porter has that power to leave me surprised every time. It was a quick read, I enjoyed it. It's like a fable. It reminded me of Latin American magical realism.
“False things, endings. Sustenance for fools and never what they claim to be.”
All the light we cannot see - Anthony Doerr ⭐⭐⭐  3/5
When I read it I gave it 4 stars, in retrospect I give it 3. I did enjoy it a lot. I think it does a lot, it says a lot and it's a nice story, very sad tho. But I was left with a strange feeling, as if a piece was missing. It has very descriptive and beautiful prose. 
“You know the greatest lesson of history? It’s that history is whatever the victors say it is. That’s the lesson. Whoever wins, that’s who decides the history. We act in our own self-interest. Of course we do. Name me a person or a nation who does not. The trick is figuring out where your interests are.” 
When all is said - Anne Griffin⭐⭐⭐⭐  4/5 
Another sad but intricate book. Precious. It is narrated by a dying man who decides to talk to five important people in his life. Full of regrets and reproaches, the book presents a nostalgic story. I cried. I felt it very close to my heart.
“I’m here to remember – all that I have been and all that I will never be again.”
A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5  
Is it really any surprise that this book gets a 5/5? It's Suzanne Collins, it's THG. I think Collins knows how to write about his characters very well and knows how to write what is precise. That's why there are 4 books and no more. This book is exactly what it should be, the villain origin story.
“You’ve no right to starve people, to punish them for no reason. No right to take away their life and freedom. Those are things everyone is born with, and they’re not yours for the taking. Winning a war doesn’t give you that right. Having more weapons doesn’t give you that right. Being from the Capitol doesn’t give you that right. Nothing does.” 
White nights- Fyodor Dostoevsky⭐⭐⭐⭐  4/5 
Did i had to do this to myself? No. But I did it. Depressant. It's so…heavy. White Nights is a short story, quick to read but damn it leaves you paralyzed.
“I don’t know how to be silent when my heart is speaking.” 
A Pale View Of The Hills - Kazuo Ishiguro ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5
Beautiful story by Ishiguro. Again, Ishiguro knows how to write stories that break your heart. It is the story of a mother and her youngest daughter who talk about the suicide of their eldest daughter. A beautiful text. Worthy of shedding tears.  
“As with a wound on one's own body, it is possible to develop an intimacy with the most disturbing of things”
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love- Raymond Carver  
Raymond Carver, terrible human being. There is no review about it for that reason. But good stories.
Cathedral-Raymond Carver  
Raymond Carver, terrible human being. There is no review about it for that reason. But good stories.
The Burning God- R.F. Kuang ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  5/5 
The end. It destroyed me, there are no words. I closed the year with this book. It's a strange mix of relief and sadness. It is the devastation left by the acts of war but also the self-realization of what one has done. How are actions justified? It was a great closure to the saga.
“Take what you want. I’ll hate you for it. But I’ll love you forever. I can’t help but love you.” 
“It doesn’t go away. It never will. But when it hurts, lean into it. It’s so much harder to stay alive. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to live. It means you’re brave.” 
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angstywaifu · 7 months
The Lost Sister - Part 12
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC
A/N: I don't have much to say other than, the talk you have all been waiting for is here. Enjoy. The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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Tonight everyone celebrates. The dining hall is loud and chaotic as every riders is here. The kitchen had gone all out with the food for tonight, and someone had definitely spiked the lemonade. Tonight we are all riders, celebrating as one. The second and third years who had kept their distance, now welcomed us with open arms. We had proven we had what it takes to be riders, and had dragons of our own to prove it.
As the night goes on, people start sneaking off to each others rooms to celebrate in another way. I see a few of my squad mates among them. I can’t help but smile as I notice Rhiannon sneak of with Sawyer. Not long after Bodhi disappears as well with a first year he had been talking to most of the night. With his departure I was on my own. My eyes scan the room hoping to see the familiar curly hair of the one I’m looking for. But I come up short, and I can’t help but feel disappointed. I had tried to find him after we had all received our relics, but he had disappeared along with Xaden. Judging by the look on Xaden’s face during it all, I wondered if it had something to do with Dain kissing Violet. Another two who were also missing. After this morning I had hoped to grab him and talk to him. But it seemed tonight was another night where he was nowhere to be seen.
The walk back to my dorm room is quiet, with most people back in the privacy of their dorms celebrating, or back in the dining hall. Seems most people were smart enough to put silencing wards on their doors or go to a second or third years room. I round the corner to where my new room is and stop in my tracks. There leaning against my door is the tall and muscular, curly haired figure I had been searching for all night. Garrick. I hadn’t made a sound but as if he knows I’m there, his head turns to where I stand. My heart flutters as our eyes meet. I can tell he had been waiting a while. A small smile forms on his face as he see’s me, pushing himself off the door to stand up straight as I make my way over. Only he could make a normal sized door look small, his head getting very close to the top as he stands.
“Was wondering where you had gotten to. Was starting to think you’d found other ways to celebrate.” I say, trying to make a joke of the situation as I stand in front of him.
The way his eyebrows furrow at me tells me he is not impressed at my attempt at a joke. “I told you the other week, I don’t do casual hook ups.”
”But you did.” I point out, referencing his past times with Imogen.
He sighs and drops his head, his curls falling in front of his eyes. I don’t know if its the spiked lemonade talking, but god do I want to run my hands through them. Like I use to back in Aretia. Back when I would always be over at his place. His mum never complained about me being there. Hell she had complained if I wasn’t there. After dinner we would always sit out on the balcony or on his bed, his head in my lap as we would talk or just simply enjoy each others company. I would run my fingers through his hair out of habit. I wondered if they were as soft as I remembered.
”And as I also said. If someone else wasn’t ‘dead’.” He uses his fingers to emphasise the word dead as he looks up at me. “I wouldn’t have done so.”
The intensity in his stare has my heart skip a beat. I’d been avoiding the conversation, and now there was no way to avoid it. It was very clear that Garrick was here to talk about that moment in the Healers Quadrant. And honestly I wanted to have that talk. Especially after talking to Xaden the other night.
“Yeah, I remember.” I mumble as I look down at my hands and pick at a stray fingernail.
”Surprised you do with how quick you ran off and have been avoiding me.”
And there it is. I feel as if Garrick has just dropped a brick in the pit of my stomach. He wasn’t wrong. The only reason we hadn’t talked was because of me. He had tried, and I’d run off as soon as I’d seen him. The only one I had really talked to since was Bodhi. Even Xaden had been victim to some of it till recently. Bodhi and Imogen were both quite impressed at my ability to avoid my section leader and wingleader.
Garrick reaches out and grab my hands, stopping my fidgeting. My skin feels like its on fire where his hand grips mine. I look up to see him looking down at me, the same look he had given me in the Healers Quadrant that day. His eyes hopeful I will say what he wants me to say.
“I shouldn’t have run off. I was…” What was I? Scared? Shocked? Unsure.
A bang at the end of the hallway startles both of us, our gaze shifting to a couple trying to get into one of their rooms. Garrick tugs on my hands and opens my door before leading us inside. After closing the door he leads me over to the bed and sits me down as he kneels on the ground in front of me. It’s one of the few moments Garrick and I are at the same height.
”In all the years I’ve known you Ophelia, I don’t think I have ever seen you that scared before.” He starts, reaching out and taking my hands in his again. “But correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I saw happiness to. Like you had been waiting to hear what I said.”
I sigh and look down at our joined hands. He wasn’t wrong, but there was still that part of me that was scared what would happen if it went badly. I didn’t want to be what came between Garrick and Xaden. I pull my hands from his and stand up, pacing back and forth behind him. He stands and watches me, concern in his eyes. His heart is essentially in my hands right now. And I know that terrifies us both. For me I could say something wrong and wreck this completely. For Garrick. I know he’s never been like this with anyone. He’s never laid out his emotions like this to someone. And that terrifies him. I know it does. If I turned him down, something tells me he would never let anyone in like he has with me.
”You’re right. I won’t deny that Garrick. I’ve been dying to hear you felt the same way I did since….. Since I don’t even know when.” I start, a small smile on the edge of his lips. “But I am so terrified.”
I stop and turn to him from my spot near the window. His eyes meeting mine in an instant due to him watching my every move.
”I am terrified that if this,” I gesture between us, “Goes wrong, then it affects more than us.”
He sighs and nods. “You’re worried about mine and Xaden’s friendship. All of our frienships. You don’t want to come between us.”
I nod. Its as if he can read my mind. “If this went so badly that we don’t want anything to do with each other, it would tear him apart. Not to mention he would probably tear you apart if we did get together.”
”He already knows my feelings. It was kind of hard to hide them five years ago.”
I look at him confused, unsure as to what he is referring to. Then it clicks. Very soon it would be five years since I had ‘died’. Garrick sits on the bed looking down at his hands. As if preparing himself for what he’s about to tell me.
”It was already an emotional day as it was. Watching our parents die and getting our rebellion relics. But we all had each other.” He starts as his gaze flicks to mine before going back to his hands. “I was stood next to Xaden. He and I had just gotten our relics.” His arm with the relic twitching as he tells me the memory. “We all go to leave, but Melgren stops Xaden. I remember how he pulled the bag we had last seen you with from his dragon and threw it at Xaden’s feet.” I swear I hear his voice shake slightly. “I remember the closure breaking and the contents tumbling to the ground. He didn’t say anything to us. He didn’t need to. We knew what he was hinting at.”
He pauses and looks up at me. And my heart nearly breaks at the emotion in his eyes from retelling the memory. I swear I see tears in his eyes before he blinks them away.
“The rest is a blur. Bodhi told me a group of them had to hold me back as I tried to go after Melgren as he walked away. After he went, apparently I just knelt by your things staring. Even Xaden couldn’t snap me out of it. Apparently I even tried to fight him when they tried to get me to move. A few days later before we got shipped off to our new homes, Xaden pulled me aside and I told him everything.” He pauses again. My heart breaks. I never knew what happened. I never knew how they found out. I just assumed they would think I had gotten away or got caught up in our escape. “He just sat there and listened to me as I broke down and told him every single thing. I think he’s the only person to see my cry besides my mother. I swear I even nearly got him to cry as I told him how much I cared for you. How I had planned to find you after all this was done and tell you. But then, I didn’t think I would ever get the chance to.”
Its as if I can see the memory through his eyes. Even I want to cry and I wasn’t even there. I was the one they were mourning at the time. He stands and walks over to me, placing his hands on my hips tightly as if he’s worried I am going to run again. His thumbs rubbing into the exposed skin where my top has ridden up.
“I have waited too damn long to tell you how I feel, and now I’ve been given a second chance. And I will be damned little one, if I don’t take it. Because I am not losing you again.” He rests his forehead on mine, his hazel eyes staring into my green ones. “I am willing to risk everything to give this a go, and I will do everything I can to make sure this does not end. I am yours, and you are mine.”
I know every word Garrick speaks is true. Every word he spoke is fuelled with emotions he’s been holding back. I know without a doubt, if we go down this route, this is it for him. There is no going back. And he will fight with everything he has to make this work. And I know I will to. I barely nod my head before Garrick grasps my face in his hands and his lips are on mine.
A/N 2: Next part might be a little bit..... spicy
Part 13
Tag List: @riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh
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more qjj livetweets but only on tumblr pt.3
|| so very many spoilers ||
omg a house on the border, the priceless smile,,,,,,,,, i cant with these two
oh damn. ownership kink really popped out there huh
so we can all agree that he's about to double cross and murder this man right
is it wrong for me to actually be kind of curious on whether he can dance. obviously he shouldn't but.
oh so he's mad mad. yeah he's going to die painfully.
fuck that's so hot
…. dammit i had a funny feeling
he's gonna be the scraggly stranger isn't he
i stand so very corrected
i FUCKING knew it. i said!!! i said he was too nice right at the beginning but i couldn't tell what exactly was wrong about him
man the ring detail was a nice touch
ding tao badass arc?????? i love him!! go hide behind shen zechuan!!! 
fuck oh my god shen zechuan kill me next please
‘Zhou Gui liked Ding Tao so much at this moment that he wanted so much to acknowledge the latter as his son.’ as you should
wait what
okay there's the awful backstory id been waiting for. not as bad as it could’ve been tho. at least he’s not binghe
oh he gave him a piggyback ride,,,,, that’s totally not making me desperately want love or anything. my heart isn’t twinging at all
they’re so domestic i love them sm this scene is destroying me
jesus they’re so horny all the time
“let’s build a home” *body roll*
did they actually fuck in the hallway or did i read that wrong. 
no, they definitely fucked in the hallway
“I do not have the intention to take a concubine in this life.” yeah i bet, shen zechuan would rip his dick off. also he’s a simp
aw, zhou gui :((
‘He remembered everything about Xiao Chiye. The only thing he could not think of was a way in which Xiao Chiye was inferior to Xiao Jiming.’ that’s love babe
ohhhhh his reunion that’s written so well what the hell my heart is so warmed
i’ll never get over just how broke xiao chiye is. the love interest is never broke
help the random wolf meme at the end of the chapter???
i can’ttttt this rando bandit is trying to marry off his sister to the guy hunting him down?? author, that’s such a random detail? i love it?
li xiong???? bro???
bro is WRESTLING a horse??? what the fuck do they feed you on bandit mountain???? protein powder and fertilizer??
alshjdnf kong ling a new addition to the wingman squad? more likely than you think
i just found this one i missed on twitter:  szc: *actively trying to kill him*    xcy, twirling his hair: omg that’s so hot do it again
“There will be a day we get to see it filled up when we are seventy or eighty years old.” planning your future together T-T
‘He looked at Shen Zechuan, who spread his hands out slightly and gave him an innocent look.’ woah babe it wasn’t me this time i promise
why are they so sweet to each other i love them and i’ll keep saying it
well of course he’s not happy. he wants to go back to bed with his boyfriend
‘If Cizhou dared lay a hand on Shen Zechuan, Xiao Chiye was sure to hasten there within a day.’ xiao chiye advocates Violence for those who hurt shen zechuan
aw, he wants to make him a fan???? if he wanted to he would
“Shifu dreads greasy food, and Ce’an gets cranky easily. Get the chef to choose and make some light dishes. You’re currently nursing an injury, so do as the physician and shifu say and get the kitchen to make an individual portion for you.” it feels like he has a little family
god i’d love to write a little adventures of zhao zui temple ficlet with ji gang and qi huilian fighting over raising shen zechuan. i feel like that’d be adorable
xiao chiye trying to win over ji gang is SO FUCKING CUTE how does shen zechuan LIVE
‘And just like this, Shen Zechuan sat in Xiao Chiye’s embrace and continued to do his accounts.’ it’s like that one gamer couple trend
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
I cannot get this thought out of my mind:
So I have these OC's named Blitz, who is Hella fine, Wolf, who is her father, and also Hella fine, and Darken who is my Teleportian Wolf boi
Yes the art is by me...
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They are pretty much my main C.L.A.W.S
I cannot get the idea out that if they were all in the CODVerse or something...
So this is kinda how I would see them all in it!
They will all also be done separately so it's not all jammed together
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Yes, these are still my drawings of her. Her look just changes because my drawing style changes and is never the same...ever...
Blitz + background
Buff as hell and Immortal
A Female White Wolfian Ultrian-Hybrid who is pretty much a badass
Hates being called a werewolf like her father
General and Leader of the C.L.A.W.S Group
Can understand and speak every language on Earth
Has a cool katana named Azul Flame and does really cool shit with it
She goes for any gender really but really has a thing for being dom of men
8'8 so super fucking tall and jacked
Invincible physically but can be hurt emotionally (Being Immortal meant she couldn't die with her previous lovers she's had)
Has a biological daughter named Emma who she looks after and also works under her as her Lieutenant...
Her assassin and fighting skills are off the charts and she is one of the most feared women in the world...
Trained by Wolf (her father) at 5 ever since he brought her back from death
5 million years old in Human years... so she's been around for a LONG time too
Has many powers that she uses in the field (that's not super necessary atm)
Still has yet to beat her father in a hand to hand match so she still holds that grudge forever...
Is really Sarcastic but is also a mother at times
Cares very much for her team and other teams sometimes
Working within the CODVerse (mostly Task Force 141):
Definitely retains her General status too; she's earned it by completing many mission solo that would take days for even the best task forces to complete
She takes a liking to the many of the soldiers within their respected squads
Is very quick when it comes to know something is not right as well
Really likes working along and spending time with Task Force 141
She takes a liking to each member and spends time with them all collectively and individually too
Would mostly bug Ghost a lot if she could and he's managed to grow on her and same with him
Enjoys Soap's company everytime she visits and loves hearing his jokes
Talks a lot with Gaz about anything some days and loves giving him insight about things
Talks with Price sometimes too about interesting things going on in the world
Really likes going against each man too when it comes to training and loved helping them all get better
Ghost might be her favorite partner when it comes to knife combat or CQC (Close Quaters Combat)
She'll help point out some flaws when he's fighting too even though he's great at it
Similar to her and Wolf, Ghost has yet to beat her
Blitz's CQC is unmatched but she also uses a mix of other martial arts like Taekwondo, Shōrin-ryū, and a lot of Muy Thai
Her kicks are devastating and could kill a man in an instant
Might sometimes also go on missions with them too and even volunteers if she can
Definitely takes out many enemies and leaves many bodies all around
Usually returns back super bloody while everyone else is clean or dirty from the environment
If someone get hurt, she will get super pissed and go on a killing spree
Super protective of each man too
If one of them is captured or kidnapped she will go by herself and kill anyone in her way to get that man back to his squad under any means necessary too
I hope yall liked this a lot because I really did! I love mixing my characters into video game worlds and their characters...
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howlofhades · 1 year
Oc incorrect quotes
Storm: *Somehow pushing a door that clearly says pull*
Barks: *Filming him* Try pushing harder
Barks: Fascinating, try again.
*To Pluto*
Crimson: Somewhere out there, there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe.
Crimson: And I think you owe it an apology.
Storm: K
Erix: Well potassium is a very reactive element.
Erix: Very reactive...
Erix: Unlike the response you just gave me.
Irais: Bitches are mad at me, but at least I'm real.
Dipper: Yeah, real fucking stupid.
Dipper: I sense I have made a mistake.
Crimson: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible adult here.
Pluto: Frey is 70 of your impulse control and you know this Crimson.
Frey: I feel like Crimson is the more responsible one of us two though.
Crimson: We are both 70 of each others' impulse control.
Frey: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
Frey: Want to hear a hard riddle?
Crimson: Sure.
Frey: A rooster laid an egg on a roof. Which way did it roll?
Crimson: ...down?
Frey: N-
Pluto: Who cares about which way it rolled, it would be scrambled eggs by then.
Frey: No, it's that roosters don't lay eggs... Jesus Christ...
Bear: Good. Thanks, dad.
Barks: You just called Irais “dad”. You just said “thanks, dad.”
Bear: What? No, I didn’t. I said “thanks, man”.
Irais: Do you see me as a father figure, Bear ?
Bear: No. If anything I see you as a bother figure ‘cause you’re always bothering me.
Dipper: Hey! Show your father some respect!
Bear: Rules were made to be broken.
Dipper: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Irais: Uh, piñatas.
Glowstick: Glow sticks.
Barks: Karate boards.
Phoenix: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Bear: Rules.
Barks: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Irais and Phoenix's convo?
Bear: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Dipper: I'm in the washing machine.
Glowstick: I'm in the closet.
Bear: We accept you Glowstick <3
Glowstick: No I'm literally in the closet.
Bear: Love is love <3
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Dipper: The fuck, no I'm not.
Phoenix: Excuse the hell out of you?
Bear: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Irais: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Barks: Rude.
Glowstick: *punches the person*
Lazarus: Isn’t it a bit dangerous?
Phoenix: Lazarus, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.
Lazarus: ...
Phoenix: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.
Lazarus: ...
Phoenix: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
Phoenix: Why am I the bad guy?
Lazarus: I don't know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
Phoenix: Everybody shut up, I'm thinking.
Lazarus, patting them on the back: Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.
Lazarus: Where are my fucking keys?
Phoenix: Lazarus, Pluto is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Lazarus: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Pluto: I find it very unseemly of Lazarus to start dating again. Isn't the customary period of mourning 10 years?
Phoenix: Die. Let's find out.
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Erix: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Barks: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Skunker: if you want information it is
Storm: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Barks: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Storm: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Erix: I got distracted halfway through.
Skunker: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Erix: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward.
Bear: I’m worried about you.
Erix: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.
Bear: Why?
Erix, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
0 notes
amxranthiine · 3 years
imagine being the ex-friend of the slytherin crew. [she/her] (no voldy bc ew)
had this thought at 3am last night while fangirling with my friend last night. sorry for any errors <3
angst, mentions of parents disowning child, blood prejudice, mention of childhood/forbidden crush
- [ ] you had known draco, blaise, theo, pansy, astoria and daphne since you were very young.
- [ ] since you all were two to be exact. your parents were close and your birthdays weren't too far apart, so it was only natural that you all became a crew growing up, anxiously waiting for your eleventh birthdays.
- [ ] you all were inseparable. you learned to fly together, talk together, walk together... hell, you had all learned you were wizards together.
- [ ] you were always closer to blaise than the rest of the crew. you were younger than him, though not by much, and he seemed protective over you. as inseparable the rest of you were, blaise couldn't go anywhere without you, and the same goes for you to him.
- [ ] how ecstatic you were when you all got your hogwarts letters! you were going to be in the same year and hopefully, probably, the same house!
- [ ] it was expected of you all to be in slytherin, all coming from very long lines of prestigious pureblood serpents.
- [ ] the other six were more than confident that they would all be in slytherin together. you? not so much.
- [ ] you were very nervous, to say the least. you didn't portray the slytherin traits as much as the others.
- [ ] and when pansy or blaise would try to reassure you that it would be fine, you couldn't help but wonder if they were trying to convince you or themselves.
- [ ] and because you didn't portray the serpent traits, that made them all extremely protective of you. blaise especially, draco and theo coming close in second, and the girls just wanted to make sure you were okay.
- [ ] but the moment the sorting hat yelled out a name that wasn't slytherin, everything stopped.
- [ ] your friendships with your lifelong friends, your crush on blaise (okay, that didn't go away), everything you grew up with just... disappeared.
- [ ] your now ex-friends wanted nothing to do with you, even your parents didn't want to speak to you. your housemates were cruel, jesting about how you were a stain on their house, and a snake deep down.
- [ ] it was safe to say you had no one.
- [ ] the crew started being mean to you somewhere around christmas of first year. before then, they had just ignored you. just like everyone else.
- [ ] after christmas though... they seemed to have a new hatred for you.
- [ ] especially blaise, which hurt the most. you swore you were seeing things when you thought you saw sadness somewhere in his eyes whenever he was rude to you.
- [ ] you were alone for the remainder of first year, and for the first two months of second.
- [ ] that's when you met luna, neville and ginny. you guys were thick as thieves, and for the first time for two years, you were actually happy.
- [ ] of course, your childhood friends were still mean to you, nothing had really changed on that part. but you were... happier, and that hurt them. because you happier without them, and that wasn't how it was supposed to be.
- [ ] they supposed they should be glad that you were doing better. last year, they were going mad out of worry for you. apparently you had stayed at hogwarts for christmas out of request from your parents, and it was christmas day when the adults told the rest of them to stop associating with you.
- [ ] it remained fairly passive over the next few years, you remained close with luna, neville and ginny, and had even befriended the golden trio and the twins!
- [ ] the serpent squad didn't like that too much, but they supposed your current friends were better than no friends, and as long as you were happy, they were happy
- [ ] but they still continue their kind-of bullying. they weren't as cruel to you as they were to others, but words still hurt and boy do they have a snake's tongue on them.
- [ ] blaise could hardly stand being away from you but his mother had made him swear that he would not associate with you, the blood traitor.
- [ ] all he wanted to do was hold you, but he rather bullied you instead.
- [ ] it was the beginning of sixth year when draco and pansy had gone too far. the other four were just watching blankly, trying not to let their discomfort show as the two reprimanded you, mocked you, and insulted you in the middle of the great hall. calling you a blood traitor, a stain of your family name and house name, and even going as far as saying "no wonder your parents don't want you, just look at you!" while the all the slytherins around them laughed. or at least, pretended to.
- [ ] you had looked at them for a long time, teary eyed and red faced, just trying to understand what you did to deserve this. until you nodded your head, said "okay," and walked out of the great hall.
- [ ] they heard your friends call your name, your closest ones even running after you.
- [ ] theo and blaise looked like they were about to beat draco to death, astoria and daphne were just disappointed in pansy, they knew how much she missed you, and yet she ruined any chance of you forgiving them.
- [ ] blaise eventually decided against killing the blonde and ran after you, the rest following suit after a moment.
- [ ] it didn't take them long to find you, sobbing against a wall with your head in your hands, ginny, nev and luna all crowded around you. rubbing your back and whispering reassurances in your ear.
- [ ] "i don't know what i did to deserve that," you cried, sniffling as you wiped your nose on your sleeve and looked and ginny.
- [ ] "oh love, you didn't do anything," the ginger said, wrapping her arms around you.
- [ ] "don't listen to them, y/n! they're just prats!" assured nev, leaning against the wall awkwardly, with one hand on your back.
- [ ] luna played with your hair, "yeah, y/n, they don't deserve your love and kindness."
- [ ] "thank you guys. i mean it. without you three i don't know where i would be." you laughed, but no part of it was humorous.
- [ ] draco, being the blonde he was, decided it was a good time to intervene, "hopefully alive, haha."
- [ ] the six of them had come out from around the corner, feeling ashamed and wanting to hit themselves for making you cry.
- [ ] "what do you lot wanf? haven't you done enough?" asked ginny, placing herself in front of you.
- [ ] "yes but.."
- [ ] "no, you don't get to talk. now piss off before you do even more damage."
- [ ] "we just want to apologize," said blaise.
- [ ] you scoffed, "a bit late for that."
- [ ] pansy looked down, "we're really sorry, y/n, for what just happened and for everything the past six years. you know how our families are and they told us to stop talking to you... so we did."
- [ ] all feelings of sadness were gone now, pansy's words has ignited a flame within you, one you've been holding in for years.
- [ ] "stop talking to me? so that gave you permission to be bloody awful to me? merlin's beard, you six were worse than umbridge on her bad days! you could have just... i don't know, explained what happened in first year? and apologized for abandoning me? and maybe we could still be friends! but no, you lot ruined any chance of that ever happening again. so thank you for that." you paused to take a breath. your audience was wide eyed and shocked, not quite believing you had such anger in you... but oh man, you weren't done yet.
- [ ] "and let me just say, blaise, your insults hurt the most. merlin, i thought the world of you. i thought you were my everything. but that all just went away the moment you thought not associating with me, meant making my life a living hell."
- [ ] you were, once again, crying. you took a deep breath and sadness took over you once again, you mumbled an "excuse me" and took off down the corrider.
- [ ] the serpent squad was stunned. they hadn't realised what they did effected you that much. blaise was upset with himself, disappointed, even. he felt the same about you, even if you both were too young for it to be love, and now he knew he never get it pack.
- [ ] theo cleared his throat and tried looking anywhere but at the trio in front of them, who were looking at the six with anger and disappointment.
- [ ] "you guys couldn't even begin to understand what she's been through," neville said after moments of awkward silence. "not long after the sorting ceremory, her parents sent her a letter, practically disowning her. before that, you guys abandoned her. she was alone for nearly a year and a half before we met her. and by merlin she was a wreck."
- [ ] ginny and luna chuckled, not out of humor, but out of irony. this situation was similar to the situation you were in when you met them.
- [ ] neville ignored them, and the curious stares the six were giving him, and continued, this time fueled by anger.
- [ ] "we were the ones who picked up the pieces. we were the ones who made sure she didn't die after losing everything she had ever known. we were the ones who made her smile again, happy again. we picked up the pieces because you weren't there, and you were exactly what had caused it in the first place." neville spit out the last sentence as if it were venom, hoping to hurt them as much as they hurt you.
- [ ] they were all on the verge of tears, daphne and astoria were holding each other and looked to be in the most pain, because they missed you the most.
- [ ] "i hope you lot are happy with yourselves, you're about five years to late to the pity party."
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