#spy is there too but i didnt like it so u cant see it.
roachcounty · 11 months
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UHHHHMM UHM UHM red vs blue au because s19 got fucking delayed (RAAAHHHHH) and i have been getting into tha tf2 lore lately... love those guys. and anyway this makes sense to me. has this been done before idk. drawing armor is hard. and guns. this is an excuse to practice.
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mcl38 · 2 months
you know what now I want to know about lancelando
lancelando is my rareship of choice... i first went nuts for it back in 2020 when they were like colliding with each other or accidentally ending up in each others way or blocking each other in pit stops or starting on the same row literally like every other week. i just found it so appealing how lando didnt (and still doesnt) make a Big Deal abt any of the other ppl on the grid, negative or positive - even his friends he avoids rly elaborating on how much he likes them / how tight they are (see the whole max debacle). BUT with lance hes unusually open (or used to be) about how much he fucking hates the guy and its just. intriguing to me. bc like whatever the feelings are they are Strong ykwim
and then lance hasn't expressed (afaik) any hostility towards lando but like he is also a blunt and emotionally volatile scorpio so like its not difficult to imagine... i think their energies r mismatched in a very fun way and also matched in a very fun way and therefore like what even is Chemistry. they interact once every couple years but the last time they did on camera lando asked him abt his dick. so, yk, make of that what u will
anyways if u wanna Know about lancelando here are the two fics that r literally my holy grails like. two of my fav f1 fics EVER:
a better way forward by ignismai (food critic x spy au absolutely incredible fantastic feel-good fic - i am told it's loosely a cars 2 au but i only ever saw 1 and 3 so idk)
(oh, could you just) give in by the_Orange_one aka my beloved @fullwets (soulmates au written for MEEEE for me its so so good)
unfortch i cant link u any of my own fics bc ive never published any lancelando (shameful). ive written a couple drabbles abt them including a ficlet i actually quite liked abt the netflix interaction, but i wrote it way too late for it to b relevant to the dts release FJDKFKFK so i never published it. rip
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borathae · 3 months
DONE WITH ANOTHER EXAM u know what that means???
Chapter 34
fuck where is yoongi 😭😭😭kook come to ur senses please
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
omg im so scared and nervous i wanna cry even tho its kook being scolded
“Thanks, but I can manage myself. I did so splendidly in the last two weeks” fr
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
Where are those goddamn band aids FUCKING REAL U CAN NEVER FIND IT WHEN U NEED IT and u will find it in the same room, same drawer a week later 🥲
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
“Stupid bathroom!” you yell, throwing another cabinet closed. #justiceforcabinet2024
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
Is that what Jungkook could have too? 😭😭 yoongi pls dont leave again, i wanna be extra proud of kook
oh kook is sleeping for now (wtf i felt like a mama bird for a second there)
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
Now that he is so close again, you have forgotten everything you had wanted to tell him. oh it wasnt just me lol
“Doesn’t matter, I’m back now”, OK THATS IT FOLKS HE IS GOING TO LEAVE AGAIN 😭😭😭
oh a new plant 😭
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Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
“Forget it. I didn’t want to do it anyway”, i was cackling until i remembered this is how i act with mom, oh mom im sorry
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
oh this time he answers her questions properly thats a difference hm
WTF OOF DAMN I - (did ever tell u that i love your writing and this bombastic story?)
It is not every day that you watch someone get beheaded or find out that someone wanted to fuck your dead body fr im still shivering and goosebumps are still there.
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
I’ve just lived long enough to have learned the skill.” Tae: 😃 ALSO IM SORRY YOONGI I LOVE THAT YOU CAME BACK but when is tae getting out?? 👉🏻👈🏻 great TAE MY BABY IM SORRY 😭😭 I CANT DO ANYTHING
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
fjasdjf no he was genuinely in the midst of coming back when he suddenly heard the noises and then just came running 😭
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
the way you can see the learned guilt in her and in everything she does :(
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
I feel like he is just really nervous and trying not to scare her away with too much movement :(((
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
of course it's the emotions heheh <3 he is in loveeee <3
oh a new plant 😭
Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
jfasdjf me fr fjadsjfa
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
no but I love him so much!!!!!!
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
100% :( gosh my boongie :(
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
same same same !!! I love him so much !!!!
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
lmaoa mine was like 2 and my dad 3 kfadkf
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
I genuinely love this chapter so much 😭😭
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
lmaooa me
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
I feel like she can JFAJDFJ he is way too smitten for her JFJADSFJ
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
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tiodolma · 1 year
Do you think it'd be hilarious if season 3 Merlin and Morgana are cursed (you can imagine whatever)? And both are rude to the caster because they'll like to be back to normal like yesterday, so the caster lies and tells them they have to sleep together to break the curse? 🤣😂
That’s all I want. Trap those two powerful virgins in a situationship they can’t escape (and also resolve that S3 UST) lmaooo.
Also wasn’t S3 the season where they touched each other the most 😂😂
How abt this... like u know how kingdoms always arrange political marriages and stuff right to become stronger allies, right? What if the caster is also a magical radical who want the magic world "to be great again”? Smh somehow they have an idea of both mergana’s respective prophecies and also somehow they know each’s true identity. The caster’s agenda is to get those two bonded by whatever means necessary coz what better way to unite the magicfolk other than the two most powerful entities working together???
So they find a way to infilitrate castle camelot in s3. They befriend merlin (coz merlin is just that kinda guy) and also morgana (coz shes alone and needs allies). Then caster somehow actually really binds them together without both of them knowing 🤣. Basically the effect of the spell makes them drawn towards each other. S3 is a hella complicated time for both of them so their feelings are like amplified and their needs to get their hands on each other become more intense. Caster always scries on them from their water bowl and is like "yesss.... yesssss, just according to plan muahahahah soon the magic world will be great again!”
After a while Merlin suspects that love magic has been administered to him and he deduces it was done by morgana (see he’s obsessed with her and cant really be bothered to suspect anyone else lolol). So he asks Gaius for a solution. Gaius would be all scientific method about it. Kilgharrah gives even worse advice... the usual "that’s easy, just kill her and finish the job” which makes merlin roll his eyes.
Morgana and Morgause share a braincell so they dont consider Morgana’s increased fixation on Merlin as a detriment but a bonus. Her increased hyperawareness of Merlin makes her for a better spy. Morgause also wants her sister to start seductress training since yesterday and what better victim to practice on other than merlin?
Anyway caster is getting bored with their still UST so they send a mysterious message to Melrin that basically says "you have been cursed. you gotta have sex with the lady Morgana in order to fulfill your destiny.” Merlin interprets that as the solution to break the curse (and finally defeat the evil that is morgana lmao).
Merlin, honest powerful idiot that he is (and also hella embarrassed and dont wanna consult his bosses abt intimate matters) actually corners Morgana somewhere and is like "listen you and I have been cursed and the solution is to have sex with each other” and morgana is like "awe i didnt know u had the hots for me.” They’re gonna banter and be all sexy abt it because Morgana wont believe a word Merlin says and Merlin is serious and paranoid af and the spell just keeps getting stronger the nearer they are to each other lololol. (sparks fly, they cant stop touching each other, they smell really good wth?, isnt merlin's cheekbones prettier than usual?, morgana's so soff to touch dear lord... yknow things they already know and think abt each other but more.)
When everything gets too much (and morgana finally believes merlin’s statement that theyre cursed) they get one secret night together in the Isle of the Blessed asjjsgshsjskl (feelings, atrraction, desires of youth spring to life, morgs find out abt his magic coz the sex was magnificent/spiritual and hella magical) and when the deed is done the caster’s spell is complete and they’re basically married 😂
Merlin and Morgana are like, "whut" (but tbf they seem to be more stronger together)
It all comes down to "we just both wanted the same thing gdi.”
Morgause still sees this as bonus bec ofc she does lmao
Cue kilgharrah sensing a disturbance in the force and be like "OH SHT. MY PLANS”
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Cemetery Mary: Reginald's Route
now im in the final stretch!! its time to play Reginald's route!! this time i will not look at the ending guide like i did for my other playthroughs bc idrc abt which ending i get first (i'll use the guide for getting the other ending)
i'll just try to avoid accidentally getting the true ending which shouldnt be too hard
now its time to play!! (spoilers below)
why did Reginald go to the cemetery also how did he finish that book so quickly?? welp now its time to meet up w him there he'll probably tell Mary why he's there anyways
OH HE MAKES COFFINS?????? ok then
LOL the way Mary's eyes light up at the fact that he's a coffin maker
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look at her she's so cute
he has a portfolio?? of coffins he's designed?? i mean i guess that makes sense cuz its a job and he needs like, proof i guess of his skill n stuff?? idk this is just stuff ive never thought of when i think of coffins or ppl who make them
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'I'd love to be buried in one of those one day!' took me out i mean,,, im not that surprised cuz well yk but idk this is just?? so funny??
hmm interesting thing abt Reginald that i noticed is that he always says or does stuff that would make Mary happy bc he wants her to be happy i mean it makes sense cuz he's obsessed w her i guess?? tbh i know he's the killer cuz of the twyla good ending but i still dont know his motives or objective also that line about 'stop killing me, ok?' has been echoing in my head
like wtf do u mean?? what does that mean????? is it like a time travel thing?? when he said that i thought that in other endings there would be a scene where he died or smth idk but its only in twyla's good ending do we see him die all the other endings he just stops contacting her for no reason will he die in the endings of this route or smth???
i am so confused is Crowven her cousin or not he must be right???? theres literally an option right now that says 'crowven's my cousin' so ok wtv i will pick that cuz he is her cousin
OH THEYRE NOT BLOOD-RELATED i finally got an answer theyre just family friends
oh no is Crowven gonne die in this route or in one of the endings bc i hope not Crowven dying in the twyla bad ending emotionally scarred Mary and me and that was just an ending
if he dies during the route then i'll have to see more of Mary's grief and DUDE that would be so painful i literally cant
Reginald do not kill Crowven dont kill him!!!
"...And if ever really gets on your nerves, you can always give me a call." THIS IS JUST knowing he's the killer makes this line so fucking ominous also just further proof that he killed Theodore in the Crowven route like definitely
nahh Reginald's planning a murder for Crowven already pls,,, no,,,, ahh now its time for the diner part how will this go with Reginald i wonder
he didnt see anything cuz he was the guy!!! he's the one!!!
skipping ahead now here we are to the funeral scene and now we are out of the funeral scene LOL
shopping w Reginalddd for his murder weapons why is he making it a game?? maybe just to cheer her up since she was at a funeral??
AN AXE?????? and antifreeze bUT AN AXE????
"What else would you use an axe for?" oh my sweet innocent Mary,,,,
i feel like he let her win on purpose but im not sure LOL depends on what the prize is i guess
"You haven't been spying on me, have you?" hahahahhahahahhahh UR THE ONE WHO IS SPYING ON HER
do i talk about the axe or do i talk about the rat poison
hmm i think i'll go w the rat poison
you're not slick, im onto youuu
oho so he's gonna show her how he makes coffins
at least i know that he wont kill her
that is some really crunchy grass
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he looks dead inside im cackling
Mary notices it too imm
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aww thats cute but he's still a murderer
why was he so like mad/tired tho?? whats up w his earlier expression??? also his eyebags just disappeared after he realized its Mary LMAOAOA tbh thats valid thats fair
Reginald looks very nice in that outfit i kinda want his clothes
aww Mary's so excited... to step inside the coffin... still she's so cute have fun in the coffin bc i know that he isnt gonna kill u
bro wtf just happened
um. wtf. hey who messed up the manga
like first of all how could u do that??? to a book?? and to a library book!??!?!?
second of all
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what the FUCK is this
this seems important but im not sure how
oopsies she burned it
i feel bad cuz it was a library book BUT its deserved like completely deserved that thing was fucking cursed creepypasta style
she's gonna go inside of a church and just the mention of a church, for some reason, made me nervous
pls i hope nothing bad happens cuz it will be worse when it happens in a church
lol she feels an overwhelming sense of dread i think thats a normal thing to feel inside a church esp if u've not been in one theres just some kind of heaviness snd weight when ur in a church
oh is it because of the cursed manga???? bc she came into contact w it and now she's in a church??
nah im feeling scared gosh pls dont make a scene
the music is really adding to that vibe of nausea and dread
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bro its definitely cuz of the cursed manga she just threw up whatever demonic shit she got from it
why cant she just say she was invited by Reginald as like emotional support or smth why gf..... well ok
ok Reginald interrupted at just the right moment at least it was him and not some random stranger do i go his place or the bus stop??????
hmm lets go to the bus stop
ok nvm guess we're going to his place anyways
i am wondering how the coffin and the manga are connected if they even are LMAO
im also wondering if Reginald is dead, like a ghost or something but nah thats not possible twyla knows abt him and has talked abt him to Mary so he's not a ghost maybe a zombie???? but also thats probably not it either
i feel so bad for Mary :(( but also what the FUCK is happening
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it was definitely cursed
oh was it a dream??
GOOD MORNING???? WAS SHE THERE ALL NIGHT??? or is he joking cuz he's still in his funeral clothes
ok he was just joking
hhhh idk if i should ask Crowven to stay or not cuz like idk???
ok i feel bad for making Mary all alone but it'll be fine right??? right???
knowing that the mystery number and Reginald are the same person makes sense honestly still its really a surprise cuz Reginald seems so nice n stuff but oopsies guess he's only nice to Mary in a twisted sort of way
aaAAaaahhhh she's talking to the priest i have no idea what to say so i will pick the middle option
idk what abt it but there's just something about the light shining on the priest, but Mary is covered in the priest's shadow something about that is just interesting
burning a wish?? THE MANGA????
tbh i cant believe that its shoujo manga of all things to be cursed(??) but also like alright sure
ominous note what the fuck does it mean
does it have smth to do w Reginald?? did Reginald write the note?? did he find some way to constantly reverse time bc of Mary or something??
'Makes me wonder how many variations I will see' gives me time travel vibes is this connected to Reginald's 'please stop killing me' thing?? probably
took a quick break from playing the game and ranted about my theories to my brother and he was like '???? wtf r u talking about'
back to playing
WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN WTF IS THIS NOTE is god real in this game?? cuz theres an afterlife and ghosts but what abt god???
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Mary u r so nice u r so sweet i love u
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"After all, it's not like a grave would be going anywhere" u jinxed it u just jinxed it when u look for it it will be gone i swear
if i had done the Reginald route before the twyla good end i would be like 'aww the cemetery reminds Reggie of Mary how cute :))' but the alarms are going off in my head at that
oh fuck its twyla ok i wanna say 'wtf is happening' but i already know why twyla's so pissed off
but still damn
"I'm not a mean person" twyla more like twy-lie cuz ur a fucking liar
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is that graffiti on the wall the same as the grave
lol twyla i think Reginald's gonna kill u for yelling at Mary "I'll get her to apologize to you" yooo Reg..... maybe chill "I'll be sure that she is sorry" YOO????
hmm makes me wonder why Mary never got any of twyla's messages tho
did Reginald kill her ???
oh shit the grave is broken and burned for some reason?? oh Mary looks so upset :((
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but also what happened to the grave and the manga??? what happened????
hmm kinda sus that he wanted them to not go in did he poison someone?? n he didnt wanna go in cuz he didnt want Mary to see that?? who did he poison??
why am i being given options about how long Mary's lived there when its all the same answer anyways??
oh there just HAS to be some time travel thing going on he went '...yes' when Mary said that 'isnt it funny how long the both of us have lived here and only met a little while ago' like but why tho
oh he's nervous now lol he killed somebody definitely. he definitely has a murder planned for somebody here. one of the kitchen staff maybe?
I KNEW IT HE KILLED SOMEBODY but also i cant believe he just?? left Mary like that wtf??
wait did he kill Mary? thats black goo coming out of his mouth, the same black goo that Mary vomitted in the church what the fuck is happening
oh ok Mary's just seeing stuff bc of the cursed manga
Mary struggling to sleep is relatable
bro he was murdering someone im sure
she's calling him Reggie thats so cute
ooooh an aquarium thats cool
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this is such a touching moment. idk what to say but their talk in the aquarium is so sweet???
ok now its time for the sleepover part
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oh shit Reggie lore???? crazy
'just try not to shine it at me while i'm on the couch' its bc u wont be there right??? cuz ur gonna leave in the middle of the night to do sketchy shit arent u?????
oh shit twyla's in danger but for real this time i think???
um?????? wait is he gonna kill her what waitwaitwait
HOLY SHIT WTF. WTF ??!?!??!!??!
that escalated so quickly i
ok so i got the bad ending,,,, im,,, i...... ok.
well then im gonna like,,, process this
holy shit dude wtf
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sanchoyo · 2 years
i started watching arc v! finally. after years of saying Im Gonna. its Happening. (i've tried to twice and cant recall what eps i got to in those attempts, because I literally dont remember anything at ALL LMAO) I'm like, 15 eps in and may I just say some Things. ep 1-15 thoughts below the Cut
-yuzu best girl immediately my god shes already been done dirty tho. she shouldve gotten to fight shingo! fuck emo yuya for stopping it and stepping in! (altho yaaaay xyz :3 my beloved) and also she loses the first duel we see her get to do? when her dad is literally the owner of a duel school?? and his school was at stake?? bc she was distracted thinking of Not Yuya? no. fuck off with that lol I'm picking her up and mentally rewriting all that. the girl she dueled against was super fun tho, I ship them tbh.
-yuya is finally the canonical clown ygo protag I needed. he dresses as a clown in ep 1! he has! a circus deck! thats so fun! hes a LOT more melancholic/prone to moodiness than I expected...the goggles as a mood indicator is fun. also seems to care VERY much what ppl think/need lots of applause and praise or he gets upset quickly which. like, wanting to put smiles on ppls faces with dueling is a sweet goal, but a lot of it feels self-serving, too, which is Inchresting for a protag...I LIKE it and want to see where it goes
-and the whole 'laugh when you want to cry' is, ngl, very Bad and Unhealthy and I cant imagine we're going anywhere good with that. (seriously, dont recall what ep, maybe 4 or 5, when the kids and yuzu were in danger he started LAUGHING trying to imrpove his own mood and i was like DUDE. UNNERVING STOP THAT.) let him feel his feelings guys. or this is going to go severely Bad I Think
-dont trust sora but also no shit? his intro is him being sus, basically outright saying 'ya where I come from everyone does fusion, nbd' yeah hes some kind of spy or SOMETHING for that academia that emo yuya was taking abt. and his deck is very cute but also has a dark side/creepy cute thing going on and this is ygo where Decks Indicate Personality, so. just kinda Waiting for him to Stab Backs. hes already kind of a little shit
-he 100% shouldve been dueling that guy gongenzaka had to duel! gongenzaka doesnt even GO here and ms Chairman said someone from this school had to duel her school students! if you want to fake being friends with yuya! you need to fucking put in some EFFORT!!! and at least pretend to give a shit dude, this is the school the guy you supposedly admire attends!!! it comes off as u not giving a fuck abt anything besides pendulum/yuya-related stuff which is gonna make yuya less inclined to wanna be ur friend bc u look like a brat! (I know the meta answer is that they wanted to give gongenzaka some screentime to convince me hes yuyas bff or w/e but. in my mind its been 10 or so eps by this point, yuzu is yuyas bff in my mind lol. )
-anyway that aside soras deck is SO cute. the BEARS!! ARE IN!!!! the 'acting younger/cuter than u are' shtick is already kind of annoying tho. I do like his chara design tho (at least his hair/face? Id redesign his outfit ngl if hes going for a cutecore/sweets theme why not go ALL in yk)
-gongenzaka's whole 'no spells/traps' and standing in one spot during an action duel is objectively really funny
-action duels in general are SO FUN!!! i want to ride my monsters too..i kno theyd be soft. pls.
-really wanted to see more masumi or her vs yuya!!! so sad reiji stepped in. pls let the girls DO MORE!!! i love that she used gem knights!! I love gem knights!!!
-didnt know reiji used d/d/d cards, immediately broke out into a cold sweat upon seeing them. those decks always destroy me in duel links in like 2 turns jkasfkjjn.
-its so funny theres entire classes just for synchro and xyz and most ppl in this world can just Do One of them Only. like everyone being SHOCKED reiji can do All of them LMAO.
-surprised at how much I like reiji actually from just what ive seen up to this point, I mean I Like the other ygo rivals and all but usually they have an Attitude...but hes very polite to yuya and him saying he respects yuya's dad is REFRESHING compared to everyone else calling his dad a coward (for?? seemingly going MISSING??) his fashion choices leave a lot to be desired tho. but otherwise him and yuzu are my favs so far I think...we'll see if this changes!
-I KNOW charas from other series get involved, dont know WHEN thatll be, but I am Excitedly Waiting. give me The King Jack. Give me Kaito. I dont know who all besides those two shows up Actually But Im WAITING AAAA.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
BAD BOYS FOR LIFE - Official Trailer
mr dodos porche he is mac daddy and to say use my Father and Mother from Germany areaas and mama and papa Porche too and as a vehicle somehow and these ride in it use it too and the empire has them do elicit stuff in mr d car a friend from a supposed spy ring vs gte and ok
Zues Hera
and we see vehicles. and modus operendi  and it is important and cutsto the bone and way way out there putting it in the upblic eye i agree. the motif arms and to fight each ohter.  modus.  is us as cops and he tied to us and garth who brings it in.  tied to dan and they hang as does ken.  and a closed circle there and we in court always threats galore. and he says we use it but we cn cinch it.  and they pressure us to they do. and i it is them.  and we wont the psuedo empire may.  they know he does not import arms at all.  has no real ties only old cars. but really  they insert stuff and more.  and we are in wonder no. say this y ou are just saying stuff. and there are no real ties. 
will smith and marcus
no real ties. he sits says hit and stuf no. not on the psudo empire no.  not really.  and we say he does so what. and with a lot of stuff.  and angers his and others.  it is similar to what tehse say.  and has little affect.  but the threats are real and w e use them ornot and he says so what. you get hit as you did when i was in the mental hosptial and true too.  sowe look see we gained and he says prob not.  
and he says your calling em a criminal will try to charge me for fake crimes may imprison me but for crimes i did not commit and for stuff youcant prove at all.  it is a vegatable play he says  true too. so we look. ned him wound in but this stinkss
and you see. it is abhorant over the top now we wiil nuke us. and then what.  and tommy f snickers you hit each other i fly now.  and then this they cant take the ship ar rigged andnyc is rigged gets taken daily, and buncker similar and ok he says ok so. we fight and stuff. but jesus ok i shot at him. pushed  by who. dont know
tommy f
we do know who.  and he is smiling and is a moron so next ok you diiot ken you didnt. and he smiles oh yeh could have died for real.  bouncing off him lol.  and it is like this he wants us to nail it home sees why. gets it an says it. nothing for me at all between  you three idiots. and they say it.  we drain him dry of any stuff for us.  and none. no hope and more and he says you sit and wither me. and true too.  so they see it not are blinded by tons of stuff all his idea heythink thiers fully. so i say this a bvaluable excersize shows his situation. they threaten using the same thing and for diferent tuff and can each trigger it.  and dont get it.  no good guys.  onlly the president and vp who  pay if he is caought but dont believe it anymore.  and our son says it nails it.  the empire is fried.  dont care anymore and the morlock got to them. good.they were suppsoed to. and they act. but really they wont do a thing for our son.   you see they rub the porche in his face as they the morlock do too.  and it tuns into this odd stuff
““you are exxtorging our son to win and he wont do it and you dont then, and forcing nthing and he hates you here. and wont team up for nothing have lame reasons and excuses. and he said it ad yo u are mean.  so he says this.  we use you up and take over. to stop the empire. as he is between a rock and a hard place.  and wont budge cant or he will be harmed anyways.  now none want to help him here and macs too. stop the cards and mail.  tons hate them and should know they are on lists and to fight.  and call thiers to send and fight.
we do so now and involve ours our people are subject to this and that is the code they sand.  take thier cars use them implicate and suspected to be us and we do it force sales and repo and moreThor Freya
we are were on it see this. nwo they all wont stop and today ridiculous. and yes tons will die.  forgieners inflluence it and are part of the issue.  and we are at them too. and soon you shall fall morlock. and a bit better then pusudo empire and better. and  macs will us code forg counter and they will see and fight and we can work with it. you are slugs and sloth and mean and lack intelligence to see your errors that cause tbi.  
and he is on tv if he ha s an outburst is fired. same here but they mss it.
Thor Freya
really i saw it. called it.  and most  macs of any kind are doa
and your right my husband they are so weak lame and the empire full of shit loves it we need action and tons of it up soon.  them out.  knock each other out.  and it is very very annoying. sitting off venus and you all get picked off easily and to the last shihp is just outrageously aweful loser stuff. and here the same i wither and suffocate and as does mac and ken bill will nd others.   they will fight now are. and psuedo empire will hit tons. and vica verca and will be out both.  but really they need to leave now
Zues again andme up top Hera
they will be out shortly we assure youa nd the psuedo empire.  and they are small in teh southern hemisphere the south part is at 5%.  lose now.  and  from there to the jungles both about 17% and drops fast but this is important. they go in circles and harass one person and Hera too but he takes the brunt.  and she apreciates it.  and they are aweful ad really really dumb.  faggots too we hit he says it ok tht is them there. we fire on them pull them out now
Thor Freya
0 notes
curiouskurona · 2 years
vil not knowing that deuce and epel are dating ( bc they are actively hiding it from him lol ) so he sets epel up with some famous and / or high class guy . maybe a fellow model or actor he met on set thats epel's age , or someone from a nobel / important family
obviously epel refuses , but vil insists
" you always dig your heels , but you end up having a good time , no ? just give it a chance , you might end up surprising yourself with how much you like him . if you dont want to go on a second date i wont push you " he reasons
epel doesnt know wether or not he should tell deuce about it , especially since he doesnt plan on this going past a first date anyways , however he decides that being honest and straightforward is best
deuce isnt ,, thrilled about it . but epel promises that itll only be one date , and it doesnt mean anything , and he'll be thinking of deuce tha whole tiem
deuce doesnt liek seeing epel being forced into an uncomfortable situation , but its not liek they can tell vil about them , so he kisses epels knuckles and looks him in tha eyes and says " i trust you "
" and if he tries anything funny , just call me and i'll come running " he does his Delinquient Pose™ . if it was anyone else epel would have been annoyed-- he can handle himself thank you very much-- but he knows that coming from deuce its out of comradery and care
they kiss , and epel has to go back to his dorm to get ready
the date goes well enough , but only because epel knows word will get back to vil if he's outright rude to tha guy . and its not liek tha guy has done anything wrong [yet?] , so really he shouldn't be too hard on tha poor sod . plus he probably doesnt want to make such an influential enemy
deuce is worried all evening , pacing back and forth in his room . he told epel that he trusted him , and he does . but he cant help but worry ,,
ace and grim convince him that its for tha best to go check up on epel , just to maek sure he's okay ( wether or not they know tha situation , i'll leave up to you . they purrobably figure deuce has a crush on epel , at least )
tha guy totally isnt epels type . hes snooty and self-absorbed , and epel just about threw his drink in his face wen he saw him roll his eyes at tha waitstaff ( theyre at some fancy restaurant , of course ) , but he bit his tongue and stayed in his seat . just maek it through tha night , epel ,,
tha guy lieks epel though . he mistook epel biting his tongue as being cutely shy , or perhaps elegant and demure , what a quiet and enigmatic beauty ,,
adeuce and grim can only watch from outside through a window ( lbr they arent getting in lol with what money . plus they didn't maek a reservation ) . ace n grim want to do some sitcom-y shenanagins liek pretending to be waiters to spy on tha date , but deuce holds them back
eventually tha meal is finished , and tha pair leave tha restaurant , adeuce + grim frantically scrambling out of sight . tha guy walks epel home , and tha trailing trio keep a respectable distance , popping up from bushes and trashcans liek in a cartoon
wen they get back to [ campus ? tha dorms ?? or if u want this to be an AU just back at vil n epels apartment or something . or mansion . insert location here ] tha guy tries to snag a kiss , but epel leans back and turns his face away
guy : " ah , of course-- i shouldnt rush things . i hope i didnt scare you , my delicate flower " * brushes epels hair behind his ear *
epel : * excalibur cringe *
epel has to break it to him that this was just a one tiem thing . honestly itd be easier to just ghost him but epel isnt that type . " listen , i appreciate your tiem , but i really dont think we should keep seeing eachother . get home safe , goodnight "
deuce is secretly relieved and also is watching intently . if this guy tries to give epel shit bc he got rejected ,,
theres an awkward silence but thankfully tha guy is just liek " well . i seem to have misread tha situation . good day " and speedwalks outta there w a strained smile , purrobably embarrassed . hes kind of a prick but i feel a lil bad 4 him lol awkwaaaaard
idk it was kinda hard to figure out how i wanted to end this , i could see this going many different ways and towards tha end i could feel myself spinning my wheels . id be fine if this ended @ tha 7th bullet point honestly but i wanted 2 do moar ,, im not entirely satisfied but ive got nothin bettr atm lol . i didnt rlly focus on tha concept of deuce n epel hiding their relationship from vil enough , i think
anyways . maybe tha guy cant stop thinking about epel and keeps trying for another date , sending flowers and chocolates and stuff , much to deuces displeasure . vil immediately enters protective mode n tells tha guy to back off lol . epel isnt interested so bye
or maybe tha tabloids caught pics of them and now epel is on a bunch of magazine covers . mystery date makes [ popular guy ] swoon ? vil schoenheit's protege entering tha showbiz world as a charming young bachelor ? does bruno mars is gay ?
epel and deuce spend tha next few days lounging around reading headlines to eachother and laughing about it
also cuddling a lot . bc deuce loves epel and he didnt liek seeing him w someone else and he just wants 2 b close to him
unfortunately for both of them , vil might find som other ppl to set epel up with . why lose this momentum ? epel could be tha next big thing , and there's certainly a lot of interest / suitors now
gl @ nearly everyone in this situation LOL
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actualbird · 3 years
0/////0 do u have any spicy marius thoughts? the more luke or luke AND mc involved the better.... the thought of this threesome grabbed me by the balls and simply will not let go. do u see marius actually being interested in luke, or just bitter and in denial abt him being so likeable?
[n/s//f///w text in answer]
hello anon!!! ive actually been thinking about marius/mc/luke ever since i wrote “instructions unclear...” but i have a...very convoluted and long winded vision of how it would actually happen
if u want the gist: marius in love with mc -> marius/luke FWB -> luke/mc -> marius heartbroken over BOTH OF THEM -> communication happens -> marius/mc/luke happy ending
if u want the Full Story and are willing to bear with me for a bit, i imagine it like this:
despite being the youngest of the NXX gang, marius has fucked before. he's fucked a bunch, actually. it's fun and he's good at it so for a while he treats sex like the rest of his hobbies, but the thing is that That's All Sex Is To Him. by the time he's 21, he's got a good number of casual one night stands in his pocket, but deep down, he....kinda wants more than a quick roll around in the sheets. he wants to not have to slip out of their bed before they wake up, he wants to make breakfast for them when they wake up, he wants something more than the song Temporary Bliss by The Cab.
and then he meets mc and for the first time in his life, he's in love.
he's never been in love before so he kinda sucks at expressing sincerity, resorting to making himself look like a massive tool most of the time, but mc, god bless her, still likes him in spite of that. in marius' heart, a deep and fragile yearning he has no idea how to show and, well. marius isnt used to not being good at things. marius doesnt like not being good at things.
enter luke pearce.
to answer your question, anon, i do think marius in this scenario would be interested in him, but for a period of time, that interest is muddled by bitter jealousy. because come on, luke pearce, who is made of fucking sunshine and rainbows and is a super spy and is mc's childhood best friend, like, how the hell is marius supposed to go against that? marius hates luke! he hates him! //insert entirety of "instructions unclear..." to express the point im getting here but moving on from that like
marius does eventually, begrudgingly, come to terms with the fact that he's attracted to luke, but that actually makes his feelings situation worse because he can (at least on a superficial level) see that luke has got even MORE GOING IN HIS FAVOR.
//distressed marius noises
but here comes the kicker. one day, luke approaches marius, and huh, he's nervous, he's fidgeting with his key, he's---
luke: can you have sex me?
marius: WHAT
luke then goes to explain, quite embarrassed, that he has no sexual experience whatsoever---which comes as a shock to marius, what with how luke looks like how he Looks Like---and that he wants to learn how to do things. luke doesnt have many friends (vyn scares him, artem is a virgin too, and aaron, just, no, oh god, no) and marius asks "okayyyy, why not mc?" and luke blushes and goes "she's...kind of who i want to be good for..."
marius, at this point, is feeling a lot of emotions. on one hand, theres a very very hot man asking for a fuck. on the other, this man wants the said fuck to be better when he gets with the woman marius is in love with. the logical thing to do would be to reject luke, because duh, but marius...marius doesnt like not being good at things. for a while now, he's had to deal with being bad at love, but now, there's an opportunity to show his competition that he's got advantage in this arena?
needless to say, marius says yes. and thus begins marius/luke Friends With Benefits funtime.
marius is very smug, every time he and luke have sex. he cant help that rush of power he feels when he one ups luke, when he takes luke's cock down his throat, when he hears luke's punched out moans. he loves seeing luke out of his element, whining and flushed and destroyed. they have a LOT of sex, in this point of the story, all under the flimsy guise of "teaching luke". marius talks luke through how to kiss, how to touch, how to fuck.
"you need to up your stamina," marius says, getting down on his knees. "lesson for today is don't come for as long as you can, got it, super spy?"
"got i----oh my fucking god, Marius!"
the tables turn eventually though because luke pearce is a fast learner, and soon enough, marius isnt in control all of the time anymore. luke pushes back, luke uses his knowledge of marius' body against him, luke makes marius see fucking stars.
this would have been all well and good, marius is used to casual sex afterall, but luke pearce, as we've established earlier, is nice. he's nice. he doesn't let marius leave his bed in the middle of the night because he's cuddling marius like a squid the entire time. he always makes breakfast for marius before he leaves in the morning because over the course of the FWB thing luke learned marius' tendency to skip meals out of corporate induced stress. luke always holds marius, holds him as if he's something worth more than his dick and what it can do, and marius realizes, day by day, that he has made a terrible mistake.
marius is bad at love. and he just had to go and fall in love with luke pearce too.
//makes vague hand gestures because im starting to run out of steam so i'll speed this bit up. plot happens here where luke and marius stop doing the FWB thing because marius feels the need to distance himself. luke is hurt, but accepts, and then somehow luke gets with mc which causes an Angst Bonanza for marius because he's heartbroken as hell over the BOTH OF THEM. somehow somebody realizes theyve all been idiots and the three of them have a conversation where they actually communicate, and then they all get together and live happily ever after.
and have awesome threesomes, yes, but i didnt realize this answer got this long and now im too tired to describe the threesome kJBKSJBKFGSD
anon, i would like to apologize to you, because you asked some very simple questions and i gave you this trainwreck of an answer that's....holy fuck, 1000+ WORDS LONG?? IM SO SORRY
but also, anon, how dare you for this. now that ive written all of this out, i am possessed by a need to make it a full fic. how could you do this to me. 
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zaptap · 3 years
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ive made a few of these bingo sheets and theyre fun so i decided to make one not just for e3 but also JUST for splatoon 3 (not just for e3 but for like the whole lifetime of the game). also heres my updated list of characters id like to see in smash, ordered generally by which id like more and/or think are the most realistic
since min min got in i took out helix, and since i couldnt decide whether to add in waluigi or madeline i added another row (realistically i dont think any indies are getting in but i threw some in anyway). also i was like “oh yeah maybe theyd put in a gen viii pokemon” so i threw in hatterene since thats one of my favorites.
also as for waluigi (and shovel knight for that matter) i think it would be nice to see an assist trophy get in just to break that rule. also i remember being super surprised he wasnt in brawl (back then i thought he and wario were equally important) and even though that was based on a wrong impression ive still felt like he should be in there ever since
notes about the bingos under the cut
really is about time for those n64 games, especially now that mario is dead so theyre free to release sm64 on it. game boy games would be nice sometime too
would also make sense to include banjo-kazooie in that, nintendos had a good relationship with microsoft lately and the total absence of anything banjo-kazooie on the switch is odd since it’s a dlc character (every other one has a game on switch they can use for cross-marketing, even if joker’s took a while) and i think the best explanation for that would be that theyre holding off for the nso n64 app (this is easiest from a technical standpoint because all they have to do is make a deal to use the roms)
when are they putting octolings in mk8d
xenoblade chronicles x is one of the only wii u games left that they could port (aside from ones that wouldnt make much sense like splatoon and ssb4) so i guess that might as well happen sometime. also monolith soft might be doing something else besides helping with splatoon 3
im not ready for metroid prime 4 (im over halfway through mp2 and therefore the trilogy as a whole) but it’s been a while, they might show it and it could even come out this year
hal apparently recently hinted at a new kirby game or something
the upgraded switch is obviously going to be called the Nintendo Switch ͥ  since they already did the ds lite so theyre clearly naming everything in the family after the ds family, theres absolutely no flaw in this logic. idk if theyre showing it, but unlike 2019 they didnt say they werent showing new hardware (just that they were showing software, which could be taken as denying rumors, but they sometimes specify when certain things arent being shown)
metroid prime trilogy also might come this year. would make sense to release it before mp4 since not everyone is going to buy a wii u to get it (and at this point that doesnt get nintendo any money since they stopped making them)
where is detective pikachu 2. i hope it has the blue pikachu from that first tease they gave us in like 2014 (2013? that was a loooong time ago idk)
they said this was MOSTLY 2021 so i am absolutely getting my hopes up for splatoon 2
the two sinnoh games could likely be there
would be super cool if oddity came to switch. and almost as ironic as megalovania getting into smash
we havent seen the botw sequel for a couple years so we’re kind of due for an update on that
it’s ace attorney’s 20th anniversary this year so maybe theyre doing something. theyre already porting those games though so idk. maybe he’s getting in smash
whats with that watermelon mario render
i held off on watching a playthrough for ndrv3 on the off chance it came to switch and i could play a dangan ronpa game for real for once but it’s now been 4 years and we just passed the 10th anniversary of the series (albeit during a pandemic when i wouldnt expect them to have done anything) so it would be cool to see the series come to switch. i think if it still doesnt after this though i’ll just watch the playthrough, 4 years is long enough. amazed ive avoided spoilers this long, i still know next to nothing about the game
im about done with acnh but im still waiting on those splatoon items. and i ran out of storage in february so i need more of that too
nintendo did stuff for zelda’s 30th anniversary so i doubt theyre forgetting the 35th. maybe wwhd/tphd ports, idk
been a couple years since fire emblem, intelligent systems is probably up to something besides planning yet another paper mario spinoff
miyamoto forgot pikmin 4 in the oven 6 years ago and it got burnt to a crisp and thats why it hasnt come out yet because he had to start over
and splatoon
the inklings scared daft punk into quitting so now that theres no competition in the robot musician scene they should have a daft punk style group
i waited and waited and neither of my top two splatoon stages (flounder and d’alfonsino) came back in splatoon 2 so i hope just because splatoon 3 isnt in inkopolis doesnt mean they still wont return
would be sick as hell if there was a real hide and seek mode instead of just sticking to your own rules in private battles. havent played that since 2015 but it was super fun
show us the effects of the chaos world
i wanted mc craig to have a song in octo expansion and they didnt deliver. heres another chance
splatnet 3 baby
cant wait for nogami to do a funny 3 pose
abxy came back for splatoon 2.... am i gonna be that lucky again...?
salmon run doesnt make sense if youre friends with a smallfry but they could either change the story context (you just fight “evil” salmonids?) or replace it with an equally fun co-op mode
amiibo!!! i think i said this before but they should label them by weapons if these cephalopods dont have genders, would make more sense (the gendered ones had different weapons anyway)
returning characters!!!! would like to see everyone have a role of some kind
maybe #GearForAll wasnt successful in getting the emperor/spy/mecha gear, but perhaps theyll at least consider not making that stuff exclusive this time around
squid girl gear should be back. and they should call it a dress instead of a tunic because its a dress. and theres no gender now anyway
as ive said before... TRIPLIES!! you hold one in each hand and another in your mouth. and you can spin around like the tasmanian devil
remove splatfest tee annoyances: you should have a prompt at the end of a splatfest to pay to scrub your tee (to make sure you get the chunks) also it should be on a neutral brand so you dont end up with an overabundance of ink resistance up (or whatever else)
better online and cloud saves would certainly justify having a second splatoon game on the same console, as much as im loving that it exists
hopefully theres a global testfire again
sooner or later the workers will rise up and kill mr grizz
remember in splatoon 1 where if you had squid beatz (via the amiibo) you could “play” it in the lobby and change the music? then you were stuck listening to only bubble bath in splatoon 2? why did they take that option away they should bring it back
looking at those apartment buildings in the trailer i think it would be cool if you had your own room and could decorate it
an octavio redemption arc would be fun to see. in the manga he stole the zapfish because the octarians had an energy crisis, and in the end they worked out a deal to share the electricity
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joyseuphoria · 4 years
She hated how much she liked him now
Thank you sooo much for the prompt!!!
The “him” in the prompts are replaced with “her” since this is a fem!jily fic!!! I had too many ideas for this fic...maybe I’ll write some of the rest in the future, but here you go!
You can read it here or on ao3
(Tuesday 16:00)
Sirius Black: moony and the rest of you pay up
Marlene Mckinnon: why should we pay u?
Remus Lupin: u still owe me 20 btw so i dont think i will
Sirius Black: ofc ppl like u wouldnt know smh
jamie finally asked lily on a date
Peter Pettigrew: Wait what
Marlene McKinnon: afsjtksjdggehej
tell me everything 
Sirius Black: well little prongsie finally sucked up and asked ickle lilykins on date
Marlene McKinnon: give me the details black
or i s2g ill kick u out of the group 
Sirius Black: empty threats
if u really wanna know u can go ask em
(Marlene McKinnon has removed Sirius Black from the group chat)
Peter Pettigrew: Remind me to not ever cross paths with Marlene 
(Tuesday 17:00)
Jamie Potter: good riddance 
thx marls 
Marlene McKinnon: got u covered hon
now spill 
Jamie Potter: i hv a date with lil on friday:)
Lily Evans: that she does;)
Marlene McKinnon: i demand details ppl
(Dorcas Meadows has removed Marlene McKinnon from the group chat)
Remus Lupin: wh did u do that for 
Dorcas Meadowes: She was being too nosy
I didn't like it
Jamie Potter:.........thx??
Dorcas Meadowes: Welcome sweetie
(Tuesday 17:34)
Mary Macdonald: wait what????!!!!!??!
(Wednesday 16:30)
Sirius Black: r v up for spying on them on fri?
Marlene Mckinnon: u kno it;)
Mary Macdonald: hell yeah
Peter Pettigrew: Yes! ofc
Remus Lupin: we should give them some privacy sirius
tho ik its a foreign concept to you
Dorcas Meadowes: Obviously
And of course I wanna spy on them
Remus Lupin: but still...yes
Sirius Black: ther is no privacy between  frnds
Marlene Mckinnon: so v meet up at 4 outside the bistro next to three broomsticks 
Peter Pettigrew: Wait when’s their date and where?!??
Mary Macdonald: at 5 in 3 broomsticks pete cmon keep up
Remus Lupin: how did u know that?
Sirius Black: im her brother and both their best frnds its obvio that id be the first one to kno
Marlene Mckinnon: and im lilys best frnd too sirius 
Dorcas Meadows: You spied on them didnt you?
Sirius Black: v hv all the rights to spy on them
Mary Macdonald: wait i thought that i was lilys best frnd
Dorcas Meadowes: I can confidently say that it’s neither of you
I’m her best friend
Sirius Black: prove it
Marlene Mckinnon: yeah!
Dorcas Meadowes:  (sends an attachment)
Marlene Mckinnon: shit
Mary Macdonald: …...fair
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Thursday 19:45)
Jamie Potter: cant wait for our date tomorrow 
Lily Evans: ik u cant 
Jamie Potter: 
Lily Evans: <3
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Sirius Black 
(Thursday 19:48)
Jamie Potter: sirius sirius sirius 
lily just sent me a winky face emoticon!!!!
what do i do???!!!?!!!?!?!
(Message read at 19:49)
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Thursday 19:51)
Jamie Potter: :D
Private chat between Jamie Potter and Lily Evans 
(Friday 16:30)
Jamie Potter: u ready?
Lily Evans: yes ! 
wher r u
Jamie Potter: cool
just reached ur door
(Friday 16:30)
Sirius Black: where tf r u guys 
its only me and marlene here
Mary Macdonald: just outta class 
be there in 10
Remus Lupin: home
Peter Pettigrew: At the ice cream parlor for ice cream
Dorcas Meadows: Oh get me some too Pete?
Remus Lupin: me too pls pete
Mary Macdonald: oooh id like some too
mint chocolate chip for me pls
Peter Pettigrew: Sure thing! wh abt the rest of u??
Dorcas Meadowes : Strawberry! with a lot of strawberries as toppings!!!
Remus Lupin : devils choc ofc
Sirius Black : guys can v focus at the matter in hand??!!
also charcoal ice cream pls
just as black as my soul
Peter Pettigrew : ...k
U marls??
Marlene Mckinnon:..........vanilla. thx
(Friday 16:45)
Sirius Black: where tf r u guys?!!??!?
theyll b here any sec
Remus Lupin: sirius everyone is here
except for u and marlene
where tf r u guys?!!???
Marlene McKinnon: we r at the spirit store 
where tf r u guys????
Sirius Black: i told u guys to meet us here
Dorcas Meadowes: Wtf is a spirit store?
Sirius Black: a store that sees our spirit 
Peter Pettigrew: Ur ice creams starting to melt!!!!!!
Mary MacDonald: oh the halloween costume shop?
Sirius Black: to dress up ofc
Marlene Mckinnon: honesty guys?
lily and jamie will recognise us if v go like this
and v cant afford that!!!!
Remus Lupin: that is smart….
didnt expect it from u both
Sirius Black: fuck you remus
fuck you
Dorcas Meadowes: So what are our disguises??
Marlene McKinnon: dog ears and nose 
a gily suit
a moon suit
rat whiskers and ears
a tree hat and glasses
and a big floppy hat and sunglasses for my beautiful girlfriend
Dorcas Meadowes: ………….
Peter Pettigrew: Dorcas and remus took ur ice cream btw
Something about it melting, u being stupid and u not being here
 Sirius Black: remy how could u
Marlene McKinnon: ffs dorcas 
i thought u loved me
Peter Pettigrew: Who’s wearing what costume?
Remus Lupin: also sirius 
do u really think that we can pull it off?
itd be tooo obvious 
Mary Macdonald: nd theyll realise that we r spying on them
Sirius Black: they couldnt even realise that they had a crush on each other until i intervened
do you think that theyll realise that its us???????
Remus Lupin: …...point
Sirius Black: so im wearing the dog ears and nose 
marls gonna wear the gily suit
the moon hat and the silver suit is for u remus 
Marlene Mckinnon: the rat whiskers r for peter 
and the tree hat and sunglasses r for mary :)
(Friday 16:55)
Sirius Black: ok now positions!
marlene mary and i r sitting in the booth behind the big fat hydrangea 
nd remus peter nd dorcas r gonna sit 2 rows behind them in the corner table outside
Peter Pettigrew: How do u even know where the r gonna sit?????!!!!!???
Marlene Mckinnon: v bribed the receptionist obviously
Sirius Black: she will make sure that they sit second in the row between the hydrangeas and the window 
Remus Lupin: how can v hear them if v r outside??
Marlene Mckinnon: oh hush remus 
ever heard of privacy?
Remus Lupin: wtf do u think we r doing rn??!!?!??!?!!
Dorcas Meadowes: Making sure the date goes perfectly?
Sirius Black: thank u dorcas
Mary Macdonald: yeah!
Remus Lupin: …………
i give up 
Peter Pettigrew: Just now?
Thought u gave up when Jamie successfully insulted Lily two yers back when in fact she was supposed to ask her out on a date :/
Sirius Black: that was a good laugh
(Friday 17:04)
Peter Pettigrew: Ok they’re sitting rn 
Dorcas Meadowes: Don’t they look cute together
Remus Lupin: do i hv to wear this silvery rocky suit?!??!
Sirius Black: yes
and yes they look perfect 
our ship is finally sailing 
Dorcas Meadowes: Is is is Jamie stuffing a breadstick in her nose
Peter Pettigrew: No I think she’s trying to look like a walrus
Remus Lupin: she does not need to embarrass herself more
Mary Macdonald: u really think this is anything compared to the time when she tripped over her cat and fell on lilys bday cake?
Sirius Black: lolol
the bruise she left him with lasted for two weeks
Dorcas Meadowes: I stg that woman has the best boxing skills
Marlene Mckinnon: dorcas!!!! not me????
im ur girlfriend!!!
Mary Macdonald: lolololol
she thought that jamie did it on purpose for years lol
Marlene McKinnon: and why tf is lily doing the same
i thought she had more sense than that
Remus Lupin: love can do that to you ya know
Sirius Black: u would know
Marlene McKinnon: ohhh look jamie snorted the breadstick out of her mouth!!
Mary Macdonald: lily did it too
Mary Macdonald: i think she has enough sense to not offend lily 
Remus Lupin: ya think?
u want me to remind u about all the times she offended lily?
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah so much that she hated Jamie
Sirius Black: nah she didnt 
if anything lily hates how much she likes her now
Marlene Mckinnon: do u think theyll order soup?
Sirius Black: yeah ig
jamie wants it to be all fancy
Marlene McKinnon: pls dont order tomato soup
Mary Macdonald: it awfully looked a lot like the waiter said no tomato soup
Peter Pettigrew: Really? Lily hates tomatoes why would Jamie order em
Thought she wouldn’t today
At least
Sirius Black: thank hell jamie didnt order the tomato one
Dorcas Meadowes: Remember when Jamie made marinara for Lily to impress her lol
Remus Lupin: that plan backfired soo bad 
Marlene Mckinnon at least lilys prank to get back at her was awesome
Sirius Black: that was such a power move!!!
and including taylor’s song
Remus Lupin: tho she coloured her cat the so called emerald green and not key lime green and v had to listen to her go on and on abt how lily knows her fav colour 
Mary Macdonald: jamie continued to think that it meant that she knew it for three months
Dorcas Meadowes: As if u didnt like it
Mary Macdonald: lol i did love it
Peter Pettigrew: They are bonkers 
Dorcas Meadowes: Bonkers for each other
Sirius Black: lol
Dorcas Meadowes: Their soup’s here
Sirius Black: spinach soup???
ewww jamie 
Peter Pettigrew: Ahh creamy mushroom soup for Lil ig
Awesome choice 
Mary Macdonald: they really ought to try new things
(Friday 17:16)
Remus Lupin: wh did u guys order?
we ordered a lasagna 
Marlene Mckinnon:?uhh same 
ohhh look 
Peter Pettigrew: The waiter’s back with pasta for both of them YAY
Do you guys think that they realised that we are spying on them??
Marlene Mckinnon: nah they’re hopeless Pete so no
Sirius Black: thank hell that they r cute
Remus Lupin: lol
Dorcas Meadowes: 3 yrs ago I wouldnt have thought that they would be here together on a date
Mary Macdonald: hell they woulnt have even been here as friends 
Remus Lupin: or come here with us
Marlene Mckinnon: lily didnt even kno that she is bi then
Dorcas Meadowes: Yeah
It was quite a rough time for her
Peter Pettigrew: Guyssss
I have a question 
Dorcas Meadowes: Shoot Pete 
Peter Pettigrew: Why is the group name curly squad?
I mean only Dorcas’s hair is curly I only gathered that much
Dorcas Meadowes: Lol no Pete
Sirius Black: LOLOLOL
Marlene Mckinnon: lolll 
Dorcas Meadowes Ohk so
None of us here are just straight so we’re curly lol 
Sirius Black: lil nd i r bi
u r ace
dorcas nd mary r pans
remus is gay
jamie is lesbian 
Marlene Mckinnon: i am bi too 
u already knew that but still
Sirius Black: so yeah thats why 
Peter Pettigrew: Oh wow
Thanks guys 
Sirius Black: np pete 
Peter Pettigrew: Jamie just leaned over to brush the remnants of pasta from lilys lips!!!!!!!!
Mary Macdonald: thats soo cute they r perfect
Sirius Black: nauseating more like
Dorcas Meadowes: I’m just revelling in the fact that she didnt brush him off
Marlene Mckinnon: thats second year of uni lily
even first fits in the category 
Peter Pettigrew: and she held her hand!!!!!
Sirius Black: is that…...snep
Remus Lupin: snep?????
Dorcas Meadowes: Where
Sirius Black: behind u guys
Remus Lupin: OHHHH FUCK
Mary Macdonald: do u think that he knows abt their date
Sirius Black: well jamie did post it on her insta so…….
Dorcas Meadowes: Oh shit
Peter Pettigrew: Shit alright
Marlene Mckinnon: hes coming over ig
Mary Macdonald: yup hes in
Remus Lupin: well u know what they say abt cannons sinking a ship :/
Sirius Black: remus theodore lupin u dare say that jily lames is not cannon
Marlene Mckinnon: remus ralph lupin wtf
Dorcas Meadowes: Remy, how could you?
Peter Pettigrew: Why would you say that Remus?
Mary Macdonald: remus john lupin u take that back right this instant
oh we r playing call remus wrong names 
sry I didnt realise
 Remus Lupin: i am sry guys I ship jily as much as u do
Sirius Black: LAMES
Remus Lupin: but i had to lol
i think v should go stop him from disturbing them
Mary Macdonald: hes already headed their way
its too late
Marlene Mckinnon: i s2g i will punch snep today if he does anything to them
Sirius Black: ill tackle him 
Marlene McKinnon: perfect
Mary Macdonald: v might blow our cover too
not that im worried abt that
tho they might not appreciate the sentiment 
Sirius Black: v shld go
Dorcas Meadowes: I feel like they'll want to handle this themselves
But ok!
Mary Macdonald: ok he hates u and remus the most so dorcas and i should go first 
Sirius Black: but im their best friend
Dorcas Meadowes: Too late they’re already talking
Sirius Black: NOOOOOO
Remus Lupin: ig he just mentioned siris name
Sirius Black: seems that way
if he says anything abt jamie or reg i will lose it
Dorcas Meadowes: I think he’s berating lily for being out with jamie….
Mary Macdonald: ofc what else does the greasy slime ball know
Sirius Black: ok im gonna go
Peter Pettigrew: How to grease your hair 101??
Sirius Black: lol yes
Marlene Mckinnon: is he
is he pointing over to us
Mary Macdonald:k they r looking at us
Peter Pettigrew: Did Lily just call ur name out, guys?
Dorcas Meadowes: Mary, make sure Marls and Sirius don’t do anything stupid
“Sirius, no!” Remus shouted, as the boy in question marched over to Jamie’s and Lily’s table. 
“Well, hello there snivellus. Looking positively greasy today aren’t we?” Sirius taunted. 
“What are you doing here Black?” Snape sneered. 
Sirius hummed before responding, “We just fancied a dinner here. What about you?”
“Looking for something to grease?” Marlene chimed. 
“Marlene,” Lily warned. 
“Thought I’d visit my friend Lily here. That’s all Black,” Snape answered. 
“More like crash her date,” Dorcas muttered, as she joined the group around Lily and Jamie’s table with Remus, Mary, and Peter.
“I am not your friend Snape.” Lily stood up, accompanied by Jamie.
“Lily!” The greasy haired man faced her pleadingly, “I care about you a lot. That’s why I’m telling you to not date Potter! Thinking that you’re bi may well just be a phase that’ll go away, Lily. Moreover, she doesn’t really care about you! She just thinks that you are some sort of prize to be won.” 
Jamie looked like she wanted to dislocate Snape’s jaw, her fists curled at her sides. But the warning glance Lily threw her, made her insides calm down 
“You know nothing about me Snape,” Lily said, with gritted teeth. “Now go away before I dislocate your nose.” Sirius whistled in support. 
“Lily, we’ve been best friends since we were ten. I know you, Lily. Please listen to me,”
“If you were my best friend you’d have supported me instead of behaving like an ignorant ass. Now please go away.”
“Lily, please.”
Barely a moment later, Lily’s fist connected with Snape’s nose. Blood leaked down his front, while the rest of the gang rushed to vocally support her. 
 “You’ll regret that Lily!” Snape glared threateningly. 
Before long, Sirius had tackled Snape to the ground, and accidentally splattered the lasagna the waiter was bringing over to their table, on Snape’s head. 
“I...“ Lily began.
“You can save your breath, Lils,” Sirius started, “he’s a harmless, entitled prick”
“Looks like you have a lot of grease to get rid of, Snep,” Marlene announced. 
“And Snep, pro tip: the only shampoo that keeps the grease at bay is the Sleakeasy shampoo. You should try it out!” Jamie, ever so helpful, advised, and moved to position her hand behind Lily’s back. 
“Sorry about that Sir, we’ll cover the charges for the ill-fated lasagna,” Sirius apologised to the waiter as he helped him up from the ground. 
“Could you please get him out of this shop? He’s been troubling us, as you can see,” Dorcas asked, politely. 
The waiter simply looked baffled. However, he nodded and successfully escorted Snape out of the restaurant. 
“Now this is going to be quite the first date story to tell at the wedding.” Peter spoke up for the first time since they gathered at the table between the hydrangeas and the windows. 
Jamie blushed and looked around, anywhere but at Lily, though her hand never left Lily’s back, while the redhead laughed at her.
“Well, since we’re all together, we can have dessert and you can continue spying on us while sitting at our table,” Lily said. “Nice ears you’ve got there, Sirius. Though I’d prefer Dorcas’s floppy hat.”
“Yeah! I personally love the whiskers, Pete. Seriously, Marlene? A gily suit? Inconspicuous much? And Remus, you have enough sense to stop them!” Jamie put on. 
Remus just shrugged, his big crescent shaped moon hat toppling Mary’s tree hat downwards. “Sorry,” he said, bending to pick it up. 
“Thanks,” she said, when he gave the hat to her, “why did we agree to wear these again?”
“So we would be incognito, Mary”
“And we were successful! These oblivious dorks didn’t even realise that it was us until old snivelly pointed it out,” Sirius stated.
“Also, we did have ice-cream before coming here, so you guys should continue, we’ll leave,” Dorcas said. 
“Hey! We didn’t get to eat that ice-cream! You and Remus took it from us,” Marlene reprimanded. 
“Yeah! So we’ll be staying here and you guys can shoo away,” Sirius included. 
“Well in that case you can all leave and get yourselves ice cream while Lily and I can finally enjoy our date,” Jamie, now pushing Sirius, and shoo-ing the others to the doors, said. 
“Say what you want Jamie, I am enjoying our date,” expressed Lily. 
“You are?” Jamie turned around, completely forgetting the others in the room. 
“Well, looks like they’re more nauseating and lame than before. Should we go?” Asked Marlene. 
“Nah. Let’s just sit outside and spy on them through the window,” Sirius smirked. 
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elvencantation · 4 years
yin yang master liveblog
feat. @thursdayplaid​
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omg the magic is so pretty
also why is it always Chinese dramas will have someone, if they need blood, bite their finger?
also the gold spirit is very cute i like
i love a young countenance but an older soul
i also want them to take off their hats 😂
wait he ain’t dead he’s just sitting there?
or he’s dying i guess
This movie is pretty throughout, aesthetic on point 
Sharp teeth?
We simp gold spirit
Too true, amazing combo XD 
He's dying
Please don't let me disturb your liveblogging. It brings be much joy
oh hot demon boy!
love that he’s fighting with a fan
Who will win? Uptight fighting bro vs gentle fan uncle
gentle fan uncle is an amazing title
i love how he’s just like ‘bet u wouldnt stab a precious instrument’
XD I love how playful he is during the whole fight too
it’s adorable
dude rly loves his transportation talismans
He does. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I guess. And it's a good way to redirect violence without doing harm
Demon boy has had a Rough Time
i wanna give him a hug
i don’t think he’d appreciate that but still 😂
He's just sad and misses his girl friend
why his reincarnated shufu look evil tho
Who can say~~~
I love how Boya was just repeatedly defeated by Qingming and is like: you won't fight me because you're scared.
what’s a himbo but not nice 😂
hey! they put my boys hat on crooked. rude.
Give that boy a straight hat.
He's just such an Angy Boy
he rly is 😂
ah i love the lady master she’s so pretty
She's amazing and I love her.
awww boya defended him
He's so angry, but this fan man flirts with him
ofc they all spying on each other 😂
Saved by your opponent's gay discovery
omg yes
Spying required
aw he looks nice with his hair down!
drink tea with him angy boy!
He just wants you to chill out before you deviate. Sit and look at his amazing long hair. It'll be good for you
honey bug!!!! i love her!!!!!!!
Also the ability for the fan man's actor to go from calm to worried to angry to calm again
Honey bug is good and important and I love her
thank u for the recommendation yes
i love them
The intrinsic eroticism of a man who's having his racist beliefs totally shaken by a hot guy who's hotter and smarter than him while holding a sword to his throat and looking like he wants to cry while saying cool lines.
They are such a great pair
angy boy is angy like how dare fan man make him have feelings
How very dare he make a good point about morals and ethics!
Also with that hair drinking tea in the morning
Angy boy with clenched teeth: I'm Not Yearning. I'm Just Like This When I See A Fan.
Angy boy with clenched fists: Complex Feelings? Disgusting.
Clenched fist intensifies
maybe he just wants to hang out with cute people
i get that
He's just a friendly guy
if i could summon pretty spirit friends to hang with me i so would
ok so maybe he’s not evil. but i’m still suspicious
I do get the vibe off him he's not the sort of guy who would put his spirit friends in sexual situations. But also I get the vibe he's a very lonely guy at his core and he enjoys the feeling of physical and emotional closeness.
mood ™
Let's be honest, the hat is a bit cute, but that hair though. Respect for the makeup department
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Angy boy, you're just walking to being teased now. At this point its a hand written invitation with gold leaf.
oh i love this moment with the water
it’s so intense
“you’re too obedient” 😂
The priest is in the range of gentle or teasing and hovers there. Seeing an actual intense situation is great
ah that is exactly what i love
that situation
Me too! It's great when characters hover in a range and then swing over sharply
I really makes both extremes more dynamic
Go For It Angy Boy! He'll be gentle!
XD I mean he will continue to ruffle his feathers, but for fun, not for mean
Also, I really love the depiction of a fox demon that isn't sexed up.
Qingming is a trickster, a tease, a bit of a flirt, and enjoys the pleasures of life, but he isn't the stereotypical half naked sexpot fox demon that seem to pop up everywhere
The only person he had in the world but he didn't want him to suffer and be corrupted
also I hate that my two associations with someone being turned into ash is firstly the avengers and secondly that stupid fucking scene in the last harry potter movie
god this movie is so beautiful and lovely
That set is outstandingly gorgeous
Everything is so beautiful. I want to live in this world!
Sometimes I just see a kind and lonely character trying to live their best life and just vibe with them. Also the wigs on this movie 😭 So beautiful!
Run girl! Move!
She's so smart and brave!
oh the DRAMA
The Drama is right, I love this movie!
omg the drama of his hand slackening
That slackening hand though...
why it didn’t work until then tho???
For the drama mostly XD
is she giving birth to the serpent? 🤢
She is giving birth to the serpent
hey it’s better to be possessed by the literal incarnation of evil in snake form than be dead am I right?
I mean is we're making a choice...
It is ~spirit time~!
He is back and he is Fancy!
They're looking good they're doing poses
omg the painters face painting is so pretty
I love the painter ;-; so noble
the music when he summons spirits just makes me think of like pro wrestling intro music for some reason 😂
And now from the WWE, some hot chinese spirits
oh no ice boy!
Poor ice boy, he's just getting beat up
don’t u dare touch my other demon boy
He just signed up for this adventure and now a snake is beating him up
He Do!
Boya is just having a rough time right now, he's a good good boy
and now the painter???
I almost cried about the painter and he was only there for like five minutes
Demon Boy goes yeet
oh my god the drama of the dripping blood i can’t
This movie has so much drama It did
not my demon boy 😭
wait shit spirit boya is super hot
the tattoos??? the hair?!?!!! the messy goth skirt??!
Spirit Boya is Choice, I'm looking respectfully 👀
Goth spirit aesthetic is on point
where the other guardians tho?
yes this is a very touching little last reunion but where my boya at
omg yes give him a glowing sword
the avenging angel look is 💯 on him
The sword on fire look is Really Working For Him
tell me boya’s spirit form has no influence on his actual body. no he said he trusted qingming to protect his body it’s ok
It's back and it's shiny!
ok but u still have a hole in ur torso my dude
oh ok apparently that’s not a thing anymore but i can’t be mad cause boya’s outfit 😍
I guess he used his cultivation or his demon powers or something IDK, It would have been nice to have two extra minutes of Boya being worried about him
Boya wears some excellent clothes
love a good romantic flute moment 😭🥰
I have to say Boya's like let me play you this song about promising to fall in love in the next life for fun and me time
omg i thought he was gonna kiss the arrow
I mean emotionally did he not kiss the arrow?
omg i cant
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I know right? How many censors did they have to pay off
I Chose To Believe She's fine and is now living happily on a farm or something
yeah i do love being worried for each other
but i guess they didnt have enouhg time and they already had that moment at the beginning of the movie 😂
Two people? Respecting, worrying, and caring about each other? 👍 There's never enough caring for each other!
Also, this is one of the best examples of be careful how you word your spells that I've ever seen.
The old master was like care and protect her forever and his spirit guardian was just like: 👍👌💯
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uhhhhhhhhhsblogyea · 3 years
♤| dragon ball shapeshifter au
part one
tw: profanity !!!! some kakavege too bc im a sucker for soft moments and hurt/comfort
also finally doing this one on my computer !! so now it wont be a huge post
so what the hell!!!!! kakarot is told to kill vegeta or... bring crops? theres something fishy about that, and he noticed it in friezas behavior, and word choice
what was with calling him a creation??
this is nuts!! he needs to tell vegeta....
buuuut he needs sleep, maybe this is all a bad dream!!....?
now he cant sleep
"your... lovely vegeta?? my lovely vegeta..." wow!!! blush moment, heart race time ////
but wait wasnt he just told to KILL vegeta???
its only been a month of meeting and this is already happening???
there's so many questions kakarots head hurts, so he makes sure he gets to bed... thinking about vegeta for comfort
was that a good idea????? who knows !!
the next day kakarot thinks about it, sticking in his room most of the time and staring at the box cutter
hell tell vegeta! thats it, perfect
he gets up, leaving the house late at 6:30 pm
[ zarbon and dodoria watch him from afar, monitoring the "progress" ]
kakarot hurries to vegetas apartment, hurriedly running up the stairs in the complex and skidding to a halt in front of the shapeshifters door, panting heavily
he knocks on the door
kakarot forgets the fact hes literally in a black tanktop and grey sweatpants but theres no time for that no one cares
but what is vegeta does?
ph god oh god hes not presentable !!!
shit he knocked already !! fu-
vegeta opens the door, seeing kakarot in surprise, panic, and... covered in sweat. he fucking ran! "kakarot what the hell are you doing here!? get inside before you get people to come out an look."
he opens the door and pulls the taller guy inside
"tell me why youre here. clearly theres something wrong."
"a short guy broke into my house while i was sleeping a-and his name was like... freezer or something?? freezy? anyway!! he told me to kill you and if i dont to come to his facility. it doesnt sound right! i dont know what to do vegeta-oh my gosh i dont want to do that i dont i would n-"
"breathe. youre panicking, its getting on my nerves. start from the beginning, clown!"
somehow his insults calmed the human man down, him taking a deep breath and swallowing harshly
he starts from the beginning once vegeta sits him down on the couch and gets him to calm down
vegeta is pissed frieza dragged kakarot into it
speaking of which how tf did that rat bastard find out about kakarot? was he spying on them?? vegeta growls, his tentacles lashing side to side
it freaks out kakarot even more causing him to jump and push himself back into the seat
(kakarot does this cause hes afraid vegeta is about to eat his heart, like what frieza mentioned)
kakarot also failed to mention the quote from the lizard; "he wants your heart in more than one way"
wth does that mean???
anyway, vegeta asks to see the weapon frieza gave kakarot
kakarot hands him the box cutter
a box cutter??????
he takes it but it sears his hand, making him drop it and wrap his other hand around his wrist, groaning in pain and looking at the burn mark
whatever the box cutter was coated in is meant to hurt vegeta
rly badly! but kakarot freaks out and hurries over, nearly tripping over his feet
"vegeta!!! are you okay?!?? im so sorry i didnt mean to- i didnt know, that it would do that!!! want me to grab something or?"
"holy SHIT kakarot calm down!!!"
"u-uhm sorry vegeta" he looks down ashamed
FUCK !! his heart oh god oh god that hurt why why why hes so cute i didnt mean to hurt his feelings fuck!! vegeta bites his lip
"its fine you didn't know"
"b-but still!"
"no buts, go get the first aid from the bathroom, you can wrap my hand in gauze as payment." vegeta crossses his arms, letting his hand lop to the side so he doesnt hurt it anymore than it already is. why does the damn clown have to get his way to vegetas heart like this it isnt fair !!
"yes!! one minute"
kakarot runs to the bathroom to get his burnt hand wrapped up
after the ordeal, they decide to wrap the thing in cloth and throw it in an empty shoe box so vegeta doesnt get injured by it anymore
kakarot bets on frieza being patient enough for him to show in the morning, feeling exhausted just from worrying so much
vegeta kind of realizes how pent up kakarot is cause of frieza
vegeta sits down on the couch next to him and takes his hand, pushing kakarots head onto his lap. "relax"
HOLY sHIT MAN !!!! hes laying on vegetas lap, and its... kind of comfortable
he feels the weight of vegeta's tenctacle on his back, it feeling like someone hugging him and cuddling him its really nice !! kakarot already begins to feel a bit better
vegeta on the other hand feels... gushy and embarrassed that hes doing this
once he notices kakarot getting tired he cards his fingers through kakarot's black messy hair, that happens to actually be quite soft
he pets and messes with it for awhile, it lulling kakarot right into a deep sleep, worries melting away
kakarot's peaceful sleep relaxes vegeta a bit, hes still worried about whatever frieza has planned. he probably shouldnt let kakarot go to the lizard's facility tomorrow morning
he sighs, looking back down at the man sleeping on his lap
he might as well indulge himself
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there will be a part three <3
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fraseris · 4 years
okay predictions for whats gonna go down:
wilbur telling tubbo about the tnt was a weird move that like, no one saw coming but i think its gonna be really interesting!! like at first i thought maybe wilbur actually cared about tubbo? but a the same time, he doesnt even care about tommy at this point, and even before tommy spoke up against him, wilbur didnt trust tubbo at all. so he definitely doesnt actually trust or care about tubbo, he’s trying to pull tommy and tubbo apart
theyre like, always loyal to each other. tubbo was way too willing to go along with wilburs plan when wilbur first approached him about it for tubbo to be serious with going through with it. if he was actually considering it, i think he would wait longer to give a final answer.
(but i do think he was actually contemplating going along with it and betraying tommy, just for a moment. remember the stream where he said he had all the original discs?? theres literally no way thats true. he has ulterior motives, but hes still loyal to tommy in the end)
and now tubbo cant speak to tommy which is definitely gonna make a problem when tommy finds out about it. tommy trusts tubbo a lot, more than he should probably, but i dont think he would be completely disbelieving if tubbo appears to have betrayed him
after wilbur left the call, tubbo said “i remember what tommy told me,” which is almost definitely about the thing about always sticking together. so yeah theres no way tubbo has betrayed tommy
tubbo is definitely gonna betray wilbur in the end. like. tubbo and tommy are never gonna be against each other in the grand scheme of things. thats just not how it works. tubbo gets caught up working for the enemy? he becomes a spy. its just the same thing as on election day, but this time tubbo has no way to be a spy for tommy. hes gonna have to sabotage wilbur on his own
in the end, i think its most likely that tubbo will get in contact with niki and/or eret. nikis basically leading the rebellion, as far as im aware. her and eret could find a way to get everyone out of the festival before wilbur blows it up. i think the day of the festival is also gonna be the day fundy betrays schlatt, its basically his only chance now. its either betray him or get stuck as being known as someone on his side forever so...
i do wonder how techno is gonna play into all of this, wilbur said he had sided with him but i have no doubt he might betray wilbur. it would be really entertaining to see a wilbur and techno team against everyone else, tho
anyways i have many, many thoughts after tubbos talk with wilbur. come talk about it in my asks if u want!!
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3, episodes 7-13 thoughts! cannot believe im finishing this series so fast. ...cannot believe it ended like that...uh. one of the weirdest finales to a show I think I've seen, it really stood out against the rest of the series, and not in a good way, in my opinion. I paused to yell in caps lock...several times, I think, out of anger... BUT. ANYWAY, HERE WE GO.
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-the fentons putting the kids to Work in the lab, with NO SAFETY GEAR. AT ALL. THEY JUST GOT BACK FROM SCHOOL AND ARE TIRED!!! and when jack asked how danny his day was and danny tried to say it was bad jack cut him off :( for the 400th time, i am stealing these kids.
-maddie and jack IMMEDIATELY SELLING THEIR LAB AND WORK FOR A LOT OF MONEY. and danny cant get into the portal anymore, oh no!!! he could always just steal vlads I Guess.
-THEY ARE VLADS NEW NEIGHBOR. OH MY GOD. this is a sitcom format. a butler came with the new mansion. i would absolutely try a kiwi fudge milkshake, why is the butler disgusted.
-the..guys in white bought the lab to shoot a missile. into the ghost zone thru the portal. bro i hate these guys
-jazz straight up setting her new bedroom up in the library. i am very very jealous
-I like how the 14 year olds very quickly realize if the giw destroy the ghost zone itll destroy OUR ZONE because its just. like. the other side of the quarter so to speak. and the giw, a fully funded government agency, didnt consider that...(or worse, are willing to risk that anyway...)
-a...graphic novel version of the constitution? what in the world have you been READING SAM
-'cool, I always wanted to be called a meddling kid!' scooby doo reference...
-can they keep the butler. I love him.
-ecto latte....I also want to try that. is ectoplasm edible...
-youngblood is also into astronaut stuff, thats really cute. and him being like 'phantom, dude!! :D' ALL EXCITED. THATS ADORABLE.
-the slapstick comedy of the giw slipping and falling and running into shit in the lab. is funny, but also, because this lab has NOOO safety codes in practice. god its a wonder dannys the only one to have died here...
-JOHNNY, SKULKER AND YOUNGBLOOD HELPING DANNY!!! I keep saying it but the other ghosts helping him. is my fav thing in the world. and, it's a really good thing the missile in the real world was harmless...otherwise the fentons wouldn't have had a home/lab to come back to...
-WULF WANTED POSTER!!! we havent seen wulfy in so long :( very funny the box ghost is offended by how much these ghosts are wanted for. first off, what do ghosts even DO WITH MONEY. does the ghost zone have its own currency??? what are ghosts BUYING
-the box ghost is So Funny, im so glad hes still got his bubble wrap. u are VERY wanted in THIS house box ghost. you are SO scary king. dont give up on ur dreams
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-this needs to be a meme format. I made a transparent version, very very messily, for future use.
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-this is a Fellow and a Friend
-box ghost accidentally bringing lunch for everyone, and giving people at the mall free shoes. SHOES ARE SO EXPENSIVE, ID BE SO GRATEFUL. helpful king. i feel SO bad for him lmao, he's putting in SO much effort. he wants the evil aesthetic So bad but hes Just Too Silly. I understand your plight, box ghost....
-oh my god. pandoras BOX. 'THOSE OF US IN THE BOX TRADE' HOW MANY ARE IN THIS BOX TRADE. I WANT IN. pandora is a multi-armed ghost goddess and i love her.
-box ghost...where did you get the cowboy hat. I respect it, i just want to know
-JAZZ COMING IN WITH THE BAZOOKA TO FIGHT THE 10 HEADED DRAGON!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest of the fentons I Guess
-ignoring the sam/danny moments. I simple do not see them.
-...why doesnt danny just fly over the maze. or do the whole 'real world people act as ghosts in the ghost zone' and turn back!!! I know its just to show off the ghost greek monster designs. but STILL.
-danny being like. um. hi pandora. i found your box. >< polite...PANDORA IS SO GIANT. GIANT GHOST WOMAN. SHES GOING TO BEAT BOX GHOSTS ASS. another ghost thats nice to danny to add to the list :) and HER FORCING BOX GHOST TO APOLOGIZE. and having sandwiches with danny after making box ghost clean up. I LOVE HER.
-okay, when dash pulled out danny's seat and was calling him buddy, for half a second I was like 'this is a prank, hes gonna pull it back' BUT THEN FRIGHT KNIGHT MY BELOVED IS BACK. AND EVERYONE STARTS CHANTING FOR DANNY TO BEAT HIS ASS WITH GHOST POWERS AND DANNY DOES WAY TOO EASILY, and im like, yup, this is a dream LMAO
-danny is getting an A+ in science :) my smart son
-DANNY WAKING UP FROM THE DREAM RIGHT BEFORE KISSING SAM AND BEING LIKE 'that was a dream...no, a NIGHTMARE!' same. not to be a hater but, shouldve been val. maybe I am a hater
-...danny running and checking the 'tapes'...why is his whole house constantly being recorded. hes been in ghost form/fights plenty of times in his house. does he have to run and wipe the tapes after?? every single time?? god
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-letting this image speak for itself
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-this is SO cursed
-NOCTURN'S DESIGN FUCKS SO HARD. the Venice mask vibes. also his space pattern not moving while the rest of his animation does is big chowder vibes. but this guy is basically the sandman but Evil, huh. I love dream plots. also, nocturn's design feels very similar to clockwork, like, red eyes and a scar over the same eye, but also just the purple, and the Cosmic Vibes. I want to see them fight. anyway nocturn's va was also avatar roku AND alfred in several batman cartoons.
-the 'sleepwalkers' designs were super cute in shape (kinda remind me of oogie boogie! pillow-cased shaped, which is appropriate for the 'king of dreams's minions) until I looked closer at their eyes. why do they look sewn shut!! (they open their eyes a few times, so they aren't, but they look like it...)
-I like how this show has been pretty consistent (with a few exceptions) about a Ghost Being Huge (or getting larger) = Very Powerful
-2 months of summer camping??? wtf, do camping things usually take that long?? I've never been to a camping...thing like that. but isnt that basically their entire summer??
-'the entirety of nature is your bathroom!' and thats why I do no camping despite loving nature LMAO.
-sam, at least TRY TO BE NICE TO THE OTHER GIRLS YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHARING A CABIN WITH. also, the amount of times people in this show have their SHOES ON THE BED!!! IM DISGUSTED
-swamp creature Is A Ghost. Big Foot is a Ghost. starting to think in this universe, every single cryptid or legend is a Ghost Actually
-paulina crying not only because star is missing, but because SHE FORGOT HER SUNBLOCK AND SHE BURNS SO EASILY!!!! okay girlfriends
-ghost cops are the real monsters at the camp. i.......I mean. fair. no one missed you walker
-WULF!!!!!!!!!!! WULF IS BACK!!!!!!!! MY FRIEND WULF :D MI AMAS VIN!!!!! kaj danny lernis Esperanto :)
-'relax kid, we arent here to do any harm' *immediately shoots danny* yeah. ghost cops. and also danny bringing walker 'wulf' and walker IMMEDIATELY SUCKING DANNY IN A THERMOS. FUCK OFF
-haha walker Bald. and haha walker Frozen Now
-the fenton thermos can...reverse its polarity to close portals? okay
-ohhh they end the ep with them star gazing, thats pretty cute...
-dani is back! ...with a new voice actress? wiki says AnnaSophia was in 3 diff movies in 2007 when this aired, so she was probably too busy... (including, bridge to terabithia aka the movie that ripped my heart out that I mentioned in the first ep Dani was in...kinda wanna rewatch it now)
-shes still scared of vlad, who's still being creepy and spying on her. 'shes hardly going to come home to daddy!' I WONDER WHY. also does vlad's cat look more evil than last time? love the concept of him going shopping for cats and being like 'give me your most EVILEST looking cat, please, so I can pet it in my spinny chair dramatically!' ...oh god white cat hair on his black suit. I have a black cat and her hair is still way too noticeable..
-vlad has a big 'valerie' button in his office. can he be pressing that button every episode, thanks
-'theres a GIRL called dani phantom?' yeah valerie. no relation, obviously, even with her looking EXACTLY like danny. so sad valerie just wants to help her dad and her get out of the place theyre in now and vlad using her. ill MAUL HIM
-dani having to STEAL FOOD. :( and valerie immediately being like oh poor kid :(( and trying to help her!!! and then dani immediately helping valerie!! this episode is starting SO well
-...and then valerie catching her. DAMN IT. and being surprised dani knew danny?? HELLO VALERIE I KNOW YOURE SMARTER THAN THIS. I AM SO SORRY THEY WROTE YOU THIS WAY. I STILL LOVE AND BELIEVE IN U !!!
-valerie lying her ASS off for a chance at gettin danny. ok <3 also 'they couldnt catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof' JSDHKJHNK
-danny. why dont you just tell valerie!! this would be so much easier if he was direct. there is NO way valerie would hurt danny (fenton) she'd be HORRIFIED. esp since she got on board helping dani!!
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*is held* :)
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-look at valerie and danny. flying together. about to go beat vlads ass together <333
-...fucking vlad convincing valerie hes a good dude with his stupid duplication. FUCK. DANNY JUST TELL H E R
-jesus christ how many times has danny had to watch loved ones die. even if she didnt stay perma-dead. glad they fixed her...
-valerie and dani pranking danny when he came out, oh :( cute...them havin fun and laughing together...babies
-BUT THEYRE JUST LETTING DANI LEAVE, AGAIN??? SHE WAS PREVIOUSLY STEALING FOOD. CHRIST GIVE HER A PLACE TO LIVE. OR A FAMILY. actually, I think it'd be really cute if, since danny isnt ready to out himself, dani went and lived with valerie?? dunno if her dad would have the money but,, it'd be a cute concept. big sis valerie...
-'tomorrow, it's game on!' 'and ill be ready to play!' THE FLIRTING....DANNY/VALERIE REAL
-oh my god,, valerie found out about vlad in the end. But he doesn’t know she knows!!! the DRAMA!!! HOLY SHIT THAT ENDING.
-this episode was. SO Much and probably one of my favorites out of s3. (I mean, there has been a gross lack of valerie this whole season, so thats not a hard choice to make...)
-the title screen looks different! so no title card...
-vlad has his own fucked up satellite that looks like him?? okay. why does the animation look so different?? are they mixing cg in?? for what. anyway, vlad and the gang in SPACE. danny is 100% living his astronaut dreams rn
-wait oh my god. vlad is the final series boss, isn't he. I half expected a fake out, for another boss to show up midway, and for him to finally have to have a real truce with danny for this ep. ITS THE FINALE. VLAD FEELS SO UNDERWHELMING.
-And it's like-- his character isn't bad, i just feel like..he has more potential! they WANT him to seem like some smart super evil genius, but the way he's written makes that SO hard to believe...but the solid backstory and design is THERE and its FRUSTRATING.
-my grandpa technus is in the finale too :) 'well look on the bright side, at least im not downloading them illegally!' he says while stealing dvds. feels like hes calling me out. im watching this series on a bootleg website lmao. anyway, him turning the tech into a transformer. love that
-mASters BLASters sTOp diSAsterS shut the fuck up. you will never be valerie or danny. bite chomp kill. violence
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-like this if u crie everytiem
-my god the 3d/cgi mixed in looks SO BAD IT DIDNT AGE WELL AT ALL
-the white stripe in dannys hair kinda rules tho. did he just KILL HIS GHOST HALF??? 'revert his human half back to normal' UM. you ever unkill yourself. why are his friends/jazz so mad about it, he'll be in a lot less danger!! christ. they can still hunt ghosts!! as humans!! if they want to!! hes 14 if he wanted to be normal. let him. vlads stupid little team has things COVERED apparently. why are they acting like this. jazz would never act like this. is this fake whats going ON
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-oh my god jack was in a college band. vlad was also in the band. what did instruments they play. i didnt need that headline to tell me they sucked, but i want to KNOW MORE REGARDLESS
-valerie was here for 0.3 seconds.
-sam calling danny selfish. the audacity. no one is stopping YOU from hunting ghosts, girl. valerie does it!!
-I'm halfway through the episode and incredibly underwhelmed so far.
-why would they send jack and 3 teens to space to destroy the asteroid. why not professional astronauts. not even the 3 teens that have already been to space this episode...
-jack getting beat up by teenagers. ON TV. IN SPACE. I GUESS. I GUESS EVERYONE AGREED TO SEND JACK BECAUSE..VLAD SAID SO? we know it was to embarrass jack, but why would everyone agree. why didnt any other space program Do More or whatever, they sent like, 3 rockets/missiles tops?? no way
-danny attempting to punch vlad in the face. i WISH HE WOULDVE LANDED THAT HIT.
-jack just now, on the last episode GETTING TOLD HE MADE VLAD A GHOST. THIS SHOULDVE HAPPENED WAY SOONER. jack's reaction was one of the only times in this entire show hes seemed human. 'an old friend? no. you? yes.' GET HIS ASSSS ACTUALLY. HE STRAIGHT UP LEFT VLAD IN SPACE. GOD DAMN. that is a Murder! I mean, I guess vlad could fly back to earth, but...I mean, he'll have to, right? no food in space. (that we KNOW of...)
-'thE WHolE EArtH, INTangiBLe?!' oh my god.
-...the white strand of hair somehow still had ghost dna, I guess, and getting blasted turned him back into phantom. I GUESS. I GUESS.
-the fentons being the first to clap for danny despite not knowing hes phantom...that was sweet. and very sudden character development, not at all gradual over the course of time or episodes like it probably should have been...
-sam and danny kissing. IT SHOULDVE BEEN VALERIE, BUT OKAY, I GUESS. also, its a little underwhelming, considering theyve kissed already...
-ALL of the ghosts being ready to beat danny's ass? really. no they wouldn't, they've worked together before, and some of those ghosts are friendly!! cringe. why is the last ep written like this. I mean they came thru at the last minute but. was really cringing for a minute there, why did they write it like that
-valerie is there for another 0.3 seconds! ....she should've been more involved. dani is also there! for also like 0.3 seconds. almost fast enough to miss. (btw, I think shes still homeless at this point, are, we going to...do ANYTHING ABOUT THAT IN THE LAST 5 MINS OF THE SHOW)
-the cgi smoke or whatever it is. this whole post is me saying the cgi is bad, but IT IS.
-'danny or should we say. DAAANNNNY.' this is like the 3rd or 4th time hes been outed damn, but to the whole world, again. and valerie saw, and is just. an extra in the bg clapping. bro im so mad.
-i think. this is still linked to the dream ep a few times ago. hes still dreaming. this is a plot a 14 year old would write. this feels like a bad fanfic. so much got rushed, and not tied up. vlad wasnt really even the villain this episode, a fucking. non-being asteroid was.
-they kiss again. ok. sure. whatever at this point.
-VLAD IS NOW A FREE-ROAMING SPACE NOMAD. I GUESS. THATS. SURE. WHATEVER. THE END, I GUESS. cannot believe I'm saying this, but: they did vlad dirty.
-IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HIM A VILLAIN, MAKE HIM A VILLAIN!!! DON'T MAKE IT A METEOR!!! STOP BEING WISHY WASHY WHO WANTS TO SEE DANNY VS ASTEROID!!! I didnt even WANT vlad to be the final villain because his character is SO back and forth (esp this season.) but he has done some FUCKED UP SHIT AND I WANTED THE WRITERS TO DOUBLE DOWN, PERSONALLY, IF THEY HAD TO MAKE HIM THE FINAL BOSS. the cabin ep where he basically held danny and maddie hostage? FUCKED. THE DANI THING? FUCKED. FUCKING COMMIT AND MAKE HIM ACTUALLY SCARY OR HAVE HIM FUCK OFF AND AGREE TO A TRUCE!! WHAT IS THIS DYING IN SPACE NONSENSE. (and, he will (fully) die out there, right? still half human, still needs food and water. I imagine he'll like, slowly half-die but this time his human side is dying. will he come back 100% ghost? we dONT KNOW. WE DONT GET TO SEE, ITS PLAYED LIKE SOME FUNNY THING AT THE END, THEN THATS IT!!! WHAT!!!)
-I don't know how to articulate how FRUSTRATING THAT IS. having him basically out himself and ''hold the world hostage'' does not track at all in my brain. like. he's always been scary because he is HUMAN, TOO. like, if he was 100% ghost, he'd be LESS scary, but vlad MASTERS has more power and influence than vlad PLASMIUS because of his position as mayor, his money, too, and his (supposed, s3 made me doubt it) intelligence/manipulation skills, and his being in good graces with jack made it HARD FOR DANNY. him outing himself for,, money and to 'control the world' i guess?? MONEY WAS NEVER HIS LIKE, MAIN GOAL. yeah obv he likes money and is materialistic and values his Rich Life, but hes got billions, the end goal? 1. getting maddie (and or danny as his son, but to me he always treated that as secondary) 2. ruining jack. this feels like they wanted to say 'oh he just wants POWER' which is. HMM?? OKAY?? obv he /does/ want power (usually over certain ppl, tho), but seeing him try to get it like this FELT WEIRD SOMEHOW. weird like the ep where he tried and failed to take over various historical civilizations, because like,, how is that realistically going to do anything for him?? just, being in that time forever and never seeing maddie aka Goal #1 again?? HELLO??? this was like that, but worse
-this was such a weird ending to an entire show. why did season 3 only have 13 episodes?? why did it feel so weirdly paced?? WHY WAS THE ENDING LIKE THAT. I think. I am going to pretend I did not see that. fucked up, dudes. I'm like...hm. I shouldn't have watched that because now I'm mad. valerie sweetie im SO sorry you shouldve been more present. it felt like..if they knew this season was going to be short, and the last season, they should've spent more time wrapping up EVERYONE'S plot lines for the entire season. imagine how cool it wouldve been if every single ep of season 3 was working towards something, a big, nice wrap up at the end, with nothing feeling TOO rushed because they'd been heading towards the End for the whole season....
I will probably end up writing a follow up full series thoughts post. In a couple of days so I can sit with my thoughts. BUT. overall, I really liked the show! (ignoring the finale and some of the moments that aged pretty poorly...) it was charming and a fun concept and very fun to watch in general :) and I am pretending the finale didnt happen <3 and I’m gonna dive RIGHT into the dp tags and mix fanart and posts in my queue, very excited to run and look at that 🏃🏻 (and, of course, make more fanart myself hehe >:3)
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randomsevans · 4 years
Part 2
Steve Rogers x reader
Summary:you have recently decoved that your finance captain america is cheating on you. But there again you could be wrong. But what will happen when your not wrong ?. And your not the only one who has cort on to steve shaddy activitys .
AN : my grammar and spelling isn't the best so bare that in mind .
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Breakfast was quickly over. No word . No affection. Shown by the man who was ment to love you, the man you are ment to marry , the man you suspect is cheating on you. But maybe your wrong , maybe your brain is just over thinking. This is captain america we are speaking about, man who said your his world , his love , he wouldnt do anything to hurt you , especially in such a way . Would he ?
He wouldnt or so you thought/knew.
'God why cant I think straight ' you mind was racing around and around , question after question , excuse after excuse for him .
Maybe your just overreacting, I mean my spy training doesn't mean I have to be right every time . Nobody else has notice his behalf? Right .but you have and you know him better then anyone . Or so you should. But your not the only one whose notice a change . Nat did , she look like she was about to skin him alive with her butter knife at the breakfast.
You mind racing , your fist rapidly punching the bag , never stop . The training room had blurred form your vision along with everyone in it . You can feel you blood boiling , tight knots in your stomach as you think about steve with sharon . Your temper going just above busting point . You didnt notice you went breathing. You didnt notice your eyes glowing, you didnt notice the punching bag flying off , with a swerling yellow sting glow around it . You just stare at it , forgetting all the people . Nobody would notice anyway , it's not unusual for this to happen , but what is , is the power running through your veins . The very thing , nobody knows, the thing you hide , the thing you run away from , thing you dont want people to know about you , hell you dont even know what it is exactly. You spend all you time hiding it . The minority of the time you cant feel it running though , you normally have hold over it . But when your emotions get to extreme (more like things you dont experience often ) such as a need to cry, or your anger , anxiety. It slips out and your cant control it. And it doesn't help you are feeling all these right now.
You final brought back form your blurred vision with a hand on your shoulder. If it was anyone else you'd push them off , but not this person. Youd no them any way . Ever since it first comforted you when you just a child, in place no child should be , in a situation no child should be , expecting things no child should ever .
You slowing turn your face toward him . Bucky .or james as you knew him as a child . Hes your comfort , the closest thing you got to w father in the red room . This you keep a secret form everyone else , no one apart from nat knows that you were in the red room with her and as she was training and falling in love with james . He acted as a father to , never letting you get near the same amount punishment as the other girls. So when you found he was still alive , when you found he was becoming sane minded again you couldn't be happy. You weirdly felt safe the world again . After you were told just after he managed for you to escape that the red room had killed him .
You have alot of secrets such as people dont know about the fact that the red room trained you , Bucky trained you , or the fact that you two have a father and daughter relationship . Nobody knows not even Steve, to everyone else sheild trained you, you were a good field agent and was giving the opportunity to become an averager under the request of Nat .But at least two people know them nat and buck , they raised you basically, they know you , they know your history. But theres one secret that nat doesn't even know, only james . And that's about your mutation. James found out about it the same time you did .
You were 11 years old , training with james in a dark cold room . The constenced shouting in russian and girls crying was getting to your head missing punishing and kicks , you head was fuzzy, everything was become to quick , to fast . You couldn't handle it , although you go thought it every day . You final get a burst of energy and it shoots thought your veins and bones , the bright yellow light swerling around, pushing James into the wall . He knew what it was , he had heard of mutation before and what happens when the red room find a girl who has one , they either dont last very long or are put into different facilities. He protected you , help you hide it . Still does today .
So when you turned around , you saw the panic on his face, he knew what had happend , he was the only person in the room that saw as always. And he knew something was wrong because you knew let it get the better of . He automatically pulled you into a hug hiding your face from the rest of the world in his chest . It would be so easy to cry , so easy. If you wernt so anger you were shacking .
"Your okay " "your safe " "I got you " " you can calm down " he constantly whispers until you did as you were told and calmed down . You glance up till you met his glaze . His eyes was swerling with fear and empathy for you . "Now you gonna tell me what's got you all worked up ?"he asked pulling the hair out of your face . You just shake you head negatively, he nodded in return , knowing you was going to answer him anytime soon .
"I might have an idea " nats voice stalled you . 'Did she see ?' You become anxious again you dont want anyone to know about you mutions .
"You've go quite the rage and strength, and rightfully to " at this you know she must think you just punched the bag down .
"What do you mean ? What happend ? Do u know what's wrong? NAT tell me ! " buck quietly shouted concerned, pulling away form you , facing nat with his armes crossed .
"Calm down papa wolf , I dont think nows the time , let's calm her down and get a drink in her first , I know she needs it " she glanced at you sympathetically, she knows about sharon and Steve.
"What ! Nat Its 11am the mo...." bucky was cut off by the annocument above.
"Party tonight people. Main floor see you there tonight. Peace out , Iron man ! " Tony said though the speakers .
"Great !" You said walking out of the training room , towards your room , knowing you'll stay there u till the party.
Hours had passed and you haven't seen anyone all day , steve didnt come to check up on you like he normal did , you asked friday what he was doing every hour and your were denied access.
You and Nat hadn't spoke about what was playing on your mind , you just spent your day with a few early drinks and tv . It got to the time where it was time to get ready .you sat in that's room with a dress she picked out for you lying on her bed . You sat at the mirror finishing your simple make up nothing to extreme hust enough to add to your natural beauty.
You heard the bathroom door open , you turned to see that Nat was almost ready
"Come on kid , I know parties ain't really our thing but at least they'll be vodka "she joked .
"Thank god " you rolled your eyes and got up picking up your dress and heading towards the bathroom. You were just about to close the door when Nat sighed
"Y/n you .... I..... do you see what i see " she ask clearly neverous .
"About ?" You tried to act clueless but you knew what she was about to say
"About steve "
"..... " you stay silent for a while " can we not.. not right now .. we both could be wronge his the man I'm marrying, the man I love .... i dont want to think about it .... I... we might be wronge "
She scoffed at the thought but she nodded her head . And in you went into the bathroom to finish getting ready .
When you emerged out of the bathroom in your dark blue silk dress that hugged and was lose in all the right placed . With your hair curled and pinned half up and half down .
"Oh my .... you look gorgeous " Nat said with wide eyes . You felt it too as much as you ddint want to go to this party you felt great in this dress almost forgetting everything
"You look stunning as always " Nat just shrugged it off and grab your hand while heading our her door .
When you got into the hallway you and nat both stopped in your tracks.
"There you are ... iv been looking for you ... Tony and his parties eh " Steve laugh making you laugh too . This man put you into a trance everytime you saw him , he was in a dark blue shirt similar to your dress (not on purpose) . He looked as good as ever , you sighed with the biggest smile thinking this man is going to be your for ever soon . But then the voice started to creep back into your head ,instantly your small dropped to a frown
Steve took a step closer to you and kissed you on the check you let out a breath that you didnt know you was holding all day ,
'See everything normal we were just over reacting '
He smiled down at you "you look good " he said but he didnt even look at you the way be usual would , he didnt say what he usal would , it would be more then just good ...
"Good ? She looks stunning " Nat blurted out , you could tell she was staring at him like he was the target .
He just wrapped an arm losly around you , not tight like he normal would, he once said it was to keep you by his side and let everyone know your his . But not now . You felt so stuiped being in his arms .
"Let's go shall we "
You had been at the party for not that long Steve was by your side laughing and joking with everyone around the group . Nat , Bucky and Tony all laughing and joking
Everyone would feel fine if it wasnt for Steve's eyes keep wondering off
You sighed , chucking down your drunk , thinking your the only one that noticed but you forget that you were next to the best assassins you have ever know .
"Hi everyone "
"Oh hi sharon " Tony said
Your eyes snapped to her stunned , everyone eyes fell on her as you all stood at the bar in a circle she had managed to get her way inbetween Tony and steve
" you look stunning " steve said looking her up and down with a smirk , your heart dropped
"You get good and she gets stunning!"
"Thank you " sharon whisper trying not to star at steve but failing as there both keep sharing glances at each other, as a blush creeped on her check .
The music was the only thing filling the silence for a while as Tony sipped on his drink clueless . With steve and Sharom basically eye fucking each other while unknowly to you two very very anger killing mansions were ready to be Roger's down . You just stood there tears threating to make an appearance.
"I'm... I'm just going to pop to the.. " you couldn't finish your sentence already making your way down the hall .
Nobody looked at you are asked if you were okay .
You made your way blindly down corridors in all different directions you didnt know where you ended up, all you knew was you were far way you didnt hear the music and you were safe alone . You let out a quiet sob that lead to a few tears escaping your tear duck as you fought them off . Ignoring the stinging feeling with the tight chest and pit in your stomach .
Some one pulled you into there arms you you could see was a few red strains of hair
"Sshhhhh "
"I dont know why I'm like this.... I might be wronge " you choked out
Nat just gave you a look like 'when are we ever wronge "
"Come lets go back " was all she said you nodded .
She rubbed your back as you made your way through the corridors . Before you turned a corner you heard a quiet bang followed by laughter and giggles . You and Nat quietly laught and slowly made your way to the corner.
You stopped dead in your tracks with nat behind you . You were barely visible as you were still hidden around the corner .you quickly took a step back , pushing Nat backwards , she looked confused but you both listen carefully.
All you could hear was short breaths with giggles and growls
"Stop that "you heard a high pitched giggle
"Hell no ! I wanted to get my hands on you all night "
"You would be able to if you didnt have her ..."
"Soon " The deep voice cut her off "soon I'll be all your okay "
Your heart drop you could help the tears roll down your cheek. As you saw and hear Steve with sharon , it hit you hard , it all become reality and you couldn't take it . Nat griped you tightly clearly trying to calm her anger .
There voice went away and nat looked around the corner
"There gone ..I'm going to kill him " she snapped
You sobs became louder and louder your whole body was shaking
"Why ? Why ? Why ? He said he loved me , said I was his world , I'm meant to be his wife soon why ? What did he mean by soon ? Was he going to leave you?
Your body was shaking as nat stepped back , unknowly to you everything around you was shaking to . You vision blur and lost all connection to world around you and your heart was literally tearing into piece making the unwanted power over come you .
"Uh no nooo no " was all you hear and Bucky ran his way towards you
"Calm down it okay " bucky slowly came near you as the shaking stopped. He quickly wrapped you in his arms
"Calm down !"
There was silence that felt like forever Nat with her anger towards Roger's and shocked by you . While Bucky was staying calm for you
"You going to tell me ? " he asked slowly.
You shook your head no
There both sighed
"Fine I will!" Nat snapped
"No .. no please dont" you begged.
"What ? What is it ? "Bucky asked getting impatient
"No .. don't say it...its not real until you say it " you hiccup on everyone word
"Please " you begged one last time
"Just tell me god damn it "
"Roger's is cheating with carter "nat barked over youf sobs
"What !"
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