#spy family manga spoilers
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azehearts · 1 year ago
SPOILERS (Spy Family Manga)
Just a normal day with a bunch of six-year olds following you.
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lavalamp-juice · 2 years ago
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Currently thinking about how either Yor or Anya put a blanket on Loid while he was asleep <3
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everythingloveandanimated · 1 month ago
I am fiendishly delighted about this!
Loid when Donovan hits him with the "Hello [REDACTED]."
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Spy x family is very very good because there's a bit where a far right terrorist group says that they want to start a war and a main character responds by saying to them "have any of you ever killed anyone before? Have you ever been killed before? Have you ever had a limb torn off by an artillery shell? Have you ever heard the sound of bones shattering? Have you ever smelled the reek of rotting flesh? Have you ever found the crushed bodies of your parents and siblings in a pile of rubble that used to be your home? Have you ever discovered a blown-off piece of your lover stuck to a wall? Have you ever been so hungry that you tried to eat tree bark? Or stewed a pot of human flesh? Have you ever convinced yourself that your enemy was subhuman so you could...slaughter them like animals? Have you ever been so haunted by shame and regret afterwards that you cried until you vomited? Have you ever had friends who did the same, and then took their own lives? Did you learn nothing about war at your university?!"
and that's the same volume where they adopt a dog that can see into the future
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loosescrewslefty · 15 days ago
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Five years old, and she already has the sass of a teenager. RIP Loid, you are going to go through HELL in another five years or so.
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1alchemistart · 1 year ago
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tbh if they end up dancing im going to expect them to be goofy JKAKLSDFK but waltz drawing OBLIGATORY obv
have this little anya too
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aerequets · 5 months ago
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Lessons were learned
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elipri · 5 months ago
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Keep yo hands offa my woman!!
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asmodeus542 · 5 months ago
Corporate needs you to identify the fake family
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lotsofblabblers · 1 year ago
Agent Twilight. Westalis' top spy.
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Can't win an argument with his baby daughter.
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azehearts · 1 year ago
SPOILER (Spy Family Manga)
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I love that for a story about people telling lies to "maintain a thin veneer of peace", Anya is the first to break it.
Which is a huge thing for Anya to actually do (I was shocked). She had been careful about not revealing her powers to anyone, and don't forget that she didn't even open up to Loid few chapters ago after he asked about her past!
But then she sees Damian being genuine for a couple of times now. She knows he only wants a loving family. He was just like her, and somehow she believes that he'll understand if she tells the truth. So, I guess it makes sense for her to trust him (even when he didn't believe her hahaha).
I am so excited because this just means the story is going to progress even more!!! Omg!
I made a doodle a week ago. I thought it was going to be a silly scene if they dance. But I was wrong. You could say this is:
Expectation vs Reality
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lavalamp-juice · 1 year ago
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This is an alternate ending of chapter 62 in the Spy x Family manga. So Spoilers! (But not that much really)
Synopsis-Loid Forger wakes up from a nightmare crying...in front of Yor and Anya.
All sfw and pure fluff :)
Words- 760ish
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After Loid has passed out Yor placed a freshly washed blanket over him, just like she used to with Yuri. She sat down in the chair next to him and began to read. After awhile Loid tossed and turned in his sleep. Yor glanced at him, she had gotten distracted by the book she was reading. 
"Maybe I should wake him? Hopefully that wouldn't be butting in- although -" 
Before she could finish her thought Loid jolted up in a panic. He could smell gun power?
Very dazed he looked around "What the? Where am I? ... oh right "Loid's" house" 
He hadn't realized but he had tears in his eyes. Real tears. Of course he has "cried" as an act in many of his missions, but Agent Twilight hadn't cried real tears in years. He used to be a real softie, but things changed in training he learned to push those feelings deep inside. 
When he awoke he looked around again, there was Anya and Yor staring at him startled. He wondered why for a second when he put his hands to his face. He felt the tears streaming down his face and looked at his hand.
"What was he dreaming about?!" Yor thought, she had never seen him like this.
Anya was able to read a little of his mind. Dreams are pretty hard to read, especially when a person is groggy from waking up. All she could really decipher was that it was a very bad dream, it felt real, and that papa was sad. 
The room was very quiet. 
Loid turned bright red, and was mad with himself, spy's don't show their true emotions.
"Loid are-are you okay?"
"Is Papa sad?" 
In the past Twilight had visited the memories from his old, dead life he abandoned. He had come to terms with what had happened. Well so he thought. As a pyciatist he knew it didn't exactly work like that. The remembrance of loss could cause the body to panic even if the mind isn't. Loid knew he was okay, he was safe, in the security of his own home and family. Scratch that. Fake family. But if it was a pretend made up family, why did it feel so so very real?
"I'm alright thank you. Please excuse me" Loid got up and rushed toward his room, bright red he felt so dejected.
"When did I even pass out like that?! Crying like a baby in front of your wife and daughter." He thought. 
Yor got up from the chair and stretched out her hand. 
"Loid wait! It's okay, I promise." 
Loid turned around swiftly he had a flustered, embarrassed face, bright red as he stared into Yor's garnet red eyes. 
Yor slowly walking towards him "Oh I'm sorry, if you want to go to your room that's perfectly fine...but I just wanted to assure you. It-it's okay."
Loid wiped away tears from his eyes, they just came streaming down. As smart as he was he didn't know why. He thought he was smarter than this. 
"DAMN IT TWILIGHT pull yourself together" that head of his was loud.
The lines between who his true self was were getting blurrier and blurrier.
" I'm not Loid and I'm not *name has been redacted* I am Twilight." He thought to himself.
 Anya stared at both of them. Yor walked closer to him. She wasn't exactly sure what to do, but this felt right. She looked him in the eyes, those crystal blue eyes staring back at her. She stretched out her arms and hugged him. Loid didn't know how to react at first his arms floating around her torso. But eventually, melted into it. They hadn't been that close before, sober at least. He left himself indulge for just a moment. If he truly wasn't Loid Forger, why did it feel so good. 
"I'm sorry, I'm better than this" he whispered with a shaken voice.
"Please, don't apologize it's alright. I promise" she said softly
Anya slowly got up and went to Mama and Papa.
Yor let go, but still had an arm wrapped around Loid. Yor raised Anya with the other arm close to Loid. 
"You're a good papa" Anya said encouraging-ly 
The tears were starting to slow down. 
Loid looked at Anya and smiled, "Thank you peanut"
" and a good husband"
Loid took a sharp breath, and his ears got red.
 "thank you Yor"
��Little by little they were more of a family than any of them had ever had. They stayed there in the moment. The 3 embracing each other. Wanting to stay forever.
⋆。°✩・・・⋆。°✩・・・ ⋆。°✩・・・ ⋆。°✩ ・・・
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nocandnc · 15 days ago
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I love how quickly Loid changes his mind whenever Yor brings up softer viewpoints, it’s so cute >///<
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littleholmes · 2 months ago
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Thank you, Anya. He acted like he didn’t, but he really, really did need to hear this and to be reminded that at least someone in that wretched house loves him ♡
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jesterraconteuse · 1 year ago
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You know I'm right
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pjs-everyday · 1 year ago
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"papa, i wanna match with mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ! ! !!! ! ! ! " >> lmao loid under the cut
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yep, this dude's a goner
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