#spn femslash bang
spnfemslashbang · 2 months
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Title: The Perfect Woman
Author: @friendofcarlotta
Artist: @kayliemalinza
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Daphne Allen/Carmen Porter
Warnings: Internalized Homophobia
Additional Tags: Comedy, Mad Scientist Daphne, Bisexual Carmen Porter, Minor Castiel/Dean Winchester, Minor Daphne/Carmen/The Djinn Queen
Summary: When Daphne Allen discovers that her vanished husband Emmanuel is in fact the angel Castiel and is happily dating a man named Dean Winchester, she decides to take revenge. Step 1: Create a living replica of Carmen Porter, Dean Winchester’s perfect woman from a past djinn dream. Step 2: Watch Castiel’s relationship with Dean fall apart and dance on its ashes. What Daphne didn’t consider is that Dean is immune to Carmen’s charms these days — and that Daphne herself is not.
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hawkland · 2 months
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Art masterpost: Dark Magic Story by: fathersalmon @father-salmon Art by: sidewinder @hawkland Hello! I feel like it's been ages since I had a new bang collaboration to share (though there is plenty of art underway and waiting in the wings for posting!) This was my first time participating in the @spnfemslashbang, and I couldn't resist it being a reverse bang this round. I had a lot of ideas for this bang, but at the end of the day stuck with my first inspiration: Amara and Rowena. Basically my thought was "be gay, do magic; maybe save the universe" when I did my submission/main art piece here:
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I love the story fathersalmon wrote to go with this rather open-ended prompt of mine! Please do go read it and enjoy!
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sunshine-zenith · 1 year
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My art piece for MBQ’s @spnfemslashbang fic, “The Sunken Garden”
Go read it!
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hoziernaturalevents · 8 months
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It's that time of year again, and THE HOZIERNATURAL MULTI-SHIP BANG IS BACK!
Just like last year, all characters, ships, gen fics, and x readers are welcome! This is for everyone who wants to write/draw Supernatural characters to the inspiration of Hozier's music.
However, there are a couple big changes in the procedures that we're really excited about:
We are really excited to roll out a new tiered system this year! Would you love to participate but tend to write shorter one shots or only have time in your schedule for 1 art piece? We've got you! Are you one of those who always creates extra art or ends up writing 150k words for a 5k minimum event and would love some extra time to indulge in those urges? We've got you covered, too!
We are doing claims instead of matching this year. So, authors, feel free to start working out your ideas as soon as you like (especially those of you who like to write tomes. You know who you are)!
We are not managing song choices this year. We want every one of you guys to get your top song pick. If 17 authors want to choose "Work Song" or "Take Me to Church," have at it!
Complete Rules and Info for this year are here.
Check out last year's gallery/masterlist here!
We'll re-open the Discord server towards the end of sign-ups. Between now and then, feel free to send us an ask with any questions you may have.
We can't wait to hang out with you guys and see what you create this year!
~The Hoziernatural Mods
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rauko-creates · 1 year
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I had so much fun doing art for and beta-ing this fic by @sunshine-zenith for @hoziernaturalevents 💚💚💚
Inspired by Hozier's Jackie and Wilson. Everyone should seriously go check it out
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golby-moon · 1 year
it's time it's happening it's here gjkhgdfgf, here's some art for the @spnfemslashbang ahhhfkjddfj
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that can of salt was such a pain to try to get. I actually attempted to 3d model it on Blender for the text (which was way harder than it should've been even with videos to walk me through everything down to the very last detail what) and was quickly reminded of why I hate 3d modeling. the text still doesn't look right gfjhk
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(to be fair I don't think I could've done all that much better if I wanted the entire name to be visible though, and readability is definitely the priority as far as banners go)
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the art of drawing food was really put to the test here...I think I failed but idk it's probably at least somewhat clear what they're eating? I did use the femslash bang's colors for the window's framing there which is why it's so...purple (also if anyone's wondering the words on there read 'try our locally grown tomatoes,' which was my attempt at referencing the role tomatoes play in the fic as far as Claire and Zoey bonding went)
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finally we have Ugly Motel Room scene, with Claire and Zoey bumping salt canisters together as they prepare for a night of making salt lines along the windows and I just realized Zoey's hair is quite a bit longer here than in the previous image and I'm just gonna pretend that's because her head is tilted up a little here uh. quick distraction look at my bad attempt at recreating the designs on the salt canisters (and the femslash logo I threw on Zoey's weirdly small backpack because reasons)
overall I did have some fun with these drawings (aside from 3d modeling that can gfhjgjkdf) even if it did get me outside of comfort zone a little with drawing food and salt and backpacks and trying to figure out how to write at such weirdo angles in the banner, which I'm apparently just gonna be doing with bang banners now?
and now after way too much scrolling, the moment you've all been waiting for...the fic
the fic this is made for is called "no such thing as a unique experience" by @astralpenguin for the femslash bang
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azziesbattybaddie · 1 year
Im so happy to say that my submission for the femslashbang is finally done!!!
If you want to go read the fic you can find it here:
Here is the art for the fic:
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ephemerastardust · 1 year
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[SPN Femslash 2023] The Reaper's Apprentice
Link to Fic | Author's AO3
My second Femslash bang! I was luckily paired with @butterflyslinky to have this beautiful and peaceful fic about Jess' afterlife with Billie.
Thank my author for the great fic, always being so supportive of my art, running this amazing bang, and giving me a chance to draw and read stories about these gorgeous women in SPN!
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father-salmon · 3 months
🦋 🌸 ✨ 🐥
hi nolan!!!
🦋 tell us about your current wip
i have 3 right now lol (pls help) but one is a supernatural femslash fic for the spn femslash bang for rowena/amara.
second one is the buddie mafia au i'm also writing for a bang. the 118 bang specifically skghskghg
and the third is my equally as self-indulgent cuffing season sequel !!
🌸 wip you've been working on the longest
uhhhh the mafia au. definitely
✨ newest wip
cuffing season sequel!! it's gonna be soft hearts, hard dicks
🐥 here's some writing motivation!
thank you!! i need it akfjskgh
send me some asks for the summertime writer ask game!
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spnfemslashbang · 2 months
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Title: Girl's Night
Author: @sapphicmoonlightlilith
Artist: @celestialminion
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Rowena Macleod/Mary Winchester
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: casefic, Old Woman Yuri, the setting in terms of time is very nebulous but i think its some sort of, Alternate Season/Series 12, but only very very very technically, I'm Bad At Tagging, Dialogue Heavy
“This might be the nicest date you've taken me on yet,” Rowena started, half smiling at Mary, who had just returned to the table they were standing at with a few drinks. Taking a sip of the one clearly for her, she paused for a moment and examined Mary, who looked distracted. “What's the catch?”
“What do you mean, what's the catch? We're on a date, it's fun. It's a gallery opening, you love those.” Mary said, staring at a group of women a few tables away.
“No, you've never taken me on a date like this, and we've gone on several.”
“Maybe I decided it was time to impress you?”
“No, you had your chance to do that before you tried to take me to a bar that was literally called The Drainage Ditch. My standards are unsurprisingly lower now.” Rowena said, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
“Maybe I-”
“This is a hunt, isn't it.”
“I can explain.”
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thetruthbetween · 9 months
fic quiz Tagged-ish by @amiwritesthings 😂
Only doing my main AO3 account and not including any side accounts, cuz I don't wanna math rn
How many works do you have on ao3
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Uh… all of them?? My fandom list on AO3 has 33 fandoms on it… But the only ones I feel inclined to write for at this very moment are Grimm and SPN
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bite Me (Once Upon a Time) Can't Escape Destiny (Once Upon a Time) All That Is Gold (Once Upon a Time) Truth or Dare (Criminal Minds) Operation Moms (Once Upon a Time)
… Wow, I do not agree with my highest kudoed fics at all 😕 Tho I do find it interesting that they're all femslash ships, even tho I mostly write het
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Mostly no. I like to, because I know how I feel when I comment on a fic and the author replies to it, but I always feel so awkward just being like "thanks, glad you liked it :)" to everything. It's true, but it feels disingenuous, IDK
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mm, one of the character death fics for sure. Dunno which one tho, I've written them for like half the fandoms I've written for LOL
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The vast majority of my fics have happy endings, how do you pick the happiest of "and they lived happily ever after"? LOL
(Me casually being the worst for these two questions LOL)
Do you get hate on fics?
I have, yeah. I've had people yell at me to stop writing when I post a particular ship (so I recently posted another of that ship and dedicated it to the anon in question), I've had people yell at me that… Mary obviously didn't love Sam, only Dean, in a Dean/Mary/Sam fic… That one confused me, NGL. Surprisingly, I don't think I've gotten hate for incest? Not that I can recall, anyway, at least on my main account
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yessssss I do. Mostly het, some femslash when I end up in a fandom lacking good hetships (mostly OUAT). Some vanilla, some kink, some omegaverse… IDK, I feel like my smut writing is pretty basic, like even the kinky stuff is like… light kink, nothing really super heavy or anything
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not generally, I tend to only hyperfixate on one thing at a time, but I have started writing an SPN fic that is sorta a crossover with various other fandoms, where Gabe makes Mary a pocket realm to bang fictional characters she finds hot (AKA I find hot) (yes, it's crack treated seriously) so there's planned chapters for Twilight (Carlisle and Esme, together) and Criminal Minds (Hotch and Prentiss, not together) and The Conjuring (Ed and Lorraine, together) and since I just got into Grimm, Grimm (Sean) but I haven't actually written any of the crossover parts
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Reported it but the poster deleted before AO3 could take action (so I've been keeping an eye on the account and have reported it for plagiarism 4 times now, 3 where the person's been caught and the fics been removed). Also had a former friend post something we wrote together without permission from me or credit to me, even tho I wrote literally half of it. I commented that if she didn't add me as an author, I'd report it, so she deleted it and blocked me
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I've had several people ask, but I'm not comfortable having my fics translated, so I've always said no
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Many! I love writing with other people, it's much easier than writing alone. I also end up with way longer fics when I write with someone. My longest fic I've written alone was like 10k, which is only 3k longer than my shortest co-written fic
What’s your all time favorite ship?
That's not how hyperfixation works LMAO But my current favorite ship is Silverprince (Sean/Juliette) from Grimm
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have more wips than I have finished fics, and most of them won't ever be finished. I'd probably say either Can't Escape Destiny or All That is Gold, but I also can't say that I doubt I'll ever finish them, because if/when I get back into OUAT, I fully plan on working on them again
Oh oh! I know one! Not a wip story, but a wip series. My Criminal Minds series, The Self-Discovery of Emile Prentiss, my trans!Prentiss series. I've got another 3 installments planned where Em and Hotch get together but I kiiiiinda don't think I'm ever gonna actually get around to it. Same with my Grimm idea I'm currently working on. I posted one fic in it, but I have some pretty strong doubts that I'll ever get the whole thing finished
What are your writing strengths?
Super super super short but evocative scenes. There's a reason why I write microfic (under 100 words) and that's because I'm good at it
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot. All the plot.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? I've done it, I've read it, it's whatever. I don't really have an opinion
First fandom you wrote for?
I don't know if it was Star Wars or Star Trek TNG. It was 25+ years ago
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Sleeping Beauty (SPN) It's my only Dead Dove fic, and it is by far the most fucked up thing I've ever written, but I love it SO much. Partly for that reason, partly because it's a different style than I usually write, and partly because some of my fave comments are on that fic LOL When you write something super fucked up and people manage to still enjoy (possibly not the right word LOL) the fic even while hating the subject matter? I mean. C'mon.
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Have an excerpt of the enemies-to-lovers trope from my Anna/Meg fic. As a treat.
Anna stares at Meg, millennia of distrust playing a sad, ugly tune across her face. Meg considers retracting her offer. She doesn’t have to help some holier-than-thou member of the God squad. But even as she thinks it, that obnoxious little voice in her head reminds her: there aren’t any sides. Not anymore.
Ever since Jack took over and defeated the Shadow - locking it away in a quiet dark prison that seems to be more of a comfort than a punishment for the thing - Heaven, Hell, Purgatory - the whole metaphysical enchilada really - has been deconstructed, re-wrapped and presented for general consumption with a side of chips.
To be honest, Meg kinda zoned out when the kid explained it, but he seemed pretty excited about the concept and everyone else was jazzed about it, so it must be a level-up from the previous arrangement. For her part, Meg doesn’t really want to know where she’s headed if she’s unlucky enough to find herself once again permanently (almost for certain this time) dead. 
The point is - right, the point is that they aren’t mortal enemies locked in a battle to bring about the apocalypse anymore. Meg and Anna are both vestiges of a world rewritten, the echoes of a dark vision as old as time.
And, to be honest, Meg hasn’t really felt like a cheerleader for Team Hell for a long time anyway, so that’s all the better for her. Even if she would rock a short skirt and pom poms.
Part of breaking down all that toxic Hell/Heaven rah rah garbage is not giving into the urge to keep taking sides.
“Come on, have a seat.” Meg lays a soft hand on Anna’s shoulder, leading her to a low stool. 
Read the whole fic here.
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hoziernaturalevents · 2 years
Sign-Ups for the Hoziernatural Multi-Ship Bang are now open!!
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You can now sign up HERE as an author, artist, beta, or pinch-hitter!
All ships, gen fics, and x reader fics are all welcome! (We are including characters from the prequel, too, by the way! If they exist within the Supernatural universe, they're welcome. Wanna write that fic where Sam and Dean actually get to grow up with Carlos and Lata around? DO IT.)
Sign-ups will be open from now until March 31st. After that, participants will be matched based on the preferences (favorite Hozier songs, ships/characters, ratings, etc.) they list in the sign-up form, and mods will begin sending out Autor/Artist team assignments on April 2nd.
Our full Schedule and Info can be found here. If you have any questions, concerns, or need any clarification, please send us an ask any time.
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rauko-creates · 2 years
In Your Light - Art
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I am SO EXCITED to finally get to share this Anna/Meg art for In Your Light by @doctorprofessorsong for the @spnfemslashbang
This was an absolute pleasure to read and do art for. Go read it and give her and our angel/demon duo all the love.
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fandom-madnessess · 6 years
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Title: Had to Go Away to Find Home Author: hazelNuts / @fandom-madnessess Artist: 5pm / @five-p-m Rating: Mature Pairing(s): Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak Warning(s): Canon-typical Violence, Mild Gore, Blood, Scars Word Count: 8586
Summary: Claire knows she's a bad-ass. She's a Hunter who's fought Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Ghosts, even Angels, so when a girl hops in her car on her way back from a hunt, and holds a knife to her throat, ordering her to do as she's told, she listens. She's not gonna go out by getting stabbed with a rusty paring knife. But she can't drive all night, and when they stop at a motel she finds out there's a lot more to the girl than meets the eye. With a girl that can walk to other worlds in her sleep, her evil double on the loose, and a dead Vampire in the boot of the car, things are going to get very interesting. Or: A canon-divergent AU where Claire is the one who meets Kaia and introduces her to the bigger supernatural world.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16235156  Art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16232786/chapters/37946309
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benevolentsam · 6 years
Does anyone know if there’s an spn femslash bang or spn femslash bingo happening this year??
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