#wayward sisters mini bang
fandom-madnessess · 6 years
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Title: Had to Go Away to Find Home Author: hazelNuts / @fandom-madnessess Artist: 5pm / @five-p-m Rating: Mature Pairing(s): Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak Warning(s): Canon-typical Violence, Mild Gore, Blood, Scars Word Count: 8586
Summary: Claire knows she's a bad-ass. She's a Hunter who's fought Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Ghosts, even Angels, so when a girl hops in her car on her way back from a hunt, and holds a knife to her throat, ordering her to do as she's told, she listens. She's not gonna go out by getting stabbed with a rusty paring knife. But she can't drive all night, and when they stop at a motel she finds out there's a lot more to the girl than meets the eye. With a girl that can walk to other worlds in her sleep, her evil double on the loose, and a dead Vampire in the boot of the car, things are going to get very interesting. Or: A canon-divergent AU where Claire is the one who meets Kaia and introduces her to the bigger supernatural world.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16235156  Art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16232786/chapters/37946309
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the-jennnster · 6 years
First Lines
So @bibipidgeypie tagged me in this and first of all fUCK I HAVE TO SHARE THIS SHIT and second of all FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK
Rules: List the first lines of your last ten published stories. Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Tag up to ten friends.
1. January 18, 2018: I came back to Sioux Falls to save Sam and Dean Winchester and I did. - Holding On To You (Wayward Sisters, Dreamhunter)
2.  All his life, people told Shiro how fortunate he was that his soulmark included his soulmate's name. - I’m sorry (too) (Voltron, Shadam)
3.  Sam huffed as he leaned against the wall of the bunker hallway, running a hand through his hair as he took a deep breath and let himself calm down after his heated argument with Dean. - Whole New Man (Supernatural, Sabriel)
4.  "I need you." Dean begged as Cassie Robinson shook her head in disbelief. - I Need You (Supernatural, Destiel & Sabriel)
5.  "Dean Winchester," the voice of Sister Jo, Lucifer's Grace slave, mused from behind him. "I'm not surprised to find you in a place like this." - Half Empty (Supernatural, 13x18 Coda)
6.  Dean groaned as he climbed out of bed, stretching as he got dressed and made his way to the bunker kitchen. - Happy Birthday, Dean! (Supernatural, Dean’s birthday celebration)
7.  Dean sighed as he sat in his car, leaning back in the driver’s seat as he watched the couple walk down the street to the apartment - Lost and Found (Supernatural, AU where Sam died in the pilot)
8.  “Where’s the Nephilim?” he growled, hand clenched in a fist as the angel gasped for air. “Where is he?” - The Forgotten Sons (Supernatural, Jesse Turner/Ben Braeden)
9.  The first time Sam died, he went to Heaven. - Half of My Heart Lives in Heaven (Supernatural, Sam/Jess)
10.  Jody sighed as she drove up the winding driveway surrounded by dilapidated cars. - A Purrfect Christmas (Supernatural, Christmas hunt)
I think the main pattern here is that I was on a Supernatural kick for a long-ass time and need to spice up my beginnings because 3/10 started with “Dean”.
(Now, I’m going to cheat and do stuff that I haven’t published yet and am just really proud of because what’s a better choice than following @paperfury​‘s example and breaking aLL THE RULES) 
1.  My eyes were glued to the wooden front of the principal’s desk and I forced myself to fight down the knot in my throat. - Maybe (Original high school AU of my own work)
2.  Lance loved his job at Altea Café, though in fairness, the word ‘café’ was a bit of an overstatement. - May I Take Your Order? (Voltron, Klance coffee shop AU)
3.  Today was truly a beautiful day. - Stars (The original work that “Maybe” is based off of. YA sci-fi)
Also: tagging @pidgeyos @iamkathastrophe @supernaturalsimply @almaasi (even tho a goddess like her will never see this silly lil post) and @trekchik
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andromytta · 6 years
Two Pictures
Title: Two Pictures
Author: Andromytta
Artist: @five-p-m
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s): Claire Novak/Kevin Tran; Charlie Bradbury/Claire Novak/Kevin Tran (if you squint.)
Warning(s): Unresolved Ending
Word Count: 6262
Dean Winchester saved my life. Not just in the literal sense that he didn’t let some creepy monster eat me. He saved my life in every sense of the word. He helped me come to terms with losing my parents in the worst possible way. He helped me find a new family when I had none. Dean Winchester saved my life. Now, now I would save his.
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16222946
LInk to Art: http://andromytta.tumblr.com/image/178868617848  (Don’t forget this is by the amazing @five-p-m, even though it’s on my page!)
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Welcome to the first-ever Wayward Sisters Big Bang! Do you love one or all of these ladies? Tell it to us in a fic!
We have Mini Bangs (5,000 words) and Big Bangs (15,000 words). You can write about any characters in Supernatural as long as one or more of these lovely ladies is a/are the main character(s). All ships are welcome.
Want more info?
Check out the Rules and Schedule
Any other inquiries you can just send us an ask!
Fill out the sign-up forms below!
— Sign up for authors: here  || Close date: May 20th
— Sign up for artists: here  || Close date: July 7th
— Sign up for alphas/betas: here
Join the WSBB discord server!
We look forward to reading and seeing all of your creations!
- The Admins
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
Current WIP to do, and JUNE!!
Well well, April is here, which means that my Art Association duties are back in full swing. 2 more months left of this One and a half months of this Presidency/treasurer/publicity/scholarship/AHHHHHHHHH position.  May is going to be jam packed with events for the art association, I’m dreading May, but it’s the last of it and is going to take precise planning.  Between that, my huge convention project and being sick for almost the past month, my timeline is completely shot to hell.  It’s going to take every waking hour to still pull everything off by deadlines.  Commissions keep coming in which I wont argue about because my commissions are my convention fund and other “fun” money, and when needed it helps with bills as well.
JUNE…June is my month. No bang deadlines, only one piece of birthday art, no Art Association duties. My wedding anniversary, the SPN Con, my birthday and my husband will be home 3 out of the 4 weeks in June. (Normally he’s away 2 weeks and home 1.) So June is going to be amazing. My goal is to have the bulk of the list below done by May 31st. So that June can be spent with family time, vegging, working on other fandom projects, or my oubliette of forgotten works in progress.
I figured I would update my list of art projects, and I’m still choosing the strike out method, So that I can see my progress and keep myself motivated.
I’ve moved some items to their own section titled June
Sketchy music prompts: for several folks, as soon as I get my cursed scanner to work i’ll post those  :(
prompt art for @posingasme (see sastiel big bang)
CATS - no not the musical,I’m talking about  the household pet.  I have an art exhibit coming up focused on cats. 18 pieces that hang on February 3rd. I did a series of dogs about a year and a half ago, and it went over extremely well. I’m trying cats this time.
spnholidayreverseminibang artwork due February 14th
saileenbigbang I have 2 to 4 illustrations planned for this bang with@rosemoonweaver and it posts February 19th
deancaspinefest one story with @paperannxo posting on March 12th  and another with @ladyofthursday posting on March 31st.
Finish up the last sketchy music prompt that was vexing me for a bit.
DeanCas Reverse bang 1 illustration
Commission for @tobythewise
Non fandom commission #1 (due May 1st)
Non fandom commission #2 (due asap)
Non fandom commission #3 (due asap)
Non fandom Spring Show art entries (due May 19th)
deancastropefest mid-winter 5k, with @mansikkaomenabanaani It’s seriously been awesome seeing this story come to life so quickly and it’s a 5k word maximum, so it’s a one illustration sort of deal. Posting for this challenge begins April 1st.
Two short stories to finish writing for the@spnholidayreverseminibang
sastielbb artwork for a story with @posingasme Posting now on May 12th
Birthday art for my April lovelies
Supernatural MASSIVE project, for SPN Pittcon in June, I have my list of characters, I’ll start layout soon.
fandomtrumpshate​ art auction 2 of my 3 auctions have decided what they would like for their winning artwork (November deadlines).
Dean/Cas/Jimmy Big Bang, with @wetkitchenpaint  posts May 25th!
Dean/Cas mini bang, with @ravenscat-tumbler , @punk-is-notdead&@ladyblacklodge  Posts in July, I have a good idea what I’m drawing for both of my stories, as far as the stories are written thus far.
trenchcoat big bang…..?  kind of in limbo and need to contact the mods
Birthday art for my May lovelies!!!!
I REALLY should work on some small notecards to display at our local garden show coming up Mid-May, (May 18th) but I could just load up old unsold artwork and take that….it’s already done and collecting dust anyway.
spnaubingo one card with All prompts due: May 22, 2018
Bingo cards:
samwinchesterbingo one card and they say they don’t believe in due dates :)
There’s also an spnpolybingo due August 1st,2018
spnfluffbingo yep that too, due December 31st 2018
Other stuff:
Wayward Sisters portrait, that I began when Wayward premiered
A random purgatory pic
Random story illustrations that I started months ago and would love to finish for various different authors.
Gotta draw some Juliet, lots more Hell on Earth, *shakes fist at*@thayerkerbasy and @grey2510
Other bangs I’m signed up for but art claims haven’t happened yet:
Sabriel bang, art claims 4.25.18 with posting beginning in July
SPN Canon  Big Bang, art claims 5.17.18 with posting beginning in July
Other fandom projects from my Oubilette that I would also love to start working on again soon. These include Doctor Who, Star Trek, Henson works.
An X-Men series of art pieces that wont get out of my head, but currently are just sitting there generating ideas.
Labyrinth in stipple
Since June is my month and I enjoyed @mansikkaomenabanaani​series Getting Domestic so much, I might post one graphite sketch a day based on this series. Might as well relive that month of fluff during “my month” :)
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aoitrinity · 7 years
Not to be the person who misses the Wayward Sisters forest for the shippy trees (I do love me that Wayward forest, I promise!), but I did think it was a very interesting choice to put the gang in a shipyard for this last sequence.
Shipyards are places where ships go to be built and repaired. Keep this in mind. 
We start off seeing a sign for the shipyard:
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Oh look, the yard is owned by a pair of BROTHERS. Brothers who work on ships--now I don’t know for a fact that this is a metaphor for how the boys have been working on repairing and reconstructing their codependent relationship into a healthy sibling relationship, but...they lingered on that damn sign way too long for it to mean nothing at all, so I’m gonna go with my interpretation :3
Okay, so then the gang boards this ship that’s under construction during the dramatic angel-chase-and-ground-pound sequence. 
Now, I’m more than 100% certain that other people will analyze all of the Jack and Kaia interactions in this episode and explain why I and several others are already going to ship the crap out of them (can we start with how they’re basically a young Dean/Cas mirror? I would love to start there. Someone go write that post, please). 
But for the sake of argument, let’s assume there are potential shippy intentions for these two young’uns. Earlier they had some bonding time in the car and developed a certain level of trust. We then skip a lot of traditional dating steps and go straight into an interesting mind-meld-y thing (which involves soft face-touching and a fuckton of trust). And it does more than make sparks fly--it makes a whole angel-nuking bomb go off! Like, holy COW.
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...all of this happening, again, on a ship. In a shipyard--a place where ships are built. Yep. I’m very interested to see where this relationship goes, considering that it starts with such a bang ;D...
...okay, I’ll see myself out. In a moment. Because wait, THERE’S MORE!
This would be enough shipping stuff for its own post, but it wouldn’t be a true SPN shipping post without a Destiel nod...and oh look, the episode definitely delivered, even as poor Cas is sitting in Hell’s Waiting Room, Massachusetts, twiddling his thumbs until the mini-hellatus is over.
We have established by now that Cas is associated with the sun and sun symbolism, from the gas-n-sip sun logo to “mornin’ sunshine” and everything in between. So isn’t it rather curious that, once the group has holed themselves up in this ship to hide from the angels, Dean is repeatedly framed in multiple shots with a rather interesting sign...
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Oh, that’s funny...does that say “SUNSTAR LINES” behind Dean there? With the camera conveniently placed so that often all we see of that sign is the “SUN” lettering, which, in addition, has extra light cast on it, also offsetting it from the rest of the sign? 
Is...is Dean seriously on a ship with the word “sun” hanging over his shoulder in a context that refers TO A SHIP, SPECIFICALLY THE ONE DEAN HAS BOARDED?
...why yes. Yes it is.
Welcome the SS Jerry Wanek, my friends, owned and operated by Andrew Dabb Shipping. I hope you enjoy your stay as much as I am enjoying mine.
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noidea-headempty · 7 years
It’s finally here... what we’ve been waiting for..
LET ME JUST SAY THAT THIS EPISODE IS THE BEST EPISODE EVER. NO EPISODE WILL TOP IT. I may be biased because it stars everyone that’ll be in Wayward Sisters but whatever. IT’S STILL THE BEST EPISODE IN MY EYES.
First the intro. They used I Am the Fire by Halestorm which was incredibly fitting. And then there was Claire kicking werewolf ass and saving the girl which was fucking great. Not to mention I loved “Are you sure it has your name on it?” *has Mr. Werewolf written on the box* And then Jody’s call and her “They were on a hunting trip and they haven’t been home in a few days” god I love it when they say past lines.
Though when Claire did get there, it got awkward real quick with Patience. And the mood got worse when Patience mentioned having a vision of Claire dying, dude I was like nuuuu. And then the little spat between Jody and Claire? Honestly Jody is my hero.
AND THEN ALEX’S SASS “Biker Barbie” God I love this (you’ll be seeing this phrase from me a lot now). Alex and Claire sibling bonding is just freakin great. I also love that Alex decided to help out in other ways like by working at a hospital.
But the thing from The Bad Place? Dude first, that thing was fucking hideous. Second, Jody did a bang up job at killing it and Claire did a great job at stabbing it in the face. But like what’s up with the blue blood? That was pretty weird. But everything from The Bad Place was weird. Though the colour scheme was really cool.
Claire and Kaia connecting and Claire showing her the scars she got from hunting gives me so much fucking life!!!! Patience telling it to Claire was fucking great too like, yes girl. I am so worried for Claire to be honest with, like she is like a mini-Dean (by that logic, Alex is her Sam). 
Donna’s freakin license plate though, D-Train? God I love this. And her arsenal in the trunk?? WITH A FUCKING FLAMETHROWER? Not as great as Baby (despite the flamethrower and license plate, but let’s be real it’s pretty hard to top Baby) but still fucking awesome. 
BUT does anyone else ship Kaia with Claire and Patience with Alex? DreamHunter and... Palex? Patient (get it? cuz Alex is a nurse? no? alrightsorrybye)
Claire using the flamethrower and then that shot of them just standing there looking all bad-ass, like my little heart almost couldn’t take it.
“Ever shot a gun before?”
“Okiedokie here ya go”
And then Donna just teaches her how to shoot a shotgun in 5 seconds... I fucking love her.
BUT I WAS SO NOT PREPARED FOR KAIA DYING I WAS SO SHOOK. LIKE WHAT BOI NO DON’T GO SHOWING HER BONDING WITH CLAIRE AND SHIT AND THEN KILLING HER 45 OR SO MINUTES AFTER.What made it even worse were two things. One, Kaia shoved Claire out of the way even though Claire said that she was the one doing the protecting. And two, a minute or so after falling back through (without Kaia’s body which also upset me) the sound cut off. Which made it all the more depressing watching Jody comfort Claire, a replay of Kaia’s death (with a zoom in on the weapon), and Patience realizing that she saw Claire heartbroken, not dead. Like seriously, this show plays with my emotions like a toddler plays with toys.
Claire’s speech though... “ My family, my army..” AND HER VOW TO KILL THE THING THAT KILLED KAIA MY GOD I ALREADY SHIP THEM SO HARD. BUt it also kinda worries me
AND THE FUCKING REVEAL OF THE HOODED PERSON. Like a minute before the show came back on I saw a tweet by someone saying that Kaia might be the hooded figure which I was hoping for with all of my being (even though I also hoped it was Rowena) and then BOOM they were right. Kaia Nieves was under the hood.., but what if that isn’t Kaia? What if that figure stole her face? Because her body was left behind and the figure seems like it either works some magic or has an ability to do something like that? But I am still hopeful that is just a slightly evil version of Kaia...
On a completely related yet unrelated note, Briana’s instagram live was freakin amazing. I love her so much. She should start a Youtube channel for makeup tutorials. And I can’t freakin wait for her album.
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ao3feed-wayward · 6 years
Catch Me a Dream
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xhcNoA
by deletingpoint, kiki_miserychic
Claire kills Kaia. It’s what Patience keeps seeing in her dreams, until one night there’s something else. There is a different Kaia grabbing her hand and telling her to stop what’s happening, to help her. And then disappears. But how could she change something that happens in a dream? Kaia is already dead and there’s no undoing of the past. And it’s not like it’s a vision of future, at least that’s what Patience says to Alex. Only, Alex reminds her of something: Kaia was a dreamwalker. Perhaps there still is a way to contact Kaia and she would just need a deeper connection, a connection like Kaia had with Claire. Will a psychic be able to bring together two souls if one of them is dead?
Words: 5077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Patience Turner, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Kaia Nieves, Claire Novak, Jody Mills
Relationships: Patience Turner & Alex Jones, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak
Additional Tags: Family Feels, Dreamwalking, The Bad Place, Canon Compliant, Wayward Sisters Mini Bang 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xhcNoA
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Two Pictures
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ylkLgW
by Andromytta
Dean Winchester saved my life. Not just in the literal sense that he didn’t let some creepy monster eat me. He saved my life in every sense of the word. He helped me come to terms with losing my parents in the worst possible way. He helped me find a new family when I had none. Dean Winchester saved my life. Now, now I would save his.
Words: 6262, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Claire Novak, Kevin Tran, Charlie Bradbury, Dean Winchester, Alternate Michael (Supernatural: All Along the Watchtower)
Relationships: Claire Novak/Kevin Tran, Charlie Bradbury/Claire Novak/Kevin Tran (if you squint)
Additional Tags: Michael Possessing Dean Winchester, Wayward Sisters Mini Bang 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ylkLgW
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years
All the World's Her Stage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NTDPJu
by AndThatWasEnough, DYlogger
Jody was clearly scheming. She wanted her to stay. She wanted her to keep her options open. She wanted them to be a family again. Claire knew all that. What she wasn’t expecting was that scheme involved a foray into the world of musical theatre.
Words: 7759, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Wayward Sisters (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Claire Novak, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Patience Turner, Kaia Nieves, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Original Characters
Relationships: Jody Mills & Claire Novak, Alex Jones & Claire Novak, Castiel & Claire Novak
Additional Tags: Musical References, bye bye birdie anyone?, and mamma mia!, musical theatre, Musicals, Theatre, but don't worry - this isn't an AU, totally in-universe, Post-Episode: s13e10 Wayward Sisters, Wayward Daughters, wayward sisters big bang, wsbb, Mini Bang, Season/Series 13 Spoilers, Season/Series 13, takes place after Wayward Sisters but before Jack and Mary are rescued, sort of nebulous time frame, guys there are actually so many references to so many things in here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NTDPJu
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andromytta · 6 years
Two Pictures
Author: @andromytta
Artist: @five-p-m
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Claire/Kevin, Charlie/Claire/Kevin (if you squint)
Warnings: Unresolved Ending
Word Count: 6262
Summary: Dean Winchester saved my life.  Not just in the literal sense that he didn’t let some creepy monster eat me.  He saved my life in every sense of the word. He helped me come to terms with losing my parents in the worst possible way.  He helped me find a new family when I had none. Dean Winchester saved my life. Now, now I would save his.
 Link to Fic:
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fandom-madnessess · 6 years
thedaughterofkings replied to your post “I’ve got about 6.5K on my Wayward Sisters Mini Bang. One more scene...”
HOW are you (almost) done with a fest fic a MONTH before your deadline???? What kind of magic is this??? *bows down before you* (why yes, I was writing on my SterekReverseBang until one day before my posting date and still editing on my posting date. I am in awe of you)
It’s mostly because I’m really scared to let my artist down. They depend on me provide the fic for their inspiration for the art. Nothing motivates like the fear of failure!
(also, i’ve found a couple instrumental music compilations that work really well with this fic, and they’re about an hour long. so I make myself sit down and write for one compilation at the very least. that really helps)
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fandom-madnessess · 6 years
I’ve got about 6.5K on my Wayward Sisters Mini Bang. One more scene (probably less than 1K), and the 1st draft is DONE! And, if I finish it tomorrow, I’ll have a little over a month to edit and get it beta’d! Yay!
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fandom-madnessess · 6 years
I should be writing my wayward sisters mini bang, but the idea I have is very plot heavy and I don’t wanna write something plot heavy rn. I just wann write cute stuff
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
Current WIP to do, and JUNE!!
Well well, April is here, which means that my Art Association duties are back in full swing. 2 more months left of this One and a half months of this Presidency/treasurer/publicity/scholarship/AHHHHHHHHH position.  May is going to be jam packed with events for the art association, I’m dreading May, but it’s the last of it and is going to take precise planning.  Between that, my huge convention project and being sick for almost the past month, my timeline is completely shot to hell.  It’s going to take every waking hour to still pull everything off by deadlines.  Commissions keep coming in which I wont argue about because my commissions are my convention fund and other “fun” money, and when needed it helps with bills as well.
JUNE...June is my month. No bang deadlines, only one piece of birthday art, no Art Association duties. My wedding anniversary, the SPN Con, my birthday and my husband will be home 3 out of the 4 weeks in June. (Normally he’s away 2 weeks and home 1.)  So June is going to be amazing. My goal is to have the bulk of the list below done by May 31st. So that June can be spent with family time, vegging, working on other fandom projects, or my oubliette of forgotten works in progress.
I figured I would update my list of art projects, and I’m still choosing the strike out method, So that I can see my progress and keep myself motivated.
I’ve moved some items to their own section titled June
Sketchy music prompts: for several folks, as soon as I get my cursed scanner to work i’ll post those  :(
prompt art for @posingasme (see sastiel big bang)
CATS - no not the musical,I’m talking about  the household pet.  I have an art exhibit coming up focused on cats. 18 pieces that hang on February 3rd. I did a series of dogs about a year and a half ago, and it went over extremely well. I’m trying cats this time.
spnholidayreverseminibang artwork due February 14th
saileenbigbang I have 2 to 4 illustrations planned for this bang with @rosemoonweaver and it posts February 19th
deancaspinefest one story with @paperannxo posting on March 12th  and another with @ladyofthursday posting on March 31st.
Finish up the last sketchy music prompt that was vexing me for a bit.
DeanCas Reverse bang 1 illustration
Commission for @tobythewise
Non fandom commission #1 (due May 1st)
Non fandom commission #2 (due asap)
Non fandom commission #3 (due asap)
Non fandom Spring Show art entries (due May 19th)
deancastropefest mid-winter 5k, with @mansikkaomenabanaani It’s seriously been awesome seeing this story come to life so quickly and it’s a 5k word maximum, so it’s a one illustration sort of deal. Posting for this challenge begins April 1st.
Two short stories to finish writing for the@spnholidayreverseminibang
sastielbb  artwork for a story with @posingasme Posting now on May 12th
Birthday art for my April lovelies
Supernatural MASSIVE project, for SPN Pittcon in June, I have my list of characters, I’ll start layout soon.
fandomtrumpshate​ art auction 2 of my 3 auctions have decided what they would like for their winning artwork (November deadlines).
Dean/Cas/Jimmy Big Bang, with @wetkitchenpaint  posts May 25th!
Dean/Cas mini bang, with @ravenscat-tumbler , @punk-is-notdead& @ladyblacklodge  Posts in July, I have a good idea what I’m drawing for both of my stories, as far as the stories are written thus far.
trenchcoat big bang.....?  kind of in limbo and need to contact the mods
Birthday art for my May lovelies!!!!
I REALLY should work on some small notecards to display at our local garden show coming up Mid-May, (May 18th) but I could just load up old unsold artwork and take that....it’s already done and collecting dust anyway.
spnaubingo one card with All prompts due: May 22, 2018
Bingo cards:
samwinchesterbingo one card and they say they don’t believe in due dates :)
There’s also an spnpolybingo due August 1st,2018
spnfluffbingo yep that too, due December 31st 2018
Other stuff:
Wayward Sisters portrait, that I began when Wayward premiered
A random purgatory pic
Random story illustrations that I started months ago and would love to finish for various different authors.
Gotta draw some Juliet, lots more Hell on Earth, *shakes fist at* @thayerkerbasy and @grey2510
Other bangs I’m signed up for but art claims haven’t happened yet:
Sabriel bang, art claims 4.25.18 with posting beginning in July
SPN Canon  Big Bang, art claims 5.17.18 with posting beginning in July
Other fandom projects from my Oubilette that I would also love to start working on again soon. These include Doctor Who, Star Trek, Henson works.
An X-Men series of art pieces that wont get out of my head, but currently are just sitting there generating ideas.
Labyrinth in stipple
Since June is my month and I enjoyed @mansikkaomenabanaani​ series Getting Domestic so much, I might post one graphite sketch a day based on this series. Might as well relive that month of fluff during “my month” :)
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
Updated To Do: April 2018
Well well, April is here, which means that my Art Association duties are back in full swing. 2 more months left of this Presidency/treasurer/publicity/scholarship/AHHHHHHHHH position.  Our first membership meeting of the new year is tonight, so I spent this morning getting ready for that.
I figured I would update my list of art projects, and I’m still choosing the strike out method, So that I can see my progress and keep myself motivated.
So starting tonight after my meeting I’m back to work on the following:
Sketchy music prompts: for several folks, as soon as I get my cursed scanner to work i’ll post those  :(
prompt art for @posingasme (see sastiel big bang)
CATS - no not the musical,I’m talking about  the household pet.  I have an art exhibit coming up focused on cats. 18 pieces that hang on February 3rd. I did a series of dogs about a year and a half ago, and it went over extremely well. I’m trying cats this time.
spnholidayreverseminibang artwork due February 14th
saileenbigbang I have 2 to 4 illustrations planned for this bang with @rosemoonweaver and it posts February 19th
deancaspinefest one story with @paperannxo posting on March 12th  and another with @ladyofthursday posting on March 31st.
Finish up the last sketchy music prompt that was vexing me for a bit.
DeanCas Reverse bang 1 illustration
Commission for @tobythewise
Non fandom commission #1
Non fandom commission #2
Non fandom Spring Show art entries
deancastropefest mid-winter 5k, with @mansikkaomenabanaani It’s seriously been awesome seeing this story come to life so quickly and it’s a 5k word maximum, so it’s a one illustration sort of deal. Posting for this challenge begins April 1st.
Two short stories to finish writing for the @spnholidayreverseminibang
sastielbb   artwork for a story with @posingasme Posting now on May 12th
Birthday art for my April lovelies
Supernatural MASSIVE project, for SPN Pittcon in June, I have my list of characters, I’ll start layout soon.
fandomtrumpshate​ art auction 2 of my 3 auctions have decided what they would like for their winning artwork (November deadlines).
Dean/Cas/Jimmy Big Bang,  posting beginning in May (need to contact author)
Dean/Cas mini bang, art claims have happened, just waiting for the pairs to be announced. Posts in July 
Bingo cards:
spnaubingo one card with All prompts due: May 22, 2018
samwinchesterbingo one card and they say they don’t believe in due dates :)
There’s also an spnpolybingo due August 1st,2018
spnfluffbingo yep that too, due December 31st 2018
Other stuff:
@mansikkaomenabanaani​ series Getting Domestic has firmly embedded it’s fluffy self in my brain and i’ve doodling ideas for illustrations.
Wayward Sisters portrait, that I began when Wayward premiered
A random purgatory pic
Random story illustrations that I started months ago and would love to finish for various different authors.
Other fandom projects from my Oubilette that I would also love to start working on again soon. These include Doctor Who, Star Trek, Classic silver screen movies, Henson works.
An X-Men series of art pieces that wont get out of my head, but currently are just sitting there generating ideas.
Labyrinth in stipple
Other bangs I’m signed up for but art claims haven’t happened yet:
Sabriel bang, art claims 4.25.18 with posting beginning in July
SPN Canon  Big Bang, art claims 5.17.18 with posting beginning in July
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