#spiritual healing Sydney
awarenesshealing · 1 year
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quornesha · 2 months
Prophecy And Symbolism of The Chimpanzee
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the Chimpanzee appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you’re entering into a season where you are recognizing your influence on your life and that of others. You are either expanding a ministry or beginning one. Your intuition/instinct/discernment is very strong at this moment in time. The Chimpanzee is a reminder that people who have left your life will start to feel lost and confused. It’s not who left but how they left. You may be a natural in something whereas others had to train. However, it is important to think of collaboration or leadership, whichever position divine puts you in will bring blessings into your life rather than hardship. You are watched over and looked after. You can rest assured that no harm will come to you. Your ancestors, with God being an ancient one, will not abandon you, and have not. You are not alone. You are walking into a season where everything you need will come to you. You have strong maternal ancestry and whatever is against you, is also against them. You will soon, if not already, feel invincible to your enemies. You will keep quiet whilst they make their noise. And on the other Hand God/Divine will make his noise against them. Avenging you on your behalf, so that you don’t have to. And you’ll get to watch.
You may find that a lot of what is going on lately is annoying but you can’t help but laugh. It is because you know that brighter outcomes are on the Horizon. Your Divine source, ancestry, and orishas will help you see things through to the finish line. Pay attention to clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, claicognizant messages. You will know things without knowing how or why you know them.
Your silence will be your weapon in this season. Divine will go before you and lift you up before the presence of your enemies. the Saints are praying you through this season. Something you’re doing or saying will go viral. Whilst you are silence to your enemies you are ministering through the work you do.
Someone was expecting you to lose your peace, but instead you forgave them for your own wellbeing. You chose your own inner sanity, over chasing them. They’re starting to realize that you were the prize. You were the value in their life, and now that you’re gone, and they have lost all access they’re praying for your ‘oil’ to come forth out of other people. Sadly, no one else can have what is rightfully yours. What/whom walked away have no part in the shaping of your destiny. The Chimpanzee is prophetic and symbolic of family, ancestry, commitment and loyalty. It is also confirmation that you or someone you’re committed to or will commit to will have strong will. You’ve broken chains you never thought were possible before.
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 
The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 
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tantrakamahealing · 8 months
Website : https://www.tantrakamahealing.com
Address : Sydney (Maroubra) & Byron Bay (Potsville), Australia
Tantra Kama Healing, founded by Pauline Claire Marie, offers a unique blend of tantric massage, somatic sexology, and holistic healing practices in Sydney and Byron Bay. Specializing in individual and couple sessions, the services are designed to foster self-discovery, intimacy, and sensual empowerment. The offerings include tailored tantric sessions, workshops, and retreats, focusing on body-mind harmony and spiritual self-realization.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kamahealing/
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nantahensom · 1 year
Order Spiritual Healing Books Online in Sydney
Discover the power of spiritual healing with our curated collection of books. Order spiritual healing books online in Sydney and embark on a transformative journey. Explore ancient practices, energy healing, and mindfulness techniques, all delivered to your doorstep. Embrace healing and growth with the wisdom of these insightful reads.
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astrologerpavan · 1 year
Pavan Sharma is the Best Spiritual Healer in Melbourne who provides Best Spiritual healing in Melbourne. By Spiritual Healing you can get peace & happiness in your life. For more astrological services such as Black magic removal, love Spell removal, Astrology & Horoscope Reading, Career guidance etc contact Pandit Pavan Sharma at 450560646 or send your query on [email protected] now. 
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astroeshwar · 2 years
Well, that’s where something called “attentiveness” comes into the picture. Yes. If you stay attentive while using or looking for online products or services, the chances are less you will be duped. And the best news? Well, the same concept is applicable to online or cloud-based Psychic Reading in Sydney too.
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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gumnut-logic · 6 months
Sweetapple Slice 9
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Alexander Sweetapple series
This isn't much because I'm tired and it's nearly midnight after a very long day, so don't expect much.
Inspired by the slightly evil @womble1 How dare they dangle a concept in front of me like that. Things like this happen - though honestly, I don't think it is as good as it could have been if I had half a brain, but eh, it be fic.
Sometime in the future, I hope you enjoy.
Alex walked across the room and opened the huge window, letting in the tropical breeze.
The scents of Tracy Island were heady and he found himself breathing in deep. It helped calm his heart.
A bird squawked somewhere nearby and the ocean hissed beyond the dense pōhutukawa trees.
“Thank you, love.”
Alex turned back to Virgil, sitting up in bed, still pale, but so much better than he had been.
His partner must have seen something in Alex’s expression, because he gestured with one hand for Alex to return to him.
Alex didn’t hesitate, crawling across the bed to carefully slide in beside him, avoiding the healing injury in Virgil’s left thigh. He tried to ignore the yellowing bruises and healing abrasions scattered across Virgil’s bare chest, still hesitant to touch, afraid he might hurt him.
Virgil being Virgil, grabbed him with his right arm and drew him in close, kissing his hair. “You’re not going to hurt me. Stop worrying.”
Alex grunted, not willing to admit how much Virgil’s sudden injury and following illness had scared him.
One day they were planning a relaxing dinner in Sydney, of all places. Planning to watch the sun go down over the Harbour Bridge. Then half way through the afternoon, John had called, his voice parched.
Thunderbird One hit Māhia at speed and Alex had been airborne, halfway to London before he could knock two neurons together.
He’d never been to London before.
He still hadn’t really. He’d only been to that hospital, that room, with his seriously ill lover surrounded by family, not knowing if he would ever see those beautiful chocolate eyes ever again.
Scott was a man possessed.
Virgil had mentioned his big brother’s passion for his family. Through Alex’s own terror, he saw the man go from the calm professional to the desperate big brother.
Their father did his best to see to the eldest, but whatever he tried never seemed to be enough.
As for Alex…the days were filled with fear.
“I’m getting better, love. Please stop thinking about it.” Virgil drew Alex’s head down to his shoulder, stroking his hair gently.
Alex leant up and kissed his jawline.
He, too, was shirtless and Virgil’s warmth, both physical and spiritual, seeped in through Alex’s skin.
“What do you want to do today?” They had recently finished breakfast. Alex was ever so happy to see Virgil’s appetite return. He truly was getting better.
“I was thinking of doing a little knitting. Two’s stocks are getting low.” Virgil shifted a little where he sat.
Alex frowned. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Another shift. “Could you do me a favour?”
Alex sat up. “Of course.”
“There’s a bag, green, in that cupboard, second shelf.”
Sliding off the bed once again, Alex did as Virgil asked and found the bag. It was obviously a knitting bag. Metal needles clicked together as he picked it up and several balls of yarn peeked up through its drawstring top. Alex brought it back to the bed. “You never mentioned you knit.”
A half-smile. “It’s a thing.” Out came scarlet needles and a bright gold yarn. “Bit of a tradition.”
As he was speaking, Virgil started expertly casting on stitches.
Alex crawled back onto the bed, ever fascinated by what his love was capable of. “You are so much.”
Virgil stopped mid-motion, frowning just a little. “In what way?”
“Every time I think I know all your interests, you pop up with another one, and to top it all off, you’re proficient in all of them.”
A snort. “You can talk.”
“Yes, I’m an engineer, but that is all I am, Virgil. You? You are an engineer, a bloody brilliant one, mind you. A musician, an artist, a rescue operative and medic. You are so talented and skilled in so many professions…how are you possible?”
An arched eyebrow was pointed in his direction. “You are most certainly much more than just an engineer, Alex.” He reached up and stroked Alex’s arm. “So much more.”
Alex gave him the side eye, ever sceptical. “So what are you making?”
Virgil stared at him a moment before giving in and looking down at the mess of gold yarn in his lap. “Fish for a fish.”
“You’re making goldfish for Gordon? Why?”
“Because this time I was the one who was injured.”
Virgil sighed. “We have a thing.”
Alex waited.
And waited. “A thing?”
“Gordon was seriously injured once. He needed some…motivation. So I taught him to knit.”
Virgil obviously took that as a question. “He told me it was my turn to make fish.”
This was obviously another one of those Tracy-things Alex was never quite going to understand. The five brothers were a very closely knit bunch, pun intended, and sometimes they did things that defied explanation.
And this was likely one of them.
Alex sighed and curled up beside Virgil, prepared to sit beside him no matter what the man wanted to do. The last week had been hell and he thought that he had lost the one he loved. If that man now wanted to knit random gold fish for his quirky brother, he could knit as much as he liked.
Alex was just happy to have him safe.
As Virgil began to hum, relaxing into what he was doing, Alex let himself smile.
It truly was a beautiful sound.
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mod-doodles · 1 year
Depending on how the show progresses I may change my mind but currently there seems to be a theme of manifestation, fate and destiny? This isn’t anti Claire…its a running on thought.
Claire’s insertion into Carmy’s life in the way that she appears can be considered fated just like Sydney, I don’t know if the writers room of the bear is religious/spiritual or just the show with the religious iconography being consistent and strong.
Maybe we are to consider that Claire was Carmy’s manifestation of fun and amusement.
Within modern spirituality we have the ideology that if you put certain energies into the universe you can attract/manifest your wants into a reality. In the christian religious space as shown in the ‘The Bear’ there is a similar ideology where God presents you with what you ask for or need if they/them/she/he sees fit. The presentation of that thing/want maybe because it is meant for you or its a lesson that you’re being thought. Similar sentiments to this can be seen across multiple spiritual and religious frame works but I’m a bit rusty on the topic.
They/them/she/he - *I’m point out that is God is a genderless being*
So back to Claire, Carmy at the beginning of season 2 was primed and ready for some ‘fun’, we get some foreshadowing during his conversation with Richie about purpose; Richie is looking at pictures of his lost love Tiff whose friends with Claire. By the end of the episode we see Carmy attempts to ask Syd out but fails then he goes to his empty home which is when I believe he had time to sit and ruminate about his lack of a social life. This is when that manifestation would have happened, for Carmy it probably wasn’t actively manifesting or praying but the energy of want was placed into the universe by the act of google searching.
He manifested a ‘cool fun girl’, they made her this badass ER doctor, who has a perfectly balanced life, friendships galore, a social life and she’s already loved and accepted by his community. Claire is kicking ass and taking names, literally the antithesis of everything that Carmy is (lmaoooo @ the funniest but sad part is she accepted by his people while he isn’t). He missed out on the college atmosphere with Claire he gets a version of that, he experiences having his first girlfriend and love??? well what he thinks is love and he never has to apologise. It’s a whirlwind romance and everyone whose said that she’s a ‘manic pixie dream girl/doctor is right; she sounds unreal, everyone has some demons in their closet.
In the end premature fun and amusement tends to mask your problems, the bear will eventually rear its ugly head in some capacity soon or later once it remains unaddressed. Carmy unfortunately skipped some steps as there is a lot of self work and healing to be done, which we saw as Carmy’s deferred problems returned to haunt him. Escapism is avoidance; the bear was still on his trail and it ended up biting Claire in the ass.
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theangelhealing · 22 days
Tarot Card Reader from India Online in Sydney
The Angel Healing, your reliable Tarot Card Reader from India online in Sydney, you can uncover heavenly counsel. Get spiritual healing, clarity, and insights from the comfort of your own home. Our knowledgeable readings help you navigate life's obstacles and find the answers you seek. Accept the Tarot's advice and use The Angel Healing to change your path.
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nantahensom · 1 year
Professional Aspiring Psychic Course
Professional Aspiring Psychic Course: Unleash your extraordinary abilities through our comprehensive program. Learn to harness intuition, master divination tools, and develop profound psychic insights. Expert mentors will guide you on a transformative journey, empowering you to serve others with clarity and compassion. Embrace your destiny as a skilled psychic today.
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nancyspsychicview · 28 days
Waking Up To Your Self with Patrick Marando from Sydney Australia
Patrick Marando joins us today to tell his story of waking up at the age of 28. He is a spiritual teacher and psychologist from Sydney, Australia. His spiritual teachings revolve around bridging the gap between spirituality and psychology. It is from his wealth of experience and knowledge that he continues to teach philosophies he himself delivered and brought into his life. His book was six years in the making as he experienced each emotion as he wrote. Fabulous information for humanity. His website is PatrickMarando.com 
 My Angel book is Available on Amazon for pre-order  https://shorturl.at/DrVZq To Book a Psychic Reading. Angel Connection Session or  an Energy Healing with me Visit PsychicForHumanity.com
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vinayakaastrologer · 1 month
Premier Astrologer in Perth, Pandit Raju, is a well-known astrologer at Vinayaka Astrology Centre, Australia
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At Vinayaka Astrology Centre, learn about the extraordinary insights of Pandit Raju, the leading astrologer in Perth. Pandit Raju is well-known for his precise and perceptive readings, which have led innumerable people to better clarity and fulfillment in their life. His reputation is based on decades of experience and profound knowledge in Vedic astrology.
Astrologer in Perth
Pandit Raju of Vinayaka Astrologer in Perth Australia, offers individualized astrological counselling based on age-old Vedic customs. Pandit Raju assists customers in navigating life's obstacles and making wise decisions regarding their careers, relationships, and health. He specializes in providing thorough readings and practical solutions.
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Pandit Raju is Best Astrologers in Perth Australia. His specialties include Vedic astrology, numerology, palmistry, and spiritual healing. Renowned for his accurate predictions and useful solutions, astrologer Pandit Raju Vinayaka astrology centre helps people with issues related to their health, relationships, finances, and vocation. He provides birth chart analysis, horoscope readings, and individual consultations, giving those seeking astrological guidance and support important direction and support.
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Astrologer Pandit Raju is Top Astrologer in Perth Australia. His astrological services include numerology, palmistry, horoscope predictions, and psychic readings. Astrologer Pandit Raju in Vinayaka Astrology Centre renowned for his accurate predictions and tailored guidance. He has helped many people with issues related to their finances, relationships, careers, and health. Because of his experience and compassionate nature, he is renowned for providing insightful and useful advice.
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Pandit Raju is Astrologer in Sydney, Australia Vinayaka Astrology Centre also offers her services to customers. His proficiency in various astrological domains, such as numerology, palmistry, horoscope interpretation, and psychic readings, is widely recognized. His accurate predictions and tailored advice have helped a great deal of people who are struggling with issues related to their jobs, relationships, health, and finances. Astrologer Vinayaka's insightful and caring attitude makes him a well-respected advisor for individuals seeking purpose and direction in their lives.
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astrologerramguruji · 2 months
How a Vashikaran Specialist in Brisbane Can Help You?
In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves grappling with personal and professional challenges that seem insurmountable. Whether it’s relationship issues, career stagnation, or health concerns, the quest for solutions often leads people to explore various avenues, including spiritual practices. One such practice that has gained popularity is Vashikaran, an ancient Indian art of attraction and influence. A Vashikaran specialist in Brisbane can provide guidance and support to those seeking to improve their lives through this powerful technique.
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Vashikaran is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Vashi," meaning to attract or control, and "Karan," meaning the method or technique. This practice involves the use of mantras, rituals, and astrological insights to influence the thoughts and actions of individuals. While it is often associated with love and relationships, Vashikaran can also be applied to various aspects of life, including career success, health improvement, and personal growth.
The Role of a Vashikaran Specialist
A Vashikaran specialist in Brisbane is a practitioner who possesses deep knowledge and expertise in this ancient art. They are trained in the intricacies of Vashikaran techniques and have a profound understanding of astrology, spirituality, and human psychology. In Brisbane, these specialists offer their services to help individuals navigate their challenges and achieve their desired outcomes.
Resolving Relationship Issues
One of the most common reasons people seek the help of a Vashikaran specialist in Sydney is to resolve relationship problems. Whether you are facing difficulties in your romantic relationship, family disputes, or issues with friends, a specialist can provide tailored solutions. Pandit Ram Guruji may use specific mantras and rituals to enhance love and harmony, helping to mend broken relationships or attract new love into your life.
Career Advancement
In the competitive job market, many individuals struggle to find their footing or advance in their careers. A Vashikaran specialist in Brisbane can assist in removing obstacles that hinder professional growth. By analyzing your astrological chart and employing Vashikaran techniques, they can help you gain confidence, improve your communication skills, and attract opportunities that align with your career goals.
Health and Well-being
Health issues can be a significant source of stress and anxiety. Pandit Ram Guruji can help you focus on mental and emotional well-being, which is often intertwined with physical health. Through specific rituals and mantras, they can assist in promoting healing energy and positive vibrations, helping you to overcome health challenges and achieve a balanced state of being.
Personal Growth and Development
Many individuals seek personal growth and self-improvement. Get my love back in Liverpool expert can guide you in understanding your strengths and weaknesses, helping you to harness your potential. By using Vashikaran techniques, they can assist in building self-esteem, enhancing decision-making skills, and fostering a positive mindset, enabling you to pursue your goals with confidence.
Spiritual Guidance
For those on a spiritual journey, a Vashikaran specialist in Brisbane can provide valuable insights and guidance. They can help you connect with your inner self, understand your life’s purpose, and navigate spiritual challenges. Through meditation, rituals, and personalized mantras, they can assist you in achieving spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.
Choosing the Right Vashikaran Specialist in Brisbane
When seeking the help of a Vashikaran specialist, it’s essential to choose someone who is reputable and experienced. Here are some tips to consider:
Research and Reviews: Look for specialists with positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This can provide insight into their effectiveness and approach.
Consultation: Specialists like Pandit Ram Guruji offer initial consultations. Use this opportunity to discuss your concerns and gauge their understanding and empathy.
Credentials: Ensure that the specialist has the necessary training and expertise in Vashikaran and related fields.
Ethical Practices: Choose a Vashikaran specialist in Brisbane who adheres to ethical practices and emphasizes the importance of consent and respect in their work.
In a world filled with uncertainties and challenges, seeking the guidance of a Vashikaran specialist can be a transformative experience. Whether you are looking to resolve relationship issues, advance your career, improve your health, or pursue personal growth, Vashikaran offers a unique approach to achieving your goals. By harnessing the power of ancient wisdom and spiritual practices, you can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence. Remember, the journey of self-improvement begins with a single step, and a Vashikaran specialist in Brisbane like Pandit Ram Guruji can be the guiding light on your path to success and fulfillment.
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