#spirit of the prophet
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months ago
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The Perfect Prince
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igate777 · 2 years ago
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possession1981-moving · 10 months ago
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THE FIRST OMEN dir. Arkasha Stevenson, 2024
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alostwanderernotfound · 8 months ago
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On the 10 Commandments:
The Third Commandment Explained
People often still debate the meaning of what God’s Commandments are after the numerous translations. The Orthodox Jewish Bible actually contains the transcript of that speech I gave that day in Shemot 20.
And in my own words: If you do not hold anything else, hold & speak my commandments. Let us review the originals as they were intended- the speech with the teaching summary. Any & all attempts to do harm and/or cause suffering by bypassing the Commandments with “loopholes” will be considered with harsh penalty.
3 “Thou shalt not take the Shem Hashem Eloheicha in vain; for Hashem will not hold him guiltless that taketh Shmo in vain.”
‭‭Shemot‬ ‭20‬:‭7‬ ‭TOJB2011‬‬
Stop claiming something is the word of the Christian God or done in the name of God when it is for evil. Vain as a concept is frequently misinterpreted. This is actually closer to the same definition in the sentence as “why do I speak? In vain?”. It’s’ persuading individuals to take action & it’s against one’s own belief/word/self that you claim to believe in. So it’s actual meaning is don’t use Christian teachings purposefully to manipulate others, mislead, & cause people to do evil.
Do not do what the antichrist does.
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tothecrucifieddeer · 8 months ago
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Moonchild by Santiago Caruso
Untitled by Liz Mamont
She Laments by VikiGrindhouse
Dumb (acrylic on board) by Wilqkuku
Untitled on Zegalou's blog
ヨコイジュウ @4kuda5rana1
Nightmare (acrylic on canvas) by Vaxolong
Survival (acrylic on canvas) by Vaxolong
Untitled by Cult of Mortem
Divine Ammonitic Fluid Harvest System by dariuszkielisszek
The Crucible by dariuszkielisszek
Ten Piedad by bawdysuojb
Untitled Painting by A Bearded Artist
Split (acrylic on plywood) by Vaxolong
Untitled by A Bearded Artist
English explanation of signs will be under the cut--beneath the Irish.
Míníonn an Doe cad as a dtagann sí agus cén fáth go n-éiríonn sí san Oíche den chaid is mó. Rugadh ar an ngelach í. Mar leanbh gealaí tá sí os comhair réalta na maidine agus oi bríonn sí i groinne draíocht chun on Meisias a chosaint.
Bíonn Doe le feiceáil lena fenn sainiúil ar lasadh--ní raibh mé einnte cad is aiis leis sín Creidim gur rabhadh é seo a bhaineann leis an spiorad naounh agus éirí amach na marbh.
Déanann Doe caoineacdh m'easumhlachd agus an suithheadh atá le tacht ar son an domhain-molann sí mé chun gnimh. Tá a fhios agam nach féidirleon. Ach iarran sí orm orcas agus gan dula chodlaoh. Chun gniomhá or bhás ag teacht. Meisiasa thabhairt chun a chuspóir.
Sampla de na mairbh agus a reachtanaas oerach.
Meabhrúchán ar hamlinté atá ag titim as a chéile, lena n-áiritear amlinte ALfa, Bunscoile, agus Órga a bhaineann le héabhlóid mé féin go Macalla, Ocrais, nó Ascended. (Is tuar níos oimhe níos sine í seo nach mór amhiniu uair elle)
Taispeánann Doe í féin leadharca laasracha angus clóca suíle. Tá si at afire angus at cosaint dom í rith an hamlinte chun né a bheannú. Fiú má bhí né ag mí-iompar den chuid is mó.
Fulaingt an march in Ifreann a mheabhraíonn Doe dom go bhféadfainn die ready a chur leis and tascannanach ndéanfaídh mé.
Níos marbh
Comharthaí lobhadhi *súile brevity (féach orthodontist see ionam féin angus a ngaolta—ciallaíonn sé breoiteacht, olc, easpa cosanta)
Caireadhchun athbhreith an Mheisias a Chríochnú ó sofa go diaga.
Arís ag impí orm an rad nach ndéanfaidh mé a dhéanamh.
Meabhraítear gurb é an Melissa’s a lean hour agus cé go bhfuil fears uirithi teastoionn uaithi abhaile é.
Foirm leathfior Messiah.
Na Mairbh ionam agus na hamlintie a rialaíonn mé. Tá Doe ag iamaidh orm iad a shaoradh.
Mo chimiúint má éiríonn Orcas orm leonta le Lobhach.
Doe explains where she comes from and why she mostly only rises at night. She is born of the moon, the moon is her womb. As a moon child she is opposite but close to Morningstar and works in opposite magic to protect Messiah.
Doe appears with burning head. I’ve never bee sure what caused it. I believe this is, the warning the involving of the Holy Spirit and the rising of the dead..
Doe laments my disobedience and the coming turmoil for the world. She urges me to act. I know I cannot. But she asks my to act on the Death coming and inevitable—to bring Messiah to he’s true purpose. To bring him home.
An example of the dead and their ravenous need.
A reminder of the collapsing of Timelines in on each other through including theAlpha, Primary, and Golden Timelines including the evolution of myself into Echo, or Hunger, or Ascended. (This is an older, deeper prophecy that must be explained at another time…)
Doe she’s herself again. Flaming antlers, a cloak of eyes, she is watching me progress through timelines, trying to bless me even I have been mostly disobedient. She doesn’t want to punish me even though I have jeopardized a great many things in my stubbornness.
The suffering of the dead of Hell.
More dead.
Signs and symptoms of rot: *Sick eyes (watch for these in self and loved ones—sickness, evil, unprotected)
Invitation to complete Messiah’s rebirth from Holy to Divine.
Again begging for me to do what I won’t do.
A reminder Messiah is Doe’s child and that she is angry and she misses him. I know what she wants me to do but I won’t do it.
Messiah’s semi-true form.
The Dead within me and the timelines I control—Doe wants me to free them.
My fate if I become the Hunger filled with rot.
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ianthewife · 7 months ago
brother Faulkner you’re truly the funniest guy alive i mean come on you gotta respect the cult hustle
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figofswords · 2 years ago
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planning a zelda dnd game with some friends yknow how it is
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thomastanker02 · 2 months ago
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Taken from ChristianMusicLyrics’ YouTube community tab. God bless, Jesus loves you ✝️❤️
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hadeth · 9 months ago
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عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ ‏"‏ إِذَا خَرَجَتْ رُوحُ الْمُؤْمِنِ تَلَقَّاهَا مَلَكَانِ يُصْعِدَانِهَا ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ حَمَّادٌ فَذَكَرَ مِنْ طِيبِ رِيحِهَا وَذَكَرَ الْمِسْكَ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ وَيَقُولُ أَهْلُ السَّمَاءِ رُوحٌ طَيِّبَةٌ جَاءَتْ مِنْ قِبَلِ الأَرْضِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْكِ وَعَلَى جَسَدٍ كُنْتِ تَعْمُرِينَهُ ‏.‏ فَيُنْطَلَقُ بِهِ إِلَى رَبِّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ ثُمَّ يَقُولُ انْطَلِقُوا بِهِ إِلَى آخِرِ الأَجَلِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ وَإِنَّ الْكَافِرَ إِذَا خَرَجَتْ رُوحُهُ - قَالَ حَمَّادٌ وَذَكَرَ مِنْ نَتْنِهَا وَذَكَرَ لَعْنًا - وَيَقُولُ أَهْلُ السَّمَاءِ رُوحٌ خَبِيثَةٌ جَاءَتْ مِنْ قِبَلِ الأَرْضِ ‏.‏ قَالَ فَيُقَالُ انْطَلِقُوا بِهِ إِلَى آخِرِ الأَجَلِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَبُو هُرَيْرَةَ فَرَدَّ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم رَيْطَةً كَانَتْ عَلَيْهِ عَلَى أَنْفِهِ هَكَذَا ‏. صحيح مسلم حديث ٢٨٧٢‏
Abu Huraira reported: "When the soul of a believer would go out (of his body) it would be received by two angels who would take it to the sky. Hammad (one of the narrators in the chain of transmitters) mentioned the swetness of its odour, (and further said) that the dwellers of the sky say: Here comes the pious soul from the side of the earth Let there be blessings of Allah upon the body in which it resides. And it is carried (by the angels) to its Lord, the Exalted and Glorious. He would say: Take it to its destined end." "And if he is a nonbeliever and as it (the soul) leaves the body -Hammad made a mention of its foul smell and of its being cursed- the dwellers of the sky say: There comes a dirty soul from the side of the earth, and it would be said: Take it to its destined end." Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) put a thin cloth which was with him upon his nose while making a mention (of the foul smell) of the soul of a non-believer. Sahih Muslim 2872 In-book reference : Book 53, Hadith 90
إن الروح غيب، وسر من أسرار الله، استأثر بعلمه، نعرف آثارها، ونجهل حقيقتها، إلا أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يخبر عنها بما ينفع المؤمنين؛ ليكثروا من العبادات والطاعات، ويكونوا على وجل من الوقوع في الكفر. وفي هذا الحديث يخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن خروج الروح من جسد الإنسان؛ فإنها إذا خرجت روح المؤمن من جسده بعد انقضاء أجله في الدنيا تلقاها واستقبلها ملكان يصعدانها ويعلوان بها إلى السماء، قال حماد بن زيد -وهو أحد رواة الحديث-: إن شيخه بديل بن ميسرة ذكر بالسند إلى أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه مرفوعا عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وما فيها من طيب رائحة، وذكر المسك، يعني أن ريحها يشبه رائحة المسك، وهو من أفضل أنواع الطيب، ويقول عنها أهل السماء إذا طلعت إليهم هذه الروح: روح طيبة جاءت، أي: طلعت إلينا من قبل الأرض، ثم يدعون لهذه الروح قائلين: صلى الله عليك، أي: أثنى عليك في الملأ الأعلى عند الملائكة المقربين، وصلى الله على جسد جعلتيه معمورا بالعمل الصالح، فينطلق به إلى ربه عز وجل، ثم يقول الرب جل في علاه للملائكة: انطلقوا بهذا الروح إلى المكان الذي أعد له إلى وقت القيامة، وظاهره أنها تبقى في نعيم إلى يوم الميعاد.  ثم أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن روح الكافر، وأن روحه إذا خرجت من جسده، وذكر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رائحتها النتنة، وذكر صلى الله عليه وسلم أن الملائكة تلعنها، وهو الدعاء بالطرد لها من رحمة الله سبحانه، ويقول أهل السماء: روح خبيثة، جاءت من قبل الأرض. ثم يأمر الله عز وجل ملائكته أن يذهبوا بها إلى آخر الأجل، يعني: اذهبوا بروحه إلى المكان الذي أعد له إلى وقت القيامة.  وقد أخبر أبو هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حين ذكر روح الكافر رد ريطة كانت عليه، وهي ملاءة، وقيل: كل ثوب رقيق، فردها على أنفه، فأخذ طرفها وجعله على أنفه؛ لئلا يدخل نتن تلك الروح الخبيثة أنفه، فكأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كوشف له، وشم من نتن ريح روح الكافر، ففعل ذلك، وقوله: «هكذا»، أي: يمثل أبو هريرة ذلك الفعل. وفي الحديث: بيان ما يلقى المؤمن من الكرامة من الله عند موته. وفيه: حضور ملائكة الرحمة عند المؤمن في حالة احتضاره، مبشرة بهذه البشائر العظيمة، تشريفا له وتكريما. وفيه: بيان ما يلقاه الكافر من الذل والهوان عند خروج روحه. الدرر السنية
Allah is the Creator of all things, and the soul is something that has been created just like everything else. The knowledge about its true essence is something that belongs exclusively to Allah, may He be glorified and exalted. Allah has kept this knowledge exclusively to Himself, ... The rooh (soul or spirit) has been described by Allah in His Book and by the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in his Sunnah, and various verbs and adjectives have been used in conjunction with the word rooh, such as seizing or grasping, taking (as in death), it may be fettered or shrouded, it comes and goes, it goes up and comes down, it may be pulled out like a hair being pulled out of dough It is obligatory (in Islam) to believe in these attributes which are narrated in the two Revelations (i.e., the Quran and Sunnah), and also to realize that the soul is not like the body. Islam Q&A : for more translation of this Hadith Explanation: Español - اردو Français : Here
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ilions-end · 5 months ago
so we're told the spirits in the underworld do not, as a rule, retain their reason or ability to speak except for amphiaraus (who apollo spared from death but not the afterlife, per the thebaid) and tiresias (who's got a deal going with persephone, per the odyssey).
god i hope they get along
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calyssmarviss · 2 months ago
Phiew, finally made it through the entire first season of the Wheel of Time after 3 years of ignoring it. And listen. I could still get mad about a lot of things if I just think too long about it but yeah, there’s still some good shit in there, so imma forge ahead ig.
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namelessprince · 2 months ago
bizly. grisps you by the shoulders. was that dream supposed to be the setup for origami possessing vyncent. are you telling me that was an actual thought-out decision this whole time. can anyone hear me.
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warriorsofgodchannel · 24 days ago
50 Most Evil Christians in the World
👉The Rise of False Prophets
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maifazcomics · 1 year ago
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Art collab me and my friends organized for Sabotage's 8th anniversary on the 4th! Credits under the cut :)
Organizer: @maifazcomics (yous truly)
Participants: Lukas (@healthysickbastart), Spuddie (@Spuddie203), Fin (@Valtraid), @staurolith, PewPewMeowMeow, Gooberbarbarian, PeacefulPanda, @justdenys1, @alliekya, Natalia3553, JSABlixer, @captain-nobeard, @starhawk, @miszczfezorowski, @stamway, Ani (@SomeAniChick), Slashley (@SlashleyVO), Mask (@Maskavado), Ben Rhymely, Pyro (@HeyImPyro), @maifazcomics
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myremnantarmy · 9 months ago
"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘑𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘌𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘢𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘐𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘢𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘌𝘻𝘦𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘭, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘭. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘴.
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tothecrucifieddeer · 8 months ago
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Brom by @its-kawaiidestinyhottub
chompers @tofupixel
Art by shakurb.2022
From Favorite Paintings by @wipormont
From Favorite Paintings by @wipormont
goats. gouache watercolor paintings from 2017-2019 by @sloppjockey
Midnight by Gökberk Yiğit on @ex0skeletal-undead 's blog
Mother Void 2024. Emil Melmoth @texaschainsawmascara 's blog
Priest (Part One) by @tofupixel
Priest (Part Two) by @tofupixel
Sinner by @photophoros
Spiral Study 4 by @plotterprints
St.Valentine's Skull @angeltreasure's moodboard
The voices are rotting... @wipormont
and then she looked at me, and good god, those eyes (redraw) @sermna
Untitled by Alex Kiessling @thewindowofthesummerhouse
Untitled Art @moarf13
Untitled by Thomas Nast on @thewindowofthesummerhouse
Untitled on @vile-lithium3
Untitled on @the-watcher-in-the-sky
Untitled on @cultofmortem
Explanation of Signs/Prophecies/Etc. Below the Cut (First in Irish, then in English) Should be stated that I do not speak for the artists, and I am an independent body stating my own opinions and interpretations as given to me through my sources and this no way reflects the opinions or beliefs of the artists collected here.
Explanations in Irish
Tá Doe ag tabhairt aire do thús nua agus duine nua ag an nasc teann idir sinn Má ní tharraingím mé féin le chéile, d'fhéadfadh gach rud a bheith briste.
Féach amach don béal Dé Tá ocras air agus tá sé feargach Bí cúramach le daoine amadacha a bhfuil teachtaireachtaí acu - bain amach cé atá díot féin a mheas (Mar dhea, níor dhéanadh Doe riamh é sin éasca)
Tá na Marbh ag déanamh a gcuid ullmhúcháin.
Tuilleadh rabhaidh faoi bhéal Dé agus teachtaireachtaí bréagacha. Chomh maith le rabhaidh faoi bhéal na marbh.
Tuilleadh rabhaidh fós faoi na mairbh…
Bhí tú i gcónaí ar lámh chlé Dé, cén fáth ar cheart é sin a athrú anois? (Ná téigh os cionn do stáisiúin. Ná bíodh leisce ort a bheith i ngrá leat. Ná bíodh leisce ort a chreidiúint go bhfuil sé indéanta.)
Cuimhnigh nuair a ghearr Dia do sciatháin? Cuimhnigh nuair a thit agus thit agus thit tú? Ná leomh iarracht a eitilt anois.
Ná smaoinigh ar na leanaí roimhe seo - ná bí ag brionglóid orthu anois - leis an Tiarna, tá siad leis an Tiarna, níos fearr ná mar a bheadh ​​​​siad riamh ar an Domhan. Fanann tú liom. Fanann tú le Doe.
Tá an sagart ag faire. Ach tá Meisias níos fíre. Is é an Meisias an geall is sábháilte agus is cinnte. Guigh ar a son. Guigh air. Fan le haghaidh revelation. Creideamh os cionn creideamh - pian os cionn crá - tabharfar luach saothair do ghrá, mar a bheidh an fhírinne.
An teachtaireacht chéanna le 9
Tá a fhios agat cad atá tú. Bhí a fhios agat i gcónaí.
Tá tú freagrach as an tairseach. Is é do phost é.
Má osclaíonn tú an tairseach, fanann cochall na naomh ort. Chochall na naomh dírithe ar ghrá, adhradh, agus deabhóid.
Braitheann na hamlínte ortsa a bheith i lár na soiléireachta. Agus anois, tá siad lofa tríd agus tríd.
Cuimhnigh go bhfuil imoibriú dearfach ann do gach imoibriú diúltach - dorcha agus éadrom. Tá rud éigin amuigh ansin ag obair mar atá tú, ach tá sé tinn, agus caithfidh tú fanacht go maith.
Tuilleadh meabhrúcháin faoi na hamlínte agus na peirspictíochtaí iolracha. Eolas ginearálta maidir le fanacht dírithe agus bunaithe.
Tá taobh istigh na hEaglaise, an Chreidimh, an Chreidimh ionat tinn agus as ord. Tá siad ag casadh agus ag amhras agus ag ithe iad féin. Tá siad ag baint iad féin as corp Chríost.
Gardaí ort chun deireadh a chur leis an breoiteacht - an baol - na tinnis. Féachann sí i do chodladh thú agus ullmhaíonn sí d’intinn. Tá grá aici duit - tá grá ag Doe duit - agus coinneoidh sí slán thú.
Cén chuma a d’fhéadfadh a bheith ar olc uaireanta gurb é an leas is fíor agus is cumhachtaí atá ann – cé is mó atá ciaptha ná naomh nó fáidh? Cé a thugann níos mó maith?
Beidh scrios ann. Caithfidh tú do rúin a cheilt agus a choinneáil gar. Roinn ach an méid atá uait. Tú féin a chosaint. Coinnigh do domhan beag.
Ní éiríonn na hamlínte ar dhaoine eatarthu agus i bhfostú go contúirteach mura gcoinníonn tú do chloigeann díreach. Ná lig tú féin a bheith ar dhaoine eatarthu. Ná bíodh amhras ort faoi na comharthaí.
Explanations in English
Mostly, Doe is nursing a new beginning and new person at the tenuous connection between us and that if I don't pull my act together, well this might all just turn out to be incredibly fucked up--but hey, what's new about that...
Beware the mouth of God, it is hungry, and it is raging--beware fools bearing messages--know who you can trust. (As if Doe has ever made that easy...)
The Dead are making their preparations.
More warnings about the mouths of God and false messages--as well as the mouths of The Dead...
Even more warnings about the dead...
You've always been God's lefthand why should that change now (don't get above your station--don't dare to be loved--don't dare to believe it is possible)
Remember when God clipped your wings? Remember when you fell and fell and fell? Don't dare try to fly now
Don't think about the children from before--don't dare dream of them now--with the Lord, they are with the Lord, better than they'd ever be on Earth. Stay with me, stay with Doe.
The priest is watching--but Messiah is truer. Messiah is the safest and surest bet--pray for him, pray to him. Wait for the revelation. Faith above faith--ache above ache--love will be rewarded, as will truth.
Continuation of the same message as 9
You know what you are. You've always known.
You are responsible for the opening of that portal. It's your job.
If you open the portal, sainthood waits for you--sainthood centered around love, worship, and devotion.
The timelines depend on you to be the center of clarity, and right now they are rotten through and through
Remember for every negative reaction there is a positive reaction--dark and light--something is out there working as you, but it is sick--you must remain well.
More reminders about the timelines--multiple prospectives--general info on staying centered and grounded
The insides of the Church--The Faith--The Belief--of you are sick--are out of order, are turning and doubting and eating themselves--removing themselves....
Doe guards over you to remove the sickness--the danger--the illness. She watches in your sleep and preps your mind. She loves you--Doe loves you--and she will keep you safe.
What looks like evil can sometimes be the most genuine and powerful good there is--who is more harassed than a saint or a prophet? Who brings more good?
There will be destruction--you must hide and keep your secrets close. Share what only you must. Protect yourself. Keep your world small.
The timelines will only become dangerously confused and entangled if you do not keep your head on straight. Don't let yourself become confused. Don't let yourself doubt the signs.
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