#spiderverse predictions
bnandny · 1 year
we’ve got a long ways wait so i’m gonna post this now and save it for future me.
predictions for spider-man: beyond the spiderverse
- Rio Morales is going to die, not Jeff Davis
- P! Miles is going to help Miles
- We get to see more feral off-rapture Miguel
- Miguel variants?? Original comic Miguel? Someone needs to stop Miguel anyways. He’s technically the original anomaly.
- The Spot realizes killing = wrong
- Olivia Octavius comes back
- Miles gets more villains !!!
- Miles and Gwen make up :(
- Hobie and Spider Noir have hilarious interactions about colors.
thank you.
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favesgrave · 1 year
i think everyone in my theater was spiritually connected for a moment after the “to be continued” text showed up and we all yelled
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vikingknight90 · 3 months
I know we're all excited for Gwen and Miles to kiss in Beyond, but honestly I feel almost as excited for the two of them to share a very emotional/angsty hug before we get to any kissing.
You know the kind of hug where the characters just cling to each other and maybe cry a little and just stay in the hug for like a solid minute or so. We need that hug please.
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
Litterally everybody in the theater at the end of Across The Spiderverse:
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bizarrescribblez · 1 year
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"If Nothing Matters, Then All The Pain And Guilt You Feel For Making Nothing Of Your Life Goes Away - Sucked Into A Bagel."
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dreamingmantis · 1 year
Imagine a Miles and Gwen swinging scene that is almost like a dance sequence of weaving and leaping and acrobats, until they begin to whirl around each other as they hang on by their threads, closer and closer and closer and
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astrotalk1726 · 2 months
If there is a difference of five to ten minutes in the birth time while looking at the horoscope, can the horoscope be wrong?
In astrology, a difference of five to ten minutes in birth time can affect the horoscope in the following ways:
Ascendant and House Changes: The Ascendant and house cusps may shift, potentially altering the entire chart's structure, especially the 1st and 12th houses.
Dasha Timing: The timing of planetary periods (Dasha) and sub-periods (Antardasha) could change, impacting predictions about life events.
Moon Sign Variation: The Moon sign or its degree could change, influencing emotional and mental state interpretations.
Formation of Yogas and Doshas: The presence or absence of specific yogas (beneficial combinations) or doshas (malefic combinations) may be affected, altering the overall reading.
Impact on Major Life Events: Predictions related to marriage, career, and significant life events might become inaccurate due to the slight time variation.
If there is a difference of five to ten minutes in the birth time while looking at the horoscope, then to know the better status of this combination, you can use Samay Sutram 2 - birth time rectification (BTR Software) software. Which can give better information. And it will be based on your horoscope. You can also contact us (918595675042 ) for more information.
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
BTSV Prediction
So, this is another scene that's been playing out in my head that I think would be really cool to see in beyond the spider-verse when it comes out. (hopefully sometime in 2025 cuz they started voicing again!!)
So Gwen is the leader of the new Spider-team, right? She's the one who rounded them all up and she's the one who's sending them to Earth-42 to get save Miles and eventually save his dad from the canon event.
But they're going to end up having to face the rest of the Spider-society. And this time, they'll be ready. Before, Miles caught them off-guard, but now Miguel and the rest are going to be doing everything in their power to prevent him from ruining the canon event.
But what if a lot of them are regretting their choices?
We already saw in the end of across the spiderverse that a lot of the spiders were feeling guilty. Even Jess was shown doubting her decision when she watched Gwen talk to Miles' parents.
So what if we get a scene in BTSV where Gwen, the leader, convinces the other spiders in the spider society to join her side?
Gwen confronts the entire spider-society, while Miguel is off doing something, and gives an awesome speech. Something along the lines of, "If you could go back and save Uncle Ben, would you? If you knew that you could save him, would you?"
And when one of them responds saying "Its a canon event" she'll be like "we don't know that. We don't even know if canon events are real. Spider-man doesn't let people die. Fate doesn't exist. Look at me. Destiny hates me, and I'm still trying. I'm not just going to let myself die and you shouldn't be letting innocent people die just because some algorithm says to. That's not what being spider-man is."
And eventually, part of the spider society will join her cause while the rest stay with Miguel. And we have a spider-war.
I think that would be kind of cool.
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spiderman across the spiderverse won no oscars 89273 dead 912989334 wounded
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look ok there are a lot of things I'd like to see in Beyond the Spiderverse, but the only one I think will happen is Gwen's team showing up on Earth 42 in the middle of a fight - maybe a Sinister Six face-off, or Miles' trying to flee his uncle and the Prowler, idk - either way: Hobie fucking Brown is going to show up mask-off in the middle of this, and he is going to nod at Miles G. mid-fight, and Miles G. is going to be like ???????¿¿????, but he is absolutely definitely going to nod back
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aloevhello · 1 year
In ATSV, Miguel looks at a video of himself with Gabriella and at first glance it looks like our Miguel. However, it’s actually alt Miguel since that video shows him having brown eyes while our Miguel has red eyes which are a result of his spider powers. I figure this means that alt Miguel never became Spider-Man likely because he quit Alchemax, as the lab experiment there is why his transformation occurred in the first place.
Additionally, with alt Miguel having a family it indicates that this dimension is where Miguel (who was in a love triangle in the 90’s comics) chose Xina over Dana and in turn chose Xina over Alchemax. Xina and Miguel were very much in the trajectory of having a future together aka have a family before their fallout regarding Dana and Alchemax occurred. With alt Miguel choosing Xina and sticking to this trajectory, he was able to live the life our Miguel wanted to live if he didn’t give into fear and his need for stability.
Thus, when our Miguel sees alt Miguel getting killed, he sees an opening for himself to correct his prior wrongs: choosing Alchemax and losing Xina. I also figure Miguel jumping dimensions is how he’ll correct the wrongs enacted upon him in his past as him fulfilling Gabriella’s father role could be a way for him to reconcile having an abusive father in his childhood. I think BTSV will expand upon this point by revealing his true comic origins and show that him losing his interpersonal relationships (ie Gabriel and Xina) and making up for past mistakes and trauma is the reason why he left his home dimension.
I just hope at the end of BTSV, Miguel gets to go back to home dimension and see that his relationships with the people he cares about most, Gabriel and Xina, can be fixable. Additionally, I hope he realizes that he can still build the future that alt Miguel had with Xina, which includes him embracing his Spider-Man identity in that future as well.
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jennsterjay · 4 months
I need to see Mattea Murdock in Beyond the Spiderverse
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Like her whole outfit and color scheme just EATS
I need to see that paired with the Earth-138B style of Hobie’s world
I need to see her joking around with Kamala and Riri
I need to see her joking around in Spanish with Miles (both of them)
I need to see her use her powers
And I need to see her messing with Gwen because they're both drummers
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sophiegoose · 1 month
Giant!Miguel Character/AU notes
I return to the Spiderverse G/t tag with my other Big(tm) Miguel/AU.
I've workshopped this guy and the world he comes from quite a bit. I plan on writing a multi-part reader x fanfic about him at some point down the line, so he's gotten a lot of fleshing out and Lore(tm).
This will be closer to an actual character profile with some lore and storyline beats mixed in compared to my previous Sizeshifter!Miguel post.
Hope y'all enjoy. :>
Name: Miguel
Pronouns: He/Him or It/Its
Species: Giant
Age: 810 (roughly 30-35 in human years)
Height: 150 feet/45 meters (head and shoulders taller than most other giants)
Occupation: Alchemist and tapestry weaver. Previously an armorer, weaponsmith, and warlord.
Associated magical sphere: Spiders
Appearance: Miguel is a looming figure  with tan skin, which is covered from head to toe in scars. These scars range in size, shape, and depth, suggesting combat with a variety of beings over the course of his lifetime. He has a very buff body type, with broad shoulders and pronounced musculature.
He has sharp cheekbones and a square jaw, and piercing red eyes that glow with an eerie, dim light in the dark. Several more pinpricks of glowing red are arranged under each of his eyes, appearing to be additional eyes/light-sensing organs. These lack pupils and eyelids. His jaws are lined with sharp teeth, with elongated incisors. His toes and fingers have long, tapering claws, which have a straight edge and cannot be sheathed. He has medium length black hair, which is slightly curled and has interwoven hints of grey.
He wears a black shawl, consisting of numerous layers of sheer black fabric. This is woven over his body in several layers, creating a skintight bodysuit that covers his body at its innermost layer. The outer layers are woven into a black cloak that obscures most of his body and face from view.
This outfit is magical, and freely responds to Miguel's will. It wraps and unwraps, weaving and unweaving from his body, transforming into any garment he may need. It also acts as an extension of his personage:  any damage done to it felt by him. It can be unfurled into a large web that can entangle and snare foes, or weave around him tightly, forming a cocoon for protection, and anywhere in between.
Most days, Miguel wears this outfit in the form mourner's cloak, with a bodysuit wrapped around him underneath. He rarely lifts the hood of his cloak to show his face, with only his glowing eyes visible within. The fabric has a faint iridescent sheen.
Miguel is a giant, one of many magical creatures that call his world home. Giant society is somewhat separated from the rest of the world: most of their villages and cities are built atop banks of clouds, high above the world below.
Due to their lofty home and intimdiating size, giants tend not to mingle with other species, but there have been times where giant society has meddled with the lives of those below, for better or for worse.
Miguel was once a famed weaponsmith and warlord, waging battle under the sigil and banner of the Spider. He took part in a massive conflict that spanned centuries and multiple kingdoms, involving numerous species and innumerable casualties.
While the war initially broke out between small local factions for land and resources after a devastating natural disaster, it quickly devolved. It turned into a clash of kingdoms, political causes, and warring economies. As kings, feudal lords, rebels and outside warlords joined the fray, things got ever more tangled,  complicated, and bloody. As these groups forged alliances and lost their comrades one by one, they began to lose track of what it was the war had been started for and what they were fighting for other than vengeance. The carnage spanned across entire generations for some of the species involved, with humans bearing the brunt of casualties.
Things came to a head when the toll of war hit too close to home: Miguel's daughter was captured by a rival kingdom. The human ruler of said kingdom called for her execution in retaliation for Miguel's direct destruction of a town on the outskirts of their territory.
Miguel arrived just in time to see the life fade from his daughter's eyes.
Overcome with the pain of his daughter's death and wracked with guilt for having lost himself so deeply in the bloodlust of war, Miguel lost the will to fight. He retired from the warfront and became a shut-in.
He spends most of his days alone, now.
Residing in his secluded home on the outskirts of a floating city, he neighbors several other giants who once fought under his command. He doesn't socialize with them often, instead spending his time pursuing what little remains of joy in his life.
He weaves tapestries and clothing, creating elaborate pieces in an attempt to express his emotions, and making pieces in tribute to his daughter. Occasionally he'll take up commission work, creating decorative armor pieces or aid in repairing older pieces of his. He dislikes when people brings weapons into his home of any kind.
Many long centuries have passed since the war ended, and while to humans and other beings in the world below it is merely a legend, relegated to a footnote in history...
To Miguel it is still a crushing weight upon his life that is slowly suffocating him alive.
And so he weaves his tapestries, much as a spider would weave its web, and seeks penance and peace amongst the ruins of his life.
Miguel is stern, well-spoken, and regal...but make no mistake, he is NOT as level-headed as he seems.
Neither his smooth voice nor flowery language can hide his animalistic tendencies, deeply held trauma, and barely-contained temper. He is quick to anger, jumpy at even the smallest of sounds, and filled with a deeply jaded rage towards the world, himself, and, most intensely, humans.
He has a deep contempt and hatred for humans, viewing them as lowly, vile creatures whose intelligence and craftiness is only ever used for personal gain and trickery. He once freely allied with and fought alongside humans, but  now views them as monsters, despite the obvious hypocrisy and misdirected rage of this sentiment. Should he ever find a human in his home there's no telling what he'd do...
That being said, he doesn't extend such violence and disdain to everyone.
He has maintained relationships with many of his former comrades, as well as friends and relatives...although his increasingly reclusive behavior worries them. He's fiercely loyal to those close to him, betraying a softer side he prefers to keep hidden, concerned for their safety and worried he may lose another person he holds close. He rarely admits to or shows this vulnerability: he doesn't want to appear weak, nor have others take advantage of that weakness. He can't take any more pain than what is already upon his shoulders. Not again.
As such, he remains focused on his work and the solitude of his home, rarely letting anyone in, both physically and emotionally.
-Sphere of the Spider:
Giants are inherently magical beings. Their massive forms exist thanks to the powerful magic that flows in their veins, and they're more susceptible to magical attacks and spells than most other species. Deeply intuned with the flow of magical energy that moves through all things, giants take on a sphere/focus of interest to better hone and utilize their magical aptitude.
Some choose a particular profession, such as farming, smithing, book-binding and so on and apply their inherent magical skill to these pursuits. Other times, a sphere of magic will chose a giant to take it on.
Miguel was approached by the spirit of spiders herself, who granted him great power in exchange for spreading her sigil far and wide. He accepted...
But her blessing was a double-edged sword.
While she greatly sharpened his senses, gave him immense strength and agility, and honed his already exceptional skills in alchemy and weaving to a fine edge, he suffered many side-effects. While the growth of his extra eyes, his fangs, his claws, and the sharp increase in his senses were tolerable, other changes were not so easy to adapt to.
Extremely sensitive to light and vibration, Miguel is uncomfortable in direct sunlight and dislikes loud noise and music. He has also developed a visceral dislike for birds, and motifs for them are associated with death in his artistic works.
He is most active at night, something that clashes with the sunshine-loving norm of giant society, and his animalistic nature does startle even his fellow giants at times. Miguel is, however, overall grateful for his connection to this particular sphere of magic. He feels it suits him.
While Miguel does not produce his own silk, his arachnid powers do lend well to the art of weaving and alchemy.
Miguel can weave with traditional materials, such as cloth, string, and rope, but he is also able to magically weave with other materials. He can change the alchemical properties of any material he touches, allowing him to spool it out into thread that he then weave into the item he's working on.
For example, Miguel's weaponsmithing process is different than any other in the world. He starts with the materials he intends to use for a piece, then thinly spools them out into thread, tempering the metal with alchemy. He then weaves these metallic threads into intricate patterns as he slowly but surely assembles a weapon of immense durability and sharpness, one strand at a time.
His weapons are renowned for their sturdiness and unique aesthetics, with a very distinct organic, woven style that makes them easy to spot. His textiles are also in high demand, as they are easily enchanted and are resistant to fraying or tearing. His tapestries are said to glisten with threads made from traditionally unheard-of materials, with strands made of alchemically-altered diamond, platinum, stone, wood, and more.
His pieces are highly sought after, but his clientele know that he's not easy to hunt down and get a commission slot. He is a grumpy, morose recluse, and that doesn't seem like it'll be changing any time soon.
Additional notes/info:
-Miguel is pansexual, panromantic, and polyamorous (though he's not been active in the dating scene for quite some time). He currently has no partners.
-Miguel's home is a looming, brutalist structure formed from stone. Inside there are several support pillars and rafter-like beams that he freely leaps between and crawls along. Any visitor better be ready to climb to reach most of the rooms inside.
-His home has a garden at its center, with a ceiling of enchanted glass that captures and casts down sunlight in glimmering colors. It is filled with plants from both the surface world and giant lands, with tangles of fruit trees and grape vines growing in the gaps between the shadows of massive trees native to giant lands. The entire garden is encircled and criss-crossed by an artificial spring, which is filled with rainwater from the bank of clouds Miguel's home is built on. He often harvests fruit from his garden for his meals.
-Housed in at the center of this garden, resting in its own custom-made pond, is the last remnant Miguel has of his daughter: a goose, crudely carved from gold. This enchanted object was sculpted and brought to life by his daughter through alchemy. Although an amateur work by the standards of most alchemists, it was deeply precious to her. This goose can eat any metal, and will take what it is fed and alchemize it into eggs made of solid gold. This goose is very precious to Miguel, and he pampers it as a pet, spoiling it rotten with hand-carved foliage made of different, high-value metals, and dotes on it daily.
-Whether he admits it or not, he has a soft spot for children, and is often a babysitter for his extended family and group of friends. He's particularly fond of the child of his former battle comrades Peter and MJ, and treats their daughter, Mayday, as if she was his own. He'd kill the very gods for her.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
I decided to make a prediction bingo card for the upcoming episode of Cartoon Therapy!!
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It was hinted at that none of the original patients would be returning but there will be a new one!
Can’t wait! Hope we get a bingo 😄
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purplehoodie09 · 1 year
Picture me sitting there after i watched the new Spiderverse just waiting for the Miguel O'hara x Peter B Parker to kick in
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sunny-arts-blog · 1 year
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Astrobug isn't immune to the coolness btw
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