#spiderman crossover fanfic
corvidae-corvus · 10 months
My Spiderman & Batman Fanfic (WIP): Not a prompt just from the fanfic I'm writing. Check Pin
Ideas #1:
So anyways, I started to think rlly hard about the fanfic and I realized that Instead of Peter going to Gotham right after NWH, I decided that he would die by the Inheritors instead.
I thought about this for a couple reasons:
• I needed to age Peter up a bit so it'd be easier for Peter and Jason to be in a relationship. This also helps with the timeline. So I decided that Peter will be 20 when he dies. Jason will also be 20 or 20-22 yrs old. (Still not sure how I want to write his relationship w/ the bat-family)
• I wanted to give him time to be on his own. I like the idea of him having support and a family but I needed to get him alone first. And since his parents will also be resurrected in the DC verse. His loneliness in those 2 years will play a VITAL role in his story. So 2 years will pass since NWH. I wanted him to still be fresh in his grief for May cause angst, but not too fresh because I want complicated feelings lol. And angst.
• I wanted him to be more experienced in crime fighting. I've read fanfic where he's just so unprepared for Gotham's harshness that he's really fucking struggling. And it kinda makes me go eeeeehhhhhhhh. And as much as I love it. (Cause I do, I like the angst) I also wanted to make him competent AND more dangerous. This is a Peter who's lost HIS WHOLE FAMILY!!! And then he gets them back!? Yeah Peter's morals bend so easily for them. And he's not gonna let a city bring him down. He's gonna live and protect his family, no matter what. What I'm trying to say is that Peter's gonna be a bit more overpowered. Not too much obv. And angry. Rlly fucking angry.
• I wanted Jason and Peter to be together in a romantic relationship and so I wanted to age Peter up instead of having him be with Jason when he's still angry with Batman
I just realized that In my fic Richard Parker and Dick are the same person just different variants of one another. Like they LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!!! (In my fic that I'm working on)
Like. What age did Richard die!? My head cannon is that he had Peter when he was 25. So he dies at like 30. And Dick is like 5-8 years older than Jason right??? So like Dick is around 25-28 years old during this time!?
Would this make Peter/Jason weird??? I need to know. Should I make like Richard and Dick be only a quarter related??? Or not related at all!? AHHH I DON'T KNOW!? I mean I want Peter/Jason cause it's an easy way to connect Peter to the Bats but also cause I think Peter/Jason would be rlly fucking cute??
CAUSE LIKE- wouldn't it be weird to date a guy whose biological dad is related to your adopted brother??
Fuxk- should I just have it that Richard and Dick aren't actually related and Richard just looks like him (doppelganger) so that they can date or that Peter and Jason never date?
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clovrtree · 7 months
so like uhm . .
Can u…
can u feed us silly little doodles of them pls ^_^
You lucky duck, I happen to have two little doodles right here <3
Older siblings Dick and Jason can do no wrong
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geekishfangirl · 4 months
Seen so many Peter Parker in Gotham fics, and while I love them, I would love to see a Batfam in Marvel fics. Especially with the Richard Grayson is Richard Parker idea!
I like to imagine they somehow end up in Peter’s New York (idk how, haven’t thought about it that much) and in their attempts to find a way back to their home universe end up catching the attention of either SHIELD, the Avengers, or just Tony. They are confronted by whoever catches them and, maybe under duress or the idea that they don’t have the resources to get home alone, explain their situation. It all leads to them staying with Tony while they’re there and it all comes to a head when they meet Peter. Because that looks just like Dick! They start trying to spend more time with him to figure out if it’s just a crazy coincidence or not, and eventually realize this is the alternate universe version of Dick’s son!
I love this idea because it makes me wonder about so many things and I feel like it has a lot of possibilities. Like, the batfam is extremely cagey about who they trust, why and how do they end up telling the truth about what happened to them? If we’re talking the MCU (I honestly just like to pick things I like from each universe and make my own but whatever works lmao) Do they end up meeting the Avenger’s pre-Civil War or after? And if after, what would their thoughts on the Accords be?
How would they react to Peter’s story? He barely remembers his father, if he does at all. How would Dick react to the idea of his son growing up without him? To never meeting Bruce and his siblings (if they even exist in Peter’s world) and instead getting adopted by another family? There was never any Robin or Nightwing. He is DEAD in this universe and is watching his adult or near adult orphaned son look to a billionaire superhero as his father figure, just like he had! it would be interesting to highlight both the similarities and differences in the relationship of Tony and Peter to that of Dick and Bruce.
How would they react to Spider-Man and the snap?!
I need someone to write this honestly, there’s so much potential here, I can feel it in my bones.
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ma-xs-world · 6 months
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Peter seconds before Karen hacked the entire bat clan, causing the blood pressure of the three involved to drop as they heard their real names:
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ao3sbatfamily · 7 months
Do you have any Batfam crossovers that have the Bats freaking out the crossover characters?
'time flies by (bye)' by WHYISEVERYNAMETAKEN
“I- you have a phone?? Why wouldn’t you call 911?”
“How the hell was I supposed to explain how I got up there? Huh? ‘Hey Mr. Police-man and/or Firefighter! I was on top of a building I shouldn’t have been able to get on top of. Please don’t press charges or ask why I was there?’ like c’mon, dude, give me some slack here,” Peter complained, although the relaxing of his shoulders at the muffled grunt of laughter Peter swore he’d heard had the phone slipping, and with a yelp, Peter thanked his quick reflexes for being able to grab the phone before it broke on the ground (although, to be fair, flip phones were nearly indestructible, and he was only two stories up now). With a quick hop and a soft exhale at the landing, Peter put the phone back up to his ear as he began looking around the dank (and dark! and very, very spooky!) alleyway.
“-lo? Hello? Fuck. Fuck! Hello???”
“Oh, hi!” Peter greeted cheekily, and was met with a heavy exhale of relief, although the stranger quickly snapped, “What the fuck was that?”
“I almost dropped my phone. Or, well, I did . But don’t worry! I caught it!” Peter reassured sunnily, deciding that, at least in this city , he would not ‘check out’ the scary and dark alleyways. Something (that thing being both his sixth sense and his common sense) told him that this was not the time for an adventure, “And then I jumped the rest of the way down. It wasn’t that far. I just think my ribs are, like, maybe-almost-broken, so it hurt more than I was expecting.”
The slew of cursing and swearing and yelling that suddenly barraged its way through the phone had Peter’s concussed brain fighting between Getting rid of the hurting sound or Being alone with his own thoughts , but in the end Peter’s hatred for being yelled at took the reins and made the decision for him.
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inneedofsupervision · 1 month
I need someone to write a fic about May not being able to afford their apartment anymore and having to move into one of the most rundown districts of the city. One day while eating dinner, she and Peter hear loud swearing from the room next to them before suddenly there's a body crashing through the wall that borders to their neighbors apartment. Turns out their new neighbors are a mutant with an adamantium skelett, a merc with a mouth, a really ugly dog and a blind old woman who curses like a sailor
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yetanothergreyjedi · 4 months
Matters of Trust
A Danny Phantom x Spider-Man (Tom Holland movies) Crossover
The screen flickered slightly, distorting Danny's face even now, with years of minimal exposure. Tucker glared at it,  he'd figure out a solution someday. "Nope, old settings were better." Sam affirmed, or critiqued? Both probably? Danny's form glitched again as he just threw his gaze up to the ceiling.  "Guys." "I'm gonna get it!" "Sure you will," Sam shot back. "I got it too work when we had access too ectoplasm, I just have to... you okay Danny?" His mostly alive friend dropped his head on the table (desk? Workbench? Tucker hadn’t been there in a while) with a thunk. "Fucking billionaires." "Oooo what'd Vlad do?"
"Not him, this time." "Who? Do I know them?" "I don't know, do you know Tony Stark?" "Eh, I've been introduced before, I avoid him... did you meet him or'd he make some sort of rift in space again?" "He dragged the kid into the Accords thing." "Wait? Your kid?!" "Tucker you make it sound like I'm his father. I'm just helping him out." "Fine, your protégé?" Tucker was proud of his Vlad impression, it caused Sam to snort, and Danny to suppress a smile with a glare. Ah the spooky eyes, the bane of his system's existence. "Whatever, yes. Him." Danny reluctantly agreed. "If he made him sign something, I'm sure my parents have lawyers that can stand against Starks." "Thanks, Sam, but that's not the problem," "Then....?" "The fact that Stark brought a 15 year old to fight some ex assassins, supersoldiers, a powerful sorceress, and a literal giant. I swear if the kid hadn't been so excited about it..." There was a long moment of silence as they took that in." "You mean the red and blue guy, on the news—" "Is swingy oversized sweater kid, yeah..." Another long silence, that almost had Tucker checking to make sure the internet was still going... not that he knew what to say... "I don't know what to do, Stark showed up at his house, guys, his civilian ID's place of sleeping. And Spidey doesn't seem at all bothered by that!" "How'd he even find that out?!" "Internet, same way Tucker would." "But I didn't! Because you asked me not too." "Thanks, Tuck... on that note... could you..." "Sweep the trail up?" Why hadn't he offered to do that earlier?  This whole problem could've been avoided if he'd just asked Danny if 'don't look into him' included cleaning up digital footprints... "Yeah, unless Stark already did..." "Of course, Is it better or worse if he did, do that?" Sam asked. "I don't know, if Vlad covered up finding me..." "Creepy." "Eww." "Yeah, but if Stark has good intentions and didn’t..." "Then he's an imbecile." Tucker said. Danny snorted, "Yep," "Right, so if I figure it out while sweeping I'll send that for your notes, and then forget I saw anything." "Thanks, Tuck." "And I've got the lawyers if you need them, just let me know." "Thank you as well. Sam." "Call more often, Danny, or Tuckers never gonna figure out this horrid glitch." "I will, love you guys." -Danny has left the call- ---
Continue on Ao3
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feelingthedisaster · 6 months
what was more relevant? the renaissance or "dark matter" by mysterycyclone?
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tobicup · 6 months
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A scene in one of the later chapters of the fic Dark Matter by mysterycyclone on ao3. Peter sassing obsidian maw while captured. I love this fic soooo much
I also got lazy drawing/coloring the chains. I hate drawing chains. Ughh. Might come back to it but probably not lol
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fandomforg · 1 year
ok, so, mcu peter parker somehow gets sent to the star wars universe
we’re all familiar with the trope of ‘earth girl who’s a big star wars fan goes to star wars galaxy and tries to save everyone there with her knowledge of the Plot’ but now think about if peter parker, resident star wars nerd/super genius/superhero, gets sent there
first things first, he would lose his marbles seeing all the cool aliens and technology (even though he’s already seen plenty of aliens/tech just from being on earth) but like!! it’s not just any aliens!!! it’s star wars aliens!!! woah!!!!
he wouldn’t really even have to worry about hiding his enhancements bc he could just go ‘uh, i’m not baseline human?’ and everyone there would just go ‘oh, ok’
as soon as peter got his bearings tho, he would absolutely immediately start scheming on how to stop palpatine/prevent the clone wars or whatever. like full on murder cork board with red string as he thinks. whatever poor soul has offered to let this lost child stay with them is very concerned because every time they bring him a snack it looks a little bit more like this kid is trying to overthrow the government (he kind of is planning to overthrow the government)
peter has gotten in enough debates online to know that most of the groups that might be able to help him (the jedi, the mandalorians) are a little too wrapped up in their own stuff (connections with the senate, civil war) to stop palpatine with any sort of efficiency, so he just goes ‘huh, guess i’m gonna be a vigilante again’ now he’s spiderman again!!! but this time in star wars!!!!!
webslinging on corusant would go so crazy though
so by day, peter is working part time at some little corusant shop where the owner lets him use the spare room (and the owner is also constantly so concerned over this insane child that just showed up one day without knowing the date, but knowing many random historical facts that they space-google and find out are absolutely correct)
and by night, spiderman is swinging between the levels of corucant, stopping petty crimes avoiding the jedi who keep trying to figure out who this spiderguy is. they think must be force sensitive (‘just look at how fast he’s running! and he’s sensing hits before he sees them!’)
eventually, peter finally makes his move and goes after palpatine. it’s uhhhh, actually easier then he expected. peter may have had a few too many backup plans. palpatine was not expecting his sixth lightning to be absorbed by a brightly-colored suit (‘thanks, mr. stark!’) nor was he expecting to be covered??? in spider?? webs???? it’s very hard to cut yourself free from webs when you can’t move an inch to even ignite your lightsaber
the next day, palpatine’s guards find him still stuck to the wall of his office and spitting mad, while the jedi find security footage of the chancellor attacking that one vigilante with force lightning and pages and pages of evidence of palpatine’s crimes (sith-related and not) just sitting in their inbox. the arrest goes pretty smoothly after that.
once this all finally hits the news, the shop owner that peter’s been staying with (read: slowly being adopted by) just kinda shouts out a ‘kid! what did you even do?!’
well now that that’s handled, the next thing on peter’s to do list is, uhhh, getting home. yikes.
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corvidae-corvus · 8 months
My Spiderman & Batman Crossover fanfic: Idea #3
YOOOOO it's been sooo fucking long since I've posted lmao.
Anyways! Another Idea I had was how peter was gonna die. And I was thinking that he'd die by the Inheritors right?
And we'll have a little chapter where miles picks up the mantel of Spider-man right after Peter's death. Y'know for closure. And to y'know make sure the readers know that he's stuck in the DC verse.
I've also been thinking about how the Parker family would be resurrected.
Should they all come from the Lazarus pits or not? On one hand: The parkers would look really creepy when they're together. Like they're the happy neighbors...IN GOTHAM!! The neighbors would TOTALLY think that the Parker family is creepy and probably part of a cult lmao. With the white streak in the hair and the almost glowing green eyes, along with their incredibly positive and kind attitude. (May and Ben especially since they're really nice people)
Richard and May would have an easier time hanging blending in. They're spies in my fic. Specifically Shield spies/scientists. They're not the best spies/fighters but they're still pretty good.
On the other hand....I really don't want to deal with writing about 5 people with pit madness. So much conflict that will probably be carefully crafted and honestly I'm a beginner writer! I have literally never written a fanfic before other than wips in Google docs!! This fic will literally be like 50-70 chapters long if I want to do it right.
I write weirdly :')
But it can be really interesting!! Or maybe only peter has pit madness, like what would be the reason for him only having it and not the rest of his family? 🤔 What's the criteria?
Cause I was thinking, if Peter only had pit madness, then May and Richard could like- focus on trying to CURE peter and having this whole conflict with the batfam. They would infiltrate billionaire companies in Gotham (*cough*Bruce Wayne*cough*) unknowingly putting themselves on Batman's radar. Spider-Man being in the scene complicates more things because Spider-Man is now seen with two shady ass people and helping them out and now Spider-Man is being doubted in the public eye, etc, etc. New villains are born, new team ups and even a sinister six for Peter to deal with on his own?
Now the question is, what will Peter's relationship with the batfam be? Not familial? Peter has his family he definitely doesn't need a new one, but Nightwing is there and that complicates things because Nightwing and Richard are the same people. And Nightwing would probably want to know more about peter and yeah.... AHHHHH!!
There can't be any romance between Peter and the other bat kids cause Peter is like their nephew now cause of Dick.
So I thought...maybe like a rival superhero team? (I mean. It'd only consist of Peter but who knows maybe I'll add some characters) Idk!! It's up in the air rn.
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clovrtree · 6 months
Fic Below the Cut
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the-wandering-mage · 1 month
Gotham Bats ruin and save Spiderman's Operation Nest
This is like a story concept written out for a Spider-Man Batfam crossover fic I don't have the time to write fully. This is more developed than a prompt but, still is thought I'd share and maybe you guys will enjoy it and/or somebody will pick it up and develop it into a fully fledged fic. So here it goes-
A more spidery Spider-Man is dropped into a DC universe right into Gotham. It's the beginning of fall in Gotham which is a problem for a Spider seeing as he is stranded in another universe with nothing but his Spidey suit and his AI companion. He has no access to the synthesized hormone cocktail he's been taking in the winter to keep him from going into hibernation. Now Peter could get together the stuff to synthesize the medication but, he need a stable place to set up a running lab to make it as he'd need it fresh and take it on the regular. That is a lot of work and resources he'd have to come up with and maintain. Also he is a depressed boi and a long nap actually sound really good. So instead of trying to set up a lab he starts Operation Nest. He is going to find a small enclosed space and prepare it for his long winters nest.
Peter also decides pretty quickly with all the crazy dangers of Gotham and all the warnings of what Karen was able to find after connecting to this world's version of the Internet to keep the suit on and just be Spider-Man full time. The suit would keep him safe from chemical attacks and the overall pollution of Gotham as well as keep him anonymous in the very likey event he has to use his powers to defend himself. Which will let him keep a nice civilian identity that Karen crafted come spring if he chooses to.
Peter's first two objectives in Operation Nest are to get money and find a location. The first Karen helps him with easily setting up a company, then filing and selling some benign patents, since this world is really behind in tech. She also helps him get more immediate cash without crossing into stealing just by doing online commissions for simple tech support type things while the patent money is still pending. Peter gets a laptop that he uses to help with some of the tech work even though Karen can literally do five jobs at once under several fake IDs she made herself.
Most of the day for Peter however is spent looking for real estate. Which is harder in Gotham than one might think considering the rival gangs, rival super villains constantly blowing up things, and all the homeless fighting over whatever is left of the abandoned buildings. The only good thing about all this is a giant spider nest will go relatively unnoticed amongst all the other craziness. Peter's adventures running all over Gotham trying to find a place to hunker down for a couple of months cause him to run into all sorts of characters.
Peter is in a weirdly apathetic state towards himself with all his trauma so he saves people obviously, and is still empathic, maybe more so with trying to get the villians to be better people and just talking with them like real people but, he is really basley about his own safety. He has already lost everyone he cares about and he's faced down Thanos, so none of the villians at this point faze him. He doesn't see them as a threat to himself. He ends up making a bunch of friends with villains by continuing what May believed in, what Ben believed in, and helps the villains out so they can hopefully make a change.
The bats hear about him and decide to investigate but all of them get terrible first impressions and they assume he's a villain or going to be one if they don't find him. Peter is OP and scary. He's not given up his friendly neighborhood spider-man but he has stopped trying as hard to look human type of friendly. He just has slow given into being a spider and is creepy. He also leaves spider webs everywhere, since his natural ones don't dissolve like the artificial ones that he uses sparingly. This also freaks them out and there is debate on whether what they are hunting is a meta human or an intelligent spider creature. Also at least one bat at the beginning runs into one of the webs and at least one gets temporarily stuck to a criminal they are trying to free from a cocoon
By the time the bats find Spider-Man they are all convinced that he's a villain plotting something big but really they've just been stalking Peter as he completes his to do list for Operation Nest. All the dangerous equipment and suspicious purchases from villains were really to get his nest set up. Peter knew his friends had some of the stuff he needed like a cytogenetic freezer to keep some of his food from spoiling over the course of a few months since he doesn't want anyone making deliveries to his house while he's hibernating. His friends were happy to help although he still paid them despite their insistence not to.
Karen thinks it's hilarious. Although they acknowledge itd be better to just explain the situation to the bats before Peter is in active hibernation and let them find them. They totally ruin their bust by opening the doors of a small dilapidated old tailors shop in the fashion district, where Peter had set up his nest in the basement. Peter isn't happy with them feeling very territorial. He wants them not to touch anything as he shows them into his nest. He warns them and they are a bit freaked out when he hisses at them when they inevitably ignore he's instructions out of curiosity but then settle a bit when they notice how tired he is. Cass probably gets them to back off. He explains things enough so they leave him to his hibernation with the promise of hanging out in the spring.
Or alternatively. Karen is too busy setting things up she doesn't notice with her smaller processing power disconnected from Stark Tech as she is to notice the Bats noticing them. Then she is being wired into the Nest when they start getting close so, she doesn't know they are closing in. Then she is doing system checks to make sure she is able to monitor Peter when he's hibernating and can use the machines and mechanical arms to help Peter for the parts of his hibernation he will be awake or partially awake to handle his bodily needs before cocooning back into his Nest made of his natural webs and blankets.
Karen doesn't know they are there until they break her perimeter alarms and she is forced to use her defensive measures since Peter has just gone into hibernation like a day ago. The bats having more resources than Karen at their disposal and coming at her from all angles breach her defenses and get into The Nest. Karen does her best to rouse Peter with alarms blaring but she is only able to get him into a semi state of consciousness. Not enough to move him without drugging him which would be dangerous for his health and with so many coming for her charge she does her best to throw her mechanically arms in front of him to guard him where he is.
The bats once they see a sleepy confused Peter with a strange woman's voice begging them to leave him alone they feel bad realizing they judged him wrong. Especially after seeing him adorably yawn with his fangs popping out.
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45780 · 7 months
* Roll up to McDonald's drive through *
I'm here to request someone writes one of those Spiderman in Gotham fics but Matt Murdock is also there. Like they don't get there together but they both appear in Gotham at the same time. And like one day Peter sees Matt on a street corner and he's just "there's no way two universes can have as flamboyant of a blind man!"
Peter knows Matt is daredevil. Matt does not know that Peter knows he's daredevil. Matt doesn't know Peter is Spiderman. He doesn't even know this kid he just knows that two people from the same universe have to stick together.
Shenanigans as Matt tries to keep his daredeviliness a secret.
I would write it myself but I have no knowledge on batman things.
*speeds away from the drive through *
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hashtagdrivebywrites · 8 months
I am *dying* to know about #12 rn. Care to let me see a snippet? Maybe expound on its virtues? 🥺
Ahhh okay, so this one started as a silly "wouldn't it be hilarious if Jason's dad was actually John Winchester" thought exercise (because my sense of humor is shot) after I forced one of my friends to watch UTRH with me, and it just. spiraled, violently. It's still ass-deep in chaos page hell, but I've been describing it as, "Red Hood and Justice League Dark: Great Value Edition".
* Older Scooby Gang * Sibling/Family Reveal * Reverse Identity Reveal (the bulk of the team doesn't know Jason is Red Hood (or an active vigilante at all) until the situation calls for Red Hood-level interference) * Danny "I am in desperate need of a trusted supportive adult" Fenton * Good Friends Tucker and Sam * Clueless Dean and Sam
"So," Sam opened both hands and held them apart, gesturing first at the little-big asshole that had kicked everything off just by existing, "you were dead."
Jason shrugged his stupidly huge shoulders, "I got better." The following 'And?' went unspoken but clearly implied.
Oh, Bobby was going to lose his damn mind when he got a hold of this kid.
Sam paused, needing a moment to process the fact that they were too late, again, before he angled his disbelief at the skinny little punk standing with his hands in his pockets and flanked on either side by his friends like bodyguards.
"You were dead."
The teenager coughed into his fist, "Uh, about that."
Sam paused. "You…weren't dead?"
The kid made a face and wobbled his hand in the air, all 'so-so' like.
"What," Dean shifted, every Hunter-honed instinct firing off in the back of his brain, "What the hell does that mean. Did you die, or didn't you?"
"I'm," He stopped himself, brows furrowed as he looked up thoughtfully, "An overachiever?"
"Technically you're an underachiever since you can't commit to a bit," The Kid Body Guard in the Beret helpfully pointed out.
The "underachiever" in question looked like he might argue, but ultimately agreed with a loose shrug of his shoulders. "Rude, but okay."
"What the hell does that mean. Sam."
"I don't know, Dean."
"And both of you have died," A woman cut in, heels clicking on the tile, "I was dead for fifteen minutes while on a case in Star City last December. Legally, Velma is also dead. You boys aren't special."
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karmaspidr · 19 days
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