#spencer’s shitposting
the urge to deactivate rn
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rotary-supercollider · 3 months
Average leverage episode
Victim: please mr. Leverage. They bought my orphanage and they’re going to sell all the orphans I need you to stop them
Nate “Leverage” Leverage: I think we can get you some… leverage
Sophie: I’m going to start a bullshit argument now
Nate: please dont
Sophie: it’s going to last the whole episode
Nate: 🙄women (laughtrack)
Hardison: alright this is our mark Mr. Monopoly. He owns 16 weapons companies and took in 100000 billion million dollars last year. He just got into the orphan business and on the weekends he plays puppy golf.
Parker: whats puppy golf
Hardison: it’s like golf but you use puppies
Elliot: I’ve seen it. (snifffs deeply) not fun
Hardison: this guys ruthless. we’re going to be exploiting his one weakness. He really likes having a lot of money
Sophie: how?
Nate: we go steal an abstract concept
*they steal an abstract concept*
The mark: hello. I was impressed by your ownership of an abstract concept
Sophie: we’ll give you 50 trillion dollars for the orphanage
Mark: Zamn!!!
Sophie: 😏 we got him
*1 day later*
Sophie: here’s the 50 trillion dollars (holds up briefcase full of crimes)
The mark: I don’t want your money any more. I have a new plan. I’m goijng to dress all the orphans in hot dog costumes and start a theme park
Sophie: 😦
Elliot: we’re blown
Nate: Sophie throw the briefcase 💼 in the lake
Mark: whoa!! Thats wet money
Sophie: I can give you 5000 more orphans. Meet me at this unmarked warehouse in 6 hours
Mark: awooga
Hardison: Nate do you have a plan?
Nate: not yet
*Fade to black*
Nate: alright the marks on his way. Hardison what’s your 20
Hardison: I need at least 30 minutes to finish this Lego Taj Mahal
Nate: ok I’ll stall
Nate (playing bit character): I cooka da pizza!! Ohhhh (drops full pan of sauce on the marks head instantly killing him) mamma Mia (walks into the sea)
Parker: guys we have a problem
*6 Bad Men materialize out of thin air*
Elliot: 😒I got this 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊🤛🤜🤛🤜✊🩼✊🦶🦵✊🤛🚪🦶✊🦵🤌✊🦶👊🦵✊✊👊🎷👊👊👊
*the Bad Men disintegrate*
Elliot: shit hes here (dives into a trash can)
*the mark reaches the building. There are orphans waving at him from the windows*
Mark: ok I’m here to take the orphans
Mark: what?? This is a completely legal orphan deal
Police: theres no orphans here
*police man grabs an orphan. Hes flat. Flashback to Hardison setting up 5000 cardboard orphan cutouts*
Mark: but what are you arresting me for??
Police man: sir you filled all of city hall with gravy
*flashback to Nate filling city hall with gravy while wearing a T-shirt that says “Im bad businessman”*
Mark: you can’t do this to me!!
Police: (arrests him)
Nate: heh. You could say he got... Leveraged
Parker: i have autism
Everyone: oh my god Parker shut up
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nereidprinc3ss · 29 days
“would you pin me down and leave bruises that don’t go away”
“is that what you want?”
hey criminal minds writing room that was fucking insane. you’re all crazy im having you locked up. why would you do that to me. why would you have thee spencer reid when she when he when the when if it that’s. it’s. i know someone in that room wanted to fuck him. someone writing that script wanted to fuck spencer reid.
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kermit-coded · 7 months
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runnyeggsworld · 8 months
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he’s so boyfriend
i’m such a SLUT for this man it’s not even funny
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citricacidprince · 4 months
Adventure time au where everything is the same but the only clothes Simon and Marcy could find in the apocalypse came from Spencers
I just think they deserve to have father-daughter bonding/trauma time while looking absolutely ridiculous, is that too much to ask?
Don’t ask why I put so much effort into this, I was in a wild sleep deprived state 💥
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
evan peters i will always be waiting for you with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth.
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smooth-wood · 3 months
Shawn Spencer is so digging pretty nails I just know it (he’s showing them off to everyone)
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piqtescue · 4 months
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same energy
i fucking love my pinterest feed sometimes
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womenloverlmao · 5 months
Oh my gosh I love criminal minds
*unhinges jaw and swallows series whole*
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aardvaark · 6 months
i was gonna say there should be a leverage road trip episode where parker is tasked with stealing an RV for the trip but chooses a gymbus, but i don’t know if they have those in america. but like:
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you get it. you understand the vision. eliot would be forced to sleep in the ball pit
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@noahkahansorangejuice IS SPECIAL PLS GO TELL HER
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
I weep as I hold my head in my hands. “I can’t write for shit. I’m such a fraud.”
Behind me, a voice says “You know who else is a fraud?”
I whip my head around and see none other than “Shawn Spencer?!”
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nereidprinc3ss · 6 months
being obsessed with a show that is twenty years old is so hard.... i live in constant fear that the community will die and it will just be me screaming into the void about a man who was twenty four years old when i was born. spencer reid lovers we are so so brave for persevering
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 1 year
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runnyeggsworld · 6 months
how do I tell the guy I’m talking too that I will never want him as badly as I want this pipe cleaner with eyes
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