#specifically here he needed the emotional support of his actual partner
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shallowseeker · 2 months ago
I think this moment in 15x15 is doing something bad to Dean's psyche. It was just... such an (underappreciated?) psychological blow.
First, Dean was obviously waiting up for Cas and Jack. It's adorable.
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But notice: Cas was leaving without saying goodbye again. Here, Cas's panicking, his keys already in hand as he rushes out to find a (heroic) solution.
Hearthbreakingly, Dean actually asks where Cas is going twice in this scene. He can't hide the anxiety creeping onto his face when he asks.
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They make small talk about their daily works. Cas twirls and pockets his keys, but there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment where Dean tracks the movement of the keys with nervousness:
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Dean forgets himself in the small talk, still laboring under the false promise, that the unethical plan will get his freedom (and everyone else's). There's a millisecond of happiness.
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There's a big HUH??? He does the little head turn, the same one he will do in 15x18
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Dean's anger rises, just a bit, alongside the panic.
The music swells and Dean, always clued in to when something is wrong, begins to get scared because Cas is scared. He flicks his eyes down to Cas in a panic, trying to understand what's happening, to him, to them.
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There's a familiar sense of confusion and disbelief here, not wanting to believe the bad news Cas is delivering about leaving, about Jack, and visually and beats-wise, it's so soooo similar to how 15x18 goes down when Cas tells him the bad news about the deal and the goodbye.
I actually think this is the moment Dean's mental health sails right off a cliff. Of course it's going wrong. Of course good things don't happen to them. Of course.
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thesehandsfic · 23 days ago
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okay i got three (3), count ‘em, three, asks about this exact same thing so FINE. you've forced my hand (not really, i was always gonna answer). this meta has been peer reviewed (thank you to @neurosses and @parrishwife) and is backed up by certain things in canon that can be interpreted a certain way.
i will preface this with the disclaimer that i’m not trying to say maggie sat down and wrote a D/s dynamic on purpose. i’m not saying everything they do has a sexual undertone. i’m not saying this is the only correct reading of canon. i’m not saying anyone has to agree with me. i’m not saying they engage in a “lifestyle” dynamic involving total power exchange or 24/7 scenarios. if you think i said these things, i didn’t. i'm not even going to run this through the lens of daddy kink, even though i really could and really want to, but we'll stick to the basics: one of them's The Boss.
it’s a general rule of thumb that any relationship between two people has an inherent power dynamic. an intimate sexual relationship involving emotional vulnerability and cohabitation will have a more pronounced power dynamic. it is my opinion that ronan is submissive to adam in their dynamic, and that is they way they both prefer it. ronan is not that way because adam is domineering and he just doesn’t want to argue. adam is not the boss because ronan is lazy and spoiled and won’t take initiative. ronan likes to feel he has someone he can answer to. it stabilizes him to feel as if he is under someone else’s control. adam likes to feel he has someone he can wield control over. it’s gratifying to him to know that he can always go home and boss ronan around. it’s irrefutable this is their dynamic in canon, i just also think it happens to become sexual as their relationship develops.
i don’t want to say “if you’ve never had D/s sex then you just wouldn’t get it”, but if you don’t understand or haven’t experienced a D/s dynamic, then it might be more difficult to see where i’m coming from.
with regard to adamronan, there are some things in canon we can point to in order to support my hypothesis. some highlights:
adam is saved in ronan’s phone as MANAGEMENT
adam behaves possessively towards ronan in public in front of their peers/his friends
ronan lets adam take the lead in many scenarios, including most of their decision making as a couple (even if he doesn’t always like it, re: greenmantle scheme)
adam is described as the instigator/active partner during the laundry room scene in opal
“ronan likes being told what to do, and adam likes to tell him what to do” “adam likes being with ronan because it makes him feel like he’s in charge”
ronan becomes like a henchman to adam (greenmantle plot, the cabeswater team up, sleeping on the floor by his bed, standing between him and the world in a way that won't offend adam's need for independence)
adam is able to set aside some of his more extreme tendencies with ronan, and relax into a dynamic where he is secure in knowing that ronan won't try to usurp or control him
it is additionally noted by several characters in canon that ronan is a follower. he is easily manipulated and turns to men he respects for guidance, even if they are not capable of or have no interest in providing it. they do not have to be good or smart men for him to respect them; they simply must possess a few of the qualities ronan finds appealing.
some specific ronan “tells” regarding his submissive tendencies:
ronan says to gansey “i’ll be waiting right here for you to tell me where to go”
the whole ronsey master/dog dynamic is crazy, actually. ronan responds to simple verbal commands, comes when he is called, acknowledges a snap or a shout as an order, thinks it’s funny when it’s suggested he should be leashed, and it does not bother him (in fact, he is proud of it) that others know he is subservient to gansey. i think ronsey is a nonsexual dynamic, but gansey still fills a stopgap role in ronan’s life when he is in the space between niall’s death and adam’s introduction
declan acknowledges to another character that ronan prefers to be led/guided
he refuses to comply with anyone he hasn't assigned a dominant role in his life, and sometimes pushes back against those he considers "in charge" of him in order to be reminded of his place/the security afforded to him in knowing he doesn't have to be The Boss
there are definitely more but i don’t want to go on about this forever. ronan plays a submissive role in his own life because he was raised to do so. (in the same family, and in stark contrast, declan is the opposite: he plays an overly assertive role in his own life because he was raised to do so.) ronan is submissive to niall, and losing niall so young in such a traumatic way leaves an enormous hole in his life: nobody is telling him what to do anymore, and it becomes a more immediate, pressing need for him to replace that figure. he is also submissive to bryde. in both cases, he is more powerful than the men he allows to control him: niall was afraid of him, and ronan is the reason bryde is alive. bryde's existence as a "dominant" figure for ronan to emotionally roleplay with is undeniable: he was tailor made by ronan’s imagination to fill a gap during a time when he felt alone, absent a domineering male presence (niall still dead, gansey gone, adam on campus, declan in DC).
i also think ronan is a masochist (the tattoo, the constant thrill seeking behavior that results in pain, when ronan was hit he was more alive, etc etc). pain = sensation = pleasure. but that is not what you asked. i just think it's neat.
on the flip side, adam is manipulative, and actively seeks control in most of his dynamics. he constantly butts heads with gansey, and detests declan (initially, specifically for declan's casual shows of power/status). he is sexually attracted to power and assertiveness (blue, greenmantle, ronan). adam is not looking for a doe-eyed pushover to drag around on a leash. he is looking for an equal that he can keep under his thumb. he wants to take someone in a position of power and put himself above them. some specific adam “tells” regarding his sadistic and dominant tendencies:
“i want to take off all your clothes”
“they were both hungry animals, but adam had been starving for longer”
his internal monologue is often about physical desire, though we see it mostly with blue: he wants to make out with blue, he wants to touch blue, he likes blue’s legs and other features. he thinks about them constantly and entertains fantasies in which he gets what he wants from a person he finds attractive.
greenmantle refers to him as a teenage sociopath, TGM refers to the gangsey as “adam parrish and his merry men”
he scries into a dog bowl, he is tied up, ronan basically says “next time choke me in a sexy way” (which could be read as him simply trying to make adam laugh; it works)
he mentions a few times that he knows ronan is attracted to him, and while he isn’t sure at first how he feels about ronan, he knows how he feels about the attention, and he likes it. he holds a power over ronan because of ronan’s feelings, and adam is drawn to that
he daydreams about ronan being a teacher (authority figure) as a means of projecting an inverted power dynamic onto their relationship
i think adam’s a horny little freak, basically. a lot of his narrative is about power and control. adam has virtually no power or control over anything beyond his grades, and even that sometimes escapes him: the abuse causes him to miss class, and ronan is better than him at latin. he can’t change these things. he spends a lot of time coping with his helplessness by daydreaming about when he will be powerful and successful and in charge. i think it gets him off that ronan is basically a cosmic entity who could dream up an atomic bomb big enough to level the eastern seaboard. that is power, and adam is technically the one who controls it: ronan would do whatever adam asked him to do. it’s mentioned in the series that ronan is a weapon/tool, and in the wrong hands he's dangerous, etc. with regard to adam and ronan’s dynamic, ronan is able to fully submit to adam because he is secure in the knowledge that adam wouldn't abuse this: he rarely asks ronan to dream things for him, he is aware of ronan's power and never tries to harness it for himself, he thinks it's impressive and he likes it. i’ve said this before, but imagine what an ego stroke it must be for adam to know he’s literally having sex with some sort of god. adam is in awe of ronan because of what he is capable of, he doesn't seek to use ronan for personal gain.
just because ronan is aggressive does not mean he is dominant. he is textually passive when it comes to things that really matter. all bark, no bite. he is waiting by the door for his master to get home. adam is textually flirtatious, manipulative, and power-seeking. he will hold something in his teeth and shake it until it stops fighting back.
also not for nothing: submitting feels so good. like the relief a submissive person gets from it is crazy. i find it hard to believe that’s not something ronan really enjoys. i think adam also likes that he can’t genuinely hurt ronan. ronan’s a little bit taller and a lot stronger. there’s nothing adam could really do, and even if he did, ronan could and would stop him. with blue we saw adam holding back and hating himself for his outbursts and his temper and his instincts, and with ronan he doesn't have to do that. they are both aggressive people who find aggression cathartic and sexy. i think ronan likes to be told he’s a good boy and i think adam likes to make him cry and then tell him he’s a good boy. put yourself in adam’s shoes and live that for a second: you have total physical control over someone, you hurt them or push them to their limit and make them cry (or otherwise overwhelm them) and then you reward them and tell them that you love them and they were perfect for you and you’re so proud of them. i find it really hard to believe that’s not something adam’s weird little brain would want.
i think the power/control distribution in their relationship is pretty interesting. ronan is wealthy, a bit taller/stronger, placed more highly in society because of his class, has living family that love him, etc, but he doesn't want control. adam has drive and initiative and not a penny to his name, and he wants, more than anything, to belong somewhere. the open space in ronan's life is where adam fits. again, i don't think they have a master/slave dynamic or a 24/7 TPE lifestyle, but i think they both find comfort in knowing that they can give each other what they both need.
kink is theatre; kink is roleplay; kink is wish fulfillment. kink is something people engage in because they get something out of it that they can't necessarily get anywhere else.
tl;dr ronan likes to get ordered around and adam's into ordering him around. and also sometimes he probably ties him up and makes him cry. both of these things are because neither of their fathers loved them in the right way, which left them both unfulfilled and psychosexually stunted, and now they've got complexes so vast and far reaching it's really too bad freud is dead 'cus he'd have a blast with these two freaks. thank god there's gay people and sadomasochism
genuinely am sorry this is so long. if you want the essay about daddy kink, then you know where to find me.
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 2 months ago
Sorry my English isn’t great but Can we have more thoughts on Syd & Carm and sex? How do you think they would both go about interacting with it and each other if we ever got a scene of them like that? (Which I don’t think we will but one can hope 😭)
Don't apologize! Fun fact- I used to write E fanfiction, but nothing for sydcarmy (yet maybe in the future)
But if we're talking cannon: it would happen in the daylight similar to the table scene. Morning after and just the beginning. There wouldn't be anxiousness from Carmy in the morning or showing Carmy's mind somewhere else. He's very present with Sydney and always aware of where she's at. She takes space in his head anyway - so sex would be all about her pleasure and strong eye contact.
You know what would be great for me? They don't even have to show explicity sex, show me the morning after Sydney has spent the night and Carmy is ready to go down on her- she's the first thing on his mind in the morning and she's in bed- with him, post sex? Yeah, he's not wasting a moment.
After all, it’s FX—it's an MA-rated show, so we already expect explicit love scenes and how they will be portrayed. Give us a good surprise! They've already shown explicit positions of certain characters, so why not illustrate how things are different this time?
Here are my thoughts on Sydney and Carmy: it's a popular belief that Sydney is the dominant one, I think Carmy actually holds a more dominant role in bed, at least at first. There’s a suggestion that in the end, Sydney will always have emotional power over him; she has his heart in her hands and ultimately calls the shots when it comes to the core of their relationship.
I think based on the show- Sydney has a praise kink, but it seems to be specific to Carmy. She pokes fun at Marcus in the show when he gives her praise. But Carmy gives her praise? She melts. So imagine Carmy giving her so much praise during sex?
Their relationship shows how Carmy pulls vulnerability out of her when he reads her. Being a dominant partner is a skill; it helps the more submissive partner switch off their racing thoughts and open up. For the submissive partner to really let go, they’ve got to trust that their dom will catch them if they fall. If the dom doesn’t support them, that’s when problems come up.
Sydney and Carmy play these roles on the show, dont they? and it's a challenge. Carmy is working on being someone Sydney can rely on to catch her when she falls, and for Sydney, she knows how scary it is to completely give in. When Carmy is confident enough, he reassures her by saying things like, “I won’t let you” showing that he’s up for the challenge and ready to give her what she needs. He's ready to care for her because she cares for so many people- so wouldn't it be nice for her for someone to take care of her? To make her happy and satisfied?
For Carmy, stepping into the dom role is great practice. He wasn't really feeling it when Claire was leading the chase; she lead the getting his number, in their private scene notice she's the one leading the questions to get to know him more, she's the one in the morning telling him "everything is fine" the morning after- Claire is the one on top of him while Carmy sits up at night.
Carmy wants to build enough confidence to take charge himself with Sydney, and after she gives over, he looks to Sydney for a bit of reassurance, asking her if she liked what happened. He’ll gently ask her to share what she enjoys and what doesn’t work for her - Carmy is the one who leads with questions.
Even if Carmy is the dominant one, Sydney won't make it easy for him. She doesn't make it easy for him anyway, and he deserves to be questioned and challenged as she does in canon.
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appendectomy · 1 year ago
the house/cuddy relationship is also so interesting because a big part of the essence of 'doom' that the writers give their relationship is also based in direct comparison to the not-doomed-ness of house/wilson. there are so many moments where it feels to me that the writers are grabbing me by the shoulders, shaking me and going 'look!!! look at them and compare them look at how different these two dynamics are'.
one of the most obvious examples of this is in 7x09 when house is trying to get out of hanging out with wilson and going to cuddy's birthday dinner at the same time. cuddy outright asks 'you have to choose one of us,' and house replies 'i choose wilson'. apart from making me giggle, these lines also serve the very obvious purpose of not just being about where house would prefer to spend a thursday evening. it's quite blatant foreshadowing about the fact that, at the end of everything, house always prefers to choose wilson and is more capable of being there for him than he is for anyone else, including romantic partners and especially including cuddy.
the next big example of this that struck me is in 7x15 when cuddy is in surgery. this is an almost word-for-word recreation of the scenario in 6x10 where wilson went into surgery. they both want house to be there, and house struggles to show up both times. we even get this wonderful visual parallel between the two, which is something i've noticed has been talked about a little by other people on here, and so is definitely something I imagine the writers thought about too. with 6x10:
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and 7x15:
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the key difference between these two situations is house being sober in one, and on drugs in the other. house can be there for wilson and emotionally support him while also being sober, but he cannot do the same for cuddy. this comparison i think is such a clear communication that not only is house's relationship with wilson easier for house to maintain than his relationship with cuddy, but that it is also better for him mentally. with wilson, there isn't an anxiety that he isn't good enough for him the way there is with cuddy, and this just fundamentally fosters a better environment for him as an addict.
this says a lot about house/wilson, but it also says a lot about house's approach to romance versus friendship in general. he places so much more importance on the emotional challenges of a romantic relationship than he does platonic. he spends the whole episode of 7x15 practically agonising over wether cuddy will be ok or not, whereas he spends most of 6x10 telling wilson he's an idiot. he seems to doom himself in romantic relationships by creating so much of his own anxiety: he worries about getting it right, being the man cuddy needs him to be, doing what a good partner should, and it causes him to be unable to actually perform any of these actions without the crutch of being high. this in turn underminines the genuineness of any attempt to be better that he makes in cuddy's eyes. i don't think any of the emotional demands cuddy makes of house are unreasonable at all, but because house is such an emotionally stunted and volatile person he can't approach the very normal expectations of a romantic relationship in any sort of healthy way. the only relationships he can maintain are unconventional ones that don't have these expectations, like his friendship with wilson.
the next example, and the one that is most likely a little bit of a reach, is also in 7x15, specifically in the few dream sequences cuddy has that feature wilson. in the first, she imagines house and wilson as rachel's adoptive fathers (which i've already written a little bit about here if you're interested). then she has another dream set in a black-and-white 50s sitcom where she is the breadwinner, house is the housewife, and wilson is the mailman/milkman (not completely sure which of these he is, but he's definitely one of them). in both of these situations, wilson is the proverbial 'other woman': he takes the place of house's domestic partner in one of the dreams, and in the other he's the mailman/milkman to house's housewife, which traditionally in media is a comedic character pairing that involves the housewife cheating on her working husband with the mailman/milkman. i doubt this symbolism is really that intentional, and i don't think that it's meant to imply any sort of genuine romantic coding between house and wilson, it's probably just a couple of early 2000s gay jokes. but if you critically look at these instances, you can begin to extrapolate a sense that in house's romantic relationships, wilson is always hovering in the background. wilson is always the proverbial 'other woman', someone who's relationship with house is just as important and very likely also easier to maintain for house, just as the inverse is true for wilson as established by testimony from his ex-wife bonnie. i mainly think this inclusion of wilson in these dreams and the deliberate role he plays just serves to remind the viewer that while house and cuddy's relationship is rocky and uncertain, house and wilson's is pretty much constant and inevitable.
the last comment i have on this is about the scene in 7x23 where house crashes his car into cuddy's home. i think you can pretty easily compare wilson and cuddy situationally in this scene: house is putting cuddy in immense danger (though not actually intending on hurting her), whereas in comparison he yells at wilson to get out of the car before he does it. to me, there's an obvious difference there - a deliberate effort to endanger a person vs a deliberate effort to remove a person from danger. and in both instances, house is intentionally causing the danger. it very strikingly reminded me of the scene in 3x07 where house tells wilson to get out of their hotel room before he does something that could incriminate wilson. he specifically tells wilson 'maybe i don't wanna push this til it breaks' in regard to their friendship. house is very cognizant of not pushing wilson away completey, not squandering their relationship once and for all with his dangerous behaviour. but with cuddy, he gets to a point where he actively burns the bridge. the difference to me is sad and clear: house is willing and able to maintain his relationship with wilson. he is not willing and able to maintain his relationship with cuddy. and by comparing the two, each dynamic becomes clearer.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years ago
Ok, LISTEN. I'm about half way through seven minuets in heaven pt.2, but because I'm working on it while watching season 2, I got SatoSugu on my mind. so...
Now Presenting...
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A little SatoSugu themed supplementary material.
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Ok, so let's start standard 
Suguru is a psychology major with a minor in musical performance 
Satoru is a theoretical physics major with no minor because "ew, minors."
Suguru joined the ABO frat because fraternity housing is wayyy fucking cheaper than living in the dorms. Plus, easy access to booze.
Gojo did it for the memes and cause his best friend was joining. 
Suguru is for sure an alcoholic and in denial about it
Gojo smoked weed once and won't shut up about it. He does take a weak ass edible every once in awhile to sleep though.
Gojos tolerance is absolutely shit. Two shots and three puffs in and he is gone!
Suguru on the other hand could drink an entire bottle of tequila and smoke 12 joints and only really be kinda buzzed. 
Suguru is definitely in denial about his bisexuality. Everything that he does with Gojo is just for female attention, ya know?
Especially when they're making out alone in their shared room. That's definitely for attention. Source:just trust me bro
Gojo is very comfortable in his pansexuality, and has been known to use "are you a frying pan? Cause you're so fucking hot" as a pickup line.
Ok, now for their background!
Suguru and Gojo actually grew up together, and are the closest anyone can get to childhood friends,
Which morphed into the well documented phenomenon of an all too intense friendship that blurs the line of friends and dating, where if one of them were the opposite gender they would totally be together, but because they’re both boys there using that as a shield to avoid confronting their identities beyond the default settings
They were each other's first kiss 💋 
Gojo actually had really kind and loving parents who were very supportive. 
Sugurus' mom died when he was young though, leaving him and his dad to struggle. His dad wasn't necessarily bad, but he did have to work constantly and therefore wasn't home often.
Gojo was naturally smart and school came very easy to him. Meanwhile, Suguru struggled a lot, specifically with anything math related. 
This led to Gojo, with his great grades and generational wealth, being able to go to basically any college he wanted to. 
He still decided to go to the local community College in the end, at least to get his gen-eds and the first few years of his major out of the way at a heavily discounted price.
Yea, Suguru had no such opportunity, his options were community College or to start working with his dad as a mechanic immediately. 
And while he's not opposed to the idea of working with his father, and will even work with him for some extra spending money in the summers, he really wanted to give the whole higher education thing a shot. 
He's very proud to be in his community College, as he's the first person in his family to even attempt to get a degree
Now, here's how they are in a relationship because you can't have just one.
These boys have historically shared everything: their hot wheels, their Xbox, their bed, and their women. You are no exception. Lucky you 💜💙
When it comes to the three of you together, you find the boys actually work extremely well as a unit.
Where one struggles, the other thrives. Gojo isn't great when it comes to emotional venting and stuff, always looking to "fix" it.
Suguru is better at actually listening and only offering advice when you ask. He’s always willing to just cuddle and listen.
Suguru is terrible to try and watch movies with, he gets bored so fast. Meanwhile Gojo is obsessed with movies. 
Gojos fixer attitude also comes in clutch whenever you need to get something done, but just do not have it in you to do it. Need to call a doctor but have phone anxiety? Gojos your man.
Suguru craves to be the primary partner for both you and Gojo. Yes he's aware this is irrational, no he's not sure what to do about it. All he knows is that he gets jealous when he sees you with Gojo, and has to find ways to cope.
To his credit, he's never made this a problem for anyone other than himself, and he is actively working on it. 
Gojo on the other hand fucking loves to see you and Suguru spending time together. Those are his two favorite people in the god damn world, aren't they cute?!
Sugurus love language is music. He'll make you playlists, old fashioned mix tapes, and has forced you to listen to vinyl with him. He's written songs about you too, though he's too shy to show them off.
Will play his guitar for you only when asked because he knows the optics of 'frat guy with a guitar' are not ideal.
Gojo shows his love by sharing his candy. Splitting a Kit Kat, giving you a handful of skittles, sharing a sleeve of oreos. If Gojo shares his sweets with you he wants to marry you.
They two of you bond by baking together. You buy new cute molds and cookware together and set up entire spreads based on one theme.
Suguru was probably the first one to be in your life: I.E. the one that you agreed to date before realizing (and agreeing to) the package deal.
But Gojo said I love you first. He feels everything at 100% and hides none of it.
He said it loudly and in front of the rest of the frat, showing you off to everyone. 
When Suguru said it for the first time though, it was quiet; whispered to you late at night while you were curled up in his arms.
Both of the boys are massive cuddle bugs!
You call them Sugubear and Satotoro. Gojo loves it and Suguru does too, but he pretends he doesn't. 
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heavenlymorals · 8 months ago
I found your blog recently and it’s so refreshing to see a canon based Arthur! I was wondering, how do you think Arthur would react if his partner had tuberculosis instead of him? This has been on my mind a lot lately and I’m intrigued to see what you think
Thank you ❤️🥺 Im glad you enjoy my posts- to think people are actually interested in my ramblings is equally amazing and humbling.
And this response is also going to be for a female partner, just for transparency and because of the established canon of who Arthur is attracted to.
Anyways, what if Arthur's partner got tuberculosis? Here are my thoughts:
I've mentioned in a past post about Arthur's relationship with a partner that he is someone who loves to devotion. We know this because of his relationship with the gang. He is always busy, supporting the gang, outwardly and domestically. He also places men's self worth on a man's expectation to provide, take care of business, and protect. Note how annoyed or even angry he gets when a man doesn't "behave" like a man.
"Well while you were having a failure of reason and HIDING behind your woman, we we're getting shot at." Arthur to John.
"We couldn't HE come and RESCUE you?" Arthur to Penelope Braithwaite.
"Get the hell out of here and be a goddamn MAN!" Arthur to John.
So what does this have to do with Arthur? Well, he loves to devotion and he will do whatever he can to try to protect you, provide for you, and take care of you till you either recover or till you peacefully pass away.
The doctor says you guys need to move to someplace warm, dry, and not humid? Ok honey, we're packing up and going to Nevada. You need a specific type of medicine? Word, he'll go to hell and back to try to get it. Does your body hurt? Are you too tired to work? Then stay in bed and don't get up, please.
When you guys first find out that you have Tuberculosis, Arthur wouldn't start freaking out or crying or any of that. He'd be quite stoic. He'd be calm. He'd be an anchor in a whirlwind of emotions. He'll comfort you and try to make you feel better.
Love to devotion- he wouldn't expect you to take on chores like he would himself. He'd clean and cook if he needs to and if you're too weak whilst also working. Though he may be hard on himself, he'd never be hard on you.
He'd make sure all your clothes are clean and would never complain by how bloody they could get, same with bedsheets. He'd learn how to help you still look presentable just to keep you happy (read some 1800s women's hair routines and omg, they seemed exhausting). He'd sit down with you and tell stories and try to make you laugh just to see a genuine smile.
He'd try to make you as comfortable as possible and will try to fulfill your wishes as best he can before your final days.
When Arthur loves, he loves to devotion. And when you die, he'll go off someplace alone and finally start to cry. They will be silent tears. He would never allow you to see him so crushed- for your sake.
He'd be the male love interest in those old love stories that we love to hear about so much.
Now I made myself sad ☹️
Thanks anon ❤️❤️
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nogenderbee · 1 year ago
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕕𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Neuvillette's s/o making a song about him and singing it with the Melusines and other Fontaine characters?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Of course! I did it only with melusines in the end so I hope you won't mind that!
Also omg, this is such a cute idea and I won't lie when I say my heart melted a bit just by imagining this. So hopefully you'll like it too!
Also I may've let my creativity carry me here-
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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As someone who loved and even made music, you simply had to make a song about your boyfriend. You spent many days thinking of perfect way to turn your feelings into music. Untill one day... one pretty rainy day in Fontaine when you were away from your partner who had to stay at work.
You've realized that something calm and slightly melancholic but with rather lovely text would suit his appearence and your feelings perfectly!
And once you've figured it all out, you just needed to decide what instruments to include to math vibe of the song. That's when you got approached by a melusine on Fontaine streets.
"Good morning Y/N! Am I right to assume you're troubled? Do you need any help?"
"No, no, I'm fine. But thank you!"
You said rather confidently and were about to leave with last goodbye but that's when you got an amazing idea!
"Actually... can I count on your help?"
The melusine approved of your idea after brief explanation, seeing it as nice way to thank Neuvilette for his hard work. Before you knew it, you had group of melusines willing to help you out. Of course some had to decline due to work but you were still satisfied with the amount of help.
You presented to them your idea on how they can sing the melody instead of using instruments and others can be background chorus. It was kind of a love song so it was only natural for you to take the leading vocalist role as Neuvilette's partner.
You practiced with melusines almost every day for this specific moment. It was past 8pm, there was almost no one in the area and yet, Neuvilette was still on his office, dealing with work.
You just knew he was tired and what better way to get him to take a break than showing up with loveliest surprise?
You and melusines got ready, even with few papers in hand to make sure no one will mistake their text and role. It may look like a job or forcing it to some, but it really wasn't! You could see from looks on their faces that they were happy to make hydro dragon's night a bit better as well.
"And 3, 2, 1..."
You counted everyone in as you saw their ready glances. As soon as "1" was said, melusines began singing melody just like planned, so you could smoothly enter first verse with the chorus supporting your singing.
Neuvilette, upon hearing the song sang by many familiar voices, couldn't help but stop working on his paper work and get up to check what's going on outside his workplace instead.
Once he left, his expression was one of pure shock but it didn't took long for it to turn into purest smile. He noticed the group you've collected and the emotions you put in singing. Not only that, whole song just put him at ease in just a small moment. So when it ended, he clapped his hands, giving all of you small applause as smile on his face was even more evident.
"That was beautiful. Thank you everyone for surprising me with such an adorable gift."
He made sure to stay polite and thank every single melusine, even inviting them for a drink. Though at the end of the day, his eyes were set on you alone. And when it was just you and him, he made sure to give you a soft kiss, figuring the meaning and effort behind this song by now.
"Thank you for preparing all of that for me. I couldn't ask for better surprise."
@bleachtheidiot @toyaswif3y - come get your otter judge!
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angel4astraea · 2 years ago
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alhaitham as a partner might be the most confusing thing ever. .
♡ meeting the scholar and scribe of the akademiya wound be purely be for business at first. he's not the type to linger at cafes alone or for leisure often, same with any public place; he'd rather be working, at home where he can read or doing gods know what.
♡ alhaitham isn't known for his affection or anything remotely vulnerable, that's more kaveh's thing. for him, it was his wits and stone faced expression he wears everyday without a moment to breathe. most people i assume wouldn't try to flirt or touch up on him because he'd brush it off or tell the person off.
♡ however, after meeting quite a few times, i believe he'd be open to discussing things in the evenings at a cafe he's specifically used to. anything unknown will feel unsteady and cause him to have cold feet and tight lips. drinking is off the table alongside that, he'd rather keep his brain intact when speaking to a colleague or potential business partner.
♡ i believe that if you're more of an outgoing person like kaveh, he's only going to keep you at an arm's length away. he can't handle overbearing emotions, from what i believe. however if you're like him: composed, logical and possibly having ambitions that are reachable, he's more inclined to allow you into his mind when thinking.
♡ if you do manage to get on his good graces, aka having a good level of trust and reliance for when he needs intel, physical support or general knowledge on topics he hasn't quite covered, that's the beginning of his curiosity about you. he'll observe your actions, sayings and common habits. another thing is that he'll subtly note things he's learnt about you from others mentally. had a rough time with soandso? count yourself lucky because that person will scramble off when they get a whiff of you. somehow, alhaitham knows things better than you . . still.
♡ once he starts watching, he doesn't stop. he keeps a sharp eye on you like an eagle. even if you can protect yourself efficiently, he still feels the need to be on standby. it's almost like he's a shadow himself, lingering here and there where he predicts you'll be. alhaitham does dryly admit to this after a serious occurance happens (which includes eremites and the outskirts of sumeru city). though you might find it unsettling or nerve wracking, he finds his deeds endearing. he wants to make sure you're secure, protected and under his broad wing.
♡ though, if you get past that, he acknowledges that his feelings towards your are actually more than business partners or even friends. he isn't sheepish or anything alike, he states his mind clearly like usual with that monotonous voice. he'll sit you down and state the facts, the possible emotions he had pinpointed in his chest. following that, he'd ask you questions. was this okay? were you interested in this pathway? were you scared?
♡ he leaves the decision up to you, giving you enough space to comprehend what just happened. yeah, you could go off to kaveh and ask if he was genuine but of course, alhaitham would be in the house probably. so, you invite the blond to the usual cafe to get some more details. it's almost like an interrogation of the sort; asking kaveh about how alhaitham works, the deeper meanings between his words and so forth. to which, the blond reveals so much more about the attractive man.
♡ depending on how long you take, he'll keep the meetings relatively normal. alhaitham isn't one to be affectionate, as mentioned above so, doing it with someone he just dropped a huge bomb on? hell no. he might keep some distance though just in case of rejection. he's never had a partner, let alone someone he let in so easily in his eyes. it's an unknown territory he can't go in alone. . especially without you.
♡ if you do start dating the scribe, he'll take you out on formal dates at first. his income leaves him a comfortable amount of room to give you luxury. he's tense about it though, he doesn't know what to do and definitely doesn't want to be caught asking someone about how to love someone. he's figuring it out, be patient.
♡ he keeps this under wraps until you're both comfortable telling others. that could be a couple months up to a year at best. alhaitham isn't one for gossip flying around him about his own life. if he wants to keep it out of sight, he implies demands it to others who suspect something is happening.
♡ when you two come out to your friends, i 100% bet kaveh will be ecstatic, tighnari, collei & nahida will be so proud of him, and cyno will def make puns related to this occasion. but overall, everyone is content with the good match.
♡ after a while, he relaxes with the 'proper' dates and does more casual things. he feel comfortable enough going on walks with you, having nice meals outside, visiting all around sumeru and generally doing more lighthearted activities. one thing i believe he'd love to do is read you his books, petting your hair. it's unusual for others to comprehend what he's saying, especially since it's an advanced literature. but when he hears your soft breathing after falling asleep, i think he'd be the most content.
♡ he wouldn't think of starting a family with you until after the two year point. since it's his first relationship, he probably wouldn't want to rush anything. however, he knows he can support you and whatever children you two have/adopt financially. emotionally however, he might need more time to learn how to give affection to a person so small and without the years of being alive to grasp a basic idea of emotions.
♡ though, he wouldn't mind having a child or two. having too many scares him tbh. he doubts his own skills when it comes to human connection. but if you were to guide him gently and with practice, he'd become accustomed to it. . behind doors of course. he wouldn't bring up the topic itself until you two are past the two year point and are engaged.
♡ when it comes to being engaged, he'd ask after two years and give some thought into it. even though he isn't the sappiest person alive (like kaveh), he'd try his best to make it a night to remember. he'd plan everything and dedicate it to you. depending on which nation you're from originally, he'd add in some cultural things from your family.
♡ engagement would last a year-ish to two. he likes to make sure that this is the person he's binded to forever. when he figures it out, he makes sure the wedding has both cultures involved--which of course makes it lavish.
♡ when y'all are comfortable after the wedding, he'd be open to children. if you can't have children for whatever reason, alhaitham would bring up the topic of adoption. there are definitely orphans that need homes and it would pay off to see you smile, in his opinion.
♡ moving onto the bedroom topic. .
♡ i don't think he's a beast, he's more likely to be closed off to the idea of physical intimacy until he has faith that it's a safe space. yeah he can be cocky if he catches you taking in an eye full but that's about it until his first time.
♡ prob not all that kinky tbh. he might be a top and/or a power bottom. he's okay with you taking the reins when he's tired but that's rare.
♡ office sex. yea. especially when he's acting grand sage. dude is probably so stressed that he can't come home at a normal time to see you.
♡ speaking of, you two might've been caught a few times in office while going at it. some people are scared to enter or go near his office because it. most know to at least knock twice and call out his name to see if it's fine to come in but some don't.
♡ in conclusion, confusing man but good morals!
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years ago
Who has the best relationship with their zanpakutou? Who has the worst? Does anyone have a Beyond Friendship relationship? As in not only romantic or sexual, but something more sibling-like, or perhaps parental in either direction?
Hmmm... I wouldn't have a "best" relationship because there's many, many ways to do a relationship right, but definitely the worst is Mayuri, because Jizo is his parole officer that he kidnapped when he broke out of Hell and BOY HOWDY DOES THAT COME TO BITE HIM IN THE ASS.
As for "beyond friendship", most of them are in the sense that once you've fought and nearly died with someone by your side, "friends" is quite the right description. But to cite a few examples:
Yamamoto and Ryujin Jakka straddle the line between D&D warlock, and D&D paladin - Ryujin chose Yamamoto, amd for a long, long time Yamamoto did not understand WHY. Things got better and worse when he finally grokked why the spirit of change wanted to be wielded by the guy to whom the responsibility of founding civilization.
Rangiku Matsumoto is a strange and very private woman despite the act she puts on, and Haineko is one of exactly two people in the whole world who really understands her. On the other hand, nobody can piss you off quite like someone who really, truly knows you.
Probably the closest relationship is between Unohana and Minazuki. They've been partners for over a millennium, they laid waste to many enemies together, nearly died together several times, went to medical school together and even shared lovers. Where Unohana's soul ends and Minazuki's begins is... Unclear. There are days when they wake up and it's Minazuki weilding their body and Unohana in the scabbard, as it were. This is largely a non-issue; Minazuki is a doctor too.
Hyorinmaru is practically the Deuteronomy of zanpaktou- he's an ancient sword who has had many wielders. It's a lot of pressure for Toshiro, but hyorinmaru also has a lot of practice at this, and the relationship between them is not unlike a doting grandfather and his beloved and dutiful grandson.
Suzembachi is Soi Fon's Emotional Support Giant Murder Hornet and BY GOD the girl needs all the help she can get.
It took FOREVER to figure out what the hell was going on with Kenpachi, because while theoretically possible, it hadn't actually happened before- Zaraki Kenpachi is a Tsukumogami that died in the living world, and reincarnated as a human in spirit world.
SPECIFICALLY, he was a Holy Sword that had been around for 500 years* seen much battle and developed a revered soul before [REDACTED] and he asked to be ritually destroyed. He reincarnated in the spirit world in the best of one of the Great Eagles, but fortunately for him, all birds are a little bit stupid even if they're also technically Gods, and since the infant was the same size, shape and furiously screaming as he chicks, She Who Rules The Sky decided to just start shoving meat into his mouth too. Sometime after he grew up and his sisters had fleged, he left the nest to travel and hang out with his fellow humans, and eventually decided to give himself a name and raise a daughter, as humans do. They wandered around for many years as humans do, until circumstances resulted in his violent arrival to the court guard.
While off, none of this specifically worried Yamamoto until hyorinmaru was talking to him one day.
"...what do you think Zaraki is becoming?" The dragon asked him one afternoon while they watched Toshiro practice spar with Sasikibe.
"Becoming?" Yamamoto shrugged. "With the damn central 46 banning him from learning Kendo, he's becoming a Damn Nuisance."
Hyorinmaru sighs, a noise like a dam threatening to fail. "You did not notice? Zaraki has spent 500 years as a sword, 500 as an eagle or suchlike beast, and after he named himself and Yachiru, he spent 500 years as a man. And THEN he turned up here."
"I suppose, what of it?" Yamamoto shrugged, watching Toshiro's footing.
"With all due respect to the wielder of fire, when I was a worm, I spent 500 years on land, and then 500 years at sea, and then *I* became a DRAGON, sir." Hyorinmaru explained.
Yamamoto did not actually move, but he was no longer watching the boy.
"-with 500 years each as object, animal and man, Kenpachi surely has become SOMETHING. What is running lose through your court guard, I wonder?"
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hwnglx · 2 years ago
What r stray kids ideal type pls thanks...!!!
so many of them have their venus in libra ( ͒ ඉ .̫ ඉ ͒) i actually didn't consider their venus placement in this reading but.. it's compelling me to do a reading on them as bf's now
stray kids' ideal types based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
bang chan scorpio venus
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physical traits 3ofw, wheel, 6ofc, kingofc
open to people all over the world -> no specific preference. soft features. deep eyes. beautiful skin. height on the shorter side. sweet, gentle and welcoming aura.
personality traits knofc, 9ofwrx+kingofcrx, 8ofc&6ofc
chan likes people who are romantic, and love being in love. he seems to enjoy taking care of his partner. it's almost like, he likes them being a little naive still, so he can help them find their way, encourage them and support them on their journey. he wants to show his loved one how beautiful the world can be. he also seems to like seeing his partner being clingy to him, someone who won't keep him guessing and will display their affection very openly. he wants someone who can distract him from his darker thoughts and emotions, the type of person who will make you feel comfortable. like everything is okay. a warm, calming person with a playful nature.
lee know scorpio venus
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physical traits pagofp, star, 9ofsw, aceofw
youthful appearance. bright and gleaming eyes. pretty skin. radiant smile with gorgeous teeth. looks intimidating but is warm on the inside.
personality traits kingofp, death+9ofc, 2ofw, 6ofc
minho likes his partner to be confident in who they are and what they do. he likes someone who has a powerful effect on him, the type of person who won't be afraid to challenge his beliefs and have a strong stance in life. he won't like his partner to be dependant on him, he wants them to have their own path, as well as their own possessions and wealth. yet, he wants to be able to enjoy playful and fun times with them whenever they're together. kinda like the person who has an incredibly intense aura, but can have their surprisingly cute sides once they're with people they're comfortable around.
changbin virgo venus
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physical traits 2ofp, aceofp, just, aceofw
sophisticated and neat look. balanced and proportionate facial features. natural and effortless beauty. lights up the room with their bright aura.
personality traits knofw, char, 8ofsw+4ofc&just, 10ofsw+temp
changbin wants his partner to be a fiery person with strong passion and ambitions in life. someone who fiercely goes after what they want with a lot of determination. he likes virtuous people who don't let other, more ignorant people restrict them from doing what is right and have strong values and beliefs. a lot of balance in his preferences, whether it's physically or personality-wise. he likes the type of person who can remain patient, even in times of extreme stress, and have a calming effect on the people around them. someone with a very inspiring nature, who makes you a better person and brings out the best in you, even when everything seems lost.
hyunjin pisces venus
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physical traits judg, 9ofc, magician
ethereal appearance. fairy-looking. alluring and magnetic eyes. expensive and elegant aura. graceful movement. stands out in a crowd.
personality traits 6ofc, 6ofsw+10ofcrx, 6ofp, knofc
oh, hyunjin looves the chase. he does not want his lover to give in to him from the very beginning, and likes the idea of having to win them over first. he's drowning in pisces placements, so he definitely is a hopeless romantic. with all the sixes here tied to venus, he wants someone very beautiful, who could become his muse. a person he could paint, write songs and daydream about. he likes someone generous and caring who can understand and nurture his emotional side effortlessly. a person who he could have deep, long conversations with and who would attentively listen to him talk. he needs a lot of comfort and warmth from his partner.
jisung libra venus
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physical traits 4ofw, 3ofc, world
ever-smiling and expressive eyes. brightly shining smile. harmonious facial features. fuller and curvier build. cheerful and bubbly aura.
personality traits 9ofc, highpr, emper, 5ofswrx
jisung likes confident people who are aware of their worth and know how to enjoy life to its fullest. the type of person who looks bright and fun-loving on the outside but also carries a lot of intelligence, wisdom and depth on the inside, which they don't always share with everyone. he'd probably love discovering that side of them, once he gets to know them in a deeper manner. he wants his partner to be responsible and reliable, someone who won't let him down or break their promises easily. he really likes it when his loved one is persistent and not quick to give up, someone very strong and solid who isn't defeated easily and stands against all odds.
felix libra venus
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physical traits death, aceofp, knofc
strong and sexy appearance. hypnotizing gaze. dreamy eyes. charming and beautiful smile. luxurious aura. natural and healthy beauty.
personality traits 6ofw, 9ofp, 7ofp, emper
felix likes his partners to be very successful in what they do. a confident person who has been able to achieve a lot for themselves by working hard and diligently but also patiently. he likes it when they're strong and self-assured, someone who wouldn't depend on him, emotionally nor financially. i also think he likes his partner to be well-liked, someone enjoying a lot of popularity and desire by others draws him in. the type of person who is rather unapprochable and seems very content and satisfied in their life, but will still lead their loved ones with a sense of compassion. he'd definitely love someone assertive and dominant who can take charge of situations.
seungmin libra venus
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physical traits fool, pagofw, 6ofp
innocent and youthful appearance. more dainty way of dressing. sweet smile. beautiful and harmonious facial features. warm and welcoming aura.
personality traits 10ofc, aceofp, strength, hieroph, emper
i can tell that seungmin likes the traditional kind of family life. so he'd want his partner to be someone like that too. a family-oriented and down to earth person with stable values. someone with a positive mindset, who ambitiously goes after the blissful life they've imagined for themselves. although he seems to like the "traditional" roles in his relationships and would probably play the role of the provider, he'd still like his partner to be self-reliant and strong. he wants them to be trustworthy, reliable and structured in their approach to life. a mature and knowledgable person with a good head on their shoulders and a lot of wisdom to share.
jeongin aries venus
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physical traits 7ofsw, 2ofw, aceofc
mysterious and more distant aura but expressive and beautiful eyes. intriguing gaze. curvier build. poker face that lights up once they smile.
personality traits strength, moon, 9ofsw+pagofcrx&7ofw
jeongin definitely likes his partner to have a powerful and intense presence. he wants them to be someone who introspects and reflects on life, but is able to stand above their struggles with a mature and wise mindset. the type of person who looks very strong but thinks a lot more behind their tough mask, has a strong connection to their inner voice and intuition. he finds it very attractive when someone has been able to get through difficulties without being consumed by their emotions and continued staying resilient. he wants to be able to share his worries with them without wondering if it affects them. someone you can learn and gain a lot of strength from.
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recurring-polynya · 9 months ago
Hi ! I originally found you through your Ikkayumi fic you posted, and I was sooo very happy to find that you had so many renruki fics/were a regular author that focused on them !
I reel over any fic that focuses on whatever Renji was doing in the space between him and Rukia disconnecting, and especially whatever that man was doing in his stint at squad eleven back then.
I think that Renji is only helplessly pathetic whenever it comes to Rukia, and I always wonder what he did to cope with that ( if he successfully coped with it at all ) in her absence, or how long he managed to avoid talking about her. For as much as he was around them, I’d like to imagine he probably caved and dumped that info off on Ikkaku or Yumichika at some point. Unfortunately, both of them are emotionally constipated people, and they’ve got no idea what the hell to do to cheer him up bc they’re not the kind of guys who are great at emotional kouhai support.
They collaborate on a miraculously decent plan to get their guy out of the dumps, and though the plan is pretty great, shit hits the fan and it all falls to pieces. Renji enjoys every minute of it, even though he’s got no idea what they’re doing, and ends up satisfied with their horrible attempt because he knows this isn’t their specialty but because they do care.
I always juggle between hyper fixating on either of them, but as much as I enjoy both pairings, the best thing is always getting to see any match of them interacting with each other.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this if you do !! I seriously admire your writing and I appreciate your dedication to Rukia and Renji, and I love how canonically accurate you write them. Your fics always really make my day, so thank you for sharing as well !
Thank you so much!! I am also fascinated with this period of history. It's hard for me to write about, although I've made a few attempts.
Renji-without-Rukia is an interesting creature. Here's my take on it: I think that he's competent at least in the ways that are expected of Gotei officers, which is to say, he is very good at sticking his sword in things. On the other hand, he's also low-key self-destructive, in the way that you don't especially notice, especially if you're used to hanging out with the general populace of Squad 11. He's a fine soldier, hard-working, driven, even, but he lacks all of the qualities of the Renji we know now--his aura of friendship, his first-into-the-breach enthusiasm, his patience and empathy toward his younger squadmates. Of course, Ikkaku and Yumichika don't really know there's anything wrong with him, at least not at first, but the longer they get to know him, Yumichika, specifically, might realize that there's someone better buried down in there. Yumichika would probably break out in a rash if he tried to be kind to someone, especially to a youth, but there if there is a thing Yumichika will do, it is give beauty advice and so he started harassing Renji about his skincare and hair routines which you can't do if you can't learn to care about yourself, and that was a real turning point for Renji.
Personally, I think Renji was at Eleven for a long time before he told anyone about Rukia (the one exception was Iba, his roommate, who was frequently subjected to late-night rambles on her when Renji was absolutely sloshed, but Iba is Iba). I'm actually always very touched by the seriousness with which Kubo portrays Ikkaku and Yumichika's reactions to the Rukia story.
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To me, the best way to cheer Renji up about all of this is to take his goals seriously and to otherwise just treat him like a normal member of the Eleventh, which is exactly what he needed at that time.
I'm really only an IkkaYumi casual at best, but one thing I do really like about them is that I think Renji sees them as the blueprint for the relationship he would like to have with Rukia: battle partners first and foremost, tough as Hell and twice as hot, different but complementary, two halves of one whole idiot. He is absolutely deranged for this, but I think it's very charming, and to be honest, I think Rukia would, too.
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blue-slxt · 2 years ago
Two Can Play - Chapter 3
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: I know I said I'd post this later tonight, but I have the time to get it up now so here it is! This part is my personal favorite of the story. I appreciate all the support and all the love! Huge shoutout to @pandorxxx for inspiring this story. Check out her Search & Rescue series if you haven't already. Hope you guys enjoy! The rest of the chapters will continue updating on Fridays. All characters are aged up.
Previous Part | Next Part
Pairing: Lo'ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: Explicit Smut, P in V, Oral (M and F), Fingering, Squirting, Creampie, Overstimulation, Mentions of Panic Attacks, I think that's all
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: Somebody loses the bet.
Things are pretty quiet for you for the following day. Lo’ak hadn’t made any big moves and neither did you. The two of you still carried on with your playful, flirty banter, but it didn’t exhaust you the way it used to. Instead, you found yourself walking away from them wanting more. You had to give credit where it was due, Lo’ak didn’t show many signs of losing any time soon. If you were being honest with yourself, you couldn’t say the same about you. Ever since that night that he came to check on you, your body longed for that safe feeling again. A safety that you now missed when he wasn’t around. And at night when your mind would wander and your fingers would find their way under your loincloth and slipping between your slick covered folds, it would be Lo’ak’s face and voice and touch that you would imagine.
This had to be some kind of joke Eywa was pulling on you. After all this time, all these men, the one that you long for is the one you’ve refused at every turn? Ridiculous. And yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from subconsciously scanning every crowd you were in for his face.
Ako noticed it way before you did and she never lets you hear the end of it.
“You obviously like him and he likes you too so you should just forget the stupid bet and be together finally!” she’d say.
It wasn’t that simple. Even though it sounded stupid and petty, you had too much pride. You weren’t ready to give in just yet. He had to cave first. You had to hear him say it. But it wasn’t simply pride that held you back. Underneath the pride, there lived fear. Fear of baring your soul to someone and being met with harsh rejection. Fear of abandonment. There was no way you’d be able to recover if you confessed how you felt to him and he tossed you aside like all the others. Listening to it now, you cringe at your own hypocrisy. You had rejected so many that desired that emotional connection with you and you didn’t give them a second thought. Why do you of all people deserve grace? You don’t really feel like you do. So, you opt to keep your feelings to yourself where they’re safe.
“Hellooo? You there?” Lo’ak waves his hand in front of your face to snap you out of your thoughts. You came back to reality where you sat sharpening arrows. Ako wasn’t with you today. There was too much that needed to be done for both of you to partner up like you usually do.
“Sorry, I was zoning out. What’s up?” you look up at him relaxing in his presence.
“I wanted to give you something.” He pulls his hand from behind his back to show you a small bracelet with beads woven through the middle of the material.
“Oh, it’s so pretty”, you take it from his hands and admire the way the colors of the beads seem to shift in the sunlight.
“That’s not all, the beads actually spin, see?” he demonstrates twirling one of the beads around the thread with his fingers. “I made it because I thought it might help you, you know when you get scared or something.”
Your breathing stills for a moment. You look at him in disbelief. He made something specifically for you and he had taken your needs into consideration. He had actually put thought into this seemingly simple little accessory. And that made it all the more precious.
“Here, I’ll secure it for you” he holds your wrist while he ties the small band around you. Once it’s tightly fastened, he takes your hand and runs his thumb over your knuckles back and forth. “Meet me at the pond after eclipse?” he asks you lowly, almost as if it was a secret.
Your cheeks get warm, but you do your best to suppress the color from actually reaching your face. You just nod at him unable to locate words in your brain right now.
He smirks and kisses your hand before he stands and leaves. If your face wasn’t flushed already, it definitely was by now.
Shit, he’s good.
For the rest of the day, you unintentionally count down the hours until eclipse. You also mindlessly fidget with the little trinket on your wrist.
You shouldn’t be getting your hopes up. This is Lo’ak we’re talking about. Who knows how many other girls he’s pulled this same stunt with. This whole thing is probably some elaborate set up to try and get you to break. Not happening. You couldn’t and wouldn’t lost this bet. However, that does nothing to help calm your pounding heart.
You try to keep your expectations low for the encounter as you make your way towards the pond. A lot of people knew about the pond, but most people never bothered to come because it was so out of the way.
You spot Lo’ak’s figure perched on a large rock looking out at the water. His ears flick in your direction hearing your footsteps getting closer. He turns and hops down to greet you, “Hey, you made it.” “Wouldn’t miss it for the world”, you say only half-joking. You truly couldn’t pass up this opportunity to be alone with him. “So, what is this? Your favorite hook up spot?” you’re teasing, but in the back of your mind, you want to prod him and try to figure out what this was. You stayed on high alert. As carefree as Lo’ak seemed, he still let on very little about himself.
He laughs lowly to himself shaking his head, “No, nothing like that. I usually come out here alone, actually.”
Was that the truth? Or was it a play? It’s hard to tell. If it is a play, he’s playing it well because you believe him.
“I come here a lot when I need to clear my head. I thought we could spend some time and just…talk.”
You’re cautious. You give him a skeptical look. He laughs grabbing your wrists and walking backwards into the water with you, “Just come float with me, woman. Trust me.”
You relent and follow him into the water until you’re both about up to your chests. You let your body go and float on your back. The gentle ripples and waves from Lo’ak’s movement make your body flow with the water.
For the longest time, you both just float together in comfortable silence. Occasionally, one of you would rotate the other way or you’d float farther away and gently wave your arms to bring you back to your spot next to the other. You had to admit, you could see why he would come here. It feels like the whole forest is still and quiet from right here. A perfect little oasis.
Lo’ak is the one to break the silence, “So…heights not really your thing, huh?”
You breathe a big sigh halfway embarrassed that he found out your secret, “Yup.”
“Do you uh, panic like that a lot?” his tone is soft, he’s not trying to pry too much too fast, but he wants to know more.
Your eyes focus on the night sky catching shooting stars, “Not a lot. Not anymore.” You’re getting into dangerous emotional territory, and yet you can’t seem to do anything to pull yourself out of it. You almost don’t want to.
“You ever had one?” this time, you’re the one to ask him.
“Nope.” His answer is short and simple.
Your immediate reaction is to scoff a bit, “Consider yourself lucky.”
He angles his head to look at you, “What does it feel like?”
You keep your eyes forward on the sky, “It’s suffocating. It’s like no matter what I do, I can’t get enough air in my lungs. And my body shakes terribly. And it’s almost like I’m not living in my body anymore, but I’m watching my body move on its own without me. It’s terrifying. I pray you never know that kind of terror.”
A single tear falls from the corner of your eye and runs into the water surrounding your face.
He simply hums a response and lets your words sink in. They’re heavy on his heart thinking about how many nights you had suffered through one of those episodes without anyone to pull you out. Another long stretch of silence falls on you.
“Can I say something that’s probably stupid?” Lo’ak speaks up next to you.
“Sure.” You wouldn’t judge him for whatever he says. Not right now.
Lo’ak brings his body down from the surface of the water and he walks over to you to look you in the face directly. Now, you move your gaze from the sky to his eyes staring down at your still floating figure and his expression is serious. You mimic his actions and stand in front of him to give him your full attention.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night” his hands carefully hold your face, “and…I really want to kiss you again.”
His words knock the air out of you.
His thumb traces the bottom of your parted lips, “Can I?” His eyes bounce between your eyes and your lips waiting for your permission.
Words. Words. Use your words! “Mhm” you squeak out. Smooth.
He chuckles to himself before tenderly pressing his lips to yours. It’s different from the last time you kissed. The last time was so desperate and rushed from the high emotional intensity of the moment. But now, this one was sweet, genuine, and dare you say, loving?
His hands rest innocently on your waist pulling you closer to him. Your hands rest on top of his arms and you let yourself just have this. Have this moment of bliss where nothing else exists to muddy your joy.
It’s as if every move of his lips against yours chips away at the carefully crafted guard you had up this whole time. He pulls away still holding your face and just admires your features under the dim light of the night sky.
“Would it ruin the moment if I said that I want more?” Your words are barely a whisper and your eyes drop to watch the regular up and down movement of his chest. Looking at his face right now is too scary. You couldn’t take it if you saw the rejection write itself across his expression.
He bends slightly to bring his face down to yours and you’re met with a softness you’ve never seen in him before. “Of course not, sevin.” He brings his lips back to you.
In one simple, but fatal move, he’s completely broken your resolve. You couldn’t hold back your want for him anymore. And you didn’t want to hold back. You wanted to lose yourself in him in this moment. Your arms snake around his neck to pull him even closer against you. You wish your bodies would just meld together right now.
“Lo’ak…I want you.” Words you thought you’d never utter.
Clearly, he thought so too from the way he’s looking at you. “Are you sure?”
You nod at him pushing away your nerves. He flashes you his sharp canines when he smiles and your heart flutters in your chest. He kisses you again and lets his hands slide down to your thighs and lift you up around his waist. You automatically lock your legs around him and let him carry you over to the ground and lay you down on the soft moss that glowed under your body weight. His lips dip from your face to your neck leaving kisses and licks and nips all up one side, down the middle, and up the other side. His lips kiss the spot just below your right ear and you unintentionally let out a moan.
Lo’ak pulls back to look at your face with wide eyes and you can’t help how your face burns.
“Is that your spot?” he coos at you clearly pleased with the sound you just made.
You open your mouth to respond, but his tongue finds its way in before words have a chance to leave. His grip on your body is bruising, but you lean more into it. “I want to hear it again.” He says breathily between kisses before he attacks your sweet spot again.
Almost no one ever finds your most sensitive spot and it pushes your mind more into the haze of hormones growing in your head. He rolls his hips into yours and you can feel him getting hard. You try to wiggle yourself out of your loincloth and it makes Lo’ak laugh against your skin.
“Patience, sevin. We have all night…and I want to take my time with you.” His voice is low and husky and it sends ripples of desire through your body.
His hands push your top up and expose your nipples that stiffen from the cool night air. He gropes and massages one while he latches on to the other. Your breaths come out in heavy pants. He uses his free hand to untie your loincloth and finally give your pussy the attention it’s been missing. He groans feeling how easily his fingers slide between your folds.
Right now, Lo’ak was struggling to maintain his own patience. He wanted to feel you and make you scream his name. But he also wanted to savor you and properly worship every part of your perfect body. But he’s losing his grip under the painful throbbing of his own neglected dick. But he would make sure you got yours first. He was nothing if not a giver.
He sinks his head down between your legs and wastes no time lapping up all your free-flowing juices. “Fuck, so sweet” he mutters to himself. Your back bows off the ground and your head falls back feeling how his tongue perfectly swipes against your clit. You can’t remember the last time someone ate you out this good. Actually, you don’t think anyone ever has. It’s truly mind blowing.
Your hands grab hold of his braids to give you leverage to roll your hips more into his face. He moans and hums while sucking on your clit and the vibrations push you closer and closer to the edge.
“Ah…s-shit Lo’ak, I’m close” you whine chasing that growing tension in your core. Without saying a word, Lo’ak drives two of his fingers inside of you and pushes against the spongey part of your walls. Your eyes shoot open in shock. The pleasure is consuming you. “W-wait, wait Lo’ak! If you d-do that…” he ignores your words and continues delivering you perfectly placed thrusts and licks. A tidal wave of release washes over you and squirts straight out from between your legs. It gets all over Lo’ak’s arm and face and chest and he takes it all in, catching every drop he can get.
Your body convulses as he continues eating you through your orgasm and you’re reduced to a whimpering mess writhing in your own pleasure.
When Lo’ak finally detaches from you, his pupils are blown wide just like your own. He can’t hold back anymore. He undoes his own loincloth finally freeing himself. His size was incredible. Just how thick it was made your breath get caught in your throat.
He hovers over you kissing you deeply and letting you taste yourself on his mouth. You can’t take the waiting. You reach down between your bodies and line his tip up with your drenched pussy.
With how wet you are, it takes little to no force for him to push the tip in. When he does, you jump at the feeling. The stretch was unlike anything you’d ever felt. It’s almost painful, but you wanted this too badly to back out now. He keeps pushing slowly.
“F-fuck! So big”
“Shh I know, just a little bit more. You’re taking it so well.” He whispers in your ear.
Tears prick your eyes by the time he finally bottoms out. He pauses while your body learns his size and shape, but he also just needs a minute to focus on not cumming inside of you right off the bat.
He slowly pulls back and pushes back in watching your reaction for any sign of discomfort. He finds none as the pain is quickly replaced with just want.
“Faster” you breath out. That was all the confirmation he needed. He pulls almost completely out of you and slams back in full force.
“Ah! Lo’ak…” you moan out at his thrusts.
“Oh fuck, never stop saying my name” he says with his face buried in your neck. His nose buried his smell into your skin. He was scenting you, but you couldn’t care less right now. Both of you were losing yourself. Years of built-up sexual tension and frustration was finally being released all at once and flooding any and every sense either of you had.
“Lo’ak…haah Lo’ak…Lo’ak!” You chant his name like it’s the air you need to breathe.
His pace gets faster. “Mmh, shit. You’re so fucking perfect.” He says between kissing your neck and your spot below your ear.
You’ve never experienced anything like this before. No one has ever known your body so well. He’s driving you insane. “D-don’t stop. Ha-ah! Please don’t stop!”
“I won’t. Fuck, I want this forever” he groans feeling the way your walls hug him just right.
“It’s yours. Ah! Fuck, it’s all yours! Lo’ak!” You were never the type to say that kind of thing or fully give yourself to someone. But if it meant having this feeling for the rest of your life, you would gladly give all of you to Lo’ak right here, right now.
“Let go for me tíyawn. I want it.” His words make your toes curl. You can feel it building again.
“Shit Lo’ak, I’m gonna cum again!” your head feels delirious as your second orgasm takes you.
The force of your walls contracting sucks him in even deeper until his tip is shoving into your cervix. “Shit, me too.” He says through gritted teeth. He’s about to pull out of you until you hold him against you. “Don’t”, you plead.
“Please Lo’ak…need… need to feel you”, your words are little more than pathetic mewls right now.
You’re breaking one of your own biggest rules, but you can’t find it in you to care. All that mattered was prolonging this high you were on. And your womb literally ached with desire for him.
Lo’ak bites his own lip unable to hold off his own orgasm any longer. He lets go inside of you and paints your walls totally white. The warmth that spreads through your body makes your eyes roll back. There’s that feeling. That complete, full feeling you’ve been searching for this whole time. That perfect fit. It’s right here.
It flips something in your mind. It speaks in barely-there whispers to the deepest, most primal part of your brain, your most carnal desires. And you let yourself succumb to its influence.
Lo’ak keeps his face hidden in your neck while he struggles to find his breath. Before he can finish composing himself and pull out of you, you use your full body weight to flip him over so that you’re sitting on top of him.
His eyes are wide being caught off guard. The look in your eyes is completely feral. Your pupils have basically overtaken any kind of color your eyes originally had.
You all but rip your top off of your body, “I need it again, Lo’ak.”
He laughs a little nervously, “Yawne, we literally just finished.”
“But I need more. I need you to fill me again. Pleeeeaaaase. I need it.” You’ve already started moving your hips on top of him. You can feel him getting hard again inside of you.
“I don’t know what’s happening to me…but I need you Lo’ak. I’ll do whatever you want, just please give it to me again.” You keep bouncing up and down trying to milk more out of him. “Shit.” He can’t stop his hips from bucking up into you on their own. “If you keep doing that, you can have whatever you want.”
The two for you were there for hours. It was like there was an itch deep inside your head and he was the only one that could scratch it. You had never been so satisfied yet starved at the same time. No matter how many orgasms he crashed you into or how many times he filled you to the brim with his seed, you still wanted more. It was like a drug. There was no such thing as ‘enough’. At least not for you. You weren’t so sure you could say the same for poor Lo’ak who had become putty at some point after his 4th orgasm. Or was it his 5th? You had lost count a long time ago between your 6th and 7th orgasm.
“Yawne…I don’t h-have anymore…”, he whimpers under your touch.
“Shhh…just one more, baby, please…just one…”, you beg before sliding your tongue up his length. The mere fact that he could stay hard even after all of this was amazing. It just drove you to keep going. And the sounds he made from the overstimulation caressed your ears and sent shockwaves down your spine. You suck on his tip and he sucks in a sharp breath letting his head fall back. You bob your head up and down on him trying to coax just one last orgasm out of him. Just one more hit.
“F-fuck…I can’t…” his words come out broken.
“Yes, you can, baby…just one more for me. You said, ‘whatever I want’, right?” you take him back into your mouth swirling your tongue around the head slowly and over the slit.
You can tell from how his dick twitches in your mouth that he’s about to give you what you want. You push your head all the way down so that his tip is in your throat and that throws Lo’ak over the edge. His cum spurts sporadically into your throat. You greedily swallow it all feeling that euphoria again. When he’s done, you finally have mercy and release him.
His body falls limp against the moss beneath you and he fights just to stay conscious.
You bring your face to hover just above his, “Told you that you couldn’t keep up with me.” You peck his nose and lay your head on his chest.
It shakes when he laughs breathlessly, “Alright, I’ll admit it, you are a mad woman. I didn’t expect you to be so insatiable.”
“I’m normally not, but for you, I’ll make an exception.” You laugh.
The fog is finally lifting from your mind and a question appears in your head.
“Hey, so earlier when we were…ya know…and you said that you ‘want this’…what did you mean?” the question is tentative as it leaves your mouth.
He rests a hand on your back rubbing small circles with his fingers, “Just what I said.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at his response, “But like specifically what did you mean?”
He sits up to face you, “I mean that I want this. Fuck the bet, I want you. I want to be with you. I want to fall asleep with you, wake up to you, comfort you, laugh with you, hold your hand, kiss your lips, talk to you for hours, fuck you for hours, and everything else in between. Is that specific enough for you?”
There was no hiding the big, goofy grin that spread across your face.
“So does that sound okay to you?” his eyes are gentle even though he’s more than a little tired. There’s not a single hint of deception in his words or his demeanor. This is normally the part where you’d cut and run, but instead, you want to run to him.
“Yea, I guess that sounds okay to me”, you say kissing him again.
He pulls away first, “Easy, I’m still recovering” he gestures down to his dick that was finally given the opportunity to rest.
You playfully smack his arm before rising to your feet, “Come on, let’s wash up and go to bed. It’s the middle of the night. You can come stay at my place for the night…if you want.” You’re still hesitant since this whole situation is uncharted territory for you. You never let your hookups stay the night with you.
“Sounds perfect” he stands and kisses your forehead and heads towards the water.
You bite your lip smiling while you watch him walk into the pond.
“Fuck the bet”, you whisper to yourself before following him in.
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avemusica · 3 months ago
all of them. daiya. please
1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
im literally so bad with voices its insane . i love you but why would you do this to me MORE UNDER CUT
2) Who's your OCs best friend? How did they become best friends?
KURUMI + RIKU !!! rumi especially . they were all sent 2 the same prestigious art school on account of all being from relatively affluent families & have been inseparable ever since . w rumi specifically they have Always been on the same wavelength since their eyes met theyre like each others emotional support creature
3) What song describes your OC?
ive yet to find one accurately descriptive of him in his entirety but his solo is salvador by nilfruits which sums up his thoughts on art pretty succinctly !!
4) What song describes your OC and their partner/love interest?
RUMIS SOLO i told you this i think its dedicated to them,,, also fireflies never came . YAYYY harumakigohan
5) Do you ship your OC with a Canon character? If so who?
7) Vice-Versa! If your OC is in the modern day, what fantasy class would they be? Would they be a different race?
i think he & kaito would be warlock and wizard respectively,,, + either tiefling or earth elemental would be super fun
8) What hobbies does your OC have? What do they do to unwind?
well obviously The Art Thing but other than that urban exploration 👍
9) How does your OC handle their physical health? Do they take care of themselves?
RATHER POORLY . BECAUSE OF THE ABOVE . ADRENALINE JUNKIE-ISMS AND THE LIKE . 4 stuff like contagious diseases hes actually surprisingly cautious but physicall injuries nahhhhhhh
10) How does your OC handle their mental health? Do they take care of themselves?
How Do You Fucking Think Annie Bongwater . no one ever asks how was the self destructive spiral was it fun did you have fun
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
i really didnt want a three person group so i went You know what this needs . Siblings who suck . (in all seriousness kaito was supposed to represent classic, traditional ideals of art that supposedly priorities technical ability while daiya was supposed to represent bold conceptual ideas of modern art with seemingly no regard for its basic foundations, and their conflict is meant to be about how no matter how hard you try you fundamentally cant divorce one from the other)
12) Does your OC interact with other people's OC? If so, who's their best OC friend?
13) Does your OC have a rival? How did it start?
no unless i decide to make ibuki and kaito friends in which case Yes
14) Who's a character your OC cannot stand! It's on sight when they see them!
15) Will your OC ever retire? Do you see them making it?
THAT IS KIND OF HARD TO SAY . from viennrose specifically bc his addition was Very spur of the moment within canon . from art literally never thats in his blood babey
16) How's their relationship with their parents? Are they alive?
pretty nice ! one of the best of viennrose actually . their mother is incredibly sweet but has grown more distant and frail since they lost their father, so they make a joint effort to take care of her as much as she does for them
18) What are their pronouns? What would they like to be called?
he/it ! mostly goes for he but likes switching it up
19) What's their sexuality? What's their love language both giving and receiving?
poly bi + giving varies but recieving just sort of likes reassurance that hes not going to be left behind
20) If they fight, what's their weapon of choice?
he does not ! metal pipe
22) Fight or Flight? Are they a lover or a fighter?
FIGHT he never backs away even if its to his own detriment + kind of both ?
23) Is your OC reliable? Can I call them up at two in the morning if I have a flat tire?
already answered this yes absolutely 👍 he is stealing your possessions
25) Are they the kind of person who can't resist a good song? Can I catch your OC singing to themselves while they do the dishes?
YES ABSOLUTELY he loves singing he loves doing random little dances he loves creation he loves life !!!!!!!!
26) What flower do you associate your OC with?
fuck i dont have one for him actually
27) What's their spirit tamagotchi? Or an animal you associate them with?
28) What clique would they be in? (Draw them in the clothes of said group!)
art kids . this is him normal
29) Imagine a mood board for your OC! What's on it? (Make it if you want!)
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 years ago
hey hey! idk if this is where I submit for the match up! but I would love to see who you think I'd fit in with! I'm a creative soul who tends to try to develop deep friendships with people above everything. I have a bit of a savior complex as well lol I work hard and play harder, trying to find new adventures to go on with those i care about. I tend to support others before supporting myself, and while im happy to let others open up to me its hard for me to open up in return. the best way i can feel close to someone is deep conversations and being creative with them!
My current fav song has been Maybe IDK by John Bellion, specifically the lyric "i guess if i knew tomorrow i guess i wouldnt need faith"  just the idea of living today to the best you can just because you don't know what will happen tomorrow. the worries of the future should keep you down today
My current fav Redacted audio has to be the Helping your Werewolf bf shift again. Specifically the acting is just so good to me. Erik did an amazing job of portraying Milo's anguish and pain at not being able to shift. Plus the relieved sobs at the end is so satisfying and emotional. 
The one boy i cant get the hype around is Ivan. like sure the yandere thing is somewhat attractive to some, but i just don't like the idea of an actual psychopath being obsessed with me.
my favorite movie is definitely the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller. its less of a quotable movie and more of i remember every scene very distinctly. its a movie that envelops my own escapism. its beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, and a wholesome story on a rainy day.
my platonic redacted crush has to be Damien. he seems like a blast to interact with and tease. he's a hard worker and is tied close to his goals which i can admire. i would love to body double with him if i had some tasks to get done
space is also 100% my ramble subject when im sleepy, that and greek mythology
My guilty pleasure media is currently the animated shows Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lego Monkie Kid. despite being kids shows, both of these are beautifully animated and shockingly well written!
I hope that gives you an idea of me! I look forward to who you think i match with!
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Hmm, lots of good tidbits of information to consider. You strike me as really thoughtful, really caring, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
A savior complex, from what I understand, is just wanting to help people and make their lives better, and Lasko’s a guidance counselor, so y’all would have that in common. What’s good about pairing two people like that is y’all could keep each other in line, so to speak. Something that’s important when you’re always looking out for other people is to make sure someone is always looking out for you and vice versa. You and Lasko together would always make sure you’re taking care of others, each other, and yourselves.
Another reason I like the two of you together is that you like being creative with one another as a bonding activity. You know what’s the ultimate way to be creative together? Tabletop role playing games! If you don’t already play, Lasko would be so excited to help you with a character sheet, to help you craft a backstory, paint some mini figurines, go out and buy the perfect game dice and notebooks- the greatest combination of nerdy and cute in a couple.
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go/ Will you won't you, be the one I always know?/ When I'm losing my control, the city spins around/ You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
One, the whole vibe of “you slow me down, I’ll look after you, we’re here for each other” vibes are exactly what I’m picturing for y’all. Also, Lasko and I are around the same age, and I heard this song a lot growing up. I have some weird, like, emotional resonance with it from childhood, and I think Lasko does too. Like, it makes him nostalgic and longing; maybe he always wanted someone to look after and to look after him, and now he’s finally found that in you.
A very reasonable runner-up for you would be Camelopardalis because he would do a great job making sure you balance work and your personal life and that you don’t put others before yourself too much. A more fun runner-up would be Guy because I love sticking that beautiful Creative Writing major with other beautiful, creative people!
note: thank you for waiting, dear, and I hope you like your match-up! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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find-your-wings · 11 months ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vee already dating someone? Is he cheating on his girlfriend with Valain? /genq
[I had to look up genq to answer this cuz I didn't realize that meant genuine question LMAO]
BUT ANYWAYS- he is not!
It's hard to explain the nuance of notseanis [the elf species that makes up most of the population in my fantasy world, 'nis' for short] romance/dating societal rules, BUT I'll try and summarize!
Short version: People in Olmia aren't usually Monogamous! [only married to/in an active relationship with only one person at a time] Polyamory is very common, and nis have a loose relationship with romance and sex. The only thing they want you to do is 'produce at least 1 child in your life, even if you don't raise it.' Cheebi [Vee's partner] is supportive of him looking at other people, so long as they're good for him emotionally. Now, I can't make any statements on how she feels about Valain specifically, but you'll find out that stuff in the books. :)
Longer answer below the cut!
Longer answer: Olmia's societal rules are sort of like a fun-house-mirror version of my limited American [raised 'christian'] upbringing. But one of the things they differ the most on is the 'rules and expectations' around dating.
Many people in Olmia have multiple partners or random 'lovers'. Messing around [hooking up with random people] is seen as completely normal and is not considered 'cheating' if both people have consented to their relationship being open [which is the default expectation. Usually a couple will have conversations about being MONOGAMOUS and closed, instead of IRL where being Poly is the 'unusual' occurrence.]
However, 'traditional' folks in Olmia also have an unfair expectation that in order to 'earn' your right to be freely romantic or sexual with people, you need to reproduce with an itsu [one of the three sexes among nis, and the only one that can produce offspring]. Even if you just hook up with them and they agree to carry the child, you've 'done your job'. It comes with some pretty negative connotations and is pretty unfair and unbalanced, but that's how things are.
Because of this, it's common for people to start dating someone and have multiple other partners of various levels of romance/attachment. Nis highly value freedom [which is ironic considering some of their laws >>;;] and fulfilling their emotional nutrition needs with multiple partners. Because of this, the rate of failed relationships is actually super low compared to the real world! People aren't expected to 'settle and put up with each other'. If you commit to someone, it's usually expected that you've thought it over for at least a few years.
The only exception to this are 'high born' nis. These are high-class families that have much harsher expectations on them, and their whole goal is making as many heirs as possible to their families and businesses. However... high-born children are arranged into marriages where they are 'paired up' with their future partner in their mid teens, and expected to spend years bonding with them until they eventually are married, and then are expected to start creating heirs and raising them [or sending them off to be raised by nannies near the main home.] High Born families have really messed up rules about romantic relationships that I can't fully get into without spoiling some things about FYW.
But yeah! Cheebi would be fine with Vee having other partners! So long as she still knows he loves her, it doesn't bother her at all. She's had a few casual 'partners' here and there too!
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tutuandscoot · 2 years ago
Things I love about VM: Post skates
1. Scott always helps Tessa all the way out of an ending pose.
This is something I have talked about ad nauseam. I’m obsessed with it not just in the fact that they always do it but the way they do it. In all fairness it’s not always super delicate and soft, sometimes- specifically in practices it’s a bit quicker just to they can move on and get out of the way for the next team, but there is always a constant in that he helps her back to vertical, then to her feet if they have finished on the ground, and holds her to make sure she’s on balance.
Here is a very stark comparison of what it looks like when you do and don’t do this:
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Now I know this wasn’t the best skate for HD.. but that’s exactly my point. As the male partner you are responsible for your woman and you can’t let your own disappointment get in the way of caring for her. Scott was not (seemingly) super happy initially after their skate either- I’m not sure why, presumably just wrecked and the music eff up situation at the start of wasn’t fun. But everything he does before he gets up is getting Tessa up and ensuring she’s settled before worrying about himself, despite his current feelings. I know this seems like not much to make a larger judgement on, but given Zach attempts to make ‘cute’, “”””soft”””” moments in warm ups when it’s not necessary/not holding her in an awkward position like these ending poses.. only makes me view those moments as less genuine since he doesn’t hold and support her when he actually should be. This is never the case with Scott and Tessa- both/all instances are 100% genuine whether it’s just a nice intimate moment for them or he is actually responsible for her safety.
Now to be straight its not like this is a huge safety issue- like for eg just dropping the girl when a lift doesn’t go right, but it’s a more nuanced version of safety in the way the man handles his woman. It’s caring for every part of her as if she is made of priceless china and must be handled so carefully. Helping her even in moments where it’s not completely necessary, Tessa or any girl is fully capable of getting out of these positions on her own or with minimal help, but it’s the fact that with TS, T never has to because there is this quality built into their relationship of Scott having absolute priority for her physically and emotionally. Its like when Scott is talking about celebrating on ice after a skate and the fact that he has Tessa and she existing reminds him that he can’t just leave her.. he says it kinda comically but the irony if it is every single time she is his first priority to stand her up and make sure she’s settled before stepping away no matter how excited he is. It also, in reference to any performance prolongs the emotional connection the two skaters were at least attempting to convey in their performance. In the instance of.. really any of TS programs where they finish like this.. the emotions are always some variation of love/romance/devastation/needing to be one/them honestly wanting to keep feeling what they say they feel so strongly whenever they skated together. In an instance where a team doesn’t do something like this- for whatever reason, it takes you out of the performance. If for some reason you didn’t notice HD’s errors or didn’t know enough about skating to know the consequences, you are immediately hit with that fall of energy just by their reaction. I understand the disappointment they felt but you should do your absolutely best not to show it and not take away from the good parts of the program or the audiences experience watching you. I will go on to say further later in this series how distracting it is when a team lets up their disappointment with a performance right at the end, sometimes before they have even finished. With TS that doesn’t come into affect, they are good at remaining professional and Scott is actually good at suppressing his emotions in this respect, as well this care of her is natural and constant in their physical relationship-his utmost protection of her at all times.. it’s not a choice, it’s just what he was taught from an incredibly young age to protect his partner no matter what, as well as his love of her, and so that’s always what he did, and by the end it was second nature.
TS gif is from GPF 2016
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