#specific season is unmatched
falklore · 2 years
Imagine someone telling you they’ll slither here form Eden just to sit outside your door
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snivel1 · 2 years
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strawberrytoki · 1 year
Closer than anticipated
(Spencer Reid x Reader)
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Summary: You and Spencer visit the unsub's suspected place of hiding to investigate, but his unexpected return forces the both of you into a cramped closet. The forced proximity then leads to an...accident.
Content: mentions of arousal, descriptions of murder
Word count: 1,247
a/n: I heavily imagined early seasons Reid for this one (specifically s2) Also this is heavily inspired from that one scene in teen wolf.
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The clock's slender hands couldn't have been moving any slower, and the BAU's members couldn't have been more stiff with tension and anxiety.
The team had decided to send you and Spencer to Cedric Marlin's hideout, since you were both the BAU's most observant members, and the team needed every last bit of evidence to finally catch the criminal. He was the prolific eye-gouging unsub that the BAU was finally able to zero-in on after months of meticulous investigation. The team didn't want to make any arrests just yet, since they wanted a solid case, so you and Spencer were in charge of gathering as much evidence as you can.
The parameter was under surveillance by your fellow team members, and you and Spencer were treading lightly, slowly preparing yourself for whatever was inside this man's place.
You entered the premises, Spencer cautiously following suit. You immediately noticed that the house was dingy and damp, suiting its inhabitant. The stench of what you could only assume was rotting human flesh wafted throughout the house, causing both you and Spencer to physically recoil.
"We'll definitely find all the incriminating evidence we need in here." Spencer started making his way down the hallway, following the increasingly strong stench. He stopped at the entrance of the last room on the left and adjusted his glasses, mouth agape with a mixture of curiosity and shock.
You caught up to him, only to eventually mimic his reaction yourself.
"This must be where he keeps all his souvenirs." He inched closer to the stacked mason jars, filled with a preserving liquid and what you both concluded were the eyeballs of his unfortunate victims.
"unmatched depravity..." Spencer walked around the room in an attempt to find more evidence.
"Anything catch your eye?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ha Ha." He sarcastically chuckled, a playful smile sneaking up on his face afterwards.
The investigation felt like a twisted game, each time one of you found a piece of evidence, the other would somehow find something to one-up the previous discovery in terms of depravity.
After what seemed to be hours of probing into this psychopath's lair, you and Spencer figured that you'd gotten everything you needed, and were about to head out. Just then, the sound of a cacophonous creak in the door sent a quick chill through both your spines. You knew it wasn't any of your teammates, since they wouldn't break protocol like that, and they didn't need to.
If there's anything this line of work has taught you, it's to always assume the worst case scenario. You were a realist, this was no gust of wind. It was him, and you both knew it.
You slowly craned your neck to Spencer, who appeared just as perplexed as you were. His mouth was agape and by the calculative look on his face, his mind was probably running at about a thousand thoughts per minute, trying to figure out a way to get both of you out of this mess unscathed.
You stealthily maneuvered around the room to get a proper perspective on the unsub, and Spencer was right behind you, his calm breath landing near your ear.
He slinged his plastic bag, that you did not want to know the contents of, on the kitchen counter. He had a leather eyepatch covering his left eye, and his clothes were covered in grime and reeked of filth.
Much to your horror, the unsub started making his way towards your location, and you needed to think fast if you didn't want your eye sockets to be what remains in your casket.
"We need to find somewhere to hide before he gets any closer." You faced spencer and slowly started backing away, a worrisome expression on your face. Spencer nodded and carefully followed suit.
You frantically looked around, knowing that the time you had to spare was decreasing by the millisecond. Finally, your eyes landed on a small closet near the corner of the room. The door looked like it was on it's last leg, but beggars can't be choosers. You quickly held Spencer by the wrist, yanking him forward. Both of you then squeezed into the cramped closet, and were facing each other. Neither of you dared let out a sound.
Spencer didn't seem all that uncomfortable, but you still tried to maintain as much space between the two of you, since you knew how he felt about physical touch.
Through the cracks of the closet door, Spencer saw the unsub pack a larger ice pick than what he usually used to disfigure his victims, and a bunch of other weapons. "This is a drastic change in MO, he's either evolving or this is his endgame..." you tried to fully process what he just said as you nodded in agreement, but the proximity was simply too distracting. However, you admired how observant he was even in times of stress.
A few minutes passed as the two of you were observing the unsub, just then, you felt something relatively hard poking you, and as the realization that Spencer had an erection dawned upon you, you felt the color leave your face.
You slowly lifted your face to face Spencer, and it looked like he'd rather be anywhere on earth but here. Even though the confined space was dark, you could tell his flustered face was as red as a tomato, and he was bent on avoiding eye contact.
"I'm...so sorry-" he blurted out.
"It's alright." you interrupted him. You tried to ease the tension by reminding yourself that he had no control over it, but that only did so much. "I'll just turn around." You then shuffled around the very limited space to face the front, with your back to him. At least then, you wouldn't have to face him.
"Uh...that's not helping." You both scratched your heads in frustration and confusion. This was clearly not the time and place for such a bodily reaction and you both knew it, but you couldn't help but get flustered over it as well.
You then realize that the unsub must've been hard of hearing, as there's no way he would've heard all the shuffling and not done a thing if he wasn't.
Just then, you felt your radio device turn on and couldn't be more relieved. It was Hotch trying to get an update, and you readily filled him in. It was only a matter of time before they entered the premises with the S.W.A.T team.
You then heard the door being broken off its rusty hinges, probably courtesy to Morgan, and judging by the altercation near the door, you concluded that the arrest has been made. You then felt yourself letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding, and pushed open the closet's door, feeling a welcoming, slight breeze of air.
Spencer then reluctantly faced you, his cheeks stained with an adorable shade of pink.
You decided to help him out a bit and break the ice.
"This wasn't how I imagined this investigation would go..." you awkwardly chuckled as you both made your way outside.
"No...me neither." He looked up to the sky, his eyes slightly squinting. He was probably just glad this was all over, for more reasons than one.
You, on the other hand, weren't planning on letting this go that easily, and were definitely planning on taunting him by bringing this incident up in case he ever got smug with you.
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toomanythoughts2 · 3 months
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We simply don't talk enough about this scene from the season 3 DVD special features, "Charles Palling Around". (Which is directly following the season 3 finale, "Doublebookedklok", where the guys run away because they aren't getting enough attention from Charles. For context, Murderface was promoting the Rock & Roll Diet Weight Loss and was stress eating through out the whole episode.)
First off, look at that fucking outfit! Where did it come from? The little sweat band, shut up! And Charles red jump suit, are you joking? Couple of things, love the looks they are giving each other in this scene. Murderface looks smug, Charles looks like Charles. I mean, the signature confidence that Murderface has in this clip is unmatched, truly. He is keeping up with Charles pace perfectly, which is drastically different when Murderface is chasing after the goat with the rest of the band in "Doublebookedklok". I just love this clip because there is a lot to be inferred (or HC-ed) from it.
Murderface, and the rest of the band, have mandatory endurance classes to make sure they are ready to perform on stage multiple times a year. This is so they don't get winded while playing, singing, growling, and performing on stage with whatever they choose to do that specific night. (Nathan probably has to run and sing the most in order to practice breathing control and increase endurance on stage.)
Charles is that kind of friend that can both get "sloppy" and work out with you. What a king. (This also pushes the idea that Charles does get jealous of people who Dethklok likes more than him and he will do anything they ask [within reason] just to stay close.)
Personal favorite of mine, Murderface has previous experience with athletic running before Dethklok. His smug smile is actually because Charles is shocked that Murderface can keep up with him. (I once saw a HC that Murderface was in Track as a teenager and that has never left my mind. I just love it so much.)
Charles isn't just working out, he's actively supporting Murderface to keep his sponsorship, and hopefully to get the media off his back for calling him fat. He's also the kind of friend that, if that doesn't work out, he will invent a girdle just for him so it looks like he lost the weight.
I love this clip so much! I love Murderface, I just wanna squeeze him up into a ball and throw him around the room.
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wonyscafe · 1 year
astro obs
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⋆ ˚。 ୨୧
★ I'm telling ya virgo moons have this one specific look of utter disgust it's insane WE ALL KNOW WHICH LOOK
☆ also on the topic of virgo moons those baddies are masters at procrastinating
★ ppl with moon in the 6th house might be hypochondriacs
☆ same with scorpio 6th house
★ don't even try to lie to a 12th house stellium cause those mfs see a demo version of it in their dreams
☆ having a venus in 11th house could indicate that your partners are in the same friend group
★ I'm not even gonna lie cuz air and water friendships are so fun like yes talk ab mythical creatures for hours
☆ I've seen a pattern in which saturn dominants often lose track of time easily
★ no cuz a capricorn mars has so much discipline it is unmatched
☆ I've seen that pisces moons love giving love or love being in love or what not man theyre delusional (I support)
★ anyone else notice how libra placements rarely ever pick a side in a fight??? especially sun & moon, they just wanna help and support both sides
☆ "why am I so childish" they said w their 5th house stellium
★ y'all scorpio stelliums experience so much jealousy??? but from other ppl??? like everyone is always jealous of them, it's so weird
☆ cancers make great breathing-excersize coaches
↳ a/n : hi everyone!! sorry for being so ia, exam season has been killing me :(( also my hypochondria is getting worse, it's so annoying im so anxious bro… well, I hope you guys are doing great!! don't forget to hydrate yourself 𖹭
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
rewatching iwtv with one of my partners, and they also love these trainwrecks—but we just finished season 1, and rewatching that scene when Lestat grabs Claudia off the train... I think that may be the cruelest he ever is to her, which is saying a LOT. Do you think we're gonna get extra context about that scene in season 3, or would you bet it's just one of those "yeah Lestat can be Like That" moments? Because it seems pretty hard to square with his ~everything~ in the season 2 finale
Ohhhhh boy I'm so glad you brought this up because @tothevines and I are rewatching right now and when we got to that part my immediate reaction was holy shit Lestat HAS to die now. Like??? Yeah. That was it. The cruelty was truly unmatched. Not only forcing her to go back home but waving her trauma in her face like that... oof.
Lestat is complicated tho!! I do absolutely think we're supposed to take that moment at face value. The reason Lestat works so well for me as a character is because he IS capable of such cruelty. Especially cruelty driven by his deep need for love. Cruelty driven by his need to not be abandoned. The one thing Lestat needed more than anything in that moment was for Louis to not be sad anymore, for him to not fall into the state he was when Claudia left the first time. He knew it would be even worse this time around. He simply couldn't risk it...
I guess in order to square it you have to look at the whole picture of who Lestat is as a character. Which Rolin has said recently we've seen, like... 80% of on screen. He's a lot!!! I don't consider Lestat at his worst to be the full Lestat any more than I consider that sad man in the tattered robe eating rats in a cottage in the finale to be the full Lestat. He is cruel he is a monster he is a big crying baby who needs everyone to look at him and pay attention to him RIGHT NOW he is a lover he is a hopeless romantic he is on his knees begging Louis for just one kiss he's tender he's giving he's a monster who takes great lustful joy in the art of killing...
What's funny is if you asked me to compare Lestat to one real life person I know... I would say my father. At least a few very particular aspects of his personality. I absolutely hate my father. My father is a monster. I haven't talked to him in 20 years and will gladly dance on his grave when he's gone for the things he did to me. I relate to Claudia so much in this sense. But Lestat is also my favorite character on the show. Possibly my favorite character ever at this point??? I love him so much it's insane. And I guess it's because he's fake and my father is very much not that I'm able to feel that way. But that might also be a big reason why I find his cruelty and his most monstrous moments to be so cathartic to watch...
Anyway. Not the point of this ask. The point is HE REALLY IS A LOT!! He is everything. All the good and all the bad. The best and the worst any creature could ever be. He is fully driven by instinct and emotion and LOVE and the need to never be abandoned. And more specifically, to never be abandoned by Louis, the one he loves more than he's ever loved anyone.
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nat-20s · 8 months
I do think Ten is currently still my favorite Doctor but I cannot stress ENOUGH how it is specifically season 4 Ten who is my favorite. It is Ten+Donna that is my favorite Doctor. Ultimately I am a sucker for the bestest friends in the whole wide universe who make each other better and are soulmates are are low key high key obsessed with each other that is to me the dynamic of all fucking time and I personally think Ten+Donna is UNMATCHED. I simply like The Doctor best when Donna is a part of them <3.
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weepinwriter · 9 months
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“Within this intricate web of Tartarus’s hierarchy, I will be your guide, leading you safely through its tangled threads.”
Name : Victor (m.) | Vanessa (f.)
Age : They're in their mid twenties
Height : 5’8
Appearance : V. stands at 5’8”. Befitting their warm nature and words, V. has a naturally soothing appearance as well, with silky straight chocolate-brown hair and golden-brown eyes. Male V. has his hair cut neatly short, although his bangs fall slightly into his eyes, while female V.’s hair falls down to the middle of her back and can appear slightly wind-tousled at times. They are often seen dressing neatly and simply, in a black blazer, white shirt, black slacks, and black shoes to top it all off.
Personality : V. is an enthusiastic and positive individual who lights up the room with their cheery smile. They spread tranquility wherever they goe and believe in brightening up any tense atmosphere. Their seemingly infinite patience and love for childlike activities make them a certified mood maker, though some find them troublesome to deal with. V. is bold and adventurous, always ready to take on exciting challenges and overcome hardships. They have a confident and ambitious personality, never fearing anything and always finding a solution. Despite their big ego, self-importance and little to no sense of self preservation, they are driven by a desire to be seen as courageous and worthy of others admiration. On the flip side, they can be quite disrespectful (unintentionally) with no fault of their own owing to their bluntness, disliking boring work and indulging in creative pursuits like origami and listening to the recent rumors spreading around. V. is self-willed and stubborn, persistently pursuing their goals but resistant to tasks they're not interested in. However, they can be persuaded with bribery. Overall, V.'s personality is a mix of enthusiasm, energy, boldness, ego, childishness, and self-will.
Background : Case File No. ████▉ pertains to the Subject originating from a renowned aristocratic lineage, known for their long-standing prominence in governing the majority of the 5th District's lower sectors. Regrettably, unforeseen circumstances unfolded, leading to allegations and subsequent confirmation of colluding with anti-government factions within the 5th District. As a direct consequence of these findings, a significant portion of the family was subjected to public execution. The surviving heirs, including the subject under scrutiny (designated as 1339), were forcibly separated and confined within separate penitentiaries. Presently, the subject is serving a 100-year imprisonment term for their involvement in the rebel activities, having been found culpable of withholding information from the appropriate authorities. It is worth noting that, based on the peculiar circumstances surrounding this case, the subject could potentially be eligible for release on bail. The specific conditions permitting such action have been redacted from this report for reasons of confidentiality and security.
Likes : origami, physical touches, jellyfish, listening to the recent gossips and rumors, dancing
Dislikes : the season of winter (or just the cold in general), the darkness, any authority figures, complete silence, boiled tomatoes
Pet peeves : not being appreciated for his positive efforts and hardwork, inflexible rules, unmatched and wet socks
Trivia :
has an unusual fascination with flowers, and can correctly identify any flower and also point out their respective symbolisms
can perfectly copy anyone's handwriting and signature with a single glance at it
has a rather terrible streak of bad luck with sharp objects. Regardless of how harmless the circumstances may be, V. will somehow find a way to effectively end up getting impaled by a pencil
has dirt on literally everyone in Tartarus, excluding Twenty, MC and Nikita (who they seem to be especially wary of)
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kismetconstellations · 3 months
I found this Reddit thread, the other day, and got a good chuckle out of this particular response:
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And, while Shiro having this sort of raw, incontestable, and unmatched power makes him a True Underappreciated Icon, it also stands as the loudest, most glaring testament to the Voltron: Legendary Defender showrunners not knowing what they were doing.
Basic Writing 101 would suggest that, if you intend to kill an important character off, you don't not only open your series on them, but continue to spotlight them as completely intrinsic to, and inextricable from your still ongoing narrative.
Obi-Wan Kenobi's death impacts Luke Skywalker, but doesn't cause the entire story of the original Star Wars trilogy to fall apart.
When Gandalf appears to die in The Fellowship of the Ring, his absence is felt, and impossible to ignore, but the journey of the other main characters continues, nevertheless, and his revival in The Two Towers only aids the narrative's progression, rather than derailing it.
This is due both to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Gandalf not being the central characters of these stories, and George Lucas and J.R.R. Tolkien knowing exactly what stories they intended to tell. And, not just competently tell them, but tell them in ways that have touched and continue to inspire generations of storytellers and story-enjoyers, alike.
The crew behind Voltron: Legendary Defender, however, seemed to have no idea what story they were trying to tell, to begin with, let alone how to tell it.
On its surface, this is a mecha cartoon series about four teenagers and one adult from Earth who find themselves jetted into space to, under the guidance of an alien princess and her quirky advisor, pilot giant robot lions that combine into an even bigger humanoid robot, and fight to free the universe from the tyranny of an evil alien empire. It's packaged as an ensemble show, in the vein of Teen Titans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Justice League, most X-Men cartoon series, and so on. Thus, it can be presumed that no one character on the team is more important than any of the others.
While an attempt is, indeed, made to give each of the seven members of Team Voltron their own internal and external conflicts and days in the sun (with the exception of poor Coran, who exists primarily for comic relief, and viewers are scarcely given insight into anything beyond his quirky anecdotes, eccentric mannerisms, and fear of losing Allura), Shiro is overwhelmingly given the most emotional pathos and narrative significance.
The series opens on his abduction and imprisonment.
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His escape from Zarkon's ship and recapture by the Galaxy Garrison is the impetus that launches the plot, and brings the five pilots of Voltron together.
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He's specifically singled out as the de facto leader of Voltron, and given the most significant role of Paladin of its largest lion, and decisive head.
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He has personal ties to all three of the major villains of the first two seasons as a direct victim of their cruelty, and as the series continues, this remains a trait exclusive to Shiro, and Shiro alone.
Sendak is Shiro's personal tormentor, something implied as early as the pilot,
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and that continues to be emphasized in Sendak's subsequent appearances.
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Haggar was responsible for the experiments conducted on Shiro that lead to the amputation of his right arm and its replacement with a weapon, and feels a sense of entitlement to Shiro's body.
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It was Zarkon's ship that Shiro was held prisoner on after losing his crew, Zarkon was the previous Black Paladin, and Zarkon's persisting connection to the Black Lion is a conflict that Shiro ultimately elects to resolve on his own, even if it means a hand-to-hand fight to the death.
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There are several episodes (Across The Universe, Space Mall) where the younger Paladins, Allura, and Coran are engaged in comedic shenanigans while Shiro is fighting for his life in explicitly high stakes situations.
Shiro's leadership, compassion, selflessness, and heroism are illustrated over and over again for Shiro's sake, and to it drive home for the audience just how incontrovertibly vital he is in the fight to overthrow Zarkon, and restore peace and liberty to the universe.
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"Why are you helping me?"
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"As a fighter, and a leader, you give hope."
Instead of writing Shiro as one component of a larger story, making his removal from it possible in the right hands, he was written as the heart of that story. Which rendered excising him from it an exercise in futility, as he is integral to every poignant narrative beat. I.E., his bond with Pidge/Katie being one of the major reasons she chooses to stay with the team instead of venturing out on her own to look for her father and brother.
Shiro is, in essence, Voltron: Legendary Defender's equivalent of Leonardo from the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series--The emotionally beleaguered, self-sacrificing and scarred (as of the end of the third season and entirety of the fourth, in Leonardo's case) leader, who is by far, the most skilled and experienced fighter, and spiritually advanced member of the team.
Leonardo, too, had personal connections to several of his series's most powerful and imposing recurring villains, with two of them (Karai and the Daimyo's son) hellbent on destroying him, specifically.
There are instances (The Shredder Strikes Back Part 1, and the episodes covering the Battle Nexus Tournament) where Leonardo faces higher stakes in juxtaposition to his brothers' lighter-hearted, more comedic exploits, and he underwent the most intensive character arc; battling feelings of anger, guilt, self-loathing, and PTSD before finally achieving inner piece and returning to his family as a more mature, composed, and even greater leader than he was, before.
What the staff behind Voltron: Legendary Defender effectively did is kill their show's Leonardo and replace him with Raphael (Keith). Then, aggressively backtrack on that decision by bringing in a clone of Leonardo who much, much (roughly four seasons) later turns out to have been an infiltrator created by a character with direct relation (Karai/Haggar) to the Turtles and Splinter's greatest enemy (Shredder/Zarkon) brainwashed to attempt to kill the real Leonardo's loved ones. Only for the clone to be taken out of commission during an emotionally-charged confrontation with Raphael, after which his consciousness is overwritten as the Real Leonardo's lifeforce is magically transferred into his body... Just so the newly resurrected and sorely missed Real Leonardo can mostly stand silently around, be disrespected, and do nothing of significance for the rest of the show.
Anyone with any knowledge of the Ninja Turtles franchise, this particular iteration of it, decent storytelling, or even a lick of common sense would tell you that this move is ill-advised, at best, and a terrible idea destined to crash and burn, at worst. But, these showrunners were, evidently, oblivious to their own poor decision-making and ineptitude, and chose to rip out the stitch that held their messily woven tapestry together, causing it to irreparably unravel right in front of their and their audience's eyes.
And, blaming Shiro for that blind incompetence is exactly like blaming that deliberately torn stitch.
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hansolsaries · 1 year
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pairing: nonidol!kim mingyu x reader
genre: angst
summary: you've always done everything for mingyu if it means having him in your life. you're tired of being led on by him constantly, but when will you ever learn?
a/n: this is a fic i wrote for my other blog but i had to see how this would be in Mingyu’s perspective 🫶 this is based off niki’s song “backburner”
Kim Mingyu was not the type of guy who was consistent with his actions. At least with you he was never consistent.
Being the neighbor of the Kim family during the summer always was an interesting time, and there was never a dull moment. But it wasn’t until the summer that allowed you to realize Mingyu’s inconsistency, it was the seasons before that. From spring to fall is when you were able to somewhat keep in touch the brunette. After being his summer neighbor for 5 years, it was the summer you turned 16 when you both decided summer was not enough time to be around each other.
It started with the first time you had ever seen Mingyu out of his summer element, seeing him in his beanie and his hoodie. You had ended up making plans with him to meet in Seoul to do something silly like ice skate or what not. Going ice skating was definitely on your agenda, and maybe falling on ice, but the one thing that wasn’t there was falling in love with Mingyu.
The history you had together was definitely unmatched, although you had your memories with him in the past seasons, nothing would ever beat your memories in the summer. Though it wasn’t until the summer after your ice skating escapade that allowed your mind to wrap around the fact that you somehow have fallen for the elusive Kim boy.
You slowly opened the door of Mingyu’s room and made your way to the side of his bed, “Seriously Gyu? Come on! We have to go now if we want to make it to watch the sunrise,” you whisper-shouted as you sat on his bed and shook him at the same time. You looked at him as you noticed his disheveled hair and the peaceful aura he seemed to radiate as he rested. Having never seen the boy as something more than just a friend, it made you think of your memories before that summer and how things had shifted.
“What are you thinking about N/N?” Mingyu spoke as he slowly stirred awake and shifted in his bed to face you. You looked at him and realized that you had dozed off a bit, not seeing the boy slowly wake up, but quickly brushed it off by picking up one of his pillows that had fallen on the floor and hitting him with it.
“I’m thinking about how if you don’t get up right now, we’re gonna miss this sunrise you said you wanted to watch,” you replied with a deadpan expression. It was strange to you honestly, out of the years you’ve known the boy, he never planned to go and watch the sunrise and it was always something he always did out of the blue on impulse.
Mingyu groaned and shook his head as a response and proceeded to lay back down, face away from you, and cover himself with his blanket. You rolled your eyes at his attitude and shook him again and took his blanket off, but this time instead of him retreating back into his blanket, the boy sat up to pull you on his bed and treat you like his personal teddy bear. You swore if he moved even just a little, he would be able to hear your racing heartbeat.
“Give me five minutes and I promise I’ll get up,” he mumbled as cuddled onto you and closed his eyes. In that moment alone, if someone had asked you if you had to choose a place you could spend the rest of your life at, you would pick that moment. Nothing would ever replace the feeling and warmth of being in his arms.
You looked up at him and studied the way his face looked with the slight glow of the sun coming up slowly, more specifically you looked down at his lips. You had always wondered what it would feel like to kiss him, but you hated how that thought seemed to intrude your thoughts in this moment specifically. It felt like he was reading your mind because suddenly his eyes opened and all you could do was look at each other. The way his eyes flickered from you to your lips made your stomach do flips. You did the same and looked at his eyes and lips to reciprocate that you’re thinking exactly what he’s thinking too.
Mingyu leaned down closer to your face, bringing his hand to rest on your cheek as he touched your lips lightly with his thumb. Your eyes stayed on his as he looked back at you, “Can I kiss you?” he whispered, like if we were any louder the moment would leave and we would go back to just being regular Y/N and Mingyu
You leaned closer to his face nodding slightly, the gap between you two getting smaller and smaller, giving him the chance to kiss you. Mingyu closed the gap and finally placed his lips on yours. Genuinely, it was exactly how you thought it would feel. You never understood the fireworks that people seem to experience when they kiss the person they love the most. Kissing Mingyu felt like that but better.
That summer was the last time you had spoken to Mingyu, it felt like to you that the summer you two shared was only meant for that summer, and maybe it was all that was meant to happen between you and him. Of course you had hoped what you had shared with Mingyu would be more than just a summer fling, so having him for that time was better than not having him at all. Your whole life you felt as if it was predestined by your’s and Mingyu’s mom that you and Mingyu would end up together.
It wasn’t like you could blame Mingyu for the distance between you two on him alone. You understood the difficulties he had been going through on his own, and with knowing him, you knew he’d rather go through life with all the burdens on his shoulders rather than having him feel as if he burdened someone. As much as you’ve tried to help the boy, you learned your lesson with allowing him to cope on his own. All you could do was hope that he would come to you for his problems.
You wished that he would have gone to you, but it was around winter time when you found out from your mutual friend Wonwoo that Mingyu had been confiding in one of the girls from their high school Chaewon with the troubles that plagued his head. From football issues and their parents' eventual divorce, Mingyu picked Chaewon. You had no idea how Wonwoo even knew this, but it made you feel relieved yet hurt at the same time. Relieved knowing that he was confiding in someone and not carrying his problems on his shoulders, yet hurt because you thought he would call you.
The end of wintertime was approaching and things were slowly blooming again, and suddenly your phone lights up and rings with a contact you haven’t heard from in months. You lean over from your book notice that you were receiving a phone call from Gyu <3. It took you a second to grab your phone because simply you were just in disbelief. You weren’t expecting to see that contact ever again really, you hadn’t even bothered to change it because it hurt to even look at it sometimes. You hesitated again but pressed the green answer button and the speaker button after. Hearing sniffling in the background of the call and deep breathing through your phone, you immediately knew something was wrong. Though you weren’t happy he called you in such a circumstance, it felt nice knowing he chose to call you.
“Are you okay Gyu? What happened?” you questioned as it hurt you hearing the boy in so much pain, ignoring every single ounce of pain or hurt he caused you in the time of having no contact with him. He didn’t respond and you could tell that he was sad and alone yet about stalling about something simply based on his prolonged silence. All you could hear was the soft humming of the engine of his car, well you assumed was his jeep.
He sniffled again before clearing his throat, “Um, can I come in? I’m outside your house and I didn’t know where else to go but I thought of you,” Mingyu spoke, you could hear in the tone of his voice that he seemed timid to ask you.
“Uh yeah of course, you can come in the doors unlocked,” you replied before getting up and quickly unlocking the door. It was funny you thought, you would have never thought that you would fall back into listening to whatever Mingyu wanted to do. It felt like you had learned what would happen like before yet you didn’t care. It seemed pathetic, but he was one of the people you could never seem to hate or dislike.
He ended the call after hearing that and you prepared yourself to see him. You didn’t know how to feel but yet you felt all the emotions at the same time. You paced around your living room seeing if everything looked fine. It seemed like fate that the day Mingyu seemingly showed up at your house, your parents decided to go on a small trip the next state over as an anniversary celebration. It was a couple seconds later when you heard faint knocking on your door, as you heard that you quickly threw on a random hoodie and opened the door where you were met with Mingyu with bloodshot eyes.
“Goodness Mingyu what happened?” you spoke as you opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in. You watched closely as he took off his shoes to get in your house, at least he remembered to do that you thought. He proceeded to walk toward your couch and looked at the couch and looked back at you like he was asking if he could sit. You nodded and sat down next to him as he settled himself down.
The way he looked gave off the vibe of a hurt puppy, the way the tears pooled at his eyes and his nose was red from the constant sniffling. He looked at you and back down at his hands and started playing with them, “I’m sorry for coming on such short notice,” he said looking at you before continuing on, “I- um just didn’t really know where to go,”
“It’s okay Mingyu, you know I’m always here for you,” you spoke, with a tight feeling in your chest knowing he probably only came to find you because Chaewon wasn’t available for him to talk to. You played nice knowing he probably wouldn’t be coming around after this anyways
“You haven’t called me Gyu,” he replied as he looked at you, “You’re wearing my hoodie?” he said in a way where it sounded like a question, but you couldn’t decipher if it was a question for you or himself.
You looked at him and pressed your lips together and sighed, “What are you doing here Mingyu? You haven’t spoken to me in almost a year,” you replied, looking at him waiting for his answer
“Did I mess up with us Y/N?” Mingyu asked as he avoided eye contact with you and looked anywhere but you. There goes that feeling again, it was that slight feeling of hope you felt thinking that there was a time where Mingyu did see you as more than just his friend or neighbor even. Maybe there was something that could be fixed, maybe this time he would finally pick you.
“What do you mean mess up with us?” You questioned, but in your head you wanted him to answer with what you’ve been waiting to hear for years now.
This time Mingyu’s eyes met yours, he wasn’t avoiding your eyes now and this felt like this would be the moment. The feeling in your chest slowly moved to your stomach, the fact that looking at him still gave you butterflies surprised you, but didn’t at the same time. You knew the feelings you had for Mingyu would always be there, this time you thought you just buried it deep enough it wouldn’t rise up again. Who knew all it would take was one look at you?
“Our friendship Y/N. I feel like last summer was a mistake between us,” he replied.
And there it was, but you weren’t gonna let him think you were disappointed with what he said. You looked at him and tilted your head like you were questioning what he said, causing him to continue on with what he was saying. His eyes flickered from looking at you and at your lips but at that point you felt like your heart just dropped to your stomach, or like someone ripped your heart out of your chest.
You felt sick having to listen go on about how he should’ve never done anything with you that summer, “Mingyy you don’t have to keep going, I know you like Chaewon,” you spoke interrupting him, “And I get it you regret having done anything with me last summer, and I’m sorry if this sounds rude but again why are you here?” You asked genuinely
“I miss you Y/N, but as my best friend.” Mingyu replied
You sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was going to lead but you swallowed your pride to let him hear what he needed to, “I miss you too Mingyu,” you replied putting your hand on his and rubbing them in reassurance. He put his other hand on top of yours and did the same.
“Do you think we can start over? Just Y/N and Mingyu again?” He asked
You nodded, even if it was the last thing you ever wanted to agree to, but maybe you’ll always just stay on his backburner.
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tani-b-art · 4 months
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((my very distraught Avanine recap))
When people have a connection like this, ain’t a thing you can do to stop it! Even Ava couldn’t stop that.
Ava, sweetie, I am so, so sorry. It’s too la—. Janine and Gregory has happened!
Ava wears purple a lot and that color represents part of the LGBTQ+ community so I’m gonna tentatively say she is a part of the rainbow!
Janine has a cardboard cutout of Allen Iverson, who Ava dated. She didn’t get a cardboard cutout of any other 76er (I mean Allen is the most famous Sixer of all time) but she doesn’t have one of Andre who Ava is/was dating. I feel she got this post Ava revealing this. She pays attention.
Janine brought her cousin to her party for Ava — obviously to be a distraction and to keep her out of her hair for the night. Is it because she knew she’d maybe be distracted by Ava and didn’t want that to happen? Ava saying “we’re like sisters”…so we’ve gone from friends-acquaintances and now “sisters”. We took a L, Avanites.
((now for the real))
Ava noticed Janine and Gregory’s chemistry while she was dancing with the cousin and physically attempted to position her body between that and was extremely vexed about it! And before she did that, she gave such a glaring stare to Janine when she noticed something was happening beside her. Her hyper-awareness & sensors for Janine is unmatched! [Ava gave Gregory a livid look]. And to say, Ava was very much preoccupied with Janine’s cousin and paying zero attention to Janine until this happened.
It was kinda funny seeing how unbothered Janine and Gregory were with Ava shooting eye lasers their way! And then it crushed my feelings because the ball was rolling from that moment onward.
So Ava obviously HAS feelings for Janine and it hasn’t stopped. So they want us to know that (or to remember if some forgot or thinks that Ava has stopped liking Janine just because we all witnessed the snail-paced progression of her and Gregory eventually becoming a thing).
Ava is probably going to be unbearable towards Janine and Gregory come next season now that they’re together unless Ava amps it up higher and flirts harder with Janine out of frustration OR they’ll have her the complete opposite, which would be awesome, and make her sad and despondent and lovesick with the new couple and she’ll be less picky towards them both which will shock Janine because she’s expecting Ava to tease her more than before.
WRITERS, what are y’all doing to us?!?! They wanted us to know Ava has feelings (still has) for Janine because why would y’all have Ava be so visibly bothered with Janine’s moment with Gregory?? (Then they zoomed in on Ava realizing what’s going on). Why have Janine dance right beside Ava too when this happened? But then have Janine bring her boy cousin specifically for Ava AND make Ava declare “we’re like sisters”? Unless this “sisters” statement was purely under the guise of Ava just being instantly excited for an attractive guy and it was sheer surface-level. Conflicting, testing, twisting and unreadable Ava+Janine story arc.
Ava seemed so dejected. Like the rug was pulled from underneath her. And while it’s very charismatic to see her unravel when it comes to Janine because she’s longing for something with her and is that attached and interested, I’m also sad for her because it’s yet something else that’s disappointed her as far as relationships are concerned. It doesn’t seem like she’s had much success with relationships.
I get it…Avanites will simply have to suffer till the end of Abbott time with their unrequited love! I feel queasy lol!
I think I set myself up way too high with my Avanine delusions and now look at me…I’m all undone about them being done (when it is clear they weren’t ever). I blame all the Tumblr Avanites for pushing me here - jk! Y’all are awesome! We’re awesome!
All is fair in the world of delusions.
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aloneholy · 7 months
hi i love your blog :) & was wondering if you could recommend your favorite/the best sapphic n wlw media like shows books movies please? I have recently come to ... Realisations .. :') I do love picnic at hanging rock btw and also the similar vibes of the media that you tend to reblog. homeorotic energy w out being Explicity Stated it also very welcome <3 thank you if you can and i hope thats okay !!! have a good day :)
hellooo what a lovely question - thank you so much! i’ll happily rec some things i’ve loved, especially that i find homoerotic/wlw media that Compel me much harder to come by - and i agree, picnic at hanging rock is so unique.
- zami: a new spelling of my name by audre lorde - an “autobiomythography” & maybe thee most formative book for me, in terms of wlw reading. i read it for university and it changed me as a person, changed the way i look at loving women. it’s beautiful
- nightwood by djuna barnes - if you like the more unsettling aspects of picnic at hanging rock, something lynchian and modernist, this is a dark and heavily abstract lesbian novel which i really love
- our wives under the sea - a really poignant and lovely soft sci-fi depiction of a wlw relationship, themes of grief, identity, loss etc. some compare it to annihilation though expect much less science fiction
- her body and other parties by carmen maria machado - a lovely (probably my favourite!) collection of short stories which often are wlw-centric or have a vibe. stunning prose in general
- hera lindsay bird by hera lindsay bird - wlw poetry, very fun and contemporary, what i call self-aware poetry
- mary oliver’s poetry!!!
- for biographies, anything about tove jansson….
- anything by virginia woolf will fit the not explicitly stated vibe feeling - mrs dalloway has a really wistful lesbian undercurrent, orlando is a love letter to vita sackville-west. etc. etc.
- persona (ingmar bergman) - thee movie. it’s Not explicitly stated, it’s feverish and desolate, but it’s both intensely homoerotic and a searing exploration of identity, existential dread etc.
- mulholland drive (david lynch) - again, unsettling vibes. not even gonna elaborate on it - it’s a david lynch - but it’s a must-see
- passing (rebecca hall) - a moody, poignant and beautiful adaptation of nella larsen’s novella (which is on my to-read list) about a relationship between two women
- the favourite (yorgos lanthimos) - recently rewatched with a friend, no notes. a bizarre, obsessive, thrilling story. rachel weisz is to die for in it
- kajillionaire (miranda july) - a tender and strange (affectionate) depiction of a bond between two women in unexpected circumstances
- thoroughbreds (cory finley) - what if murder was homoerotic, what if murder was a metaphor. in a way this is about every codependent friendship between girls that has ever veered towards obsession
- vita & virginia (chanya button) - a biopic abt virginia woolf and vita sackville-west specifically, people have very mixed feelings on it but i personally love it to bits.
tv shows:
- black sails - anne and max’s storyline in black sails is the most visceral and lovely wlw story i’ve seen in tv or film… there are specific tws i would heed for max’s arc in the first season which i’d be happy to elaborate on, but their story is beautiful
- first season of killing eve is still unmatched 😔 second is still quite nice, if not as good. third is hm. the ending scene has whimsy to it. never watch the fourth.
things my gf loves that i still haven’t read/seen:
- portrait of a lady on fire - i just know it will Get to me so i’m waiting for the right mood to watch it
- this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar & max gladstone - same reasoning!
things i’ve started but haven’t had a chance to finish yet:
- little blue encyclopaedia (for vivian) by hazel jane plante - a beautiful (but sad, and also about grieving, hence it’s taking me a while) trans wlw story. quaint and quiet and wistful.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Seasons Greetings
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
WandaReader x Natasha Romanoff
Requested by: anon | 1,198 Words
Sunshine/Grumpy prompts
“We're so different. I wouldn't want to pull you down.,”
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Natasha quietly observed you and Wanda from the kitchen, the witch was happily cuddled into your side while your arm was securely draped over her as you watched a marathon of movies. The redheads heart ached for the kind of love you two shared; more specifically she wanted it to be something shared amongst the lot of you. She knows that's something you both want too, however, even with your guys persistent offers to take her out on a date, doubts had crept into her mind and held her heart tightly in its grasp.  It didn't matter how many times Clint would encourage her to accept, her mind felt she didn't deserve either of you sources of light.
You'd always reminded her of the Spring—full of an unbridled vibrancy and it was as if everything you had touched seemed to thrive. Your kindness knew no bounds, oh and your smile—your radiance was unmatched, just the way you beamed reminded her of a rainbow. They'd always been something she admired after a storm, the way something so simple yet so beautiful, could come to fruition from a place of darkness gave her immense hope. Which was something you also did every time you'd treated her like a human worthy of love. From the day she first saw you she knew she'd wanted you, her flirting was shameless, but she just couldn't get passed all of her reservations.
Wanda got to you first though, and after much thought she knew that was the best for you. The witch was another story for the redhead, she was much like a beautiful Summer's day; bright as can be, and she possessed this natural warmth that could melt the coldest of hearts—it had already worked wonders on hers, and to her that was cause for a great deal of fright. Her nurturing nature was something that Nat knew she could fall into if she would just let her walls fall down, which is why she boarded them up even higher to protect the both of you.
Natasha had always seen herself as no more than a cold Winter's night, the kind where you find yourself stranded in a desolate cabin with little access to much of anything. The small fire would flicker in the fireplace, but there was no warmth to it—it was more just a placeholder to combat the loneliness. At one point it might have even been that this was her truth, but to you and Wanda she was nothing like that.
Natasha was more like a rainy Fall day, sure it could be seen as an inconvenience, but to the people like you it was a welcomed occurrence. The world was enclosed in a layer of darkness, but with that came this new level of vibrancy. First to be seen amongst the trees littered in colored leaves that now no longer looked dull. Raindrops falling helped to aide them on their journey to the ground, a natural cycle of life, and it was always such a beautiful sight to see.
Natasha was truly just as beautiful too, and though she carried that sort of darkness within, the both of you were able to see straight on through to her heart. Although it was surrounded by metaphorically spiky vines it still beat just the same as both of yours did, and that, along with your lived experiences with her was more than enough to tell you that the whole broody assassin stick is just a front. This—if it was going to work, would require patience, fortunately for her you two had an abundance of it, and that's exactly what she needed all the while figuring out her heart.
Natasha had been shutting you both down for months, her answers were never a definite no, but it was never a yes either, and she could see how defeated you'd look, and Wanda's hurt was never not readily on her face, and now she felt like she was stringing the both of you along. She knew she would eventually have to decide to try, or to finally let y'all go, but today just wasn't that day. So now that she's stared at you both for the last half hour she decided it best to sneak herself back up to her rooms. But just as she expected as soon as she went to breeze past the common room you'd called., "Natty, come here please, we have a quick question to ask you.," and when you flash her that smile she knows she'll do just about anything you ask.
Natasha stood before the both of you with her eyes nervously flitting between both of yours while her hands fidgeted about. This nervous side of her was usually hidden away, but the two of you'd garnered more of her trust than even she expected you ever would, and if she was to be honest it isn't that scary after all., "Natty, this isn't an interrogation, relax.," she sighed, then her hands dropped to her sides, her eyes focused in on your lips as they moved.
"Nat, we wanted to take you out to dinner tonight.," Wanda stated matter of factly, and that nervous pit in Nat's stomach began to twist so she decided to speak her truths., "We're so different. I wouldn't want to pull you down.," Natasha admits, her eyes downcast to the floor to avoid seeing either of your reactions., "Fine, I'll do it myself then.," you mused, and before she could question what you meant she was squealing as you pulled her into your lap, and Wanda giggled from beside you when she saw Natasha's perplexed face., "Natalia, you make both of us extremely happy, no amount of your brooding will change that.," she further teased the redhead, her soft fingers moving to push the hair from her face, and the simple affection had the woman in your lap blushing brighter than her hair., "We want you for you Natty, you're our very own safety net."
No more words were needed when she responded to yours by shifting in your lap, burying her face in your neck as one of her arms wrapped around you, and her other extended out towards the witch to hold her hand., "Rest Natty, we'll wake you when it's time for our dinner date.," you softly cooed against her temple before pressing a kiss to her hairline. Once you heard a soft set of snores your body relaxed, and you turned to look at your girlfriend who was already staring at you with a bright smile., "We've done it Y/N/N.," you giggled as she pecked your lips., "Yeah, we sure did Wands—our very own perfect storm."
Days around the compound had never been better after the news of your joyous budding relationship spread like a wildfire. The one reminiscent of the sun while the other half was her sweet rainbow now with the addition of a storm cloud it was almost too perfectly aligned. After all, without the break from the sun the world would likely burn, and without the storm there'd never be room for the rainbow to shine.
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poppletonink · 10 months
A Gift Guide For Your Bookworm Friends
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Maybe you're a bookworm yourself looking for wish list ideas or maybe you're friends with a bookworm and are completely clueless on what to get. Here's a definitive guide to bookish gifts for all the literature lovers out there!
Kind of on the nose, but bookworms (surprise, surprise) are quite fond of books and they would make the perfect gift this holiday season.
It's best to look for books within the genres you know the person you're gifting likes - be it romance, fantasy, a biography or something completely different - but make sure you aren't buying them something they have already read. A good way of checking this is to check apps commonly used by bookworms to track reading progress (the likes of Goodreads and Storygraph) or to simply buy a book from your friend's Amazon wish list! You could even look for books based on your friends favourite fictional character.
The best places to shop around for books are undoubtedly: Amazon, World Of Books, Books2Door, Book Bundle and Waterstones.
To mark a page a bookworm requires a bookmark, and though resourcefulness can come into play and bookmarks can be found in the common shopping receipt or two pence coin it is far nicer to have a decorated bookmark to use whilst reading. The perfect bookmark could be adorned with a quote from your friend's favourite book, have pictures of their favourite characters, or simply be a pretty, ornate design you think they may like. To make a bookmark even more unique and special, you could even try to make one yourself by following a guide online.
Literary Candles
Literary candles can really set the mood of a reading session. Be it ones that smell like particular characters, themes or old bookshops. Every candle has a different scent and you can make it really personal for your book lover by choosing ones that smell like their favourite book (or even when accompanying a book you are buying for them). Etsy and Amazon are undoubtedly the best places to look for your bookish candles.
Book Related Jewelry
The joys of wearing bookish jewelry are unmatched by that of normal jewelry, especially for a bookworm. Specific book-based charm bracelets, necklaces, or book-shaped earrings - your options are varied and a book lover would be happy to have any. Etsy and The Literary Gift Company have gorgeous jewelry to admire and give to a friend.
Annotation Tabs
Annotation tabs are brilliant for numerous reasons. They allow you to make the book you are reading truly yours, tabbing key themes or your favourite passages. Or they can be used to annotate your books in a silly way to give yourself a laugh when looking back in years to come. Different colours are a necessity with annotation tabs in order to come up with a cohesive key for the book in question. Translucent coloured tabs are without doubt the superior species of annotation tabs, allowing you to read through the tab so you can still see the text that you have annotated.
A Reading Journal
Keeping track of your yearly reads can be hard, especially when you have your nose in the next book as soon as you finish your last. While many people choose to keep note of their latest reading endeavours online via Goodreads or Storygraph, a reading journal is just as wonderful for this purpose. Reading journals come in all shapes, sizes, and patterns and are available at places like Papier and The Literary Gift Company!
Book Sleeves
Book sleeves are the best way to protect your books on the go. They stop the cover from peeling and being bashed while you wade your way through the day. Plus, if you look on places like Amazon, Ebay and Etsy they can be really stylish too (almost like an extra accessory to an outfit). Book sleeves look entirely different depending on where you shop - they could have a basic fabric pattern to them (like tartan or polka dots) or they could have fandom references on them (with quotes and doodles of different characters and objects from your favourite books). If your friend often complains of bashed books or you've noticed their books looking slightly withered around the edges, then this is the perfect gift for them.
Mugs and Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea or Wine
Mugs are always a go-to gift for anyone, and they're just as worthwhile for readers. You can find some great mugs just about anywhere, but there are some book-themed ones on Amazon, The Literary Gift Company, and Redbubble. On that note, who doesn't appreciate a good drink to accompany a reading session. Once you've found the perfect mug, be sure to find an adjoining drink (coffee, hot chocolate, tea or wine are all excellent options) to give your bookworm friend a cozy treat. This one is pretty self-explanatory - you could buy it online (on Amazon) or at your nearest shop; either way, any bookworm will be grateful for a drink to keep them warm while flying through their latest read.
Bookish Pin Badges
Bookish pin badges can and will become an addiction once you start buying them. Pin badges with quotes, with characters, with objects. The variations you can buy are endless! Plus, it allows every bookworm to loudly and proudly display their bookish disposition and allegiance within different subcultures of the book community. Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and The Literary Gift Company have some lovely options for you to browse.
Bookshop Voucher
If you really don't know what to get, and fear you'll buy your book lover something that isn't really their taste, you could always give them a book voucher for their bookshop of choice. Money to spend at Waterstones or Barnes and Noble is always well appreciated within the community of bookish people who walk this planet.
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reiiiei · 1 year
but the thing is,
i don't believe diavolo is "canonically yandere"
and here is why:
first off, those admissions stated are not unique to "yandere" characters only. multiple characters have expressed wanting to keep mc to themselves, and given the chance, they would proclaim so. it can't be a fact contributing to diavolo = yandere if other "non-yandere" characters (say, mammon or asmodeus, or perhaps simeon) would or have already proclaimed such things. Obey Me is a romance oriented game. It is quite normal to hear/read lines of the sort, no matter the character archetype. I've played otome/gacha games including Solmare's games since back when they were still Shall We Date. edit: —and therefore encountered those same lines multiple times.
second, his character song. i genuinely believe his character song isn't meant to suggest that he's yandere. i didn't feel any of the sort. if anything, diavolo's character song instead feels likd desperation. like he was doing his best to sell himself to mc.
"Have you noticed? This is my charm."
"Please don't look away
I will catch your heartbeats
Say no more and come here"
"I'm a formidable No.1
The unmatched only one
Fear nothing and move forward
Run run run
Always singing with grace
La la la la la"
"I have nothing to hide, I am always honest
As long as I can, I will do anything for you
So yeah, "as an exchange"...
...may not be an appropriate expression
But I want that love from you in return"
Even the chorus feels like he was trying to convince mc and him both.
"Fear nothing and move forward." seems to be a message to himself, a reminder that despite possible, suggested fears of not being chosen, not being the closest to the player in comparison to the brothers, especially Lucifer.
It's very hard to explain and I probably should be doing my research paper instead but technically, he is the number 1. He's the prince of Devildom. He has the authority, the riches, the power. He's royalty. But compared to Lucifer and the brothers, he has barely any way to connect to mc. Not to mention that Lucifer is the more present and active forefront.
It's also like...like he thinks he needs to exchange luxury or material things to be loved.
Honestly I don't think I have enough non-neurodivergent braincells to be able to express my views on the matter clearly and concisely, so this ends here.
edit: i am back from first major hurdle of research study. right now i am not playing obey me. the way the writers handled the story and the individual character depths of all the male leads disappointed me, so i only come back for fanfic ideas because yes, despite what has happened in the story, i still love the characters. so yeah. as of now, these opinions are of what i know from the character song, and from side/event stories as well as devilgram and chats. before stopping, i did play obey me for the main story for three years though.
point one: it was not diavolo who was specifically responsible for mc's estrangement into devildom. mc was chosen by random and complete bad luck, mentioned by lucifer in satan's arc. even then, choosing did not fall under diavolo's responsibilities, but lucifer's. pretty irresponsible way to choose an exchange student, especially a human one, but diavolo wasn't even meant to be a dateable character back in the earliest part of the main story for it to suggest that diavolo has yandere tendencies. the only thing that implies is that demons overestimated humans and their ability to adapt/acclimate or simply did not care. however, this argument is only viable if the yanking mc from home thing one is referring to is not from season 1.
point two: the definition of a yandere is exactly, word for word, this: Yandere is a portmanteau of two Japanese words. The first is yanderu, which means “to be sick,” and the second is deredere, used here for “lovestruck.” A yandere is often sweet, caring, and innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent or psychotic, level of devotion to a love interest
here's a longer definition:
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point three: there's a distinct difference between yandere and somewhat possessive or jealous.
point four: barbatos is def much more of a canon yandere than diavolo, and i am not against fanon/headcanon/au yandere! diavolo.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 18/04/2024
Shrek Days -Onions Ver.-
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume AI
Ripped by SonicHeroesFan1
Honestly? I do still feel a little conflicted about what I wrote about All Star back in Semi-Charmed All Star. Not because I've changed my mind about that rip, far from it, it's still excellent, but because the narrative I was spinning there was about how All Star itself has become rote and boring without proper shake-ups. We can argue about the value of mashups for all of time, and it's certainly still true that All Star is one of the most overdone mashup songs of all time. But I'm not Mr Rental, I'm not going to enact Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options on anyone: All Star mashups are fun!! They're overdone for a reason!! And, well, it would simply feel wrong to not have celebrated its twentieth anniversary during Season 4 Episode 1 of SiIvaGunner - on May 4th, 2019, we got an entire day dedicated to all things Smash Mouth, and I'd entirely forgotten just how fun it all was. Shrek Days -Onions Ver.- is only the tip of the iceberg.
To be fair, I am also sort of cheating a bit - Shrek Days -Onions Ver.- *isn't* an All Star mashup. As the penultimate rip of the event, it only makes sense to use All Star's younger relative, the second Smash Mouth song which became immortalized through appearing in the original Shrek. I'm a Believer isn't originally BY Smash Mouth, their cover was actually made specifically for Shrek's ending, but the cover has practically eclipsed the original in terms of popularity nowadays (And really, how many of you reading have ever actually HEARD the original The Monkee's version?) Smash Mouth's cover added a shot of energy and rebelliousness to the original song that made it a perfect fit for Shrek - and, indeed, the perfect song to use in paying tribute to the band's mashup popularity.
Because All Star is great, sure, but it can't do everything. The absolute sense of triumph and fun within Shrek Days -Onions Ver.- is just unmatched, and its in large part thanks to I'm a Believer - and hell, this rip even uses the original Monkee's version for a brief bit near the end! But you've seen the rip's thumbnail already, you know the other half to this bit - JOJO!!! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!! From Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls!! Look, yes, I still don't know much about JoJo, I'm still enjoying its music as an outsider, but DAMN is it music that I enjoy!! Great Days is an amazing song, it's absolutely no surprise to me that Great Days Fusion Collab is one of the channel's most viewed videos, and its features on SiIvaGunner are almost all fantastic, now that we're long past the ironic JoJo rips described in Hen'yoku no Piraman. Maybe its just due to a certain other Great Days rip, but its triumphant brass-driven sound and rising chorus has always made me think of the start of summer, the emergence of pure FUN ahead - something that fits Smash Mouth like an absolute glove.
I can only do so much to express how much I enjoy listening to Shrek Days -Onion Ver.- without just telling you the obvious - to go listen to it yourself! Its a mashup almost destined to make you smile, with small touches throughout - the aforementioned presence of the original The Monkee's version, yes, but also a surprise appearance of Donkey's vocals from Shrek's ending scene rounding the whole rip off for its climax! There's no better way to describe the rip, and the entire All-Star anniversary day in general, than just pure wholehearted "FUN" - a celebration of one of the grandfathers of modern mashup culture, without even a hint of irony in sight, filled to the brim with pure love for this landmark icon of the early 2000s.
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