#species lore
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Was there "species politics", so to speak, when it comes to MC's status as an orphan?
Like, did they ever question how a nephilim or a cambion kid, two species that cover the bulk of high society, ever ended up orphaned? A little siren fry, so far from the waters they tend to occupy?
If your MC isn't a nephilim, why were they given to a nephilim family to be taken care of, rather than a family of their species who could accommodate them better?
Did their species ever feel boastful over the Chosen One being one of them? How did they react when MC became Unchosen? Bitterness, special hostility, pity, annoyance?
IDK if that question makes sense, I'm constantly fascinated with details about the daily life, culture and politics of supernatural stories so I just had to ask lol
There is definitely species politics lmao. Especially with the Chosen One.
With MC being an orphan, the council largely chalked that up to them being a hidden half breed, aka the child of a supernatural who hides their (and their child’s) identity from their mortal spouse. There are many supernaturals who do abandon their community for the mortal world, largely because of the politics of their world.
The MC wasn’t given to the Riveras because they’re nephilim, they were given to them because they’re rich and influential and wanted the status boost of raising the Chosen One.
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What's the tovoxran(?) society like, is it comparable to how it is or was anywhere on earth?
Thanks for asking! Sorry for extremely late response too, I needed some time to think about it.
I think Tovoxran society can be comparable to that of humans to a certain extend. Here are some facts about it, the first ones can be about their overall civilization tho:
- First of all, the term "Tovoxrans " is pretty much how humans and a few other species call them. The original name of their species (and how they call themselves) is "Tharr". This is totally not a trial to change their name
- Mainly before they invented technology for space travel and colonization of other planets, they lived in large, densely populated cities built around volcanoes. Later, their technology allowed them to build gigantic heat generators instead of having to settle around volcanoes.
- Due to their economy (and kind of their whole civilization too) being heavily industry-based, their cities and pretty much their whole planet is extremely polluted. Their planet's nature has always been the last thing they cared about, hence their civilization' expanding has forced various animal species to retreat from their natural habitats.
- They were forced to enter the space stage for various reasons, the main ones being massive overpopulation and a shortage of resources on their home planet.
- They have a council-based government, which was supposed to rule the whole Empire, but in practice, their management is limited to their home planet and a few closest colonies. The vast majority of the Empire's territory is ruled by corporations and industrialists.
Bonus illustration of a Tharr factory
Now some facts more regarding their society:
- Underage Tharr (I'm now going to be calling them like this I hope it's not a big problem) is raised by one parent, usually of the same gender as them (son is raised by his father and a daughter is raised by her mother). There can be exceptions, for example when the parent of the same gender as the kid has died or can't take care of a child from another reason.
- They are a gregarious species and tend to stick together. A Tharr leading a completely solitary life is a rare sight.
- Their society and way of thinking is extremely ultilitarian, hence they tend to avoid to produce or use things that aren't that much necessary for their lives. It also means that for example, there aren't multiple brands producing bottled water or things like this. Water is water after all.
- Majority of their population inhabits mining colonies on various planets belonging to the Empire.
- Tharr society is still very stratified and divided to 3 main classes. 1st class are the most educated and important individuals, including industrialists, exceptionally important scientists and diplomats. 2nd class are mostly Tharr with more common jobs and service proffesions. Main occupation for the 3rd class with only basic education is usually a soldier or a "workforce" like an industrial worker, like a miner, factory or refinery worker (don't forget that Tharr supply many other Empires with raw and refined materials so it's kinda necessary). Also the class doesn't necessarily define the respect an individual receives, it's more like a division in terms of living conditions. In most cases 2nd class and 3rd class are very similar.
- Individuals getting the least respect from others are definitely the ones unemployed from choice. They are considered lazy and unnecessary by others.
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Species Highlight - Sepia
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if cephalopods could live for more than 2 years? Perhaps even passing on generational knowledge? My mind wanders to this topic fairly often, the Sepia are a result of me following this line of questioning to its conclusion. I present to you, the Sepia.
The Sepia are Cephalopods, very similar to cuttlefish. They can mimic other objects and animals thanks to their ability to change the color and texture of their skin, as well as their very fine motor control over their arms. Sepia are also mildly telepathic, an ability that allows them to coordinate large shows of mimicry and move in tandem with any number of other Sepia involved in the show. They use this ability to mimic creatures that are much larger than they are, such as sharks, or sometimes to hypnotize larger animals by sending pulses of color through a wall of Sepia.
As Sepia are unable to make any useful sound underwater their languages are polyvisual; they incorporate multiple glyphs, colors, and textures into words and tonality which they display on their bodies. Some of these words are even animated to an extent. Despite the inherent complexity of their languages, Sepia conversations are very fast; ideas that would take a sentence to convey in most phonic languages are often condensed into a single specific word in Sepia languages.
Much like humans, what the Sepia lack in strength they tend to make up for with their ingenuity; and as a species that needs to navigate fully three dimensional spaces to survive, they're very sharp. They have domesticated many species of sea creatures for various purposes. They keep fish for food, blue sailsharks for herding fish, bio-luminescent remora for use as lighting, and many others. Many sedentary Sepia civilizations farm clams for food, and nomadic Sepia tend to keep small beds of poisonous clams for use in hunting.
Tagging along with Giants
Many Sepia are nomadic, having forged a mutually beneficial relationship with the Sophont whales on Patek. How this relationship started is lost in the fog of time; those who live in these communities say it has always been this way.
The Sepia act as hands for the whales, using their tools to take care of them and even help them with forms of self-expression through making tattoos, piercings, and other outward displays. In return, the whales carry their homes, cargo, and graves. The whales, blessed with two and a half century long life spans and nothing to manipulate objects with, also do the majority of the mental labor of lore keeping and social deliberation. This relationship is not generally seen as transactional, but rather as expected contributions to a community or family - the whales and Sepia often form multi-species family units, with whales in the family often carrying their family's home.
The religious beliefs of the nomads are very heterogeneous, but they share more in common than one might first expect as a result of meeting up every year for the Sophont's breeding season. The courtship rituals of Sophont whales; wooing potential partners, meeting the families to be joined together, and spending much-needed alone time once a partner and their family is chosen is very complex and takes several months. These social interactions often sweep up more romantic Sepia into the moment, and lots of cultural exchange happens as a result which leads to certain tropes appearing in most of the nomadic religions. The most important of these tropes is the idea of the three realms of existence. The realm of the living is full of fish to catch and life to live, where all your favorite things exist and unless you're very unlucky, where all your experiences have taken place. The parched realm, where the water is too thin to breathe and the weight of your own body can crush you; not to mention the horrible beaked demons that may pick you apart as soon as they see you. The gods often summon great storms, and Sepia of great folly can get caught in them and thrown wayward never to be seen again. Only whales can tolerate the parched realm, and only for a time, as they must draw life from emptiness itself. The third realm is the realm of the dead, far below the world and past a barrier of frigid water. Some wild whales are able to breach this barrier, and though they cannot be spoken to their scars tell stories well enough.
Whales, being the only creatures with a connection to all three of the realms of creation, are revered by many Sepia and have great religious significance. Some whales are happy to be the center of the nomadic spiritual life and are attended to by Sepia priests as they speak expansively on the metaphysicality of creation with their peers and share their wisdom with others. Other whales take on a more utilitarian roll with their spirituality, becoming graveyards for Sepia that have past. It is their job once they die to ferry all the Sepia souls that they carry into the realm of the dead so they don't get lost.
Natural entertainment in the pelagic zone is sparse, so the nomads come up with endless games and art forms to pass the time. The Sepia perform plays, re-enacting heroes and important religious and cultural events; Sophonts will come up with songs and tales, and tales in the form of song, and have a Sepia transcribe it. Children play with each other and their remora pets. Thinking puzzles, conundrums, and paradoxes are popular among most of the nomads, courtesy of the whales; many of which love to talk long-windedly on philosophical matters.
Not all nomadic groups interact with others outside their cultures, though after a particularly good hunting season, some will often take their surplus catch to their sedentary cousins who live on the reefs and seagrass meadows to trade for finished goods and luxuries.
Putting Down Roots
The vast majority of Sepia are sedentary, settling in coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and on the periphery of estuaries. Their towns range from small aquaculture villages that raise beds of clams, to large cities among the reefs that are host to thousands of Sepia kept fed by surrounding aquaculture villages. While there are some Sepia civilizations that have sprung up on seamounts or the shelves around islands, most of these civilizations are found along the coasts of continents, and as a result have much more interaction with other sapient species, especially Koura who live both in water and on land.
Most people know of the Sepia from stories Ternaki bring from Sifia, as the Ternaki have excellent trade relations with the Sepia off the Sifian coast. Sepia will trade food, finished goods, and raw minerals in exchange for metal products and other things they usually can't make themselves. Some of them have taken to training small hammerhead sharks to act as metal detectors to find silver and gold on the ocean floor for the express purpose of trading with land species.
Religion among the Sepia varies wildly among the sedentary civilizations, and often has influence from those they trade with. One belief, which varies in its interpretations, is that estuaries are gates to start on the journey to the afterlife. They are guarded by divine creatures with beaks that snatch anyone who would be so foolish to try and find what lies beyond, but tales of following the rivers and streams up to the mountains speak of untold beauty. Some Sepia believe that when they die, their spirit will be free from their body and they can physically follow the rivers to the mountains past the birds and unbreathable fresh water to see the heavens, and they aren't technically wrong. Spirits do exist, but that's a topic for another blog post.
In the modern day, the beaked creatures are known to be birds and many estuaries are made safe for Sepia to farm fish, shrimp, and mussels. As a result, most Sepia that have this belief, particularly ones that work in estuaries, don't interpret it literally. In addition, there are Sepia that have taken the first steps on land inside mechanical drysuits, designed by Sepia and aided in their manufacturing by the Ternaki.
Life on Land
The Sepia are an aquatic species, but they're also playable so I need them to be able to go on land. The answer, obviously, is mech suits.
Sepia drysuits are a relatively new phenomenon, a consequence of the industrial revolution allowing access to manufactured goods and other recent breakthroughs bringing technology and alchemy up to speed with the ideas some Sepia have been having for centuries. The first drysuits were little more than fishbowls on wheels, connecting pedals or other cranks to the wheels for locomotion. However, over the past twenty years drysuit technology has been drastically improved. Cockpits are now hermetically sealed and durable, with alchemical salt water recycling systems where oxygenated salt water is mixed in one or two canisters and pumped into the cockpit; the old water flushed out of the drysuit. Many drysuits are still utilitarian and use tracks for mobility, with the addition of graspers for manipulating objects. More complex drysuits also exist, including ones with humanoid plans that are piloted with levers, cranks, and quite a bit of pullies. Some more high-end ones use Hydraulics. Some Sepia have taken to pushing the limits of these kinds of suits, making names for themselves on land as skilled pilots able to make their suits do acrobatics.
On the mechanics side of things, I have some simple drysuits written that need to be playtested. Currently, they have a Strength (which is used in place of the Strength Attribute), Size, Speed, Fine Manipulators (number of hands), Armor, Durability (hitpoints based on materials used), and Cockpit Durability (Cockpit hitpoints). These are a way from being tested for the moment though, hopefully within a few weeks.
If you read this far, thank you very much! Also huge thanks to @donutboxers for the art in this post. The next Species Highlight will be the Possum, and the next mechanics post will be about Metaphysicalities.
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Fae Folk
The Fae Folk, or Faeries, are a diverse species of liminal beings whose very nature is fluid and flexible. Even though in culture they are rigid and orderly, the rules of that order are paradoxically able to shift and adapt to the given needs of the Fae. They are beings of magic and nature, and as such have viewpoints that seem alien to others, but patterns can be found in their thinking process. Technically immortal in that death as we recognize it was not an actual process in their native realm, it was simply a process of changing from one state of being to another, like becoming a tree or turning into wind. It was only after the collapse of their realm did the Fae truly experience death for the first time. Beyond that, they do not age physically and their appearances are usually not indicative of their actual nature. They are natural magic users, and they tend to be baffled at the idea that people actually need to learn how to enact magic.
Worldwide Fae Population: 678,999,321
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Solibri Woman WIP
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NeoEarth Bestiary Log 2: Soulshifters
Commonly described as monstrosities, Soulshifters are a complex, sapient and extremely rare species, possessing divine powers derived from their connections to a collective celestial body(aka, a constellation).
Although not entirely exclusive to Neo-Earth, Soulshifters have confirmed responsibility in reshaping the planet, terraforming it to their liking and ultimately turning it into their home. In spite of their pursuit of a semi-nomadic lifestyle, they consider Neo-Earth to be their safe haven and will always return to it upon completion of their journey. Because of this active choice on their part, this earns them classification as a Neo-Earth species.
There are only two known Soulshifters in existence due to their birth being under a unique set of circumstances impossible to replicate unless the qualifications are not met exactly or extremely closely, making them extremely elusive. Not only that, but that makes this document just as rare, as it may be one of the few that goes into detail regarding this species. Anyone going over this document would do well to do so very carefully. (OOC: Soulshifters are a closed species for this reason. Unless the qualifications for a Soulshifter to be born are met or very closely met it is impossible to recreate the steps needed for another pair to canonically be born.)
The two Soulshifters are said to have initially been one entity created by two celestial bodies that previously governed the primordial space-time continuum with the intent of mass dethronement and destruction of several powerful races including their own kind. This entity's powers are described to be tied and made through a large amount of stars spanning across the Cosmic Expanse to form a superconstellation said to only be visible at the end of the universe, able to harness the powers of chaos and order in a bid to dethrone the King of Everything. In past theory the existence of such an entity was considered a impossibility, yet this entity debunked this theory with its birth and thrived only to be ostracized as an abomination too powerful to claim its right to live.
This was before the entity eventually discovered its deicidal existence and fled from its creators before understandably beginning a rampage through Universe 333 via child-like tantrum, ravaging several planets over the course of many eons until it was eventually cornered and presumably defeated. In an act of pity for the unfortunate entity the King of Everything salvaged its soul before splitting it into two separate halves and letting the magic that filled the entity's being take on new form. With the two entities born anew from the physical embodiment of divinity, magic, and soul, they were returned to their original creators for a second chance. Having no true form or identity would allow these two entities to pave their own individual paths, thus creating the Red and Blue Soulshifters.
As the name implies, Soulshifters are a type of shapeshifter. They are monoped, with a look and feel similar to a cool slime on a surface level. However, taking in anything for a prolonged time period will actually cause the object or part to take on a lot of heat, as if it were dipped into magma. When their form is not being held properly, it can be reflected in the way that puddles formed of their physical essence bubble similarly to hot tar.
In the core of their chests is an object called a Soul Heart that acts as a Soulshifter's life source. Sitting on the surface of the "skin" makes the Soul Heart the most vulnerable part of its optionally amorphous body, as it takes effort to withdraw it temporarily under the surface for protection. The outside texture of the Soul Heart is comparable to that of the smooth but firm cookie of a macaron, while the interior remains unknown. In between the cracks on a Soul Heart offers an alternative textile experience in the form of a thick, protective rubbery membrane similar to what can be found in a chicken egg, but naturally much less fragile by comparison. It can be assumed that the inside of the Soul Heart is liquideous in nature, as it can bleed out a glowing magic substance described as "liquid sun", similar to plasma. During shifting the Soul Heart takes no change, remaining the same in appearance and only shrinking or growing in proportion to the form taken. When separated from the more goopy body, the Soul Heart seems to possess four thin tendrils on each corner. The implication here is that these tendrils keep the Soul Heart attached to the body in normal circumstances.
In several aspects such as personality, palette, and even powers, the two halves of the original entity directly oppose one another while simultaneously presenting the grounds for them to get along as they cover each other's weaknesses, increasing their odds of survival. Whether the cause is trauma bonding or something else entirely is unknown, but our studies have observed significant distress, mood swings, and drastic changes in behavior and health whenever the two are separated for too long.
Their powers also seem to contrast from their natures and elements, making them incredibly contradictory to even themselves. Suffering appears to have been a key part in both their initial creation and in their way of life, only numbed upon the onset of madness. Trauma can cause cracking in the Soul Hearts of either or both entities, granting an increased output in power at the cost of greater vulnerability.
They possess a unique shapeshifting ability that only seems to work when they have come into contact with any species with a biological genetic code(with some exceptions), allowing them to use that code as a template map for taking on a different form. Further limitations observed include the inability to change their preset color palettes(cold patterns for Blue, warm for red) and occasional inability to alter size. When changing into a new form for the first time multiple factors can subconsciously determine the appearance such as preferences, familiarity, desires…even stress factors could play a part in this, and make the resulting form bigger for protection as a result. The appearance is set in stone after the first shift and cannot be changed unless the form taken is detached from and recycled. It is worth mentioning that on their own, Soulshifters do not originally possess their own unique genetic codes until it is created when they take on a new form where it is applicable.
Studies show that Soulshifters have a drawback to their shifting in which they cannot do so within water, as their bodies begin to melt away from their Soul Hearts, leaving that to sink while the essence that made up their bodies stays afloat on the surface similarly to oil.
While it is impossible to separate their magic and divinity from them as they are the living embodiments of said magic and divinity, it has been proven that their forms can be separated from them. The bodies left behind will feel hollow, distant, and soulless as a result of the separation process. The form will eventually die if not reunited with its Soul Heart or given a new soul of its own. If a Soulshifter doesn't like a particular form it can forcefully separate and consume the form in question to recycle it, create a new form, and start anew. Their Soul Hearts can also be attached to another individual, slowly eating it alive and taking over their body in a similar fashion to a parasite, ultimately claiming the body as their own if desired once all traces of the previous soul are consumed. It is possible for them to live within the soul of another person without causing harm, though this is usually for safety reasons (Overseer Note: We were not given clarification as to whose safety would be secured in this scenario, but based on what little context clues we were given, we can assume that its the Soulshifter).
It is possible to create a false soul by transferring the consciousness and fragment of a Soul Heart into a premade form with no soul of its own, but should the consciousness is removed from the form and returned to the main Soul Heart, it can (not always) create something known as a Faux Soulshifter. Alternatively, increased exposure to or ingestion of the magic substances generated by a Soulshifter also have the chance of creating a Faux Soulshifter (Overseer Note: consider the creation of a seperate document discussing Faux Soulshifters for further clarification).
If a Soulshifter dies they can reconsistute within varying periods of time depending on the severity and speed of their death. This period of time can range anywhere from as little as a few minutes to as long as a few years. During this time their consciousness and spirit returns to the astral bodies they are tied to in order to recover, resting until they regain the energy to reform. The only way to ensure permadeath in the Soulshifters is if both are killed at the same time with no desire to continue living. This is said to have dire consequences as this will trigger universal heat death throughout the Cosmic Expanse, with time and space ripping itself apart as the constellations that make up the original entity burn up and explode simultaneously until nothing remains. Because of this their survival must be guaranteed.
Thankfully there is a surprisingly simple way to ensure this through feeding them material objects with high energy output. Materials such as uranium and plutonium, as well as substances rich in minerals and/or magic, make excellent fuel to keep the flame from their stars burning for much longer. A theory suggests that locating the individual stars and using our solar absorption generators to drain them of energy has a chance of stopping the heat death, but it's not advised we actually try to test this. Nonetheless, they would still live on as gods dying only if they lose worship or be forgotten to time. Thankfully, their efforts have ensured no shortage of it due to their categorization as primordial mad gods.
Unlike their other forms their default appearances were created through a special method, forming giant cocoons from an unidentified substance over their Soul Hearts and attaching themselves to a wall for support before undergoing a form of metamorphosis using a combination of DNA to create a body of their liking. The outcome tends to be random and time consuming as it not only takes several tries to form a suitable body, but the Soulshifters must work from the ground up instead of working off a preexisting biological code. Any bodies deemed failures are shortly detached from and either consumed or salvaged for future use. Theoretically, this cocoon method could be used to give birth to entirely new and unique creatures assuming a soul is implemented. Because Soulshifters do not possess a unique genetic code by default, these new creatures could not be considered offspring by blood relation and thus a mutual agreement for a parent-child relationship must be made instead.
Under normal circumstance, certain injuries and bodily modifications made to specific forms and their default are temporary. However it is still possible for those injuries and modifications to become permanent if neither are handled accordingly or they do not shift after a certain period of time. It is found that permanent injuries and modifications made to some forms do not carry over to the others.
While they mostly tend to differ in powersets, there are abilities that are either shared or function similarly such as a form of teleportation and a vocal attack charged by radiant energy.
Soulshifter Blue
Soulshifter Blue responds best to the name Geragera Guffaw and is classified as a god of chaos, often considered the more malevolent of the two in spite of a celestial nature and more passive abilities such as illusions, charms and healing. His true body is pitch black in color with small, light blue spots dappled throughout that glimmer against the dark of his skin not unlike stars. He sports a serpentine face shape with symmetrical light blue and white triangular teeth. His Soul Heart appears to be a pale off white, almost slate color with a radiant white interior, with his magic reflecting accordingly.
Alongside his other passive abilities previously described, Geragera is able to displace time around him, appearing to move faster. This is because he simply slows down time as opposed to just stopping it outright. Using this same ability he can self-duplicate by displacing himself within the created time shift to effectively create false versions of himself. He despises being kept in one place and doesn't do well with sitting still, which makes sense for his somatic casting method that incorporates movement and even dance for spellcasting.
Geragera enjoys taking forms that are small and unassuming in appearance as they make him easy to underestimate, equating him to an eldritch horror in the form of an endearing creature. His forms also follow a cool color palette, primarily but not limited to greens, cyans and blues as well as falling towards darker greyscale colors. His most identifying features throughout most of his forms are his glaringly bright blue eyes and speckles. Geragera's possesses the unique capability to take on mechanoid forms due to an inclination towards technology and machines.
Observations from creatures that do not consume stars as part of their regular diet have found that the essence from Geragera's true Soulshifter form has a poor flavor akin to the common glowstick, with a burning chemical mouth sensation to match. Thanks to Geragera, we have discovered that Soulshifters are able to produce a type of roaring sound, and that his is a rather horrid mix of screeching metal and nauseating static.
Soulshifter Red
Soulshifter Red responds to Ruckis Kingstarr and is classified specifically as a Goddess of Control. She is often described as the more benevolent of the two despite an Infernal nature, a greater affinity for fire and destructive terraforming powers. Her body is a stark white color with faint splotches of tiny red dots all over her body that makes it look as red tinged as her teeth, which are cartoonishly straight and blackened. Her head shape appears canid or equine in nature, with hair reaching far down her back like a fur mane. An internal glowing red magic core under a black outer exterior gives the impression of red hot magma glowing beneath the dark cooling lava thanks to the cracks on the surface of Ruckis' Soul Heart.
In spite of her destructive powers, Ruckis can create new life with just as much ease and bend molecules to her will, from changing the molecular structure of an object and turning it into something different by bending light, sound and even force to generate highly convincing illusions within any given space. True to her name, Ruckis is loud and proud and hates to be silenced, fitting for her preference to use verbal casting. In some, if not most cases, singing is used to as her casting method.
Her true form possesses ear-like appendages that simultaneously look a little like horns, with the left having a permanent nick that follows her throughout her forms one way or another. It's likely that this is an incurable magic scar leftover from a physical altercation with her mother many eons ago. Her forms tend to be larger for safety in strength, making her a damage sponge. Her palette tends to color warm colors primarily but not limited to reds, oranges and yellows paired with lighter greyscale colors. Her red piercing eyes follow most other forms. Her default is a curious exception to the rule, with blue and green heterochromia in the eyes intended to hide her true identity. She is able to take on plush or toon forms because of an extensive love and knowledge of artwork and music.
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Updated Instrumen ref sheet!
This is an open species that anyone can create, and if you do I would love to see them. Just use #instrumenoc and/or #instrumenspecies
I have created a brief overview of the important stuff so if anything doesn’t make sense feel free to ask! I will definitely go more in depth in the future, sorry if things sound a little repetitive.
Brief overview
Instrumen are immortal humanoid lifeforms that used to live in harmony with humans. They have been around for as long as humans have existed. One day out of selfishness, humans decided that they wanted to play music for themselves and hunted down as many Instrumen they could until they were nothing but heads to play. Lots of Instrumen ended up taking refuge in a realm called Instrapolis. This realm was created by The Organ and he is the largest Instrumen and he is considered the heart of Instrapolis.
Much of history has been lost on both sides. Modern humans have nearly no recollection of the beings and the Instrumen have no knowledge of what the human realm is like in the present. Instrumen also cannot grasp the concept of women, they believe them to be mythical creatures that have gone extinct because of mankind’s cruelness to their species. Some even believe that they haven’t existed at all!
The size of the instrument heavily influences an Instrumen’s body shape and height. A tuba for example is a very big instrument in both width and length, so tubas tend to tower over much smaller instruments such as flutes, which are generally much smaller and thinner. Generally, all Instrumen take a more masculine appearance with their he/him and or they/them pronouns. They also have names that usually correspond with whatever instrument they are.
Instrumen originate from instruments being built. The Organ takes instruments and constructs them into Instrumen. This is done by binding them to a specific suit that is seen as their default appearance. These specifically tailored outfits are the only things they can wear in their original form. In their human forms, they can change their clothes to whatever they please (human made or Instrumen made). In their original forms, Instrumen are susceptible to having their heads removed, usually by people taking them off. However, this isn’t typically a threat for taller Instrumen. If their main suit is damaged in their original form, the suit will go flat and their head will pop off. If their head is somehow removed from their main suit in their original form, they still have consciousness but they cannot speak nor can they move.
Below are some height comparisons!
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Babe wake up, new species lore dropped 🗣️🗣️

Potted Ghouls are a species I created for the Rayman world, they're a nightmare type creature but that doesn't stop them to attack nightmares as well.

In summary, they're parasites and yes they're inspired in Venom (symbiotes) AND in a species I made a while ago 🗿(ignore the sizes, I was just exaggerating)

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Silly little hello message
Hey!! im nox!! im a transmasculine furry, whos pronouns are He/Him/They/them!! Im taken by a wonderful woman (who i dont think uses this but yeh i love her sooo much)<- (she is no longer my girlfriend sadly..(march 16th 2025) but hello, and welcome to my little corner!! ill be mostly posting my little babbles n lore n art here, and yeah!! Im a therian, otherkin, and furry, and i love making lore and roleplaying! i have autism, adhd, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and possibly more stuff, but hey, im here n im a little bit childish n goofy
you can call me Nox, Noxir, Onyx, Onyx child, and any other nicknames (as long as you ask first). Most people call me nox tho!! I tend to babble ALOT, so if you see me in your comment sections babbling n you want me to stop, just let me know!! over time i will be adding more to this, including a link to explain stuff about me, and other things!!
but anyways, welcome to my corner, and i hope yall enjoy what you see, read, and everything here!! goodbye readers n have a nice day :> oh, and before i go, i may not be very active, but i do accept questions, im willing to answer questions about adhd, autism, about me myself, about what being a therian and otherkin is like, ect. just ask!!! im here to answer yall!!!
#furry#therian#otherkin#autism#autistic artist#autistic things#adhd#adhd things#adhd brain#neurodivergent#transgender#transmasc#omniromantic#omnisexual#demisexual#bipolar disorder#art#furry art#oc lore#lore#worldbuilding#original species#avians#closed species#species lore#adhd babbling#autism babbling#schizophrenia#roleplay#roleplayer
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Salem's mother, Roa!
She's the clan's healer, a master of medicines with a heart so kind she'll soften the angriest trolls with her gentle nature. She has a lovely bedside manner, she's amazing with kids, and is well versed in various spells and elixirs for magical use. Some lore on her condition and Anphi society below the cut!
She's known as an oracle, where an Anphi is born with far more eyes than they should have, most often in a halo on the face but it can be a semi-coverage to complete body affliction, she's a semi-covered variation. Oracle Anphi cannot stand on two legs, as they're born quadrupedal and will never gain the ability to stand bipedally for long moments due to their skeletal structure. Because of this, she also cannot fly or glide, so if she falls off a cavern edge she will most certainly die. Alongside this, an oracle's neck is longer than the average Anphian's, which can cause back problems if they don't care for themselves properly with the right bedding or too much flexing of the spine. Partial to full blindness is extremely common for oracles, as well as semi to full body paralysis due to neck injuries. Roa has managed to avoid these but raising two nests of whelps proved difficult when so many little tails and hands often poked into her sensitive eyes.
She was born into what's called the Strike Generation, these whelps came about during a time of great crisis amongst their people when sickness spread rampantly, the pools had been poisoned by changes in the ocean, and famine plagued them. 90% of whelps born in this period were born with mutations and stunted limbs. Anphi society changed drastically due to this, and now atypical and disabled Anphi are treated and cared for as though they are normal socially, though accommodated based on their bodies so they can live an effectively normal life.
Atypical Anphians can produce whole litters of common offspring, and even a pair of them can produce common as well, such as Roa and her husband Howler, Salem's parents. Mutations and odd limbs are genetic, but most often these genes are are triggered by highly unfavorable conditions during the carrying process, starvation, sickness, and very poor water conditions often being the most common causes.
#trollhunters#toa trollhunters#tales of arcadia#my art#salem#roa#troll oc#troll: salem#amphibian troll#Anphi troll#original species#oc#troll species#species lore
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Where do the Sarkyn come from? And is there a sorta earth-equivalent culture that inspired them?
Sarkyn are industrialist that inhabits the South coastline regions of Mudos, but originally they came from the ocean near the south.
When I was coming up with this species the earth-equivalent culture that inspired me was the combination of Spartans and romans.
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All of us winged ones just preening each other or waxing each other's wings.
Nephilim definitely use feather care as a way to show affection for one another. On a similar note, Draca help each other shed old scales and Cambion help each other moisturize any patches of dry skin.
Wing care can definitely be a way to express love to those you’re close to, even if they don’t have wings like yours or have none at all.
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Deformed Singularities:
They usually have growths(like horns for antennae), on their head
Usually way dimmer than the average Singularity
Way too tall or way too short(16-100'0 or 4'11-5'9).
No mouth.
No visible eyes
Human-like feet
Like a brown dwarf: L-Type, T-Type, Y-Type or Z-Type
How to know if a Singularity is NOT deformed:
If a Singularity is chubby, that does NOT mean they're deformed at ALL.
If they are bright.
If they shine with the signs of their former star.
If they have a mouth or visible eyes.
Two-clawed feet.
If they're not digitigrade, that doesn't mean they're deformed, just a subclass.
No horns or antennae.
Around 6-15ft tall.
Stardust on their bodies.
#original species#open species#never closed species#If you make a Singularity species...CREDIT ME#alien species#Type 5 civilization species#species lore#space based species#species based on black holes and brown dwarfs#curvy oc#sexless species#genderless species#chubby oc#dark purple#horns#pointy ears#no mouth#no visible eyes#oc is 25'6 ft tall or 7.8 meters
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Species Highlight - Koura
If there's one thing I know, it's that lobsters are cool. If there are two things I know, it's that they're immortal and one of these days a cult is going to help a lobster molt for over a hundred years until it takes up the space of an Olympic sized swimming pool and they worship it as a new god.
Anyways, here's a highlight from the depths of the oceans, the very playable Koura species.
The Koura, like the Ternaki, are functionally immortal. Adults usually grow to be around 7 feet tall and 20 feet long. During the course of their lives they never stop growing, but they do eventually get so big that they can't move anymore. This happens once a Koura starts getting to around 500 years old. Koura are amphibious and can breathe in both water and air, though many would rather stay in the oceans if only because it's easier to walk around.
This isn't to say that some Koura cultures don't incorporate land-based cities and such. Many sedentary Koura civilizations enjoy interacting with other species and their cultures on land.
Most Koura, however, are semi-nomadic; seasonally migrating between shallow, hot latitudes in the summer when they have children to deep waters of any latitude in the winter. The semi-nomadic Koura are organized in autocratic societies, with warrior-kings at the head of groups; generally relying on trusted friends or family to give them advice. They are concerned with survival and the continuation of their way of life, hunting large sea monsters and foraging for food. They preserve their stories through oral history and shell etchings, a Koura Lorekeeper has many generations of stories both memorized and etched into their shell.
One such legend is that of a Koura King who lead the charge on an existential threat to the world - when the hollow god deigned to fill itself with the flesh of every living thing and the substance of all that is, she stood in battle while alchemists used powerful alchemy to seal it at the bottom of the deepest trench in the whole of the world. This king survived and continued leading her people. Eventually, when she got too old to walk on her own, her people put her back near the trench and took care of her in her old age. Thus, the valley of the kings was born. Many Koura take pilgrimages to this place to offer food and supplies to the monks that are there, taking care of many kings who have grown too old to lead their people until they are ready to die. The king who fought the hollow god declines death, and has been in the valley for over two thousand years enjoying herself.
Tradition and Lorekeeping
Koura have a strong tradition of keeping stories alive. Every nomadic group has at least one Lorekeeper, and sedentary Koura cultures generally have orders dedicated to preserving history in one way or another, whether they be more academic in nature or closer to their Lorekeeper roots.
Lorekeepers hold a high place in Koura society, and often find themselves as confidants to community members seeking guidance for hard decisions thanks to their wealth of knowledge about the past and perceived wisdom.
Any Koura can become a Lorekeeper, but it is quite the undertaking and is steeped in religious tradition. A tribe's current Lorekeeper chooses one or more successors to train and mold into new Lorekeepers. They are taught the oral tradition of their tribe; religious and mythological legends, philosophy, and history. At some point, when the Lorekeeper thinks their apprentice is ready, they undergo a rite of transformation to become a Lorekeeper themselves. The rite of transformation involves the apprentice going into a cave to meditate in solitude for three months. Over this period, the apprentice challenges themselves mentally, and meditates on various stories and Lorekeeper traditions, forging their own views and philosophy with context from their oral tradition on what it means to be a Lorekeeper. Physically, the Koura's body undergoes changes as well, by the end of the three month period whether the apprentice was male or female the changes cause them to become a third sex able to take on the role of both. This form is religiously significant in many Koura cultures, and is an intentional part of the ritual.
After a Koura becomes a Lorekeeper, they choose their first story to be etched into their shell. New Lorekeepers continue to aid the elder Lorekeeper and learn from them, being an apprentice never truly stops as there are many stories to record and tell.
When a Lorekeeper molts, their shells are preserved and bound together as books, and new stories are etched into the new shell. Some of these books have been with Koura tribes for thousands of years.
Life among other species
A far cry from the waters of the ocean, some Koura do make their way onto land every now and then. Some are even permanent residents of land-based cities. Nomadic Koura tribes will often trade with land-based civilizations for nontarnishable metal goods. Sedentary Koura civilizations trade with their neighbors both on land and in the oceans, generally producing large quantities of food. In some places, Koura settle in the oceans directly next to land-based cultures and over time their cities and the cities on land become more intertwined, to the point of being a single city on some occasions.
The largest standalone Koura settlement, or group of settlements rather, that's on land is on the shores of Meridionalis. The Koura there have called the shores of Meridionalis home for thousands of years. Some Koura on Meridionalis tell stories of a time of co-existence with humans on the continent, but the human civilization there vanished long ago if it ever existed in the first place.
Koura that choose to live in land-based cultures will often find themselves doing jobs requiring strength. Labor jobs, hired muscle, and adventuring are all relatively easy jobs for Koura to get into. Some Koura are hired as farmers because their claws make for good plows, and they can move hay bales like they're nothing. This isn't to say that all Koura do physical labor jobs, of course, there are many accomplished alchemists, astronomers, chefs and all manner of other career-focused Koura in the world. One Koura, Robu, owns a wandering restaurant called "Nhànten Ebi" which is very popular along the West Coast of Atiyeret.
The Logistics of being a Sea Monster
Koura, as a playable species, are hard to figure out. They have hefty natural armor, hit like trucks, can't jump or climb, their language is unpronounceable to other species, and most characters will be around a ton or two. These things, realistically, should rip up or at least severely damage cobblestones when they walk on them. They can't even fit in most doorways. So how do I write them mechanically? How do I incorporate them into the land-based setting in a way that makes sense for players to interact with the world?
The narrative question is much easier than the mechanical one. Places that see a lot of Koura will have accommodations for them, and Koura wear rubber capped "shoes" in and near towns so they don't rip up the ground. Many Koura on land will have retainers that know their language and can translate for them. Other narrative questions about the Koura's unique physiology can be answered in similar ways.
Mechanically, it is hard to balance the Koura. Luckily, the species in Prima Materia are meant to be somewhat asymmetrical anyway, with skills and features being more closely balanced. However, I do need to make sure the Koura aren't too crazy while staying true to how I want to portray them as creatures. At the moment, they start with the best natural armor in the game, but not the best overall. It is above average. They can also use their claws as melee weapons, which only really make sense as the best blunt weapons in the game considering most other blunt weapons are much smaller and Force = Mass x Acceleration. There's quite a lot of mass in one of those claws (not to mention the sheer force of getting caught in one). The only other unique trait they currently have is "Exotic Body Plan," which lets them roll an extra die for checks involving Strength, and doesn't allow them to swim, jump, or climb.
As always, thank you for reading this far. This post took a while to write as I was forced to make the Koura interesting (actually worldbuild beyond "I like lobsters, I want lobsters in the setting"). If you want to make your own Koura and perhaps use it in play, here are the playtests for Prima Materia. Next week (or I suppose in half a week, because this post took so long) I will talk about Ranged Combat and some lessons in failing miserably.
And of course big thanks to @donutboxers for the art (it's taking commissions btw)
#indie ttrpg#indie rpg#original content#cw long post#long post#ttrpg#species highlight#species lore#fantasy species#prima materia#primamateria
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I’ve been dead for a while and now I feel a strong urge to put down the Lore that’s been shakin around within my cranium. (Pirate AU edition)
-Types of aquatic creatures inhabiting Bøv- (siren/Capricorn/Inkblood coming soon)
They’re rarely seen and tend to stay away from the surface, keeping to themselves near the depths of the ocean. This is due to their race being hunted and killed for trophies, scales, and merblood, which is believed to have medicinal/ anti-aging properties. However, that theory has yet to be proven. Merfolk posses human-like upper halves, with pale, finned skin. Their teeth are sharp and thin, along with bright W-shaped pupils. Below are long tails that mirror one of a fish. Merfolk around the world have developed various types of tails to better adapt to their environment, but the ones located near Bøv have maintained the “oarfish pattern”. That is, Bøv merfolk have long bodies and black dots covering their fish half. Red spines accent their whole body, and their hair is a similar color. If you see a mer-person near the surface, simply do not interact, and leave the area if possible.
[Length from tail to head can be around 8-20 feet for adult merfolk] - [Weight is roughly 90-210 pounds, dependent on age and length of specimen]
Aquarians are related to merfolk and carry many similarities to the other race. However, they are more evolutionarily advanced, being bipedal and semi aquatic. They roam both the sea and surface with ease, having a tendency to seek humans out of curiosity. This race has intelligence matching a human’s, as they are highly cognitive, social, and have been known to understand/speak different languages. Aquarian legs are slightly curved. Claws on their hands and feet are retractable, similar to a cat. Their tails are serpentine, sinuous and roughly twice as long as their bodies. Fins are located at the end of an Aquarian’s tail and on the sides of their faces. Skin color is typically a shade of blue, like cyan, turquoise, or azure. Teeth are pointed, and their pupils are vertical slits. Unlike merfolk and sirens, Aquarians are hermaphrodites. It is estimated that 3 out of every 5 Aquarians choose to be androgynous. If you come across an Aquarian, first try to see what their intentions are. If friendly, either go along with your day or politely interact. However, if the Aquarian seems mischievous-looking or with malicious intentions, it’ll be best to keep distance and mind your business. [Adult Aquarians are taller than humans, being roughly 6-10 feet tall on average.] - [Weight is around 90-170 pounds, dependent on age and size.]
here’s some Aquarian concept sketches

(Aquarians can have hair btw. I just didn’t add it for the sketch lol)
#art#exo’s various unintelligible artwork#exo’s various unintelligible ramblings#oc art#sketchbook#tradotional art#aquarian#merfolk#oc lore#species lore#lore dump#character concept#info dump
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NeoEarth Bestiary Log 1: Star Spirits
Star Spirits are cosmic beings mysteriously tied to stars, their bodies being astral projections made corporeal to act as a vessel for the star's insurmountable energy. Because of how these physical forms are created, they are naturally attuned to magic. While the magic circles of Star Spirits can be tied to a specific element, all are naturally bound to the element of fire. This binding, alongside regular consumption and bathing in flame to restore energy, grants them immunity to damage from fire.
It's common for Star Spirits to be found in clans that we see as "Constellations". The name correlation between a Star Spirit clan and a sapien's concept of a cluster of stars that form an image is no mere coincidence. Much like most celestial bodies or creatures of divine nature, the birth of new stars, and by proxy, their spirits and clans, are highly codependent on beliefs held by sapient life.
However, while more uncommon, it is possible for a Star Spirit to exist without a clan through several means, such as sapient views on a given constellation changing to exclude a star while the star in question is still bright and burning, or perhaps a singular star had enough of the prerequisites to give birth to its own Star Spirit. We were refer to such oddities as Lone Stars due to these circumstances, but these are but a few examples of endless possibilities.
Within Star Spirit Clans, it is common for Star Spirits to be named after objects or concepts, such as "Thimble, Dawn, Dusk, Alley, River, Thyme" and so on. Usually Star Spirits pick their names themselves, with the exception to this being the clan leaders, who name themselves after titles of nobility.
The first leader of a clan tends to be the oldest when a constellation is first formed. Every leader that may join them after that is determined by the strength of the protostar they're tied to. The more mass that collects during a Star formation and the brighter a newborn star burns, the chances of them becoming a new leader increases greatly. Star Spirits have to be exceptional to be considered for leadership. Often times there will be one to two leaders, but three to four is not uncommon.
Because of their origins of being starbound, they need a lot of sleep, exactly twelve hours of it. Their sleep schedule is determined by their elemental alignment, which will be explained later below. Once these twelve hours are up and its time for a Star Spirit to sleep, their internal clocks will enforce that need and they will instinctively seek out somewhere suitable for their slumber. If a hospitable environment is not found fast enough, they will be forced to sleep regardless of where they are*.
This, however, is if a Star Spirit should choose to regular wake up and engage with others. It's common practice to sleep for long periods of time to prolong their life spans. Rest is one of many factors that determine how long a Star Spirit lives, which also ties into how much energy they cause their stars to burn. Staying awake, prolonged use of magic that needs concentration, and even having their bodies damaged can burn away that energy. If a Star Spirit dies they will reconstitute at their place of death after so many days depending on the damage done. However, if a Star Spirit dies and their star burns out as a result, they will not reconstitute.
As mentioned before, sapient belief is a huge part of a Star Spirit's existence. Typically Star Spirits help keep these beliefs alive by granting wishes, but if for whatever reason a Star Spirit is prevented from doing this or the belief in them dwindles, the star is also affected. Without purpose, a Star Spirit will die faster.
However, it is entirely possible to preserve and even prolong the longevity of a Star Spirit. If it can consume more materia with a high enough energy resource than it can burn energy, it can potentially add several eons more onto its lifespan.
Two types of Star Spirits have been recorded, namely Dark Star Spirits and Light Star Spirits. There are a plethora of things that differentiate them from one another, factors such as appearance, means of construction, and primary elemental alignment. Their alignment can also affect certain attributes of their magic...
Dark Star Spirits:
Dark Star Spirits are born during night hours, with forms created by subconscious minds. Attributes used in their appearances come from concepts and ideas formulated by sapient minds, resulting in Dark Star Spirits typically sharing the appearances of anthropomorphic "fairytale creatures", such as dragons, unicorns, imps, goblins, pheonixes, and the like. Because they are born of traditional dreams, they possess the natural ability to traverse them and even alter them if they so desire.
They commonly act as overseers, using this natural dream-travelling ability to better determine wishes one might have. It's also a great way for them to actually live their lives while staying asleep at the same time, but it makes for poor conversation if there's no one there to talk to**.
A Dark Star's natural alignment is infernal or fiendish in nature, typically having colors that are darker in tone, capable of travelling through dark spaces. Anywhere a shadow grows, a Dark Star Spirit can lurk and warp, and in certain instances, they can even influence the darkness around them. Certain effects can cause their bodies to become as dark as a silhouette or make the darkness of a room creep into a light hallway, creating that nauseous and uneasy feeling as you stare into a space that seems a lot deeper than it actually is.
Their sleep schedules start at 7AM and lasts until 7PM exactly.
Light Star Spirit:
Light Star Spirits are born of daydreams during the light hours of day, taking forms made from traits created by the conscious mind. This can result in much more unique and strange physical visages, but can also result in more inconspicuous appearances taking inspiration from everyday objects and creatures as well. Their pallets are also typically brighter and more vibrant in color to match.
They're often great mind readers, traversing the folds of one's mind for their deepest desires, allowing them to inherently know what one wants. Should they choose to do this in secrecy as to not be detected, the person they have chosen to probe the minds of may seem spacey, as if in a daydream-like state***.
They have much in common with their dark counterparts, yet they stand in direct opposition. They can teleport and hide themselves wherever light shines, they're more celestial in alignment and have a natural resistance to radiant light. Their sleeping schedules are 7PM to 7AM sharp, but they can traverse dreams all the same just like their Dark Star cousins. This is, however, moreso for their own entertainment rather than necessity. After all, they're required to sleep 12 hours a day, and someone has to be asleep on the other side of the world, right? Have to live your slumbering life somehow.
* In the event that this happens in the middle of our hallways or other areas of Gravescore, denizens are encouraged to bring the unconscious Star Spirit to a safe place on the property to avoid them getting trampled on.
** Consider the possibility of lucid dreaming training to allow for increased chances of interaction with the Dark Star Spirits.
*** Keep an eye on any denizens that start spacing out at random so that we can catch these Light Star Spirits in the act, they can't keep doing this forever!
In regards to the statement directly above: They don't have much of a choice... unless there's a sudden and noticeable increase in this behavior en masse, in which they may be messing with you because they know its getting a rise out of you - 🐾
#gravescore records#neo earth#dark star spirit#original species#writblr#writing#species lore#fantasy#fantasy creature#creature design#order of the stars#non fandom#edited and revised by lead archiver clawdy#written by lead archiver ruckis
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