#specially dofp
evansbby · 1 month
I’ve been getting so much x-men movies content on my fyp lately and it reminded me how much I prefer the x-men movies over avengers 😭😭😭
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xxplastic-cubexx · 26 days
dofp having both Time In A Bottle and erik telling charles he wished he hadnt spent so many years fighting him was actually evil really !!!!!
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fouralignments · 2 years
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After 16 years after this movie has come out. I'm just going say it. Its a good X-Men movie, focusing on the mutant cure storyline, with a poorly thought out Dark Phoenix saga interrupting it.
The hate for this is movie is overblown. I've seen worse MCU movies. Its not a bad movie
What would have made this movie great if there was less focus on Wolverine and keeping it an ensemble piece; how the cure effects the emotions and how they view it; just keeping its focus on its throughline.
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retrobr · 14 days
i believe in charles' and hank's friendship supremacy.
i mean listen, the mere fact that hank didn't leave charles during all the stuff that happened between the ending of first class and dofp says about something. hank has seen him at his lowest, created a special serum for him to return his legs, and probably was like a shoulder to cry into for charles. if you think about it, their bond might be even a little stronger than charles' and erik's, because they went through some shit along with each other too.
dumbass erik would've had all this too if he hadn't been such a dork and had stayed with him
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verstappentime · 7 months
idk there's something so special about charles in russia saying "i'm sorry, i can't leave him." because he can't. it's saying so much more: it's "i can't seem to depart," it's "i can't let myself leave him," it's "i can't say goodbye," it's "it's him, it's different because it's him." charles running headlong after him into danger, that defines their whole lives going forward.
like over and over they find themselves unable to let the other go: charles in the ocean, erik at the CIA base, charles running after him in russia, charles unable to turn erik in at the end of dofp, erik changing his mind for charles in apocalypse, the end of dark phoenix, all of it is them unable to leave each other, not really, not ever. even when they want to, their silly hearts won't let go. y'know?
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lynxgriffin · 16 days
How can Paper Trail end, when Kris didn't even enter the seventh Dark World? The justification you gave for ending it there is that "what happens next is... not for the player to know". But the SOUL wasn't destroyed, only severed, so what's stopping them from continuing to observe? You didn't need to give a justification at all. (ask continued)
(continuation) Isn't the timing of the SOUL gaining control of Kris awfully convenient? Why does Gaster think he knows when the story will end? After all, its actual ending was premature, from his point of view. Why didn't you give a transcript for Lemon Ralsei's prophecy? And how did he get those scars? One more Paper Trail ask: do the soul traits of each prince have any relation to the content of their diary entry? Because if they do, I can't spot it. I lied, heres another PT ask: is there any real reason why the princes can travel between dark worlds and combine, or is it just some bullshit power they get from being connected to Kris?
Geez okay so that's a whole lot of PT and DOFP critical asks. I'm just going to do all of those at once because I don't want to spread that out over six asks. Maybe uh...next time try and consolidate those?
The whole idea is that the player can't observe the world of Deltarune without that connection to Kris. If that connection is severed, then so is the ability to observe and interact with that world.
Gaster thinks that he understands the player well enough to believe that they will not let go of Kris until they know what happens. The player choosing to let go of Kris without knowing what happens is unexpected for him, so yes, from his point of view, it is premature.
If you mean when Gaster got his scars, he just got them over the course of his work. He's clearly not working safely!
I can't remember, but I think I did give a transcript? If not, people were able to work out what Lairse's legend was, anyway.
The soul traits for the princes relate to the feelings/behavior that Asriel expresses through the diary entries, and specifically link up to how the souls move. For example, for Eslira, his worries over what Kris is doing -> Eslira's fear of a human lightner -> he tends to isolate himself and stay in one place -> teal soul is "don't move, and you won't get hurt."
And all of the princes can do that by the end when enough connections have been established between them, and because they're special compared to how other Darkners work. It probably would not have worked early on in the adventure, even if they did know how to do it.
DOFP ask - Why does Greatest Dog's save file date back to just before they joined the guard? At the time, GD wouldn't have DT, so my assumption is that the save file updates on its own, but you need DT in order to LOAD. But why is that the last time it updated? What does Greater Dog mean when they the first subject's "face was different"? Did they have a blaster... GRAFTED onto their face? Why?
Greatest Dog mentions this in the story: this was the day he was supposed to get his special armor, and he wanted to remember this day forever. Even if he has no direct control over his save file, that's still something that would stick as "important! save here!"
You see in a flashback that the monster is wearing a mask akin to the machinery that looks like a Gaster blaster. This gives the idea that the mask/machinery altered their face, although this wasn't intentional on Gaster's part.
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physalian · 27 days
On the one hand I am sick and tired of nostalgia bait trying to make up for shit writing to convince you that the movie is better than it actually is, but there is something special about Deadpool & Wolverine, No Way Home, and DOFP that the rest of the MCU just doesn’t have (did not actually see DP 2 and haven’t seen DP 1 since it came out).
I think the obvious dividing line is that these cameos serve a narrative purpose they’re not just there tossed in with the kitchen sink. I know Spiderman’s movies were by Sony but they fit the same vibe as what happened with Fox—these movies can only exist because they’ve been re-cast and remade and rebooted so many times, and because of the nature of these characters, and when the writers understand that that is the essence of a comic book character, that their story will never end, there will always be a new issue, a new evolution of them, so let’s embrace it instead of trying to fit it into an adaptation that dismisses it, it just works so well.
NWH does ride the nostalgia train a bit too hard, but Toby and Andrew still treated their roles, getting to be on screen again, play these characters again after their dismissal from the canon, regardless of what the actual story was about, that was special. The heart and soul those two brought to those characters was special.
DOFP is still regarded as one of if not the best X-Men movie, and it goes beyond the “nostalgia” of seeing the original actors working with the next generation, that movie felt like a passing of the torch in a way that didn’t crack jokes at the OG’s expense, like so many Marvel movies have done—laughing at themselves before the audience can laugh at them and making themselves really insincere and unable to embrace the cheesy corniness of what comic books are.
You could have a movie where every single iteration of Batman comes back in some DCU multiverse of madness, but so many of his adaptations are grimdark and serious that the only movie that kind of pulled it off was Lego Batman, and those fourth wall breaks were just a couple jokes, not literally having a script with tiny Lego Batman on screen acting across from the Bale Batman.
Not only that, these three movies didn’t just bring in cameos and toss their actors a sack of cash for a couple days of filming. It really felt like all these actors, who’ve all had if not awful adaptations, but less than thrilling ones, and even some great ones, are getting the chance to show the world/Hollywood/whatever that they were given up on too quickly, that they still had more left in them—and Hugh Jackman acting his ass off in DP&W just goes to show it. Dude has played the same character I think more than anyone else in comic book history? If not, he’s very close, or at least spans the most years in his role. He could have phoned it in, showed up and did the bare minimum, but he didn’t, and he gave a version of Wolverine that is both so like the character we’ve seen on screen for 20 years, and something new, because this isn’t our Wolverine.
And of course all the other cameos—the oldest Fox movie I’ve seen is the first Spiderman. I recognized Wesley Snipes and knew that Jennifer Garner was important, knew her weapons were significant, but I didn’t realize who she was until they said her name. I just know that her movie was pretty bad. The meta narrative of a Fox send-off victory lap, giving these characters and actors one last chance to give it all they’ve got just felt like it was done from a place of deep respect for comics, cinema, and the legacy of these movies—X-Men ran so the MCU could fly. It didn’t feel like assembly line MCU schlock at all.
So while I really, sincerely hope that the higher powers at Marvel don’t look and go “oh so they do like nostalgia bait,” this felt like so much more than “nostalgia bait”. I do not need more of it at all, but if this was the send-off that Fox never got when Disney ate it, then this movie and the end credits BTS montage was, at least I think, the best they could have done with it.
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lovecanbesostrange · 4 months
Reverse Unpopular Opinion on X-Men: The Last Stand please :D
I knew you would go there. You had to.
So, let me say something nice about the film I loathe most out of this franchise:
It was very good that finally in the third film we actually got Kitty Pryde as a character and not just random-girl-going-through-a-wall. Elliot Page was an excellent casting choice and I know it became a meme and all, but I unironically love the way Kitty stopped Juggernaut for a second. The horrifying implications of Kitty clipping people into walls like glitching videogame characters. A+
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The beginning is promising, with Jean's vast powers and poor bb!Warren growing wings, immediately met with hostility from his father. And oh, to have a Danger Room session that includes a Sentinel. Good start to a film! (Please know my first viewing was a triple feature, I was hyped up.) They gave us the Fastball Special with Colossus throwing Wolverine!!!
The angst level of the moment when Mystique loses her power is great. And I can't say anything else about that scene here. But overall I find cure-storylines fascinating, so it was nice the films tackled it. (We do have this wonderful heritage post on tumblr about "sorry Storm, you create weather, this girl kills people by accidentally touching them - this is not the same".) Also absolutely adore Logan's line that boils down to "if you wanna get the cure, go and get it, but do it the fuck for you and not because of a boy". Best friend.
Jean turns people into dust, very cool of her. Get that girl a snickers. And it is nice that all of that is remembered and the emotional consequence of the ending drips into The Wolverine. (I'm happy when Famke Janssen is employed.) Overall mutant powers in action - love it, here for it, always! Fry all the bitches, Storm:
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Oh, right, this film gives us Moira MacTaggert, actual geneticist. Before she became a CIA agent in the films and we will not talk about the self-hating mutant she became in the comics. Played by Olivia Williams and I was interested in where that could have gone. Which doesn't count as complaining about wasted potential, it was a genuine last interesting post credit moment. Speaking of actresses in cool roles - honorary mention goes to Shohreh Aghdashloo as Kavita Rao. All the lady scientists, please!
Hmm... something nice... at least... Rogue was in it??? (looking at you, DoFP Theatrical Cut)
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hermitkisser · 11 days
dofp quicksilver you will always be special to me
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dick-helmet-magneto · 2 months
Unusual Circumstances
It only started to be clear what had happened months after the fact. Of course, that was the way things tended to go, the same experience that everyone else in his situation was having. It wasn’t that he was special in that sense. Only it wasn’t the exact same. There was no way for it to have been. Most people in his situation didn’t go into a hospital looking for a mutant doctor who was found by a telepath that he had stumbled into. Most people didn’t get told that they had a secondary mutation in their thirties that allowed such a thing to happen. Most men went their entire lives not being told they were pregnant and knowing they got that way after a fight with their ex and angry sex in the bathroom of a plane. - Set after DoFP, Erik realizes he has a secondary mutation and has to make some decisions.
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scottxlogan · 2 years
Writer’s wrap, 6, 13, 16, 20 pls!
Thanks so much for the ask! This has been really fun and such an interesting series of questions to answer, so thanks for that!
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6. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Okay, so for me this is a toss up because there are a few that really stand out (I know I’m supposed to pick one, but I just can’t so I’ll pick 3 lol)
Damaged: Not going to lie this story was my saving grace at the beginning of the pandemic because it was my way of coping with being in lockdown for a very long time. This story also is a spin on most of my other post-DOFP Scott/Logan stories where Scott is essentially so damaged in ways by life/his sense of duty/his pain/losses/life experiences/etc. that I don’t often explore most of my in fics. He’s at a dark place and Logan just is this beacon bringing him back and opening him up to finding something that in this world he never had before not even with the Logan that was a part of it before this Logan arrived (yes it sounds complicated, but if you read the fic you’ll get it I promise and it won’t disappoint). It follows the theme of second chances and finding your soulmate against impossible odds. I know it’s another long story, but it’s one that a lot of people have enjoyed and told me how it’s touched them along the way, which means a lot because it’s special to me. 
Home Again: This story is so special to me because it’s about healing and forgiveness and love and basically me trying to fix some missteps in the MCU. I’ve had a lot of fun with this one writing ghost!Tony with Bucky that I’m probably (absolutely) stalling on the ending and I do apologize for that, but this one has been so special because I took a supernatural spin and knew from the very first word just how it would end and it has been such a fun journey for me. As for the future with it, I can promise it fits into my popular ‘additional tag’ on AO3 lol.
End of the Line: (Read the answer to the next question to find out why lol, but it was a triumph of writing for me at a time when I wasn’t sure where my writing future was at lol)
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13. What’s your longest work of the year?
My longest work is End of the Line (766,117 words) This one is my longest work EVER and it started a little bit at the end of last year, but I imagine it will be the lonest fanfic I ever write and I did it for a reverse bang, which in retrospect was kind of crazy lol. The cool part about writing it is that it was the first time I wrote WinterIron and I was so inspired by the art/conversations that I had with @massivespacewren during the creative process that I wound up writing this epic story (at least in terms of length) where I posted a chapter every day for 68 days. It was a labor of love and a challenge unlike any other I’d taken on. I know the length sounds intimidating, but man was it fun to go all out and try something new. This AU story finds Tony rock bottom after he walks away from the team when an accidental misstep on a mission drives him away from being a hero. He’s caught up in his guilt/pain/grief that he leaves everything about his old life and finds himself in isolation where a chance meeting with a mysterious, handsome stranger turns his world around and brings him back to finding himself again. Along the way he seeks out redemption, love and a means of forgiving himself for the sins of the past. There’s so much I could say about that story and some behind the scenes secrets as well, but yeah that is probably my longest work in terms of fanfic of all time I think. Nothing will probably ever top that one lol. 
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Angst with a happy ending (would be my guess) lol I am a sucker for stories where the reader knows at the end no matter how bad the obstacles might be that they will be rewarded for their time invested in the story. Some have said it takes away from the suspense element in putting that out there, but for me I like to let people know that yes there’s going to be a big payoff at the end and it’ll be well worth the wait :)
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? Um, probably not one I’ve posted on AO3 as I was writing an original novel that I was kind of deeply invested in for a while. If I had to pick something I’ve posted on AO3, which is what this is about I suppose lol I would say probably Under Your Spell as it was a challenge someone gave me that I had fun with. I haven’t read it in a while, but there’s something about Logan drinking a ‘love potion’ and finding himself head over heels for Scott that was really fun to write. Another one I’ve enjoyed rereading every now and then is Date Night (which is the 2nd one shot in my Better Together series as it opened the door to Scott/Tony bonding with Bruce Banner and deepening their friendship in it. It kind of set the tone in a lot of ways for the multi-chapter fic (Better Together) that followed and honestly if people look deeper into the Better Together story you’ll probably not think of Waffle House the same again lol. Hands down that scene I’ve probably read a few times since it was super romantic and fun. And now I’m going to stop rambling now, but these were a lot of fun! Thank you so much for asking!
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mwagneto · 2 years
I'm so mad that they cancelled it but ugh at least they slayed whit those special effects really took that one from the original exorcist (who also has bomb special effects for the time)
And yes I did! Impulsive buy a couple of day's ago but I have a silly little DVD player so I take care of stocking up on DVDs
Now i just bought the exorcist complete TV series on DVD and a special ten year anniversary DVD of inglorious basterds (thank fuck I'm getting my paycheck in two days hahah)
ooooo that's so cool i wish i had a dvd collection 😭😭😭😭 we need to bring those back the thought that most ppl just pay monthly money ro a streaming service and never actually own a permanent copy of a movie makes me sooo... i have a shit ton of shows and movies downloaded but i think i only bought uhmm... xmen fc and dofp, rdj sherlock 1 and 2 and rocketman (twice💀) plus hannibal? but im probably gonna get a Winchester so i can store the downloaded stuff better. and holy fuck yeah that doesn't sound cheap dlkdjdkddj but it's so worth it i love holding dvds. it's just like. lmao my movie now!!!
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sharkzippo · 7 months
in any verse set after x3 ( namely his tba-logan, dofp, and modern verses ), john does end up becoming an investigative journalist with a special focus in mutant-related stories. he does this for a few years, drifting from place to place and story to story, before realizing that people are far more interested in fantasy escapism than what’s on the actual news. this leads to him penning several surprisingly well received gothic novels based on the stories he’s covered. in these verses, the name st. john allerdyce is somehow never outed to the public as being the same person as the mutant terrorist known as pyro, not that john tries especially hard to keep it a secret … unless his safety depends on it ( such as in his logan / dofp verses where mutants are being actively hunted ).
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hyper-revenge-sio · 2 years
Been thinking long and hard about this, how did the sentinels get Peter?
Like, in DoFP we know that the sentinels can adapt to a mutants powers, but I don't think this includes moving at whatever speed Peter can reach. I just don't see how he would've been taken out by the sentinels honestly
I think that it's also possible Peter could've died during the seizure Charles had maybe, but other than that idk. The sentinels do not seem fast enough. I mean, Apocalypse only stopped him by trapping his foot and even then that took time, and the sentinels can't do that!
Important to note: my knowledge of this is terrible. I'm going off a few movies, but still my opinion is that it wouldn't be possible
Okay hold on, I'm ridiculous and looked into this more: absolutely not. I do not think it would happen, and I would also like to point out that I think the Westchester incident may not have happened in the timeline I'm thinking, idk I'm trying to wrap my head around this decently
Other people agree too, I've seen a few that say he wouldn't of been killed or at least not without some serious effort from both sides of the fight, so I'm still pretty confident about this.
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stingchronicity · 4 years
not to sound pretentious or whatever but i am genuinely so in love with old vinyl as a medium. not newly pressed vinyl; used vinyl that’s older than me. every single time i put a record on i just can’t help but imagine who bought it first. all these skips only in “nights in white satin,” were you heartbroken or in love? to the person who bought this record in 1967 and to all the people over the decades who loved their albums so dearly—albums i have now—thank you for the journey you began
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mavspeed · 4 years
Yes we love professor x troubled drug addict boy.
asfgjgjnkg i mean
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