#special event uwu
transdemon · 2 years
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im a little late but i would like to offer up my humble drawings for this years perryshmirtz event, i love them so much still 💖💖💖
Prompts list:
Day 1 (October 24): Lightbulb Moment | Love/Hate At First Sight
Day 2 (October 25): Sleep Deprived | Hurt/Comfort
Day 3 (October 26): Language Barrier | Communication (both? lol)
Day 4 (October 27): Soulmate/Soulhate | AU
Day 5 (October 28): Pushing Buttons | Self-Destruct
Day 6 (October 29): Dance Steps | Fluff
Day 7 (October 30): "Curse you, Perry the Platypus" | Free Day 😘
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angelbarelywrites · 4 months
♡ slashers scenarios | you’re almost a victim..
♡ fandoms; Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2006), Black Christmas, Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Micheal Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Billy Lenz
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; very suggestive content
♡ note; i wasn’t sure how to word the title/concept of this one?? but essentially you’re almost a victim, but you’re a little to okay with it/something they do and it throws them off?? idk just read ‘em
also only 3 little meow meows in this one, i wrote most of this on break at work uwu
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Micheal Myers
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> he’s been stalking you for months
> in his mind you’re the perfect victim
> clueless to his presence, adorable and vulnerable
> he’s drawing it out as long as he can
> but he’s practically twitching the night you come out onto your porch in your tight pajama shorts, relaxing with some tea
> he’s got you pinned to the wall before you can even scream
> he wants to savor this, so he keeps his knife tucked away and has a massive hand around your throat
> he doesn’t miss your breath catching
> and he takes a moment to watch your chest heaving, your cheeks all flushed
> but he’s not that easily impressed. could be the lighting. maybe you’re quick to panic.
> “…you’ve been watching me.”
> you knew?
> you knew, and you still played his game
> interesting. very interesting.
Thomas Hewitt
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> Tommy boy is already giving you special treatment
> something is different about you
> he’s not sure what, you’re pretty, but he kills plenty of pretty people
> maybe something about the way you look up at him through your lashes?
> and you’re terrified now, but you weren’t scared of the initial sight of him..
> he doesn’t put you on a meat hook, instead rigging you somewhat kindly, your hands chained above your head but your bound feet on the ground
> whatever he decides on, he knows that you’re special. you deserve to be honored.
> he takes extra care in examining you, feeling you shiver as he grazes your exposed stomach - a side affect of your position, but a welcome sight
> he roughly grabs your face and pushes it left and right, pausing to rub your cheek with his thumb
> you would be a pretty face to wear
> he shoves two fingers into your mouth as he’s mentally measuring
> and he practically startles at the noise you make
> he’s never heard a sound like come from a victim- especially not his victims
> when he pushes a bit and you whimper around his fingers it confirms his suspicions. you’d given a choked moan at the initial intrusion
> he stares down at you, breathing heavily through his mask
> oh you were very special
Billy Lenz
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> you were renting a spare room in the sorority house
> while you were good friends with the girls, you valued your alone time
> you quickly became Billy’s favorite to watch, mostly because you were always home
> when he calls he always tries to time it so you pick up
> but usually the girls downstairs still answer- you’re never expecting calls so why bother?
> this evening however, he’s lucky- there’s an on campus event and you’re home completely alone
> you answer on the second ring and he’s delighted, immediately babbling profanities and filthy threats
> “gonna fuck that pretty piggy c—“
> to his surprise you giggle at him
> not a nervous sound, but genuine giggling
> before he can snap, or really even process you laughing at him, you stop him
> “yknow if you want phone sex, you can just ask nicely mister”
> he hangs up in a panic
> that was certainly the last thing he expected
> but now he’s beyond fixated on you
> he barely sleeps just to peep through your wall
> and it’s just about time he paid you a real visit
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honeydazai · 2 months
Hello, I don't know if applications are open but I saw your post about the event and wanted to know if you can write to Fyodor at the point: "i brought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?" Plis 😣😖
Fyodor + "I bought you flowers."
milestone drabble event! 🪻
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It has been a few weeks ever since you've started dating Fyodor, and you still haven't gotten used to the way he spoils you.
The shoes on your feet, delicate heels that somehow manage to be comfortable while also being stunning, are gifts of his; so is the dress that's clinging to your body, the fabric pure silk.
A personal driver of his makes sure you get to every date with him safely and comfortably, the car luxurious, the chauffeur respectful and polite. To be honest, the treatment has you feeling like nothing short of royalty, causing you to giggle to yourself ever so often, giddy.
While you still don't know what exactly it is he does for work, the question usually evaded with suave words and a silver tongue until he has redirected the conversation to a different topic entirely, he certainly seems to have enough money to spend it freely, albeit certainly not carelessly.
Now, as you're sat next to him inside one of the usual cars, sleek black, your eyes fall onto a bouquet so large it brushes against your arm even while still held by him, yet somehow managing not to be obnoxious, colours white and a pale lilac. Still, you're perplexed by the sight of it.
“Fyodor—, what's this?”
His smile is gentle, albeit he now raises an eyebrow in mild amusement. “Those are flowers, dear. Your favourite ones, as far as I'm aware.”
“No, I know that. They are my favourites; I'm just asking why you're gifting me flowers.” As far as you're aware, this is little more than the usual date between the two of you; there's no special occasion, or so you hope — if there was, that would mean you'd have forgotten about it.
“Does there have to be a reason?” Fyodor tilts his head to the side, black bangs moving like shadows. “I merely thought you'd like them. Don't you?”
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“I do”, you hurry to say, gaze falling down onto the bouquet again. It's objectively stunning, but the idea of Fyodor going out of his way to make you gifts without even needing an occasion to do so is what truly makes your heart soar. “I really do. Thank you.”
“Of course, dear.”
It takes a few moments until you notice that, despite your conversation just now, he looks oddly expectant, purple eyes occasionally flickering over to you. More seconds pass before you realise just what he might be waiting for.
With a smile gracing your features — something about him being this patient yet eager is frankly adorable —, you lean forward, lips soon pressing against his cheek. The action leaves a faint glittering stain on pale skin, your lip gloss showing. “Thank you, Fyodor. I love them.”
If you had to describe his expression, a smug and content cat that has just been fed comes to mind.
“I'm glad.”
join my tag list here! 🪻
tags: @Chxrry-doll @Irethepotato @beandaifuku , @the-foreigner , @ranpobb, @arixsux, @dei-lilxc , @atsyushi @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @marina-and-the-memes @texchou @shiggysredhead @savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @nikolaiswife @okura-s @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @berywritesstuff @xelia25 @yuuotosaka3 @double-black-dazai @alice0blog
@fyodorstolenushanka @ttaiyaki @itsnovariella @black-rose-29 @fyodorscumsock @ayshaashaya @qxxstuff @irethepotato @serenareiss @atsvsh1 @dilucshandholder @reiikonee @1-800-mocha @xvocadooo @hexiisexii @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @Happymoon16 @yumidepain @nchuuyahq @janeinerz @Aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu @KimxKiba @Morigumy @villainouspotential @ashthemadwriter-uwu @mrsdostoevsky @nikolaisgoofyahhhat
@yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @hellgirlwhore @c4xcocoa @lyrstybsd @angelsrunes @wuaoqu @disa-ster @aspookyscaryghost @nikolaisboner @urgodmoon @polish-anon @arisu-chan4646nsfw @eroscastle @somnobun @birbysaur @Senpaible @hyunlixie143 @dababyurmom @4nthonyyliving
@brokeniced @nikolaisdove @dxwnstxr @scinclaitnoir @snips18 @flowzel @satohruu @squigglewigglewoo @rainy-dazie @itzashlyn123 @rheeeeeeeesiees @eggcoreloser @mariaace @mello0cat @warriordemigosworld @thescrunkly @ainegueneres @maroj23 @dazaiserectnips @little-miss-chaoss
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bluepallilworld · 1 month
Aftermare week 2024 here it comes!
Here are links to the previous editions if you're curious ;P
Last year/2022/2021
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11th of july->17th of july
Walking in/ walking out
Blue sky/ tempest
You and me/ us
The sun is shining/the sky is crying/the clouds are thriving
the ship "aftermare" is between Geno and passive/uncorrupted Nightmare. You can use the corrupted version but the 2 must have known the other before corruption <3
-you can add other ships or ocs etc as long as aftermare remain the main pairing!
-any art can be used (drawing, writing, cooking, sewing, snorkeling...)
-you can use aus
- Nightmare must be adult obviously !!!!! (I'm saying that since canonly Night' had the accident when he was 6 >w<) (unless you're making the two children and going for a platonic angle)
-there are 2 prompts for each day, you must choose one OwO/ (last day is special with 3)
-Ooooooor you can mix the two prompts ;). For exemple : day 5 -> "you and us" etc (it's a bit harder to do that with this year's prompts :3)
-only SFW please UwU (light gore is autorized as long as it is tagged properly)
-romantic or platonic ship your choice ;)
-Have fun, mess around, break the rules (not the rules I'm writing here tho 'k òwó). I love seeing creativity ! Jump over days, mess with the order, find an original way to follow the prompts or just ignore them ! The prompts are more guidelines than anything :D
-don't forget to tag it as "aftermare week 2024" so people who want to avoid it can!!! (And tag me I wanna see everything) 🎉
If you're going to participate or are just interested by the event, don't hesitate to give this post a reblog ÙwÚ
Or to ask questions if you have some ;3
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togenabi · 11 months
waking up slow
yuta okkotsu x reader
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♡—waking up with Yuta is one of your favorite things to do.
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word count♡— 1k
genre♡— fluff, romance, established relationship
aged up characters♡— 18+
content notes♡— domestic fluff, living together, romance, lovers, dating, being late together, no use of y/n, shockingly not a royalty au
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author's note♡— this is my very first request from anon! it's a bit short but I didn't want to drag it out too much. I mainly focused on the fluff and the uwu of it all. I hope you like it!
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The scent of sheets and the warmth of the sunlight shining through the window are the first things you process when you wake up. The next is the weight of Yuuta’s arm around your waist.
Smiling contentedly, you bask in the moment before shifting to face him.
His eyes were still closed, but his eyelashes flutter and you sense that he’s coming to. You raise a hand to brush his hair away from his eyes. He wakes up slowly as you do, and a lazy smile graces his lips.
Yuuta pulls you to him, his arms firm around you and your nose is hit with a fragrance that’s so distinctly him. You let yourself be pulled closer against him and snuggle into his neck. For a moment, all you could think was how lovely it would be to have all days start this way.
Usually, mornings with Yuuta were rushed and scrambling. There always seemed to be something going on. Something that one–or, let’s be honest, both of you were late to. A meeting that slipped your mind. An urgent call for him. An event or two that you’d both rush to get to anyway, despite already being late for whatever it was.
Mornings like that had their own appeal, of course. Everything, every mundane moment was always made a thousand times more special with Yuuta. Each miniscule second was still greatly cherished. You breathe out a laugh when you remember that time Yuuta had put on mismatched socks. He didn’t even bother finding a correct pair, only hastily shoving on his shoes and kissing your cheek before he was out the door.
“Morning…” Yuuta’s voice rang in your ears. In that low, raspy tone it always was when he had just woken up. He kisses the top of your head before settling his head on the pillow again. 
His expression was so calm; you had a feeling that the two of you would be falling asleep again before long. Fixing the blankets over you, your mind felt hazy as you anticipated a carefree and relaxed morning. Perhaps you could order food for brunch once you properly woke up.
Right as you were slipping into dreamland, however, Yuuta’s hold on you stiffens.
It alerts you instantly. “What’s wrong?”
Yuuta seems to try to fight the sleepiness as he forces his eyes to open. He blinks, looking deep in thought as if he’s forgotten something. 
You felt the dread building in your stomach.
A few seconds of silence passes over the room. You place a hand on his arm. “Don’t tell me…”
He considers his words carefully before speaking. “It’s not... Yuuji’s birthday today, is it?”
“I don’t think so…” You try to deny it, wanting to stay in bed longer. “If it was, you’d set an alarm for that, wouldn't you?”
His face falls. You knew his answer before it left his lips.
“...I thought you did.”
The two of you spring off the bed immediately. The blankets are shoved away in a flurry, with a pillow or two falling to the ground softly. That softness being the exact opposite of your demeanor right now.
So much for a lazy morning, you think to yourself.
However, having been in situations like this makes you fall into a tried and tested routine with Yuuta. Once he heats up water for coffee, you already have the mugs out. You pick out clothes for one another while he brushes his teeth and cleans himself up. He gets your shoes while you’re the one in the bathroom, and he always knows which pair you would want to wear with your outfit for the day.
You’re ready and prepped in record time. As you give yourself a final once over in the mirror by the door, Yuuta goes to grab Yuuji’s present on the kitchen counter. When he returns, he meets your eyes in the reflection and leaves a delicate kiss on your temple.
“You look perfect.” He says, and he smiles brightly when you do.
You sigh, pretending to be exasperated. “I know.” A laugh bursts from your lips when he tries to tickle you in retaliation.
“No, Yuuta! Stop!” Still laughing, you try to capture his hands in yours. “We don’t have time for this!”
He finally relents, but pulls you to him instead. The look in his eyes is so precious, and you don’t doubt that you’re looking at him with the same gaze. You meet him halfway for a kiss, and you melt into it. 
Kissing him was enchantingly perfect, a warmth blooming in your chest as if you were always meant to be with him. Your heart swells up from all that you feel and all that he gives you, but you catch yourself and pull back.
“We should be heading out.” You say, but you sound unconvincing even to your own ears.
Yuuta stares into your eyes happily for a moment. Then he nods and takes your hand as you head out the door. 
“Do you have anything planned tomorrow?” He asks as you both walk at a leisurely pace. 
It occurs to you that you should probably urge him to hasten his steps, but as the sunlight reflects in his eyes in that spellbinding way, you couldn’t find it in yourself to rush this moment.
“No, why?” You reply. He brings up your hand and kisses the back of it.
“I think we deserve a day of just absolutely nothing.” Yuuta’s expression was delighted, as if he was planning something more exciting than just simply staying at home together.
The feeling is contagious, nonetheless. You found yourself grinning at the idea of an uninterrupted morning with him. You remind yourself to try to wake up before him tomorrow, so you can see him in that morning glow that makes your heart flutter again.
“There’s no one else I’d do absolutely nothing with.” You give his hand a tender squeeze as you respond. 
“Glad that we agree on that, then.” He beams at you, and you realized then that the sun would never hold a candle to him.
And so you went on with your day, having fun with friends and celebrating your time with them. But as the day draws to a close, all you could look forward to was waking up slowly the next day and every day after that, in the loving arms of your other half.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
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dutchdread · 3 months
Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
Watching Cleriths celebrate NPTK these past weeks, knowing they'll, as always, be proven incorrect has been an exercise in patience. Sometimes it's just clear that you won't be able to convince people of a complex truth when so often discourse is limited to 280 characters. The reason Clerith exists is that people are unable to see the big picture, it survives by people squinting and not seeing the "but" that's located right after every piece of evidence they put forward. This means that you'll often be perceived to be arguing against what is to them the blatantly obvious. It's futile, nuanced argument never wins from emotion, so often you just have to take solace in the idea that "well, it will be fun to see their surprise 4 years from now". So when you get an interview like this, mere weeks after the game releases, which confirms everything that Clotis had been saying about, and had been mocked for, NPTK, you can't help feel a sense of schadenfreude.
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Man that's gotta hurt. This is the difference between Clotis and Cleriths. Cleriths don't really like Aerith, because they want to assassinate her character. Rather than a sad tragic tale of a lifetime of love and loss they want to reduce her character to a shallow cliche rom-com about a capricious girl whose fickle affections change by the hour. The fact that the first person Aerith starts developing feelings for after 5 years of pining after Zack is a man who is almost literally channeling Zack becomes a meaningless coincidence in the story. The fact that she knows Cloud for 2 weeks, most of which is also spent pining over Zack is viewed as confirmation of how special their love is. It doesn't matter that Aerith doesn't even know who Cloud is. It doesn't matter that Cloud is shown to very obviously be in love with another woman. It doesn't matter that Cloud is clearly losing his mind. It doesn't matter that Cloud is constantly show as being apathetic towards her advancements. Even them fighting is recontextualized as "good chemistry" just to avoid facing reality. Usually nonsensical romances are seen as bad-writing, but here the cope makes people excuse all the nonsense as "how brilliantly written is this story? They love each other despite it making no sense, now THAT is romance". Zack is called irrelevant, CC is a "ret-con" and can be ignored, ACC is about how romantic it is to want to die to be with someone. The reason Zack is so predominant in Rebirth is in no way connected to Aerith yearning for exactly the bond he's constantly showing to have with her. The contrast with Clouds apathy means nothing, he definitely isn't there to have some sort of pay-off with Aerith in part 3. Nah, he's just there to give Cloud and Aerith his blessing and to F-off. The reason Tifa is silent and heartbroken at the end has nothing to do with her best friend dying and the man she loves losing his mind. The distance between her and Cloud at that moment is totally not used to illustrate the severity of the situation, or to set-up Tifas importance in the events for part 3. Nah, she doesn't get lines because she's just a side character duh!. That is how they think, every single character and story is assassinated, everything happens only to service Cloud and Aeriths romance, even Cloud and Aerith themselves are pushed through the mud. Screw the death of Ifalna, screw the death of Zack, screw the complexity surrounding Clouds Zack shaped psychology, screw Aeriths childhood and desire for real bonds of friendship, screw even the story of Aerith dying and how maybe, JUST MAYBE, the scenes surrounding Aeriths death have SOMETHING to do with the strong emotions surrounding death rather than just being "a cute romance scene uwu". Never have I seen any story interpretation reveal such rampant hatred for a character as Cleriths reveal for Aerith. To them, Aerith is totally the kind of person who would bond with Tifa, hear the very personal and intimate story about the promise shared between her and Cloud, hear that Cloud thinks that Zack is dead, and not 5 minutes later write a story about how "she loves Cloud and they wouldn't need no promises like that other girl". But sure, I'm the one who hates Aerith, not the people who think this is who she is, but me, the person who assumed she'd be less vile than that and that any song she'd write would encompass more than that. I stand up for her character and get mocked, called an Aerith hater, and called "toxic"....and then you get an interview like this. God it feels good to always have all your positions validated by future content. One has to wonder if the people still arguing for Clerith ever sit back and think "wait, the last 100 times I dismissed these peoples arguments I was proven wrong almost immediately, I am constantly having to shift my goalposts while they're just happily sitting there laughing as they consume media about Cloud kissing Tifa, or proclaiming to become her special existence....maybe I am the delusional one...." God I can't wait for part 3, it will be hilarious.
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salparadiselost · 3 months
I said if people sacrificed 5000 boops to me, you’d get a prize! I think I’ve gotten like 9 of them so here’s the prize as promised!
Thank you @cat-lady-uwu @penny-anna @jube514 @spookyprime @dc-event-calendar @chemical-processes and others who I may have forgotten for playing the game and helping get a prize. You each get a super special crowbar to bring to the party.
Happy April Fools Everyone!
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echantedtoon · 4 days
Ocean Deep Ch13 T E N G E N
(Warnings: Mentions of killing and wounds, fighting which includes stabbing, blood/blood loss, attempted murder, implied murder at the end, etc. I'm also including a refresher on what kind of mers all of the boys that show up in the story are plus the wives-
Kyojuro would be a lionfish mer such as the one drawn by yuki2sksksk.
Tengen would be a white butterfly koi fish mer and would look like the linked post below except less eel and more butterfly koi also below.
Merman Tengen( minus the eel like features)
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his tail would be more like this instead
his tail would be more like this instead
Makio is a Golden Dragon Koi mer
Suma is a (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish mer
Hinatsuru is a Strawberry Peacock Cichlid mer
Giyuu is a Pseudotropheus demasoni mer purely because I think the colors match him perfectly.
Sanemi and Genya are both bullshark mers. Same artist who drew the Mer Kyojuro.
Tanjiro is only briefly in the story and is a (green and black) Betta Fish mer
Akaza is a Betta Fish mer also by the same artist.
And Finally Obanai is a Coral Reef Snake mer specially the black and white version.
AND FINALLY A Q AND A!! You can ask me anything about the mers, this au world, etc! I'll answer all questions in the next chapter! For now just enjoy the extra beefy chapter!
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122 @azuredragonstrike
@mimisweetz @chaoticoperatorduckhairdo @staarflowerr
Remember if you want to be added to the tag list lemme know.
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You had woken up surrounded by warmth.
Warmth and the sweet sound of a distant bird chirping. It stirred you into doing what you usually did in the mornings. Yawn and stretch out your arms-
"Careful! You nearly poked me in the eye."
Your eyes popped open and you squealed finding a pair of red eyes just inches away from your face. Out of instinct you squealed out again and scrambled back away from the sudden half asleep face of Kyojuro only to slip over Makio's giant golden tail and fall over onto your back.
...Well if everyone wasn't awake before they certainly were now. 
"Oh my goodness!" Hinatsuru's concerned face immediately peeked over Makio's tail and looked down at you. "Y/n, are you alright?"
A second later Rengoku perked up beside her rubbing his eyes and yawning. Suma jolted awake with a loud snort somewhere behind everyone as they all looked down at you. You groaned a hand reaching out to rub your head and slowly allowing yourself to take in what had just happened. Slowly you removed your head and looked down at your legs still half over Makio's tail. The three of them stared back at you with Suma just now sticking her head out from behind Kyojuro with the wildest bed head. You stared...until suddenly all the events of last night really kicked you good and hard in the head like grass suddenly getting squished under a falling tree. Akira. Kyojuro. KISSING!! The girls. Wife mentioned. KISSING!! You waking up in the middle of the night in Kyojuro's arms. 
K I S S I N G!!!
Your face went beat red and everyone was startled as you suddenly pulled off of Makio only to shoot up to your feet. A hand slapping over your mouth. That it-....IT ALL MUST'VE BEEN A DREAM!! YEAH!! THAT'S IT!! You were so overwhelmed by Akira showing up that you fainted, had a crazy dream, and woke up here because your friends were worried about you! Yeah! That's it! That must've been it! It was just a giant weird nightmare dream thing. You sighed somewhat even if you didn't really feel relieved.
"Honey? Are you alright?," Kyojuro asked concerning scrunching up his brows. 
"I-I'm fine," you shakily said quickly fixing your dress, "I just had t-the craziest dream with-.." You paused. Blinking before you slowly turned to look at them again. "..Did you just call me honey?"
"Do you prefer sweetheart? I'm sadly not too familiar with human nicknames for married couples but-"
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!! WAIT A SECOND!" You quickly held up your hands to the four of them with Suma rubbing her face and yawning widely. "Who said anything about us being married?! I thought you were only pretending to scare Akira off!"
As if they all were confused, the girls looked at one another in question, shrugged, and then all three looked at Rengoku as the defacto leader of their small pile. Sensing their want, Kyojuro took the lead as he should in Tengen's place and nodded.
"That's true. I was pretending to be your spouse in order to protect us all," he happily nodded with a large grin, "But then I proposed to you! You've been recuperating everything up to this point, it was only natural for us to take it to the next level!"
"But you've already accepted," he said confused gesturing to your hand.
Automatically you went to glance at your hand and to your horror found a shiny golden band around your ring finger and on the very front was a big green gem. Maybe an emerald? A pit immediately sunk into the bottom of your stomach as you stared wide eyed. Oh no. No no no no. That wasn't a dream?! This wasn't good! You didn't want to have this!
"I-.. You-.." You stuttered looking between their confused but happy faces to your hand a wave of emotions hitting you. Shock, fear, confusion, hesitation..but also strangely enough some flattery and intrigue under all of the big ones- You shook your head gaining a stern look. "Look. While I'm..." Flattered? Totally shocked? "..Humbled you all would find me attractive enough to want me to be your wife-" You settled on trying to be nice while also raising a hand. "-I can't be anymore than friends to you."
"WHAT?!," Suma wailed loud enough to make the rest of you wince, pushing herself higher by pushing up on Kyojuro's shoulders. He didn't seem to mind however and didn't seem phased at all by his wife's antics. "WHY NOT?! WE LIKE YOU AND YOU LIKE US!!"
"Not in a romantic sense! A-And on top of that we aren't even married! There's been no ceremony, no witnesses, and certainly no priest I know would officiate this-" And it was then that you had gotten an idea when you spotted the strand of rocks sewn into Rengoku's blonde hair. "Not to mention that you four are already married to Tengen! Remember?"
A silence was had between the four of them as they stopped where they sat, and then looked at one another. The elephant in the room being once again being addressed. You didn't forget about the obvious. Tengen was the entire reason they wanted to go back to the ocean
 "You have someone to go back to. Someone who loves you and cares about you so much that he's willing to destroy an entire town for you all."
You jumped as something calloused and firm grabbed your hand. The much larger hand of Kyojuro enveloped yours. F/c eyes looked up into deep red ones. The look they gave you was a deep longing. Nothing like the looks that other men gave you. 
"Neither do you. There's practically nothing here for you either is there? You said so yourself that there's not really much here."
"... Because the actions of selfish people and your Tengen are taking everything." 
In a matter of seconds his face dropped and eyes widened. "W-What?"
The smaller hand in his pulled away from him as her face fell. "You all were brought here by force, I get that and I don't blame any of you for that. But whoever this Tengen is is causing a lot of innocent people their lives. He's drowned people, drive tens of others away from here, and he's making it harder and harder for the people who're still here. And on top of it all I can't in good conscious involve myself where it'll probably only cause more trouble than I'm worth. " The coldness was felt when she pulled off the pretty ring and pushed it back into his hands. "Here. Take this back and save it for someone special you really want." 
The look he gave you followed by the looks of the others hurt a lot but...this was for the best. You couldn't live in the ocean with them and they just couldn't live the rest of their lives in a bathroom forever with the danger of being found out hanging over their heads everyday. No. You had to do what was best for everyone. 
"You four must be hungry." You finally broke the silence and turned. "There's some eggs and a head of lettuce left. I'll make you something for breakfast and recheck Kyojuro's wounds before I leave for work." 
By now his smaller wounds were all gone. His bigger wounds were nothing but surface cuts that would be nothing but maybe scars soon. The girls were all back at a healthy weight, and they didn't have any wounds that'd make it dangerous for them all to make the two week journey...It was decided then. As soon as you could get a horse and wagon, you'd take them all back. Even if you were unprepared, you couldn't delay it any longer. For everyone's best interest. As you left the room Rengoku was left staring so so confused at the ring. Why did she reject it after accepting their courtship? Was the ring not in her tastes? Did she not want him? Maybe she wasn't ready to be married yet? His thoughts stopped when Suma still hanging onto his shoulders hugged him tightly.
"Don't worry. She's probably just unsure because she hasn't met Tengen yet!"
"Yes! That's right! She wants to meet Tengen first!," Hinatsuru agreed smiling, "After all it wouldn't be fair unless he also met her! Don't worry!"
"... You're probably right." His hand closed back around the ring with a smile. "It's not fair for us to make a choice on their behalf! We shall wait until after they meet!"
You're head was filled with worries. Too many different thoughts buzzing around to really focus on one thing at a time. You made them something quick for breakfast and left them enough food for lunch to tied them over until you could bring them dinner...Which was impossible now because the entire butcher shop closed down three days ago when a quarter of the town packed up and left abandoning their homes and leaving for farther away towns or the city nearby. Even now as you walked along the road and looked upon the houses it was like you were walking through the remains of a ghost town. So many houses empty. So many businesses boarded up. So many people gone. Even now you watched as a man loaded up a wagon you had to pull by hand with who was presumably his wife standing by as he hauled another bag into the back. Wait..You knew those people.
It was Mr. and Mrs. Ochaco. The couple that ran the small series of fruit stands along the square.
You supposed with not enough people to buy their food, they didn't see the point of staying here either. It was like that everywhere now. No fish meant no income or goods. No goods means outside buyers wouldn't come by and bother. No income meant many people had no way to live. Without any customers their wasn't anything anyone could do about it. Which meant for a lot of people there was nothing left to do but become farmers (which not everyone could do) or leave for a better chance. 
It wasn't their fault! They didn't deserve to lose their families, their homes, their very way of life- And the reality only dropped from a pile of bricks to a boulder. As the legs carrying you came to a stop. F/c eyes widening as they took in the sight of wooden boards being hauled up on and over a window by one man as another took a hammer and nail and started hammering it into the home's side right over said window. And right in front of them both was your boss-
"M-Mrs. Satoshi?" You managed to get out finally snapping out of your stupor and began walking towards the old woman again. Upon hearing you the woman turned and looked surprised to see you there. "W-What are you doing?" Your arms gestured towards the flower shop. "What's going on?!"
Seeing the distress on your face, the old woman sighed sadly through her nose and shook her head. "Y/n, dear. I wasn't expecting you to show up again after yesterday. "
"What are you doing?," you repeated now recognizing the two men boarding up the shop as Niko and Mr. Satoshi. 
"Yes. It is surprising isn't it?" You blinked as she fully turned to you and put her hands in front of her. "I guess it was only a matter of time. I'm afraid I'm being forced to close up shop."
A shattering sound pierced the fragile ghost town's air. "What?! I-..B-But you can't!"
"There's really no other way around it. Without anyone coming to buy my flowers there's no reason for me to set up shop."
"Then..W-What are you going to do?"
"My son has enough room for my husband and I. It'll be nice to settle down and spend time with my new grandchildren and we won't be forced to leave our home. Oh, I'm so sorry for springing this on you." Her hands reached over and grabbed one of yours apologetically. "But you're still a young, beautiful woman and you have so many opportunities. I'm sure you'll be able to find something much more fulfilling than a flower shop."
"Mother, we're finished with the windows. Come rest with us."
She looked over briefly to her son before turning back to you, sadly nodded, and then left you standing there by yourself staring at the remains of what used to be your life crumbling around you.
You ignored Suma's happy cheers and instead walked right past the bathroom door to drag yourself into your room and flop yourself down face first into your bed and just lay there. The roller coaster of emotions that you've been forced to deal with taking it's toll along with the stress and frustration you've been feeling over the past months. You lost.. everything. Your life savings, your free time, your job, most of your social life, and now even the job you loved is no more. The only things you had left was your sanity and home but who knows how long they'll last at this rate! You were tired. All you wanted was to lay here forever and just sleep the bad dream away. To close your eyes and never look back but unfortunately that's not meant to be because you could still hear them calling out your name from just down the hall wondering why you weren't joining them. 
...They couldn't stay here anymore. They had to go. And as your head lifted up from the warm, soft pillow you'd love nothing more than to lay on, you knew what had to be done once and for all. 
When night time came it wasn't really too much trouble to sneak out once again during the night once the moon was high in the sky. Even if you there still was people still left that could spot you, there wasn't too much of a risk considering there was barely anyone left to really spot you let alone come out at night. You felt guilt wracking your very core with each step you took against the dark night towards the only person you knew of that had what you need to hopefully save more lives in the end. The barn doors on Niko's property creaked slowly opened as moonlight shined inside lighting up everything inside in a pretty silver glow. 
A pretty brown and white pony turned it's head towards the dark figure standing in the doorway the pretty silver light reflecting off it's eyes. Before deciding the girl wasn't a threat and peacefully went back to chewing on the hay that was strewn about the pen. So it didn't mind a bit when the girl grabbed a bridle and approached it. It's so used to this being done so many times in its life that it didn't even put up a fight when she slipped it over his head or when she opened the door to the pen and pulled him out. Or when she took him outside looking around everywhere nervously as she took him beside the barn. Or when she made him stand still as she hooked up a familiar cart to him. Or when she pulled him along making him walk into the nearly empty town now. She only hoped Niko would forgive her for this.
You had done it. You'd committed theft. Yes. Technically this would be the third time you broke into someone's home, and stolen something but the first two times didn't count because the first time was technically a rescue mission and the second was recovering stolen property. There was a HUGE difference in now when you stole from innocent people and people you knew. You only hoped Niko would forgive you when you returned it to him a month later after you made the long trip back from the ocean. You quickly and quietly made your way back into your home looking back over your shoulder every five seconds expecting to see Niko or someone else come out of the darkness and raise the alarm for your crimes but the now mostly empty town remained quiet and peaceful..Or at least quiet. It was too eerie to be considered peaceful. You hadn't even gotten one step in the doorway when you were bombarded by a surprising sight. 
A pair of annoyed and worried tired red eyes bore into yours from in the middle of your common room. "And just where have YOU been, Young Lady?"
"Rengoku!? What are you doing?!"
Rengoku was sitting up and leaning against a wall, arms crossed, and with a stern look on his face. Uncovered and with his long fish tail all exposed for anyone to walk in or look through a window and see. "What am I doing? I'm waiting for you to come home. Where were YOU?" He challenged back raising a thick eyebrow. "You didn't come join us for dinner or come to bed and you worried me sick sneaking out so late. What were you up to out there all by yourself in the middle of the night?"
"What are you? My dad?" You shook your head with a sigh. "That's not important right now." You quickly poked your head out to peer outside but luckily the only witness to your guests was the horse so you quickly closed the door. "You do realize if it was anyone else who walked in you would've been in big trouble right?"
"That's no excuse. As the man it's my duty to make sure all of my ladies are safe and taken cared for!"
You felt a strange form of flattery at the gesture but it was shoved under by your annoyance. "I appreciate it but I've been taking care of myself since I was a child. I don't need you to risk your cover just to try and take care of me." 
"Well I can't help it if I'm worried! You didn't tell us or leave a note and-" He blinked as you just walked past him towards the hallway again. "H-Hey! Young Lady, you come back here when I'm talking to you! Where do you think you're going?"
"To get some bags and blankets." You could faintly hear the sounds of a thud and then Kyojuro dragging himself along the floors to follow you.
"Bags and blankets for what?", he called out confused. He wasn't very fast on land. 
"Food, clothes, and whatever else I'm going to need in order to get you four back home."
The dragging noises stopped when you opened the door to your bedroom. "Wait. You mean-?!"
"If you want to be helpful go wake up the others and see if you can slip yourselves into that wagon outside while I gather the supplies."
There was a bit of silence behind you as you began scouring for what you needed and then you heard loud and fast dragging again before the distant sounds of another door opened followed- "My fireflies, wake up! A joyous day has arrived at last! We're finally going home!"
You only sighed and began gathering what you needed to get for the long journey ahead. A few large bags for stuffing as much none parishable foods in as possible for your all you could find, another bag for clothing and essentials, a large gourd for water, and a couple large blankets to throw over the top of the wagon to hide the cargo. A tarp would've been preferable but unfortunately you didn't have the luxury or time for that. The sooner this was over with the better. In went three bags of mixed supplies. In went a giant heavy gourd you struggled to lift in. And finally in went the four of your friends. You found Rengoku struggling to pull himself in on his own attempting to climb up the back wheels making the wagon loudly creak under his weight. 
"SHH!! Kyojuro, what are you doing?!," you whisper yelled nearly dropping the lumpy bag of fruits and stale vegetables.
"Climbing in of course, Love! Is that not what you wanted?"
You had to take time out to literally help him climb in my lifting his long heavy tail and pushing it in. He was followed by you quietly picking up each of the girls and lowering them into the wagon alongside him. It was trickier than the last time you did this since they all had put on weight since the last time you had done this. Suma seemed the most excited and Makio had to slap a hand over her mouth as you pulled along the biggest blankets you had. With a light whooshing sound you threw them up in the air and pulled them all along until they draped over the entire back and effectively hiding the squirming mermaids underneath..Until they all popped their heads out excitedly on your left.
"I can't believe it! We're finally going home!," Suma practically screamed out smiling brightly, "I can't wait for all the yummy tuna again!"
A hand immediately shoved her head back down. "Pipe down! We're not out of this yet!"
"Wah! Kyojurooooo! Tell Makio to stop being so mean!"
"Let us all remain quiet. Makio is right and we are not out of this until we're back in our rightful home!" He blinked as the wagon jostled and you began pulling the horse along and in turn began to dragon the wagon along as well.
He was right. You weren't out of trouble yet. It would be at least a two week journey to the ocean and the road leading to it would take you all right past the Henya's home. You hadn't the faintest idea if Akira and his Aunt was still there or if he already left after the tantrum he through two days ago now. You didn't have a choice though. You had to take the chance. Stirring the horse towards the road headed Westward, you pulled him along and the horse followed obediently and successfully pulling the cart behind him. It was official. You all were off. Walking through the ghostly town early in the morning with the sun at least still three hours away from rising over the horizon. Each creak and rattle the cart made seemed to echo through the darkness making you fear that someone might wake up and catch you in the act. Each loud clip clip the horse made sending a chill down your spine that he'll attract something out from the darkness however as you all passed by abandoned home after abandoned home, no one showed their faces through the now empty buildings. And even if there was anyone left, they were fast asleep and oblivious to your journey. As you passed by the empty spaces, your friends stayed alert but quiet. Seemed even Suma knew the importance of being quiet right now. Soon the houses dwindled and you all were passing by the barn.
The Henya's farm. The place where this all started.
For you at least. Who knows where the girls were kept before they were moved here. Automatically you slowed the horse down to just a quieter slower walk as you approached the place. The shadow of the horrid barn seemed to loom over you all as you passed as if laughing and mocking them still for what they went through. You paid more attention to the house that laid still and dark. It looked like no one was home, so perhaps they had already left or maybe they were fast asleep. Either way you never took your eyes off of it as you all passed. The girls automatically lowered down with different levels of fear and worry and anger washing over their faces.  A growl made you jump and whirl behind fearing a stray dog or worse a wolf had chosen you all as an easy meal-..Only to half freeze half be relieved when you just noticed it was Kyojuro staring at the home too with such intensity that you swore his eyes were literally burning.
"Kyojuro, shush!," you sternly shushed him before quickly pulling the cart along.
It was doubtful that they could hear his soft growling from so far away but you weren't going to risk anything especially not when you just started your journey.  Despite all your feelings, the house remained dark as you passed it and stopped just outside the treeline and the road leading  into territory you've never been in. You took one last look at the quiet town and your home nestled inside, then at the Henya house, and then at the four pairs of eyes staring at you curiously wondering why you stopped. Two weeks. All it would take was two weeks and then you'd be free. With a shaky breath you turned back around and pulled the horse forward making the wagon creak along and leaving your old home behind. 
You never knew about the man who entered your empty home the following afternoon and discovered the remains of a locked box's burnt latch in your fireplace and the leftover scales in your bathroom. 
Your first day of traveling went..Ok you guessed. The sun rose three hours after you started and you four were surrounded by forest. You've already passed by the small river where the three Kocho sisters disappeared from here last autumn. Being so close near the ocean, it was always fairly warm and vibrant here but already it was nearing autumn again and soon you'd it'd be a year since they disappeared along with that Mitsuri girl. You know it was probably unlikely but you hoped that their families hadn't moved away too in case they ever came back. You stopped around midday by a small pond to allow the horse to rest and eat and drink and to give your aching feet a rest from the hours of walking around you had to do. And to allow yourself and the others to eat.
"Eat and drink sparingly. I don't know if all of this will last all of us until we make it there."
After an hour you continued until it was night, and you were plume tired. Sleep forcing you to tie the horse to a nearby tree and climb up into the back of the wagon to sleep with the others, Hinatsuru laying claim to you by pulling you to snuggle for the night.
"I can't wait for you to meet Lord Tengen. He's caring and kind and unlike any other man you've ever met."
The merman half responsible for your life going to hell? Yeah. Not going to happen but instead of arguing you just fell asleep to Suma snoring loudly again hugging Hinatsuru's other side. The next three days were pretty much the same. Walking, breaks, sleep, and rinse and repeat. By the fifth day you all hit your first snag. Surrounded by trees and forest constantly you didn't have exactly the ability to see far into the distance so when you came by a fork in the road. Both dirt roads looked exactly alike. Old, worn, and dirty. F/c looked between the two different directions unsure.
"...Where do we go?," you asked still so unsure.
"The right!" Makio pointed down the right path making you blink and look where she pointed.
"Right? Are you sure?"
She nodded blonde bangs swaying. "I remember that weird boulder there that looks like a bloated jellyfish when we were first brought this way. It's definitely right."
Bloated jellyfish?? There was certainly a misshapen rock there but a bloated jellyfish?? You decided not to argue and considering you've never been this far away, you just had to trust her so right it was. You pulled the horse that way and continued onto your journey. Three more days passed the same as nothing really changed but you were right days in now, more than half way in. Just supposedly six or so more days until you were able to reach the ocean. 
You never knew about the danger that was approaching fast with each rest and sleep you took  
By the ninth day the forests thinned out into half plains half trees. And the distant smells of salts and oceans were getting closer and stronger. Makio was right! You all were so close! You could taste the relief and freedom awaiting you all. Nine days turned to ten. The smells were stronger. Ten days turned to eleven. Most of the trees were gone now. Eleven days turned to twelve. You were so, SO CLOSE NOW! Twelve days turned to thirteen. You all hardly slept that night with the excitement. Thirteen turned to fourteen-
The four in the back could hardly contain themselves! You kept walking and walking despite your sore feet only taking a single break by a small pond to quickly rest and eat before moving on again. The sun rose, went to the middle of the sky, and then slowly started to set when you saw seagulls cawing and flying through the sky. And then you saw it. 
.... the...You slowly came to a stop staring at what your eyes laid upon. The others initially excited also stopped what what they were doing to look shocked at what their sight beheld.
"Oh Posidon...Tengen.. what have you done?"
The setting sun's light lit up the beach and the blue ocean stretching far into the horizon as far as the eyes could see. And the destruction of others long past. The sounds-
The sounds of a torn sail flapped in the evening wind as it lazily flapped about from the broken mast ran into the ground, a mountain of splinters and what was once a majestic ship washed ashore next to it.
Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip.
The noises of the horse walking was quickly softened as the dirt turned into soft sand. Eyes bore sight of a graveyards worth of clutter. Where rotting wood met the cruel hot sand and the mocking waves that carried it here. Travesty after travesty you passed by. What was once boats of all sizes now marking the final resting place for those whom met a watery grave. The eyes gazed over each and every one as you passed. The result of greed and wrath. 
But it'll all be over soon. You just had to get them into the water and all of it would be over. So more deaths. No more Mermaids. Only normalcy.
You shivered and tried to ignore the deep claw marks embedded into the sides of a rather large fishing boat telling yourself that they were just marks from getting stuck on a reef. You pulled the horse along until you spotted a sight that you instantly recognized. A dock! An old honestly rigidity looking dock was right in front of you all leading to the water just deep enough to let them all swim without having to crawl stuck in the sand. You walked and walked until you were standing right in front of it all. The wind gently blowing your hair and the other four staring silently.
"....Well..this is it." You spoke after a minute breaking the silence and turning to them. "C'mon. Let's get you all back home."
There was a silence as no one moved for a moment just staring longingly at the sight- Kyojuro was the first one to take initiative, grabbing the side of the cart and pulling himself out only to land on the ground with a thud sound. Suma was next excitedly squealing and practically throwing herself out and desperately hauling herself towards the water. Hinatsuru and Rengoku weren't too far behind her as they too dragged themselves out. Meanwhile you grabbed onto Makio and started walking behind them with her in your arms. One, two, and three mermaids clambered onto the docks and without missing a single beat- Threw themselves off the sides without even waiting  to get into deeper water.
Large splashes could be heard as they disappeared into the blue, blending into the darkness as the darkness crept further into the sky.
"You don't have to go y'know?," Makio's voice spoke out as you watched what you assumed was Suma's tail slapping the water. "This doesn't have to be good bye. We still want you to meet Tengen! You'll seriously like him! I promise!" 
Makio watched as her face gazed at the water still, a hint of sadness as she opened her mouth to answer but didn't say a word as a reflection reflected by the limited sunlight caught her eyes. Pupils shrank as danger approached swiftly. Makio was once blinking in concern-
Then she was flying.
Makio elt weightless tumbling through the air as her world twisted and turned- AND THEN THERE WAS A SPLASH-
It's not often a person would see a beautiful beach. That was a privilege as eyes gazed out at the mournful sea. Gliding along in rows where it kissed the sand, it looked so peaceful in its dark blue colorful hue. The golden last rays was a gift delivered to the beholders by Angels and winds so sweetly staining the skin like a lover's kiss. The horizon itself looked as if it was a golden river of gleaming gold sewing itself in between the canopy of the dark twilight where the first few stars appeared twinkling like diamonds connecting it to the deep blue of the calm ocean paradise. In the distance, lines of the golden orbs last rays of tapered light splayed out, flowing through the cracks in the clouds like heaven was the one sewing the twilight to the waters with golden thread as the waters danced with sparkles, reflections from the light but it looked as if the angels made an accident while sewing the two together, knocking some stars out of the sky and making them shimmer and shine on the Water's surface.
It was beautiful.
She was so thankful for the beautiful sight. 
"If I can't have you, then I'll make sure no beast can either."
The cruelty and coldness of one's blade could never compare to the cruelty and coldness of one's heart and soul. Two bodies whom shared the beautiful sight fading from the blackened vision clouding her brain. A slide of cold metal and leakage of red stumbled, tumbled down in place of the pretty vision before them. Sweet salty air stained by copper as she stood. The cold cruel blade retreating from within her form as she stood there. The silence beckoning eyes of f/c to calmly turn. The sight of greed, dark with want toring away from the light embracing the hell within. Not but a whisper parted from her lips, the maw heavy swirling with blurs. 
"who..is the true monster here, Akira Henya?"
A distant woman's scream filled the void tilted sideways as the world tilted back and you were swallowed up by the coldness of the ocean blue and wrapped up in the warm embrace of lovers concerned. Catching her as world went black and echoes of sorrowful wails echoed throughout the voided night. The waves reverberating off the sky and cascading deep, deep into the Water's depths the waves carrying them further and further under the surface and muffled the unanswered sorrows of agony's past.
And two eyes of magenta stained red by wrath and blood opened wide.
"Y/N?! Y/N?!"
One who such went by such a name did not stir from the foreboding deadly slumber slipped into as shadows blurred and darkness swallowed them up. Sobs. Wails. Pleads. Cries. Prayers. It made not a difference to the one who had blood on his hands, staring down at the scene before him like a sick artist admiring the picture he painted into reality.
''That's right. Scream. It won't do a bit of good in the end!"
Hisses bore his fate as flames flared up at the one who would dare paint such a cruel thought into real form.
"HA! You think you're intimidating by just hissing at me like a fucking wet cat?! You're lucky you're in the bloody water otherwise you would've been gutted next like just another tuna!"
Anger. Wrath. Blood. Passion. And L O V E. All the red represents.
"Cry all you'd like..At the end of the day, no one is going to give a hell."
Oh how wrong he was. Someone did answer the cry of help.
And ironically hell had found him.
A violent rippling, rippling through the water like unholy blades through thin paper. A white ghost within the darkness rising amongst the dead and decayed ships and distorting the star covered water shining bright. It seemed as if even the great sun was scared of this beast as it hid behind the horizon and disappeared allowing night to cover it's unholy speed through the dark void and towards the docks above-
C R A S H-!!!
Feet shook as the old dock swayed, soon loosing his footing and the man found himself falling backwards onto his backside. Looking at the horror beyond that penetrated his sights. Splinters went flying. Wood cracked and flew in all directions cascading down into the water like unholy rain as something from below began pounding up and destroying E A C H  A N D  E V E R Y  P L A N K  O F  W O O D. Kyojuro out of instinct turned away shielding the one in his arms and the screaming women as droplets and wood bounced off his shoulders. The monster of ghost white passing by as a mighty tail passed them forcing the unholy rain to continue as it smashed and destroyed it's way up towards the human man. Bloodthirsty and itching for one thing 
Crashing, crunching, destroying ever closer to the human and then there was a splash. The iron like grip from the waves ceased him and he took a deep gulp of suffocation. The world around him wet and without any solid object to free him from the watery depths grip. Dark..Why was everything so dark?! He kicked out and flailed for nothing as the void never loosened it's grip on his air drained body. The menagerie of a shattered moon waved goodbye from the shattered waves of the seas rippling surface as he sunk deeper and deeper into the blackened abyss below that welcomed him in it's cold embrace. It's hands slowly wrapping around his body and killing him into that dangerous lullaby of death. It was .quiet. Almost even peaceful like as he drifted slowly down, down, down. He felt like falling asleep with his eye lids getting heavy. Until his flailing hand caught onto a floating board and he was able to pull himself up, breaching the surface, and gasping a breath of that holy air as he coughed out the void's water and laid himself upon the floating wood being his savior. Deep heavy breaths followed breathing in and out panting and coughing as panicked eyes eyes darted around but the darkness and waves enveloped any trace of the monster, and all others had disappeared. Nothing but shattered wood and darkness being his company. 
"You know ... There's five stages of grief." 
His form jumped against the board he floated upon eyes widening.
Panicked eyes darted around but he nothing within the darkness and waves or amongst the wreckage.
The voice sounded ethereal other worldly. A ghost ebbing closer and closer from the depths.
The voice was blurred. Coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. Sounding so close yet so far away all at once.
Heart beats picked up. Swiveling his head this way and that as danger, panic, and fear set in with the unsettling doom ever approaching.
"And acceptance...But I would like to add to add one more step to that."
The water was silent. Nothing but the sloshing of his body sounding out as he desperately searched for the ghost that wasn't there but yet was at the same time. Until the hotness of something's breath wafted over his ear from behind as a voice whispered nothing but a word in his ear.
"R E V E N G E."
A man's shriek pierced the night and carried over the waves and forest before quiet settled once more. 
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Hello, could you do a scenario of tired kiss with tighnari or alhaitham where the reader is a scholar from akademiya who has a big project due and has been pulling all nighters that they miss their anniversary and the character is trying to distract them to get them to rest? Thank you uwu
Ahh this prompt! I love it!
Tired kiss with Tighnari and Alhaitham with their S/O
This is a part of 3x Valentines event (All slots are taken)
Reader here is gender neutral
Reader is part of the Academia
At first he was a little busy himself, so he actually hadn't realized just how much you're committing to your project.
He was already slowly planning something for your anniversary, so it only added to things he had to do, but he was done with majority of his tasks in no time.
So on the day of your anniversary you were late. Really late. After waiting for you he decided to pay you a visit. Everything was a mess, but he only paid attention to you.
It was obvious you haven't slept at all. Or at least not even close to what's healthy.
He could only sigh at the sight but it was time to take care of you. No deadline or date is more important than your health.
He carried you back to your bed, and when you laid down you only then realized that you missed your date.
Honestly the fact that you had the energy to be worried and think about it now was a cute...
As he sat by your bed, you sat up to give him a little kiss. As a way to apologize. It was short as it was clear you had little energy to even sit. So it only further confirmed what he thought of the situation.
For now he needed you to rest up. There was no need to worry so much about the date. You can go out someday later.
He understood that being part of a research was important to you, but he thought it was foolish of you to just let it take over your health to the point where you almost collapsed.
So the best way to apologize is to not let it happen again. Or at the very least rest up now.
In the meantime he took care of the mess you let your working space get to. Of course he didn't touch any papers in case he'd mess up the order of your work.
Although he doesn't care much for special days, he does keep track of them. Even if to just give you his wishes.
But he recognized that an anniversary might be a little more special to you. So although he doesn't see the appeal in it being a necessity, he wanted to spend time with you regardless.
He knew about your project, and knew about your investment in it to some extent.
So he made the plans flexible, he figured it'd be best to prepare something you could enjoy at any moment just in case your schedule was full for the day of your anniversary- which I'll say again- He wouldn't care much about missing.
So when he went to you to present the idea, he saw in what state you put yourself in.
Honestly? He didn't know what he expected really. He felt mix of disappointment and worry when he saw how you were handling yourself.
To help you, he first had to take you to rest. When you'd make up for your lost sleep, he'd help you with your work schedule.
Because no matter how you try to explain yourself you weren't going a good job at either.
When he helped you get to your bed, you kissed and thanked him. The kiss was short, but welcome either way.
Honestly he didn't realize just how much he missed affection from you. As much as he isn't needy it did got him to think that perhaps for a couple you aren't spending enough time?
Next day when you woke up, you glanced at the calendar and noticed that you missed your anniversary.
You immediately wanted to go look for him to apologize. But you didn't even have to leave your home, as he decided to stay overnight.
Since you were awake now though, it was time to get to work. He cared about you so it was now time to find you a healthy routine of studying and researching that worked for you.
Your date could end up as a celebration of a job well done.
~Mod Lisa
432 notes · View notes
dabislittlemouse · 11 months
Hi, congratulations again on 2k!!! 🎉
For the event, maybe something along the lines of Dabi+ Reader fluff - "I know you've always got my back, Doll." If you don't mind 🙏🩷
Thank you 🩵
Thank you so much uwu hope you enjoy this <3
“𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒍..” (sfw)
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It had been quite a hassle to get where the League was now; in Re-Destro’s mansion, enjoying some fine sushi and relaxing on the comfortable couches. After Shigaraki had beaten Re-Destro and taken control of the entire PLF Army, things were easier for all of you now that you finally had a roof on your heads and some food to fill your stomach without risking to get supplies and getting caught by heroes.
As you were enjoying your sushi with the others, Dabi was the only one who refused to eat and simply headed to the balcony. Dabi had always been a picky eater, he’d rather starve to death than eat anything fish related. A cigarette would do him perfectly fine that evening, not that he was really hungry in the first place. After finishing your sushi, you decided to join him too. The night was peaceful as always, quiet, a chilly breeze blowing outside that had you shiver. Winter was coming soon.
“I hope ya didn’t come here to convince me to eat dinner like you usually do” Dabi said casually, puffing smoke out of his mouth.
“Nah I’ve given up on that. Your head is as hard as a rock” you shrugged and he chuckled. You sat next to him, he offered you a smoke but you refused. The both of you sat in silence for a while, your mind mostly lost in the recent events with the new allies.
“I can’t believe you got in one team with that icy freak” you suddenly said, catching his attention. You remembered how hard Dabi fought against Geten back then, and how much the guy got in your nerves.
“Hm? You jealous we didn’t end up together?” he smirked playfully and you hit him in the shoulder, giving him a glare.
“Chill, just joking” he laughed. “Damn.. the ice bastard is actually good in many aspects, Shigaraki saw it fit to lead the Violet regiment with him. Anyway..” he sighed. “Seems like you hold quite the grudge against him doll..”
“It’s not a grudge” you replied. “It’s just that.. Geten is so annoying. Remember how he acted in the battlefield? Underestimating you and constantly trying to put you down with his words, implying that you’re weak. Who even is he to decide if someone is weak or strong? I mean yes, your quirk might have the side effect to harm your body, but that does not mean you are weak! Your flames were so powerful he had to flee. And I don’t see how a guy like him can be fit to be a lieutenant, isn’t he too young and immature for that? Especially after he disrespected you like this, and honestly I-"
You stopped your angry rambling the moment you noticed Dabi looking at you. His pupils dilated, he had the softest look in his eyes while he stared at you longingly, a slight smile on his face. You always had the tendency to get angrier and ready to fight whenever your beloved people were treated like shit by others. Even if it was just a small offensive word. And specifically for Dabi, he had such special place in your heart that you would allow nobody to act like a smartass and fuck around with him. You knew how much Dabi resented his quirk’s disadvantages, and you didn’t want anybody to deepen his insecurities about himself.
“W-What? Don’t look at me like that! ” you pouted, face flushing in embarrassment as he laughed, his hand coming to pinch your cheek playfully.
“I’ve never seen someone be this protective over me, doll. Don’t worry, that bastard’s words don’t mean shit to me”
“Yes but I still hate it when others talk bad about you” you murmured and he gave you a kiss on the forehead, bringing you closer to him. Your chest fluttered from millions of emotions.
“Aren’t I the luckiest fucker out there?” he said, caressing your hair. “I know you’ve always got my back doll..”
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bisquid · 1 year
Okay okay okay
So we all know about the Disney vs DeSantis ridiculousness happening in Florida where DeSantis is being his usual self and Disney is being the literal embodiment of that 'the worst person you know just made a good point' meme, and now DeSantis is trying to revoke Disneyland's Extra Special Uwu Legal Status
It turns out in a fantastic turn of events
That the document giving Disneyland those special powers was to stand 'until 21 years after the death of the last looking descendant of King Charles III', which is apparently a way to get around a ban or something on perpetuity clauses
The thing I find hilarious is that the end of the article I was reading finished with
'Buckingham Palace declined to comment'
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multifandomxreader · 2 years
I heard you were looking for Bruno x male reader ideas 🤤
Ooo what about a Bruno x male reader where the reader is like a vagabond that comes to Encanto every year to hang out with the Madrigals? Kind of like a Snufkin and Moomin thing. Like they're kind of together/pining for each other?
One year that M!Reader returns he finds that Bruno isn't waiting for him because he's 'disappeared' so he travels even further in order to look for him, he still comes back every year to see if he's returned. After the events of the movie reader is reunited with Bruno and obviously he's super pissed but he's also so relieved that his favourite boy is back and alive.
Mayyybeeee they get married? uwu'
sorry you had to wait so long for this, hope you like it!
Bruno Madrigal x Male reader
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With your backpack heavy on your shoulders, you finally arrived yet again at la casa Madrigal. All year you would travel, you slept in a tent, and made your money by playing the guitar. You made great friends along the way and got to tell all your amazing stories to anyone who would listen. Every year you hung out with the family for a few days sometimes even weeks. You had never been one to settle down but with the family Madrigal, you wouldn't mind staying in the same place forever. When you sprained an ankle or had back pain Jullietta patched you right up with her cooking. Delores would keep everyone updated on your whereabouts and well-being and when you were close to the village Luisa would meet you halfway to help carry your baggage and gifts with pleasure. The Madrigals were basically your family.
They loved to listen to your tales, especially Bruno who hung at your lips every time you spoke. Even when most people wouldn't really talk to Bruno you saw him as the highlight of your visit. After years of your annual visits to the Madrigals you realized your feelings for the dark haired man. You had a while to think about them on your travels. You were certain he would be the one to make you stay and settle down.
You arrived with Luisa at casita, Camillo and Mirabel ran in your arms. You entered casita with the little girl on your back and a copy of yourself. The other family members came to greet you one by one. Julietta welcomed you with a plate of arepas and Isabella gave you a beautiful flower crown as a welcoming gift. Felix welcomed you with open arms "Here comes my favorite visitante!" The weather was perfect and a big smile was plastered on your face as you chatted with Felix and Agustin.
You tried to keep calm but your eyes couldn't stop wandering over to the door of Bruno's room. Agustin noticed the way you looked around, waiting for that one special person. You turned back to him "Where's Bruno?" Suddenly the room went quiet and the faces around you grimaced. Abuela straightened her back and spoke "We don't talk about Bruno" you were so confused and everything felt wrong. Julietta's hand landed on your shoulder and lead you to the kitchen where she let you sit at the table. While making you a drink she told you how Bruno had disappeared without a note.
The following days felt wrong without his presence, you tried to find him but when you realized he really was gone you stayed alone in his room. Your heart ached as you thought about the last time you had seen him.
The dark eyes look at you with admiration as you sing about the things you had seen on your travels and then a goodbye song. Your song ends and you smile at Bruno "Will you write a song about me by the time you return?"  he asks. "Look in the future and find out." You wink. Bruno opens his mouth"I don't want to" You give him a confused look. He takes your hands in his "I don't want to ruin our future with a stupid prophecy." You give him an understanding look and hold his hands tighter. "I'll be back."
Years passed as you looked for Bruno, asking every person you meet if they had seen the small dark-haired Madrigal.
You didn't find him.
Still, you returned to the Madrigals every single year. The smaller Madrigals had now grown into teenagers and the town had been growing too. Even though it was a delight seeing the colorful family your mind kept turning back to Bruno.
It was your annual visit and you arrived at the spot where Luisa would usually wait. Instead, you were met with Bruno. Your Bruno. Maybe a bit older and with more grey strands of hair. But still yours.
You dropped all your stuff and ran over to him. Grabbing his shoulders to make sure he was real. "How the fuck could you do this to me? I was so worried! I- I didn't know what had happened to you..." Bruno kept apologizing while you teared up. You threw yourself into his arms and you hit the ground together. You hugged the air out of his lungs. "I'm just happy you're back" you told him. His hands cradled your face and wiped your tears. "Te amo" he whispered before passionately kissing you, this time it was him making you breathless. You melted into the kiss. "I still want to hear that song"
A few months later you held the most beautiful wedding the town had ever seen, Pepa didn't ruin it (only because Bruno was marrying you). The whole family worked together to make sure you had the best day. Isabella took care of the flowers, and Julietta cooked a heavenly buffet with delicious desserts... You couldn't stop smiling and every time you met his eyes your heart could beat out of your chest. You finally found your reason to stay.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hello can I request a stray kids with there s/o being a stylist !
( imagin one of them getting jealous on how close there s/o is to a other idols face when doing there makeup >-<)
stray kids with a stylist s/o
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.9k
warnings: not proofread
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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channie just loves the way you do his makeup. like he really feels only you bring out his best features. you make him feel confident in himself when he is performing because you give him outfits that not only are flattering but also that he feels comfortable in. even when you're not styling him, he might ask for fashion tips or your opinion on his outfit anyway. what makes channie super happy though is that you always remember to compliment his handsome face whether he is wearing makeup or not, knowing that he's insecure about his bareface. this makes his heart flutter for sure <3
lee know
minho loves the perks there are in having a partner who is a stylist. you have a good eye for things so he comes to you for free fashion advice and stuff like that. what he isn't too keen on is when you are styling other idols. he knows it's part of your job but when he catches glimpse of you leaned over another idol to do their makeup, he can't help but feel a little jealous. even if the other idols you are styling happen to be his members! why should they be worth more attention than him? that's where his mind is at. so be sure to pamper him and give him special treatment uwu
he loves the fact that you are mostly there backstage whenever he has a concert or special event. he feels like he can get positive vibes and support just by knowing you're not too far from him. he loves it when you take care of him, especially in between performances at concerts. while adjusting his make-up and outfit, you'll wipe his sweaty forehead and always ask him if he's ok and if he needs anything. you mkar him feel so loved and care for no matter what setting or circumstance. he likes to think that you take care of him at work and he get's to take care of you at home >.< idk the whole scenario is just very cute to him.
he admires your work because to him being a stylist is like being an artist; you have your own creative process and speculate on how to make things look beautiful or make outfits look unique for performances. he always claims that every time you style him, you give him the most iconic looks. whether that is giving him a new hairstyle or vibrant, intricate makeup on his face, or even a new style of clothes that has never been tried by an idol before. he likes making a good impression on the fans and being known as striking and daring, so having you by his side to support this idea is a dream come true for him.
he finds it quite a novle idea that he would be connected to his partner this way. he still finds it funny how he could ask about different clothes and hairstyles that you would be willing to try out in him while you talk long into the night. having you in his work aspect of life is something he is still getting used to, but definitely something he very much appreciates. just knowing you are there, even jn the backgrounds of the dressing room somewhere, even if you're styling another idol, he knows you're there. and that's the main thing. he feels he has someone to turn to just incase something happens. he is very comforted by you.
every time you get the opportunity to do his makeup for an event, you also make sure his beautiful freckles are visible, which he really appreciates. as felix's stylist and partner you feel that you tend to focus more on complimenting his personality and talents than looks. this is because felix has expressed to you that he doesn't want to just be known for his handsome face, and you completely understand that. as someone who is constantly around handsome faces anyway, you tend to be unfazed with regards to looks, and so you reassure him that his personality shines the brightest <333
before he started dating you, seungmin was super shy when you came over to style him, and this was mainly because you could not stop yourself from complimenting how handsome he is. i mean... i can't blame you?? i would totally do the same lmao. anyways, now that you both are dating he's a lot less shy because he's used to being around you a lot more, not just at work but also in a less professional setting, like when you guys at home. but you still make his heart flutter regardless; he's just not used to getting so much attention from just one person. it's a new feeling, and a feeling he likes very much indeed.
you are able to shield jeongin from any awful hairstyles that other stylists attempt to infringe upon him. like the amount of times other stylists have come at him with hair crimpers is appalling and definitely not happening, not if you have any say in it! he definitely appreciates you understanding his wishes, for sure. when he sees you styling other idols, he can feel himself getting more and more jealous. he's just lowkey insecure, especially if he deems the idol you are so close to as being 'more handsome' than he is. but he will never mention it to you because he recognises that you are a professional and this is merely what you're paid for.
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roseychains · 4 months
Shut the fuck up omg
You as a child do not know better. Just because you /THINK/ its safe does not mean it is.
Adult content is called that for a reason. Its for fucking adults. Do children read it? Yeah. I even did. Yeah i lurked. But what i did not fucking do was have the audacity to think i had any right to openly participate in adult spaces.
It does not matter that you put warnings. It does not matter if you dont talk to any adults. We shouldnt have to worry about people like you in spaces meant for us at all.
You want to write smut? Share it in private. You are on a public platform.
Would you set up a stall at a convention for your smut? Do you think it is reasonable that you should have a place for yourself at a public events for adults? What fucking entitlement do you have to have to think you should be allowed her just because you want to be or think its fun. Should you be allowed to go to strip clubs or bars?
Why are adults not fucking allowed to have spaces for themselves. You can make your blog private btw. You can make your blog have a password to be able to view. But instead you post your shit publicly. You force yourself into our space because you think you have the right to.
Even it it was legal for you to do (which it isnt) what the fuck makes you think you have the right to make yourself at home in a space you are repeatedly told you are not yet welcome in. Do you think its just " oh adults are just being selfish and i should get what i want just because i want it regardless of how anyone else feels about it? Regardless of the consequences?"
You arent special. You arent mature. And you most certainly do not know better if you cant have the common decency to stay out of a community that isnt meant for you.
If you cant even respect the fact that adults dont want children in an adult space talking about adult topics then what makes you think you have any right to be here. Since you think you know so much do you also think you should be allowed to go to a sex dungeon and just exist and watch even though no one wants you there cuz you're a kid? Should you be allowed to set up a table there with your smut "just in case someone is interested"
The fucking audacity you have. I have to wonder how badly your parents must have raised you. And dont you dare accuse me of bullying you or "im a minor uwu". You wanna act like an adult then you can take confrontation like one too. You want to think you're mature enough to talk about sex but you cant even respect the wishes of the people in the PUBLIC community that said community was made for.
Fuck off. I am so sick and tired of entitled children like you who think they know better. If you did you wouldn't be here acting like an idiot.
Someone’s mad 🥺
Since when do you make the rules on who can and can’t write? Writing is for everyone, fuck off lmao. If it bothered you sm then block me and move on. How entitled are YOU to think that no one else is allowed to write things?? Minors read “young adult” type smut all the time? If it bothers you so much, if I’m “invading” your space, then block me. Christ.
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sysmedsaresexist · 11 months
The entire point of trauma related dissociation, at any level, is to divorce yourself from the event-- to separate yourself from the hurt and minimize the impact of the event. At worst, you forget the events completely.
No, I lied, at worst, you get fucking stabbed and go, "that wasn't me :3 I'm good bro, really. Hardly remember it and it's the most unimportant memory in the entire bank. Hold on, someone is having an emotion for some reason, ignore them, no idea what their problem is-- whoops, now I'm front locked. What a bunch of dramatic bitches."
(it's us, we're bitches)
It bothers me when pro/endo systems say things like, "we don't feel DID fits us because we're so much more than the events that caused our system."
Like... Okay? So does everyone?
That's the point???
How does that stop you from having DID? Why does it matter?
You are allowed to involve religion and cultural/personal beliefs into your systemhood, you're allowed to have strong personal beliefs about reasons for formation, but how does that make you different from any of the rest of us?
"Endogenic" alters can appear in DID systems, because the mechanism that allows you to dissociate in the first place is still trauma. You're not special because you're mixed origin, that's actually totally normal but no one wants to hear that they're just like everyone else with problems.
Meanwhile, you're saying shit that is actually offensive and you're so blind to it.
You're allowed to say that you don't like the medical model applied to you, or that you don't feel it fits you, and that's perfectly acceptable, but to say that it's because you're special and different, and that it's not just a personal choice is... Painful to see. You're making a direct comparison to people with DID and the experience, but putting yourself a step above us because of your personal beliefs about your self.
It puts the other side of the coin, those who find use in the medical model, beneath you. You're not saying, "I don't feel the medical model represents me," you're saying, "I'm different from those people with DID," and the connotation behind that statement matters.
Just because you're able to apply personal beliefs to your systems and alters to give it some greater meaning doesn't mean the rest of us are incapable of that.
Do you really think medicalized DID systems are over here just drowning in trauma and self understanding, clutching the DSM to our chests?
Because let me tell you, I still have some very deep beliefs about my system.
I am more than what created my system.
We are more than the trauma that is the basis for our existence, however far removed we may feel from those events.
I love my system.
I'm happy.
I'm successful, with minimal dysfunction.
I am still someone with DID.
The ones talking about medicalizing my beliefs and not accepting my personal interpretations are not doctors-- it's fucking systems online going, "I'm so much more than that so I don't have DID UwU 🌸"
Okay, so I'm not??
You're telling this to other young, vulnerable systems, who are still at a point that they can very easily be lead into belief systems that can further divorce them from their trauma and the understandable reactions to it.
If the medical model doesn't suit you, great, say that, but don't "other" the people who find it representative of them. Don't put them beneath you.
Think about the language you're using and how it comes across.
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jemwolf · 9 months
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Here she is with Bubba the build a Bear axolotl for scale!
Bonus: she came with me to FanX :3
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(Yes, I got her a collar and tag with my contact info in the unlikely event that I lose her leave me alone-)
She's a lil goofy-looking, but honestly, she turned out better than I expected for Budsies! Now that I've gotten a plush from them, I have some recommendations for anyone thinking about getting a one under the cut!
1. Make a plush-friendly ref! Here's mine for anyone who didn't see it the first time
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Since Sev is asymmetrical, I showed both sides, a front view and top view, as well as her paws. I also kept it very simple! Knowing the general shape of plushies, I drew this ref specifically thinking of how difficult it would be to make a sewing pattern for. The more details your character has, the harder it will be for the artists to make it look accurate.
2. I didn't do this and wish I had; point out small details if you want to make sure they're not forgotten! For example, plush Sev doesn't have the dark brown ear tips. I noticed that during the sneak peek, but it wasn't a big deal to me compared to some other things, so I didn't ask them to fix it. (If you get the sneak peek, definitely ask for edits if you want them, though!) They also didn't put the bite mark scars, but I was OK with that, too.
3. I also wish I had listed out the colors. Sev plush is a much lighter brown than my ref, but that was alright; the one that was a little disappointing (and the photos they send during peeks are not very high resolution, so I couldn't tell), is that her scars are tan instead of pink. I might try to fix that myself someday but for now I've gotten used to it X3
4. Small details will be done with felt unless you specifically ask otherwise! Sev plush's spots, scars, teeth, and eyes are all made out of felt. This may not be a big deal to some, but if you don't like the texture of felt, or you don't want to deal with it pilling later, make sure you specify that you don't want them to use felt!
That's another thing I've gotten used to since receiving her, but someday when I have the time and energy, I will likely be replacing at least her spots myself, and I'll probably have to redo her eyes too; they're already pilling a bit.
5. Go in with the knowledge that Budsies specializes in taking abstract children's art and making that into plushies. They are not an independent maker, they are a business. I can guarantee your plush will not look exactly like your reference. If you're not okay with that, save up and commission a plush artist! Budsies is a fun, more budget-friendly option for someone who wants a plush of their character on a relatively quick turnaround, but doesn't mind if they look a little wonky (which is exactly what I was expecting, so I am overall extremely happy and satisfied with my silly Sev uwu)
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