#disney vs DeSantis
19-bellwether · 1 year
Disney vs. DeSantis is so funny because it's like. Neither side even wanted to get into this. Here's how it's supposed to go: Politician does something stupid. Corporation disavows politician after public pressure. Politician disavows the disavowing. Nothing changes for either party.
But then the Florida governor got stars in his eyes. He saw an opportunity to bolster his standing before the presidential primary. He wanted to be the one who took on The Mouse and won. So in retaliation he decides he's going to tear down the decades-old agreement Disney uses to govern Disney World's district.
And just like that, Disney's batshit insane legal department turns towards Florida like the Eye of Sauron spotting the ring at Mount Doom. They smell lost profit. They smell blood.
Disney will use any and every strategy they've accumulated over the last century of lobbying congress and DeSantis can't back down lest he admit Mickey Mouse beat his ass. He's lost control of Disney World's district even more than he already did. Now he's getting sued.
This all started because Disney was pressured into backtracking their political contributions to Florida and disavowing the Don't Say Gay law. Now they're fighting for something they actually care about: their profit margin. Disney is not an ally to queer people and they're an enemy to progressives, but damn am I rooting for them to keep humiliating the greater evil for the time being. This is high comedy.
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eggsaladstain · 1 year
i’ve never been sadder that the onion isn’t real
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
Disney in public about suing DeSantis: “Disney regrets it has come to this.”
Disney in private:
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tippifunandprose · 1 year
every time I read about this Disney vs DeSantis thing and the bit about how the agreement doesn't end “until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England" all I can think about is some bumbling caper where the Florida government repeatedly tries to assassinate the entire royal family just to spite Disney
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triple-mayday · 1 year
By no means is Disney an ally to LGBTQ+ community, and I’m the last person to side with a mega corporation, but seeing Ronnie boy bent over in front of the entire nation gets me high on serotonin
What does amaze me is the audacity. I have no idea what DeSantis was thinking. Maybe he wasn’t thinking, maybe homophobia liquified his brain and left it leaking from his nostrils. Cause how the fuck do you start a legal battle over some petty bullshit with a corporate giant that a) is the favorite vacation spot of your rich conservative donors and b) is the biggest employer in your whole state? Bitch???
I hope we will see the shitshow happen in the courtroom. Disney’s lawyers are going to rawdog Ronnie. They’ll take him from every angle in every orifice
GOP lawyers have the competency levels of a lobotomized piñata. Disney can legally buy DeSantis’ kidneys, bake them into pies, and sell them as treats in Magic Kingdom
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skelet-bone · 1 year
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As a Floridian, this is one of the funnier headlines I’ve read ☀️🌴🐊
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Ron DeSantis Tanks in the Polls As Voters Get to Know Him
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argentavis · 1 year
i hope we get to see mickey mouse guillotine desantis in front of the castle in magic kingdom
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i desperately, desperately hope that disney kicks ron desantis's ass in court, solely so that future history textbooks have to say "and the company that made such happy little kids flicks as moana and coco then proceed to rock the FUCK out of a presidential candidate in court, ruining his entire life"
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rowdy-redhead · 1 year
DeSantis fucked around and now he’s about to find out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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If I were Disney I’d just tweet this photo with the caption “This You?” and call it a day.
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The thing about Disney vs Pudding Fingers DeSantis is that, yeah, corporations are an engine of evil, but you can bully a corporation. You think Disney actually gives a shit about lbgt+ rights? Of course not. But they care about money, and you can't gerrymander your way into selling merchandise. So, we use the fundamentally fucked up system of capitalism to encourage CEOs to crush fundamentally evil politicians, because in this fundamentally fucked up system, it's one of the few tools we have.
We work with what we got.
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bisquid · 1 year
Okay okay okay
So we all know about the Disney vs DeSantis ridiculousness happening in Florida where DeSantis is being his usual self and Disney is being the literal embodiment of that 'the worst person you know just made a good point' meme, and now DeSantis is trying to revoke Disneyland's Extra Special Uwu Legal Status
It turns out in a fantastic turn of events
That the document giving Disneyland those special powers was to stand 'until 21 years after the death of the last looking descendant of King Charles III', which is apparently a way to get around a ban or something on perpetuity clauses
The thing I find hilarious is that the end of the article I was reading finished with
'Buckingham Palace declined to comment'
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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brunosaderogatory · 1 year
All I’m saying is that with all this stuff going around Disney and DeSantis, it would be the prime time for something to happen with those Italian fish
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i don’t support big corporations by any means and i definitely don’t think disney cares about lgbtq+ rights but that said i hope they wipe the floor with desantis. i hope they kick his ass so hard he has to withdraw from the presidential election, resign as governor, and move out of florida. i hope goofy really does whack him with a crowbar. i hope
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