#fuck desantis
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floridensis · 7 months ago
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‼️ update please see my pinned for all current updates ‼️
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) announced an initiative yesterday proposing major changes to various State Parks throughout Florida.
Today, with only one week's notice, FDEP announced public meetings throughout the state scheduled for 3 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27th. The meetings will consist of a presentation and an opportunity for public comment, but with only an hour allotted, they do not appear to include a question-and-answer period.
To voice your concerns about these proposals and the lack of public participation, send your customizable email to the Governor, the Secretary of FDEP, and your state representatives. Adding your connection to Florida's State Parks in the email can help them understand how important this issue is to you, their constituent.
if you are able to make it to one of these, i strongly recommend you do. otherwise please send a message. we dont need fucking golf and pickleball in our already threatened natural areas
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sourcreammachine · 1 year ago
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watchhisjawdrop · 14 days ago
Here's what I'll say about trans men... They're Hot™.
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soberscientistlife · 7 months ago
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fru1typunch · 1 year ago
Here's a little post ranting about the Floridian education system and how it fucked over public school librarians this year, from the adult child of one who spent his whole summer helping his poor mom try and keep up with Desantis's ridiculous requests.
Every school year, the librarian always gets a couple weeks with a "closed" library to take inventory of the school's stock at the end. Normal stuff, y'know, if a bit tedious and boring. Scan every. Single. Thing. See what you have and figure out who last checked out what you should have, that sort of thing.
Well, Ron Desantis, in his genius, decided that concept had to be applied to all the books in the entire school to determine if they're "appropriate" (by his batshit conservative standards).
My mom didn't JUST have to do the usual inventory thing for her own library. She ALSO had to do something similar but far WORSE for her entire school's personal classroom libraries.
The objective of this SCHOOL WIDE requirement was to "approve" every book in the school as "appropriate". Every. Single. Book. In. The. School. Not the school library, no, the SCHOOL. All classrooms.
My mom's an elementary school librarian. There's around 1000 students at her school, give or take, and around 50 or so classroom libraries to sort through. And this was supposed to be done over summer, before the kids came back in the fall. Entirely unpaid.
She had to personally approve around 25,000-30,000 books school wide based on whether or not they're "appropriate for kids" (again, by Desantis standards), entirely unpaid, in about 2 months. Keep in mind these classroom libraries had been pre-existing for many years or even decades in most cases, so it's kinda useless to just now care about whether the books are "appropriate".
Mind you, you can't read that many individual books in under two months and then approve them in the system if you tried, even if most were children's books. She spent every single day of her summer, her only real time off each year, logging into the online portal and manually approving books from 8 in the morning to 8 at night, looking them up and trying to determine if they might be okay by the new standards since she couldn't possibly have the time to read them all and check, and again, entirely unpaid on her own. Teachers were scanning in their classroom's books to the system to be approved by her in real time, so she really never could get very far ahead. At most she'd knock out a few hundred a day, which I think is wildly impressive given the circumstances.
Even with all that work, she couldn't open her library for nearly a month into the new school year this August because she spent every school day finishing that approval thing for the classroom libraries for teachers. At least by that point she got paid for it. She was also way behind on getting her library ready for the school year, she really hadn't had time to prepare like normal. It was a crazy stressful time for her all around, moreso than back-to-school time normally is each year.
I helped as much as I knew how to, which mostly just meant looking books up for her or texting back and forth with my friends that work at Barnes and Noble or Books A Million asking if they could skim through certain books that might pose a threat at times, and coming up to the school with her sometimes while she worked on approving books and I worked on preparing her library for "business" again.
My mom was upset because she didn't have time for a real summer vacation, the most she got to do was occasionally visit the beach a few hours away for a day trip. (On one of the beach days, she even took her blessed laptop with her to work on it in the car ride over.) She was in the thick of it neck deep all on her own for months with hardly any time off and no pay to show for it.
It's frustrating because if she were to have approved a book that a parent later complains about, it could mean bad news for her. Again, no way in hell would she have been able to both read every single book, determine if she thought it was okay by Desantis's standards, and then approve every single book within the system. She did her best, but she's still nervous someone will complain.
All this conservative bullshit around books is hurting so many kinds of librarians and educators in so many ways, so just take a moment sometime soon to appreciate your local librarians and public school teachers putting up with this crap. They could use the love. Maybe some strong alcohol. And a big wad of cash, they do a lot of shit unpaid.
And do vote these assholes out of office that are making these poor librarians' and teachers' jobs harder with no additional support or pay.
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tmninjagirl · 12 days ago
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beensjamin · 2 years ago
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Shark mafia boss and Local Twink™ disrupt Florida government.
(For legal reasons, this is a joke.)
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reality-detective · 1 year ago
Steve Bannon: Thin-Skinned DeSantis Calls the Cops on the Indefatigable Laura Loomer.
It was just a few days ago that Nikki Haley called the police on her for being at her town hall meeting and she was escorted out. 🤔
Here is the Nikki Haley incident 👇
Globalist Turds are in our punch bowl. 🤔
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yeahiwasintheshit · 2 years ago
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quote from the politico article:
“Many Black Republicans find themselves in a quandary: on the one hand having to push back on perceptions that slavery has positive attributes, but also fighting the perception that if they voice criticism, it leads to questions of whether they are sufficiently conservative.”
if being a conservative means thinking there are positive attributes to slavery, maybe its time to rethink who you’re allied with.
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fuzzywitchcollector · 2 years ago
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thashining · 7 months ago
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disastercomingfaster · 2 years ago
So, let me get this straight. Swimsuits for children at Target that are trans based are wildly inappropriate and indoctrinating and grooming…
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But there is nothing
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At all
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With these????
Stop making gay people the fucking enemy. We don’t want to groom or “corrupt” your children. We just want to fucking live!
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onlytiktoks · 3 months ago
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slipping-into-madness · 2 years ago
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soberscientistlife · 6 months ago
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TN and FL governors don't want federal aid so their citizen will suffer.
Governors in Red States🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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bigdadskypilot · 2 years ago
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“Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book...”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower
Republicans today are the antithesis of what they once were. They bear no resemblance to Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, or Dwight Eisenhower. They are not erudite like William F. Buckley. They are identified by the horrible things they stand for: hate, fear, and violence. They wrap themselves in flags and clutch bibles, while displaying the honor and loyalty of neither. Any dedication to the principles upon which this nation was founded demands full and complete opposition to them. If that’s what makes me a “liberal.” Then so be it.
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