#spartan marriage au
justvea18 · 3 months
In my AU, I'm trying to piece the timeline together of Iliad and the Odyssey and other myths/events relating to the characters such as (I just did this during my free time for fun so it's probably HISTORICALLY INACCURATE):
Helen's suitor era, the time between Helen and Menelaus' wedding to Helen's abduction may be 8 years in between at the very least because of Hermione being a woman already by the time of Iliad (Helen's words) so I assume she Hermione was 8 when Helen was taken and 18 at the time of Iliad (I based this on Spartan customs)
Odysseus' marriage proposal to Penelope and Telemachus's birth - this is kinda difficult since usually couples like them have a child after marriage. But I just figured that they must've had Telemachus 8 years after the suitor era and were married and childless for quite a while (?) and they had Telemachus a few months before Helen's abduction since Telemachus was obviously an infant when the entire thing happened.
For their ages (approximately):
- Married - Odysseus (26) & Penelope (24)
- Telemachus' birth - Odysseus (32) & Penelope (30)
- Iliad - Odysseus (41) & Penelope (39) & Telemachus (9)
- Pre-Odyssey/Post-Trojan War - Odysseus (42) & Penelope (40) & Telemachus (10)
- Post-Odyssey - Odysseus (52) & Penelope (50) & Telemachus (20)
Hector and Andromache's timeline is quite easier since Astyanax is a baby/toddler during the events of Iliad. But I'm still not sure on Hector and his siblings' age gap
Achilles' time in Scyros is also difficult to count but I assume that Phyrrus was 13-14 when he was drafted. I'll be honest I'm quite confused with the Achilles' timeline in terms of his age and it deserves a different post itself
but so far, the age I've come up with his (and Patroclus' for reference) age(s) thanks to half-assed math:
- Achilles - 17 (Scyros Arrival), 18 (Marriage to Deidamia and Phyrrus' birth), 22 (Pre-war), 31 (Iliad - 9 yrs into the war) early thirties is considered young right
- Patroclus - 13 (Exile), 17~18 (Helen's Suitor), 25 (Pre-war), 34 (Iliad - 9 yrs into the war)
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m-jelly · 1 year
English is not my native language, so I apologize if everything is not clear. I like the idea of the Spartan military chief Levi and the Greek princess Reader. Their marriage is for a political purpose to prevent war. At first they are wary of each other because of different mentalities and traditions, as well as Levi's rudeness (he is a warrior after all). Plus they are both virgins and experiencing everything for the first time together.
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Chipping armour
Pairing: Spartan chief Levi x Greek princess Reader
Genre and tags: Alternative/historical AU, arranged marriage, fluff, romance, falling in love, shy/flustered Levi, rough Levi becoming soft, firsts.
Concept: You are wedded to Levi to prevent away war from breaking out. You go home with Levi and you are both cautious of each other. Levi sees you as this beautiful delicate flower he is afraid of breaking, and you see Levi as a rough and dangerous man. You slowly get to know each other and fall in love.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demosimp6 @nbinairyn
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You fought tears as the last of the flowers were placed in your hair. You smiled softly at your servants and quietly thanked them for their service to you all these years. You held a few close in your arms as they cried for you. You released them and made your way out of your room to the courtyard to see your father talking to the Spartan military chief you were being married to.
Your father turned and smiled sadly as he called your name. "You have been blessed by Aphrodite."
You bowed your head. "Thank you."
Levi's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure what to say to you, you were just so damn beautiful to him. He stared at you intently as he lightly blushed. He was rather excited you were going to be his wife. He thought of many things to say to you, anything at all to make you smile, but he failed.
Levi gulped. "Tch, you took your time. What happened? Were you taking a shit or something?"
Your eyes widened before you looked away from the shirtless sunkissed man. "Vulgar."
He grabbed your upper arm wanting to tell you he didn't mean it, but instead, he gripped hard and grunted. "Move it. Let us get this over with."
You stumbled along with him. "I am sorry I am such an inconvenience to your life. You could have rejected the offer."
He looked over at you. "Tch, why would I do that? Why would I reject an offering like you?"
You lowered your head. "I suppose I am more precious than coins. You have my family and people in a chokehold."
He shoved you onto the carriage before standing behind you and holding the reins. "Try to reframe from crying. I hate for the people to think I am kidnapping you."
Levi paraded you and him around the roads he was told to go. He held his head high as the people threw flowers at you both. He looked down when you stumbled and bumped into his muscular chest. He felt his heart skip a beat when you pressed your hand on his pec to steady yourself.
Levi lowered his head and voice. "Are you all right?"
You gazed up at him making his heart throb. You felt your cheeks burn at how handsome Levi was. "I am just unsteady on my feet."
Levi wrapped an arm around you. "I'll hold you so you don't get hurt."
"Thank you."
He felt a sense of pride that you were relying on him a little. For weeks you've been keeping him at arm's length and seeing him as some horrible being. He longed for you to see him as something wonderful. He liked you, he thought you were beautiful but his mouth failed him often.
He led the carriage to his waiting army and pulled you along. He lifted you onto his horse and climbed up behind you. He held you again and rode with his people. He kept an eye on you as he moved across the lands. He saw you were exhausted and falling asleep. He knew you were different to his army.
He came to a stop and raised his hand. "We'll camp here." He looked down at you and felt you were hot and whining a little. "We'll rest and move on tomorrow."
Erwin moved closer to him. "Rest? Your army could keep going."
Levi looked down at you panting in your sleep. "She can't."
Erwin gazed at you before smiling softly. "Ah, I understand. We'll rest."
Levi held you close as the tents were set up. He fed you water carefully and some food when you woke up a little. "Are you okay?"
You hummed. "I feel unwell, but better than I was. Thank you."
"You must get better."
You sighed. "Because of the deal."
Levi smiled a little making you blush. "This isn't about that. I worry about you. I want you well."
"You're...sweet..." You snuggled up to him a little. "Thank you."
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Levi was feeling antsy because he hadn't seen you today yet. Since bringing you home two weeks ago, you slept in the same bed but never did a thing. You had yet to kiss each other or sleep with each other. You had gotten closer as a couple.
Levi loved getting to know you. You were sweet, funny, smart and caring. He growled in frustration and turned on his heels and walked away from his fellow officers. He ignored their calls and walked home in search of you.
He came to a stop in his baths to see you sitting down and washing your hair. He pulled off his things and walked down into the bath. He moved closer and sat near you making you blush. "Are you enjoying the bath?"
You pressed your arm against your breasts and nodded. "Yes, it is very pleasurable."
"I am glad."
You turned to him. "How was your day?"
"Good." He reached over and caressed your cheek. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
"I did."
"You're settling in well?"
You nodded and whined. "Yes."
He ran his thumb over your bottom lip. "You are beautiful."
"You're not as rough as I thought you were."
Levi sighed. "I've always known fighting, so my skills in talking with someone I like are lacking."
"You like me?"
He blushed hard. "I do." He released a long sigh. "I want to do better. I don't want to be harsh with my words. I want to romance you correctly."
You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I will do the same."
He gulped hard before pushing you back a little. "It would be wise for you to stand here."
You frowned before a thought crossed your mind. You glanced down before looking away. "Ah, of course."
"I thought you should know, I'm not a brute. I haven't been with a woman before."
You gazed at Levi. "Me too. I haven't been with a man. I guess we're both new to this all."
"We are."
You sat down again and referred to the spot next to you. "Let's talk for a while."
Levi sat next to you. "Perfect."
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Levi felt his heart flutter as you hugged his arm and walked with him. He stopped a moment and let you look around the temple. He pulled away and moved outside to see some wildflowers. He grabbed a load and yanked them from the ground. He panicked a little when he saw he'd pulled some roots up.
He shoved the flowers behind his back. "H-Hello."
You walked closer. "What are you hiding?"
You frowned. "Then why is there dirt falling behind you?"
Levi groaned a little before shoving the flowers in your face. "I saw these and wanted to give them to you because you're pretty and they're pretty and...and..."
You took the flowers. "Thank you. I love them."
"You do?"
He blushed as he smiled. "Good. Oh, but the roots." He grabbed a few from you causing petals to fall off others. "Oh, damn it. I'm sorry."
You looked at the single flower left and smiled. "Perfect." You placed it in your hair. "Perfect."
Levi dropped the bad flowers. "I'm sorry. I'm too rough." He looked at his scar-covered hands. "I'm too heavy-handed."
You took Levi's hands and kissed them. "I think they're kind and caring. There is nothing wrong with being rough around the edges. I rather like that your hands are rough with scars from battle. You're an incredible man."
He gripped your hands tightly as he felt an urge inside him. He leaned down and kissed you taking you by surprise. He blushed hard. "S-Sorry, that was my first kiss."
"It was mine too."
"I'm s-sorry. I shouldn't have...I'm sorry."
You cupped his face and kissed him again. You smiled against his lips before nipping his lip and pushing your tongue into his mouth. You moaned as Levi yanked you against him. He tangled his fingers in your hair as his other hand gripped your bum. You both felt your souls on fire at the passion and love between the two of you.
Levi pulled back from your lips and panted. "I love you."
You blushed a little. "I love you too."
"I want to make you happy. I will work every day and night to ensure I do. I will fail some days, but I will learn from it all so I can be a better man for you. I will protect you every single day. I will live for you." He knelt before you. "You are my goddess I will worship."
You gasped and covered his mouth. "Don't say that, you'll make the gods angry."
Levi chuckled as he pulled your hands away. "I'll fight any of them that come for me. You are my love, my everything."
You hugged Levi's head against you. "You are a lot sweeter than you claim to be." You played with his hair and hummed a laugh. "I look forward to our future together. Exploring each other's bodies." You blushed as well as Levi. "Caring for you and your army. Helping you when you need it. Gracing our lives with beautiful children."
Levi stood up and crashed his lips against yours. "A perfect life."
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olympeline · 7 months
You ever get struck with an idea for a multi-chapter, 100k+ word fic out of nowhere and you’re just: Damn, son, if only I had the free time to devote to bringing this word child into the world. It would be glorious
I was going about real life and I suddenly thought: #ScotFrUK #Enemies to Lovers #medieval kings and princes AU #Slow Burn #Angst With A Happy Ending. It would be so mmm *chef’s kiss* So good
Like, imagine it’s the early days of the Auld Alliance but it was much more of a big deal than in our world. To the extent that the king of France sends one of his sons to wed the Scottish king, Alasdair, to cement their pact against the English. Francis is reluctant, but obeys. Happily, he and Alasdair turn out to have what TV Tropes would call a Perfectly Arranged Marriage. A real opposites attract deal. They had to marry out of necessity, but soon neither would be with anyone else.
So, there’s the lovers. Where’s the enemy?
Arthur: 🫡
There we go. Arthur is a prince too. But, unlike Francis, he’s both an only child and the heir. Meanwhile Francis is a second or third son. Hence why he was sent away to wed sexy scotsmen instead of staying home to rule. Anyway, Arthur’s father is still alive, but old and sick and noone expects him to live much longer. Arthur comes back from leading England’s army on the continent and his Evil Uncle™ (who has been de facto king thanks to Arthur’s dad’s illness) immediately sends him north to Scotland. Deliberately misleading Arthur about the strength of Alasdair’s forces in the hopes of getting his nephew killed. Then Evil Uncle™ just has to wait for the old king to die and presto: England’s throne is his
So, Arthur and his men get fed some story about Scottish barbarians pillaging northern English villages and cross the border to try and break up this ragtag bandit hoard. Only to be met with the full force of the highlands army, led by the dreaded King Alasdair himself (gee, I wonder who could have tipped them off? Oh Evil Uncle™ you incorrigible scamp, you).
The English troops are badly outnumbered and are soon crushed and scattered. Those that aren’t killed are sent fleeing desperately for the border, Arthur among them. But he’s captured before he can get to safety and dragged before Alasdair. Arthur is smart enough not to reveal his true identity and manages to pass as a knight. Alasdair takes him back to his castle as a “gift” for his beloved Francis
See, despite their instant connection, Alasdair still worries life in the highlands isn’t enough for Francis. That his love will eventually tire of a life that’s more rugged and spartan than he’s used to. Tire and long to return to the rich splendour of France. Spoiler: he won’t. But Alasdair still worries and so gives his king consort a captive English manservant to torment. Hoping it will distract Francis from his (imagined) homesickness. Oh Alasdair, you silly soft headed twit. Francis doesn’t need distracting. Not when he has you ❤️
Either way, Arthur - still hiding his true identity - is presented to Francis. After that it’s the slow burn, enemies to lovers between all three of them. With plenty of ups and downs, and tension and drama (relationship and political) mixed in. Francis, still so in love with Alasdair, but sweating bullets over how attracted he is to Arthur. Alasdair, trying to quash his own attraction to their “guest” while also drowning in longheld feelings of inadequacy that are only getting worse. And Arthur wrestling with the guilt and self-loathing over the fact that he is indeed falling for his captors: the enemies of his people. Give me all that angst and drama and other good stuff! Pretty please
And pretty please also give me the eventual first sexy time. With royal husbands Alasdair and Francis seducing Arthur together, Arthur getting the full 👉👌👈 losing all his inhibitions, and loving every minute of it
Urggh. I want to write it. I really do. I shouldn’t, but I really, really want to
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authortobenamedlater · 11 months
@thefinaljediknight tagged me. 20 questions for fanfic writers!
How many works do you have on AO3?
72. Plus 50-something on my defunct FFN.
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
In my younger days, too many 😂 my FFN is like a fandom junk drawer. Over the past several years I’ve just about exclusively written for Star Wars (TCW and The Mandalorian) and Halo.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Master’s Work Is Never Done (TCW, an oldie but goodie that I tend to forget about)
What Do You Do With a Drunk Togruta? (TCW)
The Toddler Invasion (TCW and probably my favorite fic I’ve ever written)
Nothing But Time (The Mandalorian)
A Marriage of (In)convenience (The Mandalorian, up there with TTI for my self-proclaimed best work, sadly the AU it began will never be what I imagined but I still love it)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes they get by me but usually yes.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
And Each Regret, And Each Goodbye (game-verse Halo) This fic is straight-up agony beginning to end.
Two Corpses In One Grave (Halo TV show) is up there, even though it’s just appropriating the show’s already angsty ending for my own purposes.
There might be something angstier on my FFN but I’m not going through stories I wrote as a high school kid to find it 🤣
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’m going to link my Married…With a Supercarrier series here because the whole thing is a happy ending. Mostly. Happier than canon. Which is not saying much for Halo.
For individual fics I can’t decide between When The Game Is Over (Halo TV show) and Lost and Found (game-verse Halo). There’s a fair amount of angst to get to the happy ending in both but isn’t that always the best part?
Do you get hate on fics?
Not anymore but in the Wild Wild West FFN days I got some doozies.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ve tried and I just can’t. I don’t do well with graphic material of any sort. I’ll do fade to black or innuendo where the story calls for it but I always try to keep it humorous and sweet.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Generally no. I did do this NCIS/Halo fic for International Fanworks Day this year and it ended up being kind of a surprise hit. I might write more in the future if I get inspired.
I also have this Babylon 5/Halo crossover that I like to roast on the headcanon rotisserie now and then.
Both of these crossovers would be pretty bonkers but For Such a Time As This might have the edge because it’s basically Sheridan and Lasky tearing a hole in space-time with the force of their combined borderline self-destructive bravery. And Spartans getting hammered on Brivari.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not officially, but @mrtobenamedlater gave me the idea for The Toddler Invasion and helped me write a good deal of Exception Handling.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Right now Tom and Chyler (game-verse Halo) have my muse by the throat. But my all-time favorite is Faramir/Eowyn. Most of my favorite pairings resemble them in some way.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It’s not really a WIP but I’ve been sitting on this ROTS fix-it for about six years. It all started when I was like “Hey Anakin could have major Winter Soldier vibes” and then “hahaha Samuel L. Jackson” and started spinning a Star Wars fix-it that must be full of MCU references.
If I were to pick one of my overly-ambitious ideas to complete, it would be this one. @rainintheevening want to talk next week? 🤣
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Description. I’ve been told I’m great at angst (a compliment I guess?) but honestly it’s like pulling teeth sometimes to get it out.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot and action, which is why nothing I write is more than two chapters long. I feel perpetually bad about this.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actually did this in an original story once, but I’m sure it was atrocious because I used Google translate and the character was supposed to be speaking Quebecois French.
If I ever need to do this again I’ll find someone who actually speaks the language.
First fandom you wrote for?
The Mighty Ducks! A long long time ago.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
I already mentioned two of them, so in the spirit of shameless self-promotion I’ll pick a runner up: Only Human (Halo TV show). My effort to deal with the most (rightly) derided scene in the season. There are parts of the fic I’m not entirely happy with, but I still think I did a pretty good job.
Tagging @novelmonger @ageless-aislynn @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @sarnakhwritesthings @brievel and I’m blanking on anyone else right now. Mr was gone fishing last night. The tiny humans have taken over. Mama is tired.
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kit-williams · 10 months
Cato Guilliman
This was a surprisingly close poll and had 17 people weigh in
Cato Guilliman Species: Half-elf Class: Fighter Personal Deity: Mars (though think of it as a Ares/Mars fusion) Alignment: Lawful Neutral (will swing between good and evil)
Going to preface yes I know Cato isn't a name of an early Ultramarine/Horus Heresy Ultramarine but I never promised I was going to be consistent and besides the name Cato isn't that bad for him
Cato is a babe of political marriage though his Father and Mother keep in touch but because he is a half elf he spends most of his time with his father as his mother will certainly outlive him (though he will live longer than a normal half elf given he is also part primarch)
He has a very Spartan theme around him (As any time I visualize him in my head it immediately goes to something like 300.)
Though while he does sword and board (sword and shield) ((and he will kill people with said shield)) he prefers his spear
His spear is a godly weapon as he was given it by Mars along with his helmet. The spear allows him to teleport to where it lands with it still in his hand, unlike Konrad who can take a person with him with his knives only Cato can utilize this.
Cato tends to be inward thinking which can be quite intimidating as the man is built like a brick house and has a bad habit of staring with his helmet on which has glowing red flames where his eyes are.
We reject short elves in this AU we're going with tall elves here so Cato is the 3rd tallest member here brushing shoulders with Kharn and Ember
When he isn't half naked and looking for a fight he typically wears a blue and white tunic, he has short curly blonde hair with bright blue eyes and of course pointed ears
He and Bjorn are fastidious when it comes to bathing/personal hygine though Cato prefers to bathe more than once a week where as Bjorn is alright with bathing at the end of the week.
He prefers to let others talk because as soon as he opens his mouth to start negotiations more than half of the time people can figure out he is Robute's son (He is a well known politician) so him having left the lands of his father and mother has allowed him to be known for his own skill with words verses people expecting it because of his sire.
But he enjoys to be a warmonger to be called upon when the talking is all done and the group needs him to help get rid of the problem in the diplomatic court of fighting and bloodshed
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diana-prince-s · 2 years
I’m so glad you finished your finals! I hope everything went well. You are my favourite rosenali writer and the Spartan au is so amazing. The last update was so good! I would love to see rosé jealous of seeing Denali and her husband, she asks her to come again and fucks her many times to remind her who really owes her. I just love jealousy and angst and smut so yeah. Wherever you write I’m gonna love no matter what <3
Here it is!
I hope the anon who sent this gets to see this, I know it has been a while! I took this prompt in a little bit of a different direction to further the plot, but I hope it suffices! A small preview below:
The storeroom in the barracks had become incredibly familiar to Denali — the way the light from Nicholaus’s lantern cast shadows over the bags of grain, the silent stone walls that caused their labored breaths to echo in the small space. She didn’t like it. It made her feel like she was surrounded by him, like he consumed her when he was inside her, even when she was on top to have some semblance of control. Her thighs burned and the straw beneath her knees cut into her skin painfully, and Nicholaus’s hands held her hips so he could thrust up into her too quickly for her liking.
Nicholaus finished inside her with a huff. She waited a moment, caught her breath after bearing down for the pain and the discomfort, and then moved off of him to gather her skirts and her pride. It always felt silly, sneaking in to the barracks, stealing away with Nicholaus to a storeroom, far from the knowing glances and snickering of the other men. They were married, and yet it felt like what they were doing was wrong. Like it was worse than what she did with Rosé. Somehow, her affair with another woman could exist in the light of day while love with her husband was another secret in the night.
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buffaluff · 3 years
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That leaves Matthias marooned in stone-cold silence with his uninvited guests, fighting a stupid reflex to ask if they would like a cup of coffee or something. Fedyor seems a little friendlier than Ivan, but a) that’s not exactly a high bar to clear, and b) his looks are dirty enough to make it plain that Matthias is still deep in the doghouse and will have to prove his worth repeatedly before he can even think about getting out of it. The silence turns from strained to suffering to sinking faster than the Titanic.
I really hope that @qqueenofhades’ A Phantom in Enchanting Light has consumed you as much as it has consumed me. Each chapter is like a delicious satisfying meal that I don’t want to end, so here’s an after-dinner mint in the form of illustrating one of my favorite scenes. I cannot resist drawing beefy arms and tiny IKEA apartments—no one can stop me.
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tamayokny · 3 years
sometimes i’m sad but then i remember that tsutako tomioka is alive in the kny modern au
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attackfish · 3 years
Continuation of that AU where Azula is the child of Ozai's mistress: [Link].
1. Ozai's chosen means for declaring Zuko illegitimate is so claim that his mistress and he were secretly married when his father foisted Ursa on him. Through bribery and coercion, he has found himself a Fire Sage willing to attest to having officiated Ozai and Lady Yuki's marriage, and in fact he had, just two days after Azulon's funeral, not more than a decade before. The records associated with this secret marriage are laughably and transparently forged, but nobody cares.
2. Three days after Azulon's funeral and one day after his actual marriage, Ozai announces his past secret marriage for Lady Yuki, and instead of a lavish wedding, there is a spartan and carefully controlled coronation for the new Firelady. The small unpretentious nature of the coronation was a matter of necessity rather than choice, as anything larger would have taken time, and something appropriately lavish could have taken months to arrange. But Ozai wanted her proclaimed Firelady now, wanted Azula made a princess now, and so small and austere it is. Lady Yuki wears her own imposing military dress uniform, with a smug smile to match her husband's.
3. At a stroke, Lady Yuki, Firelady Yuki, is recast, from the prince's haughty lover who wrecked his marriage, to his loving, true wife, forced to languish in obscurity with her daughter, the true princess, while Ozai was forced to play pretend with an ignorant peasant and her bastard son. Firelady Yuki and Princess Azula become, in the language of royal propaganda, symbols of loyalty and bravery in the face of lies and injustice. It's enough to make a person gag, which is what Iroh nearly does when he comes home to it.
4. There are three days between Azulon's funeral and Ozai's coronation, and Ozai's announcement of his "true" marriage. Three days where Zuko is left reeling at the loss of his mother, three days during which the servants move him into his uncle Iroh's old apartments, three days where his father won't speak to him, three days where his grandfather is dead and his mother is gone, and no one will tell him where. Bhe is the heir to the throne and he is terrified and lost, and so alone. And then his father announces that his parents were never really married, that this other little girl is his real heir, and the world turns upside down all over again. This girl, Azula, gets Iroh's rooms, and Zuko is shunted off to a tiny room in the attic, near the servant quarters, stuck in this halfway world between royalty and servant, ignored and alone.
5. It's not a role reversal. That would imply that Azula had ever been treated like this, cast off and ignored. She always had her wealthy, powerful mother and her family. She always had tutors and expectations, a comfortable home and status. Zuko has none of that. His mother is gone. Her family was never powerful. His firebending lessons, any lessons have stopped. He is no longer allowed in royal parts of the palace, he isn't a servant, or a noble, or anything else, and he spends a lot of time alone in his room with nothing to do.
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tainted-wine · 4 years
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This ask is referring to this.
(This mini fic feels like it’s all over the place. Just me enjoying some half-assed worldbuilding, I guess. I had to stop it before things got too heated because I promised myself to keep this one sfw and it’s already longer than intended. Like anon suggested, this is a fantasy AU with some Spartan inspiration. I thought it would be amusing if Hawks was the only 300-style warrior, while the rest wore more accurate and convenient armor.)
The avian people.
A winged race known for their impish behavior and irritating ability to swoop in on unfortunate groups and settlements, spreading mischief and fleeing before they can face any consequences. The many troubles they bring has given them a sour reputation among humankind, but the sudden appearance of a lone avian on the outskirts of the country might be enough to change our perspective. Perhaps they are more than devious opportunists…
 The feather moved.
You nearly tripped over your own feet when you noticed the slightest twitch of the red plume attached to the golden chain around your neck, placing a hand on the round curve of your stomach as you tried to balance yourself. Three long months—you prayed to the gods every day for both the life growing in your womb and the safety of its father.
You last saw your husband marching into battle with his head held high along with the rest of his comrades, men that scoffed at his very presence just three years ago, and probably still do, if you were to be honest. But he has earned the entire kingdom’s respect through his recent training, training that you all quickly learned wasn’t necessary.
The soldiers of this country were strong and experienced, there was no doubt about that, but they were also vastly outnumbered by the enemy forces. No matter what the proudest warrior tells you with complete confidence in their skill, numbers do matter in a battle.
The greedy kingdom that sought to rule the strong yet peaceful country you resided in was ruthless—they have taken the heads of several kingdoms’ finest warriors, and the less honorable ones surrendered and now fight under their command. Despite your spouse’s promises and reassurance, despite witnessing his amazing skills in combat firsthand, you still feared that victory was too far out of reach. It shames you to admit that you were already prepared to raise your child by your lonesome.
But then the feather moved again, this time briefly lifting off your chest before falling back down. So you weren’t seeing things.
“Miss! Please be careful!” Your maid rushed into the room when she saw you stumbling, gently holding you up. You were eternally grateful for the work she has put in caring for you and taking up some of your husband’s work. As your child grew and drained more of your energy, an extra pair of hands to take care of the house and errands was greatly appreciated.
You held onto her as you pushed through the sudden pains to reach the door. “He’s here! My necklace! They’ve returned!”
“Ah, finally! Of course they have,” she said calmly now that you weren’t in danger of falling. “I told you there was no need to worry. There are no other warriors in the world like ours,” she paused. “Well, assuming that not all avians are as gifted as your precious Keigo.”
You laughed softly. Keigo did tell you and many others that he was far from the only fighter in his homeland. Even after taking his hand in marriage, he refuses to reveal his reason for leaving his people, choosing to wander a land inhabited by humans who watched him with distrust. You have long since accepted his secretive nature.
Both of you pushed the door open and stepped outside, just in time to hear the bellow of a great horn, the sound traveling outside the city’s walls and up into the hills where your humble house stands. It wasn’t the most convenient location, but Keigo wanted to live on a higher spot, and you didn’t mind catering to his bird-like habits. Besides, waking up to soft breezes and birdsongs was much more pleasant than the bustling city.
Your maid kept a firm hold on your arm as you watched people rush through the streets and toward the gates, ready to welcome the brave men home. Your chest remained tightened. How many survivors were there? ‘It doesn’t matter,’ you selfishly thought. ‘Keigo is there. They won’t admit it, but he was the best out of all of them.’
“Don’t you even think of heading down there,” she was giving you a stern look that a mother would give a naughty child. “You’re still upholding your promise to stay close to home after falling ill so suddenly yesterday. I know you haven’t seen him in three months, but please be patient. You’ll be reunited soon.”
Your brooding may be responsible for the illness and pains that have been striking you more frequently, but frankly, if you were to ever collapse, you’d be more worried about the older woman’s heart than your own wellbeing. “Rest easy, I’m not going anywhere,” you promised her. “Besides, I’m quite certain that he’ll be coming to me very soon.”
“What? What do you mean? They need to answer to the king before they return to their families.”
“Yes, that’s what they’re��expected to do...” You trailed off. There was an odd feeling in your gut, and it wasn’t the baby. It looked like everyone in the city has gathered in one giant mass, waiting for their heroes.
And then you saw him.
The gate was slowly opening, but something, someone has launched into the air and over the walls, and your heart lifted just as high. A man with a magnificent pair of crimson wings soared over each and every structure, heading up to the hills.
“Wh-H-He can’t do that! He’s ignoring the royal family’s wishes!” The poor maid was in a panic, but you were too stunned, too elated at the sight of your lover getting closer at an impossible speed.
The people of this kingdom have little exposure to non-human races. The simple sight of him dashing over the city and gracefully landing in front of you never failed to bring stars to your eyes. 
Keigo Takami was already removing his bronze helmet as he approached, shaking out his head of tousled blond locks. You weren’t expecting him to look so presentable upon his return—it looked as if he had time for a decent bath before his final march home.
His bare chest looked mostly unscathed, only a few cuts and small traces of bruises littering his skin. The warriors detested his refusal to wear his chest plate; he claimed that it would only weigh him down during flight. He also rejected their weapons and relied on his own feathers to serve as his spears and swords. They did decide to let him go without a cloak, his wings working well enough as a replacement. The armor on his shins was also added weight, but not enough for him to complain about to the exasperated warriors. He told you himself that the only reason he wears the helmet that obscures his sharp vision, is because he admittedly likes the red crest.
But the one piece of equipment that the small army did not allow Keigo to reject, no matter how many times he whined about its size and weight, was the shield. The shield is his promise to protect not only himself, but the entire line of his fellow comrades in the heat of battle. So he held his tongue and carried the huge monster of bronze and leather, complete with a unique design of a hawk with its wings flared out like a rising phoenix.  
You broke free of the maid’s grasp and rushed over to throw your arms around your beloved wanderer-turned-hero. He dropped his shield and helmet onto the soft earth (you can already hear his comrades screaming in horror) to hug you back gently, mindful of your belly that has grown so much during his time away. You took it all in—his warmth, his scent, the feeling of safety as his wings close around you—how badly you have missed his presence over the months hits you full force when he pulls back to bring you in for a kiss.
Amidst the heat and passion, you can hear the maid’s fumbled words as she excuses herself to head down to the city and welcome the others. You part from him before he steals the last of your breath, gazing into those friendly and playful golden orbs. You wondered how much deadlier those eyes looked when driving his red blades into any unfortunate opponents. His roughened, calloused fingers traced the lone feather hanging on your neck while you caressed his face.
His smooth and silky voice embraced both your ears and heart. “My beautiful bird.”
You never did come up with an affectionate little name for your foreign husband. “Keigo.”
He chuckled. “I hope you weren’t having any doubts while I was gone. No army in the world is going to keep me away from my mate for life.”
Mate. His choice of words was rather…barbarous sometimes. It took some time to adapt to your bed being the nest, or his excited talks of raising his very own flock. “You know that I can’t help but worry.”
“I know you’re strong, love, but don’t let your worry get to our chick,” he reminded you as his wings twitched. There was a serious shift in his face before he knelt down, touching your belly softly as his feathers shook.
Fear began to grip you. “Keigo? Is something wrong with the baby?”
He doesn’t answer immediately, taking another minute to listen carefully before looking up at you with a heartfelt smile. “Babies, love.”
Your eyes narrow…then widen in disbelief. “Twins?”
He nodded along with his flapping wings. “Two tiny hearts...I can feel them. These wings are never wrong.”
You didn’t know it was possible to feel even more joy, but you find yourself pulling him back up for another kiss. Two children to raise with your lover who returned from a war against a seemingly endless army. What did you do to please the gods and receive such a blessing?
“You know,” you said against his lips. “You should be on your way to the castle. The king-”
“Can wait,” he interrupted before attacking your lips with more quick pecks. “I appreciate how much this place has tolerated me. Despite how annoyed you all were the moment I arrived, no one ever forced me out, and I am truly grateful. But don’t think this ‘no good avian’ is going to become some all-noble knight just because he fought a million men to protect his home. I’m just showing my gratitude.”
You laughed into his face. “You really don’t want your reputation as a freeloading trickster to change? The royal family might have an incredible reward for you. For us.”
“Hmm, and what could they have in store for me? Free poultry for as long as I live?”
“Keigo,” you shook your head lightly, trying not to interrupt his lips.
“Too demanding? How about a discount on every purchase for as long as I live? Doesn’t that sound great?” He rubbed your stomach as his kisses trailed down to your jaw. “Don’t you want our chicks to have all the meat they deserve? So that they can grow into powerful birds of prey just like their father?”
His mouth reached your neck, and things were getting more heated than anticipated when his hot mouth closed over the flesh above your pulse. “Ah…” You gasped.
“Want to know what else I’ve been missing?” You can feel the naughty smirk curling against your throat. “I hope your stamina hasn’t lessened, little bird.”
You want to laugh at how he’s thinking about getting intimate already, but the licks against your sensitive skin are making it hard to resist. “Is your crazed lust another avian trait, or is it just you?” Your fingers tangled in his locks, urging him to keep going.
“Mmm, we’re not as anal about suppressing our urges.” A hand cups one of your tender breasts and gives it a soft squeeze. “Before you met me, did you ever expect to fuck your man so many times? Isn’t it liberating?”
The crude word spreads warmth somewhere lower. “We make love, Keigo.”
“Some nights, we do. Those louder and rougher nights, when I have you screaming through those shy hands covering your mouth? We’re fucking.”
Something was poking you down there, and that was your cue to move this indoors. “Clearly you have too much energy left from your glorious battles.” You motioned for him to pick up his gear before walking back to the house. “Now come inside.”
He grinned and licked his lips. “That’s where I always-”
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trvgcdiv · 3 years
* penelope: the faithful wife.
basic ass profile series.
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portrayal notes.
Penelope of Ithaka, portrayal based on what attracts a Virgo to a Gemini and "When Will [x] Return From War”.
Pulls from myth canon and blog headcanon; Greek myth based & Mexican culture influenced.
Portrayal involves parentification, covert/emotional incest, and Eldest Daughter Syndrome.
Interested in exploring survival in subtly hostile environments and why it’s a good idea to cut off all contact with your toxic family when you get married and move away.
Primary, Epic Cycle. Verses include (but not limited to) myth canon, myth AU, and modern.
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Penelope of Ithaka Lady of Sparta, Queen of Ithaka. Spartan / Laconian / Aegan —of mixed white, Indigeous, and afro-Mexican heritage in non myth verses Epic Cycle
Rarely seen unveiled after her marriage—enjoys being unperceived™
Long, tightly coiled black hair that appears much shorter due to shrinkage, usually bound in an updo. Dark brown eyes, medium brown skin—darker coloring than her cousins, much like her father Ikarios is darker than his brother Tyndareos.
Shortest among the Spartan Girl Gang
As beautiful as her cousins, but less terrifying and more approachable—and she’s very upset about both aspects. >(
Divine Heritage: Hera, Zeus, Okeanos & Tethys. Notable Ancestors: Perses, Gorgophone, Amyclas, Sparta, Lacedaemon Parents: Ikarios & Periboea (naiad) Siblings: (brothers) Perileos, Thoas, Damasippus, Imeusimus, and Aletes. Iphithime, her sister. Spouse: Odysseus Children: Telemakhos. Connections: Helen, Klytaimestra, Athena (more tbd)
Is absolutely Done With Your Shit, Yes Yours™
Quiet and soft-spoken, but mostly because she doesn’t… like… dealing with people… and not because she’s shy.
The level-headed and pragmatic one, if only because she has the unfortunate tendency to be surrounded by chaotic bastards.
Penelope voice: Odysseus might be a chaotic bastard, but he’s my chaotic bastard.
Parentified child that grew into an adult: had to raise her younger sister (and somehow, also her older brothers) after Periboea chose to return to her spring.
need to know.
Genuinely loves and is in love with her spouse. >|
Spartan Girl Gang for Life
Doesn’t resent Helen for the war even though she’s VERY UNHAPPY that her husband is forced to participate. 
Open to polyamory even if she’s not interested in having other partners herself.
Probably demisexual tbh
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semperintrepida · 4 years
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[image source: a defunct tumblr blog, but here’s a reblog of the original post]
Three headcanons form the basis for my characterization of Kyra in every story I’ve written her in, both in canon and in AU. Every time I write her, this is what I’m riffing on.
(Hang on, I’ve lost my train of thought. My eyes keep being drawn upward. I’m compelled to look at her. No wonder Kassandra’s captivated...)
ahem, so... Kyra is a control freak. There’s a reason why she’s leading the rebellion, not just fighting in it. She needs stability, to be in control of the situation, or at least have a solid plan to follow. It’s why Thaletas is appealing — he offers the stability of a Spartan citizenship by marriage. It’s why a life with Kassandra scares her — following a misthios around is a life of uncertainty. And yes, it’s why she’s a capital-T Top. This need for control also creates a delicious synergy with my next headcanon...
Kyra is insecure. She grew up on the streets and her skills are mostly self-taught. But she’s smart enough to know that a leader has to project confidence. She’s the poster child for impostor syndrome and fake-it-til-you-become-it. This is some nice, fertile storytelling ground because it gives her character a place to go.
Kyra is a quick study. She doesn’t know everything, but she’s smart, and driven, and learning is her thing. Honestly, I just want an excuse for her to nerd out over some literature and science, because it’s such a contrast to canon!Kassandra’s simpler loves of wine, women, and song. (This is a case where one canon line — Kyra saying, “Very poetic for someone covered in blood. I like it.” — was enough to send me galloping off with a new headcanon as far as it’ll take me.)
oh yeah, one last important thing:
I stan Kyra as a bi queen. (Or maybe empress?) I’ve never written a bisexual protagonist before, and as a Kinsey Six, I'm trying to do her justice as best I can. I’ve no intentions of hand-waving this aspect of her sexuality away, as it’s so easy to do when writing F/F ships.
Anyway, just a brief peek into some of my thinking for those of you following my AC: Odyssey fics. I really ought to do one of these for Kassandra, too.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years
I’m so excited for all of the unnatural travesties we’ll get from you tonight around the dumpster fire of shame!!! How about a Fuck Marry Kill, but with a blurb on each one of course, for Captain Blowhole, This is Sparta, and I’m Your Huckleberry!
Unleash the shame and crack!!!
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Flip loved the sea and all its sea-crets (i hate myself) it held. Yes he grew very fond of you as well, keeping his cock nice and warm every night while you wailed on top of him. His balls never felt so light as his cum stayed nice and safe in your slick folds at all hours of the day. But if there was one thing he detested more than death, it was marriage. 
He never felt like he was the committed type, leaving you to question all the progress you’d made on his salty heart. Finally settling with what this all really was in the end, a quick fuck and forget. 
You hated the idea of being a pawn in his game, cursed him for it every time he entered your pussy, but the hate-fucking made it more exciting than anything in the entire ocean. 
You soon grew to enjoy being his own personal pet of sorts, him using you as his personal cumbucket whenever he needed to relieve his frustrations. 
Never once muttering the words commitment once you’d figured out his triggers. The one night you did resulted in a night spent in the barracks with the crew, grabbing at your clothing, shredding it to pieces as you cowered in the corner, kicking their grubby hands from your skin. The mutual relationship was enough to get you out of the stuffy town you’d grown up in, full of drunks and homeless buccaneers, taking even more advantage of your beauty than Flip had already. 
At least he was handsome, and well-endowed in just about every department you could think of. You craved the adventure, the smell of the salt in the sea, the wind in your pretty locks as you trekked the world with the Jolly Roger. 
Getting fucked into oblivion every single night, eating gourmet dinners, being gifted with all the treasures of the Seven Seas, even participating in a battle or two amongst the rivaling pirate ships. It was perfect. Being his personal pocket pussy was just enough to keep you satisfied. 
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The wedding would be short and sweet. The entire village present as the nuptials of the two most beautiful people in the community were to be finally joined with the Gods blessing their union. 
You were draped in the finest silks your family could provide, the white illuminating your skin in a halo of glitter as you walked down the path to the steps of the temple. The grin plastered on your warrior rivaling Zeus himself as he watched you glide down the aisle, carrying a bouquet of wildflowers in your delicate fingers. 
You hid your face under a sheer veil, a small crown adorning your head as he was clad in his full army gear, including the Spartan helmet which covered his precious nose from your view. 
He and you were only able to remove the garb when the officiant blessed the marriage. You traipsed up the stairs, grabbing the majority of your silks in your free hand as you came to his place on the marbled floor. 
He held a large hand to which you took, both of you gazing into one another’s eyes as you waited for the end of the ceremony. 
“Phillip,” the senator pronounced, “will you uphold the will of the Gods to complete the duty to your country, as well as your commitments to this woman you’ve chosen to be yours?” 
Flip turned his head from the minister, to gaze into your precious eyes, smiling before he answers slightly above a whisper, “I do,” a chorus of javelins hitting the ground as the warriors in his guild were present in their full gear to witness their leader wed. 
“Y/N,” the senator turned to your direction, “will you uphold the will of the Gods to complete the duties to your country, as well as your commitments to this warrior you have been blessed with to be your betrothed?” turning your neck back to face him as his amber eyes swirled in your brain. 
“I do,” hitching a breath as you released the anxiety that had built up throughout the day of getting prepared for him. 
“Then it is the will of Zeus and Hera to bless this sacred union in holy matrimony,” he pronounced to the crowd of hundreds gathered, “you may seal your duties with a kiss,” gesturing for the removal of your coverings. 
He let go to remove the golden helmet, his ravened hair falling over his face in curls as he fixed himself enough to remove your veil. Your beauty shimmering in the light of day like a beacon, the smile on your face rivaling Aphrodite’s gorgeous stare. 
He pulled you to him, gripping the back of your head to tilt it to his face, embracing your lips in a searing kiss. The movements only increasing as the crowd signaled their agreements with the union, cheering and stomping their feet while throwing flower petals into the air in celebration. 
Yes the wedding would be short, but the reception would last days. The people dancing in the streets over your love. Women weeping as they watched their only chance with Flip fade away as you both gazed into each other, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. 
“I love you my muse,” he whispered by the lit bonfire surrounded by dancers, celebrating your marriage. 
“I love you too my strong warrior,” running a finger along his jaw as he leaned in to give you another kiss, your tongues laving over each other as you both fell into each other’s embrace. 
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“Phil!” you screamed, tied to the bed of the truck in a spread eagle pattern, naked as a jay-bird in the cool night. 
“Fuck! Phillip! I’m gonna kill you!” crying out as your empty pussy puckered from the breeze that blew over the Colorado Springs plains. 
You heard a deep chuckle roll from the side of the truck, the flick of his bic lighting a cigarette that he blew smoke out from your peripheral, “aw darlin’, don’t promise somethin’ ya can’t keep,” a grunt leaving his lips as he lifted a spurred boot on his tailgate, the motion causing the entire bed to shake. 
“I said what I said,” spitting a wad to smack on the leather of the shoe as you shivered in the cold, “there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it, cowboy,” arching an eyebrow at the smirk that landed across his face again. 
“Oh, sugar,” he cooed, lifting his entire weight on his tailgate, pulling the knots on your ankles to make sure they still held up from your writhing, “there’s a million things I could do about it,” pressing a spur to dig into the flesh of your thigh, the metal causing you to wail out in pain as it drew the slightest bit of blood. 
“Just fuck me already you son of a bitch!” gritting your teeth to sand as he dug further into your perfect skin. 
“Hold the fuck on,” he growled out, sucking the last of his filter as he lowered to your mound, watching your hole open and close from the bite of the air, “last time I checked, brats like you don’t get anything they want,” running his free hand over your slicked up folds, a hiss leaving your mouth as you felt his gritty fingers touch your pretty pussy. 
“You’re such a goddamn slut,” snarling as he lowered the burning end of his cigarette on your other thigh, ashing it on your delicate epidermis. 
“Motherfucker!” the pain unbearable as he pushed the ashes into the welt, “Flip! Goddamnit!” a gush of slick dripping down to your asshole as you cursed his name into the night. 
“I know ya like the pain, whore!” spitting into your open mouth as he grabbed the trail of wetness and rimmed your puckered butthole with his thumb. 
“I’m gonna,” you winced out, moaning as he pushed his digit into your ass, “I-I,” losing yourself in the feeling of his other fingers filling your gaping cunt, coaxing them to close in on them like a finger trap. 
“You’re gonna what, sugar?” taunting as he watched your head roll back in pleasure, “you’re gonna kill me?” he chuckled again, watching you unravel on his fingers. 
“I don’t think you’re gonna do anything, baby doll,” feeling your walls close in on him as he brushed your G-spot, “in fact, I think you’re gonna cum all over my hand... like the fuckin’ slut you are,” cooing with his Cameled breath as he watched you come closer and closer to bliss. 
“You’re gonna cum,” he demanded, “and you’re gonna do it right now, Y/N,” growling out as he ran his free thumb over your aching clit, sending you into a frenzy of euphoria, the pressure built up so much from all of this causing you to release your spend in a stream that coated the entirety of his large hand. 
Yes, you were gonna kill him, but not until after he made you cum a few more times tonight. 
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authortobenamedlater · 9 months
Because I am the master of AUs.
Got a major case of brain fog and couch lock today and went into my drafts to finish this FINALLY.
I will take asks and DMs about anything here. By which I mean I am begging for asks and DMs about anything here 😆
Star Trek AOS
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The Pike-April Family Business: My oldest AU and the one with the least to show for it. This was the first AU in which I became really invested. I tried to revive it on AO3 a few years ago and just couldn’t get it going. I hope to one day find a way back to it. The older stories are still on my FFN.
I have tons of headcanons for this that have never seen the light of day and might not unless I get asks about them.
Tagged “pafb au”
Star Wars
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Mandalore’s Reluctant Royals: Canon divergence from Mandalorian S2 finale. Bo-Katan comes up with a solution to the Darksaber problem that may be more than she or Din bargained for. A political “marriage” that eventually turns into the real thing.
I had a whole timeline and several WIPs and ideas for this AU most of which got lost when my computer crashed in May 2022. The series will never be what I envisioned, but I still love it and think about it a lot.
Tagged “mandalore’s reluctant royals”
Untitled ROTS Fix-It: A Winter Soldier-inspired AU that came from me looking at Sebastian Stan and Hayden Christensen’s similarly wild hair and “haha Samuel L. Jackson.” Someday I might do something with it, but it’s just been turning over in my head for about seven years. Couldn’t even think of a good image for it.
Tagged “rots mcu au” for want of anything better
Halo (TV)
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Vital Record (Angel-117 on AO3): The fallout from Everyone’s Favorite Scene(tm) is S01E08. Starts from the eponymous fic and branches off into several AU possibilities. Canon divergence from S01E09.
This one lives mostly in headcanons on Tumblr as I have too many ideas for it to make anything cohesive 😂
Tagged “vital record au”
Halo (game)
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(I wish I could get a grown-up picture of them.)
Married...With a Supercarrier: Get in loser, we’re going down the highway to rarepair hell. Chyler doesn’t die in Forward Unto Dawn and she and Lasky get their happy ending with the occasional lovers’ quarrel.
Tagged "married with a supercarrier au"
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NCIS: Reach: Grew from a seemingly inconsequential crossover for International Fanworks Day 2023. I ended up finding these universes fit each other well and really enjoying the concept, though I haven’t written anything else for it (yet).
The first fic can work for game or TV Halo, but the rest of the AU would be game-verse if I continued it.
Tagged “ncis reach au”
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For Such a Time As This: An epic crossover that will almost surely never be finished entirely, taking off from some point in Spartan Ops. Infinity gets dropped like a rock into the Babylon 5 world. Halsey escapes and gets loose on the station and basically causes the Shadow War and all kinds of other problems.
I do not have the time or talent to pull this off and changing anything about the B5 storyline feels like sacrilege to me 😂 but I still enjoy playing with this AU.
Tagged “for such a time as this au”
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frolickingangels · 4 years
little rants/learnings on ancient greek things i used in my kassidas marriage au fic:
1. with a wife like kassandra and a husband like brasidas, how can anyone not be clingy, yknow. that spartan no-living-with-your-wife-till-you’re-thirty rule is bs. kassandra is an unconventional gal and her issues with the system are real. 2. according to internet articles, adultery wasn’t a big deal in sparta. like, some even went far enough to say the ancient greeks in general treated sex like pre-covid modern people treated handshakes wow. (just wanted to dabble a bit on this. i do NOT condone cheating. heck, i hate it. so yeah, just little dibble dabbles about it in fanfic world in a setting where it’s accepted-ish). 3. spartan men spent the majority of their lives in barracks. you can’t tell me they never caved to the “companionship” of their fellow soldiers. or that spartan ladies didn’t “warm each other up” while the husbands were away at war. (olisbos was probably a common thing to have in a household too, i’m guessing) (wink wink). i’m no expert in ancient greek history and mythology tho so feel free to tell me things haha thank for tolerating this rant <3
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diana-prince-s · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
I was going to keep any progress on my fics under wraps to keep the pressure off and happy surprise y'all but I wrote this a few months ago so I guess I can post it now
As she pulled Denali along with her, away from the men, her hand drifted further down her arm until their fingers danced together, warm despite the breeze. They walked together through the gate in silence, the deep voices of their husbands fading into the dark behind them.
“He is not as handsome as I imagined,” Rosé said quietly, her head suddenly dipped so her words came close to Denali’s ear.
Denali hummed. “No, he is not very handsome at all.”
It was a strange conversation to be had, in some ways amusing, but Denali’s head became very clouded and so she did not laugh. She focused on the path ahead of them, and Rosé’s hand in her own holding tightly so she did not stray. Silence loomed between them like a fog.
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