#haiplana prompts
diana-prince-s · 2 years
Rosenali + "I didn't mean to send you a nude, [...] unless you liked it"
"I didn't mean to send you a nude, I swear, I don't even keep those on my phone normally, I just..."
Rosé trails off, realizing that her office crush isn't paying any attention to what she's saying, instead opting to look her up and down like a predator. When Denali came into the office that morning, Rosé had been expecting a look of disgust on her face, and then an email from HR; but by lunchtime there still had been nothing. Rosé figured an apology-sushi wouldn't hurt, so here she is with the proffered food in her hand, waiting over Denali's desk for her final judgement.
"...Unless you liked it?"
Denali gives her another once-over, raises her chin, and says, "Why don't you throw away this grocery store stuff and buy me some real sushi tonight?"
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slutnali · 1 year
omfg I read the lesbian rosenali fic u posted about the other day and i’m so deeply hurt that there’s no final chapter it’s so fucking good 😫😫😫😫🥹😫😫😫 do u have any other rosenali fic recs? 😫
It's sooo fucking good, right?? I literally go back to reread it every few months and every time it's like I'm reading it for the first time. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Hopefully the writer posts the last update eventually 😭I think I subscribed to it so I should get the notif
I've got a shit ton of rosenali recs but these are mostly going to be so much of me linking user profiles to ao3 omg 😭
When It Feels Right by alittlebitcloser : I had to include it for anyone else that comes across this list
A Helping Hand by Bombs : canon compliant, a classic I go back to reread as well. I was talking to Bombs last night and she might post another fic so 👀😌
morningmissgoode : f/f and cc rosenali, I can't even pic faves bc I'm obsessed with them all (but I'm most biased to say it to the sky)
dawningofdrag : cc and f/f, my favorite is Like Real People Do and 'cause you're my jewel
haiplana : f/f, my faves are gynaíkes gámou and leave before you love me
valiumsky : f/f and f/m , both are chefs fucking kiss
Inkpression : f/f and m/m fics but my favorites or the ones I go back to get my fix are: I put a spell on you, Burning Up, and Why not me?
buffyathena: liv has SOOO many great fics and writes many ships, rosenali ofc being one of them. My favorite has to be Ever in Your Favor, its a hunger games au and I think about it randomly
thevampirearcher : mostly f/f, the last great american dynasty had me on the edge of my seat waiting for updates
goodemethyd : f/f, so many fics and ships you can shuffle through on her a03 and blog but my absolute fave would be Love Be A Lady and this prompt !!
missjanjie : f/f and some cc stuff too, you'll find so many ships and works on her ao3 and blog, but my fave rosenali fic is I Could Be the One
You're my golden hour by writworm42 : f/f, soft aftercare, I revisit this one a lot too
This was getting so fucking long and I was originally going to add in gottrosenali fics too but didn't want to overwhelm whoever reads this and myself🥴😅 But if you did want a fic rec list for them, lmk! Overall, there are SOOO many great works for rosenali that I didn't get to list but these are the ones that automatically came to mind
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ghelikblack · 6 years
Bookworms (BECHO)
A new chapter on my Tumblr Prompts fic. Thank you @echokomazgeda , I hope you like it ^^
Murphy looks down at the list Raven handed him if it can be called a list. It looks more like a spider wandered in some ink and then decided to do a crazy dance all over the strip of paper. Is this some sort of prank? Is Raven pranking him? Maybe it’s code. Or scienc-y stuff, but he has never seen anything like this before.
“John, what’s on the list?” asks Emori. She’s crouching amidst the large crates of supplies they found in the storage unit. Too crowded for him to properly enter the room, but with enough space for Ems to slither between the containers and peak inside them.
“I have no clue.”
The woman’s stare is unimpressed at best. “I thought you said you could read.”
“I can read. But not whatever language this is.” Emori sighs and squeezes her way out of the storage room. She can’t read, so she doesn’t even try looking at the list. “OK, let’s see if Raven can translate it for you.”
Murphy feels a surge of shame as he follows Emori down the hall. He has already proven he can’t help Raven or Monty with techy stuff, not like Harper, Bellamy and Emori can. Echo has the excuse of being traumatized by the mountain, but he is just useless. One would think he’d be smart enough to read a fucking list of materials.
One would be wrong, apparently.
“Raven! Murphy can’t read your list.”
The mechanic groans, pushing herself out from inside a panel in the wall. “Really? Come on; I didn’t use any technical names.”
“I don’t know what this is, but it’s not English. And I told you I don’t get your fancy coding and scienc-y languages,” growls Murphy, feeling his ears burning.
“I told Echo to write the list;” the mechanic is climbing to her feet with Emori’s help. “So it’s in English.”
“It’s not”
Raven rolls her eyes and snatches the paper from his hands with a tired: "She said her penmanship was a little rusty, but I don't think-" The mechanic stares at the collection of small dots. Blinks. And stares some more, finally rolling her eyes. "Ha-ha, very funny, Murphy."
“I swear to god; this is the paper Echo gave me.”
Emori looks between the two of them. “Why? What’s wrong?”
“This isn’t English,” declares Raven. It’s not like Murphy has been saying this all along, but he bites his tongue and follows the two women when they set up to find Echo. She's with Bellamy, Harper, and Monty, setting up the algae farm and doing most of the heavy lifting while Monty orders Bellamy and Harper around to install scrubbers and water filtration systems. The young man’s hands haven’t healed properly yet, so he can’t do any of the manual labor himself.
“Yo, Echo! I thought you said you could write”, is probably not what Murphy should have said upon entering their future hydro farm. The scary Az-woman rises to her full height, squaring her shoulders. “I do.”
“The hell is this, then?”
She checks the paper. “Well, Raven said you write ‘Ionic disruptor’ as it sounds.”
Bellamy wanders over, peeking over Murphy’s shoulder to take a look at the paper. “What language is this?”
“Since only gonaleng can be written down…”
“You mean to tell us; this is English?”
The warrior frowns at them, her hackles rising. “I am not an analphabet; I was trained as a high commander of Haiplana’s Royal High Guard. I deciphered the dispatches during the Three Year War against the Plain Riders. My penmanship might not be as sophisticated as a Lady's, but I can write."
And with that, she turns on her heel and marches out of the room.
You can read the rest over at AO3
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takenbymyfandoms · 6 years
Roan kom Azegda: A King in Love
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A/N: This is just something random because I really fucking miss Roan. I wish he could have survived. This is placed after Azgeda took over Polis and Roan is training for the challenge of the Ambassador. Y/N is one of the delinquents who Roan took a liking to and is ~extremely~ overprotective of.
Warnings: all the angst, some kissing, overprotective lovey Roan (because let’s be real that needs a warning all its own), smut,
Prompts: “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you're not safe here. If you were to get hurt or worse, I’d never forgive myself, so please.
“Have you lost your damn mind?”
“Stay awake, please.”
Y/N’s POV:
I was sitting on the steps in front of Roan’s throne watching him and Echo spar. They’d been at it all day and with Abby continuing to tell him that his wound wasn’t healed enough to safely fight this he kept putting more and more effort into it. Now don’t get me wrong I knew he could hold his own in a fight but seeing him in pain just sparing made me worried for this fight.
“If you can’t help me why are you still here?” Roan snapped at Abby. I slowly stand and look at Echo, I motion for her to leave with Abby so that I could talk to Roan. Quietly she grabs her sheath and left. Putting my hand softly on his shoulder I turn him towards me.
“Hey, go easy on her. We just want you to be careful. This is a dangerous time and you know other clans want to be in Azegda’s position and won’t hesitate to take you out.” I tilt my chin up to look him in the eye.
“I know that, ai haiplana. But if I want them to not think me weak I can’t shy away from this challenge. And like you said, it's dangerous, if I want to keep you safe I can’t afford to be weak. Some people from Skaikru are coming today, I don’t know if Kane and Abby told you.”
“They did. What’s with the sudden shift in topic Roan? What aren’t you telling me?”
He looks down at our joined hands, “I need you to leave Polis. Like you said it’s not safe here. The other clans will take any measure necessary to take me down. That includes hurting you. Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you're not safe here. If you were to get hurt or worse, I’d never forgive myself, so please. I can’t lose you.”
I look up at him in shock, “Have you lost your damn mind? Roan, I leave it would make it even more obvious th- that I’m your weakness. The safest place for me is beside you.” I step even closer to him. “I don’t care what danger it poses to me. If I leave it shows one of your weaknesses, not that there are many, and that leaves you vulnerable.” I force him to look at me, my hand holding his jaw so he can’t look away from me, “Ai hod yu in. Roan I love you more than anyone else.”
“Ai hod yu in seintaim, so much my love. I will not argue with you about this but if you aren’t with me Echo will be with you, I can’t lose you. I won’t lose you.” He pulls me into a searing kiss, holding me against him as my hands run through his hair.
“You won’t my love. I’ll be by your side till the end of time.” I whisper against his lips before I pull him back to me.
Roan’s POV
Y/N had gone back to Arkadia for the week to help around their camp and to bring news from Polis, she was to be coming back today. Sitting in the throne room Echo was telling me of all the reports that were coming in from the guards. After so long of the same thing, I begin to tune it out, thinking of when she’d be home. One of the guards at the door came in bowing to me and showing someone in.
The person raised their head and of course it’s none other than Wanheda herself. Clarke walked up to Echo and said something softly to her, to which Echo nodded and left the room after giving me some lie about having to check the armory all of a sudden.
“What do you want, Wanheda?”
“Look Roan, I know we don’t always get along but I figured this would be easier if I was the one to tell you this.” She takes a deep breath. “Y/N got hurt on the way back here. We were on the road and some people from Trishanakru attacked us. We were closer to Polis so we came here. Abby is looking at her now to see what can be done. I think your guards took her to your chambers.” I leaped from where I was seated before she was even done talking.
“Thank you, Clarke for telling me yourself,” I take a deep breath to stop my hands from shaking. “I’m going there now, can you tell me exactly what happened on the way there?” I say as I walk out of the room, Clarke trailing behind me.
Listening to what happened, the seemingly random attack, the knife stabbing Y/N in the stomach, Y/N bleeding out in the back of the Rover. It all seemed to be like some horrid nightmare. I push the doors open and instantly see Y/N lying unconscious on our bed. I walk slowly towards the bed almost hoping this is just some elaborate prank, but the instant I look at her face any hope of that is crushed. Her eyes are sunken in her pale face, her shirt is covered in a thick layer of blood.
“Is there anything I can do to help? Anything you need to keep her alive?” I ask quietly.
“I could use some more bandages. I’m having a hard time stopping the bleeding.” I nod towards one of the guards at the door and he scrambles to go get what Abby requested.
“May I have a minute with her?” Everyone in the room slowly files out and I’m left alone in the silence.
I softly move some of her hair out from in front of her face. Looking over every inch of her face my worry only increases, I know she’s strong but I know how deadly wounds like this are. I thought she’d be safe with the Skaikru guards with them, and Echo had seen them training and had declared them perfectly capable. Damn it! I shouldn’t have been so reckless. I look back down at her pale face, memorizing every line, every single breath for the fear that I might not get to see her, to hold her again.
“Roan? What happened? How- how did I get here?” Her voice raspy and dry.
“Shh, ai hodnes. Drink some of this, you’ve been out for a while. Do you remember what happened?” I speak softly as I watch every move she makes, looking for any sign of anything going wrong.
“No, the last thing I remember is getting dragged out of the Rover after Bellamy said something about some grounders blocking the road. After that it’s all a little blurry.”
“You’re safe now. I promise. I need to go get Abby so she can make sure everything is okay.” I start to stand as she grabs my hand.
“No, stay. I don’t want to be alone.” I look down at her frail body, her eyes locking on to mine as if trying to hold me there just by staring at me, and to be honest, it was working.
Roan moves me over towards the middle of the bed and sits beside me, drawing me closer to him. He tells me how scared he was when he heard what happened, how he realized that I might not survive. After a while we just sat in silence the only sound in the room coming from the fireplace opposite the bed.
I start to get light headed as I was turning to look up at Roan and grab onto Roan’s hand, “Roan? You might want to get Abby.” I look down at where the wound was, and instead of the blue shirt I have on being the correct color, all I saw was blood seeping through it.
Roan’s eyes follow mine and sees the blood and he holds me close to him so that he could press on the wound to try to slow the bleeding, “Abby! Get in here NOW!”
After a few seconds Abby and Clarke rush in and come to the bed. Seeing Roan’s hands covered in my blood and the panicked look on his face they immediately get to work.
Roan holds my head to his chest and quietly talks to me, “Stay awake, please. I can’t lose you Y/N, I love you. Please just stay awake, please,” he trails off at the end tears streaming down his scarred face.
“Roan, I’ll be okay. Why would I leave the best thing that has ever happened to me? Just promise me you won’t leave.” I pause for a moment closing my eyes to try and stop the tears from falling, but instead all it does is let all of the tears I’d been holding back fall swiftly down my face. “I’m so scared Roan. I don’t want to leave you. Just stay here with me, please.”
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again, ai hodes,” he whispers pressing a kiss to my forehead.
Third person POV: 3 weeks later
Y/N was still on bed rest technically, because none of us wanted to risk anything, but Roan couldn’t bear to argue with her when she asked him to take her out of the room she’d been stuck in for so long. But the one thing he wouldn’t budge on is that she wouldn’t walk, he wasn’t going to risk her opening her stitches and causing it to get worse. So, he carried her everywhere. And if anyone thought it was strange to see the self-proclaimed “Caretaker of the Throne” and King of Azgeda carrying Y/N around, no one mentioned it, most likely due to the fact that everyone didn’t want to get on Roan’s bad side.
Laying on the bed Y/N called over to Roan, who was laying on a couch in front of the open window. “Roan, Abby said it’d be okay. She said I’m almost back at peak health. Why do you keep treating me like I’m glass?” She walks up to him. Roan had taken his shirt off and was lounging by the window reading some old book that Bellamy had lent him. And Y/N, well she’d just changed into the sexiest thing she had, it had been three weeks of being always next to Roan yet him treating her like glass and all she’d wanted for so long was for him to just touch her. Just to have his way with her, she wasn’t injured anymore she could take it, hell she wanted to. But, Roan wasn’t having any of it, saying she still was hurt and needed more rest.
“I don’t treat you like glass, love. You are still healing, I don’t want to hurt you.” He looks up and gapes at her. His voice suddenly dropping, “Where did you get that, ai hodnes?” He sets his book down on the table beside him and stands to his full height, towering over me.
She smirks and looks up at him, “I’ll tell you, after.” She reaches up and grabs a handful of his long dark hair, pulling him down to her face. And as if that flipped a switch inside him, any pretense of holding back flew out the window. He grabs her waist and lifts her off the ground and tosses her gently onto the bed, his eyes never leaving her.
“You’ve been trying to get my attention for weeks now haven’t you? Well, it seems like you’re going to get your wish, and I’m happy to oblige ai haiplana.” He stalks towards Y/N taking in every inch of her. “And it seems that I have a lot of time to make up for.”
Ai haiplana: my queen
Ai hod yu in: I love you
Ai hod yu in seintaim: I love you too
Ai hodes: my love
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cardiaceyes · 7 years
Please continue the fic!!!! (Only if you want to of course)
Because Tumblr is a POS and didn’t save what I had before…I AM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG. This got hidden in my asks. SO LETS TRY THIS AGAIN.
@tantoun asked for recs before too I believe.
NOTE: this isn’t a complete or full list, because I have 1,540 something bookmarks and 1,071 are supercorp (I HAVE A PROBLEM) but if you or anyone else has a specific type of fic they want recs for don’t be afraid to ask.
Go-To’s: Fics I adore or find myself going back to. Some of my favorites!
Holding Rivers by @capricious-windSummary:  Eliza explained it as the Brand, a unique mark that could only be shared with one other person. It would etch itself onto your skin the first time you touched your destined partner. Soulmate, Eliza had said, the person whose life was meant to be intertwined with yours.
Eclipse by @spoopercorpSummary: Kara leaves for a mission and when she returns, she is not entirely herself - Kara Danvers and Kara Zor-El are gone. All that is left is Supergirl, last child of Krypton and now Rao’s successor.Based on this: “plastic-pipes.tumblr.com/post/161320253433/plastic-pipes-i-can-c-basically-its-kinda-i”.
You and me by @pippytmiSummary: Kara has just had a baby, moved into her ex’s apartment, and temporarily left her job; it figures that she might as well add “realizing she’s not straight because of the pretty neighbor next door” to the list. AU.
Supergirl in Training by wtfoctagonSummary: Lena Luthor doesn’t plan to have any kids. Or to get married, even, really. After the revelation that she is actually of Luthor blood after all, she’s quite set on ending the family line with her and not taking the risk of any more drama.Then Lorelai L. Danvers crashes into her life, claiming to be her seventeen year old daughter from the future.(picking up after 2x12)
Touch Me Like I’m Glass by haiplanaSummary: Based on the prompt: “AU: What if when Lillian had a adopted Lena it was to conduct experiments on her and from those she developed powers? She was trained and tortured to be a weapon against aliens until years later she was finally freed by Supergirl. Everyone thinks she evil cause not only is she a Luther but she was also an experiment by CADMUS. Only Kara believes that isn’t true because she looked into her eyes. (Hopefullythis all makes sense)”–Lena was raised to be a weapon for Cadmus. Kara was raised to see the good in everyone.
New Finds: Fics that have been recommended to me or I have found and find them to be great so I’m following them currently. (I found these within the past two months)
under stars by @thegccdplaceSummary:  It’s 2175, and Earth, among other inhabited planets, are running out of time. The population has gotten out of control, and the only solution is to flee Earth - also the Milky Way - to find a new home. Lena Luthor is tasked with finding and securing humanity’s new home in the Andromeda galaxy, after a 600-year-long journey through space. With the support of an initially ragtag squad, the mission is dangerous, long, but above all else - exciting.
And they call me from beyond the stars by GlitterIbburSummary: When Kara hears the news about a flight bound from National City to Geneva spiraling out of control, she doesn’t hesitate before racing skyward to save her sister. And after a exhausting and terrifying struggle, she’s successful! She pulls the plane into the water and saves the day, like the hero she’s finally ready to become.At least, that’s how it had seemed. But something’s gone wrong. Horribly, catastrophically wrong. Now, Kara can hear the voices of her parents echoing down from the night sky, begging her to join them. But she doesn’t know how, and she refuses to leave without saying goodbye. And why can’t Alex see her? And why, of all people, can Lex Luthor’s little sister?
The Power of Deliverance by @stennnn06Summary: A Supercorp/Mythology Crossover - A re-telling of the Persephone/Hades myth under the premise that Hades is a woman. Kara is a Titan, who was banished to Krypton and left to die by Zeus and Hades. Only, her family managed to save her before the planet’s destruction by sending her to Earth. She lives disguised as a mortal with her adoptive family, the Danvers, and she keeps her powers hidden from Zeus. One day, their paths finally cross, but Kara ultimately receives assistance from a surprising source. She makes a choice that changes the course of her destiny forever.ORKara as Persephone and Lena as Hades ;)
The Once and Future Alien by Rhino (RhinoMouse)On going series: A what if, features Morganna/Kara and Lena/Kara in an odd way but it’s good trust me.
the brightness of the sun by @lenacorporationsSummary: Kara’s hand twitches around her wrist, and heat rushes up to Lena’s face. She suppresses the urge to look down, instead moving her hand to tangle her fingers with Kara’s. Next to her, Kara lets out an almost inaudible sigh, and Lena has to look away to hide her smile.or: boarding school in space au
Be sure to follow the ones on tumblr and visit them all!
That is all I can fit on here but like I said if you have a specific type you’d like to get recs for let me know!
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ao3feed-supercorp · 8 years
Touch Me Like I'm Glass
by haiplana
Based on the prompt: "AU: What if when Lillian had a adopted Lena it was to conduct experiments on her and from those she developed powers? She was trained and tortured to be a weapon against aliens until years later she was finally freed by Supergirl. Everyone thinks she evil cause not only is she a Luther but she was also an experiment by CADMUS. Only Kara believes that isn't true because she looked into her eyes. ( Hopefully this all makes sense)"
Lena was raised to be a weapon for Cadmus. Kara was raised to see the good in everyone.
Words: 10308, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Maggie Sawyer, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., Jimmy Olsen, Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Original Characters
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Torture, the torture isn't in detail but might be a little triggering when mentioned, Character Study, evil!Lena, But also, Good!Lena, Mutant Powers, Metahumans, Aliens, Project Cadmus, Two Shot, SuperCorp, Minor Sanvers, Abusive Parent, Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia, electric shock
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' http://ift.tt/2lkfOzC via IFTTT
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Touch Me Like I'm Glass
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lkfOzC
by haiplana
Based on the prompt: "AU: What if when Lillian had a adopted Lena it was to conduct experiments on her and from those she developed powers? She was trained and tortured to be a weapon against aliens until years later she was finally freed by Supergirl. Everyone thinks she evil cause not only is she a Luther but she was also an experiment by CADMUS. Only Kara believes that isn't true because she looked into her eyes. ( Hopefully this all makes sense)"
Lena was raised to be a weapon for Cadmus. Kara was raised to see the good in everyone.
Words: 10308, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Maggie Sawyer, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., Jimmy Olsen, Hank Henshaw | J'onn J'onzz, Original Characters
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Torture, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Torture, the torture isn't in detail but might be a little triggering when mentioned, Character Study, evil!Lena, But also, Good!Lena, Mutant Powers, Metahumans, Aliens, Project Cadmus, Two Shot, SuperCorp, Minor Sanvers, Abusive Parent, Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia, electric shock
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lkfOzC
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diana-prince-s · 2 years
Rosenali and “this is the worst idea you’ve ever had” please
"This is the worst idea you've ever had."
Cold water bites at her toes when it bubbles up over the sand, the shrill sound of seashells tumbling over one another amplified in the night, and she hops from one foot to the other to keep herself from getting frostbitten. Denali tugs her thin sweater over her head, because Rosé is insistent and inching towards her with a gleam in her eye which means she can't be deterred. She tries not to think about the creatures that could be lurking in the dark ocean, emboldened by the moonlight to come closer to the shore than in the day; or how the fabric seats in her car will get wet on the drive home. Rosé puts her hand on her back and it causes goosebumps.
"And here I thought breaking up with you was the worst idea I'd ever had?"
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diana-prince-s · 2 years
I’m so glad you finished your finals! I hope everything went well. You are my favourite rosenali writer and the Spartan au is so amazing. The last update was so good! I would love to see rosé jealous of seeing Denali and her husband, she asks her to come again and fucks her many times to remind her who really owes her. I just love jealousy and angst and smut so yeah. Wherever you write I’m gonna love no matter what <3
Here it is!
I hope the anon who sent this gets to see this, I know it has been a while! I took this prompt in a little bit of a different direction to further the plot, but I hope it suffices! A small preview below:
The storeroom in the barracks had become incredibly familiar to Denali — the way the light from Nicholaus’s lantern cast shadows over the bags of grain, the silent stone walls that caused their labored breaths to echo in the small space. She didn’t like it. It made her feel like she was surrounded by him, like he consumed her when he was inside her, even when she was on top to have some semblance of control. Her thighs burned and the straw beneath her knees cut into her skin painfully, and Nicholaus’s hands held her hips so he could thrust up into her too quickly for her liking.
Nicholaus finished inside her with a huff. She waited a moment, caught her breath after bearing down for the pain and the discomfort, and then moved off of him to gather her skirts and her pride. It always felt silly, sneaking in to the barracks, stealing away with Nicholaus to a storeroom, far from the knowing glances and snickering of the other men. They were married, and yet it felt like what they were doing was wrong. Like it was worse than what she did with Rosé. Somehow, her affair with another woman could exist in the light of day while love with her husband was another secret in the night.
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diana-prince-s · 2 years
A Rosenali AU where Denali is a valiant knight who has won many battles but people don’t like her that much because she’s kinda an asshole running from her tragic past, and she is on her way to save a princess from some evil so she can win her hand in marriage. Rosé is the smug and annoying bard that follows her around to sing about her heroism (and her beauty)
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diana-prince-s · 3 years
For the Spartan marriage AU: probably also at a later stage but Denali telling Rosé how she never really wanted to have sex with her husband and is all sad and confused and asks Rosé if she’s broken or something like that. And Rosé telling her about sexualities and preferences and calming her down. Just softness.
finally getting to this ask, here you go!
Denali thought very little of Rosé’s life away from her. She rarely saw her two children who lived in the house and had never seen her oldest son, for he was away at the barracks. The servants of the home did most of the cooking, cleaning, tending, and farming. It seemed like Rosé and Denali spent the better part of their days together, and then those days would end and new ones would begin with just the two of them. Selfishly, Denali wanted to know very little of Rosé’s life away from her.
That is, until she met Deimos.
Deimos was a formidable and terrifying man befitting of his name. Denali had heard stories of his cruelty in battle and formality with his students and the men of his regiment. He ran a tight ship at the barracks — not a hair or nail could be out of place with his warriors, not a missed target among archers nor a misplaced swipe among swordsmen. He was proper and well-traveled, intelligent and outspoken, second in command only to the King of Sparta. What talk of him Denali had heard made him out to be a god amongst men.
Fitting, then, that his wife should be a goddess among women.
One day Rosé had invited Denali to her home for supper rather than in the afternoon and, because their husbands had a rare night training, had promised that Denali could spend the night. Denali was excited for it. It would be much like her first night with Rosé on the eve of her wedding; perhaps they would stay up all night pleasuring each other again, or they would hold each other beneath the sheets and in the glow of candles. Denali hoped they could do both. She just had to get through supper first.
Denali prepared herself for Deimos, his stern brow and piercing eyes. As she walked to Rosé’s house, she practiced keeping a straight face so that she would not betray to him her affair with Rosé. She wondered if he would be angry that she was joining them for dinner, if he would make her and Rosé serve him as though he were king of the household.
To Denali’s surprise, Deimos was perhaps the nicest man she had ever met.
Rosé opened the door for her with a bright smile and put her hand on her back to usher her inside. She could already hear the great rumble of Deimos’s voice, so strange in this house that normally was womanly and quiet. The sound carried through the house but originated in the dining room, where Arkadios was perched on a chair beside his father showing him a new toy.
Deimos was as large as Denali expected, and as handsome — he had a strong jaw and a curved nose, large forehead and greying black hair cropped short. The voice he used with Arkadios was soft and he looked at the toy with care, studying each part that Arkadios pointed out as though it was the workings of a new sword.
Denali wasn’t sure what to do. She looked at Rosé, whose lips quirked up in another smile before she crossed the room and put her hand on Deimos’s shoulder.
“Our guest is here, Deimos.”
Deimos put the toy aside and looked up at Denali. His face broke into a big grin. “How nice to meet you, Denali. Your husband is a lucky man to be such a great warrior and to have such a beautiful wife.”
“And Nicholaus is lucky to be in your regiment,” Denali said. “He speaks very highly of you.”
“I am glad to hear it.” Deimos stood from the table and gestured to the chair next to Arkadios. “Please, sit.”
The table had been laid with their meal, breads and lamb and a batch of lentils cooked with spices from abroad, so they began to eat quickly. Conversation was quiet — Denali did not have much to say. But Deimos and Rosé conversed about all things in soft voices. Deimos had interesting stories of his day at the barracks, cut short because they had to prepare for their night training. Halfway through a tale of a missing shield, Thaleia, put to sleep in the other room, began to cry.
“I will do it,” Deimos said quickly, before Rosé could get out of her chair.
Rosé smiled. “Thank you, husband.”
Denali was shocked. She had never heard of a man taking care of children, and certainly not leaving his supper table to do it. She looked at Rosé with wide eyes, and then Rosé looked back at her.
“I hope you are enjoying your meal,” she said. She studied Denali for a moment more. “There will be much more to enjoy later.” Then she continued to eat.
Beside Denali, Arkadios held up a handful of lentils. “These look like little tiny eyes.”
Denali did not know what to say, so she looked down at her plate.
Deimos returned once Thaleia was hushed, and as he returned to his seat he pressed a gentle kiss to Rosé’s head. It made Denali’s insides hurt, how soft and kind he was with her, how youthful and playful she was with him. Denali and her husband would never be that way.
She and Rosé would never be allowed to be that way. At least not truly.
After dinner, Deimos helped collect the platters and left them in the kitchen for the servants to clean. He and Rosé left with Arkadios to put him to bed, so Denali retreated to Rosé’s chamber to hide until Deimos left. She stood for several long minutes, unsure what to think and feel. Then she heard voices in the hall and she went to the door to look. Deimos stood over Rosé, his great robes on and ready to walk into the night, and he bent to kiss her gently. She patted his cheek tenderly. He went out the door.
Denali retreated into the chamber with a bitter taste in her mouth.
They laid together in the candlelight after pleasing each other for hours. Denali’s skin was sticky with sweat and her body felt light from exhaustion. But her mind could not slow, because she thought only of supper and of Deimos. She couldn’t deny that Rosé’s relationship with her husband perplexed her. The women around her enjoyed their husbands, yes — for the things they brought them and the children they had together — but their husbands were lords and they were to serve them. This was not the case with Rosé and Deimos. They were partners, equals.
Rosé’s hand came to Denali’s face and her finger pressed on the space between Denali’s brows. “You are worrying yourself over something.”
Denali tried her best to relax the muscles in her face, but she felt her mouth pull into a frown anyway. Rosé continued to massage her forehead while her green eyes danced over Denali’s face and body. She pulled Denali closer by the hips and gently traced her curves with the palms of her hands and tips of her fingers, alternating the pressure she applied and the patterns she drew. Denali’s spine relaxed. She wished to get the lines Rosé drew tattooed on herself.
Rosé kissed Denali’s lips, then the corner of her mouth, then the edge of her jaw. “What is it, darling?”
Denali let more of the tension go on a sigh.
“Do you love your husband?” she asked.
Rosé hummed. “Yes.”
“Does he satisfy you?”
“He does,” Rosé said. “We have a lovely time together.”
Denali’s brow furrowed once again, and the bitter taste that was in her mouth earlier returned. “Then why do you lay with me?”
Rosé brought her head from Denali’s neck and looked at her straight in the face. Her lips were darkened and puffy from their kisses, and Denali watched them as she spoke. “With you it is different. You are younger and softer, more eager. Deimos and I are equals when we make love, but with you…” She took Denali’s face in her hand the way she often liked to do and tilted her head back so she could kiss and nip on the line of Denali’s throat. Then she looked at her again. “Well, you do as I say, and I like that.”
Rosé let go of her face and went back to stroking her skin gently. They were silent for a long time. The sounds of the night filled the room and made the candles flicker, and Denali became sad again but she did not know why. Her eyes filled with tears.
“Denali,” Rosé whispered, her thumbs coming to the corners of Denali’s eyes before the tears could fall, “what is this about? Is it about Nicholaus not satisfying you? I could have Deimos speak with him, perhaps he is doing something wrong—”
“No,” Denali said, “please don’t.” She pushed forward and kissed Rosé hard enough so her tears would subside. Rosé kissed her back and teased her lips with her tongue, and she tasted like the sweetest and richest wine. Denali pulled away and looked in her eyes. “I will never love my husband. Not in the physical way, or any other way.”
Rosé looked at her for a moment, blinked. “Okay.”
“Is there— is there something wrong with me?”
It was silent. Rosé thought, her lips pursed, and Denali waited on bated breath for her answer.
“I have known but two women like you,” Rosé said. “They could only love women, then there are women who love both. You may love whomever you wish, as long as you bear Spartan sons.” She kissed Denali’s neck. “And I will satisfy you in the meantime.”
Denali’s heart was in her throat. She could feel the blood pulsing through her veins and reaching every part of her body, giving life to each finger and toe. To be told that she was like others, that she could love who she might love without a care from others, as long as she did her duty. There was nothing more to it. And yet there was much she wished to know, that she still did not know—
“Do you love me?” Denali asked when the rush of her blood reached her ears and she could no longer think for herself.
Rosé’s eyes widened, and once again she thought for several agonizing moments. “Yes,” she said, her voice more tender than ever, “yes, I believe I do.”
Denali let out a long breath.
“I have wanted you to love me,” Denali said, and she buried herself in the space between Rosé’s chin and her breast, “this whole time, because I have loved you.”
Rosé held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. “I love you.”
And they slept together through the night.
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diana-prince-s · 3 years
The only thing that's the same about your smut is that it's always fantastic. I'd love to read their first time after that break when Denali comes the next day
Denali’s ass still hurt from the day before, yet Rosé dug her fingers into it, pulled her closer by it, raked her nails over it. Each touch stung and reminded her of when Rosé had spanked her, made her feel like she was put in her place. Now Rosé had her in her lap on the edge of the bed, pulling her close with her hands and sucking marks on her chest with her mouth, Denali’s wet cunt sliding over her stomach.
Denali gasped and moaned. She grabbed at Rosé’s shoulders, the back of her neck, for a better grip so she could grind down. She needed release. She had been anticipating it for a day, and it was still out of reach.
“Look at you,” Rosé mumbled, “so desperate for me.”
Denali nodded absently. “I need you, Rosé—”
Rosé pulled her even closer, and Denali hissed. “What do you need, darling?”
Hot blood rushed to Denali’s cheeks, but her need was too great to let shame hold her back. “I need you inside me.”
Rosé obliged, wedging her hand between their bodies and burying three fingers deep within Denali. She cried out but could not move or search for more because of how Rosé held her. Her fingers moved, stroked — Denali laid her head on Rosé’s shoulder and breathed while her thighs shook and threatened to collapse.
Rosé’s lips came to her ear. “Did she touch you like this?”
“Who?” Denali asked, her mind hazy from the pain and pleasure and anticipation.
Denali shook her head.
Rosé rewarded her by speeding up her strokes and pressing more outside her cunt. Denali felt like she was going to burst.
“Did she bring you release?” Rosé asked.
“No,” Denali whimpered. Sweat dripped down her forehead onto Rosé’s skin. Her mouth opened, but she was beyond making sounds. Almost there, almost seeing the—
“She does not know how to pleasure you like I do, hm?” Rosé hummed, and she pulled her fingers out of Denali and moved her to the side so suddenly, Denali did see the stars — just not in a good way. Rosé got up from the bed and disappeared without warning.
This was torturous, and she had half a mind to reach down and take care of herself when Rosé came back into view, the device strapped to her hips. She pushed Denali’s hip, and Denali scrambled onto her hands and knees, begging.
“She could never do this,” Rosé said as she pushed into Denali and began to pound into her, fast and rough. Denali arched her back to take more. “Good girl.”
Rosé put her hand on Denali’s back and pushed her into the bed while the other hand hooked on her hips and kept them up. With the angle and the pressure from Rosé holding her in place, taking her roughly, the wet sound of her cunt and Rosé’s hips meeting her ass over and over, Denali finally felt release. Her vision went black and she cried out. Her soul was launched from her body and ascended to the heavens for a moment, and she was calm, comfortable.
When her breathing evened out and she felt like herself again, she opened her eyes and looked down. Rosé’s arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her gingerly. The older woman was pressed against her back, her chest heaving. Denali could feel her heartbeat and the smile that she pressed into her neck.
“Who makes you feel like this?” Rosé asked.
Denali placed her hand over Rosé’s. “Only you.”
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diana-prince-s · 3 years
don’t apologize!! your verses are yours to control and they wouldn’t be authentic if you didn’t. i am obsessed with your smut though so id love to see some maybe in and no one likes to be alone because that was my rosnali intro :) and has stayed in the spank bank since
first of all, I'm so happy for you because I really popped off with that 4,000 words of smut. can I ever top it? who knows
second of all, a little secret is that I had planned a follow up chapter/check in for that story and never wrote it, so I'm gonna try and adapt it into something smutty for you on the fly. I have some ~weird experiences~ with public sex so I can't say that I live for it, but hopefully this works and people are into it. let me know.
"Hey, bartender, can I get my usual?"
Her voice is a little breathless and a little terse, and normally Denali would write this kind of customer off as rude and give them a drink with less alcohol than usual -- but a smile comes to her lips and she reaches for a tall glass that she fills with ice water.
She turns around and puts the glass on the bar top before looking up at Rosé. "You're late."
"Yeah." Rosé smiles sheepishly. "Slept through my alarm and the subway was late."
Rosé brings the glass to her lips and drinks it more quickly than usual. Denali watches the undulations of her throat as she does, the way her lips dance delicately on the cold glass. She swallows thickly.
"Jan and Lagoona are in the dressing room," Denali says.
Their set is in ten minutes, and Rosé really is cutting it closer than she ever has before. Denali holds her hand out and waits until Rosé hands her the glass, then deposits it in the sink for cleaning. Rosé wipes her mouth on the back of her hand -- god, Denali thinks that's sexy, and then she wonders what's wrong with her tonight because she usually doesn't get this worked up while at DeLuxe. This certainly isn't the first time Rosé has performed here since they first slept together; but tonight Rosé is wearing a suggestion of a dress in silver and her hair is curled just right, and maybe Denali wants to let loose and appreciate her girlfriend a little more in public.
Rosé taps her hand on the bar, and Denali reaches over and holds it. "I should probably head back there."
"Good luck. Don't pay too much attention to your little groupies in the front row," Denali says, nodding her head towards the dance floor where she knows fawning Stephanie's Child fans are waiting.
"I've only got eyes for you, baby." Rosé makes her point clear by pointedly ignoring the looks she's getting from other women across the bar. Instead, she squeezes Denali's hand and starts to pull away.
But Denali pulls her right back. "Hey." She pushes up on the bar and presses her lips to Rosé's, not even mindful of the little bit of gloss on them. Her fingers come to rest on the sharpest part of Rosé's jaw. Her tongue dances over the swell of Rosé's bottom lip and then Rosé's mouth parts, just a little, and she flicks it over Rosé's tongue and teeth. Their lips come apart with a pop. Denali smiles and sends Rosé, a little dazed from the kiss, on her way with a wink.
The set is fun to listen to from the back of the bar. Stephanie's Child is a talented group, and since they've started their monthly shows at DeLuxe, they haven't disappointed. Olivia is happy with the turn out on Stephanie's Child nights, and Denali and the other bartenders are happy with the money spent on drinks and tips. Something is different tonight, though, because Denali feels like she's filled more drinks than she ever has during one set. Despite her efforts, and the efforts of Joey and their new hire Lala, the bar is still swamped until the last song, when the entire crowd rushes to the dance floor to get their final glimpse of this up-and-coming girl group.
After the last note sung by Jan, Denali looks up and makes eye contact with Rosé -- and somehow she's turned on just by that smoldering, post-show look that Rosé gets when she's exhilarated. Denali goes a little weak in her knees. Thankfully, Olivia gives her a break, stepping in to help Joey and Lala. Denali goes to the back and winds through the hallway to the dressing room.
Jan's laugh carries through the thick wooden door, a testament to the woman's vocal abilities. Denali pushes in to find Lagoona stretched out on the dressing room sofa, one shoe flung across the room, the other in her hand. It goes flying past Denali's head, and Denali ducks just in time. Jan's hand flies over her mouth and she laughs again.
Lagoona jumps up from the sofa. "I am so sorry, Nali."
"That's all right, Goona," Denali says. She wraps an arm around Lagoona's shoulder and looks around. "Where's Rosie?"
Jan shrugs and points to the clothing rack that blocks half the dressing room from sight. "Dunno what she's doing, though."
Denali follows the line of Jan's hand for a moment and then looks back at the other two-thirds of Stephanie's Child. "You all did great, as usual. Go get your drinks from the bar, on us."
Jan bounces on the balls of her feet and tugs Lagoona towards the door. "You ready to get turnt, Goona?"
Lagoona pulls on a more comfortable-looking pair of booties. "I might be getting a little old for turnt..."
"You're barely thirty, Goons," Jan says, and she pulls the door closed behind them so Denali can't hear what else is said.
It's quiet in the dressing room, but for the bass thumping through the walls. Denali takes a few steps towards the clothing rack. "Rosie?" She peeks around the side, and her jaw drops a little at the sight.
Rosé's neck is contorted in an awkward position as she attempts to hold up the halter top of her dress with her chin, while her hands hold the two sides of the tie behind her neck. When she notices Denali, she drops one side and her head lifts up, which sends half of the front of her dress down to her torso. Her left breast expose, Rosé freezes and a blush rises in her cheeks.
"Okay, I know I look stupid, but hear me out," Rosé says. Denali puts her hands on her hips and tries to bite back the laugh that's on her lips. "I tied this too tight and it was pulling on my neck during the set and it hurt, and I tried to get it myself because I'm stubborn-- I know I'm stubborn, okay, you've told me enough-- and then I couldn't and I didn't want to ask Jan or Lagoona."
Denali laughs, now, and Rosé frowns. "I'm sorry." She holds her hands up in apology. "You're just... remember when I thought you were some disaffected fuckboy?"
Rosé raises an eyebrow and drops her hand so both sides of the dress are fallen. "You say that like I'm not," she whines.
"You're such a dork." Denali takes a step forward and plays with the hanging strips of fabric. Rosé's breasts nearly brush against the front of her thin white t-shirt.
"I miss the days when you thought I was aloof and sexy."
"You may not be aloof," Denali says, "but I do still think you're sexy." She presses her hands against Rosé's waist and trails them up to her breasts, palms them, their weight making her heart beat quickly.
Rosé smiles up at her devilishly. "Hm. I think I get where this is going."
She dips her head a little and catches Denali in a kiss, slowly backing her into the dressing room wall. Denali thumps gently against it and she gasps into Rosé's mouth. Normally, she likes to push back, give a little control, take a little control; but normally she wouldn't make out with her girlfriend at her place of work, and she's feeling a little anxious, so she lets Rosé lead. Rosé kisses down the tendons in her neck, mouthing at her collarbone and sucking a mark just below it. Denali, meanwhile, slides Rosé's almost non-existent dress lower in the back so her fingertips reach the top of her ass.
Rosé must sense her hesitation, because she takes her lips from Denali's skin and looks up at her. "You okay with this?"
Denali swallows and fights the mounting anxiety, lets the arousal wash over her. "Yeah, I think..."
Rosé stands up a little straighter. "We don't have to do this here. We can wait until your shift is over."
But Rosé's breasts are out and they look so -- fuck, they're everything to Denali, and she's so worked up already that she doesn't think she can go back out there without something.
"I want you," Denali says. "Right now."
Rosé smirks. "Okay." She presses against Denali again so she's tight against the wall, and Denali can feel all of her, every joint and muscle, every bit of her breasts. "You want me to take care of you, baby?"
Denali hums.
Rosé takes hold of Denali's ponytail and pulls her head to the side. "You want me to fuck you here, where someone could walk in, because you just can't wait?"
"Yes," Denali says, and it's so breathy Denali isn't sure it's real.
But Rosé tugs her hair harder and wraps her lips around Denali's ear and her other hand starts working on the button at Denali's waist. Despite the proximity, Denali gets her hand between them and helps her, and then her pants are on the floor and her underwear is shoved to the side in favor of Rosé's three fingers fucking into her. It's so fast and rough, and Denali is full so quickly that she has to arch her back. It works in Rosé's favor, because she gets more of Denali's neck and chest exposed to kiss and suck on.
"Fuck, you always feel so good, Nali." Rosé's fingers pump hard and fast despite the angle, and then they press up and forward while the heel of her hand brushes Denali's clit. Denali bucks her hips, desperate to get off like this, desperate to come with her girlfriend's breath in her ear. "Are you gonna come for me, baby?"
Denali pants and her face screws up in a pout. She's not close enough. "I need-- babe, I need your mouth."
Rosé pulls back enough that she can look into Denali's eyes, and her smile is dangerous. Her fingers slow and stop. She pulls them out and brings them to Denali's mouth. Denali sucks.
"I need you to be quick, okay?" Rosé says. "They're gonna wonder where we are..."
She drops her her knees, her dress all but forgotten on her body, and she helps one of Denali's legs out of her pants and underwear. Denali hooks her leg over Rosé's shoulder while Rosé's mouth finds her clit quickly and she begins sucking, unforgiving with the pace but gentle, just the way Denali likes. Denali rocks her hips along, almost using Rosé's face to get off. Her fingers tangle in Rosé's curls so she can have more leverage, her other hand reaches to grasp the clothing rack beside her for stability.
"God, Rosé, don't stop. Fuck." She feels her orgasm building, quicker now than before, and she speeds up her hips. Rosé just lets Denali use her, and it somehow makes it even hotter, and then Denali comes on Rosé's tongue.
Rosé's hands are at her hips to hold her up while she finishes, and when she comes down Rosé gets off the floor. She makes eye contact with Denali and wipes her mouth on the back of her hand for the second time that night -- of course Denali thought it was hot before when it reminds her of this. Then Rosé kisses her gently.
"I think we should get back out there," she says.
Denali pouts. "But-- look at you." Her eyes scan Rosé's body, from the way her dress has ridden up and her lacy thong is exposed, to her breasts that Denali has wanted to get her mouth on this whole time, to her wrecked makeup that Denali wants to kiss away more.
Rosé shrugs. "There's time for me, later."
Denali raises an eyebrow. "You really want to wait, after that?"
Rosé purses her lips but shakes her head. Satisfied, Denali takes Rosé's hand and leads her around the clothing rack, over by the sofa. She flicks the lock on the door, then turns Rosé around by her hips and bends her over the arm of the sofa.
"God, Denali--"
Denali runs her hands over Rosé's ass, up her back and around her shoulders, to her breasts. She palms them, and Rosé moans.
"Careful, babe," Denali says as she brings one hand back and toys with the entrance of Rosé's cunt. "You can't be too loud."
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diana-prince-s · 3 years
ok but you are my favourite rosenali writer and I’m just so excited you decided to bless us with another au (thanks for posting it on ao3) idk if it can work but maybe denali goes to another marriage-woman bc she wants to experiment and maybe see if she can feel what rosé makes her feel with someone else and then maybe rosé finds out and gets jealous? I just love angst and I’m sure we are gonna love wherever you come up with <33
I've been sitting on this for a little, there is a part two in my mind so let me know if I should post it!
Though she’d been married but four weeks, Denali had officially become one of the women of Sparta rather than just a girl. And when the women of Sparta had downtime, they acted like… girls.
Going to the beach had been Jan’s idea. She invited Denali and some other women — Symone, Olivia, Kahmora, and Jackie — and together they met at the top of the path that led to the sea. Denali was the youngest by far, even at least a year younger than Jan, but the older women welcomed her with open arms. They spoke of husbands and housework, sometimes children. Their hair glistened in the sun and their laughs dotted the sea air.
“Has anyone heard more about the war with Athens?” Jan asked as they slipped their sandals off on the shore.
“Duris moved regiments,” Jackie said. “He thinks the generals are restructuring, moving men around.”
Symone shrugged. “That sounds like war to me.”
“I barely see Elpenor, he trains so much,” Olivia said with a little lovesick sigh.
“War is boring.” Jan dropped her second sandal on the sand and pouted. “I don’t want a war. It always takes away the best food and the best silks—”
“And our husbands,” Kahmora added.
Jan nodded. “Right, them too.”
The women cackled and Jackie nudged Jan so she almost fell over.
Secretly, Denali hoped that they’d have a war, only so her husband could leave for a time. She’d enjoyed so much the weeks when she could visit Rosé during the day and rest at night without her husband spoiling her body.
They took their clothes off and dashed into the water. The water was cold with the coming winter; as it slipped over Denali’s skin, she shivered and saw gooseflesh on her arms and the peaks of her nipples just below the surface. She tilted her head up to let the sun warm her face. Her hair splayed around her in a halo, her body rose and fell with the waves. When she stood upright again, she saw Symone looking at her, lips between her teeth. A shiver went up her spine, so she wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm.
They splashed in the mild waves and laughed when Jan squawked like a sea bird and slipped on a rock and fell completely under the surf. Denali tried to keep her vision occupied with the sun as it sparkled off the waves. But she couldn’t help but gaze at how stunning these women were — Symone in particular, with her glistening ebony skin and striking Southern features. The setting sun lighted her body in such a way that Denali felt as though she were looking at a precious gem in flesh.
And when Symone swam over to her in the waves while the others were busy chatting, Denali couldn’t help but let herself be brought to the edge of the surf where the waves churned to bubbles, Symone’s hand on her hip.
“You’ve been looking at me all afternoon,” Symone said, her voice rich like honey. She regarded Denali, her fingers pressed firm into her skin. “I don’t hear much about your husband.”
Denali swallowed thickly and whispered, “I don’t say much about him.”
Symone raised a pretty eyebrow. “Perhaps your interest lies in other places.”
A wave larger than any other they’d seen that day crashed into Symone’s back and pushed them to the sand, the grains and shells scratching Denali’s back. It should have hurt, but Symone was on top of her, tangled with her, and the pain and their closeness wove as one and took her in their grasp. Her heart beat quickly, and she felt a distant throbbing between her legs. Symone’s dark eyes looked at her lips. Her fingers danced over Denali’s thigh, towards the place that only two people touched, and below the waves began to tease her and she gasped, her open mouth thrust closer to Symone’s, close enough to kiss—
“Jan!” The voice came from the shore, as melodic as it was shrill, angered. Rosé. “Jan, what are you doing? I’ve—”
Denali couldn’t move fast enough. Suddenly the waves were receding to show the naked upper-halves of her and Symone pressed together. She knew enough of them could be seen from the shore to understand without a doubt what they were doing. Denali wiggled her body out from beneath Symone and tilted her head up to look across the beach, and she saw Rosé — arms drawn around her body, hair whipping around her face in the wind, and her jaw locked.
Rosé cast a cursory glance at Denali, then returned to Jan, who was making her way towards the surf. “I’ve been looking for you for nearly an hour. Mother needs you at home.” She didn’t even wait for Jan to dry off or put her clothes on before she turned and marched back up the beach, and she didn’t spare another look for Denali.
A day after she had been at the beach, Denali went to Rosé’s house, her head bent in shame. Her heart was hopeful, though — because Rosé had broken the bounds of the gynaíkes gámou to be with her before, and surely something this trivial couldn’t become a barrier to their union.
But when Denali knocked on the door to Rosé’s home, she was met with a servant girl with wide eyes, unsure what Denali wanted but sure that Rosé was not home and that she would not be home for hours. Denali fought tears as the door closed and she turned away from the house. She wondered if she would ever be let in again.
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diana-prince-s · 3 years
i hope ancient rosenali were still able to practice after the marriage 👀
The first time Denali saw Rosé was just four days after she and her husband consummated their marriage. She was at the market with her sister, whispering about married life and collecting food for her sister’s dinner. Her sister convinced her to make a new robe for her husband, so after they bought a hunk of salted pork to be delivered to her sister’s home, they went to the fabric section of the market, baskets overflowing with beans and olives and capers.
Light danced through the silks and velvets and wove patterns over the worn-smooth dirt beneath Denali’s feet. She dodged a young woman hurrying through the market with two children following her like ducklings, and then got whacked in the face with a hanging leather pelt. Denali’s sister laughed. The sandal-maker was hard at work peddling his products, the weaver was sitting at her loom preparing custom weaves, and the silk-dyer was boiling fabrics on a stone plate in the sun. It was hot in the market, and crowded even on a stifling day. Denali felt sweat on her brow, and she fanned herself for fear of fainting.
Her sister always insisted that the imported fabrics were the best, so they went to the stalls at the end of the market that were crammed against one another. Though out of the sun, they were the least favorable spots, which is why they were reserved for foreign traders. Her sister began looking at fabrics, feeling and smelling them, shoving them towards Denali’s hands and nose to consider as well. Denali had as much enthusiasm about making this robe as she did for her husband, so before long her attention waned and she let her sister do the work. Instead, she delved into thoughts of her life and how mundane it continued to be even after her marriage. Her husband was only twenty-six, quite young for a husband because the men in Sparta had to live in the military barracks until they turned thirty, so it would be some years before she would move out of her parents’ home. Until then, she was stuck at home like a child, running errands for her mother without a household of her own to shop for. Perhaps she would soon be pregnant, and then at least she would have a baby to take care of.
Lost in her thoughts, Denali danced around on her feet to keep herself occupied, and then tripped over a stone quite stupidly. She gasped. Her heavy-laden basket tipped and a rare orange she had purchased fell out before she could right herself. Her sister noticed and laughed, and Denali petulantly dropped the basket at her sister’s feet and ran off towards the orange. It rolled down the uneven pathway between stalls, bumping over rocks and through people's feet, and was about to roll under a tablecloth when a little hand stopped it. Denali breathed a sigh of relief.
“Is this your orange, miss?”
Denali looked down at the small child who held her orange out to her. He was but six years old with a small and angled face decorated with freckles. His reddish-brown hair stuck out and curled at the ends. Denali recognized him, and with only a minute more she’d remember exactly who he was—
“Arkadios.” Rosé’s voice, calling out to the little boy in front of Denali, filtered through the narrow space between the stalls. Denali’s heart began to pound even before she saw her. She had a toddler on her hip and a basket hanging from her other arm, and yet she still looked like a goddess. “Arkadios, do not run away from me like that.”
Rosé’s green eyes were trained on her son like an eagle, and she put her hand on his shoulder before realizing that he was holding something out to someone. To Denali. And in the moment just before she looked at her, Denali held her breath.
Her gynaíka gámou turned those beautiful eyes on her and looked her up and down. It was only a second, but Denali saw and wondered if she was looking for signs of their night together that had been preserved despite the ritual bath washing it away, despite her husband taking the place of Rosé in bed. Then Rosé took control of her face and smiled warmly yet distantly at Denali.
“I was just giving her her orange, mama,” Arkadios said. He held the orange up higher, and Denali took it from him.
“Yes. He was very noble and caught it for me before it could roll away,” Denali said.
Rosé patted her son’s shoulder more gently. “I am glad he could help.”
Denali wanted to cry from longing, because Rosé kept looking at her, and though she feigned distance her eyes couldn’t lie. She could see the knowing that Rosé had, as if she could read Denali’s mind and hear her desires calling out for Rosé. As if she knew that Denali found no pleasure in her husband’s body and struggled to get through his nightly visits, just putting up with it long enough because it was her wifely duty to give him children. As if she knew that Denali tried to imagine Rosé, but she couldn’t exactly remember the gentle feel of her hands or the swell of her breast heaving as she fucked Denali.
A mule squealed, and suddenly they both seemed to remember that they were in the market surrounded by traders and peddlers and women and children. Sweat rolled down Denali’s jaw and to the lining of her dress, then between her breasts, and she shivered, imagining it was Rosé’s fingertip.
Rosé pushed Arkadios so he began to turn away. “Come, we have supper to prepare.” And to Denali, she said, “Good afternoon, Denali,” and walked away.
Denali stayed there until she couldn’t see Rosé’s back anymore, and then she rolled the orange in her hand. The skin was slightly dimpled and felt nice and cool in her hands. She walked back to her sister, who was looking at her with her head turned slightly away. Denali knew she saw everything, but she said nothing.
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diana-prince-s · 3 years
A Spartan Marriage AU interlude so I can bridge the gap between what’s published and the asks in my inbox
Steam rose from the surface of the ritual bath and coated the room in scents of lavender and mandarin. It was warm enough to get in, but Denali’s mother continued to fret over the temperature and the flower petals floating on top of the water and the late afternoon sunlight streaming in through the crack in the window — everything had to be perfect on the wedding day of her youngest daughter. 
Denali didn’t care. She sat in the corner of the room, still nursing a pleasurably-aching lower half, her mind occupied with memories of the night before. Coming several times beneath Rosé’s manipulations, learning the ways that Rosé liked to be touched and liked to touch others. Rosé liked things… rough. So did Denali, which she first learned when Rosé took a fistful of her hair and held Denali at her cunt so she could lick and suck until Rosé came. Denali had whimpered pathetically at the pain in her skull but became so aroused by it that she would squirm purposefully just to make Rosé’s grip tighter.
Denali’s fingers twitched, and she swallowed thickly. The room was too steamy and small. She wanted to dart outside into the dry air and run back to Rosé’s house, collapse at her feet and beg her to take her just one more time. But her sister stood at the door, her aunt helping her mother prepare the bath.
They would clean her slowly, methodically, thoroughly. She couldn’t be impure for her new husband; not a fleck of dirt beneath her nail or a drop of blood smeared on her thighs from being taken the night before should be found on her when her husband takes her away from her home to make her his. They would scrub away her childhood, years of playing in the dirt with the village boys or climbing olive trees with her sister, and they would scrub away her last innocent skin, the remaining layers of herself that didn’t know what married life was like. But they would also wash away Rosé, the indents her fingers left in Denali’s behind and the feeling of their hips pressed together as they made each other come at once.
So Denali didn’t mind waiting for her mother to prepare the bath, if it meant she could keep Rosé’s impurity with her just a little longer.
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