#sparks (oc ship)
hostdoozy · 4 months
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been coming to terms with my sexuality and finally feel comfortable enough to say, hi I identify as Demi-AceAro.
Happy pride everyone!!
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pulim-v · 18 days
Little Miss Perfect - a Foggy Glasses and Corroded Copper Comic
Small note before the song: I decided not to change the song lyrics, but neither of the characters are girls! Mist is a guy (he/him) and Spark is an enby (they/them)
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1. This isn't fully canon (at least for now), I don't think this is how Mist and Spark's first kiss went lol
2. Though this song is about homophobia, that's not real in the world where FGCC takes place! Mist's feelings of unease are more so about his crush being on Spark and about his previous relationship
Tagging: @shycroissanti @verishere @zenitsustherapist @sapphosdickandballs @negative-speedforce
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cherry-bomb-ships · 7 months
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Behold, this absolutely stunning commission I recently received from my dear friend Bones (@bonefries ), just in time for the anniversary today!! 💖🥺💖 This is the first commissioned art I've ever gotten that has all four members of our family: me and Jamie, along with our daughter Olivia and our best friend Mako. I'm absolutely blown away by how wonderful this art is, Bones is such a treasure for making this for me and I'm going to be treasuring it for a long time 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
[💜🧡🥺 All reblogs are seen and very much appreciated!! 🥺🧡💜]
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gaypastabake · 2 months
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Hi im gonna talk about the fic now, since ive neglected to do so,
Lemon Sorbet Sunshine is supposed to be a fluff/hurt-comfort oc x cannon fic involving my oc Popsicle (the totally not self-insert) and Edge (fictional bunny wife I think about an unhealthy amount), I started chapters 1 and 2 a couple of months ago now simply out of boredom and a need for creative output during art block.
I think its important to say that I dont normally write at all, my main forte is in writing scripts and descriptions for comic ideas rather than literature, but even if I completely suck ass im going to try anyways because im having fun and thats what matters.
I joined this hellsite to infodump my self-indulgent lesbian hallucinations and by hell im going to do it, im just a silly lil freak and if thats not the vibe you expected from me then I suggest unfollowing, I dont want to engage in false advertising so I completely understand :)
[also the cat pictured in the doodle is my fursona, in case you somehow didnt realise I was a furry]
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faestorian · 6 months
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[ trigun oc x canon ] in their 'canon' lore spark and livio only met after the events of the trimax manga, but what if... what if she had known him during his EOM era 😳
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lemonmatronicsart · 3 months
Spark the Honeybee
After over a month of on and off again work she’s ready to be posted! Really excited to do even more with her in the future ^^
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Spark The HoneyBee Age: 20 Gender: Fluid Pronouns: She/He Orientation: Bi , somewhere on the acearo spectrum
*This bio was started and finished before any of the Scrapniks return within the main series. If events become too conflicting later on, or inspire ideas, some things may change, but don’t expect everything to 100% line up with canon because of this factor. Think of all this as an AU, it’s fan work, who really cares all that much if it’s perfect
FULL BIO BELOW CUT, it’s a long one fellas
Keeping her nose in her business and eyes on her work, most of the time, Spark is a person that vibes best with others that give her mutual respect. You’re nice to her, she’s nice to you…usually. Just because she can make herself get along with people doesn’t mean she likes them all. But as long as they’re nice she’s not gonna make that their problem.
Maybe somebody else’s, but not theirs.
When it comes to people being rude to her though, she doesn’t hide her disdain. Either matching their energy or masking to a neutral tone depending on the day. It’s rare for her to outright confront someone first hand, but any time she does it’s usually for understandable reasons as she usually has to be pushed.
One issue with that though is that since she does need to be pushed, it’s possible for her to snap on someone for something seemingly small at first. Even if in reality it was just a final straw, it usually tends to make her the asshole in that specific situation. 
Spark enjoys a simple life, despite working at the restoration, she doesn’t yearn for a grand adventure of a story. She feels independent and self accomplished as she is now, and that’s all she’s been wanting for years. How could she complain? 
While she enjoys things being tame, that doesn’t mean she can’t have fun. From having a whole night out to a simple brunch, Spark loves going out and spending time with her friends. Even if it can sometimes drain his social battery to nothing once it’s all over.
Her outfits tend to reflect this trait of hers, being cute while still being comfortable. As much as she likes to look pretty, she’s not gonna jeopardize any sense of mobility or comfort just for a cute outfit. Nearly every outfit she has includes a low cut back for her wings because of this.
Plus, she rocks it, so win win!
As much as Spark enjoys her newer life and loves the people around her, it is admittedly not too difficult to upset her if you push the right buttons.
Bringing up her family or the metal virus, blaming her for things she didn’t do, and any harm against animals, chao, or wisps are all things that can easily set her off. Whether it makes her upset or angry, the reaction typically isn’t rational or positive.
If her upset state becomes too frenzied, Spark can sometimes be inconsolable. As much as she tries to be calm and not copy her mothers shouting habit, the effort dwindles the more her patience is tested. In a state of anger the best thing to do for her is to get her out of the scene, and take her somewhere secluded to calm down. Even if she protests in favor of continuing the shouting match.
Unlike with her anger though, any time Spark is deeply saddened by something it’s incredibly hard to tell what can help her. Giving her time alone? A hug? Letting her vent? Just being there as quiet company? Who knows, it’s inconsistent with her, to the point she can’t tell sometimes either. Which of course doesn’t help the person trying to console her. It takes someone with a lot of patience to help Spark in an irrational state, at least patience for her in particular. 
On the whole, and to most people, Spark is simply a nice girl working a nice quant job. To those that know her better, she’s that and more. For better or for worse. She’s an incredibly emotional person with issues and habits she’s desperately trying to break.
The Restoration is the first place she’s ever lived at alone.
The cafe is the first job she’s ever had.
Niko is the first true friend she made outside of her family and hometown.
And the world outside of The Restoration has become terrifying to her.
But, thankfully, she likes her life inside the base. As new as it’s been for her, it’s the most fulfilled she’s ever felt in her life.
And that’s all she’s ever wanted.
Current Life
One of the somewhat newer workers in The Restoration, Spark works at a small cafe within the facilities. While her job is making coffee, her actual passion is art and creatives. Often pulling a sketchbook out on break or during dead hours. Outside of drawing though, she does enjoy collecting random fun finds and eventually picks up gardening.
His time at The Restoration would allow him to meet many new people, including his now best friend Niko. Niko with their wisp, Skullz, would end up being very protective of Spark. She certainly wouldn’t mind though, they sure kept customers from being rude. Awesome bonus, she really liked their company too :D! The scary dog privileges was more so the bonus actually. She really did care about them as much as they did for her..even if it was in a less violent way. Anything for the Queen Bee!…Spark isn’t royalty, Niko is just very committed to the bit.
(Niko belongs to @zip-toonz)
Spark would also end up meeting many other people working for or visiting the residence. It was easy to do as a cafe worker after all. She’s even interacted with Sonic a few times, while he never bought coffee for himself he didn’t seem to mind picking some up for others.
One of the more notable people she’s met though, has actually been Mecha Sonic. Meeting the barista not long after visiting the resistance base, and eventually going from strangers to friends, to friends to partners.
(More on that relationship later.)
Her time at the restoration and newfound relationships with people has given Spark a newfound sense of self worth. Finding fulfillment in not having to rely on family for living means, and being productive in her own job. No place is ever perfect, but for Spark, things right now are damn near close.
Familial Past
Spark can fully acknowledge the fact she doesn’t have the worst family life. They care, they try, they love her and she doesn’t doubt it. Not anymore at least.
But man is the relationship still rocky.
Her mothers side of the family was never too afraid to speak up about their thoughts and feelings. They also weren’t afraid to be loud about it too. While this was usually fine within that side of the family itself, it often caused a clash amongst others.
Her father’s side of the family is much more accomplished and self absorbed, unlike her father himself. Having an attitude of smelling their own farts and high standards for how they should be treated.
Each family alone would be different to deal with, but the combination under one house simply led to chaos.
Constant bickering and verbal berating, three kids would be stuck hearing shouting for years of a couple that just refused to split no matter what. 
Eventually it would go to two kids, and then one as they slowly moved out. Spark left the chaos after the metal virus, unable to carry much in her bags, and hasn’t kept well in touch since.
Any contact she does have with them is very limited, and is only there at all because they make the effort to reach out to her. She feels guilt for leaving her little brother home, but he was still a kid and couldn’t be taken from his life like that.
Despite efforts to make her reveal it, Spark hasn’t actually told any of her family where she moved. Planning to eventually tell them after getting some time away.
She kept telling herself all she needed was a break, but as time passed on, it really seemed like it may have been more than that.
One of the few family members Spark became close with outside of her immediate family was Ladie, her cousin. Ladie the Bug came from the father’s side of the family, and as a result always took lead of the relationship between the two.
Ladie’s the one that suggests when they hang out.
Ladie’s the one who initiates conversation.
Ladie’s the one who talks while Spark listens.
Ladie’s the one who asks Spark about her life to show she wants her to talk.
Ladie’s the one who tries to figure out what Spark likes but just can’t get enough out of her.
While there’s no denying the imperfect dynamic, Ladie has always tried to care for and listen to Spark, because Spark was the only one who would listen to her. As much as she tried to get Spark to open up more, it never felt like enough.
Ladie would eventually be the first to figure out where Spark moved to, and would fly in with her wisp Gentleman for a surprise visit. One that catches Spark completely off guard, and would eventually make their relationship go from distant to rocky.
After the shock, it was actually nice to have some family back, but Spark had to spill the beans eventually. How exactly do you tell your cousin that you’re dating a giant rusty robot?
Yeah she…didn’t really approve much. Not even because of Mecha though..okay well maybe slightly, but after the events of the Metal Virus, Ladie worried her cousin was only doing this as a weird way of coping. Managing to even get in Spark’s head about it and make her worry maybe Ladie was right.
While her worries were genuine, she would eventually realize it didn’t matter what she thought of the relationship. If Spark really liked Mecha this much, even after what happened to her during the Metal Virus, the guy must’ve been doing something right.
     And maybe that’s what she needs more than anything.
After stopping the berating against her relationship, the cousins would begin to become close again. Hanging out more often and, finally, getting Spark to tell Ladie more about herself. During visits Ladie would meet more of Spark’s friends, show Spark some of her own new hobbies, and learn more about her favorite cousin than she ever knew.
While things start off rocky, they eventually become closer than they ever have been before, and finally have a balanced and healthy friendship with no leader. And for a long time, Ladie is the only family member Spark has regular contact with.
But of course you can’t just ghost a whole family forever, can you? And as much as their relationship has grown...Ladie is still a bit of a gossip.
What can you do? It runs in the family.
Relationship with Mecha
Not long after escaping Scrapnik Island, Mecha and his fellow scrapniks would be taken to the restoration to be fixed up, and given refuge until they decide what they want to do. Mecha himself would end up being one of the first to be given a voice, in turn being one of the first to go and meet new people. Even if he had some help doing so from Sonic, but hey he didn’t reject the support.
The whole idea was to just get him, and the other scrapniks, more comfortable interacting with other people. Along with getting people comfortable with them, this was a strange addition to their base after all. What would be an easy errand for people practice? A coffee run of course! Oh yeah you know where this is going.
Sonic accompanied him on the first trip there, it only made sense to. Sonic got along with nearly everyone, and at this point they still had a mind link. He had done coffee runs for his friend’s before too, so showing Mecha the ropes wouldn’t be hard, right? Well, yes, but it was still odd.
Initially it was just another slow day at the cafe, Spark trying to doodle to pass time. It was a real dead hour, but despite the effort she just couldn’t think of what to put on the page. In the middle of her thinking though, the front bell would ring.
Looking up and seeing Sonic walk in wasn’t really a surprise at this point, but the giant rusty robot beside him sure was. The sight absolutely throwing her off guard and leaving her staggering as she tried, and failed, to make the order like nothing was odd. She could swear Sonic said what the robot’s name was, but it was in one ear out the other. Despite how odd it all was, she couldn’t stop sneaking looks at him.
It was easily the most awkward customer interaction she ever had, the silence of the cafe afterwards not helping at all. It wasn’t like she was scared or anything..okay maybe slightly, but it was mainly the surprise of it. Could you blame her too much? The guy was huge and had a saw for a leg! That’d shock just about anybody.
But what could she do about it now? She just shook it off and went back to her sketchbook. Finally getting a couple lines down on the page even, look at that! Maybe she needed a little shock in her day to inspire— Wait what was she drawing? The more she added the more it kinda looked like-…oh.
Oh no.
Mecha would leave the interaction thinking he scared the poor bee outta her wits. Sonic though, got a bit of a different impression after seeing those glances. Of course with the mind link, both knew what the other thought, and neither would really agree on that interaction going okay or bad.
At least they both agreed it wasn’t great, but hey it could’ve been much worse.
Thankfully though, as more visits passed, the barista there seemed to calm down. She didn’t even drop a cup on the second coffee run, that was already good!
For a while Sonic and others accompanied him for the first few visits, along with trips to other stops, but after a bit all of them agreed he needed to do these things on his own.
He actually wanted to make trips on his own for a fair bit by that point, so like, finally lmao.
These errands and such would, of course, sometimes involve the cafe as usual. Giving him and Spark more chance to actually talk, which thankfully by that point should be easy. The sight of a super tall rusty robot didn’t seem to spook her at all anymore. Though sometimes she did slam her sketchbook shut when he came in during less active hours.
Damn, his friends sure drank a lot of coffee.
She felt like such a creep. A weirdo even. What kind of freak had this many doodles of a guy she’s only ever known as a customer? Damnit, why did he have to be fun to draw!?
It’s not like Mecha was the only thing in her sketchbook now, but any time she needed a page filler he sure was easy to default to. And he didn’t even know, that’s the part that made her feel like some stalker the most, the guy had no idea!
She couldn’t have liked the guy, she barely thought about him in all truth. Maybe at first she wondered what his deal was a bit, but he was kinda just a regular at this point.
It’d been a whole month of this, she needed to end this “drawing a stranger” crap soon. So what if he has a unique face and tall stature and funky body that was fun to sketch? Well describing it like that just makes it sound more creepy, but how could she clear her conscious?
By doing something humiliating of course. She’s not always the most rational, why would she be so here?
Nothing had really happened at all that day. Nobody needed Mecha’s help with anything, yet they were all so busy anyways. The garden didn’t need any tending, nobody needed an errand, and finally he had a day all for himself for the first time in awhile- Oh the barista bee was stomping over holding a horde of papers in her arms, that’s fine.
Oh she shoved all the papers into his hands while talking so fast he could barely process what she was saying.
Oh she walked away…weird, but what was on the papers-?
…Yeah he’d need advice on how to respond to a gift like that. Was Amy busy? Surely she’d know best for a situation like this.
Oh she could’ve died right then and there, Spark had done some embarrassing things in her life, but oh my god. That was horrid!
If she was lucky he’d think she’s insane and never come back to the cafe. Then awkward conversation wouldn’t have to happen, that WOULD kill Spark.
Well ready the funeral because guess who came in the next day? You already know.
Her stomach absolutely sank as she saw him walk in, she didn’t even properly hear what he said when he saw her. Almost immediately her words ran a mile a minute until he set something on the counter.
A small pot with a pretty pink flower inside.
Finally she hushed up as he explained he was told the gesture of a gift being returned with another gift was a kind way to say thank you.
Gift? Thank you? Hang on a moment—
By the time she tried to question him he was already leaving, not even on a coffee run that day. Damnit.
A gift. A gift!? She wasn’t giving him some mushy gift, she was clearing her conscious! In a stupid way, but it was still the goal. He had to be messing with her, no way he was for real.
Alright big man, you wanna play games? Spark can play.
Oh boy Spark regretted making an actual gift in return. At least for awhile, the exchange went back and forth and back and forth for like half a  month!! She was running out of space for these plants, it NEEDED to stop. She had to end this, even if she kinda instigated it.
To her surprise though, when she actually went to talk to him about it he was…very sweet and understanding about it. Huh, okay that was easy…now what?
Well a whole new topic that’s what, soon enough they ended up changing conversation completely. Damn, she didn’t ever assume he was bad or anything but actually talking to him, he was kinda cool and chill. To the surprise of both of them, they actually hit it off pretty good after having an actual talk like normal people.
Neither of these losers were normal at all though, albeit for very different reasons.
Okay, maybe she could actually be friends with this guy. She was digging his vibe, but she’d be surprised if he returned that sentiment to her.
Holy $&!+ he just made a new legit friend completely on his own, Sigma was gonna be so happy! At least happy to hear Spark is officially a friend now, he was kinda waiting for it during the whole gift exchange phase. A lot of Mecha’s friends and family were.
It’s not like he was friendless, far from it. He still had all the Scrapniks, he met plenty of people through Sonic and errands for people. He was on pretty good terms with a lot of people there now, but this happened to be the first person he befriended on his own. Geez, how little time did he really get to himself? He hadn’t noticed until now, he’d have to talk about that.
The friendship kept on for about three and a half months, going from casual friends to practically besties shockingly fast. They met each others friends, Spark met Mecha’s family, oh what could go wrong.
Feelings that’s what, or, well it went right because of feelings. Oh what to do when you catch feelings for a cute bee girl or a giant rusty robot clone of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Why not give it a shot? The feeling was mutual, what was there to lose?
Despite starting to date, their overall dynamic didn’t change much for a bit. They both agreed at the start they weren’t official official yet, but going out on dates and testing the waters. And hey, it was still fun! You don’t stop enjoying someone’s company just cause it’s a date. Soon enough it would be official though, and people sighed out a “finally” as they,, well finally acknowledged each other as such.
They were so slow but fast at the same time, confused a lot of people around them, but overall they were rooted for. At least by the current people currently surrounding them.
Over the course of the relationship their status as boyfriend and girlfriend would become a lot more blatant, as each grew more and more comfortable with the other. Both bringing in some heavy changes of routine to each other's lives, learning more about themselves and each other as time went on.
It was good, imperfect at times like any pair, but neither expected constant paradise. In a way they were imperfect in mere concept, but isn’t that just perfect to be?
(I was so embarrassed writing this whole section the entire time but god damnit that robot deserves somebody who will kiss him)
Interests, Talents, and Hobbies
Spark’s primary interest is art, getting into drawing at a young age and keeping the hobby up into adult years. She doesn’t know if she wants to pursue a career with it or not, most likely not, but isn’t against doing some drawings for the right payment. While she appreciates all kinds of arts, simple sketching is her favorite thing to default too. On occasion she’s down to paint or color pieces, but on the regular it’s just some nice pencil work. 
One of Spark’s hobbies she hasn’t been able to indulge in much since moving is figure collecting. She loves the sight of little characters on her shelves and desks, but when she moved she only had the space to bring a select few. Maybe if she made another trip back, but she doesn’t feel ready for that. While The Restoration has plenty of amenities and decent entertainment, figure collecting isn’t something you can easily indulge in. Your best bet would be to take a trip out of the base, but again, Spark doesn’t feel ready for it.
While it is, quite literally, her Job; Spark has found a knack for making a mean cup of coffee. With good training and being at this station for a while, she’s developed good measuring and order tactics to make a grand coffee. She’s even taken habit to make her own coffee at home instead of buying it, being able to make it exactly like she likes it. Which has been much easier on her wallet that’s for sure.
Back at home and during her bed rot, Spark consumed all kinds of media. Shows, movies, games; you name it, she had the time to consume it. She never did anything, what else was she supposed to do? Nowadays though, working a job and having a more active life, she’s found less time to watch shows or dig into video game lore. As much as she still enjoys getting into other people’s stories, it’s something she’s more selective with now due to limited time and energy. Sometimes it’s annoying not having the time to get into a show she thinks she’d like, but at the same time, she feels alright with the change.
There’s many reasons Spark never got into gardening: having no energy, it costing money, the bad soil in her family’s yard. Despite some interest, those factors always made it hard. But there was one reason that topped them all. A bee, growing a flower garden? How stereotypical! Imagine feeding into that stereotype, her family would mock her nonstop. She didn’t quickly start gardening after moving, it actually took quite awhile. But after meeting Mecha and eventually learning of his interest, he got her roped into a hobby she no longer had excuses to avoid. This development actually happened about a week into their romantic relationship, about three months of them actually knowing each other, and four months since they first met. After some time Spark started growing flowers in her own windowsill, enjoying the site that reminds her of so many good things.  Who cares if it was tropey? She liked it, that was enough.
Author’s Notes I Guess
Told y’all this was gonna be a long bio. I know I’m usually slow with writing but I’m sure you see why this took me awhile now.
Big mix of motivation highs and lows along with general embarrassment at points, but come on let a guy have some fun projecting onto an oc that kisses a rusty robot.
Real talk though over the course of developing Spark and drawing her more and establishing things not even mentioned in this post, she’s easily become one of my favorite characters I’ve ever made. I’m not gonna suddenly hide the fact she’s a major self insert, I’ve been pretty open about that since day one, but she really has developed beyond that now.
Yes, she’s a self insert of myself, but she’s also just Spark. She’s just a bee doing her best trying to live her life and kiss her mouthless boyfriend. She’s given me hope that I can do things she’s doing, and allowed me to process many emotions and thoughts through her. She had her own drama and issues going on that have little to nothing to do with me. And I really think that’s perfect for her as a character.
I’m so so flattered that so many friends have already found themselves attached to her and her dynamics before I even finished her first bio. And I hope that if you took the time to read all this you like her too.
Thank you also if you did read all this, I appreciate it :33 Any questions or such are of course welcome if you have any, and sharing is always appreciated, but of course neither are demanded and I hope you have a good day ^^
Anyways, I’ll go ahead and let you go. Here’s some other art (mainly doodles) I’ve done of Spark and others! As a treat
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(Yes I have been learning to draw Mecha too but I ain’t sharing that just yet)
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cottage-fr0g · 3 months
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moar popsie art including captain laserhawk version of her or qhatever
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einsatzzz · 4 months
art time-lapse of this piece that i posted in IG b4 to try out doing reels. i really like how this turned out overall plus "yasashii suisei" (link for eng tl) really fit the vibes so im queueing this here too
#khr#khre#khr oc#oniyanagi#hibari kyoya#ninomiya kanako#oc#hibakana#einart#tags yapping abt hibakana ahead 🫡#the quote that inspired this one still lives rent-free in my brain#“my alone feels so good i'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude”#both of them are the type of people who likes to move on their own and dislikes being restricted#and they thrive that way without needing to look out for things like social cues/other's perceptions/the will of a “majority”#there's this certain type of independence that i rlly admire for each of these two characters#if they don't feel comfortable with a person#or if the person's company does not spark any joy#as much as their peace and quiet does#then why would they even hang out and spend/invest time with them amirite? theyre not abt that fake life#nowadays its very common for me to hear abt boomers asking ppl when they're gonna get an s/o or marriage#or just others forcing ppl to conform with the social norms and what's considered as “normal”#so these two rlly bring me a lot of comfort#on their own; if i were to depict them on separate stories#khre aside and just considering khr; idt id ship hibari with anyone; he would be my a-spec king icon idol and legend who does wtv he wants🫶#kana too mdbxndbddjbd her previous version b4 this had another oc/canon ship but i don't rlly fck with that anymore (still funny tho)#(i realized that that previous ship rlly held her back character-wise---)#(but their (potential/established) platonic relationships with other characters are so *chef kiss* tho--working hard on brainstorming that)#on the other hand i started shipping hibakana for the comedy of their dynamic lmao (it should be around b4 sou & i reached kokuyo arc)#“wouldn't it be funny if---”#its just a joke there's supposed to be an “/hj” somewhere there i didn't know they would suit e/o's characters & personality this much wtf
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aikarosethorns · 6 months
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A little rough experimental sketch of this stupid ship no one asked for <3
Lucifer is trying to encourage Aika to get on the hoop when it's higher, to do tricks higher up, but she is a little scaredy cat when it comes to it, used to have her hoop low.
As Charlie noticed her hobby even if in a very casual manner and knows how lonely she usually feels, pairing her to spend time with her father who own a circus but been away from it since isolating seemed a good idea, and it was. <3
Lucifer keeps teasing and pushing her to go higher, Aika keeps being flustered and nervous, the playful air helping them out to from stress.
Aika, who is usually confident and forwards with things becomes a bit of a mess with him so close, after all it's been so long since anyone made her feel like this, and having to bottle these feelings haven't been easy.
Why is Lucifer with his tail out? Well, when thy started practicing together on the Lyra, Lucifer teaches her how to be a duo, him also having a tail helping her with the balance, also to feel more comfortable about her own moving so close to him.
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iidaposter · 5 months
Hii! I'm Dude! I use he/she. I'm not new to the MHA fandom but I've only recently started indulging in it.
About me ! | I'm an artist, selfshipper, and a little angel bunny if you even care. BPDtistic system.
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majorpepperidge · 1 year
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Fenix: Phantom has been oddly possessive of me in the years I've known him and refers to me positively versus nearly everyone else is referred to negatively and I'm pretty sure like he's made 3 songs about me. BUT he dates girls that are very beautiful and famous so obviously there's nothing romantic in his actions about me since I'm not really either of those things. Therefore, I'm just not going to do anything about my own feelings.
Beep-0: Have you considered therapy. Or getting better taste in men.
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hostdoozy · 8 months
Rabido had enough
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pulim-v · 2 months
And here we have our first major ship! Meet Dewtavia, also known as SnowSong or ❄️🎼
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Tagging: @shycroissanti @verishere @zenitsustherapist @sapphosdickandballs
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head---ache · 2 years
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Things (mostly gay things)
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rainbow-wolf120 · 11 months
I did it. I made a Rayman Oc X Canon. I can die in peace.
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This is Lord Lagarta. She's a caterpillar (from the R2 games) who was the leader of a nightmare rebellion. Until she got captured by the government and put on trial for treason.
There, she meets Rayman, who was assigned to watch her before and after her trial, they banter, and the rest is history.
I also threw in Rabbid Mario in the pair because I thought it was funny.
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I also have a sub story revolving around Rayman’s Raymates' opinion on his new goth gf. Rayven being the aroace of all times/j
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That's all. Lagartas silly, I like her very much teehe
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angelicmoonstone · 4 months
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Lesbian bunnies? Yeah, lesbian bunnies.
Been a while since I drew Lav. So why not draw her with her originally planned girlfriend, Daphne? I kinda scrapped the idea so this is no longer canon to Lav but whatever XD pride is pride
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