#sp marcus
plugnuts · 2 years
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Six count ‘em six South Park bbies
Original (rough) wbf sketches under the cut:
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alister312 · 2 years
Minor Character March Madness: Round 1
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After voting, please consider reblogging to root for your fave! Official post with match ups can be found here.
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avidgreengoblin · 7 months
I don't have much rn but I do have 2 requests so I'll be doing those soon
This is all I got 💀
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Also maybe expect more art of Marcus, I need to draw him more
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thiemrossi · 2 years
INDYCAR 101 PART 1 THE BASICS: a 2023 guide to indycar by @thiemrossi
hi, hello, happy race week! If you want to start watching indycar this season but don't know where to start, this is for you. I couldn't cover everything, so I tried to focus on the drivers because there are so many unrecognized great personalities in indycar. If you have questions about anything on here or other stuff I didn't mention, feel free to ask me, I'm happy to help! This will also be multiple parts, so I'll link them all below
The image quality here is not great, so for the best quality view the entire presentation here
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crayonverse · 2 years
ok so i absolutely love LeoGan now, and im . oooohhhh
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vicstenius · 2 years
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Request for female reader poly volturi.
Im sorry if this is long but the idea popped into my head and I just need to get it out.
She’s the mate of the three kings. She’s becomes a target from another coven that wants to take down the volturi. They managed to kidnap her and all hell breaks loose the volturi immediately act. She’s held prisoner in the covens hideout but she make an uno reverse on them because she’s has the ability to create and control fire she’s had this ability all her life but kept it. A secret from everyone is hard to control for her and her ability is triggered by emotion. She sorta let the coven take her so she could flambéed them and help her mates in the process even thoguht she’s human and was terrified there was no way she was going to let them use her to take down her lovers.😤 so the place was held prisoner explodes and when the volturi get there the captures are on fire and running for their live only to be finished off by pissed off volturi kings.
Needless to say they are shook when they see the place in flames and her just walking out blue like flame surroingg her like halo and your hung the assholes who tried it. Her mates : reactions:👁️👄👁️
The guard:👁️👄👁️
So the kidnappers are taken care of (killed and finished off since they where already burning)
After they all go back home she has some explaining to do. She’s explains how she always had this ability but was scared of telling them because it’s hard for her to control and it sorta drains her energy which is why she sorta fainted afte setting everything on fire but she did it for them and because she was pissed off. She also didn’t know if she would hurt them but she found out that her powers are also controlled by her Will so if she want to harm her powers would do that of not they don’t. She shows them this by by touching them with her hands having flames but it’s not hurting them which makes her happy because she thought that would be impossible for her to have physical contact with them( hug ,kiss etc) turns out she can do that without worrying.
Hugs and kisses they are just happy she’s safe and proud of her 😊 relieved that their mate is ok but not gonna lie they where so scared of losing her 🥹 some ptsd might have happened poor Marcus would have been sweating if he was human . Shook all of them where after these events.
Sorry if this is long btw😂😅
Not a problem at all, i believe it’s you who’s sending in these long requests but I don’t mind, you’re being detailed which is great :)
↳ target on my back ↲
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➘ summary : You should know better than to mess with what belongs to the volturi
➘ aro x reader x caius x marcus, volturi kings x reader, twilight x reader
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The ancient halls of the Volturi castle echoed with the weight of history as (y/n) moved gracefully through its grand corridors. She was no ordinary vampire; she was the mate of the three Volturi kings: Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Her beauty was as captivating as her power, and her presence commanded respect from those within the castle's walls.
Today, (y/n) was perusing the extensive library, her fingers tracing the spines of leather-bound volumes. As she immersed herself in the knowledge within, a sense of tranquility settled over her. The bond between her and the Volturi kings was unbreakable, forged through centuries of loyalty and devotion.
However, that very bond also made her a target.
Rumors had been swirling about a rival coven, the Romans, who harbored a deep-seated hatred for the Volturi. They sought to take down the Volturi and establish their dominion over the vampire world. (y/n)'s unique position as the mate of the kings made her a valuable pawn in their dangerous game.
As the sun set and twilight painted the sky, (y/n) felt the presence of the Volturi kings drawing near. Aro, with his piercing crimson eyes and enigmatic smile, approached first.
"(y/n), my dear, I trust the library has provided you with some solace?" Aro's voice held a melodic quality as he spoke.
She smiled, her gaze meeting his. "Indeed, Aro. The knowledge contained within these walls is a treasure."
Caius, with his regal bearing and cold demeanor, joined them. "The Romans have grown bolder, (y/n). We must remain vigilant."
"Agreed," Marcus added, his gaze distant and mournful. "They will stop at nothing to tear down what we have built."
Aro's fingers lightly brushed (y/n)'s arm, his gaze intense. "They are aware of your significance to us, (y/n). You must take extra precautions."
(y/n) nodded, her expression determined. "I understand. I won't underestimate the danger they pose."
Days turned into nights, and (y/n) continued to live under the watchful eyes of the Volturi. She trained rigorously, honing her already formidable abilities to new heights. She knew that the Romans would strike when they perceived weakness, and she was determined not to give them that opportunity.
As she patrolled the castle walls one night, a chilling breeze swept through the air, sending a shiver down her spine. Her instincts kicked in, and she turned to face a group of menacing figures emerging from the shadows.
It was the Romans.
Their leader, a tall and imposing figure, stepped forward. "Ah, (y/n), it seems you've been well-protected by the Volturi."
(y/n) stood her ground, her voice unwavering. "I won't be swayed by your threats."
The Roman leader chuckled, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You underestimate our resolve, (y/n). Your connection to the Volturi is your weakness, and it will be your downfall."
The chilling night air hung heavy with tension as the Volturi gathered in the grand hall of their castle. News had reached them that (y/n), their mate and a crucial member of their coven, had been kidnapped by the Romans. The three kings exchanged grim looks, their expressions mirroring their shared concern.
"We must act swiftly," Aro declared, his voice carrying an edge of urgency. "The Romans have shown their hand, and they will not hesitate to use (y/n) against us."
Caius's eyes glittered with fury. "We will crush them and retrieve our mate."
Marcus, usually reserved, nodded in agreement. "We cannot afford to wait. Let us strike immediately."
As dawn approached, the Volturi assembled their forces and prepared to confront the Romans. Their resolve was unwavering, and the power they wielded was unlike any other in the vampire world.
Meanwhile, (y/n) found herself in a dimly lit chamber, the cold stone walls a stark reminder of her captivity. The Romans had used her own power against her, exploiting her vulnerability to fire by rendering her unconscious. As she slowly regained consciousness, her surroundings came into focus, and her heart raced with a mixture of anger and determination.
It was time to turn the tables.
Summoning her latent power, (y/n) focused her energy, creating a small flame in the palm of her hand. As the fire danced, she concentrated on her surroundings, igniting the edges of the ropes that bound her. The flames spread quickly, and within moments, the ropes were reduced to ashes.
With her hands free, (y/n) stood, her eyes blazing with intensity. She extended her power, flames licking across the walls of her prison. Panic spread through the Roman vampires as they realized the danger they were in. The fire roared to life, illuminating the chamber with an eerie glow.
"(y/n)!" the Roman leader shouted, his voice laced with desperation. "Stop this madness!"
She fixed him with a steely gaze. "You underestimated me. You may have taken me captive, but that’s only because I wanted you to. You may think you can control me, and those around me but I know one thing you can’t control.”
“And that is my power."
As the flames continued to rage, (y/n) moved with confidence, using her fire manipulation to keep the Romans at bay. She fought with a fierce determination, knowing that her ability was her greatest weapon.
Outside, the Volturi arrived at the Roman hideout, their presence like a storm descending upon the coven. The clash of powers and the chaos of battle echoed through the night as the two powerful factions collided.
Inside the chamber, (y/n) felt the familiar energy of the Volturi's arrival. She channeled her fire, creating a pathway through the walls. As the flames surged, she burst through the stone, emerging from the chamber in a blaze of fire and fury.
The Volturi fought with unmatched strength, their combined power a force to be reckoned with. Aro's crimson eyes blazed, Caius's wrath was unleashed, and Marcus's mournful gaze carried a weight of centuries.
Seeing their mate free and fighting alongside them only fueled their determination. The battle raged on, and (y/n) unleashed her fire against the Romans, their defenses crumbling in the face of her power.
In the midst of the chaos, (y/n) stood alongside the Volturi kings, her flames casting an ethereal light. The Romans were defeated, their plot shattered, and the Volturi's legacy remained intact.
And all remaining members were finished off by the kings themselves.
As the last embers of the battle flickered and faded, the Volturi kings and (y/n) stood amidst the aftermath of their victory. The scent of smoke lingered in the air, and the remnants of the Roman coven lay defeated around them. The bond that held the Volturi family together was stronger than ever.
Aro, his eyes alight with curiosity, approached (y/n) as she emerged from the dissipating flames. He regarded her with a mixture of intrigue and wonder. "My dear, I couldn't help but notice the way the flames danced around you. It was as if you were surrounded by a halo of fire."
Caius nodded in agreement, his stern expression giving way to genuine interest. "Indeed, your power over fire is remarkable."
(y/n) met their gazes, her own filled with a mix of emotions. She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "I've always had these abilities, even before I became a vampire."
Marcus's voice, usually soft-spoken, held a touch of surprise. "You've had this power all along?"
She nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, I've been able to create and control fire since I was a child. But I never saw fit to tell anyone. I didn't want my abilities to overshadow my role as your mate."
Aro's smile was genuine, his eyes reflecting a newfound appreciation. "My dear, you needn't have hidden such a remarkable gift. Your power is a testament to your strength and uniqueness."
Caius's lips curved into a rare smile, his tone carrying a hint of playfulness. "You've kept quite the secret, (y/n)."
She smiled back, her heart warming at their reactions. "I wanted to prove my worth through loyalty and action, rather than relying solely on my abilities."
Marcus's gaze held a sense of understanding. "And prove yourself you have."
As the realization sank in, (y/n) felt a weight lift from her shoulders. The Volturi kings accepted her not just for her bond to them, but for who she truly was. Her power was a part of her identity, and it was something she no longer needed to hide.
Aro's voice held a note of excitement. "Your power over fire will only enhance our family's strength. With your abilities, we are an unstoppable force."
Caius nodded, his tone resolute. "We will face any challenges that come our way, together."
Standing amidst the remnants of the battle, the Volturi kings and (y/n) looked to the horizon, their unity unbreakable. The flames that had once been her secret were now a symbol of her strength, their glow illuminating the path forward. As the night gave way to a new day, the legacy of the Volturi burned brighter than ever before.
As the Volturi kings and (y/n) discussed her newfound revelation of fire manipulation, the guards stood in the background, their expressions a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Among them, Felix couldn't hold back his incredulous thoughts any longer.
His deep voice cut through the moment, and he spoke with a mixture of sarcasm and mock concern. "So, no one's going to talk about the fact that her powers are literal fire? Vampires fear fire, and she can literally burn us to dust and ash if she so feels like it."
A brief, awkward silence fell upon the group. Aro, Caius, and Marcus exchanged glances, their expressions a blend of amusement and understanding. (y/n) looked at them, her lips twitching as she fought to suppress a smile.
Aro finally spoke, his tone light yet carrying an air of assurance. "Felix, my dear guard, you bring up a valid point. However, I believe we can all trust (y/n)'s discretion in how she wields her power."
Caius's dry humor made an appearance as he added, "Indeed, I would prefer not to be turned to ash, should I accidentally upset her."
Marcus's gaze held a hint of mischief. "I suppose that's a mutual sentiment."
Felix blinked, caught off guard by the lack of surprise or panic in their responses. "Oh. Okay, then. I see how it is."
(y/n) couldn't help but chuckle at Felix's reaction. She stepped forward, her tone light. "Don't worry, Felix. I promise not to burn you to ash."
Felix raised an eyebrow, his lips quirking into a half-smile. "Appreciate that, (y/n). It's good to know our safety is a priority."
As the tension eased and laughter echoed through the hall, the Volturi guards and the kings shared a moment of camaraderie. (y/n)'s newfound ability had brought an unexpected twist to their dynamic, but they embraced it with the same unity that defined their coven.
Amidst the laughter and shared understanding, (y/n) felt a sense of belonging stronger than ever. Her fire was no longer a secret, but a source of strength that bound her even closer to the Volturi family. As the night gave way to the dawn, they stood together, ready to face whatever challenges the future might hold, fire and all.
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httpiastri · 10 months
devil in disguise – cn21
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clement got into a fight.
genre: angsty??
pairing: female reader x boyfriend!clement novalak
warnings: mentions of blood, alcohol, fighting. basically describing an anxiety/panic attack so stay away if that might trigger you!
requested?: no
author's note: two pieces of writing in one day? who am i??? 😵 jk jk, this has just been sitting in my drafts for so long (since halloween-) and i just got tired of not posting it, so i just wrote an ending and here we are. welp. not super happy with this one, esp not the end, and im not sure how accurately i described the panic/anxiety (like. i just experience, i don't remember it after it happens. 😐), but i hope u enjoy!!
f2/f3 masterlist
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"i can't believe you, clem."
the anger is still bubbling inside of you, yet your actions tell a different story. you've got one of his hands in yours, pressing an ice pack against the back of it gently to hopefully stop some of the swelling and bleeding.
"hey, baby-"
"no, don't you 'baby' me right now. bloody hell, what were you thinking?!"
to say that clement's halloween party had been a failure would be an understatement. you aren't exactly an avid party-goer, most often preferring to stay at home with a good book or a favorite show playing on the tv. in fact, you couldn't even recall when you last attended a party before this one. but, knowing that you're a big fan of halloween, clement invited you to his theme party. your boyfriend had promised to stay by your side and make sure you were comfortable, knowing how you sometimes get intimidated by large crowds, and it all went smoothly for most of the night. until it didn't anymore.
it all happened so quickly. one moment, there was a hand on your waist – one you assumed belonged to your boyfriend – and you leaned into his touch. the next, the hand was ripped off you and you spun around to see what was going on. and then, all you could see was clement's fist flying towards the stranger's face.
silence washed over the apartment momentarily, only to soon be shattered as screams and the thuds of fists against skin consumed the room.
but to you, it all went quiet. it felt like the world slowed down, and you were stuck watching as your boyfriend punched some dude you'd never seen before. you couldn't move, frozen in place as more people started getting involved, pulling the two apart or throwing punches of their own.
you felt yet another hand land on your shoulder, but this time it belonged to marcus. he pulled you back, away from the commotion, tucking your face into his chest to hide you from the ongoing fight. your lungs felt tight, your vision growing blurry.
the crowd scattered moments later, everyone but clement's closest friends leaving hurriedly. marcus guided you to the bedroom, ensuring that you weren't panicking completely before going out again to help out.
your relationship with clement is still relatively new, and you're both experimenting to find your dynamics and get to know each other. you know that you have a lot to learn about him – you just never thought that this was what was hiding behind his cheerful exterior.
clement's apartment is completely empty by now, with scattered plastic cups filling the floor and the pop music turned off. you make it out of his room once you know the coast is clear, tiptoeing into the living room to find him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. his knuckles are still bleeding, just like a few bruises on his face.
"i wasn't thinking, i guess," he mumbles, eyes strictly focused down on his lap. he leans back slightly against the couch cushions. "i know you're too innocent for these kinds of things... i shouldn't have told you to come here in the first place."
you shake your head lightly, removing the ice pack and instead reaching for the box of wound cleansing wipes you'd gotten from his bathroom. "it's my own fault for asking if i could come."
clement smiles as he looks at you. he's come to learn how soft-spoken, shy, and timid you are; how you have a way of calming those around you. it's one of the many things making him fall for you. he's never been with anyone like you before, and it's different in such a refreshing way. "don't be sorry," he hums. "you had no idea what was going to happen."
"does this happen often?" you ask, beginning to rub a wipe against the bruises on his knuckles. "do you get into a lot of fights at parties?"
he pauses for a moment. "well... stuff like this does happen at times." he sighs. "i know it's bad, but... sometimes, you can't control it. i'm just sorry you got caught in the middle of it." your wipe is quickly filled up with dried blood and other dirt, and when you bend over to the couch table to put it away, clement's free hand reaches your hip. his gaze is on you when you lean back, his hand giving you a quick squeeze as a slight grin makes its way onto his lips. "do you find it attractive?" he raises his eyebrows teasingly. "having a guy who knows how to throw a punch?"
"honestly?" your eyes meet his for a quick moment before you stare at his wounded hand again. your voice is lower than before when you start speaking again. "you're... it's a bit... scary..."
clement is shocked. he hasn't realized the effect this has on you – surely, he understands that you could be afraid of a fight, but being scared of him? it breaks his heart. the novelty of your relationship makes him a bit unsure of how to act around you, but he's worked so hard to build up your trust and to make you feel comfortable around him. to have it all be broken down in just one night makes his heart drop.
"oh, love..." he says. "you have nothing to fear. you mean too much to me," his hand moves from your hip to your cheek. "and i would never ever lay a finger on you."
you can't find it in yourself to look at him or say anything, but you manage to nod your head and take a breath before you start cleaning his hand again. he leans forward to press a sweet kiss to your cheek, your skin heating up where his lips had touched you. he smiles at you – until he looks down at your hands again.
"hey, you're shaking." a frown reaches his face, eyes flickering up and down between your hands and your face.
"oh, i am?" you ask, trying to focus on continuing to wipe his knuckles so you don't have to think too much about your feelings and the reality of the situation. "i didn't realize..."
"darling, you need to relax. it's been a long night." his hands wrap around yours, thumbs grazing over the skin of the back of your hands. "you don't need to clean my hands, i'll be fine."
"no buts. i'm sorry for..." he stops for a moment, eyes studying you closely. "hey hey hey, you need to breathe properly. take a deep breath."
you hear his words, but you can't do what he tells you to do. your throat feels like it's closing up and your breaths get shorter as your head grows dizzy. it's all a downward spiral; your anxiety increases when you can't breathe, and breathing gets even more challenging as you get more stressed.
clement almost panics himself when he sees your state, but he must stay calm for you at this moment. he places a hand right below your collarbone while you shut your eyes. "big breaths, lift my hand," he says, voice low and tone soothing. his other hand reaches for the back of your neck, tilting your head back slightly to free your airways.
you concentrate on his touch, your short breaths through your nose only making your chest rise slightly. his thumb strokes the side of your neck as he breathes with you, demonstrating and guiding you in the hope you'll copy him.
"good girl," he whispers. his hand lifts and lowers with your breaths, quickly at first but the speed decreases as you calm down bit for bit. "you're doing so good. just a little more now..."
your thoughts are still clouded with anxiety but as more oxygen enters your system, your body relaxes a little. you focus on your breathing as clement's hand leaves your chest and moves down to your side again, moving up and down your ribs. the tears have been rolling down your cheeks for a while, though you haven't noticed until now, and the coldness of the tears brings you back to reality somehow, and you realize;
you're crying in front of clement for the first time ever.
you feel so exposed, naked, vulnerable. sobs begin to escape past your lips once you lean forward to hide your face in the crook of his neck, and he wraps his arms around you. "hey, it's okay," he starts. "everything is going to be okay. i'm here."
he presses a soft peck to your temple as a hand strokes the back of your head. your hair is still bundled up in your fancy hairdo but the halo headband you'd worn for the party is removed, the rest of your cute little white outfit covered up by the oversized hoodie you'd picked up from clement's bedroom floor. his devil's horns, ironic, are a bit crooked but still clipped to his locks.
"sweets, what happened here?" he asks, shuffling around to pull you onto his lap so that it's easier for you to hug him.
your head is still buried in his skin, his mild scent soothing as you sniffle. "i- i-" you groan at the way you aren't able to get any proper words out, the frustration blending with the panic and mixing into one big soup of despair. "i don't know-"
he rubs up and down your back, sighing. "okay, we don't need to talk about this right now. but," clement leans back slightly, taking your face into his hands and tilting your head up towards his. "if my fighting affects you like this, i'll stop it." his eyes are staring straight into your soul, and it feels like he's trying to prove that he really means his words. "you're the most important thing for me right now, i'm not going to lose you over something like this."
clement is shocked by not only his own words, but also his feelings. the two of you haven't been a couple for a long time, and yet, his heart aches at the mere thought of you ever feeling this bad again. he knows he can't let this happen again.
"i promise you that. okay?"
you nod, unable to get any words out, but it's more than enough for clement. he gives your forehead a kiss, and one on your nose, and one on both of your cheeks. then, he makes sure to press a quick one to your mouth so it doesn't feel jealous.
"how about this," he starts and you raise your eyebrows. "i go make us some tea, we drink it, and then we go get some sleep. how does that sound?"
he picks you up and puts you down on the sofa, tucking you in with a blanket before giving you one last peck and disappearing into the kitchen. you can hear his soft humming of a song you'd danced to earlier today, and you relax into the soft cushions.
clement's awareness of his actions, along with his promise to get better, makes a sense of calm wash over you; you allow yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, everything will turn out alright after all.
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catindabag · 9 months
Thank you, Bestie.❤️ But if you want more of my TBOSAS crack!AUs, you can check out my ✨short takes✨ in my main page. There’s a whole crack!lore I made in there that features the following:
Sugar Baby Coryo Snow, who gaslit himself into marrying Sejanus and Strabo’s money.
Extremely Possessive Sugar Daddy Sejanus Plinth, who would strangle anyone who tries to flirt with his ✨Snow Bae✨.
Fan Favorite Festus Creed, who dumpster dives for a living.
Best Boy Felix Ravinstill and his unending responsibilities as Class President.
Mizzen the Gremlin and his crazy shenanigans with Percy Price.
That ✨Maid Stew✨.
Former Sandwich Queen Arachne Crane and her ugly neck brace.
The Great Lizzie Vickers and her secret business of manufacturing illegal drugs vitamins for extra cash. #itstotallylegalbro
Kleptomaniac King Androcles Andie Anderson and his fake driver’s license.
Queen Livia Cardew and her new ✨Bestie✨😌💅, Facet the Fashionista.
Hilarius Heavensbee and his very very weird family.
The Amazing Lucy Gray and her quest to steal Panlo’s expensive hair curlers.
Treech being the default henchman and unpaid babysitter of Coral and Mizzen.
Marcus, who keeps denying his own existence. #iamnotMarcusfromD2
Urban Canville’s unending beef with Lucky’s annoying talking bird.
The Academy busy buying expensive booze instead of books.😂
Drunk!Casca Highbottom, who is still busy swimming in ✨denial✨. #Crasca4Ever
Drunk!Professor Click and her weird (traumatic) therapy sessions.
Dr. Gaul slowly giving up on life because of the Mentors’ stupidity.
The 24 OG Mentors (minus Sejanus Plinth) being legitimate blood cousins. They all share a crazy but common ancestor with Felix Ravinstill.
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swayziiwriter · 1 year
Nighttime frenzy | Marcus Rashford
summary: after an evening of passionate sex Marcus decides he’s not quite finished with you yet.
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WARNING: 18+, sexual content
Marcus was always up to something.
Especially when you were still asleep in his arms. You both had taken a rest after the rough sex you had. The sun has set, as the night sky loomed from the window. He took advantage of the rare opportunity to wake up first to lavish you with kisses and draw patterns on your arms with his fingers.
You hummed softly and felt his gentle touches on your skin, but you were too exhausted to respond. You squirmed a little when you felt him biting down on your neck as he continued kissing your neck.
"Marcus." The sudden action gave you goosebumps, so you murmured.
As his fingers lifted the fabric of your shirt, you could feel his smile on the delicate skin of your neck.
When you felt his fingers lightly squeezing the bare skin of your breasts, you exhaled deeply. You felt yourself getting stimulated under his touch and you squeezed your thighs together, the flashes of your last sex scene flooded your brain.
"I need you, baby." As his sloppy and harsh kisses on your neck got worse, he whispered.
You murmured, getting lost into his touch and you opened your eyes at last, as you checked out at the man on top of you.
"Marcus, still sore" you moaned lightly, attempting to ignore the arousal that has filled your bow pulsing core.
Your previous sexual encounter brought back a brief chuckle from your boyfriend. He got up to undress you after his hands found the band of your underwear. He also took advantage of the opportunity to remove his sweatpants, leaving him naked in front of you.
"I'm sure you can handle it," He said it in a sly tone while gently stroking your supple cheek for a few seconds with his palm.
As you exhaled deeply, the familiar pleasure built over you, his fingers found your core and tugged at your folds. He noticed that your hips were grinding against his hand and decided to stop what he was doing and align himself at your entrance.
"Come on baby, you can take it," he said. he expressed, peering down at you, hanging tight for a response from you.
You couldn't help but obey him by nodding and biting your lip to keep from speaking. His seductive language got the best of you.
However, it proved to be pointless:
You let out a loud moan of pain and pleasure as soon as he pushed himself fully into you.
"Too m-much, your too big" you confessed, gazing up at Marcus through your eyelashes.
Your words joined with the brilliant sight before the man just drove him to accelerate his pushes, leaving you shaking on your own pleasure.
"Always so close for me." He responded, playing with your emotions as he enjoyed the sight of you so vulnerable under him, drunk on his cock.
You focused on the sensation of being filled up by him, unable to form a proper sentence to respond.
As you continued to pull on the sheets your knuckles were becoming white from the pressure.
Marcus noticed the all to familiar look on your face, the pleasure was becoming increasingly unbearable for you, his light moans on starting to fill your ears, making your mind go blank.
"So filthy for this me, wanna cum on this cock?" He continued to tease, prompting you to re-nod as quickly as possible.
He didn't waste any time, resting his palms on your thighs for support as his actions got harsher. Trying to chase his own release.
As you felt yourself meeting your own orgasm, you arched your back, drunk on the sensation. You shifted your hands behind his back, dragging your nails down his back, making sure to leave marks for a reminder of tonight's session.
Marcus hit you with such force you swore your heart stopped, continuously hitting your g-spot as you spasmed around his cock. Your warm juices sliding down your leg as Marcus chased his high.
You clenched around him, the overstimulation sending you into overdrive, while sending Marcus off the edge.
He spilled ropes of thick cum into your tight pussy, the feeling of him filling you up was enough to make you moan out in pleasure as he continued to ride through his orgasm.
As you both exhaled deeply, Marcus fell on top of you, pressing his forehead against yours as you tried to calm your breathing. "Told you, you could take it" he smiled. You rolled him off of you, cuddling close to his body warmth. "Only cause i love you" you responded.
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avidgreengoblin · 1 year
Runet stuff!!
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Also expect some drawings of Marcus and more art in general of the Garrick DemonPriest AU soon
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thiemrossi · 2 years
INDYCAR 101 PART 2 TEAMS AND DRIVERS: a 2023 guide to indycar by @thiemrossi
hi, hello, happy race week! If you want to start watching indycar this season but don't know where to start, this is for you. I couldn't cover everything, so I tried to focus on the drivers because there are so many unrecognized great personalities in indycar. If you have questions about anything on here or other stuff I didn't mention, feel free to ask me, I'm happy to help! This will also be multiple parts, so I'll link them all below
The image quality here is not great, so for the best quality view the entire presentation here
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volterran-wine · 8 months
Hey love
So going off the answer to the question about Aro’s response to someone finding him handsome/beautiful. What if someone admired the handsomeness/beauty of Caius or Marcus?
I know Marcus is deep in sorrow, but there is something devious lying in wait. What if he appreciated this person telling him he is handsome, and he found them as striking as well? Would he accept the compliment, be offended? Or would it spark an awakening in him?
I know, Kia says, utterly devoted to Athenadora, but would he appreciate the compliment or plan for the person’s demise?
• — 𝐎𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝
Sadly, I do not believe you would receive much of a reaction from Marcus; if anything he would be slightly amused that another vampire had the gall to somewhat flirt with him.
If someone made a point out of complimenting Marcus about his appearance he would probably give them a long dead stare, snort softly, and then be on his merry way. This person was not the first one to make such comments, too bad Marcus only ever enjoyed such frivolous compliments from Didyme.
He does not entertain suitors at all.
Caius has his own issues when it comes to how he views himself in the physical sense, his run-in with The Children of The Moon has left him a little jaded about his attractiveness.
He often overcompensates with his clothing in order to take away from the two very prominent scars on his face, appearance is more important to him than he would like in that regard.
That being said, he is used to others approaching him for carnal activities; a compliment or two would not crack his hard exterior. All they would get as a reply is a knowing smirk and he would walk away.
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gy4rucartman · 1 year
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mod vulture is unleashing their sp ocs out onto the world. Jennifer the scene internet-troll on MySpace, and Booger (Marcus) the only punk fourth grader in south park with a nose picking and flicking habit
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Be Known in its Aching
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Mayans MC Masterlist
Part three of A Gentle Kind of Love.
Contains: Fluff, mutual pining, angst (endless longing, discussion of sibling death, sadness and grief, combat and war and past near-death experience.) flashbacks in italics, slow burn.
5.5k words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #a gentle kind of love.
Wasteland, baby, I'm in love, I'm in love with you.
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"What are you fuckers gossiping about now?" Bishop wasn't happy, they had returned to Oakland from Santo Padre in the early morning after dropping you off. They were back home now, milling around the Clubhouse, acting like idiots.
"Manny and the good doctor Pres, something happened when we took her home."
Bishop sighed, resigning to the fact that this was happening, "you wanna tell me what?"
Angel smiled, "well, he walked her to her door and she kissed him."
Bishop's eyes went wide, "on the mouth?"
Coco shook his head, "on the cheek but it looked, umm, affectionate."
Bishop huffed, "this is what you're wasting your time about, a kiss on the cheek? Get back to work you shitheads."
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You had been a worried mess since Manny dropped you home two days ago and your conversation with Coco the next day hasn't helped. 
You kept going back to your phone, considering calling Manny and explaining yourself when Coco called you. You picked up and didn't even give him a chance to speak, "oh my God, I made such a fool out of myself."
Coco chuckled, "nah, the dude hasn't stopped smiling, it's getting creepy." 
"What the fuck do you mean? Please just put me out of my misery."
He snorted, "no. I was calling to tell you your car's almost fixed, I'll drop it by your office before you head home tomorrow."
You rubbed your face, "thanks Coco. Has Angel been terrible?"
Coco chuckled, "yep, he's right you know."
You shook your head, "no he's not. We're just friends." 
"Sure y/n."
A knock on your office door had you shaking your head, "doing paperwork, can I help you?"
It was your security guy Barry, "ahh, Manny? Is here with your car."
You shot up and opened the door, "tall, neck tattoo?"
He nodded, "that's the fella."
You smiled, "thanks B, all go out there and deal with it."
Barry stopped you, his thick English accent making the whole situation feel even more ridiculous, "you and the lad, is something going on there?"
You sighed, "no, has a man named Angel turned up in your dreams to tell you differently?"
Barry shook his head, "nah, just something about the way he looked when I said I'd send you out."
You walked outside to be greeted by Manny leaning against your car holding your keys up, "your steed."
You smiled, "my steed? How fancy."
He smiled, "the last time we saw each other, you did look like a princess, so I figure it fits."
You shook your head, "thank you Manny. How was the rest of your weekend?"
He smiled, "good, it looks like we won't have to go to Charming."
You breathed a sigh of relief, "that's good, the Club has its own mess to clean up without having to deal with anyone else's."
Manny's shoulders dropped, "yeah I know. It's getting worse, Yuma not even bothering to call to help with the Sons, shit's brewing."
You blinked, "unless all the other charters get on board there's nothing you can do. I know SP and Yuma have been at each other's throats since Marcus chose you guys for the new pipeline but Canche still has the connections."
"It's not just that, what happened in the desert caused some kind of cosmic shift. Shit's gonna hit the fan if nothing is done about it."
You shrugged, "what can you do? It either gets worse and something terrible happens or Canche comes to his senses and begs for people to stop seeing him as an enabler for a monster."
Manny nodded, "yeah, you're right." He tapped the hood of the car, "I gotta head back to the metal yard, you call me if anything goes wrong?"
You nodded, "will do, thank you for dropping it off."
He smiled, "no worries, I can't wait for the cake."
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You got around to the cake a few days later, you had wrapped it up nice and taken to the metal yard when you were currently slicing it for Coco and Angel. "This is so good, how do you do it?"
It was muffled, "Angel, don't talk with your mouth full, it's made with strawberries from my garden and local honey." You looked around, "where's Manny?"
Angel shrugged, "he's in the back. He's been a bit sad, maybe you can cheer him up?"
You nodded, "thank you, I'll take him a slice." You put one on a plate and headed to the back office, softly knocking on the door and waiting for Manny to answer. He offered you a soft smile when he opened the door, "I brought cake." You held it out and he took it from you, looking at it like it was some foreign substance,
"It will keep for like five days, you don't need to eat it now. You seem down, is there something you want to talk about?"
The silence was deafening, "nah, it's just been a long week but it's better now that you're here, do you have some time to eat this with me?"
You nodded, "of course, let me get my own slice and a fork, I'll be right back."
You returned as fast as you could, sitting down next to him on the couch, "how's work been?"
He shrugged, "hauling scrap metal isn't all that fun."
You nodded in agreement, "I imagine, shit pay, no appreciation, possible hazards. Is there anything I can help with? I've done a lot of odd jobs through the years."
He smiled, "nah, how's your day been?"
You thought for a moment, "good, one of my favourite patients had their last regular appointment today, they're at a place where they'll only need to stop in if things take a turn."
Manny's head tilted, "are you allowed to have favourite patients?"
You sighed, "in theory? No. In practice? Almost everyone does, I'm still human and in all honesty, the parents play a roll too."
He nodded, "I could not do your job, I'd start killing people."
You huffed, "you don't think I think about it, there are people I would happily shoot."
Manny's eyes went wide, "wow, I thought you were all about kindness and understanding."
You smiled, "most of the time I am but sometimes I just think about it, vivid homicidal fantasies keep me sane in court."
Manny seemed to agree, he also seemed a little brighter, "how's Mr Butterscotch?"
You smiled, "jonesing for a beard to lick, he looks behind me when I come home now."
Manny smiled, "that is so cute."
Something about him made you feel worried, "I mean, you can come over and provide yours, I think he'd be happy with that."
Manny averted his eyes, "I can't just drop by your place to hang out with your cats, I'd never leave."
You snorted, "please, come over and hangout with my cats, I only have so much lap to offer."
He laughed, "alright, how does tomorrow afternoon sound?"
You smiled, "that sounds great."
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He was at your door right on four the next day, to your surprise, he opened his arms for a hug as you invited him in. You wrapped your arms around his body and squeezed and he almost collapsed into your embrace. A meow parted you and he bent down to pick up Mr Butts, the fluffy ginger cat going right to his beard.
"I miss the little guy."
You smiled, "judging by how his little paws are holding on to you, I think he feels the same way. You want something to eat? I'm making grilled cheese."
He shook his head, "nah, why are you always trying to feed me?"
You shrugged, "because you're my guest and I'm civilised, it's polite to offer you food."
"You punching Canche wasn't very civilised." There was humour in his voice.
"He was asking for it, maybe the kick to the testicles was uncivilised."
Manny chuckled and shook his head, "nah, that was awesome." He was still holding Mr Butts, burying his face in his fur.
He sniffed and a sadness came over the room, "you work with kids who have lost people, does it ever get easier?"
So that's why he was there, "it's like a open wound, it heals and scars over but it never goes away, you wanna tell me why that's on your mind?"
There was silence and then he spoke, "my little sister died when I was fifteen, her birthday is tomorrow."
You sat next to him and put your hand on his leg, his arms hugging the cat to his chest, "I'm so sorry for your pain, would you like to tell me what happened?"
He sniffed again and you could see his eyes getting red, "cancer, it was fucking horrible."
You nodded, "I can't imagine how terrible it must have been to watch her suffer that and I understand why you're so sad right now, it's clear to me how much she matters to you and you're not going to get to see her grow up. How old was she?"
"Seven, my parents tuned out at the end, I was the one there when it happened."
His voice was cracking now, "that's a lot of put on a young boy, you shouldn't have gone through that."
He nodded, "yeah, well it made me a man."
You nodded, "I can understand that, you had to do a lot of growing up in a very short amount of time."
Mr Butts settled on his lap as the other cats wandered in to see what was going on, Manny looked at Lady Midnight as she jumped on the couch and rubbed her head on his shoulder, "your cats are really sweet."
You nodded, "they know when people need a bit of love. Have you considered talking to someone about how you're feeling? "
He shook his head, "what's the point, it's not going to bring her back."
You nodded, "no, it won't but I never heard you say one thing about your parents and I'm getting the sense that you don't really like them that much."
He huffed, "I fucking hate them."
You could tell by his tone he wasn't lying, "I don't blame you, they left you to care for your dying sister all by yourself, I think would there was something up if you didn't have any ill will towards them."
"Really, I thought therapy was all about love and getting over shit."
You shook your head, "no, a lot of what I do is teaching people it's ok to hate people when they hurt you, it's ok never to want to talk to someone again. You just can't let it take over your life."
He smiled sadly, "I just miss her so much. She wanted to be a teacher, she'd spend all her time reading, when I couldn't find her I knew she be hiding under the stairs with her head in a book."
You smiled and reached up, wiping the tear from his cheek, "I have the whole night free, how about you tell me all about her."
Manny didn't know where to start, he was lost between being overwhelmed with her memory, the pain of losing her and not knowing where to start, "her name was Clara, she loved daisies and her favourite colour was yellow. She hated peas but loved fried rice so I used to pick out the peas for her so she didn't have to."
He was awash with visions, "I walked her to and from school every day and in the afternoon she tell me everything she learned, she was always so happy. When she got sick the worst part of it was that she was missing school so I would go to the library and print out worksheets and take them into the hospital."
He blinked away tears, and you placed your hand on his leg, "when she got really sick, she couldn't even hold up a pen so I would just read to her. She would fall asleep and I would stop then her eyes would..."
He could keep going, overwhelmed with pain and grief, he crumbled into your arms and started to sob, "I miss her so much."
You hugged him to you, trying to soothe the ache in his soul, "I am so sorry."
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"You seemed better."
Manny nodded, "yeah."
His lack of elaboration had Coco curious, "you went and saw y/n."
It was a statement, not a question, "she's really great."
Coco smiled, "I know, you love her don't you?"
Manny sighed, "yeah, I do." It's not like everyone was in the dark, it was clear by the way he looked at you that he loved you, it was just that he hadn't said it out loud yet, "please don't tell Angel, he'll never let me forget it."
"Tell me what?"
They jumped, "where the fuck did you come from?"
Angel shrugged, "I was in the yard, what don't you want me to know about?"
Coco smiled, "Manny's in love with the good doctor."
Manny glared at Coco while Angel smiled, "tell me something I don't know, you gonna grow a set of balls and tell her?"
"Nah, I ain't going to ruin our friendship."
Angel huffed while Coco shook his head, "are you blind mano? She's into you."
Manny wasn't listening, "you're seeing shit that isn't there Angel, you need to let it go."
Angel sighed, "alright, but I'm gonna be telling you I told you so."
Bishops booming voice filled the yard, "sorry Bish."
Coco slapped Manny's chest, "you heard him, we've got to get back to it."
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It had been four days since Manny's visit and you were at the metal yard hanging out after a long day at work, "you guys seem busy?"
EZ nodded, "we got a contract from a used car guy, he sends us the ones that he can't sell."
You raised your eyebrows "good for you, I hope you don't find anything gross."
Coco cringed, "it was one time, how were we supposed to know people think you can dispose of bodies in a compactor."
"Have you ever seen a mob movie? It's like the most common way."
EZ shook his head, "I thought that was concrete shoes?"
You waved your arms around, "do you see any water around here?"
Manny came wandering in, a smile on his face, "are you still going on about that body? It was probably just some dealer disposing of his rival." 
There was a loud noise, not unusually for the work going on but the screams that followed had everyone running, you rounded the corner and found the source of the yelling. Riz had a piece of rebar embedded in his shoulder. 
Without thinking, you pulled off your top to wrap the wound, running over to him to hold the hunk of metal steady. "You need to call an ambulance, I don't think it hit anything but the longer it stays in the worse it's going to be."
Manny was standing in front of you, his eyes locked on your body, you could see the wheels in his brain turning as he took in the deep scar on your stomach. "I got shot, now stop fucking gawking and call for help." It didn't take long for the ambulance to arrive and Bishop directed you to the bathroom where you could clean up. 
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Knock knock
"Yeah, come in." Manny opened the door his eyes stuck on the back wall as he handed you a spare work shirt, "thanks."
He nodded, seemingly wanting to say something, "ask, everyone does."
He blinked, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare."
You shook your head, "it's fine, I looked like I was gored by a bull."
He huffed, "it's honestly pretty badass. What happened, I mean, if you don't mind telling me?" 
"It happened in Afghanistan, I was working at a brick and mortar field hospital and had just finished a group therapy session for a bunch of kids when two Afghani cops went rogue and went looking for people to kill. Their first stop was my office. I was wearing a bulletproof vest but one of them had a sawed off shotgun. The gun I was given jammed and he got the best of me, most of the pellets went through the vest and into me." 
Many blinked, "what happened next?"
You sighed, "I raised my sidearm and fired, it hit the mark and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. I was mostly ok, but some of the pellets ended up in my right lung. After the guy died, I don't remember much, I could hear someone screaming for a medic turns out it was me. Then the next guy came in, I knew that was it because with all the blood I was losing, there was no way I could fire my gun again, then the guy's head exploded."
Manny was deep in thought, "Coco?"
You nodded, "Yep, the man saved my life. All I could think about when I was lying there bleeding out was that I had to get to the ER with a chance or they'd let me die. I spent like four days at death's door. All I have left is this nasty thing and the pellets in a glass case." 
Manny smiled, "that is so hardcore."
You chuckled, "yeah, it is. Not as hardcore as the time a patient's father stabbed me for getting his kid taken from him."
You pointed to the faint scar under your collarbone, "you're right, there's is a lot I don't know about you, I never would have guessed you were so metal." 
You lifted the shirt up, "I'm gonna put the shirt on now, I'm getting kinda cold."
Manny looked at his hands, "yeah, I'm gonna see Riz, wanna come?"
"Yes please, I'd like to see how he's doing."  
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Riz was out two days later then it was time for another Friday party, this one was a big one since Marcus and Oakland were there. You were sitting by the fire with Manny and Creep, talking about Creep's strange fascination with mushrooms, "I was really disappointed when I had truffles."
He nodded, "yeah, they taste like dirt."
Manny huffed, "when did you two get so fancy?"
"It wasn't really my choice, I was on a date, he ordered for me."
Manny smiled, "I bet you hated that?"
You nodded, "he tried to order me wine after that, I got the hell out of there and took my dirt pasta with me."
Creep shook his head, "you took it with you?"
You nodded "out of spite, I gave it to Barry, he liked it."
"Wow, I learn more and more about you every day, what else have you done out of spite?"
There was something in Manny's tone that had you ready to laugh, "truth time?"
They both nodded, "I only come here to spite Raul."
Creep made a face, "what do you mean?"
You could tell he was bullshitting, "I know you all know what happened, there's no way something like that doesn't get out."
Manny smiled, "your conversation with Coco was on speaker, we all heard it."
You clapped, "I fucking knew it, you wanna fuck with him a bit more?"
Manny smiled, "fuck yeah."
You nodded, "call him over."
Creep shot up and looked around, landing eyes on the prospect, "HEY SHITHEAD, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE."
Raul came running, barely looking at you before standing at attention in front of Creep, "did you need something?"
Manny smiled, "yeah, tell us about your night together, what was it that you said about y/n?"
His mouth opened and closed like a fish, "umm, it's not important."
You smiled and tapped the seat next you, "oh come on, don't be like that, I'd love to hear your version of things."
Manny's expression was tinged with something, "what, you were fine talking about what happened when we were together, is there any reason you can't do it with her here?"
He swallowed, "look, I'm really sorry about what I said, I figure you've already been through all of them and I'd look bad if you……" You covered your face and Manny's hand collided with Raul's jaw.
You turned to Creep who was smirking, "should we, umm?"
He shook his head as Manny climbed on top of the man, "nah, the dude needs to learn if he wants to get his patch."
It didn't last long, Manny was stepping back and dragging Raul up by his kutte, "fuck off prospect and go and get me a fucking beer."
You smiled, "maybe don't ask him to get you anything, I don't think you want his spit in anything."
"Good idea y/n, you can go clean the shitter instead."
Raul hurried off and Manny sat down and rubbed his knuckles, "you want me to get you some ice?"
He shook his head, "I'm alright, that felt good though."
You sighed, "you didn't need to hit him you know?"
Manny huffed, "yeah, I did."
Creep chuckled, "you really have shit luck with men, don't you?"
You rolled your eyes, "I mean, I don't have the best track record but you know, I have this thing, it's called a vibrator, and it kinda makes men obsolete."
Creep cringed, "you're a little vulgar, you know that?"
You nodded, "I'm just being honest."
Manny shook his head, mischief on his face, "you talk like their competition and not friends, maybe you just haven't found the right guy yet."
You pressed your lips together to stop yourself from laughing, you face getting hot and the implication of his words settled over you, "what are you, God's gift to women. Does that cocky shit really work for you?"
Manny nodded, "hey, I'm just being honest."
You sighed, "well.. I don't have a response to that other than, good for you."
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Marcus watched the fight with curious eyes, "what was that about Primo?"
Bishop sighed, "the prospect told everyone he and y/n went at it, in reality, she climbed out the window to avoid humiliating him."
Marcus chuckled, "and her and Manny?"
Bishop shrugged, "there's something going on there but they're both too blind to say anything. If Angel had any say they'd be married already."
Marcus nodded, "and your read on her?"
Bishop thought for a moment, "she's a good woman, very kind but you saw what happened with Canche, she's no shrinking violet. She's not a big fan of these parties but she comes because people like her company and she's always ready to help. She's been through something because she's got a healed gash the size of my fist on her stomach and she's observant like she's seen the business end of a gun one too many times."
"Does she know about the drugs?"
Bishop nodded, "I think she figured it out pretty quick."
Marcus huffed, "it sounds like she's a good fit. And it looks to me like those two are meant for each other."
Bishop rolled his eyes, "not you too."
Marcus chuckled, "don't worry about it Primo, these things work themselves out."
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You sighed and stood up, you had been talking to a revolving door of people all night, "as much as I would love to continue this conversation, I need some air. I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a bit."
Manny stood up, "let me go with you."
You waved your hand, "it's alright, I just need ten minutes."
He nodded, "alright, but come back in ten minutes or I'm sending a search party." 
You smiled, "ten minutes, I promise." You headed off and wandered up the streets, enjoying the clear night sky, they were mostly empty until you came to a long street a few blocks away from the Clubhouse. There was a black van on the road, and four men were milling around it. As you got closer, you could hear parts of their conversation and you started to worry. 
"We got to do it now," One of the men shook his head, "no, we wait until they're all drunk. Those fucking Mayans won't know what hit em." 
You swallowed, a plan forming in your brain. You took your phone out and looked around like you were lost then walked up the street looking for street signs. After a few moments you approached the men doing your best to look lost, "I'm sorry gentlemen, I'm looking for a fancy French place, La Creme or La Cream or something like that, I'm really lost and I'm late, can someone tell me where it is?" 
You didn't miss how one man was doing his best to hide the iron cross on his neck, "you're going to wrong way, it's back there miss."
You sighed, "you're not serious, I've been walking this was for twenty minutes." As you spoke, you made sure to memorise the men's faces and any tattoos they had, you could hear men in the van, but not their conversation. 
"You know where the biker clubhouse is?"
You shook your head, "I walked by a crazy party with some bikes out the front, is that the place?"
One of them nodded, "yep, it's about ten minute's walk from that, take the long road up, then take a left down the side street and you should get to Mainstreet it's easy to find from there." 
You looked at their faces, the older, harder, looking men wouldn't even acknowledge you were there and judging by the way everyone was acting, you could see that this was some kind of initiation, the ones that were talking to you were the ones looking to jump into the gang. You smiled, "thank you so much, I'd offer to buy you some beers but I'm so late." 
The man with the iron cross on his neck stiffened his posture, "then you better head off, you don't want to run into trouble all by yourself out here, bad things can happen to a nice lady like yourself." You got the message loud and clear and with one last thank you, you started to jog away, breaking out into a run the moment you were out of their sight. 
You bearly had any breath left when you got to the Clubhouse, Angel and Gilly were standing by the door and noticed something was wrong, matching your pace to meet you at the door, "what's wrong?"
You raked in a breath, "the Clubhouse is about to be hit, I heard and a group of men talking a few streets up. They said they were going to wait a little while but I don't know how long you have." 
Gilly had run off, coming back with Marcus and Bishop, "what's going on?"
You took a deep breath, "you need to get everyone inside, I guess you're about half an hour away from a massacre."
They looked at you and Marcus blinked in worry, "what do you mean." Bishop waved to someone and produced you a bottle of water. 
"I was walking around the block when I overheard a bunch of guys talking about hitting the place, no elaboration. I acted like I was lost so I could get a read on them. As far I could tell, it's some kind of jump in, only two guys had any gang markings. One had an iron cross on his neck, which he was doing his best to hide and the other had a strange tattoo on his wrist I had never seen before, the only reason I could tell it was white power was that there were the numbers fourteen and eighty eight." 
Angel's eyebrows wrinkled, "what does that mean?"
You inhaled again, trying to calm yourself, "H is the eighth letter in the alphabet, so eight eight is HH meaning heil Hitler and fourteen is fourteen words, it's a white power slogan." 
"We need to get everyone to safety." Bishop's tone was firm.
You rubbed your face, "permit me to share my idea?"
Marcus nodded, "you don't know who these guys are or what they want, wouldn't it be better to stage an ambush of your own? Have the music loud enough that they can't tell people aren't here, close the big doors and lead them in the small door then grab them and question them." 
Bishop smiled, "I don't see why that won't work, could you ID the tat if you saw it again?"
You nodded, "it's the only reason I spoke to them, I could tell you all about the guys I could see."
By now, most of the Mayans were standing around you. Hank was giving orders, and then he turned back to you, "how many guys?" 
"Four men on the street and I could hear three or four men in the black van, the license plate was 7FYNY89. One guy had San Quentin prison tats they were all under fifty and all white and before you tell me to go home, I'm the only one who saw their faces, you need me here." 
Hank huffed, "we are not putting you in harm's way."
You glared at him, "I knew the risk I was taking when I went up to them, you need me here. Now you all need to get your shit in order before they show up." 
Coco put his hand on your shoulder, "I'll take her to the back and see if I can find that tattoo she was talking about, we should have enough time?"
You nodded, "the guy in charge wanted to catch everyone off guard, you've got a little bit of time left"
The air changed and everyone jumped into action, Bishop stopping you just as you turned to go, "we're going to talk about this young lady." 
You threw your hands up in the air, "I can't fucking wait, last I checked you're not my fucking daddy, you can't tell me what to do and you're not responsible for me." You could tell by the way everyone was acting that there was a lecture on the way but they had more pressing matters right now. 
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It only took ten minutes for them to clear the compound, and all the Mayans were preparing themselves to face the threat. It didn't take long for them to arrive, you could see the large metal doors shake and then they tried the small door, falling right into the trap.
It was over quickly, they came in and looked around but they realised too late that it was a trap. Two of them were stupid enough to try and fight and they died where they stood, dropping like stones as the bullets entered their heads. The others fell to their knees the second the command was given and then they were being pulled away.
It was the sound of the van screeching off that had them running but by the time they got to the front, it was too late and at least one of them had gotten away. You were still in the back when Manny came in and he looked worried, "what's going on? I heard shots."
He sighed, "we need to out here, did you manage to ID the tat?" You nodded, "yeah, some group called the hidden order, their whole thing is blending in. Manny, what's going on?"
"One guy got away, we don't know if he knows your face." When you walked out into the compound the only evidence that someone was there was some blood and bullet casings, Bishop and Hank stomped up to you looking unimpressed.
"Someone needs to stay with you until this is done." Hank left no room for you to argue.
"Fuck that, I have a state of the art alarm system and I sleep with an M16 under my bed. I can look after myself."
Bishop shook his head, "no, we're not leaving you alone, Coco can stay with you until we deal with this."
You huffed, "no, Coco needs to stay with Lettie and Hope."
"Manny can stay with her."
You wanted to punch Angel, but Marcus was smiling, "great idea Angel."
You sighed, "fine but that's as far as it goes, you're not parking yourself outside my work."
They weren't listening, "someone will be watching the street."
You looked at them, eyes wide, "this is insane, you don't even know if they're going to come after me."
"It's not up for debate y/n, Manny is going to stay with you until we know you're safe and people will be watching your office. They'll stay in a car, no one will know they're there."
You shook your head, "I thought you'd be the logical one Marcus, I'll be fine."
"Come on Tesoro, we have fun."
You sighed, "fine, I give up."
Hank smiled, "thank you y/n, you saved a lot of lives today."
You huffed, "and you're thanking me by landing me with a babysitter?"
Hank's face was impassive, "I'm thanking you by keeping you safe."
Bishop and Marcus turned to the group, "Temple now."
Part 4
Song inspo for this chapter is Hozier - Wasteland, Baby!
Chapter releases are up to you.
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This means there is a maximum of five points per person.
Chapter four will be released after 20 points.
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frillyxo · 1 year
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my south park adjacent oc (he does not live in the town or interact w canon but his entire au is built around the crazy sp small town concept so....... i think that counts.... imagine it as existing parallel to the show... dont look at me)
baby boogums. his name is marcus
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