#black empowering
garveyiterasta1887 · 2 days
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"The enemies are not so much from without as from within the race."
Marcus Garvey
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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mauvefiles · 1 year
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Ethereal beauty of melanin
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inamindfarfaraway · 9 months
Me: Aw, Zeke the Fighting Nighthawk is so cute.
Me: *Dr Doofenschmirtz voice* EZEKIEL THE NIGHTHAWK?!
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maryammgood · 1 year
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ashoryalda · 9 months
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MelaninMagic Celebrating Afro-Colored Beauty During Black History Month
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tabney2023 · 1 year
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Michelle Obama and her daughters, Sasha & Malia.
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hella1975 · 1 year
it's been pointed out on here before that a lot of terf arguments are actually rooted in sexist idealology that feminists fought and died to unnormalise decades ago and that's its own kettle of fish but one thing i also find very frustrating about this so called 'radical' feminism is that it's so... defeatist? like the moment you categorically label an entire section of society as Bad and Inherently Evil then there's also the implication that nothing can be done about it, and it completely takes all accountability away. saying all men are evil is just another way of saying boys will be boys. he raped her because he's a man. he hit her because he's a man. he didn't listen because he's a man - it's almost offensively oversimplified. there's no point trying to fix this issue in society because men are just Like That, okay! so now what? it's not like they're going anywhere, so you just accept that 50% of the population are evil and will forever treat you terribly and there's nothing to be done about it bc they're biologically predisposed to it? like is that fr the argument here? you're soooo radical for that
#this is coming from someone who used to very genuinely be a misandrist#ironically it was only when i started actually analysing my own feminism that i got MORE confrontational with men#and started respecting my boundaries a lot better BECAUSE i started holding them accountable again#like when men treat me like shit nowadays i dont just write it off as 'what did you expect? he's a man' i get MAD about it#because i EXPECT BETTER FROM THEM even if it's just tiny shit women have to deal with daily#i hold them to just as high a standard as im held to and i make them take accountability when they dont meet that#and whether you realise it or not even on a subconscious level the MOMENT you black-and-white blanket statement all men as bad#you stop holding them accountable.#like it is literally just boys will be boys. do terfs seriously not realise they're sending feminism BACKWARDS#like if a girl came to me with her trauma and people - other girls no less - tried to comfort her with 'yeah all men are evil'#id be fucking furious. like no he did that because he was a piece of shit that had it normalised to him that women arent to be respected#dont you dare let him off the hook with something as simple and uncritical as 'he's a man'#i promise you men like that will MUCH prefer a blanket statement such as 'all men are as bad as each other'#than actually being point blank told they're an abuser or a rapist. because being lumped together is comfortable and even empowering#wheras isolating their behaviour with words that are Bad and Ugly (LIKE 'rapist') is not comfortable at all and has heavy connotations#idk i dont think radical feminism is always bad on its own it can be v liberating. just terfs and misandrists that i have a problem with#dropping this post in a piranha tank and closing tumblr knowing im gonna have some thirty year old karen yelling at me within 5 mins#i probably wont respond to any terf comments bc they literally mentally exhaust me with their stupidity#but that also depends on my mood and ability to keep my mouth shut LMFAO we shall see
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terendelev · 4 months
Elden Ring is like... what if a fantasy world in which women could be more significant than men was made but correctly
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sassylittlecanary · 2 months
Every time the OG Birds of Prey are drawn with Babs as Batgirl instead of Oracle, an angel loses its wings.
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lastoneout · 3 months
I'm genuinely convinced the thought process goes:
> people who abuse children are horrible, irredeemable monsters who deserve to have their human rights stripped away and burn in hell for all eternity, no good person would ever hurt a child
> *tons of scientific evidence comes out showing that hitting your kids is basically abuse and does immense harm with absolutely no good to balance it out and in the worst cases it leaves lasting psychological damage those kids carry for life*
> but wait...my parents spanked me as punishment, but they aren't horrible evil people who deserve to die! I love my parents and they loved me, they're good people and good people would never hurt a child, and I surely don't have issues as a result of being hit, so that must mean hitting your kids isn't abusive
> the cycle continues, nothing changes, kids keep getting hit
and like I get it, I get it, but I just want to grab these people and be like "welcome to the complex reality most actual abuse survivors have to contend with every single day of our lives, it sucks, but since I've been through it I can give you the answer I had to work out over years of therapy for free; you are still allowed to love--and even FORGIVE--people who hurt you"
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garveyiterasta1887 · 17 days
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A picture of Fred Hampton Jr visiting his father grave site. His gravestone shot up with bullets. Fred Hampton, revolutionary leader of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party, was executed by the FBI, who discharged 90 rounds of ammunition while he lay in bed.
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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sleepyysweetheart · 10 months
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You know what to do to see more 😏 👀
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budibudiputra · 5 months
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Confidence with Emporio Armani Underwear
In snapshot, a man exudes confidence while showcasing the allure of Emporio Armani Underwear. The sleek design and impeccable fit of the premium lingerie are accentuated as the man confidently poses, radiating empowerment. As a perfect blend of style and comfort, this iconic piece from the Emporio Armani.
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ohdeargodwhy · 1 year
James "I'm really excited about the final t-shirt" Lance I cannot deal with you
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