#south total station battery
reasonsforhope · 2 months
African poverty is partly a consequence of energy poverty. In every other continent the vast majority of people have access to electricity. In Africa 600m people, 43% of the total, cannot readily light their homes or charge their phones. And those who nominally have grid electricity find it as reliable as a Scottish summer. More than three-quarters of African firms experience outages; two-fifths say electricity is the main constraint on their business.
If other sub-Saharan African countries had enjoyed power as reliable as South Africa’s from 1995 to 2007, then the continent’s rate of real GDP growth per person would have been two percentage points higher, more than doubling the actual rate, according to one academic paper. Since then South Africa has also had erratic electricity. So-called “load-shedding” is probably the main reason why the economy has shrunk in four of the past eight quarters.
Solar power is increasingly seen as the solution. Last year Africa installed a record amount of photovoltaic (PV) capacity (though this still made up just 1% of the total added worldwide), notes the African Solar Industry Association (AFSIA), a trade group. Globally most solar PV is built by utilities, but in Africa 65% of new capacity over the past two years has come from large firms contracting directly with developers. These deals are part of a decentralised revolution that could be of huge benefit to African economies.
Ground zero for the revolution is South Africa. Last year saw a record number of blackouts imposed by Eskom, the state-run utility, whose dysfunctional coal-fired power stations regularly break down or operate at far below capacity. Fortunately, as load-shedding was peaking, the costs of solar systems were plummeting.
Between 2019 and 2023 the cost of panels fell by 15%, having already declined by almost 90% in the 2010s. Meanwhile battery storage systems now cost about half as much as five years ago. Industrial users pay 20-40% less per unit when buying electricity from private project developers than on the cheapest Eskom tariff.
In the past two calendar years the amount of solar capacity in South Africa rose from 2.8GW to 7.8GW, notes AFSIA, excluding that installed on the roofs of suburban homes. All together South Africa’s solar capacity could now be almost a fifth of that of Eskom’s coal-fired power stations (albeit those still have a higher “capacity factor”, or ability to produce electricity around the clock). The growth of solar is a key reason why there has been less load-shedding in 2024...
Over the past decade the number of startups providing “distributed renewable energy” (DRE) has grown at a clip. Industry estimates suggest that more than 400m Africans get electricity from solar home systems and that more than ten times as many “mini-grids”, most of which use solar, were built in 2016-20 than in the preceding five years. In Kenya DRE firms employ more than six times as many people as the largest utility. In Nigeria they have created almost as many jobs as the oil and gas industry.
“The future is an extremely distributed system to an extent that people haven’t fully grasped,” argues Matthew Tilleard of CrossBoundary Group, a firm whose customers range from large businesses to hitherto unconnected consumers. “It’s going to happen here in Africa first and most consequentially.”
Ignite, which operates in nine African countries, has products that include a basic panel that powers three light bulbs and a phone charger, as well as solar-powered irrigation pumps, stoves and internet routers, and industrial systems. Customers use mobile money to “unlock” a pay-as-you-go meter.
Yariv Cohen, Ignite’s CEO, reckons that the typical $3 per month spent by consumers is less than what they previously paid for kerosene and at phone-charging kiosks. He describes how farmers are more productive because they do not have to get home before dark and children are getting better test scores because they study under bulbs. One family in Rwanda used to keep their two cows in their house because they feared rustlers might come in the dark; now the cattle snooze al fresco under an outside lamp and the family gets more sleep.
...That is one eye-catching aspect of Africa’s solar revolution. But most of the continent is undergoing a more subtle—and significant—experiment in decentralised, commercially driven solar power. It is a trend that could both transform African economies and offer lessons to the rest of the world."
-via The Economist, June 18, 2024. Paragraph breaks added.
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david-goldrock · 4 months
How the global response teaches Israel an important lesson: occupation is bad, war is worse
One cannot open the TV nowadays without hearing the latest security senior calling for the war to end
And what about crumbling Hamas and killing Sinwar? about that, don't worry, they say, we'll always be able to renew the fire
"We are ending the war"
"To stop the war"
"The stopping of the war"
"To stop the war"
"With very harsh conditions to Hamas"
"At the first UAE-"
Withdrawal from Gaza? Leaving an armed Palestinian terrorist organization, It's familiar to me from somewhere
For example, the Oslo accords! Even back then we talked about a withdrawal of the IDF forces from Gaza and leaving there an armed terrorist organization, in that case the PLO
The leftist prophet, the great author Amos Oz is writing thus even 30 years ago
"If the terrorist will continue with the terror, well in that case Israel will be able to close on Palestine and destroy it"
The end is known - The Palestinians have continued with the terror, we hadn't destroyed Palestine, and the first to call not to destroy it, is Amos Oz himself
7 years later, it's about withdrawal from south Lebanon, from the security belt that Israel was in for many years.
Then Prime minister, Ehud Barak, is saying "we'll withdraw" but he's calming: "If they only shoot one bullet at us, we'll get in and bomb them with all the force"
"I want to see the person who dares to, with these conditions, shoot towards the IDF soldiers, or the settlements. We will know how to respond and what to do."
Not to talk, of course, about the disengagement in 2005: Then PM: Ariel Sharon is saying, warning, the eve of the disengagement: "Those who will continue to attack us will meet the IDF and the security forces in their full force"
One of the returning reasons for withdrawals is the claim that when the IDF forces work outside the sovereign borders of the state, they hurt its legitimization, and so if we'll withdraw to the international border, we'll recharge the legitimization, and then we'll be able to use that battery to attack them with all force if they only dare to attack us.
It's hard to believe but in the final discussion about the disengagement 20 years ago, then Justice minister Tomy Lapid had explained that the antisemitism in the world and the universities, is because we are acting in Gaza:
"We are slowly but surely becoming outcasts. They try to boycott us, universities don't want to see Israeli speakers! Jewish students in the USA are suffering because of us! because the videos and photos they see every evening, every evening, in every TV station are showing us as a cruel occupier"
So what is the solution? to withdraw! A. as we said, it is totally reversible, and B. it will give us legitimization! Listen to Meri Shitrit, this is huge:
"We'll state a fact to the world: we are out of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinians have no reason to attack us, and if they attack us anyway, no one will come with complaints to us if we attack them with every weapon, with all the force, beyond the border, no need to stay in Gaza for that! who will then be able to come with complaints to us? when we evacuate the land, saying 'Here! establish your lives, manage them, we are ready to help you!' no one will come with complaints to us"
"The world is waiting for the Palestinian response: a reached hand for peace, or terror fire? to the reached hand we'll respond with an olive branch, but to the fire we'll respond with fire harder than ever"
'harder than ever' now, in our sorrow, we are in an experiment that is going for almost 20 years: the group of the experiment: the Gaza Strip, the control group: Judea and Samaria. from the Gaza Strip we withdrew, to Judea and Samaria we entered
So where would you expect the international outlook will be worse? of course, in Judea and Samaria! only that in reality the exact reverse had happened
In 2009 then state minister Tzipi Livni, Not exactly an Itamar Ben Gvir, gets out in the last moment from an arrest in London due to the cast lead operation, in Gaza
In 2010 mass demonstrations in Europe because of the Marmara's advance towards? Gaza
After that, the Goldstone report in the same year, accuses Israel in war crimes, not in Judea and Samaria, in Gaza!
And of course the international arrest warrants they had deployed now [2024] after a terrible massacre of 1500 people? In the Gaza Strip
In the eyes of the world, when you run away, evacuates and dis-root [your civilians], you don't get international credit, but rather pay a debt to he who [by the look of your own actions], the land is probably his
Debt with gray market interest, and if we know anything about gray markets, is that in the end, the bullies will always knock on your door, with a large bat and with a debt to pay
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aceontheline · 1 year
Something dumb & it probably won't be all that funny, but it's from a dream I had while driving home from MA.
MA: *Shows off a large scale, intense looking model of South Station in Boston*
Gov: So this is what you were doing instead of submitting your votes & other applicable paperwork?
MA: For a majority of my time, yes.
NY: *Fascinated* How did you—
MA: Battery operated. I'm using a remote right now to move them.
NY: ... Have time to build all of this?
Gov: Yeah, I'd also like to know.
MA: Oh I didn't. But you see, I had a lot of SPITE. That's all I need. A few energy drinks or coffee & a hell of a lotta spite.
NY: Makes sense. It's how I made the Empire State Building.
FL: Add in procrastination & it's how I made all the buildings in my territory.
NY & MA: Makes sense.
Gov: .... You guys don't just start a building project immediately when you get them?
NY: No way, dude.
MA & FL: Yeah, we're not TOTAL fuckin nerds.
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techmomma · 6 months
you know, I got an electric car and forgot to put my thoughts about it down here! so you know what, I'm gonna do just that.
So for the record, I have a 2012 Nissan Leaf. this is like a first or second gen pure electric car, so keep that in mind. newer electric cars are gonna have way better stats than mine will. mostly. (looking at you, tesla)
so, overall?
I genuinely love it. It's like the best car experience I've ever had. runs great, nothing's wrong with the car itself.
and yet I may still need to trade it in for a different car. which makes me very sad.
the reason?
there's no infrastructure for it. "but steph," you say, "maybe there isn't now, but it's supposed to be coming over the course of the next ten years."
yeah I thought so too. and yet, in the past eight months since I got my car, there are fewer electric charging stations. not more. maybe it's just my area, the south puget sound.
I'm going to go into more about owning an electric car under the read more. it's not too complicated, but it's definitely different than an internal combustion car, so there's a lot to take in.
so the biggest thing about owning an electric car is money's no longer really any issue. I can charge an entire tank, which can get me to work and a little farther (my car is an OLD electric car, newer ones can go much farther) for like, $2.50 at a fast charging station. plug into the wall? $0. pennies. my work lets me plug into a wall outlet so I essentially spend a big fat $0 on travel to work.
that part's fucking awesome. genuinely don't mind the short range for me because of that.
the thing about electric cars is you are replacing money with time. charging. takes. time. the newest, fastest cars, in ideal weather and temperature, still take about 20-30 minutes to go from an empty tank to full.
There's different levels of charging. It's basically slow, fast, and fastest.
Depending on the outlet strength and your battery capacity and weather outside, slow charging ("trickle charging") will take between 6-20 hours. Costs the least, takes the most time, but obviously if you're parking it and letting it charge over night, not a problem.
Medium charging will take between 2 and 6 hours, again depending on outlet strength, battery capacity, and weather outside.
Fastest charging ("supercharging," whatever) will take 30 minutes to 2 hours. Fastest time, but costs the most.
But again that's like. $2.50. The most I've ever been charged for a full tank was like... $6? Because it was a $2.50 flat hookup fee, and then the total charging time cost about $3.50, so all together $6. Again, for a full tank, that can charge while I'm working and be ready to go by the time I need to go home.
Now the other thing to keep in mind is weather WILL affect how fast your car charges, AND how fast it drains the charge. the colder the weather, the slower it will charge, and the faster it will drain. and this isn't like a "so small you can barely notice it" amount, it NOTICEABLY affects my mileage. this last winter, once the temps get under 40 degrees, I can lose like a quarter of a tank, and took about 3 times as long to charge at even the fastest charging station. keep in mind that this may be because my car is 11 years old, but just like with any electronics, weather and temperature will affect your car.
and the more things you have running, such as say wipers, or heat to keep your ass from freezing, those will also drain the battery faster/
aka absolutely do not get an older electric car if you live in a place that routinely snows or gets around freezing. maybe a newer one, but not an older one.
here is the kicker though:
I really would not mind all of this. it's a little bit more extra effort, but for the reward? god yeah it's awesome. combined with an absolutely wonderful driving experience (zero noise, SO smooth, great handling), there'd be no reason that I'd be considering trading in.
HERE is why:
you cannot CHARGE at every charging station. you can only charge at charging stations that have your specific charging plug.
so sure, there could be twenty charging stations within a mile of you. but if none of them have the right plug, then all twenty of them are useless to you.
if you do not have a tesla, and all of the stations in your city are only tesla stations, then you have no charging stations.
now at first, it's easy to think "well I just need enough to get to my destination."
no, my friend. you need at least enough to get to your destination, and then get to a charging station. whether that's a wall outlet (you wanna wait there for 7-20 hours?) or a fast charging station.
because what happens if you run out of juice on the road? you can't walk to a gas station, buy a can of gas, and walk back to get yourself on the road again. there are portable chargers you can get to keep like an extra can of gas, but can you afford a $3300 portable charger?
did you also know that some electric cars cannot be put in Neutral if they have no charge at all? meaning that you have to have enough charge for the tow-truck ride to a charger, or else the they have to bring a special tow truck called a wrecker? which will cost more?
"but steph," you say, "some of them have solar panels! isn't that enough to recharge it?" yes, technically. my car has a solar panel. it would probably take about 24 hours to recharge it... about a 1/12 of the tank, so not really enough to even start my car again. it's enough to compensate for the ambient loss of charge while my car sits idle, but nothing else.
another thing to keep in mind with charging stations is most will have enough for about 4 cars to charge at the same time, max. in the entire puget sound, I have not seen a station that can charge more than 4, maybe 5 vehicles at once.
most of these, yes, do have two chargers! if a station has 4 charging... terminals, I guess you could call them, and they each have 2 plugs, then in theory, you should be able to charge 8 cars at once, right?
no, because at a vast majority of stations, you can only use one of those charging plugs at a time. if someone is using the other plug, you cannot charge your car at the same terminal, and have to find a different one.
so here comes the other infrastructure problem: a lot of the stations that have multiple kinds of charging plugs (remember how you have to find a station that has your kind of plug?) will share a terminal with another plug.
this wouldn't be a problem, except most of the time, it'll be a majority of one type of plug, and then like a single plug of a different kind.
so let's say you have a non-tesla. at this one station, there's 4 terminals. each has 2 plugs. 7 of those are tesla plugs, and 1 is a non-tesla, and that's the one you can use.
there's only 1 car, using 1 terminal. all the rest of the stations are free. they have a tesla, and they can use any station.
unfortunately, they got there when no one else was around, didn't think about it, and are using the stall that has the single plug you can use. despite them having a tesla and being able to use any of the stalls, they're using the one you need. maybe when they got there, all the rest were taken, who knows.
either way, you have to wait until they're done to charge your car.
remember back to the fact that it can take 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the temp?
you can ask them to please move.
assuming they're waiting in their car. most people, since it takes 30 minutes to 2 hours, will leave their car to go do some shopping or whatever. so if you didn't see them and have no idea what they look like, then good fucking luck trying to find them to ask them to move.
so now you have to wait for them to go back to their car once it's done charging. they're going to come back when it's done charging, right?
in theory, yes. most stations (most!) will accrue charges if your car is done and you're leaving it there still plugged in.
not everyone gives a damn about those charges though!
so say someone doesn't care, and leaves their car there for 6 hours. in the space that has a single charger that you can use. they're not even using their car, and you can't charge yours for 6 hours.
obviously, no one is going to wait six hours to START charging their car. so you go to find a different charging station.
I hope you can find another one within range, because you run out of charge.
yeaahhhh, remember the whole "there are now FEWER charging stations than there were when I first got my car"?
the piece de resistance?
not every charging station is in working order. sometimes they are broken or out of order when you get there.
there are apps to help you find ones that work, and work for your type of plug. one of the most popular is PlugShare. even with this, stations are not always updated, and sometimes stations just don't exist when there's supposed to be one. or it happens to be broken that day, and no one's been there that day to leave a comment that it's broken.
in addition, I have found stations that SAY they're superchargers, but in reality, they charge sometimes slower than a wall outlet. because the fun part is stations can say they charge UP TO so many kilowatts. but on average, it's only a fraction of that. so you're paying about $2.50 for what should be about $.30. ain't that fun and not at all sleazy and frustrating when you don't have enough charge to get to a different station, so you know you're going to be there for several hours when you thought you were only going to be there for a half-hour?
now, again, my car is 11 years old. the type of charging plug it has, ChadeMo, is being phased out. the newer charging plug types are CCS and tesla plugs. so that is absolutely a factor.
but I have also seen the same things being said with CCS and tesla plugs. fewer stations, even for the ones that work.
and... isn't that a problem too? if my type of plug can be phased out and become obsolete, then what will happen to the other plugs? who's to say that these newer plugs won't be phased out either?
there are... questionable adapters being made for charging plugs. it's not as easy as switching adapters for your computer though, and you're look at about $200 for an adapter, and for several thousand for a chademo adapter, which is still being tested.
You wanna carry around an adapter that you have to remember to take with you, every time your charge your car (and take it back with you, when you're done charging) that cost you a couple grand?
and so, to bring everything back around:
I love my car. best car experience I've ever had. it costs me so little to use my car, especially considering there's things I don't have to do anymore--like I don't have to worry about oil changes!
but because of mostly external factors? I am losing usability of my car. within an 8 month period, I went from like 5 or 6 stations I could charge my car at, to about... 2, within a 16 mile radius. 16 miles.
if there were just those 6 stations, like there were when I bought my car 8 months ago, this wouldn't really even be a problem. and I'm in a decent area for charging stations!
in the entirety of the Seattle area, there was a SINGLE charging station, that I could use. I had to leave the city before I could get to another one, miles outside of it.
my car is perfectly fine. it doesn't even have 100k miles on it yet, and could probably go another 100k before I have any problems. but I am, in all likelihood, probably going to have to find someplace to trade it in.
Because there's no infrastructure for it, and what infrastructure IS there seems to be getting actively worse.
So all in all, to finish things up.
How is driving an electric car? Is it worth it?
I love my car. Driving electric cars kicks ass. They're smooth and quiet and like, a dream for someone who likes quiet. When usable, they're cheap, you can do a lot with them, and newer electric cars will have much more range and versatility than mine!
But... does your area have the infrastructure for electric cars? Does it have the infrastructure for your car specifically?
And will it continue to have that infrastructure in the future?
And unfortunately, the only way you're going to know that is finding someone who's already been driving electric in your area, and has been driving a car similar to the one you want.
there's no real way, currently, to predict how feasible it will be for you without first or second-hand experience. you cannot predict it on paper. so unless you've got money to blow, it's going to be a very risky investment. but I suspect if you're reading this, you're not going to be one of those people who has money to blow.
for now? if you're really adamant on electric, go with a hybrid for now. I absolutely do not think, certainly for my area (which is pretty urban and honestly pretty great for electric cars. yeah, all things considered) the infrastructure is there for it. And if you don't live in a major urban area, you almost DEFINITELY do not have the infrastructure for purely electric vehicle.
I really hope all of this has been helpful for you! Feel free to ask questions, I am more than happy to offer my opinion!
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
The Hertz Meltdown Reveals Scale Of The EV Debacle
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Indeed, the artificial boom and then meltdown of the EV market is a modern industrial calamity. It was created by government, social media, wild disease frenzy, far-flung thinking, and the irrational chasing of utopia, followed by a rude awakening by facts and reality.
CEO of Hertz Stephen Scherr has been booted out due to a vast purchase of an EV fleet that consumers didn’t even want to rent. The company has now been forced to sell them at a deep discount and in a market where consumers are not particularly interested.
Looking back, however, Scherr’s decision to bet everything on an EV boom was a disaster that was highly praised at the time. Only last year, the company bragged: “This morning, [Hertz] was recognized by The White House for our efforts to expand access to electric vehicles across the country. Demand for EV rentals is growing and we’re here to help our customers electrify their travels.”
Pleasing the Biden administration is not the same as pleasing consumers.
The demand turned south fast in a real-world test of drivers. But that’s not all. Hertz could not make their investment pay no matter what they did.
The key issues with EVs are as follows.
The cost upfront is much higher. Financing charges are higher. They depreciate at a higher rate than internal combustion cars. The insurance is more expensive, by at least 25 percent. Repairs are much more expensive, if you can get them done at all, and take longer. Tires are more expensive and don’t last as long because the car is so heavy. Refueling is not easy and missteps here can have nightmarish consequences. They are more likely to catch fire.
Any motor vehicle accident that impacts the battery can lead to repairs higher than the value of the car, that is totaled with so much as a scratch.
To top it all over, there is no longer any financial advantage to the driver. It now costs slightly more to charge under many conditions than to refuel with gasoline.
The novelty of driving one for a day wears off after the first day. At first they seem like the greatest thing that ever happened, like an iPhone with wheels. That’s great but then the problems crop up and people start to realize that they are fine for urban commutes with home chargers and not much else.
They make truly terrible rentals. Obviously, under rental conditions, people have to use charging stations rather than a charger in the garage. That means spending part of your vacation figuring out where to find one.
Not all are superchargers, and if it is a regular charger, you are looking at an overnight wait. If you do find a station with fast chargers, you might have to wait in line. They might not work. You waste hours doing this. And you likely have to reroute your trip even to find a station without any certainty that you will get a spot with a functioning charger.
No one wants to do this. When you rent a car, all you want is a car that goes the distance. And typically car rentals are for going some distance else you would just take a taxi or a Lyft from the airport. You might need to drive several hours. And god forbid that this takes place in cold weather because that can reduce your mileage by half. Your whole trip will be ruined.
Why in the world would anyone want to rent one of these things rather than a gas-powered car? 
You might be better off with a horse and carriage.
Did Hertz think of any of this before they spent $250M on a fleet? Nope. They were just doing the fashionable thing.
Again, I’m not knocking some uses for EVs. If you think of them as enclosed and souped up golf carts, you get the idea. They can be wonderful for certain urban environments so long as you don’t overuse them and have to get them repaired. You also have to be in a financial position to afford the higher costs all around, from financing to insurance to repairs and tires. And you have to be prepared to take a big loss on resale, if you can even manage to find a buyer.
There is money to be made in this market, as there is with any niche good or service. But that is covered with normal market conditions, not massive subsidies, mandates, and frenzies. The Hertz case proves it. It is a perfect clinical trial of these machines. We now know the answer. They cannot work.
And thank goodness because if the United States truly switched over in a big way from gas to electric, we would face other disasters. The wear and tear on roads is much worse due to the sheer weight of the cars, which is 25 percent higher than gas cars on average. Many parking garages would have to be rebuilt with new reinforcements.
Then there is the strain on the grid.
There is no way the industry could handle the demand. Brownouts and travel restrictions would be essential. All this would pave the way toward 15-minute cities.
Please remember how this craze began. It was lockdown time and automakers suspended orders for parts and chips. They stopped cranking out cars. When demand intensified, the chip makers had moved on to other things, so delays escalated. By the summer of 2021, there was a general panic about a growing car shortage.
At that point, consumers were willing to buy anything on the lot, among which EVs. The sales records were completely misinterpreted. The manufacturers made huge investments, and the car rental companies did too. But the product had not really been tested. That test is taking place now, and the EVs are completely failing.
We keep hearing that this is still too early, that development has a long way to go, that more charging stations are coming, that manufacturers are going to overcome all these problems in time. 
All of this sounds very similar to what the producers of mRNA shots say: this was just a trial run and they will get better the next time.
Maybe but doubtful. There is a huge problem in the investment market right now. EVs are massive losers. Consumers, manufacturers, car rental companies, and every other market in which these lemons are made available are running away from them as fast as possible. They had their day in the sun and got fried.
There is another problem: surveillance. 
The car can be tracked anywhere and shut off at a moment’s notice. This is obviously a great thing if the government desires a social-credit system of citizens control.
At this point, it is doubtful that the industry can recover. And yet, even now, the Biden administration is planning more subsidies, more mandates, more restrictions on gas cars, and digging themselves even deeper into this hole.
“The Biden administration on Wednesday issued one of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history, a rule designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032,” reports the New York Times.
You simply cannot make up nuttier stuff. 
At some point, we could see manufacturers making the cars just to satisfy the central planners but otherwise preparing to chop them up and throw them out. They would likely be happy to dump them in the ocean but that isn’t allowed either.
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greatwyrmgold · 8 months
Apparently I'm playing a little Factorio every day and sharing it on Tumblr afterwards.
New production this session is pretty much nil. Two chemical plants making lubricant (twice as many as I need, but I wanted to clear the inventory spot), two new assemblers making engines, and another assembler turning those and some batteries into electric engines.
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(The red is turret ranges. This is right at the northern end of my base—if I didn't have turrets here, the bugs would eat my belts and drink my lube.)
I couldn't really do more than that, because my iron was fast dwindling. By the time I started setting up the new iron outpost, my starter iron patch had dwindled to maybe half its original size; it was literally gone by the time I set up the unloading station. By the end, my base wasn't even producing basic stuff like inserters or ammunition.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Plans! First, I cleared out some biter bases to the south, since they were sitting on this area:
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(The red is pollution. Except the circle, those are turret ranges.)
I'm trying to plan ahead and build something that can last me at least until the rocket launch. This area has four iron ore patches totaling close to 30 million ore, which should last me a while. If I put a smelting array and train stop here, it could continue being useful until I've used up all of that iron, which would take a while.
Another thing which takes a while is moving back and forth between this iron and the base. Let's look at a bigger map.
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(Obviously, this screenshot was taken after everything was done.)
I had to keep going back and forth because I kept running out of basic building supplies, due to a combination of forgetting things, underestimating how much stuff I'd need, and the dwindling production of my starter base.
As you can see, I decided not to mess with the coal for a wide variety of reasons. It's actually pretty far from most of the iron, it's really close to more biters, I wanted to use my shiny new electric furnaces, etc. Speaking of shiny new toys, personal construction bots were pretty handy.
After a lot of running around and fixing/reinforcing turrets when Problems started to break stuff and so on, I got the outpost set up.
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(This is a composite of two different images, taken at very slightly different times. If I had realized the sun was rising I would have taken them slightly later.)
This is a huge iron mine; it'll take a while before I need anywhere near this much iron. Still, figured I'd build it all now while I was there.
I left some room to expand smelting in the future if necessary, and build a simple train station.
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Not much to say here. Once production picks up I'll probably want to load from both sides, but loading time isn't really a constraint right now. Also, I threw some laser turrets around, in case all that iron mining and smelting attracted some Problems.
Let's look at the unloading station.
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As you can see, I had the train pull up to basically where the old iron miners and furnaces used to be. You can also see that the train left, leaving behind enough iron to keep production going for quite a while! By the time we work through twelve thousand iron plates, the train will probably be back with a second load.
So that's the big problem solved. But here you can see a smaller problem: Stone ran out. It was running out slightly faster than iron, though the last few squares of resources lasted a little longer than iron's.
In any case, if we want to keep making stone bricks and rails and landfill that I don't really need but also will probably need a lot when I do need it, I'll need to get a new source of stone. I actually started setting up a stone outpost this session...then I realized that I was actually about to run out of iron, and that's a bit more important.
Aside from that, I should probably clear out some more biters, especially to the northeast.
To defend most of my base, I just stuck a few turrets around, just close enough to support each other. In areas that keep getting attacked, I stick them slightly closer together. But in the northeast corner?
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Biters keep attacking this spot, and they keep focusing fire on whatever turret is farthest northeast. If I don't want to keep replacing turrets (and I don't), I needed to beef up my defenses.
But the best defense is a good offense; clearing out biter nests means that more pollution gets absorbed by the terrain and less gets turned into new Problems.
Speaking of those Problems:
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For some reason, most of the bases within pollution range have lots of spitter spawners and not many biter spawners. It's pretty common for attack groups to look like this—hordes of small spitters, with a couple medium biters mixed in.
Anyways, that's about all i have to talk about.
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industrynewsupdates · 25 days
Hydrogen Generation Market Business Growth, Opportunities and Forecast 2024-2030
The global hydrogen generation market size was estimated at USD 170.14 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3% from 2024 to 2030.
Demand for cleaner fuel and increasing government regulations for desulphurization of petroleum products. Hydrogen is an effective energy carrier, and this attribute is expected to contribute significantly to its further penetration into newer markets. Global electricity demand is anticipated to witness an increase of nearly two-thirds of current demand over the forecast period. Focus on projects related to distributed power & utility is anticipated to bolster industry’s growth.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Hydrogen Generation Market
U.S. is among the early adopters of clean energy solutions in world for sectors such as power generation, manufacturing, and transportation. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Transportation (DOT) introduced a Hydrogen Posture Plan in December 2006. This plan was aimed at enhancing research and development (R&D) and validating technologies that can be employed for setting up hydrogen infrastructure.
This plan provided deliverables set by the Federal government to support development of hydrogen infrastructure in the country. It was developed following the National Hydrogen Energy Vision and Roadmap. Development and construction of cost-effective and energy-saving hydrogen stations across the country are among key objectives planned by government agencies. All these factors are expected to propel hydrogen generation demand in the U.S.
German Ministry of Transport took an initiative in June 2012 to establish a countrywide hydrogen network and boost hydrogen infrastructure for hydrogen refueling stations. As a part of this initiative, the ministry signed a letter of intent (LoI) with industry players such as Total; The Linde Group; Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.; Daimler AG; and Air Liquide. Under its terms, these industry players were given a target to construct at least 50 hydrogen fueling stations by 2015 in metropolitan cities and major corridors in Germany.
Hydrogen Generation Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global hydrogen generation market report based on technology, application, system, source, and region:
Technology Outlook (Volume, Million Metric Tons; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Steam Methane Reforming
• Coal Gasification
• Others
Application Outlook (Volume, Million Metric Tons; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Methanol production
• Ammonia Production
• Petroleum Refining
• Transportation
• Power Generation
• Others
System Outlook (Volume, Million Metric Tons; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Captive
• Merchant
Source Outlook (Volume, Million Metric Tons; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• Natural Gas
• Coal
• Biomass
• Water
Regional Outlook (Volume, Million Metric Tons; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o Russia
o UK
o France
o Spain
o Italy
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Australia
• Central & South America
o Brazil
o Colombia
o Paraguay
• Middle East & Africa
o Saudi Arabia
o U.A.E
o South Africa
o Egypt
Browse through Grand View Research's Sustainable Energy Industry Research Reports.
• The global voluntary carbon credit market size was estimated at USD 2.97 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 34.6% from 2024 to 2030. 
• Consumer batteries are projected to be widely used across various electronic applications including laptops, flashlights, lamps, personal care, power tools, mobile phones, toys, and other electronics.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Hydrogen generation industry is competitive with key participants involved in R&D and constant innovation done by vendors has become one of the most important factors for companies to perform in this industry. For instance, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. acquired Linde HyCO business that produces hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or syngas. This acquisition is expected to promote expansion of company’s capabilities and serve petrochemical and refining industries.
Air Liquide announced that it will manufacture and market renewable liquid hydrogen to the U.S. West Coast mobility market. This large-scale project is expected to produce 30 tons of liquid hydrogen per day using biogas technology.
Key Hydrogen Generation Companies:
• Air Liquide International S.A
• Air Products and Chemicals, Inc
• Hydrogenics Corporation
• INOX Air Products Ltd.
• Iwatani Corporation
• Linde Plc
• Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.
• Messer
• SOL Group
• Tokyo Gas Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Order a free sample PDF of the Hydrogen Generation Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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versindotech-blog · 3 months
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Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Surabaya mulai merealisasikan pembangunan terowongan bawah tanah penghubung antara Terminal Intermoda Joyoboyo (TIJ) dengan Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS). Pembangunan Terowongan Jalan Joyoboyo ini dijadwalkan mulai tanggal 15 Juni - 11 Oktober 2024, proses pengerjaan dimulai dari sisi tengah atau median jalan. Kemudian pengerjaan dilanjutkan bersamaan menuju arah sisi utara di pintu masuk KBS dan terminal pada sisi barat. 
Sabtu (06/07/2024) proyek tersebut sempat terkendala dengan adanya kebocoran pipa yang merupakan  imbas dari pembangunan proyek terowongan di kawasan Joyoboyo. Hal ini juga berdampak pada kondisi lalu lintas yang padat merambat, karena pengendara roda empat dan dua harus mengurangi laju kendaraan saat melintasi genangan.
Versindo berupaya memberikan layanan service kalibrasi maupun sewa alat survey yang terkalibrasi presisi agar kejadian gagal konstruksi seperti di atas tersebut bisa dihindari. Manfaat dari kalibrasi alat survey untuk alat Tota Station, Digital Theodolite, Waterpass / Automatic Level serta GPS Geodetic sebagai berikut:
Kalibrasi merupakan proses verifikasi bahwa suatu akurasi alat ukur sesuai dengan rancangannya. Kalibrasi biasa dilakukan dengan membandingkan suatu standar yang terhubung dengan standar nasional maupun internasional dan bahan-bahan acuan tersertifikasi. Tujuan kalibrasi adalah untuk mencapai ketertelusuran pengukuran.
Produk/Layanan Vertikal Survey Indonesia
Jual-Sewa-Service-Kalibrasi Alat Survey & Pemetaan Kadastral-Topografi-Hidrografi-Geographic Information System(GIS)
Surveying Instrument & Mapping Equipment
Total Station :
Total Station Topcon GM 55, 52
Total Station Topcon OS 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Total Station Topcon ES 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Total Station Topcon GTS 102N, 105N, 235N, 255N
Total Station Topcon  GPT 7501
Total Station Sokkia IM 52
Total Station Sokkia FX 101, 102, 103, 105
Total Station Sokkia CX 101, 102, 103, 105
Total Station Sokkia SET 02N, 05N
Total Station Nikon DTM 322, 352, 362
Total Station Nikon Nivo 3m, 5m, 3c, 5c
Total Station Gowin TKS 202
Total Station Cygnus KS 102
Digital Theodolite :
Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 205, 205L, 209, 209L
Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT 540, 740, 940
Digital Theodolite Nikon NE 100, 101, 102, 103
Digital Theodolite Ruide ET 02, 05
Digital Theodolite South ET 02, 05
Digital Theodolite Minds CDT 02, 05
Automatic Level :                                                                                            
Automatic Level Sokkia B-20, B-30, B-40
Automatic Level Topcon AT-B2, AT-B3, AT-B4
Automatic Level Nikon AC2S, AX2S
GPS Navigasi / Maps :
GPSMAP Garmin 65S
GPSMAP Garmin 62SC
GPSMAP Garmin 78S
GPSMAP Garmin 79S
GPSMAP Garmin 67
GPSMAP Garmin eTrex SE
GPSMAP Garmin eTrex 32x
GPSMAP Garmin eTrex 22x
GPSMAP Garmin Montana 700
GPS Garmin Etrex 10, 20, 30
GPS Garmin Montana 650
GPS Garmin Oregon 550
GPS Garmin 585 Echosunder
GPS Trimble Juno SB, SC, SD, 3D
Fishfinder Garmin 350c
Hypsometer Nikon Forestry Pro
Binoculars Nikon
Compass :
Kompass Suunto KB-14
Klinometer Suunto PM-5
Tandem Suunto 360PC
Compass Geologi Brunton 5006, 5008, 5010
Battery Charger :
Battery Topcon BT-32Q, BT-52QA, TBB-2, BDC 70
Battery Sokkia BDC 25, BDC 35, BDC 46B, BDC 58, BDC 70
Battery Nikon BC 65, BC 80
Battery South NB-10A, NB-20, NB-10B, NB-20A                                    
Charger :
Charger Topcon BC-20CR, BC-27CR, TBC-2, BC-G1C, BC-19B,
Charger Sokkia CDC 68, Dual Charger CDC 68
Charger Nikon Q-75E
Aksesoris :
Prisma Polygon Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Prisma Single Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Alumunium Tripod  Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon
Pole Stick Prisma Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Rambu Ukur 3m, 4m, 5m
Alat Survey & Alat Geologi Lainnya :
Meteran Stilon Yamayo 50M
Meteran Tajima 100M
Leica Disto D3ABT
Leica Disto D210
Palu Etswing
Plagging Tape
Diagonal Eyepiece
Reflective Sheet
Handly Talky ICOM V-80
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spookysaladchaos · 4 months
Global Top 7 Companies Accounted for 13% of total Avocado market (QYResearch, 2021)
The avocado, a tree likely originating from south-central Mexico is classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae.The fruit of the plant, also called an avocado (or avocado pear or alligator pear), is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed.
Depending on the variety, avocados have green, brown, purplish, or black skin when ripe, and may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Commercially, the fruits are picked while immature, and ripened after harvesting.
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According to the new market research report “Global Avocado Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Avocado market size is projected to reach USD 22.15 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Avocado Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Avocado Top 7 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Avocado Market Report 2023-2029 (published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch.
The global key manufacturers of Avocado include Mission Produce, Calavo, Westfalia Fruit, Camposol, West Pak Avocado, etc. In 2021, the global top four players had a share approximately 13.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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Batterie Moving zn13S2P pour Moving ATTO Courtesy Car (5.2AH,48V)
Avec la Batterie Moving zn13S2P restez productif plus longtemps qu'avec une batterie standard. Cette batterie pour Moving ATTO Courtesy Car longue durée sera rapidement pour vous l'accessoire indispensable afin de rester opérationnel en toutes circonstances. Meilleure qualite, prix de gros, large gamme de produits.
Batterie Moving zn13S2P pour Moving ATTO Courtesy Car (5.2AH,48V)
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Ce Batterie pour Moving zn13S2P contient des composants électroniques avancés et a été testé en accordance avec les standards très stricts de la CE. Protection contre la surtension, la surchauffe et les court-circuits avec interrupteur thermique intégré. Batterie Moving ATTO Courtesy Car haute capacité pour une meilleure autonomie en veille. Conçue et testée pour garantir une longévité optimale. 1 ans de garantie, 30 jours remboursé, 100% neuf! La capacité de la batterie (mAh/A/W) peut être différente; plus elle affiche de mAh/A/W, plus son autonomie est élevée. Certifiée en sécurité CE / FCC / RoHS.
Les numéros remplacés(P/N): zn13S2P
Les modèles compatibles: Moving ATTO Courtesy Car
Conseils d'utilisation de la batterie: ① Lorsque vous utilisez votre nouvelle batterie la première fois, déchargez la batterie quand son autonomie atteint 2%, puis rechargez-la jusqu'à 100%. ② Utilisez votre batterie à des températures inférieures à 40 °C. ③ Rechargez votre batterie avant de passer sous les 10 % de sa charge. ④ Il est également inutile de charger complètement votre batterie avant une longue période sans utilisation.
Conseils d'entretien La batterie pour Moving zn13S2P doit subir au moins une charge par mois pour se préserver de l'effet mémoire et éviter que sa tension ne chute trop bas. Une batterie au repos trop longtemps risque de perdre ses performances, voire de ne plus fonctionner du tout.
Ne laisser jamais descendre votre batterie Lithium ion en dessous de 20% de capacité avant de la recharger
La batterie pour Moving zn13S2P est livrée avec un reliquat de charge. Il est nécessaire de la charger avant son utilisation. Il est également recommandé de charger et décharger votre nouvelle batterie pour Moving zn13S2P 2 à 5 fois pour obtenir sa capacité maximale.
Meilleures Ventes: 2450mAh 25.2V Shark Cordless Vacuum Cleaners IZ201 IZ251 3500mAh 6V South NTS-360RM NTS-362RM/R4 Total Station 2400mAh 21.6V Samsung Jet 60 VS15T7032P4 4850mAh 3.85V Panasonic Eluga Ray 700 4000mAh 3.8V Oukitel S03 G12 G6 G7 486081 2400mAh 3.8V MTC V-B25 3100mAh 3.8V Philips AB3100BWMF 4550mAh 15.4V Asus ZenBook DUO UX481 UX481F UX481FA 3400mAh 14.8V HP EliteBook Folio 9470 9470m Ultrabook 2300mAh 3.8V Vertex Impress Zeon 3G
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 1.31 (after 1945)
1945 – US Army private Eddie Slovik is executed for desertion, the first such execution of an American soldier since the Civil War. 1945 – World War II: About 3,000 inmates from the Stutthof concentration camp are forcibly marched into the Baltic Sea at Palmnicken (now Yantarny, Russia) and executed. 1945 – World War II: The end of fighting in the Battle of Hill 170 during the Burma Campaign, in which the British 3 Commando Brigade repulsed a Japanese counterattack on their positions and precipitated a general retirement from the Arakan Peninsula. 1946 – Cold War: Yugoslavia's new constitution, modeling that of the Soviet Union, establishes six constituent republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia). 1946 – The Democratic Republic of Vietnam introduces the đồng to replace the French Indochinese piastre at par. 1949 – These Are My Children, the first television daytime soap opera, is broadcast by the NBC station in Chicago. 1950 – President Truman orders the development of thermonuclear weapons. 1951 – United Nations Security Council Resolution 90 relating to the Korean War is adopted. 1953 – A North Sea flood causes over 1,800 deaths in the Netherlands and over 300 in the United Kingdom. 1957 – Eight people (five total crew from two aircraft and three on the ground) in Pacoima, California are killed following the mid-air collision between a Douglas DC-7 airliner and a Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter jet. 1958 – Cold War: Space Race: The first successful American satellite detects the Van Allen radiation belt. 1961 – Project Mercury: Mercury-Redstone 2: The chimpanzee Ham travels into outer space. 1966 – The Soviet Union launches the unmanned Luna 9 spacecraft as part of the Luna program. 1968 – Vietnam War: Viet Cong guerrillas attack the United States embassy in Saigon, and other attacks, in the early morning hours, later grouped together as the Tet Offensive. 1968 – Nauru gains independence from Australia. 1971 – Apollo program: Apollo 14: Astronauts Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell, aboard a Saturn V, lift off for a mission to the Fra Mauro Highlands on the Moon. 1971 – The Winter Soldier Investigation, organized by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War to publicize alleged war crimes and atrocities by Americans and allies in Vietnam, begins in Detroit. 1978 – The Crown of St. Stephen (also known as the Holy Crown of Hungary) goes on public display after being returned to Hungary from the United States, where it was held after World War II. 1988 – Doug Williams becomes the first African American quarterback to play in a Super Bowl and leads the Washington Redskins to victory in Super Bowl XXII. 1996 – An explosives-filled truck rams into the gates of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in Colombo, killing at least 86 people and injuring 1,400. 2000 – Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crash: An MD-83, experiencing horizontal stabilizer problems, crashes in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Point Mugu, California, killing all 88 aboard. 2001 – In the Netherlands, a Scottish court convicts Libyan Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and acquits another Libyan citizen for their part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. 2001 – Two Japan Airlines planes nearly collide over Suruga Bay in Japan. 2003 – The Waterfall rail accident occurs near Waterfall, New South Wales, Australia. 2007 – Emergency officials in Boston mistakenly identified battery-powered LED placards depicting characters from Aqua Teen Hunger Force as Improvised explosive devices (IEDs), causing a panic. 2009 – In Kenya, at least 113 people are killed and over 200 injured following an oil spillage ignition in Molo, days after a massive fire at a Nakumatt supermarket in Nairobi killed at least 25 people. 2018 – Both a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse occur. 2020 – The United Kingdom's membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state. 2023 – The last Boeing 747, the first wide-body airliner, is delivered.
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digitrenndsamr · 8 months
Solar Energy Storage Market to Perceive Substantial Growth During 2031
The solar energy storage market size was valued at $9.8 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $20.9 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2022 to 2031. Solar energy is stored in a battery by pumping solar energy into the battery to initiate a chemical reaction among the components of the battery and discharge the power as per requirement. It is made of lithium-ion or lead acid. It is rechargeable and can be generally used in solar cell systems to store excess energy. Some of the major installations of solar batteries include solar charging stations, storage for power plants, and storage systems for off-grid.
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Growing demand for sustainable energy storage solutions is the major factor driving the market growth. As governments across the globe are promoting sustainable energy sources, the demand for solar batteries is expected to increase over the projected timeframe.
However, the installments of solar energy storage systems in remote locations are difficult as they are difficult to reach. The remote locations usually include islands and off-grid remote locations, which face various challenges owing to variable generation and supply of power from renewable energy sources. Challenges may include natural calamity, temperature variation, and others. This may be anticipated to hinder the solar energy storage market growth
The rise in population, increase in disposable income, and growing residential activities have surged the demand for solar energy storage. The installation of solar batteries can effectively reduce the demand for coal, oil, and other imported fossil energy resources. Additionally, the implementation of solar battery storage systems will provide new employment, which can open new investment opportunities in the economy.
The Solar energy storage market analysis is segmented on the basis of type, installations, and region. By type, the market is segregated into lead-acid, lithium-ion, flow battery, and others. The lithium-ion type segment dominated the global market, in terms of revenue in 2021, with 44% of the total share. This is attributed to the fact that rise in industrialization, urbanization, and growing consumer demand for various electric-based devices, and vehicles, and the growing prominence of sustainable energy solutions.
By installation, the market is fragmented into on-grid and off-grid. On-grid installation segment dominated the global market, with 62% of the total share in 2021. This is attributed to the rise in urbanization, advancement in technology in the field of solar energy storage, and an increase in the number of installments of on-grid solar energy systems in both developed and developing economies such as the U.S., China, and India.
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Region-wise, the solar energy storage market forecast is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. The Asia-Pacific solar energy storage market size is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, and account for 35% of the solar energy market share in 2021, owing to a rise in concern from governments across emerging nations, such as China, India, and South Korea, regarding zero-emission norms has increased the demand for solar energy storage batteries, thus, several manufacturers have put more emphasis on increasing the production capacities for solar energy storage batteries in the region.
Key players operating in the global solar energy storage market ADARA POWER, BASF SE, BMW, EnerSys, Evonik Industries AG, KOKAM, Leclanché SA, LG CHEM, LG Electronics, MAXWELL TECHNOLOGIES, Owens Corning, PPG Industries, Inc., PRIMUS POWER, SAMSUNG, Siemens AG, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd, and THE LUBRIZOL CORPORATION.
Impact of COVID-19 on the global solar energy storage market industry
Reduced expenditure of consumers during the lockdown highly impacted the market for solar products, including various solar energy storage systems. Moreover, the upstream and downstream channels have been affected due to restrictions on movement, which led to an increase in the amount of inventories. Furthermore, the high dependency on Chinese exports for solar cells, solar energy storage, and solar modules negatively impacted the market. India imports around 80% of its solar products from China. As the manufacturing firms in China were idle for the last 6-7 months, it highly impacted the production process in India.
However, shifting the trend toward remote working is considered a vital solution to improve market conditions. Various automation companies utilize remote connectivity to ensure access to field operators and service engineers who cannot be on-site at this time. In the 2nd quarter of COVID-19, approximately 20% of people preferred electric micro-mobility devices that are working on lithium-ion batteries.
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Key findings of the study
- In terms of type, the lithium-ion segment is estimated to display the highest growth rate, in terms of revenue, registering a CAGR of % from 2022 to 2031. - In terms of installation, on grid segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period. - By region, Europe garnered the highest share of 35% in 2021, in terms of revenue, growing at a CAGR of 8.6%.
About Us
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality “Market Research Reports” and “Business Intelligence Solutions.” AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domains.
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ieccgreentech · 11 months
Debunking 9 Common Myths About Electric Vehicles
In a world that is ever-evolving and progressively conscious about the environmental impacts of transportation, the emergence and adoption of commercial EV charging signify a monumental stride towards a sustainable future. Engraving their tracks on the roads of global cities, these emission-free alternatives to traditional fossil fuel-dependent transport have become heralds of a green revolution in our commute practices. 
Particularly in the lush expanses of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, where the azure of the skies meets the vibrancy of the land, ensuring that the environment is preserved amidst technological advancements becomes quintessential. Yet, despite the evident progress and benefits, a myriad of myths and misconceptions envelope the perception of electric-powered transit options, occasionally casting shadows of doubt among potential consumers and investors alike.
Let's debunk some of these misconceptions while adhering to certain linguistic restrictions for a fresh perspective.
Limited Travel Radius
One of the prevalent myths is the notion that autos with electrified powertrains cannot traverse long distances without requiring energy replenishment. Advances in battery technology have significantly enhanced the travel radius of these cars, enabling them to cover extensive distances, comparable to their petrol and diesel counterparts. For instance, numerous models available in the market today can travel upwards of 300 kilometres on a single energy boost, making them suitable for the vast majority of daily commutes and typical road trips.
Exorbitant Prices
The belief that eco-conscious autos are prohibitively costly persists. However, the economic landscape of these automobiles has shifted dramatically in recent years. Thanks to technological advancements and scaled production, many models are now accessible at price points comparable to traditional cars. Additionally, considering the lower operating costs and numerous incentives offered by various governments, including in NSW, the total cost of ownership often tilts in favour of the greener option.
Inadequate Infrastructure
While some worry about the lack of infrastructural support, the scenario is rapidly changing. Across Australia, and notably in NSW, a significant expansion of power replenishment stations has been observed. Moreover, alternatives like battery-swapping stations and enhancements in home power supply systems have augmented the infrastructure, ensuring convenience and usability for owners.
Time-Consuming Energy Replenishment
Concerns about long durations of energy restoration for these autos also need addressing. Present-day technology allows rapid replenishment options that can power up a car within minutes, thus significantly reducing waiting times and bringing them closer to conventional refuelling timeframes. This, coupled with strategic planning of breaks during long journeys, minimises the impact of replenishment time on travel.
Limited Model Choices
There is a misconception that consumers have scant model options when opting for green transport alternatives. However, almost all major automakers have diversified their line-ups to include a range of such cars, from compact city movers to luxurious SUVs. Consequently, prospective buyers can select a model that fits their requirements and aesthetic preferences without compromising on their ecological convictions.
Environmental Impact is Marginal
Another myth to dispel is the notion that the environmental benefits of these automobiles are minimal due to the processes involved in their production and energy sourcing. Numerous studies reveal that despite the resources required in manufacturing and providing power, the overall environmental impact is significantly lower compared to traditional autos, especially considering the lifecycle emissions.
Dependability Concerns
Some scepticism revolves around the dependability of eco-friendly cars. Yet, in practice, they have proven to be reliable and often require less maintenance than their fossil-fuelled counterparts. With fewer moving parts and a straightforward propulsion system, these cars present a strong case in terms of durability and reliability.
Safety Doubts
Safety apprehensions also circulate regarding these autos, especially concerning battery safety in accidents. However, extensive testing and real-world data indicate that they are at par, if not safer, than traditional cars. Manufacturers implement rigorous safety standards, ensuring the well-being of occupants and the integrity of the power storage systems even in adverse scenarios.
Subpar Performance
The myth that green autos lack the performance of traditional combustion-engine cars also requires debunking. A multitude of models has demonstrated remarkable acceleration, speed, and handling, rivalling, and in certain instances surpassing their traditional counterparts. Furthermore, the silent operation and smoother acceleration provide a unique and refined driving experience.
The journey towards a sustainable future in transportation, particularly in NSW, is flourishing despite these pervasive myths. Demystifying these misconceptions is vital in enabling a broader adoption of eco-friendly transport alternatives, driving towards a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for all. 
It is through informed choices, supported by technological advancements and government initiatives, that society will move towards diminishing its carbon footprint and safeguarding our environment for future generations.
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youess · 1 year
Comparison of New Energy Storage between China and Foreign Countries
Against the backdrop of the "Carbon neutrality" strategy, China's new energy storage industry has ushered in a new era. As of the end of 2022, China has put into operation power storage projects with a cumulative installed capacity of 59.8GW, accounting for 25% of the global market size. Among the new energy storage installations in the country, lithium-ion energy storage has become the main force of energy storage in recent years due to its advantages such as fast charging and discharging speed, high comprehensive efficiency, strong technical practicality, and few limited factors. Energy storage accounts for 97% and is in an absolute dominant position. China, Europe, and the United States continue to lead the development of the global energy storage market, accounting for a total of 86% of the global market. Despite the rapid increase in upstream raw material prices, the cost of energy storage battery systems with lithium-ion batteries as the mainstream still shows a downward trend. The energy density of lithium-ion batteries for energy storage has more than doubled compared to ten years ago, and the power density has increased by about 50%. Currently, a relatively complete industrial chain has been formed.
The types of lithium batteries used for energy storage batteries in new energy power stations at home and abroad are different. In China, FLP (Lithium iron phosphate) is mainly used for energy storage batteries, and its share is up to 53%, more than ternary materials. In foreign countries, especially South Korea and the United States, ternary lithium is mainly used for energy storage batteries. The energy storage batteries used in new energy power stations started early abroad, and the early energy storage batteries used were mainly NCM (ternary lithium iron) batteries produced by Korean companies, with a high market share. However, power stations based on NCM batteries have had many safety accidents in South Korea in recent years. At the same time, with the large investment of domestic enterprises in the Technology roadmap of LFP batteries in 2021, the cost of LFP batteries will be significantly reduced, and the recognition of the safety and economy of LFP batteries at home and abroad will be increasingly high. It can be predicted that with the continuous investment of enterprises, the performance and cost advantages of LFP batteries will further expand, becoming the mainstream Technology roadmap of energy storage batteries for new energy power stations.
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FLP batteries are more competitive in price compared to ternary lithium batteries, and have longer safety and cycle time:
Raw material cost: The positive electrode material of FLP batteries uses relatively inexpensive iron ore, while NCM batteries use more expensive materials such as cobalt, nickel, and lithium. Therefore, from the perspective of raw material cost, FLP batteries are relatively cheaper.
Stability and safety: FLP batteries have relatively low requirements for battery design and system safety due to their high chemical stability and good resistance to overcharging, discharging, and high temperatures, reducing costs. In contrast, NCM batteries require stricter control and protection measures to ensure their stability and safety, which may increase costs.
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Market demand and scale effect: Due to the increase in market demand and the expansion of production scale, the cost of NCM batteries is gradually decreasing. However, FLP batteries still have a competitive advantage in price due to their maturity and relatively low manufacturing costs.
Longer cycle life: FLP batteries are known for their longer cycle life, with a typical cycle life of 2000 to 5000 complete charge and discharge cycles, up to 15 years. It depends on factors such as battery design, manufacturing quality, and usage conditions.
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NCM batteries have advantages in energy density and low temperature resistance:
High energy density: NCM batteries have a higher energy density compared to FLP batteries, which means they can store more electrical energy per unit volume or weight, making them more advantageous in applications such as electric vehicles that require longer range.
Low temperature performance: The lower temperature limit of FLP batteries is -20 ℃, and the electrical performance is poor in low temperature environments. The capacity retention rate of LFP is approximately 60-70% at 0 ℃, 40-50% at -10 ℃, and 20-30% at -20 ℃. The low-temperature limit of NCM is -30 ℃, and its low-temperature discharge performance is good. Under the same low temperature conditions as LFP, the winter range attenuation is less than 15%, significantly higher than LFP. It can be seen that the low-temperature performance of FLP is worse than that of ternary lithium batteries.
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In summary, FLP batteries have higher high-temperature resistance, more competitive prices, and longer cycle life. Compared with FLP batteries, NCM has a higher density and low-temperature performance, and the lifespan of ternary lithium batteries may be further reduced under high temperature and high discharge rate conditions. It should be noted that these advantages are relative, and the selection of specific applications should comprehensively consider many factors, such as cost, safety, energy density, cycle life, temperature conditions, and application requirements. Therefore, when choosing a suitable battery technology, it is necessary to evaluate and weigh based on specific needs.
More information for: www.suness.com
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delvenservices · 1 year
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market Size to Reach at a Highest CAGR of 48.6% by 2028
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market by Level of Charging (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3), By Charging Infrastructure (Normal Charge, Type-2, CCS, CHAdeMO and Tesla Supercharger), DC fast Charging (Fast & Ultra-fast) and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
The global Electric Vehicle Charging Station market size is projected to grow from 2,115 thousand units in 2020 at a CAGR of 48.6% during the forecast period 2021-2028.
An electric vehicle charging station, also known as an EV charging station, ECS (electronic charging station), and EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), is an element in an infrastructure, which supplies electric energy for the recharging/charging of plug-in electric vehicles, including electric cars, neighborhood electric vehicles, and plug-in hybrids.
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Growing demand for energy-efficient commuting, governments supporting electric vehicles, and their charging infrastructure through preferential policies, subsidies, and tax rebates are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station market.
The production and sales of new vehicles had come to a halt across the globe as the whole ecosystem had been disrupted in the initial outbreak of COVID 19.
Request For Free Sample Report: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/electric-vehicle-charging-station-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest market. Large scale growth of EV charging network in China, growing demand for affordable electric vehicles for daily use, and governments promoting electric vehicles are expected to drive the Asia Pacific market during the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players
Siemens AG
State Grid Corporation of China
TGOOD Global Ltd.
Tesla Inc.
Make an Inquiry Before Buying: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/electric-vehicle-charging-station-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Recent Developments
In September 2020, Tesla acquired German ATW automation, which is a company specializing in battery modules.
In September 2020, Siemens received a supply contract to power E-Buses across New-Zealand.
Tritium and EVCS to Deploy Additional 300 New Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers in California, Oregon, and Washington. The order consists of 300 50kW Tritium RTM fast chargers, making the total Tritium DC fast charger contribution to the EVCS network over 800 with plans to reach 1,500 chargers by the end of 2023.
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
Gain authentic and granular data access for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station market so as to understand the trends and the factors involved behind changing market situations
Qualitative and quantitative data utilization to discover arrays of future growth from the market trends of leaders to market visionaries and then recognize the significant areas to compete in the future
In-depth analysis of the changing trends of the market by visualizing the historic and forecast year growth patterns
Purchase the Report at: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/electric-vehicle-charging-station-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Report Scope
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station market is segmented into charging level, charging point type, charging installation, charging infrastructure, charging application, DC fast charging, electric bus and region.
On the basis of Charging Level
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
On the basis of Charging Point
Normal Charging
Super Charging
Inductive Charging
On the basis of Installation Type  
Normal Charge
Tesla Super Charger
Type 2 (IEC 621196)
On the basis of Application Type
On the basis of DC Fast Charging
On the basis of Bus Charging
Off-board Top-down Pantograph
On-board Bottom-up Pantograph
Charging Via connector
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
About Us:
Delvens is a strategic advisory and consulting company headquartered in New Delhi, India. The company holds expertise in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports and consulting services. Delvens qualitative and quantitative data is highly utilized by each level from niche to major markets, serving more than 1K prominent companies by assuring to provide the information on country, regional and global business environment. We have a database for more than 45 industries in more than 115+ major countries globally.
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versindotech-blog · 3 months
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Deskripsi Total Station Station Sokkia IM-103 by Solusi Alat Survey Versindo
Total Station Sokkia IM-103 ini merupakan produk Sokkia terbaru pada jenis Total Station dengan beberapa fitur unggulan. Dengan keakuratan hasil pengukuran yang sangat baik dan tepat. Seri Total Station Sokkia IM-103 ini mempunyai akurasi 3 detik yang sangat membantu ketika pengukuran di lapangan. Total Station Sokkia GM-105 ini sangat membantu para Surveyor dalam kerja lapangan karna menghasilkan hasil yang terbukti akurat. Pekerjaan Konstruksi dan Survey dapat segera dikerjakan menggunakan Aplikasi Software pada Sokkia IM.
Total Station Sokkia 103 Series merupakan salah satu instrumen dengan kelas terbaik di kelasnya. Volume penyimpanan Memory pada Sokkia IM 103 Series yang besar, dapat membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan anda yang masif. Baterai pada Sokkia IM 103 juga sangat Tahan Lama, sehingga tidak perlu khawatir untuk pekerjaan di medan yang sulit akan sumber daya.
Untuk Total Station Sokkia IM 50 Series Terdiri dari Total Station Sokkia IM 52 dan Total Station Sokkia IM 55 sedangkan Seri Total Station Sokkia iM 100 Series Terdiri dari Total station Sokkia IM 101, Total Station Sokkia IM 103 dan Total Station Sokkia IM 105.
Total Station Sokkia IM-103 (Intelligent Measurement Total Station) menggabungkan semua fitur yang Anda butuhkan dengan harga hemat. Ini akan menangani tata letak survey Anda yang paling menuntut atau kebutuhan proyek yang dibangun.
Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi Konstruksi dan Survei
Fitur Jarak Mengukur Terbaik di Kelasnya
Memori Internal Volume Besar Handal
Pengoperasian Baterai Long-Hour
Spesifikasi Lingkungan yang Kuat terhadap Situs Tangguh
Surveying Instrument & Mapping Equipment
Total Station :
Total Station Topcon GM 55, 52
Total Station Topcon OS 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Total Station Topcon ES 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Total Station Topcon GTS 102N, 105N, 235N, 255N
Total Station Topcon  GPT 7501
Total Station Sokkia IM 52
Total Station Sokkia FX 101, 102, 103, 105
Total Station Sokkia CX 101, 102, 103, 105
Total Station Sokkia SET 02N, 05N
Total Station Nikon DTM 322, 352, 362
Total Station Nikon Nivo 3m, 5m, 3c, 5c
Total Station Gowin TKS 202
Total Station Cygnus KS 102
Digital Theodolite :
Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 205, 205L, 209, 209L
Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT 540, 740, 940
Digital Theodolite Nikon NE 100, 101, 102, 103
Digital Theodolite Ruide ET 02, 05
Digital Theodolite South ET 02, 05
Digital Theodolite Minds CDT 02, 05
Automatic Level :                                                                                            
Automatic Level Sokkia B-20, B-30, B-40
Automatic Level Topcon AT-B2, AT-B3, AT-B4
Automatic Level Nikon AC2S, AX2S
GPS Navigasi / Maps :
GPSMAP Garmin 62S
GPSMAP Garmin 62SC
GPSMAP Garmin 78S
GPS Garmin Etrex 10, 20, 30
GPS Garmin Montana 650
GPS Garmin Oregon 550
GPS Garmin 585 Echosunder
GPS Trimble Juno SB, SC, SD, 3D
Fishfinder Garmin 350c
Hypsometer Nikon Forestry Pro
Binoculars Nikon
Compass :
Kompass Suunto KB-14
Klinometer Suunto PM-5
Tandem Suunto 360PC
Compass Geologi Brunton 5006, 5008, 5010
Battery Charger :
Battery Topcon BT-32Q, BT-52QA, TBB-2, BDC 70
Battery Sokkia BDC 25, BDC 35, BDC 46B, BDC 58, BDC 70
Battery Nikon BC 65, BC 80
Battery South NB-10A, NB-20, NB-10B, NB-20A                                    
Charger :
Charger Topcon BC-20CR, BC-27CR, TBC-2, BC-G1C, BC-19B,
Charger Sokkia CDC 68, Dual Charger CDC 68
Charger Nikon Q-75E
Aksesoris :
Prisma Polygon Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Prisma Single Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Alumunium Tripod  Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon
Pole Stick Prisma Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Rambu Ukur 3m, 4m, 5m
Alat Survey & Alat Geologi Lainnya :
Meteran Stilon Yamayo 50M
Meteran Tajima 100M
Leica Disto D3ABT
Leica Disto D210
Palu Etswing
Plagging Tape
Diagonal Eyepiece
Reflective Sheet
Handly Talky ICOM V-80
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