#south lebanon solidarity with palestine
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kaorvv · 5 months ago
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there is no place on earth like south lebanon. no place on earth that can replace the space in my heart carved specifically for this land its people
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vyorei · 1 year ago
Live coverage of the 11th of January 2024 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates on Sunday as I'm working, I'm gutted I can't watch the livestream tomorrow. It's at 10AM as far as I can remember. You can find it on YouTube, be sure to watch Apartheid Israel's predictable response and watch out for gore given they'll definitely play shock value.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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asianamseeds · 8 months ago
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My name is Miah and I’m a Filipinx American 2nd year Clinical Psych PhD student at UMass Boston. 
Would you help share or take our survey (if eligible) on racialization and resisting racism’s impact on mental health for people of color pls?
I’m working with Dr. Karen Suyemoto (Psychology and Asian American Studies) and Dr. Tahirah Abdullah (Psychology).
Study link: https://tinyurl.com/REAR24MS 
Password: REAR2024
Here are our two Lab Instagram accounts as well: @BAREmhw @AsianAmSeeds
Any questions can be sent to [email protected]
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reasonsforhope · 1 year ago
Where can I find Free Palestine protests and Ceasefire protests?
A super international and continually updated list of actions can be found at Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network's:
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Calendar of Resistance for Palestine 2024
They list events by date, then alphabetically by country, then by city - and it's common for them to have dozens of actions listed for a single date, especially on the weekends.
The United States especially often has 40+ events on a single day, especially on the weekends.
Events are posted with links to the event info posted by whoever's hosting the vast majority of the time.
Look blow the read-more for a list of many of the countries that have been on this protest calendar, in alphabetical order, since I know so many websites/lists of actions are country-specific
*Obviously this isn't the only good source of listings for protest events - there are many others. This is by far the biggest/most international roundup I've found, though, so I started with this. If you know another good place for finding ceasefire protests/events, please feel free to add it in the notes, bc I'm planning to put a bigger roundup together once I find enough other sites
Countries that Samidoun has listed/does list protests for include (in alphabetical order):
North America:
United States
Puerto Rico (listed separately in anti-colonial solidarity)
Hawai'i (listed separately in anti-colonial solidarity)
SWANA Region (Southwest Asia/North Africa)*:
Turkiye (Turkey)
*Samidoun notes that "We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine – we will be honored to add more Arab events whenever we are informed!"
South Korea
South Africa
*Duplicating North African countries (well, Tunisia) here from the SWANA list btw
South America:
Australia and Oceania:
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
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akajustmerry · 1 year ago
I'm Lebanese. I'm not Palestinian and will never know what it's like to be Palestinian and have never claimed otherwise. But I care so much because so many members of my extended family fled Lebanon to Australia when Israel invaded the south, and family I'll never meet died trying to fight them. I grew up with those stories, with a fraction of the pain I can only imagine Palestinians know. so I will, like my family, always stand in solidarity with Palestinians. because it's right. because, while I don't what it's like to be Palestinian, I know how monstrous Israel is. I know how they see us as animalistic faceless NPCs to mow down on the way to stealing homes and history and it must be stopped. My heart, broken as it is, is always with Palestinians enduring Israel's brutally. There is not and never will be a version of me who sympathises with a colonial state that murders and displaces families and ethnically cleanses for decades out of pure entitlement. Palestine should be free of Israeli occupation and every Israeli. Land back means land back!! Decolonisation means DECOLONISING!! If anyone who follows me has a problem with that then block me!!!
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vague-humanoid · 1 month ago
Colonial Plans, Resistance, & the Oppressive Contract with Lara Sheehi
In this episode Dr. Lara Sheehi returns to the show to talk about George Jackson's idea of the "Oppressive Contract," discuss the ceasefires in Palestine and in Southern Lebanon. We'll also talk about Trump's plans for Gaza and the urgency of continued resistance and solidarity.
Lara Sheehi is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology. She got her Doctorate of Psychology from the George Washington University's Professional Psychology Program where she also taught doctoral level students and is the founding faculty director of the Psychoanalysis and the Arab World Lab. Lara's work takes up decolonial and anti-oppressive approaches to psychoanalysis, with a focus on liberation struggles in the Global South. She is co-author with Stephen Sheehi of Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine (Routledge, 2022) which won the Middle East Monitor's 2022 Palestine Book Award for Best Academic Book. Lara is the author of the forthcoming book, From the Clinic to the Street: Psychoanalysis for Revolutionary Futures (Pluto Press, 2025)
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sylvia-on-the-run · 5 months ago
The Popular Front Commends the Heroic Operation South of the Dead Sea and Stresses Escalating Confrontation Against the Occupation Across All Arenas
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commends the heroic and daring operation carried out by Jordanian resistance fighters south of the Dead Sea, which targeted gatherings of occupation soldiers south of the Jordan River.
This exceptional operation represents a legitimate response to the crimes of the occupation and comes as part of the struggle to support the Arab nation’s sons and their solidarity with the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq.
The execution of this operation from Jordanian territory carries deep national and pan-Arab significance, reflecting the unity of destiny and struggle among the Arab nation in confronting the zionist-settler project, which not only targets Palestine but also threatens the security of the entire Arab region. The location of the operation near the Wadi Araba area is a testament to the rejection of the peace treaty, affirming the steadfastness of the Jordanian people, who have never hesitated to provide the Palestinian resistance with resources, arms, and fighters.
This heroic act confirms that every inch of the Arab world, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf, is a battleground to respond to zionist aggression. Free nations will continue to support armed resistance until the occupation is expelled and complete victory is achieved.
In light of continued international complicity and official Arab betrayal, the only true bet remains on the hands of heroic resistance fighters and the free Arab peoples, who refuse to accept humiliation and subjugation.
The Popular Front sends a salute of reverence and pride to the souls of the martyred Jordanian resistance fighters, who boldly took up arms and headed courageously toward the zionist enemy, setting an outstanding example of sacrifice and resistance. The Front reaffirms that their pure blood will not be in vain and will remain a beacon lighting the path of confrontation until liberation and return.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department October 18, 2024
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workersolidarity · 1 year ago
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[📷 Ambulances are scanning the village of Kfarkila, southern Lebanon for casualties, after the very violent Israeli airstrikes on the houses there.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇱🇧 🚨
Israeli opposition lawmaker Avigdor Liberman called for a 50 year-long occupation of southern Lebanon in response to attacks by Hezbollah resistance forces.
Liberman, an Israeli lawmaker, long-time occupation hawk, and zealous Zionist, told reporters that Lebanon has to “pay in territory” for strikes launched by Hezbollah forces on Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) along the shared border in the north of occupied Palestine.
Previously, Israel occupied the south of Lebanon for 15-years, from 1985-2000, during which the Hezbollah resistance movement was formed, fighting a guerilla war with the Israeli occupation and eventually liberating the south of the country from occupation.
Now Israeli opposition lawmaker and former Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman is issuing fresh calls to re-occupy southern Lebanon for an additional 50-years as punishment for Hezbollah's solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.
Liberman said Israel must "close off" a large section of southern Lebanon to push the Resistance north of the Litani River, even if it means 50-years of occupation.
“It can’t be that there are entire towns where close to half of the buildings were simply destroyed,” Liberman told reporters at Yisrael Beytenu's opposition faction meeting.
“We will not annex anything, and we will not build settlements, but we will release the territory only when there is a government in Beirut that knows how to exercise its sovereignty," Liberman added.
“Everything between the Litani and Israel must be under the control of the IDF,” Liberman demanded of the occupation forces, comparing the situation to the Post-WWII occupation of Germany. “If Lebanon won’t pay in territory we haven’t done anything,” he added.
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vyorei · 1 year ago
Live coverage of the 4th of December 2023 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates in the afternoon.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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tieflingkisser · 10 months ago
Do you condemn Hamas?
The question we have to ask ourselves is not whether we condemn Hamas, but whether we condemn a settler colonial regime that makes armed struggle necessary for survival.
This question became seemingly ubiquitous following October 7. As Palestinians defied the imagination, breaking out of Gaza after over a decade and a half of living under total air, land, and sea blockade, many found themselves having to face this question. Whether it be from Zionists using the violence we witnessed on that day as a means of creating story after story of atrocity propaganda — to force well-meaning allies into a corner or even those who genuinely considered themselves pro-Palestine who struggled with the reality of decolonial violence — the question of whether or not Palestinian armed resistance factions deserved support or criticism became a major point of contention. It was easy for many to support the cause of Palestinian liberation when they viewed Palestinians as perfect victims, but when Palestinians fought back, suddenly the question of solidarity became muddled. Months later, after tens of thousands of Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces in Gaza amid an ongoing genocide, and after thousands in the West Bank have found themselves imprisoned or under regular attack, sympathy for those resisting their own annihilation has grown, with the conversation becoming more clear than it was in the days proceeding October 7. As videos spread by resistance factions across Gaza and Lebanon find a regular and enthusiastic audience and chants in support of those putting their lives on the line take root in protests nationwide, it is clear many have grown to accept the necessity of armed struggle in the Palestinian context, though a true consensus has yet to be achieved. To that end, the answer to the question “Do you condemn Hamas?,” particularly for those of us on the Left as we analyze the history of Palestine and why resistance occurs in a colonial context, should have always been clear.
A violent phenomenon
As Frantz Fanon’s oft-cited statement from Wretched of the Earth has made clear, national liberation, national reawakening, restoration of the nation to the Commonwealth, whatever the name used, whatever the latest expression, decolonization is always a violent event. Palestine is not an exception to this reality. The colonization of Palestine by Zionists, like all colonialism throughout history, brought with it widespread and constant violence levied in all forms against the Palestinian people. This was by design, as the very nature of settler colonialism is a necessarily brutal one given the end goal of the wholesale elimination of the Indigenous population in all forms but nostalgia. This violence does not simply manifest itself through the military campaigns waged by Zionist settlers and the Israeli occupation army, but through every part of the colonial endeavor itself — an endeavor that can only be sustained through the suffering, exploitation, repression, and death of Palestinians and all else that the colony wishes to conquer.  Palestinians, whether in Occupied Palestine, in refugee camps in bordering nations, or in the diaspora around the world, are forced every single day to wrestle with the reality of this settler colonial violence. The very existence of the Zionist project poses an existential threat to the lives of millions, who have in some cruel twist of reality been deemed existential threats by the project for the simple reason that their existence undermines its legitimacy.  This violence does not occur without resistance. Throughout history, whether it be in Algeria, South Africa, Ireland, or Palestine, colonized people have risen up in the face of brutal violence to free themselves from the shackles of their own oppression. This resistance does not generally start as armed struggle, but through civil disobedience, protests, general strikes, and similar tactics. Yet when these tactics fail, as they often have, or when exceptional violence is waged against the people in response, armed struggle becomes a necessity. 
[keep reading]
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months ago
News Post
“No excuse” for FIFA, UEFA silence over Israeli fan violence | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera
Palestinian villages threatened by new Israeli settlement drive (newarab.com)
Pro-Palestinian activists’ anger at Democrats hasn’t been dampened by Trump’s election | CNN Politics
In Poland, where criticising Israel remains taboo, Gaza solidarity rises | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Live updates: Ukraine-Russia war, US allows Kyiv to make long-range missile strikes into Russia | CNN
Moscow warns the US over allowing Ukraine to hit Russian soil with longer-range weapons | AP News
What we know about North Korean troops in Ukraine (bbc.com)
Is there any way to stop the war in Sudan? | Sudan war | Al Jazeera
They fled war, now female Sudanese refugees say they’re being forced to have sex to survive | Africanews
Sudan's civil war forces women into Chad camps where they face sexual exploitation | AP News
The smugglers and miners running gold on the Egypt-Sudan border | Middle East Eye
Israeli forces blow up Shrine of Shimon in south Lebanon (newarab.com)
LIVE: Israeli forces kill 76 in a day in Gaza, ramp up attacks in Lebanon | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Israeli troops make deepest incursion so far into southern Lebanon as Hezbollah considers fresh ceasefire proposal | CNN
US awaits Lebanon response to Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire plan (bbc.com)
Assad is sitting tight as Syria burns (ft.com)
Syria: Fifteen killed in Israeli strikes on Damascus, state media say | CNN
Humanitarian situation in Syria remains dire - Vatican News
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allegraforchrist · 1 year ago
Lord I pray for Palestine. I pray for Israel. I pray for Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, South Africa, Lebanon and America. I pray for the leaders who are wicked to be pull down, and leaders who are Godly to be raised up. I pray that the heads of these snakes be cut down, and the enemy be put to justice, and the evil be dealt under your hand of vengeance. I pray for those who are deceased, and the survivors to be rescued under you God. I pray for the grieved and lost, I pray for those fighting in arms. I pray for the protestors of all sides to seek solidarity in you. I pray for a ceasefire. I pray for the liberation of the oppressed and persecuted. I pray for the world to turn to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
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bloghrexach · 10 months ago
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🇵🇸 … “From the olives of Palestine, we stand in solidarity with the cedars of the south of Lebanon.
Our enemy is one: the enemy of humanity and humankind, the enemy that kills children in Gaza and kills children in Lebanon.”— 🇱🇧
Art work/words by: @malik_qraiqea … @hrexach
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catdotjpeg · 1 year ago
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New Year - New Demonstrations! 🇵🇸 Israel's genocide continues. While many celebrated Christmas and New Year with family and friends, the people of Palestine, especially the people of Gaza, have been exposed to indescribable terror. The ethnic cleansing and genocide has continued and escalated. Israel's aggression against neighboring Lebanon and Syria has also escalated. Last week the Zionists bombed Beirut, the capital of Lebanon! But the solidarity movement is growing! All over the world the people say no to genocide and imperialism. The boycott against Israeli and pro-Israel companies is causing billions in losses for the Zionists. Several countries have severed diplomatic relations with Israel. South Africa will take Israel to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for genocide. The Yemenis have taken matters into their own hands and are blocking the Red Sea - a disaster for the genocidals. The United States, this international criminal, tried to assemble a coalition to invade. But these plans do not seem to come off. Poor spines tremble before these heroes! 🇾🇪 And the people of Palestine are fighting back. Against a "superior" enemy, they manage to win victories every day. Israel is diplomatically isolated every day and they suffer defeat every day. Israel's days are numbered and it is our job to help the Palestinians as best we can! 🇵🇸 That is why we are calling for demonstrations... Long live Palestine!
-- RKU Sundsvall, 25 Jan 2024
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canichangemyblogname · 1 year ago
As Israel continues to bomb Palestinians in Gaza and attack Palestinians in the West Bank, global condemnation of Israel's occupation grows.
Tens of thousands worldwide have taken to the streets between October 13th - October 15th to rally in solidarity with Palestine. The people called for an end to Israeli bombing and the occupation of Palestine.
Several Governments have also voiced criticism of Israeli attacks on Palestine and have called for an end to the bombing of Gaza.
Cuba Brazil Colombia Venezuela Belize Russia Ireland Norway Indonesia Malaysia Oman Qatar Iraq Iran Kuwait Syria Morocco Algeria African Union South Africa
The Arab League and African Union released a joint statement calling on the international community to stop the unfolding humanitarian disaster and catastrophe before it is "too late." They have warned that the coming ground invasion could lead to a genocide of "unprecedented proportions."
However, in stark contrast, the European Council recently released a statement "condemn[ing] in the strongest possible terms Hamas and its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks across Israel." In the same statement, they "strongly emphasize[d] Israel's right to defend itself in line with humanitarian... law."
The fact this condemnation comes over a week after Hamas' attack on the music festival is insulting. This past week has been filled with death from the constant bombardment of Gaza. Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza in a week than the US dropped on Iraq in a year. There are now about 1 million displaced Palestinians in Gaza. In a week. The state of Israel gave no time for grief and no time for healing before it began its reckless bombing campaign; a campaign that has killed the very hostages they claimed to be freeing. They literally "bombed the freedom" into their own dead Israeli civilians. Israel does not care about its civilians. It would have heeded Egypt's warning about the incoming attack if it did. The State and Government of Israel only care about centralizing power and finalizing its ethnostate from river to sea. If Israelis have to die in the state's bombing campaign for that, so be it. Netanyahu's far-right government has demonstrated time and again that it doesn't give two shits about its Jewish citizens.
The State of Israel will never succeed in providing for the security and comfort of Israeli Jews. It will always fail in this goal. Not because of Hamas. Not because of Hezbollah. Not because of Iran. Not even because of Palestinian resistance to colonization. It will always fail in this goal because it simply isn't the Israeli State's goal. Israel was founded with the intention and goal of displacing the native Arab people to create an ethnostate, not with the primary goal of protecting Jews. Jewish Israelis will always be the State's collateral damage in its primary goal. And they will always be the international community's collateral damage for their security and political interests in the geopolitical region. They're human capital that can be thrown at a fight.
Palestinians are burying their loved ones in mass graves in Gaza. All the living members of 50 entire families have been wiped from the Gaza Civil Registry. The hospitals and morgues are overrun. Israel is bombing hospitals and schools and refugee camps and UN shelters and ambulances and journalists and detonating white phosphorus over civilians. The EU condemnation a week late is nothing short of tone-deaf. They don't care about the victims of terrorism. This statement's release at a time when some EU countries have broken from EU norms to condemn the violence inflicted on Palestinians serves to uphold the international status quo and maintain European security interests in the "Middle East." This comes as Israel continues to fire artillery into Lebanon, as Israel decommissioned Syrian airports in airstrikes, and as Hezbollah and Hamas forces in Lebanon have targeted Israeli settlements and barracks, bringing concerns of war spilling over the region. This also comes as tens of thousands have already taken to the streets to protest their government's stance on Palestine and as people continue to protest in solidarity with Palestine.
Do not look away. Make your opposition known.
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justafaller · 1 year ago
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“O Holy Night”
On Christmas Day, December 25, 2023, Israel bombed Bethlehem.
Bethlehem, the sacred place of Christ’s birth.
Bethlehem, whose people cancelled their holiday celebrations in solidarity with the Palestinians.
Bethlehem, whose people created a Nativity out of rubble and clothed the Christ Child in a keffiyeh.
Bethlehem, who recognized the humanity of Gaza’s people, and saw their biblical story within them.
Bethlehem who chose Gaza’s people over all else.
It is now 2024.
Israel continues its’ constant attacks on the people of Palestine, raining hell upon passageways and areas they declared safe for civilians.
Israel continues the bombing of neighborhoods, the bombing of emergency vehicles, and the bombing of hospitals-hospitals full of patients they created.
On January 2, 2024, Israel bombed Lebanon’s Capital for the first time since 2006.
This has never been about their right to self defense, this has, and always will be about keeping a tight reign over the people they oppress.
This is about greed, racism, and the delusions of capitalism and white supremacy.
People who are native to a land would not flatten it with tanks, they would not tear down well tended olive trees, they would not rejoice that the ground is being watered in blood.
Israelis are colonizers, with no love or understanding for the ground they walk upon.
It has been 102 days, and 75 years.
End the Occupation, Free Palestine.
This piece is dedicated to every Palestinian who has been martyred, and to all who remain alive to tell the stories and resilience of their people.
This piece is dedicated to the South African people, for bringing Israel’s horrific crimes to court, for not letting them commit a genocide in secret.
This piece is dedicated to the beautiful Yemenis who are standing up for Palestine through their blockades while the whole of the Western World is complicit.
Mourn the dead, and fight like hell for the living.
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