#sort of hermitshipping?
mbohjeezart · 6 months
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Somebody dared tell me that Doc was the only one who could pull off the dress. I had to prove them wrong.
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ohnonotthehorrors · 6 months
By Minecraft character logic, Impulse and Skizz were Spawned/born/created together. Their very first Minecraft video was the two of them. Their first moments of existence were spent together. They knew each other before they knew what redstone was, before they’d ever read the end poem.
Do you think they found it together? Do you think they beat their first dragon together, jumped through the home bound portal together? Do you think they knew what loneliness was?
Do you think the sudden absence of the other felt like losing a limb? Do you think, after all that time with another heart beat next to theirs, another person at the end of the hurt and health, it felt like they were dying? Do you think they had to train themselves out of turning to make a face at the other; or share an inside joke no one else laughed at?
Do you think that after years and years and Years of being apart for the better part of their lives, after the wound closed up with only phantom pains, Impulse heard Skizz’s voice on hermit craft and nearly cried? Do you think it felt like coming home?
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it’s incredibly sweet and mind boggling how joe hills and oli theorionsound seemingly met by fated chance and coincidental accident because of the hermitcraft x empires planned crossover, of joe hills spawning and ending close to where oli was coming from on empires season 2, of after the hermits getting back home after being trapped on empires — bringing the empires season 2 cast over via the opened rift, of oli on hermitcraft/streaming it on twitch getting himself accidentally killed in situations and needing anyone free online to help. that being joe, who kept helping and coming to oli when he got himself into situations and trying to keep him alive. and them outweirding and being funny chaotic guys and because oli was playing a bard on empires and is a guy who goes into song whenever irl when he wants, just them connecting and building a unlikely but extremely works well friendship for the while. and coming to the now, august of year 2023, of empires s2 being done, the rift in grians basement being closed to the multiverse of empires s2 before s2 was finished, joe hills a couple days ago on youtube stream minecraft chat messaging cubfan saying he misses oli - his bard, who he knows is in pirates smp now currently, and wants him back and how cub whose been stealing things for the museum should take a piece of the rift or somehow turn it on to work to bring oli back. also oli on twitter replying to joe hill’s tweet progress of his pinball machine he’s making on hermitcraft and wanting to play it. pls. get oli back on hermitcraft, somehow multidimensionally pull him back on, he wants to be on, joe hills misses him, please.
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helsex-moved · 10 months
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You threw me straight into inarticulation
[I.D. A digital drawing of Helsknight from the waist up and Evil Xisuma from the shoulders up. Ex is wearing their helmet and Hels is grabbing one of the horns on the helmet, tilting their head back so that he can kiss the top of their helmet. Hels' helmet visor covers the upper half of his face but you can see she's smiling slightly and her other hand is under Ex's chin. There is a vivid pink overlay on the whole drawing and the background and flame of Hels' helmet are similarly pink with lighter hearts and outlines around them. END I.D.]
Version w/o color filter and closeups under the cut
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Image 1: [I.D. A digital drawing of Helsknight from the waist up and Evil Xisuma from the shoulders up. Ex is wearing their helmet and Hels is grabbing one of the horns on the helmet, tilting their head back so that he can kiss the top of their helmet. Hels' helmet visor covers the upper half of his face but you can see she's smiling slightly and her other hand is under Ex's chin. There is no overlay on this image and they are both rendered in their normal colors. END I.D.]
Image 2: [I.D. The same as image 1 but the pink filter is back and it is zoomed in and cropped so that Ex's shoulders and most of Hels' body is no longer in frame. END I.D.]
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motherofplatypus · 2 months
Grimpulse headcanon: Impulse once thrown himself onto the bed with Grian on it and it launched the poor guy across the shopping district. Its been three weeks and he's still sleeping on the couch.
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gr1an · 6 months
it’s fucking gay chicken.
neither wants to be outdone by the other otherwise they’ll lose, and both of them are too invested in this point to even consider it.
and in the process of constantly one-upping each other in flirting they are developing feelings but they’re both so committed to the bit that to stop it would be “weirder” to them than to continue it
and the bit gives them the ability to ignore the feelings they are accidentally developing.
everyone around them is constantly like “what the hell even. what in the WORLD is going on with them” but this game makes sense to them so there’s no end in sight.
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ickmick · 10 months
did I say we'd have a break from kisses? oops, I only meant scar and tango :3c
here's this week's sillies for the fic I posted here and on ao3! plus, week one and twos fics!
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a lot simpler as far as color goes.... i finished it this morning while watching some of the special guests decked out stream!! its so funny i love it <3
took me nearly 5 hours (no close ups or timestamp this week unfortunately, I drew this on on my tablet!) which i find entirely bizarre for some reason. like I will never be used to how long full drawings take LOL
Im like 80 percent I have a cold so I can't quiiiite think of what to say? so I'll hush up early and just say thanks for stopping by!! have a very good week!! I'll be back on Sunday :3
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and-nobody · 5 months
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I've been thinking about 3rd life a lot so here's some fast and loose designs for these two. I really like desert duo a lot, can't really help it since grian was the first pov I watched when it came out.
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another grian too why not, more doodles uncut but they aren't colored.
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thought about giving scar blue scars but I wasn't too sure, maybe some time in the future.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 4 months
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i'll be waiting where you'll see me; shall we try forever?
got fixated on being a mcytber lately forgot to draw so have some ethubs to make up for it <3
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chlortville · 5 months
“I didn’t know etho was into me” -Grian 2024
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primavera-weirdeggii · 6 months
Yall this is my favorite day so far. Get ready for @skizzlemanweek day 5!
Prompt 5: Stars/Hearts - Double Life AU!
(Also inspired by this art by @fence-time )
Gathered together in a large forest in a small/bordered world, fourteen people woke up.
As they woke up, they knew exactly where they were: another death game.
Skizz hovered above them on a cloud, watching as they wandered the world, looking for who they were destined to find: their soulmates.
And it was up to Skizz to pair them together.
As an Angel, Skizz had the unique ability to read people’s souls. Not explicitly, like words on a page, but rather implicitly, like palm reading.
He could read people’s souls, and he was tasked with pairing them up.
He had been mining in his single player world when two masked beings with elaborate wings appeared in front of him. Skizz recognized them as The Watchers.
Skizz had been participating in the Death Games for a while, but he wanted to take a break.
The watchers promised that he could skip the next round of the games, as long as he helped them in return.
And well, here he is.
Floating on a cloud over the server of Double Life.
He was only required to be there for the first day, to make sure that everyone found their partners and that nothing went wrong.
The watchers gave him free reign to pair up whoever he wanted, and Skizz did his best to make sure his friends would be in happy relationships.
He paired his best friend Impulse with Bdubs - because he knew, (from conversations behind closed doors,) that Impulse already had a thing for him, but was too shy to say anything.
Skizz didn’t pride himself on much, but he was one hell of a wingman!
For his buddy Tango, he had much less to go off of. He ended up choosing someone whose soul looked most compatible - Jimmy.
Grian and Scar had teamed up before, and their souls seemed like a decent match, so he figured, why not?
(The watchers seemed particularly happy when he paired Grian with Scar, for some reason.)
He had made sure to read each of his friends' souls carefully before selecting their partners. He wanted to make sure that they would be as happy as could be while on this server.
And after submitting all his choices to the watchers, they told him they would call him when the game began.
And here he is, watching his friends wake up, confused, with sudden knowledge in their heads that they had a soulmate, but with no idea of who.
Skizz decided to keep his eyes on Impulse, since he had the highest expectations for how he’d react to finding his soulmate.
Impulse broke away from the main group, going on a brief mining trip before returning to the surface.
Skizz grinned as he approached a nearby group of people. One of them just so happened to be Bdubs.
Skizz was way too high up to hear what they were saying, but he saw Impulse give Bdubs a shield, and then give one to Etho and Scar as well.
Skizz was nearly twitching with anticipation. At any moment now, someone could fall off a cliff or get punched, and then, boom! It’ll be raining hearts and their souls will be touched with love’s swift embrace.
Literally. It’s something only visible to an angel, but it’s true! When meeting one’s true love, their souls are tied together with an invisible thread of love!
Or, well, at least that’s what he’s heard. The other angels back home always told him that, but they also said it doesn’t happen for everyone. They also said the term “true love” is outdated, as people can have multiple true loves, or different types of true lovers.
The soul-embrace that occurs only signifies that the two people have high potential with each other, or have a high likelihood of getting along. The soul embrace can also happen between multiple people, from what he’s heard!
But, according to the Watchers, in this world people are limited to one soulmate, whom they will share their health with.
And the soul-bonds are temporary and will be removed immediately upon exit of this world.
Which is a bummer. But hey! At least he has the opportunity to create long-lasting friendships through means of a death game!
Skizz shook his head to get his thoughts back and focused his attention back to the group on the ground.
Scar had just come running from a cave, several arrows stuck in the end of his shield. He spoke with the others for a bit before Etho handed Impulse a sword, nudging him in the direction of the cave.
Impulse peered over the edge, clutching his shield and sword tight.
Then he toppled forward as Scar pushed him, arms pinwheeling as he fell into the cave.
Skizz watched a pain signal hit Impulse’s soul, then watched with wide eyes as it trailed along a thread that wasn’t there before, all the way to Bdubs.
Bdubs jumped as Impulse fell, turning around to yell at the person who pushed him, but stopped when he saw no one there.
He grabbed Etho's shoulder, presumably asking if he pushed him. Etho was too distracted by laughing at Impulse to notice.
Scar jumped in the cave after him, and Etho followed, leaving Bdubs behind looking very confused.
Skizz giggled as Bdubs followed behind them. He flopped down onto his stomach, kicking his feet behind him like a girl at a sleepover.
Now he only had to wait for Impulse to notice, and then sparks would fly!
A few minutes later, Scar left the cave with Bdubs, and for a moment Skizz was worried he’d missed the big moment. But when Impulse left with Etho, his soul was the same as when he’d entered, and Skizz knew he hadn’t missed his chance.
They reunited later in the day outside the pillager outpost. Everyone decided to attack the pillagers and rescue the allays, and Impulse and Bdubs were both part of the fight.
Skizz thought they had figured it out when Bdubs was getting shot, but Impulse just shared his food with Bdubs before continuing to fight the pillagers.
They ended up cooking mutton together, and Skizz simultaneously wanted to strangle Impulse out of frustration and hug him with excitement.
“Your soulmate is right there!” Skizz strained. “Cmon, why can’t you see it?”
At one point, Bdubs took damage directly in front of Impulse, and he still didn’t notice!
And Skizz could tell. He wouldn’t see the full effect of the soul-embrace unless both parties were aware of it.
So it’s not like Impulse was just pretending not to notice. He was just that oblivious.
Which Skizz really should’ve known by now. He’d seen how Bdubs acted around him without a soul bond and still couldn’t tell he was into him.
They followed Scar to the ravine to look for resources when Bdubs got hit by a skeleton.
Impulse shouted and grabbed his shoulder, whipping around to face the empty air behind him.
He looked confused for a moment before turning to look at Bdubs.
He had an arrow in his shoulder.
Bdubs ran past Impulse to kill a zombie that tried to sneak up on him, and Impulse stared as he passed.
The zombie hit Bdubs in the leg, and Impulse winced as he felt the hit as well.
Skizz was on the edge of his seat, watching as Impulse slowly walked up behind him.
As Bdubs slayed the zombie, he turned to face Impulse. The goofy grin he was wearing faltered as he looked at Impulse’s face.
Skizz frowned. He wished he could hear them, but he’d have to settle for reading lips.
“Bdubs,” Impulse said, “I think we’re soulmates.”
“Oh.” He said, jaw relaxed and stars in his eyes.
Skizz held his hands to his mouth. The anticipation was killing him!
Bdubs’ face broke out in a grin. “This is amazing!” He held out his hands. “This is us!”
Impulse smiled, taking Bdubs’ hands with his own. “This is us.”
A green thread slowly tied itself around their hearts as they linked hands. It circled around their arms before connecting at their conjoined hands.
Skizz watched in awe as the green light from their souls rippled outward from their chests like waves, each one taking the shape of a heart.
This is everything I’d ever imagined it’d be.
Impulse glanced up from their conjoined hands. “So. If we’re soulmates now, there’s something I should ask…”
Bdubs grinned even wider.
“I, um. Would you. Do you… are we, like… dating? Would you like to? Uh, date. I mean.”
Bdubs threw his head back with a cheer. “Finally! Yes, Impulse, I’d love to date you.”
Impulse ducked his head and grinned. “Great. So, now what do we-“
Impulse was cut off as Bdubs lifted his head and kissed him.
Skizz leaped up from his spot on the cloud and cheered. “Yeah, baby!” He gave himself a high five. “That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!”
The soul bond glowed a brighter green as they embraced, even long after the kiss ended.
They finally broke apart when Scar came up to them, loudly congratulating the cute couple.
They walked away side by side, already discussing plans for their shared house.
Skizz spent another moment celebrating to himself. He always knew he was a great wingman!
He might just stick around and see how the other soulmates will do!
This is gonna be a great game.
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thecranewivesrpf · 7 months
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a quick ariana griande from a whiteboard I did with friends!! (ft. my friend's scar fictive crow/scar thirsting after her aka @insomiacdaydreams)
(if you like please reblog! likes do nothing!! <3)
+ my other friend @ditzydreamsss committing vandalism
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the original before I had to fix it had tiny skeppy and bad holding the heart
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
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"I'm not the kind of girl to get messed up with you- Hello! ... You're all right, but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 31 - “Flame (Etho, Skizz, Pearl)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Scar files a microaggression complaint with the HALO team. Pearl helps Scott settle in while he recovers from glitchy code. They have a spat that's not about a sticker.
Meanwhile, SnifferMyFeet and Etho separate their souls… and start an honest talk about Sniff's identity as Sniff, not Joel. It was needed. It's for the best.
(First 900 words under the cut)
Etho - Fox
Status: Resting
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  💙  💙
He gets it now.
It's like ice in your water. It's like marshmallows in your cocoa. It's like wind beneath your wings. The final week before he's due back in Between (reluctantly, but definitely due), Etho flops on his bed and sprawls his arms to either side. Is he giddy? He doesn't mean to be, but this feels…
… Oh, it's a game-changer. Which is exactly what he texts Cleo after scooping up his admin panel. They won't see it if they've left their private server, and since Session 2 of Dog's Life could be starting any day now, there's no telling how long that may take.
Etho: hey so Etho: remember after limlife 4 or 5 when we talked about burnout?
Grocery shopping. For a family dinner- he and Cleo both made one (like a peace offering) in a way that wasn't really flirty married life roleplay, but more like… regular, everyday person roleplay. Did all their shopping together so they wouldn't cook the same thing. Call it 'date night' if you want; he walked her home and there might've been a little 'dramatic logout' roleplay in there. We don't… We don't need to go into detail about it.
To some people that's romantic and to some it's completely gross. Not really sure why… It's a natural process, isn't it? Soul-eaters can't help being what they are, and you may as well snap at endermen hybrids for struggling with eye contact or shame unthreaded players if they expose their glitches instead of keeping them covered up. This world's too big and life too long for arguing. Do you really want to make enemies and be rude to people who are going to carry the echo of your words for the rest of their lives?
Lend a helping hand. Extend a little kindness. Be polite. Respond to the hurt. Try not to avoid responsibility when others are counting on your strength. Sit with the injured, even when the night is cold. They're simple goals, but so easily forgotten these days.
Etho: I think you said if I felt stuck then I should break my routine for a while
Nothing happens for several minutes. Etho rotates words without meaning through his head, then types out something else.
Etho: you were right. I get now why you go on adventures with Martyn. Why you let him and no one else log you out all the time. Thanks for the advice. Let me know next time you need a favor. Rating this cycle 10 of 10 and I owe you big xD
He takes a long, guilt-free nap in his cushioned bed. Catching up on block updates and videos really drains a guy (especially this close to the end of the Hermitcraft season, not to mention Vault Hunters and a Life series on top of it), but he spent all morning prepping the bed and it's already providing every agonizing tick of its worth. Two hours later, he's stirred awake by a buzz on the admin panel.
ZombieCleo: yay! So glad that worked for you <3 I want to hear all about it. Maybe in a couple weekends you can watch MCC with me and the kids + Martyn? If we catch a minute alone, I can recommend more stuff you might be into ;)
The kids refers to Bdubs and Scar, who skated through Limited Life like energetic teenagers spreading their wings. It's goofy, it's endearing, and Cleo's got her roleplay voice on because she knows it makes him snort. His tail gives a twitch as he tries to keep a smirk from creeping out behind his mask.
Martyn, huh? he muses, but doesn't say that. Cleo circles between lovers, friends, and exes like a pollinating bee.
Etho: whoaaaa Etho: inviting a fox? that's dangerous! ZombieCleo: nose out of your tail, fur boy Etho: dibs on Martyn, I see ZombieCleo: If you're serious about returning the favor, Martyn says Rhetoric's down here and this might be our best chance at smash and grabbing from your mum's museum Etho: Hm… ZombieCleo: I mean, you did leave my eggshell when you rescued Grian and that other soul
Yeah- it looked distressed. Now Sniff's down here. He can actually talk now when he couldn't before. Honestly, not the worst decision he could've made.
If anyone's going to try getting into the Fox Dragon's museum, a fox has the best chance of doing so. It's kept separate from the nesting cave where souls respawn, but even the deadliest traps won't keep foxes out since they'll just respawn. Unless they're traps that can't be dodged even with careful planning, or some sort of system that short-circuits code. The phantom roost is nearby, right? Frankly, phantoms are excellent trackers, they can fly, and they're probably the fastest of all non-swimming hybrids, so a phantom alone provides great security as-is.
Etho: I'll think about it. Not tonight, though. Full moon fox face isn't for me. Also if there are raiders there then that's probably the worst time to show up ZombieCleo: Fair ZombieCleo: I can think of something else, but if you ever get the chance, I want it back Etho: duly noted ✌️ ZombieCleo: btw say hi to Scar and Bdubs when you see them. They've been cracking nonstop jokes since you disappeared. One can only imagine they're attempting humor to bury immense throes of pain Etho: D:
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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shutupkayle · 10 months
grian teaming with cleo and etho is so funny to me just because of the clockers in limited life and how it seems grian is teamed with the in laws lmaoo rip scar
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angeart · 1 year
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ladyevol · 10 months
Listen, I love Scarian, I really really do, but uh, while I do like them this season too, my brain has been looking at Scar and BigB like hm. You guys are kinda- you two are kinda- you know- kinda- just a little- y- you know-
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