#the small one is the head of the student council and the big one is the fucking vice!
motherofplatypus · 2 months
Grimpulse headcanon: Impulse once thrown himself onto the bed with Grian on it and it launched the poor guy across the shopping district. Its been three weeks and he's still sleeping on the couch.
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
those little 1/12 size pvc and abs blind box bjds are so so dangerous like theyre so cute and well made and affordable but i Do Not have the space for all these funny little guys
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acidsoju · 6 months
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genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, college au, non idol. pairing: guitarist! beomgyu x college student! reader warnings: lots of fluff, kinda corny, , alcohol use, a little suggestive at the end. word count: 7.7k summary: you thought this year's festival was going to be a bummer like last year's, until you found yourself stuck spending the three whole days of it with that pretty guitarist boy that caught your eye.
JESUS, THE PLACE WAS CROWDED. You had never seen so many people agglomerating on campus like today― suddenly feeling very lucky for being stuck at the mini bar your class had set for this year’s festival, wiping glasses and pouring down alcohol to your teachers in hopes they would remember this small act of kindness from you when they graded your exams.
Today was just the first out of three whole, long days where your university held this fun festival celebrating its students and allowing them to have some fun for their hard efforts throughout the year. The student council members had taken care of everything; from decorating the whole place with banners and garlands to the big scenario that stood in between the main building’s entrance and the people around campus.
On stage already were some majors from dramatic arts displaying and ending a modern version of Romeo and Juliet; Romeo being, in fact, your dearest friend Yeonjun, who blew kisses to the public after bowing and receiving a bucket of flowers that was thrown at him; his keen eyes spotted you leaning against the counter, softly smiling at him and he lifted a flower in your direction, charmingly winking his eye at you. You raised a cup filled with some sweet alcohol and threw your head back, feeling the burning liquid sliding down your throat.
As night fell upon you, more people arrived and your mini bar became the top spot to hang out so you found yourself pretty busy making some drinks to your classmates and some more teachers, who would tell you to drink with caution but still accept the free drink you offered them.
“Hey y/n, you should take a break" was what told you one of your classmates, tightening the apron around his waist. “You’ve been on since we opened up, why don’t you go take a look at the festival? This year’s supposed to be bigger than the last one.”
Well, that you could tell. Still, thanking your classmate and taking off your apron, you did just as advised and walked around campus, looking curiously at other classes’ stands, greeting some people you knew, laughing at others failing their attempts to win some prizes at the games. It was a really nice atmospher... until it wasn’t and you were falling to the cold floor on your butt.
You blinked in astonishment a few times, people rushing around you but not with any intentions of helping you; instead, they all gathered -even more if it was possible- near the stage where colorful light reflectors starting pointing around― to the night sky, moving to the people who cheered on loudly. What was it? Had the student council brought some group like Seventeen? Because if it was that, then you would have to break into the sea of people to be on the first row.
“Comfortable down there?” your eyes flicked up to boy standing tall in front of you, lights blinding you for a second before they moved away from your eyes and let you take a proper look at him. A stretched palm appeared in your camp of vision. “Need a hand?”
“… Yeah, thanks” you said grabbing the warm hand that pulled you up easily, your chest bumping against his; your eyes met a pair of brown, shiny eyes with amusement reflecting on them. Forcing yourself to let go of the hand that wasn’t letting yours go, you cleared your throat, putting some distance between your bodies. “Well… goodbye.”
You turned on your heels and went back to your class’ mini bar; your classmate rising an eyebrow at you for your short break but still accepting gladly your help as people didn’t stop gathering around it. With your apron back around your waist, you started to make the ordered drinks and delivered them to the small tables organized in front of your stand.
“Ah, ah- Hello, one, two, three” a gentle, deep voice echoed through campus, caughting everyone’s attention; the people in front of the scenario cheered loudly and all eyes were suddenly on the single figure of a boy sitting down on a chair in the middle of the stage, a guitar resting on his lap and a soft, unbothered smirk plastered on his face. “Good afternoon, N University! How are y’all feeling on this fine summer night?”
It was that boy who had helped you up just a few minutes ago. You leaned yourself against the counter bar, enjoying the little time you had to take a break thanks to him caughting all the attention. You actually felt intrigued, your eyes fixated on him as he chatted and interacted with the growing crowd. He looked so at ease even with so many people staring directly at him― that did impress you.
“For those who know me, it’s good seeing you again! And for those who don’t…” you weren’t sure because you weren’t that close to the stage but for a second it seemed like his eyes stared directly at yours, his eyebrows moving up slightly before his eyes were somewhere else. You gulped. “… My name’s Beomgyu, nice to meet you.”
Then his slender fingers started strumming down a soft melody that was followed by his actually really pretty voice. You closed your mouth the moment you realized it had been open this whole time in amazement and enjoyed the melodies he created, the music piercing through your ears and your mind. It wasn’t a song you knew; could it be a song he had written?
Your thoughts completely disappeared from your mind when you ­-surely this time- locked eyes with him, his voice never faltering while singing the nice verses and his smile widening playfully, his eyebrows jumping smuggly, like they were waving at you.
“Your friend’s really good” said your classmate leaning against the counter next to you. You frowned, not really looking away from the boy on stage whose eyes didn’t move from you either.
“He’s not my friend” you mumbled.
Beomgyu sang a few more songs; some of them you knew and some others, you didn’t but still sang along to the ones you recognized while you continue to serve the people waiting for their drinks once they woke up from that small indulged dream Beomgyu’s voice put them in. After his show ended, other people went up on stage and carried on with the festival activities.
“Y/n, I’m sorry to ask you this but could you take care of things here on your own for a moment? My girlfriend really wants to take a look around” said your classmate pleading with his hands, almost falling t to is knees in front of you; it was probably the busiest time you were having but still, he had made you take a break and you felt like you owned him so you nodded and laughed at his excited self running to a girl waiting for him on the back of the mini bar barely taking off his apron and throwing it behind the counter.
It wasn’t long till you regretted letting your classmate go― the tables were full and some people very impatient. You hurried the most you could but still got some complaints that made you feel awful and your mind started buzzling in annoyance as you started making more mistakes in the making of the drinks; that was why you didn’t hear when someone stood on the other side of the counter and leaned in, observing you as you cursed under your breath for another mistake in the pouring percentage.
“Hello again” you almost jumped away when you looked up only to find Beomgyu resting his chin over the palm of his hand, smiling softly at you. He chuckled at the confusion tinting your face. “I was coming here to have a drink at first, but it looks you’re kinda busy so I thought-“ he walked around the counter to where you were, his smile widening as you took a step back; he crouched down to grab the abandoned apron on the floor and quickly tied it up around his waist. “-you would like some help.”
You were in no place to decline his offer; honestly, you were crazy if you rejected it.
“Yeah, thanks” you said peeking at the full tables waiting for you, a sigh leaving your lips. “Could you go over there and take their orders? I’ll make the drinks.”
“On it, boss.”
Soon, you both found a nice pace at things; Beomgyu would go to the tables, write down the drinks they’d order and come back to stick the small notes on a line while you’d make them in the order he took them, placing the ready-to-go ones on your free side of the counter, where Beomgyu would grab them and quickly delivered to the tables.
“What’s this?” he asked eyeing a pair of small glasses next to you that he didn’t remember writing down; you softly pushed one to him and grabbed the other one, lifting it up in the air.
“A shot for us, the hard-workers” you stated almost taking the shot when you were stopped by the grip on your lifted hand, your eyebrows narrowing.
“Love shot!” he exclaimed with a big smile on his face, intertwining your arms and pulling you closer; his eyes never left yours while he threw back his head and downed the liquid. You imitated him and felt your face flush red but you weren’t sure if it was because of the alcohol or because when you looked again to the front, you found his face closer than before nodding in satisfaction. "Atta girl."
“Excuse me? I’d like to order!” called someone from a table behind, popping up your little bubble.
“Coming!” replied Beomgyu letting go of your arm and walking away.
It was really late when people decided to leave and it was even more late when you and Beomgyu finished up cleaning and piling up the tables behind the counter, ready to be used for tomorrow. You arched an eyebrow when your classmate returned just after cleaning everything up but understood as soon as you saw the lipstick marks around his neck and his disheveled state.
“So, so sorry” he said apologetically, eyes filled with guilt. “I really did lost track of time, I’m so sorry, y/n.”
“It’s okay, really. I mean, at first I really wanted to murder you with my own hands but I forgot about it because someone else helped me" you looked over your shoulder at Beomgyu, who stood and looked away pretending he wasn’t caught hearing your conversation, whistling innocently.
“It’s really late, though. Would you like a ride home?” you classmate offered. It wasn’t a bad idea but before you could agree, because you were really tired and didn’t feel like taking a taxi, a voice came from behind you, suddenly so close that you flinched surprised.
“It’s fine, I’ll take her home” said Beomgyu, his warm breath fanning over the top of your head. Your classmate scanned the boy suspiciously before looking at your concerned.
“I thought you said he wasn’t your friend.”
Your cheeks burned.
Your classmate apologized once more before walking away, hand in hand with his girlfriend. Around campus, the reflectors stared turning off one by one. Grabbing your bag and hanging it on your shoulder, you stood awkwardly before the boy, dark brown eyes never left you as you moved around.
“Thanks a lot for today, Beomgyu…” you mumbled, finding the tip of your shoes much more interesting -nor really- than the pretty boy in front of you. Still, trying not to be impolite to your literal savior, you lifted your gaze and locked eyes with him. “I own you a big time for this.”
“Two, actually” he replied, his hands slipping in his pockets, a lazy smile drawing in his face as he shrugged. You scoffed; you didn’t think he would count helping you up as a favor. “It’ll be one if you let me take you home” he took a step closer, arching an eyebrow when you flinched. “Do I make you nervous, boss?” He practically purred, enjoying the obvious fact.
He took another step closer already making you tilt your head up to look into his eyes, glinting in the night as he towered over you; liking the way you visibly fought not to break the eye contact that unspeakably turned into a staring contest between you two.
“So, gorgeous? What do you say?” his hand left his pocket as he twirled a lost strand of hair in his finger before putting it behind your red ear. “I’m taking you to my place if you don’t answer me.”
You never were one to break people into your house. Mostly because it was a house full of people; from your old granma to your youngest siblings who were like little devils; whatever time it was, someone would be at home. Your parents were the less frequent there, only coming back home after dinner due to their jobs; your older brother had moved into his own place but still spent most of his free time in the family house, even thought his room had been transformed into a storage room; and your grandma practically never left, always baking and taking care of your siblings.
 So, when that night Beomgyu said: “Y’know… I actually live really far from here.”
You couldn’t help but to burst out laughing on his face, his coquettish smile dropping the second you did and looking at you like you were some sort of mad person.
“Well, that’s really sad, buddy” you said after you calmed yourself down, a few amused tears in the corners of your eyes.. “We don’t have any guest room, I can give you some money to grab a cab if you want and then we’ll be even.”
“Don’t wanna” he replied immediatly, a small pout in his lips appeared barely a second before it stretched again into his cheshire smile. “How about your room?”
This time it was your smile falling from your face.
Beomgyu grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, chest pressing against chest. His warm breath hit against your face and you looked up, surely looking terrified because Beomgyu couldn’t hold the laugh that came from him when he took a good look at your face.
“It’s really late, what if something happens to me on my way home?” he said almost in an inaudible plead, his thumb drawing circles in the back of your hand. You opened your mouth to protest some more but got cut off by him, already sensing you weren’t giving in. “I promise we won’t get caught, I’m sneaky like a cat.”
It wasn’t like your brother never broke someone in while he lived here, you thought while you dragged Beomgyu up the stairs of the silent house. You motioned for him to stay silent pressing your finger against your lips before you tiptoed down the hall till your room, closing the door silently behind you and sighting in relief after succeeding at sneaking the guy in.
Beomgyu peeked around your room, watching carefully every little thing you owned; from the books piling up in your desk to your cute pink panties thrown in a corner of the room. He couldn’t help but laugh at the cute cherries that adorned your underwear, his laugh soon being muffled by the palm of your hand covering his mouth, his smile softening underneath it, his eyebrows raising at your boldness.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up" you whispered, pleading with your eyes. A light came from the hall behind your door and you looked over your shoulder in terror, quickly recognizing the steps of your father approaching. You, faster than ever, pushed the boy onto your bed before you threw yourself in and covered both bodies with your bedcovers, trying to hide the visible bulk on your bed that wasn’t you.
“Sweetie? Is that you?” asked your father from the other side of your door after softly knocking on the wood. You bit down your lips, praying in your mind that he wouldn’t open the door and that the boy underneath the cover could stop fucking squirming and brushing his hands against the exposed skin on your waist.
“Y-yeah, dad. I’m home” you answer trying to sound like you always did. You held your breath the few seconds of silence before your father spoke again.
“It’s really late, get some sleep, honey” he said sweetly before walking away from your door and back to his room. After you heard his door shutting down, you breathed again.
“Coast is clear” wou whispered lifting up the cover to look at Beomgyu. You felt your cheeks burn; his big, warm hands were grabbing your waist while his face was almost pressed down against your stomach, the rest of his body siquirming in between your legs as he stretched them.
“Aw, I was really comfy down there” he whined, drawing circles on the skin of your waist while pushing himself up, his head falling next to yours over you pillow and the hold in your body making you turn around to face him. “Hello” he purred.
You lifted up your hand to softly brush away the little hairs falling against his eyes; he leaning into your touch and brushing his nose against the palm of your hand, before placing down a kiss on the same spot, humming at the warmth your body radiated.
“W-we should get some sleep” you said stumbling on your own words while looking down at his darted open lips against your hand. He licked his lips.
“We should” he mumbled, leaning in closer to your face, his breath hitting against your lips while his eyes looked down on them eagerly. “Shouldn’t we?”
You opened your mouth to answer but nothing really came of as you felt so confused. Beomgyu saw the perfect opportunity and took it, closing the distance between your lips. You inhaled sharply, your senses getting intoxicated by his scent and feeling yourself melt under his touch. Your already opened mouth giving him all the access he wanted to explore around with his hot tongue.
His soft lips taking control over yours and his raw tongue owning your mouth completely made you pressed the bottom of your body against his; his lips curled up into a smirk against yours at your action before he pulled away, the hold in your waist tightening. His eyes scanned your panting-self, satisfaction washing over his face as he hummed delightful.
“We really should get some sleep” he said, hand going up to cup your face and caress your cheek. You nodded lost in the reminiscence of his taste and feeling your eyelids heavy, probably due to being actually exhausted, and turned around, your back pressed against his chest when he pulled you closer and your legs intertwined. Beomgyu’s face buried in the spot between your neck and shoulder, and inhaled deeply before falling asleep.
Festival’s second day was on. And surely, it was even busier that the first one. Feeling yourself already exhausted after the frenetic morning you’d had sneaking out certain boy from your room without your whole family noticing plus the popular your mini bar stand became, your first shot was around seven p.m.
If you were completely honest, you had slept really well. More than ever, in fact. Walking up in the middle of the night embraced in the warmth of a pretty boy’s body was heaven compared to waking up alone and cold. But you weren’t going to be honest.
“You sure I won’t die if I fall from here?” Beomgyu had asked you, eyes looking down from your window to your yard while you quickly packed some things in your bag; you had tried to pull the most convinced smile for the boy’s reassurance but you clearly failed at it when his lips darted open and he gulped loudly. “What about a goodbye kiss first?”
You rolled your eyes at his smooth comment, trying to ignore the warm feeling up in your chest, and placed an open palm against his chest; Beomgyu was sure you were going to kiss him but he surely was surprised when you pushed him out of your window to your balcony, driving him to the edge.
“A kiss if you survive.”
After looking at Beomgyu clumsily slidding down the big tree outside of your window, praying that nobody from your family would be near the scene the moment his feet would touch the floor, and sighing in relieve while he waved at you with a proud smile on his face, you went down your stairs hearing the familiar sound of people having breakfast together.
Your grandmother at the end of the table smiled sweetly at the sight of you and motioned for you to take a sit and have some breakfast with the rest of the family, which you, of course, couldn’t refuse. You took a seat down in between your younger siblings and in front of your parents, who greeted with you with the same love as always.
You almost felt relived that you weren’t caught when your phone vibrated on your pocket and you choked out on a piece of toast after reading the message from your brother.
bro: yo bro: *attached image* bro: caught this dude coming down from your fucking window ???? bro: r u okay bro: should i take him to the cops or you: OMG DONT bro: … bro: i see … bro: my sisters all grown up now bro: im definitely taking him to the cops
When you had gotten out of your house and saw no one around, you panicked and called your brother only to find out he was just joking about the whole ‘taking your boyfriend to the cops, I’m not that old fashioned y’know’, had he said.
“So... he just walked away?” wou asked your brother throught your phone, after repeating at least three time he wasn’t your boyfriend.
“Yeah, he said he lives nearby or whatever.”
Moral of the story was, definitely ask the boy you’re breaking into your house for his number first.
“Baby, where are you?” you snapped back into reality when Yeonjun placed his hand on top of your head, forcing you to look up at his curious eyes. “Been talking to you for like five minutes and nothing.”
“… Sorry, didn’t sleep that well last night.”
Yeonjun hummed nodding to your excuse, looking at you with worry in his eyes. You felt a little bad lying to him but, as said before, you weren’t going to be honest with yourself.
“Lucky for you, you have me all for yourself today" he said smiling sweetly, taking off the hand from your head. You smiled gratefully; Yeonjun had been helping at the mini bar since it opened early as his play was only yesterday: ‘schedules for each day are different’ he had said when you asked him why wasn’t he on stage already.
Did that mean Beomgyu wasn’t performing tonight?
“Maybe you should take a break? I’m sure me and Soobin can handle this by ourselves for a while” Yeonjun pointed with his thumb at the poor overwhelmed boy who had been dragged into the situation by him, cheeks red as he went on and on delivering drinks to the tables.
“Maybe later” you said, don't liking the thought of leaving these two boys in charge. Soon, after washing your face trying to wake up properly, you got into work again. Soobin was grateful to you for switching up with him the task, now he behind the counter making the drinks and you taking order and delivering.
“Hey, what’d you like?” you automatically asked walking to a just taken table, eyes fixated on the notepad on your hand waiting to write down the order.
“You, gorgeousy” you looked up at the voice that had been haunting you all day; a pair of brown eyes looking back at you delighted, a playful smirk drawn on his pretty face. Beomgyu leaned in the table, chin resting in the palm of his hand. “Long time no see, missed you so much.”
You licked your lips, stopping the smile on your face from widening too much. “We saw each other this morning.”
“Oh, I know, just wanted you to remember it” you internally sighed; if only he knew you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. His eyes trailed behind you, an eyebrow raising. “Guess you don’t need my help today.”
You looked over your shoulder; Yeonjun was taking the order of some table filled with pretty college girls who sent flirtatious smiles at your friend and he received them and delivered back as usual, his eyes going up at you from time to time. As he caught you staring at him, he motioned at the boy sat behind you curiously, who answered only moving your lips: ‘tell you later’.
When you looked back at Beomgyu, you didn’t meet his eyes but his chest. Looking up, his smile was still there but didn’t reach his eyes this time. You tilted your head; he was so easy to read.
“You wanna help?”
Beomgyu licked his lips at the sight of you, so sweet with your shiny eyes looking at him only.
“I wanna help you” he tilted his head closer to yours, your foreheads almost pressing together.
That day all of you worked even harder; Beomgyu was sent to help Soobin make the drinks behind the counter which, it seemed, wasn’t a decision he liked so much. As you went on and on serving tables, your muscles became sore and your eyes heavy. The only moment you did stop was when people’s attention got caught by the ones performing on stage; you’d lean yourself over the counter and chitchat with Beomgyu, taking a love shot ‘as a tradition’ he said, and forcing Soobin to take one too, even thought he had said he was a terrible drinker.
“Baby, I’m so tired!” Yeonjun reached your side, sliding his arm over your shoulder and pressing down his cheek on top of your head. “Oh, what a blessed upon soul you are, being gifted a friend as loyal as I” He recited dramatically; a hand extended on the air. “For this big ass favor, you shall buy my meal till death falls upon me” you couldn’t help but giggle at your friend.
Of course, your laugh stopped when a glass was put down hardly against the counter; the attention shifting to Beomgyu who poured down some dark liquor with a snarl in his face. Yeonjun snickered and shifted his position, standing behind you and looming over your shoulder while his hands clasped around your waist. Soobin could only look alarmed at the boys.
“O’ beauty of this world, if a penny you shan't have, a kiss I shall accept in your debt's place-“
“Yo, Shakespeare boy! Go wipe clean that table” Beomgyu snarled at your friend, cutting him off and throwing a piece of clothe at his face. You heard Yeonjun snickering on your back. “… Oops.”
“Where did you get this one?” your friend whispered in your ear, only for you to hear before going to do as such. You stared open-mouthed at Beomgyu, whose eyes didn’t meet yours as he made some more drinks.
“Hey, why are you so jealous?” you asked him, earning a glare from his pretty, snappy eyes. He opened his big mouth, gasping dramatically.
“Who’s jealous? I’m not.”
You snickered. “Oh, please. You are good at singing, not acting.”
Beomgyu pouted, looking away, his ears burning red. “Whatever.”
Day two ended around the same hour as day one. This time things got clean up faster as you were two more people than last night. You were glad that, at the end of the night, Beomgyu seemed to get along pretty well at least with Soobin. While his relationship with Yeonjun… Well, that made your head hurt. You internally wrote down not to get them together on the same place ever again if you didn’t want becoming a babysitter.
“So you got a boyfriend and never told me?” Yeonjun mumbled next to you as you piled up the last chair behind the counter, taking advantage of the fact your guardian dog was busy chattering with Soobin. Your friend sighed dramatically and looked at the horizon. “I don’t know how I’ll get over this.”
“He’s not my-
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, here he comes, ha, seriously…” Yeonjun laughed softly watching live how Beomgyu noticed him talking, oh so close, to you and opened his mouth offended, before jogging to your side, his pretty hair flying back.
“Hey y/n, let’s go, I’m so tired already, you only use me to help you out” he whined grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to him, glaring over your head at Yeonjun whose lips stretched into a cocky smile.
“Oh? But I was planning on taking her home tonight?” god, it seemed like your friend loved the drama.
“No way!” Beomgyu hugged you closer. “She’s staying over at my place tonight.”
“I- what?”
“Welcome!” Beomgyu exclaimed, pushing you inside his house, practically beaming.
You looked around the place; it had some really nice and comfy vibes, just like him, also it was surprisingly tidier that you imagined when Beomgyu told you he lived alone. The warm lightning made the place looked cozy already, but the house decorations reminded you of your grandma’s room.
Beomgyu’s big hands placed themselves on your back as he pushed softly into the kitchen and took out a chair for you to seat. You watched how he moved around the kitchen fetching a plate filled with chocolate chip cookies for you and a cup that was filled with warm milk. Beomgyu, with a cup of his own, took the chair next to you but moving it around for him to be facing you instead.
“I don’t like Yeonjun” he blurted out, sipping down on the warm milk. You laughed; he was such a easy puppy to read.
“I realized.” “He’s so annoying.” “He’s my friend.” “Well, he shouldn’t.”
You rolled your eyes and munched on the cookie, humming delighted at his taste, trying to change the topic. “Hey, these are really good. Where did you buy them?”
“Really? Gimme some” he leaned closer and opened his mouth, waiting for you to fed him the cookie. You scoffed but still put the cookie at his mouth reach, mumbling a soft ‘hey’ when his teeth purposely yet softly nibbled down at your fingers, a playful tingling in his eyes. He hummed munching down at the cookie while your eyes were focused on the crumbs in the corner of his lips.
“Come here” you said grabbing his chin with a hand and wiping away the crumbs with your thumb. Your eyes went up from his lips to his eyes staring intensely at you, freezing you on your spot. Beomgyu leaned into your touch and bumped his nose against yours, brushing it softly.
“You still own me a kiss” he licked his lips, a smile widening in his face.
“I know.”
Your hand went up from his chin to his cheek before closing the distance between you two; Beomgyu tasting like chocolate cookies and warm milk. His hands grabbed each side of your face and leaned closer to you, as closer as one could sitting down on some chairs in the kitchen. His lips moved so experimentally over yours, tracing the fine line of your lips with his tongue before meeting your own.
Beomgyu got up from the chair, never breaking the kiss apart, and towered over you. His hands found a place in your waist before he helped you up, this time your body leaning against his as he pressed his back against the kitchen counter for stability.
“This is bad, so bad” he mumbled under the kiss, drunk on the taste of your lips. “I could get used to this, to you, gorgeous.”
“Doesn’t sound that bad to me" you replied, pecking at his bottom lip one, two, even three times, completely focused on your very important task. Beomgyu smirked, his thumbs caressing the exposed skin on your waist.
“Of course it doesn’t.”
That night you ended up under Beomgyu’s covers, bodies intertwined while being drunk on each other kisses. You were the first one to give in to sleep, laying over Beomgyu’s chest, cheek pressed against it making a pout form on your pretty, swollen and darted open lips. His fingers caressing sweetly your hair, inhaling your scent and falling to sleep hypnotized by the sound of your heartbeat against his.
If Beomgyu had to count on the best things that happened in his life, number one would be the first time he played on a stage with a full crowd and the second one would have been the moment he opened his eyes that morning and found you sleeping soundly in between his arms. The way your chest softly raised up and down at your steady breaths, your barely opened lips that he so badly wanted to kiss the moment his eyes fell upon, your hands barely holding around his frame.
God, you drove him insane.
Giving in to his intrusive thoughts, his arms rounded your waist and pulled you closer to him, hugging you against his body as he inhaled your sweet scent; you groaned in your sleep, annoyed. Beomgyu brushed the tip of his nose against the skin in your neck making you squirmed under his touch. Following an invisible trail up to your ear, your senses awakened when a sweet, very deep spoke into it, hot breath making you flinch.
“Morning, gorgeous.”
Well, wasn’t this a sight from heavens? Beomgyu lazily smiled at you, while you blinked a few times adjusting to the light in the room and looked groggily at the boy in front of you. Maybe you were still dreaming? You reached out your hand and brushed his disheveled hair back; how was his hair softer than yours?
“You’re real” you mumbled, a yawn in between, earning a soft laugh from him.
“Aw, were you dreaming about me?”
“Yeah, a nightmare” you replied with a softl laugh, his smile disappearing from his face, and you quickly pecked his plump lips transforming the fine line of his lips into a small pout. “Morning to you too,” then you lifted up your body from the bed, making Beomgyu felt so cold at the body heat you took away from him, while you looked around the place. “you’re rooms so pretty.”
“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” “That’s not how it works.”
Beomgyu was about to pull in a hug again and covered the both of you with his bedcover but you got out the bed faster than he thought. He whined silently as his hands went to the back of his head, keeping up his head to look at you. “Where are you going? Come back, I’m cold.”
“Gotta go home and change clothes…” you said, lazily picking up your phone from inside your bag and replying to a few texts from Yeonjun and your parents. “Maybe take a shower, if there’s time…”
“You can do that here” your eyes flicked quickly from your phone screen to his grinning face before snorting, typing down a short ‘crashed at some friend’s last night, we drank a little and it was kinda late, ily see u later xoxo’ at your father. “I need to shower too, anyway.”
“Anyway, I don’t have any clean clothes in here.”
“Use mine.”
“Wow, you’re really making it difficult for me to go, uh?” you smirked, putting your phone back down and walking to the edge of the bed where the boy laid. His hands quickly found the back of your thighs and pushed you over him, humming at the weight of you down on him and the pleasant heat of your body warming up his own, his hands brushing up from the back of your thighs to your waist.
“I lend you some clothes, you wash up here, I’ll even make you some really good breakfast,” his thumps sweetly drew circles in your skin, glinting eyes staring into yours expectantly. “what’ya say?”
“… Fine, you win. But I really should go home tonight.”
If Beomgyu had to count on the best things that happened in his life, number three would be the sight of you just out of the shower wearing his pretty big clothes, waterdrops falling to the floor from the ends of your hair, while you chew on the breakfast he had made for you.
“I really like your house" you said, again mesmerized by the grandma-like furniture that made the place look so cozy. Beomgyu beamed at your words.
“You can move in here with me then” you almost choke on the coffee after hearing him speak. A shade a pink tinted his ears at your reaction and he licked his lips, smiling kinda embarrassed. “Too soon?”
Nodding, your eyes too focused on the really good scrambled eggs in your plate, you replied. “Too soon, Gyu.”
Festival's last day was thrilling; people seemed to tripled by second and, of course, that meant more work to do. As always, you were thankful for all the help you could get; Yeonjun had brought, besides Soobin who had been the first to arrive after you, a few more friends of his from his drama club who had no problem helping a friend of a friend out. While Beomgyu had apologized at least five times on your way to the festival for not being able to help today, after hall he had a performance to do.
“Bottoms up!” cheered Yeonjun, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a small circle of people, all your friendly co-workers, where in the middle were placed the tiny glasses for the shots. Yeonjun hissed after taking his shot. “Today we got wasted, I say!”
“Probably y/n should, she’s the one who had work here all three days” pointed out Taehyun.
“Right, let’s get our girl wasted!” agreed your dear friend, filling up the glass for another shot for you specifically.
A few hours passed and you found yourself pretty tipsy, your handwriting messing up more each time you got someone’s order down. The boys decided to put you behind the counter, switching with Soobin who took your place taking orders. You made the drinks the best you could, trying not to spill more alcohol that you had already but still, it was hard as your gaze was too unfocused. Pouting as Yeonjun giggled at your drunken-self, you placed down the bottle and rested your head on your hands, trying to maintain your balance.
“Ah, fuck…” You hissed at the sudden squeak from the speakers that made your head hurt like hell, shifting your gaze to the stage. Scrunching your eyes, you were able to tell it was Beomgyu already on stage, the guitar on his hands, the pretty smile on his lips, the mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked around and finally found you staring at him. Your ears heated up and you didn’t fight the smile on your own face, sighting as a teenager on her first love you mumbled for yourself: “He’s so cool…”
“Ew.” Said Yeonjun beside you.
“Imma take a break now, ‘kay?” You told your friend, your eyes never looking away from the boy on stage as you walked away from the mini bar, not really hearing Yeonjun’s response.
You stood somewhere that wasn’t that much filled with people, grabbing a light pole and leaning against it for support as you watched mesmerized at the boy, strumming his guitar, his pretty, really pretty, voice reaching your ears from the speakers. The way he’d tilt his head to move the hair out of his face, the way his soft lips brushed against the mic; he was shining, you thought. He’s a real star.
You don’t know how much time passed as you watch Beomgyu’s performance, but when you realized it had ended and he was no longer on stage, you blinked alarmed and look around. What way was the minibar again? Taking a few steps wherever you thought it was the right path, you staggered and almost fell to the ground if it weren’t for the hand grabbing your arm and pulling you back.
“Hey, watch out! You okay? Oh my god, are you drunk?”
The sweet voice of the boy reached your ears and you smiled, turning around and throwing your arms over his shoulder, your feet barely touching the floor with your tiptoes.
“Hi baby,” You whispered, your face so close to his that your hot breath hit against his lips, your eyes too focused on those pretty, soft lips you liked to notice the surprised look on his face. Still, his arms wrapped around you, mostly to support you from falling on your own feet again. “god, missed you so bad, you looked so hot up there, I really wanted to go up and kissed you in front of everyone here…”
Beomgyu cooed, his eyes sparkling in delight. Just how much had you drink while he was gone?
“Someone’s pretty wasted here,” he said softly, watching how you mindlessly brushed your upper lip against his bottom one. “What should I do with you, gorgeous? I don’t think you can go home like this.” Beomgyu wasn’t fond of people ignoring him when he talked, but he found himself enjoying this little moment where you, cheeks tinted pink, eyes glossy fixated on his mouth, completely ignored every sound that reached your ears; it was pretty fucking cute. “Let’s go back to my place, okay?”
Beomgyu, who didn’t think things through, barely managed to dragged you back to his home, after having take you back at the minibar to pick your things up where he found that annoying one of your friend panicked trying to call you. Yeonjun was cautious of letting his drunk friend go anywhere with a man he barely knew, but couldn’t quite fight your big, pleading eyes in his direction while you hugged Beomgyu’s arm.
“It’s not like it’s my first time staying at his place.” You mumbled at your friend, not really noticing the cocky smile on Beomgyu’s face.
The boy pushed open his door and hold it while softly pulling you inside. After placing down your and his own things on his couch, he led the way to his bedroom, his big hand grabbing yours and drawing circles with his thumps in the back of your palm.
“Let me get you some clothes to sleep, gorgeous.” He said, sitting you down on his bed and turning around, his back facing you, while opening up his closet. The pair of pajama shorts and the t-shirt in his hands fell to the ground when he turned around to you, again, and saw how you slid off the -actually, his- shirt you were wearing, a cute, black bra holding your breasts.
You smiled lazily at the boy and unbuttoned your jeans, ready to pull them off too, when his hand grabbed yours stopping you from removing another piece of cloth. You looked up, confused, eyebrows furrowing, into Beomgyu’s panicked eyes.
“What?” You mumbled. “I’m hot.”
You are, thought Beomgyu fighting the insanely strong urge to look down.
“Here,” he lifted up your hands and placed down his new clothes on your before taking a step back, ears visibly so red. “change into this- W-wait! I’m still here!”
Beomgyu walked out of his bathroom in his pajamas, praying he wouldn’t found naked laying on his bed. Not today at least, you were drunk.
“Hey gorgeous, feeling okay?”
You sat on his bed, legs crossed and a pretty pout on your lips. Beomgyu offered you a glass of fresh water that you almost emptied while he opened up the bedcovers and placed down the glass on his bedside table.
“Come here.” He hugged you from behind, falling on his back and taking you down with him. You turned around, adjusting your body over his before your lips were tracing an invisible path up from his jawline to his lips. Beomgyu closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your lips against his skin and returning the deep kiss when your lips connected.
His hands lazily rested on your sides, brushing up and down your skin while your moved to straddle him, one knee against each side of his hips. Tilting your head slightly, you deepened the kiss and opened your mouth to trace the line of his lips with your tongue, hearing a soft sigh spacing from the boy.
“Open your mouth, please…” You said, barely putting some distance between your mouths. Beomgyu licked his lips, eyes fluttering open to watch the needy look on your face. He complied, lips barely parting open before you closed the distance again, your tongue softly moving into his mouth and caressing his.
Kisses were everywhere. From his mouth, you travelled to his cheek and then down to the line of his jaw, biting softly at the sharpness of it earning an almost inaudible hiss from the boy underneath you.
“He-hey, we should… god, we should stop here.” He sighed, eyes betraying him and closing at the feeling of you kissing and biting the skin of his neck. You ignored him and continued your job arduously, wanting to his more of the sounds Beomgyu could make. But you were impeded from it when the boy swiftly switched places with you, now your back pressing against the mattress and him straddling your hips. “Relax, gorgeous, I don’t want you doing anything you won’t remember tomorrow.”
You squirmed underneath him and pleaded with your eyes, earning a mocking smile from his lips before he leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on your forehead, his hands holding firmly your waist.
“Let’s get some sleep, okay?” He whispered in your ear, before kissing against it feeling as you shivered at the touch. Then he went down and hovered over your neck, humming at your smell. “If you’re good tomorrow maybe I’ll let you continue where you left off…” His hot breath against your skin made your own got goosebumps. Beomgyu trailed down his face, reaching the level of your stomach and brushed his nose against your exposed skin, eyes looking up at yours. “Sounds good, gorgeous?” He whispered against the skin in your abdomen, before placing a last, soft kiss on the spot.
You sighed, wanting to feel more of his lips on your body but still nodded. Beomgyu smiled and laid down beside you, arms always tugging you closer.
“Sleep tight, gorgeous.”
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pupyuj · 1 year
campus rebel! g!p wonyoung who fucks the shit out of the stuco president for getting her into trouble 😵‍💫😵‍💫 OH MY GOD I WANNA HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS
bad girl wony... yeah.. yeah exactly. i giggle every time i get g!p ive asks esp annyeongz i just want them to double team me tbh—
LISTENNNN ... ever since 230423 wonyoung i have never been the same, that look is literally how i picture rebel wony 😭😭😭
wwhat if she has never gotten in trouble for all the bullshit she did when you weren't the stuco president :(( wony got away with everything scot-free bcs the previous presidents were scared of what might happen to them (like expulsion) bcs wony had a bit of a hold in the school 😟😟 but then you got elected, and things changed real fast 😁 teachers were actually scolding her?? giving her shit when she was late to class or wandered the halls during?? and she has never gotten detention before... until you personally put her in one 😭
the detention in question being held in the student council meeting room, it was just you and her. wony was pissed, she could be out partying and getting laid right now but instead, she had to stare at your pretty face while you did your work and babysat her at the same time! looking up from your desk briefly and seeing that the paper in front of wonyoung was still blank. "it's a simple apology, jang. i'm doing you a favor by saving you from a criminal charge. this won't hurt your reputation, you know." you said with a sigh.
"oh trust me, it's been hurt the moment you stepped up that stupid podium in the gym and did your campaign speech like you were the leader of the nation." wonyoung picked up her pen and started scribbling on her paper. well, at least you wouldn't have to deal with her eyes just burning holes into your head anymore! she doesn't even get why she has to apologize 🤨 spray-painting cock and balls to that creepy janitor's truck was funny! and he deserved it!
and then a few minutes later, here comes wony marching over to your desk and slamming her paper down in front of you. what you didn't see was a proper apology but rather a big drawing of a middle finger. this was useless.
"do you wanna go to jail, jang? don't forget that this isn't the first time you've broken a literal law!"
wonyoung merely shrugged, a cocky smile on her lips, "you're just afraid you'll miss me."
you grabbed a new piece of paper, stood up, and pushed it on her chest, "get your shit together. not even your daddy can pull you out of the mess you want to create." but wonyoung was not at all threatened! see, she has always thought that as much as you were a pain in her ass for always scolding her about what she wore, her attitude, and everything... you were still hot. and to you, even when wonyoung was the bane of your existence, you still wanted her badly deep down (pretty, charismatic, cute smile... who could ever resist?), so you didn't complain at all when she suddenly grabbed your waist and kissed you 😳😳
it was messy, what with wonyoung biting your lips and forcing her tongue in your mouth,,, and it wasn't until she lifted you on top of your desk that she finally pulled away, busying her hands with unbuttoning your shirt, her lips now on your neck,,, the way she wouldn't stop teasing you 😭😭 "d'you get me in trouble just so you can have me alone? you could have just told me that you wanted me, prez." shes so annoying 😩
shhdfdkffbf wony marking you all over and you complaining about it 😭😭 AND YOU'RE ARGUING EVEN WHEN SHE HAS HER DICK INSIDE YOU BCS SHE'S TOO FAST OR SOMETHING 💀 you really have no fucking idea why girls throw themselves on her all the time when all she's focused on is her pleasure 🙄 but wony doesn't give a fuck, she's still pissed at you for making her look weak and small now 🫠🫠 so she doesn't care that her pace is too fast, or that she practically forced her big cock inside your tight walls, or that she left too many bite marks on your neck and shoulders... people were gonna know what happened here, and people will know that it was all her doing 😈
wony forcing your legs open for her while she pounds your cunt 🤤🤤🤤 but she's baby so she was whining and groaning in your ear, head buried on your shoulder bcs you feel really good :(( and she gets addicted to the way you say her actual name, totally different from the usual spiteful way you say 'jang', so she makes you say it again and again :((( your voice becoming the thing that grounds her but god she literally can't help but just ruin you so after coming together for the first time, wony immediately puts your legs on the ground and bends you over :((((
her saying mean things to you while she's destrying your cunt from behindddd 🫠🫠
"you're a f-fucking bitch, prez... i hate you.."
"be thankful that you're so pretty, and that this pussy is fucking sweet c-cuz.. ahh, fuck...! i would have gotten you expelled a long time ago... mhmm.. feels so good... so good..."
"from now on, i'm gonna make you my slut... i'm sure you'd like that, unnie.. j-jang wonyoung's cute little cocksleeve sounds more of a better title than student council president..."
needless to say, she fucks you stupid until detention was over! but since you still had stuco prez things to do until sundown, you had to stay in school and ofc wony did too 😁 tho you didn't complain this time bcs cockwarming her while you did your work and kissing her from time to time made everything a little less boring! 🤤
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xuchiya · 11 days
"Lean on Me" || choi san || one-shot
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| genre: non!idol ateez. fluff. slice of life | mentions: teasing. fainting. jewelry gift. | This is literally my high school delusions. My old school is literally an 'old school' school like no phones and computers, being in a relationship is not allowed, and big ass windows as our source of fans--- i mean we do have electric fans and ceiling fans but with the weather and a very old, close to dying, e-fans? We really have to depend on the wind from our windows. Anyways, this list is basically a true experience. My personal favorite? Song Mingi's.
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It was one of those lazy afternoons nearing the end of the school year. Normally, students were allowed to skip the last few days before summer break, but ever since the head of the high school department conducted an inspection, that freedom was gone. Now, everyone had to stay and use the remaining days to complete any missing requirements.
You were among those students, just a few subjects away from being done. You had been absent the previous week due to a health check-up, and as a result, you missed a few assignments and notes. The classroom was a mess—desks were scattered or arranged in odd shapes, some forming semi-circles where students were busy compiling assignments. Others had stacked chairs into strange structures, a testament to their boredom. Most of the faculty were either preoccupied with grading or caught up in the frenzy of graduation preparations for the seniors. The classroom felt emptier than usual, with many of your classmates still absent despite the new rules, or hanging out in other classrooms.
You were sprawled out on the floor, a book in hand to pass the time. Chaewon had her head comfortably resting on your lap, while Jongho had placed his nearly empty backpack on your leg and drifted into a deep sleep. Both of them often used you as a human pillow, their steady breathing filling the quiet space around you.
There were usually four of you together, but one of your friends was currently out practicing for the opening flag ceremony at the graduation. You understood that San had to fulfill his duties as the next student council officer, so you had prepared some clean clothes and extra food for him.
As you flipped to the next chapter of your book, you barely noticed the classroom door creak open until Choi San stepped in. He was the fourth member of your small group, and the most active when it came to extracurricular activities.
You glanced up from your book and took notice of his presence. His usual lively demeanor was dimmed by exhaustion, his face flushed and his hair slightly damp from sweat. He had just returned from practicing for the graduation flag ceremony, and it was obvious how much effort he had put into it.
San's eyes scanned the room and landed on you. A slight frown creased his forehead as he saw Jongho and Chaewon monopolizing your attention. Without a second thought, he walked over, reaching down to gently but firmly pull Jongho and Chaewon away one by one.
“Ehh~ Sannie!” Chaewon whined.
“Yah, hyung!” Jongho protested, but San's determination won out, and soon enough, you were freed from their grip. You chuckled as the two of them huffed and, resigned to their fate, leaned on each other instead.
You reached into your bag and handed San the extra clothes and towel you had prepared for him earlier. He smiled at the thoughtful gesture, his heart fluttering as he thanked you softly. Turning his back to you, he removed his sweat-soaked shirt. Your eyes widened in surprise, and you quickly hid behind your book, though you couldn’t resist peeking over the top. You caught a glimpse of his muscles flexing as he slipped into the fresh shirt, your heart racing despite yourself.
When he turned back around, you were quick to pretend you were still reading. San let out a tired sigh and plopped down beside you, his usual politeness momentarily forgotten. This time, instead of asking for permission as he normally would, he simply leaned against your shoulder, too exhausted to bother with formalities. You felt the warmth of his skin against yours, and although you were used to being leaned on by your friends, something about San was different. His presence was soothing, yet his closeness made your heart flutter.
“Sorry,” he mumbled after a moment, his voice muffled against your shoulder. “I’m just so tired.”
You smiled softly, shifting slightly to make him more comfortable. "It’s okay, Sannie-ah. Rest up." You gently draped the towel over his head, letting him relax further. His breathing slowed, and you could feel the tension leaving his body as he settled into a deep, peaceful rest.
As the classroom quieted around you, you realized that these moments—when the world seemed to slow down and it was just the two of you—were the ones you cherished the most. 
Closing the book and placing it on your lap, you look down on San’s relaxed figure before you place your head on top of his as you slowly find yourself in a short bliss of nap.
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xcerizex · 10 months
"How obvious it is when they like you."
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When the boys like someone who has a tendency to overthink. Imagine if you meet the boys in real life, you're not going to be certain that they actually like you unlike in the game and when they start flirting with you, you won't be able to take their flirting at face value at all. Horrible overthinking, which we all suffer from.
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Your first impression of him is that he's generally nice to everyone, you see. After several rounds of flustered panic attacks, you gave him a nickname.
"Central air conditioner"
(This basically refers to a person who's nice to everyone)
This is when you first meet of course, so it left you flustered whenever he'd say or do anything sweet.
Sometimes you'd spend one hour during class just... overthinking about it. Trying to crush those rose-colored glasses.
You tell yourself that he's just being really friendly, like the same way he's always helping someone out.
It's evident seeing how many teddy bears he's gifted on a daily basis lmao
It's only after seeing the obvious difference between how he treats you and others when he comes in strong, do you consider his actions as him being romantically interested in you.
That's when it starts being really obvious. Like, really, really obvious.
(Psst, Halloween event.)
Anyways, the one suffering the most here is him.
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It's pretty obvious.
Man won't take one foot out his house no matter how much anyone begs him to but the moment you invite him out for something silly he's at the door calling you slow.
Not exactly but you get my point.
A good thing about his blunt attitude is that it leaves little room for doubt. You don't have to think so much when interpreting his actions and words.
And you know you mean something special to him when he makes both small and big exceptions for you the way he wouldn't do for anyone else.
(Princess Day event)
In short, there's a lot less confusion because he's more forward in expressing his interest in you.
Like, whenever he'd tease you in a flirting manner on rare occasions, your brain starts to shortcircuit and it takes a few minutes for you to understand that he's doing it because he sees you in a romantic way before your face turns red.
He teases you for that too.
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I'd say it's more obvious than not, especially after you spend more time with him. Doesn't mean you don't get confused.
He was playful when you first met him so you never really took him seriously. Especially when you see the way other girls react when they're around him.
Not that you thought of him as a player of course, not at all. You always thought it was just his character. In fact, you found it sweet how he's always trying to support your dreams.
His support makes you wonder however. Sure he could just be interested in supporting a future artist, but sometimes you find his actions and words going beyond a simple sponsor.
It makes your head go around in circles. And it gets a whole lot worse whenever he does something so endearingly sweet, you know it's got nothing to do with business anymore.
It leaves you flushed red when you finally arrive to a proper conclusion after an hour of thinking.
He's going to be the death of you.
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Unlike the others, he is less obvious with his affection. He's much more subtle in regards to showing it.
He's extremely attentive when it comes to you and it shows. He'll frequently remind you to take care of your health, offer to grab a small bite for you when you mentioned you've skipped breakfast, and gently reprimands you when you don't take care of yourself enough at times, saying how important your wellbeing is to yourself, and to him.
These small acts of concern are so sweet it leaves your brain in an overdrive. You chalk it up to him being a responsible, duty-bound Student Council President and stay in denial for a good long while.
Many times you'd just start banging your head against the wall in order to not get your hopes up cuz' he's just so damn caring.
It's only when you realize that his care for you is particularly more affectionate and intimate, do you actually start believing that he likes you in a romantic way.
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Where do I start with this man?
His entire existence is a cryptic puzzle, his feelings are not gonna be any easier to pinpoint lmfao.
He's your guardian so naturally it's going to be harder for you to see him in a romantic light.
He could literally say "I love you" and you'd think internally;
'As a dad?'
No wonder this man's not a LI until like, the third world lol.
While I wouldn't say it isn't obvious, his character makes it hard to discern his true feelings.
As time passes and if he's willing to accept his own feelings, his romantic affection for you becomes more apparent. It doesn't show, you just feel it.
It makes you wonder if you're being delusional. Sometimes you'd throw your pillow across the room whenever you started thinking about it. You'd call it absurd the moment you start believing that, maybe, just maybe, Cael sees you in a romantic way.
You're screaming into the sheets again. This is not going to be resolved anytime soon.
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(Bonus!) William:
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Oh, you get very confused.
William's the friendliest person on the block so it takes awhile for you to realize you mean something special to him.
Another "central air conditioner" ig?
Whenever he would go out of his way to help you, you tell yourself it's nothing special. That he would do the same for anyone because that's just how he is.
But one time you told him you'd fallen sick over text, literally ten minutes later he shows up at your door all sweaty with bags of medicine lined up on his arms because he forgot to ask what sort of sickness you had.
You spend the rest of your sick day mulling over if that meant anything because you literally cannot fathom if this was something he'd do for anyone else.
He does a lot of big things for the people he likes, but if it's for someone where it's beyond a simple friendship, you start to notice the smaller details in his actions.
It leaves your heart in a flurry and your mind in tangled threads. His actions however, are not bold enough to stop your thoughts from running the mile.
But trust me when I say that his feelings are more obvious to you than they are to himself.
So until he realizes his own feelings, you're both stuck. But once he does, he'll go all out to show you just how special you are to him.
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Silent Reverence (Rollo x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Mild injury, light angst (arguing), Glorious Masquerade event mentioned Note: Can you spot the two movie references in this fic?
Your heart jumped at the sudden sound, then sank when you realized it was one of pain. “Do you need me to walk slower?” you asked, stalling your pace for a moment. 
The man, whose arm was slung around your shoulder for support, practically hopping on one foot with you as his crutch, scoffed the suggestion. “You think me too weak to keep up such a undermanding pace?” 
“That’s not what I-”
“I do not require such coddling.” Those dark, cold eyes stared ahead as he took one clumsy step - hop - forward. “Come - we are close to a seat.” 
He said it as though he were the one leading you. Honestly, when did his audacity end? You kept your frustrations to yourself as you guided him along, right up to an empty bench near the pool. Thankfully the area there was shaded, or the concrete below your feet would have scalded both your heels by now. With zero grace, you both slumped onto the long bench; a sigh released from you two as the weight of the other was lifted as you separated. For a brief minute, you simply sat there and caught your breath. Before that respite was even over, however, you rolled your head to the side to look at the one beside you. 
“Rollo,” he hazarded you a glance as you spoke, “do you want some water? You can sip on it while I go get some bandages; I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”
There was a flicker of irritation in those gray orbs, but he didn’t voice it for the time being. He just sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall behind the bench, sun hat now slumped to one side, and answered with, “If you would.” 
Though your legs protested as you stood, you went out in search of the refreshing beverage. While you had to shell out eight madol for the small bottles of water, you didn’t complain. Instead, you quickly went back to Rollo and handed him one of the plastic bottles. He opened his eyes to greet you, and gave a small nod in what you supposed was thanks as he took it from you. You watched him hastily, yet elegantly open the bottle and take three big gulps. Just like that, half the water was gone - a third of yours was to follow as you drank from your bottle. After a deep exhale, you closed your bottle and spoke to Rollo again. 
“I’m going to go to the lobby and ask the receptionist if they can lend me a first aid kit. I’ll be right back - don’t move.” 
“Tch,” Rollo clicked his tongue with a roll of his eye. “As if I were fit to do anything more.” 
So, off you went to get those medical supplies - all whilst trying to suppress the irritation that grew within you. 
“Ah!” Rollo’s sharp yelp was followed by a hiss as he glared down at you. “That hurts!” 
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt if you’d stay still!” you shot back, tone just as cutting. 
Rollo’s face morphed into a scowled as he practically growled in anger. “Well, you and those you call housewardens should have kept a closer eye on your students. If you had, I would not be in this predicament!” 
It took all your strength not to throw the roll of bandages in his face. “You were the one running around the edge of the pool, where a ‘No Running’ sign was plastered on every wall. Riddle was just about to take care of Ace, and I Grim, when you came stomping over. As the president of your school’s student council, I thought you would pay more attention to bright white signs with big black letters and a slipping stick figure on them.”
Just as you were about to finish the tie on Rollo’s bandage, he suddenly stood. His hands were balled into fists, teeth grit so hard you thought they might crack. Despite that angry look, his tone was level, authoritative - he spoke to you as if you were some child. “I have had quite enough of you. Step aside - I will seek care else-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you shot up in front of him, face mere inches from his. Your eyes were like knives as they bore into him, pierced his very soul. So, too, was your voice level and demanding, though it came with a pointed edge that, if you were calm enough, would shock even you. “Sit down and shut up.” Rollo’s scowl melted into a stunned look, likely because no one had spoken to him in such a way before. He said not a word as he kept your stern gaze and slowly lowered himself back onto the bench. You followed him down, and when you knelt before him again, you threatened, “Move out of that seat, speak to me like that again, and I’ll give you something worse than a sprained ankle.”
There was a long silence between the two of you after that. In that time, you finished wrapping Rollo’s ankle, which had now begun to bruise. You were tempted to tie the knot a little tighter than what was required, just to get back at him, but you refrained. Despite how he spoke to you, Rollo was injured - you couldn’t be too petty. When you made sure the knot was secure, you quietly packed the bandages and pain relief ointment back into the little bag the receptionist had given you. As you closed the bag with the snap, you said, “Your ankle will probably swell a bit for a few days. Just keep off of it as much as you can; if it gets too painful, or if the bruise becomes worse than normal, you might want to see a doctor.” 
You didn’t even look up to see if Rollo heard you; his eyes had been upon you since he sat down, so you knew you had his full attention. As you stood from your spot on the ground and dusted off your knees, you added, “I’ll tell you vice president and assistant where you are. You said they were by the lazy river?” 
“...yes.” Rollo’s voice was hushed, as though he were hesitant to answer. 
“It shouldn’t take them too long to get here and help you up then.” You still refused to look at him as you turned to leave. “Hope your ankle heals soon.” You took a step away from the bench -
You froze at the sound of your name - of Rollo calling you by name. In the past, he only called you Prefect, or some other formal title you couldn’t recall. Sometimes you even wondered if he knew your name; his utterance of it just answered your suspicions. For the first time in the past several minutes, you glanced over at him. His expression appeared monotone, the usual for him, but there was a distinct…softness about it. In those dark gray orbs was a plea for forgiveness - a hidden respect. Well, that was something you never expected, especially in your direction. 
“Thank you,” his gaze flicked down to his ankle, “for your care.” 
You pushed the surprise to the back of your mind as you gave a shrug of your shoulders. “There was a possibility no one else would, at least when it comes to the ones from NRC. While you did apologize at the end of the masquerade, there are many who don’t hold you in a high regard.” Your eyes narrowed in a show of warning. “Unless you start treating the students like you would your own, instead of dogs or, as you put it, ‘heathens’, that opinion will never change.”
“If you will permit me to ask,” your gazes locked once more as he questioned, “why is your opinion any different?” 
You thought it over for a moment… “Honestly, I don’t know,” you admitted. A light chuckle fluttered at the edge of your words as you suggested, “Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment? It would fit for all things I’ve put up with since enrolling at the college - since I got there.” Although some of that previous frustration still lingered within you, a smile twitched at your lips. “Or maybe because, like me, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. You said you would repent for your mistakes, right?” 
“That is my intention,” Rollo affirmed with a small nod of his head. 
“Well, you have your chance.” You turned to leave, but not without a final warning. “Don’t screw it up with your ego.” 
Then you walked away without another word. Rollo also remained silent, though you could feel his eyes follow you until you disappeared back into the hotel. They did not cut into your back like a knife, as they had many times before; instead, you felt as though it was out of something else. You couldn’t say what, however. For now, you simply let it slip from your mind as you went to inform Rollo’s cohorts of his accident. Maybe, just maybe, you could also convince Ace and Grim not to gossip about Rollo’s fall. 
“Henchmen!” Grim called out from beside the door to your hotel room. “There’s a lady here - she’s got something for you.” 
Your face scrunched in confusion as you approached the door. A bit of dread lingered in your heart as well. You really hoped it wouldn’t be something from Crowley, likely asking you to take on some task while you were supposed to be vacationing with the others. This was a school-wide trip, after all, and that included you. You swore, if this was yet another chore, you’d-!
“Can I help you?” you asked the lady at the door, in the most polite way despite the plots of doom that swirled in your head. 
“These are for you.” The lady, one you recognized from the hotel lobby, presented a bouquet of flowers with a smile. It was huge! To prevent it from falling to the ground, you had to cradle it like a baby! 
“U-Um…thank you?” You felt a little awkward at the whole situation. “Why am I receiving these?” 
“A young man asked for them to be delivered to you,” she replied. “You can check the notecard in the flowers.” She gave you a small bow before she turned to depart. “Have a good day!” 
“Y-You too.” You had to kick the door to close it - you didn’t want to risk dropping the flowers. Thankfully, Grim stepped out of your way as you headed to your bed, but he followed close behind.
“Why would someone send you flowers?” Those big blue eyes narrowed as he placed his paws on his hips. “What did you do?” 
“No idea,” you answered to both his questions. Now sitting on the bed, you examined the bouquet closely. There were various types of flowers: pink roses, lavender, blue hyacinths, lily of the valley, white tulips, forget-me-nots. This was certainly an expensive bouquet, a well-crafted one as well. You were sure there was some meaning to them; not too long ago, Rook had expressed to you the language of flowers. You made a note to visit him later for an analysis. You plucked the notecard the lady had mentioned before and added, “But we’re about to find out.” 
Grim hopped up onto the bed and took a seat next to you. You could feel him peek around you to try and get a look at the card - the one that now had your mouth agape. “What? What is it?!” Grim struggled to get a better look. “Let me see!” 
His words were like whispers in the wind. The message was not exactly what froze you on the spot - it was the signature below it. The identity of the sender of this generous, meticulously crafted bouquet, specially made for you. 
I hope this bouquet is not ill gotten by you; that it is sent at an inopportune time. I pray it finds you in good health, that it may express my gratitude for your service the day prior - and my deepest apologies for my behavior. I realize you are not one to be taken lightly…not one I should look down upon. These flowers are ones I grow in a garden back on my campus. Let them spell out the words I am unable to utter in your presence. Pray, too, that they are to your liking. May the rest of your days on this trip be filled with respite and peace. 
-Rollo Flamm
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xiaomainlmao · 11 months
Summary- Akashi Seijuro, the man with a split personality, meets a person who has no personality. Basically, Dissociative Identity Disorder vs Depersonalization-derealization disorder.
No matter how big or small, it's the one main thing that can lead to personality disorders.
And no matter how dull your eyes looked when he forced you to look up, he knew that there was something behind your irises that resembled what he sees in his own reflection in the mirror.
Akashi Seijuro, the first year student council president, captain of the Rakuzan basketball team, the man feared by everyone in the school including his seniors. It was near impossible to surprise him, he seemed unfazed by everything.
And yet, his heterochromatic eyes were dilated. He stared into your own eyes, which showed no signs of any emotion whatsoever- no fear, no respect, not even surprise when he suddenly shoved your shoulder and forced you to look towards him.
He was tired of how you only responded to his words with a simple "mhm" as you did whatever reasonable job was asked of you. He was annoyed that you didn't show him the same level of respect as everyone else did in your class. And he was frustrated with how you just seemed to not care about his presence.
He needed answers.
And he did get answers, without you having to say anything.
"Tch," he walked away.
He had an urge to talk to you, be around you and find out exactly what lead you to be like this, just so he could feel like there's at least someone out there who would understand him. But he suppressed his urges.
He'd hear Oreshi's voice every once in a while, suggesting Bokushi to open up a bit, but as long as it was Bokushi in control, Akashi Seijurou would never let his pride fall.
"Maybe if I lose, if that ever happens." he'd scoff in reply, as he looked at himself when he washed his face before heading to bed. "If that ever happens..."
The Winter Cup was just around the corner. And as expected, Rakuzan made it to the finals without breaking a sweat. People from their school were there in the stadium, cheering them on throughout the matches, but Akashi noticed that there were also some who stopped showing up after a couple matches.
And he wouldn't have been bothered by it if you weren't one of them. All he wants was acknowledgement from someone like him, and yet here he is, facing off against his former teammates, knowing they wouldn't understand everything that runs through his mind.
Bokushi and Oreshi truly were like two sides of a coin, opposite but cannot live without each other. They were half of a whole of what made Akashi. But that also caused him to be confused about his own feelings. While both seeked attention, Oreshi wanted it to be out of understanding, while Bokushi wanted respect. Prideful was Bokushi but with a considerate Oreshi in the way, Akashi couldn't help but get swayed away often.
In the end, Rakuzan lost to Seirin in the Winter Cup. Bokushi accepted his loss as Oreshi was free to be in control again.
"What happened to your hair?"
Akashi found himself in front of you. He hadn't given it much thought, letting his instincts, his need, drive him this once.
He seemed to have changed a lot. But you on the other hand, seemed the same as ever as you sat there, alone, in the school courtyard, your lunch on your lap. That same, expressionless expression...
"Listen, I just want to talk."
"Oh, is this you letting go of your pride?" you took a bite of your food. "Wow, what happened?"
"Just thought of changing some things up. I hardly doubt that's abnormal."
You just hummed in response and continued staring into the distance. Akashi was feeling nervous. This is the one time he's willing to let go of his pride, so he better utilize it to the fullest. "Do you mind if I join you?"
"Sure, this spots empty anyway."
"What about your friends?"
"They're probably eating together, somewhere. I don't know, and I don't really care. All I want is to look at that bird nest over there."
Akashi followed your finger to the bird nest, where two baby birds sat, cuddling up to a much bigger bird. Then he looked back at you and the way your eyes were glimmering at the sight.
Huh, maybe you do show some emotions. And, if he were being completely honest, then even his eyes were probably glimmering at the sight. It was pretty peaceful after all.
"Say, Akashi-san, do you have an interest in the concept of 'still life'? It may seem boring to some, but it can bring a lot of peace to some others."
"I haven't heard too much about it, but would love to know more. Please do continue, yn."
Most of Akashi's conversations included work. To be able to talk about something so casual was a bit foreign to him, but he certainly didn't mind it. He hadn't realized how easy it was for him to get along with you. Was it because he'd grown used to your unfazed nature towards him and and his position? Was it because he realized that being seen as just another person isn't so bad after all? That he doesn't always need to assert his superiority as he was told to by Bokushi and his father?
Healing is conditional. It takes time and the right people. And maybe, choosing to be here with you might be his first step.
He's not sure whether this is Oreshi's consideration or Bokushi's pride, but he doesn't even want think about it, because right now, he's sure of one thing.
He wants to help you both get through whatever together.
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exrellian · 7 months
MC Replaced AU
My first tumblr fic so please let me know if there is something I can do better or fix!! I will get better with time but I would love some advice! This will start like an average replaced AU but it will have a twist that I haven’t seen in any other fic
The first part is third person but it won’t remain that way! Also it is male MC (there aren’t enough male MC fics out there and it makes me sad)
TW: None for this one except some REALLY minor angst at the end!
Part 1
Welcome to the Devildom
A normal day, as normal as a day can be in the Devildom, the only slightly different thing was a meeting with Lord Diavolo scheduled for the first period at RAD.
“Do we all have to go to this meeting? Can’t MC just give me the rundown after school?”
“No Leviathan, Lord Diavolo made it clear we all have to be there.” Lucifer shoots a glare at the sulking envy demon. A mandatory meeting that required not only all the brothers to attend but also the exchange students, it must be something relatively important to require all the attendees.
The walk to RAD was average, mammon talking to MC, Satan reading as he walked and getting distracted by any stay cats he saw on the way, Leviathan playing a game on his phone, and Beel chowing down on some extra snacks.
Barbatos greeted the group at the door, welcoming them into the Student Council room where the angels already waited
“Hello everyone! I’m glad to see you all made it! I have a very special announcement to make today” As Diavolo started MC tilted his head
“I’m sorry to interrupt but you said we all made it but… Solomon isn’t here?”
“Solomon had business in the human world so he has returned for a few months and won’t be attending this years exchange program” Barbatos explained
“It is unfortunate but there is nothing we can do about it, work is work!” The lord gave his normal, joyful smile as he spoke “His absence does bring some good news though! We have accepted a new human exchange student!” As if purposely timed, a portal opened up and out shot a human girl, immediately MC noticed just how beautiful she was, long blonde hair, a perfect slim body, and the most beautiful blue eyes MC had ever seen.
“Where am I? Who are all of you!?” She looked around frantically, her eyes landing on MC, quickly running over to him “You look normal! What’s going on? Where am I!?” Her arms flung around MC, hiding from the demons
“Haha, please calm down hun, your not in any danger” MC smiled, trying to reassure the new girl
“I’m am glad you already seem to trust MC!” Diavolo laughs, crossing his arms “Welcome Amelia, to the Devildom, you have been chosen to participate in our exchange program at RAD. I am Diavolo, the prince of the Devildom, it is a pleasure to meet you” The new human, Amelia, seemed to relax a slight bit, enough to come out from hiding behind MC but still tightly grasping his hand
“Is this… hell? Are you all demons?”
“Technically, yes, this is hell and yes, we are demons” Lucifers replies, his presence intimidating as ever
“MC, Amelia will be staying in the House of Lamentation with you for the time being, keeping her with you may help her get accustomed to living here quicker, do you mind sharing a room with her?” Diavolo asked, but MC knew it wasn’t really a question, there was no answer other than yes
“Sure, I don’t mind, my room is definitely big enough for both of us” MC smiled, glancing over to see if Amelia was okay with this arrangement, by the small smile in her face it seemed she was content
“MC, Mammon, I want the two of you to show Amelia around and get her used to RAD and the House of Lamentation” Lucifer said, looking back and forth between Mammon and MC
“What? Why me!? Can’t MC do it alone? They have been here for like… two years! They know the place well enough!” Mammon complained, not really wanting anything to do with the new girl, he had MC! Why would he need another human?
The tour went… well
Amelia really likes Mammon
And it seems like he likes her a lot too.
Tags: @cutest-tenshi
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mimimui · 1 year
hii !!! love your works <3 can you do jing yuan and buko pie ? (i actually had that for dessert today hehe) THANKS !!!
headaches (and heartaches, but he won't admit it) (honkai star rail)
student council president!(character/s) & troublemaker!reader
includes: jing yuan
tags: mi's 1k, modern au, secret pining, endearments (used by reader), not proofread
a/n: i'm writing again aaa it's been one heck of a month... so much has happened and now i'm opening up tumblr again! i am still going to be writing for my 1k because i owe u guys one .. enjoy !
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jing yuan was always level-headed, that's why he's such a good student council president. but he loses his cool whenever he's around a certain student.
"pres! good morning," you greet, running up to jing yuan who was also walking to school. he nodded his head in acknowledgement before looking you up and down.
"you're not wearing our uniform correctly." of course, as the president, he has to make sure all the students follow the rules. the dresscode is a very simple one, yet it's always your problem.
your polo was always untucked in some way, your shoes barely make it into the accepted type, you never wore your school id, and your hair wasn't as neat as it was supposed to be.
other students seeing you stand next to jing yuan was... something. there was a very clear difference in your uniform and overall attitude. "(y/n) can never stay still," he says about you.
"so... nothing new," you hum, your smile never leaving your face as you continue walking beside him. you chat his ear off with mundane topics like the weather, but he isn't paying attention.
he would—could—never admit that he's slightly interested in you. no matter how many times he scolds you, you will never change the way you act.
though he'd much rather have all the students follow the rules, there will really be people that don't. he can't help it, he thinks, since there are a lot that don't care for the rules.
"you're not wearing your blazer today," he says politely, but it elicits a big reaction from you. you curse yourself internally, mumbling a few words under your breath.
"that's what i forgot this morning..."
"you could wear our entire uniform wrong, but berate yourself for forgetting the blazer?" jing yuan chuckles, which you take as an insult.
"i'll have you know-" you got cut off when he drapes his own blazer around your shoulder, making sure it's resting snuggly on your shoulders. he continues on like nothing happened.
"...that it's cold in my classroom. what are you doing?" you ask, confused. that doesn't mean you give him back his blazer, no, you welcome it with open arms. but it's not bad to be curious.
"i'll see you later, (y/n)." he smiles sweetly, giving you a small wave before going inside the school. you stood at the gates, left to think about his actions.
"you're weird, jing yuan..." you mumble, adjusting the blazer with his name neatly embroidered on the heart.
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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ryxiez · 2 years
Too Much Work
Lucifer x gn!Reader
1.6k words
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Lucifer has been seemingly more distant than usual as you barely ever see him around the house anymore. It also worried you that Mammon’s name was yelled through the halls lesser than usual and it was hard to believe that Mammon was actually behaving himself.
After a few days of this, you figured that perhaps something was wrong, possibly Diavlo managed to dump another huge pile of student council work on the poor demon.
You figured that was the case due to the amount of meetings the council has been holding lately. There was probably a lot going on now that it's almost “summer break” break time and they have to plan events. (even though there really is no summer in Devildom).
On the other hand, Lucifer has slowly begun to skip more and more meals. This meant you were always bringing him anything you could save from the grasps of the other brothers. Especially Beel. He even enjoyed your human world cooking the most so it was odd to see him miss out on the delicacies you provided.
However, this time you managed to save a decent amount of food by giving Beel some Grimm to get desserts at Madam Screams with his twin brother, who you also had to pay to go. He was so overjoyed that he started drooling a bit and ran off with a sleepy in Belphie in tow.
You shook your head with a smile and started to make your way up the stairs, each step felt painfully long and loud with the lightly creaky floor boards. However, you still tried to be as quite as possible because running into another one of the 4 brothers would be a big obstacle that you didn’t want to deal with.
When you arrived at the secret passage in the library, with no strings attached, a sigh of relief left your lungs. One of your hands was full with a dinner plate so with your other you knocked three times. (my memory is fuzzy and can't really remember how you get into his secret office thing so just bare with me on this one)
"Hey Lucifer, it's me, MC!" You slightly raised your voice so he could hear you through the door, "uhhh, it was my turn to make dinner tonight so I managed to save you some!"
Of course you would always knocked on Lucifer's door. You knew better once you saw what happened to the other brothers multiple times when they tried to sneak into Lucifer's room.
After letting the demon become aware of your presence outside, an audible sigh was heard from the inside and then,
"Come in." The voice you knew all too well called from inside.
One that note, you managed to open the door without dropping the plate, balancing it in your other hand. You then made your way to his desk as a slight smile was shown on your face.
Lucifer's posture was not the best as he had a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose with a pen in his hand. A bunch of papers scattered across large desk.
"My apologies, you know I don’t mean to seem rude by missing out on your dinner. I hope you know that you truly are my favorite chef in this entire house, but Diavolo needs all these papers read through and signed by tomorrow’s council meeting." He explained.
"Don't worry, I already know you weren't trying to be rude. I figured that paperwork must have been the issue anyway, so now I am here to save the day." You inquired as a playful small flashed across your face.
You took the papers in the middle of the desk and brushed them aside making space for the warm dinner plate still in your hand. You tried not to mess his work up too much but you didn't want anything to spill off the plate as it was kind of packed to the brim with food.
"MC, what are you doing?" The blacked hair demon questioned and slightly raised his eyebrow at you in response.
"Making sure you eat, that's all. And while you do that I'll be working on whatever needs to be done so it's almost like you didn't take a break at all!" You explained as you reached over and took Lucifer's reading glasses off his head, resting them upon your nose instead. Lucifer seemed ticked off at first but he knew he couldn't get mad, you were only being playful and trying to help.
A soft but yet deep chuckle left his lips as he shook his head at you, yet he still picked up the utensils and began to eat the food you prepared anyway.
You were standing next to the side of his desk trying to read the papers that were in English, but many of them happened to be in the language the demons seemed to use regularly, so you couldn't understand much.
A sigh escaped your lips, "I'm sorry Lucifer but I don't understand even half these documents.." you said as you looked defeated. Lucifer finished this plate of food quickly and set it aside, now ready to get back to work yet again.
"Don't worry, I didn't expect you to. However, it was amusing to watch you try to read them in confusion." He chuckled again as he stole his reading glasses back, "Why don't you take a seat, you've been standing this whole time."
You looked around his study but the only seat happened to be the one he was sitting in.
Confused you asked, "Um.. where do you want me to sit? I mean I could just sit on the floor if that's ok?" Your response came out more like a question than you intended.
"You humans are so clueless sometimes." Lucifer said as he shook his head in amusement.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean!" You wined a bit at his snarky comment.
The demon patted the spot on his lap signaling that he wanted you to sit... there. Your face heated up a tad as your mouth made an "oh", realizing what he meant all along.
"A-.. Are you sure? I mean I don't want to disturb you..." You stuttered a bit, making you even more embarrassed by the situation.
"You said you wanted to help me right? I'm not saying you have to do anything, but having you near me would be beneficial." Lucifer explained with a smirk across his face.
"Fine." Was all you said as you climbed into the demons lap. You straddled his waist and rested your head on his shoulder as your hands gently rested on his sides, wrapping around him. After you were situated he wrapped one arm around your waist as well, his dominant hand then picking up the previously dropped pen and began working again.
You could've sworn you felt him leave a small kiss on your head, but maybe you were imagining things. You were tired after all.
Breathing in his cologne made you feel more relaxed than ever. You let out a soft sigh as your eyelids left heavy and your breathing started to slow down and even out. After just a few minutes you were out like a light in a peaceful sleep. Lucifer didn't notice until after some time. His hand cramped up a bit so he took a second to place the pen down, but when he looked down at you, his eyes softened.
He checked the time on his watch and realized that it was later than he thought it was. Picking you up with you still against his chest, he brought you down the hall to where your own room was located. Opening the door strategically with you still in his arms, he made his way over to your comfy bed and set you down as gently as possible.
Once you were laid down nicely, he softly brushed stray hair from your face. It was no doubt that you happened to be a descendent of Lilith, you definitely had the most angelic features Lucifer had ever laid eyes upon.
Just as he was about to leave your side and head back to his study, you stirred in your sleep, noticing the warmth he provided you was gone.
"Please... please stay." Was all you managed to mumble out as you slightly reached your tired hand out him. He took a second to think about your offer.
"Fine but only this once." He said, too exhausted to fight back.
He removed his suit coat and hung it on the edge of the bed frame and placed his other articles of clothing at the foot of the bed. By the time he was done he was left in his button down dress shirt and boxers. He was a bit embarrassed to sleep with you in this minimal amount of clothing, but he wouldn't be able to ever get comfortable and sleep in a suit and dress pants.
Once he laid down next to your figure, you instinctively cuddled close to his chest missing his warmth already. Lucifer smiled as he looked down at you as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. With a heavy sigh, he relaxed as well and wrapped both his arms around your waist, bringing you even closer than before. He knew that he never wanted to let you go.
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bobawitch · 3 months
Highschool Battlefield | C.S
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem reader <3
cw: none!
wc: 2,379
a/n: OMG YALL IM SO SORRY! i did not mean to disappear off the face of the earth thats so my bad. life got crazy and my writers block was unrelenting. but heres the first chapter in a chris fic that ive been working on off and on. hope yall enjoy ;P
Chapter One:
You always had a distaste for “normal” highschool activities like pep rallies and homecoming afterparties. Which landed the question of why were you here? At the homecoming pep rally for your highschool. Well that was easy, your best friend Allison had dragged you. She had begged you for the last week and a half to come and eventually you gave in. Now Allison was the literal opposite of you, popular, bubbly. She was the girl everyone loved, and you were her best friend that no one understood. Most of the school just knew you as Allie’s friend, it wasn’t uncommon for people to not even know your name. She had it all, the style, the boyfriend, the grades, she was head of student council as well as head cheerleader. Honestly sometimes you wondered why she was your best friend, you were nothing like her. You were the outcast art kid that could have amazing grades if they cared, but you didn’t. Honestly if you hadn’t met Allie in 2nd grade you doubt y’all would’ve become friends. So now you sat on the top of the bleachers watching Allie lead the cheerleaders in their big routine, the football boys sitting on the front of the bleachers as the rest of the school screamed and cheered. Even though the homecoming pep rally was mainly for the football team the other sports teams were encouraged to wear their jerseys. Among the jocks you saw Chris, anybody that was anybody knew who Chris Sturniolo was. Potentially the most popular lacrosse player in the whole school, and way out of your social group. Though his older triplet brother Nick was a good friend of Allie’s so sometimes you’d cross paths. Your eyes drifted from his messy curls over to Allie and her beaming smile. You grinned to yourself, looking down at the sketchbook in your lap. A small sigh escaped your lips as your thumb pushed the volume button on your phone. Djo blared in your ears and you closed your eyes, laying your head back against the wall.
As you drifted into your own imaginary world you felt someone tap your shoulder and your eyes shot open. You were met with Allie’s big blue eyes and toothy white smile. You nodded at her as she sat next to you. “Hey.” You mumbled, tugging your earbuds out of your ear by their chord. You grabbed the pencil out of the ring of your sketchbook, opening it to the page of doodles of people in the auditorium. “I’m so glad you came Y/N!” Allie nearly yelled into your ear. You smiled over at her. “You’re my best friend, of course I came!” You shouted back. She grinned, leaning her head on your shoulder as her boyfriend came up to her. Jackson, Allie’s boyfriend, head of the football team. They were textbook prom queen and king. You gave a half smile at Jackson as he nodded to you, pulling Allie back to her feet. “Hey babe, the sports teams are going to get some pizza, wanna come?” Allie nodded before looking back at you. “Yep! And you’re coming with Y/N.” You looked up, your eyes fluttering in a confused look. “Uh, no thanks I’m good.” Allie shook her head and grabbed your arm, tugging you to your feets and causing your pencil to drop next to your docs. You sighed, Allie got like this sometimes, where she’d decide it was her turn to pick what we did. You slowly bent to grab your pencil and stuff it along with your sketchbook, back into your bag. You then adjusted the ratty flannel that clung to your arms as Allie let Jackson lead her away, following closely behind. You loved Allie but whenever she tried to force you into going places with Jackson and her cheerleader friends you felt a bit out of place. It was overall uncomfortable for you and usually no one would talk to you. 
Soon enough the 3 of you arrived at a pizza place by your school and you stepped out of the car. A singular earbud securely tucked into your ear as Allie and Jackson pranced into the place, arm and arm. You crossed your arms as you walked in afterwards, finding a seat at the end of the table where some of the hockey and lacrosse players sat. You pulled out your sketchbook and began drawing again, peering into the back where a tall boy with black hair flipped some pizza dough. You quickly began a sketch of the boy, it was a hobby of yours to just sketch the people around you. It was so common that you had almost managed to draw everyone in your small high school. “That’s really good.” You jumped slightly from the sudden voice, looking up and being met with bright blue eyes. You stared at none other than Chris Sturniolo who met your gaze before looking behind him to see the boy you were drawing. “You’re really good at drawing.” He spoke again. “Oh uh, thanks. It’s just a hobby.” You shrugged, suddenly feeling the need to put your sketchbook away. He watched as you slid your sketchbook closed, setting down your pencil. “You’re Allie’s friend right?” He kept eye contact with you as you looked at the rest of the table. All of his teammates were chatting and laughing and yet here he was looking at you. “Uh, yeah.” You finally answered his question, looking at Allie who was talking to Chris’s other brother, Matt. Matt was on the hockey team with the triplet’s friend Nate, though you could still feel Chris’s eyes boring into the side of your face. “Does Allie’s friend have a name?” He spoke once more, causing you to turn. “Oh, sorry. Yeah hi, I’m Y/N.” You quickly muttered out. You weren’t good with socializing and you couldn’t quite wrap your head around why Chris Sturniolo of all people was talking to you. “I’m Chris. Nice to meet you Y/N.” You smiled lightly before looking down again, staring at the cover of your sketchbook. “Oh Y/N you met Chris?” Allie was suddenly sitting shoulder to shoulder with you, smiling with joy. “Uh, yeah.” She smiled and leaned closer to Chris. “You’ll have to excuse her, she’s not very social.” She said, nudging you playfully. You rolled your eyes before nudging her back, a smile tugging at your lips. “I am too, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to talk to me here.” You rebutted, looking at Chris again. His lips were tugged into a playful smirk. You rubbed your nose, your rings gently clicking against your septum piercing. You looked back towards where the pizza boy was, he had since left causing a sigh to escape your lips. “Did your muse disappear?” Chris teased from across you. You rolled your eyes. “Not my muse, I just like drawing candids.” “Then draw me.” You scrunched your nose, furrowing your eyebrows as you studied the boy’s face. “Uh no.” You shook your head, slowly opening your sketchbook and swiping past the drawings of the pep rally. “Why not?” You could’ve been imagining it but you almost thought you heard genuine hurt in the boy’s voice. “Because.” You tried to search for a reason but honestly you didn’t know why you wouldn’t draw him. “Because why?” He leaned closer, his tone a teasing and playful one. You sighed and flipped to an open page. “I don’t draw people when they are posing for it.” It wasn’t your best argument but it would work. “First time for everything right?” You sighed, examining the blue-eyed boy that sat in front of you. You chewed on your inner cheek before giving in. “Ok fine. Just act like I’m not drawing you please.” 
Chris’s grin was impossible to hide as he bounced up and down in his chair. He cleared his throat before looking directly at you, apparently this was how he wanted you to draw. You shook your head, yet another sigh escaping your lips. “No, just start talking to your teammates and I’ll draw you. I don’t want to draw you staring at me.” He furrowed his brows, obviously confused as to why you cared so much but obliging anyway.
You stared at Chris’s features as your pencil danced along your sketchbook paper. You hated to admit it but Chris was actually pretty fun to draw. His hair swooped it a way that you enjoyed replicating. After about 20 minutes you had filled an entire page of your sketchbook with quickly drawn poses of Chris. You cleared your throat to catch his attention, him immediately stopping his conversation with his teammate and looking at you. He smirked when he noticed the clutch you had on your sketchbook. You slowly slid your sketchbook over to Chris before sliding your hand back. For some reason watching him inspect your drawings of him made you anxious, your heart beating out of your chest as you waited for some kind of reaction from the boy. He stared intently at the page before his hand gripped the edge of it. With a long ripping noise he pulled the page of drawings out of your sketchbook. You watched with an agape mouth as he folded it up and placed it securely in his pocket. “Thanks pretty girl.” He winked at you before turning to his teammate and beginning to speak again. You were absolutely stunned, staring blankly at the insanely popular boy. “Uh… yeah. Don’t mention it.” You looked over to your phone that lit up and frowned, taking your sketchbook and stuffing it in your bag. You stood, leaning over to Allie. “Dad called, I gotta get home. See you tomorrow.” Before you left the pizza place.
You gazed into your friend’s mirror, glaring daggers at your own reflection. Once again you found yourself questioning what you did to get into this predicament. You were in a black denim mini skirt with a black lace tank top hugging your curves, complimented by your signature fishnets and platform doc marten boots. You looked over to Allie’s bed where your green denim jacket laid. Quickly you grabbed it, snaking it around your arms before pulling it around your waist, hiding your torso from yourself. You hated when Allie made you dress up for things and today was no exception. Somehow you had talked Allie out of making you wear a big dress to homecoming but when you attempted to talk her out of making you go you were less successful. So you sighed and put on your least tomboy outfit before heading to Allie’s. She also insisted on doing your hair and makeup. You had sat as still as possible as the girl did a “clean girl” look on you. You quickly fixed it by adding some dark eyeliner and a little bit of liner on your waterline, darkening your eyes. Seemingly content with your look and her own, Allie dragged you to your truck. You had agreed to drive her so she could get wasted even if it meant you had to be at a high school dance completely sober. Not only that but Allie had already signed you up for going to at least one homecoming after party. 
Within no time you had gotten Allie to the school, helping her tipsy self out of your passenger seat before walking her over to Jackson. Jackson smiled at her and she quickly tackled him, smashing her lips against his. You cringed and looked away, making a fake gag face. You hated PDA, maybe just because you had never experienced it with someone, maybe because watching people swap saliva was gross. Who knows. After the two broke apart Jackson led Allie off towards the opening of the dance, looking back at you and nodding for you to follow. You looked down at your beat up boots before sighing and slowly dragging your feet to the front. Alison walked in with Jackson without a second glance at you, just expecting you to blindly follow her into your own personal hell. The overwhelming urge to cover your ears hit you like a ton of bricks, followed quickly by the smell of teenage sweat. You sighed walking over to a table that Allie had thrown her bag on. You sat down and pulled out your pocket sketchbook, grabbing your pencil from the messy bun you had thrown your hair into. You were granted a few fleeting moments of peace before you felt a tap on your shoulder. Upon swinging your head around you were met with a newly familiar pair of eyes. You felt your heart leap through your throat as you stared at the Sturniolo boy. “Hey pretty girl. Wasn’t expecting you to be at one of these, doesn’t seem like your thing.” He spoke in his usual charismatic way though he was forced to a near shout by the loud music. Chris held eye contact with you as he sat in the plastic chair next to you. “It’s not my thing, Allie made me come.” You replied to him in a shout, looking over to where Allie danced with her boyfriend. You sighed before looking back to Chris, a smirk still on his face. “Oh and stop calling me pretty girl. I have a name.” Chris chuckled, causing you to wonder if what you had said was funny. Chris opened his mouth to say something but before he spoke you felt a weight collapse on your shoulders. Your nose was immediately filled with the rosey perfume you knew Allie wore to events. Your hands moved up to hold her arms that had wrapped around you. “Hey Allie.” You said, Allie’s drunken giggling in your ears. She looked up and smiled at Chris. “Hii Chrissy!! I’m so glad you met Y/N, she’s so funnn.” You looked at Chris who was softly admiring you. Eyes darted away as your cheeks grew warmer. You stood, one hand still holding onto Allie’s arms and the other catching your sketchbook. “Come on Allie let’s go dance.” Allie smiled and moved her arms, grabbing your hand instead. You set down your sketchbook and gave a glance to Chris before walking off to the dance floor.
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anonymousdisco · 2 months
How’d I get Isikiad into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Three: Setting in Motion
(Y/N) POV:
Glitch hovered nervously by my side as I walked quietly through the halls to the library. “It seems as though you are being followed.” Glitch told me.
”Who is it?” I felt slightly uneasy as I communicated with glitch through thoughts since this wasn’t a part of the plan.
”It’s Barbatos the butler to Lord Diavolo. He’s following you discreetly. If I wasn’t a part of the system I wouldn’t have noticed.” Glitch explained to me.
”I see thanks for the tip. I’m sure I can work this to my advantage. Someone like Barbatos has to do everything himself so him seeing me help out around the school with things that are usually his concern would be great for laying later groundwork for my plan.” Now that I’m aware of him following I feel more confident in my success. I should have Lucifer on my side in a couple days rather than weeks with this development.
Once I reached the library thanks to Glitches help with directions I walk around the empty place putting books in the right spot. I also neaten the chairs that hadn’t been put up properly and even inspected the books that had been returned for damage. I kept note of everything I saw before leaving a notice for the librarian as well as a small baggie of cookies on her desk. I made sure to hum to myself as I worked efficiently also making sure to do all this effortlessly like I had been in such a routine for ages.
Barbatos POV:
I followed her silently like the Young Master had asked of me. I wondered if maybe she was sad because of her studies if she was so concerned she would be at school this early to go to the library and study. Usually only myself and the Young Master are here so early in the morning since he is the president of the student council as well as the headmaster of the school.
When she gets to the library it seems to be in a disaster. There were books in improper locations and almost none of the chairs were put up properly. Shockingly instead of studying I see her… cleaning. She’s cleaning the library at a level almost close to mine. I feel slightly impressed as well as surprised. It was nice that someone else was doing this. If it wasn’t for her I probably would have ended up needing to do this during my morning rounds of the school.
I watch as she takes notes on the books that have been returned damaged, and then left them along with some cookies on the librarians desk. I can’t help but chuckle with slight fondness for her being so sweet. 
“This won’t do…” I listen to her as she mumbles to herself. “I’m so behind today… I should’ve been here an hour ago but I slept in due to my migraines last night.” I saw her tear up in frustration at herself and it makes my heart twinge slightly to see such a young demon so sad. “How am I suppose to avoid being a burden when I can’t do something as simple as power through a migraine…?” I glare at her words, just who put such thoughts in such a sweet girls head? The Young Master was right as always, whatever upset her deserves to be **eliminated**. And if it’s a who rather than a what then the dungeon under the castle could always use another occupant. After all whoever harms a student council member is committing treason and slighting Lord Diavolo’s name which will not be allowed to go unpunished.
(Y/N) POV:
I keep my expression to be frustrated and sad despite wanting to smirk. This was almost too easy. I can’t wait to hear about his reaction to me being bullied. Thanks to Glitch I was now aware that Barbatos is now attributing my safety and happiness to Lord Diavolo’s honor. Which is a big achievement on my end since Barbatos is completely loyal to Lord Diavolo to a fault.
I make myself seem to be on the brink of tears but choking them back and putting what is clearly a fake smile on my face. “I’ll just have to do better in order to not be a disappointment for my brothers. Maybe today I can make one of them smile!” I make myself giggle in excitement. “Big Brother Mammon was so happy the last time I found his Goldie and returned it in secret to his room. Maybe if I do that again today he’ll be happy…? He’s been down lately so it’d make me happy to see him smile today.” 
I leave the library as the first bell for class rings before thinking to Glitch. “What’s my schedule…? And where do I get to my first class?”
”Your first class is Native Plants of Devildom Cultivation. It’s on the other side of the school outside in the schools greenhouse Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. On Tuesday and Friday it held in a classroom adjacent to the greenhouse that’s also connected to the school.” Glitch explained. “Today is Monday so you should turn right here and then keep going forward till you reach the stairs. Instead of going on the stairs enter the walkway next to them and up ahead will be your first class. I’ll explain your schedule as necessary.”
”Thanks Glitch. Am I still being followed?” I follow the direction given by glitch hurrying through the now crowed hallways. I make sure to look cute while hurrying though just in case.
”Yes you are.” Glitch says before she makes a ding sound and lights up further. “New mission: sprain your ankle before class starts. Reward: fifteen coins exchange in the system shop for perks and gear. Penalty: You will hallucinate for the rest of the school day various painful torture methods being preformed on you.”
”What?!” I ask shocked. “What kind of penalty is that?!”
”Sorry but I can’t control penalty’s. They’ll only occur if you don’t complete the mission though. And the fifteen points can get you atleast one buff level in the shop to help with your plan.” Glitch tries to cheer me up.
”I guess you’re right. And the hallways are so crowed that if I fall it’ll be hard to find it unusual. Plus if anyone finds out later my ankle was sprained the whole time then that’ll further my plan of making everyone first feel guilty. Mind giving me a nudge so the fall looks natural?” Glitch shoves me hard from behind while apologizing and I make sure to land wrong on my ankle which isn’t hard in the shoes I’m wearing.
Everyone ignores my fall and I can tell that my ankle hurts like a bitch right now. I make myself get up and walk normally anyways. Thankfully it’s not hard to hide pain despite being a demon now. “Why was it so easy to get hurt I thought demons were durable…?”
“Part of it is because I let your strength drop for a moment and the other part is that your older brothers haven’t imbued you in their magic to protect you like they should have. Due to that you will not be a strong or durable as you should be.” Glitch explained. “By the way congrats on mission success. Fifteen coins have been added to your personal system shop account balance.”
”I’ll look at the shop after I get settled in class.” I enter the greenhouse and stop talking to glitch in my mind. I stand next to a pot like everyone else is and wait for class to start. While I wait I observe my surroundings. The green house is larger on the inside than it appears on the outside. It was atleast three stories now and was filled to the brim with all sorts of plants. The ones at the top were all deadly looking. It seemed like each floor was separated by levels of progress. Advanced at the very top and newbies at the bottom like me. Seemed like today was a testing day for placement on whether or not we advance. Being good at plants would be helpful for  adding to an innocent aura. Thankfully I was already a green thumb and was so obsessed with the game I had even studied the theories about the local flora.
”I’m ready to look at the shop.” I told glitch through thought as I waited. “But first what’s my magic level and what are my grades in school?” 
Glitch calmly explained to me, “Your grades are at a perfect average on everything except for tests each semester. The tests are so horrible they drag down your grade to an average level because in your background for your past here you have very toxic standards of perfection with your school work. You study yourself sick with migraines and exhaustion. Due to this you do horrible on test since your so nervous you can’t even finish them without throwing up or passing out after.”
”So I have severe test anxiety here then. I can work that to my advantage. What about the shop?”
”Current balance is one hundred and fifteen coins. Shop is at level one. Make further purchases to level up shop for better options.” Glitch hovered in front of me and I looked at the options on her screen. There were five options to choose from and each costed ten coins so far except for one. They were level one protection which would protect from minor injuries, there was also level one protege which would make me talented at learning new skills, then there was level one chef which would make me adept at simple meals, and there was also level one teleportation which could teleport me across a room. The last option was pricy which was level one genius. It started out at one hundred and ten coins. It didn’t explain itself but it seemed useful. Between the coins I earned as well as started with I decided to pick the most expensive one first since it seemed important. After I purchased it I felt my head be filled with new information that seemed to cover all the basics and in my stats my magic increased. This seemed to be worth it by a lot. This was most certainly going to be fun.
~Affection- 9%
“She’s so sweet and clumsy. She also seems to be quite helpful amongst the council and library. I wish the Young Master was so diligent.”
~Relation- Silent observer
~Danger Level- Green
~Affection: 12%
“She’s lonely just like me… How often did I wish when I was so young that somebody just anybody would look at me and be my friend?”
~Relation- Brothers Boss/Brothers friend? Kindred spirit in loneliness 
~Danger Level- Green
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evermourning · 11 months
𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 - kim seungmin
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pairing: kim seungmin x reader, lovertober entry v
genre: non!idol au, will they/won't they, enemies to lovers, camp counselors!seungmin and reader
wc: 5.6k
warnings: ends kinda suggestive, making out, language, mentions wooyoung from ateez, yunjin from le sserafim, mina from twice, reader has an ego in the beginning, seungmin and reader were academic rivals in high school
a/n: pretend its still summer
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from the moment you met him in the 10th grade, you absolutely and instantly disliked kim seungmin. with every bone, fiber, and cell in your body.
you had grown up with these people around you, watched as their faces slowly matured into the versions of themselves you saw them as now. however, you couldn't help but pity them.
compared to you, they were essentially idiots.
you were the top of your class, year after year after year. this was probably the big thing that set you apart from them. you spent your days studying, as opposed to partying. you jugged student council, clubs, and your grades so that you could graduate and lead a better life.
this journey was set back the day you met seungmin, though.
you could remember what he looked like as if it was only yesterday that you two locked eyes for the first time. fluffy brown hair and glasses, and braces adorning his pearly white teeth. he looked like an angel. a sweet, quiet kid that all the teachers adored.
but he was something much, much, much more sinister.
"yn, this is seungmin. he's new, so would you mind showing him around?" your teacher asked, and you graciously accepted. he was quiet as you aided him in his tour, making small comments here and there and asking questions if necessary. he became more acquainted with the people around you in the blink of an eye.
but you could feel something off about him. you just couldn't tell what.
he'd been sat down next to you in your math class, and instantly shot up in rank after tests to the spot right behind you. he was naturally gifted, getting almost perfect grades without lifting a finger.
it wasn't just math. it was every single subject. one after the other, they fell to his whim like measly pieces of chess.
he played it off with a simple "oh, i guess i studied this topic a bit extra" but in no time, he was hot on your trail for the top spot.
and you liked the thrill. you knew at the end of the day, you'd place first and everything would be normal, and this kid would learn that you were not to be messed with. you had to admit, as much as you shit talked him to your friends and made tons of claims that you probably couldn't back up, his banter was enjoyable.
until it wasn't.
your 11th grade year, seungmin became mean.
something happened over the summer. he'd grown taller, although he bore the same features, there was something so peculiar about him. he was lean and toned under his uniform, and became the star pitcher of the school's baseball team. immediately he was thrust into the spotlight you'd worked so hard to achieve. you were so annoyed. how was it easy for people to just like him? you made good grades, you tried to be courteous and respectful, and he was over there being crowned king of the school for fucking breathing.
he'd make offhanded comments about you, too, to your face and behind your back. the kinds where you'd just have to awkwardly laugh it off to soothe the aching pain inside your chest and the tears threatening to fall in big, ugly glops.
but you shook it off. you knew that it would only lead to worse events if you let him get in your head all the time. you tried to still be kind to him, but eventually, you gave up. if he was nothing short of an absolute dick to you, then there was no need to waste your energy interacting with him.
your interactions with him after that were minimal. passing glances in hallways, partner project where you simply split it up and didn't communicate at all, short questions in class. you weren't really out for him or anything.
until the end of 11th grade.
it was the time where final rankings for grades were announced. you were sitting at your desk, hardly bothered to check them. you knew you'd be first. you had been so confident, you just went back to work. however, something was off. usually, there would be cheers and groans, but all that you could hear were hushed whispers echoing through the classroom. when you looked up, lazily twirling a pencil between your fingers, you noticed something odd.
they were staring at you.
something wasn't right. these were people you'd known since grade school. they were used to you taking the top spot, right? right? you had to go find out what was wrong.
as you got up to look at the list, the crowd parted. the students looked on nervously as you marched up to the bulletin board where the fated list awaited, a thumbtack keeping it in place. you used your finger to slide up and down the list until you found your name.
next to it was your rank.
you had fucking placed second. for the first time since...ever. you scanned the list desperately again, looking for some sign that it was rigged or faux. but it was the genuine article. you slid your finger up to see the name of the person who had stolen the position right out from under your nose, and you had to bite back a scream of pure rage when you saw it.
Kim Seungmin
that son of a bitch. he finally beat you.
and as you turned, there he stood leaning against the doorframe of the classroom, that smug smile prominent on his face. did he have a death wish or something? you did not like this at all.
later that day, as you were leaving, somebody stopped you, their hand grabbing you by the sleeve of your uniform. it was seungmin. you shook him off, shaking your head as you walked towards the gate.
"what's wrong? cat got your tongue?" he asked you tauntingly. you rolled your eyes with a huff, opening your mouth to shoot back with some sly remark, but he kept talking. "did you know i beat you by a tenth of a point? it's so fucking unreal. one tenth."
this comment sent you over the edge.
"you think you're so fucking funny, don't you? relishing in my pain, acting like i'll joke around with you as if we're friends. well guess what: you don't mean shit to me, kim seungmin." seungmin's eyes widened slightly, but his eyes settled into a hateful glare.
"so be it. just to let you know, yn, you fucking suck. give yourself a high five, you fake bitch."
and just like that, your eternal rivalry with kim seungmin began.
thankfully, your rivalry was cut short when you went to different colleges. however, you knew all about what he was doing. somewhere along the line, his friends became your friends. he was in law school now, studying to become a persecutor. you hated to admit it, but you were honestly impressed. however, you couldn't complain, as you'd received a full scholarship to an accomplished university. you lived in the city during your term, enjoying its lively bustle and bright lights. you'd always enjoyed the summer better, though.
in the summers, you'd drive two hours up to the mountains to work as a camp counselor for a childrens' summer camp, named camp aspen. it was a lovely little place, tucked away near a small town, surrounded by acres and acres of wilderness. it was so serene, the crisp air feeling amazing in your lungs.
this was where you were now. your third summer as a counselor was about to begin. you parked your car on a beaten road near the cabins, walking into a lodge to say hello to the director. the rest of the counselors were sitting in the office, and when they saw you, they excitedly enveloped you in a warm group hug.
there were six counselors at camp aspen, each accommodating one of the three cabins, one for each age range. two counselors would stay in each cabin. the place was going to be renovated soon, but thankfully, the cabins had two large, separate rooms.
it would be the same as always, with your counselor friends. wooyoung and mina stayed with the oldest kids, you and soobin stayed with the preteens, and jisung and yunjin kept an eye on the littlest ones. this is how it always was.
until you only counted four of your friends.
"where's soobin?" you asked, looking around. wooyoung took your hands in his and sighed.
"don't freak out, but..." he sighed, seeming to brace himself for your possible outrage. "soobin is studying abroad this summer, so we had to find a replacement who will be staying with you."
you wanted to scream and also kinda smack wooyoung too. but, you didn't want to lose your job, so you decided to flash a smile through gritted teeth.
"it's okay, woo. why didn't you tell me?"
"well, we just learned today, too. it happened so suddenly, i guess soobin forgot to mention it to the director until the last minute. while you were driving up, it was so scary. mina and i were fucking scrambling to find a replacement. thankfully, she showcased her amazing problem-solving skills to find us a replacement. her friend's friend's...friend, i think. it's weird." mina blushed at his words of praise. "but anyways, he'll be here later, so go get your stuff all unpacked."
you sighed, jisung and yunjin giving you reassuring smiles before going back to their intense game of gamepigeon 8-ball. as you departed, you stole one last glance at your friends. this was going to be the best summer ever.
when you got to the cabin, you immediately began laying the sheets and blankets on your temporary bed, preparing your place of rest for the weeks to come. you'd strung little fairy lights along the bedposts and finished off with comfortable pillows. you loved making this bed your own year after year.
you sat down upon it, laying back and sighing as your head it your pillow. you had time for a quick nap, right? you set an alarm and drifted off. you wondered who your partner would be. would he be kind? would he be rude? he'd be kind probably, if he was somehow connected to mina, a total sweetheart. the older kids loved her. she'd sit with the girls in a semi-circle around her as they listened to her tell stories, interest gleaming in their eyes.
you just hoped he wasn't a total dick.
after your alarm went off, waking you up, you blinked and saw jisung dead asleep at the bottom of your bed, curled up.
"what the hell are you doing?" you asked, laughing. he laughed sheepishly.
"sorry, your bed is comfortable...and i was supposed to be telling you the new guy just got here but i said i'd rest my eyes for a second and now here we are."
you chuckled, getting out of your bed and slipping into the bathroom so you could check how you looked. once you deemed yourself presentable, you walked with jisung out to the parking lot, catching up about how life was. he was always very fun to talk to. jisung had the natural aura of a storyteller, of someone fun. he radiated warmth and kindness, probably why he was such a role model to the little kids.
when you made it to the makeshift parking lot (in reality it was only a wide rectangle of gravel you parked your cars near) there was a new car there, much nicer than the rest. it was sleek and black, although you had no idea why someone would be driving such an expensive-looking car in the mountains. from your current location, you could see awfully well that wooyoung was chatting amicably with the mystery guy as he pulled his suitcase from the trunk. and then, wooyoung turned and called out to you two so you could come down and meet him.
with jisung by your side, you nervously walked over to the car. a head popped out from where the trunk was.
"by the way, wooyoung, where am i stay-" the boy stopped abruptly when he saw you. "-ing."
your blood ran cold.
it was kim seungmin.
of course it fucking was, because without even trying he'd made it his life's mission to completely ruin yours. all your high school memories came flooding back, but something else was there, curdling horrifically in the pits of your stomach.
his hair was a lighter shade of brown now, with streaks of blonde in his bangs. his braces were gone, and his face no longer was cute and round. he was jawdroppingly beautiful. but this was the person you'd wished to avoid ever since that day in the eleventh grade.
wooyoung, that poor boy, grinned. "you'll be staying and working with one of my favorite counselors. seungmin, meet yn. yn, meet seungmin."
"i know who they are." seungmin said quietly. "and they know me. we went to the same high school." wooyoung lit up at this information.
"perfect! that makes things easier. yn, please show seungmin to your cabin."
as you walked alongside him, carrying a few of his things, the tension was so thick you couldn’t cut it with a knife. the heavy silence hung in the air, until seungmin awkwardly spoke up.
“i’m glad i know someone here. it’d be so awkward if i was rooming with a stranger.” he said, a little laugh escaping his lips.
“did you know i was going to be here?” you asked rather accusingly, and he shook his head, readjusting his hold on the suitcase.
“nope. mina, she’s the one who hired me, has a friend, sana, who’s really close with one of my best friends. do you remember him from high school? chan?”
yes, you did. chan was probably one of the most popular guys at your school. he’d been the captain of the varsity football team, the homecoming king three years in a row, and was notorious for being the reason many girls dumped their boyfriends. he wasn’t known as “mr. steal-your-girl” for just any reason.
him and seungmin became good friends seungmin's sophomore year, while chan was a senior and they remained close since then.
"i remember him." you responded, not wanting to hold a conversation with him.
"yeah, well sana reached out to chan, who reached out to me. and i needed some extra money, so here we are."
he was really starting to bug you. how could he just talk to you like he wasn't so terrible to you in high school?
"is this how it's going to be all summer, then?" you said to yourself, but he heard it.
"you, acting like nothing happened between us when we were younger? like your words didn't burn my skin and mine didn't cut deep into yours? i'm not an actor, seungmin. i can't pretend that the things you said to me didn't happen. i can't just will them out of my head."
he scoffed, his true personality shining through. you knew it was down there. he could only hide it for so long. that son of a bitch.
"you're so overdramatic, yn. name one fucking thing i said about you that was so terrible it ruined your vision of me for the rest of your life." he meant it sarcastically, but he didn't realize you had an answer.
"in our junior year, you were talking to chan, and you called me a stuck-up, airheaded bitch who would cared too much about school. you said...you said i was going to push everyone away and then nobody would care enough to weep when i died. not even my own parents." recognition was prominent in his brown eyes as he remembered his own words.
"...i didn't think you knew about that."
you were on the verge of slapping him.
"how could i not? you texted it to chan. do you know how easy it is for a text message to be screenshotted and sent? chan sent it to minnie, who sent it to me. do you know what it's like to learn someone says shit like that about you? i sobbed for three hours straight." you dropped his stuff down right in front of him. "from now on, only talk to me if you need something." you stormed off, fighting the tears that threatened to fall.
so much for camp being your safe space.
the first week of camp was a little rocky. seungmin stayed true to your ask and only spoke to you if he needed help with something, but other than that, it was like you didn't exist. the kids obviously noticed it too. regardless of the fact that the week went well, at the end of the day, wooyoung still sat you and seungmin down and decided to have a chat with you.
"what is going on with you two? i thought you said you knew each other. i thought you'd have it in the bag, but you're singlehandedly ruining the experience for our campers, and that is not the type of energy we need counselors to have."
"if i may, woo," you said, and he raised an eyebrow. "we never specified if our relationship was good or bad, you just went with us knowing each other."
"and you didn't tell me this to correct me?" wooyoung sighed. "i'm disappointed, yn. you've been here three years. you should've contacted me instantly." you nodded at his words, a little embarrassed that your somewhat childish rivalry led you to not be rash when decision-making.
"i am not the oldest at this camp, but i have the most experience. this is my fifth year as a counselor, and i am sitting here now with authority you two don't have. i'm going to have to ask you to work this out. we are so short on staff that we can't afford for either of you to leave camp. understand?" seungmin gave his confirmation and you shot wooyoung a look (which he returned quickly) before agreeing.
this was how you were sitting cross-legged on your bed across from seungmin. he stared at you, challenging you to speak first. when you didn't, shooting him a nasty glare, he took the initiative.
"we're gonna listen to wooyoung's request and work things out. and if we can't...we'll find a plan b. deal?" you crossed your arms and slightly nodded. "let's see...let's do it like this: you're going to tell me why you don't like me. be raw and honest, and then i'll tell you why i don't like you. if there's any misunderstandings, that's what we'll know."
you sighed, knowing this was rational, and began.
"i'll be honest, yeah. when we were in 10th grade, you felt off to me, but i didn't really focus on that because i liked the adrenaline rush i got from comparing grades with you and our banter. but then in 11th grade...you were so terrible to me. all the things you were saying...and then you beat me. i know it was only by one rank but i lost it. i felt like my grades were the only part of my identity and without them...i was nothing. so that's why i haven't forgiven you, because you said all this shit and i'm still hung up over that." you admitted, staring at your feet.
“even if you didn’t have your grades, it wouldn’t have mattered. you were popular. everyone was always falling over themself to be friends with you.” seungmin pointed out, and you shook your head.
“i was not even close to popular, seungmin. people just used me for homework answers and i was too nice to say no.”
“no, no. that’s not possible. everybody was always talking about you, how kind and funny you were…and that’s why i didn’t like you.” his voice broke. “you had everything i wanted. i came to that school with absolutely nothing. you were at the hub of everything, there were always people around you, and i hated it. i hated how you didn’t have to wear a mask to get what you wanted. i hated how you were like some revered god of intelligence. i hated it so much. and then…the final straw was when i was having a fight with my mother in october of our junior year, because she didn’t like that i had changed so much because i’d grown popular and was spending my time with ‘bad influences’. and do you know what she said to me?”
“no, i don’t.” you were frankly a little embarrassed that this was a whole misunderstanding, but you listened anyways.
“she said she wished i was more like you. i didn’t even know how she knew you. and i wished nothing but the worst upon you after that. and now i learn i did all that on a whim?”
”no, you didn’t. you did it because you were upset, and you didn’t know any other way than to lash out. i’m sorry for how i treated you, and if you’re sorry, then let’s go tell wooyoung we worked it out.” you caught his hands in yours, and he flinched. you kept his palms between your hands as if you were keeping a canary in a cage, and when you let go, he felt free.
“i’m sorry for saying all that shit about you. if i had known you weren’t like that, i wouldn’t have done it. you don’t have to forgive me for that one.” he replied quietly.
“yeah, that one’s going to take a little time.” you laughed awkwardly.
for the first time, seungmin realized what people saw in you. how your eyes crinkled when you laughed, your smile absolutely gorgeous. even if it wasn’t even a normal laugh (you were quite literally awkward as shit), he began to feel something churning in the pit of his stomach. what was it?
thankfully he had time to figure it out before you left him behind.
after working things out with seungmin, you couldn't help but admit that your camp experience got better. he was honestly a perfect choice as counselor. the kids loved him, and he was really sweet and considerate towards them in return. it was noticeable that in the years since you last saw him, seungmin had unmistakably matured into a fine young man. you were glad his dick phase was over.
but something was different about him, now. since he didn't treat you even remotely terrible anymore, you began to enjoy his presence. kim seungmin was hilarious, his smile a ray of sunshine that forced the clouds away. you couldn't help but feel giddy when you saw it, but you reminded yourself constantly that this was your sworn high school enemy.
but would it really be so bad?
one sunny wednesday, you and seungmin took the kids out to play some sports. they voted on a simple game of baseball, which you knew seungmin would gladly agree too. but when they started chanting your name, pleading with you to join the game although you had zero baseball experience, you knew you were doomed.
"alright, yn, you be pitcher." you stared at the little boy who deemed your position incredulously.
"honey, i can't throw at all." you replied, and the kids started laughing. seungmin walked over to you on the makeshift diamond, gifting his teammate a plastic bat.
"i'll help yn learn to throw, okay?" he said, and the kids whined.
"that's cheating!" seungmin chuckled at their complaining.
"okay, so first you're going to take the ball and hold it like this." seungmin explained, his fingers gently sweeping over yours to move them to the right place. his touch was soft and sweet, like a juicy watermelon slice on a warm summer's day. once he got your fingers to a good position, he continued his lesson. "good, now place your feet shoulder-width apart. and uhh..hold on."
you felt your face burning as seungmin's hands slid up and down your body, moving certain parts of you into place. you were like putty in his hands, your heart fluttering when his long fingers grazed your waist. you tilted your head slight to see his face right in between your head and your arm, staring right back at you.
this wasn't the first time you had insane tension with kim seungmin. but it was the first time the energy was like...this. your lips were so close to his. you could feel his breath on your exposed skin and it felt good. if it was in a different setting, maybe...
you stepped back, flashing a dazzling smile to try and ease the uncomfortable silence. thankfully, your campers brought the focus back to them before things got too weird.
the entire game, your mind was somewhere else.
he wanted to kiss you. you'd seen his eyes, staring at your lips like they'd vanish if he blinked. you'd seen the way seungmin looked almost out of breath, his lips parted and his cheeks flushed ruby red.
you couldn't be imagining it. there was no way.
after everything was cleaned up, you snuck away to wooyoung's cabin, where he sat lazily on his bed as a sixteen year-old girl told him about her situationship. he looked relieved as you pulled him aside.
"i'm glad you worked everything out with seungmin." he said, patting your back reassuringly. "i knew you had it in you. i really am the best, aren't i?"
you shook your head.
"not right now, woo. something happened earlier today that was really weird, and jisung didn't want to hear about it so now it's your turn." wooyoung's eyes lit up at the mention of your drama, and he shooed his camper away, eagerly patting the spot next to him.
"tell me all about it."
and so you did. you explained everything: from your original drama with seungmin in high school, to how you solved it, to what went down while he was teaching you to pitch. wooyoung's jaw was dropped.
"you two went through all that tension just for him to not even finish teaching you to pitch? that's so fucking embarrassing. you needed that lesson." wooyoung tsked, theatrically hanging his head low.
"hey! i'm not that bad at sports." you retaliated.
''yes, yes you are. do you remember last year when your 'star pitch' broke yunjin's car window? i don't think she forgot about that." you rolled your eyes with a huff, and he laughed loudly. "but that's not important, because this could be the romance you always read about in your poorly written books. maybe you're having your own enemies-to-lovers trope right now! you'll be with him tonight, correct?" you nodded.
"alright, then shoot your shot? trust me, nothing bad's going to happen if you don't overthink it." he squeezed your hand excitedly. "i believe in you. use condoms!"
later that night, the director was holding a movie night for the kids in the lodge, allowing counselors to get a much-needed break. when the sun dipped below the mountain range in hues of deep blues, you sat at the dock with seungmin, splitting a liter bottle of some soda you couldn't read the title of. the moon was at its fullest, glowing ethereally as it cast a bright light upon the water. you swung your feet slightly, the cool water lapping against your feet a lovely contrast to the summer air. fireflies light up like lanterns all around.
"it's so hot," you complained, swatting at an unwelcome bug as it tried to land on your skin. "ugh, i feel like i'm burning alive."
seungmin took a swig of the soda, simulanteously running a hand through his sweaty brown hair.
"let's go for a swim, then." he suggested. you looked at him like he was crazy.
"in...the lake?" he nodded vigorously.
"where else would we swim? this camp doesn't have a pool. c'mon, it'll be fun. there's nothing that can hurt you in there. no amoebas, no snakes, no nothing. i'll keep you safe." he curled his pinkie around yours in a joking promise.
you sighed as you lowered yourself into the water. it was cool on your skin, resulting in you slightly shivering from the contact. however, once you grew accustomed to the temperature, it was rather nice. there was one problem, though.
the water was pitch-black, and you were still in your clothes. so when you felt something slimy touch your ankle, you let out a screech and jumped higher than a kangaroo.
"easy there." seungmin's voice said into your ear, and you startled at the sound. "relax, it's just me. the only think that touched your foot was seaweed. you'll be okay. it really only grows in one area of the lake, so let's stay away from there. sounds good?"
his words of soft and gentle reassurance, paired with a gentle touch on your waist made you want to erupt into flames even in the water. as he guided you to the center of the lake, you had to start treading water. however, seungmin was completely fine.
it was quiet for a bit, peaceful and serene before you broke the silence with a groundbreaking question."
"hey seungmin...were you planning on kissing me earlier?" the boy in question was silent for a bit, thinking about his answer, before finally speaking again.
"yeah, i was. how could i not? we were so close, and you know i could never resist you, yn. aphrodite herself turns green with envy at the mere sight of you." you felt your heart rate speed up at his words. so you decided to take the initiative.
"i'll be honest, since we became close, i've noticed this tension between us that wasn't there before. you're so handsome, and you know it, and i know it and i want to make out with you so bad, but i've been having all these reservations because i can't get over what you said about me all those years ago."
seungmin spoke up instantly, rebutting your claim. "i can proudly say now that the lies i spewed about you were instantaneously false, the moment they left my lips. see, i said back then that no one would weep if you perished. but now, i would. i would sob until the soil beneath me has turned to mud and it stains my clothes and my hands. i would leave you flowers and gifts every single day. now that i know you, and i know how you truly are, i'd kill myself if i lost you."
the sound of your tears hitting the water's surface, aligning with the incessant chirping of the cicadas, turned the sounds around you into an exquisite and melodious symphony. you threw your arms around seungmin, holding him tight.
"i'll say it now, seungmin. i love you. i'm in love with you. it happened so quickly, i'm scared it's faux. but i want it to be real. i want and crave you with every bone, fiber, and cell in my aching body."
seungmin's strong arms wrapped around you, and he grinned mischieviously.
"well, i'm not to great with my words, but i want you really bad, too. i'd personally like to, uh, ravage you? and you said something about making out that i am quite personally very down for."
you laughed, a smile gracing your features. seungmin wanted to see that face every day for the rest of his life, he decided.
"god, you're such a dork." you giggled, and pulled him in for a kiss. it was warm, fiery as passionate as your lips crashed against each others' like waves crashing against a rocky barrier. the change in gravity from the water made it easy to hop up and wrap your legs around his waist. seungmin's hands drifted down to your ass to keep you in place, and you steadied yourself as your hands held his cheeks. god, you could feel his jawline from there. eventually, your tongues began to battle for dominance.
after ten minutes or so, you parted lips, a string of saliva still connecting you two. the moonlight reflected off of it as it snapped. seungmin watched in awe.
"that was so fucking hot...but um, what are we now?" you asked. seungmin laughed out loud, patting your soaked head.
"let's determine that later. right now...i lowkey want to fuck your brains out. think we can do that?" he teased.
"in a lake??" you shot back.
"there's a first time for everything." seungmin teased. once he was sure you gave your consent, his fingers went to the bottom of your sopping wet shirt, carefully lifting it over your head. "until then, i'll enjoy the view."
"and that's our cue to leave." wooyoung commented from his vantage point. yunjin stood beside him. he turned, grinning as he outstretched his hand. "pay up, buttercup. i bet that they'd get together before the end of the summer, and look at them! that twenty dollars is mine."
yunjin grumbled, pulling a crumpled twenty-dollar bill out of her back pocket and handing it to him.
"seriously though, those one-liners were horrific. the confession was cute though." yunjin laughed.
"oh, hell yeah. just for that, they're on bathroom cleaning duty. and i'm hoping and praying they remember what echoes are so we don't have to awkwardly explain what was going on to the little campers." wooyoung sighed. yunjin looked up at him.
"you are straight-up evil, jung wooyoung. have you seen those bathrooms?"
"exactly why they're on bathroom duty. i may be evil, but i am one hell of a matchmaker, aren't i?" he shot back, playfully nudging her shoulder.
"whatever you say."
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taglist: @darkypooo , @hyunbae-35 , @kpopmenace143 , @stateofdelicategrace , @elizaschuyler18 , @lillithathecat , @imastraykidsfan , @nightimescapes , @mal-lunar-28
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@evermourning, ©2023. all rights reserved.
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dgrailwar · 5 months
Round 4, Day 2 - MoonCancer vs. Alter-Ego
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"Unfortunately, setting up a surveillance networks can't be entirely done inside. Well, it could, but only if I had a good idea of the map. And since I don't, then--"
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Her commenting was stopped by a swift bladed attack swinging towards her head. The MoonCancer tripped, stumbling out of the way as she clicked her tongue, staring back at the source of the danger.
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"...Okay, now this is feeling intentional. I had actual plans today, dammit. I never have those."
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"You're the big threat my Masters want me to go after? You seem like the type that can't do anything more than run and hide, like a little mouse. Still, I suppose you're not her... no, if someone's a MoonCancer, then she has something to do with it."
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"Why do people keep considering me a threat! But--ugh! That face… that's what I thought. You're one of those 'Sakura Five', huh? One of BB's little mistakes. The small-chested one."
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"Your snide comments aside… I wonder… you recognize me, but I don't recognize you at all. Then again, only one person really held my eye at the time… were you a part of that little 'student council'?"
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"Uh-- I'm just a nobody, really. I was a coward wallowing a bit in my own self-pity when you struck, so I don't have a good idea of your skills-- that, and I'm sure the Grail is blocking some of my memories…"
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"But whatever! C-Consider this a grudge match, Pointy BB Junior! I'll make sure to do my part this time around!"
The boosts for this round are:
Ganesha: +3% Meltryllis: +6%
Servant Skills:
Meltryllis (Alter-Ego)
Melt Virus (EX Rank) - When engaged in a Free-for-All, inflict all foes with a -3% demerit. If Meltryllis gains 1st place in the Free-for-All by a margin of 10% or more, inflict a -3% demerit to your foes for their next round and gain a +3% boost for your next combat round.
Crime Ballet (A Rank) - When engaged in a one-on-one, increase the Alter-Ego Class Trait one-on-one boost to +5% rather than +3% (+6% if targeting a Servant that's Playing Defensively).
Sadistic Constitution (A Rank): When engaged in a Free-for-All, gain a +3% bonus to your score. Additionally, if you end up in 1st place, inflict a wound on both the Servant in last AND the Servant in 2nd place.
Ganesha (MoonCancer)
Vinayaka (EX Rank): When 'Playing Defensively' gain a +5% bonus to scores, and you cannot be caught off guard. If you are unbothered, then this increases by 1% each time you are not attacked, resetting back to 5% once you're engaged in combat. However, this negates the inherent MoonCancer trait of ‘being unable to be targeted while Playing Defensively’. (Current boost: +5%)
Broken Tusk (B Rank): When engaged in a 1-on-1 confrontation (while not Playing Defensively), gain a +3% boost. Additionally, apply the MoonCancer Class Trait of 'not taking damage if there's a 3% difference in scores' to 1-on-1 battles as well. If Ganesha has been ‘Playing Defensively’ uninterrupted for 3 or more turns (in a row), when she goes on the offense, her attack bonus increases from 3% to 6% for that specific round. (Current defensive turn count: 0)
Due to landing in 3rd-5th place last round, MoonCancer is afflicted with a -2% demerit this round!
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xuchiya · 15 days
"My president" || jeong yunho || one-shot
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| genre: non!idol ateez. fluff. slice of life | mentions: teasing. fainting. jewelry gift. | This is literally my high school delusions. My old school is literally an 'old school' school like no phones and computers, being in a relationship is not allowed, and big ass windows as our source of fans--- i mean we do have electric fans and ceiling fans but with the weather and a very old, close to dying, e-fans? We really have to depend on the wind from our windows. Anyways, this list is basically a true experience. My personal favorite? Song Mingi's.
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Jeong Yunho was no stranger to the weight of responsibility. After almost a week of election for the student council, Yunho won as the newly elected president of the high school department. Being the president of the student body council, his days were filled with meetings, event planning, and endless paperwork. Meeting with the head minister of the department for any event or team building. Yet, despite all his efforts, his own school work had started to pile up, deadlines looming over him like a dark cloud.
Yunho rolled his head side to side as he felt the heavy aching on his neck whilst he approached his classroom. The sun had long set when Yunho finally made his way back to his classroom. His footsteps echoed in the empty hallways, the only sound breaking the silence of the deserted school. As he slid the door open, he paused, his eyes landing on a familiar figure by the window.
You were there, alone and fast asleep, your head resting against the cool glass. He remembers you, of course who doesn’t. You were his rival during the campaign. He read your proposal and he was moved by your plans for the school year. He is totally rooting for your success in becoming the next president in the high school department although at the end, he was placed first. 
Yunho hesitated for a moment, not wanting to disturb your peaceful slumber. Instead, he quietly settled into a desk diagonally from you, unpacking his belongings with careful movements.
The hours ticked by, and Yunho busied himself with the mountain of assignments he had neglected. The quiet hum of the night outside the window was a comforting backdrop to his steady scribbling. By the time he had nearly finished, he felt his eyes getting heavier as he scribbled down his notes before he had enough and laid his head down; not able to stop himself, he drifted to a nap.
After a few minutes of him falling asleep, the ends of the curtain woke you up as it grazed your face, making you stirred, slowly waking from your nap. Still half-asleep, you blinked at the room— it was dark but the light above you was the only source of light, your gaze eventually landing on the tall figure hunched over his desk. Recognition flickered in your eyes as you realized who it was.
Jeong Yunho. Your former rival for the student council presidency. But rivalry wasn’t quite the right word—there had never been any animosity between you. In fact, you respected his victory, accepting defeat with sportsmanship. It was clear Yunho had earned his position through hard work and dedication.
You quietly stood up, making your way toward his desk. Yunho was fast asleep, his long hair falling on his face making him stirred in his sleep before returning back to his nap. You chuckle, taking a pin out of your hair and pushing his hair behind his ear and securing it with the pin. Your action did not wake him up, to which you feel relieved. You took notice of his head resting on a pile of notebooks. His breathing was soft, and the exhaustion on his face was evident. You couldn’t help but notice the scattered assignments across his desk, some still unfinished.
“You must be so tired after all of this.” With a small sigh, you reached into your bag and pulled out your own notes. You carefully placed them on top of his bag, along with a small notepad. Scribbling a quick message, you left the notes for him before packing up your things. As you exited the classroom, you couldn’t help but glance back at Yunho one last time before heading out into the cool night air.
Yunho woke up a few minutes later, groggy and disoriented. As he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms up, the nap made his energy pump up. Yunho ran his finger through his hair until he felt something stuck to his hair, frowning he pulled what it was and looked at the heart shaped hairpin. Yunho chuckles, yet confused as to why he has the pin in his hair in the first place until he recalled who owns it. A short flashback came in his head, seeing your hair tucked behind by the same pin.
Yunho chuckles, placing the pin in his chest pocket, as he pats the pocket, he notices the papers on his bag, it contains your notes and some of the copies of the printed notes from the book. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw your handwriting on the note:
Thought you could use some help. Hope this gets you through the rest of the night.
 A soft smile tugged at his lips. He quickly packed up his belongings, heart racing as he realized you had already left. He couldn’t let you leave without thanking you. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he dashed out of the classroom, his long strides carrying him quickly down the hallway.
His head snapped left and right when he reached the gate, looking for you. It wasn’t long before he spotted you walking ahead, your hands gripping the straps of your bag as you mindlessly wandered down the path, skipping a step. The wind picked up, causing your skirt to flutter slightly. 
Yunho’s heart flutters at the sight of your dancing skirt, removing his blazer as he approaches you. Without hesitation, Yunho jogged up to you, draping his coat around your waist to keep the wind at bay.
Startled, you turned around, meeting his gaze. "Yunho?" you asked, surprised to see him.
"Be mindful of your back," he said with a gentle smile, tying the coat securely around your waist causing you to stumble towards his chest. Your hand laying on top of his broad chest, making your cheeks red. Yunho notices your cheeks, smiling adoringly at your cuteness.
 "And… Thank you for the notes. I really needed them."
Blinking several times, you were shaken out of your thoughts, a shy smile forming on your lips as you both fell into step together. Clearing your throat, tapping his chest before you pull away. 
Yunho nods his head towards the convenient store, “My treat.” You eyed him to which he chuckles, bumping his shoulder with yours before both of you fell in a laughing pit. As you purchase ice-creams and exit the store. The quiet of the night surrounded you as you walked side by side, the world around you fading away.
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