#sorry this took a while i went a bit overboard LMAO
meep--tm · 2 years
23. draw your fav as a vampire
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look at my lawyer dawg im going to hell
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
So I had an idea, what if reader was the magicless student and didn't feel like going home because they knew they were dead in their old world?
So one day a friend asks, "What do you think you'd do if you got back home?"
And reader just replies nonchalantly with a straight face with, "Probably lie in a coffin six feet under."
The friend thinks they are joking but little do they know...
Could it be with Ace and whoever else you'd think best fit the scenario? Thanks! <3
Hello anon! Sorry this literally took forever (-ω-、) At first I had a hard time trying to figure out how to put it all together and who to do lmao I think I ended up doing pretty good, if I do say so myself (maybe a little bit overboard as it went on, though? Like the request looks like it's supposed to at least be a little bit funny but my brain says 'haha sad reader go brrr') Either way, I hope that you enjoy, darling <333
~ "I'm probably never going back." With Ace, Kalim, and Grim ~
[Angst to fluff, Platonic Grim, Gn! reader]
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"So," Ace started, munching on his sandwich, "What d'ya go to the Headmaster for this time? You get stuck with another random job again?" he asks with a sinister innocent smile on his face as he eyes your own lunch.
"Actually, we were discussing the prospects of me going home," you stated nonchalantly, casually sliding your plate of food closer to yourself, knowing full well that Ace really only started this conversation to get you distracted so that he could get at your cherry pie (which the chefs had made specifically for you, as a thanks for helping keep the fireplaces warm over winter break).
Now, while you had certainly noticed that Ace was after your food (you were used to it already, after dealing with Grim after all of this time), you had failed to notice the way that Ace's smile fell off of his face for the faintest moment after he heard the words 'home' leaving your mouth, but he was quick to regain his notorious smile before you could see his disappointment. And in an act to tease you a bit (and to rid himself of the unknown feelings bubbling in the pit of his stomach), he brazenly chuckles and states without thinking,
"Ha, I bet that old man probably told you to give it up. Like, what would you even do if you got back home?" Without a second beat you tell him with a straight face,
"I'd probably just be six-feet under."
"Right?" Ace agrees with a hearty chuckle. And he sees that you still for a second, lowering your head and taking a deep breath for a moment. In that quick moment of you losing concentration, Ace swipes the last remaining bite of your cherry pie with a cheeky smirk.
"So that's why I'm probably never going back," you clear your throat and look at Ace with a sad smile, tears brimming your eyes. And suddenly, Ace feels really, really guilty. He was just trying to lighten the mood by joking with you...about going home...
Ugh, how could he have messed this up, worse? It's impossible, I tell you! Ace knows that you've just been suddenly thrust into a world that you know nothing about, forced to attend a school where you barely even meet the minimum for the curriculum, and, to make matters even better for you, you're basically forced into doing whatever that Headmaster of the school tells you to, simply because he was just kind enough to let you stay at the school since you hadn't even a penny to your name nor your nonexistent family in this world.
Not only that, but you're also the prefect of this new dorm without any magic at all, and you're supposed to keep an eye on this random cat that nearly ruined the Orientation ceremony. And! You've also got to handle both him and Deuce, also known as the chaos duo to everyone who knows them. And he just stole the last piece of your cherry pie, which was honestly something that you more than deserve after all the shit that you've gone through. We all know that you weren't crying because of him stealing your pie, but this fact really was just the cherry on top of his sundae of regret.
So yeah, just label him as Dumbass #1 in your book, if he isn't already.
And he's not sure why he was surprised to see those tears in your eyes, but he was, and he's ashamed at the fact that he's never noticed how you've felt before. So in a frantic motion to fix things, Ace stands up quickly, saying a quick excuse to you about accidentally leaving something in his last class or something, and excusing himself from the lunch table before you could even react.
You honestly didn't know where he went after he left you at lunch, because he wasn't in any of his classes for the remainder of the day. It was only after classes, as you were walking back to Ramshackle with Grim, that you saw him next. He was standing in front of your front door with a nervous look on his face, but he was dressed quite nicely. Not quite formal attire, but it looked like he was expecting to go somewhere, at the very least. Once he saw you approaching, his face brightened for a moment, with a slight blush cropping up on his cheeks as you ask him what he's been doing all day.
"Well," he starts with a chuckle and his infamous smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I got permission from the Headmaster for us to leave campus for a while, so why don't we go check out some stores at the village nearby? I thought that maybe I'd show you around, since you'd probably beg me to keep you from getting lost anyway... Oh, and don't worry about paying for anything, I have it allll covered." He says that last part with extra emphasis and a more confident smile than before, hoping that that would be the ticket to getting you to agree. Little did he know, you were going to agree even if he wasn't going to buy you anything. And little did you know that one of the biggest reasons why he's decided to do all of this can be explained through one simple sentence: 'I want you to start liking this world more than your own.'
In truth, he'd struck a deal with Azul again in exchange for enough cash to buy whatever you wanted from any store (he's got a lot of work cut out for him in the upcoming future), but shh, you didn't need to know that. It would be all worth it if it means that you can get a chance at starting a normal life here...
And perhaps, maybe one day you might want to start living your new life with him by your side.
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Oh, Kalim. This epitome of sunshine was sharing everything about his family, his childhood, and his homeland to you with so much enthusiasm that you felt yourself feeling the twang of homesickness starting to erupt in your heart. But of course, this always happens with Kalim, doesn't it? First, he hurt the one who he's always adored as a brother- Jamil, and now, he's hurting you too, all without realizing it. You could never blame him for it, though. His genuine happiness and warmth was something that you looked forward to every day, and most of the time just being around him felt like you were basking in the sun on a cold day.
But, sometimes the warmth that he radiates so fervently starts to feel like too much, as if you were being scorched alive under the unbearable heat of the sun.
"So," Kalim says, taking a moment to catch his breath, "I think that's all of my brothers and sisters, plus all of my extended family too! We're a big family, so I know it's a lot, haha! Say, what's your family like?" he innocently asks with bright, expectant eyes.
And you know that he doesn't mean to do this to you, but you can't deny that right now you felt like his beautiful red eyes were burning themselves into your soul like a branding iron. You don't want to make it sound like you blame him for your predicament or his enthusiasm about his family, so you give him the best smile you can muster and divert the subject to the best of your ability.
"Well, they're really not as important as yours is. Can you tell me more about how the Asim family started out? Your family must have a lot of really interesting history."
"Oh, sure!" Kalim nods happily to your request, forgetting his own question shortly after as he continues in his own rant about his gigantic family and some of the more interesting parts of its history.
At this point, Jamil really couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He's been quietly watching and listening in on your conversation with Kalim from his seat in the corner of the room, where he was supposed to be 'studying'. Jamil sees that Kalim's doing the same thing to you as what happened to him, and decides to step into your conversation. 'Might as well go ahead and rip the band-aid off before it gets to the point of no return,' Jamil thinks.
"Hey," he begins, cutting Kalim off mid-sentence, "Do you have any sort of plans for when you get to go home? If you can go home?"
And Kalim looks at you with a surprised look on his face at Jamil's question for you because of course you'd want to stay here in Twisted Wonderland with him and everyone else! He'd never thought of the idea that you'd ever want to go back home to your original world, Kalim felt like it was just a given that you'd want to stay even if you had the choice to leave. But now that he thinks about it a little more, he doesn't understand where he even got that idea from to begin with. After all, as someone who cares for his family and his homeland a great deal, he can kindof understand how you might feel after being torn away from all of that without any way of returning.
"Haha, well," you chuckle heartlessly, "I'm probably never going back anyway. I think if I went back home now I'd just be six-feet under or something." Your attempt to lighten the mood with your 'joke' fails when you hear the sound of your own voice saying it. You would be lying to yourself if you tried to claim that, no, your voice wasn't shaky, and that yes, you were completely fine with never seeing your family ever again. Jamil makes a comment that he was going to grab something to drink from the kitchen, leaving you in a moment of silence with Kalim following your rather dark 'joke.'
"Well, what's the harm in trying anyway?" Kalim asks softly, "You never know unless you try! Plus, even if it doesn't work out, at least you can say that you've given it your all, right?"
"That's the FUCKING problem," you snap, "I've BEEN trying to go back home, and nothing's ever working! And there's no way in hell I'm just going to give up and go ~'Well at least I tried'~ when it's my goddamn LIFE on the line here!"
Oh no, you didn't mean to start yelling at Kalim like that... But after hearing his flippant "at least you've given you're all" comment, all of the pent-up emotions just felt like they were going to explode if they were kept inside any longer. You feel bad for suddenly yelling at him, but at the same time, it felt like the water gates have finally opened, and before you knew it, more kept spilling from your mouth.
"I had a normal life back in my world, you know! I had people who cared for me, I had plans for the future that I painstakingly paved the road for for my entire fucking life. Everything that I've done in my life up to this point, it's all become utterly useless now that I've come here," you wailed, tears escaping your eyes as you spoke without constraint, "Can you imagine how it feels to have everything stolen away from you, Kalim? All of the people that I've created my childhood memories with, they're all gone! My scholarships, my college applications, my work experience- nonexistent! Hell, if you want to get into the legalities of it, I technically have never gone to school in my life before attending NRC because I never existed in this world before then." You take a breath to help calm yourself down, but after still feeling the flames of rage bubbling in your lungs, you continue to vent out your feelings.
"Do you know how it feels, Kalim, to have no idea whether the people you love know if you're dead or alive? To have to think about how they would react to my 'death' when I'm still kicking and screaming inside another world?! To have to think about everything that you've been forced to leave behind all of a sudden?" You're basically screaming out your frustrations to the sky now, as you couldn't bear to stare at Kalim as you cried out your miseries, "To have to think about the life you could be leading right now if you weren't dragged to some random world with no knowledge about it's countries, it's history, or even it's most fundamental principles like magic?"
Kalim's staring at you intensely, taking every single word you speak into account. Even as you got to the point where you couldn't speak clearly anymore, when you pushed yourself to where all you could do was sob, snivel, and blubber out your words of woe, Kalim sat there listening to you the whole way through.
At some point during your crying, Kalim pulled you gently into his arms in a tight embrace as he let you continue to let your feelings out. He was going to wait until it was all out before he even tried to say anything (reason one being, because it would be rather rude to interrupt you, and two is because he's been rather notorious for crying when he sees other people cry and he didn't want to make the crying spotlight on him)
When you were finally done, Kalim patted your head soothingly and spoke quietly. His own voice was shaky too, and he was also on the verge of tears just from watching and listening to you.
"I never knew you felt like that, I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier," he says, and just the sound of him trying to keep in his tears breaks your heart to pieces.
Your pain is his pain, your tears are his tears, and your smile is his smile because, even if he doesn't realize it yet, he truly loves you dearly. Kalim knows he can be really, really dense most of the time, which is why he never noticed these pent-up frustrations of yours when they were so obvious to Jamil, but he hopes that you'll forgive him for making you feel even worse.
"It's not your fault, Kalim. I'm not angry at you or anything- I'm sorry for yelling like that," you inhale, "It's just-... It just hurts, you know? Thinking about all of the what-ifs and the could-be's... But the truth is, I've had more fun in the short time that I've been here than in my entire life back home. And most of that's because of you, actually."
"Really?" he asks, a spark of his normal cheer returning to his voice.
"Yes, really. I might not be able to use magic, but it's been something that I've loved learning about since coming here. You know, the very first time you took me on a ride with the magic carpet, and I got to see this whole new world from way high up in the sky, I knew that nothing from my home could beat that experience. I'm going to miss my home, but it's not so bad when I know that you're here."
Oh, look at you- you were the one who just had an emotional breakdown right in front of Kalim, and yet you're the one consoling him! Your sweet words struck through his heart like cupid's arrow, and he internally vows that he will always be someone who brings a smile to your face- that he will do everything that he can to make sure that you're happy.
"Then," he perks up, wiping his face from any stray tears that might have escaped from earlier, "Let's go on another carpet ride together, outside of campus!" He exclaims excitedly, all hints of previous sadness gone from his eyes and voice.
"There's so many places I want to show you, but I think we should look for spots that look like your home! This world is a pretty big place, so I'm sure there must be somewhere that looks similar to yours. Tell me everything about your homeland- If we can't find something like it, then we'll just have to make it ourselves!"
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It was in the midst of winter break that you started to feel more lonely. All of your other friends were gone and spending the holidays with their families, while you were still here at the school with your only company being Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts, who would come and go as they pleased. Everything was just so,, quiet, without the chaos duo Deuce and Ace around. Of course, Grim was almost always up to his own little shenanigans too, but most of the time they were harmless and it was just him entertaining himself with catching mice and such.
The silence of the winter break and the bleakness of the white snow was staring to take a toll on you, and it wasn't helping the fact that you're still experiencing nightmares beyond what you see in the mirror at night (this is not a jab at you, I swear).
For reference, you just had a dream that woke you up in the middle of the night, sweating and gasping for air as you tried to recollect yourself. Of course, you couldn't fall back asleep after what you've just seen, and Grim was still sound asleep in his corner of the bed. Quietly, you move to get up to go get some fresh air outside- not forgetting to bring your jacket with you to the freezing cold weather out there.
And you spent a bit of time in the silence of the night, sitting on the stairs of the front porch of the Ramshackle dorm with a heavy jacket tied to your shoulders, just staring up into the sky. This isn't the first time that this has happened, so you know that looking at the stars would usually help you out in times like these.
'I can see the stars so clearly from here. Back home, the stars would be so dim that most nights you could hardly see them because of all of the lights around.'
'Huh, I wonder what kind of constellations this world has thought up of. That kinda looks almost like a horse, if you look at it sideways.'
'I wonder what kind of galaxy this world is in. The Milky Way was nice and all, but something different could be nice, too.'
Those would be the kind of thoughts that would help calm you down after your nightmares and you'd start feeling sleepy again. You'd go back inside, maybe drink a little bit of water, and then delve underneath the covers of your bed and go to back to sleep.
But this time, though, you could hardly focus on anything else except for the contents of your dream. No matter how intently you stared into the night sky, there was nothing else that you could think of other than, 'It was just so realistic.'
"Hey, hench-human! There you are! 'Was wonderin' where ya went so late at night. Come back in already, you let the fireplace in the room die out and now the whole room's gone cold again," you hear Grim calling out to you from the now open door of the Ramshackle dorm.
"Sorry Grim, I'll be back inside in just a bit, just gimmie a minute, alright?"
"What? You're just gonna sit outside in this cold?" Grim exclaims, "What are ya even doing out here anyway?" And you hear Grim's paws tapping on the old wooden flooring as he scampers his way to you.
"Couldn't sleep, so I went out for some fresh air, that's all."
"Oh yeah? Had another dream about the Great Seven? Or was it that Mickey dude in the mirror again?" He pushes your arms away from your legs and jumps into your lap without another thought. If he was going to wait for you to get up and relight the fireplace, he was at least going to wait somewhere that's nice and warm- your lap.
"Actually," you clear your throat, "not this time, no."
"Then what's up?" And he just said it so casually, like either he knew that something was bothering you and he wanted to make the conversation comfortable enough to talk about it- that or he's just completely unable to read a room (which was honestly the more likely option). Either way, it made you pause for a moment, to think about whether you wanted to answer his question honestly or make up some sort of lie about it.
"I'm thinking about whether I should just go ahead and tell Crowley to give up on looking for my way back home," you admit, deciding on telling him half-truths for now. But your comment caught him off guard, and he looks back at you with surprise. "Huh, why would ya do that?" he asks.
"Well, I mean I'd probably just be lying six feet under if I do manage to go back, so what's the point in having Crowley waste his time on this? Besides, he's been using it as an excuse to make me us do all of his dirty work for him, and I don't want to be indebted to him anymore than I already am."
"Well, I guess that does make sense, but still, haven't you been wantin' to go home this whole time? What's with you givin' up now?" he grumbles.
"Awe, I had no idea that you hated me this much," you joke, "To think, that even my closest friend even wants me gone from this world! Oh, woe is me!"
"Hey, you know it ain't like that, henchman!" Grim pushes you playfully, "I'll have you know that, unlike SOME people, I care about my minions. If ya wanna go home, then you should keep tryin' to find a way back, especially if there's someone else doin' all the work for you."
"That's sweet of you to say, but I'm probably never going back."
"What makes you so sure?" And you don't say anything to his question, not for a while. Grim notices your silence and concludes his statement, "Well, if that's what you want, then alright. It just means that you'll be here to see me become the greatest mage in the world!"
"Mhm," you nod sluggishly, and the conversation goes quiet from there. Now, the heavy silence of the winter night fell upon the both of you, the only sounds being the creaking of the old wooden planks of the Ramshackle dorm, the frostbitten wind blowing through the air, and the soft shuffling of you petting through Grim's fur as he sits idly in your lap. The silence didn't bother either of you much, as Grim was nearly falling back to sleep with the soft movements of your hands brushing him and the warmth from your lap keeping the cold at bay. But as time continued to pass, your anxious thoughts started clouding the deep recesses of your mind once again and you felt compelled to speak upon them.
"Grim, I know that you're a monster and everything, but do you know anything about reading a human's pulse?" you speak suddenly, and he flinches awake at your question, rubbing his eyes tiredly as you continue without letting him answer, "You can find your heart rate just by pressing on your wrist, or placing these fingers against your neck, like this." And you demonstrated both actions to him.
"Grim,, I," your voice chokes up, "I can't feel my pulse... Earlier I had another nightmare, and I saw myself dying. In my world... It was so realistic, I..." Tears start erupting from your eyes as you recall the vivid memory, and Grim stares at you with wide eyes as you continue, "When I woke up, I felt like I could still feel the pain. It was so excruciating, I felt like I was going to throw up, so I came out here."
Your body was shivering uncontrollably with how you were trying to keep your tears in as you spoke, and you pull Grim closer to you in a hug close to your chest, "Grim, please tell me. Do you hear anything? Anything at all? Even if you lie to me, please just tell me that you can hear my heartbeat."
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
"I can hear it," Grim states seriously (I mean, after seeing the state you're in, it would be more than a little rude if he wasn't serious), "And I'm not lyin' to ya. It's super cold out here, which is probably why ya can't feel it, but you do have a heartbeat. I promise you, you're alive, right here, with me." He wasn't expecting this, but he tries his best to comfort you, though really he has no idea about what to do or what to say. But as awkward as his words come out as, it still works to help you calm down after a while. He waits until your breathing starts to slow down and your tears have stopped spilling.
"Henchman, I'm startin' to feel hungry for a midnight snack," he states, "I know you're hungry too, so let's go sneak into the cafeteria and see what they've got!" And he leaps off of your lap and looks at you with his bright blue eyes, "We can warm up by its fireplace while we're there too."
As he starts dragging you towards the school, he turns to look at you and he says, "The way I see it, the way you still get hungry or thirsty is how we know that you're still alive. You wouldn't need to eat or sleep if you were dead, like the ghosts, now would'ya? You really need to stop overthinking things like this, givin' me a heart attack when you start cryin' outta nowhere like that..."
I accidentally wrote a whole mini-story for them, no wonder this request took so long </33 I really hope that you enjoyed reading this, anon! While I did have trouble at the beginning, things started falling into place as I kept writing 👏👏
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Hi!!! This is the-cat-and-the-birdie 😁😁😁
I just wanted to ask - and sorry if this is weird! But I know Maitreyi is Indian as are you, and I know Diwali is coming up soon. I just wanted to know if Maitreyi celebrates Diwali, and if so does she do anything with Hobie?
I just thought Hobie participating in Diwali would be beautiful so I wanted to ask! Anyway, I love your work and think you're an amazing addition to the fandom. Can wait to read anything new you put out 🧡 thanks for all your effort
Because she was taken away from her family when she was young, she never really got to participate in celebrations like Diwali and considering the fact that there aren’t really any other Indian superheroes in her universe, she couldn’t share her culture with them or really go to any events.
I like to think that Pav invited her to his family's Diwali festival for the first time, which his Aunt Maya usually hosts, and he convinced Hobie to come too (he ships them like crazy) so they could both have that experience.
Maitreyi was hesitant at first, cause she wasn’t sure if she’d fit in well but when she found out Hobie was coming, she decided she’d go (cuz she’s a simp)
Pavi took her took her to get a red saree (for valor) to wear and got her measured and everything. She acted like she wasn’t interested in it but she was actually really excited to wear one.
Hobie wore a gold kurta (for prosperity) cause Pav forced him to, while Pav himself wore a lighter yellow color (happiness) Gayatri wore a simpler pink lehenga (love) and the two of them matched pretty well. But he was only able to see Gayatri for a while before she had to leave to celebrate with her family and because Inspector Singh doesn’t like Pav :(
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Maitreyi's saree on the top left, Hobie's kurta on the top right, Gayatri's lehenga on the bottom left and Pavitr's kurta on the bottom right! Disclaimer: I'm not saying this is what they look like, I'm just saying this is what the clothes would look like.
Side Note: Hobie would look so freaking good in a kurta like do you guys see my vision? Can someone draw him in a kurta I'm literally begging 😭. This tall ass mf would pull it off so well!!
When he saw Maitreyi in her saree for the first time, Hobie was a tiny bit awestruck, cause he doesn't see her in much other than her suit and streetwear and even then, she's very reserved and quiet around him. He kind of let out a soft "you look beautiful" when he saw her and she got so nervous she was barely able to respond. He was just trying to be nice cause he genuinely thought she looked really pretty, but she probably felt like she was going to explode. She was able to croak out a simple thank you but acted like an idiot (all sappy and dorky) around him for the rest of the festival. (She's so silly I'm totally not projecting)
While Maitreyi and Pav did rangoli in front of his house, Hobie was busy lighting all the lamps and candles and getting out the firecrackers. Pav had a lot of family over but none of them minded Maitreyi and Hobie being there, despite being a little confused by Hobie’s presence. What was a British punk doing in India?? Lmao
During the actual celebration, Hobie went kind of crazy over the firecrackers. Controlled explosions? The perfect combination of chaos and command tbh. He lit up more than half of the supply and at some point Pav had to ask him to leave some for the rest of his cousins to play with. But even then, Hobie stayed with those cousins and helped them light the firecrackers too cause a lot of them were young and scared (he’s so good with kids 😭). Like I could imagine him seeing a little kid who was holding a little matchstick in his hand and slowly trying to approach a firecracker and being like "hey mate, y'want some help? S'not scary at all, promise, lemme give you a hand" in his deep voice.
Maitreyi loved the Diwali sparklers, the ones that looked like incense sticks but when lit would burn and crackle. She would wave them around and create these beautiful patterns of smoke in the air, gracefully twirling the incense stick to draw these complicated designs that only lasted a part of a second. Hobie and the rest of the little kids would watch her in awe, excitedly asking her to draw different patterns to which she gladly obliged. Hobie was acting more like an excited kid than the rest, asking her to write his name with the smoke and more (Let the traumatized man release his inner child!) She found it cute.
When he decided to give it a try, she held his hand and helped him calmly (even though she was basically screaming with happiness on this inside), gently moving his hand in different directions and helping him create the same patterns. He's a bit clumsy, and his hands are fairly shaky so she'd kind of hold his hand firmly so the lines he drew into the air would be straight and so his movements would be a little more fluid. What she didn't realize was that he was staring at her with a smile the whole time while she was focused on the sparks. (I'm getting butterflies just writing this omg 😭)
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This is what the Diwali sparklers look like in action!! When you move them around, the light stays behind for just a split second and makes it look like you're drawing. People usually wave them in circles or in zig zag lines for fun, but you can also make really quick shapes like squares if you're fast enough. You can even write out the letters of your name!
Overall they all really enjoyed the celebration and Maitreyi made Pav promise to invite her again next year!!
thank you so much for this ask, I had a lot of fun writing it and I love the way it turned out even if I went a little overboard with the details 😭! @the-cat-and-the-birdie
Btw I love your spider-Sona, Diane, I read all your posts about her and Hobie and they’re literally the cutest. Maitreyi would definitely think Diane was the coolest and feel so safe around her because of what a strong, badass woman she is 😭
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pulim-v · 3 months
I finished the fern and via playlists! Sorry it took me so long I forgot I could listen to music while doing other things 🙃 here are my random thoughts while listening :]
Im not used to listening to vocoliod music or music in other languages (apart from K-Pop but I feel like maybe that doesn’t encapsulate the genre lmao) I liked a lot of it tho!
I was not expecting 20 songs when I clicked on ferns playlist lmao
Idk the story of Percy Jackson but good kid is very anger issues core
I very much relate to Mrs green apple I really liked that one
These songs are very upbeat (most of them at least) and the lyrics are mostly pretty … non upbeat in many ways (shoutout to lost umbrella for breaking my brain with this) which feels like seems okay on the outside is actually a mess inside. Maybe I’m right or maybe I’m projecting lmao
Istg Renai Circulation sounds like Sofia the first theme song. I mean I haven’t heard it in years but my sister used to watch it and that’s what it sounds like to me
World’s smallest violin!!! I love this song
I really like the bits of Steven universe music in these playlists
Also I’m so mad at you I’ve listened to karma like 6 times since yesterday 
Overall these were good playlists I liked jumping in the minds of your characters. Sorry if these seem a little jumbled! My favorite is sparks or ferns :3
Anyways honestly I kinda went overboard w the Vocaloid songs with Fern LMAO I'm a huge fan of them (been getting into Hatsune Miku lately) and a lot of songs speak on similar things to what's on Fern's story
Songs in different languages in general is something I'm just used to since at least half the stuff I listen to is in English lmao (used to be worse when I wasn't fluent in it)
INFERNO (the Mrs Green Apple one) IS SO FUCKING COOL ASKJDHAKSJHD I put it there mainly for coolness points but iirc the actual substance does relate to Fern quite a bit lol (also the title)
Yeah I think Fern is probably the most outwardly fucked up FGCC character but even she hides a lot of stuff (it's just not to the same extent as Mist and Rowan)
Lost Umbrella (and Inabakumori in general) just fucks severely I love how he makes really swaggy music with great animations and then you check the lyrics and it's Distilled Depression
Okay I'll need to get back on you on that about Renai Circulation
WSV IS SO GREAT I WANT TO MAKE AN ANIMATIC ABT IT!!!! Regarding Via's role in That Arc
Oh SU was highly influential for me lmao both my writing and my taste in art are heavily related to stuff in it (like how Fern is Really Lapis-coded)
Do you want me to make the Karma brainrot worse? I can make it worse. (ask me about the Rowan animatic please ask me about the Rowan animatic)
Thanks a lot! I was kinda nervous since a lot of the playlists are Really Short but I'm glad you liked them aksjhdaksjhd
(have you checked the Agate playlist too?? It has a similar amount of songs to Via's iirc)
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jarofstyles · 3 years
more gang/mafia harry. literally anything ur heart desires I just want gang/mafia!harry
Ok…. So maybe went overboard with this, but dark Harry feeds the soul (or takes it lmao)
But this is what I imagine he’s like when someone threatens or attempts to hurt Y/N.
TW/ guns, violence, blood, bad language and just altogether dark oops
Harry wasn’t a man to cross.
It was known by almost all. And when you say almost, it’s because a select portion of the population doesn’t seem to care much about their lives. At all.
It was widely known that he was brutal. Harry didn’t give second chances, sometimes he barely gave a first. You simply didn’t fuck with him. Period. He was protective of his own and the consequences of messing with them were showing to be quite deadly.
There weren’t many things that he held dear in his life. His mum and sister, yes. His core group of inner men, though even to them they may not know it. But Y/N was at the very top of that list, and that unfortunately made her a target. A large one.
Harry had people watching for her whenever she left. Perhaps that was excessive to some, but he would damned if he let anything happen to the one beam of sunshine in his life. She was his joy, his love, his breath. And no one fucked with her.
When they did, though? It wasn’t pretty.
He had gotten the call that a man had been tailing Y/N as she did her day to day. Sitting outside her apartment, waiting for her to leave. When she felt someone following, she called Harry and immediately he had his men on it. Surrounding the car before he even knew what happened. And while Harry usually didn’t do dirty work himself…. This was a very special occasion.
“I suggest shutting the fuck up.” He rolled his eyes as the guy tried to babble out excuses, Harry rolling up his sleeves as he walked into the room. His demeanor was dark and heavy. Angry. Livid. Because the man tied in front of him had nefarious intentions with his angel of a woman, and he wouldn’t be unpunished.
“You’re going to nod yes or no.” Harry took the gun from his waistband and cocked it, flicking off the safety. The man trembled in the seat, nodding yes frantically. God. Pathetic.
“You had rope in the trunk of your car. Rope. Chains. A few knives. Plastic bags. Weapons. Light fluid. Correct?” He listed off, internally roaring with rage while on the outside still remaining cool. “Don’t just sit there like a fucking idiot. Yes or no?” He clenched his jaw as the man nodded his head.
“You did. I saw it. And you were following my angel around. Yes or no?” He stepped closer, fist clenched against his side. Again, he nodded. This man was done for. “That was a mistake. You’ve got the be the stupidest person in the world. Did you think it was going to be that easy?” He took the gun and pressed it under the coward’s chin to lift it up. “Did you?”
The venom in his tone was felt in the room. It was known then that this man wasn’t going to be okay. “What were you going to do, Bradley? Hm? Were you going to hurt my angel?” His breathing picked up, waiting for a nod or a shake of the head. When he didn’t get one, his hand drew back and slammed right into the man’s face with a sickening crunch.
The man’s howl of pain only angered Harry more. How dare he think he had the right to make any noise when he was going to hurt his girl?
“Yes or no, you fucking piece of shit.” His growl was deep and he sounded truly evil. At the moment? Harry felt it. He had done a lot of fucked up things in his day, but the things he was envisioning doing to this man who threatened someone so pure and genuine? They were sick. He probably needed therapy.
“Yes! Yes, I’m sorry!” He sobbed when again Harry’s hand came up and hit him with force that nearly knocked his bound body and chair over. Blood poured from his nose and his lip was split. There was no remorse from Harry.
“You’re sorry?” He snickered, shaking his head. “You’re going to be. You’re going to tell me who hired you, you sick fuck. And then I’m going to make you regret everything. Taking this job, scaring my girl, the day you were fucking born. The girl you were going to harm has no play in this. She’s mine. That’s it. And you’d think that you’d do a bit of research into just who you’re going to hit.” His green eyes were black with rage.
“Boss? Y/N’s in your office. She’s shaken up, you should probably go see her before you get too dirty.” A voice behind him let him in, making his spine straighten up again. Y/N was always the priority, regardless of how bloodthirsty he felt right now. He needed to make sure she was okay.
“I’ll be right there.” He spoke lowly, stepping back from the man who had just signed over his life. “You sit tight. I’ll be right back after I make sure my fiancé is doing okay. Your life has been extended a few minutes due to her. Thank whatever god you believe in because when I come back, it isn’t going to be a fun ride to meet them.”
Before leaving the room, he lifted the gun and pointed it at the man’s knee, pulling the trigger. The loud bang filled the room, along with the screams of the man as the door shut behind him. It was fine to comfort his girl.
When he had her shaking form in his arms, her tears soaking his shirt, gently soothing her terrified soul, he felt that rage raise again. No one got away with hurting her.
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jkstompers · 4 years
just to study | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
summary: your seat partner asks if you’re free after class, just to study.
genre: fluff, college!au, established friendship, flirtationship, mutual pining, they go to a ‘frat’ party together, also yugyeom! a sweetheart<3 we love him.
warnings: mature!!, mentions of alcohol + alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, strong language, SEXUAL TENSION, mentions of dick sucking??, hints of a wet dream on oc’s end, very strong urges to kiss each other but no kisses today </3, that’s pretty much it!
word count: 7.4k (i...kinda went overboard)
authors’ note: hello!! this is a pt. 2 to sleepyhead! it’s based a few weeks after so yeah <3 also the pacing is kind of weird but… i don’t really know how being drunk is so............(>人<) i’m sorry about that! one scene was inspired by this post haha it was just so cute to think about i had to do it. ALSO i literally haven’t taken anatomy since high school so i just used random terms from quizlet T_T pls excuse that as well! but otherwise, enjoy!!!!!!!!! (っ^_^)っ
(if u see any typos...ignore them pls T_T)
side note: imagine jk looking like this when he goes to the party lmao classic fboy look with the camo bomber and his piercings ugh <3
banner pic creds here ! <3
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you made it to class on time today, woke to your alarm and even had enough time to eat breakfast before you came. in a particularly good mood, you made your way up the stairs to the row jungkook was sitting in, hoping that the seat next to him was empty (you didn’t have to hope, jungkook always saved the seat next to him for you, no matter what.)
“good morning, ___!” jungkook’s voice greets you the same as always as soon as you appear next to him. he moves his bag out of the way for you to sit down.
he looks especially cute today. his long floppy hair framing his face, his sweet smile beaming up to you. you wonder how dumb you looked drooling over him for a minute before you replied, “hi jungkook, how are you?” with the same smile on your face that you show him every time he sees you. it never changes, but it never fails to make jungkook’s heart skip a beat.
“i’m doing okay, you?” he answers while you pull out your laptop.
you didn’t have a chance to reply before your professor starts talking. informing the class about the test that’s planned at the end of the month, finals in two months, and then dropping the bomb that there’s a quiz tomorrow about the things you’ve learned in the past week. a slight panic takes over you, although you didn’t know why, you understood what he was teaching and you were retaining all of the information well. but when the professor pulls up all the information on the screen to review it all, all of the words and pictures overwhelm you.
to make things worse, jungkook is to your left, not paying attention to a word your professor is saying. instead, playing some game where he has to click his touchpad an obnoxious amount of times. your attention is split between jungkook’s erratic tapping and the notes that the professor projects onto the screen, even though his computer barely made any noise, his incessant movement was distracting you.
“jungkook, you’re taking notes and playing a game?” your voice comes out as a rushed whisper. there’s a snort that comes from him before he nods. you couldn’t be mad at him. “there’s a quiz on all of this tomorrow, you know?”
“i know,” he continues to tap and click, the motion growing incredibly annoying. you didn’t know why you couldn’t have just tried to block it out, but he was just so close to you and admittedly, you looked at his hands, a lot. the way that his fingers tapped against his keyboard and his veins that accentuate his already beautiful hands, it was free art you could look at, how could you not? at this point, you’re contemplating holding his hand to make him stop tapping.
you were in the middle of typing when he finally stops, leaning back and stretching his arms up into the air. you let out a sigh of relief, until he starts again. apparently he reached the next level on his game, tapping even faster, if that was even fucking possible.
quietly, you groan. turning your attention solely on him. you place your hand on top of his, the tapping ceasing almost immediately. “please, jungkook, you’re distracting me.”
he looks at your hand before he looks at you, his chocolate doe eyes wide to the action. he gulps, “sorry.”
you remove your hand, focusing back to the presentation. jungkook feels the heat from his cheeks travel to his hand. the feeling of your hand on his wasn’t something he was expecting to experience today, but he wants nothing more than for you to do it again. he exits the game tab and changes his focus to the lecture.
or moreso, you focusing on the lecture.
you look so cute. your cheek pressed up against your fist. he stares at the way that your forehead creases in concentration. he taps on your arm that’s resting on the table, “hey, you look like you’re stressed out.”
you turn your head slightly to look over to him. “that’s because i am,” you send him a quick smile before you go back to looking at the projection.
he furrows his eyebrows, “why? you’re smart, there’s no need to worry about what you get on this.” you were an a+ student, never anything less than that. jungkook knows that you ace every test that you take, so he doesn’t quite understand why you’re so stressed.
“because jungkook,” you groan. you expected a lot from yourself, sure b’s were okay, but a’s and a+’s were what you wanted and what you thought would make you feel satisfied. there was no way you could explain this without sounding like an overachiever. so you just sigh, “i’m just not really prepared.”
jungkook thinks of the perfect way to spend more time with you, snapping his fingers before suggesting, “we should study together after class, studies show that studying with someone else will give you an a+, guaranteed.” the confidence in his voice makes you smile, and helps you ease up a little bit.
you raise an eyebrow, a laugh creeping up from your lungs. “source for that statistic, sir?”
he taps his right temple, the gesture making you snort. “no but seriously, i’ll help you out,” he assures. his laptop turns towards you to show you all the notes he took, different words highlighted and colored differently.
you act like you think about it, staying quiet for a minute or so. but you know the answer was yes no matter what. “just to study?” you tease. jungkook raises his eyebrows in surprise, an amused smile on his face, “just kidding, we can go to mine? i owe you for the ride you gave me like two weeks ago.” you tap your fingers against your laptop nervously, your teeth taking in your bottom lip as you ask. you haven’t had a guy over to your apartment, not since you’ve moved in. there’s a certain anxiousness that comes with the suggestion.
jungkook nods, “sounds good.”
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“okay, again.” you brush your hair behind your ears, preparing yourself once more for another pass of the flashcards. the two of you have been at it with these cards for the past hour or so, you were determined to get these right no matter how long it took. jungkook knew you were gonna get it down, you only had three more cards, these ones specifically stumping you.
“aponeuroses,” he looks at the card and then to you.
“connective tissue that forms a broad sheet which attach muscle to bone or muscle to other muscles,” you speak confidently. jungkook nods, moving onto the next card of the set of three.
“endomysium,” he reads the card. you hesitate on this one for a second, he plays with the corner of the card until you snap your fingers.
“that’s the connective tissue surrounding the… the— uh, oh! muscle fiber?” your brain works extra hard. jungkook rewards you with another nod, flipping to the last card.
“dense connective tissue,” you begin, pausing to think of the rest of the answer. you start biting your thumb nail, knowing there’s more to it but it’s not coming to your brain quick enough.
jungkook just stares, watching your facial expressions as you search for the answer in your brain. this could be the worst crush he’s ever had, he thinks you’re cute when you’re just sitting there, thinking. he doesn’t remember ever liking someone this much, most of the time his crushes went away after a few weeks or so. but it’s almost been an entire year since he’s started crushing on you, and it still hasn’t stopped. you still manage to find a way to make his thoughts surround you.
“separates and holds individual tissues? it’s the one that extends into the tendons, right?” you perk up after a minute or so. your brain finally coming up with the answer. you blame jungkook’s presence for slowing you down. maybe you shouldn’t have accepted this offer to study together, because how could you focus when jeon jungkook is sitting right in front of you?
“you’re amazing,” he praises, setting the flashcards down onto the table. you blush at the compliment, jungkook takes notice, but he doesn’t mind, he thinks pink is pretty on you. he’s never wanted to kiss your cheeks as much as he did now, and trust, he’s thought about it many, many times. “all done?” he asks after staring at you for the longest time.
you nod, “just gonna highlight these terms to review them later so i can get it down 100%.”
jungkook watches as you diligently reread your notes and highlight them. an apple on the table taking his attention away for a second when he realizes he hasn’t eaten at all today. he takes a bite, the loud crunch noise seemingly startling the both of you. it makes you turn your head and raise an eyebrow towards him.
“sorry,” he chews, “hungry.”
your stare lingers a little longer than you wanted it to. his cheeks are full of apple, you can’t help but laugh a little. “there’s still the sticker on it,” you point out.
he turns the apple around to see the blue sticker. peeling it off, he holds it on his fingertip, an idea sprouting in his mind to see that sweet smile of yours again. so he places the sticker on your cheek, your gaze moving from your screen to him and then to the fruit sticker now stuck onto your cheek. “get it? ‘cause you’re sweet like this apple is,” he smiles.
oh my god. you blush embarrassingly, your entire face flushed pink as you hide your cheeks behind your hands. he laughs at your reaction. jungkook was feeling bold today, so he moves forward, gently taking your hands away from your face to see the cute pink tint he caused. he sits back, admiring your pretty face.
you feel yourself burning hotter and hotter the longer he stares, looking everywhere but his face, too scared to make eye contact. you look back to your computer screen, “um— there’s pasta in the fridge— if you’re hungry, i made it last night.” you offer, but he declines politely, telling you that he has to leave pretty soon because his friends are expecting him to join them today.
begrudgingly, you watch as jungkook packs his things up. he thinks about how content he felt hanging out with you today, and how he wanted to do it again, as soon as possible. a thought pops into his head before he opens the door to leave. he turns on his heel.
you weren’t expecting the sudden turn, accidentally bumping into his chest. “oof! sorry.”
“it’s alright,” he laughs, helping you steady yourself by holding your shoulders. “i just wanted to ask— uh, my friends are throwing a party tomorrow night, do you— do you wanna come?” his words come out jumbled, jungkook never fails to trip on his words whenever he’s near you.
tomorrow night...it’s a friday tomorrow, the quiz is tomorrow, why the fuck not? a stress reliever from all the studying you’ve done. “sure,” you answer after a minute or so of deliberation. you look up at him with a smile, suddenly realizing how close the two of you are.
your eyes flicker between his eyes and his lips, the close proximity makes you hold your breath. “great! i can pick you up? be your DD?” he quirks his head, a smile that matches yours on his face.
you nod, “yeah, i’d like that.” with that, jungkook takes a step back, widening the space between you both as his right hand goes to hold the strap of his bag.
“okay, i’ll text you the details.” before he turns around, turning the knob of your front door and letting himself out. before the door closes, he sends you a wave, one which you reflect as he pulls the door closed. you move up and lock the door, your forehead resting against the cold metal slab.
you wonder if this crush will ever advance into something more. neither of you really push the agenda, most of the time just cutely flirting with each other and only talking to each other during class. maybe this party will be a chance to further the bond the two of you have. you could only wish that you could drop this nervous shield that pops up everytime you’re around him, but jungkook is just so cool. the campus heartthrob, everyone wants to be him or be with him.
for the rest of the day, jungkook seems to occupy your mind, as he always does. when you get to sleep, the fantasies of jungkook’s lips on yours drift you into a deep sleep, one that eventually leads to a dream that has you rubbing your thighs together. his hands were all over your body, his cologne that you were so familiar with tormenting your nose, it all felt too real. so when you woke up to the sound of your alarm, sweat beaded at your hairline. you took deep breaths, cementing the fact that he isn’t here, and he certainly isn’t doing those things with you right now.
it was not helping that you dreamt of him sexually on the day of your quiz, the one that you were immensely stressing over. now, you’re gonna have to walk into class, act normal around jungkook even though your brain produced pornographic images of him, (it’s not the first time, but it’s the first time you’ve had to face him right after it happened) and ace this quiz.
you tried almost everything you could to have cleared your brain of your dream sequence. taking a shower, eating breakfast, studying once more, etc. but when you’re walking into the lecture hall, flashes of the dream and the sound of his imagined moan echo in your mind.
you walk up the stairs with your eyes down, not sure if you could make eye contact with jungkook without turning red. “hey, ___, good morning!” the familiar voice greets you.
“morning,” you reply, dryly. taking the seat next to him and silently taking your laptop out, waiting for the professor to start the quiz. jungkook seemed a bit taken aback by your cold answer, but he took into account that you’re probably just super nervous and stressed out because of the quiz, so he doesn’t take it too personally. instead, just sitting back in his chair and waiting patiently to take the quiz as well.
at this point, you were psyching yourself out, swearing that you already forgot all of the terms. if you were quizzed on the parts of male anatomy, specifically jungkook’s, then maybe you could ace it, but the terms that you were working oh so hard to memorize yesterday slip from your mind. when the professor tells you to separate and start the quiz, you start to bite your thumb nail again.
jungkook takes a look over at you, noticing the bad habit of yours. he gently takes a hold of your arm, pulling your thumb away from your teeth. the action causing you to make eye contact with him and his big doe eyes that hold so much love and light. you find yourself a bit speechless then, too many thoughts running around in your mind.
he whispers, “you’ll do great, okay?” the statement soothing your nerves. his voice somehow makes your body relax, even though you thought you would freak out if you made any sort of contact with him.
“you— you too, good luck,” you mutter. a half smile on your face. you were grateful that jungkook broke you out of your trance, his words of encouragement suddenly placing you in the testing state of mind. the images from last night's dream seem to put themselves away for now.
the next twenty minutes are complete silence. everyone focused on the questions before them. of course, you zoomed through the quiz, prepared for the trick questions and the harder ones that come up. jungkook finishes after you. it wasn’t a surprise, jungkook didn’t even have to try, you swear you’ve never seen him stress out before. nobody was perfect, you believed that, but jeon jungkook was the closest to it.
“okay, class! the quiz will be graded by tonight hopefully, you’re free to leave,” your professor alerts the class. jungkook waits patiently until you’re standing, following you down the stairs and out the door.
you decide to speak first, since you greeted him with such a dry response this morning. it wasn’t his fault that you dreamed of him on top of you, so why were you punishing him for it? “how’d you think you did?” you asked, turning to look at him.
he shrugs, “good i guess, i think i fucked up on one or two questions.”
“was it the striation part? i think i messed up on that one too.”
he shakes his head, “you know you aced that, don’t lie.”
you stay silent, the two of you walking to the campus parking lot. neither of you engage in conversation as you usually do. the images of last night’s dream slipping into your consciousness once again. you try to shake your head, to rid yourself of the thoughts. nothing else to distract you from them because jungkook was oddly silent the entire walk. you fear that he can actually read your mind and see all of your thoughts. if he could, he doesn’t mention it. not saying one word to you until he walks you to your car, greeting you with a ‘see you next class!’ before leaving to go to his car. not even mentioning the party to you, you start to wonder if he regrets inviting you. up until you heard your phone ring when you parked in the lot of your apartment complex.
[10:24 am] jungkook: hey! forgot to remind u about the party 😫
[10:24 am] jungkook: ur still down to come, right?
[10:28 am] you: hi! yeah :)
[10:28 am] you: is there a dress code or smth? haha
[10:29 am] jungkook: not that i know of 😂
[10:30 am] jungkook: u can wear anything u want
[10:30 am] jungkook: ur cute whatever u wear
[10:31 am] you: oh stop it jeon ur making me blush
[10:32 am] you: but tell me :( should i wear something casual? pants? a dress?
[10:34 am] jungkook: 😂
[10:34 am] jungkook: it’s kind of like a frat party…
[10:35 am] jungkook: so anything is okay
[10:37 am] you: ah okay
[10:37 am] you: i’ll surprise u then ;)
[10:40 am] jungkook: alright :)
[10:41 am] jungkook: i’ll come by around 9 to pick u up? sound good?
[10:42 am] you: yeah! gives me enough time to nap and get ready lol
[10:44 am] jungkook: great :) see u then cutie
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you wake up from your nap around one, you had more than enough time for you to get ready for a party. so you decide to clean your apartment first, little chores to waste time before you get yourself dolled up. when you finished, it was around seven thirty. you washed your face, brushed your teeth, all that good stuff before sliding on a simple black bodycon that you got last summer. styling your hair and spraying on your favorite perfume before looking at yourself in the mirror. this wasn’t too much, right? lots of people wear stuff like this to frat parties, so you didn’t find it too fancy. the notification sound from your phone goes off, you move to check and see if it was who you were expecting.
[8:54 pm] jungkook: i’m here :)
[8:54 pm] you: ahh gimme a sec i need to pee haha
[8:55 pm] jungkook: take ur time cutie
[8:56 pm] jungkook: i’m right in front
jungkook only really had to wait about five minutes. the visual of you walking out of your apartment doors, looking the way you did, was breathtaking. his jaw drops, mouth slightly agape as he watches you walk up to his car through the passenger window. you are so gorgeous. it’s probably the first time jungkook’s seen you in clothes that really compliment your figure, most of the time you show up to class in hoodies and sweaters. so greedily, he takes in the way the dress hugs your curves deliciously. he shakes the thoughts from his head to get out of the car and open the door for you.
“what a gentleman,” you tease, getting into the car.
he joins you soon after, “you look...gorgeous.” jungkook doesn’t seem so shy now, his eyes taking in your beautiful self.
“thank you,” you blush under his stare. “is it too much?”
“no! no— not at all, all eyes will be on you tonight.” he smiles, turning the car on. now you were able to gawk over him. a simple outfit, all black with a black and white camo bomber. his side profile is perfect, his long hair draping over his face so gracefully and his piercings somehow sparkling in the dark of the car.
he doesn’t drive too far, somewhere in the suburbs where the big houses are. a huge iron gate in the front, seemingly too fancy for a frat party setting. jungkook rolls his window down to greet someone waiting in front of the gate with a couple of other guys.
“jeon! you’re late dude,” one of the guys gives him a handshake through the window.
“sorry man, i’m here now though,” jungkook laughs. the guy giving him the greenlight and opening the gate for him, jungkook parks inside on their stone driveway, decorated with a fountain and a beautiful garden.
“your friend lives here?” you inquire, impressed by the look of the place.
he nods, “fancy right? his parents are ceo’s.” makes sense, and it would also make sense as to why they were throwing a frat party here, rich sons always seem to stir up trouble whenever they’re bored.
he steps out of the car to open the door for you, always a gentleman. he takes your hand and helps you out, the two of you walking to the huge open double doors. as soon as you walk in, the smell of alcohol hits your nose, you try your best not to cringe. the blare of the speakers is the second thing you notice, along with the shouting of jungkook’s friends greeting him. “who’s this?” one of them asks, referring to you.
jungkook seems to hesitate at first, not really knowing how to introduce you. he settles by saying, “this is ___!” not attaching any ‘friend’, ‘classmate’, or anything to the introduction. his friend holds his hand out to shake yours.
you take it with a smile on your face, “i’m yugyeom, it’s nice to meet you!” a smile that reflects yours is on his face, it made you feel welcome. you were never really the type to go to parties, your time is spent working and/or going to school, but this interaction helps you ease up a little more.
“hello, yugyeom!” you reply, shouting over the music.
“do you wanna take a shot?” he asks. pointing to the enormous kitchen where they’re housing all the alcohol, you look to jungkook first who’s paying more attention to his phone rather than the conversation you were just having.
you shrug, “why not?”
yugyeom leads the two of you to the kitchen, jungkook following behind you blindly. he looks up from his phone, done with whatever business he was dealing with to ask, “where are we going?”
“taking a shot,” you answer, pointing to yugyeom who’s already pouring three shots.
“dude, i’m not drinking, don’t pour three.” jungkook tries to stop him before he fills up the third shot glass but his arm knocks yugyeom’s in the process, the bottle spilling the clear liquid into the third shot glass.
“i’ll take two,” you suggest, feeling a bit wild and down to venture out of your comfort zone.
yugyeom smiles at this, “i like her, jeon.” he hands you the two shot glasses full of vodka, jungkook stands next to you and watches as you down the first shot. your face cringing as soon as the alcohol touches your tongue.
“you didn’t even give her a chaser,” jungkook notices, scolding yugyeom who's already downed his shot and is sucking on a lime. “here, suck,” holding a slice of lime up to your lips. his choice of words disorienting you, especially since he was holding the lime up to your mouth instead of just handing it to you. your eyes flicker between the lime and his face, but nevertheless, you suck. sinking your teeth into the sour fruit. jungkook’s eyes zeroed in on how your lips wrap around the slice, slightly grazing his fingers. it’s not long before you’re making a cute scrunched up face from the sourness. “good,” he praises. you don’t deny the slight burn your lower belly felt when he said that to you. you swear he was making sex eyes to you, but you couldn’t tell. he broke eye contact with you soon after, throwing the fruit into the trash below the table that the alcohol was perched on.
yugyeom hands you another lime for your second shot, this time no jungkook to hold the fruit for you. the second shot burning down your throat with the lime chasing after, both yugyeom and jungkook cheer, congratulating you for being a trooper (even though two shots were their warmups).
the next hour or so, jungkook brings you around. he introduces you to his friends and making conversation with them. one certain group, you didn’t really enjoy. a group of five girls, clearly swarming jungkook as soon as he turned around from talking to another one of his friends. the girls ask how he’s been doing, all of the basic conversation starters. when jungkook tries to introduce you, they all turn to you and give you a little head nod before turning their attention back to jungkook. he stands there, conversing with them longer than he had with any of his other friends, and you found yourself getting, hm, jealous.
so you search around the room crowded room, looking for some way out. your eyes spot yugyeom in the backyard through the huge sliding doors, sitting on one of those lawn chairs with the one next to him empty. you decide to leave the group you were currently getting pushed out of and join yugyeom. he notices you when you step onto the grass, trying your best not to sink into the dirt with your heels. “you doing alright? where’s jungkookie?” he asks, sitting up.
you plop down onto the lawn chair next to him. “he’s in there,” you point to the house, “with five girls.”
the last bit of the sentence makes him laugh, a cackle where he holds his stomach because he was laughing so hard. “do you want a shot?” he offers after he recovers from his fit, pulling a tequila bottle out from nowhere.
but you agree, “two, please.” he fills the two shot glasses, but not completely like he did with the vodka earlier. there were no limes, or any type of chaser for you to take around, so you take the two shots like ripping off a band-aid, quick.
“you’re a funny girl,” yugyeom compliments when you’ve downed the shots.
“thanks?” you cough, the feeling of the alcohol still burning your nose and throat, “what did i say that was funny?”
“i think it’s because i’m tipsy, but that joke you made about jungkook being with five girls was hilarious.” he slaps his knee, almost making himself laugh up a storm again, but you weren’t laughing.
you raised an eyebrow, speaking with a serious tone. “it wasn’t a joke, he’s in there with five girls.”
yugyeom tries to collect himself, sitting properly on the lawn chair when he asks you to clarify, “you mean he’s fucking them? or he’s talking to them?”
you’re silent for a second before replying, why did you say it like he was in there fucking them? maybe it’s because he might as well be, so engrossed in whatever the hell they were saying to even notice that you were gone. “just talking to them,” you reply.
“that’s what i thought, jungkook isn’t like that anymore,” yugyeom nods his head, pouring another shot out for you.
“anymore?” you ask. he hands you the shot, you hesitate this time, starting to feel the effects of the first four shots you took. he doesn’t push you to take it. he just leans back onto the lawn chair as he sighs.
“you could say he’s retired,” he shrugs.
the term makes you laugh, “...a retired fuckboy?” you sit back into the lawn chair as well, looking up to the night sky. the shot glass forgotten on the table next to you. your body feels like it’s floating.
“yeah, he hasn’t really been doing stuff like that recently,” yugyeom spills. you stay quiet after he feeds you this information. yugyeom offhandedly telling you that you shouldn’t be jealous makes you feel guilty. why were you even jealous? jungkook was technically still just a friend to you. just because the two of you flirt every now and then doesn’t mean you’re together. of course he would be surrounded by girls, just look at him!
“there you are! i was looking all over for you,” jungkook interrupts your inner monologue. his voice comes from across the lawn, you look up to see him walking over to you and yugyeom.
“hi, jungkookie,” you smile up at him. the alcohol having more of an effect on you the longer you let it sit in your stomach.
he almost freezes up at the nickname, looking over to yugyeom and asking, “did you tell her to call me that?”
yugyeom holds his hands up in innocence, “i didn’t tell her to do anything, she’s like five or six shots deep though.”
you take the shot that was forgotten on the table and down it. “six,” you clarify.
“alright, slow down, iron liver,” jungkook jokes. yugyeom stands from the lawn chair, receiving jungkook’s telepathic signals to get the fuck up to he could talk and hang out with you.
“play beer pong with me later, ___! i’m gonna go look for eunwoo,” yugyeom points to you, giving you a thumbs up before leaving the backyard and moving into the house.
“feeling okay? think you might throw up soon?” jungkook asks, replacing yugyeom in the chair next to you.
“feel like i’m surfing, you know? like wavy,” you answer. the feeling was hard to explain, you weren’t dizzy but at the same time your brain was telling you to stop moving, even though you were completely still.
“ah, you’re getting there,” jungkook snorts. you didn’t have much willpower to answer, so the two of you sit there in a comfortable silence before a group of people coming towards, all greeting jungkook and you. they offer you a red cup, despite your current predicament. leaning against the chair and your droopy eyes, telling them that you’ve taken too many shots. a lightweight at her peak.
jungkook tries to deny it for you, but with a smile, you accept the cup. it was filled with the fancy mixed alcohol juice they had. “thank you,” you place the cup onto the table, “i’ll drink it.... later..” your words begin to draw themselves out. jungkook somehow finding a way to make the entire group leave, making it just the two of you again.
“give it to me, you’re starting to slur your words.” his hand is open, laying on the table and waiting for you to surrender the cup.
your eyes flicker from the red cup, to his face, then to his hand. a smirk on your face when you hold the cup up to your lips, tilting it back and drinking the cursed juice. you weren’t able to down it all, it was too much, you drank maybe ⅔ of it. you cough, taking in a deep breath as you try to steady yourself.
you weren’t sure if it was because you were drunk, but the way that his face looks in the moonlight was so pretty. so you just had to tell him. leaning forward, you speak, almost a whisper, “you’re so handsome.” you drag your finger across the expanse of jungkook’s hand. “did you know i have no gag reflex?” you smile, not your typical sweet smile that he’s used to, but a devilish grin.
jungkook’s eyes widen, his cheeks flushing immediately at your remark. “alright, you drank way too much.” he takes the red cup from your hands, dumping it out onto the grass in front of you both.
“hey, i wasn’t done,” you pout, but jungkook didn’t give you much time to mourn your spilled drink before he was holding your arm, lifting you from the lawn chair you were sitting on. “where are we going?” you ask, trailing behind him with your hand in his.
“gonna get you some water and something to eat,” he answers. the two of you move through the house, jungkook pushes through groups of people and makes sure you’re safe behind him.
“i have to pee.” you tip toe to tell him your emergency in his ear. he stops at the stairs, knowing a bathroom where no one else goes. his friend specifically telling him to use that bathroom when they have parties because the other ones get way too gross.
he brings you up the stairs to the guest bedroom, opening the door to reveal one of the biggest rooms you’ve seen. “the bathroom is there,” jungkook points to the door on the left. you nod, your wobbly legs making their way to the toilet.
jungkook sits on the bed patiently, waiting for you to finish. he hears the flush and the sound of the sink running, the door opens and you’re coming out of the bathroom, pulling your dress down. “are we gonna have sex?” you utter, slurring the end of your sentence. your alcohol poisoned mind taking over your ability to speak.
his eyes widen at the question. “no! no— oh my god, this is just the room with the cleanest bathroom, we’re not—“
you’re next to him now, “you don’t want to?” you pout. glassy eyes looking into his.
“no! i mean, yes, i want to but— fuck, just— just not now, yeah?” jungkook stumbles over his words, his face blushing a blood red. your pretty face peering up at him makes him even more flustered, his hands start to sweat.
“okay,” you nodded. your drunken brain deciding to stop the interrogation of jungkook’s desire for you. to which jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, taking your hand and bringing you out of the room, down the stairs, and out into the driveway. he brings you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. “wait, are we leaving already? yugyeomie wants me to play beer pong with him,” you complain, wiggling your hand from his grasp.
goosebumps appear on your arm when you make it outside of the house. jungkook notices when he turns around to look at you. without a second thought, he takes his jacket off and places it over your shoulders. the newfound warmth shielding you from the cold night. he didn’t mind the breeze, especially since he was still recovering from the stunt you pulled in the guest room.
“we can come back later if you want, let’s just go grab something to eat first so you won’t regret this tomorrow morning.” his explanation is pretty solid according to your drunken brain, so you oblige, moving to sit in his passenger seat.
he joins you in the driver’s seat not long after. “can we get mcdonald’s?” you ask as soon as he sits down.
a smile appears on his face as he starts the car, “sure.”
the drive made you feel a little dizzy, it makes you laugh. “you okay?” jungkook asks, but you nod your head. he’s so sweet, always asking if you’re okay, making sure you weren’t feeling too awful, etc. it only makes sense that you were falling head over heels for him.
“totally fine,” you look over to him with a smile on your face. he’s so fucking pretty, his side profile is something you could rave about for days. as he’s pulling into the mcdonald’s drive through, he’s talking into the intercom, ordering the two of you something to eat when you’re suddenly mumbling, “mcflurry, kookie, oreo mcflurry.”
he looks back to you, an amused smile on his face, “oreo mcflurry?” he repeats. you nod, “okay, anything for you.”
he reiterates the request into the intercom and the server gives him the greenlight. he drives forward and waits until the next car moves up, in the time being, he looks to you. your head laying up against the door and your eyes slowly blinking, warning him that you might fall asleep. so he reaches into his backseat, his arm looking for the water bottles that he usually keeps in his car.
“hey,” he taps your arm gently, “drink some of this first.” he hands you the water bottle, you blink slowly, trying to figure out what he was handing you. once you realize it was a water bottle, you take it, opening it and gulping some of the water down. jungkook is grabbing the food when you’re screwing the cap back on. he parks somewhere in the parking lot and tells you to start eating.
you grab your mcflurry first, the feeling of the cold ice cream on your tongue soothing your dizzy brain. “yum,” you think out loud.
jungkook laughs, taking out his hamburger while he takes out your chicken nuggets. “make sure to eat some of this, yeah? don’t want you throwing up and hating me.”
the thought makes you smile. jungkook was taking such great care of you. sure, he let you down the alcohol like it was nothing, but you never opposed to it, always taking the shot because you wanted to. now jungkook is here, taking care of you, because he wanted to. you knew that if it were anybody else, they probably would have left you at the party, letting you fend for yourself. the sudden warmth in your chest makes you want to tell jungkook everything.
with his jacket wrapped around you instead of him, you can see the bulge of his arm muscles peek out from the short sleeved shirt he was wearing. even drunk, your brain seems to travel back to the images from your dream. “you know, i had a dream about you, a reeaaaallllllyyyyy dirty dream, jeon jungkook.” you blurt out the confession before your thoughts catch up with you, the alcohol still very much blocking off the common sense part of your brain.
he tries his best not to overreact, but you had a dream about him? a dirty dream at that? it awakens something in jungkook, but he pushes it down, ignoring the feeling as he asks, “you did? what was it about?” he curious as to what you meant and what your dream entailed, but he didn’t want to push too far. especially since you were drunk and most likely just spilling everything because your brain doesn’t have the willpower to hold it back.
you stick your hand into the bag to steal some fries, stuffing them in your mouth. “oh, you don’t wanna know,” you chew.
jungkook quirks a brow, “well, was i good at least?” he jokes.
you scrunch your nose, nodding nevertheless. “too good, couldn’t even focus during the quiz because of it.”
jungkook is silent for a second. the conversation making him hot even though he wasn’t wearing his jacket anymore. so he clears his throat, trying to change the subject in a subtle manner. “is that why you were so mean to me this morning?” he pouts, connecting the dots.
you laugh at the question, “sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear.”
with that, the rest of the time is spent eating. jungkook makes sure that you ate enough and drank enough water, the empty water bottle in his cupholder as proof. “do you want me to take you home now?” he asks, the two of you finished eating and now a silence takes over the car.
“are you going back?” you ask, fiddling with your fingers. he thinks you’ve started to sober up, or maybe have gotten to the point where you just want to sleep.
he shakes his head to your question, “honestly, i’m kind of tired, but if you want to go back, we can go.”
“no, i’m okay,” you decline the offer. jungkook laughs, starting the car again and driving back to your apartment complex.
you take this time to try to get yourself together. you know you’ll regret confessing to jungkook that you had a wet dream about him in the morning. but in the moment, it felt right to confess, (to your drunken brain of course). you tilt your head back, pushing your head against the headrest, and suddenly, you’re reminded of the stars jungkook has on his ceiling. you were silent as you admired the lights, jungkook takes a look at you when he’s stopped at a red light.
so cute, he thinks, staring up at his ceiling like it’s the real night sky. when he pulls up to your apartment complex, he wishes the night could be longer, that he could spend more time with you. he parks the car in the front, exactly where he picked you up. you’re looking to him now, your hands in your lap and your heart seemingly beating three times as fast as it usually does. it wasn’t the alcohol.
“did you have fun tonight?” he asks. his voice never fails to make you melt.
you nod, “i did.”
“i’m glad,” he smiles. there’s a small silence before he speaks once more, “also, y’know, you don’t have to stress yourself out so much, i know you might have expectations for yourself and stuff, but you should give yourself a break from time to time.”
the alcohol’s effects fading slowly from your brain when you start to realize that the entire reason jungkook invited you out was to help you destress. it makes you fall even harder, he was so thoughtful. even though a party wasn’t your scene, he invited you to give you a glimpse into how he has fun and hoped that it would help you loosen up a bit. you were grateful for the mental break he provided you.
you didn’t reply, purely because you were thinking about how much you want to kiss him right now, but it wouldn’t be right. when he speaks up again, there’s a nervous lilt in his voice, scared that he’s overstepped. “if you need anyone to help you— i don’t know, let loose? you can— you can always call me.” he scratches the back of his neck.
but you try your best to reassure him, smiling at the offer. “i will, thank you for tonight, jungkook, i really enjoyed it, despite being a lightweight.”
he laughs, staring at the way your face cutely scrunches when you giggle. he too, is fighting the urge to kiss you, because right now isn’t a good time. he wants to do it right. he doesn’t want to fuck it up with you. so instead, he hops out of the car and moves to open the door for you. helping you out of the car and walking you to your door, your hand in his.
“i’ll see you in class?” you turn to face him, squeezing his hand.
he nods, “yeah.” his signature bunny smile coming out to greet you a goodnight. “text me before you sleep?” he requests. you give him a thumbs up before he’s letting go of your hand and you’re sticking the key into your door, it’s then that you realize that you’re still wearing his jacket.
“oh!” you exclaim, taking the jacket off and handing it to him. but he holds his hand out to stop you.
“keep it, you can give it to me the next time we hang out, or something,” he suggests. you try to hide the growing smile behind a nod.
you hold onto his jacket, “goodnight, jungkook.”
he sticks his hands in his pockets, sending you another grin, “goodnight, ___.”
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jungkook drives home, his empty apartment welcoming him. he plops down onto his bed, not even bothering to change out of the clothes he was in because he was that tired. the events of today running through his mind.
he hopes you don’t think he was doing anything with those five girls. he saw you walk away when you did, he tried his best to escape the conversation, but they kept pulling him back. he gave up after ten tries of trying to get away, standing there for a good fifteen minutes listening to them babble about how much they missed him. jungkook had never rolled his eyes so many times in a conversation.
the talk the two of you had after was another thing taking over his mind. your dirty flirting and your dream you mentioned in the car had his imagination running all over the place. he didn’t want to push you when you explained, but he was very curious as to what he did in your dream, and how good it was for you to have it run through your mind all day.
his phone rings next to him. he turns and opens it, a smile on his face when he reads your message.
[12:32 am] you: hi jungkookieeeeeeeee
[12:33 am] you: im sleeping noww
[12:33 am] jungkook: alright cutie
[12:33 am] jungkook: goodnight! again 😂
[12:34 am] you: goodnight <3
he turns his phone off after that. looking up to his ceiling with a dumb smile on his face. his mind thinking of you and only you.
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
Hello! Could I have hcs for Yandere Maki, Peko and Mukuro with a S/O that almost always wants to play Videogames with them and who wouldn't even mind being kidnapped as long as they could play together?
Yandere Maki, Peko, and Mukuro With A Gamer S/O
TW: yandere, abducting, Stockholm syndrome, imprisonment
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Maki Harukawa
•Had no trouble abducting you.
•She was silent the moment you woke up and up until she noticed you were.
•You were on a sofa and she was in the kitchen that just happens to be visible from there.
•She would take a look at you from time to time in case you would wake up or try to struggle.
•When she saw you get up, she was on alert. She immediately went to you and tried to not freak you out.
•Which you didn't you slightly panicked as to why you were in another house. Why you were asleep. What time was it. Why is Maki here with you.
•"You must be asking a lot of questions right now. But no, I'm not going to free you. There is no chance of you escaping from here."
•That answer wasn't in any question that ran in your mind, but that'll do too. •Wait what? Does that mean you're abducted?!
•"Oh, and here you go." She handed you the controller, "I recently knew that you were into video games."
•You take the controller hesitantly, still doubting the girl in front of you.
•Weeks passed and you were still in her home. You almost knew all of her mood patterns. She's clearly capable of killing, that's a given. She won't be aggressive unless you defy her so bad.
•She's actually relieved that you were not resisting or anything.
•You noticed the strange behavior that she always pauses when she sees you and stares at you for a good amount of time.
•It was like you read her mind and answered, "As long as I'm playing, I'm not complaining, you know."
•It was like a thorn was plucked out of her. It was a relief that her lover has decided to stay with her. She'd do anything for them to stay with her. She'd do anything to protect them.
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Peko Pekoyama
•She was staring at you the whole time you slept. She didn't dare fall asleep. She had her eyes fixated over you the whole time. She was watching you closely, every twitch of your lip, every scrunch of your nose, and every dart of your eyes.
•You were both flustered when you woke up. I think she was even more panicked than you were. She tried to keep her cool but she kept stuttering. It took some time before she can formally face you.
•She tried to keep her hands away from the sword on her back. She doesn't wanna scare you.
•She explained everything. She won't let you leave this place. As much as she loves you, there is no way in hell that she's letting you go.
•She's very careful of her every move. She might be a swordswoman, but she's hella anxious when she's around you.
•One time, she asks what you wanted so you don't get bored in her place. And you simply tell her, "games". She immediately agreed and didn't waste time researching it.
•Before leaving to buy what you needed, she definitely took time to check everything so that you don't escape.
•Do you even wanna escape when you already have expected games? I mean...
•She arrived from the store with a bunch of things you wanted.
•She didn't waste any more time and set everything up. She handed you the controller and just sat down cross-legged beside you, watching you and the game.
•"Aren't you gonna play, Peko?"
•"U-um... I don't how these work..."
•Yeah, given the fact that most of the things she bought were either lacking or old. •"I guess I'll have to teach you then."
•Blushes because of the generosity you displayed.
•After that, she always tried and did her best, so that you wouldn't ever leave her.
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Mukuro Ikusaba
•Didn't really stare at you while you were unconscious but would check every 3 to 5 minutes.
•She had to avoid Junko while kidnapping you. Which was kinda difficult.
•She wasn't there when you awoke, but you did hear some bickering.
•It eventually died down and Mukuro went to you.
•"Sorry for the ruckus. I had to drive them away. More importantly, how are you feeling?" She was a bit shy, but she tries her best.
•You were so confused about what was happening up until now, so the first words that went out of your mouth were the ones that make you happy. "Games."
•"I wanna play games."
•Mukuro realized that you're probably still out of it. And thankfully, she had the resources for it.
•She hands you her Nintendo. "This is all that I've got. I promise to give you more, but just not now."
•Few days after, she seemed to notice that you were too busy playing with the gadget rather than worrying about your freedom.
•So she feeds you with tonsa games.
•She's a bit shy, so if you want her to play with you, please do say so.
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Lmao my writing game ain't on peak recently, what the hell is happening? And... I went a lil overboard. Thank you for requesting, anon.
-Mod Toko [Maki Shift]
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
How will the bros react to MC self-doubting themselves? Like saying bad things about them or can't be serious someone give them compliment.
Supportive demon bois coming right up! Sorry I took so long to write this anon! Thank you so much for the ask! (Also, thank you all for the love on my previous posts!)
The Brothers with an MC who self doubts themselves:
-As the embodiment of pride itself, Lucifer has an overwhelming amount of confidence, almost all the damn time
-So, he was flabbergasted to learn that you weren’t the same
-He always insisted that you aren’t anything but perfect, yet you always seemed to brush the compliments off with a shrug and an awkward smile
-Well, shit, we can’t have that
-Lucifer just got 10x more serious about the matter
-He pulls a really stupid concerned face whenever you insult yourself and he looks more and more like a 48 year old man/dad each time it happens
-He, as of late, increased the number of pet names he has for you and the amount of compliments he gives you each day
-He refuses to let you talk badly about yourself anywhere, at any point in time and encourages every little step you take towards bettering yourself like crazy
- Lucifer wants to prove to you that you are an absolute ray of sunshine and he will go to any lengths to do just that (do not ask)
-He’s even more affectionate than usual which confuses just about everyone in the House of Lamentation, yourself included
-His brothers are feeling a disturbance in the force and they don’t know how to feel about it
-You are possibly the best thing that’s happened to him since he fell as angel and Lucifer is ready to do whatever he can to help you realise that
-“You’re an idiot!”
-“*Sigh*, I know.”
-“Wha-Wait! Y-you can’t say thAT!”
-The Great Mammon is seriously worried about his human
-Being the dense motherfucker he is (i still love him tho) it took him weeks to realise you’re not all that confident in yourself
-At some point in your relationship, he jokingly called you annoying and you just went “Yeah I’ve been told. Sorry.”
-His jaw literally dropped and he almost cried
-He would have choked if he was drinking something
-Tsundere Mammon has gone bye bye and here comes the cuddling teddy bear that is your boyfriend
-He also doesn’t have as much self love for himself as he sometimes pretends to have so he’s kinda in the same boat
-Which means your boat is leaking and you’re perfectly fine with it while he’s panicking and trying to throw water overboard with his hands
-His brothers call him an idiot a lot but he’s a very sociable guy with people skills that he uses all the time in order to coax you out of your self pitiying shell
-Will whine every time you call yourself ‘useless’ or disagree with his compliments because what the hell, you’re literally the most gorgeous being ever let me love youuuu
-When it comes to you and your happiness, he ain’t fucking around. He will snarl at anyone that even looks at you in the wrong way
-Did that to Lucifer once, guess a what happened
-You’ve definitely helped him come to terms with the fact that he is loveable and not a good for nothing scum
-So now it’s your turn!
-Let him kiss your insecurities away please
-Your presence makes him feel wanted so he wants the same for you!
-Well then
-It takes two to tango ya know?
-He is the KING of self loathing and no confidence whatsoever in anything he does so every time you put yourself down, he counters it with a self deprecating insult as well
-“I suck.”
-“Nah, you’re pretty awesome normie. I’m the shut in, disgusting otaku who can barely set foot outside his bedroom without having an anxiety attack.”
-It’s like you’re trying to outdo the other on who is worse
-Truth is, he really admires you, especially knowing you chose to date him; an anime nerd with no social life and no communication skills whatsoever
-It hurts a bit, every time he builds up the courage to actually compliment you and you not taking it seriously
-That’s because he recognises that he’s the same and just as harsh on himself as you are
-Levi knows self hatred is something that takes time to demolish
-But you are his Henry after all (also his partner but whatevs)
-He’s not gonna leave you hanging when you need him the most
-He also gradually stops calling you a normie as your relationship progresses, though it still slips through every now and again
-Basically, the first time he realised that you think negatively of yourself, his immediate reaction was: Haha lmao relatable
-But now, every time it happens, he gets all serious
-Puts his controller down and everything, it’s like witnessing a very rare phenomenon and it’s creepy as shit
-He’s also made an effort to be more physically affection though he is kinda shy about it because damn it he just wants to hug you every time you speak badly of yourself
-Probably writes a list at some point stating all the reasons why you are better than him and Ruri chan combined, it’s rlly sweet
-He’s a bit curious as to where that mentality has come from
-What triggered you to be so self doubtful?
-He’s basically your psychotherapist and asks you a lot of questions trying to find different causes and solutions for your issues
-Honestly, he puts so much effort into trying to understand, reading books about it from the human realm and whatever he can find in order to help you
-He scrunches up his nose every time you call yourself an idiot or anything of the sort
-Satan knows that insisting you’re wonderful won’t exactly help you overcome this problem of yours
-But that doesn’t stop him from doing it
-It’s not like you can ignore his comments because he will keep complimenting you until you accept them
-He also repeats a lot of pick up lines but that’s just part of being his partner
-What do you mean you’re worthless?!! He would literally give away all of his books and his hatred for Lucifer in exchange for your well being!
-Satan is possibly the smartest out of all of his brothers, so he uses a tactical approach on this one
-Direct affectionate gestures don’t work on you so he’s gonna be more subtle
-Would slightly hint that you are amazing every time you do something for him, like fetching him a book or something
-“Ah thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you love.”
-He’s a lot smoother than he gives himself credit for
-He just appreciates your existence and that there’s someone out there that he doesn’t need to be act hostile or fake toward
-Satan is ready to sit down and listen to you talk about your insecurities for hours on end
-You would quietly say something bad about yourself and he would run through the House of Lamentation before bursting into the room you are in, shouting ‘No! That’s wrong!’ (going Danganronpa on your asses)
-“Welp, I fucked up again. I can’t do anything right.”
-And then, in the distance you hear boss music starting
-*Shocked Gasp*
-How could you say such things about yourself???? Is that even leGAl?
-Of course, the literally prince of Lust, with all of his narcissism, has never experienced things like ‘self doubt’ of ‘bad self esteem’
-Pfft, the fuck is that?
-He only uses the most positive of words when he describes himself
-So obviously he almost falls off the bed when he hears you insulting yourself for the first time
-But ya know, that would leave bruises on his beautiful skin
-“Oh darling, you’re not annoying or a moron! You’re not anything like Mammon!”
-That was a below belt fatal hit, press f in the chat for the second eldest
-At some point, he just genuinely believes you’ve been spending too much time with Levi and that his negativity started rubbing off on you
-But then you tell him you’ve always been like this and he almost has a crisIS
-He’s like ‘Haha, no, we’re going to get a spa day out tomorrow and a few shopping sprees so I can prove to you that you are magnificent in every way imaginable.’
-Asmo loves pampering you in general but on the days he sees you feeling extra sorry for yourself, he goes above and beyond
-Gets very hurt when you brush off his compliments because he just wants you to accept the fact that you’re beautiful
-He’s like a supportive mom lmao, whenever you’re feeling self doubtful, he goes “You’re doing great sweetie, keep it up I’m really proud of you.”
-It’s up to you to decide whether that helps or not
-He’s such a sweetheart in reality, it’s hard to remember that he’s supposed to be horny all the time
-Well he is but that’s not the point, you’re way more important
-Asmo is so much fun to write cuz I can make him so dramatic it’s hilarious
-Oh no :(
-He gets very sad everytime you self deprecate yourself
-You can’t do it with him in the room because he’s going to start crying and give you this kicked puppy stare, it will break your heart
-Beel kinda comes over and goes “If I give you some of my food will you please stop saying bad things about yourself? Because it’s not true.”
-Well you can’t say no to that face
-He feels like it’s his fault you’re this self doubtful even though you’ve tried to explain to him you’ve always been like this
-He goes crying to his twin half the time because he doesn’t know what to do
-“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop it! Fucking hell, I’m such a fucking klutz.”
-“Sniffle no you’re not.”
-He’s like, giving you large portions of his food now
-Because food makes him happy so he wants you to be happy too
-His brothers go in shock every time because the only other person Beel has ever shared his food with before was Belphie
-Physical affection goes through the roof with this guy
-Bone crushing hugs btw
-Your self worth is so immeasurable with him, you can’t even measure it
-W h o a
-I’m being serious, don’t talk badly about yourself in front of him unless you want to be hugged into next week
-You are a literal angel in his eyes, of course he thinks highly of you
-He’s just hoping his presence isn’t making your self esteem worse, that’s the thing that keeps him up at night
-Idk why but he does think that he is a bad influence on your mental well being since he’s a demon
-Beel gives you compliments all the time and it confuses him when you laugh them off uncertainly because he wasn’t joking or lying??
-He’s always supportive of your choices and encourages you to be more confident
-The same way you show your support everytime you come to his games to cheer him on
-Overall, he just wants you to feel special and appreciated
-Because you deserve it
-He feels like absolute shit
-Becuase he’s well aware he‘s called you a few...not so nice words in the past
-Back then, he only thought he meant everything he said but now that he’s hearing you accept his insults and actually repeating them yourself?
-It hurts his brain and he wants to smash his head against all four walls of the room for being such a cretin
-You do tell him it’s not exactly his fault you think so badly of yourself
-But he still believes he fueled it
-So now he needs to fix it
-He’s tried everything and I mean everything
-It’s kinda working, slow progress is made which he’s really happy about but you know, it’s gonna take a while
-He finally settles on physical affection as the best way to communicate his gratefulness for you being youself
-Oh, he wasn’t hugging you before? He is now, get your ass next to him and let him cuddle you
-Handholding has increased by 69% in the last month, sorry for the loss of your right hand with how much he squeezes it
-Sometimes, he can’t help but a throw an insult at you in a playful manner, because he’s an asshole
-But he always makes sure you understand that he was just joking
-He’s such a little shit, you would be having a chat with him and you would subtly drop a insult at yourself hoping he wouldn’t notice
-But then he stops dead in his tracks, kisses you, says “Shut up, you’re stunning” and then he goes right back to the previous conversation like nothing happened
-Accept his compliments damn it otherwise he will continue to bug you about it for the rest of the day
-He’s an eboy and he’s a dickhead a times, but he just goes soft for you tbh
-If you’re feeling really bad about yourself, he won’t even say anything
-He will just big spoon you for the next 24 hours, good luck going to the bathroom or any meals during that time
-Because once you’re in his grip, you’re not getting out that easily
-He gets so pissy if anyone says something even slightly negative about you to your face
-One time, a random demon called you stupid in one of the classes at RAD and he was like ‘bïtch excuse me what?’
-Snapped his head around at him and everything
-He would have done something worse but he was lazy and feeling really petty
-So Belphie kicked him in the privates from under his desk like a damn spoiled brat
-And then he turned his head back to you, all smiles and rainbows and puppies
-I’m simping so hard for a fictional character wtf
-I had to write more protective Belphie cuz I can’t find anything of the sort anymore and I need flUFF
(Haha, I don’t know what this post is, my writing has officially taken a shit lmao. Sorry this took so long to finish, I kept going back to edit all of them)
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bluehairedtracii · 4 years
Hooks and Coins|| Harry Hook x Reader Soulmate AU!
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Requested: by @lemonypink
Warnings: Harry being cute 
Pairings: Harry Hook x Swann-Turner! Reader
Author's note: Oh my gosh this took so long! I’m literally so sorry! My motivation for writing has been a little iffy lately. Buuutt I’ve also been binging Criminal Minds soo it kinda gave me a creative push to start writing again. (Spencer Reid fics comin in the future) Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this fic as I get back into writing again. 
P.S. Melody is Melody from the second little mermaid movie, and I know she's kinda not mentioned again in the fic but just know that this is y/n’s best friend and that’s who she is lmao.  I also thought the Coin would fit well in here because of the movies just sshhhh. Enjoy!!!!
"it's soon! I swear!" The night of your 16th birthday, the day your life would change.
The day you get your soulmate tattoo.
"Are you sure??" Melody whines. "I'm positive! Look, it's not even 12:00 on the dot yet- ONE MORE MINUTE!" You look back from the phone on your lap to your right wrist.
"It's twellveeee." Melody cooed.
"Please please please..." You muttered still hopeful.
Then it hit, well stung. "Ow, ow, I feel it!"
"Let me see!" Melody basically climbed on top of you and saw it before you could. She gasped "oh my gosh y/n..." "What? What is it?" You tried to pull back your wrist to see, but Melody kept it steady.
"Y/n, as your best friend, I have to warn you as to what you're about to see...."
"C'mon Mells, it can be that bad." You sighed and tried to pull away from her. 
"You have to PROMISE Me that you won't freak out?"
Annoyed, you sighed and smiled "I promise." "Okay.." she released your hand. You rubbed your wrist and looked at the small tattoo, "A Hook?" "Not just any hook... Penny told me about this." "This is the same hook as the famous Captain Hook himself! It must be his son!"
"Captain? So my soulmate is a Pirate? Like Dad and Mom?" Melody nods almost worried.
"It's late Harry, your sister is gonna kill us if we get caught and wake your dad." Gill rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the galley of the ship.
"I know, but this is where the best lighting is...in a few minutes, I'll get me soulmate...well uh, tattoo I mean." He whispered and unlocked the door, cursing at the squeaky floors.
Harry turned on the lamp nestled on his father's desk. The room lit up illuminating the maps that his father and oldest sister had drawn up while sailing the open seas. He dreamed of nothing more than doing that, sailing and hailing a crew of his own, but for now, he follows Uma’s orders. 
“One more minute Harry.” Gill whispered looking at the tickless clock on the desk.
“Aye, ow! fff-!” Harry cupped his hand and flipped it to see his wrist, he bit back the pain as he saw the black ink form on his wrist. He’d been confused and tried to make it out as it formed. “Bloody hell, this sure is detailed in’it?” Gill loomed over Harry's shoulder, wondering what it was himself, Gill was sure he wasn't ready for his soulmate yet if he had to endure this much pain. 
Harry closed his eyes and exhaled as the pain stopped.
He opened his eyes to see the grim Aztec Coin staring back at him.
“Holy shi-” “Gil do you know what this means?!” “She’s spooky?” “No GIl, you git, She’s a pirate! and she’s a Turner...” He says in awe as he smiles down at his wrist.
A few months later both of you seemed to forget. The events of your daily lives getting in the way. You’re training to go off on a sailing trip with your dad for a few months, and Harry is… currently Helping Uma get revenge on Mal by kidnapping Ben. 
But.. you were unaware of this. Obviously. 
Lonnie and you were fencing/sword fighting in the school’s courtyard (for fun) when you saw the boys rushing into the limo. You both caught up to them and questioned them immediately. 
“What’s going on here Jay?” Lonnie snickered full well knowing what’s happening because she overheard it earlier passing their room. “We.. uh..” “we’re going with you..” Lonnie cut the pair off. And this is how you went to the Isle of the Lost for the first time. 
They had told you the plan but left out the part about who they were going to have to deal with if the plan went south. You were nowhere near nervous. All those times you’d trained with Lonnie and your parents at the shop basically were all for this moment. Your pirate self was ready. 
Mal handed over the wand and you cringed a bit. “She’s gonna know it's fake…” you turned to Lonnie and whispered. “Shh I know, get ready..”  you prepped your sword and placed one hand on your lapel while the other was free to toss the swords. 
That’s when everything went south. You and Lonnie sprung into action and helped the others. The sounds of metal clashing mixed with the creaking of the ship and the salty sea air made you happy, it filled you with adrenaline. It felt like you were at home.
2 people fighting you at once, then three, then none, one by one you tossed them overboard.
You were caught in the crossfire between Carlos and some other goons so you ducked under them and sprung onto your feet right into someone else's back. 
You both turned to each other, swords ready, you saw him and you felt that burning in your body. The one that your friends always said happened when you met your soulmate… “Ow!” “Oi!!” Harry lurched back and held his hand. And so did you. 
“You…” he pointed at you “are you…?” you held up your hand and showed your tattoo. He gasped and smiled “I knew I’d see you one day..”  you said in awe. You heard Uma yell for Harry and his smile faltered into a smirk.
“Sorry lass, no ‘ard feelings right?” “Obviously.” You struck your sword first and your swords clashed with each other. “I knew you were good Turner, but not this good.” he laughed as you both turned a corner of the ship. “Thanks! Maybe I can teach you sometime Hook, You seem a bit rusty!” “Oi! My ‘eart Lass.. that one hurt!” 
You snickered and he had caught you by a wood post “awe, our first dance is over now?” your eyes sparkled. He smirked ”Aye if this were different, i’d very much like to get to know you lassy…”  he got closer almost closing the gap in between you two. And his lips brushed yours before you heard Mal and Lonnie yell that it’s time to go. You smiled “sorry Luv, it’s time for me to go!” you kiss his cheek and push him away into a hole that’s in the ship. “Oi! That’s not fair!”
You were the last one to leave and thought of an idea, you caught up with them and helped Mal to kick off the ramp back to the car. “Find me!” You blew a kiss to Harry and smiled, and so did he. on the inside, of course, he had to be “mad” for Uma’s sake. But right now he was anything but. He just met his Soulmate and she was everything he dreamed of.
Almost a year had passed when you had first met Harry. And you constantly think about him every day and so does he. 
He sat at the bow of the ship looking out to the ocean thinking about you. It’s all that he’s been thinking about actually. He’s waiting for the day you can be with each other and in each other's arms. You literally took his breath away, because you kicked him, but he was entranced by your skills and beauty. He dreams about learning with you, meeting your folks, owning a ship, and most importantly.. Sailing away with you to see the world. He was stuck here. 
Though he didn't know that you had convinced Ben (it took a lot of convincing) to let Harry over onto the isle for a while. Your boating trip with your dad had gone so well that you also convinced your dad to let you go alone this time. Your parents knew how a forbidden love felt more than anyone else. The love between the two of them, a humble blacksmith that was the son of a pirate and the daughter of a wealthy governor who found that boy so long ago. They were never supposed to be together in society's standards, but their love was the strongest bond. They granted their blessing to you, they knew you'd be safe. You’re a strong pirate and they want to see you the happiest you can be.
You smiled and looked out the window of the limo as it crossed the bridge. Mal and Evie both came with you so they could help you find him and tell him the news. You guys slip onto the docks while Mal and Evie keep guard on the limo and watch you just in case you need back up. “Ursulas…” you smile and cross through the swinging doors, you found him and you felt the burning feeling in your body again. So did he. “OI!” he dropped the basket of chips he was holding and growled at the mess he made. He was fuming until he locked eyes with you. “My princess has come back to me?” he smiled and walked towards you completely forgetting about the fries as he kicked them to the side. “Hey Hook.” you smiled and felt his hand on your face but he backed away. “Woah Turner you ain't gonna kick me ‘gain right?” “no.” you laughed and you both hugged each other. 
He took the two of you outside “what are ye doin here luv? I mean, you don’ ‘ave to make any excuses to see me, but you came all the way from the other side.” he laughed and pushed back a strand of stray hair behind your ear. You blushed and held one of his hands, but unknowingly played with one of the rings on said hand. He bit his lip smiling at your nervousness. “U-Uhm.” you were surprised by the nerves in your voice, you were never this nervous before. This boy is going to wreck you. “It took major convincing, but I finally convinced my family and Ben to let you come to Auradon with me for a three-month sailing trip…” you smiled and looked at him. His eyes lit up and he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. “Are ye serious?! Of course I'd go with you!”  “Great! We leave…” you check your watch on your left arm. “ In 30 minutes!” “Aye! I need to pack!”  you laughed.
 he backed you into the wall. You smirked, “oi, I've been trying to do this ever since the first time we met.” He closed the gap between you two and the feeling of his soft pillowy lips on yours brought you comfort and warmness. You kissed back and ran your fingers through his dark locks as he tightened his grip around your waist. You never wanted this to end. “25 minutes!” You heard the girls yell and you pulled away and laughed. “I've finally found my Turner..” “And I’ve finally found my Hook..”
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
We’re Gonna See It Through
Bishop Losa x Reader
Based on the Title Prompt ask that @dorkofclanlavellan​​ sent me a little while back. I typed the summary that I would do and then I couldn’t stop thinking about it so...here it is lmao
Warnings: Language, angst, Bishop getting in his feelings
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: I’m sorry to hurt our mans like this but sometimes that’s just how it is.
Bish Taglist: @masterlistforimagines​ @sincerelyasomebody​​ @sadeyesgf​​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @multiyfandomgirl40​​ @sillygoose6969​ (I know I have my taglists separated by character so if you’re on one and not another or if you just want me to put you on all of them let me know! Sorry if I’ve made it more confusing than necessary lol)
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You were fast asleep by the time Bishop came home. You had given up on trying to stay up to wait for him. He was coming home later and later, and with everything falling apart at work, you were having to leave earlier than usual. It felt like for the past three weeks or so the two of you had hardly even seen or spoken to each other. Truthfully, you could use each other more than ever now but the two of you just couldn’t seem to time it right.
He walked into the house, quietly shutting the door behind him. He spotted a note on the counter, managing a small, exhausted smile as he read it, “Saved you some dinner in the fridge. Pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes. And, if your day was really bad, skip dinner and go right to dessert. Picked up a pint of your favorite Ben & Jerry’s and put it in the freezer. I love you. xo”
Despite all the shit that was going on with both of you, you were still trying to make things work as best you could. Bishop knew that, and he wished that he knew how to let you know that he could see that you were putting in effort and that he appreciated it. But he was in the same boat as you and felt like he hardly ever got to spend any time with you lately. Things had been crumbling with Galindo and the club and it was taking up more of his time than he would like. You had always been understanding of his commitment to the club, but even he knew that everyone’s understanding had its limitations.
He ate dinner, being mindful to stop the microwave before it beeped so that the noise wouldn’t wake you up. He also took a few spoonfuls of ice cream before going to shower off the shitshow that had been his day. When the two of you had first moved in, you had been bummed out that the bedroom didn’t have a bathroom attached. And, while Bishop knew that it would have been convenient, on nights like this he was glad that the bathroom was down the hall so he had less of a chance of disturbing you. He knew that you needed all the rest that you could get.
He quietly crept into the room after his shower, hanging up his towel and pulling on a clean t-shirt and pair of boxers before slowly crawling into bed beside you. He gently wrapped his arms around you and you subconsciously scooted back so that you were pressed against him, still fast asleep. He took a deep breath, soaking in your scent and the warmth emanating from your body that had been trapped under the blankets all night. Almost instantly his eyes drifted shut and he fell asleep.
You woke up early in the morning, your alarm not even beginning to awaken Bishop. You took a deep breath as you shut it off, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you for a moment before carefully removing yourself from them so that you could get ready for work.
You lingered in your bedroom doorway for a moment, watching Bishop sleep peacefully in the middle of the huge bed that the two of you shared. Your heart ached, wishing for everything to go back to normal. You rested your head against the doorframe, taking a deep breath to fight back the tears you could feel stinging at your eyes before finally making yourself leave for work.
Most of the morning had flown right by, but you were currently an hour deep into a conference call that was making you want to gnaw your own arm off. Your phone buzzed lightly on the surface of your desk and you checked to see who was texting you, happy to have a distraction for a minute. You opened it to see a text from Bishop.
“Sorry I missed you this morning, sweetheart. I love you”
You smiled despite the knot in your chest, “I love you too. Will I see you tonight?”
It seemed like the three bubbles were on the screen for an eternity before you finally got a response, “I hope so. I’ll let you know if I’m going to be late again”
You pressed your lips together, making the choice to not respond. There was nothing really for you to say at that point. You knew that you should bring your attention back to the call that you were on, but your head was completely clocked out of the office by this point. You found yourself scrolling back through your most recent texts with Bishop. About ninety percent of them were one of you apologizing to the other for running late, or missing plans, or not being able to wait up for the other because you were too tired. It felt like your throat was closing up as you bit back a sob. If this was going to be your future you weren’t sure that you wanted it. You loved Bishop but you couldn’t handle a lifetime of feeling alone.
You knew that you weren’t going to be able to handle staying in the office. You unmuted yourself on the call, “Hey guys, sorry to cut out so suddenly. Some family stuff just came up and I have to go. I should be back tomorrow. Just shoot me an email with whatever I miss,” you didn’t wait for a response before hanging up and grabbing your purse. You all but ran out of the office building to your car.
Once you were sitting in the driver’s seat, the tears began to flow. You sobbed into your hands as you tried to think about what you were even going to do now that you left the office. You waited until the tears slowed and your breathing went back to normal, and then decided that your first stop was going to be home. You needed to be in clothes that were more comfortable that what you had on.
When you pulled into the driveway, you were hoping that you’d see Bishop’s bike, but no such luck. He had already taken off for the day and it made your chest feel heavy. With a deep sigh you got out and walked into the house, looking around as you made your way to the bedroom. It all felt so much duller and emptier now and you hated that you felt that way about the place that was supposed to be your home. You knew that Bishop was gone because he was out on club business, and you didn’t want to be the partner that showed up at the clubhouse and dragged all your personal shit into the MC, but it was tempting. You just wanted to have a real conversation with him for the first time in weeks.
You decided that you would wait to see if he texted you with an update. If he said that it was going to be another late night, you’d go to the clubhouse. You had earned that. In the meantime, to try and keep your mind occupied, you decided that staying in the house wasn’t doing you any good at all. While you had spent a considerable amount of time alone lately, none of it was really “you time”. So you decided to try and make the afternoon all about you.
You grabbed yourself your favorite excessive coffee order from the café down the street, and took yourself shopping. Even if you didn’t end up buying anything, spending the afternoon trying on fun outfits was a welcome distraction. It felt nice to simply do something for yourself after feeling like all of your energy lately was being spent on everyone else and no one else was bothering to return the favor.
You were changing into what felt like your hundredth outfit of the day, and for the first time in a while you felt happy. It felt nice to be taking some time for yourself despite the circumstances that landed you there in the first place. You slipped into a cocktail dress that had caught your eye while you were wandering through the store. It wasn’t a dress that you would necessarily have a lot of occasions to wear it, but something about it told you to try it on anyway.
It felt nice, and looked even better. After zipping up the back, you took a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and you felt a smile creep across your face. It wasn’t anything overly fancy, but that was part of what drew you to it in the first place. The dress was a deep burgundy color and it was short, but you knew that Bishop always loved seeing you in short-shorts and mini-skirts anyway. It clung nicely to your body but it wasn’t suffocating you. it had long sheer sleeves that made you feel a little elegant, too. You smiled as you grabbed your phone out of your purse and took a selfie to send to Bishop.
“For our next date night?” was all you said along with the photo.
The response came before you could even set your phone back into your purse, “Absolutely. Please tell me you’re buying that”
You smiled, shaking your head slightly as you responded, “Guess you’ll have to take me on a date and find out for yourself”
You bought the dress, along with a few other cute items that had caught your eye. You didn’t want to go overboard, knowing that retail therapy had hurt your bank account on more than one occasion. You found a place to eat lunch and gave yourself time to sit, relax, and people-watch. The afternoon ticked by and you still hadn’t heard anything from Bishop. You were hoping that no news was good news and maybe he’d make it home at a decent hour for once. You could only hope. You could only distract yourself and stay away from home for so long before you had to head back.
You were parked in the driveway, staring at the home you supposedly shared with Bishop, not that either of you were there all that much these days, let alone there together. All the lights were off and you didn’t want to get out of the car. You took a deep breath and reached to unbuckle your seatbelt when your phone started to ring.
It was Bishop’s name flashing across the screen, and you almost didn’t want to pick up. You sighed, hitting the green button, “Hey, baby,” your voice was soft, hopeful, “everything okay?”
There was a pause, “Um, yea. Everything’s okay. I just, it’s going to be another late one. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You took a deep breath, “Okay. Thanks for the heads-up.”
He could hear the detachment in your voice, “I’ll make this up to you, sweetheart, I promise. I know things have been off lately.”
“It’s alright. Take care of the club. Get home safe.”
“I love you,” his tone conveyed that he was saying it because he meant it, but also to see if you were going to say it back.
You were trying not to let your voice crack, “I love you too,” you hung up before he would be able to hear you crying.
You cried it out in the car for a few minutes. Part of you knew that it was going to happen, but another part was still hopeful that maybe things were going to be okay, that if you tried to put it out into the universe, it would happen. But there was no amount of positive thinking that could change the reality of the circumstances you were in.
After taking a few deep breaths, you turned the car back on and pulled out of the driveway to head to the clubhouse. You weren’t going to cause a scene, but you were going to have a face-to-face conversation with Bishop. This all had to stop—you couldn’t feel lonely indefinitely. You loved him but you knew that you both deserved better than that.
You walked into the clubhouse and it was all silent. There was no one around save for EZ standing behind the bar. His eyes grew wide when he saw you—he could see that your eyes were puffy from crying. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say to you or offer you. You sniffled slightly, trying to gain enough composure to talk to him without breaking down.
“Bishop around?”
He nodded towards the back room, “They’re all in Templo. It might be a while. Do you…do you want me to get him?”
You could see the anxiety on his face at the thought of interrupting Templo. You gave him a small smile and shook your head, “Not necessary, EZ. Thank you, though. When they come out, can you just let him know that I’m outside waiting for him?”
He nodded, “Of course. Do you want a beer or anything?”
You thought about it for a moment before nodding and walking over, gratefully accepting the bottle that he handed you, “Thank you.”
You strolled out of the clubhouse and onto the small deck. You took a seat on top of the picnic table, your feet resting on the bench. The sun was just starting to go down and the sky above the compound was lit up in a million different colors. You quickly wiped the tears off of your face before taking another swig from your bottle.
You dug around in your purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. You really weren’t much of a smoker, just when you were stressed. Suffice to say that for the past weeks you had been smoking a lot more than normal. You lit it and inhaled, holding it for a moment before exhaling the smoke and watching it swirl and dissipate around you.
Time seemed irrelevant as you sat on the table. You didn’t look at your phone, didn’t really try to keep yourself busy with anything besides nursing your beer and smoking your cigarette. When both of those were done you didn’t get another, just letting yourself stew with your thoughts as you waited for Bishop to finally have a moment for you.
The sun had long since set by the time you heard footsteps on the deck behind you. He didn’t say anything at first as he sat down next to you, his leg pressing lightly against yours. He rested his hand on your thigh and you almost broke down.
“Everything alright?” he asked the question despite knowing the answer.
A humorless laugh came out of you as you wiped tears off of your cheeks, “That seems like a pointless question at this point, doesn’t it?” you dropped your face into your hands, taking a shaky breath before forcing out the question, “What are we even doing anymore, Obispo? I just, I feel like we aren’t even really together anymore.”
“I know it’s been difficult lately but—”
“You realize this is the first face-to-face conversation I’ve had with you in over a week?” you shook your head, “And I had to come down here and sit out on this fucking deck for god knows how long just to get some time with you. I can’t…I think about the rest of my life and I just, I can’t,” a sob broke your sentence, “Forever is a long time to feel like this, Obispo.”
“It won’t be like this forever, though, Y/N.”
“How can you be so sure? I, I know that I’ve been keeping my opinions to myself because the club is your thing and it’s really not any of my business, but fuck, I feel like I’ve lost you. You know, I looked back through our texts today. And with the exception of a very small handful, all of them were apologies. They were all apologies and cancelled plans and just,” you tried to take a breath to calm your voice, “I can’t keep doing this. I know the club is a priority and I respect that. I respect it enough to not try and make you choose. This,” you gestured to the clubhouse, “is where you need to be. And that’s…fine. But I can’t stay in that fucking house alone all the time.”
“You think that I don’t want to be there with you?” he was never one to get loud with you, but his tone was frigid, “You think that I’ve liked having to be away from you so much these past few weeks? I’m not enjoying the bullshit that I’ve been having to deal with.”
“I’m not saying that you do. But there’s always going to be bullshit, isn’t there? We’re both always going to have bullshit going on. But it looks different for you than it does for me. Most of the time I can drop most of mine at the door, but you don’t even get to make it to the door. We can’t even try to be there for each other when all of this is happening and that’s just not fair to either of us. We shouldn’t feel so alone when things are falling apart.”
“I’m sorry that you’ve felt alone.”
“You haven’t?”
The question made him pause. His concern was always trying to be there for you, and he knew that he hadn’t been. But he could feel that you were always trying to be there for him despite his absence. He sighed shaking his head, “No, I haven’t. And it’s on me that you’ve been feeling that way. I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for you the way that you have been for me,” he gave your leg a light squeeze, “But you can’t leave, please.”
“What do you want from me, Obispo?”
“A little more time,” there were tears in his eyes and it hit you that you had never seen him cry until this moment, “Please, Y/N, just give me a little more time. I know that this has all been hard on you, and that I’ve been far away from you in every sense. But I can do better—I will do better. I just, I need you to give me the chance to prove it,” he nodded slightly as he wiped tears away before they fell down his cheeks, “We can get through this.”
“How?” it felt like it took all of your strength to say one word.
“Together, the way we always do. You’re right, forever is a long time. It’s a very long time to be without you and I can’t see my life being that way. We can figure this out. We promised that we’d be there for each other no matter what and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I’m a man of my word, or at least, I try to be. We’re gonna see it through, Y/N. We’re going to figure this out.”
Despite how hard it was for you to say everything that you had said to him, you had to admit that your heart felt a little lighter solely from being able to actually see him and talk to him. You were still hurting, but you wanted to believe that he meant what he had said and that the two of you were going to work on things going forward.
“I want to believe you,” you looked down and interlocked your fingers with his.
“Please. If we end up having to have this conversation again, I won’t ask you to stay. But please, give me a chance. We can get through this.”
You took your hand from his and held out your pinky, “Promise?”
He smiled, nodding as he locked his pinky with yours, “Promise.”
He pulled you into a tight hug as you cried into his chest. The weight of the last three weeks poured out of you as he held you. he pressed gentle kisses into the top of your head and rubbed your back, knowing that this is what you’d been needing all along that he hadn’t been there for. He told you over and over again that he loved you, and that it was going to be okay. And, despite the weight in your chest, you believed him.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered as you wrapped your arms around him, “I promise.”
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ssa-babygirl · 4 years
Out of my League [Part 5]
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Single mom!Reader
Word count: 4.1k
Summary: A night out with the team leaves you and Spencer with so much unsaid, despite how much he spills to you while you’re drunk and half asleep. 
Warning(s): Mentions of past addiction, alcohol consumption, some swear words, mentions of past bullying, EXTREME PINING
Author’s Note: I told yall this chapter wouldn’t take 10 years. just like... a week and a half. I promise I’ll do better lmao also enjoy the fluff cuz uh,, yall are gonna hate me next chapter oops
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
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Washington D.C., 2009
(Reader POV)
Rossi’s dinner party would not be the last time Spencer had to drive your drunk ass home. It happened two or three in the two years since that night. Dave meant it when he said you were one of them. Whenever they went out for drinks after a case, you would get a text from one of the girls asking if you wanted to come. Your mom living a few blocks away from you was helpful because you just needed to drop Jamie off and head over to O’Keefe’s. You very rarely went overboard because you normally had to drive home, but tonight was not one of those nights.
The team had just gotten back from a local case in Bethesda, so Emily offered to pick you up on her way back. Hotch gave them all the rest of the night off after they made the arrest, but Spencer, always the workaholic, still wanted to finish up his paperwork before going out. 
Your mom came to get Jamie and take him back to her house, so you were free to get all dressed up for a night on the town with your friends. You didn’t want to look too formal since most of them were still going to be in their work clothes, so you got out a cute green button-down blouse and tucked it into some high-waisted jeans. You put on your favorite locket and let your hair down. You went with a light makeup look, just brows, cheeks, and lashes. You were all set by the time Emily pulled up in front of your place. You strapped up your wedges and grabbed your purse, heading out the door, excited to see everyone after they’d been so busy.
“Hey! You look nice!”
“And you’re not so bad for fresh off a crime scene.”
“Should’ve seen me catch the guy, I looked amazing.”
“I’m sure you did, Em.”
Emily told you about the case, or rather just the ending. You only liked to hear her stories when they had happy endings. This one was pleasant enough, but you had a feeling that she was leaving some details out since it was apparently so bad that even Spencer would be tagging along for drinks.
When you got to the bar, Derek and Penelope were already sitting at a booth in the back with Aaron and Dave. Penelope hopped up from her seat to give you a hug as soon as you approached the table. 
“Hey, there she is,” Morgan smiled over his beer.
“Reid’s not driving tonight?” Aaron asked.
“He texted me, he’s on his way, he wanted to finish his paperwork back at the precinct.” 
“So what I’m hearing is you finally have time to tell us stories about Reid in high school,” Dave said with a smirk.
“No, come on, he’ll kill me,” you settled into the booth.
Emily snorted, “I’d be surprised if he even found it in him to be mad at you.”
“Oh, it’s happened before.” Your face scrunched up at the memory of what happened that day on the football field.
“Really?” Penelope seemed shocked.
“Yeah I’d… Rather not talk about it.” You didn’t know if Spencer had told the team about the Alexa Lisbon incident, so you didn’t want to talk about how he had been so angry with you for babying him. 
“Oh, come on, the kid was in love with you,” Derek prodded, “What’d you do?”
You elected to ignore his comment, “No, it was just stupid.” You could still talk about Kyle, though. The team knew the story of how you’d met Spencer, they just didn’t know about how upset he was when he found out you got back together with Kyle just a few months after you dumped him.
“We love hearing about the stupid things you did!” Garcia squealed.
You stared at the table and fiddled with a napkin to avoid eye contact as you said, “I dated one of his bullies.”
Dave was the first to break the silence, “But Reid said you broke up with him when you found out.”
You bit your lip and hesitated before owning up to it, “Did he tell you that Kyle is Jamie’s dad?”
Emily gasped, “No way!”
“We barely spoke outside of tutoring after that between him being scared of Kyle and basketball season. We were both busy with our teams.”
“Reid played basketball?” Aaron asked, amused.
“He was the coach.” You managed to crack a slight smile, “Budget cuts. But, hey, it was for the best, that was our best season in years.”
“Hard to believe he could focus on strategy with you cheering from the sidelines.” Derek wiggled his eyebrows and took another sip of his beer.
You were quick to change the subject, “So is JJ coming?”
Emily shook her head, “She went home after the case cuz she missed Henry.”
“Oh that boy is the sweetest little thing, I miss when Jamie was that little.”
Aaron sipped his whiskey, “How old is he again?”
“Ten. I’m old, don’t remind me, it’s fucking me up.”
“Ah! Language, bella.”
“Sorry Dave. But speaking of getting effed up, I’ll go get the next round.” You stood and took everyone’s drink orders: Dave and Aaron were sharing an expensive bottle that Dave had already paid for, Emily wanted a martini, Derek just asked for another beer, while Penelope ordered the most elaborate cocktail on the menu, but luckily it was her usual, so you had it pretty much memorized by now. 
You strolled up to the bar and gave the bartender the order, which he got right on. He started with giving you Derek’s beer, then Em’s martini, then your rum and coke, before getting to work on Penelope’s ridiculously fruity drink. An older man stalked into your field of view with a beer in his hand, grinning dumbly. 
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
You snorted, “Has that line ever worked?”
“Truth be told, I’ve never used it.”
“Well you don’t have a great success rate right now, bud.” You looked over the man’s shoulder and made eye contact with Penelope, who turned to Derek and gave him a heads up.
“Well let me buy you a drink, maybe it’ll work better the second time around.”
“Oh, no, thank y—”
“No, come on, what’s one drink?”
You grabbed the tray with everyone’s drinks and started to pass him, “I should really get back to my friends.”
“Hey, I won’t keep you long,” He caught you by the arm and the last thing you saw before he turned you to face him again was Penelope leaping up from her seat to let Derek through, “what are you drinking?”
“Babygirl, how long does a beer take?” Derek stepped up behind you and placed a delicate hand on the small of your back, “This guy bothering you, doll?”
The man dropped his hand from your arm, “We were just talking.”
“Really? ‘Cuz to me it seems like you were trying to put the moves on my girl.”
“Babe, it’s fine,” you caught on quickly, placing a hand on Derek’s chest to keep up the ruse of holding him back, “I’m just waiting for Pen’s drink.”
“Get the hell out of here, man.” Derek glares and the other man leaves reluctantly. “You okay?”
You nodded, “Thank you.”
“Hey, no problem, sweetheart.” He withdrew his hand from the small of your back, “Wouldn’t want Pretty Boy to get jealous.”
You felt your face heat up as your eyebrows knit together, feigning confusion.
“Oh, come on, Y/N, you can’t seriously tell me you don’t see it.”
You played dumb, “See what?”
He sips his beer, “You don’t need to be a profiler to see the way he looks at you, Y/N.”
“Oh, god, first my mother, now you too?”
“I’m serious, I’ve only seen him like this one other time.”
“On a case a few years ago. There was this actress we were helping out, Lila Archer.”
“Lila Archer? The Lila Archer?”
“Yeah, she had a little crush on Reid for a bit. They made out once.”
“They what?”
He laughed, “What’re ya jealous?”
“No!” Maybe? “It just seems so unprofessional, I wouldn’t have pegged him for a guy who would--”
“Hook up with a movie star? Yeah, I didn’t think so either. It didn’t work out with them, obviously, he said she only felt that way about him because he saved her life.”
“What does this have to do with me?”
“Ever thought about how you protecting him his whole life may have had a similar effect?”
“Showing him basic human decency didn’t make him fall in love with me, Derek.”
“No, but saving his life did.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think that’s more of a question for Pretty Boy himself.” Derek nodded his chin over your shoulder. You followed his gaze and saw Spencer coming up behind you, grinning as he neared the bar.
“Hey, haircut! Lookin’ good!” Your fingers laced through his shaggy locks and messed up his new boy band-esque style.
 A faint blush spread across his cheeks as he fixed his hair, “T-Thanks.”
“When you lovebirds feel like talking to the rest of us, I’ll be at the table with the rest of the team.”
You roll your eyes and turn back to the lanky boy next to you, “Lemme buy you a drink, Spence.” 
“Oh, no thank you. I’m driving. And also did you know--”
“You can just say you don’t want it.”
“No, I do. That’s the problem.”
Your face contorted with confusion until it suddenly clicked, “Oh… Has that ever been a problem for you before?”
“Not anymore, and not alcohol, but yeah.”
“Wait, Spence, why didn’t you tell me? I-I’m not mad, it’s your choice, obviously, but I could have helped.”
“You did.”
“I did?”
“Remember that one time I was too sick to talk on our Saturday call?”
“I had just gotten back from a case in New Orleans. Remember Ethan from school?”
You nodded, holding onto every word.
“He’s in a jazz band down there now. He talked me into getting help. When you called, I was at the lowest point of withdrawals, shaking so hard I couldn’t sleep, and completely alone. I almost didn’t pick up, but I knew you wouldn’t accept that,” he laughed nervously, “and when I heard your voice…”
He trailed off, finally meeting your eyes.
“When I said I wasn’t feeling well, you said ‘I’m putting Jamie down for the night, wanna hear his bedtime story?’”
You both found yourselves smiling slightly at the memory. 
“Not once, during any book I’ve read, had I fallen asleep so easily as I did when you read me The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”
He took a deep breath, almost shuddering, “It was the first time I slept without nightmares since Tobias Hankle.”
You remembered that name. He’d come up in conversations from time to time but you never heard anything about his case. He was always a touchy subject for the team, and now you knew why.
“How long ago was this?”
“Almost three years ago.” He didn’t even have to think about it.
“Spence, you could have told me. You can tell me anything.”
“Anything?” He gulped.
You reached for his hand on the bar and felt it tense under your touch. You’d think after how long you’d known him his touch aversion wouldn’t be an issue with you anymore, but apparently not. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you withdrew your hand as if you burnt your hand on a hot stove and let out an awkward scoff, turning away to look back at your friends, who tried and failed miserably at making it look like they weren’t watching you and Spencer. 
“We should…”
“Yeah… w-we should.” Spencer passed you and sat down next to Derek in the booth, leaving you in your usual spot next to Emily with your first of many drinks that night.
            3 Hours Later
(Spencer’s POV)
I helped her into my car and buckled her up after she couldn’t find the seatbelt. When I got into the driver’s seat, I glanced at her to see if she was still conscious, only to see her dopey smile directed at me.
“What?” I laughed nervously.
“Nothing,” she slurred, dragging out the ‘ing’ and turning her head towards the window.
“You okay?”
She nodded and leaned her head against the glass as I pulled out of the parking lot. She was quiet for the most part during the drive, so I assumed she was asleep, so imagine my shock when she piped up as soon as I parked in front of her place.
“Can you walk me in?” she asked as if I could say no to her.
“Of course.” I was going to regardless. I helped her out of the car and she stood on wobbly legs. She groaned and looked at her feet. 
“Hold this.” She shoved her purse into my arms and placed a hand on my shoulder and hopped up to take off one of her heels, tossing it onto her seat before repeating her actions on her other shoe. She grabbed the pair and marched up the path to her front door. I trailed close behind, just in case she stumbled, which she did. 
She fumbled for her key when she suddenly remembered that I had her purse. I dug through the pockets and fished it out, tossing it to her once I got close enough. She instantly giggled as soon as I met her eyes.
“What’s so funny now?”
“Nothing, Spence,” she failed to stifle a smile as she tried to open the door, “You have nothing to worry about.”
I stepped in beside her, “Well you’ve been awfully quiet since we left and now you’re laughing at me!”
“I’m just thinking!”
“That can’t be good,” I joked, prompting her to lightly slap my arm, “Kidding! What are you thinking about?”
“Don’t worry about it!”
“No, now I’m curious!”
“Just something stupid Derek said before you came tonight.”
“Oh jeez, now I have to know.” She climbed up the staircase and down the hallway in front of her bedroom. She twisted the knob and pushed open the door. I stepped in after her and placed her purse down on the dresser. She flopped down on the bed, shuffling under the covers, not even bothering to change out of the clothes she wore to the bar. I grinned down at her. She looked like an angel snuggled up in the sheets.
“Good. Call me if you need anything, Y/N,” I started to walk towards the door.
“Did you have a crush on me in high school?”
I paused.
“W-Where’d you get that from?” Nice job, genius, that doesn’t sound guilty at all.
“That’s what Derek said.” She was now sitting up in bed.
Okay, but how did he know that?
“How did this come up exactly?”
She explained how the team was trying to get her to tell them embarrassing stories about me as a kid (sidenote: not cool, guys) and my dear old friend Kyle came up. She said that Morgan brought up transference, where a person experiences something traumatic and associates their “hero” with safety and feelings of relief after being helped.
“He said one girl you helped in a case had feelings for you and the way you explained transference to Derek sounded like you were speaking from experience.”
Great. This is what I get for only having friends on the team. My best guy friend is also a profiler who can read me like a book. Awesome.
I let out a deep sigh and sat down in the chair next to her bed, “I was.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Yeah. Because that’s where it all started for me. A pretty girl told off one of my bullies and showed me basic human decency--”
“Aw, Spence, you thought I was pretty?” She teased, eliciting a chuckle from me.
“Of course I did. Y/N, you were the head cheerleader that came to me for help with chemistry and tousled my hair and bought me McDonald’s whenever our study sessions ran late. To twelve-year-old Spencer you were this perfect, unattainable princess--”
“Princess?” She giggled and it was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard, “I like that.”
“Yep.” I laughed with her, “A princess who lived in a beautiful castle with posters on the walls and sparkly beads on the curtains and Doctor Who playing on the TV and a mom that always invited me to stay for dinner and I’m rambling again but that’s perfectly fine with you because you actually cared about what I had to say, especially when I would talk about Shakespeare because A Midsummer Night’s Dream was your favorite assigned reading and--” I stopped myself before it slipped out. 
I love you. I’ve said it a million times to her in a million different ways but I knew at that moment that if I said the actual words that I wouldn’t be able to take them back, not that I would ever want to, I just want her to be present when I told her the first time. If I said it now it would be the first time she’d hear it from me and she wouldn’t even remember it when she woke up.
“And what?” She still smiled at me so brightly that the dimly lit room was lit up by the gleam in her eyes.
I smiled back, “You’re my best friend.”
Her grin somehow grew wider, her eyes scrunching up, but the sparkle was still there, “You’re my best friend too.”
If I hadn’t already decided against it, I would have said it then. I would have repeated those words over and over again until the words lost all meaning, only they never would because they felt like they meant the world to me. But I wouldn’t let myself start. Instead, I just looked at her like she was the moon and stars and all the space in between and said, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Spence, wait,” she murmured, further burying herself in her covers.
“What now?” I whined, the smile still present on my face.
“I think you’re pretty too.” 
It had never been harder for me to resist the urge to kiss her than in that moment. Every fiber of my being screamed to sit back down, lean over her pillow, take her face in my hands, and crash my lips to hers. And for a split second, I thought I would. I almost did. I almost gave myself everything I had ever wanted for sixteen years, four months, and eleven days, but I couldn’t.
“And I think you’re drunk.”
“Spencer Reid!” She squealed, “Just cuz I’m drunk does not mean that you aren’t pretty!”
“Oh really?”
“Yep! ‘Cuz guess what, genius?”
“I think you’re pretty when I’m sober, too.”
If I didn’t know any better I’d say she was trying to drive me insane. And you know what?
It was working.
While I was lost in my thoughts, no doubt staring at her, she let out a tiny yawn and snuggled deeper into her pillow. A piece of hair fell in front of her eyes, hooded yet still shining. I brushed the hair out of her face and told her to get some rest.
“Good idea. I’m sleepy,” she dragged out the e and yawned again, “Goodnight, Pretty Boy.”
“Goodnight, princess.” I chuckled softly. My fingers still lingered just behind her ear, so I stroked her hair once more and pressed a small kiss to her forehead once I was sure she was asleep. Her cheeks twitched in a barely conscious smile, making me grateful for my eidetic memory again. I went to the kitchen and took a glass from the cabinet, filling it up in the sink and placing it on the nightstand with some aspirin.
I took a sheet of some stationery and scrawled out a note for her in the morning:
Make sure you stay hydrated. There’s more aspirin in your cabinet but wait a few hours to take it. Call me if you need anything. -S.R.
            The Next Morning
(Reader’s POV)
The coffee machine made too much noise. Your head was pounding despite the fact you took an aspirin a few minutes ago. Now you played the waiting game, hoping it would kick in soon. When the pot was finally done, you poured yourself a cup, hoping it would help wake you up. You normally wouldn’t drink coffee this late, but you needed it. Just as you took your first sip, your mom came through the front door with Jamie in tow carrying his pajamas in a shopping bag. He said good morning to you and ran upstairs to his room.
“Did you just wake up?” 
“Y/N, it’s almost noon.” You could hear the judgment in her voice.
You took a sip of coffee, “It’s 11:05.”
“I take it you had fun at O’Keefe’s last night?”
“Yeah,” you grumbled, rubbing your eyes.
“How’d you get home?”
“Spence drove me.”
Her eyes widened, excited. She lowered her voice to ask, “Is he still here?”
“Mom!” You whisper-yelled.
“I was just checking!”
“No, he’s not, he dropped me off and went home.” You decided to leave out the whole “putting you to bed” part.
“How’s your hangover?”
“Better with aspirin.”
“Have you been drinking water?”
“A little,” you lied.
“No more coffee until you finish a glass.” She took your mug and dumped its contents down the drain.
“Wh—” You start, “Mom, I’m not a kid.”
“Just drink your damn water.”
“Jesus,” you groan, still making your way to the stairs and heading up to your room, where your water had been put on your nightstand the night before. Under the glass was a note that you didn’t notice when you first woke up. You recognized the chicken scratch handwriting immediately: Spencer.
“Make sure you stay hydrated. There’s more aspirin in your cabinet but wait a few hours to take it. Call me if you need anything. -S.R.”
You smiled as you read the words over and over. You put the note down and took a sip from the glass. You reached over to your phone on the nightstand and dialed his number. It rang twice before Spencer’s voice crackled over the speaker, “Hey, how’re you feeling?”
“Better, thank you.”
“Of course. Did you drink the water I gave you last night?”
“Some of it.”
“Good, did you eat?”
“I’m going on my lunch break in a bit, wanna meet up?”
Your heart fluttered at the offer, a small grin tugging at your lips. You nodded, unable to find words enthusiastic enough to express how much you’d like that, before settling on “Yeah! Sounds good!”
“Perfect! There’s a new thai place downtown I’ve been meaning to check out, how about there?”
“Sure! I’ll meet you at Quantico?”
“See you then!”
“Bye,” you all but sighed into the receiver before snapping out of it. You always tried to keep that part of you beneath the surface, but it wasn’t as easy as it used to be. You didn’t remember much from last night, but you did remember calling him pretty boy and making him blush. You remember him tucking you in and calling you princess and brushing your hair out of your eyes. You remembered how your chest swelled with light as he pressed his lips to your forehead, and the soft chuckle he let out seeing you smile against your pillow. 
You hopped in the shower and got dressed, fixing yourself just enough to pass for a functioning adult who did not get sloppy drunk in front of her best friend’s coworkers last night. You told your mom you were going out for lunch, and she happily agreed to babysit for a few hours while you were with Spencer. 
“Have fun on your date!”
“Not a date!” You almost couldn’t tell who you were talking to, her or you.
You got to Quantico about a half-hour later and were met by Dave in the bullpen.
“Oh, look who’s joined the land of the living!”
“Oh, come on, I wasn’t that bad last night. I could have been Penelope.”
“That is true, bella, but it was still a Thursday,” Dave chuckled, “The kid’s in Aaron’s office, he’ll be out in a sec.”
“Thank you,” you said and walked over to Spencer’s desk, sitting down in his chair and making small talk with Emily while you waited. A few minutes later, you saw him walk out of the office, eyes immediately landing on you.
Lmk if you wanna be added! Some names didn’t work so if you don’t see your name as a tag just dm me a url and I’ll try to fix it
@lawnmoa @ellvswriting @baby-pogue @purelyprentiss @confused-and-really-hungry @thatsonezesty13 @deni-gonzalez​ @irjuejjsaa @randomfandomshitposts @bisoner @moonstarrnghtsky @smurfflynn @eldahae @t0xicllama @undeniablyyou @staplernpaper @theweirdobella @sammypotato67 @k-k0129 @helloniallslovelies @dazzlingnights @uhuhuh @booksarekindaneat @crimeshowtrash @carlgrxmes​ @collectiveuniverses​ @annesauriol​
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Yeah, I’m drunk. And you’re wearing my t-shirt and I fucking love you.”
jimin x reader (or oc) genre: angst word count: 3.2K
a/n: Hi lovelies, this was requested a while back. It’s Jimin angst based on Childish Gambino’s ‘Sober’. I went a little overboard with this, but I didn’t know where to stop lmao. It’s not really fluffy at all, but it’s not just pure angst. Like I gave Jimin and reader some hope, but my goal was to show the complexity of emotions between people who love each other. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading :))
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SATURDAY nights used to be a lot more interesting. Not that you ever did much, but you never had to do anything when you were with him. Just existing in each other’s presence was always more than enough.
If he was with you this particular night, if nothing went wrong a month ago, you’d probably be a bottle of wine in, slow dancing together in the living room.
But he wasn’t there, and this Saturday night was much like every Saturday night you’d been experiencing over the last month. You were sat on your couch, Glee playing on the tv in the background, a glass of wine in one hand and your phone in the other. You scrolled through Facebook, judging most of your friend list and the stupid cheesy posts they shared. You hated the fucking app, but you were sad and lonely, and you needed a distraction from the tears that came in response to Klaine’s first kiss. You needed a distraction from the man that swirled around your mind constantly. He never left. Always there, reminding you of how much you missed him.
If it was just Saturday nights, though, you could probably live without him a little easier. It was all the other nights without him that really hurt. Saturday night was just the night you could finally sit down and feel it.
However, as much as you missed him, he’s the one who ended things. He had tried texting and calling a few times, but you never answered, partially out of hurt, partially out of stubbornness. You had a lot of pent up anger toward him, and though you still loved him, you weren’t sure if love was enough anymore.
Without putting too much thought into it, you tossed your phone onto the coffee table and set your glass of wine down next to it before you stood up and walked toward your bedroom. Digging in one of your dresser drawers, you pulled random shirts out until you located the old black one that he had left at your place when you first started dating. You wore it often, especially when he was away on tour. After the breakup, you shoved the t-shirt in the drawer, and though you wanted to take it out nearly every night before bed, you never did.
But now with the shirt in your hands, you found yourself setting it on the bed for a moment as you stripped off your own top, replacing it with your ex’s. It didn’t smell like him anymore, but it still made you feel a sort of comfort. The kind of comfort you used to feel being in his embrace.
As you looked down at your body, wrapping your arms around yourself, you were startled by a sudden knock on your door.
“Jesus,” you breathed out in surprise. Your eyes bounced to the alarm clock across the room to see it was 1:03 a.m. Who the fuck—
The person knocked again, your heart rate speeding up as you slowly walked out of your bedroom. You scanned the room quickly, searching for a weapon, not sure what you would even do if it was someone dangerous. But then, the person spoke, and you realized no weapon could protect you.  
“Dear,” the voice called out, muffled through the wooden door. His voice.
You quickly made your way to the door, placing your hand on the knob, but you couldn’t bring yourself to open it.
“Are you here?” he asked, and you could hear the sadness seeping into his tone.
You took a deep breath, resting your forehead against the cold painted wood. Twisting the knob, you cracked the door, peeking through it to see Jimin’s stature, his arms held up where they rested on each side of the door frame, his head hung as he stared at his feet.
He slowly looked up, his fringe falling into his eyes. Standing up straight, he pushed his hand through his hair, allowing you to see his blood shot eyes when his gaze met yours. His bottom lip quivered as he breathed out, “Hi.” The word was simple. One syllable. But it left his lips like a muted crescendo, quiet in volume but deafening in unsaid confessions, apologies, and regrets.
You couldn’t do this right now. But could you really send him away? “What are you doing here?”
“I—” he started before swiping his tongue across his lips as you opened the door a bit wider. “I mi—I don’t know,” he told you, his eyes drifting down your frame, his eyes softening as he realized you were wearing his t-shirt.
“You’re drunk.”
“Yeah,” he said simply.
“How did you get here?” You asked, crossing your arms across your chest.
“I took a cab,” he told you. “Can I come in?”
“Jimin,” you warned, shaking your head.
Your ex-boyfriend shot you a desperate look, tears filling his gorgeous eyes. “Please,” he whispered out, the tone shattering your heart.
You blinked your eyes as tears began forming, opening the door wider and walking away, leaving it open for him to enter.
Jimin stumbled into your apartment and tried to shut the door quietly but wasn’t able to control his motor skills well enough, closing it with a loud bang.
“Jesus,” you cringed at the sound. “Jimin, it’s one in the morning.”
“Sorry,” he apologized.
You stared at him as his eyes peered into yours. When neither of you spoke, you shrugged, and he cracked a small smile. “What?” He asked through his slightly upturned lips.
“Why are you here?” You asked him sternly.
Jimin looked around the apartment for a moment as he gathered his thoughts, his mind severely clouded at the moment. Seeing him inside your home again brought back too many painful memories. “I know it can be hard between us, but what if we just gave it some time?”
A lump immediately formed in your throat as he spoke his thoughts to you, his diction slurred, the words blending slightly together but unmistakable in their meaning.
“I know we had our problems, but we can solve them,” he told you as a tear rolled down his cheek, Jimin quickly reaching up to wipe it away.
“It’s not that easy,” you softly spoke back, not trusting your voice to speak too loudly. “You said that, those are your words.”
“I was fucking dumb,” he beat himself up. “I still love you and if you still love me then why can’t it be easy?”
“Jimin,” you whimpered. “You’re drunk.”
“Yeah, I’m drunk,” he said frustratedly. “And you’re wearing my t-shirt and I fucking love you.”
You looked down at your shirt, mentally cursing yourself for even putting it on. “This isn’t a conversation for when you’re drunk, you know that,” you told him, looking around the room for something to distract you with.
“I’m always drunk,” he spat out through tears. The sight of Jimin crying always broke you and seeing him in this state under the circumstances was nearly unbearable. But it also made you angry.
“I’m not doing this with you right now, it’s not the time,” you told him dropping your arms to your sides.
“When is the time for you?” He asked, his voice raised in response to his frustration.
“When you’re not fucking drunk and showing up here at one in the morning,” you shouted back. “This isn’t fair, you broke up with me over text, Jimin. That hurt, and this hurts—”
“Just give me one night,” he begged, moving closer to you but stopping himself as he stumbled a bit, catching himself with the sofa. You instinctively stepped toward him as if you were going to stop him from falling. “One night,” he sobbed. “I can show you how much I love you.”
“Oh, so fucking me is the answer? That’s your plan?” You asked angrily.
“No,” he protested. “That’s not my plan, my plan is to—” he paused as he looked at the couch and the tv, the Warblers currently performing their regional setlist, Blaine front and center as he belted Pink’s ‘Raise Your Glass’. “Hold you,” he sniffled as tears dropped onto his cheeks. “And watch Glee with you, and dance around to the songs and,” sniffle, “finish that bottle off with you like we used to do.”
“You don’t need to finish the bottle, you’ve had enough,” you pointed out, halfheartedly teasing him. You and Jimin both cracked the tiniest of smiles before you sighed. “Now is not the time.”
He stared at you as he waited for you to explain your comment.
“It’s not fair to show up like this. You’re drunk so I can’t just send you away without worrying but having you here is killing me,” you explained in one breath, tears pouring from your eyes.
“Why is it killing you?”
“Why is it killing you? Having me here?”
“You know I still love you,” you said just loud enough for him to hear. “I’m wearing your shirt for fucksake.” Jimin’s eyes widened at your confession, but you held your hand up to him, signaling for him to stay across the room from you. “I don’t think that getting back together is a good idea. I’m still hurt and mad and this is making me angrier and that’s why it’s not fair because I want to yell at you but seeing you cry—” your voice cracked, making you pause. “I can’t handle seeing you cry. You’re breaking my heart all over again, Jimin.”
Realizing the position he had put you in, he directed his broken gaze to his feet. “I’m s—I’m so sorry.” A sob racked through his body, his shoulders shaking, and you stepped toward him, unable to keep your distance any longer.
You placed a hand on his back but Jimin just gently pushed it away as he stood up straight and prepared to leave. “I shouldn’t have come here, I’m so sorry.” He tried to push past you, but you held your hands to his chest to halt him.
“Where are you going?” You asked him, your tone showing him how ridiculous you found him to be.
“Back to the dorm,” he gestured to your door, his eyes red and swollen from his tears.
“There’s no way I’m letting you leave in this condition and you know that,” you told him, guiding him to the couch. “You can sleep here.”
“Dear,” he whispered, only for you to shush him.
“You’ll leave in the morning.”  
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It didn’t take long to get Jimin tucked in once you grabbed some blankets and a pillow from the linen closet. He easily plopped onto the couch, letting you gently toss the blanket over him. “You want Glee on or off?”
“On, please,” he mumbled, his cheek smushed against the couch cushion making his lips pout adorably. You couldn’t help the single breathy laugh that slipped out. He suddenly started digging in his pocket, pulling out his phone and holding it out to you. “This is dead.”
“I’ll charge it for you.” Taking the phone from him, you started to walk away, however, you momentarily stalled when he called out your name.
“What?” You asked gently.
“Night, Jimin.”
“I love you.”
Fuck. You knew he didn’t mean to say it, but you also knew he did still love you. Hearing him say it so casually, even under the clouded veil of exhaustion and alcohol, was too normal for the situation. That simple mistaken I love you unlocked the door inside your heart where you had attempted to bury him. You couldn’t deny it anymore, you missed him, and you were mad at yourself for giving up so easily. Now you were afraid you two could never overcome the pain you both put each other through.
You tried to distract yourself from your own thoughts as you plugged Jimin’s phone in to charge. Any random observation of your surroundings- the refrigerator filter needed replaced, the coffee pot clock needed reset- you tried to hold onto, but nothing could overcome Jimin’s presence in your mind. Especially with him sleeping on your couch just a few feet away.
Looking down at the phone, you realized it wasn’t quite dead yet, and Jimin had to have had about 50 texts from Taehyung and Hoseok, and about 17 more calls.
“Shit,” you sighed. Suddenly, the phone started vibrating, Taehyung’s name across the screen. You thought about ignoring it, but you understood that they had to be worried. Answering the phone, before you could even greet your ex-boyfriend’s best friend, he was yelling through the speaker.
“Where the hell are you? Are you safe?” He shouted in one breath.
You sighed before answering. “Hey Tae.”
There was a moment of silence before Taehyung spoke again. “Oh god,” he breathed out. “Are you ok?”
“Define ok,” you dryly laughed.
“I’m so sorry,” he apologized on behalf of his friend. “I thought for like a split second he might show up at your place, but I didn’t think he actually would for real.”
“No it’s ok,” you tried to relieve Taehyung of his unnecessary guilt.
“Not it’s not.”
“Well,” you scoffed. “No, it’s not. But it’s better than him wandering around the street. Instead, he’s passed out on my sofa with Glee on the tv.”
“Oh my god,” Tae chuckled. “We’ll come get him.”
“Where is he?” You heard a panicked Hoseok ask. Taehyung must have given him a look that said everything, because the next thing you heard was Hoseok saying, “oh no.”
“Guys, it’s late. Just go home, you can get him in the morning. He’s already asleep, just leave him.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, go home.” When you heard no response, you knew they were still considering coming and collecting their drunken runaway friend. “Guys, please. I just want you two home safe.”
Taehyung sighed before agreeing. “Fine. I’m really sorry—”
“Tae, it’s not your fault. I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some rest.” With that, you ended the call.
Sighing, you looked back at the sofa, hearing light snores come from Jimin that only really emerged when he was really tired or drunk, in this case both. Tears forming in your eyes once again, you went to get ready for bed. You considered changing your shirt but decided against it. You didn’t want to take it off.
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Your night was restless, mostly tossing and turning as your anxiety grew over the fact that your ex was in your living room.
A little after 7 a.m., you decided to give up on the idea of sleep and crawled out of bed, eyes swollen from unrest. Leaving your room, you went straight to the coffee pot, starting a pot in hopes that it would keep you alive through the morning. You avoided looking at the couch. Part of you was afraid he’d still be there. A bigger part of you was terrified he wouldn’t be.
However, a groan from Jimin not even three seconds later told you he was very much still there. Looking toward him, you watched as he sat up, holding his head in pain from the very obvious hangover that was settling in already.
“Morning,” you called out, purposely loud and abruptly, Jimin shuttering at the sound. Now, in the light of morning, the anger was overtaking the sadness, probably due to a sleepless night and the anxious feeling in your gut.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, looking toward you with a guilty look.
“Don’t get used to the hospitality,” you bitterly told him. “This isn’t a hotel and it’s not a rehab center.”
“Jesus,” he groaned. “I’m sorry I showed up, it won’t happen again.” His hangover and your attitude was causing him to react in anger as well.
“It shouldn’t have happened in the first place, what a shitty position to put me in,” you kept on, Jimin trying to look stoic and unaffected, though he never was good at hiding his emotions.
“I know, I get it, I said I’m sorry. I’ll leave,” he said as he stood up. “Where’s my phone?”
Unplugging his phone, you walked toward him, holding it out for him. “Your friends were worried,” you said as he took the phone with a small ‘thank you’. “I talked to them last night and told them to come get you this morning. You might as well wait for them.”
Going through his phone, he sighed at all the messages from Tae and Hobi. The latest message said they’d be there at 7:30 to get him.
“They’ll be here in ten minutes,” he told you, tucking his phone into his pocket. “Can we talk? Please?”
Staring at him for a moment before nodding, you turned around to go to the kitchen. On instinct, you grabbed two coffee mugs and poured him a cup. “Here,” you said, setting the cup across the island for him. He slowly appeared, taking the mug and taking a sip.
“Thank you,” he mumbled.
“You broke up with me over a text while you were away on tour. Couldn’t even spare me a facetime.” The memory hurt, and you knew you would never be able to give your relationship another shot if you couldn’t move past it.
“I know,” he nodded. “It was selfish.”
“It wasn’t just selfish, it was stupid and—” you paused, trying to collect yourself before you gave away how heartbroken you still were.
However, as the tears formed in your eyes, Jimin set his coffee down, peering at your face. “Dear,” he whispered.
“It felt like you didn’t deem me worthy enough for a discussion. Or that I wasn’t important enough to keep trying. You could just get rid of me and things would be easier for you,” you said through a broken voice, tears threatening to fall.
Instead of responding right away, Jimin let out a sniffle as a tear fell from his cheek to the countertop. “Chim,” you barely spoke as tears rolled down your own face. “Don’t cry.”
“I’m not,” he sniffled again, wiping his face as he started crying more. The action was so Jimin, falling into more tears when told not to cry but insisting he wasn’t crying. You couldn’t help but let out a weak giggle as you cried. “Can we just try again?” He pleaded, looking up at you with puffy wet glossy eyes.
“I want to,” you told him as you set your hands around your coffee mug. “But I’m so hurt and mad still and I can’t be with you with these feelings lingering.”
“What if we take it slow? Start over? I could win you back,” he assured you, reaching across the island and wrapping his hands overtop yours on your mug. “Let me open up your mind to us. I promise your heart will follow.”
You bit back a grin at his speech, appreciating the words but finding them humorous in their poetic nature. “Are you a poet now?”
“If you want me to be,” he told you as his lips quirked up.
You allowed yourself to smile, just a little bit, pointing your gaze down to his hands that were still cradling yours. “You have your work cut out for you, Park Jimin,” you told him as you lifted your right pointer finger, letting it sooth over Jimin’s digit.
His eyes glanced at your finger before they bounced back to your face, taking in every feature he had missed for the past month. Grinning, he curled his finger over yours, your gaze finding Jimin’s in response to the small gesture. “I guess I better get to work then.”
“Can I tell you something?” You asked him, Jimin’s eyes widening as he nodded. “I’m rooting for you.”
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yukiobeyme · 4 years
Hi there! Just wondering if you could possibly write hcs for trans Beel or trans Satan? But if you can’t that’s fine.
I am supposed to doing my Civil Engineering HW? Yes.
I am coming back from the dead to answer this? Yes.
Can I talk about Trans!Beel and Trans!Satan all day? God Yes. Please ask me more talk to more about LGBTQIA+ and how it fits in Obey Me!
Thank you so much I hope I do this some justice. I am sorry how it got so long, but I got in the groove for this and I just came up with other ideas
Beel has some implied body issues, mention of top surgery and T-shots
So you more or less got Satan’s coming out story, I could have just written it as a fic and it would have probably been shorter and more concise. But I did add other headcanons as well and accidentally hc how Satan got his everyday outfit.
*Also disclaimer: Satan’s hc focus a lot on Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger being a gateway for him figuring out his identity. I have heard of it and seen both good and bad reviews. I recognize that some bad reviews implied that there are possibly inaccurate stereotypes but was a good starting point to introducing Trans Characters to fiction. I have never read it and can not confirm or deny what the reviews say.
From a young age he wondered why and how Belphegor were twins when he was a girl.
It caused a distaste in his mouth but more often than not he pushed it away.
 It wasn’t until the Fall; did he finally act on it.
The first time he was called “sir” his heart almost burst out of his chest
 He immediately told a sleepily Belphegor about it, he figured he wouldn’t remember in the morning
 But boy was he wrong, it turns out Belphegor laid awake after Beel told him that. In the morning they talked about it again. Belphie offered his full support.
Belphie became Beel biggest piece in his support system. Like sure a lot of problems, he said maybe a nap or food would help. But it turns out he was right? (Well for the most part) but whenever Beel felt like everyone hated him and judging him, Belphie would wrap him up in the softest blanket in the house and they would take a nap together. Or when Beel seemed to be angry at everything and hated everyone, Belphie pulled him to the kitchen and made his favorite meal.
Randomly one day Belphie asked about how Beel felt about himself. “Like it doesn’t matter if you pass in someone else’s eyes or not, but do you like how you look?”
That’s when Beelz really got into bodybuilding and weightlifting
While he didn’t necessarily come out to the rest of the brothers, but none of them came out as cis so he wasn’t going to go out of his way and come out as trans
“working your legs naturally helps build more testosterone, so does eating eggs,” it was Satan that told him shyly behind a book if Beelz noticed that Satan was eating more eggs and even doing leg exercising he said nothing
Satan and Beel would have random conversations about gender and identity. Most times Belphie sat in on it. Asking questions or making comments.
Before he got top surgery, he would wear full-body binders, he had a standard black and white, but he also had an orange one. Completely confident to wear them by themselves.
 After top surgery, he showed off (as he should)
Takes pride in his body and the work and effort he put into it. To make it his own.
·         T shots doesn’t help with his appetite at all, the horror that went through the house when the avatar of gluttony appetite almost doubled. After a few weeks, it averaged out to be just a little more than pre-T but the brothers none the less both impressed and mortified
Belphie immediately opened his closet to Beel, like Beel occasionally stole clothes before, but this time Belphie made sure that Beel knew whatever he wanted he could take.
Asmo was definitely down to help Beel with shopping, but he turned him down. Favoring to go with Belphie
Faced little backlash, only some sports watchers had problems with it but were quickly shut down. Though even after all these centuries some people still have problems. But Beel has learned to keep his head high but knows he is allowed to be upset and hurt by their words. But he also knows he can go to any of his brothers for comfort and to regroup.
Beelz doesn’t get the same attention and attraction that Satan does, but he doesn’t mind. Though when he sees younger lgbtqia+ looking in awe at him at the gym, he usually swings by to see if they have any questions or need tips.
Okay, wait hear me out… Definitely created a club specifically for lgbtqia+ to have the gym and exercise together. Whether it was leading a class, he has gotten Asmo to lead a few yoga/ meditations or letting them break out into groups and giving them tips on stance or what exercises could build muscles to help them pass. But most importantly teaches/reminds everyone that their body is their own. That no matter what happened to them, their body is theirs. It can look however they want and even if it doesn’t look perfect, it is still is worthy of love and self-care. “The only opinions that matter is your own, it is your body. Claim and make it your own. No one can take it away from you”
Satan offered to let him borrow Parrotfish, Beel isn’t too interested but Belphie wanted to read it to him.
Overall Beel is confident and comfortable with his body and his identity. On his bad days, he knows he has endless support from Belphie and his other brothers.
You know that feeling when something clicks and its that chilling calm that covers your body? Satan was reading a random book, Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger.
First came out to Asmodeus, because Satan knew Asmo would accept him and help him in whatever way Asmo could.
And of course, Satan was nervous because Asmo couldn’t go to the others not yet. Satan planned it out that Lucifer was on Earth and expected to be there for a week, so Satan had time to execute his plan.
Asmo was worried when Satan came to him all serious. Well, Satan is always serious but this time the nervousness and lack of confidence made Asmodeus sit still and hold his breath. Asmodeus was attentive as Satan slowly stumbled through his prepared speech, which mainly focused on talking about the book he had just finished.
 Asmo didn’t understand until he saw how heartbroken and lost Satan looked. He was frantic in a sense and blurted out something along the lines of, “So, you wish you were a parrotfish?” while it wasn’t necessarily the best thing to say, the laugh it go out of Satan and the uncertainty in his smile was worth it.
Asmodeus took it upon himself to go shopping for Satan, getting him new more masculine clothes.
It was Levi that got Satan’s his first Binder, “A lot of cosplayers wear them, so you should be okay for some light exercising in it”
Soon all the brothers, well except Lucifer knew and the day Lucifer came back, Satan hid and avoided him.
Satan should have known better, but he was still surprised when Lucifer summoned for him
He was terrified.
When he entered the room, he couldn’t meet Lucifer’s eyes. But when he spared the glance, he saw the disappointment in Lucifer’s eye. Satan tried to swallow around the lump in his throat and ignore the burning in his eyes.
“What are you wearing?” Not exactly what Satan thought Lucifer was going to say first. “Was it Asmodeus?” “Ugh” Lucifer shook his head and strolled to his closet and threw the door open and went searching for something. “Ah, there it is,” Lucifer returned with a yellow sweater. “This would be more suiting for you,” Lucifer offered the sweater to Satan.
“You aren’t mad?”
“The only thing I’m relatively mad at is how offensive that outfit is,”
“I might have shoes too, but they might be a little big on you,”
Satan left wearing his new sweater and shoes on, laughing how he had to keep a black undershirt on, and the shoes flopped due to being too big. But he left with a lot of weight off his shoulders and high in spirits.
That sweater is the famous one you still see him wear today. He wonders why Lucifer would have such a bright color and when he asked Lucifer just made a face and rolled his eyes as he replied with “Asmodeus thought I needed to brighten my wardrobe.”
 Satan loves it, its soft and bright. It’s a little too low cut for his liking but an undershirt fixed that problem. And it doesn’t hug his chest and honestly, it’s his favorite piece of clothing
 Parrotfish is a permanent book in his room and he reads it once a year. And has special scenes marked, so he can go back and read certain passages when needed
Once Satan came out to Barbatos and Diavolo they both requested to read the book and met with him for tea to talk about the book and life.
Lucifer even snagged the book for a bit. (He tried to be sneaky about it and Satan pretended not to notice)
 Asmodeus and Mammon is chaotic with their support, it nice and needed but can also be overboard but he knows they do it out of love. Pride is a huge thing at the house and Asmo decided to do a gender reveal party for Satan
Beelzebub, Belphegor and Levi are supportive like they are ready to fight anyone who gives Satan any issues about his gender and gender identity, but they are as obnoxious as Asmo and Mammon. They will sit with him, talk to him, or just quietly listen. Most times they can’t offer help and admit they don’t know what to say other then they are here for him and willing to listen to whatever he needs to talk about.
Lucifer is quiet support. At first, Satan thought he didn’t approve but then Lucifer would make a random statement or ask for clarification that made Satan feel comfortable. Lucifer glared at anyone who even thought about giving Satan a weird look.
Satan’s go to binder color is a light grey and most times it just a crop top rather than a full-body one. Though he has an aqua blue one he wears occasionally. (I have a drawing of this somewhere lmao)
Satan tried to give himself his first haircut but Asmo had to come in and fix up the mess and disaster he created. Sure, his hair was way too short for his liking, but it wasn’t long anymore.
Over the years has learned the different meanings behind the looks he gets, whether it’s in disgust or that longing look that demons that aren’t out give him. He somehow occasionally becomes a dad to other trans! Demons. Whether it's long talks or if it's just quick tips that help him through the years.
Ironically enough, Lucifer is his biggest support or the one he relies on the most during days or moments when Satan feels terrible. Because Lucifer won’t be fussing all over him or beat around the bush about it. Sometimes he will state he too busy to talk but will leave and come back with hot tea and Satan’s favorite biscuits. Lucifer sometimes sends him away to grab his homework and they will just work in silence together. While Satan hates to admit how much he appreciates Lucifer for these moments, it helps a lot.
Last one! The first formal after Satan came out, he realized he didn’t have clothes for it. Out of all the styles and outfits he had gotten nothing formal ever came through. His brothers came through though. Asmo couldn’t convince him on any of his extra formal wear so he went around finding pieces that the other brothers weren’t using. Satan was only missing a jacket, but the outfit looked perfect. When he ran into Lucifer, Lucifer brought him to his room and offered him one of his simpler jackets and touch him how to pin it to tailor the sleeves to a better height.
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thekidultlife · 4 years
@Authors' Note: This is Leanne and Hyeri's story. Please bear with us as we try to reminisce over the past years and celebrate where we are now as writers, as friends, and most especially, as individuals who have grown a lot and changed a lot through the years.
Warnings: Contains a semi-reveal of what we actually look like in real life lol so if you’re interested, keep reading down lol.
We started this blog in 2017. We deactivated in 2018, just weeks before what was supposed to be our first anniversary. We stayed silent throughout the rest of 2018 and 2019, but we picked up where we left off this 2020. Despite the messy history of this blog, though, and the changes in our lives, we are extremely happy that we did come back. And the reason why we came back? Well, it’s pretty simple. 
The same love for SEVENTEEN, which made us start this blog, brought us back again.
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We’re not lying when we tell you that this blog was what made us closer and what our friendship grow deeper. 
Back then, we were just classmates who found common interests in each other (history, writing novels, analyzing politics, and being one of the ‘Big 3′ in our class lol) but didn’t know how to bond over these interests. But when we both started sharing a room in a dormitory close to our university in 2017, things changed. And things changed because we both found SEVENTEEN. 
LEANNE: I wasn’t really a K-pop fan during that time. But I remember sitting beside Hyeri at our study area, watching her as she watched DWC and thinking to myself, “Maybe this could be it. Maybe this could be the ‘thing’ that we could bond over and could make our friendship grow. And so I leaned over and asked, “Oooh, which group is that?” What followed then was a night where I became a convert, and SVT became a part of me forever. 
After that night, we found ourselves always talking about them because they became the thread that made us close. And while bonding over SVT, we started to become more open about our lives and about ourselves in terms of personalities. We didn’t know why but we just clicked. Before we started becoming really close, we had different sets of friends. But then, we just knew that our friendship was different because we truly understand each other. 
HYERI: I wasn't a Kpop stan before either. Like if my high school me knew I'd become like this, she'll cringe in embarrassment. But it happened. A friend recommended me to watch React to the K because I'm a huge classical music nut, and I discovered Seventeen there. I seriously can't remember that exact moment when Leanne asked, but I do remember that one time when I showed her the dance practice for Aju Nice. It was one of the first things I showed to her, and then without knowing, we've already watched a lot of Seventeen videos. 
Whenever I look back at that time, I just remember how happy we were even though it wasn't really a good moment in our lives. There were a lot of stress and problems, and everything just seemed to spiral down from there. But I just feel a warm feeling in my chest whenever July and August comes, I smell the rain, and remember how many nights we spent binging on Seventeen, talking inside the nearby 7/11 until 1am, knowing that classes were cancelled the next day because of the weather. It was truly a magical moment for me because I never had a friend like Leanne, like sometimes we just have the same thought patterns, and we bonded over Seventeen so much. We would just talk endlessly about them, brainstorming ideas for fics and so on to the point that we only stopped because the 5AM alarm went off lmao Those times were just absolutely incredible.
LEANNE: We also have kind of the same goal back then: to have a platform where we could practice writing. Hyeri suggested that we try creating a blog for fanfiction. I agreed because I truly wanted to try and I was so obsessed with Choi Seungcheol back then. So we planned our first fics, who posts first, and we created it. Just like that. On August 12, 2017, we made our first post.
Our first name was “diabolically-diamondiferous”. We wanted something different (and we now admit that we did go overboard with the bing different thing lol) and so we agreed that this would be our URL. We chose it because of the concept that there is a duality in this blog that readers should look forward to, a dynamic that they would only see here, I guess? That was the goal. That was how it all started. 
HYERI: I was a Wonwoo stan back then. I had already written Love is A Fallacy and a bit of 30 Nights before we even created the blog, and I wanted an avenue where I can post it. I admit I myself can't think of a better url than "diabolically-diamondiferous", so I just went with it. 
Honestly, the blog has helped me a lot with writing. I used to write anime fanfictions and original stories, and I've already established my style back then. This blog has really helped me a lot with refining my writing style and experimenting with new ideas and ways to tell a story, as well as being able to write quickly. I do think I've improved with my dialogues and the way I pace my stories, and make them feel organic. And with that, I've never realized I've already written a lot, until I arranged the masterlist recently.
What began with a few stories turned into hundreds as we started pouring our hearts into this blog. And we would be lying if we told you that it was pressure-free. 
LEANNE: During this time, my responsibilities at uni, family and other personal matters made me unable to focus on the blog a lot. I really feel sorry for Hyeri during this time because she was the one who was more consistent with posting her stories. I joke every now and then these days whenever she couldn’t write that it’s okay, you once had too much weight and now I’ll carry my share and more, too, if it gets hard for you. Even though I was busy with other things, however, Hyeri really pulled through and made this blog come alive. And as a friend, she really helped me get through my darkest moments. This blog, too, became my crutch. Whenever my heart got broken, I would write here. I would try to find my voice (and at that time, I couldn’t find myself, either. Just ask Hyeri why, lol.) in writing. I was experimenting what voice I had while writing and what genre fits me. 
HYERI: Following Leanne's, I guess after our trip to Korea, things became way harder. I had a lot of low points back then as well: losing my scholarship and just so much responsibility in life and at school. I did carry much of the weight of the blog after that semester, and I'm surprised how I managed to do that. I kept on badgering Leanne to finish some requests, but she really had a lot going on as well. Not to mention our plans to join an exchange program to Korea which was another hell we signed up for. It was extra difficult because our department doesn't want us to leave, thinking we're just running away from the strict (and often unfair) professors (ironic when our major is International Relations).Seventeen and this blog was the only way we could bond together and have fun and just forget about everything. I could remember sending each other fake messages from Seventeen just to cheer the other up when things get depressing, or imagining what it would feel like to be an idol and whatnot. It sounds silly now, but that was the only way we could cope with how intense and exhausting our lives were. It was the only thing that kept the constant dread in our nerves from taking over.
What began as an experimental way to boost creativity became something like a career, and steering our motivation, was of course, the boys. Our boys. The amazing people that we write about and that we imagine about. They made us happy during the times when there was nothing to be happy about. They made us take risks that brought out the braveness we didn’t know we had in us, and they made us feel hopeful about the future. 
However, we hit a hurdle we couldn’t bring ourselves back from hurdle after hurdle during our second semester as juniors in college.  
LEANNE: Second semester of junior year in college was really hard for me. The bottom line of it all was the manipulative relationship that I was in with my s/o back then, but a lot of things piled up as well: school responsibilities (I was handling three classes at one point as a professor’s assistant and then ran for a student government position I didn’t really want but felt obliged to). All the while this was happening, I was really feeling myself slip away. I was suffering from depression but I had a lot of things going on around me that I could not just drop because people were depending on me. The only way I thought I would be able to not give up is by going somewhere else to finish my studies. Yes, the environment got that toxic. I really needed to get away. Around this time, I wasn’t active on the blog anymore. Right after elections, I lost my motivation to do anything. I would sometimes pitch in to help Hyeri with some requests, but it took way more effort than I thought it would. 
Hyeri and I decided that we needed to take the risk of applying for the South Korean exchange program, which was one of the best that our uni had to offer. We figured that since our grades were okay, it would be easy. Boy were we wrong.
HYERI: The Coldest Human, The Warmest Robot was the last fic I've posted in the blog before the hiatus. I couldn't do it anymore. There were so many problems and issues with the exchange program that I could no longer handle the blog alone. Leanne had withdrawn too, considering how she has her own things to face as well. It was a really difficult time. After being rejected a visa, I just can't think of writing, or even Seventeen anymore. Just their presence seemed to only remind me that I had been rejected after months and months of preparation. Their songs only reminded me of our disappointments. It was awful and I knew I can't face them at that time. I found myself in Taiwan. Alone. Leanne had stayed and it was depressing. I had to move on despite that, but it felt like an empty success.
We planned to become a part of an exchange program in South Korea, but it didn’t pull through at the last minute. We had staked all our bets, and we lost motivation in a lot of things. One of those things was this blog. We just knew that we had to let it go during 2018, because it was impossible to maintain it when you don’t feel inspired about life anymore. 
HYERI: The Coldest Human, The Warmest Robot was the last fic I've posted in the blog before the hiatus. I couldn't do it anymore. There were so many problems and issues with the exchange program that I could no longer handle the blog alone. Leanne had withdrawn too, considering how she has her own things to face as well. It was a really difficult time. After being rejected a visa, I just can't think of writing, or even Seventeen anymore. Just their presence seemed to only remind me that I had been rejected after months and months of preparation. Their songs only reminded me of our disappointments. It was awful and I knew I can't face them at that time. I found myself in Taiwan. Alone. Leanne had stayed and it was depressing. I had to move on despite that, but it felt like an empty success. Right after going back home for winter vacation, I remember I was angry crying because I knew Leanne can't do anything because of her circumstances, even if she wanted to go to Taiwan so much.
LEANNE: I was miserable during first semester as a senior because everything did not go as planned. I was really losing the resolve to keep going on because nothing had gone the way I had planned it to be. I think the only silver lining during 2018 was that my parents and friends finally stepped in to protect me from the person who had been harming me emotionally and therefore affecting my self-esteem and resolve. We also went to Macau, where I really healed a lot as well while teaching music with close friends from church. But beyond that, I could see no other way to get through the last semester except to follow Hyeri and go to Taiwan. It wasn’t just her friendship that I was missing; it was also about that goal I had in my mind: to find peace and quiet away from everything that had hurt me and drained me.
We didn’t have any high hopes about what lay ahead, but the biggest plot twist came.
LEANNE: By some miracle, I managed to convince my parents that I was well enough to go to Taiwan and that I would be safer there. It all happened so fast. February I was still crying, standing at the train tracks, telling our other friend that I wanted to just end it. But then March came and my visa got approved on a Friday. Three days later, just packing whatever I had with me in my apartment, I left for Taiwan.
It was a miracle Hyeri and I still talk about a lot. We started to heal from everything that we had gone through. We started to re-explore our friendship and in the end, after so much drama and after so much challenges, we finally concluded that this friendship of ours was really something that we wanted to keep forever. We grew a lot through the years.
HYERI: Who would've thought that with a lot of begging and pleading and praying, Leanne was finally able to go to Taiwan. I was so happy. It was one of the happiest memories of my life so far. Being in Taiwan, away from the world, from the responsibilities back at home, it was such a liberating time.It was also the exact period which we started to heal from past disappointments. Seventeen no longer gave me the pain I used to feel, and to this day, You Made My Day---the album which was released before everything happened, and reminded me a lot of what had transpired---is one of my favourite Seventeen albums.
But here we are now, in 2020. It was really because of Hit the Road that we decided to come back. We agreed to start writing again come June 2020. We started doing what we loved again. 
HYERI: We had fully healed from everything and we're fully ready to come back to writing about our precious boys! I am so happy to be able to finally celebrate the actual anniversary for this blog!
LEANNE: And now, here we are, celebrating our anniversary! The first one we really had! This is all impromptu editing but we really wanted to make it special. 
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Highlights Throughout the Years:
💎 Love is A Fallacy (Lawyer!Wonwoo)
The first ever fic I've written for SVT. I remember I wrote this while I was at the dorm on my bed, it was a miraculously stress-free night. The song I kept on playing was "20" and I could imagine it being the OST if this was a kdrama 😂 This was at a time when Wonwoo was still my bias.
💎Adagio Cantabile (College Student!Jihoon)
A fic I first wrote after Jihoon became my bias. I could still remember, I was so inspired by a fic titled Customer Satisfaction, that I wrote this one. Plus I'm really into Classical Music, that I could just write one whole fic about it. I'm still amazed how we were able to write fanfiction even though we were swamped with school work, and I mean, SWAMPED, like a lot of exams, graded recitation, things to memorize, super long essays, but we still managed to write. 😂
💎Saffron (Victorian AU DK)
This was written shortly after Leanne and I went back from Korea. I was so blissfully happy back then. I think I've spent a night or two writing this. This was heavily inspired by the game "Chocolatier" which I was playing days before I've started writing 😂 I really love writing for DK, he's such a positively innocent character who was so endearing.
💎The Coldest Human; Warmest Robot (Android!Jihoon)
This was probably the last one shot I've posted before the hiatus in 2018. I remember finishing it in my hometown when we went there for summer vacation. It was a really bad time ngl I lost my scholarship and was supposed to go to an exchange program to South Korea with Leanne. Back I didn't know if I could support that dream financially.
💎The Most Convenient Escape (Soulmate!Jihoon)
This was the first fic I've written after the hiatus. Truthfully, over 2018-2019, I lost my love for SVT. It was painful to be reminded of the fact that we weren't able to go to Korea, so I avoided them while I was in Taiwan. But I came back around this year and started to write this one. It's heavily inspired by the book "Voices of the Past" which is a compilation of American newspaper articles over the years, and anime reviews which talked about Deconstructing a genre (i.e., Madoka Magica and Evangelion). Right now I really do want to finish this series.
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Highlights Throughout the Years
💎The Return of Superman Series
My first work, TROS Seungcheol, was the first fic in the entire blog that I was truly proud of. All my other works were too rushed, too experimental for my own taste even, and just doesn’t look like what I, Leanne, if you personally know me, would write about. I strongly believe that there is a unique voice in each story, a voice that belongs only to its writer, and back then, I was still trying to find that voice. The Return of Superman was my breakthrough in writing. I suddenly found an AU that I truly loved to write about, and, most importantly, my voice in writing.
💎After-Party, Only Us, and Afterglow | Yoon Jeonghan
This is the spin-off series that came from Yoon Jeonghan’s The Return of Superman. I started to become more comfortable in my style of writing as I wrote these. You will notice a change of style after the first part, “After-Party”. My writing style has matured, and I really congratulate myself a lot for that. It took me years and tons of experiences to get that flavor I had always wanted in my works! Haha. 
💎The And Series
This is another one of those imagines that really brought out the hopeless romantic inside me, and for that, I am proud of it. It’s still mostly in the works, but I  am really happy about how it’s turning out.
💎Through the Seasons Series
Ah, this is my pet project. All my heart is poured into this one. This is the first series that I truly explored the beauty of love in realistic settings. My writing process here is done by looking at real couples LOL and also tapping into beautiful memories of mine about love and about life and all the drama that comes along. I’m really glad that a lot of our new readers liked the first one that came out!
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Our story-time ends here. 
All in all, we just want to say thank you. Thank you for everything. For being with us through this crazy ride of a blog, truly, sincerely, thank you. From our followers since the beginning, to the new ones that we are finding joy in communicating with now, thank you. From the bottom of our hearts!
- Leanne and Hyeri. 
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The Time-Traveler’s Daughter
Prince Zuko x Reader Summary: You are where history and prophecy collide, the daughter of a time traveler and a witch, and this has done nothing but cause problems...But maybe getting stuck in another dimension isn’t the worst thing to happen to you. Note: I will probably use this reader again. I don’t know, I just really like this concept. Warnings: None? I’m a hoe for Zuko as usual lmao. (I went way overboard. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is the longest one-shot I’ve ever written for this blog) Word Count: 6k
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Being the child of a dimension-hopping time traveler and a witch who knew better had given you quite possibly the strangest childhood you could have ever asked for. Your father’s friends from all over history and the universe were always popping in for a visit, and your mother’s ancestry granted you an education at a magical boarding school.
It was the summer just after your graduation, and so each of your parents had decided to give you a gift. Your mother’s gift was her own coming of age necklace, a powerful amulet that had been passed down from woman to woman, all the way down her side of the family. Your father, as always, had invented something of his own for you, a watch.
This was no ordinary watch, however. The large steel device allowed the wearer to time travel or travel through dimensions as they pleased. It harnessed the same technology his metal glove did. Your mother was a bit on the fence about this gift, but your father insisted that it was time for you to explore and have your own adventures. After all, if he hadn’t gone out to explore the universe, he would have never met your mother.
So, she relented and let you try it out. That was, perhaps, why you were blacked out in a dimension that wasn’t your own. Your head hurt something fierce, and by the time you started to open your eyes, there were two familiar strangers hovering over you. The first was older, his friendly features obscured by a white beard. The second was around your age, shaggy dark brown hair partially hiding his fierce amber eyes. A scar stretched across the right side of his face.
“Oh my God…” You groaned, struggling to sit up.
“I’ll get you some tea. Please be careful.” The first stranger, someone you recognized as Iroh from your years of watching Avatar as a child, told you. “You’ve been asleep for a long while.”
“You’re...Iroh and Zuko…” You mumbled, looking at each of them for a moment. Zuko’s eyes widened and he looked to his uncle for some clue about what to do. Depending on when in their timeline you’d found them, that might have not been the best thing to say. “I’m...I’m not from around here. I don’t know how I got HERE of all places…”
“I thought you were dressed a little strange.” Iroh noted, chuckling to himself. He didn’t seem bothered about your comment, nor the fact that you knew who they were while they were pretending to be simple refugees as opposed to powerful fire-benders. “I’ve never seen clothes like those before.”
In most dimensions, your gray hoodie, black t-shirt, and ripped jeans would have been more than normal. Of course you found yourself in the one where they weren’t. And then there was the matter of your watch, which upon further inspection was broken, sparking and jolting when you rushed to take it off. “Shit!”
“What’s wrong?” Zuko jolted at your sudden outburst.
“It’s broken! Oh my God, my mom’s gonna kill me! I...” You took a deep breath, trying to center yourself. “I can’t get home without it. It’s broken, so I’m...stuck here.”
“What do you mean you’re stuck here? It’s just a bracelet. I’m sure if you explained to your mom--”
“You don’t understand, Zuko. That watch is...the reason I’m here. It’s like a portal. And without it, I can’t get home.” You looked to Iroh. “I, uh...wasn’t kidding when I said I wasn’t from around here…”
“You’re from another world, then…” Iroh thought about it for a long moment, passing a warm cup of tea to you. “That is quite the pickle. Well, you’re more than welcome to stay with us until you find a way home. Zuko, find our guest something...suitable to wear. Wouldn’t want to draw attention.”
“Thank you.” You were still floored that this was your reality. Your whole childhood, you’d looked up to Iroh. His wisdom and kindness were values you’d appreciated forever. And Zuko...well, it wouldn’t be too far off to say he’d been one of your first crushes, despite the fact that he was animated. Of course, now he was in the flesh in front of you, and it was...different. You couldn’t deny the fact that the prince was handsome.
Zuko left to go to the market and get you something that wouldn’t make you stand out in Ba Sing Se. Meanwhile, Iroh asked about where you’d come from.
“My father is like me. A dimension-hopper. He made my watch as a graduation present. Where I’m from, you and Zuko...you’re fictional.”
“Fictional, you say? Very interesting…” He took a sip from his tea. “So how did you come to know about us, then, if we’re fictional in your universe?”
“Well, you two are characters in one of my favorite cartoons growing up.” You thought for a second. This world you’d found yourself in was very technologically behind the one you’d come from. “Cartoons are like...drawings that move. And they have sound. It’s...hard to explain, I’m sorry.”
“Cartoons sound incredible! It must be such an interesting world, where you’re from.”
“It is, yeah. Where I’m from, the only people with powers are witches like my mom. Like...me. I always thought benders were so cool. The idea that you can just control the elements is so cool.”
“You have magic?!” The old man’s features lit up. “Would it be out of the question to see some?”
“Of course not, um…” You thought for a moment before letting go of your tea cup and letting it float in front of you. When you did it, the amulet around your neck glowed. “I can’t do much. My staff is back home, but without it, I can do some little things. If I had it, I could just...fix my watch. Without it, though, I guess I’ll just have to figure it out.”
“Zuko could probably take you to the market tomorrow to look for parts. Someone around here must have something that could help.”
“What about me?” Zuko entered the house, closing the door behind him. He had a bundle of clothes tucked under his arm. He handed it to you. “I wasn’t sure what size you are, but I think those should fit.”
“Thank you.”
“We were just discussing the matter of (Y/N)’s broken watch.” Iroh explained, motioning to the device that was still sparking every few seconds. “She needs some parts to fix it. I wondered if maybe you could take her to the market tomorrow to get some spare parts for it.”
“Sure.” He shrugged, sitting between you and his uncle. Your heart lurched, and so, you stood up to go to the spare room and change into these new garments. Zuko had found you some naturally colored undergarments with a green dress that went over top. You used some clips to pull your hair back and folded your clothes from home before returning to where Zuko and Iroh were sitting.
The way they both stopped talking and looked up at you when you returned made it obvious what they had been talking about. Well, that, and Zuko’s interested statement, “You’re a witch, too?”
“I’m a lot of things.” You laughed, tucking your folded clothes into the corner of the room with your backpack. “Did Iroh tell you the other thing?”
“That we don’t exist? Yeah, he did.” Zuko looked uncertain as he said it.
“It’s not that you don’t exist.” You walked back to the table and sat down next to him. “My dad explained it to me when I was young like this: there are a lot of dimensions in our universe, and sometimes they leak into each other. Sure, you don’t exist in MY world, but you do exist here. If we’re being technical, most of my dad’s friends technically don’t exist where I’m from, my mother included.”
“Hell, I technically went to school in a whole dimension that isn’t supposed to exist.”
“Well, I guess that makes me feel a little better.” He laughed and shook his head, smiling softly. “It must be weird to...meet the villain from your favorite childhood thing.”
“You’re not the villain.” You told him with an amused chuckle.
He looked genuinely surprised. “I’m...I’m not?”
“Not even close.”
Iroh smiled to himself, going to the other room to get some sleep while you talked with his nephew.
“So...If I’m not the villain, then who is?”
“Your dad.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” He nodded. “So I’m, what, I’m some minor villain then?”
“In season one you were. Kind of. Although that’s arguable, even.” You shook your head, taking in his face in the quiet. There were crickets chirping outside. “I mean, sure, you’ve done some questionable things, but...honestly, you have one of the best redemption arcs in history.”
“Redemption arc?” He laughed. “Me? Really? Me?”
“Really. You’re a fan favorite.”
“People like me?”
“People more than ‘like’ you.” Your cheeks flushed, thinking about it. That you were sitting on the floor next to the love of your seven-year-old life.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Goodnight, Zuko.” You got up and walked to the bedroom, settling into the bedroll Iroh had set up for you.
“Night…” He watched you go, a surprised smirk settling onto his handsome features. Maybe he’d have to investigate that some more…
The next morning, Zuko decided to make breakfast for you and Iroh, which judging from the slight burning smell coming from the pan, you learned was not a usual thing.
“I’m really sorry. I tried.”
“Thank you, Zuko.” You laughed, eating it anyway. It wasn’t great, but it was edible, and that was really all that mattered. “It’s actually pretty alright.”
“Thanks. Just, uh, trying to get that redemption arc on a roll.”
“What’s this about a redemption arc?” Iroh asked, amused, as he drank his tea.
“Nothing, Uncle. After breakfast, I’m taking (Y/N) to the marketplace.”
And so, he did. The prince of the Fire Nation led you through the rows of stalls, and you diligently searched for any merchant that might have a little box full of gears and metal bits. Zuko watched you as you went, an unsure expression on his face. How was it that this stranger had wandered into his life and changed so much? Good, changes, sure, but changes no less.
Your face lit up as you approached the stall of an inventor. Among his wares, there was a  box filled with itty bitty gears and pieces, exactly what you were looking for.
“Sir, how much for the...box of gears?” Zuko asked, his hand on your shoulder, essentially claiming you in front of the locals.
“Oh, those? Couldn’t find a use for them, I’m afraid. My eyesight went years ago, so I don’t have the patience to deal with such small parts. If they make the girl happy, then take them. They’ll do you more good than they ever have me.”
“Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course.” The kind old man handed you the box and winked at Zuko. “She’s a keeper, that one. You’ve got yourself an inventor on your hands, boy. Be careful not to lose her.”
“Believe me, sir, I will.” He smiled and the two of you turned, faces flushed, as you walked back home. “Thank you. For playing along.” He said once the market was far enough away.
“Gotta blend in somehow.” You nodded. Of course. Of course that was what had happened. The two of you were just blending in. The love of your childhood life had certainly not just claimed you as his sweetheart in front of an entire market full of people.
When you got back to the house, Iroh was reading, his cup steaming with a fresh cup of tea. You moved your watch to the table and set the box of gears down. In your backpack, you had a pair of tweezers and some goggles, so you put them on and set to work, carefully pulling out the broken pieces and searching the box for suitable replacements.
Zuko watched as you worked, amazed that someone could know how to manipulate such tiny pieces. “How did you...learn how to do that?”
“Many years of practice. My dad is kind of the best inventor ever. He taught me everything I know.”
“Mmm…” Zuko nodded. He wondered what it was like to have a loving relationship with your father. After all, he’d never really gotten that. His mother had been one of the kindest people he knew, but once she’d exited his life, he was left with Ozai, and...well, the rest was history.
“Speaking of parents...there’s a moon in this dimension, right?” You asked. “That’s a dumb question, of course there’s a moon here.”
“There is. Why?” Iroh asked.
“Well, I have to contact my mom. You know, tell her I’m alright. She was worried about this whole dimension hopping thing.”
“Ah, I see.” Iroh nodded. “Well, I’m sure we can help you if you need it.”
“Thank you. Seriously, thank you both. You’ve done so much for me.”
“Well, showing you some basic kindness is the least we can do. I can’t imagine what would have happened to you if someone else had found you.” Iroh lamented on it, humming to himself.
“Me either.”
You tinkered away for a few more minutes before finally finishing. “I think I did it.” You sat up straighter, wrapping the watch around your wrist and looking it over.
“You’re done?” Zuko asked, watching as you stood and started to gather your things. “That was...quick.” You pretended not to notice the disappointment on his face.
“Yeah, I don’t think it was as broken as I thought it was. Well...here goes. Thank you for everything. I’ll come visit if I can.”
“You’re welcome here any time.” Iroh promised.
You let your eyes linger on each of them for a second longer before adjusting the settings and pressing the button on the watch. For a few moments, it whirred the way it was supposed to. And then...everything went wrong. The metal started to get hot. Really hot. The device groaned, pieces grinding against each other. You ripped it off of your wrist and threw it out the window, just in time too, because only a moment later, you heard a loud BOOM and then a cry of “MY CABBAGES!”
“Maybe my...calculations were off.”
“Maybe.” Zuko nodded, looking out the window and then back at you. There was some little piece in him that couldn’t help but be glad you weren’t leaving just yet…
When dark fell, Zuko took you beyond the city walls. It was a clear night. The stars reflected off of the little pond, and inside the crystal waters was the image of the crescent moon. You walked over and knelt beside it, reaching out to skim your fingertips along the surface, letting the waters ripple out from you.
When the image cleared again, your reflection was replaced with your mother’s. She looked at you with concern.
“Are you alright? Did something happen?”
“I’m fine, mom. I just thought I’d check in, let you know where I landed. I’m in the Avatar universe. My watch broke on impact.”
You winced at her outburst of panic. “It’s fine, though. Dad said I’d have to learn how to fix it, so why not now?”
She wasn’t listening to you, though. “That’s it, I’m sending your father to pick you up right now—”
“Mom, you don’t even have to. Seriously, it’s fine. Don’t send Dad. I need to figure this out on my own.”
She looked at you, tilting her head in that way that she did when she was deciding to be angry or proud of you. Eventually, she caved. “Fine. I’m not sending your father. But…you call me if you can’t figure it out and I’ll send him in a heartbeat. You don’t have to do everything alone, you know.”
You looked to Zuko, smiling softly when he looked at you with those sharp golden eyes. “Believe me, Mom. I’m not alone.”
You talked with her for a few more minutes before finally dismissing her aura and standing up again. Zuko stood up beside you, looking down at you, waiting for one of you to break the silence somehow.
“You’re taller than I expected you to be.” You told him.
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s weird that…you know, you knew who I was before. Maybe not weird, just…you know.”
“No, it’s definitely weird. I used to watch your cartoon every single day before school. They used to play reruns in the mornings while I was eating breakfast. My parents had to basically drag me away so I could actually catch the bus.”
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, and the two of you began the long walk back to the safety of the city walls. But not before running into a bit of trouble first.
“What have we got here? The fire prince and his little damsel in distress? I wonder how much we could get for the two of you…” A group of bandits had formed around the two of you. You looked up at Zuko, his eyes blown wide with panic before melting into the confidence he so often had. Flames tickled his palms before igniting in his hands.
You didn’t have any weapons, no watch, no swords of any kind. You were lucky, though, that the two of you were standing back to back beneath the branches of a great tree. You reached a hand up and the tree seemed to kneel under your control, one of the limbs dipping down, down, down until the wood was gripped tight in your hand. The end of the thin branch snapped off, leaves flying off as the new staff formed, twisting and bending to your will.
“What kind of bending is THAT?” One of the bandits’ very panicked voice asked.
“Oh, I’m not a bender.” You replied, fingers tightening around your staff while the tree stood itself upright again. “But you’re going to wish I was.”
And then the battle broke out. Zuko’s flames blazed any of the bandits that dared to get close to him, punching fireballs at anyone who got too close to you. Meanwhile, you were using your staff, which was nowhere near as powerful as the one you had at home, to send the bandits back with waves of sheer power. Needless to say, they hadn’t ever seen anything quite like the two of you.
A few minutes later, all that was left was a scorched field, a panting fire bender, a tired witch, and a trail of bandits making a run for the woods.
“Where did you learn to fight like that?!” Zuko turned to you excitedly.
You rested your staff against the ground and looked up at him. “My mom.”
“Figures.” He chuckled. “You’re good. And you’ll have to be if you’re going to stay with us until we get your bracelet fixed. Uncle Iroh and I…”
“I know. You’re in a bit of trouble. Maybe you need someone like me looking out for you, huh?”
“Yeah, just maybe…”
It didn’t take long for you to fall into a rhythm. In the mornings, Iroh would make tea while you helped teach Zuko how to cook breakfast. After that, Zuko ran the store they were using as a front with his uncle and you helped tidy up a bit. It was only at night that you tinkered with your watch some more. Well, that, or Zuko would take you out to the field to practice fighting. After all, you had a staff to break in.
Fight practice led you to be caught in some precarious positions. Only a few nights ago, you’d wound up pinned beneath him, his breath warm across your cheeks, his shaggy bangs hanging in your face. Something in you lurched, your heart doing a backflip. Never had you imagined, despite your unusual childhood, that you’d ever end up there, your wrists pinned down by rough, warm hands, breaths shallow, lips aching for his. But neither of you acted on it.
Your magic was getting stronger by the day as you became less dependent on your primary staff and learned how to use this new one. Every time you cast a spell, Zuko noticed, the amulet around your neck would glow, as would your eyes. You would meditate on sunny afternoons, and when you did, your form would hover a few feet above the ground. It was mesmerizing to watch, and he often did, only caught by you a few times, causing him to leave the room red-faced, babbling some excuse about going to find his uncle.
Zuko wasn’t sure what it was about you, but he trusted you. He supposed he had to, since you were living in their house after all. Given that he and his uncle were wanted fugitives, trust was a thing they had to be careful with. Yet, the longer you stayed, the less he wanted you to leave…and the less YOU wanted to leave.
In all of your days there, you had yet to see Aang or Katara of Sokka or any other members of the main cast. Just Zuko and Iroh. Not that you were complaining. The fire prince and his uncle were more than fine with you and they had been nothing if not welcoming.
It had been a few weeks since you’d woken up in this place. You were sitting by the window, looking out at the starry sky. Zuko walked in so quietly you didn’t hear him and he sat down beside you, watching the way your features flickered in the light of the lantern.
“Would it be awful…if I said I didn’t want you to leave?” Zuko asked quietly, his voice soft and his expression softer.
“I’d love to stay, Zuko, but…you have a destiny. One that doesn’t involve me, I’m afraid.”
“Mmm.” He nodded. “Right. You know everything that happens, then.”
“Just about.”
“And this…your visit?”
“Not part of the plan.”
“But a pleasant addition.” He amended, reaching out to rest his hand on top of yours. He was so warm, endlessly warm, a result of the flames raging inside him. How someone so broken could be so soft, you weren’t sure, but he was. You were certain you’d never met anyone with a kinder soul. “I could just…go with you.”
“They wouldn’t win the war without you.” You whispered, shaking your head. You looked away from him and instead locked your eyes on the sky. “They need you, Zuko. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph…they all need you.”
“Please don’t leave me.” He pleaded. “Please…”
“Zuko, what am I supposed to do? If I stay here, I’m putting you in danger. I’m putting your whole WORLD in danger! You’re so important to this place. So, so important…”
“So are you!”
“No I’m not!”
“You’re important to me!” Zuko shouted. It was the first time you’d heard him raise his voice the whole time you’d been there. Sure, he’d had little spats with his uncle here and there, but never like this. There were flames flickering in the golden irises you’d come to love. His expression softened when he saw how tense you were. He reached out with a gentle hand and stroked your cheek. “You’re important to me…”
“I can’t be. I’m not supposed to be. I’m not even supposed to exist…”
“But you do. You’re here and so am I. Why can’t you just—”
“You’re supposed to end up with Mai.” You interrupted. He went quiet for a moment. You could have cut the tension with a knife. “She’s your endgame. Not me. You’re going to end up with her and forget all about me.”
“I don’t want Mai anymore.”
“What do you mean you don’t—”
“I want YOU.” Zuko leaned closer. “I don’t want Mai. I want you. Don’t you feel the same?”
“It’s not about my feelings, Zuko, it’s about your future.” You fought the tears that were welling in your eyes, blurring his face.
He was quiet for a long time, thinking. “You can leave this place. You can go home. But once we win the war, I’m going to come find you. I don’t care what it takes.”
You could only stall on your watch for so long without letting it be noticeable, but you knew the longer you stayed, the more it would hurt when you finally left. So, after a few tests and the aid of your growing magic, you decided you were finally ready to go back.
“You know you’re welcome here any time. We could use a witch around the house.” Iroh told you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I know I’ll see you again. I’ll be sure to come visit sometime.”
“You better. I’ll miss you if you don’t.”
Zuko stood there quietly for a moment, waiting for his moment with you. Once Iroh had said goodbye, he left the two of you alone, and it was silent for a little while. Then, Zuko took a step closer, hesitating before reaching out to take your hand. Zuko let out a long sigh.
“You…don’t have to leave, you know. You could stay a little longer.”
“If I stay any longer, it’s just going to hurt both of us more.”
“Yeah…” He was quiet, tilting your chin up so you were looking at him, into those fierce golden eyes one last time. Zuko let his eyes drift shut as he closed the distance between you, his lips pressing against yours for the first and last time. Then, he murmured softly. “I’m going to find you after the war. I don’t know how or where, but I will. I promise.”
“I hope you do.” You whispered back, tears welling in your eyes as you kissed him one more time. And then another. And then one last kiss for the road, and then before you knew it, you were activating your watch. There was a flash of light and then you were standing in your backyard, knees trembling until you fell to the ground, finally letting your tears flow as you realized that he was gone. You’d never see Zuko again.
It was quiet in the house without you. Dark. Empty. Zuko missed you. He missed your glowing eyes, your fierce energy, the sight of you floating in the sunlight streaming through the window. This place was so different now. He thought he’d be ready for it, but he wasn’t. He never could have been.
“You miss her.” Iroh noted, watering one of his plants. Zuko only nodded. “So do I.”
It was then that there was a bright flash of light. The same kind that had happened when you’d left him. Zuko sat upright, preparing himself for whatever or whoever was standing there, but to his disappointment, it wasn’t you. However, the stranger standing there did resemble you a bit.
“Are you Zuko?” The man asked, looking over the fire prince. Scar, check. Shaggy dark hair, check. Forlorn look in his fiery eyes, check. This had to be the outcast prince you were so heartbroken over.
“Y-yes, sir. Who are you?”
“I’m (Y/N)’s dad.” He offered the teenager his hand, and he shook it, unsure. “She doesn’t know I’m here, before you ask, and no, I’m not here to take you to her.”
“Oh.” Zuko deflated slightly, listening for what else the dimension-hopper had to say.
“I came to give you this.” He pressed a small metal token into Zuko’s palm. “After the war, use this, and it will take you to her. You’ll know what to do.”
“But how do I—” Before Zuko could finish his question, the inventor was gone as fast as he’d come, leaving him standing there wide-eyed, gripping the disc tightly in his hand. He couldn’t lose this. It was his only chance.
For the summer solstice, as you had every year since you were young, you helped your mother prepare the back yard, put up tables, string up streamers, tape balloons into place. You helped her cook food and make punch and make sure everything was just right for when all of her witch friends came over to celebrate.
You were wearing your nicest summer gown. It was yellow, knee-length, and the fabric was covered in butterflies, a crown of enchanted flowers sitting in the curls of your hair. Everything was perfect. Well, everything except for one thing. You’d gotten home from the Avatar dimension about a month ago, and still, you were stuck in a post-Zuko gloom. You didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much.
You weren’t sure why it was, exactly, that the fire prince had captured your heart. You hadn’t stayed with Zuko and his uncle for all that long. You had only kissed the one time before you left. And yet, you couldn’t help running through all of the memories: that day in the market, your first fight side by side, practicing combat with him in the field outside the city once the sun had gone down, and it was just you, the prince, and the stars. You thought of every meal you shared, every stolen glance, every flicker in the golden amber of his eyes.
There had been a time, once, when Zuko had gotten a cut on his face. Some squabble with some man in the market had resulted in the prince being on the receiving end of a knife. He’d come to you, a little blood dripping from the wound, claiming it to be nothing. The cut had been just above the top of his scar, something you knew he was sensitive about.
“Can I?” You’d asked gently, and he’d nodded, leading your hands up to the spot. Your fingers brushed against his reddened skin as you used your magic to heal him, reducing the bleeding gash to nothing more than a faint white scar.
That was the first time the two of you had been that physically close before, face to face, his lips only a step away. The next was the sparring match near the woods that had led to him pinning you down in the grass. Your heart raced, remembering how it felt to have him. And God, it still hurt.
Liking Zuko had been so much simpler when you were seven and he was a cartoon.
“It gets easier.” Your mother whispered, embracing you from behind. She kissed your cheek tenderly before letting go of you. “I know it hurts now, but it will get easier. You have a universe of possibilities at your fingertips. There’s no need to get tangled up in one boy.”
And you knew she was right. What you were, both halves of what you were, gave you quite the variety of opportunities. But it still hurt.
One flick of her wrist sent the gate at the front of the yard flying open, and minutes later, your mother’s witchiest friends started filing in, mingling with each other under the sun’s bright light. Your father was bouncing around, too, chit-chatting. Some of his friends from other dimensions had shown up, as had some of your school friends, who were dying to hear about your experiences dimension-hopping.
“So uh, have you ever…you remember that cartoon Avatar?”
“The one with the blue people?” One of your friends, Jacob, asked.
You laughed and shook your head as your friend Amber corrected him. “Avatar with the blue people wasn’t a cartoon. She means the one with the four elements and the little bald kid with the arrow on his forehead.”
“Yeah, that one.”
“What about it?” Jay asked, watching your expression. Usually when one of you brought up a childhood show, it was met with waves of nostalgia, not…whatever look you had on your face. “Oh my God, is that where you went?”
“It’s kind of a long story, but yeah.”
“Oh my God, is Sokka as handsome as I remember him being?” Amber gasped.
“Wait, wait, wait, you had a crush on SOKKA? Not Mr. Fine-Ass Firebending Prince of my Heart?” Jade held her heart like she’d just been shot. “Zuko is so hot. No pun intended.”
“And that look has to be for something…” Jacob studied your face when the topic had changed.
“No way, you met Zuko?” Amber’s expression softened.
“I…yeah, you could say that.” Before anyone could ask anything else, you grabbed Jade’s hand and dashed over to the dancefloor, pushing all of the thoughts out of your head and instead giving into the beat of the music. Time didn’t exist anymore, which was evident by just how fast the sun seemed to set, igniting the sky with orange.
Eventually, you wandered to the edge of the dancefloor, where Amber and Jade were. You could tell they were curious, and you couldn’t hide from the questions forever, so in the reds and pinks of the setting sun and the flickering lights of the candles on the tables, you decided to surrender to their inquiries.
“So…what exactly happened between you? You don’t have to answer—”
“I kissed him.”
“You AAAAAAH! Oh my God! Tell us everything!!!” Amber squealed.
“You kissed Zuko.” Jade stated, dumbstruck. “You Kissed him. With your lips.”
“Yeah.” You giggled, shrugging. “I kissed a prince.”
“You kissed a prince.”
“So…are you going to bippity boppity boo yourself back to him?”
“I can’t.” You shook your head. “When I got to him, he and his uncle were still pretending to be refugees. The war hadn’t ended yet, and by the time it does, he’ll probably be in love with Mai. I’m…I’m never going to see him again…”
“Now, why would you say that?”
Your eyes widened, and you traced Jade and Amber’s gazes to a spot behind you. Your racing heart had prevented you from noticing the bright flash of light.
“Holy shit…” Jade murmured, covering her mouth. You were almost too afraid to look.
“Zuko…” You whispered, voice catching in your throat. You felt a large, warm hand on your shoulder. As much as you wanted to turn around to look at him, you couldn’t move. You were paralyzed, frozen by the fear that if you looked, he wouldn’t be there.
Footsteps trailed through the grass, walking around you until he was standing in front of you, as real as you remembered him. His hair was a bit longer now, shaggier, almost hiding his gorgeous amber eyes from you. But his smile was still there, as rare and precious as his smiles tended to be.
His voice was soft and gentle, as gentle as the large hand that rose to stroke your cheek. “We won the war, princess. I told you I’d come find you.”
Instead of replying, you launched yourself into his arms, causing him to let out a soft ‘oof’, his strong arms fastening tight around you. “H-how are you here? H-how did y-you--?”
“Aww, don’t cry,” he cooed, stroking your hair as he teased, “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”
“I missed you s-so much…” You cried, shaking as he held you like you were the only thing in all of the worlds that mattered. “I t-think I love you, Zuko.”
“I know you do.” He chuckled. “I love you, too. Took us long enough to say it, huh?”
You pulled your face out of the crook of his neck and stroked his cheek, turning his face towards yours. He smiled softly before leaning closer and closing the distance between you. The crowd of people in your backyard cheered when they saw you and the prince of the Fire Nation locked into an embrace.
“Oh my god, she’s dating Zuko.” Jade whispered to Amber. After only seeing the prince in cartoon form, it was strange to see him here, living and breathing, and as real as you were.
“She’s done what every cartoon-loving little girl has ever wanted to.” Amber agreed.
“I can’t believe you’re here…” You whispered, brushing the bangs out of his face. His hair was a bit longer than when you’d last seen him. You wondered how much time had passed since you left.
“But that’s a good thing, right?”
“A really, really good thing.” You nodded, stroking his cheek as you studied his features, his arms still tight around your waist.
“Good. Because I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon.”
You pecked his lips. “Good.”
Tagged: @rikersgirl22
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ohbyunhunn · 4 years
Trust (and Love Within)
Song: 운명 (Fate) by Why
Warning(s): cursing, Idk how we got there but sex jokes and suggestive acts
Futakuchi Kenji x You
a/n: lmao I was actually inspired by the Malay version of the song, Kembali Senyum (by Izwan Pilus) and the title didn’t translate to fate per say, instead, it’s Smile Again. Personally, I might smack Futakuchi first before smiling again if he went overboard with his teasings but yeah omg my first non-Ushijima piece!! *side eyes my past self for saying I’ll never write for characters other than Ushijima*
“You really don’t trust me at all, do you?”
A single drop of tear escaped the corner of your left eye and fell straight to your cheek. He bit his lower lip, realising that he had went too far trying to test how much you loved him.
His teasings was lined with the usual mean tone he always had but it became too much, hurting you badly this time. And when you had trouble articulating your thoughts, you became aware of the frustration and anger growing inside of you.
“Are my efforts not enough?”
Your voice cracked.
“What else do I need to do to make you trust me?”
But you could not let this slide, not again.
“I’ve never loved anyone else as much as I love you!”
And you were almost screaming, as if it would make him listen better if you were loud enough.
“Fuck, I know. I’m so—” Futakuchi offered but you were tired of his shit.
Silence. Except for the noise of your sobbing.
“I was just teasing. I’m sorry,” he tried again.
You inhaled an exasperated breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. Rubbing a hand on your own face before dragging it across your head, pulling some hair back along, you gave him a tired look with your red eyes. You leaned back against the kitchen counter with arms crossed against your chest.
“There’s a difference between being funny and being a dick.”
“I’m known to have troubles when it comes to differentiating those two.”
“Do you really not trust me?”
“No, of course I trust you! I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“I told you before to stop with this shit. Why do you think it’s funny?”
“I know it’s not. I guess I’m just projecting my insecurities.”
“God,” you shook your head, releasing a sigh, “you’re such a dumbass, Kenji.”
“You turned me into one. I just— I’m always scared of losing you, you know?” he took a careful step towards you, closing the distance that was separating you both.
“Kenji...” you shut your eyes for a moment, “you will never lose me. I promised you.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll be better.”
He slid his thumb across your wet cheek to wipe the tears away. Leaning into the touch, you caught his hand in yours. You rubbed small circles on its back while looking into his eyes.
“You better.”
The warning he sensed in your gaze and reply to his promise flicked a new spark into his pupils. A smirk appeared on his face but you could see sweat trickling down his temple. You narrowed your eyes at him. This horny bitch.
“Hot,” he whispered, his fingers now caressing your face.
“Can you not--?”
“Yes, I can tie a knot around your wrists, baby.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“I’ll make you smile again,” he leaned into the crook of your neck, peppering soft kisses there and inhaling your scent in. 
“Actually, fried chicken would be the better option to make me smile,” you tried wriggling out of his antics but his arms that were on each of your side would not budge from the counter. 
“How about you have my meat instead?” he began sucking on your skin and you came to the realisation that there was no way to escape this.
“Oh God, fuck me,” you sighed, thinking of the reason why every one of your arguments with Futakuchi would usually end up like this. 
“On my way, baby.
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