#sorry this one is kinda short
aftermath 3
A flashy intro sequence reading “TTA Aftermath” flashes across the screen as a merry tune plays. A clip montage of scenes from the past four challenges play- mostly the humiliating ones. 
The screen glitches, and the camera pans out and down to a swanky studio. Former contestant Caesar is sitting on a suede couch in front of a clearly cardboard back wall. Former contestant Bonnie is seated next to him, holding an electric cattle prod. In the bleachers off to the side are every camper who hasn’t made it back, or who’s been eliminated so far- Courtney, Ass, Julia, Staci, Mal, Frollo, Kelly, Austin, McLovin, Michela, Sha-Mod, Joner, Patrick, Kitty, Fren, Max, and Peter. 
“Are we on?” Caesar whispers off to his side. Bonnie shrugs. “Alright, then! Welcome back, ladies and gents and everyone in-between or outside- I’m your host, Caesar Flickerman, and this is Total Takes Action: The Aftermath! Joining me today is my lovely co-host, Bonnie,” Bonnie zaps the air with the cattle prod for emphasis. “And our lively peanut gallery.”
“What’s that thing for?” Max asks pointing at Bonnie’s right hand. 
Caesar rolls his eyes and points behind the shorter boy, to where Patrick and Julia are holding hands behind them. Both are covered in little zap marks. 
“Anyway, we’ve got a great, action-packed episode today, so don’t tune out on their behalf!” he says. “For our first segment, let’s invite our newest peanut gallery citizen, Peter!”
Peter stands from where he’s seated beside Alistair and carefully maneuvers down the steps and into the hot seat- now a comfortable pink armchair. 
“Peter, darling, we all lost our minds back here at the studio when you willingly took the fall for Scruffy, stranding O- what inspired that decision?”
“Well,” Peter shuffles nervously in his seat. The camera focuses on Julia for a moment, who looks away uncomfortably. “I just felt like it was the right thing to do.”
“Brilliant. To hell with the competition, today let sportsmanship take the lead! We do have a question from our “frequent flier fan”, River: What’s your girlfriend’s name?”
Peter seems to relax at the change in tone and smiles, holding out his front-pocket picture to the audience. It depicts a short redhead. “Lois,”
The audience aws and Caesar grins. “It must be nice having your sweetheart at home instead of on national TV, huh?”
“It’s a huge relief,” he says. “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being on TV, but-”
“Of course, I understand. I know I’ve had my fair share of… inopportune moments that are immortalized forever! Isn’t that right, Bonbon?” he turns to address the co-host. They nod. 
Caesar thanks Peter for his time and the squat gentleman returns to the stands. “Let’s see… Scary? Has anyone seen Scary?”
An intern rushes up and whispers something in Caesar’s ear. He nods curtly. “Okay, then- our next guest is known for his flair and fabulous talent- Alistair!”
The pink-haired gentleman comes down from the stands, taking a seat with his legs crossed in the chair beside Caesar and Bonnie’s couch. “Happy to make it,”
“You’ve been here since noon,” Bonnie says dryly. They are ignored. 
“From fan-favorite with your own bustling “frendom” to an underground method actor- how does it feel?”
“I wouldn’t call myself “underground”,” Alistair starts, chuckling nervously. Crickets from the peanut gallery. He clears his throat. “Well, it’s been a complete and true honour being able to test out my improv skills on this show. Though, I do prefer the stage.”
“Understandable. Let’s see some audience questions, shall we?” Caesar shuffles the cue cards in his hand. “Alistair- what are your thoughts on Patrick and Julia, and what are your thoughts on Patrick? Do you think he’s cute?”
The audience oohs and Alistair turns a little red. He chuckles. “I’m a bit out of his league, don’t we think?”
“You take that back!” Julia stands and points at him. “That’s my boyfriend you’re talking about!”
“You… want me to be attracted to your boyfriend?”
“Everyone should be attracted to my boyfriend! It’s how I know I’m winning!”
“Yeah!” Patrick chimes in. “Everyone knows the best way to rate your attractiveness as a man is by how many gays are into you.”
“Exactly!” Julia says. 
Alistair rolls his eyes. 
“Speaking of couples,” Caesar says, standing. “It’s time for the first game of the episode! If we could have Julia and Patrick, Michela and Max, and Sha-Mod and McLovin join us on the stage…”
The furniture begins to roll back by itself, and a large section of the floor disappears below before popping back up with three loveseats. The designated pairing give each other nervous glances, but none look more bothered than Patrick and Julia. They’re the last ones to arrive on the stage, and definitely the last to sit. Patrick puts his arm around her for good measure. 
Caesar paces the stage in front of them. “Welcome to Wedding Watchers- the ultimate compatibility test, designed by yours truly,” he places a hand on his heart, and then clears his throat. “Here are the rules.”
Bonnie weaves between the seats as he speaks, handing a white board and marker to each player. 
“I will ask a simple question based on compatibility- the partner in the right hand seat (my left, your right!) will have to guess how their partner answered it. For every correct answer, you get a point,”
“What do we win?” Max insists. 
“What happens if we lose?” Julia talks over him. 
Sha-Mod and McLovin are thumb-wrestling silently in their seats, as if they’d already forgotten what was going on. 
“Winner gets to choose something from our mystery voucher basket!” the camera pans over to a wicker basket full of envelopes. “The loser gets humiliated on national TV. Is that not enough? Or…” Caesar grins. “Should we bring out the sharks again-”
“NO! Humiliation is enough!” Julia snaps. 
“Kidding, kidding. Only teasing, Jules,” Caesar chuckles, then sighs. “Ready?”
The couples look between each other. Patrick leans in to whisper in Julia’s ear- “Follow my lead.”
Max sighs and Michela pats his shoulder. Sha-Mod and McLovin are arguing about who can draw a better T-Rex on their whiteboards. 
“Alright- first question. At what age did your partner have their first kiss?”
“WHAT does that have to do with compatibility?!” Max snaps. 
“Oh, nothing. I just love drama,” Caesar chuckles. “You have thirty seconds.”
A large metal divider slides up from the bench, separating the lovebirds. Patrick curses to himself and Julia whispers- “I can’t see over your shoulder- what now?”
“Guess,” he murmurs back. 
“And… time! Let’s see those answers, folks! Julia and Patrick?”
The metal dividers slide back down and Julia and Patrick stare, flustered. Finally, Julia holds up the board- in shaky handwriting- “never.”
“WHAT!” Patrick shouts. He turns around his board- 16. 
“Wait,” Julia reads the neat Expo marker handwriting. “Was I your first kiss?”
The audience aws. Patrick turns red. “No! Of course not! It was… someone else,”
“Either way,” Caesar cuts in. “No points. Maxchela?”
Max holds up his board- 12. Michela turns her around- 12. 
“I had a summer camp fling once,” she laughs nervously while Joner freaks out from the audience. 
“Sha-Mod and McLovin?”
The two look up nervously, then hold up boards with sprawling mathematical equations on them. “We forgot the question,”
“Hm… Peter, can you-?”
Peter is already jotting down notes on his hand from the audience, then looks up, flabbergasted. “I can’t believe it- both answered 14,”
“A point for Shalovin!”
“WHAT!” Julia yells. Caesar ignores her. 
“Next question- where is your partner’s dream wedding destination?”
The metal dividers slide up again, cutting off the pairs once again. After 30 seconds of hurried scribbling and thinking, they disappear once again. 
Patrick and Julia are first. 
Patrick squints. “Why, you little-”
“Trouble in paradise?” Caesar pops up behind them. They both force smiles and shake their heads. Patrick turns around his board- [Cabo]. “Shame- zero points! Maxchela, you’re up!”
Max holds up the flimsy whiteboard again. [Vermont.]
Michela turns hers. [Trinity College Library]
“What?” Max asks. “I thought you said that was impossible.”
She shrugs with a smile. “I’m coming around to it,”
The audience aws. Caesar places a hand over his heart. “Adorable. But, unfortunately wrong. Shalovin?”
[the shadow realm]
Caesar blinks. McLovin turns around his board- [the shadow realm]
“Well. I guess that counts!”
"WHAT?! HOW?" Julia shouts in frustration. 
“How would that even work?” Bonnie asks from the suede couch, leaning against the back and casually watching the proceedings. 
“Our evil shadow world twins would be our best men!” McLovin states, matter-of-factly. Bonnie rolls their eyes. 
“Okay, next question- “What is your partner’s favorite color?””
After another hurried half-minute of scribbling, Julia holds up [NONE. BECAUSE COLORS ARE GAY]. 
He stands and slams his board on the ground. “I DO NOT TALK LIKE THAT!”
“You called the color orange gay LAST WEEK!”
“That’s an objective fact!”
“Why do you say that every time we argue?! It literally isn’t a fact, it’s the actual definition of an opinion!”
“Like you would know, female!”
“I swear, call me ‘female’ one last time…”
Caesar holds back a chuckle and turns to Maxchela, who are watching the display curiously. Finally, Max turns back to the camera and holds up his board. [Black.] Michela turns her after another second of listening to Patulia scream and throw things at each other. [Black]
“Another point for you two- and Shalovin?”
The two look up from their boards in confusion, as if they’d again forgotten they were playing a game. They hold up matching drawings of a T-Rex with laser eyes. 
“Huh. Well, it’s the same, so I’ll count it,”
Julia turns. “OH MY GOD!”
"Why should we even have to play this dumb game? We don't have to prove ourselves to these freaks!" Patrick insists.
"You couldn't be bothered to ask one question about me since we've started dating and all you do is talk about yourself!" Julia snaps. "I don't care about your Valentino, gaywad!"
"Your hair is fake blonde!"
A little "I knew it" comes from Max.
"It is not! You're a terrible liar, a terrible contestant, and a terrible person! And guess what- if Scruffy were here, I wouldn't have even TALKED to you in the first place, loser!"
Patrick gasps. "You take that back!"
"Make me!"
We’ll be right back. 
“Welcome back to Total Drama Action- The Aftermath! I’m your very charming host, Caesar Flickerman,” he grins. Bonnie sits beside him, pointing the cattle prod at Julia every time she swipes at the pair. “And this is my lovely co-host, Bonnie.”
The stage is now back to normal, bar from Patrick and Julia being kept on either sides of it. 
"So, are you two finally calling it quits?" Bonnie asks.
"NO!" They both shout. They sigh and Caesar giggles with delight.
“Next up, we have a very special treat-” Caesar starts as a few interns roll in an outhouse. “That’s right, with just a few days before the big finale, we’re having all the former TTI contestants, and all the failed TTA contestants cast their votes for who they’re voting for- team O, or team Scruffy! Inside the outhouse, you’ll find a few more audience questions to, um, ponder on while you’re writing. Let’s go alphabetically, shall we?”
Alistair sits in the outhouse, flipping through a few dozen letters. He sighs. “Junk mail, junk mail, bill… my, my, how I miss my fictional frendom,” he tosses away the envelopes, completely ignoring the ballot box.
Austin grind the tip of the pen between his teeth while grinning, reading through his fan mail and giggling. He chews too hard and the pen explodes in his mouth. 
“You know who I’m rooting for? NO ONE! This entire cast is just a bunch of miserable hungry piglets sucking on the chapped teet of the talented,” Ass snarls. “Not me! I’m not letting this show run me dry!”
Bonnie shrugs. “I guess, O. I feel bad for Scruffy but they need to get a grip. Then again… maybe I’m not one to judge. I mean, I wouldn't start getting up at 5 AM to run laps around the studio, but I'm also not known for handling things very maturely. Maybe... I don't know, maybe Scruffy just needs some support,”
“Obviously O,” Courtney starts. “He’s dedicated, kind, generous… he’s an excellent person, and he knows how to put his foot down. I respect that! Now, what’s up with all these letters about me and… them?”
Frollo sits silently in the confessional, flipping through his Bible and drinking tea. His massive stack of letters sits untouched. 
Joner hums to himself as he sorts out his mail, laughing out loud at a few. “Man, these are crazy,” he pauses. “How much time do I have left in here? Oh, well- for the record, Jonah Boner was McLovin’s idea. He’s really good at coming up with nicknames,”
“Everyone here sucks. Everyone,” Julia snarls, crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall. “But… I guess Scruffy deserves the win.”
“O, easy,” Kelly says. “We need a little more compassion in the world.”
Kitty sits in the confessional, chewing on the letters they’ve received. 
Mal sticks her tongue out at the camera. 
“O, I think?” Max says. 
Michela confirms with a nod. “Definitely O,”
“Tough. It’s tough, everyone’s so nice,” Sha-Mod ponders. “Scruffy? Or O?”
“You do one and I’ll do the other, so that way it’s even!” McLovin continues. 
“You’re so smart babe,”
“Whatever,” Patrick mutters. 
“O. No, Scruffy’s worked so hard- but O is my friend…” Peter thinks aloud. “Fine! O it is. Going with my gut.”
“Scruffy. What?” Staci asks. “They have some serious reps, they’re way smarter, and they’re doing it for a cause. It’s a no-brainer,”
“Looks like O is in the lead,” Caesar reads aloud the poll results as Staci leaves the confessional. “Not surprising. But, as luck would have it, this segment concludes today’s aftermath- don’t worry! We’ll be back again soon to host the thrilling end of Total Takes Action. For now, I’m your host, Caesar,”
“And I’m your other host, Bonnie,” Bonnie says from the couch, turning the cattle prod on Patrick as he growls from the stands. 
“And this has been Total Takes Action: The Aftermath!”
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mossarchives · 10 months
Tamarack at 50
I added Wyn bc of course I did...
50 - Wriggle by Cosmo Sheldrake
Don't you want to come down and wriggle on, count to 21, and go a right a wrong, and feed the Pelicans
Tamarack likes it when it rains. She likes when the water pools on the sidewalk, reflecting her face and the underside of her umbrella back at her as she crouches at its edge. The streetlights turn the edges gold, softening the lines where water ends and pavement begins. She straightens her legs and lingers in the moment before her feet touch water as she jumps forward. The thin surface unaware that it will be broken by her boots and flow outwards. She giggles as the tidal wave dies down, drops of water sliding down her legs from the burst. 
She hears soft clapping and looks up, pausing mid-kick. Wyn is standing on his porch watching her, draped in the protective red layer of a rain poncho. 
Tamarack runs towards his house, “Wyn!” 
“Nice jump!” He hops down the stairs and comes to the gate to meet her. He slips past the fence and closes the door behind him carefully, his boots sinking into the wet mud. Tamarack stretches up on her toes to hold the umbrella safely over his head as well, despite the hat covering his ombre hair. They smile at her kindness and bend so that she doesn’t need to balance so precariously. 
“Do you wanna try jumping?” The excitement of having a friend with her builds in Tamarack’s chest. More ideas gather in her mouth, tripping over one another to try and leave first. “Or we could go look for frogs in our backyards! Or go look around the woods!” 
Wyn takes a moment to think and Tamarack bites back on the rest of her ideas. She’s learned that he needs time and gets easily overwhelmed with too many options. 
“I want to splash around, I think!” They say after a minute, and she nods vigorously. She reaches out and takes his thin hand in hers, adjusts her umbrella back down to her shoulder, and then tugs him forward. They skip out into the empty cul-de-sac, feet breaking still glass of puddles and scattering crystal bits of water that catch the gold of the street lamps.
Tamarack wonders how anyone can dislike the rain, especially at times like this. The patter of rain on her umbrella weaves with the sound of their laughter as they splash and kick through puddles, breathing in the cold air. The weather makes her feel warm and bright, outshining the streetlights.
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remxedmoon · 3 months
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yeah ok buddy
joke stolen from this post 🩶
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blamebonk · 2 months
Noticed request were open so… do you think you could draw some MC and Belphie cuddles? 👀
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Was necessary for him to be shirtless
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rainboweemart · 2 years
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Birthdays & loved ones..!
Happy Sanji Day 💙🎂
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zivazivc · 7 months
Did Les and Hed know either of their fathers?
Yes, they lived with both actually, and they both refer(red) to both of their fathers as "dad" (well, hed's father was daddy).
They lived with Hed's dad and their mom in a small village/town in the rock kingdom since Les was basically still a baby and till he was around 8 or 9 when their mom died (Hed then being 4 or 5). Soon after that Les ran away and took Hed with him, because Hed's dad was very abusive toward him and it only got worse when Les grew to the height and size of an adult rock troll at around 8 years old. Les had a very hard time growing up in the rock kingdom in general, he was the only mixed genre troll where they lived and no one ever treated him age-appropriate because of his size, even unintentionally. Don't even get me started on the bigotry. :(
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So then Les ran away with Hed to go find his biological dad, because surely his real dad who is also a funk troll like him would like him more. (Somehow they managed to find him with the help of one old photo Les had of him.) It turned out that wasn't the case and Les quickly realized that the funk trolls didn't consider him as one of their own either. But his dad still (reluctantly) decided to take them in if they stayed out of the way. And that's where they grew up and lived (in Vibe City) until not that long before they meet Floyd. It was a very strange and not at all child friendly environment because Les's dad lives in a cramped apartment with a bunch of stoner roommates and with different trolls coming and leaving all the time, so their home was more a hangout den for a bunch of washed up adults than an actual home...
The two rock trolls' first month there; Les was learning how to play the bass and he got super into it and he broke into song which then ended up with a punk rock scream, Hed heard it and started screaming all over the apartment (normal and healthy behavior for many rock troll kids):
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Floyd also had the misfortune of meeting both of them (Les's dad intentionally and Hed's dad by chance). It's an understatement if I say he despises them
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fog-and-the-frost · 10 months
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
one of my favorite (/sarcastic but not really cuz its like funny idk) things in fandoms is when people make ocs or self inserts or 'x readers' being shipped with characters, but the oc/sona/reader is literally just another character from the source material.. its like youre shipping the characters but didnt want to admit it, so you made a kinsona and branded it as something else..
and its NEVER subtle, actually its super blatant every time and im always shocked when nobody points it out..
i have seen uncountable saiki k x readers where the description is like:
"saiki meets someone whose thoughts he cant read for the first time, and even though he doesnt trust her at first, she keeps proving that she is kind and has good intentions!" you mean nendo? reader is girl nendo?
"this time, he meets a girl whose thoughts honestly match up with her spoken words almost perfectly for the first time!" hairo. youre shipping saiki with girl hairo.
"saiki meets someone whose thoughts are too fast and jumbled to re-" ITS AKECHI, THATS AKECHI, ITS LITERALLY AKECHI.
"saiki meets someone whose just as immune to teruhashi as he is for the first and only tim-" this is hairo again, awe bae you secretly LOVE haisai ?!?
"saiki sees his old childhood friend for the first time in years after an incident caused them to be apart and then they fall in lov-" WHY DID YOU EVEN WRITE THIS AND NOT CALL IT SAIKECHI.
its even funnier when they say its like that characters little sister, but the way they write it is still literally just the character, like their personality, dialogue, even their relationship, is the same..
not all of them fit this exactly, but the ones that take a boy character and turn them into a girl oc to ship them with a boy, it reminds of how in equestria girls they couldnt make applejack and rarity endgame so they gave them boyfriends who looked IDENTICAL to each other.. thats what youre creating, guys, youre creating heterosexual rarijack.
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infamous-if · 1 year
Oh, damn. No 25 with MC trying to protect/take care of Seven in a dangerous situation sounds nice.
Hope you feel better soon, Amy! Take care!
Thank you! <3 Dangerous situation, you say?
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Double whammy (the amount of seven asks...)
CW: blood
This is all your fault.
You shouldn't have said anything. You shouldn't have fought with the person at the bar. You should've left it alone.
You should've known that Seven wouldn't let it go. Even when they hate you.
You should've known Seven. Has it been that long that you forgot who they were? Once, they were as familiar to you as the very lines on your palm.
"Seven, please."
You're holding onto them as you two stumble out of the bar, moving like two drunkards though both of you are terribly sober. The warm sensation of Seven's blood on your shirt sends dull fear over you. You're spiraling. Breaking. You don't know what to do.
Seven lets you guide them outside, your arms wrapped closely around them as they keep a hand under their nose which spews blood like an open faucet. It sends another round of fear down your spine, but it's not their nose that has you so breathless you're dizzy.
Their stomach.
In the heat of the moment, the person Seven was fighting threw them on the table littered with glass cups and broken bottles. Seven claims to be fine, but the way blood makes an angry stain on the green fabric of their shirt and Seven limps like their body is failing them, you know they're anything but.
Seven loses their footing, tripping on the last step and making both you and them fumble to the wet, concrete ground.
Your body shakes when the cool water of the alleyway seeps into your jeans. Seven coughs, rolls on their back, and lets out a sigh.
Blood is smeared across their face, their eyes are hazy, the blooming flower of blood grows larger across their stomach.
Your hands flail in front of you when you get on your knees, fingers shaking, lips shuttering. You feel the burning sting of tears. "Seven, what do I do? My phone is dead. We need to call an ambulance."
Seven groans. Coughs. Their hair turns damp when it sinks into a puddle by their face. "Stop...yelling."
"How can I stop?!" you cry. "I need to see it-" You begin to lift up their shirt but Seven stops you.
Anger replaces your previous fear. "Seven-"
"I don't want you to."
That hurts. Hurts more than it should in this moment. Seven is hurt, bleeding, and even now they don't want you to touch them, to care for them. Has everything been for nothing? Have all the years you two spent together meant nothing?
"You fucking asshole."
"What?" They burst up and groan, hissing and laying back down.
"I need to help you." The fear returns anew when Seven's eyes glide towards you slowly, their lips parted. Not from pain, but from slight surprise. "Please. I know you hate me. I know you have no reason to trust me. But please... I'm asking you to anyway." You bite your lip to hide the way it shakes. "Please let me help you."
It takes them a moment. They stare at you so long you feel like you're being judged. Then, in a move that shocks you even now, Seven nods and looks away.
"Go ahead."
You clear your throat, slowly peeling the shirt that sticks to the blood on their skin. Seven winces, and you let out a small sound when you catch the piece of glass lodged to their rib.
"Not bad," you try, wincing, "just a tiny piece. You'll be fine."
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"
You look at them, ready to shoot them a glare, when you see a small, amused smirk on their face.
"Shut up," you mumble, turning back to their wound.
As you inspect more of their skin, slick with blood, you catch their stomach heave when a small laugh leaves them. You look at Seven, quirking a brow. "You called me an asshole." They look at you. The blood still smeared all across their lower face, they look at you and laugh. "I'm about to die and you call me an asshole."
"You're not about to die," you say strongly and then quieter: "and you are."
Seven hums. "Maybe. Maybe you just bring it out of me."
"That's not helping," you mumble.
You move to lift their shirt higher when you feel a wet hand on your wrist. Seven's blood leaks from their fingers to your skin, but you hardly notice it. Not when they're looking at you with a face so soft it disarms your every defense. "I don't hate you."
Your heart rate quickens. "...You don't?"
They shake their head slowly, stifling a small grown with the movement. "How could I?" they mumble, but don't elaborate.
A sigh leaves them and they glide their gaze to the sky. The sound of an ambulance rings in the distance; the bartender must've called the cops.
"I don't hate you either," you say.
Seven says nothing, but their face twists into a satisfied smile, their eyes closing.
I never did.
and then seven dies. JUST KIDDING
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snzluv3r · 7 months
hi! Can I request more talkie wavs? Even if it’s hard to achieve, love hearing you attempt to talk through!
thank you for the request, i tried so hard to talk through this fit but as i said at the end, it was so hard to get a word out between the tickle itself and the sneezes it was producing.
it was so hard to hold back against that classic desperate, allergic itch i’ve gotten used to—and stifling the sneezes that i couldn’t keep in just drove the tickle further up my nose—but this fit came at a late enough hour that everyone was sleeping and i didn’t want to risk being too loud and waking anybody up (or worse, getting caught recording myself sneezing and talking about how bad my allergies are…)
i’m not usually allergic to dogs and when i am it’s mild, but holding back, especially when it comes to my allergies, makes my nose 10x more dramatic than usual
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turning-monday-blue · 5 months
Sweets (1/?)
The snugness was barely tolerable. She had overestimated herself. She looked surreptitiously over her shoulder and ducked around a corner. The only thing following her were her bad decisions, but she felt chased all the same.
Okay. Calm down. Breathe (but not too deep). Evaluate the situation. What are your options? Can you loosen anything?
She looked down at herself. Past her swollen breasts, past a fluffy roll of upper belly, she examined her waistline. Nope. The button was the only thing keeping the zipper together, and vice versa. For the millionth time, she lamented her morning. What a bright idea, interviewing for a job with a snack company. She was very well aware of how sweets affected her.
Could she find somewhere discrete to wait out her... little metabolic mishap? She looked around for a discrete nook to accommodate her fresh bulk.
The little atrium she had found had a series of plush benches around the walls. She sighed and headed for the one in the corner. She sucked in as best she could and sat down. Some horny little corner of her mind made note of how it felt as her tight belly shifted against her puffy thighs.
Sitting like this, only barely upright lest bending too far compromise her jeans, she couldn't ignore how her waistband was trying to cut her in half. She thought back to how she had done this to herself. The lovely HR manager had very explicitly pointed out the basket of the company's sugary offerings there in the middle of interview table. The woman had been insistent that she try at least one of each, gushing like any good salesperson about their rich flavors and subtle textures, occasionally even peeling one out of its wrapper and handing it to her.
How could she have done anything but eat what was offered to her? And by a beautiful woman, no less. She knew how her body reacted to food like this, but she had been desperate to make a good impression, to look good and eager and employable. A good girl. She ignored that last thought, and the accompanying shiver through her frazzled tummy.
She closed her eyes and tried to steady herself. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth (but not too deeply). All she had to do was calm down, and give her body a chance to do the same. Then she could find a back door to sneak out of, go home and hope that somehow that she hadn't blown the interview.
She opened her eyes again and caught sight of herself in a mirror across the room. Holy crap, she was huge. She had been her normal, narrow self, and her outfit had fit very very normally, when she had arrived. But now? Now it looked positively painted onto her. Her breasts were trying to spill out of her tastefully exposed bra and over the lapel of her blouse. She was more balloon than woman at this point. She ignored another tingle.
As she watched herself in the mirror, she noticed something change. Slowly but surely, the last wrinkle in her blouse smoothed out. Uh oh. That meant... she was still filling out. Panic. She tingled again.
No. No. Calm. Breathe (but not too deep). She closed her eyes again, and could feel her plump body quietly grow. Crap.
Panic. Calm. Breathe (but not too deep). Calm.
Maybe if she didn't look, it would go away. That had never worked before, sure, but there's a first time for everything, right?
As she rationalized to herself, she noticed the sound of heels clacking towards her hiding spot. Panic!
Maybe their owner would pass and not notice her?
No such luck.
The woman who had interviewed her rounded the corner.
"There you are!"
She struggled to stand. So tight.
"You left your purse upstairs. I get it, though. Interviews can be pretty stressful, huh?"
Like nothing had changed. Did this woman not notice that she was currently three times the size she was when she had shown up? Could this woman not hear every seam in her clothes creaking in harmony? Could the woman not see how wide and deep and round she was becoming?
"It's such a beautiful handbag, I almost wanted to keep it for myself!" The woman laughed. "Oh well."
She took the bag from the woman. "O-oh! Thank you!" Leapt out of her.
"Listen," said the woman, "technically I have to review a few other candidates, but I think you're a shoo-in for the position." The woman moved closer. "No one else has shown so much... enthusiasm." Closer still. She basked in the smell of the woman's musky perfume.
"Oh... that's great!" she managed to squeak out.
"In fact," the woman continued, "if you'd like to come back upstairs, we can have you fill out the onboarding paperwork now, so you don't have to come back just to fill out some forms if... when we give you the job." So close now.
"Um! Okay!" What.
The woman placed a gentle hand on the side of her massive, tight, growing belly. "Listen, between you and me, that passion you showed today will take you far with us. Do you feel like the offer is fair? We can negotiate further if you need." The woman's eyes were so sincere.
What was going on here? She could barely think.
The woman placed her other hand on top of her belly, well hidden by her burgeoning breasts. "I do hope you'll say yes."
There was a pop. Her button pinged away across the room from her overburdened jeans. It made a little thwack sound as it hit the far wall. Her zipper flew down, zizzing audibly. Her belly erupted through the breach. Her blouse retreated upwards. The tingling became a roar. All the while, the woman, as though no tectonic shifts were happening right there and then, continued to implore with borderline puppydog eyes.
The world held its breath with her. How had this woman not reacted to any of that?! What? Was the woman still waiting for an answer?
"...okay?" She tried. She wasn't sure if her brain was still working. "Sure?" Best to stick to small sentences.
"Yay!" cheered the woman, "I really think you'll love it here!" The woman launched in for a quick hug around her exposed belly. The woman's arms didn't go even halfway around her. And still the woman didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong.
"Well! If you'll follow me back to the elevators, we can at least get the formalities out of the way."
The woman took her by the hand and pulled, still gentle. She followed, mutely. Even the horniest, shamiest corners of her mind were silent, waiting with bated breath.
As they reached the elevators, the woman pushed the up button and stood to the side. "Please," said the woman, "after you!"
On autopilot now, she stepped into the elevator and... wedged into the door. Stuck. What. Panic? Calm? The elevator dinged again as if to say "I'm waiting!"
The cold of the elevator doors brought her back to reality. She put a hand on either side of herself and tried to pull herself in. As though this were somehow normal, the woman chirped "Oh, here, let me help!"
She felt a gentle pair of hands press into her oceanic bottom. Her horny brain thrilled again. She clamped down on those thoughts. No time to be a pervert.
Between the two of them, they muscled her into the elevator. She turned to face the doors in time to watch the woman press into her in order to let the doors close. Normally equipped for eight full-sized human adults, due to her immensity, it very barely fit two.
"We need floor thirty," said the woman into her barely contained cleavage. She tried to reach for the panel of buttons, but by now there was simply too much of her in the way.
"I've got it," said the woman, reaching behind her without looking.
They rode the thirty floors quietly. She could feel herself still widening, pressing towards the walls of the elevator car. Her embarrassment had burnt out, leaving only a kind of stunned peace in her mind. She tried to will her body away from the woman, but where else could it really go?
By the time they reached their destination, the woman was firmly pressed against the doors, still showing no indication of the extra-ordinariness of the situation.
As the doors opened, the woman stepped back, grabbed her hands, and pulled as she tried to wiggle through the door. Eventually she floomped through, and they set off toward the HR suite.
Full-on waddling now, she felt an inner tension release. She had stopped growing. Relief. If nothing else, at least things had stopped getting worse. Sure, she was almost round enough to roll. Tingle. Sure, her clothing had been reduced to barely covering her... rude areas. Tingle. Sure, a beautiful woman was acting as though this was all perfectly normal. Tingle tingle tingle. But hey, at least it finally wasn't getting worse.
The woman pushed open the double doors to the HR suite and welcomed her in with another glittering smile. They seemed to be the only ones there. The woman led her, patiently, to the front desk area. The woman ducked behind the desk, looking for something.
"Hmm, it looks like I'll need to go print off more some more copies of the forms. Shouldn't take more than a minute or two." Finally she'd have a moment to collect herself.
Then the woman produced a basket, laden with various goodies, from underneath the desk. "Here! Help yourself, sorry to make you wait." Uh.
"Oh, here, allow me," said the woman, picking out a chocolate confection, peeling it, and pressing it into her mouth. "I'll be right back!"
She chewed and swallowed the treat.
Uh oh.
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blackjackkent · 5 days
Prompt fill for @thedarkstrategist from this ask meme: "Trustfall" by P!nk Sentence Starters Shadowzel - "Are we just too scared to fight for what we want tonight?" (One of those where I didn't use a direct quote but let it inspire instead.)
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This is how it shall be. I will wake her, and we will fight.
I will win - of course. It cannot be otherwise. A githyanki warrior of Creche K’liiir does not bend before an istik of Toril, a follower of Shar, a stalker in the shadows.
(Forty-one nights I have woken with her face in my mind, her name in my mouth.)
We will use no weapons. She fights with magic and a mace; she will be at disadvantage. I will leave her bloody in the dirt, in the dark. Seeing her bested, I shall be released from my obsession. 
(What shall I dream of in her place?)
It is what the varshi teach. Cosa’kh rahaj, abat’hak tarim. Desire fades, blood tells. It is a fleeting thing, this infatuation. I must be able to stand tall when it has bled out of me. I must remain myself. I will not sacrifice my honor on her dark altar.
(And yet I have no other goddess left.)
Why do I hesitate? It cannot be fear. I have never once shied from battle. From the day I could walk, I faced steel and blood unblinking. Those too weak to stand at my side fell by my hand. I carry no fear of striking down what I love.
(No - but I fear to claim it with both hands.)
And when she is bloodied and beaten, I will turn away. I will know the inconstancy of my passion and set it aside; I will shed the weight of her and be free. There will be no more ache of longing, no more half-formed fantasies of soft touches. My mind will be clear, my heart liberated.
(My soul empty.)
I will not falter. My strength has gotten me this far. Let it last a little longer, until I can see my way out of this transient madness. I will not weaken before the gleam of her eyes in the firelight. 
I will not weaken. 
I will not…
I will wake her, and we will fight. And then I will know her worth, and it will be finished.
This is how it shall be.
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nikosama13 · 6 months
Childhood "friend" (New! Ace x Reader)
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Description: You and your childhood friend Ace, met up again in Alabasta Kingdom! After exploring for a while and ship hopping you found yourself walking into a restaurant called “The Spice Bean”. Only to be reunited with your childhood friend. The real question is.. Have things changed since the two of you split..? Read and find out! Side Notes: Hello my loves! I really hope you enjoy this fic. Ace isn’t my strongest character to write about so if this seems a little wonky just ignore it- (Probably spelling errors + my requests should be open) (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Consider the following..?
Enjoy the read!
You were in Alabasta Kingdom, and after exploring around you wanted to grab a bite to eat. So you went inside a random restaurant called The Spice Bean. 
You were sitting at the bar waiting for your food impatiently when you saw in the corner of your eye what seemed to be a familiar black-haired male next to you sleeping, his face flat into his plate of food.  
Your eyes widened at the realization. It was your old childhood friend, Ace. The both of you had gone on many fun adventures together and made each other happy. That was, until he left to become a pirate. Leaving you alone in your hometown island, to sit in your own dismay. 
The flashbacks of him randomly sleeping in the worst places and you finding him also came back to you, the memories of dragging his sleeping body back home made you smile. 
After the flood of memories came back to you, you decided to poke at his head with a fork, gently of course. In the hopes of waking him up to speak.
Eventually he did wake up, his eyes sparkled just the way you remembered it. The confident and determined look was still the same, just as you left it. Soon enough Ace picked his head up and realized it was you. “Y-y/n..? Is that really you..?” He lightly rubbed his eyes in order to make sure he wasn’t dreaming… Dreaming of you. “Ace!” you smiled, springing up from the bar stool you were sitting in and hugged him tightly.
He grinded at the reassurance he wasn't dreaming and that you were actually here in his presence. After you sat back down, he spoke. “It’s been so long since..” he looked away from you, feeling ashamed for leaving you.
An awkward moment of silence settled in between the both of you.
But you decided to break it. “Ace, I don't care about what you did in the past, I understand why you did it..” You smiled at him, hoping he would feel better. “I'm sorry.” He continued to look down and away from you.
You hugged him again and squeezed him a little tighter. You swore you could have seen a small blush creep up behind his ear and face. “So how have you been?” you grinded as you desperately tried to change the subject. “I’ve been fine, I guess… I’m the new 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.” he looked up at you slowly, confirming he was previously blushing. “I- I-.. 2nd division commander of the.. WHITEBEARD PIRATES!?” you yelled in shock, maybe a little too loud.. “Shhhh- I can’t have people knowing that right now..” he placed his finger on your lips.
When he realized that he touched your lips, he pulled away quickly and felt a burning sensation on his cheeks once again. He was used to physical touch with you when you were kids but now it was different.. “H-how have you been y/n..?” He tried to control his blushing state, and remove you from his thoughts. “Oh me..? I’ve been just great! I’m working on getting a pirate crew to go explore the Grand Line. Right now I’ve just been ship hopping.” you giggled with a small itching feeling that something was different with Ace. 
You just couldn't place your finger on it..
“Well that’s good to hear..” he picked at the food he was previously sleeping in. After another long silence emerged you both continued eating, trying to make the situation as un-awkward as possible. In this case Ace decided to break the silence. “Uhm.. y/n.. D-did you miss me” he shifted in his seat and glared at you. “Of course Ace!” you spoke in a more-than-certain tone. “Good.. because I did too.. And I.. uhm, have been thinking of you..” Ace confessed, he was trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with you. “So.. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while..” he continued, his voice shaky and shy. After a moment of processing the words that were coming from him he turned towards you. Now staring at you dead in the eyes, he leaned in. Closer than what you were comfortable with. Then it happened in an instant.. He kissed you. Your childhood friend Ace kissed you.. He was the Fire Boy, but now he was also melting. The kiss lasted for a long second. Even after the kiss ended, he continued to hold onto you tightly as he didn't want you to leave him for a single second. “A-ace..” you spoke in a low tone, embarrassed that he kissed you in a public restaurant. Luckily there weren't many people to watch.
(Not like he would let them.) “Shhh..” he hushed you, you assumed it was better to just bask in the moment with him instead of speaking and ruining it.
So, the both of you sat there, you in Ace’s lap. Eventually, he even placed his hat on your head, patting it and going in for another kiss. This time the hat would cover you two. Let’s just leave it on the fact that you two definitely enjoyed this childhood reunion, and that Ace.. 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates wouldn’t be coming home without you tonight..
The End!
Consider following..?
Thank you so so much for reading!
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chicabear15 · 9 months
I think it's funny the fandom has accepted Michael being an arsonist because there is no actual 100% proof he's set anything on fire.
Henry set up the fnaf 6 building to burn down and Michael doesn't seem to be aware of this.
In the paper at the end of fnaf 3 it says that while foul play hasn't been ruled out, the fire was most likely due to faulty wiring.
I will acknowledge that Michael's speech being coupled with the burned remains of fazbear frights and the final fnaf 3 minigame in hw1 does have implications of it being foul play but that's only circumstantial evidence.
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jestroer · 1 year
One of my favourite fun things to do related to Hermitcraft fandom is going around on AO3 playing with filters to find the weirdest most uncommon rarepairs out there. Or just finding them in the wild.
If you could think about one, there is a real chance there are at least like 2 fics of any random ship you can think about. And i think this is beautiful.
Like, idk who thought first about like Jevin/Bdubs(Jdubs?) or Cub/Mumbo (...cumbo) but i love that they did, that's what fandom is all about
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preggomancer · 2 years
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giant water nymph girl gets both of her girlfriends pregnant at once! good thing they both look so cute this big 
(its these guys!!!) 
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