#sorry just was on insta and saw it EVERYWHERE lol
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paranormeow7 · 1 year ago
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me when I see people using words like “narcissist”, “sociopath” “borderline” etc to describe any bad person they’ve ever met when I have friends actually suffering from cluster b disorders
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months ago
How do the gods feel about Percy being an 'It Girl'? Idk, every time I think of her, i just imagine all the popular girls from high school 😭
omg i gotta talk about this in detail forgive me 😂😂
you know those tiktok stories ppl post about their glow ups? like they'd show pics of them when they were kids or in middle school, to how they look now in high school/collage/working adult????
percy canonically was seen as a loser in the earlier books. she was constantly shuffled around boarding schools, which are EXPENSIVE btw, and in my fic the explanation for that is that these schools willingly took percy in with free tuition/lowered tuition because of how HORRIBLE her record is, and they wanted to take her in in hopes they could "improve" her and make their school look better cuz "hey we took this criminal poor child in and we made her a stellar student! we're so much better than the other schools, so give us donations and send ur kids to us because we actually work!" and that obviously just... never happened lol 💀
BUT ANYWAY, those schools are expensive and usually filled with wealthy kids from wealthy families, and they can CLEARLY tell percy isn't one of them. maybe because she's always wearing the same shoes, or she can't afford to get another uniform so she's always got the same crummy one with rips or stains they couldn't get out or "hey i saw percy and her mom walking to the laundromat, they're so poor they don't even have their own washing and drying machine haha!", or "guys i saw percy working at the macy's parade! hahaha, she's so poor she's gotta work during summer break!", etc.
like EVERYONE always knew her as that kid with no money and no dad who's always committing crimes ("hey isn't that jackson girl a terrorist?!"), she's a loser with barely any friends, and the friends she DOES make are losers too (grover and tyson were always looked down on, and in my fic she attends the di angelo's school, and they were looked down on too).
so imagine seeing that kid grow up into her teens and then get hit with the biggest glow up you've ever seen (cuz her face claim's adriana lima) 😂😂😂😂 i think her life started getting better around the time she she started attending goode high (a regular high school, not for elites like her previous school, so no one there knows her aside from her "crimes" on tv). and it's not just the glow up too, she's also a little more outgoing and confident in herself, more comfortable in her skin, etc. she's got a glow up inside AND outside. like imagine strolling around ur school and a girl who looks like a victoria's secret super model just walks by and she NOTICES you and just waves and says "oh hi! 👋😄"
percy has always been seen as a poor loser, but then high school happened and BAM she's now suddenly the most popular girl in school 🥺 she probably has a lot of mortal friends too. so not only is she popular in the demigod/godly world, but also popular in the mortal world (her high school, i mean lol). she's on the swim team, she's the ✨it girl✨ she probably got a ton of juniors or seniors trying to ask her out to prom/homecoming and shit despite being a freshman/sophomore 😂 and because she's got so many friends from school, she most DEFINITELY spent a lot of her free time hanging out with them, like just shopping in new york, going to skate parks, walking around the city, etc. (and with her demigod friends too ofc if they're in new york at the time). her insta, tiktok, and twitter's probably FULL of pics/vids of her just hanging out and being social 😂 she's the girl that's everywhere but home, always out and doing shit 😭
okay okay, i rambled too much im sorry, i just really love talking about percy being an ✨it girl✨ everywhere she goes
but anyways... the yanderes...... WOULD FUCKING HATE IT 😂
poseidon and beelzebub are the biggest introverts EVER. the thought of going out and touching grass would actually give them psychic damage 😂
poseidon's so lucky he was never in sally's position because he wouldn't be able to handle it. his daughter is everywhere BUT HOME 😭😭😭 like pls go home already child, stop hanging out with people, what do you mean you're at a SLEEPOVER RIGHT NOW? NO, COME HOME. do you even know the ppl you're talking to? YOU JUST MET THEM???? DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS, IDC IF THEY'RE COMPLIMENTING UR OUTFIT 😭😭😭 poor percy, in ror verse her life of excitement's gone, no going around hanging out with friends and doing random shit, she's got an overbearing dad now 😭
beelzebub's screaming, crying, throwing up, dramatically sliding his back down the door and everything 😭 going to midgard with percy was already hard enough for him, he literally had to handcuff her because she just WOULDN'T. STAY. STILL. and everyone kept staring at her and everything (remember when he read the mind of that one taxi cab driver and he lost his shit 😂). percy ALWAYS wants to go outside and he can't fucking take that shit, but he loves her so he takes her out anyway and it kills him every time 😭😭 BECAUSE EVERYONE ALWAYS WANTS TO TALK TO HER, AND SHE NEVER DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT like sweetie..... stranger danger 😭
hades would be crying internally like "pls.... stay home.... just stay home pls 😭". he's glad his niece is so well-liked, she deserves to be adored by everyone!!! but maybe... maybe this is just a lil too much popularity... 😭 he'd burst into tears from the sight of her social media accounts alone, she's always out and about and rarely home, always with different ppl. it's so shocking to him cuz he's more comfortable hanging out with ppl he's close to like family and stuff, what do you mean percy's got different friend groups and she's always hanging out with them, what do you mean she's in hundreds of group chats in various texting apps, what do you mean seniors were asking her out to dances, STAY AWAY *HISSSSSS*
APOLLO WOULD BE SO HYPOCRITICAL 😂 he is ALSO a very popular god who's very extroverted and outgoing but holy shit would he meet his match in percy and he starts to see the downsides to such popularity 😂 he's soooooo glad that all of percy's old friends are universes away, but if that starts happening again in THIS universe he'd be on his hands and knees begging her to stay home and stop hanging out with ppl 😭 he now understands why poseidon kept her in the palace, cuz once she's out, she's going EVERYWHERE and meeting EVERYONE and nothing's gonna send her back home unless they drag her 😂
anubis is extroverted af so he definitely understands!!!!!!! jk. he'd be fine with it for the first few 24 hours, then everyone starts to become a threat to him because they keep stealing percy's attention. he'd be like "can't you stay home 🥺 pretty please 🥺🥺🥺 kebechet and i miss you so much 🥺🥺🥺 ur rarely home nowadays 🥺🥺🥺" and he and kebi would work together to guilt her into spending more time with them, and it would work 💀💀💀
loki would make the fatal mistake of taking her around valhalla and meeting other gods and shit, and then immediately regret it once he realizes that he's got a super sociable ✨it girl✨ in his hands who easily befriends everyone she meets 💀 he'd probably try to horde her in the palace, but that doesn't work cuz now she's helping servants out with the cooking and cleaning, having tea parties with odin, petting huginn and muninn, doing thor's hair, hanging out with the valkyries, etc. into the basement she goes, i guess! 😭😭😭
cú chulainn 1000% also understands what it's like to be popular. i'm pretty sure all of ireland knew him; ladies loved the dude and men feared and hated his ass cuz he either killed someone they cared about or fucked their wives and daughters 💀 so yes he definitely understands, but karma strikes him and it strikes him BADLY because percy is absolutely gonna be 100000000% more popular than him. like, he takes her out and looks away from her for ONE SECOND, and she's suddenly got 61341 friends already, half of which are probably in love with her or some shit 😭 hell, she'd probably unknowingly steal the hearts of the girls who crushed on him and all those dudes who hated his ass? yeah now they forgot about him cuz "wow who's the pretty girl next to him?? 😳😳" he'd be so stressed fr, he can't take her ANYWHERE cuz they all WANT HER. deserved karma if you ask me 💀
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delusionalwriter02 · 1 year ago
HEY. UR IG POST ITS 💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗💗🩷💗🩷💗 please chuuya gf hc
Insta as Chuuya's GF
a/n : hello! thank you so much for your request!!
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<3 liked by Daze_i, Chu_uya and 108 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : Look at this MAN, getting burn by the sun
Daze_i : Even the sun don't won't you on earth Chu
↳ Chu_uya : And the whole universe don't want you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : DON'T START AGAIN YOU TWO
↳ Daze_i : sorry
↳ Chu_uya : I'm sorry love
↳ Yosanurgirl : didn't know you where so persuasive girl
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'm surprised too
Akutagawa : So instead of going with me on the mission you were out in town ?
↳ Chu_uya : Hard to say you're wrong
↳ Akutagawa : I'm so done with you
↳ Chu_uya : Did it go well ?
↳ Akutagawa : Yes of course.
↳ Chu_uya : so no need to worry
↳ Akutagawa : Like you would
↳ Chu_uya : yeah I don't care
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Atshushiii and 187 others
Yn_theoneandonly : feel like a babysitter
Yosanurgirl : weren't you supposed to be on a date ? tf is Dazai doing with you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yeah it was supposed to be just Chuuya and I but we bumped into him and he stuck with us
↳ Yosanurgirl : I'm so sorry
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : thank you love
↳ Daze_i : why do you act like it's atrocious to be with me ?
↳ Yosanurgirl : because it is
Gintonic : Did he got his hat back ?
↳ Chu_uya : yeah i did, this fucker ran for 30min
↳ Gintonic : suck to be you
↳ Chu_uya : DON'T CALL ME CHU
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Chu can you buy some bread on your way home ?
↳ Chu_uya : Of course my love
↳ Chu_uya : She's my GIRLFRIEND
↳ Daze_i : And i'm not ???
↳ Chu_uya : no ?????
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Gintonic and 156 others.
Daze_i : he's the biggest simp i ever saw
Yosanurgirl : stop they're adorable, finally a man on his knees in front of a women
↳ Daze_i : I can be on my knees
↳ KunikiDA : stop it's getting embarassing
↳ Atshushiii : Yeah Dazai you should stop talking
Gintonic : real question, why are you always with them ????
↳ Daze_i : because I've dedicated my life to annoying chuuya
↳ Gintonic : just find someone ??
↳ Daze_i : why would i do that ?
↳ Chu_uya : so you're less a piece of shit ???
↳ Daze_i : that was MEAN
Yn_theoneandonly : thank you for this photo but please just find someone, i can't have a moment with chuuya without you being there
↳ Daze_i : do you hate me that much ???
↳ Chu_uya : yes THAT much
↳ Yosanurgirl : he's like a dog, following you everywhere and lost without you two
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : YES EXACTLY
↳ Yosanurgirl : That was NOT A COMPLIMENT
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<3 liked by Chu_uya, Daze_i and 126 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : choosing the right bottle for our 4 years
Chu_uya : 4 years of pure happiness
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : i love SO MUCH
↳ Chu_uya : me too angel
Yosanurgirl : omg already 4 years, feels like yesterday
↳ Daze_i : i know right ???
↳ Yosanurgirl : you sound obsessed
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he is
↳ Daze_i : It's not MY fault if nobody wants to do a double suicide
↳ Atsushiii : Just don't propose a double suicide idk it's just a proposition
↳ Daze_i : but how am i supposed to find the right person if I don't
↳ Ranthebestpo : by being a normal human being ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he is everything BUT normal
↳ Chu_uya : lol but t
↳ Yosanurgirl : .........
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'm so breaking up
↳ Daze_i : Ynnnnn want to double suicide with me since you're single ?
↳ Chu_uya : SHE'S NOT SINGLE
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Hey! Hope you like it ? Let me know wich characters you would like to see next, I can do part 2 too for any characters I already did so don't hesitate!
See you <3
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jasminexbaudelaires · 3 months ago
[ A WEEK OR SO LATER ] Jasmine: I'm so sorry! I stg I didn't ditch you. Got distracted (no one is surprised), then broke my phone and had to wait for the new one. Jasmine: I am fairly certain I know which Insta account you're talking about, actually. 😂 Cows in the kitchen are 100% disastrous lmao. I've had kids in the kitchen when I'm cooking, though, and they tend to cause their own kind of chaos lol. Jasmine: I've never woken up to any sort of livestock in my bed before, thankfully. Went camping once and woke up to find a skunk outside my tent when I got up in the morning; that's about as far as I've come with having wild animals near my bed. That was an experience I don't want to repeat. Or well, at least while I was sleeping. There was that time the ranch hands thought it would be hilarious to fill my cabin up with chickens that were fucking *everywhere*. Jasmine: Ooh, what kind of convention was it? But my schedule is free most days in the evenings, so whenever you're free you can just stop by. Otherwise I'm usually helping the ranch hands. If I'm not there, you can usually find me on the ranch somewhere lol. Jasmine: No, oddly enough it started screaming when I screamed, and then it started laughing like a fucking asshole. I made that hand's life a living hell for the next month or so though until he made it up to me. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Jasmine: This is a prime example of why the communities in Water World worked so well. They created whole worlds out on the water; granted the ice caps had melted and there wasn't much land, but still. I think it could work if we get the right materials. I mean, you could anchor the mini islands down and still make sure that the zombies can't climb them. I still don't think they could swim, though. If we're going from a realistic standpoint, zombies are corpses; if they're freshly turned then it'll be a sink-float-sink process as the body decomposes, but if they've been dead for a while then they'll sink because they're heavier than water. They'll probably be able to tread water or move around the bottom of the ocean, but you also have to think about the animals that live in the ocean. Most don't eat living humans, but there are plenty that will eat or nibble on dead flesh. So I honestly think that setting something up out in the middle of the ocean might be a good idea if you can prep decently for it. Jasmine: I'm interested in a fallout shelter for sure, but more like what you saw in the 100 or T3 or in Silo or even Fallout. But it would have to be a shelter that would be self-sustainable for years; something that could generate its own oxygen and food and everything. What about you? Jasmine: I honestly didn't know that bloaters existed outside of TLOU so that's fucking insane. If I saw them anywhere, I'm pretty sure I would rage quit whatever I was playing. 😂
Matt: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl! There's a goat in your bed! Actually...has that ever happened to you? Never lived that la vida Rancho before so don't know if that's an actual occurrence. I follow this one Insta where they bring a cow into the kitchen and it's hilarious and disastrous! Matt: IT'S TRUE! I am episodically challenged! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Matt:
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Matt: I work today and I'm driving to Philly tomorrow to stay overnight for a convention this Monday but my buns are free Tuesday and Wednesday! How does your schedule look? Matt: Holy shit. I don't mean to laugh but then again, I do because hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha what a fucking hilarious and dick thing for that ranch hand to do to you! Seems like the kind of shit I'd pull on Stells or Chris when we were kids. Did the Furby laugh when you saw it because I would've pissed myself for realsies Matt: Talking about all this prep got me wondering if it's possible to survive on a yacht. The thing I'm not sure of is if zombies can swim. In some games, they can walk along the ocean/lake floor because they don't need oxygen. But what about swimming? If you don't set anchor, they can't climb it or are even capable of it. The big issue I see, even if you grow crops in planters and have a fresh-water system, is how to maintain the yacht because wear and tear will happen. Matt: Are you interested in a fallout shelter? I don't know what goes into building one or the likelihood of ever needing one. Hell, if doomsday ever happens, my ass will be dust in the wind. Don't think I want to be around to see a nuclear winter. Matt: Bloaters... I play this one zombie game and those fuckers are the bane of my existence! They destroy my traps set up and inflict a helluva lot of damage to me and my fortress.
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years ago
Baby can you do an insta angst blurb where Harry is doing a PR relationship?
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liked by y/nfan1, y/nfan2 and 54,628 others
y/ndaily y/n arriving to MSG for harry’s concert tonight!
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y/nfan1 anyone else find this relationship odd???
harryfan1 damn she’s been at every show so far
y/nfan2 they’re so cute together I’m so here for this!!!
y/nfan3 I agree like there was never anything about them together and then all of a sudden I’m seeing them everywhere
harryfan2 Harry would never do a publicity relationship if that’s what you guys are thinking
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan2 and 38,728 others
y/nharryupdates Harry and y/n tonight at the Harry’s House Spotify event!
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harryfan1 harry involving his girlfriend in his work stuff? that’s suspicious…that’s weird
y/nfan1 they’re so cute and she’s his most supportive girlfriend I love them!!!
harryfan2 there’s rumors she’s staring in a new show soon and he has movies coming out like….PR makes sense
↳y/nfab2 y’all clearly don’t know y/n she’s an a-list model she doesn’t need his publicity
↳harryfan3 all celebrities need publicity somehow
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liked by harrystyles, y/nfan1 and 466,828 others
yourinstagram just another day in the office
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y/nfan2 bestie we need the scoop on you and harry….
harrystyles hey beautiful.
↳harryfan1 this is what I’m talking about, harry is never this public with his gf’s so why is he acting like this?
↳harryfan2 because he finally feels comfortable being public with someone he clearly cares a lot about stop being weirdos omg
y/nfan3 queen I love you but something seems off about all this 👀
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liked by harrystyles, y/nfan1 and 283,738 others
yourinstagram so excited to be joining the cast of this amazing show!
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y/nfan1 congrats beautiful!
harryfan1 this is what I’m saying like her starring in a new TV show makes sense with her “relationship” with harry
↳ y/nfab2 I have to agree with you it all seems a little odd
y/nfan3 anyone who can’t see that y/n and harry are in a real relationship need to go touch grass
harrystyles can’t wait to see it, proud of you.
↳yourinstagram thanks my love 🫶🏻
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liked by y/nfan1, harryfan1 and 74,739 others
harryfan1 What’s everyone’s thoughts on this? It makes sense to me! We’ve never seen harry this public with a girlfriend before so it all being publicity would make sense
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harryfan1 this is exactly what I think is happening
harryfan2 they’ll break up as soon as all their shows and movies premiere watch
harryfan3 do you guys really think the biggest popstar in the world and the biggest model in the world need a publicity relationship?????
↳harryfan4 they’re both just starting to act and they can use each other’s fans and stuff to make sure they’re getting the views they need like it’s not far off
harryfan5 I think they’re in a real relationship but just milking it for the press and publicity
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan2 and 63,638 others
people Looks like the red carpet is heating up as this new hot couple have made their public debut at the Venice Film Festival! What’s everyone’s thoughts? Could this be Hollywoods new IT couple?
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y/nfan1 she looks so beautiful that dress has to be my favorite thing she’s worn
harryfan1 yeah DM was right this is a PR relationship sorry
y/nfan2 they’re 100% my new Hollywood it couple
harryfan2 I never thought I’d see the day harry walked a red carpet with his girlfriend
↳harryfan3 it’s because they’re not real and need publicity don’t believe everything you see in the media
↳harryfan4 yeah I saw them walking around Venice together and they weren’t even holding hands and harry looked like he didn’t wanna be there
↳y/nfan3 yeah sure you did
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 348,829 others
yourinstagram luckiest girl on this planet rn
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harryfan1 lol what????? harry would never let his gf post pictures of him
↳y/nfan1 you don’t know harry so how do you know?
y/nfan2 I can’t tell if I think they’re actually together or not ugh
harryfan2 harry’s own mom doesn’t post pictures of him like this feels weird
harrystyles I’m the lucky one.
↳harryfan3 yeah no it’s publicity
hehe 🤭 since tumblr hates me if you see this in the tags and not just on your dashboard can you let me know so I know this posted correctly 🫶🏻 Also I was so inspired during my Twilight marathon yesterday I got enough content written for a post every day this week and plan to re-open my requests very soon!
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rainbowsky · 4 years ago
This is really random but I just again found it funny (and v sad) that heteronormativity is so deeply ingrained in our society… I rmb I was following a pseudo(?) celeb on insta a while back when she started making it really obvious she was dating another woman. They weren’t even subtle and would drop the most blatant hints (like gg and dd) but would lie that they weren’t dating in the beginning, which everyone believed. They eventually did admit that they were a couple later but it’s sad that I also found myself like others thinking “they said themselves they weren’t dating so it must obvi not be real” despite the evidence otherwise. I’m not saying they had to come out or admit to the public about their relationship ofc bc that’s their business but just like dd and gg, short of them literally spelling out that yes they’re dating ppl will till the end refuse to see the obvious. 🤷‍♀️ sorry that was random lol I just saw the parallel with yb and xz. Do you think society will ever be fully accepting of not just lgbtq but of non “normative” people in general?
Yes, it is crazy how deeply ingrained heteronormativity is everywhere in the world.
I don't think that we will likely ever be in a situation where people who fall outside of expected norms are accepted by the rest of society as a rule. The fact is, people are generally drawn to those who are like them and uncomfortable with people who are not like them. That is just the way things are as a matter of human nature.
What's more, people feel a sense of superiority when they are in the bigger in-group and are able to look down on people who are outside of that main group. There will always be those who seek to crush others as a means of feeling bigger and better.
Just look at people who come from inherited wealth. They tend to believe that they are deserving of that wealth, and that those who are in poverty are in poverty because of some failing in their character or choices. Very rarely do they recognize their own privilege or the lottery they won to be born into the situation they were born into. Very rarely do they realize the unearned advantages they are living with and the unearned disadvantages others are living with.
This is because of people's natural tendency to interpret their circumstances and experiences in a way that makes them feel good about their lives. It's just normal human psychology. People want to believe that the world is fair and just. Its very unsettling and upsetting and stressful to believe we live in a reality that is governed by indifference, arbitrary assignments and random chance.
So when there are people who fall outside of accepted norms, they will always be faced with that psychological reality among the general population. They will always be faced by people whose mental map of reality is one that favors their own self-importance and superiority.
I know that is a depressing thought, and I wish I had better news. The good news is that human knowledge is constantly expanding, and we are becoming better and better able to self-reflect as a society and understand the shortcomings in the way we conduct ourselves as a society. There is hope that with that self-reflection and expanded understanding of the inequalities that exist, social change will become more widespread.
But there will always be strong incentive for people to think they are superior to others, and there will always be strong psychological incentive to believe that the world is fair and just and that people who are in difficult circumstances are there due to their own failings and not because of our own privilege. There will always be strong incentive for majority groups to resist change. And they tend to be the ones with all of the power.
Someone once told me that, "Every system, whether it is a family or a corporation or a society, will always eject the dissenter." Nothing that I have seen or experienced since has proved otherwise.
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kithtaehyung · 3 years ago
RYEN! I can’t with you, Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung! Honestly!
I just saw his video on insta and I’m just dead and come here to find the 3tan drabble drop!!!
Are you kidding me? How am I gonna survive all these attacks coming from everywhere?
I didn’t read it yet and I just know I’ll be dead!
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And I friend of mine who has a insta dedicated to KDrama’s that posted this today:
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Who do you think it came to my mind?????
Sorry about the vent, but god!
Lots of love!
tae 🤝 ryen 🤝 yoongi 👉 fcking shit up on april 1st, 2022🤣
but LMAO i am so sorry, @norushtolive i wish i could give an explanation but i truly do not have a good one💀 i think it’s just best to roll with it all now LOL i’m so excited for you to read !!
And AJDKSKDK i wonder what came to your mind🤔🍊 i don’t have a clue.. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU TOO BABE<33
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ashimakth · 5 years ago
Hangang drama club
Pairing: jk x reader, jimin x reader, hoseok x reader
Chapters: more to come
Genre: angst, fluff, maybe future smut idk yet💜
Author’s note: pardon my English. It’s my second language, which I taught myself by watching numerous American TV shows 😅
Summary:Your friendship was unique and healing. They were your guardians and you were their polar star. Everything was working out perfectly until they left you, roughly and abruptly, making you chase after them and the thin veil of memories they left behind. And it felt like a triple stab right into the chest - because you loved them all. No, not only that. You were in love with them.
Three years had gone and your heart hadn’t healed. You didn’t know why it all happened but deep down you guessed - you were never enough for them. There was no place for you in their new adult life. They just went back to how it was before they met you, and it was alright.
It was alright until you met them all again. And as they took their turns to attack your poor heart, you job was to keep it whole without parting it into three equal pieces leaving yourself with none at all.
You hated it. The smell, lingering in the air after a rainy morning, gray skies and deep puddles on the streets. It was that time of the year again.
You anticipated this autumn with anxiety every time you looked at the calendar.
The 1st of September.
The day he left you three years prior. His birthday.
He must be having fun tonight. At some club in Itaewon, sitting in a circle of his new friends, surrounded by colourful beverages and young females, flashing their chests to attract his attention.
He was buff in school already, and you could only imagine how handsome he looked now, considering his utter love for sports and pulling weights.
Was he doing it for himself or for other girls? Had he always been like that?
Had he noticed how much you liked that from the very beginning? Was it the reason he pushed you away?
Shame filled up your chest again. There was no doubt it was you who fucked everything up. Not them, no, never them, it was only your fault. They had never been anything but incredibly kind, patient and sweet. They taught you what real friendship was. They showed you how messed up your perception of people was; they taught you how to trust.
Just as you lift your third glass of pure soju towards your sour lips, a bright giggle filled the small dining room of Korean restaurant you were drowning your sorrows in tonight.
A young man, who walked inside with a group of same aged friends, quickly took the nearest table, making you hold your breath.
His hair was light pink this time, the colour he always loved on himself the most. You would never confess stalking his social media at night, how you smiled bitterly every time he posted a new photo or story. He was as charming as always, brushing his soft hair back and licking his plump lips, just before he turned around to call for a waitress and noticed you.
His bright expression quickly faded away and you immediately regretted coming here tonight. You regretted wearing a stupid white hoodie and just a mascara. If only you knew you would bump into your first love after three years of not seeing him, you would have definitely bothered to put some effort into your appearance. But every September 1st sucked out all of your energy so much you couldnt even lift a finger. Except today, there was something odd in the air because you were here and not in your bed.
Just three meters away from him.
He took a couple of seconds to make sure he wasn’t seeing things and it was really you, then turned back to his group of friends. Your heart sinked. It had been three years, two boyfriends and a couple of meaningless affairs, and you sincerely believed you were over them. Only September brought back the memories, but any other month of the year you felt almost completely positive that if you met one of them, you could keep a straight face.
Except the way he handled your encounter made you feel so rejected you wanted to leave the city and never, ever come back. Maybe you should have moved to Busan? Sunny weather, the sea, beautiful architecture. Calm and simple people. You loved simple things. Things that didn’t make you face complicated feelings.
His voice broke on the only word he uttered, and you knew you were totally fucked. The soft sound echoed in your ears and for a moment you thought you were hallucinating or seeing him in your sleep again before you realized it was really him.
You got distracted for a moment and he managed to slide into the seat opposite to you.
There was awkward silence as you stared at him, shocked by a sudden proximity. Was three years really enough to forget how he looked up close? Photos did him no justice, they could never capture the way his eyes sparkled under the lights or how adorable and hot his plump fingers were, framed by thick male rings. Did he still wear the one you gave him as a promise of always being on his side? From the look of it, no, he didn’t.
Jimin seemed nervous, but smiled nevertheless. That was what he always did whatever he felt on the inside - he smiled. Maybe you still knew him better that he knew himself…
'Do you… ’ He swallowed. 'Do you remember me? ’
You frowned. What did he mean? How could you not… remember him?
'We were… Um. Classmates. In high school. “ He chuckled, scratching behind his ear awkwardly. Your lack of answer increased his nervousness.
Classmates? What kind of nonsence was coming out of his mouth?
'Are you kidding me right now?’ You answered incredulously. 'What do you mean "do I remember you”? We literally spent every day of our last year at school together.’
The boy across from you visibly relaxed.
'Yeah, I know’ He breathed out. 'I’m sorry. It’s just… Some people preferred to erase me from their memory, so… I was just checking, sorry.’
'What do you mean?’ You asked, and by the way his expression changed you guessed he regretted saying the last part.
Jimin looked so lost that you wanted to kiss him. To stretch across the table, squish his cheeks and put your lips on his. To taste him again. You wanted to tell him that no matter what he said or did you would always have a place for his pretty soul in your heart, that there was no one like him on this planet but you knew it was unhealthy. Like your relationship with each one of them.
Unhealthy. Destructive. Wrong.
It was for the better that the circle ripped apart. It was better that way than seeing with your own eyes how their paths part ways with yours, how they get married and have kids, how they grow and become even more beautiful and more worthy men, while you just watch and silently desire. They could maintain their friendship without being madly jealous, but you couldn’t. And the idea proved itself when you met Jimin.
You would always want to own him if he was near, but you had no right to do so. He had never been yours, he wasn’t designed for it. He was meant for bigger and better things than your fucked up indecisive feelings.
Jimin looked at you not breaking eye contact and it made you think about how much he had changed. Not on the outside, really, he was still 50% cuteness and other 50% sexiness but the way he held himself despite being visibly shaken by your meeting showed that he definitely matured over the years. His posture, the way he spoke was calm and graceful, and not so chaotic like before. You wondered if you seemed different to him as well. Did he recognize Y/N he fed tokpokki after school in this same restaurant? Did he still think your eyes were pretty?
'Erm… What are you eating?’ He asked, trying to find something to change the subject, because, of course he knew what you were eating. It was right in front of him.
“Just… Meat. You?’ You took a small bite just to show him.
'Me too. We, I mean. My colleagues. From the store.’
'From Zara?’ You asked, trying to swallow the meat, but it stuck in your throat. God, you were shaking.
'Yeah.’ He smiled. 'Wait. How do you know I work there? ’
Shoot. Stalker caught red-handed.
'I saw you… ’ Don’t you dare tell him. Don’t. ’…when I was shopping. A couple of months ago. ’
Well, technically. You saw him. His. Photo. On his. Insta page. That you didn’t follow.
And you would never walk into that store, knowing he was there.
He beamed, eager to dig deeper, while you hoped he would drop the subject. 'Why didn’t you come up and say hi? I would’ve given you a discount.’ He winked. 'I’m the store’s manager. Which means I’m the boss. Well, almost.’ He giggled, his lips curving prettily. 'Technically there’s a senior manager above me, but she’s never around. So, I’m basically solving all the shit. But, please don’t say anything about it, lol, she’s right behind me’.
You giggled at his 'lol’, amused that he still used that word aloud in a sentence.
'I won’t. Don’t worry’. You smiled widely, and Jimin stared at your mouth for a split second, before averting his gaze somewhere to the side.
'Maybe… You want to join us? If you’re alone’. Jimin proposed. It seemed like he didn’t actually mean that and made the offer just out of politeness, judging by the way he fiddled with his fingers on the table. The boy was still looking everywhere but at you. What was he thinking about? What did he want? Why did he come sit here with you, smiling at you like that, melting your frozen heart? After disappearing from your life so abruptly, and leaving you all alone. You always considered him the most loyal out of all three. You supposed that at least Jimin, the boy with a heart of pure gold, would never break his promises.
When you thought that you still knew him the best, you were wrong. You couldn’t read him anymore.
'I don’t… Think I’ll be fun to spend time with tonight. Not really in the mood.’
'Why?’ Jimin finally met your gaze.
'It’s the day.’
He frowned. 'The day?’
'What do you mean?’
You didn’t want to answer. Did he really not remember? Three years ago on that same day Jungkook told you he didn’t ever want to see you again. That your friendship was over. That he didn’t see a future with you in his life. You cried, running after him, but he just left you there in Hangan park all alone. Not caring that you couldn’t keep up with him because your feet hurt in shoes a size too small. Not giving a single shit about you.
Your heart hurt, but you managed to squeeze out a, 'Why aren’t you with Jungkook today?’
Jimin frowned. 'Jungkook? I haven’t seen him in a while, actually. Why?’
You kept silent. He looked at you puzzled, catching your every movement as if trying to read you.
'Just… It’s his birthday. I thought you’d be with him, like always. And what do you mean you haven’t seen him in a while, did he go abroad or something?’ You were hundred percent positive they maintained their tight bond even after the four of you "split up” in 2017.
'Erm, no.’ Jimin chuckled bitterly and you finally saw another glimpse of an old version of him, incredibly soft for his best friend. 'We kinda… Decided to end things. And… God, it sounds like we dated or something’. He snorted.
'Well, it’s not far from the truth. There we dozens of girls practically begging for your attention, but the two of you always hid from them somewhere, hand in hand. I was so jealous at first’. You laughed.
'You were?’ Jimin looked at you strangely.
'Yeah… ’ You smiled, not noticing his gaze. Ornaments on the table seemed more interesting to you than his attentive eyes when you got so flustered. 'Sometimes I feel sad that our ways parted. I know, I know, people change, and I kinda expected that somewhere deep inside, but I’m not that… I’ve never been that important in the first place, joining you for a year and being an annoying bug, following you around while you and Kookie have known each other since Kindergarten. Connections like that can’t be ripped easily. You should call him, you know. Don’t be stubborn.’
The boy hesitated to answer. You didn’t look at him, so you couldn’t see what his face looked like.
Suddenly, and very unexpectedly, Jimin got really angry.
'How can you say that?!’
You looked up to see him staring at you intently.
'How… What?’
He brushed his hair back, shaking his head in disbelief, then smacked his palms on the table, earning a couple of anxious glances from the table to your right, where his colleagues sat at.
'Jimin, is everything okay?’ Some young man from the group asked him worriedly.
Jimin breathed audibly through the nose, heat running up his neck and covering his cheeks in splotches.
'You have no fucking idea.’ He whispered. 'How fucking hard it is sometimes. How hard it is still.’
You wanted to cry. He really scared you with this. The bitter taste in your mouth was a hint that you were going to weep pretty soon, and, seeing him so angry at you, so pissed off by only a sight of you, it made your fight-or-flight response kick in. You remembered his expression when he just saw you today, recalled the way he held himself too formal, smiling overpolitely - too distant and cold for the sweet and warm Jimin you knew before - always so understanding and ready to support your any idea no matter how stupid or wrong it was, and everything finally came into place.
It took three years and this encounter to dispel the illusion. They all despised you. Jungkook and Jimin. And maybe… Hobi did too?
It took no time grabbing your purse and storming out of the restaurant. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, but even through the pain you gave it one last chance and stopped to listen.
You prayed to hear his voice calling after you. He always went after you whenever you were mad or upset. Your Jimin would never leave you alone in the dark. He would always care that you got home safe. He was always… On your side.
But there was none. Nothing. Only dead silence and sound of droplets hitting the ground. Cold rain masked your tear-stained cheeks, being your only guard in the night.
You really hoped that Jungkook was happy tonight. He was turning 21, and you hoped he wasn’t crying like you, all alone.
But, no matter how hard you tried to persuade yourself that you were a good person, you wanted him to cry. Before going to bed that night you imagined his heart being broken into million unmendable pieces just like he managed to break yours.
Have you ever imagined what your life would be like if you were opposite gender? Would things be easier if you were a boy?
Sometimes you remembered summer days at the beach, when all of your boys went swimming, while you sat there, toes buried in sand and eyes trained at the water, full of jealousy.
You couldn’t tell them you were on your period, because in your small circle the term didn’t exist. You were the only female, and you four never talked about it. Such topics were reserved for girly talks.
The two youngest were utterly oblivious when you lied about water being too cold for you for the third day in a row. Hoseok, on the other hand, retreated to the shore right after dipping only once.
He plopped on a towel next to you and wiggled a little until his thigh and arm were flush to yours. His skin was wet and cold but you felt his warm stare while he examined your face.
'Does it hurt?’
You looked at him frowning.
'Your stomach. I heard that it hurts when you bleed. Just wanted to tell you that if you need anything: painkillers, pads, tampons, just tell me. Okay? I’ll go get them for you.’
You kept silent. The very idea of discussing periods with Hoseok was awkward as hell. What had gotten into him? You never… Mentioned tampons and…pads.
Denying would have been stupid. So you just shrugged, 'Why? So suddenly. ’
He pressed closer, lowering his head so no one on the beach could overhear you. 'Because I don’t want you to feel lonely when you’re with us. I would be the worst friend if I let you go through this alone. I don’t want you to be ashamed of anything in front of me, and I hate the idea of any of you three feeling helpless and silently suffering.’
'Okay… ’ You whispered, shame still licking at your insides but with his sweet words it dissipated a little.
'Yeah?’ He smiled that sunshine smile of his, like you made him the happiest man alive just by being there with him, and you reciprocated.
'Mhm. I don’t want that either. You can tell me everything too. ’
He looked so content watching the seawaves there by your side. Was it even possible not to fall in love with this person eventually? His precisely graven side profile, his lean body, his sweet vanilla scent - everything about him was extremely enticing and you quickly got trapped into his net.
He was a beautiful creature and every time he was around, saying these warm words, looking at you like that, you melted. If you had to pick one you wanted to touch the most it would have definitely been Hoseok. You wanted to trace his nose and lips with pads of your fingers, to caress his cheeks and brush his hair all the way to the nape of his neck, feeling his softness, his silkness everywhere. There was something about his presence that intoxicated you to the state of dizziness. To the state of craziness, making you completely forget about any decency.
You prayed he didn’t know that.
But sometimes you suspected that Jungkook did.
Sometimes you caught him staring at you while you stared at his childhood friend, and it made you sick to the stomach. You were disgusted by yourself. What if Jungkook really knew what was going on in your brain?
But then you checked again and he was already busy with something else, yelling loudly or jumping around. Maybe you were just making that up because there just had been too much on your mind since you started to hang out with them? Everything was new to you: you had never been best friends with a boy before, not to mention three boys all at the same time; you had never went on a trip with boys only. You basically didn’t know much about how they functioned. Their thinking, their behaviour were subjects you yet needed to study.
At that time, when everything just started, you couldn’t even imagine falling in love with three people at the same time.
But, eventually, you did. Jimin first. Then Hobi. And lastly… Jungkook.
It was inevitable.
When you changed schools, Hoseok greeted you on your first day, accompanying you to your class. You were so nervous you didn’t even remember his name, not to mention his face. Feelings came later. Much later.
You didn’t fit in from the very start. Girls seemed to ignore you, having already established their small friendship circles and not bothering to welcome someone new, and boys were… Boys were just boys. You weren’t the type to approach them first. They usually broke your heart, so you got used to keeping your distance.
However, there was someone who couldn’t bear you looking all lonely and sad. Pity was his weakest point and it did him no good. Eventually, he saved you just like he used to save kittens and dogs, abandoned and wandering around the streets.
On the third day of you sitting all alone, someone put a packet of strawberry milk right in front of you on your desk. When you looked up at him you saw a young boy with kindest smile holding his both hands up in a greeting. He was wearing only white shirt with a blue tie, no jacket, and you immediately recognized him as the student who went to the blackboard far more often that anyone else in the class. He was an A student, you figured.
'Hi, Y/N! What’s up?’ He asked cheerfully, taking the seat in front of you and turning so he could see you properly.
You blinked at him a few times before he laughed, the sound and his charming smile speeding up your pulse. 'I’m Jimin. And this is my favourite milk, very good one. You should drink it.’
Your first impression of him, apart from him being extremely cute, was that you really liked his laugh. And he did laugh a lot, turning out to be a very giggly person.
Strangely enough, after that day you started to hang out during the breaks pretty regularly. It went by the same scenario every day: he plopped on the seat in front of you and started a mindless conversation about homework or that day’s menu at the canteen and you just listened, relaxing in his presence day by day. He seemed to notice the way you spoke up more because soon enough he exchanged seats with a boy in front of you by bribing him with a box of chocolate and, finally, started to be around you all the time.
He blended in with your everyday life in a spance of a week, making you feel as if he had always been there. He helped you with equations you couldn’t solve or lend you pens and pencils, being just at arm’s length whenever you needed something. He acted unobtrusively, respecting your personal boundaries and keeping your relationship formal, and you were grateful for that.
Apart from the lunchbreak, when students had to go down to the canteen to grab some food. You couldn’t bear sitting at the dinner table all alone without Jimin, who tended to misteriously disappear from his desk right after the bell, so you prepared your own food at home and ate it in class. Asking him to take you with him felt pretty intrusive, so you just stuck to doing that, and, considering that there was no one except you usually, you felt fine on your own, not questioning Jimin’s absence too deeply.
Two weeks went by like this: you met in class, hung out together, parting for lunch, then got together after it, and said goodbye when he left home first. That was until one time he forgot his umbrella on the desk and you ran after him only to be hit by a muscular chest right in the face.
Strong hands immediately gripped your shoulders, preventing you from falling, and you were pressed to him tightly as he tried to regain balance. He smelled like cherry and you found it endearing. The boy quickly moved away and let you go as if embarrassed for touching you in the first place.
That’s when you looked at him properly and immediately regretted it.
He was the most attractive boy you had ever seen. The type you were most scared of, because it was 'your’ type. He was your type.
The guy you would definitely notice in a crowd. Type of boyfriend you always dreamed of having.
With thick black hair, all tall and strong. Muscular to the extent of it being noticeable, but not too much. Handsome face, gracious posture and smelling like cherry. Smelling like a treat. Presenting your dirtiest fantasy to life.
'Hey, JK! I told you to wait! Don’t go the-’ You heard Jimin shouting right before he emerged from the corridor. 'Oh, Y/N…’
You had never seen Jimin’s friends before. And, by the way Jimin glanced between the two of you, you supposed he wasn’t really fond of the idea of you meeting one of them.
'Y/N?’ The tall boy uttered, boring into your eyes and making you blush. His attention gave you no pleasure as you shrinked underneath it and not in a good way.
'Jungkook. Let’s go.’ Jimin said firmly, grabbing his umbrella from your hand, whispering a soft 'thank you’ to you and pulling Jungkook away. 'See you tomorrow, okay?’ He offered apologetically as they both moved back into the hall.
You just stood there, staring blankly at their backs while they departed, Jungkook turning his head to look at you again and again while Jimin pushed him forward.
When they disappeared behind the ladder, you had to grab the doorframe not to sink to the floor. Your heart was racing like it was you who just ran there all the way from the first floor and not Jimin.
The next morning you met as usual: Jimin stepped into the empty classroom, arriving early just like you, and took his seat, flashing you a blinding smile before dropping his backpack on the floor. You really wanted to ask him about Jungkook, about who he was and if he would come again later so you could see him once more. And despite feeling utterly flustered just by thinking about being near him again, you couldn’t help but seek for his presence, his face not leaving your thoughts since the moment he touched you. You were undoubtedly interested.
However, every time you tried to start a conversation about Jungkook, Jimin suddenly changed the subject or quickly came up with some urgent business he had to take care of. Eventually, you decided to drop it, afraid of being too pushy and losing your only friendly face among the students.
Days went by, and bearing with school became much easier as you finally broke the ice with some of the classmates. Jimin looked pretty satisfied watching you interact with others as if his job was successfully done.
Among the excitement of being finally accepted by people you almost forgot about Jungkook and the seeds of feelings he planted in you.
That was until he decided to find you first.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years ago
Group Ask 142
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hi I was wondering if you know of a fic where Steve and Bucky have a baby, and they get called on a mission leaving Peter to babysit and things go wrong? I read it a long time ago and I can’t find it anywhere.
Anon 2 said:
Hi there! The fic I am having trouble finding is kinda of a darkish one. Like SHIELD helps kidnap heroes and enhanced people abd turns them into "Littles". Tony is kidnapped and sent to a town where he's adopted by Bucky and Steve who decide he's not a boy but a girl, and raise him to be their daughter. I know that its got most of the Avengers characters in it but the team was never a thing
Anon let us know this is Pleasant Hill by CranberryJuice but the story has since been deleted.
Anon 3 said:
Hey! I'm looking for a fic I read a while ago. The only thing I can remember it's that they're at a museum, Bucky sees two guys holding hands and asks Steve why aren't they holding hands too. He answers that's because the guys are gay and Bucky goes like "Why aren't we gay Steve?" I think it's a post tws recovery fic Thank you!!!
orchidsrule sent in Captain America and The Great Pygmalion Debacle by Chianine (Complete | 31,739 | E)
Anon 4 said:
Hey I love the work you do!! I’m looking for a fic where Bucky and Steve were both in high school. All I remember is that Steve was a new student and he befriended Peggy. Peggy and Bucky were best friends and Peggy introduces them. Bucky smokes a lot in the fic. I also remember that Steve thinks that Bucky and Peggy are dating but they’re not. They hang out in someone’s basement a lot. Thank you!
Anon 5 said:
A while ago a read a fic I can't find anymore. The Winter soldier surrenders I think after catws. I remember he had a panicattack in an elevator and Tony helps him. I hope someone can help me find it. Thank you und pleased excuse my English, it's not my native language.
Anon 6 said: (rape/noncon)
Hi! I am trying to relocate a fic I read a while ago. Bucky at some point during WWII was raped. steve finds him after & bucky makes him promise he won't tell anyone. Fast forward 70 years, Bucky is presumed dead and Steve starts sharing bucky's story to hopefully help other rape victims. Bucky is of course not dead, and later finds out steve broke his promise and calls him out on it. I think it ended with steve apologizing publicly and inviting bucky on stage to tell his story in his own words
Anon 7 said:
This isn’t really a request but I read a fic a while ago and I can’t find it anywhere! It was a dom! Steve sub! Bucky one and I remember it started out with Bucky in the shower. Bucky looked for comfort in Steve and he started to discipline him until it got too much and too sexual during a shower scene when Bucky asked for Steve to wash him. They end up making up and Steve offers Bucky a collar, leading up to a scene where they fuck in front of a window (kind of exbitionism??) I’m sorry this is so all over the place but I’ve tried everywhere I hope you can help!!
Anon sent in Good Boy by triedunture (oneshot | 13,473 | E)
Anon 8 said:
Hi there :) So there’s this fix I’ve been looking for for a while, I’ve tried every tag I can think of on ao3 and on your blog so there is a chance that it’s been deleted but I thought I’d just ask in case anyone knows it. Basically the fix was about Bucky with one arm (I think he was post military) working at a library. It was a shrunkyclunks fic, Steve had an art Instagram account where he met Bucky who was using the library’ account. Sorta online friendship. Thank you :)
Anon, popsiclememories and metisecret sent in the lions by Spacedog (WIP | 110,919 | E)
Anon 9 said:
Hello! I remember only a pretty gory detail about the fic that I lost: A building came down and Bucky was trapped under the rubble. As the Avengers lifted a large piece of it, they realized it tore Bucky open as they moved it. I remember Sam was there, and Natasha, and Steve, and Tony too. I know there is a chapter in the fics accompanying the The Life of Bucky Barnes Insta posts that mentions something very alike, but that's not it. Help :-(
Anon 10 said:
hi so i just saw an ask that reminded of a fic i would like to find again! so bucky was killed as while he was still the winter soldier and at judgement day its deemed that since he wasnt in control hes not going to hell but he still has to go to limbo and help other souls pass through to the other side. so he has to watch over this waiting room of sorts that he makes into a bar. and one day steve shows up and hes not supposed to let the souls linger but they start falling for eachother.
Anon 11 said:
Hey, I was looking for one where Bucky is both touch starved and easily overwhelmed by touch? It had a part where he was laying on Steve while Steve was covered in blankets so that they didn’t have any skin on skin contact. I was wondering if I could get some help finding it?
dolphinqueen10 sent in before we can breathe easy by belovedmuerto (complete | 22,052 | T)
Anon 12 said:
Hi! I’ve been searching this fic and i can’t find it ! Unfortunately I don’t remember much detail but it’s like a enemies to lovers im pretty sure , it’s modern and there’s angry sex , dirty talk and switching. I thing they’re in college but I’m not sure. Bucky it’s kinda cold / grumpy ?. And they would go to each other’s apartments /dorms. Well I remember Steve going to Buckys. I know it’s not really specific, but I can’t find anything !! Please Please help me ?
Anon 13 said:
Hi! I know I've read this fic before and I've looked through your tags and ao3's and I still can't seem to find it. So Loki messes with the avengers and shows the entire team all of Steve's fears, like one was him experience drowning because of putting the plane down. I remember the final fear was Steve worried that Bucky didn't love him back but it ends up with them getting together! If you could help me I would appreciate it so much!! Thank you so much for all the wonderful work you do!!
dolphinqueen10 and orchidsrule sent in Always Afraid, Always Ashamed* by CaptainDean13 (complete | 11,052 | E) *graphic violence, implied/referenced suidice
Anon 14 said:
heyyy, so i’ve looked through all the tags that i could think relate to this fic that i lost and idk if i missed it or it’s just not there lol. umm so basically it’s chubby bucky and lifeguard steve and bucky goes skinny dipping and then steve watches him and then he tells him to get out and buckys naked when he gets out and stuff and then i think?? steve asks him out after?? idk that’s all i can think of. thank youuu!! 💛💛
Anon 15 said:
I tried finding this fic but I couldn’t. It’s a modern setting au and Steve goes to a strip club and gets a lap dance from Bucky and falls in love with him. I’m sorry if this is vague but I can’t find it. Thank you.
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doaholistic · 5 years ago
1) I live for the fact that you like dirk 2) can I get a Matt Eugene timeline? How did ppl know?
Dirk Gently is my favourite thing ever. I actually cried when I read the cancellation. Then I wanted to strangle Max Landis when I read the accusations. That being said, Season 3 and onwards without him, and with Arvind in charge, I will wholeheartedly 100% support.  Matt and Eugene... ah boy. 
I think I just assumed they were dating when I first saw a photo of them together at an event? It was during a hiatus in BF Try Guy time and I wasn’t really a huge fan at the time because they were still new and Ned and Zach kinda annoyed me. (Lol) I loved Keith because he’s Keith and I might be messing up timelines here but I love Alex and Chris my love for Eugene grew from Misheard Lyrics. (And his brief appearance in If Disney Princes Were Real)  It was the 2015 Unforgettable Gala. 
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I don’t generally assume people are gay I just thought they were cute and I didn’t honestly care too much and I wasn’t invested so I moved on. 
Then I watched some older videos and he’s in a few early ones so I assumed they were BFFs or something... Then I assumed he was at least not straight because he made LGBT+ videos and this beauty that Matt is in. (Now we honestly don’t know when they started dating? Maybe someone does, there are better detectives in this fandom than me... I just follow the universe... but lets be honest, if they were dating when he filmed Types of Gay Guys I’ve Dated, they might have been dating for a while before that because to ask a new bf to play a reject in a dating video would... well it would probably be something Eugene would do. Bless.)   Plus there's a tiny cute moment in one of the dance videos where Matt is just smirking at him shaking his ass... WHAT AM I EXPECTED TO THINK?  I basically assumed they were dating from then on tbh. Oh and he was in the baby shower video!
He’s also just everywhere Eugene is? There are countless fan photos of Eugene with Matt chilling in the bg lol. Here is one. 
The video of when Emma and Pesto first met too...  Here is a photo of them from 2013.  I honestly don’t know a timeline but he was at the family reunion and one of the family posted a photo on Instagram captioned ‘with the kids’ and Matt was with Eugene so he’s so much more to Eugene than we can even understand.  Of course, his privacy is important to him and should be respected. These are all public photos and he could have untagged himself from the ones he didn't want people to find easily. Most of them actually pop up in Davids insta stories because I never would have found them otherwise because I’m good at searching for dog content... humans bore me. ;)  Wow this post is a mess. I’m sorry. Lol.
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Marry You-- Joe Mazzello x Reader
Request; “How about a joe mazzello based on the song marry you by Bruno  Mars? Idk” ( @hi-i-dont-know )
Warnings; some language, the song is fem! specific but the story itself isn’t
Word Count; 1.8k
Notes; sorry it's taken me so long to get around to this lol
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You couldn’t believe it. You had worked so hard for so long, and you finally did it. Here you were, standing on a stage, accepting an award at a prestigious ceremony. People were clapping, and cameras were everywhere. Never in a million years did you expect this to happen. 
You stuttered through your acceptance speech before scurrying back to your seat. The rest of the awards ceremony seemed to go by in a haze as you continued to try to wrap your mind around the evening. You were in desperate need of a drink, and the after party couldn’t come soon enough.
Dozens of people came up to congratulate you, and you only recognized about half of them. You quickly gulped down your drinks in an attempt to make yourself calm down. It wasn’t the wisest idea, but it was all you could do besides leaving the party, which you obviously didn’t want to do. You were tipsy, borderline drunk, and still feeling overwhelmed. That’s when he decided to approach you. The last thing you needed was your childhood celebrity crush to show up, but that’s exactly what happened.
Your first introduction to Joe Mazzello was when you watched Radio Flyer shortly after it came out, then you saw him again in Jurassic Park. Your younger self thought he was cute, thus your childhood crush formed. As years went on and the two of you started to become more successful in the world of entertainment, you had met each other once or twice, but it was always in passing. Neither of you really spoke to each other much. The most interaction the two of you had was via social media, occasionally liking each other’s posts. 
Needless to say, you were worried about embarrassing yourself because you had too much alcohol in your system for your mind to properly function, and it didn’t help that you continued to drink. “I’m sure you’re going to be sick of hearing this by the end of the night, but congratulations!” Joe flashed you a bright smile. You laughed before thanking him. “Mind if I sit?” He nodded his head towards the empty stool next to yours. You shook your head.
“No, not at all!” Joe sat, and the two of you chatted about basic stuff, like ‘Have you tried the shrimp? It’s pretty good!’ or ‘I’ve been going ninety-to-nothing tonight and can’t wait to finally get home.’ You normally felt awkward during small talk, but this was nice. Maybe it was just the alcohol that was making this feel so comfortable. Maybe it was just his charming personality. Either way, you didn’t care. You were enjoying it. 
“Hope I’m not bothering you. I’m sure a ton of other people would like to talk to you.” You scoffed at Joe’s comment and dramatically rolled your eyes.
“Oh, please! I’m having way more fun talking to you than I would have if I were talking to some of them. Besides, it’s not every day that you get to hang out with your age-old celebrity crush.” You brought your glass to your lips and froze. Did you seriously just say that out loud? No, surely not. You weren’t that drunk, right? You slowly lowered the glass, glancing over at Joe. Shit. You did say it out loud. His mouth was open, looking shocked. And his cheeks were red. 
“You... wait. I’m your celebrity crush?” You felt the heat rising to your face and nodded. He ran a hand through his hair. “No fucking way. This is crazy. You’ve been my celebrity crush since we first met at that movie premiere a few years ago,” Joe said enthusiastically, very much resembling a child telling their friends about the cool toy they got for Christmas. You covered your mouth in an attempt to stifle your laughter. Joe’s brows knitted together, but his goofy grin remained. “I’m serious!” 
“This is too good to be true. It sounds like something out of a fanfiction book on Wattpad or Tumblr.” Joe laughed, stating his agreement. He suddenly grabbed your hand. His eyes were wide and mischief danced across his features.
“I’ve got an awesome idea, and it’ll really make life like a fanfic.” You pursed your lips, eyeing him suspiciously.
“What’re you planning, Joe?” 
“It’s a surprise! Now, where’s the closest Walmart?”
Who cares if we're trashed Got a pocket full of cash we can blow Shots of Patron And it's on girl
The two of you managed to find an Uber at the ungodly hour of the morning it was. People gave you odd looks when you first walked into the store. Some because they recognized the two of you, and some because you were both in incredibly formal attire... while drunk shopping in Walmart. You headed straight towards the candy, and Joe disappeared. As you were paying for the mountain of candy in your arms, you felt someone tap on your shoulder. It was Joe, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “You okay?” you snickered, grabbing the plastic bag from the worker before thanking her. 
'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you
“Actually, there’s something important I want to ask you.” You raised a brow at him, and he took a deep breath. When Joe got down on one knee, your jaw dropped. He pulled out a ring that had a little silver frog on top, its back made of a green gem. “Let’s continue with the fanfiction themed night, shall we?” You laughed, nodding. Joe beamed up at you and slid the ring onto your finger.
“Is this actually happening right now?” you asked in between laughs. Joe shrugged. 
“Dunno. That sounds like something for our sober selves to figure out. Wanna check out the Redbox movies?”
I'll go get a ring Let the choir bell sing like ooh So what you wanna do Let's just run girl If we wake up and you want to break up That's cool No, I won't blame you It was fun girl
Your head was pounding. Bringing a hand to your face, you rubbed your eyes before squinting them open. How much did you drink last night? You could hardly remember a thing... that is until you realized you weren’t in your hotel room, nor were you alone. An arm was wrapped around your waist, and the person’s head was nuzzled against your back. Fucking shit. Your mind was reeling, trying to remember what had happened. A part of your mind tried to rationalize that maybe you didn’t hook up with someone. After all, you were still dressed. Then again... the sweats and baggy shirt didn’t belong to you. 
You were worried about waking whoever was beside you. You were desperate to avoid any awkward and embarrassing interactions. Slowly reaching out, you went to pull your phone off of the bedside table. That’s when you noticed the ring. Your breath got caught in your throat as a sudden sense of urgency flooded your system. You tried to turn your phone on, but a black screen stared back at you. Of course, it was dead. Well, there was only one thing you could do. You started peeling yourself from the person’s grasp. As you did, the person stirred. When you were finally able to turn and look at them, it felt like someone dumped a bucket of rocks into your stomach. “Damn... my head’s killin’ me,” Joe groaned while rubbing his face. Your mouth open and closed. You couldn’t think of anything to say. Joe removed his hands, finally meeting your gaze. His eyes widened. “Oh my god...” was all the could muster up.
“Joe, what the hell happened last night?” You showed him your hand, and his face reddened. 
“Well... I-- uh-- don’t remember much. I don’t think we had sex, but I don’t know about that.” He pointed at the ring. Joe quickly sat up, snatching his phone from the floor. Thankfully, it had been charging. 
He had multiple missed calls and unopened text messages from his friends, most of which said something along the lines of ‘Joe, what the hell is going on? Is this real?’ Joe swiped through his camera roll, but most of the pictures were goofy selfies or short videos of the two of you wandering around Walmart. It didn’t really offer much information. You suggested looking through your social media accounts. Lo and behold, it was the jackpot. Your twitter was filled with cringe-worthy levels of cheesy and sappy pickup lines, all of which had Joe tagged in them. He responded to a few, but his replies only consisted of various heart emojis. Joe’s Instagram story had dozens of photos and videos of you two, most of which you had already seen in his camera roll. Then there was one post that had the caption ‘I liked it so I put a ring on it (guess we’re engaged now)’, and you had commented ‘#couplegoals’. You decided to take a look into your own Instagram account, clicking through the story photos you remembered posting. When it finally got to something new, you couldn’t help the butterflies that formed in your chest. 
It was a video of Joe, laying in bed next to you. Your head was on his chest, and you had an arm draped across his torso. You were out cold, and Joe had a soft smile on his face. “(Y/N) fell asleep in the middle of our Night At The Museum marathon, so I decided to hack their insta.” He glanced down at you, his smile growing even wider. “They’re so adorable, even when they’re snoring like a freight train. But don’t let them know that I told you guys that,” he said the last part with a serious expression. Joe pressed a kiss to the top of your head, then the video ended.
“So I guess we got engaged,” you mumbled, examining the little frog ring on your finger. “We know that much happened.”
“What now?” Joe asked, his voice barely above a whisper. You glanced at him, and he was idly tracing a pattern into the bed’s comforter. 
“Well, first, I think we should get some breakfast. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Then maybe we could start with a date and see how that goes?” Joe looked up, meeting your gaze. A smile spread across his lips.
“I like that plan.”
Don't say no no no no no Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And we'll go go go go go If you're ready, like I'm ready
Just say I do Tell me right now baby Tell me right now baby, baby Just say I do Tell me right now baby Tell me right now baby, baby
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@mothermercuryy @mmmmmitslikeadiseaseson
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kara-dolan · 7 years ago
This Can’t Be Real
A/N- Okay so the Coachella fic is taking forever so I whipped this up because I was inspired by a lot of shows and music and yeah lol. There is a tag with my friends artwork in it leading to his insta and yeah.  I would like to say Shawn’s character is not in anyway shape or form Shawn Mendes he looks nothing like Shawn. Michael Ealy is who I actually thought about while writing Shawn’s character. Sorry it’s short but it is something I think people will enjoy.
Summary- You were studying late with friends at the library when the night takes an unexpected twist. A mysterious man appears and you just don’t know where the night will take you.
Warning- Horror? Creepy? Fluff?
Word Count- 1,978
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“I don’t know when I will be home mom.” I say walking to my car. “The study group wants to pull an all-nighter, so we will be at the library all night most likely.” I explain getting in my car to find one of my literature text books. “Okay, okay. I will call in the morning to let you know I am fine. I love you. Bye.” I rushed to hang up. I found the book I was looking for and started to lock the up my car when I heard something behind me. ‘Don’t be the dumb bitch in the horror movie. Just get back to the library and fast.’ I turned on my heel and started to head back towards the entrance. “Hey!” Someone called out and I stopped immediately. “You dropped this.” He said gently touching my shoulder handing me the thesis outline. “Oh, uh thanks. Guess I wasn’t really paying attenti-” I faltered once I saw him and our hands touched which sent electricity through my body. “No problem.” He smirked “I’m Grayson.” He introduced himself. “Oh, I’m… Y/N.” I respond hesitantly, his smile made my heart flutter, but the front door of the library snapped my attention away from him “Y/N! Come on we’ve been waiting for you!” one of the people in the group shouted to me. I turn back to apologize to Grayson, but he wasn’t there, “Okay, I’m coming!” I yell back to them rolling my eyes. I ran up the steps looking behind me once before I went in seeing my car and 3 others in an empty dark parking lot with only street lights lighting the area. I went back inside past the stacks to the group. I set my stuff down handing the outline to Danny who was the editor of the group. We all were tired and annoyed about having to be here, me less than everyone else mainly because I found comfort in the library. “Took you long enough.” Michael scoffed. “Sorry. I got distracted, and my mom called. I told you guys I couldn’t be here all night, but she said it was fine. My brother showed up to help out for the weekend.” I explained pushing my hair out of my face. “I thought your brother had training this week?” Lydia asked. “He did but he got out of it. He’s being trained to be the CEO of a major corporation all he needs to do is say whatever he wants, and he’ll get it.” I answered her while I sat down. She nodded looking a little hurt “Did he make plans with you and cancel again? That asshole, I swear Y/B/N needs to get his shit together.” I say annoyed. “Enough of the girl talk. The only reason we are here is for the term paper.” Danny growled out. “Aww is poor Daniel not getting laid enough?” Michael teased. “Michael shut the fuck up. We don’t want to be here anymore than you do.” Lydia whisper shouted at him. “Hey, can you guys maybe quiet down there is 4 other people here who have complained about the fighting.” The librarian whispered to us. “Yeah sorry Shawn.” I apologized, “Great thanks. Um… Y/N… can I talk to you for a minute its about the question you asked me the other day.” He asked me. “Uh… Yeah sure.” I say while getting nudge by Lydia with a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes at her and walked away from the group with Shawn, “Okay so remember how you asked me to keep a look out for the ‘Saphilak, Manuscript of Eternal Rest’?” He asked me, and I nodded. “I found it. One of my friends was traveling around Europe this week and she found it technically, anyways it is still pristine condition and arrived last night.” He explained. “Oh my gosh Shawn. That’s amazing. I have heard the stories on it and researched it for years and I have always come up empty handed but then again I have never left the country” I rambled until he interrupted “Do you want me to go get it and let you read it or do you want to keep talking about it?” He chuckled. “Obviously I want to read it. Please, go get it?” I plead while pushing him towards his office. A few minutes later he came jogging out of the office with the lost manuscript, “Oh my gosh. Shawn, this is incredible.” I say running my hands over the old parchment. “Thank you. This means so much to me.” I looked at him and he was already staring at me. “Lock the fucking doors!” Someone screamed out. “What the fuck?” Shawn said running to the front, I followed behind holding the manuscript. “Grayson?” I asked cocking an eyebrow, “Hey. Okay we need to barricade and lock all doors any entrances and exists windows too. Ethan! They fucking followed!” He ordered and then screamed out. “Fuck, okay. Everyone start gathering furniture and pin it against the door and windows!” The guy who I assume is Ethan yelled out while grabbing a chair piling it against the door. “Grayson, what’s going on?” I asked grabbing his shoulder, “You know this guy?” Shawn questioned me. “Not really and not now Shawn.  Grayson. Answer me. Please?” I begged brushing Shawn off. Grayson grabbed my hand sending electricity through my body and pulled me away from everyone into the abandoned stacks, “Whoa.” I gasped. “Yeah, look I know you don’t know me Y/N but trust me when I say we need to lock ourselves in. There isn’t time to explain I promise I will explain but after we secure the building.” He brushed his thumb across my cheek and I nodded. “Okay… I trust you.” I said as chills went down my spine. “Good.” He smiled, “Y/N, come here I need to talk to you and now.” Lydia called me over. I pulled away from Grayson and gave him a sad smile while going to Lydia “What?” I asked her, “Who is that? I thought you and Shawn… Ya know have a thing.” I laughed “Me and Shawn are friends. That’s it.” I explained, “Does he know that?” she said and walked away. I looked over to Shawn stacking chairs against the door along with everyone in the library. I walked over to one of the windows and peaked out, the entire parking lot was emerged in thick black smoke with figures moving through out it. I backed away and ran to the back exit to lock it on my way there I put the manuscript behind the front desk, “Y/N, where are you going?” Michael questioned. “Back door we need to lock it and start blocking it!” I yelled while running down the stairs. I spotted movement outside of the door but locked it before whatever it was had a chance to open it. It saw me, and I saw it. It was hideous, it seemed to have no eyes. The opening of its mouth, rimmed with sharp fangs ready to just devour and rip any living thing into shreds. A set of horns aligning the top of his head, a mane made from tentacles. The creature was tall and muscular, walked on its two hind legs but had four limbs with claws attached. It had a tail that split in two making it seem as it could whip and lash and strangle anything that came near it, to make matters worse the creature moved as if it was hovering even though it had two sets of wings, all tattered and torn. When I saw it I couldn’t move, I was frozen. My breath caught in my throat and I could feel myself suffocating. The thing slamming its self against the door screeching made me jump out of my paralyzed state. I ran upstairs to everyone else. “We need to block the door now!” I screamed running in grabbing a desk.  Everyone exchanged a worried look except Grayson and Ethan who immediately followed by grabbing what they could, “Don’t just stand there grab shit and start blocking the doors!” Shawn yelled at them. It took about 5 minutes to fully secure the back exit and make it back upstairs to start closing the blinds on every window. I was starting to calm down when Lydia screamed so loud I am shocked she didn’t shatter anything, “Lydia what’s wrong?” I asked. “There’s no service.” She sunk to the floor, “I’m not worried about the fucking service as much as I am worried about what’s outside right now! You have no idea what is out there! I fucking saw it and it saw me, it fucking saw me… I don’t want to feel that ever again…” I struggled to get out with tears clouding my vision. Grayson pulled me into his chest stroking my hair hushing me, “E, take care of them. I got to talk to Y/N.” He whispered while draping his arm over my shoulder guiding me towards the computer area. “What the hell are they Grayson? I- I’ve never seen anything like that… and… the fact that I couldn’t move… I wanted to run or scream or something, but it wouldn’t let me. What kind of thing could do that?” I choked out with tears now rolling down my face. He wiped my tears away with a remorseful look on his face, “They’re called Vruma’s. A Vruma uses fear to paralyze their prey or to mark their target. After being paralyzed they eat everything except the blood. The blood is just everywhere after.” He explained looking away from me. “What do they want Grayson?” I asked with my bottom lip trembling with fear that I already knew the answer.  “We don’t know. All we know is they were sent here to collect something and whatever it is we can’t let them get ahold of.” He said while clenching his jaw. “We? Meaning… you and Ethan, right?” I asked him. “Yeah… and hopefully you…” he said turning back to me taking my hands in his “Why do I feel like I know you? Like really know you, as if I could throw myself off any building and I know you would catch me.” I say gazing into his eyes. He gulped, “Y/N…” he started taking his hands in mine rubbing his thumbs over my hands. His hands were soft and calloused “Gray. You got to get up here people are asking questions that I don’t think they need answers on.” Ethan barged in saying causing Grayson to stand dropping my hands. I sighed and stood up wiping my palms against my dark green joggers, “I’m gonna go try to find some information on these Vruma things.” I interjected while pulling my hair up into a messy bun. “There isn’t any information on them. They aren’t of this world.” Ethan expressed.  “Maybe not by the name of Vruma, but there may be some lure on them with a different name.” I retorted, and he responded by rolling his eyes. “Y/N there won’t be any. Ethan and I have looked for it for it. There is only one book on them, but it’s been lost for centuries.” Grayson explained. “How do you know? How did you guys even come across this? How did you-” I was interrupted by Grayson’s lips on mine. “You ask to many questions.” He said while smiling, “Maybe I should ask more.” I thought out loud which made him chuckle pulling away. The lights started flickering before completely going out and shattering, “Gray… if they can shatter the lightbulbs what stops them from shattering the windows?” I ask slowly trying to have my eyes adjust to the dark. A scream emerged from the lobby of the library after I said that.
To be continued…
A/N-  Shoutout to @dtwritings​ for helping me describe the Vruma. I don’t see a lot of horror stuff involving the twins and like I have been watching some shows I adore that has this aspect and I read books like this so I am sorry this is sort of a first for me but hopefully it gets better and more interesting later on in it.
And for those who didn’t click the link in the fic this is what the Vruma looks like
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shdocws · 6 years ago
📱 for all our boys!!
just want all my boys to act normal for once but that will never happen, they write themselves.
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ji & min
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
( ✉ → min ) : i s2g if you don’t stop letting minji chew up my socks, i’m going to make him piss all over your pillow.
( ✉ → min ) :i almost drank your dirty ass paint water !!! stop putting it next to my coffee mug, you evil man.( ✉ → min ) :  WHO LEAVES A EMPTY SHAMPOO BOTTLE IN THE SHOWER??? I WENT TO WASH MY HAIR AND WOW THERE IS NO SHAMPOO TO USE. SO NOW MY HAIR IS WET AND WE HAVE NO SHAMPOO. YOU BETTER BRING SOME HOME IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES I STG.
( ✉ → min ) : i’m crying, jinsoo threw up everywhere and the first instinct i had was to catch it. I. NEED. YOU.
( ✉ → min ) : i love you even if you are the weirdest weirdo out there.
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
( ✉ → min ) : so… i was thinking maybe, we should adopt another baby… i want to grow our family and jinsoo has been wanting a little brother or sister.
( ✉ → min ) : i had a dream that you forgot who i was and you forgot that you loved me. it was heart breaking.
( ✉ → min ) : so…. do you still have booty shorts? why? uh its for science.
( ✉ → min ) : i’m crying like a baby right now because i stepped on jinsoo’s legos !!! i’m throwing them away and you can’t stop me.
( ✉ → min ) :  i was about to send you a nude but …. i dropped the phone on my dick
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
this one !
How many times my muse has called your this week?
ji is that person to call min when they are the same room because he’s bored and dumb so i’m sure a lot !! like 30 maybe…. a day (don’t be like ji ok)
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
none, at this point.
minho & jae
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : so i had the weirdest thing happen to me
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : someone pulled a piece of my hair out of my head. and looked me square in the eye to tell me that they were selling this on ebay.
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : asdfsas i don’t know what the fuck i was suppose to say to that so i did what any man should do.
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : i’m never going anywhere without you again.
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : i saw my mom in a shop. i swear she was going to hit me with a bible or start screaming at me like i’m the devil or something. and i can say that i don’t even fucking miss her. i have a better family with you, min & ji. you’re all i need.
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) :YOUR INSTA PIC, YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME (minho control your thirst which is why he never sent it asdfdsa)
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : i wrote a song about you, and no its not a rap. its me actually singing.
( ✉ → jae 💕 ) : i swear i always get a headache when i’m around min too long, why is he like this !? i say like you’re not the same. 
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
this one
How many times my muse has called your this week?
minho never calls okay ! like unless an emergency but seriously text him.
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
probably all of them
nico & nate
what was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
( ✉ → boo boo the fool ) : thank you for the lunch, i’m sorry i was so busy to come out and thank you properly.
( ✉ → boo boo the fool ) : i really don’t deserve you lol i’m such a piece of shit :)
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) : nathanial, quit being a brat.
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) : the sperm donors (our fathers) wanted to have a “meeting” with us. i told them we were too busy fucking lol
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) : wanna go to greece?
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) : you look so great tonight and i just want to kiss you !!
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) :  wow i fucked up again :)
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) : can’t wait till im ceo and tell my dad to shove his foot up his a-
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) : i had this strange dream we were poor lol
( ✉ → my boo boo the fool ) :also had a dream that we met people that looked just like us, weird af.
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
this right here
How many times my muse has called your this week?
probably a couple of times for like fake dates and random events they have to show up to
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
honestly he probably ignores all of nate’s calls to get on his nerves.
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crystalsnowmins · 7 years ago
Hi! I saw your little fight with that person and stuff about ships and I was like: "WAIT A MINUTE, BIGHIT ISSUED A STATEMENT ABOUT IT?" Like, lol. I didn't know that. Could you link it, please? I've never heard about it and I'm flipping out here. >
Hi anon! Yes, Bighit did issue a statement few months back that I saw on my twitter accounts. Sorry to say this, but I don’t have it right now. I’m pretty sure I saved it in my insta but I can’t find it anymore. I’ve been trying to find it everywhere but no luck so far because I wanted to throw that on that anon’s face. All I can say that this statement was released when BH declared that they will take strict actions against people who are insulting BTS and accusing them for wrong things. Many K-ARMYs gathered info about different accounts on twitter of antis to submit. During that time many people (like the angry anon fighting with me) they also submitted many fanfics and fanarts and works of other ARMYs who were trying to ship BTS together. Later on BH issued a statement the things that are not necessary to submit and the things they will not take any action on. Fanarts, fanfics were one of them. They know that it’s common amongst a fandom to ship your fav together so they disregarded any subject over it. I’m not saying they encouraged us to write more or anything but they said it’s fine if fans write fanfics or create fanarts or ship members together. It was a big slap to antis and people who don’t ship BTS together as they were trying to put the writers and artists in trouble. That’s all I know. BH never issued a statement to encourage people to make more fanarts and gay fanfics. They just simply said that it’s fine if it’s happening, that’s not an issue among the fandom. That’s no way of insulting BTS. If I find the post again, I will sure as hell post it so that anon can see and “sis” me about it later. I’m sorry I don’t have that post atm. 😇😇😇
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sun-stomach · 4 years ago
FYI that scepterno thinks pedophilia and incest is okay
Alright, I looked into a bit anon. Saw some reddit threads, part of a video, etc. I don’t know what you want me to do anon. Make a call out post? Ask him to stop? That’s not really my MO. 
I get that you probably wrote this because he screenshotted my reply to one of his post but ???. We’re not friends, I don’t know him lol.
I mean, I did find stuff that I don't agree nor am I comfortable with at all. But my policy is to curate your own internet experience. Especially when it’s about shipping. I know this is beyond just “ship wars”. But personally, I’m not interested in trying to change people’s mind on whatever they chose to do and post on the internet. It’s the wild fucking west on here..
I’ve spent a lot of time online and seen a lot of weird incest ships and shipping of characters with huge age gaps and even of minors and adults ( deku and all might for example, God hates me apparently) so I’ve learned to just block it out either scrolling past it (In tags), unfollow people and block them if necessary and that’s worked for me. I don’t 100% agree with the line of thought that  “it’s just lines, it’s not real” but when it’s drawn often just ignoring is enough for my personal wellbeing. 
So far I haven’t seen anything that has made me want to unfollow him. Granted I've been following this artist on instagram for their spiderman homecoming fanart (pre-carmensandiego) and I stayed because I like their style and at least on insta everything I’ve seen is innocuous. I also like Carmen Sandiego, but I’m gonna level with you I have no idea what he’s making fanart a lot of time. Which makes it easy to ignore and scroll past.
Recently he’s been doing a lot of RWBY stuff and the hell do I know anything about that. Though I do believe I have reblogged some of it because like I said, I like his art style. Nothing involving the Oscar dude and the other guy, which is what I now knowing a bit more of Oscar’s age makes me uncomfortable. That and the Ivy and Zack stuff but I have thankfully seen none of it. From what I can tell most of that kind of thing is on Twitter which I don’t use.
Here’s what I recommend anon. Obviously if you’re uncomfortable with the guy and his art to not follow him and block him everywhere. I don’t know if you follow me but I’m going to continue following him and interacting carefully with his artwork as I don’t wanna reblog something that is incest or an adult with a minor. Please feel free to unfollow me if necessary for your own internet curation.
Also if anyone ever sees me reblogging fanart of incestous or adult/minor ships please let me know. I would appreciate it a lot. I often just reblog art I like without knowing anything about the characters/people it depicts. 
But please don’t send me asks of other people like this again. I don’t know what were the intentions behind this one but something about the way it’s put doesn’t sit well with me. FYI I only have control over my blog.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
EDIT: Jan 19th 2021.
So I realized that I'm basically a fool. The man is out there drawing softcore CP and that didn't really hit me when I wrote this. Also the Oscar stuff is VERY gross and actually seeing some of the art with the PROFESSOR dude propely 😬😬😬. Nah fam. I'm sorry, I was needlessly defensive because I like the way he draws and I was annoyed with the way the ask was put. I didn't fully think about the severity of what was within the ask and saw more as a "omg this is problematic™️ #cancelled" type of thing when it was something very valid and serious. Again, I apologize. I had my head up in my ass. I no longer follow said artist nor will I be reblogging content from them or supporting them in any way.
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joshpup · 8 years ago
Beginners Guide to Memeteen
No one asked for this, but i made it anyways
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General Info:
So the memeteen group signed under Pledis which also has Pristin, Nu’est, Orange Caramel and After School (Everyone has issues with Pledis don’t even get us started about them). 
Group name Seventeen with 13 members because 13 members, 3 units and 1 team equals 13 (also originally they had 17 members but this works too). 
They finally debuted on May 26, 2015 after being pushed back for far to long 
debuted with the amazing song Adore U, and so far have had 8 comebacks: Mansae, Pretty U, Very Nice, Boom Boom,  Don’t Want to Cry, Clap, Thanks, Oh My!
They also have an mv for their song Healing, Love Letter, Shining Diamond, Smile Flower, and Q&A (just scoups, woozi and vernon), Change Up (scoups, woozi, and hoshi)
Have 9 amazing albums: 17 Carat, Boys Be, Love & Letter (Repackaged), Going Seventeen, A|1, Teen,Age, Director’s Cut , and You Make My Day (buy the albums tho) 
They made their Japanese debut on May 16, 2018 with Call Call Call! and released an album called We Make You
Hip-Hop Unit:
Scoups (leader), Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon
-created the masterpiece that is Check-In
Mansae Hip Hop Ver.
Trauma MV
Vocal Unit:
Woozi (leader), Jeonghan, Joshua, Dk, Seungkwan
-created the masterpiece that is Chocolate
Adore U Acoustic Ver.
Very Nice Acoustic Ver.
Pinwheel MV
Performance Unit:
Hoshi (leader), Jun, The8, Dino
Adore U Perf Ver.
Mansae Perf Ver.
-created the masterpiece that is Highlight rip carats
Lilili Yabbay MV
Hoshi, DK, Seungkwan
Just Do It
Just Do It Dance Practice
Scoups/Seungcheol {info} aka the dad 
-So he’s the leader of memeteen, #1 dad lets be real, longest trainee in svt, someone please give this boy a puppy he just needs a dog in his life okay. super sweet and caring, best leader ever honestly no one else could handle those other 12 boys. 
-appeard in Nu’est Face MV, After School Blue’s ‘Wonder Boy’ MV, Happy Pledis ‘Love Letter’ MV (pledis boys ver)
Jeonghan {info} aka the mom
-one of his nicknames in angel, but don’t let that fool you, he’s a swindler. Will not hesitate to cheat watch out for this one. sleeps everywhere possible anytime possible. each comeback his hair gets shorter, lets just hope he doesn’t go bald. Exo’s Sehuns worst nightmare.
Joshua/Jisoo {info} aka the church boy
-Oh shua, our beloved meme and church oppa this is a very dead joke now plz dont use it but if you see it thats shua. 1/2 of american line. Seems quiet and normal but the longer you know him the weirder you realise he truely is. Has a weird obsession with aliens (1,2) Stan talent, stan pindropping shua. huge anime lover. He has also had pink and purple hair and every carat cried 
-beautifully covered Overcome  with Nu’est’s Minhyun
-The jokes that never die: Drink water, not Alcohol, when in doubt, sings Sunday Morning, and his crappy beautiful rapping
Jun/Junhui {info} aka the real mom of the group
-Crazy for you cover
-1/2 of china line. Best eye rolls the world will ever know. people call him greasy, hes not reall but whatever. very sassy. his legendary part in Mansae that makes him look like the McDonalds logo. Also the time he dressed up in an actually carrot costume. 
Films: The Pye-Dog {pt.1 pt.2} (sorry i couldn’t find it in one part), Ip Man: The Legend Is Born, Intouchable (a series)
Hoshi/Soonyoung {info} aka naega hosh
-Okay so choreographs all their dances goals so naturally, best dancer ever. LOUD. Also shinee’s biggest fanboy, if you thought that you were shinees biggest fan ur wrong its Hosh proof: 1, 2, 3. a cute little hamster i die everyday. 10 hours 10 minutes. Black belt in Taekwondo... why dont we ever get to see anything ??
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Wonwoo {info} aka rbf master
-was originally a singer, but switched to rapping before debuting, so not only does wonu have an amazing voice but can rap suuuuuper well, and can easily switch between the two its stunning. always calm and usually has an rbf but hes actaully really fun love our emo wonwoo. kinda reminds me of a sloth but i love him even more becasue of that lol
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Woozi/Jihoon {info} aka smol fairy devil
-fear him. He may look tiny and soft but he will crush you. Composes almost all of svt’s songs. Super cute and hes coming to except this as time goes on lmao. shortest member. one of the big reasons svt became a self producing group
- first to get a solo in svt called Simple
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
Dk/Seokmin {info} aka literal sunshine
the sunshine of svt, always smiling. i saw a video of him crying once and my world shattered. LOUD pt2. super funny i love him. one of the most stable vocals in svt. can hit those high notes like nobody else. 
-has this beautiful cover
Mingyu {info} aka gaint germ
-walking puppy? yes actually he is. also a gaint germ (1,2) so get ready. sneezes everywhere then touches everything. can go from cute to sexy with no time in between its insane. If he’s not your bias he’s your bias wrecker. Wild orange hair durning Check In era end everyone made fun of him or loved it no in between.
-Svt’s personal hairstylist  
-appered in Nu’est Face MV, and Hello Venus Venus MV
The8/Minghao {info} aka arthao
-Literally has become the biggest artist in the world what an icon
-other half of chine line. last member to join the group. He did b-boying in china for like 6 years. here is baby hao b-boying at age 12 (he’s the tallest skinny guy and also the leader). crazy good Martial arts skills.  comes off super cute a fluffy and sweet with that voice and all but a serious thug tho like 1, 2, 3 
Seungkwan {info} aka future mc 
Boo Seungkwan our sassy little guy that i love more than life itself. LOUD pt3. gonna star in the next hollywood film because of his flawless acting. Also one of the most stable vocals in svt. hits high notes so easily its not fair (like in pretty u i died). a cutie from jeju. Koreas next best MC watch out world Seungkwan is coming. pretty much helps set the happy fun tone in svt
-covered Beautiful Tomorrow perfectly
Vernon/Hansol {info} aka the living meme
oh vernon. other half of american line. best friends with Seungkwan. literally a walking meme. anything he does is dumb and i love it. example: his weird dance from Boom Boom. lots of Hotline Bling. His iconic: “mom, i won this.” terrible hair durning mansae era 
-was on “Kids Explore Life” when he was little. Also a contestant on ‘JTBC Made in U’ .... headlines headlines ....
-appeared on one of Eric Nams Can’t Help Myself stages and Hello Venus ‘Venus’ MV, Sickness ft. Eunwoo of Pristin
Dino/Chan {info} aka the baby
The baby of the group. Once a baby always a baby. Dino, nugu aegi? tragic hair durning mansae era as well. best glow up of the world let me tell you i called this. Like if you think jungkook of bts had a glow up time to meet Lee Chan because his was more intense and if not faster. Fresh out of High school and living life large lol
-This amazing fancam
-his song Zero (here is the performance) and you can bet i cried when i heard this. He grew up so fast T.T
Active Twitter Fansites
Seventeen’s One Fine Day: Season 1: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, Season 2  
Best Stages
Girl Group Medley / Relay 
Sorry Sorry cover
Tell Me (Immortal Songs)
Boy Group Remix
Bindaetteok Gentleman
My Ears Candy (Jun and Mingyu)
My Ears Candy (Seungkwan and DK)
Who (performance unit) oddly enough this song isn’t talked about much, i think it killed every carat cause it killed me
and some of my personal faves: Show Me Your Love, Honey + Very Nice (Remix), 2016 Melon awards: Very Nice
Dance Practices/Part Switches
Adore U: Fixed Ver, Follow Ver, Part Switch Ver
Mansae: Hide Ver, Seek Ver, Follow Me Ver, Part Switch Ver
Pretty U: Love Ver, Letter Ver, Dear Carat Ver
Very Nice: Roof Top Ver, Dance Practice Ver, Part Switch Ver
Boom Boom: Front Ver, Review Ver, Santa Ver 
Don’t Wanna Cry: Front Ver, Review Ver, Part Switch Ver
Clap: Practice
Thanks: Choreography Video
Other Video worth mentioning: Highlight (13 Member Ver), No. 1 Cover, Without You
Offical Links:
Offical Website // Youtube // V App // Twitter // Instagram // Weibo // Soundcloud //Facebook
Seventeen TV
Boys Wish Kindergarten Skit    
Bongbong gyus precious child (a few of the many insta posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, also bongbongie has no gender so stan talent)
the famous English Time w/ Svt
the memeteen diaries (ive never laughed so hard tbh)
ISAC aerobics - inspired by Transformers 
ISAC 400m Dash
ISAC warm up dance created by our boys (ft dokyeoms singing)
Seventeen and Monsta x interactions (they’re debut buddies if you don’t die everytime they interact with each other you are doing something wrong)
Seventeen x Nu’est stage Heaven (aka the best crossover the world has yet to see)
so yah stan talent stan my memes Seventeen
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