#sorry if this lore is incoherent lmao
kaleidoscope1967eyes · 7 months
(Worldbuilding Wednesday is a weekly ask box event. I'll send you a question because you reblogged the post but you can also send asks to other blogs that are participating to learn about their WIPs)
Does your WIP have any dragons or anything dragon adjacent? What can you tell me about them?
My main WIP--my very indulgent retelling of and expansion upon Star Wars lore--includes two types of dragons (so far): Arkanian dragons, and Duinuogwuin (star dragons). However, I currently have more information about Arkanian dragons, so I'll focus on them.
Thought to be extinct for well over a millennia, they live deep within the diamond mines of the frozen planet of Arkania. Their reflective, gemlike scales, combined with their ability to essentially cloak themselves with the Force, allows them to camouflage perfectly in their environment. As a semi-sentient species, they choose to only be seen by select individuals, primarily their relatives and potential mates.
The species is highly Force-sensitive, and the only sentient beings they allow to see them are other Force-sensitives. Not only must this being be worthy--entirely devoted to the Light--but it must be the being whose mind is in tune with the frequency of theirs (via a Force bond). Accordingly, if said being happens to be a Jedi, their lightsaber crystal will resonate with the kyber "dragon pearl" embedded within the dragon's throat.
This crystal is the source of their sensitivity to the Force, as well as the reason why they had to feign their own extinction. Few beings are capable of killing a dragon--their scales are resistant to both blunt force and energy weapons, and their crystal allows them to channel energy into a "breath of fire"--but a being aided by the Dark is. Part of the ancient myths surrounding Arkanian dragons involved Jedi and Sith fighting over them, with the Jedi wanting them as companions, and the Sith wanting to harvest their kyber.
Going back to the physical description, these dragons have the typical wyvern body plan: two legs, and two arms that evolved into batlike wings. After hatching from a geode-like egg, the creatures themselves begin life around the size of a tooka cat, but reach the size of a starfighter by the time they reach adulthood. They have very slender bodies, with long necks and prehensile tails. A set of almost crystaline horns, ranging from two to six, adorns the top of their heads. They really are quite beautiful--if one is able to see them, that is.
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
#this is gonna be kind of a vent and it may be incoherent so..#seeing everyone talk about how they want to leave dtblr these past few days is so relieving how are we all thinking the same thing at the#same time#idk for me I’m probably not gonna go anywhere but I cannot lie. the fact that our community is more discourse and neg than#actual talk about content is really draining sometimes#it also dosent help that there isn’t that much content recently that I find interesting aside from the occasional dream video#so I guess there really isn’t that much to talk about except for drantis and how much we either love or hate Karl Jacobs#tbh I miss lore LOL the fandom was more fun when that was going on + also it’s wayyy easier stomaching discourse about#fictional characters than real people#like don’t get me wrong I’ve neg posted about ccs too but sometimes this community will talk more about how they hate Karl than like. their#own faves content. like I don’t even care about Karl in the slightest but like it’s just draining when there’s so much negativity all the#time instead of like. live-blogging and excitement over new content#not just Karl tho I used him as an example but like. everyone on the ‘ccs dtblr hates’ list#AND it dosent. help that I don’t really care about George or sapnaps content like at all and Im more of just an sbi main who also likesdream#which sucks bc there aren’t many sbi fans that are normal enough about Dream to follow#so I don’t fit with that community either#and I still don’t really feel like I fit with dreblr too bc I’m more of a ctechno main but idk lol#and like the few non dtblr people I follow seem to always be having such a much better time than us which really dosent help#sorry for the random sad post lmao#I’ll probably delete later I just want to get it out of my system bc sometimes complaining about things makes you feel better about thething#and before anyone’s like ‘just leave why’re you sat here complaining’#I like this community and I like talking about my interests and reading posts about stuff I like on here#I haven’t really lost interest in the content there’s just a lack of it. I just wish the community was less neg all the time#like it’s even something I need to work on with myself lol#this is so long LMAO it’ll probably get deleted in a bit
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oldworldghost · 9 months
Telling stories to Pinochio fron Lies of P about Fairytales or whatever crap reader made when reader is bored !!
[Preferably former librarian Reader x Pino :3]
Tell me a story and I'll tell you I love you
↳ Anon I absolutely love this prompt, so I had to write a little something for it. This is definitely more focused on Pincchios' feelings for you as opposed to the actually story telling bit, and I think by the end especially it kind of stops being about the request a bit I am so sorry LMAO. Let me know if you want hcs or something else instead! :D
↳ This is currently unedited, I’ll do that tomorrow!
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Pinocchio sits beside you, head resting limply on your shoulder as he finds himself falling deeper in love with you.
You’re sharing one of the many stories in your knowledge with him, something old and undoubtedly picked up from your time as a librarian. Something – Pinocchio thinks – that only you know now, expect maybe Antonia, but he’s seen you catch even her by surprise with fanciful worlds and characters. It’s an insurmountable act of love, to hold so much in your mind and with such care. No details [at least from his knowledge] forgotten, no characters left aside for fear of boring the crowd. Every bit just as important as the other, no matter how minuscule it is.
Some part of him wonders if you do the same for everyone else, collect the lore of the hotels final inhabitants with the same wonder you share for characters. What do you remember about him? Pinocchio likes to think that you hold onto everything he’s shared with you, sprinkle him across the stories of your own making. Maybe he’s something that inspiration can be found in, someone you admire more than anything. Built up in your mind like the greatest of heroes. You could care that much, he thinks, and he could even be your favourite.
Maybe you’ve even found Pinocchios’ love for you spread across his pages. He doesn’t see how you could miss it, there’s so much that he doesn’t even know what to do with it except sink in it. Day after day, night after night. He’s sinking even now, nestled into you side in one of the hotels many unused rooms.
It’s your voice that keeps Pinocchios’ attention. You’re onto the part of the story where a great battle takes place, the last defence of mankind against a dark and terrible lord. Both the lords strongest servant and a king have been slain, and yet despite the story nearing its peak Pinocchio finds himself unable to focus on your words. He catches phrases, can understand your tone and the pronunciation of speech, but it’s difficult to put the meaning together. Any other day and he’d be engrossed in it, hanging of every syllable like a starving animal, but today his mind is preoccupied.
The feeling in his chest is growing unbearable, and he wonders if his gears will simply cease to work as a result. It might not be the worst thing in the world, to die by your side. He might even be able to call it a pleasure, a privilege.
Still, Pinocchio doesn’t particularly care for the idea of his own death, especially not when there are more pressing matters on his mind, and so with a bout of almost uncharacteristic boldness he sits up. You don’t pay him any mind, not until hands – rougher than he means them to be – turn your body towards his. Lamely your sentence finishes, head tilting to the side and eyebrows knitting together in a look of confusion and mild amusement.
Pinocchio takes the opportunity to look at you, really look at you. Blue glass eyes take in every detail, every curve and dip and mark, your breathes growing shakier as he leans in. There is a mole under your left eye, he notes, a faint scar running across your mouth. He traces it with his finger and your breath hitches, an incoherent mumble of something that feels like it’s his name. Moonlight shines in above your head like a halo, and Pinocchio thinks you couldn’t look anymore gorgeous than you already do. He wonders if he looks as beautiful to you as you do to him. The sparkle in your eyes, the glint of what could be called awe suggests that he does. Pride and love fill in Pinocchios’ chest until he’s moving without thought, leaning – sinking, always sinking - into you. Lips, clumsy and adoring, press against your own in a fleeting kiss, pulling away before you’re given the chance to respond.
You see the man before you grow from confident to timid in the moonlight, as if coming to the realisation of what he had just done.
“I-” Pinocchio cuts himself off, going to speak only to be met with his own silence.
He doesn’t know why words aren’t forming, and for a moment he wonders if something malfunctioned in him during the kiss. You can see the gears turning in his head, a question forming on the tip of your tongue. This time, Pinocchio cuts you off instead of himself.
“I’m in love with you. I’m sorry to be so sudden, but I,” he takes a moment to steady himself, “I could not be quiet about it any longer.”
A breathless laugh bubbles in your throat in response, a smile curving its way on your mouth as you go to speak, “I was wondering if you did. For a puppet you’re not exactly the most subtle person I’ve met.”
It’s Pinocchios’ turn to be surprised.
“You knew?”
“I was hoping I did. Never said anything because I didn’t know if you felt that way or if it was wishful thinking on my part. Hell, didn’t even know if you could actually feel such a thing. I mean, I know my stories are good, but I didn’t know if they were that good.”
“You... feel the same.”
“Of course,” the smile on your face is crooked and it takes everything in him not to kiss you again, “you’re a very hard person not to love.”
“Say it, please.”
You laugh once more. It is the sweetest sound he’s ever heard.
“I love you, Pinocchio. More than anything,” his heart feels fit to burst, “now can I please get back to my story? We’re nearing my favourite part and I’d like to be done by morning.”
“Yes, please. I would like that.”
As Pinocchio settles back into your side something in him clinks into place. He is unsure what it is, but as your hand slides into his and your fingers intertwine Pinocchio thinks that this is what it means to feel at home. The feeling of love only deepens, tearing it’s way further still into the recesses of his being. It will leave him bare and broken before you, he is certain of it.
Listening to you speak; Pinocchio can’t think of a better way to be swallowed whole.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
m thinkin abt the “blunt vs flowery” language thing and…… in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ‘hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like “i’m neurodivergent and a minor” before you realize they don’t know what that means— “what if i had blue hair and pronouns” but they’re just sitting there like… doesn’t everybody have pronouns….? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying he’s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying “i’ll boil you like soup” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently it’s 1am for me rn— also i’m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? 👉👈
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT I’D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! I’ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isn’t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak “flowery” like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but I’m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so here’s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words 😭
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and they’re closer to the “beginning of history” in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdaha’s place instead like
“How’s your day been Azhy?”
“Same as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?”
“Good enough, hey, why don’t I bring some food from my old world by that I’ve made for you to try out? Something new, y’know?”
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
“Please do not disturb your countenance my Wànsuìyé, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.”
“I shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!”
He’s literally just → 😰😣💀
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle he’s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasn’t even like he won alone… rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you 😭
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt / @thedevioussmirk
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thisfanisgonesorry · 2 years
aa your writing is godsend ;; could you write a scout x reader smut fic where he’s eating reader out?? 😵‍💫 take your time and thank you!! <3
omg ilysm i forgot tumblr existed so sorry it took me a bit but here you go !! i also havent written or had sex in a while so im a bit rusty LMAO
cw// smut. obv. female oral BABYYY. scout is so dreamy but with a c ;), he takes after daddy spy in this one lol. ambiguous rship. i cant be fucked doing ~lore~ so its just immediately smut hes already balls deep please mentally prepare yourself and if it ruins it im sorry. i think this takes place in .. a part.. of the base .. somewhere .. in an ambiguous location👍 no beta we die like men
edit: i just woke up and my beta reader told me i forgot to write scouts accent oh my fucking god. no beta we die like men. im not changing it
edit 2: few months later hello, im porting my fics to ao3 and i noticed this one had so much wrong with it (mostly formatting and grammar) and ive changed some of it oops
His hands found his way into my pants, kind of just groping, as he was hunched above me, pressing me into the sofa-chair below me; his lips stayed warmly connected to my throat as he muttered obscenities. He was teasing, and he was fully aware of it as I let out breathy gasps.
“Mhm?” I could feel him grin against my neck, beckoning a response. “Babe?”
“Touch me. Can you- please.”
He began rubbing messily circles into my clit as directed for a moment, earning a gasped moan. “You sound so good, you know that?” He spoke as he slowly dipped his fingers easily into the wetness.
“Fuck, really?”
“Of course.” He began mumbling into my neck again, leaving soft bites as he began pumping his fingers in a come-hither motion. “I want to hear you.”
“Please, I need you- I need more. Oh my god.”
And then he stopped. And he removed his hand, and moved off the chair, kneeling in front of me.
“What are you doing, don’t stop!” I frowned.
He began pulling off my pants completely, throwing them behind him somewhere before spreading my legs and making very intense eye contact with it. I hesitated to keep my legs open; “C’mon, show me how pretty you are. Just relax.”
He began holding my calf as he moved one leg over his shoulder and began kissing his way up my leg, closer to my thighs, before finally making contact. I moaned, throwing my head back. He started slow, taking his time as if it was a leisurely stroll.
“You taste good too, what can’t you do?” He joked.
“Shut up.” I said quickly. “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
I reached down and flicked his, for some reason still on, cap to run my hands through his hair, getting a firm grasp. He let out a groan as he continued ever so slowly.
His hands were holding tightly onto my hips, though I tried to fight it to grind into his face. “Scout. Please. More.” I whined, “Faster.”
He began going faster, lifting my hips higher off the chair to change the angle too, allowing me to roll my hips onto his tongue.
My thighs began squeezing around him and he let out something between a hum and a moan, looking up at me with big eyes. You could see it, he needed this just as bad as I did. He needed to make me cum on his tongue, he was desperate for it, he WANTED to work for it. He wanted to be here for hours for it if he had to.
“Scout, oh my god. Scout.” I began to semi-chant. “I’m right there, please, so close.”
“This fast?” He quickly muttered.
“It’s been a while!” I quickly said back as firmly as I could muster words.
He kept at it with the same agonising pace, though now he was letting out groans that was vibrating through me.
“Scout, I’m gonna, you’re gonna-” My sentences stringed into incoherent moans that gradually got louder, and he began moving slightly faster. I began chanting a mix of ‘fuck’ and ‘scout’ as I reached the edge, my back arched sharply as my muscles tensed around him, basically screaming ‘oh my fucking god’, my head harshly hit the chair as my legs shook around him.
“You okay?” He said after riding out my orgasm, listening to me gasp and pant.
“Fantastic. Amazing. Never better.” I spoke through deep breaths.
He laughed, reaching for my pants and attempting, and somehow now failing, to put my pants back on.
“Thank you.” I said, smiling at him through my haze.
“Of course.” He smiled back, standing me up to finish putting my pants onto my body. Once he finished that, he lifted my chin with his fingers and pressed a soft kiss onto the corner of my mouth; “You should get to bed.”
“Hopefully I can make it there.”
“I’ll walk with you.”
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ace-apple · 5 months
tbh im totally fine with the frubbo thing continuing as like a sideplot for qtubbo IF HE WANTS TO but only if its done not in the context of HIS FUCKING CHAT BEING DICKS TO HIM ABOUT THE MISUNDERSTANDING THING AND PRESSURING PEOPLE. im not even watching the stream im at work but just hearing whats going on with his chat is making me see red sorry if this is incoherent again im at work lmao i just vaguely disagree with the need for the frubbo thing to be dropped entirely but ive also not been paying super close attention to ANYONES lore recently so im not a perfect party lmao. also. explodes tubbos chat forever and ever
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crusnikroxas · 2 years
So I've read your fic Despite Everything like three times over and I love it so so much! Thank you for writing it! It's a comfort media to me at this point. I love it a lot lmao ! Thanks!
Thank you so much! I'm so happy that my writing can do that for you 🥺♥️ I'm still in the midst of writing the next chapter, as it's gonna be damn huuuuge, and filled with enough lore to fill a moving truck or something 🤣 So hopefully it will bring you just as much happiness 😊 (also, I am so sorry if this is incoherent as fuck, but I'm currently suffering bronchitis along with the massive health problem I mentioned in my last update. So I am a slug. 😂😂).
Thank you so, so much again. You guys are always so amazing, and I'm never going to be able to believe how lucky I am to have such kind readers 😖 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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what’s the skipper and squall lore
This is difficult to answer without Wade (Agent 4), so sorry if you don’t care about him but he’s included lmao
Skipper is a funny 3 who I more or less characterize as this absolute MENACE to the octarians. Fucking boogeyman type of entity, someone who showed up and started slaughtering the infantry en masse right
Squall is significantly more complicated. On top of octarian soldiers being genetically enhanced, he (and by extension his siblings but dw about them yet) were further enhanced and unethically experimented on further by this crackpot geneticist. Experimental super soldier among experimental super soldiers but I won’t get too hard into that
Squall and Skipper actually have virtually zero involvement with one another until Wade shows up, though!
Wade is fucking unapologetically a horrendously annoying and obnoxious person. But he’s pretty pacifistic throughout his campaign, dealing with him is actually one of the first big boy tasks Squall and his squad are assigned to. They don’t even get their asses handed to them so much as so outfoxed that Squall has a category 9 prettyboy bootboy bitchfit and defects from the military with the SOLE purpose of tracking Wade down to fix his damaged ass pride by beating his ass. This is actually what results in him encountering Skipper and winding up in the metro
(I know OE/Splatoon 2 story modes canonically happen at the same time, but I set Octo Expansion as happening slightly later for the Bit. You understand)
From that point he obviously Forgets this slight and Octo Expansion goes on as expected. Up until the sanitized agent 3 fight. My entire reasoning for Squall managing what no other test subject has successfully managed is purely because of how supernaturally freakishly strong he is from genetic tampering and rigorous training, so Skipper posing any type of challenge to him is like a clash of the titans for me. And the only reason he manages to nonlethally stop Skipper is because he lobs her arm off. (Which I imagine is normally not super serious for cephalopods, but uhhhh 3rd degree chemical burns might hinder regeneration. Oopsie <3)
From that point it’s like. Traumabonding mixed with mutual guilt? Squall actually makes Skipper think about her octarian bias and kind of feels bad about all the killing and fighting (probably not for the right reasons but yk, white woman moment), Squall kind of feels bad for permanently disabling her, but there’s also a lot of mutual respect for each other just based on the “you fight good” front. And of course, just the overall experience you get from going through an insanely fucked up situation that no one else can really relate to. Results are very predictable
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It took me a really long time to find this meme I made it like 2 months ago
Anyway uhhh this is mostly incoherent and a really brief summation of things. And most of it predates Side Order. Because My Assumption was memcakes restore someone’s memory, so collecting them all probably means you’re not an amnesiac anymore right? Yeah I’m still working on that. Because Squall wanting to makeout with and also murder Wade is a huge hallmark of That relationship and a major plot catalyst which doesn’t really work if he doesn’t remember fuck of shit
Like make no mistake the Skipper/Squall dynamic is great but it’s crabsolutely not the star of the show, that goes to this fucking guy
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And how much Squall hates him
They also all 3 make out sloppy style
I might drop individual lore posts highlighting each individual agents pasts and shit that might be a good idea lmao. But for now you get the lore crumbs that have been rattling around my empty skull and unfortunate friends Discord servers privately for like 3 years god bless
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dobercorgis · 2 months
Just gonna ramble on abt my thoughts on ffx it’ll be incoherent as usual
I really wish I didn’t play the game sporadically bc I don’t remember a lot of the lore which actually seems pretty interesting. Like I could not tell you what a fayth or aeon is… which is kinda bad I have the memory of a goldfish clearly.
The characters are def a strong point here. I do like the cast although some do become less important story-wise but I feel like that’s pretty common. Rikku’s definitely my favorite character I just love how bubbly and caring she is. I think her introduction to the group was kinda stilted (Tidus just being like I found a stray!) but she carved a place for herself so well that I can overlook that lol. Auron was also a great character, and honestly kinda flipped my expectations bc I thought he would be the most traditional one out of the group bc he had that anything’s fine just continue your pilgrimage attitude, but then you find out that he’s the one that was the most opposed to the final summoning on his journey. Is auron and jecht doomed yaoi? I think he just confirmed that I like mentor characters cuz I think he’s like the 4th or 5th one I liked so far. Tidus and yuna are so precious. I just like to think about how yuna started her journey knowing and accepting that she was going to die, then tidus found out that no he’s going to “die.”
Ik this came out before Xenoblade but the story just reminds me so much of it. The obvious one being tidus’s “alive” state and shulk’s, but the storyline reminded me so much of xc3. Eternal cycle that only creates more death, culture around sending people off, the protagonist’s group basically being the beacon of hope, and the final boss being a concept lol. And the whole machina war and being against the machina??? Bro??? Xc1??? The people of bionis basically hating and fearing machina/mechonis??? Oh and the yu yevon fight was on a giant sword… mechonis sword… hehe
That being said I’m not sure if I want to replay the game. You can tell the game is dated and no I’m not talking abt the graphics I literally play Nintendo games idgaf abt graphics. The UI is unintuitive, personally I didn’t find most of the music to be that great, the battles are kinda slow (this might be a skill issue lol), and the constant random encounters are a pain. You might be like how do you hate wild encounters when I play pokemon but you only encounter them in specific areas and also repels are available pretty early on. I really should have explored and backtracked more because clearly I missed many items which I did think hinder me a bit (I’m sorry kimahri). I’m not really a huge fan of the sphere grid either. I didn’t get any of the celestial weapons and didn’t get anima bc I missed the besaid sphere. And I didn’t know you could backtrack before the ship so uh yeah I got locked out. I also found no jecht spheres lmao.
Although I rlly do like how well they wrote jecht’s relationships bc even without those extra memories, I was still able to understand and feel invested in his relationships with tidus and auron. I think jecht and tidus have an interesting relationship but that’s just bc I like family drama esp ones involving problematic dads. I loved the ending cutscene where tidus sees braska and auron and then high fives jecht.
I think the story will def hit different if I play it again with all this context in mind, but again I’m not sure if I want to at least any time soon 😅
Overall 6.5-7/10
Forgot to add: I hate seymour he had way too much screen time. Thank god we kicked him and the other cockroaches out of power
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There's something so oddly therapeutic about Badboyhalo's late night streams. At a time where everybody except for a few eggs are sleeping- no player except him is logged on to the server, so there is less conflict and less danger. It feels therapeutic in a way that he can just talk about whatever topic he wants and it's ok because there is no greater conflict or lore that is going on. I find that it's a very comfortable and chill space because no tasks need to be done, no people to talk to (except the eggs), no chaos ensues; it's like winding down at the end of the day.
I always love hearing Bad tell random stories, and by random- I mean, completely RANDOM, but the way he tells them offers so much insight and is just thought provoking at times.
The only problem is because it's so late at night for me, I end up falling asleep in the middle of him talking about something and waking up to either him ending the stream or his stream already ended and I know I probably missed some stories or discussions, but I don't want to go back and watch the vod in the morning because there is something so special about watching these late night conversations at night. Idk, to me they're a bit like lullabies I guess?
Anyways sorry for the incoherence, just wanted to share some appreciation for Bad. I love coming back to his stream after everyone else left for the night and listening to him talk like it's a podcast lmao.
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
I'm so confused, could you explain please, why does everyone post about the traveler being the gardener as if it's a big revelation? haven't we known about it for a pretty long time?
It’s a tricky topic actually, because we’ve never had a clear and unambiguous confirmation of this in the lore. Unveiling got as close with the Gardener saying she would make herself a rule in the game, but some people (including me, actually!) are reading this as the rule being the Light—which you could argue is sort of like a force of nature/rule akin to those of physics—not the Traveler as a physical entity. Alpha Lupi (and Lumina’s!!! I so often forget how important this is!!!) lore is so much more helpful here because the Traveler seems to speak as someone Gardener-adjacent and ancient/primordial and knowing the Darkness personally and whatnot, and most importantly being equated with the alpha lupi from Clovis’ Logbook who is without a doubt the Gardener. I guess the dilemma could stem from entries like Books of Sorrow calling the Traveler iirc an agent of the Sky or whatever, and never really stating that the Traveler is the personalisation of the Light (and rather saying it gives the Light).
The question, as I see it, is whether the Traveler is an agent of the Gardener similar to the likes of the Leviathan (there’s barely any lore to support this), the Gardener herself—meaning the Gardener doesn’t exist simultaneously anywhere else (MK 44. Stand-Asides’ lore disproves this), or something like the physical embodiment of the Gardener in the material world. I personally agree with the third option the most, because the Gardener does still act in other ways beyond what the Traveler does, but it’s impossible to support the claim of those two being two completely separate entities. However I do believe (and hope to argue it in an essay longer than this hasty answer, when I’ve got my life & thoughts more sorted out) that the Gardener = the Light. I’m not sure as to whether the Sky is the Light/Gardener herself, or the Traveler, because Savathun says she “turned to the Sky” and I don’t know if she meant the Light generally or the glowing orb over the horizon itself, and Immaru tells her later “[the Light] is a paracausal force of the Sky”. But AGAIN, in Books of Sorrow the Traveler is not equated with the Sky, rather being its liaison/proxy/emanation/????.
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manxeaterx-archived · 3 years
headcanons 01.
Since Antoinette was turned, she lacks some of the powers that a pureblood Vampire holds. For example, Antoinette can not turn humans into vampires. Antoinette can also heavily influence her victims if needed, but would not be able to put them into a full blown trance.
Antoinette lacks tears, so on the rare occasion that she cries. She cries tears of blood.
When it comes to feeding, Antoinette’s bites hurt. They are extremely painful, almost like...someone is biting you. This lasts for a few moments before Antoinette uses her saliva to numb any pain her victim may feel. Most of her mortal victims pass out from the pain. She heals and closes the bite wound by licking it.
People, and other beings have their own distinct scent for her. Demons smell like sulfur, werewolves smell like well...dogs, vampires smell like blood, the undead smell well...like death. So on, so forth. Besides some default smells, most scents vary person to person.
The same goes for blood, the taste for her varies from person to person.
Her fangs are retractable, and she can elongate them at will. However, when she is angry they with come out not by choice.
While using her vampiric abilities, her eyes glow red.
She is cold to the touch, not undead cold, but cold enough for it to be strange.
The sun does not harm Antoinette, but it does make her more fatigued and the longer she stays in it. On sunny days she can be seen wearing sunglasses, a sun hat.
Silver is really the only way to deal some real damage on Antoinette, wounds that were inflicted by a sort of silver weapon will slow down her healing abilities. Depending on the severity of the wound, healing can take about an hour to about 48 hours.
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spelviin · 4 years
ok i know i was getting all pumped up for a prison break storyline, but the POTENTIAL of a courtroom drama. 
like, first of all, just the concept of glenn being held to account for his actions for once. one hundo percent here for it on that basis alone lmao. 
second of all, the other dads finding out, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when glenn stole the van back in waterdeep, it genuinely was for his own selfish reasons rather than just wanting to protect his son. like we know they had their suspicions from the word go, and i feel like all the dads have grown so close at this point that it won’t be like. a friendship-ender or anything, but it will defs be interesting to see their reaction to having that shit confirmed, ESPECIALLY right after they all put their own lives on the line and opened themselves up to the very real possibility of PERMADEATH to save his ass. 
but honestly the most appealing thing abt the prospect of a courtroom drama, is the fact that nick will, in all likelihood, be called upon as a key character witness and asked to testify on glenn’s behalf. likely asked to testify under some zone-of-truth-esque deal, this bein a court of law and all that. and fuckin. 
the idea of nicolas close walking up to the stand, intending to keep up with his usual hero-worship, “my-dad-can-do-no-wrong” schtick, but under an honestly enchantment, and ending up just fucking UNLOADING to the court and his grandfather and most importantly, glenn himself, EXACTLY how he really feels about him and his parenting style? i can’t think of a better way to get into the meat of this arc.
like, nick tries so hard to act cool and chill and un-needy for his dad, but it’s just fucking IMPOSSIBLE that there isn’t some level of resentment brewing underneath. it’s impossible that he isn’t angry that his dad is gone all the time, that he’s so uninvolved, that he refuses to even come close to making any real emotional connection with him, even after all these years that it’s been just the two of them. it’s impossible that he doesn’t know, deep down, that he doesn’t need a manchild best friend. he needs a dad, he needs his fucking dad, and his dad has utterly failed him in so many ways, and fucking hell i want that shit to come out. and i want it to be fucking brutal. 
because i feel like that’s the only thing that could actually prompt glenn to make a change. unlike all the other dads, i feel like glenn is the only one who hasn’t even admitted to himself that he has a problem. darryl and ron were clear pretty much from the word go that they were not on top of things in the dad game, henry was also pretty stubborn, but given his constant underlying fear of himself, it’s pretty obvious that on some level, he has always been aware of his shortcomings. (and even then, it still took being utterly emotionally broken down and having his entire sense of self shattered to get him to provoke real change in him). but glenn? dude is still fully, 100% in denial. fuckin neck deep in that shit. which is why i think it’s such a good idea to force him to look dead on at the consequences of his actions and behaviours.  
and like even then, having a room full of people and his own fucking deadbeat dad sit him down and explain to him exactly what a dickhead he’s been would still probably slide off his back like water off a damn duck. but from nick? from nick, it might actually stick. it might actually get through to him, in a way that no other *living* (on earth, at least) person could, that he actually needs to get his shit together and step up his game and be a fucking father for once. honestly, i just want this entire courtroom, but ESPECIALLY. nick, to tear that bitch apart, just break him the fuck down and force him to confront himself so that he can actually rebuild as a decent father and human being. 
(also depending on how quick the trial goes maybe glenn gets sent to shitty dad jail and THEN we get our prison break bc i mean. idk man i’m a simple bitch i just really love a good prison break.) 
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strafethesesinners · 3 years
💯💔👀💝👰 + cooper 🤍
Thank you so much! (Also sorry if some of the answers are boring) (sex + romance headcanons)
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
Cooper’s not super picky, he doesn’t necessarily have an ideal date. Anything where he can talk and have a good time with them is fine. He has a few things he prefers doing like dancing, drinking, and parties, bonfires etc. But he’s up for anything that he can turn into a good time. 
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
I haven’t thought about this a whole lot. Realistically Cooper is the one breaking hearts more than having his broken. Lots of people have loved him but wanted him to settle down too fast so he bailed. He always felt kind of bad about it though so maybe that counts. I imagine him having like a high school girlfriend who was somewhat serious. And she maybe wanted them to get married or something and he would have felt really bad about saying no. But I haven’t really fleshed all that out.
👀 Is my muse the type to sleep around?
............yes. He won’t if he’s in a relationship where he’s agreed to be monogamous, but otherwise yes very much. He’d almost rather stay “single” or be “friends with benefits” with people unless there’s something that really compels him about someone.
💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day?
Sure! He likes getting little presents for his SO and having a day set aside to spend with just them. 
👰 Would my muse ever get married?
So marriage makes Cooper very nervous. A lot of it comes from a misunderstanding of what it would mean to be married really. He doesn’t want to settle down, he doesn’t want domesticity or a routine or responsibility. He doesn’t want anyone telling him what to do or trying to change him or his behavior. These are all things he’s seen happen to people who got married and some of his SOs in the past have started to act like that with the aim of getting married. But of course, none of that has to be the case in a marriage that’s just what he thinks.  Still, he could see himself one day getting married but probably not til he’s quite a bit older. 
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moviegroovies · 5 years
and on the subject of like, delving into horrifying implications of magic in the frozen universe,
anyone else like the idea of an elsa that’s not quite human? 
what i mean is, she’s still the elsa that we see in the movies. she still has her human personality, and all of her connections to family and loved ones. she still cares. 
but... she’s a little bit beyond all that, too. i think frozen 2 did kind of an interesting job of portraying this; a big part of her internal conflict in that movie was the obligation she felt to everyone else to fit herself into a normal human life like anna wanted versus the wild and restless spirit inside herself that bristled at being tied down. elsa was repressed and uncomfortable doing the things that anna had been waiting for a chance to do her whole life. compare the way elsa acted in the charades scene to the way she bounded around and smiled and glowed when she was in her element during show yourself; it’s like night and day. elsa isn’t really an introverted lonely soul, she was just never meant for a perfectly human life. ending fro2 with anna on the throne and elsa escaping into life in the forest actually makes perfect sense to me, but i don’t think she’ll fit in perfectly well among the northuldra, either. in my mind, they’re more likely to understand her, though, more likely to give her the space she needs when she just can’t be around people than people in arendelle were; in arendelle, even those with the best intentions just wanted her to put the gloves back on and fit herself into human life. the northuldra know nature, and they know it can be unpredictable. i think they see elsa like that: someone who should be respected, but sometimes with a healthy degree of distance.
one interesting note to me is that elsa has multiple lines that show her putting herself outside of the jurisdiction of normal human morals. in let it go, she has “no right, no wrong, no rules for me / i’m free!” and in show yourself, “i’ve always been so different / normal rules did not apply.” that, to me, plays into this--elsa is a force of nature. she doesn’t want to hurt people, but she’s also tired of holding herself back because all she can think about is the way that she’s going to hurt people if she doesn’t spend every waking hour carefully restraining her abilities. it’s a fair mentality, i think. people don’t blame the wind for blowing or a fire for burning, so why should elsa be blamed for doing the only thing she knows how to do? 
my ideal elsa is an elsa who’s made peace with this nature, and frees herself up to embrace it. she stops living her life in hopes of making other people comfortable, and starts living it for herself--yes, she lives among the northuldra, and she visits anna and the others in arendelle from time to time, but she also disappears for weeks or months on end when she just can’t take it anymore, and goes up into the mountains, or across the sea, or really anywhere she damn well wants to go, and just lets go. tests the upper limits of her powers and stretches them in ways she never thought she’d be able to back when she was locked in her room and fearing what was inside of her. builds and creates and tears down and destroys, and she doesn’t have to feel remorse for it, because it’s just what she does. 
then, the flip side of this, i think, is an anna that’s frighteningly human. 
you know how in the first movie we have a running gag where anna doesn’t seem to know her own strength? i’d like to think that she’s kind of like that in all things--she’s stronger than she knows. her vision is just a little sharper than everyone else’s. her senses are enhanced. her ability to love is a little bit deeper. she doesn’t have powers, not like elsa, but she very much is the other side to the bridge, like elsa said. elsa’s the connection to the unfettered wilderness, while anna is the connection to true humanity, and she thrives when she’s surrounded by crowds whom she can care for.
basically, they’re completely opposite, and that’s okay. everyone just has to figure out that it’s not personal, and she’s not a threat; it’s just that queen anna has a sister who shows up sometimes and talks to the wind for a minute before she ever acknowledges you.
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suncaptor · 4 years
I think Edlund writes Dean and Castiel really well but doesn't write Sam well. I think Sera Gamble writes Sam and Dean very well but sometimes goes off track with Castiel.
#incoherents#Edlund was my favourite writer and I think he's written most of my favourite episodes even though he has his issues lmao#but even when he isn't being problematic I don't think he writed Sam as well as say Sera and often focuses way more on Dean#GRANTED I think a LOT of writers have no clue how to handle Sam and I wish Sera stayed and just didnt kill Cas bc she did well.#people r like sam winchester? mean that little bitch baby gay boy? lmao too sensitive *writes dean drinking beer and lashing out*#not that Edlund does that either lol#Castiel is interesting bc I would say he's super inconsistent perhaps because a lot of his arcs happened later on when they all went OOC#every writer seems to have a very different take on him especially post s5 so its harder to be like lol this is OOC bc like. what isnt.#while Sam and Dean it's easier since they had a lot of solid consistent groundwork in the earlier seasons#but even in the earlier seasons I do feel like Edlund<Sera for Sam but like not super noticeable#noticeably#spn#supernatural#Sera Gamble is a good writer imo why couldn't she have just not had to go make gay evil Cas to kill him permanently UGH#also I'm using these two bc they were my favourite in 2013 lol#some writers I don't even accept their writing as canon and even with them I'm like nope 💘#if you're going to have unrealistic glaring inconsistencies in a show that had years of lore and characterization and I have seen it more#than you sorry I have more power over canon than you
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