#also that last part makes me really sad for anna because like... imagine being uniquely suitable to forming human bonds
moviegroovies · 5 years
and on the subject of like, delving into horrifying implications of magic in the frozen universe,
anyone else like the idea of an elsa that’s not quite human? 
what i mean is, she’s still the elsa that we see in the movies. she still has her human personality, and all of her connections to family and loved ones. she still cares. 
but... she’s a little bit beyond all that, too. i think frozen 2 did kind of an interesting job of portraying this; a big part of her internal conflict in that movie was the obligation she felt to everyone else to fit herself into a normal human life like anna wanted versus the wild and restless spirit inside herself that bristled at being tied down. elsa was repressed and uncomfortable doing the things that anna had been waiting for a chance to do her whole life. compare the way elsa acted in the charades scene to the way she bounded around and smiled and glowed when she was in her element during show yourself; it’s like night and day. elsa isn’t really an introverted lonely soul, she was just never meant for a perfectly human life. ending fro2 with anna on the throne and elsa escaping into life in the forest actually makes perfect sense to me, but i don’t think she’ll fit in perfectly well among the northuldra, either. in my mind, they’re more likely to understand her, though, more likely to give her the space she needs when she just can’t be around people than people in arendelle were; in arendelle, even those with the best intentions just wanted her to put the gloves back on and fit herself into human life. the northuldra know nature, and they know it can be unpredictable. i think they see elsa like that: someone who should be respected, but sometimes with a healthy degree of distance.
one interesting note to me is that elsa has multiple lines that show her putting herself outside of the jurisdiction of normal human morals. in let it go, she has “no right, no wrong, no rules for me / i’m free!” and in show yourself, “i’ve always been so different / normal rules did not apply.” that, to me, plays into this--elsa is a force of nature. she doesn’t want to hurt people, but she’s also tired of holding herself back because all she can think about is the way that she’s going to hurt people if she doesn’t spend every waking hour carefully restraining her abilities. it’s a fair mentality, i think. people don’t blame the wind for blowing or a fire for burning, so why should elsa be blamed for doing the only thing she knows how to do? 
my ideal elsa is an elsa who’s made peace with this nature, and frees herself up to embrace it. she stops living her life in hopes of making other people comfortable, and starts living it for herself--yes, she lives among the northuldra, and she visits anna and the others in arendelle from time to time, but she also disappears for weeks or months on end when she just can’t take it anymore, and goes up into the mountains, or across the sea, or really anywhere she damn well wants to go, and just lets go. tests the upper limits of her powers and stretches them in ways she never thought she’d be able to back when she was locked in her room and fearing what was inside of her. builds and creates and tears down and destroys, and she doesn’t have to feel remorse for it, because it’s just what she does. 
then, the flip side of this, i think, is an anna that’s frighteningly human. 
you know how in the first movie we have a running gag where anna doesn’t seem to know her own strength? i’d like to think that she’s kind of like that in all things--she’s stronger than she knows. her vision is just a little sharper than everyone else’s. her senses are enhanced. her ability to love is a little bit deeper. she doesn’t have powers, not like elsa, but she very much is the other side to the bridge, like elsa said. elsa’s the connection to the unfettered wilderness, while anna is the connection to true humanity, and she thrives when she’s surrounded by crowds whom she can care for.
basically, they’re completely opposite, and that’s okay. everyone just has to figure out that it’s not personal, and she’s not a threat; it’s just that queen anna has a sister who shows up sometimes and talks to the wind for a minute before she ever acknowledges you.
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unibrowzz · 4 years
Mod (finally) reviews all 67 winners of the Eurovision Song Contest Part IV: The 1980s
Ah yes, the 80s. One of my favourite decades for music overall, and one of the only decades in Eurovision where I wouldn’t immediately jump at the chance to change most of the songs that won, the other decade being the 2000s. 
But at least with the 80s there was more quality songs per year, whereas the 2000s was mostly drivel.
I also count the 80s as being somewhat of a turning point in the contest’s history, and by that I mean it always seemed to me like it was the decade where the UK really began to stop caring. Most people know the song that won in 1985, but nobody knows what won in 1986. Everyone knows Johnny Logan won twice, but couldn’t name his second song. Everyone knows Celine Dion competed, but can’t remember if she won or what she sang. 
That and countries also started experimenting with more modern sounds and outfits towards the end. The early 80s is just an extension of the 70s I swear. 
But that’s enough of all that, how do I find the winning songs?
1980- What’s Another Year?
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song that makes every 50something woman in the UK and Ireland all doey-eyed and rosy cheeked as they remember back to when they were a teenager watching this on TV and drooling at the lovely looking sad Irishman singing his sorrows into the microphone.  Or that’s my experience with this song anyway. Another experience is that most vintage fans I know tend to dislike this song on the grounds of it beating out [insert song here] Everyone has their favourite from 1980 since it was honestly a pretty strong year, but even though this song isn’t my first place for that year I can still clearly see why it won. See, 1980 had a lot of pop songs, so a slow, sad song like this one was bound to stand out, whether it was popular or not. Luckily for this one, it turned out to be a popular choice. Other songs wouldn’t be so lucky… Back on track though. Like I said, this is a very sad and melancholy song with sad and melancholy lyrics, which not only made it stand out in its year, but also made it stand out amongst other Eurovision songs of its time. It’s strange to think, but at this point in the contest’s history there hadn’t been a winner with lyrics so solemn and personal. See, in modern Eurovision, every other song is the artist baring their soul about their horrible ex-boyfriend, or their depression, or past abuse, or whatever, so knowing there was a period where songs like that were so rare is just… surreal to me.
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Greece tbh, I don’t mind this one
If no, what is? Greece- Anna Vissi- “Autostop”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 23rd
1981: Making Your Mind Up
Country: United Kingdom
Artist: Bucks Fizz
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the UK winner that nobody really likes, but the BBC still forces at us anyway because they’re proud they came up with a gimmick that everybody remembers. Or maybe it’s not that well remembered, but nobody would know that because we’re reminded of it every year. This song is… alright. Just alright. The first listen of this one is always the best, because after a while it just gets kind of annoying. The singing ESPECIALLY starts to grate you for a while. Even in the studio version the two girls sound unbearably shrill and whiny, and I’m not sure if that’s their fault or the songwriter’s (since if I remember correctly only one of them was a professional singer). I’m seriously convinced there’s no way for a female vocalist to pull this off without sounding terrible.  Again, this one’s perfectly fine and serviceable, but that doesn’t mask the fact it’s still the worst UK winner and the worst winner of the 1980s too. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Carlos Paião- “Playback”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 58th
1982: Ein Bißchen Frieden
Country: West Germany
Artist: Nicole
Language: German (Translation: “A little peace”)
Thoughts: This song gives me a really warm, nostalgic feeling, and I don’t know why. I mean, I know this one did well internationally, so it’s possible I just heard it as a kid, but given how I grew up in the early 2000s, “Eurovision is a shitty freak show full of weirdos from the USSR who gang up on the UK and don't vote for us on purpose” era Britain, that’s highly unlikely. Anyways, this is such a warm, fuzzy kind of song. It has a lovely… round-the-campfire, singalong kind of vibe, like this is meant to be sung by a load of long haired hippies with flowers in their hair and CND symbols drawn on their cheeks. And it’s… … Also kind of bland. If you’ve been reading my personal winners so far, you’ll have noticed I definitely have a soft spot for old German entries, so it’s a shame I find the one song they actually won with to be so… generic. It’s like they got tired of being unique so decided to send the same saccharine fluff everyone else was sending, and guess what, it paid off majorly, because this song was a huge hit at the time. Something about that kind of bothers me, like, out of all the entries they sent, it’s the one that’s the most “Eurovision-y” that ended up winning. And there’s something depressing in that.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? United Kingdom- Bardo- “One Step Further”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 50th
1983: Si la vie est Cadeau
Country: Luxembourg
Artist: Corinne Hermés
Language: French (Translation: “If life were a gift”)
Thoughts: You want a tip on how to stand out amongst Eurovision fans? Say you like this song. Probably won’t make you very popular, but you’ll stand out at least. I will confess, I, too, was part of the hate-wagon for this song. Like most fans I knew, I’d complain about how boring and uninteresting it was and how it, ahem, “robbed” so many other entries, and how basic it was, et cetera, et cetera. But… honestly? It’s not even that bad. Sure I had other favourites from 1983 (the ones I could stand watching anyway, the host that year was so unimaginably terrible I gave up watching halfway through. I DARE you to watch the whole thing without wanting to neck yourself), but this song gets way more hate than it deserves. I honestly don’t think this song is half as bad as I made it out to be myself, or as bad as the fandom makes it out to be. It’s got a decent melody, some solid vocals, some appealingly 80s instrumental, like there’s a lot I like here. …Until you read the lyrics and realise they’re almost as half-assed and lazy as All Kinds of Everything’s, but I digress. Did I prefer other songs from that year? Of course. Am I going to complain about this one winning? Nah. It’s alright. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Sweden- Carola Häggkvist- “Främling”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 41st
1984- Diggiloo, Diggiley
Country: Sweden
Artist: Herreys
Language: Swedish
Thoughts: Whenever I was a younger fan I used to describe this song as being drunk-dad-at-a-wedding-music performed by three sentient Ken dolls, and I still stand by that statement. And I don’t really know how else to describe this one. It certainly has its charm, and it’s still a likeable song, but it also feels very… vapid. Like if this song were a person, they’d be a bit of a bimbo. And I mean, the song’s about how the singer’s oh-so-happy and prancing down the street in his brand new shoes, so that’s probably a fair description. Part of me wonders if that’s down to old Eurovision songs being vapid in general or if it’s down to the schlager genre itself requiring songs to be kinda neutered and happy-go-lucky, but even though I do like this song, it does come off as being a bit bland. A bit by-the-numbers and playing-it-safe. And I don’t mind songs like that, but I’d rather they didn’t win, y’know?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Italy- Alice & Franco- “Il Treni di Tozeur”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 15th
1985- La det Swinge
Country: Norway
Artist: Bobbysocks
Language: Norwegian
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song which finally hauled Norway into first place after years of being a regular last-placer. Maybe the UK should take some notes instead of blaming Brexit. Or Russia. Or Iraq. Or anything other than their own apathy, for that matter. But this is about La det Swinge and not the UK, so what are my thoughts on it? Well it’s… It’s the kind of song I imagine my mom and aunt would sing at a wedding if they ever attended one. It’s a very fun song, a little cheesy, sure, but it’s hard to not like a song that’s this upbeat and cheery.  And yeah I know it’s because it’s schlager and that’s generally a really cheerful genre by default, I touched on that in the review above, 
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Israel
If no, what is? Israel- Yizhar Cohen- “Olé Olé”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 14th
1986- J’aime la Vie
Country: Belgium
Artist: Sandra Kim
Language: French
Thoughts: This song is an enigma because I’m an absolute slut for 80s pop, yet, for some reason, I find this song painfully average and uninteresting. Now, I’ll get it off my chest and say that 1986 was also a painfully average and uninteresting year, and most of the time I just felt myself remembering the singer more than the song, and even then I struggle to remember what some of the acts even were. It was just such a boring blur of a year I’m surprised the juries even managed to stay awake to pick a winner. And I GUESS you could argue that this song is so upbeat and peppy that it woke them up, but that doesn’t excuse how bloody generic it is. Like, this is the most generic 80s song you can imagine, and not in a good way. It feels more like stock music than an actual publicly released pop song. Had it not won, I doubt it would’ve stood out to me at all; it would’ve just faded into the background with all the other muted, 80s-coloured mush from this year. Basically, there’s a reason the singer’s age is the only thing noteworthy about this song.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Luxembourg- Sherisse Laurence- “L’amour de ma vie”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 49th
1987- Hold me Now
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the superior Johnny Logan winner.  And I’m not sure why everyone forgets this one because Mother of Mercy this song is in another league entirely compared to the other schlock Ireland’s won with. Like this is their best winner, no competition. One of their best songs overall as well. One of the best entries from the 80s, one of the best winners of the 80s, one of the best winners… Yeah, I really like this song.  I’ll admit to sleeping on this one for too long myself, always dismissing it as some boring Irish ballad to go with all the other boring Irish ballads they somehow managed to win with (we’ll get to that later), and always agreeing with people who said XYZ country (always Yugolslavia) should have won instead.  Basically I learnt the hard way to never judge a song on its country and genre. But one day I found myself in the midst of a revisiting trip, going back to winners I didn't pay much attention to, just to see if there was anything I’d missed the first time round. And something about the lyrics in this song resonated with me a lot more than I thought they would. In a strange way, it made me feel older; like I’d grown up and was able to relate to the words in a song and appreciate it more than I could when I was younger. The line “what do you say when words are not enough?” especially hits harder than it should; as someone with autism I tend to find showing emotions difficult, even in virtual conversation where I’m not using my voice or face, because… Well, what do you say when your words aren’t enough?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67): 2nd
1988- Ne Partez pas Sans Moi
Country: Switzerland 
Artist: Céline Dion 
Language: French
Thoughts: Telling people Céline Dion won this thing is a new favourite hobby of mine, just to see the confused reaction. And that’s the most interesting thing about this song because it’s… fine, I guess? It’s a perfectly serviceable 80s power ballad, but there’s no bells and whistles to make me sit up and declare it any better than just “okay”. It’s basically the ballad equivalent of J’aime la Vie from 1986, in that it’s extremely 80s and also in French, but there’s nothing to make it that memorable aside from the singer herself. And even then this isn’t the song that made her famous anyway. Even her singing doesn't make this one stand out, partially because the song doesn't do anything special with it, and partially because she just blends in with all the other good singers of this era. And that’s kinda sad to think about.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Hmmm....
If no, what is? Greece- Afroditi Frida- “Clown”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 22nd
1989- Rock Me
Country: Yugoslavia
Artist: Riva
Language: Croatian
Thoughts: So this is another song it really took me a while to get into (there’s lots of those, trust me) and one that was very briefly in my top three overall favourites. It’s slid down a few slots since then, though I would still say it’s… Somewhere in the top 15.  I don’t really have a lot to say about this one, if I’m honest. It’s just a good, fun, solid song which stood out in a very dull and ballad-saturated year, nothing more, nothing less. The lyrics are nice too, being about a bored musician who learns to love music again by teaching himself how to play pop songs to entertain his friends. That’s a unique subject and I can imagine it resonating with a lot of people who’ve fallen out with a hobby they used to love because they took it too seriously (providing they either speak Croatian or have looked up the lyrics, of course). I mean, it resonates with me at least. All in all, I just like this song for its message more than anything else.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Da Vinci- “Conquistador”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 9th
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Scoot McNairy On Lightening Up In HBO Max’s ‘Love Life’ And The Making Of A Great ‘Narcos: Mexico’ Scene
By Kimberly Ricci
The first few times I interviewed Scoot McNairy, I got a little aggressive with rampant questions about his righteous mustaches. In my defense, these discussions of facial hair often lightened the mood as we discussed his recent heavy roles on True Detective‘s third season and the most recent round of Narcos: Mexico. Scoot’s always a good sport about answering the most bizarre of inquiries, but for his latest project — an HBO Max dramedy, Love Life, starring Anna Kendrick — no such lightening was required.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that there isn’t a mustache present with this Scoot project. There is one, although it’s not as plentiful as those that he sported in the above two projects and Godless. So, the Halt and Catch Fire actor was off the hook (this time) for any facial hair talk. Fortunately, he’s still gracious enough to discuss this latest role (a wealthy entrepreneur and slightly older man who plays a key role in helping Kendrick’s character develop) with us, including how much of a relief it is to step into the shoes of a less-stressed-out character. I also wished to discuss the latest Narcos: Mexico season finale, which ended with a fantastic, fictionalized, and quiet confrontation between his DEA agent character, Walt Breslin, and the drug lord (portrayed by Diego Luna) that he put behind bars, and Scoot was game for that, too.
Love Life is a nice piece of an escapism. Would you characterize it as a romantic comedy or dramedy?
I haven’t seen the project as of yet, but after reading and talking with [showrunner] Sam Boyd, it feels like it’s more of a dramedy, and also a sort-of slice-of-life over the course of ten years, well, basically a decade.
Even though it’s not 100% cheery, this role’s definitely more lighthearted than anything you’ve done lately. Did that feel like taking a load off?
You know, it was a lot of fun. I started in this business twenty years ago, and for the first ten years, mostly what I did was comedy, and I haven’t been able to do that in eight or nine years. So, I was really looking to try and find something to do, comedic-wise, and Sam had this project that I really liked. So yeah, I really enjoy doing comedy or dark comedy, so this was really fun to step back into that — a lighter role.
Whenever I think about artists switching up genres and entering different phases, I think of an old Ethan Hawke interview, where he expressed his surprise at how shooting horror movies was a lot more silly and less terrifying than he expected. Was making a romantic comedy the same or different than you expected?
That’s a really great question, but you know, it just felt familiar. Comedy is something that I’m somewhat uncomfortable with but obviously very, very scared of and stuff, and it’s also about challenging yourself with something that you haven’t really done in a long time and something you really enjoy doing. And also just moving around, switching it up, and trying not to get pigeonholed into a sort-of genre, just to stretch your wings, I guess.
I don’t know if you’re aware, but one of the Love Life promo shots zeroes in on your character, Bradley, with a martini. You’re playing a character who drinks martinis!
Yeah! He’s a New Yorker, really into art and very motivated and ambitious. That being said, there’s also a lighter side to the character. I just hadn’t done comedy in so long, so I was really itching to do it. And Anna Kendrick is genius, and incredible at what she does, and I was really looking to work with her on something that was comedic and in her wheelhouse. She’s incredible in this, and it’s such an amazing project for her and role for her, so I was really excited to just be a part of that.
And the writing feels realistic and without too much reliance upon clichés.
Sam Boyd, the creator, he’s a really really smart guy. He was incredibly great to work with and collaborative and all that, but he wrote an incredible story. Really heartfelt and funny and sad at times, so I think it should be a really fun, wild ride.
Do you have a favorite romantic comedy?
Some of the older ones like When Harry Met Sally and Richard Linklater’s earlier stuff, including Before Sunrise. I loved those movies and the big, broad comedies like the Will Ferrell stuff.
Producer Paul Feig’s helming of Bridesmaids might bring a lot of curious eyes to this project. There are some similarities.
Yeah, definitely, I hope so. It’s really special and unique and also brings us back to movies like Reality Bites. It’s kind-of like a version of that for the newer generation.
That newer generation has been embracing romcoms on Netflix. Do you have any take on why those movies are doing so well there?
I don’t, to be honest, I didn’t know that. But as of right now, in the position where people are in quarantine, romcoms are movies that make you feel good, so maybe we’re seeing a lot of that just because of the times we’re going through.
Talking about your Love Life character any more would lead to spoilers, so do you mind if I ask you about the Narcos: Mexico season finale?
Nope. You mean the one we last finished?
Yes, and specifically, the conversation between Walt Breslin and Félix Gallardo. I’ve been comparing it to other great confrontations like Pacino and De Niro in Heat and FX’s Justified ending.
Did you draw inspiration from any movies or TV shows, or was it solely about those two characters to you?
Oh, I was terrified to do that scene, to be honest to you. A lot of what you’re seeing is just terror, but I know that there’s always, in these sort-of male-driven shows, there’s always this reference back to Heat. You know, Carlo Bernard, one of the creators of the show, he worked with Michael Mann and actually worked on Heat, so we’re always throwing that around and stuff, so yeah, in so many ways, it’s going to resemble that scene. But I don’t speak Spanish, and that whole scene was in Spanish. It was a long one, so I am very glad to hear you say that it turned out so great because it was a very nervous one for me.
Aren’t you a Texas native? I grew up in Oklahoma, and Spanish wasn’t required but strongly encouraged. I can’t imagine going into that scene dry.
I learned a little bit in the time that I had, but even as a kid, I never picked up much Spanish living in Texas.
So when you think about Walt and Félix, do you sense any admiration there as well as contempt? Or was I reading too much into that?
Oh for sure! You develop, in law enforcement, when you’re going after a case for X amount of time, I’m sure you develop a relationship with that person, and you know so much about them that there is a sense of admiration and respect when you’ve kind-of got your guy. The very thing I think about that scene is that, like, there’s this idea that Walt got his guy, and he’s won. And throughout that scene, he [realizes] that’s he’s only created a worse problem. And I love the sort-of dynamics that shift in that scene. And him going through what is to come because of what [he’s] done. Like, [he] didn’t do anything but cause a worse problem.
And on a personal level, Walt didn’t even get the closure that he wanted.
Yeah, neither one of them. It feels like they both lost.
Have you heard anything about another season?
No, I would gladly be open to doing more. I had a wonderful time on the show and loved working with the crew down there and all the people on the show, executives and Netflix. It was a dream job, so I would happily jump back down there.
The first three episodes of ‘Love Life’ premiere on May 27 with the launch of HBO Max.
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toonstarterz · 6 years
In today’s chapter, Watamote goes back to its roots as we find Tomoko hankering for some alone time. But you’d be wrong if you think it’s going to be that simple. Because underneath all the nostalgia moments lies what may just be the most crucial development that Tomoko has ever undertaken, and it’s the type of growth that could’ve only been realized by taking a quick trip down memory lane.
Chapter 147: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Wander Around Alone
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Oh hey, it’s that one male teacher who’s made periodic appearances throughout the series. Thank you for being there during Tomoko’s character establishing moment.
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So Wada is pretty good at English, huh? So not only do they both like manga, but Tomoko and Wada are also knowledgeable in the same subject. How nice.
Better break out the pitchforks.
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A common social “rule” in Japan is the emphasis on being able to read the room and reciprocating that atmosphere, or at the very least, not rock the boat. Tomoko has never really supported or condemned that notion, though unlike Yuri, is more likely to go with the flow. As someone who lives in a culture that discourages group mentality, it’s nice to see a character like Tomoko benefit from it. 
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Cliques? What high school cliques? All I see is a group of distinctly unique girls organically enjoying each other’s company. 
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This first-person POV shot looks straight out of a harem manga, only more authentic and devoid of cattiness.
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Let it be known that in this moment, Tomoko actually does break the mood. For the first time in as long as I can remember, Tomoko finds herself in a social situation with little risk, but actively breaks away from it in favor of alone time. 
With that, the seed of Tomoko’s greatest epiphany has sprouted.
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Not in the mood to binge through twenty volumes this time, huh?
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Boy does this take me back...
Compared to Tomoko’s first solo trip to Not-McDonald’s, it’s amazing to see the way she’s changed alongside the ways she hasn’t. Her anxiety is 95% gone, with the remaining 5% accounting for general uncertainty, hence the very brief stuttering. Embrace that 5% Tomoko–that’s all you.
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Introvert Problems #051: Activities that are individual in nature double as recharging opportunities, but can come off as unfriendly if openly pursued.
Okay honestly, this is the type of growth I’ve been low-key hoping for since the very start of the series. Tomoko has finally realized that a desire to be alone is not something she needed to fix, but to accept. For the longest time, she didn’t realize a large part of her alone time was because she craved it. It brought her comfort, even if she didn’t want to believe it. And it took having a considerable amount of friends (whose companionship was definitely necessary) for her to understand that she didn’t want to get rid of being alone.
She wanted to get rid of being lonely.
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Professional slacking. Otherwise known as, putting in the bare minimum effort to avoid future hardships.
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I’m sure there are various theories for both perspectives, but I think the main takeaway is that food tastes the best when you’re in your comfort zone. Whether that includes company for not is based on your personal preference.
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Indeed, it is. This is none other than the class representative of Tomoko’s second year, Girl-With-Awesome-Hair. Naturally, taking up two whole panels is a clear sign that this isn’t the last we’ll see of her.
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Ah, yes, the classic “normies suck” self-fulfilling prophecy–other people are jerks, and that’s why I’m alone. Tomoko was guilty of having this perspective, but she didn’t really recognize it until the first cafeteria chapter with Nemo. That was the point she realized that all those “popular” people are genuinely nice people. It was jarring at first, but once Tomoko got used to people being nice to her, she stopped perceiving that kindness as some kind of exception, and just took it as normal behavior. While alluding to the possibility of getting shit-talked behind her back is more of her realism at work, it thankfully doesn’t fall too deep into self-destructive cynicism.
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Could it be that Tomoko’s recent friendships are subconsciously making her pursue more public activities even on her loner vacation? You better believe it.  
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Tomoko’s become quite financially savvy lately, don’t ‘cha think? It certainly beats spending $150 on a whim for a Vocaloid.
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I cannot think of any other nickname that suits her better.
For a girl with the single most stylized face in the series, her entrance in this chapter sure makes an impact with the way she strikes such an alluring pose. Of course, that’s the joke, ain’t it? 
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It would seem that we’re getting a “doesn’t-care-what-anybody-else-thinks”-type of character for her. Well, she’s a competitive gamer as we soon learn, so not giving a shit about her social status is kind of a prerequisite.
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I honestly did a double-take at this, as it’s the first time Tomoko has addressed Yoshida in her mind by her real name instead of “the delinquent”. We’re just a hair’s length away from reaching official “friend” status with these two.
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Aw, that’s adorable. Tomoko actually sort of cares about Yoshida’s financial wellbeing. I’ve also noticed a bit of a trend with Tomoko in that she gets “terrified” of her friends breaking her expectations of them, even if they’re not doing anything that terrifying. In Yoshida’s case, I think that’s partly because Tomoko has a bit of a superiority complex that would get broken if Yoshida was a better person than she likes to believe.
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Tomoko’s nicknaming game is on point today.
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It was hinted before that Futaki may be popular with the boys what with being a “gamer girl” and all. While it’s still a little too early to confirm or deny that, the fact that most of the onlookers here are guys has to count for something.
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I remember when fans gave her the name “Potential-san”. Given where this chapter is headed, I think that name fits even more with Futaki’s blooming characterization.
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It’s amazing how much of their personalities you can see in this single panel. Yoshida is all easygoing, grasping her drink from the top all aloof-like. Reina is the toughest, taking a quietly aggressive stance with her elbows on the table like a boss. And Anna is the most inviting, smiling with a crêpe in her hand to signify her (relative) sweetness.
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I find it fascinating that Anna can say some pretty rude things that borderline on mean, but it never really comes off as malicious (or is it just me?). She gives off that vibe of someone who mercilessly teases people in a way that’s “all in good fun”, and I hope to see more of that side to her.
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First off, Tomoko being a full table’s length away from the scary delinquents is gold.
Second and not to beat a dead horse, Anna’s a cool chick. 
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I think I’m gonna need to call upon the Council of WataMote Fans with Too Much Time On Our Hands for this. Why exactly is that name so unusual?
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Of course, Anna wouldn’t be part of the delinquent squad if she didn’t shit-talk every now and then. But as I said before, she has this style of going about it that feels more like brash innocence than deliberate antagonism. Maybe it’s the heroin eyes...
Other than that, she does imply that she’s the smartest of her group, though whether that perception is actually reflective of herself isn’t certain yet.   
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More of Tomoko’s superiority complex at work here. All she really knows about Futaki is that she plays games, and is assumedly a slacker. That fact that she still managed to outscore her must’ve been quite the blow to Tomoko’s insecurity. The only thing “worse” is if even Yoshida managed to rank higher than her.
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I love dialogue gags like this, though usually the characters’ inner words are in parenthesizes in-between their actual spoken words. If Tomoko actually lowered her voice at the word “lower”, that’d be humorously sad. 
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It got “worse”.
Because a superiority complex actually requires a deep-seated sense of inferiority, Tomoko must be hella blown back right now. Grades were one of the only things she could feasibly claim dominance over, but now that she’s about to be usurped by the supposedly dumb delinquents, she only has her otaku interests to fall back on, which...isn’t always something to brag about.
Also, I especially like how Tomoko has started to compare delinquents to the yakuza. You know both would beat the tar out of her if they heard her compare them to the other. 
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You know, it makes perfect sense that Tomoko would be a top scorer in Japanese, English, and History. Since she’s such an avid reader (even if it is only manga and light novels), all that extra literature has most certainly been indirect study material, even if the actual course material isn’t nearly as lewd.
Additionally, slackerism loves company.
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Yeah, if it wasn’t already abundantly clear than Reina is the delinquent among delinquents...
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...she is.
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Rekt to infinity.
But you know, this is actually an ingenious way to develop a gag character like Futaki. Her apparent gaming skills have always been played like a joke, but by having it be her long-term goal, it restructures that “quirk” of hers into a fleshed out personality. It doesn’t invalidate anything we’ve already seen from Futaki, and it neatly sets up a direction for her character to take.
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I imagine Tomoko must feel pretty betrayed right now. She herself entertained the idea of being a gamer, but discarded that dream likely because it wouldn’t be a “proper” job. Now that she sees this girl she hardly knows who apparently has the luxury of making that dream a reality, Tomoko’s envy levels just skyrocketed. Sure, Futaki has no loyalty to Tomoko, so that sense of betrayal has no basis, but like how Akari felt about “angelic” Komiyama in chapter 108...
“...this just isn’t fair!”
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I’m getting a Crazy Rich Asians vibe from this girl.
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So Reina’s the competitive type, huh? I can dig it. It generally fits with the whole “eyes-must-not-be-seen” aesthetic, but it also explains why she and Yoshida have that “vitriolic best buds” relationship going on. I’d imagine that Reina’s the type to bet high stakes if she can get away with it...
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Just ice cream? Eh, no big loss. Unless it’s chocolate chip mint, then it’s a very big loss.
I wouldn’t exactly have these rankings as indicators of their skill level, since mahjong does involves a bit of luck and certainly reading your opponents. While it’s surprising that Futaki ended up in last place, I think it does help to nerf her power level somewhat. Shiro from No Game No Life she is not.
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Careful, Futaki. That’s no excuse when you’re looking to be a professional gamer.
I must say, having Futaki unofficially join the delinquent crew is the last thing I would’ve expected, but it’s a delightful surprise nonetheless. They have some pretty good chemistry what them all being slackers/gamers. Plus, Futaki’s strange, but odd cuteness adds a dynamic that the delinquents were lacking until now.
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Delinquents may be delinquents, but they always know how to have a good time.
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Ho ho! So Nemo has officially been indoctrinated into their group? That poor, poor girl.
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Council! I require your guidance! Is Haruna the last name for Anna? Or did Tomoko just get her name wrong! I must solve this conundrum at all costs!
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If you try to tell me that Yoshida isn’t absolutely gorgeous in this shot, then you’re a big, fat liar. 
Looking back on this chapter, Yoshida didn’t actually have many notable lines until this moment. But this single bit of dialogue greatly makes up for it. This is the very first time that Yoshida has personally offered to hang out with Tomoko without any sort of coercion or reluctance. It’s the most damning evidence we now have that says Yoshida now openly views Tomoko as her friend. As a long-time reader, I couldn’t feel any more proud. 
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In comic book terms, we call this The Negative Space of Melancholy.
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And really, wasn’t that the “goal” of this series all along? Making friends wasn’t the real endgame. If it were, it very well could’ve betrayed what makes the series so special, hence why Tomoko’s growth was so agonizingly slow. Tomoko is, was, and always will be a loner. It was just a matter of time before she could make the most out of that status. 
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It wouldn’t be a chapter about Tomoko’s growth if she didn’t wax lyrical about her current situation.
Even if self-satisfaction about being a loner is the “goal” of this series, reality is hardly so linear. As this chapter shows, Tomoko finds herself inexplicably drawn to social situations even when trying to avoid them. Not intentionally, but out of a natural, subconscious attraction to them. Tomoko’s life is a series of circular ebbs and flows. She’ll gain something at the cost of losing something else, only to regain a variation of what was lost once what was gained becomes stagnant. Such is it the path to making connections. While the hoops in Tomoko’s development appear drastic close-up, her life is a slow, naturalistic mountain climb when viewed from on top.
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leah-jeffries · 7 years
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There are very few things that I plan far in advance and look forward to all year long (besides Christmas and Chinese New Year, that is) and one of them is Book Expo/BookCon. A convention completely dedicated to the love and appreciation of books? Surrounded by publishers, authors, and books? I love it. It’s pretty much the place I would want to be 365 days a year. I believe that earlier last year, ReedPop and Book Expo made an announcement that their selection process for bloggers would be narrowed down so that publishers could better concentrate on forging relationships with industry professionals like booksellers and librarians. I know that this announcement put a lot of potential attendees off (that and a huge sum of $300 to attend) which is understandable. I was concerned that because BookCon was being hyped up and beefed up with lots of high-profile guests that BookExpo would be lackluster.
Neither of us decided to attend Wednesday because there was a lot to do before we would go on Thursday. And to be honest, I think we needed to prepare ourselves for what was about to go down go down during Book Expo. For the most part, we wanted to spend our time on the show floor since that’s where a lot of the fun is for the both of us. So in the early morn of June 1st, we got up at 4:30 and were on a train by 5:30AM to make it over so we could pick up our badges since we didn’t do it the night before. It was also our aim to score tickets to Cora Carmack, Leigh Bardugo, and Maggie Stiefvater. While we were waiting in line, we made a few friends and saw some old ones, which I think is what is so great about being in the book world – you can easily align your interests and create friendships around books. It’s something we all have in common. Unfortunately, it seemed that with the Avid Reader Pass Program and others who seemed to be there since 3/4AM, Leigh Bardugo tickets were long gone. I’d been disappointed because I was dying to get my hands on THE LANGUAGE OF THORNS sampler which, yes I know – why am I so fussy over a sampler? Well, even as a sampler, it’s beautiful. Plus, I’d read that she might be giving our her SIX OF CROWS playing cards which is probably one of my biggest searches for.
We obviously navigated our way through the show floor since the layout was different than other years and grabbed all the totes (my one goal was to score the SHE PERSISTED tote from Penguin Random House in support of Chelsea Clinton that weekend) before going over to Maggie’s signing area. I have to say that I haven’t read any of her previous books. I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about both her SHIVER and RAVEN CYCLE series and I just don’t like delving into books that are really volatile. But ALL THE CROOKED SAINTS seemed so interesting and we had a ticket for it, so why not? After that, we just roamed the show floor to see what all the booths had to offer and we both had the consensus that Book Expo was very low key and relaxing for the most part. I know that so many were discouraged from coming, but it made the experience for those that did more pleasurable. Yeah, there were a lot of people, but we had no major mishaps.
By the end of the day, the pair of us got most of the books we wanted (with Kristen’s wonderful schedule and timing skills) and we were pretty exhausted by the time we got back home. I was determined to be selective about the books I brought home because when we first attended the convention, I made the mistake of grabbing anything and having no room for most of the things I didn’t care for – so I wasn’t as tired as Kristen was (whom had gotten a lot of books she wanted).
The highlights of Thursday were meeting Cora Carmack and Leigh Bardugo (I know! I got to meet her!). I was delighted to see a finished copy of Cora Carmack’s ROAR which I had the opportunity to read as an ARC. It is a beautiful, beautiful book in my opinion and definitely has a unique and fresh take on fantasy stories. I will be posting my review soon for it so be on the lookout! Plus, she was such a delightful person to talk to and just overall lovely (pretty much all the authors we met were lovely).
So by happenstance, I got to meet Leigh in the Autographing Area and my goodness, her hair color was gorgeous. I’ve met very few people who could pull off the dark gray/silver look and my gosh, can that woman pull it off. She was surrounded by her Macmillan team and they were all rather kind. I was not there to get THE LANGUAGE OF THORNS because Fiercereads was promoting Grishaverse in the Crystal Palace for most of the convention so they had copies there for the taking! I had read that her book had won the Teen Choice Book Award and had wanted to congratulate her on that. Leigh Barduo never ceases to impress me with her humility and surprise over these sorts of achievements. I did bring my French SIX OF CROWS in the hopes that she would sign it (which she obviously did because she’s just so dang kind).
Day one of Book Expo was a success to say in the least. We had decided to approach Friday with less of a plan, but we definitely had our list of things we wanted, but didn’t necessarily NEED if we couldn’t get them. Fortunately, the ones we wanted (WARCROSS and BEASTS MADE OF NIGHT), we received previously. In terms of ticketed authors, we wanted to aim for Colleen Hoover and Marissa Meyer. I knew that if we didn’t get Marissa Meyer, it wasn’t a huge ordeal since it was a sampler and RENEGADES will be out within a few months. Nevertheless, I would have loved to say hello to Marissa once more. We managed to snag Colleen Hoover and Neil Patrick Harris (which we later gave away because it was later in the day and we just couldn’t fathom staying much longer after little sleep and 12K steps) so it was another day to the show floor for us! What I really loved was watching the interaction between attendees and the exhibitors – particularly the contrast between the smaller and big five publishers. It’s obviously a stark difference, but at the same time – it’s nice to think about how the big five were small once and look where they are now.
As every book dragon does, we snagged the books that we’d been hoping to get on our list (though, not the end of the world if we didn’t) and the biggest (and most competitive) event of the day was Leigh Bardugo’s WARBRINGER from Random House. We were rather guilty of hovering around the pillars near Penguin Random House, but the one good thing about Book Expo was that the attendees seemed to get along much better and there was very little hostility, if any at all. Somehow, against all odds, those who wanted WARBRINGER banded together to create a pretty calm and collective line. There were people in line, wonderful people, who understood the fairness of who had been there the longest and wanted to keep order. In this line, I saw some really great compassion and organization spring out from nearly everyone. Once the signing started, it went by quickly and everyone seemed relatively happy. We were rather happy to be part of such a collective group that showed that type of maturity. I imagine that if Book Expo hadn’t decided to screen its attendees this year, it would have been a different story.
When Friday and Book Expo came to a close, I was sad, but excited because BookCon would be starting the next day. Out of my bounty from Book Expo, I think I was really looking forward to:
Reign the Earth by A.C. Gaughen (Bloomsbury)
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo (Random House)
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust (Harlequin)
Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore (Macmillan)
Cruel Prince by Holly Black (Hachette)
The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones (Hachette)
All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater (Scholastic)
This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada (Simon & Schuster)
 Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast (Simon & Schuster)
And had we not gotten them before the convention:
Warcross by Marie Lu (Penguin)
Beast Made of Night by Tochi Onyebuchi (Penguin)
To be honest, there were a lot of books and that meant a lot of blurs, but nevertheless, everyone seemed to find something they really wanted at Book Expo.
One regret I do have is being unable to start relationships with publishers. I love going to these things because it means meeting the writers who have built such wonderful words, but in hindsight, I lose the opportunity to meet with the professional book pushers themselves. I really admire them for all that they do for their authors (include surviving BookCon) and know that I should really set some time aside to talk with them and just stay in touch. I, myself, am somewhat socially awkward at times and never want to bother professionals when they’re actually working, but it’s always nice to see that they’re open to chatting with people if they wish to do so.
Book Expo…to say in the least, was just so…chill? Sure, there were times where anxieties were heightened and patience was on edge, but overall, there’s nothing stopping me from wanting to attend next year. It seemed like there was a lot of more space and walking space which was nice. I do feel like the shift in where the booths usually were threw me off and therefore, I seemed to visit them less than I would have liked (this was more so about HarperCollins…they just seemed so far away from everyone else!). My experience with ReedPop events have always been good and I love that they host them at the Jacob Javits Center (which is a BEAUTIFUL location).
So I’d have to say that Book Expo 2017…you were a success. Let’s make 2018 a good one, too!
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You Must Return Home Part 9;
Slowly, Elsa moved away from Honeymaren and Pabbie, who got lost in their teacher-student talk. He looked around and managed to see Svene along with the same troll he asked for Kristoff, he felt really bad for not being able to give him good news, but at that point, I think he came to say that there was a possibility of that the blond was alive was more than welcome. He looked a little more and noticed a small stone structure that he could use as a chair, so without disturbing anyone else, he went straight to her and sat down, but it took him longer to do that than to be surrounded by several babies trolls who looked at her with a curious face, not that they had never seen Elsa, what seemed strange to them was that she was alone, usually she was always with Anna, Olaf or even Kristoff, 
- Something happens? - Elsa asked kindly. 
- Nothing - answered one of the little ones. - It's just that it's strange to see you alone. 
- Yes! - He was joined by another. - You usually come with Anna, Olaf and Kristoff, don't you feel alone for it? 
At that question, Elsa's countenance began to sadden, if she felt lonely sometimes, many, in fact, when she woke up and did not listen to her sister in the palace, when she left and did not see Olaf ready to learn something new or She even felt lonely when she was in the stables and didn't notice Kristoff along with Sven. A little snow began to form around him, drawing the attention of one of the largest trolls, he noticed that and approached the little one who asked to ask such a question. 
- What did you do now, Roberto? - It was the first thing the woman said. 
- Nothing! - The little one excused himself. - I only asked Elsa if she doesn't feel alone because now Anna, Olaf and Kristoff are not. 
- That's very insensitive to ask, Roberto! - He reprimanded the notoriously irritated troll. - Elsa is going through a difficult time like us, you shouldn't have asked! 
- Sorry, Elsa - before that, the blonde could only smile wistfully and raise her hand in a gesture to downplay the matter. 
- You don't have to apologize - the guardian spoke. - Yes, sometimes I can feel alone without my friends, but now that I am back in the castle. 
At that moment, his eyes fixed on the figure of Honeymaren, who seemed very focused on what old Pabbie was telling him, the melancholy he felt quickly became bearable and the snow stopped falling. 
- However, I am not - he added with a smile. - There is someone who helps me when I am sad and encourages me to move forward, without her, I think I would be much sadder than usual, I have no words to express how grateful I am with her, how much I appreciate her being by my side and how good it makes me feel that I can count on her no matter what happens. When I am with that person, everything seems more manageable, warmer, calm and ... bright. 
The trolls stood a moment watching Elsa blinking constantly, then together, and in a strangely synchronized manner, they directed their eyes to the same point the blonde was seeing and, noticing who the girl was contemplating, returned her attention to her that seemed loss in the clouds with a certain smile that they knew, after all, they were experts in that subject. 
- She is ... magnificent -, was the last thing the guardian said in a sigh. 
- Wow, apparently someone is banged! - He practically shouted the troll making Elsa jump instead partially freezing her hands. 
- Excuse me? - Said the blonde somewhat nervous. 
"Come on, Elsa," the woman smiled, jumping on another's shoulders to face her. - It's more than obvious. The lost look, the way you talk about her, the sighs, that smiling smile, you're in love! 
- No, impossible - Elsa let out with a nervous laugh. - I can't be in love, I've never been before. 
- Y? Who says you can't be now? - He put his hands on what appeared to be his waist troll. 
- No, she is just ... a friend ... that makes me have these strange feelings -, the blonde tried to excuse. - Maybe it's normal, isn't it? Feeling like that for someone close. 
- It is - said the woman with hard skin. - But tell me, Elsa, that girl over there, does it make you feel butterflies in your stomach? 
Elsa relived the memories she had with Honeymaren, especially one in particular where she had said she looked pretty and her stomach began to flutter uncontrollably. 
- Yes ... -, the blonde accepted. 
- Do you want her to hug you? 
"I've had the desire, yes ... On several occasions ... too many ... many," Elsa whispered. 
- Do you want to spend time with her? 
- Mostly, yes, well, it's always nice to spend time with her. 
- And how about giving him a kiss? - That question made her guardian turn totally red. 
A kiss from Honeymaren? The image of those lips came to his mind that had been staring at them more than once, saying that he was not curious to know how they felt would be to lie, but he never thought about the possibility of kissing them as is. 
- I ... W-Maybe you've thought about how your lips feel - confessed the embarrassed blonde. 
- You see? You are totally chased by her! 
Elsa looked directly at the woman who in all that time had been there with her opening the world for the first time, since she was chatting about it, it wouldn't be bad to ask, right? They were experts in love after all. 
- Is that why I feel a warmth in my chest every time I see it and my heart speeds up when it is close to me? - The troll nodded. 
- Those are the basic signs, honey - the woman smiled. - Tell me, have you felt that way with another person besides her? 
- No never. 
- You see? Your heart reacts with her because she knows that she loves her. 
Elsa was a little silent, was she really in love with Honeymaren? I mean, she was a wonderful, special, unique person, but what if this was something temporary? 
- Isn't it something soon to call it ... love? - He finally encouraged the blonde to ask. 
- Honey, love is not formed out of nothing - subtly reprimanded the troll. - At the beginning it is tiny, but over time, it grows and grows until it becomes an unstoppable force, but for that, something must have kept you from it, what was it? His way of walking? What does not spit to speak? What is the sweetest person in the world? 
- She ... She has been by my side and has been so attentive to me since the first day we met, it is impossible not to love her - the blonde admitted timidly. 
- There is! You see? It's not that hard - the woman smiled. - Tell me, what prevents you from loving that woman? 
"I don't know if she feels the same about me," sighed the guardian. 
- I think so - said the being of stone. 
- Because what you say? - Elsa was instantly interested. 
"Because he hasn't stopped looking at you every time he has a chance," the troll smiled. 
Honeymaren, although he was paying attention to everything Pabbie was telling him, sometimes, when he noticed that the elder was wandering in a story, his gaze drifted for seconds to see the young blonde who was entertaining talking to a Little group of trolls, she looked so beautiful, however, and despite the fact that she was dying to keep her eyes fixed on her, she always ended up turning her face with a lost sigh when she realized that her teacher was returning to the central theme. Pabbie's lessons were not prolonged, the troll knew quite well how to teach and Honeymaren a great student, yes Bine could not learn everything in a single day, the old man said that if he wanted to know more, he was free to return to ask so many questions as you wish, something that thrills the warrior. 
"Thank you very much," Honeymaren smiled, keeping Iduna's book. 
"You're welcome, girl, by the way," Pabbie said with a knowing smile. - I've noticed that you've been looking at Elsa a lot in a way that I recognize well, do you have feelings for her? 
- How notorious is it? - Asked the Northuldra something blushing. 
- Only for an expert eye, but yes, it is something noticeable - replied the smiling troll. 
- I feel something for her, I have felt it since I saw her smile for the first time ... But I do not want to overwhelm her, I know she does not have much experience in this and, well, I want to give her time and space, in addition, with the matter Anna and the search, I do not think I have room for something like this - explained the sad rider. 
- Elsa is ... special, you know, right? - Pabbie commented looking in the direction of the snow queen. 
- Special is little if we compare it to what I see in it - was the response of the warrior. 
- Honeymaren -, the major caught the girl's attention. - Elsa is someone who has struggled to accept herself and love herself, see herself as she really is and not as she has been told that she is, now, I think it is the time she learns that someone else can love her beyond what she imagines and , perhaps, you are the right person for that. 
- What do you mean? - Northuldra was interested. 
- Talk to her, tell her what you feel, show her how she makes you feel and help her on this path she has chosen -, with her magic, she began to make two silhouettes of smoke, one shaped like Elsa and the other with Honeymaren. - Elsa will go through hard times, too many. 
In the smoke, Elsa's figure felt quite sad and defeated, so much that ice began to emerge from all sides protecting her. 
- Fear and despair have always been his greatest enemies, but -, in the image, the figure of Honeymaren came melting everything in his path hugging Elsa. - Love is what keeps her stable, love for others, love for herself and, perhaps, with yours there to support her, it will be enough to pass any test that is put in front of her. 
- That does accept my feelings and if I am not something temporary ...   -, before this, the trio let out a slight laugh. 
- Honeymaren, everything starts being something small, over time, it grows until it gets big. Also, something tells me that I might accept your feelings   - at that, the Northuldra raised a strange eyebrow. 
- How do you know? - The brunette was interested. 
- Elsa knows how to control her powers, but she has not finished understanding her own feelings and that makes her, sometimes, her body speak more than usual -, with her chin, she pointed out to Elsa who was lostly looking at Honeymaren with her face slightly red - Now, I think I've taken a long time, remember everything I told you?
- To perfection - the rider nodded. 
- And you know, you can come whenever you want if you have any questions. 
- Of course, Pabbie. 
Elsa said goodbye to all the trolls along with Honeymaren, promised them that they barely heard from Kristoff, he would let them know immediately and, with a chorus in the background, they both left the place even with the sun above them. While they were on their way back to Arendelle, Elsa kept thinking about everything she had discovered thanks to the help of the trolls, was she really in love with Honeymaren? He knew that the warrior caused her many things that she was unable to recognize, after all, she was repressing her own emotions for years, so she had no idea that those moments when she longed to be in her arms, her heart racing every time that he saw her and that feeling so warm that it caused him was because he had feelings for her. Sideways, Elsa looked at her partner and looked at her, What would it be like to look at that beautiful face every morning and night? How would those arms feel around her? And when he reached his lips, the idea of ​​kissing them came to his mind and wondered how they would feel about their own. That idea made her blush and a light layer of ice began to form on the poor Sven, luckily, Elsa realized this and prevented her hairy friend from freezing. 
The Northuldra, on the other hand, was lost in a wave of ideas, did Elsa have feelings for her? He had seen her looking at her, yes, and the scene of the lavvu of weeks ago was constantly repeated in her head, she made it snow, her compliments made her Elsa provoke a small soft snowfall, and, in addition, she did not seem to react badly when she He said she looked pretty. At least, he knew that he didn't feel uncomfortable with her saying things in that category, but it was one thing to accept beautiful words and another to start comparing someone in a formal way. Pabbie had told her to show her feelings and talk to her, but would that be the right thing? I didn't want to bother her or overwhelm her more than she already was, Maybe if I started with small things? With the Northuldra, it was customary that when someone wanted to woo another person, he would take a pass over a reindeer, maybe he could take Elsa on a small trip in Heart and then, when they reached their destination, explain everything the meaning of it and then talk openly about how he felt? Yes, it was a good idea. 
Time passed and they were already halfway to Arendelle, Elsa's mind was still rambling openly about what was going on, sideways, she looked at the rider who similarly seemed lost in thought. What if he asked her directly if he felt anything for her? No, I couldn't do it, it would be very uncomfortable if the answer was negative and they were still an hour away. Maybe arrive by a more diplomatic route? No, I was not dealing with an ambassador or some high-level merchant, it was Honeymaren, I couldn't do that, it would be too frivolous and what I least wanted was to seem that, distant. I sigh mentally while dropping my shoulders, "why is this so difficult?" The young blonde wondered mentally, looking again at the brunette. I had to do something, I wanted to see if it was true that Honeymaren felt something for her and, perhaps, have a chance? "Here we go," the guardian encouraged herself. 
- Maren? - The young blonde called somewhat shy. 
- Yes, Elsa? - The rider answered immediately leaving his entrance. 
- Can I ask you something? - That took Northuldra by surprise, so much that he raised his eyebrows in surprise. 
- Insurance? - Given that response, Elsa took a breath and asked all the spirits to give her courage. 
- Have you ever ... fallen in love with someone? - If it weren't because his hands were busy dragging Sven, he would already have them together. 
- In love? - Honeymaren repeated blushing. 
- Or did you like someone in a romantic way? - The regent corrected the question, I didn't want this to happen beyond what was already happening. 
- Eh ... Well - the rider cleared his throat. - When I was little, I ... I had a little crush on Yelena, please don't tell her I told you that.
Faced with this confession, Elsa could not help but let out a little giggle, of all possible answers, she never thought of that. 
- In my defense, I was only six years old, Yelena was a very pretty woman when young and I simply thought that one day I would grow up and marry her - Honeymaren explained with a laugh. 
- And what happened? - Elsa was interested. 
- Nothing, within a few weeks it happened to me - at that moment, the warrior held her breath and, remembering the words of the old troll, added very cautiously. - But, maybe, now, I have feelings for someone. 
- What does it mean? - The guardian questioned. 
"Come on, be subtle, be subtle and don't tell her directly that you think you are in love with her in a way you had felt before," the rider repeated in his head. 
- You asked me if I had ever felt anything romantic for someone, right? - Elsa nodded. - Well, there is a person who is making me feel things that I didn't think I would feel before and she likes me, I like her a lot. 
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unixcommerce · 5 years
Motivational Quotes for Women
Many of the most admired entrepreneurs, executives and industry experts today are female. Ever more women becoming world-renowned thought leaders. As a result, they create and run successful business ventures in an ever-widening field of industries. You’ll find so many strong female business leaders and intellectuals around. And their messages of empowerment can inspire even more women to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.
Motivational Quotes for Women
Here is a collection of inspirational quotes and apt advice from successful women to act as a source of motivation for female entrepreneurs everywhere.
Find Your Voice and Inner Strength Quotes
Getting started in the business world can be an intimidating process. But it all begins with finding your voice and developing your inner strength. A a result, you to take on all the obstacles that lay before you. It can take some time to figure out exactly what it is that truly fuels your passion, but once you know what you want, you must find the inner strength to pursue that dream to the end. Here are some motivational quotes for women who need a little encouragement:
Some Simple Words of Encouragement
Whatever it is that you think you want to do, and whatever it is that you think stands between you and that, stop making excuses. You can do anything. ~ Katia Beauchamp (co-founder of Birchbox)
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. ~ Coco Chanel (fashion designer)
Entrepreneurship is the last refuge of the troublemaking individual. ~ Natalie Clifford Barney (playwright and poet)
Making the decision to not follow a system, or someone else’s rules has allowed me to really dig into what my own strengths and gifts are without spending time feeling jaded or wasteful. ~ Ishita Gupta (founder of Fearless Magazine)
More Quotes from Great Women About Inner Strength
No matter what kind of challenges or difficulties or painful situations you go through in your life, we all have something deep within us that we can reach down and find the inner strength to get through them. ~ Alana Stewart (actress and model)
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. ~ Anna Freud (Austrian-British psychoanalyst)
Nothing can dim the light which shines from within. ~ Maya Angelou (poet, singer, memoirist and civil rights activist)
Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out. ~ Katherine Dunham
You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength, and say, ‘I’m proud of what I am and who I am.’ ~ Mariah Carey (singer and songwriter)
Motivational Quotes to Conquer Fear
Most people feel an element of fear when taking on a new task or trying to achieve something they haven’t done before. It’s a natural apprehension that has a variety of causes, but also a variety of solutions. Therefore it is crucial to anyone’s success that they don’t allow fear to obstruct their path to success. Here are some fear-conquering quotes from females who have indeed conquered fear itself:
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. ~ Audre Lorde (poet and feminist)
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (diplomat and activist)
Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading, buying and selling. ~ Anita Roddick (founder of The Body Shop)
Courage Sometimes Takes Different Forms
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher (author)
Next time, ask: what’s the worst that will happen? Then push yourself a little further than you dare. Once you start to speak, people will yell at you. They will interrupt you, put you down and suggest it’s personal. And the world won’t end. And the speaking will get easier and easier. And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had. And you will lose some friends and lovers, and realize you don’t miss them. And new ones will find you and cherish you. And at last you’ll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth. And that is not speaking. ~ Audre Lorde (writer and activist)
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain. ~ Vivian Greene (British writer)
A lot of people would say ‘sexy’ is about the body. But to me, ‘sexy’ is a woman with confidence. I admire women who have very little fear. ~ Allegra Versace (Italian heiress and socialite)
Don’t be Limited
I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom – how great is that? ~ Soledad O’Brien (broadcaster and executive producer)
Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don’t like them. ~ Stacy London (stylist and fashion consultant, author and magazine editor)
Some days, 24 hours is too much to stay put in, so I take the day hour by hour, moment by moment. I break the task, the challenge, the fear into small, bite-size pieces. I can handle a piece of fear, depression, anger, pain, sadness, loneliness, illness. I actually put my hands up to my face, one next to each eye, like blinders on a horse. ~ Regina Brett (author, inspirational speaker and newspaper columnist)
Work Smarter Motivational Quotes
There is also a wealth of good advice out there from business women and female intellectuals with regards to how to achieve success. One of the oft repeated pieces of advice involves working smarter instead of harder, although a combination of both would seem the ideal solution. Here are a few motivational quotes for women about working smarter:
How to Work Smarter in Your Business
So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. ~ Caterina Fake (co-founder of Flickr)
There is no royal flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it, for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard. ~ Madam C.J. Walker (USA’s first female millionaire entrepreneur)
You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone. ~ Tina Fey (writer and comedian)
Nothing will work unless you do. ~ Maya Angelou (poet, singer and activist)
People don’t take opportunities because the timing is bad, the financial side unsecure. Too many people are overanalyzing. Sometimes you just have to go for it. ~ Michelle Zatlyn (co-founder of CloudFlare)
It Starts with Basic Intelligence
We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it. ~ Tabatha Coffey (Australian hairstylist, salon owner and TV personality)
I might not be very smart, but I surround myself with smart people. ~ Barbara Mandrell (country music singer and actress)
I think art cannot be planned. The audience is too smart to get the dishonesty or ‘too much planning’ thing. I am not a legend, but I want to be one. I want to be known as an achiever. There is so much more that I can do. ~ Priyanka Chopra (Indian actress, singer and film producer)
It’s Neat to be Nerdy
Computer science is not just for smart ‘nerds’ in hoodies coding in basements. Coding is extremely creative and is an integral part of almost every industry. ~ Reshma Saujani (lawyer, politician and founder of tech organization Girls Who Code)
I think people are sexy when they have a sense of humor, when they are smart, when they have some sense of style, when they are kind, when they express their own opinions, when they are creative, when they have character. ~ Suzanne Vega (singer, songwriter and record producer)
Dare to Be Different Quotes for Women
Some of the best advice from successful female entrepreneurs is to dare to be different. It can help you stand out from the crowd and might just lead to that brilliant idea that nobody else has thought of yet. Of course, it takes courage and imagination to be truly unique, but once you discover what it is about you that makes you special, you can use to achieve great success. Here are some great quotes to inspire each individual to be proud of who they are and to make the very best of themselves:
Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected. ~ Lynda Barry (cartoonist and author)
Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else. ~ Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx)
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. ~ Coco Chanel (founder of Chanel)
Whatever you do, be different; that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can’t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you’re different, you will stand out. ~ Anita Roddick (businesswoman and activist)
What makes you different or weird, that’s your strength. ~ Meryl Streep (actress)
Crazy Is Cool
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. ~ Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple)
Be different, stand out, and work your butt off. ~ Reba McEntire (country singer, songwriter, actress and record producer)
It’s not like I try to be different, but every single person is unique, and every single person has special things to offer, and it’s about embracing it and not being afraid of the fact that maybe you’re different or quirky, but it’s okay to be different, and it can be a wonderful thing. ~ Lindsey Stirling (violinist, singer and songwriter)
Since I don’t look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good. ~ Serena Williams (tennis player)
I’ve always known that I wanted to be different. I wanted to stand out, so my gear is very elaborate, very blingy, very loud, because I want people to notice me, want to look like me. The Boss necklace, the ring. I want everything big. ~ Sasha ‘Legit Boss’ Banks (professional wrestler)
Empowering Quotes for Women
The empowerment of women in these more enlightened times has been long overdue. Sometimes it might feel like we still have along way to go. It takes time to achieve true equality. But the struggle will never let up while there is so much inspiration to draw from. Many great people have spoken eloquently, and sometimes not so eloquently, about the importance of personal empowerment for women, so here are some excellent quotes on that subject:
Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is. ~ Anne Frank
And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong, and full of fire and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears. ~ Mark Antony (Roman politician)
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a b*tch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. ~ Maya Angelou (poet and civil rights activist)
Stay True to Yourself
Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got. There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, it’s all the same day. ~ Janis Joplin (singer and songwriter)
We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced. ~ Malala Yousafzai (Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate)
The best protection any woman can have is courage. ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton (suffragist, social activist, abolitionist and leading figure of the early women’s rights movement)
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. ~ Alice Walker (novelist, poet and social activist)
One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go. ~ Sheila Murray Bethel (entrepreneur and best selling business author)
Success Quotes for Women
Success means different things to many different women. But it ultimately involves achieving our heart’s desire. For example, it could involve starting a successful business. Or it could mean completing a passionate art project. As a result, we can all take some inspiration from the words of women. Especially those who have excelled in their own fields of industry and artistic expression. Here are some quotes about success to inspire you to achieve your own …
Success as a woman has changed me. That’s what I feel is the first thing. When I feel like a successful woman as a rounded human being, then it feeds my work in a broader way so it becomes more interesting. ~ Jacqueline Bisset (English actress)
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. ~ Estée Lauder (businesswoman)
Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it. ~ Tory Burch (fashion designer, businesswoman and philanthropist)
Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live. ~ Anne Sweeney (co-chairperson of Disney Media Networks)
Embrace Your Mistakes as Well as Your Successes
We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success. ~ Arianna Huffington (author, syndicated columnist and businesswoman)
If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction. Remember also that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped. ~ Melinda Gates (philanthropist and a former general manager at Microsoft)
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles. ~ Audrey Hepburn (actress)
Define success in your own terms. Achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live. ~ Anne Sweeney, (co-chairperson of Disney Media Networks)
Successful women are not liked. I think the biggest danger for women in science is colleagues who are not as good as you are. ~  Christiane Nusslein-Volhard (German developmental biologist and 1995 Nobel Prize-winner)
I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse. ~ Florence Nightingale (social reformer, statistician and founder of modern nursing)
More Inspirational Quotes for Women
Here are 10 more quotes to inspire women to believe in themselves …
Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention. ~ Pink (singer and songwriter)
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (politician)
I do not wish [women] to have power over men, but over themselves. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft (English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights)
I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship. ~ Louisa May Alcott (novelist, short story writer and poet)
Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. ~ Dr. Mae Jemison (engineer, physician and former NASA astronaut)
Power is not given to you. You have to take it. ~ Beyoncé Knowles (singer)
A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. ~ Jane Austen (author)
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will. ~ Charlotte Brontë (English novelist and poet)
Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. ~ Nora Ephron (journalist, writer and filmmaker)
When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier. ~ Diane Von Furstenberg (Belgian fashion designer and former princess)
Photo via Shutterstock
This article, “Motivational Quotes for Women” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post Motivational Quotes for Women appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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christineesovoloff · 7 years
Running towards rejection
Disclaimer - I had, in my opinion, a bit of an abnormal, normal childhood. It certainly wasn’t terrible by any means ... I don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea ... but there were definitely some aspects of it that were unique. Now whether these stories of my childhood and youth are worth telling, well that’s a matter of opinion I suppose, but I figured I would give it a go here. So grab a glass of wine, maybe two, and enjoy. We’ll call this Chapter 1.
My father’s name was Delbert. Not a great name if you ask me, I would have liked my father to have a cooler name ... but, what are ya going to do?! 
His name is one of the handful of things I know about him. Like a really small handful. Among the others - he worked in construction, had a dog named Pierre, a son that I will call Sven (needed to follow Delbert with something with a little more flair), and was predeceased by his parents.
I learned most of this from his obituary which my mother found online when she googled his name nearly a year after his death.
My father was, more or less, completely absent from my life. I’m sure you had gathered that already. 
I say ‘more or less’ because I did meet him a few times throughout my childhood and I even have some memories of him ... he wore brown snap-up shirts, called me ‘hun’, bought me a life-size barbie head that I could paint make-up on, and had oreo ice-cream sandwiches in his freezer that he was gracious enough to share. 
It seems Delbert was not so much terrible man as he was a self-preserving man who had zero interest in being a father to me. 
Although that definitely stung a bit as I was growing up (Still does if I’m being honest. I was cute as a button, who wouldn’t want me?!), I think the part that bothers me the most is that Delbert kept me a secret from everyone in his life. 
Now when I say secret, I mean top secret. This guy went through 28 years of his life hiding the fact that he had a daughter. From everybody. (Gotta kind of respect his determination and can-do attitude, I suppose). Actually, in all reality, I came into the world completely hidden on both sides. Even my mother hid her pregnant belly behind baggy sweaters and a haze of cigarette smoke.
Perhaps I was the product of an affair, perhaps it was that Delbert was as old as the hills when I was conceived, I’m not exactly sure what went down, but all I know is that neither of my parents were too stoked to be expecting a child. So much so that they planned on no one ever finding out.
So after a top-secret pregnancy, I spent my first few weeks of life in foster care, awaiting my adoption, until my mother had a change of heart. (No surprise there, like I said, I was freaking adorable).
Delbert, however, never did have a change of heart and our relationship was nothing more than those few visits, and some birthday cards signed ‘Del’. 
So as you can imagine, when I found out he had died I was filled a variety of emotions - sadness for the relationship we never had, anger for how I had been treated, and excitement ... this was my chance! My chance to connect with the family I’d been robbed of. To be honest, I’d kind of always been waiting for this. If the bugger wanted to keep me a secret in life, not much I could do about it. But fat chance stopping me when you’re dead, bucko!
Now despite how that last sentence comes across, I’ve always had a ‘Pollyanna’ type view of the world and I guess I had kind of imagined that after the initial shock of everything subsided, that my new-found fam would be pretty stoked to have me. I figured we would have an awkward first meeting and then develop some sort of relationship based on the old ‘God works in mysterious ways’ or ‘hey, this is weird. Our dad is kind of a jerk, eh?!’  ...  You know, the usual things that you might discuss over a demolished turkey and some empty pie plates.
Well, turns out, that wasn’t how it all went down.
There was no conversation over turkey. No awkward meeting. No bonding over our anger. Not even anything cool or dramatic like what you might see on ‘Days Of Our Lives’ or ‘General Hospital’.
There was nothing but a letter from my Dad’s estate lawyer saying that everyone was very shocked to hear about me and did not wish to communicate. Ever.
To make things slightly more interesting (and I guess this part does kind of have a bit of soap opera drama to it.), he also said that I wasn’t necessarily missing out, that my half-brother is a ‘weird guy’  and ‘not someone he would want to meet in a dark alley’. 
Ummm, what?! 
Okay, not only was that super anticlimactic but I had waited years for this! I had fantasized about what this little interaction would look like ... and getting a vague rejection letter implying that my bro is a deranged criminal wasn’t it! 
Screw that crap!
I’m a freaking positive Polly-Anna and there is no way this was how this story was ending. 
Sure maybe he was a little rough around the edges but maybe he was just like the tough-as-nails biker type that was surly and terrifying but once you got to know him he’s just a big ball of gush. You know, like I’d have to tell my boyfriends “Don’t mind my brother, it took us years to find each other and he is just very protective of me.” And he’d say things like ‘If you hurt her I’ll kill you and they’ll never find the body.” .... and then we would all laugh and laugh together.
I was sure, with time, he would come around. After all, how could he not be curious?!
Well, I’d love to be able to tell you that that is the way it all worked out. I wish I could say that curiosity got the better of my surly (but gooey on the inside) brother and that we are now working on developing some sort of relationship.  I’d love to tell you that I’ve received answers and closure or even just a few simple things like a couple of photos and some medical history. But I can’t tell you any of that. I am still sitting here with a bunch of questions and a fair share of abandonment issues. 
Anticlimactic, right?! 
Anyway, I guess what I’ve come to realize is that sometimes in life, you don’t get the answers you want. Things don’t always wrap up nicely like they do at the end of a tv show, or have the dramatic flair of a soap opera episode, where you may find out that you have a sibling that you didn’t know about .... but you also find out that they are the town’s renowned neurosurgeon and heir to an empire! 
Sometimes, in real life, you just end up with uninterested, uninvolved fathers ... and brothers who follow suit. 
And that’s okay. I’ve made it this far without them; I’ll be just fine going forward. 
And who knows what the future holds. Perhaps my dad’s family will reach out some day, but I won’t be running across that meadow with arms outstretched for someone sprinting the other way.  
Besides, I’ve got my own family now. And I’ve got my friends. And wine. And chocolate. And writing.
Next up, Chapter 2 - my maternal family! (that’s where the drama really comes in ...)
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unixcommerce · 5 years
Motivational Quotes for Women
Many of the most admired entrepreneurs, executives and industry experts today are female. Ever more women becoming world-renowned thought leaders. As a result, they create and run successful business ventures in an ever-widening field of industries. You’ll find so many strong female business leaders and intellectuals around. And their messages of empowerment can inspire even more women to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.
Motivational Quotes for Women
Here is a collection of inspirational quotes and apt advice from successful women to act as a source of motivation for female entrepreneurs everywhere.
Find Your Voice and Inner Strength Quotes
Getting started in the business world can be an intimidating process. But it all begins with finding your voice and developing your inner strength. A a result, you to take on all the obstacles that lay before you. It can take some time to figure out exactly what it is that truly fuels your passion, but once you know what you want, you must find the inner strength to pursue that dream to the end. Here are some motivational quotes for women who need a little encouragement:
Some Simple Words of Encouragement
Whatever it is that you think you want to do, and whatever it is that you think stands between you and that, stop making excuses. You can do anything. ~ Katia Beauchamp (co-founder of Birchbox)
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. ~ Coco Chanel (fashion designer)
Entrepreneurship is the last refuge of the troublemaking individual. ~ Natalie Clifford Barney (playwright and poet)
Making the decision to not follow a system, or someone else’s rules has allowed me to really dig into what my own strengths and gifts are without spending time feeling jaded or wasteful. ~ Ishita Gupta (founder of Fearless Magazine)
More Quotes from Great Women About Inner Strength
No matter what kind of challenges or difficulties or painful situations you go through in your life, we all have something deep within us that we can reach down and find the inner strength to get through them. ~ Alana Stewart (actress and model)
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. ~ Anna Freud (Austrian-British psychoanalyst)
Nothing can dim the light which shines from within. ~ Maya Angelou (poet, singer, memoirist and civil rights activist)
Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out. ~ Katherine Dunham
You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength, and say, ‘I’m proud of what I am and who I am.’ ~ Mariah Carey (singer and songwriter)
Motivational Quotes to Conquer Fear
Most people feel an element of fear when taking on a new task or trying to achieve something they haven’t done before. It’s a natural apprehension that has a variety of causes, but also a variety of solutions. Therefore it is crucial to anyone’s success that they don’t allow fear to obstruct their path to success. Here are some fear-conquering quotes from females who have indeed conquered fear itself:
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. ~ Audre Lorde (poet and feminist)
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (diplomat and activist)
Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading, buying and selling. ~ Anita Roddick (founder of The Body Shop)
Courage Sometimes Takes Different Forms
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher (author)
Next time, ask: what’s the worst that will happen? Then push yourself a little further than you dare. Once you start to speak, people will yell at you. They will interrupt you, put you down and suggest it’s personal. And the world won’t end. And the speaking will get easier and easier. And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had. And you will lose some friends and lovers, and realize you don’t miss them. And new ones will find you and cherish you. And at last you’ll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth. And that is not speaking. ~ Audre Lorde (writer and activist)
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain. ~ Vivian Greene (British writer)
A lot of people would say ‘sexy’ is about the body. But to me, ‘sexy’ is a woman with confidence. I admire women who have very little fear. ~ Allegra Versace (Italian heiress and socialite)
Don’t be Limited
I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom – how great is that? ~ Soledad O’Brien (broadcaster and executive producer)
Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don’t like them. ~ Stacy London (stylist and fashion consultant, author and magazine editor)
Some days, 24 hours is too much to stay put in, so I take the day hour by hour, moment by moment. I break the task, the challenge, the fear into small, bite-size pieces. I can handle a piece of fear, depression, anger, pain, sadness, loneliness, illness. I actually put my hands up to my face, one next to each eye, like blinders on a horse. ~ Regina Brett (author, inspirational speaker and newspaper columnist)
Work Smarter Motivational Quotes
There is also a wealth of good advice out there from business women and female intellectuals with regards to how to achieve success. One of the oft repeated pieces of advice involves working smarter instead of harder, although a combination of both would seem the ideal solution. Here are a few motivational quotes for women about working smarter:
How to Work Smarter in Your Business
So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. ~ Caterina Fake (co-founder of Flickr)
There is no royal flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it, for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard. ~ Madam C.J. Walker (USA’s first female millionaire entrepreneur)
You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone. ~ Tina Fey (writer and comedian)
Nothing will work unless you do. ~ Maya Angelou (poet, singer and activist)
People don’t take opportunities because the timing is bad, the financial side unsecure. Too many people are overanalyzing. Sometimes you just have to go for it. ~ Michelle Zatlyn (co-founder of CloudFlare)
It Starts with Basic Intelligence
We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it. ~ Tabatha Coffey (Australian hairstylist, salon owner and TV personality)
I might not be very smart, but I surround myself with smart people. ~ Barbara Mandrell (country music singer and actress)
I think art cannot be planned. The audience is too smart to get the dishonesty or ‘too much planning’ thing. I am not a legend, but I want to be one. I want to be known as an achiever. There is so much more that I can do. ~ Priyanka Chopra (Indian actress, singer and film producer)
It’s Neat to be Nerdy
Computer science is not just for smart ‘nerds’ in hoodies coding in basements. Coding is extremely creative and is an integral part of almost every industry. ~ Reshma Saujani (lawyer, politician and founder of tech organization Girls Who Code)
I think people are sexy when they have a sense of humor, when they are smart, when they have some sense of style, when they are kind, when they express their own opinions, when they are creative, when they have character. ~ Suzanne Vega (singer, songwriter and record producer)
Dare to Be Different Quotes for Women
Some of the best advice from successful female entrepreneurs is to dare to be different. It can help you stand out from the crowd and might just lead to that brilliant idea that nobody else has thought of yet. Of course, it takes courage and imagination to be truly unique, but once you discover what it is about you that makes you special, you can use to achieve great success. Here are some great quotes to inspire each individual to be proud of who they are and to make the very best of themselves:
Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected. ~ Lynda Barry (cartoonist and author)
Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else. ~ Sara Blakely (founder of Spanx)
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. ~ Coco Chanel (founder of Chanel)
Whatever you do, be different; that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can’t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you’re different, you will stand out. ~ Anita Roddick (businesswoman and activist)
What makes you different or weird, that’s your strength. ~ Meryl Streep (actress)
Crazy Is Cool
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. ~ Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple)
Be different, stand out, and work your butt off. ~ Reba McEntire (country singer, songwriter, actress and record producer)
It’s not like I try to be different, but every single person is unique, and every single person has special things to offer, and it’s about embracing it and not being afraid of the fact that maybe you’re different or quirky, but it’s okay to be different, and it can be a wonderful thing. ~ Lindsey Stirling (violinist, singer and songwriter)
Since I don’t look like every other girl, it takes a while to be okay with that. To be different. But different is good. ~ Serena Williams (tennis player)
I’ve always known that I wanted to be different. I wanted to stand out, so my gear is very elaborate, very blingy, very loud, because I want people to notice me, want to look like me. The Boss necklace, the ring. I want everything big. ~ Sasha ‘Legit Boss’ Banks (professional wrestler)
Empowering Quotes for Women
The empowerment of women in these more enlightened times has been long overdue. Sometimes it might feel like we still have along way to go. It takes time to achieve true equality. But the struggle will never let up while there is so much inspiration to draw from. Many great people have spoken eloquently, and sometimes not so eloquently, about the importance of personal empowerment for women, so here are some excellent quotes on that subject:
Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is. ~ Anne Frank
And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong, and full of fire and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears. ~ Mark Antony (Roman politician)
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a b*tch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. ~ Maya Angelou (poet and civil rights activist)
Stay True to Yourself
Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got. There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, it’s all the same day. ~ Janis Joplin (singer and songwriter)
We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced. ~ Malala Yousafzai (Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate)
The best protection any woman can have is courage. ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton (suffragist, social activist, abolitionist and leading figure of the early women’s rights movement)
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. ~ Alice Walker (novelist, poet and social activist)
One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go. ~ Sheila Murray Bethel (entrepreneur and best selling business author)
Success Quotes for Women
Success means different things to many different women. But it ultimately involves achieving our heart’s desire. For example, it could involve starting a successful business. Or it could mean completing a passionate art project. As a result, we can all take some inspiration from the words of women. Especially those who have excelled in their own fields of industry and artistic expression. Here are some quotes about success to inspire you to achieve your own …
Success as a woman has changed me. That’s what I feel is the first thing. When I feel like a successful woman as a rounded human being, then it feeds my work in a broader way so it becomes more interesting. ~ Jacqueline Bisset (English actress)
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. ~ Estée Lauder (businesswoman)
Buckle up, and know that it’s going to be a tremendous amount of work, but embrace it. ~ Tory Burch (fashion designer, businesswoman and philanthropist)
Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live. ~ Anne Sweeney (co-chairperson of Disney Media Networks)
Embrace Your Mistakes as Well as Your Successes
We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success. ~ Arianna Huffington (author, syndicated columnist and businesswoman)
If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction. Remember also that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped. ~ Melinda Gates (philanthropist and a former general manager at Microsoft)
I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles. ~ Audrey Hepburn (actress)
Define success in your own terms. Achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live. ~ Anne Sweeney, (co-chairperson of Disney Media Networks)
Successful women are not liked. I think the biggest danger for women in science is colleagues who are not as good as you are. ~  Christiane Nusslein-Volhard (German developmental biologist and 1995 Nobel Prize-winner)
I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse. ~ Florence Nightingale (social reformer, statistician and founder of modern nursing)
More Inspirational Quotes for Women
Here are 10 more quotes to inspire women to believe in themselves …
Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention. ~ Pink (singer and songwriter)
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (politician)
I do not wish [women] to have power over men, but over themselves. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft (English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights)
I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship. ~ Louisa May Alcott (novelist, short story writer and poet)
Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. ~ Dr. Mae Jemison (engineer, physician and former NASA astronaut)
Power is not given to you. You have to take it. ~ Beyoncé Knowles (singer)
A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. ~ Jane Austen (author)
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will. ~ Charlotte Brontë (English novelist and poet)
Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. ~ Nora Ephron (journalist, writer and filmmaker)
When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier. ~ Diane Von Furstenberg (Belgian fashion designer and former princess)
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This article, “Motivational Quotes for Women” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post Motivational Quotes for Women appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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