#there are a lot of factors and with survival of the fittest and stuff
nebulacollege · 1 year
hello!! I love yalls twst stuff and I'm rlly excited to see/learn more about these ocs!! would you be able to give maybe a rundown on which characters are in which house and why? or maybe a general explanation on how the houses work in this college :0
Thank you very much for liking our twst stuff and for your interest in these boys! <3 And thank you very much for reading the info post about them! Fighting with tumblr to make it work was exhausting, and it’s still not going to work in the app after all orz I’ll add some of these facts to the info page later, but for this reply I can write much more than what I’m going to say there.
Now to your question. Each of the characters are were made to “represent” their corresponding house, to somewhat be the embodiment of the animal, so they go like this:
Niall is in the Unicorn house;
Ned is in the Dragon house;
Edmund is in the Raven house,
Liam is in the Snake house.
The houses group boys based on their personal qualities, but, ofc, there are no strict rules as which factors will definitely put you in one of the houses.
The Unicorn house is known for its dazzling, charismatic students with a strong tendency for leadership. They are determined, strong-willed, and often arrogant to an extent. They’re good at dealing with social issues, people in general, and can manipulate both people and the information they have as well. Still, despite being natural leaders, they have to have a sense of community and know how to form alliances.
They have good manners, good style, and overall have a high-society aura around them. Members of the royal families usually end up in this house. Because of that, it is considered the most prestigious (and rich lol) of the houses.
The Dragon house is the next in line in terms of being prestigious. Students there are loud, impulsive, have a very big “presence” whenever they’re around, while still being surprisingly responsible and well-behaved. They’re good and strategy and tactics, and have the best results in sports out of the bunch because of their good organizing abilities and discipline. They have their own order inside the house and dormitory, so they tend to work on the “survival of the fittest” principle. Just like Unicorn students, they are very proud, so they’re not ready to listen to just everyone, so they sometimes have conflicts inside their house in spite of their strong sense of unity. You have to deserve their respect to be... well, respected. On the negative side, they are quite greedy, loud, as I’ve said, and slow.
The Raven house is both the opposite of the Unicorn house, yet at the same time they’re the ones they cooperate with the most. Students of the Raven house are quiet and just don’t seem all that remarkable. They’re the first to react to different events, but the most “useless” in terms of solving things. The least ambitious of the bunch, they are rather perceptive, know a lot of rumors and information, good at making suggestions and predicting future outcomes, but at the same time secretive and not very talkative with other houses. Nobody really knows what they think, so they’re the creepy ones and the “freaks”, although not in such a harsh manner as one might think. They’re here to just do their job silently, or to complain a lot and still do their job lol If the Unicorn house can be considered the facade of the society, these students are the underground part of it. Metaphorically, that is.
The Snake students are also quiet, but their presence is much more prominent than that of the Raven students. They’re perfect on the surface level, but are ready to take any means necessary to achieve their goals without being caught. They seem perfect from the outside, but students from this house have the strongest sense of individuality. They’re cautious and ready to give way to others just to be safe and sure, they’re not the ones to rush anywhere without thinking. They’re careful, and a little bit slow in order to process events around them accordingly and to take the best possible route.
Phew, I think so far that’s enough lol
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manxeaterx-archived · 3 years
headcanons 01.
Since Antoinette was turned, she lacks some of the powers that a pureblood Vampire holds. For example, Antoinette can not turn humans into vampires. Antoinette can also heavily influence her victims if needed, but would not be able to put them into a full blown trance.
Antoinette lacks tears, so on the rare occasion that she cries. She cries tears of blood.
When it comes to feeding, Antoinette’s bites hurt. They are extremely painful, almost like...someone is biting you. This lasts for a few moments before Antoinette uses her saliva to numb any pain her victim may feel. Most of her mortal victims pass out from the pain. She heals and closes the bite wound by licking it.
People, and other beings have their own distinct scent for her. Demons smell like sulfur, werewolves smell like well...dogs, vampires smell like blood, the undead smell well...like death. So on, so forth. Besides some default smells, most scents vary person to person.
The same goes for blood, the taste for her varies from person to person.
Her fangs are retractable, and she can elongate them at will. However, when she is angry they with come out not by choice.
While using her vampiric abilities, her eyes glow red.
She is cold to the touch, not undead cold, but cold enough for it to be strange.
The sun does not harm Antoinette, but it does make her more fatigued and the longer she stays in it. On sunny days she can be seen wearing sunglasses, a sun hat.
Silver is really the only way to deal some real damage on Antoinette, wounds that were inflicted by a sort of silver weapon will slow down her healing abilities. Depending on the severity of the wound, healing can take about an hour to about 48 hours.
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viscoushibiscus · 3 years
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I got the idea for this AU like AGES ago and wanted to finally finish the dream team characters ( just for comparison, this was started back when Niki didn't fully dye her hair pink yet, and it's probably made somewhere during Tommy's exile). I just really like the dichotomy between herbivores and carnivores in Beastars and thought exploiting them for possible fluff and angst is a great idea. Here are a few head cannons I came up with:
-Dream is a coyote, and one of the strongest students at the school (Cherryton academy or maybe another school?). Everyone thinks he's going to be the next Beastar because of his charisma and very accepting nature, though it's a tough pick between him and Techno.
-thing people don't know abt him is dream actually goes to the black market (place for herbivore meat trade, which is illegal) very often.
-He used to sneak out of class with Sapnap, and one time he brought Sapnap to the black market. He and Sapnap ended up making it sort of a monthly to bi-weekly thing
-when the two became friends with George, however, Sapnap started to feel bad for eating herbivore meat and started flaking out. Dream tried to reason with him that it's "completely different" but sapnap still refuses to go because he feels he has at least SOME moral backbone to fight his carnivore instincts. the whole affair kinda puts a stick in their once strong as hell friendship. Sapnap still sticks by his values though, especially when he makes friends with Karl ( a llama) and Quackity (a duck). Dream still thinks of Sapnap as a coward for being such a softie.
-dream acts very protectively over George ( who is a dwarf rabbit), and George is either completely oblivious to his advances or has zero self-preservation instincts being next to a carnivore.
-idk if Sapnap as a panda bear would be 2 meters tall or have to take the government-mandated medication, but just for the angst factor, imagine him having to take that strength-reducing medication, and always gets such a bad head-ache. He's just in his dorm room, writhing in pain, and bbh always comes and brings him soup, or honey, and comforts him, rubbing his back, encouraging him.
-Bbh is the absolute nicest panther ever, he was probably a past beastar or gonna be a candidate for one.
-Tommy has a one-sided rivalry with dream, Tommy doesn't want to be a beastar as much as he wants to just kick Dreams ass at something like Techno does and put him in his place.
-One time though, tommy decides to follow Dream when dream sneaks out late at night. Worst f**king decision ever made. He is lead to the black market, and the moment he steps in, he's IMMEDIATELY overwhelmed by all the scents and smells, it's so so much. He sees all the herbivore meat hanging from hooks and stuff, at first he's pulled to it, but immediately cowers out, thinking of tubbo and techno and starts having a mini panic attack in the alleyway. He runs away as soon as he can.
-The next day, Tommy feels very uncomfortable around everyone. He's just very reactive to the slightest movement. He's an omnivore, so he doesn't have that need for meat as carnivores do, but he's still pulled to it. Nearly biting off Tubbo's hand at some point. At that point, he just decides to hide in a bathroom stall until classes are over. Ranboo finds him there, sobbing in the corner, and sits beside him. They share their problems, Tommy shares his story about the black market, Ranboo empathizes.
-Tommy originally hated Ranboo because he didn't feel that Tubbo was safe hanging around a carnivore( ranboo is a komodo dragon, because ender dragon->dragon->komodo dragon connection), but Tubbo just told him that Tommy himself is an omnivore so he shouldn't hang around him either if that's the case.
-Tubbo actually doesn't fear death, death fears him. He can, will, and does walk into the carnivore dorms to hang around his friends at 2:00 am, thank you very much.
-most, if not all of the dream smp is in the drama club, and some go to different clubs for different interests along with that.
-The dream smp lore is just a big ass multi-part play they're all working on in drama club
-Niki is a golden retriever, she is always very kind, and even herbivores feel safe around her. Don't be fooled by her appearance though, she is still very fierce when she needs to.
-one of the teachers is an ant-eater, and Wilbur absolutely hates that teacher and hates anteaters by extension.
-Wilbur also has a friend in the drama club, who is a blue sheep, but never caught her name, so he just calls them Friend. even when he finds out about their name, he still calls them Friend for the inside joke.
-at some point Wilbur was so sleep-deprived he started looking like a ghost, people start nicknaming him ghostbur. and ghostbur hung around Friend a lot, they took care of him then, mostly.
-wilbur is an otter because orcas and salmon are fish and otters are water mammals( fish->water->otter. idk made sense with his connection to water and all.
-Techno is the strongest herbivore able to wrestle and beat dream, which is very surprising for a hog. He got that scar on his eye from the fight he had with dream. Techno has a hunch he knows exactly what's going on with dream but doesn't say anything. He prefers not tp get involved. You'd think he's feel bad for the herbivores, but he lives by "survival of the fittest" being probably raised in a very harsh environment. (or maybe he had a Louis-esque story, being bought/saved from the black market by Phil)
-Dream knows that Tommy followed him into the black market, he just let it happen, and now he holds that over him like blackmail. (cue the bullying and/or emotional manipulation exile-arc style)
That's it for now, I have a few more ideas but I don't want to make this post too long. Hope you liked it,please don't take this too seriously, this is just for fun and exploring herbivore carnivore dynamics with dream smp characters.
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ainocard-suellam · 4 years
Hi. This's anon who tried to predict Diasomnia chapter and wrote MC is Prince Charming. Glad you liked my writings. I think I got carried away with inspiration and it went overdrive mode with my brain 😅 My idea with Yuu in Mal's chapter was that as a person, Yuu misses her family even if she doesn't talk about them much. And I didn't see much compassion from other students, so maybe that's why she doesn't talk about her family much. ( I don't have a game and only know stuff from tumblr) (1)
The rest of their thoughts!!
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I wish, you, could like, send anonymous messages through the chat feature, for the ask box cannot, contain the shear POWER of your brain, my god
But still! Don't feel bad about going wild with your thoughts!!
We do get a hint of, Yuu angst, in the Wish Upon a Star event (or maybe in Deuce's Stary Clothes personal story, I'm, not sure) where when he says that when he gets older, he's gonna become a magic police officer, you get the option to have Yuu either cheer him on, or say "I wonder if I'll be home by then," which is one of few instances where there's an implication of them still thinking when or if they'll get home. Also, at least for me, I feel like, either Ace or Deuce would be most likely to attempt to give Yuu a roof over their head, considering all of their actions throughout both the main story and Events. They do care a whole dang lot, even if they (especially Ace) won't admit it in words. (Just in general Heartslabyul seems to have the highest opinion of Yuu, but Yuu has also spent the most time with them I feel, so I imagine that they're all around the most attached to them)
Also though, the whole, of, Twisted Wonderland, just overall seems a bit more, for lack of better wording, barbaric compared to our world. But I also chalk this, up to the fact that a lot of these kids seem fine with committing murder, but I also chalk that up to certain locations (the Valley of Thorns in particular I get this vibe from, but overall I get a Spartan vibe from this place, based on Malleus and Sebek's behavior and some of the things they say, alongside some Lilia dialogue, but maybe I'm wrong. Also can we talk about how both of the Tweels' favorite foods are octopus based). A lot of these places seem, very survival of the fittest, to one degree or another.
Overall, I'm, like, not quite ready to commit to RSA being, way better than NRC, or really not that different at all, just aesthetically different. I'm really banking on Neige being what decides that factor, since Che'nya is kinda morally ambiguous, and Neige seems like a sweetheart, but maybe he's actually like, a spoiled brat, who knows. I lean more toward, RSA having more of our, standard "I gotta help everyone!!" heroes, in stark contrast to NRC's "I didn't sign up for this shit" heroes, but only time will tell, and I'm extremely curious, honestly (I lowkey...... wanna see a dorm based around the Unbirthday Party scene, like how the Heartslabyul kids are based around the Painting The Roses Red scene.......)
As well though, as said earlier, Malleus does not seem to have issues just hurting people if he feels threatened/disrespected, or if people he cares about are threatened. Additionally, he seems somewhat aware that this isn't, a good thing, so although he sees no issue in the heat of the moment, later he might realize that, actually, you should not commit murder. And, this is basically a long winded way of saying, me thinks under the circumstances where, someone tries to come between Malleus and Yuu, and that also involves insults toward him, he might, yeet that someone real fast, if there's no one to stop him. He wants to not be seen as a monster, but also that thought goes clean out of his head when certain circumstances arise, and it does give a bit more reason as to why he is viewed as more of a wandering boss fight opposed to a friendly NPC.
But! Nonetheless, we are at the mercy of what the rest of the main story gives!! There are many paths we could go on............
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hydradrive · 4 years
Go Hellnalysis (aka : hydradrive gets mad at the fanbase for ignoring go’s ongoing 2 season long breakdown for like, 5+ paragraphs)
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We are talking S1 foreshadowing as it relates to the facts of S2. As already mentioned, I think it sucks of the writers to do it to him like how it sucks how they treated Emma and Aoi throughout the entire series and reeks of colorism like. having your two darkest skinned characters be actively antagonistic as s2 goes on is a bad fucking look. 
But it’s there, and I am not happy that people defend Lightning weirdly when he treats people he knew for years badly, and then turn around and say wildly fucked up shit about Go.
I guess today is the day i Get Into It Again. I’ll be rehashing some of my points from my old thread on nac, so strap in i guess.
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This is said to Playmaker in season two. 
‘After i lost to you’. 
So, by episode 4. And the text backs this up. The text in season one aligns.
In Go Onizuka VS Genome :
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[ transcript for subbed text: 
Dr. Genome : Did your defeat at Playmaker’s hands force you to evolver? 
Go Onizuka : As much as I hate to admit it, yes. That was when everything changed. 
/end text screenshot id ]
That was when everything changed.
Let’s look at the rest of it, then. How it affected him, in the long-term. The Go Analysis... Is here.
MASSIVE CWs for discussion of canonical weight loss, brief discussion of disordered eating in the context of that, and a whole bunch of other stuff re: the brain hack that I don’t even know how to tag, really. medical? Basically, if you have any triggers relating to that, please exercise due diligence because I will not pull any punches about the implications.
tldr version :
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This is real dialogue from Go Onizuka’s first (and only) duel against Revolver. 
No matter what he says trying to spin it a different way after this segment of text, that it’s about fighting for yourself, these statements exist, and they exist with the context given by his own words; that he was struggling, mental health-wise, when he said these words.
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[ transcript for subbed text: 
Go Onizuka : Until now, I’ve battled in front of huge crowds. (There is a single beat frame, to indicate silence.) But I realized I’m all alone. There are no fans rooting for me here. I realized... We always duel alone. We fight for ourselves, not for anyone else. 
/end text screenshot id ]
But perhaps this isn’t compelling enough for people. Fine. Let’s go even further back.
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[ transcript for subbed text for screen readers : Go Onizuka : It’s my fault that Makoto is in this condition. /end text screenshot id ]
Go has an easily seen habit of assuming the worst, and with regards to stuff like Makoto, blaming himself, to the point that if his manager hadn't said more on Makoto, he would've been going into VS Genome blaming himself for Makoto getting into duel monsters in the first place.
In episode 5 it was shown that with one loss he was entirely certain that nobody would care about him in any capacity:
But why?
... It’s brought up in one of the first episodes of the entire series.
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[ transcript for subbed text for screen readers : 
Go Onizuka’s Manager : That’s exactly it. It’s a winner-take-all world, after all. 
/end text id. ]
And given an even more... depressing? Spin later, when Go thinks about it throughout S1 and S2 during his duel with Takeru:
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[ transcript for screen readers : 
Before I was placed in the orphanage, I only relied on myself. The world I lived in was all about survival of the fittest. “You must protect yourself” was my credo. 
/ end text screenshot id ]
It’s genuinely that simple. He slipped back into his old way of surviving because the way he did in season one didn't. save him. it didn't save him from a duel he needed to win, not just for himself necessarily. he would have died if playmaker had lost. a lot of people would have. He was already starting to have these doubts about his entire reason d’etre for dueling, and his loss only further spurred it on.
It’s repeated, again and again:
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[ transcript for screen readers :
Go Onizuka : For everyone to appreciate me, I must win! 
/end text screenshot id ]
That sentiment. “People won’t like me if I lose.” “People will abandon me, if I lose.” In his own words, his losses, losses in duels that were important, rotted him. And it /is/ true. His manager said he’d leave if he went to try and stop the Tower Of Hanoi and lost. And he followed through with it, by all implications. He didn’t come back until season 3. Keeping in mind that Go’s self-hatred spiral regarding guilt over in his mind dragging Makoto into the mess that was season one-era Hanoi shenanigans was only cut off because his manager and other people talked him out of it... Yeah.
This is before we bring in the other complicating factor : a certain little company, who never did anything good for anyone. A man, who despite supposedly being well-intentioned, did very little to help, until it reached the darkest point.
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[ transcript for subbed text for screen readers, since that’s the primary important stuff : 
Akira Zaizen : But we don’t intend to acknowledge that the network was on the brink of destruction. So I ask you don’t cause the press to delve into this. 
/end text screencap id]
People focus so much on him yelling at the press because they keep asking about Playmaker but with this context?
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[ transcript text for screen readers: 
Akira Zaizen: You’ll continue to be the focus of the press. /end text screenshot id ]
He’s not allowed to talk about how you nearly died.
He’s not allowed to talk about what really was at stake.
In fact, he’s not allowed to even act in a way that makes people even a little suspicious about what happened.
And yet.
‘But he could just ignore this advice’ . Not really. Go Onizuka’s platform was built in Link Vrains. Being the whistleblower about the actual danger of Link Vrains would not endear him to Sol, and potential backlash from Sol, from everything we know about the company? Hmm, gosh, wonder why that might be bad. Almost as if Go is basically a livestreamer who is at risk of having the video platform he exists on die.
It would be incredibly difficult to continue working under the public eye like that. The stress from that alone would start tearing someone to pieces.
Ergo, his decision to work for Sol Technologies as a bounty hunter. Both jobs now hinge on him currying favor with a horrible megacorporation, one just has less baggage from his past way of surviving and gives him the ability to talk a tiny bit more freely about things.
This is all the leadup, of course, to the ultimate lowest point. The duel chip. Brain hack.
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[ transcript text for screen readers: ‘By implanting this duel chip, the brain’s thought capabilities expand.’ /end text screenshot id ]
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[ transcript text for screen readers: 
Akira Zaizen: You can always refuse.
Go Onizuka : Your methods are dirty. You guide me to the gates of hell, but you don’t care what happens afterwards.  /end text screenshot id ] 
Let’s talk about the physical side-effects of the brain chip on Go Onizuka.
Me, personally? I genuinely wonder what came first; the most severe physical side-effects or a worsening of Go’s mental health that made him stop eating. 
It’s never stated what came first. We only see the mental health side effects of the chip in flashbacks initially.
I looked at one of the instances where Akira pulled go out of the sim wrt: the listed sys/dia ratios on-screen. They have those in certain shots, btw! They’re consistently really fucked up!
Here’s what those were, in one very notable instance:
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... So, right off the bat, a heartrate of 195, huh.
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And a sys/dia of 187/112 with a mean of 136. Wow! I wonder what that means for him!
I can tell you. 
He statistically would be in the range of having a hypertensive emergency. Having rates like this can damage your heart muscle when you don’t literally have a heart attack, hypertensive encephalopathy, ( which can cause dizziness and altered levels of consciousness, if we are getting into it.), kidney failure, coughing up blood...
I don’t want to speculate too much about why the Duel Chip caused this, but I will note that blood pressures like this sometimes come about as result of issues with the neuroendocrine system. This would tie in with a loss of appetite and some of the other things Go seems to canonically have had from the getgo of having the chip installed, and probably added on to his already pre-existing mental health stuff which I personally parsed as depression.
... I think this mostly covers the main points of what gets missed. Aka, literally all of his arc. Just, literally every piece of his arc. People miss all of it.
Also, to reiterate : it is NOT GOOD the way this is framed by the writers. it is loaded to, in a series heavily informed by the main character’s trauma, have a teenaged darker skin character ( Go is 19!! ) be portrayed as more erratic, etc etc. I do Not care about Lightning. He is a little robot, and while there is probably some ableism in the way trauma is represented therein as a corrupting force, it is far more worrying how Go is treated in terms of representation, and I am not going to bat for the guy who treated Haru like dogshit lmao. 
The fact that one of the two darker skinned MOC is given more obvious mental/physical illness signifiers in terms of symptoms to mark them as antagonists (when, again, Yusaku literally CANONICALLY HAS PTSD) fucking blows, and I’m going to personally fight the writers. 
But. I am also laying the blame at the fanbase’s feet for this shit, too. They literally ignored this to coo over Lightning. I’m going to bite them.
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Gray vs. Esdeath
First Sub-Zero vs. Glacius, then Weiss vs. Mitsuru, and now this. Ice seems to be a cool power to give to fighters for there to be three-ze of n-icely themed episodes around them.
Okay, I’ll stop.
So, it’s been noted on TvTropes that Gray actually fills a lot (if not all) of the requirements to be Esdeath’s ideal lover, so this should be interesting.
Gray′s Preview.
So, in keeping with the theme of Natsu dying, being brought back to life, then abandoned by his adopted dad; Erza being a slave ad losing her best friend and an eye, Gray’s childhood was pretty traumatic.
This kid was one of the few survivors of a demon that killed his whole family and wanted revenge, so a stripper named Ur basically adopted him and taught him Ice Magic.
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But the revenge story gets a bit worse, because he recklessly decided to take on the demon…
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And then “Stripper Mom”, as Boomstick put it, died killing the demon.
Speaking of stripping, we get into our first Wiz and Boomstick segment.
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Well, Gray has also gotten a nice group of friends after joining the Fairy Tail guild.
And he also met this admirer in Juvia.
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Don’t feel bad about shipping them. Everyone does it. Even the characters.
Speaking of, as someone who recently started watching Fairy Tail, uh… When Juvia vs. Lapis (Steven Universe)?
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and we have feats!
Gray also has access to “Demon Slayer Magic” which, similar to Dragon Slayer Magic, lets Gray eat his element to power up. And it probably would’ve been useful when he fought that demon.
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And the guy scales to other Ice Mages that can make a snowstorm over the entire kingdom of Fiore.
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All of which comes out to over 27 Gigatonns of TNT.
And speaking of scaling, Gray can also scale to Natsu dodging lightning
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Or Erza busting up a meteor.
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Shame that this wasn’t available to Erza when the research for her fight was being done, right? Timing!
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But, since he’s in a world where fighting for your friends, Gray isn’t one to give up so easily.
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Esdeath′s Preview.
So, apparently, Esdeath is flipping insane! Subscribing to a “Survival of the Fittest” mentality
When her dad died, she had the mentality of “Dad’s weak. He deserved it.”
Which, as a Raven Branwen fan, hurts me. Speaking of, Raven Branwen vs. Raven Darkholme when?
Back on topic…
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The fact that he name is inspired by the Japanese phrase “I am a sadist” really drives home how insane she is. This is about as subtle as Wario being inspired by Warui.
Anyways, after proving herself, she got a Teigu, or an Imperial Arm.
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From swords, to lances, to… Giant Scissors… These things are made from what are essentially boss monsters.
Esdeath chose blood. And since she’s totally sane…
she… Drank it.
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After the side effects, she got Ice Magic!
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She’s got a limit, but what she can do is insane.
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For the record, this goes on for a while where Boomstick shows that he’s into being the “M” part of BDSM and complains about the generic anime protagonist almost winning her over.
Anyways, Esdeath can use ZA WARUDO! and freeze time… Like, literally freeze time.
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It’s a once per day thing, but she’s still really strong. Either way, it’s already stronger than Gray’s Last-Resort move (Sorry for not having a shot of that, I work in a grocery store and I’m essential, so I didn’t have time to get it).
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We got feats!
She once made an entire snowstorm over a continent.
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Now, in fairness, she had to consume her ice army to pull this off, but she’s still strong.
She’s taken on opponents who can take on these giant things called Primus Imperators.
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Which are insanely powerful.
And despite her death, she’s still proven just how powerful and dangerous she is.
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The Battle Itself.
Zack and Luis are heads on animation, Gray will be voiced by Mark Allen Jr. and Esdeath will be voiced by Emma Breezy. Lost Ice Storm by Brandon Yates, and audio led by Andrew Scott.
So, the fight starts because Esdeath is attempting to conquer, and Gray isn’t having any of it.
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And, as per tradition, Gray strips.
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If I wasn’t A: Scared of Juvia, and B: Scared of Juvia, I’d totally ask Gray out on a date. But Esdeath isn’t exactly… impressed.
And Gray even acknowledges Esdeath’s similarities to Juvia.
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I guess the script said to make Esdeath sound like as much of a dominatrix as possible. Regardless, it’s clear that Gray has versatility as his stuff keeps catching Esdeath by surprise. Speed is about equal, as neither has any real issue landing and dodging hits. So it’s going to come down to power.
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So the two end up making an entire snowstorm. And it’s so intense that I bet even Mitsuru would shiver.
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But, similar to how Ace made a massive inferno and Natsu ate it, Gray uses his Demon Slayer magic to eat the snowstorm.
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So after eating it, Esdeath gets a bit more conservative with her own Ice Magic.
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And Gray even lands a major blow.
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So, we are getting to the finishing blow…
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Verdict + Explanation.
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So, right off the bat, speed is equal.
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So that means that the other edges are going to be major factors.
Let’s face it: covering an entire country with an ice storm is way more impressive than doing the same to a kingdom.
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(Yeah, can’t wait for the Fairy Tail sequel series to come out with something that gives Gray an edge. Same thing happened with Erza, it’ll probably happen here. To be honest, I’m mainly basing this assumption off the trend of the DEATH BATTLE curse).
Now, since Esdeath needed some extra help to pull that off by using her ice generals as betteries, they divided her power output by about 3 to determine how much ice she can output per day.
Which comes out to…
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93 Petatons. And we all know that a Petaton is a whole lot bigger than a gigaton.
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And Esdeath’s a renowned general. So she’s not going to fall for the same trick twice, so Gray only really gets to use his Ice eating trick once.
And Esdeath’s Time Freeze is a lot more reliable than Gray’s “Encase the enemy in ice” attack.
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And while the whole “Ice Demon Slayer” thing would reasonably let Gray kinda resist the Time Freeze, it doesn’t necessarily mean an auto-win. Resistances didn’t help the generic anime protagonist much, so it won’t really help Gray.
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Overall impression.
Okay, credit where it’s due, this episode made me actually start watching Fairy Tail, so props for that, but Sasuke vs. Hiei got me to binge Yu Yu Hakusho with more enthusiasm than this. Incidentally, Krillin vs. Kuwabara is a better and more appropriate matchup than Krillin vs. Saitama.
Back on topic, this fight was really great. Check the comments of the music, Brandon has the lyrics of the song in the description. The fight animation is pretty good, but really, once you hear that Esdeath is in the Petaton range, it kinda becomes a forgone conclusion. It’s easy to see that Esdeath wins.
The Wiz and Boomstick segments have gotten better though. Boomstick’s smile isn’t as nightmare-inducing as they used to be, but maybe that’s because I’ve seen it enough times.
Regardless, the voice acting is top-notch, and the math is really solid.
Now if only we didn’t keep learning these new… interests about Boomstick. Like, I want a dominatrix to step on me too, but still. TMI. Just once per episode’s enough.
Next Time…
… I swear, if the Pokédex entry about moving mountains is actually used as a determining factor…
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Well, it’s time for Poké Kombat! I wanna be the very best! So I’ll fatality my foes! To beat them is my real test, to rip out spines is my cause~!
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
A forearm four-armed fight.
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princessknightt · 6 years
Team STRQ/Rosebird Theory
So one of the interactions that are the most mysterious from team STRQ are the ones between Raven and Summer and Summer and Qrow. I feel like we can guess that Qrow viewed Summer as a close friend with how he viewed team STRQ back in the day. He called them the coolest team in Beacon, and with how he treats Ruby, I’m sure he was close with Summer. Taiyang was also obviously close considering they had Ruby together. With Raven though, that’s more mysterious.
What we do know about team STRQ is from what Qrow and Taiyang have said, and they both have fond memories of the time. Taiyang also said that Raven was the reason the team broke apart, but I have trouble believing she did it just because of her bandit tribe. She knows too much about Salem and Qrow seems to view her as a traitor to the cause, so that was definitely a factor. There’s also the fact that Raven is deathly afraid of Salem, to a point that she’s cautious about even revealing that she’s the real Spring Maiden. And then she literally left her daughter to die because she was scared of being targeted by Salem. Something must’ve happened to cause this. The thing about Raven is, she’s a lot more complicated than she first appears. At first glance, she’s a cynical, heartless person who would put others in danger to survive. But her semblance is completely contradictory to that. It requires that she have a bond with someone to be able to teleport where they are. And we all know that semblances are a manifestation of someone’s soul so like...obviously Raven wasn’t always like this. She cared enough to have bonds with Taiyang, Qrow, and probably Summer too. Like why would she not have a portal to Summer when she had one for her other teammates? And she bonded with Vernal too, so she obviously isn’t the heartless monster she pretends to be.  So really, what prompted Raven to leave? She had to have been spooked by something really badly to abandon everyone, including her own daughter. Her semblance literally shows how much she cares so it can’t have been something like, “oh I need to return to my tribe.” Like, she didn’t before that? Wouldn’t she have left when she learned about Salem and Ozpin’s plans? If she were that self-preservative, she would’ve left the minute she found out about some greater power, so why did she stay long enough to be able to say some words about how Ozpin’s plans are shit? Like, she and Qrow are at odds because she knows Salem is immortal and that Ozpin’s plans have been in vain while Qrow still believes in him. Something must have gone terribly wrong for her to adapt this way of thinking. So going into more headcanony stuff, I think that Raven stumbled upon the truth of Salem before she left. She probably tried to convince her teammates that Ozpin’s plans were doomed to failure and that they should all abandon ship, but they didn’t believe her. Raven even said that the more she learned about what the world was really like, the more horrified she became. But I think she stuck with team STRQ anyways, and tried to believe in what Summer said. We know that Ruby is a lot like Summer, and Raven even said as much. “You sound just like your mother.” I bet that was a similar speech that actually did work on her in the past. But things went wrong, and too many people died in the line of fire. We know that because Raven said it herself, “join in Ozpin’s impossible war against Salem, and meet the same fate as so many others.” If Raven’s semblance shows one thing, it’s that she cares about bonds a heck of a lot. How many of those many others were friends that she made back during the time of team STRQ? How many were she bonded with? And how many did she have to feel die when their bonds got severed?  That shit would fuck anyone up, and with someone who probably had to experience one too many losses, she had to run away to cope with it. Running back to her bandit tribe gave her a place to belong where they wouldn’t judge her for not being able to handle that much grief. But that brings me to the actual Summer and Raven interactions. Considering how Ozpin definitely knew that the Branwen’s were bandits, he wouldn’t have let them pair up with each other. So that leaves either Raven and Taiyang with Summer and Qrow, or Raven and Summer and Taiyang with Qrow. I think it’s up in the air which that would be considering there’s no like, set thing with them being paired based on letter configuration for team STRQ. JNPR has the J and P paired and the N and R paired after all. So for the purpose of making this as painful as possible, I’m gonna go with Summer and Raven being partners. This is also still a Rosebird theory after all.  Based on how fondly people speak of Summer, or just cite her as being someone who’s charismatic and like Ruby with her whole Real Hero archetype going on, we can assume that Summer tempered Raven into being more of a softie. She was already a softie considering her semblance, but she actually didn’t like, push that shit down like how she does now. I think she bought into the survival of the fittest mentality more so than Qrow did since Qrow was referenced to hate killing. And Summer seemed much more of a positive figure than Taiyang would’ve been on Raven since we know that Ruby is like her, and so is Yang. We also know that Raven was happy back then with this image of them when they were still all together.
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She’s actually smiling and she seems more chill then. But regardless, I think Raven being Summer’s partner would’ve been a lot more beneficial in getting her to break out of the bandit mentality than Qrow since he was much more reluctant and opposed to it. So just narratively, I think it would be more beneficial to have had them together, which just makes the next part of my headcanon hurt a lot more. So now that I’ve established why I think Raven left, which was to avoid all of this grief and pain of having people close to her die without an end goal in sight, I think Summer’s death affected her a lot more than we think it does. So this requires some theories about what Raven’s semblance does exactly. We know she needs to be bonded to people, but what does that bond entail? Does she feel that bond? I think her semblance probably creates a bond attached to their life force since people’s auras break often enough that like... while it’ll be kinda funny if she gets panicked every time someone’s aura goes down, I think that makes light of the situation too much. So her semblance creates a bond that lets her know when someone’s close to death, and this also explains how she got to Yang in the nick of time when we didn’t see any ravens around. 
So how does this play into Summer’s death? I think Raven arrived in the nick of time to help Summer, but she failed to save her. And I think Raven was the one to bury her body too, and she was also the one to inform Taiyang and Qrow about her death. We know that Qrow and Taiyang are both teachers at Signal, and that Qrow was Ozpin’s spy, so Summer probably had to be on the mission by herself. And why wouldn’t she be? She’s a silver-eyed warrior, and she was a “slayer of giant monsters” as Yang put it. So I definitely think that Raven was the first person to find out about Summer, and had to tell the others about it too. 
I think that Summer’s death was also the reason why she started keeping a close eye on Yang as a raven. The earliest flashback we see that includes the raven is Yang trying to find her after Summer’s death, and I think that Raven only started monitoring her because she didn’t want a repeat of what happened with Summer. And another thing that points to Raven being close to Summer is this post by @sir-adamus
I also think that Raven feels the most guilt about not being able to save Summer since she was the only one who could and maybe if she never left, they would all have had a chance to save her. She probably remembered all the times that Summer said something similar to what Ruby said about how they would at least have each other, and it’s another reason why she seemed so bitter about those words from Ruby. I think because of Summer’s death, that was when she decided to stop getting close to people, and to treat them as expendable. If she stops letting people in, she wouldn’t have to feel pain when they eventually die. Especially if they were helping Ozpin since that’s in the most direct line of fire you can think of. But even then, she still has that rule of saving someone once, so I don’t think she’s fully gone. 
For a more self-indulgent headcanon, I think that Raven is secretly proud while also resigned that both Ruby and Yang take after Summer so much. I also think that Summer might’ve been the only person who believed her back then, since she only berated Taiyang and Qrow for being fools. And I also hope that there was something more there between her and Raven since I think their dynamic would’ve been the most interesting one. Raven is extremely jaded after all, and Summer seems way more optimistic.  @xiaodonnas and @yeehawyang since I know y’all expressed an interest in reading my theory on this.
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duhragonball · 7 years
duvete replied to your post “Babbling about Comics”
I ate up the entire Phoenix and Dark Phoenix sagas, they were my favorites. I also liked Angel/Archangel a lot, his whole deal with Apocalypse was really interesting. ...I just looked up if Angel and Psylocke are still together (I liked them both!) and Angel had kids with PESTILENCE?? >8[ SMH
The thing with Angel working for Apocalypse was kind of my introduction to the franchise.   Long before I got into comics, I would thumb through some old X-Factor’s at the barber shop, including the “Fall of the Mutants” issues.  It was weird because I only knew about the X-Men from “Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends,” so Iceman was the only guy I really knew anything about.  It was those issues, and a reprint of the one where Magneto trapped the X-Men under a volcano and had a robot nanny looking after them. 
And I completely forgot about the whole Angel and Psylocke thing.   They were all over the place in the 90′s, and I never knew how they got together, and I guess I’ll be finding out soon.   Stuff like that was why I wanted to read the whole thing for myself in the first place.   I remember asking some guy on a newsgroup about Apocalypse in the late 90′s and I had no idea whether he was explaining the comic version or the cartoon or his own headcanon.    Then I got to the issue where Apocalypse explains that he only promotes survival of the fittest because he wants to find the fittest mutants and eat them to increase his own power.   I don’t know why that guy on the newsgroup didn’t just tell me that in the first place. 
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allineednow · 7 years
<p>Ark: Survival Evolved studio CEO on reviews, Early Access and punching trees</p>
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Yesterday I had the chance to speak with Doug Kennedy, CEO of Studio Wildcard, the firm responsible for . Needless to say, that game's heady brew of tree punching and dinosaur riding was a remarkable success -- and ranks to depart its stint in Early Access.  
But it hasn't been without controversy. The release of Scorched Earth, Ark's first major expansion before the match had launched proper, was a sticking point among its playerbase, as were additional factors like as it finally hit 1.0. But generally speaking enjoyed and the game is being played--it has sold a 11 million units across all platforms, which could be attributed to player ambivalence.
On Early Access
With all that in mind, would Early Access be used by Studio Wildcard ? With the notable exception of , Early Access projects have struggled to meet up with the profile and success of titles like Ark--as well as others like DayZ and Rust, which remain unfinished. The initiative has an stigma in 2017, and yet to whether the studio would take that route Kennedy's response again is a resounding yes.
"We will absolutely 100% use Early Access for our next project," Kennedy said. "I like it because it allows us to onboard our hardest of hardcore fans and remain in tune with them, and to give them a voice inside a game that's being developed.  
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The Ark expansion that is second, aberration, releases.
"I've seen plenty of games go into Early Access and fail miserably, for a variety of reasons," Kennedy continued. "We developed an exceptional idea, we developed a excellent game. We listened to our fans: there is not anyone in the industry better than Jesse Rapczak in relation to staying in front of the fans, speaking to them, developer, developer diaries clips, listening. We handle it from a perspective of: we listen to everything, and we have numerous community managers. A single thread is not that we aren't paying attention to. It doesn't mean we respond to everybody, but we listen to them all, and when we roll out a brand new expansion pack or upgrade or whatever's a significant shift from the sport, our community guys are tireless, they remain up times in a row: is there a bug? Is there a problem? What needs to be fixed?"
Kennedy says studios hoping to make a buck off an game should not go near Early Access. "It is like having the world as a testing center, but the problem is--and this is just my personal take--that a lot of people look at it as a way to earn money early, and promote a game while they continue to grow. If you're not listening to the community, if you're not updating them with what's happening and what the vision is, where you're taking it, regardless of what the vision is, even if you're not doing that there is no purpose for going into Early Access. Developers really should think long and hard about whether that's the ideal spot for their sport to be. If they are just going there to raise money early in development, it's the wrong reason to be there."
On reviews
I said to Kennedy that Ark currently boasts a "mixed" status on Steam, both for latest and older reviews. Though it's a much better look than DayZ or The Forest in terms of matches with vocal playerbases, that's not a look to newcomers of this game. Do players are more inclined to be critical, and of Early Access games feel more ownership of a name?
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"They do feel more ownership," Kennedy said. "It is a balancing act. You come on to play with a match and if you're new to access, and you have payed $29 for a name, and you're expecting a polished game, you're not going to give it a review.  
"I'd really like to see a line in the sand drawn: I would love for it to be: here are all the Early Access reviews and here are all the post-launch reviews. I'd like to see some type of equation that states, alright come review our match. We're going to let you review it twice: once and once before it ships as the product. Because really, I'll use an automobile illustration. Come and review our car. Folks love the body style but they get in and there is no engine. So how would you like to rate the vehicle? That is the mindset of it although that's kind of an intense. No one understood how big when the game was being built by us, the car was going to be.  
"But it's the first game I've ever worked on that I have not worried too much about metacritic and scoring," he continued. "Because I understood that we had been catching some flack about things like bugs -- but we did not put it through playtesting, we put it out there and then we fixed things. That is what Early Access is."
On Survival of the Fittest
Given the success of the Battlegrounds -- also an Access match of Playerunknown--I asked Kennedy whether the studio had some plans Survival of the Fittest, for the Ark equivalent. The answer? It is a "strong possibility".
"Survival of the Fittest was a excellent concept, and I will tell you that we'll continue to do something with it," Kennedy said. "I look at it in this manner: it isn't a trivial job to just dive in and say 'hey we're going to perform a competitive battle mode'. We built it, we put it in the market, and I keep talking about consumer quality and making certain you're following through. It is great to play with it, but we've got to be buttoned up if we're going to run tournaments, with money prizes etcetera and modes.  
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"We had to make a decision when we put out that: do we continue to attempt to run the championships and dedicate a tonne of development source to support this or do we create the [primary] game, release an expansion and ship a whole product? When we put SotF back into the marketplace we do that we ought to set it in the market that it's spectacular and it attracts users and we have a development team to support it. We'll need a tournament team a marketing effort, and everything else needed to be a A battle mode game. We learned a lot by placing it. Mainly what we heard was that we need to do it with 100% commitment and do it right."
On the Upcoming
In terms of the future of Ark, the studio's goal was to release three big expansions for the primary game (the second, , releases next month), but more could follow depending on player engagement and demand. Along with Pix Ark and Ark Park, the studio has other plans too. "We're very concerned about quality, experience, and making sure we're not just tossing stuff out there."
On punching trees
Finally, I asked Kennedy the question I have always wanted to ask a spokesperson for Studio Wildcard (or indeed, any other survival match): have you punched a tree before? Alarmingly, the response was "yes".
"In real life? Actually I have," Kennedy said. "It is not one of my prouder moments, but as anyone who reads this interview will now know, I have actually punched a tree before. It is a long story. I'm not taking any credit for the tree punching from the match, but it did hit when I first did it. [laughs]"
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webart-studio · 6 years
How to make sure your small business is on the correct aspect of historical past in 20 years
Historical past has a behavior of trying unfavourably in the direction of people and companies who don’t maintain as much as the scrutiny of recent morality.
David Solomon, co-founder of Blueprints explains that that is evidenced by the demonisation of all slave merchants, colonisers and sexual exploiters of historical past, who typically had been merely doing what was ‘completely authorized’ of their interval of historical past.
It’s tough to inform how historical past will look again at us now, however the indicators are there. Our descendants shall be astounded by our technology’s wasteful nature. They are going to be horrified that we’re so damaging to our personal planet, that we didn’t act on local weather change, that we had been so overtly misogynistic and racist. And with historical past transferring sooner than ever earlier than, I consider we are going to look again with disbelief in as little as a decade.
So what can we do to ensure we’re on the correct aspect of historical past, particularly when moral moorings will change as quickly as 2030? What steps can we take to make sure our legacy as a enterprise chief is seen favourably?
Will your determination nonetheless be seen as honest and simply in 10 years?
I consider the subsequent #MeToo motion is more likely to come from the world of worldwide enterprise, the place firm administrators have allowed so many staff to be exploited in creating nations by low pay and admittedly life-threatening working situations. Moreover, they’ve made choices which have prompted untold injury to the environments of creating nations.
I can envision a time within the close to future the place whistleblowers name out their bosses after they make morally abject choices that have an effect on the lives of staff abroad. They are going to leak emails of those who willfully prompted rainforests to be minimize down or rivers polluted.
We’re seeing the shoots of this now, however in the intervening time it’s the faceless companies who’re being singled out, and they’re able to counteract this by rising their public relations funds. In an age the place it’s straightforward to pay money for emails and name recordings, it’s not onerous to think about the subsequent step being an lively marketing campaign by the general public to carry the choice makers to account.
Now think about it’s 2030 and environmentalism, financial justice, and true social/gender/racial equality aren’t simply fringe concepts, however are the mainstream. Will your choices maintain as much as scrutiny, or will you be held to account by your colleagues, and finally most people? Will you be protected from #DecisionsHaveConsequences?
Negotiate to do what’s proper
The concept the whole lot is negotiable is a hangover from the ‘80s enterprise ethos of dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest. Nonetheless, the economic system just isn’t a zero-sum recreation, and getting one over in your companions/shoppers/prospects merely creates a internet loss for society. That is additionally a breeding floor for unsustainable progress, which has led to us pillaging our planet.
I strongly really feel that we will resolve most of the issues on the planet if we merely reframed how we approached a negotiation, eager about the human and societal implications of the agreements we attain, reasonably than simply the underside line.
When you should, consider your negotiations by way of a branding train with longevity. As a result of customers of the longer term will keep away from the manufacturers who operated sweatshops and drove their SME suppliers out of enterprise of their relentless pursuit of income.
Think about your choices on the entrance cowl of a newspaper
Within the fashionable age, ailing intent has few locations to cover. In only a few years, we’ve come from miniscule recording gear being the stuff of governments and spies to nearly each human on earth having a tiny private recording system that may immediately share content material throughout all the planet. Who is aware of what expertise shall be developed sooner or later? What we do know is that it’ll doubtless make it even tougher for the morally abject to cover.
The one answer to survival on this always-recording milieu is to behave with empathy to your stakeholders in each determination you make. How would they react in case your opinions or actions had been plastered throughout the homepage of the Huffington Publish?
Measure your organization by greater than profitability
We dwell in a capitalist society, so we declare forgiveness for specializing in the underside line with each determination we make. Nonetheless, I predict that historical past received’t look too kindly on the businesses that passively performed the sport of creating infinite income with out actively searching for to enhance the lives of their staff and prospects.
Some argue that we’re transferring right into a interval of post-capitalism, the place markets nonetheless drive the economic system, however clever machines are in a position to overlay human wellbeing as a major issue to make sure the damaging nature of unfettered free markets is reigned in. On this situation, it’s attainable to think about that we programme these machines to be optimised not only for revenue but in addition for the standard of lifetime of all stakeholders inside an organization – i.e. administrators, staff, companions, suppliers, shareholders and prospects, multi functional go.
The attention-grabbing factor about this concept is that you just don’t want to speculate closely into synthetic intelligence to future-proof your organisation for post-capitalism, you simply want to start out eager about how one can enhance the lives of each particular person your organization touches.
But it surely’s not all optimistic. A few of the largest firms on the planet are at present making huge fortunes by exploiting their staff. I predict that until they alter their methods, historical past received’t look kindly at Walmart, Sports activities Direct and Amazon, however conversely it can at Riverford, John Lewis and Google.
Be guided by your ethical compass
While we’re on the topic, one other factor historical past received’t look favourably on is the billionaires who hoarded wealth reasonably than reinvesting it, who facilitated the best hole in wealth distribution the planet has ever skilled.
I left the world of banking as a result of the system was damaged, it was designed to assist drive wealth to the highest and hold the remainder of us blinded to how inequitable it truly is.  My instinct screamed to me that this was morally bankrupt, although tradition at present nonetheless praises those that hoard wealth in a hole pursuit of non permanent reward.
I realised I may apply my information of economics and finance to assist areas which were exploited, reasonably than proceed to be a part of that exploitation. I additionally realised that taking a long run, sustainable method to the financial improvement of those resource-rich areas would assist facilitate better wealth technology for all, in a manner that works in concord with nature as an alternative of in opposition to it.
I co-founded Blueprints as a result of in my intestine I knew it was the correct factor to do, and that I didn’t must compromise on being rewarded financially for my efforts – certainly the extra profitable I’m, the extra profitable others turn into with me.
Equally, I’m very conscious that I couldn’t dwell with myself if I had been one of many eight individuals who held better wealth than greater than half the planet.
What’s your instinct telling you? Are you serving to to generate wealth symbiotically for your self and for these much less lucky, in a manner that’s harmonious with nature? Or are you purposely holding again others in a hole pursuit of wealth or standing, with little regard for what state you may depart the planet in for future generations?
I predict that historical past will choose those that are dishonest with themselves by a lot larger requirements than we at present really feel are acceptable.
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source https://webart-studio.com/how-to-make-sure-your-small-business-is-on-the-correct-aspect-of-historical-past-in-20-years/
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mediabout-blog · 6 years
What You Have to have To Know About Practical Medicine & Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
https://www.mediabout.com/?p=13746 What You Have to have To Know About Practical Medicine & Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome - You’ve acquired issues about organic treatments for IBS, and we have responses. We take care of a great deal of IBS situations in exercise in our Longmont and Denver, CO places of work. Normally, we see patients who have operate the gauntlet with continual GI agony, gasoline, bloating, constipation and diarrhea (or a blend of all of these), who have found each medical doctor and taken all the prescription prescription drugs they have been proposed, and however, they even now come to feel miserable and their indications have not subsided. Or, they get some short-term aid, only to locate new and (unpleasant) triggers resulting in more flare ups. We observe Practical Drugs. We take a unique solution to treating gut issues. Specially Irritable Bowel Syndrome, mainly because it impacts people today so in a different way, nonetheless it is really disease procedures are normally similar for most victims. In Purposeful Medication, we do not routinely presume IBS is solely a “intestine problem” simply because we know that IBS is normally the symptomatic result of a blend of troubles. One particular of the to start with factors we will recommend is blood function or other diagnostic screening (depending on your precise problem). Now, that may perhaps be satisfied with a bit of hesitation at 1st as you say to on your own, “well, I’ve experienced blood perform completed now and they told me there is absolutely nothing wrong! Every little thing checked out as ‘normal.'” Depending on the particular training of whom just is looking at and interpreting the success of these exams can indicate a globe of big difference amongst continued recurrences of IBS, and the aid you happen to be seeking. We say this since not all exams are made equally and viewing their outcomes by way of the lens of Useful Blood Chemistry (which makes use of a distinct established of reference ranges) can detect irrespective of whether the indicators you working experience are from an infection, strain, a foods sensitivity or a mix of quite a few components. Lots of guys and women with IBS experience from: SIBO (Modest Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) Parasites H. pylori Yeast overgrowth Food stuff sensitivities It is critical then to treat the root induce(s) of the IBS in get to handle the indicators. We generally like to deal with IBS as a metabolic ailment, mainly because all of the body’s methods will have to be introduced back again into harmony just before any serious, quantifiable, prolonged time period aid can commence. In addition to dealing with determinable IBS protagonists like people previously mentioned, a “standard” Functional Medicine IBS protocol should really also contain… A Metabolic cleanse intensely focusing on the Hepatic procedure. Clearing the liver, pancreas and gallbladder of sludge and contaminants allows help individuals organs in get for them to work most successfully. Not to mention, when these organs are fatigued, they can not distinct hormones as intended or assistance in digestion appropriately. Following we will appear at the patient’s diet plan. We will both have an thought of meals they have to have to forever avoid from the effects of their food sensitivity examination(s), or we will endorse an elimination food plan to locate offending objects. In our follow we strongly recommend food sensitivity screening by a lab known as Cyrex. They have several arrays and can take a look at for sensitivity to hundreds of foodstuff. In our opinion meals sensitivity screening is one of the most essential steps in any strong IBS remedy protocol. Many, quite a few sufferers arrive to us possessing no idea part of their difficulty was some thing as uncomplicated to stay away from or modify as a very widespread gluten sensitivity, or lactose intolerance, for illustration. Elimination weight loss plans can finish with comparable outcomes as sensitivity tests, but they usually are not nearly as exact, they are quite time consuming, and unless of course you are a nutrition pro there is normally the likelihood of encountering a food stuff you thought was heading to be harmless but truly turns out to contain an component that turns out to be anything at all but protected for you. Also, we want to make confident the affected individual has incredibly continuous command of their blood sugar. This will occur through dietary modification and perhaps all-pure supplementation (based on multiple well being elements). Holding continual, regulated blood sugar will lessen tension and mood swings (which is a big IBS perpetrator), it will also be certain your fat burning capacity stays on an even keel. This can help minimize tension on all the a variety of body units. When putting up a “battle” on one entrance, we require to make positive the other “fronts” are in a position to do their positions effectively. It is not simple on the body to have GI problems, immune challenges, hormonal dysregulation and slumber fluctuations at the identical time. Lots of of these issues can trigger one to feel poorly on their very own, insert them on top of IBS and you have a ideal storm building individuals unquestionably miserable. At the time we have cleaned out the liver and gallbladder, and steadied the blood sugar swings, we will move on to a Gut Cleanse and Restore. This will be performed with all-normal nutritional nutritional supplements and will be helped together by your modified eating plan. The maintenance part is really essential, as you can visualize. A lot of clients will not know they have imbalanced intestine flora (the “excellent” microbes that aid in digestion) or leaky gut (which can direct to additional concerns like autoimmune diseases). IBS individuals who have been historically dealt with for SIBO could have taken several classes of antibiotics which can also wipe out our “fantastic” bacteria. That is one particular concern with antibiotics, they are pretty indiscriminate with the bacteria they kill off. They can also be fewer effective against microbes encapsulated in what are referred to as biofilms. These lipid-primarily based films are the evolutionary security response of pathogens, the fittest of which survive, regardless of remedies offered to destroy them. We advocate a rigid protocol of supplementation that eradicates these biofilms creating other prescription drugs extra successful. Many individuals also never know that around 80% of their neurotransmitters (brain chemical substances) are made in their gut. A healthful intestine tends to make healthier concentrations of neurotransmitters (guess what an unhealthy gut would make?). Neurotransmitters are incredibly important to our mental and emotional very well remaining, as effectively as hormone regulation, sleep and immune reaction. Despite the fact that supporting neurotransmitters may perhaps not seem like aspect of a frequent IBS therapy, we know from years of dealing with this affliction that it assists ease stress and emotionally activated IBS. There are quite solid links involving the gut and the brain. We will also include in supplementation for swelling. We know “inflammation” is usually billed as a new-age bogeyman, but believe about more popular irritation (like a sprained ankle for instance). At very first, your physique does what will come normally, it swells and tries to stabilize an injuries, and it sends your immune method in to assistance preserve the day. But if your sprained ankle continued to remain swollen endlessly, you’d commence to question if you will find some thing wrong. The guts of people with IBS are usually infected prolonged-term and not only is that not helpful in therapeutic, it results in a damaging opinions loop with your a variety of units striving to maintain the “healing.” Last of all, we endorse a chiropractic technique for discomfort reduction recognized as Visceral Manipulation. This just isn’t something that all chiropractors are skilled in, or apply, but we do endorse discovering a practitioner of this system in your region if you are not close by. This therapy is an IBS patient’s Top secret Weapon and can genuinely enable in the reduction of distress. In summary, in our viewpoint (and practice) an effective normal IBS protocol should really consist of: Diagnostic screening and interpretation of effects using purposeful blood chemistry Systematically dealing with root triggers, no matter whether they be pathogenic, imbalances in gut flora, or a blend of numerous things Modifying the patient’s diet program and way of living Regulating the Rate of metabolism Only dependable, pharmaceutical quality nutritional supplementation and herbs Visceral Manipulation for soreness aid - MediAbout - https://www.mediabout.com/?p=13746
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7 Event Ideas to Try in Your Retail Store
https://120profit.com/?p=2228&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Never underestimate the power of communities, particularly in today’s retail landscape. In an age when shoppers can buy what they need with a click or tap of a button, brick-and-mortar retailers need to work extra hard to drive foot traffic and engage consumers. One of the best ways to do this is to cultivate human relationships through community-building and events. When implemented correctly, in-store events and activities give people a compelling reason to head to your store. And if you play your cards right, those visits could lead to higher brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, more sales. So, what kinds of events should you run? Like with most questions, the answer to that is it depends. A number of factors will come into play when deciding what type of event to set up and how to do it. These include: Shared interests – What are the common hobbies or activities that your customers like to engage in? What do they want to learn about? Identifying these things will help you figure out the theme and structure of your event. Location – Are your audiences centered in specific locales or are they spread out? If everyone lives in a particular area — say your store’s neighborhood — then it makes sense to hold it in your location. If not, then you can work on finding another venue or implementing a virtual event. Demographics – Which age groups do your customers fall into? What’s their profession, income, educational level, gender, etc? The answers to these questions will help you decide on the nature of your event. It also helps to get inspiration from retailers that are doing an excellent job with their events. Here are a few to get you started: 1. Hold a class Quench your customers’ thirst for knowledge by holding classes so they can pick up new knowledge and skills. It’s a great way to bring people together in your store, and depending on the class, you can even use it as an opportunity to showcase what your products can do. If you’re a winery, for example, you can hold wine tasting classes in your store. Running a craft store? Throw in some DIY classes in your events calendar. Sephora is a master at in-store classes. The cosmetics retailer regularly holds various makeup classes in many of its locations. Topics vary from makeup techniques to skincare, and more. The classes are extremely high-touch. The instructors and in-store associate handpick products based on each student’s skin type and needs, and everyone gets their own makeup station where they can apply products. There’s absolutely no pressure to purchase the products that you used in the class, so the atmosphere is really comfortable. Once the class is done, the associates distribute product samples and send people on their way. Sephora also has a great follow-up practice. A few days after the class they email you a note from your instructors, along with an invitation to purchase the products you used in the class. 2. Put together a runway show This even type works best for apparel and accessories. If you’re bringing in fresh merchandise or launching a new product line, why not hold a runway show to showcase your items? Bring in some models or better yet, ask your customers to participate. That’s what Justice, an apparel store for girls and tweens did last year. In honor of the back-to-school season in 2018, Justice ran fashion shows in several of its stores, giving girls the opportunity to strut their stuff while sporting their back-to-school looks. To kick off Back-to-School season, Justice held “We Are Justice” Fashion Shows at every Justice store nationwide. Check out our recap:https://t.co/1vop7xqZrj #AD #LiveJustice #WeAreJustice #BacktoSchool #JusticeRunway pic.twitter.com/QVyPwgUl3t — Reesa Lewandowski (@mommalewsblog) July 26, 2018 Running a similar event could work well for you, too. The next time you want to showcase your new or seasonal items, consider letting your customers model those outfits for your brand. 3. Celebrate a product launch with a sale and in-store services Another cool way to unveil a new product or partnership is to celebrate its launch — literally. Pop some champagne, decorate your store, and get in a festive mood. You can even hold a sale while you’re at it! Birchbox’s SoHo location did just that in January of 2018 when they launched VERB Haircare. They held free hairstyling sessions in-store, ran a promotion, and served drinks to guests. This is a great initiative if you’re looking to showcase new products that can’t really be modeled on the runway. If you’re selling these types of products, show them off through services and samples in-store. 4. Hold offsite events Retail events don’t always have to take place inside your store. If you have a lot of people attending or if you’re in the sports and outdoors niche, then it makes more sense to promote activities outside your location. Pace Athletic, an Aussie retailer specializing in running footwear and gear, does a great job at this. Pace created the “Pace Run Club,” where members go out together and participate in running events in different parts of Australia. In addition to strengthening their community, these events also fueled the growth of their business. “Pace Run Clubs are moving advertisements for our brand,” said Will Hatton, the co-owner of Pace Athletic. Will said that he and co-founder invested in professional photography during these events, and doing so improved their growth even more. The professional photos also gave Will and Stuart high-quality content for Facebook and Instagram, which increased social media engagement. “We find that folks tag themselves and reshare our photos a lot more after we started doing professional photography,” said Will. “As our social media numbers trended up, we also saw more folks joining our weekly runs which was great!” One of the best takeaways from Pace Athletic’s story is that community-centric activities and events can also help your marketing. So if you’re looking for ways to bring people together  — while putting your brand out there at the same time — running the right event could help you achieve that goal. 5. Set up a “pop-in” shop If you have a large store, then having temporary “pop-in” shops could spruce up your location. Think of them as pop-up events, but ones that take place inside your store. You could come up with a specific theme and create your pop-in shop (or “store within a store”) in your location. For best results, partner with another brand or vendor to make it happen. That was the case with swimwear brand Segara. Last year, Segara partnered with Cuyana, a California-based retailer that sells women’s essentials, to hold pop-in events in their location. See if you can do something similar. If you’re looking to spice things in your store, find a brand that aligns with your values, put together a pop-in event, and co-market it for maximum impact. 6. Invite an expert Educational events don’t always have to take the form of classes. Expert talks and commentaries can also do the trick. If you’re connected to experts or influencers in your niche, invite them to share their knowledge with your community. Travel and lifestyle brand Away implemented this recently when they brought in experts in their stores to talk about ancient divination practices. What about you? Who can you invite to speak to your community? Connect with them and invite them to your store. 7. Hold a meet-and-greet If you have relationships with the authors, artists, or designers behind your merchandise, try getting them into your location for a meet-and-greet. This works particularly when they’re launching a new product — i.e., book, fashion line, project etc. Get in though with that author or artist (or their publicist) and see if they’d be willing to come in. For example, when Liane Moriarty published her book, Nine Perfect Strangers, in 2018, she went on a book tour where she headed to various bookstores to talk about her new book and sign copies. You could also use meet-and-greets (or almost any event type, for that matter) as perks for your best customers. For example, when Saks Fifth Avenue ran its Saks IT List Townhouse for New York Fashion Week, they had a special meet-and-greet opportunity with Harper’s Bazaar editor in chief Glenda Bailey and fashion designer Jeremy Scott. The opportunity was extended exclusively to American Express platinum cardholders and SaksFirst card members, so it also serves as a way for Saks to reward its cardholders (and those of American Express). Further Reading Enjoyed this post? Check out our free ebook, Retail Survival of the Fittest. This book serves as your practical guide to modern-day retail success. You’ll learn: How to design in-store experiences that delight customers and keep them coming back. How to automate or streamline repetitive tasks so you can be more productive and focus on serving your customers and growing your business. How to increase repeat purchases through creative loyalty strategies, clever use of data, and modern-day rewards programs. Learn More Retail events are here to stay The practice of holding retail events isn’t a passing trend. Retail events have been around for a long time, and we’re willing to bet that they will outlast some of the hot tech trends we see today. That’s because people will always have a need for human connections, and the brands that can step up and fulfill that desire will thrive. About Francesca NicasioFrancesca Nicasio is Vend's Retail Expert and Content Strategist. She writes about trends, tips, and other cool things that enable retailers to increase sales, serve customers better, and be more awesome overall. She's also the author of Retail Survival of the Fittest, a free eBook to help retailers future-proof their stores. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Google+. 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=2228&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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gta5onlineblog-blog · 7 years
The GTA 5 Online
GTA four is without doubt one of the most anticipated video games from the GTA series. One of the causes for this are the good Teaser's put up by Rockstar Video games. Rockstar gta 5 Video games has finally released GTA four however which has come out not only as a game, but an enormous on the earth of leisure. But what is so particular about it?
Crucial and most important thing of the GTA world.
You can nearly do something. And this time Rockstar Games has added tones of recent things together with TELEVISION channels ...sure TELEVISION channels ...now players can access eighty totally different channels. And one other factor Websites too... one hundred sixty of them. In it the player may also use the mobile phone to entry text messages, arranging conferences and for the first time can name 911 for help or reporting one thing (Be good for once at least ?) However the factor that makes GTA 4 distinctive is that Rockstar Video games has included wealthy vivid details in all the pieces.
The second characteristic of this game is the Natural Motion's Euphoria engine. This is the first time it's being used in a Rockstar Sport too. This improves the civilian's Synthetic intelligence to a whole new level. And it turns the GTA world into a a lot actual world. And for the naughty ones on the market .... The civilians now do inform the police unusual actions and robberies etc...So this will increase the challenge for you too.
The third thing is the brand new real looking automotive system. Now the vehicles won't be accessible for the standard sit and drive technique. Now the avid gamers must scorching wire them instead...oohhh Tasty! The vehicles also have GPS techniques which can assist with navigation. The radio craze is back with 18 totally different stations offering a lot of genres to take heed to. And the racing freaks on the market ....can burn some rubber in three modes of racing in GTA four. Now the player can himself call a taxi to go some the place.
The subsequent characteristic ......hmmm....you might be pondering what concerning the preventing and stuff. So yes GTA four has developed an superior combating engine. Now you may blind fire, lock on and free purpose too. It additionally includes cool reduce scene killing at certain points. The combat system has been changed to a third person view now. In automobile taking pictures may also be obtainable too. For online customers this will be the grand feast. At one time as much as sixteen gamers can play online.
The video game entitled Grand Theft Auto 4 was developed by Rockstar North. The GTA IV, as it is also recognized by that title is an motion adventure game. This is the ninth one over a total of 9 collection of the Grand Theft Auto games. GTA San Andreas was the one which got here before GTA IV.
It's in the month of April of 2008 when the sport GTA IV was released with versions of Xbox and PlayStation 3. The game was released in America and Europe in that release date. Nonetheless, it was on October 30, 2008 when the game was also launched in Japan. On December 2, 2008, the game was ultimately launched in the Windows version.
Studying extra in regards to the game, it was in this fictitious Liberty city the Grand Theft Auto 4 recreation was set. The version of the city available in this recreation is different and utterly redesigned compared to the earlier video games. It was from the real life New York and different things that go on in the city where the town attracts its inspiration.
A conflict veteran Niko Bellic is the protagonist of the game. What we only find out about him is that he's from some nation in Jap Europe as a result of his country is not specified.
It is in the quest for the American Dream why this man comes to America. Within the city, nevertheless, he will get caught up in seedy dealings and affairs with the underworld. Every sort of vice that you can think of akin to corruption, murder, and many others. are discovered in the metropolis. He's unable to come out of when he gets pulled right into a internet of crimes and gangs.
Whereas enjoying this sport, you'll be able to endure a diverse variety of experiences akin to being a primary particular person shooter, a 3rd person shooter, and you'll journey your automotive and what not, the great part of the game. What I'm speaking about is familiar to those who have performed a few of the variations of Grand Theft Auto.
It is an "open-world" gameplay which allows the players an immense amount of hold over the playing expertise.
That is actually the gaming experience that can be attained by any participant of Grand Theft Auto 4. The game is also accessible online with a a number of participant mode. With your friends across the globe, you'll all certainly benefit from the sport for its mode has about fifteen sport types.
This can be a sport ever developed that broke all data of the gaming business main Grand Theft Auto 4 as a significant crucial success. Anyone can guess how huge a industrial success the sport is after it was sold about greater than four million on the first day of launch.
When landing in Canada in the Higher Toronto Area and its vicinity at Mississauga, Markham, Hamilton Burlington, or Brampton Airport, it is wise to make reservations for a taxi online before you land. Some people have a really dangerous expertise ready for a taxi and should sometimes await as a lot as two to 3 hours.
Executives conducting enterprise on the go will just like the fairly environment of a limo where they can make business phone calls, have meetings with business purchasers, or work on their laptops. You will get the Meet and Greet companies of a dependable airport limo and taxi service and make your Airport Transfers with ease between Mississauga, Markham, Hamilton Burlington, and Brampton Airport.
After a tiring flight it's good to treat your self good to a limo experience to your Toronto vacation spot. When you land and are available out of the flight arrival space, the screened chauffer will meet you and help you along with your luggage, so no more carrying heavy masses. Your booked taxi or limousine will be parked in a designated space while your aircraft lands. Child seats can be requested ahead of time to ensure your youngsters travel secure.
Whenever you want to buy one thing on the best way, your personal chauffer will drive you to the shop avoiding areas that have to be averted especially at sure instances of the day. These chauffeurs know the city properly and can help make your Toronto expertise a memorable one. You can find them informative and courteous, so get some sightseeing and shopping hints on the best way.
Passengers who don't book a taxi on-line have to line up with different passengers within the ready area to get a taxi. Reserving a taxi forward of time will guarantee the primary few hours of your Toronto experience are stress free and comfy. Instead of wasting time searching for a taxi you can be exploring the tourist factors of town which may be of interest to you.
The most important up to date is on the Grand Theft Auto V, set for launch next week. This is among the reasons why there's a a lot anticipated on-line heist, and other people logging into the site to see if it is already on the release. Many people have waited for this sport for the reason that firm unfold stared asserting it easier and many fanatics can not wait to get the copy.
What can gamers expect?
There are completely different each day targets that you should know, and this shall provide the players a sequence of different challenges. You've gotten the chance of completing the roles, or get the free street for the in game cash. These are the aims that you will want to do day by day. Eventually, in case you are successful you're going to get the reward. This may embrace the Rock star stacking challenges, and you may make greater than $500000 for the challenges.
The activities
The free roam is bolstered with a set of different actions, which include the only players video games characters. There are contact players, who will destruct the police in an effort to keep the legal colleagues secure. There are different new actions within the game and it consists of Lamar giving directions to gamers to get rid of automobiles, and other staff leaders asking help in destroying the planes which can be within the air.
Modes of the sport
There are three new modes of the game. The new PvP modes are very a lot impressed by the terminator 2, and you will note the striking resemblance. They embody
? Come out to play
? Siege mentality
? Hasta la vista
Come out and play mode
On this mode, there are three runners, who need to make it home but there's a staff of hunters on their tail. They should run, in an effort to get to their vacation spot, and keep away from the shotguns and motorbikes of the hunters. The runners even have entry to weapons to trample the bikers, and it's all about survival for the fittest
The siege mentality
On this mode, a group of about 4 players will stand on their floor, and they are outnumbered however not out gunned. They battle to survive many attacks, and they are in a location, which has a defense mode, within the GTA type setting. The attackers have a group of unlimited weapons, and the defenders have entry to use all manner of weapons accessible.
The Hasta La Vista mode
On this section, the prospect is on, and the Truckers are on the hunt for the Cyclists. The purpose of the bicycle owner is to succeed in the ultimate checking point without being run down, or crushed underneath the wheels of the pursing automobiles. The Truckers only use their automobiles to crash the cyclists, and the cyclists must concentrate on acceleration, and maneuverability to keep their bikes on the proper path.
Woow! Taking part in online automotive racing games is admittedly turning the gaming scene up a notch. Back within the day, with the correct old style computers, such as the commodore sixty four (now the age is exhibiting), to get multi-participant you had to kind of, have a cable guy join the computer systems collectively to have the ability to play in multi-participant mode. Like 2 gamers.
Take a look at what you can do now if you're taking part in online automobile racing games. You've obtained all kinds of choices: tuning your automobile, racing face to face or competing in all kinds of road races.
Road races that are actuallybased on maps as well.
... Not simply designed specifically for a racing game.
It is not even just your desktop LAPTOP you can play the games on.Gaming consoles just like the Xbox 360, permits you to go browsing through your console and race towards any participant, wherever in the world.
Wireless steering wheels are available as nicely for some consoles, so you possibly can sit and play on-line automotive racing video games, without the hassles of getting wires all snarled. Avoiding shedding your concentration and ending up dropping the game, once you used to have to type the wires out and end up going head on right into a wall. Off the cliff edges and all kinds of loopy stuff that make the awesomeness of racing games.
With various challenges, race choices and customization jobs, it's no marvel there's so could video games to choose from.
Not simply racing either.
There's all out action games, that you simply want to be able to drive fast in case you are to evade being captured by the regulation on your racing antics. Video games like GTA, the place you may up to all kinds of mischief, nick a automobile and outrun the regulation.
Then there's automobile capturing games, where you need to maintain your pace whereas trying to take out your opponent.
That's nice if you're playing the part of a cop chasing the fugitives. Doing whatever you want to hunt them down, while attempting to blow out their tyres and produce them to a stop.
For the brand new period of gaming, the Xbox 360 appears to have hit the nail on the top with the choice of logging on.
Automotive racing video games are glorious when you're racing in actual time and it is amazing to suppose that you would be able to bounce on the web anytime you need and have the ability to race an actual opponent as an alternative of a programmed computer.
In fact, there is not any need to be saying in regards to the difference between the web automobile racing games expertise you get, while you play through a contemporary games console, compared with some of the free on-line automobile racing video games you'll find across the net.
Some of them are just a sheer waste of time and embarrassment to the developers. The graphics are sub-par, the customization is non-existent and there's very little you are able to do to make the race your personal.
It is all about enjoying the interplay of the modern gaming, with enhanced graphics, customized engine tuning, real time reporting of injury standing and naturally, some video games like "Need for Velocity", lets you run your races, collect the points based mostly in your driving ability and add all kinds of enhancements to your automotive.
Letting you add on super energy boosters that will amp as a lot speed as doable, guaranteeing that once you take that automotive out the storage for the subsequent race, you may kick your opponents to the curb with an superior avenue car and work your way up the profession modes some games have and be crowned the quickest driver on the web.
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eificopper · 8 years
Autotag #8- Small character files
Saw this one rolling around, fun fun owo
·  Full Name: Shira Hanaki ·  Gender and Sexuality: Female | Bisexual ·  Pronouns: She/Her ·  Ethnicity and Species: Skiddo/Meercle Sapimon ·  Birthplace and Birthdate: Hiyoku/Coumarine city, Kalos - April 13th (Aries) ·  Guilty Pleasures: Drinking lmao. Reading all kinds of nsfw shit. Climbing roofs. Resting her head on someone’s lap. ·  Phobias: Has a mild Hemophobia, by extension syringes, razors and certain medical things all make her pretty uneasy. ·  What They Would Be Famous For: Probably being Xerneas’ vessel honestly. Or maybe she had a success somewhere as conlanger or you know with her academia. ·  What They Would Get Arrested For: Doing illegal shit with SO for sure. ·  OC You Ship Them With: Techny <3//hit also Kuro too. ·  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: That is a good question really. I don’t think anyone would want to? ·  Talents and/or Powers: Her horns allow her to read and even feel the emotions of those who touch them as its normal in her species. However a certain special factor takes this further and heightens her powers so that it works with anyone in a short radius around her, or if they’re in the same closed space. Strong kicks thanks to her ungulate legs. Electric type and moves inherited from her father. Type-changing to a lesser extent thanks to Camouflage. ·  Why Someone Might Love Them: Hardworking, smart and ready to help. She’s also fiercely and jealously loyal.  ·  Why Someone Might Hate Them: She can be arrogant, condescending and takes everything personally which makes for difficult relationships. She also bottles her feelings and has a massive guilt complex. Good luck. ·  How They Change: Shira just grew up and matured a lot during her time at SO not only mentally but emotionally and morally as well, slowly changing her way of life and her way of viewing life, though she still retains that spark of superiority and her strong and emotional nature. ·  Why You Love Them: As my most direct self-insert and representative avatar there are many things I hate and love from her, but mostly I love how she truly reflects who I am and how I’ve build her over the years, even with all her flaws and mistakes she’s very personal and dear to me.
 ·  Full Name: Eifi Akihara ·  Gender and Sexuality: Female | Heterosexual ·  Pronouns: She/Her ·  Ethnicity and Species: Espeon/Eifie Sapimon ·  Birthplace and Birthdate: Minamo/Lilycove city, Hoenn - April 19th (Aries) ·  Guilty Pleasures: Eating things raw or doing “weird” food mixes. Drinking (rarely) ·  Phobias: Has Hemophobia as well, razors and certain medical things make her pretty nervous. ·  What They Would Be Famous For: Being one of Hoenn National Academy’s soloist dancers and most likely winning some competition. ·  What They Would Get Arrested For: Honestly probs starting a fight. ·  OC You Ship Them With: //fingershots at Kuro <3 ·  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: In another life that would be Shira ??? ·  Talents and/or Powers: The amazing talent to be a graceful dancer in stage and a ditzy klutz out of it. Flexible and good balance. Some weak psychic powers. Premotions from time to time, usually occurring in dreams. ·  Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s an absolute little ray of sunshine: sweet, kind, emotional, naïve, polite, cheerful and friendly. 100% Cinnamon roll. ·  Why Someone Might Hate Them: She gets upset so easily oh my god. Also she can be insensitive and rude at times but actually doesn’t mean it. Alsooooo she can be... violent at times (though she isn’t strong so you’re probably good…?) ·  How They Change: As she grows in the world of arts and dancing and ballet she learns to be less impulsive and bite her tongue on certain occasions but also readily takes the initiative in things. She also learns the importance (and true meaning of?) happiness and success apart from, you know, dancing. ·  Why You Love Them: Eifi represents my hopes and dreams and my younger self so obviously I have a soft spot for her. Eifi is just that cute adorable thing I wanna protect and preserve and be happy but also she’s not just a token female character sooo…
 ·  Full Name: Kurogaki Tensho “Kuro” ·  Gender and Sexuality: Male | Heterosexual (Demi) ·  Pronouns: He/Him ·  Ethnicity and Species: Luxray/Rentorar Ketal ·  Birthplace and Birthdate: Kinsetsu/Mauville city, Hoenn -  July 25th (Leo) Kuro’s real birthday is actually unknown, the date is an estimated by the safari zone and the one that appears in all his legal documents though. ·  Guilty Pleasures: Smoking (rarely, Eifi would usually smack him unless she’s drinking, then she can’t say shit and they agreed they’re even) ·  Phobias: Flying or really really tall heights ·  What They Would Be Famous For: Infamous actually for all the blackouts he causes/caused… poor dude. ·  What They Would Get Arrested For: Stealing. Disturbing the peace (?). Being part of SO and doing illegal stuff. ·  OC You Ship Them With: Both Eifi and Shira but mostly the former yes (OT3, now//hit) ·  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: When younger I guess some people did want him dead for the troubles he unintentionally caused. Also during his time as a rabid the world out there was survival of the fittest so he was prey a few times. No one in specific though. ·  Talents and/or Powers: Accidentally causes blackouts thanks to his amazingly strong Volt Absorb going out of control from time to time. His eyes can see trough solid objects and his electrified claws are very useful either as an offensive or for support in certain situations. ·  Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s mild natured and pretty cute once you get to know him. Strong, protective, loyal and always there at the right moment, he also has the patience of a saint. ·  Why Someone Might Hate Them: Kuro is a feline personified, if you bother him too much he’ll get annoyed and isolate but if you ignore him he’ll get needy and seek attention ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also he’s pretty… forgetful, and dazedly distracted from time to time. ·  How They Change: Boy Kuro does a flip. From feeling judged and abandoned by the whole world and going the rabid route, he gained hope on people and even society again thanks to one little girl as his first real friend. Later joined an organization dedicated to help others even if from the shadows, and even after that got engaged and started studying and working. ·  Why You Love Them: Honestly Kuro is such a cutie, from his original concept idea he’s really grown onto me <3 the fact that he’s pretty much designed to be a love interest to my character may bias me a lot hehe
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