#sorry if this is a little ooc but I felt like hurting our favorite boy again
clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Just had a no good very stinky bad thot. So I’m sure everyone here has seen the trope where a prank goes wrong and someone ends up locked in a closet and having a panic attack for one reason or another.
But imagine, it’s just under a year into the war and Rex is still getting a handle on being a respected captain. Then torrent decides to play what seems like a harmless little joke on the captain to try and get him to lighten up. Little do they know that Rex was bullied and abused by other cadets and trainers as a kid, and as punishment they would lock him in small dark spaces and embarrass him in front of everyone. So obviously when torrent all teams up on him, push him into a supply closet and lock him in while everyone laughs it’s all too similar to the past. Their trick triggers him and instead of being able to hack the door open Rex spirals into a panic attack. He starts to think that everyone was faking being friends with him just to get close to him and hurt him and nothing’s actually changed since he was a cadet and no one will ever actually like or respect him. He’s there for hours until torrent is like hmm it’s been a long time since we saw the captain, you think his soar about the whole thing? And there like nah, everyone gets the closet treatment eventually he would be soar about it. Then it’s the middle of the night and Rex still hasn’t shown up and he could be working late but he’s not answering his com and his helmet is still in the barracks and he never goes anywhere without it so there going to look for him just in case and after a couple hours of looking for him and finding nothing now there really worried and their practically ripping the place apart trying to find him and the last place the look for him is the last place they saw him but low and behold there he is, still in the closet, exhausted, hurt, crying, fists bloody from beating on the door and cutting himself on the doors mechanism’s trying to escape for hours and still caught up in a panic attack. Said attach only gets worse when they find him because now Rex thinks they’ve come to hurt him more and after seeing him like this no one will ever respect him as a captain again. But no that’s not the case and soon enough Kix is pushing himself to the front of the group to comfort Rex while cursing their stupidity. They bring Rex back to the barracks to clean him up and get a cuddle pile going with him at the center and soon enough Rex is spilling the beans about what happened to him as a cadet. Que torrent being supportive but also big time pissed about it and being mad protective of Rex for the longest time.
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Friends - SwaggerSouls x Reader
This might be a little OOC but eh
"Stand by your man And show the world you love him Keep giving all the love you can Stand by your man"
You groaned as you turned off the music softly playing from your laptop speakers. It seems like all life had done lately was remind you of the sad reality that is unrequitedly loving your best friend.
Swagger and you had first met after matching on Tinder, a desperate need for a release for both of you after another Valentines Day spent alone. But you'd hit it off better than you thought but just as friends, much to your chagrin.
Friends to lovers may have been one of your favorite tropes but boy did it not happen in real life. Years later and here you were still pining away while he fell in love with another girl. But you wouldn't ruin it for him. It's not like you were secretive about your feelings at the beginning, but you chose to ignore them the same way he did, because you were 'his best friend' and he 'didn't know what he'd do without you'. So you'd always been that supportive friend, and it helped to see that he was happy with her.
Until he wasn't.
"We broke up." Swagger said, once you opened the door, after banging enough to distract you from the project you'd been working on.
His words threw you into a stupor, not knowing how to respond.
You shook yourself awake, your friendly duties taking over.
"I'm so sorry, Swagger. Are you okay?"
"I - yeah I guess, I just - I don't know what happened, I thought everything was okay and then she just out of nowhere-" his story began to fall onto half deaf ears as you wrapped your arms around him, hoping to stop the tears beginning to form in his eyes. On one hand he was your best friend and you felt terrible for him, the fact that he was hurting. He really loved her, he'd even told you he was thinking about proposing, unknowingly shattering your heart into even smaller pieces. On the other hand, and this made you sick to your stomach, part of you was - happy and hopeful. While sober you had never brought up your feelings once he'd started dating her, drunk you wasn't so scared. Maybe he was just being nice because you were actually fucked, but he'd said maybe if things were different and they weren't together-
You rubbed his back as he hugged you, pushing all those thoughts to the back of your mind and focusing on him.
"Swagger, you are so amazing, and smart, and funny...and you care so much about your friends. Any girl would be so lucky to have you."
"You're just saying that."
"Swagger. I don't think you understand how easy you can turn my bad day around. You don't understand how if anything happened to our relationship I wouldn't know what do with myself. You're such a big part of my life and forever will be." You spoke honestly, even if you didn't have feelings for him, every word ringing with truth.
"Everything you said- that's how I feel about her."
And there it was. In that sentence every shred of hope left you, the conclusions that you'd never be the one for him.
You gave him a small smile and hugged him again before giving him the remote and asking what he wanted for dinner, playing it up that you were going to spend the night relaxing and not thinking about it anymore that night.
After he went home the next morning you made a promise to yourself to try and move on from Swagger. It wasn't fair to keep hurting yourself by loving someone who didn't love you back the same way, and to do that you had to distance yourself.
You stopped being the first to send a text to start the conversation. And then moved to shorter answers. It wasn't enough for you to come off as rude, and you thought you did a pretty good job of being subtle about it.
"Are you okay?"
The message stared up at you, making you wonder if you hadn't been as slick as you thought.
"What do you mean?"
"You've been quiet lately. Did I do something wrong?"
"I'm fine"
"No, I know you better than that. What's wrong?"
"It's nothing, Swagger."
Your phone rang.
"Answer" you received after pressing the ignore button. You didn't think you'd be able to hide it well if you talked to Swagger, not that he thought something was up.
"Swagger, I'm fine."
"Dammit, I'm worried about you. Tell me what's wrong."
Swagger knew how to push your buttons and one of them was being told what to do when you didn't want to.
"Leave it, Swagger."
"Tell me."
"I'm tired of this, okay? I'm tired of pretending like I'm not in love with you! Like I haven't been since we first met. And I'm tired of my feelings not being returned. Do you know how bad it'd always hurt when you talked about how you felt about her? Oh God, when you said you were going to propose I thought I'd start crying right there. And I don't know if i can do this anymore, Swagger."
You pressed send and immediately turned your phone volume down, tossing it to the side as you pulled your pillow close, burying your head as you let loud sobs rip through you.
It hurt so much once you'd put everything out there. Now there was no feigning ignorance, he knew how you felt and would have to let you down gently.
Hours passed since you'd sent your possibly final message to Swagger, made clear by the moonlight shining through your window. You must have cried yourself to sleep.
Sitting up you rubbed the sleep and dried tears from your face, seeing your phone laying on the bed next to you. Terrifying curiosity getting the better of you, you flipped it over and turned on the screen.
17 Missed Calls 49 New Messages
A knock startled you, and when you opened the door the last person you wanted to see stared back at you.
"You don't want to love me."
Your response came also in a whisper.
"Yes I do."
Swagger stepped inside and shut the door behind him.
"You deserve someone so much better than me."
"There's no one better."
He stepped closer again, this time a hand came up to stroke your cheek with the back of his knuckles.
"Say it again."
"I love you."
Swaggers lips pressed against yours almost before you could finish the words, and it was everything you'd wanted it to be. The first time you'd kissed had been rushed, and uncaring. This one was full of passion and feeling and - love. Swagger loved you. And you loved him. You knew that this wasn't going to be as easy as immediately dating, but for now this would be enough for you.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, slightest fluff, cursing, physical harm mentions, lowkey little yandere obsessive hints, smut, 18+, daddy kink, sad boi Bakugou    :(
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Summary: Bakugou’s been going through hell ever since the breakup. He’s been so lost without you. But he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win back his Teddy bear. Everything and anything for the love of his life.
*Everyone is of age for legal consent (which is 16 in Japan, if you are uncomfortable with it please move along, thx<3)*
A/N: Bakugou is a little OOC but the main thing in the beginning starts with fixing up Katsuki a little bit. So sorry if you don’t really enjoy it all that much<3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Melancholy music bounces off the walls of the dark room. The river of tears that flow down his once perfect porcelain skin is everlasting. As he lays in the soft bed, staring at the ceiling, he thinks about all he could’ve done better for you. In his hand, the same framed picture of you both that he’s held onto every night ever since the horrible incident. Y/N L/N. Like a song that’s stuck on loop. It’s the only thing that runs through his mind.
The door swiftly opens, and much to his disliking, a massive amount of light now enters the former den of manliness pit of depression.
To show his displeasure, Bakugou rolled himself in the blankets, covering his entire body in them and being the picture inside with him as well. With different circumstances, Y/N would’ve thought it was cute or adorable, but it wasn’t Y/N that opened the door.
“Really Bakubro?” The blonde’s best friend spoke.
Eijirou Kirishima. The best friend of our dearest sad boy. He’s been letting his Bakubro crash in his dorm room because Katsuki refuses to clean his own. It looks exactly the same as it did on Valentine’s Day. Just a little different.
Rose petals were dead and dried up on his floors, candles were nearly melted to the bottom as they lay everywhere in the room, the curry was thankfully thrown out by Kirishima claiming that he could smell the spoiled aroma all the way from his room. But the presents, letter, and new gear stayed in the exact same spots. Bakugou didn’t feel worthy enough to be blessed with all the stuff but he was oh so desperate to be worthy. Worthy of your time, your love, and you in general.
Bakugou let out a grumbled whine of displeasure. He could feel the disappointment and concern radiating off his friend. As Katsuki poked just his face out of the covers, he was met with the expression that represented those two things.
“You can’t keep living like this bro,” Kirishima began, “You can’t keep hallowing in sadness in my room. I wanna help you, but you gotta help yourself too. Ever since you and Y/N split-“ Bakugou quickly interrupted.
“We didn’t split, she left me!” The blonde cried.
“...Right, okay. Well ever since Y/N left you, you’re not the same. You stay in here, playing the same damn sad tunes, covering yourself in my blankets, crying all day, and holding onto that picture! You haven’t even been to class or training! Shit man, you don’t even come out of my room to eat food! I gotta bring your plate here just to make sure that you’re properly fed. You’re a mess Bakugou. And not even the hot kind!” His best friend was right. He was a mess. And not even the hot kind.
“Well what the hell am I supposed to do shitty hair?” Bakugou said while dragging the covers over his face once more. Inside the blanket he held onto the picture as if it were actually you.
The fake red head snatched the covers off of his friend’s body and forced him up.
The said friend didn’t take too kindly to that and growled in displeasure.
“What the fuck Kirishima,” Bakugou said, a little to calm and chilling.
“Dont give me that bull Katsuki. You gotta get her back. I would say move on, but it’s clear you can’t.” Kirishima said while rolling his eyes.
Bakugou mirrored the action and said “yea no shit genius. I can’t and won’t move on.”
“So then go get her man!” Kirishima yelled
“And how the fuck am I supposed to do that? Huh?!” Bakugou was so confused. In what way was it going to be possible to win you back?
“Figure it out! Look Bakugou, I’ll be here to help you along the way, but you gotta figure this shit out on your own. This is your relationship here, if you want it as bad as you claim you do then prove it. You want Y/N back? Then fight for her, idiot!” The blonde’s eyes seemed to go wide.
Two words stuck out to Katsuki during his friend’s little speech. Prove it. Fuck yeah he will! He’ll prove to the whole damn universe how much he wants you back. More importantly, he’ll prove it to you and win you back.
The iconic Bakugou smirk reappeared on Katsuki’s face. Kirishima took it as a good sign. “Alright shitty hair, you want me to prove how badly I want Y/N back. FINE!” The two friends pulled the iconic bro hug to seal the deal.
(You know? That shit that guys do where they high five and pull each other in with that one hand for the quickest hug and pat each other on the back? You know what I’m talking about.)
“Welcome back Katsuki.” Kirishima gladly stated. “Now get the fuck out of my room man, I’m sick of sleeping on the common room couches and you reek. Take a shower. And get your own clothes from your own room.”
As Kirishima pushed him out into the hallway and shut the door, it hit Bakugou like a bus. This would be Katsuki’s first challenge. Going back into the room filled with the torn love.
As Katsuki opened the door holding onto the picture, he felt his heart sink. He saw the damage. Melted candles, dried petals, the gifts and letter. Even the nasty smell of the spoiled curry still remained. As Katsuki gathered the courage to walk in and place the picture on the messy nightstand, it’s like the room was holding onto some sad emotions. Heartache and regret filled Katsuki’s chest. He couldn’t believe how fast it happened. He thought he would at least have a minute or two before he felt the pain again. Man, did it hurt like hell.
Katsuki dashed to his closet grabbing the first things he saw. He grabbed his shower container that held all his soaps and cleaning utensils and ran out the room, shutting the door. Once out, he let out a breath of relief.
“...after I clean myself up, the room’s next.” Katsuki said with determination as he walked towards the boy’s community showers and bath house.
When the hot water hit his skin, he felt a sense of calm. It wasn’t the same as the warmth of Kirishima’s blankets. It was better. The water and hot steam completely engulfed him in relaxation. The water washed away not only the dirt and grime, but also some of the tense feelings. For a moment, he felt at ease.
As Katsuki walked out the bathing area now fully clothed and dried, he made his way back to his room. He stood there, staring at the knob until he felt he was ready. Once he opened the door, the emotions hit him once again. Like a wave of sadness washed over his entire body. Finally, he stepped in.
First things first. Open up these windows. Let out that disgusting air filled with spoiled curry and sad emotions. When Katsuki took a breath a fresh air, he felt so alive. Much better than he has in days.
Now, we gotta move stuff. Katsuki picked up his dirty laundry and put it in his closet to wash later. He moved all his presents up off the floor and onto the bed. He swepted all the dead petals and toss them in his trash can. He threw out all the ruined candles and sprayed the room with air fresheners. He fixed up his bed and placed the picture frame back on his now cleaned nightstand. Next to it, a lit candle that smelled of caramel.
Katsuki took a seat at his desk. He was back to thinking about Y/N and all that he could do to win her back. As he checked his clock, he realized just how late it was. Kirishima came back to him at the end of class and training which was around 6. He spent an hour talking to Katsuki, and then Katsuki spent 4 hours cleaning himself and his room. It was 11:00 now. Way past his usual bed time. He’ll figure things out in the morning.
Katsuki smiled to himself as he layed in his own bed. He was finally on the right track again and one step closer to getting his teddy bear back. He turned to the picture frame, and grabbed onto it, hugging it while he slept. Katsuki was getting better but he wasn’t whole again. He needed Y/N to help him sleep alright, so holding the picture at night will have to do. He couldn’t wait till he woke up in the morning. Tomorrow he had school, he’ll get to see Y/N’s beautiful face for the first time in awhile, but before that, you bet your ass he’s waking up extra early to come up with a plan.
The next morning
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *click!*
The blonde smacked his alarm button before he rose up and stretched his body. Today was the day. He’s gets to see Y/N again. Bakugou just sits in place staring at nothing. Just taking 2 minutes to regain full consciousness. Once he’s set, he’s up and getting ready. It’s 4 in the morning now, so he begins to strategize.
Katsuki is pulling out easels and white boards. Pulling out notebooks and writing down facts. What Y/N is interested in, her favorite hobbies and foods, where she likes to spend her time, what she could need help with that Bakugou could assist her with. He’s also writing down the highlights of their relationship and what she seemed to enjoy best about him. He’ll be keeping that as a reference for when he needs to reassess on how he should treat her better. He will do better this time. That’s a promise to himself and you.
After half an hour of slightly struggling, he reaches out for help. Now at 4:30 a.m, here was the blonde knocking at his best friend’s door.
Rock music is blasting, sweat is flying everywhere and punches are being thrown at a hero. Not just any hero, Crimson Riot! As Kirishima continues to spar with his idol, he’s interrupted by a banging sound.
“The hell?” The younger red head says. Soon his idol began to fade away.
“Crimson Riot! Hey are you okay sir?!” But it was too late, the man was gone. Now the whole room was waving around. Did Kirishima accidentally mistake his giant jug of water for vodka or something? Soon he was left in nothing but a black abyss. And then....he fell!
“Shitty hair.....Ei....KIRISHIMA!”
“AH!” The red head screamed as he shot up from the bed, head-butting his best friend right then and there. Great, a perfect dream. Ruined.
“Ah, shit!” Bakugou said in pain as he held his now throbbing forehead. “What the fuck?”
“That’s my line Bakugou,” the red head sighed, “Did you break into my room? Jeez man, what the fuck? What are you doing here at.....4:38 a.m?!?!? DUDE!”
“I know, my bad okay? But..I could use some help.” Bakugou whispered the last part so Kirishima had no idea what this man just said.
“What bro?” Kirishima asked.
“I said....I could use some help.” The blonde repeated.
“C’mon man, you’re gonna have to speak u-“
“I need your help, alright?!” Bakugou finally said. Kirishima sighed. His bro really couldn’t wait until later?
“Bakugou, you know I’m always down to help you out but this is too early man. Can we just-“ the blonde quickly added on to what he was previously saying.
Kirishima’s eyes shot open after he closed them to drift off back to sleep. Did the Katsuki Bakugou just ask for help by saying please? This must be extremely important.
“......alright. You got me, I’m up. But if I’m gonna be up at 4 in the morning, others are gonna be helping us too.” Kirishima bargained.
“But-“ Kirishima cut him off
“But nothing. Besides, I’m drowsy in the morning so I wouldn’t really focus all that well. And we’re just going to the people we can trust.” The red head explained.
“Fine.” The blonde gave in. So there they went, gathering the other members of the Bakusquad (minus Y/N) to help Bakugou win back his girl.
As the 4 sleepy heads sat down on Bakugou’s floor infront of the whiteboard he wrote on, The blonde began to explain some of his plans.
“So I was thinking of treating her real nice all day until she takes me back and we become friends again, eventually leading to our relationship, but then I realized she’d be into a fake me and we all know I can’t pull the nice guy act forever. Then I thought I’d spoil her with all of the things she desires, but money can’t buy you love. So I thought I could-“ Katsuki quickly noticed the long period of silence other than his voice.
There, were his 4 friends sleeping in a dog pile in the middle of his dorm room floor, completely ignoring everything he’s been saying.
Bakugou sighed and grabbed a small “heroes weekly” issue sitting on his desk, rolled it up, and wacked his friends in their heads.
“You idiots...WAKE THE FUCK UP!” Ahh, welcome back Gremlin Bakugou.
As his friends came back from the dead, they all complained.
“Aww c’mon Bakugou. We’ve been at this for an hour already, it’s 5:40.” Sero said while yawning.
“I don’t care. You idiots offered to help so here you are.” Bakugou said while turning to face the board again.
“We didn’t offer shit!” The bakusquad simultaneously replied.
Mina let out a groan while rubbing her eyes open, “Look Bakugou. We really want you and Y/N to be happy together, we really do, but maybe it’s for the best if you guys don-“ Mina was cut off by Denki slapping his hand over her mouth.
As she looked at her electric friend, she saw a nervous expression on his face. She followed his gaze and saw the back of an angry and almost insane looking and shaking Bakugou.
Hearing Mina say that he should let Y/N go triggered something in his brain. But hearing her say they wanted the couple back together enlightened him too. His mind got the two mixed up.
‘Everyone wants us back together. Not just me. So...then we are back together. Yeah. Y/N is still mine’ the now insane blonde thought to himself.
“....Ok well, time to go, get some sleep, see you idiots in the morning!” Bakugou said while pushing the group out of his room. Once they made it over the threshold, he slammed the door.
With an insane plan in mind, Bakugou checked the time and saw he could take at least a good hour long nap before he had to get ready to leave for school. And that’s exactly what he did. So he jumped into the covers, grabbing onto the picture and drifted off into sleep.
*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *click!*
Bakugou’s alarm rang once more, and again, he slammed it shut. He stretched, got up outta bed and changed into his uniform. That power nap really well rested him, but it also must’ve fucked up his brain even more.
‘And now it’s time to go see my beautiful girlfriend,’ he thought to himself.
After Mina’s comments last night, it hit Bakugou with a great realization. Everyone wanted him and Y/N back together. Not just him. So why not give everybody what they want? Sure maybe Y/N might not completely want it but she’ll learn how to love Bakugou again. Everyone’s happy. And so, Bakugou was convinced that him and Y/N were back together.
At breakfast, Bakugou ran down to already see the Squad up and eating.
“Why the hell do you losers look like death?” He asked while grabbing a cup for his orange juice.
“Well we were all trying to sleep, but after what happened this morning, we couldn’t.” Mina explained.
“What happened this morning? There was nothing big except you guys helping me out.” Kirishima really couldn’t believe it. Had his dear friend not even notice his weird ass trigger moment earlier?
“Alright whatever. Anyway, wheres Y/N?” Bakugou asked after he finished his cup.
“Oh, she just left. She had an early breakfast and went for a quick walk.” Mina said.
“You planning on talking to her today Kacchan?” Denki questioned him.
“You damn Spark Plug, of course I’m gonna talk to my girlfriend today. Fucking idiot.” He said as he grabbed his bag and walked out the kitchen.
“.........Huh?” The entire squad was left in confusion.
‘Had they gotten back together this morning? Did she really accept him back that fast? What the fuck is going on?’ They all thought.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?” Kaminari cried out as he pulled at and scruffled his hair in confusion.
Ah Denki. Always saying what everyone is thinking but the only one ballsy enough to idiotically say it aloud.
As she walked to class, Y/N hummed a little song to herself. She enjoyed her walk as it helped clear her mind from all the recent events. Her breakup with Bakugou really took a toll on her. They were together for almost 2 years (EVER SINCE JUNIOR HIGH) so of course the split hit her hard. He accused her of cheating and burned her. So much for trust, right? Not only that, but the burn left a tiny scar. Usually, due to you having a regeneration ability as part of your quirk, Phoenix, the scar should’ve healed up. Maybe the emotional damage caused it to permanently mark itself in you. Oh well, whats done is done. And now it’s time for class.
When you walked though the door, you were expecting a normal day. Ever since the split, you usually got their a lot earlier before anyone else so you could sit, do a little reading, sketch out a little drawing, or just rest your eyes until the bell rang. Except this time, when you opened the door, someone jumped on you for a hug.
“Babe! There you are you little dumbass. Jeez, I was looking for you everywhere.” Bakugou said as he let go of the hug. “I’ve missed you, haven’t seen you in a few days.”
“Uhm, you said babe??” You spoke with a confused and shocked voice.
“Yeah, I called you babe? So what? We always call each other that. You are my girlfriend after all.” He said so casually as he walked to his seat.
“Uh, Bakugou-“
“Katsuki.” He deadpanned.
“Bakugou, we broke up.” You stated while walking up to him.
“Mm...no we didn’t.” He once again so casually said.
“Wha- I- we- you-....HUH?!” You stuttered out.
“L/N!” You corrected.
“Y/N. We didn’t break up you dummy, we only had a little set back and that’s fine. All couples do. But thankfully you forgave me and we’ve moved past it,” he began as he pulled you into his lap, “besides, everyone wants us back together including us so why not make it easier for everyone.”
You began stuttering out none sense right there on his lap. You were in such shock and utter disbelief that he said all that bullshit. Well maybe he was right about one thing. Everyone did want you guys back together, including you both, but that’s besides the point! Y’all broke up! He needs to accept it.
“Baku- no- I- we-“ and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
And for some reason, you didn’t push him away. Granted you didn’t accept it either, but you slowly melted into it. The kiss was passionate and slow. It wasn’t sloppy, it was very controlled, but it was just a lotta lip and tongue. The whole thing sent butterflies to your heart and stomach. Oh how you missed moments like these with Katsuki.
He readjusted you on his lap so that you were now straddling him. His hands travelled down to your ass as he gave it a nice squeeze, one that made you moan into the kiss. Your arms went straight to his neck to pull him in for more and he took it as an invitation to start. The kiss began to get a little rougher. More tongue and teeth, both of you extremely desperate for the touch from one another. With your cunt pressed onto his crotch, he slowly thrusted up into you as you grinded down slowly on him. You both started breathing heavier and letting out little whimpers of ecstasy. He could probably feel your now soaked panties. One hand left your ass and came around to the front. He pressed on your soaked pussy through your damp underwear and it caused shutters to go through your entire body.
You began pressing down into his hand, desperate for more friction and Bakugou noticed. He moved your panties to the side and slipped in one finger. This was rewarded with a louder moan that caused Katsuki to smile into the kiss. He knew you and your body so well. He was determined to treat you right and get you to fall for him one more time. As his finger felt around your velvet walls, he slipped in another one, receiving an even louder cry of pleasure. You broke off from the kiss to throw your head back. Katsuki saw this as an opportunity to attack your neck. To mark you up and let everyone know you still belonged to him.
“K-Katsuki. Don’t...don’t stop,” you panted.
“I won’t princess, I’ll take care of you.” He smiled.
Without warning, he shoved in 2 more fingers. You were so loud and Bakugou was so proud. You were gonna let everyone know what’s happening and he was excited.
He lifted his head to whisper into your ear as you continued to moan and sigh.
“Well aren’t you just a little slut. You want everyone to know how well daddy takes care of you? You want them to hear you scream in pleasure?” His words went straight to your cunt that was now welcoming in his 5th and final finger. Completely fisting you now, you let out loud cries.
“S-uki, .....ah, AH YES! Mm, s’too much!” You cried out. You couldn’t help it, you loved him. You knew you did. Even though what he did was wrong, your body took over and your mind turned off. You fully succumbed to his wishes.
You let your feet hit the ground to stand yourself up a little bit and fall down onto his fist, meeting the thrust of his hand moving in and out of you. Watching the show, Katsuki couldn’t help but stare in delight. His hard on growing bigger and bigger each second as he bit his lip to hold back his sounds. Watching you bounce on just his fist did something to him and brought out a feral beast. He snapped.
He pulled his fist out of your aching pussy and sat you down on his desk. He stood up infront of you and tore your delicate panties off.
“Katsuki-“ you were silenced with a smack to your ass
“That’s not my name, teddy bear. C’mon now, you know exactly what I wanna hear.” He said while caressing your thighs.
“..Yes daddy.” You bashfully said.
With a kiss to your cheek he praised you.
“Good girl.” As he began to unbuckle his belt, you looked around the classroom.
“D-daddy. Someone’s gonna see!” You cautiously stated.
Katsuki reassured you with a kiss to your lips, “We’ll be fine princess, I promise,” he said while placing his tip at your entrance. You whimpered at the thought of him inside you again, it’s been so long. You were almost nervous. That is until Katsuki place a finger under your chin so you could face him in his eyes.
“I’m gonna take care of you, so don’t worry.” And with that you slowly nodded. And he finally began to press into you.
With just his tip in, you let out a breathy moan. He was bigger than you remembered. He kept pressing and pressing until he was fully inside your warm and tight hole. You both let out a moan at the feeling of each other.
“Daddy, please move.” And he did as he was told. With a steady pace set, he thrusted himself in and out of you. Both of you moaning louder every second. While you were enveloped in the euphoric feeling, Katsuki was struggling to hold back the beast inside of him. That is until you came up to his ear.
“Fuck me like you mean it, daddy. I won’t break, I promise.” You said in his ear and Katsuki swore he could hear your smirk. Gripping your ass and continuing his pace he spoke.
“Don’t be mad when you can’t walk for the next week,” he smirked. With that, he slammed himself deeper, harder, and faster inside of you. His tip hitting your cervix. You let our screams of pure pleasure and he did the same.
“Oh yesss...shit daddy..so big..”
“F-fuck! Oh you like that? Yeah princess? ...oh shit baby your pussy takes me so well. Y-Yeah, your tight little cunt takes this big cock so fucking well,” he moved faster inside, exploring you completely. His hands went straight to your shirt and and ripped it open. You had a few buttons fly everywhere, but you didn’t care. He pushed your bra up and let one of your mounds fall into his hand. He squeezed it tight to release a generous moan from you. He then dove into the valley of breast to mark your chest. You held onto the back of his head and tugged at his hair and he growled at he feeling, enjoying every second of it.
“Oh yess princess just like that. S-shit. Oh fuck yes...oh you’re mine,” he went deeper inside as he spoke.
“Fuck! Daddy yes! Right t-there! Oh my god..yess,” you cried out.
“Can you feel that. Oh fuck, can you feel my dick in your gut?” He moaned out. Katsuki went to grip the edge of his desk as you kept your hold around his neck, causing him to somehow move faster. He went up to taste your lips once more
“I love you....so much princess...you hear me...Mm, your mine,” he said between kisses and ended with a smack to your now red ass.
His words had you squeezing his cock. He knew what was coming.
“Aww, is princess gonna cum? You gonna cum on daddy’s dick?” He teased.
“Mm...p-please daddy. Please let me cum,” you said while throwing your head back. Katsuki only smirked at this.
“Not yet~” he pulled out of you, leaving you a whiny mess.
“N-no! Daddy please! Please let me finish,” you said while holding onto his shoulders, inches away from his face, pressing your chest to his. Your words caused his “little” friend to grow even harder and Katsuki only smirked and looked down at you.
“Dont worry teddy bear, Daddy’s not done with you yet.” He yanked you off the desk and pressed you down onto it, with your chest to the desk. Then he slammed back into you, returning to the fast pace again.
“Fuck yeah..oh god look at this ass. Nice and round, all red for me,” he said while pounding into you.
He gave your ass a good few smacks, countered with a thrust each harder than the last before going to lay his chest on top of you to whisper in your ear.
“You wanna be a good girl for daddy? Huh, teddy bear?” He asked.
“Mmm, yes! Yes I’ll be good, just please!” You cried out. He reached his hand over to rub on your clit. Your body began to shake with pleasure.
“Then cum with me.....NOW,” he said, and that was all it took for you to release the white liquid. As you came you could feel his hot release filling you up to the brim. He cried out in pure pleasure while you did the same.
You both stayed in that position for a bit, and you could feel the mixture of both your release dripping down your inner thighs. Soon, you felt Katsuki lower himself to kiss your neck.
“You did so good princess.” He calmly said to you. It was relieving, and you loved the sound of his voice, but you couldn’t help but feel a little off at this whole ordeal.
Katsuki pulled out of you and watched how his cum covered and filled your entire pussy. He smiled at the sight and went to grabbed some tissue on Aizawa’s desk to clean you and himself up.
He tucked himself back into his pants and you rebuttoned your shirt the best you could and flipped your skirt back down. Since Katsuki tore your panties you’d have to go commando at least until you got back to your room. You watched as Katsuki went to throw away the tissues and your torn underwear into the trash can. When he made his way back to you, he held you in his arms and attempted to kiss you. But you turned away.
“Hey teddy be-“
“No, Katsuki. Please don’t call me that.” You said while looking down. Katsuki felt his heart hurt a little. You’re always gonna be his teddy bear, why would he ever stop calling you that?
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked you.
“Us. This. Katsuki, what happened today should not have happened.” You said
“What?” He was so confused and a little hurt.
As tears start to fill your eyes, you did everything you could to not let them fall. “Suki, we broke up. You accused me of cheating, you burned me! So for us to come in here and just have sex like nothing happened is wrong.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry for what happened. Seriously, after what I did it destroyed me. But please listen, I lov-“ you cut him off again.
“I know!.....I know you do Katsuki.....and I love you too Suki. So much,” this brought a smile to his face. A true, genuine smile that you loved so dearly.
“But I’m scared.” You added on. This made Katsuki’s smile drop, worry and concern fill his eyes.
“Of what exactly?” He asked you while gently holding onto your hand.
“.....You.” This shocked him. His own teddy bear feared him. Heartbreaking.
“I’m scared of the lack of trust that you have for me. And not only that, but your quirk too. Katsuki I know you’re one of the best students here at UA, but I know you’re emotions can get out of hand too. It’s clear that when you’re not in control of your feelings, your quirk can lash out. The evidence is right here,” you turned you arm that he was holding to show him the scar he left on you.
Now this really hurt Katsuki. He loved marking you with his love, not with his anger. The fact that he did that to you sent his mind into a frenzy. Until he felt your touch on his cheek.
Holding onto his cheek with your soft hands, you spoke reassuring words. “Katsuki, you were right about two things. I do want us to be together again and I do forgive you,” and with that, Katsuki leaned into your touch. Holding onto your hand that held his face, he released a single tear he didn’t know he was holding and closed his eyes in relief and satisfaction.
“But I can’t be with you again.” Your words caused him to open his eyes and stare at you in shock and fear. “At least...not yet.”
Whew, his heart rate went back down. Oh the rollar coaster of emotions this poor boy was currently on.
“Yet?” He asked hopefully.
“Suki, I’m still trying to fix myself, and it’s clear that you need to fix yourself too. I really want to be with you, but we both need time to grow for each other. I can’t leave you. I know for sure that in my heart, you’re always gonna be the one I run back to, but I don’t want to run back to someone who could possibly hurt me again. I want to come back to you knowing that when we are together again, our relationship is secured.” You explained.
A silence filled the air. You both stared at each other for what felt like forever. Nobody else in the world. Just you and him. He then pulled you in for a tight hug. As he held onto you, you could feel hot tears hitting your shoulder, and quiet sobs left his voice along with a hitched breath every now and then. Katsuki was crying.
“....I promise you. I’m gonna get better for you. I’m gonna be worthy of you and your love and it’ll stay that way for the rest of our lives. You and me. Together. Im gonna do whatever it takes to get you back and I won’t stop at anything until you’re mine again. I swear I’ll treat you better than I ever did before. As long as I know that you’re coming back to me and me only, I’ll wait for you for as long as it takes teddy bear.” He said into your neck with his arms tightly wrapped around your waist.
“I know you will Suki. And I promise I won’t make you wait too long.” You said while hugging him back.
“You better not.” The blonde said.
“Don’t forget though, I’m always yours. And just yours.” You reassured him.
“......Can we at least make this a little easier for me and say we didn’t split. We’re just on a break. A small break?” He said, now looking directly in your eyes while still holding onto you.
You put his worries at ease with your gentle smile. “The smallest break, Suki.” You softly laughed as you both went back in for another hug.
“........I like it better when you call me daddy,” the damn devil said while smiling.
“Shut up you horny idiot.” You chuckled.
‘I can’t wait to be yours again,’ you both thought
You both stayed there in each other’s embraces until the world faded away. It was just you and him. Together. You were both no longer lost. You weren’t at your destination yet, but you were on the right tracks. One step closer to each other. One step closer to love.
A/N: There’s still a little more I wanna add to the story, so there will be a part 3 to close this little short story. Sorry if there were any spelling mistakes. Thank you guys so much for the love and support. As a new writer I never expected to grow so quickly so I truly love each and every one of you bear cubs! Sorry this was so long, I hope you enjoyed! 💗🧸
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fanficimagery · 4 years
They’re So Not Holograms.
Imagine being expelled from school so your uncle Ray offers to take you in and offers you a chance to start over. You accept and you're in for one heck of a story when you realize you're not the only occupant of the Molina garage.
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Words: 10K Warnings: This is my first work for JatP, so I apologize in advance for the OOCness of them all. I had no idea what was going to make the final edit, so yeah.. this is not my best work. Be warned that there's mention of an incident that involves a straight guy not taking no for an answer from a lesbian girl. I won't go into detail of that particular scene since it happened before Y/N shows up on the Molina's front doorstep, but it is mentioned which is why I'm warning you now.
Staring up at the large two story home you usually visit every summer and every spring break, you can't help but sigh and wish you were visiting rather than moving in. You love your uncle and your cousins, but you were forced to leave a lot behind in order for your parents to keep their jobs and their mostly in-tact reputations after your little incident.
The front door opens, the shortest and youngest of the bunch jogging straight for you. You drop your duffel bag and prep yourself for Carlos throwing his weight at you, and you catch him with a laugh as you spin from the momentum. "Carlos! Dang, little man, you're growing fast." Julie walks up soon after, shaking her head in amusement at the two of you as you settle her little brother back on the ground and then ruffle his hair. He swats at your hand before you give Julie your attention then. "Hey, superstar. How's it hanging?"
"Hey, Y/N," she muses, "was the drive okay?"
"Eh. I angry karaoke'd all the way here." You shrug. "So where's uncle Ray?"
"Upstairs trying to figure out how to divide Julie's room for the two of you," Carlos says.
Your smile falls and you look at Julie. "What? He's making us share?"
"Yeah. It's totally fine though," she says when she notices your expression.
"No way, Jules! I can't put you out like that. That's not fair."
"It's fine, Y/N. Really."
"Julie, we're both teenage girls. I love you, but you know our hormones will eventually make us clash."
"And on that note, I'm going back inside."
You grin at Carlos' hasty escape, but then quickly refocus on the situation at hand. "God Jules, I'm so sorry. I thought uncle Ray would put me in the spare room or on the living room couch or something."
"Well the spare room was originally the plan," she says, "but then we remembered all of mom's stuff was in there." You cringe, but she assures you it's okay. "And you're going to be here for a while. You are not sleeping on the couch."
You sigh and offer her a faint smile. "I'm sorry to be an even bigger pain in the butt, but I'm not staying in your room either."
"It's either my room or Carlos' room. I suggest you choose wisely, cousin."
"Y/N!" Your uncle Ray suddenly appears in the doorway, walking down the sidewalk towards you. "Carlos told me you had gotten in. How are you doing, mija?" He wraps you in a brief hug, kissing your forehead in greeting.
"Hey, uncle Ray. I'm doing good. How are you?"
"I'd be better if I knew where you were gonna sleep." He sighs. "Carlos also told me we have a bedroom dilemma as you refuse to share with Julie."
"I'm really sorry." You frown. "If I were only staying here for a few weeks, I'd be stoked to share with Julie. But it's not a couple of weeks, uncle Ray."
"I know and I'm sorry for trying to shove two teenage girls into one space." You smile sheepishly at him as he seems to understand your reasoning as well. "But the only other space I can think of is the studio garage out back." You seem to perk up a bit, attention solely focused on your uncle that you don't notice Julie's eyes widening. "Julie uses it to practice with her band, but there's a loft that we've recently cleaned out. There's a bathroom in there already, so all I'd need to do is drag a mattress up there. That is if you don't mind all the musical racket."
"Y-yeah. Of course! I don't mind at all." You say, feeling just an ounce of excitement of having your own space.
"What? No," Julie laughs nervously. "I'm sure Y/N doesn't want to live in our garage all on her own. Right?"
"What? Are you kidding me?" You huff. "It'd be like having my own mini apartment, only my favorite cousin in the entire world gets to visit everyday!"
Julie looks like she wants to object some more, which is surprising, but she eventually slumps and shakes her head. "Okay. Just as long as you're sure."
"Of course I'm sure."
"Then I'll go move stuff around. Give me your duffel bag," she holds her hand out for you to pick up your bag and hand it over, "and I'll take it out back. You go inside and help dad bring the mattress out."
"Sounds like a plan." Feeling better about your situation now, you quickly hand your cousin your duffel bag and then follow after your uncle Ray inside their home.
Julie sighs, shaking her head in amusement as she catches the pep in Y/N's step. As soon as the front door is shut, she quickly runs around the house, down the stone steps, and into the studio garage where the boys are chilling. They, however, jump up to their feet upon seeing Julie's hasty entrance.
"Okay so we have a problem."
"What? What is it? Did your not dad not take the ghost secret well?" Reggie asks, whining. "Aw man. I knew we should have waited. Does he hate us now? He hates me. Right?"
Julie's eyes, having widened at Reggie's rapid fire questions, blink owlishly at him. "One, slow down. And two, no I haven't told my dad. I can't seem to find the right time."
"Okay then," Luke drawls. "So what's the problem?"
"My cousin got expelled from her school so my dad offered to let her move in and she's going to be living in the loft. In here. With you guys."
Alex slowly leans atop the piano, clearly intrigued. "Whoa. What'd she do?"
Julie opens her mouth to answer, but then closes it and settles for a shrug. "I'm not sure. Dad wouldn't tell us when we asked. He just said there was an incident and if Y/N didn't move in with us, then her parents would have to relocate and she already had a rocky relationship with them so.." she says, smiling fondly. "She's better suited for our family anyway. She's more like a sister to me than a cousin."
Reggie raises his hand as if he needs to, to ask a simple question. "Is this cousin of yours hot?" Alex is immediate to reach over and smack his friend. "Ow! What?" He wonders as he rubs his arm. "I'm just asking what me and Luke are thinking."
"Hey, bro, do not bring me into this!" Luke quickly defends himself. He then glances at Julie, lips stretching into a small smile. "You gonna tell her about us?"
"I'm going to have to, aren't I? I can't exactly leave her in the dark while you three are lurking about. I don't want her to do something she doesn't want anyone else to see."
Reggie nods, smiling. "Like getting naked."
Alex moves to hit his friend again, but then realizes Reggie is right. If he were in Julie's cousin's shoes, he wouldn't want to strip while three ghosts watched on unknowingly. Instead he sighs and Julie nods in agreement. "Exactly. I'm going to tell her. I just- I'm not sure when. So until I do, you three need to be on your best behavior."
"Jules," Luke feigns being hurt as he clutches at his chest, "it's us you're talking about. When have we ever misbehaved?" Julie huffs, crosses her arms over her chest, and raises an eyebrow at Luke. His façade cracks as he laughs. "Fine. We'll be on our best behavior until you tell her about her roommates."
"Thank you." She rolls her eyes, but before she can say any more Carlos is jogging into the room.
"Okay so Y/N and dad are almost here. Tell your ghostly dude-bros to chillax and not scare her like Reggie did tía Victoria."
Reggie squawks. "You scare an adult one time and he never lets you forget it."
Julie chuckles at her ghostly friend while her brother glances around in hopes of seeing them. Ever since Julie freed them from Caleb Covington's curse and was able to finally touch them, they had the choice of turning visible whenever they felt like it. But for some reason, they were more comfortable as ghosts and only turned solid when they got the desire to eat food.
The garage door suddenly opens wide and Ray walks in, one end of the mattress settled on the back of his neck. Y/N is on the other end, struggling slightly with the mattress in her hands.
"I am not meant for physical activity."
Carlos giggles at his cousin's words, jogging over to help her. But when they get to the steep stairs, both Y/N and Carlos leave it up to Ray to figure out how he's going to get the mattress up into the loft. He does, eventually, and then Ray drags Carlos back towards the house with him to retrieve sheets, pillows, and a blanket.
"Oh my god. She is cute!" Reggie muses.
Alex chuckles, but Luke is caught staring at Y/N with awe etched into his features. Alex nudges Reggie and gestures to their friend, and Julie tries her best to fight off a grin. Oh to be able to tease him right about now on having a crush on Y/N as he did to her with Nick that one time while she was in school.
"Listen," Y/N says as she nears Julie. "I know this was tía Rose's place and I know how much it means to you." Julie smiles sadly as Y/N starts to walk around, eyeing the piano, drums, bass, and guitar appreciatively. The boys make sure to stay out of her way as they watch her every move. "I promise to keep my place nice and tidy, and to not mess with anything down here." She goes to touch the drum set, but thinks better of it and pulls her hand back as she smiles sheepishly.
Alex is quick to point it out. "I like her! She knows boundaries."
"Just say the word and I'll be out of your way when you're here with the band."
"It's no problem. Really," Julie assures you. "I, uh, I already called the boys to let them know. They're excited to meet you."
You pause and meet your cousin's eyes. "Really? I-I mean cool."
Julie's eyes narrow at your reaction and the way you can't seem to meet her eyes. "You think they're cute, don't you?"
You cave with a relieved sigh of her automatically knowing. "So cute." Alex rolls his eyes with an amused smile as Reggie and Luke high five, chuckling at their good fortune. "But boundaries! They are your bandmates and I won't interfere other than offering my friendship. Heck I won't even let it be known that I find them cute."
Julie chuckles, angling her head down as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "It's a little too late for that."
"Hmm? What did you say?"
Her head snaps up. "Nothing! Nothing," her chuckles now sound a little nervous. "So, uh, is there anything else we need to get from your car?"
"Oh yeah! I have some stuff that needs to come in." As Julie joins her cousin's side, Y/N asks, "Is there any place I can set up my laptop and printer?"
"Of course. Come on. Let's get you set up. I'm sure you're ready to get some sleep."
"So ready," you groan. "I don't have much to unpack, but I want to settle in before I start school on Monday."
As the two girl cousins walk out of the studio, the three ghostly boys watch them leave.
"Oh yeah. She's definitely hot."
"Hey. Come on, dude." Luke softly swats at Reggie. "That's Julie's cousin you're talking about."
"What? I'm just stating facts," Reggie says. "And besides it's you we should be worried about." He steps towards Luke, reaching for his face. "I think I still see a bit of drool. You might wanna wipe that off."
Alex laughs as Luke rolls his eyes. "Whatever. We're ghosts anyway. It's not like anything can happen between us."
"Can't it?" Alex muses, shoving his hands deep into his front pockets. "I mean we can turn solid now. If you want something to happen, it can definitely happen." Reggie smirks as Luke takes a moment to process his friend's words. "And while you think on that, I'm gonna go see what Willie's up to. See you later!"
Alex poofs out of the room, leaving Reggie and Luke. Reggie laughs at his friend's sudden ghostly crisis, stepping closer to him and clasping his shoulder in hand. "Dude, we're ghosts. If something happens, it happens. Just don't get attached." And with that, Reggie poofs out too.
Luke hears Julie and her cousin's laughter ring out, the two girls already coming back. His eyes widen and he poofs out as well. The girl was cute, he will admit that, but he needed to get his head on straight before he became a pining ghost.
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You spend the weekend with Julie, surprising her best friend Flynn with your new living situation and then driving them around since neither of them had their driving permit. The girls had kept you busy at the beach and showing you their favorite food places. Sometimes you would catch your cousin mumbling to thin air, but Flynn was quick to distract you and you ended up forgetting Julie's weird behavior minutes later.
Monday morning rolls around and, after taking your time to get ready, you grab your backpack and exit the studio to head inside the house. Uncle Ray has cooked up a breakfast feast, and Julie and Carlos are just coming down the stairs as you're taking a seat at the table.
You smile through a yawn as a plate is placed in front of you. "Whoa. That was a big one," uncle Ray says. "Did you sleep well?"
"Sorry. And yeah," you say. "I love it out there, although it is a bit colder than I expected."
Julie freezes as Carlos snorts. "Sorry about that. It's just our resident ghosts. Ow!"
You frown as he glares at his sister, said sister laughing nervously as she glances between you and Carlos. "Don't listen to him. Ghosts? Pft. What ghosts?"
Ray chuckles as Carlos rolls his eyes, the young boy digging into his eggs and sausage as Julie quickly casts him a brief glare.
You glance between the siblings suspiciously, but don't give it much thought and start in on your own breakfast. "Well if you need a portable heater, we can get you one."
Carlos opens his mouth to retort, but upon seeing his sister's stare he thinks better about it. You fight off a smile, shaking your head at your uncle. "It's fine. I usually kick my blanket off in the middle of the night which is why I get cold when a gust of cool air hits me. I just need to learn not to kick off the blankets. I'll be fine."
"Alright. Well eat up, guys. I need to head into the office as soon as I drop you off."
Carlos nods, but you and Julie frown at him. She looks at you and you look at her, and then you look at your uncle. "Um, uncle Ray, did you forget I drive? I can take Carlos with Julie and I. We were going to pick up Flynn as well."
"Huh. I forgot you drove." You grin up at him. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. From what I saw, Carlos' school campus is on our way to the high school. It'll be fine."
Uncle Ray seems to sag with relief. "Thanks so much, mija. I can actually head in early today then." Carlos cheers about riding with his cousin instead of being dropped off by his dad. "Well if you're all set, I'll see you guys after school. We'll go out for burgers tonight."
This time it's your turn to cheer. "Yes!"
          - - - - - - - - - - 
The first day of school went about as expected. Everyone was drawn to you as the new girl and Flynn thrived under the attention, but you mostly kept to yourself unless Julie introduced you to someone. You met Nick and thought he was okay, and then hid your amusement when Flynn would tease Julie about him breaking up with his girlfriend Carrie for her.
Of course not everyone was a fan of your cousin and you met the one person who seemed to dislike her the most. You knew Carrie from previous summers, but she and Julie had a falling out and no one would mention why. Not even Flynn. So figuring it was none of your business, you let it go but ended up staring Carrie down when she tried to intimidate you. Needless to say, the junior had nothing on you and didn't seem keen to start anything with a senior after your feathers didn't ruffle as easily as she thought.
Julie had more homework than you, so while she focused inside the house at the kitchen table, you went to the studio and up into your loft. The second you plop down onto the bed, a cold gust of wind sweeps up your back. You shiver, frowning, but then move on with a shake of your head.
From your backpack you pull out your Algebra II and History textbooks. You immediately start working on history, reading the assigned passages and answering the questions that follow. It takes you half an hour to complete it and before you move on to Math you reach over and grab your laptop from the bedside table. However when you open it up, your laptop automatically comes to life and you're left frowning at the YouTube page it's been left on.
"What the.. this is weird," you mumble. You briefly glance at the top Rock songs from the last decade before exiting out of YouTube and bringing up iTunes, choosing your Math Blows playlist and closing your eyes in brief bliss as Queen starts to play.
But the moment Bohemian Rhapsody ends and Aerosmith's Dude (Looks Like a Lady) begins, you get started on Math. It takes you a little bit longer to complete the assignment than History took you, but by the time you're done Julie has yet to find you. So after putting everything back into your backpack and setting it aside, you roll across your bed and reach into a hard plastic tote that holds some of your belongings. You pull out your drawing tablet and a stack of stickers, and then head on downstairs to the couch.
Drawing caricatures was a hobby of yours and you just so happened to have a friend who would take your edits and turn them into stickers. For now you have about five stickers of each member of your cousin's band- caricature style- and the name of whatever instrument they played curved underneath their faces. Lately you've been working on a sticker that said 'Julie and the Phantoms', but you couldn't get the font or coloring quite right.
You've just settled on coloring Julie's name in a purple that transitions into blue from one end to the other when said girl walks in, sodas in hand. "Finally," she sighs. "I didn't think I'd ever finish that homework. What are you doing?" She then asks as she hands over a Coke.
"I'm just messing around," you tell her as you show her what's on the tablet. "There's a small stack of stickers for you and the boys right there."
Julie glances at the table where you've gestured to and she walks over to pick up the stickers. She sets her soda down and skims through each sticker, a smile blossoming. "Did you- did you make these?"
You shrug. "I drew them, but my friend printed them. As soon as I finish this one I'm working on right now, I'm gonna email it to him so he'll make them into stickers as well."
Your cousin is so in awe that she's not paying you any attention, but you catch her murmuring beneath her breath and nodding along as if she were agreeing with something being said. She eventually looks up, chuckling. "These are sick. The boys are going to love them."
You smile. "I hope so. If you want more, just let me know. They're pretty cheap to make so I don't mind getting them for you guys."
"Can I- can I make a suggestion to the one you're working on now?"
"Oh. Yeah! Of course. What'd you have in mind?"
"Under the band name or wherever you think is good, can you add the words 'tell your friends!'?" She asks. "It's just something silly Reggie says every time the band is introduced."
"Yeah." You glance down at the tablet, trying to figure out the best placement. But then you look up, brow furrowed in thought. "Is this something only Reggie says?"
"Uh yeah. I guess so," she says, shaking her head at something off to her side.
You grin. "I have an idea. Let me try something out and see if you like it. Give me like ten minutes."
Julie sets the stickers back down, picking up her soda and cracking it open. You crack open yours as well, taking a sip before getting down to work. You make the sticker you originally had a little bit smaller, adding in a caricature of a waving Reggie from the waist up peeking out from behind the font. You add a speech bubble, filling it in with the requested 'Tell your friends!'.
When Julie sees it she can't help but laugh. "That's perfect. I'm sure he's gonna be stoked."
"Speaking of, when do I get to meet these hot friends of yours?"
Julie groans and you laugh as you finish coloring and resizing the sticker before sending it off to your friend to print. Closing your tablet, you give her your full attention as she's now sitting next to you on the couch. "Soon," she promises.
"Alright. So what are we doing until your dad gets home? You gonna sing for me, Jules? Give me my own private concert?"
She laughs. "No way. Just watch the Youtube videos. I'm sure Carlos posted every performance."
"Oh he did. And believe me when I say I've watched them. Repeatedly. That guitarist of yours has got some arms that are just- mmm." Julie groans some more, hiding her face in a pillow, and you laugh. "What? I need to get it out of my system before I meet them."
Julie lets the pillow fall into her lap, a smile turning up the corners of her mouth. "All I'm gonna say is don't be surprised if they know what you've said. They kind of have a sixth sense about these things."
"It's all good." You laugh some more.
You go to ask her if she wants to torment her little brother with you, but you see her amusement slowly die and you keep yourself from saying anything. "Hey Y/N, can I ask you something? You totally don't have to answer, but I'm really curious about it."
"Oh. Uh, sure."
"What happened at your old school that ended with you being expelled?"
Your smile falls. "Uncle Ray didn't tell you?"
"Not really. He just said there was a disagreement and a.. protest?"
You snort. It takes you a moment to collect your thoughts, but when you do you end up telling her exactly what happened. "I had this friend back at my old school. She's gay, but only those close to her knew. What it boiled down to was that some asshole found out and outed her to our entire school. Then this boy took things too far by, in his words, giving her what she was missing out on and trying to turn her straight." You roll your eyes, not noticing Julie smiling sympathetically off to the side. "He shoved his tongue down her throat, she tried to push him off of her, but he wouldn't budge. So I beat the shit out of him."
Julie chokes on her own saliva. "W-what?" And then she laughs.
"Well I hit him across the back of the head with one of those hard plastic lunch trays. And then when that broke I used the heaviest textbook I could get my hands on and hit him a few more times."
"Oh my god," she grins. "You're such a badass."
You laugh at your cousin's look of awe. "There was like a week of back and forth between the school and that douchebag's parents, and it made everyone at school show their true colors. I was disgusted that the guy practically got off with a slap on the wrist for assaulting my friend, so I contacted a few friends to make some signs for a mini-protest in front of the school and it kind of got out of control. A few friends turned into thirty and I think there were even a few drag queens in there. They had signs and Pride flags and it- it got pretty scary for a second when a fight almost broke out."
"I repeat," Julie smirks, "you're a badass."
"I was expelled because my protest drew in adult strangers to where many minor children attend school, but the expulsion wouldn't have mattered anyway because I had a restraining order slapped against me by that douchebag's parents and would have had to leave anyway."
"Screw them," Julie says. "That's so messed up."
"It is, but it worked out in my favor. I got out of my parents house and now get to spend the rest of my last year of high school with you."
"And your 18th birthday. You can't forget that," she muses. "It's only a few months away."
Your nose wrinkles. "No parties."
"But it's New Year's! Of course we're having a party," she gushes. "Your birthday is a rare one. Instead of blowing out a candle at midnight, you get to make out with someone."
Laughing, you reach over to nudge her. "You're something else, Jules. I don't know how you have your dad fooled about being so sweet and innocent." She giggles, batting her eyelashes at you. "Now come on. Lets go torment Carlos. It's been about a year since I've sat on him and made him listen to Barbie Girl on a loop."
You stand up, Julie laughing as you offer her a hand and pull her up off the couch.
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By the end of your first week with the Molinas, you've settled into a routine that you're comfortable with. You had noticed Julie got a little squirrely whenever you mentioned the boys, so you dropped the subject of meeting them and figured it'd happen when the timing was right. Julie's tía Victoria was happy to have you around the family, she noticing a lightness around the house that she hadn't seen since her sister had passed.
Life with your cousins was going spectacularly well, so of course there had to be a bump in the road. And a major one at that.
You're sleeping when cold air suddenly seeps into your back, making you shiver and wake up briefly. You find your blanket and pull up over your shoulders, turning around in the process and.. rolling into something- er, someone solid. You're fully awake now.
"Ahh!" You scream.
The figure in bed with you jolts, screaming as well. "Ahh!"
"Who the hell are you?!" You move to punch at them, only for them to disappear right before your very eyes. You freeze as your heart drops into your stomach, your eyes blowing wide when he reappears at the foot of your bed. "What the- how did-"
Another figure pops in, grabbing the first by his ear. "Dude, not cool!"
Your sudden fear has you frozen and only capable of glancing between the two figures. Semi-slicked hair, leather jacket, flannel wrapped around his waist.. "R-Reggie?" You wonder aloud in confusion.
Both boys glance at you, the shaggy hair and killer arms in a cut off tee letting you know exactly who he was. You hold your blanket tighter to you, heart thumping wildly. Reggie grimaces in pain as he finally pulls free from Luke's hold. "Hiya. Sorry about waking you and all that. I totally should have asked before taking up the other side of your bed."
Luke shakes his head. "When Jules finds out she's going to kick your butt, man. We were supposed to ease her into the whole ghost business."
Another figure pops in, the blonde sighing and shaking his head in disappointment at his friends. Alex. "I woke Julie. She'll be down here soon." Then he glances at you, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry about all this. Reggie and Luke are idiots."
"Can you blame me?" Reggie whines. "Y/N's bed is really comfortable. And I actually thought she'd just roll through me. I didn't know I'd gone solid. It was unintentional."
"Um," you gulp. "H-how would you know my bed was comfortable?" Reggie freezes and then suddenly looks very interested in the ceiling, and your eyes narrow at him. You sit up a little straighter, staring at Luke, but he too averts his gaze when he notices you're staring at him.
Alex is the only one amused and he meets your gaze with a smile. "These two idiots like to nap in your bed when you're in school."
"WHAT!?" The two guilty ghosts poof out, making you flinch as you suddenly remember they're not exactly normal boys.
"I told them it was going to bite them in the butts. I guess they hadn't counted on it being so soon." You blink owlishly at him, unsure of what to say now. After all, HE'S A GHOST! Alex notices your stare and sighs. "Well if you'd like to get dressed or whatever, Julie should be here any second now. We'll explain things then."
Alex poofs out and you're left staring at nothing but air. Your heart is still wildly thumping and there are only three words running through your mind: what.. the.. fuck.
After what seems like several long minutes, but really it was only about a minute after the boys had left you alone, the studio door opens and a frantic Julie rushes in. At the sound of her panicked voice, you throw off your blanket and scramble down the stairs.
Julie stares at you in shock, still in her own pajamas, before her gaze falls towards your legs and then back up to your own gaze. "Uh, Y/N? You forgetting something?" You glance down, frowning and wondering what she's talking about. "Pants, loser. You forgot pants."
"Yeah? And you forgot to tell me that ghosts are real!" She sighs as you stare her down, but then you subtly glance around for a pair of pants or shorts or something. Black sweats hit your shoulder and you meet Alex's sheepish gaze. Hesitantly smiling at him, you quickly step into them and drag them up your legs. "If they've been in here this whole time it's nothing they haven't seen before."
Reggie giggles and Alex shakes his head at friend. Luke, however, can't seem to look in your direction and there's a telltale flush on his cheeks. Huh, that's odd.
"I'm really sorry," Julie says. "I was going to tell you, but it was never the right time."
"Jules, the right time would have been when uncle Ray gave me permission to sleep out here."
She frowns guiltily at you and you know you're not really upset with her. The adrenaline of bumping into someone in your bed was still rushing through your veins which is why you seem a bit cranky. "If it'll help we can explain everything now?"
"Might as well," you sigh. "I don't think I'll be able to fall back asleep." You shuffle over towards the couch, eyeing each boy on the way. Sitting down, you drag a pillow into your lap and hug it. "So.. what the hell is going on?"
Your cousin and the boys glance at one another, Reggie and Luke subtly shaking their heads. Alex rolls his eyes and steps forward to stand with Julie. It looked like they were going to be the ones to explain.
"Okay, so," Alex says. "Luke, Reggie, and I died twenty five years ago."
Immediately your hand raises and Alex falls silent. "Quick question. If you guys are supposedly ghosts, then why was I able to actually feel Reggie?"
"That part comes in later. Just please listen," Julie pleads.
You nod, gesturing for them to continue then. Alex flashes you a small smile. "So we died-"
"Death by hotdog," Reggie sadly muses.
Luke nods along. "I'll never look at another hotdog the same way again."
You can't help but snort, especially when Alex and Julie roll their eyes at the interruption. "Anyway, as I was saying," Alex says, raising his voice a little higher, "we died. We ended up in this dark room for what felt like an hour and then got spit out here in Julie's garage when she played one of our demo CD's."
"Only it wasn't an hour later," Julie says next. "It was twenty five years later." You shake your head in utter amazement. "At first I was the only one able to see them. Then when I had a performance at school and the boys performed behind me in solidarity, they could- they could be seen! The entire school could see them, but then as soon as the performance was over they poofed out."
"Hence the phantom part of the band name," you mumble.
"We let everyone believe we're holograms," Alex says. "Anyway, we used to be a band of four before we died. Sunset Curve. The only one to survive went on and skyrocketed to fame with songs that Luke wrote."
"He didn't!?" Your eyes widen. You glance at Luke to see him frowning. "What a dick thing to do."
The boys all snort, but a moment later Alex continues to tell their story. "We were pissed and ended up being introduced to this ghost who was supposed to help us get revenge on our ex-band mate. Only this ghost was old and powerful and wanted us to join his ghostly club house band."
"And when he noticed we weren't going to join him, he stamped us with a curse," Luke finally speaks up. "The longer we were away from his club, we got hit with these painful jolts. They started to become more frequent and would have eventually destroyed our souls."
"But our girl Julie," Reggie muses, "cried her big heart out and, we're not sure exactly how, was able to touch us. Her touch made us feel stronger, warmer, and it disappeared the stamps off our wrists."
"And now I have three ghostly brothers who can go corporeal whenever they feel like it," Julie says as she hooks her arm through Alex's. You grin at her. "I really am sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
You wave her off. "At least the truth came out before I was in a rush to go somewhere and whipped off my shirt. I'd have hated to traumatize the boys."
"Oh please traumatize me." The words are mumbled, but still heard by everyone. Every gaze darts to, surprisingly, Luke and his eyes widen as cheeks redden. "Did I- did I say that out loud?"
Reggie snorts. "You did."
"Well I- I didn't mean-" Luke rubs at the back of his neck, falling silent and then poofing out.
The second Luke is gone, everyone bursts into laughter. You laugh so much that tears gather in the corner of your eyes and Julie is hanging off of Alex's arm. Reggie is the first to recover and mentions going to check on his boy, and then it was just Alex with you and Julie.
You eventually stand up, intent on doing something now that you've had this big secret dropped into your lap, when Alex takes a step in your direction. He pauses and you quirk an eyebrow at him. "Can I just say thanks for being so cool about this? I mean you could have ran inside the house and alerted everyone like Julie first did-"
"Hey! Not cool." Said girl pouts, swatting Alex with the back of her hand.
"-but you didn't. Sure you freaked, but I would too if I woke up next to Reggie."
You chuckle softly. "You guys are just lucky I hate physical activity and loathe running." Alex grins at you. "Plus I guess your secret is pretty cool. I'm okay living with ghosts so long as no ghosts occupy my bed while I'm still in it."
"Noted. I'll be sure to let the boys know."
"Thanks." As soon as Alex poofs out, your chill façade drops. "Oh my god, Julie!" You hiss. "They're ghosts!"
Her smile falters. "Uh, yeah."
"They're ghosts who heard me talking about how cute they were and about Luke's arms!"
"Oh yeah." She chuckles. "Well if it's any consolation, Luke is clearly into you. He totally wants you to traumatize him with your boobs."
"It's not funny!"
She fights to contain her amusement. "It kind of is."
"Ugh. Julie," you groan. "This is so embarrassing."
"Relax. They'll probably poke fun for a few days before letting it slide. Just give them a chance, Y/N. They're really cool guys."
"God I hope you're right."
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Now that the secret is out, the boys are corporeal more often than not inside the studio. Reggie and Luke take pleasure in teasing you, the two of them bringing up stuff you said about them when they were invisible or drawing attention to Luke's arms or Luke somehow suddenly needing to change to his shirt while in your presence. You made promises to get him back- to which Alex couldn't wait for to see what you came up with- but you've yet to fulfill that promise because there were more pressing matters at hand.
You're more than okay with keeping their secret, but it's only a matter of time before uncle Ray catches them. They like interacting with you, Flynn, and Carlos so they're visible quite a lot, but anytime uncle Ray nears it's a race to clean up any evidence of their presence and then poof out. You manage to convince Julie to tell her dad with promises that you'd be by her side the entire time, so she does. It had seemed uncle Ray was moments away from asking if she needed to see her therapist again when Reggie poofed in, followed by the other two boys who slapped him upside the head for doing so. Needless to say, Ray was shocked to his core but accepted the boys after seeing them interact with his two children and yourself. However, it was agreed by all that tía Victoria could not know the secret.
One day you had gone shopping for a couple new outfits with the girls and figured it was now or never to get Luke back. Sure they had seen you in an overly large shirt and boy short underwear, but they'd never seen you in proper lingerie. And when Flynn and Julie had caught on, they helped you choose the most daring piece of underwear to stun the ghost boy from the 90's.
When you get back to the studio, Julie pokes her head in first since she was the only one capable of seeing them when they were invisible. "Alex, where's Luke and Reggie?"
"They mentioned going down to the beach. Why?"
You and Flynn stumble in then, giggling. "It's payback time, my favorite ghostie. Your boy is not gonna know what hit him."
Alex's eyes light up. "Yes. What did you have in mind?"
"Two words," Flynn says. "Victoria's Secret."
"Oh no. You're gonna kill him all over again."
You mockingly glare at him. "He caught me ogling his v-line, Alex! He deserves to see exactly what I'm working with and not be able to touch."
He grins. "Can I see what you chose?"
"Duh. I need you to choose which set is going to make him lose his mind."
Walking over towards Alex, you set the bags down and sit on the couch beside him. Julie and Flynn sit on the armrests, eagerly waiting for you to dig out your purchases. And when you do, Alex's eyes widen before he bursts into laughter.
There are three identical sets of bras, panties, and garter belts in the colors of black, navy blue, and emerald green. You giggle as Alex takes choosing seriously, he picking up an article in each color and holding it to your arm. He hums in thought.
"In my opinion the blue suits your skin tone best, but I'd still go with the green."
You take it, carefully cutting tags off. "And this is why I love you. You're the best."
"Mhm. So how do you plan to have him see you in this?"
"I actually have an interview with the people uncle Ray works with in two days. I might not be able to take pictures, but I am good with all the technology stuff," you say. "I can pretend the straps to the belt are aggravating me and walk out to ask for your help."
Alex giggles. "You're evil."
"He started it." You shrug. "And besides, lingerie is such a confidence booster. You guys have no idea," you chuckle.
And then two days later you finally put your plan into motion. Flynn was bummed she couldn't be there, but Julie managed to be in the studio for your surprise after having pulled Luke into an impromptu writing session. Reggie, after having been given permission to use your laptop whenever he wanted, was watching Youtube videos, and Alex was flipping through a magazine not too far from his friend where he constantly glanced at the bathroom door rather anxiously.
Not too long after you enter the bathroom in a rush, you having screeched about being behind schedule for your meeting on the way in there, you start making a racket and cursing just loud enough to be heard outside the door. Outside, Alex does his best to fight off a grin.
Inside the bathroom, you've slipped into the emerald green lingerie, black garter belt, and black stockings. Both bra and panties are lace, giving the illusion of being sheer, but your important bits are still covered which is why you're more than okay walking out in this particular set. You spritz some body spray over your cleavage and abdomen, grinning when you see yourself sparkling as you move, and then quickly clip your garter belt to the tops of your stockings. However, for the clips in the back, you purposely twist the straps when you clip them on.
You curse some more to make everyone outside believe you're having some sort of problem, groaning for good measure, and then crack open the bathroom door to stick your head out. "Hey Jules, can you give me a hand?" You ask, already knowing what she's going to say.
"Mmm," she mumbles distractedly, writing in her notebook.
Luke glances between you and Julie, Reggie has clearly paused his video to see what's going on, and Alex takes his cue. "I can help," he calls out as he tosses his magazine aside. "What do you need?"
You frown at your cousin when she purposely doesn't look at you before looking at Alex, inhaling deeply before you straighten up and open the door wider. Given his position, Reggie is the first to take notice of your outfit and whimpers. Audibly. Julie and Luke look up then, Julie hiding her smile and Luke's eyes widening as his jaw drops open in shock.
"I'll do it! I can help you," Reggie blurts, cheeks red. He gulps. "What exactly is it you need help with?"
Walking towards Alex, you mockingly glare at Reggie and then ruffle his hair on your way to his blonde friend. You stop in front of him, turning around and then glancing over your shoulder at him. "The garter belt," you say. "I keep getting the straps twisted."
"On it." You see a smile threatening to break free as he immediately takes hold of the clasps and rights the wrong, and you turn around so you don't lose it yourself.
Only when you face forward, you can't help but snort at Reggie's awestruck expression and the fact that Luke is faring no better. But Luke is the one who seems to know almost immediately what you're playing at and his eyes narrow when his gaze finally meets your own. However, before he can call you out on your act, there's a distinct snap!, a brief stinging pain on the back of your thigh, and you whirl around on Alex.
"I'm sorry," he laughs, immediately sitting back and out of range of your swatting swing. "I couldn't help myself."
You shake your head in amusement before making sure the strap isn't twisted anymore and then make your way back towards the bathroom. It's oddly quiet as you finish getting dressed behind the bathroom door, and then exit in a cream-colored blouse tucked inside a black pencil skirt. Julie wolf whistles when you exit and you wrinkle your nose at her as you head towards your heels to slip your feet into.
Once your heels are on and you run your fingers through your hair to give it a very stylish, mussed look, you can't help but meet Luke's gaze. When you notice his slackened expression, you wink and finally allow yourself to laugh.
Red rushes to his cheeks as he narrows his eyes at you. "You're the devil."
"And don't you forget it," you immediately retort. "Keep it up, Patterson. I won't play fair and I promise my next look will drive you to take a cold shower." Alex finally loses the battle with his laughter, as does Julie, and Luke frowns at you. "Now that I've pranced around half naked, it's time I get to my interview. Wish me luck?"
"Luck!" Julie immediately shouts. As soon as Y/N disappears, there's a telltale beep and Julie lowers her phone. She glances between Luke and Reggie, shaking her head and chuckling. "God you straight boys are so easily distracted. Flynn's going to be so mad she missed this."
Luke points to where Y/N disappeared, stammering over his words before he finally gets proper hold of his thoughts. "She doesn't play fair!"
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After what you would have called a successful interview, you went back to the studio where you found Luke all alone. You ended up calling a truce with him, but that ended up being a terrible decision on your part. Because interacting with a Luke who was as genuine as can be without the flirtatious behavior or teasing, well it turned out you found yourself liking the boy a little more than you should.
When Halloween came you found yourself dressing up alongside Flynn and Julie. Normally you'd have gone for something sexy, but after parading around half naked and knowing uncle Ray would not appreciate his underage daughter showing off too much skin, you settled for something that would make everyone laugh. You, Julie, and Flynn agreed to dress up as the boys, but you couldn't take their clothes until the day of. So when Halloween morning rolled around, Carlos and uncle Ray kept the boys busy while you and the girls raided their stash of clothes in the studio.
Julie took Alex's pink Champion hoodie and a snapback to shove down backwards atop her curls, Flynn wore Reggie's leather jacket atop a plain tee and wrapped a red flannel around her waist, and you took Luke's white Rush shirt with its cut off sleeves and a blue hoodie that also had it's sleeves cut off. You had giggled with each other when you all saw the final outcome and even took a few pictures to post to your personal Instagrams.
Then when the boys finally came in, it took them a moment to realize what they were seeing and it only clicked when you stepped forward and said, "Hey! We're Sunset Curve."
And then Flynn stepped forward, shooting finger guns at the boys. "Tell your friends."
Julie snorted and the boys burst into laughter, and then you took even more pictures with the boys- only when they were posted online you captioned them that you were the Phantoms from Julie and the Phantoms. Then when all was said and done, the six of you took Carlos trick-or-treating around the neighborhood while uncle Ray and tía Victoria cooked up a Halloween feast.
Thanksgiving and Christmas were emotional holidays for quite a few of you. The boys for obvious reasons- they being dead and not able to spend time with their loved ones- and you because while your parents could be more decent, you loved them all the same and wished the circumstances between you were different. But uncle Ray was understanding and made sure everyone had more than enough food and presents, and the night ended with everyone under the age of twenty falling asleep in the living room after admiring all their new belongings.
New Year's Eve rolls around and you're excited for two reasons- one being because of the fireworks that will no doubt go off at midnight and because at that exact same moment you'll be turning 18. Everyone expected you wanted a big party, but you surprised them all when you said all you wanted invited was everyone in the Molina household + studio, Flynn, and tía Victoria. You just wanted to have karaoke and a jam session, and some fireworks. You didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
The morning of New Year's Eve, you're woken up by Reggie bouncing on your mattress. But instead of being grouchy about it, you laugh and then yelp when Luke and Alex poof in to pop confetti poppers above you. You sit up, keeping the blanket across your lap as you shake your hair free of the shimmering mess.
"Happy birthday," Alex says, sitting down beside you and hugging you. "Ray said to be inside in twenty minutes. He's got a whole breakfast spread planned."
"Technically it's not my birthday yet, but thank you very much. I'll be inside as soon as possible."
Alex beams before Reggie takes his place, he leaning in and kissing your cheek with a loud smack. You giggle and accept his hug. "Happy birthday, my beautiful living friend. You don't look a day over 30."
You snort and then shove at his shoulder. "Shut up and get out. You don't get to be mean to the birthday girl."
"I thought it technically wasn't your birthday?" He winks at you. "Now hurry up. We can't eat until you do." And then with one last grin, Reggie poofs out.
Sighing happily, you stare up at Luke then. He grins as he readily lowers himself onto your mattress, laying on his stomach and keeping his expression directed at you. "Are you ready for tonight?"
"Am I ready to be a year older? Not really," you say. "But I am ready for some sparklers."
He chuckles. "Age is just a number, Y/N."
"Says the ghost who's forever 17," you mumble.
"Do you want me to find you a rancid hotdog? Because I will. Then the two of us will forever be 17."
"You're such an idiot." You can't stop grinning, especially when he mentions the way he died. It was terrible they died, but absolutely hilarious that it was death by hotdog for them. "I still don't understand how you didn't notice the weenie was bad. Rancid meat smells disgusting and you ate it!"
"In our defense we thought the smell was coming from the trash in the alley." You can only shake your head at him. "And we were still riding the rush of sound check inside the Orpheum."
"Your idiocy amazes me," you deadpan. "Now go on. I need to put on pants and brush my teeth. I'll meet you inside."
"Oh now you want to be all shy about walking around in your underwear." Luke playfully rolls his eyes. "Okay."
"You know what? I was being considerate so my near nudity didn't turn you into a stammering fool, but now I think I'll just do it." You grab your blanket to throw it off of you, but Luke quickly scrambles up and off your bed.
"Okay. Okay! I'll see you inside."
As soon as Luke poofs out, you grin to yourself like an idiot. The tension between the two of you was obvious from the beginning and it's still there even after you called a truce. You giddily get up and head on downstairs, making your way towards the bathroom to freshen up before heading inside. But as you're brushing your teeth, you realize you can't stop thinking about Luke. Which is kind of a bad thing. For you.
Everyone who has eyes can see the way Luke looks at you and the way you look at him, but given he's a ghost and you're very much alive you've agreed that nothing can happen between the two of you. Not just because of his ghostly status, but because of his status as Julie's bandmate- which is another problem they need a solution for but they won't worry about it until they have a record deal in their clutches. After then, they'll worry about revisiting the boys' family they had left behind when they died.
Quickly fixing your hair, you pull on a pair of leggings afterward and start making your way out of the studio. You sigh and come to the conclusion that for now you'd just enjoy the company of a cute ghost. You can totally get over the silly crush in no time.
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As you're getting ready for the night, you're surprised there's a knock on the floor of the loft right before Luke's head pops up by the stairs. "Is it okay if I come on up?"
"Yeah. Of course," you say. You grab your boots before sitting on the edge of your mattress, slipping your feet inside of them and start lacing up. Luke stands off to the side, a little sheepishly, and you grin at him. "Something up? You're too quiet."
"Yeah. No, I'm good." He chuckles a little nervously and then finally moves to take a seat next to you. When he's seated, you nudge him with your shoulder to get him to lighten up. "I just- we got you a present and I've been nominated to hand it over."
"A present? From who?"
"Well it was originally from Ray, Jules, and Carlos," he says, "but when us ghosties wanted to get you something too, it kind of turned into a joint gift from all of us." Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. You quirk an eyebrow at him as he hands the it over and immediately lift the lid. You coo at the silver charm bracelet inside and then lift it to examine the charms. "Ray, Julie, and Carlos had the laptop, dahlia, and lightning bolt charms already on there, but then we went back to the mall and had a microphone, a guitar, a bass, and drum sticks added to it."
"This is perfect. Help me put it on?"
You manage to unclasp the bracelet to slip it onto your right wrist and then Luke is scooting even closer to you so he can clasp it correctly. When he does, you twist your wrist back and forth so the charms jingle and fall correctly in place. Then you glance up at the same time Luke does, noses inches apart, and it's like both your breathing ceases.
Both your gazes seem to dart down to each other's lips and then you're jerking back while shakily inhaling. "You're trouble, Luke Patterson."
He smirks. "Fun trouble. You should try me sometime."
You can't believe the nerve of this ghost, so you roll your eyes, grin, and then climb to your feet. "Whatever you say, ghost boy. Now let's go. Tía Victoria was making me menudo for my birthday dinner."
Everyone at the Molina household is exactly who you wanted there and you get a kick out of watching the ghost boys attempt the menudo, watching the way they freeze when it's explained what exactly is in the menudo. Alex and Luke had slowly swallowed what was in their mouth before proclaiming they were full, but Reggie shrugged it off and kept on eating.
Outside uncle Ray grilled up some burgers and hotdogs for those who weren't fans of the menudo, and Julie had brought out bags of sparklers. You, Flynn, and Alex wasted no time in sparking some sparklers up while Reggie, Luke, and Carlos grabbed ahold of some small cannons to shoot off into the quickly darkening sky.
Many laughs are had, running amok in the streets with sparklers, and many pictures are taken. Your favorite, by far, had to have been when Carlos accidentally caught Reggie's flannel on fire and he stopped, dropped, and rolled in the street. You, Flynn, and Julie were never going to let him forget that terrified expression of his.
But then there's only five minutes to midnight, uncle Ray and Carlos are carrying several large firework boxes into the middle of the street and hurriedly untangling some wires, and a birthday sash is being draped over your head by Julie.
Seeing your uncle Ray and Carlos space out large boxes have drawn some of the neighbors to see what no doubt is going to a firework display, and you excitedly wait several feet away from the impending commotion.
Suddenly tía Victoria starts a countdown from twenty, Flynn hands out party horns, and everyone excitedly joins in.
You blow your party horn, laughing when you spot Reggie jumping on Alex and Luke's backs in excitement. Uncle Ray hits a button in hand and the first box shoots off it's first firework. The explosions of white, gold, pink, blue, purple, and green has everyone making happy remarks, and you watch on, not noticing everyone pairing off to watch the show (Alex and Reggie, tía Victoria and Carlos, and Julie and Flynn).
You're smiling up at an explosion of white crackles that chase each other across the sky when two arms wrap around your neck from behind and a body presses up close behind yours. You chuckle as your hands come up to grab onto a forearm and you briefly glance over your shoulder. It's Luke.
As you go back to watching your uncle put on a spectacular firework display, you feel warm breath fan across your ear. "Happy birthday, Y/N," Luke murmurs.
"Thank you." You smile brightly even though he can't see it and then glance over your shoulder once more, holding his gaze as your faces are literally an inch apart. "Happy New Year, Luke."
He beams at you and against your will your gaze darts to his lips. Your mind is whirling and you know everything about you and Luke is a bad idea, but you just can't help yourself. And apparently neither can he.
Luke is the one to close the distance, softly pressing his lips to yours. You smile against his lips, giggling some before adding a little bit more pressure so he doesn't think you're laughing at him. The entire situation is just a little bit hilarious to you.
After a few seconds you pull apart and the two of you end up laughing before you go back to watching the fireworks. Fortunately no one had been paying you any attention, so you and Luke can keep the kiss between the two of you.
You know for sure nothing can actually come out of whatever is going on between the two of you, but for now you're willing to take it one day at a time and come up with official rules later on the down the line.
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miss-nov · 4 years
Over-Emotional: Danny Phantom Oneshot.
Original idea by @amabsis on their post right here!!
[Originally written on a reblog of the prompt but it went all screwy and left an incomplete version so I made it it's own post and I've made a few grammar and spelling edits. Sorry for any confusion!!]
(This is the first thing I've ever written for the DP Phandom so I apologize if it's a little OOC)
  Danny drifted through the skies of Amity Park, following the streets which were slick with recent rain. The stars twinkled merrily above and the beams from the street lights seemed to buzz through the comforting, crisp air. Not a sound disrupted the mellow atmosphere and ghosts had appeared to leave tonight alone and retired to their lairs. A soothing night such as this would have been Danny's favorite; it would have been a much needed break from his overly stressful life.
  Yet Danny couldn't shake off the creeping apprehension even as he twisted in and out of alleyways back into the lit roads.
  His parents had been working tirelessly  on a project that they wouldn't tell him and Jazz about. Jack, their father, would always jump at the chance to describe what he was doing and couldn't keep his antics quiet for long. Maddie's, their mother, eyes would have brightened as she recounted the innovate idea she had conjured and the necessary calculations she could toy around with. These facts coupled with Jazz and Danny casually inquiring about their latest project would make them incredibly ecstatic.
  But whenever the two had asked about it, put off by the unusual quiet of the parents, had only been given an amused smile and an occasional wink.
  Tonight, before Danny's patrol and during dinner, Jazz had managed to weasel some information out of them. Though, it left more questions than answers.
  "So, you guys have been in the lab a lot recently," Jazz said conversationally. "Working on some new ghost stuff? It seems important if you're spending most of the day down there."
  Maddie had given her a deliberate look like someone who'd finally decided to take a second cookie.
  "It's our greatest invention yet," she said lowly and excitedly. "I think your dad and I have found the solution to our little ghost problem."
  The siblings gulped and tried to suppress their shudders.
  "It's not going to hurt them is it? Phantom and the other ghosts." Jazz's voice was even and didn't show a hint of a tone shift.
  "Surprisingly, no. No harm will be dealt to them. It's not like they can feel anyway. That's exactly the problem," Jack chimed excitedly before going back to his ectoplasm contaminated lasagna.
  "Besides, we wouldn't want to hurt the object of our daughter's affection.  We all know about your crush on Phantom," Maddie teased but then added with a small frown. "Though it's not healthy to have a crush on ghosts at all."
 Jazz gave an aggressive gagging noise and Danny was torn between hysterical laughter and a gag of his own. Dinner resumed as normal —well, as normal as you could get being a Fenton— and Danny took note of the fact his parents had refused to say anymore.
  Danny was busy going over and dissecting the conversation and lax in his attention to his surroundings by the inactivity that he didn't notice the two shadow-cloaked figures tailing him. The taller one with a broader build was holding an intimidating gun, that looked like it was straight out of an eighties sci-fi movie, on his back.
  Maybe I should head back, Danny thought to himself. I have so much homework due and a test tomorrow. A pop quiz in calculus and a lab in science. I have to meet Nathan at my study hall period and at lunch. Liz needs my help…
  On and on the list went as Danny subtlety started flying home. Just thinking of things that needed done was making him more anxious and tired.
  "Phantom, we'll have you now," Jack cried, his voice echoing in the hollow streets.
  Danny turned around, slightly aggravated when he was struck by a violet beam and plummeted, crashing to the sidewalk.
  "Jack! I told you to wait," Maddie chastised as they walked over to Danny who had barely sat up.
  His head swam and Maddie and Jack looked like the reflections of a carnival fun house mirror. Though his vision corrected itself quickly.
  "I think you might have given him a concussion. But that doesn't make sense, ghosts don't have brains," Maddie said, slightly confused. She reached out to gingerly place her fingertips on Danny's temple and he flinched.
  "Don't touch me!!" Danny had yelled louder then he meant to and his voice came out with an extra echo; like he had been about to use his ghostly wail. The three stilled before Danny began crawling backwards, keeping his eyes on Jack and Maddie at all times.
  "I don't wanna hurt you," Danny whimpered and tears sprang to eyes like a line of men ready to battle. Why the hell was he crying!? He didn't cry easy, at least not of late, and he'd been in these situations and worse without crying so why was he breaking down now??
  Maddie looked at him with wide eyes and her hand, which had still been suspended in shock, dropped to her belt and Danny panicked.
  "Don't hurt me!" Danny tried to pick himself up to fly, to get the hell out of dodge but when he went to stand his vision and black an —god why were his veins burning with adrenaline???
  Danny's chest was caving, that was the only explanation as his ribs seized and threatened to crush his lungs. His heart had left its place and sprinted from the back of his throat down to right beneath his collarbone before starting all over again. Has his hands always been this sweaty??? Tremors wracked through his limbs —he couldn't deal with this now!! He needed to finish his Hamlet essay, and review his history notes, and hadn't Liz asked him to buy popsicle sticks for their art project??? That's what he had forgotten!! He can't think of this now!! Maddie and Jack could easily catch him now —but oh, God was he screwed when —if— when he went to school the next day.
  "Phantom, you're having a panic attack," Maddie said calmly.
  "No, shit there, Sherlock." Danny bit his bottom lip to prevent another scathing comment from escaping. Usually he had better control of his mouth believe it or not. He put his head between his knees, closing his eyes and trying to focus on, well, nothing. He felt tears slip from his eyes and barely stopped himself from screaming.
  "You know what a panic attack is?" Jack titled his head as he scanned over his shaking form.
  "Jack did you put the settings up too high while we were following him?"
  "Of course not! I was very careful not to bounce anything out of place. You've Done the math, four times, it should be perfectly calibrated." Jack twisted the purple and silver metallic gun in his hands, giving it a thorough look over.
  "What the fuck are you two talking about!!" The scientists' head whipped back to see Danny's eyes glowing a tad brighter than before and his mouth transfixed into a snarl. Maddie slid a careful hand to her holster.
  "Our newest invention. Ghosts, well most of them, are just whispers of feelings that people once had. They can't actually feel and so they do bad things or... or they mimic human behaviors really well to make it seem like they do, like they're human." Maddie's voice trailed off at the end as if seeing if he would explode.
  Danny felt that normally he would have but he started to hyperventilate. How was he going to reverse it??? Was there even a way to do so or did they not include a reverse button by mistake (on purpose?) like they had mistakenly put the 'on' button inside the portal??
  "We're going to take you to the lab. Check your... concussion and to stabilize your mood. Run a few tests..."
   They would strap him down and cut and lay his chest open like a butterfly steak and their hungry eyes would roam over him and their hands would devour him by pulling at his nerve endings and removing his organs and Danny would scream until his voice was hoarse and then some like a helpless lamb. Would he bleed blood or ectoplasm when they drained him? Would they take turns as he bleed out?? Or would they flow out together like some sort of demented, holiday dinner?? Or—
  "Phantom! You need to calm down." Maddie was at his side (when had she gotten there?) and was squeezing his hand. Danny briefly noted her eyes were filled with worry as her goggles hung at her neck. "Just breathe with me okay, please."
  "Breathe with her, buddy" Jack, who sat on the other side of Danny, whispered as he gently rubbed circles on the boy's lower back. "It's gonna be okay. We aren't going to hurt you."
  Danny wanted to say a smart aleck remark about them not having the same sentiment five minutes ago but instead focused on his breathing. He faced his head skyward and tried to count the stars. Nothing but him and the stars, no home— just the stars.
  Danny was reminded of the time he went stargazing with the rest of his family. A rare occasion as Maddie and Jack seemed to always be working. They had smiled so big at him as he pointed out constellations, awestruck. Jazz had nodded along as she listened attentively with a smile of her own. The night hadn't been more clear in months and more stars then usually were out. The picnic blanket they laid on was soft and him and Jazz had rested in between their parents and God they had been so happy then—
  Danny let out an involuntary sob. The melancholy seemed to come from the depths of his chest but at least it seemed to push out the panic.
  "Phantom," Maddie asked as she huddled closer to him. Phantom, not Danny. It hadn't really bothered him before; they didn't know it was him so why would they call him by his name?
  But it still made him cry harder. He wanted to tell them. He wanted to so, so bad.
  Jazz had urged him to tell them. But Danny had always been afraid. Scared that they wouldn't want him anymore.
  Now the sadness had overwhelmed the fear and the panic. He felt so isolated even when his parents were next to him, right there, trying to coax him into being calm. He had to tell them. He had to do it now because he wouldn't be this impulsive again.
  He felt the white rings gloss over him and heard Jack yell out "Phantom". When it was over he heard them gasp.
  "D-Danny," Maddie choked out.
   "I'm so sorry," Danny said through his tears. He chanted it over and over again as his parents reassured him that he had nothing to be sorry for and that they should apologize.
  The three sat there for quite some time, huddled close and crying together.
  Soon they would head home and take care of Danny's quickly healing concussion and reverse the effects of the gun. They would ask questions tomorrow after school but, for now, they tucked him into bed, something they hadn't done since he was eleven, and gave him their good night kisses on his temple before creeping to their room unaware of Jazz watching them from her bedroom door. She would text Sam and Tucker an explanation and ask them to give Danny the answers to the homework in the morning. She slipped into bed and fell asleep.
  The streets were barely slick with rain anymore. The stars twinkled merrily and the street lights buzzed. The crisp, cool air was calm and mellow. The night soothing and the Fentons were a family once again.
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angelic-slasher · 4 years
i’m sorry
summary: the day michael comes back home is like no other. with plans to end your reunion, it all goes downhill in an instant.
warnings: rape, violence, character death, agonizing gut wrenching heartbreak, suicide, ooc!michael
word count: 1,794
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October 31st is the day you dread. It was Halloween. And Halloween was not your favorite holiday. Haddonfield, Illinois was small, so every single child was out trick-or-treating. You read newspapers about Michael's disappearance from Smith's Grove Psychiatric Ward. It was blessing the police never came to the Myers' old childhood home. You had stayed behind, knowing Michael was going to come back. And when he did, you were ecstatic to greet your childhood best friend.
He looked broader and extremely tall, close to seven feet tall. His blonde hair was dark and longer, as well as his full beard. Michael hasn't recognized you at first as you stood there, small and timid, his height towering over you.
"Remember me, Mikey?” You spoke quietly, his confused as taking in every detail of you.
The sound of his old nickname leaving your lips made his eye widen. He slowly stepped towards you, his large boots thundering against the dirty wooden floor. His large, dirtied hand raises up to your face. You're close to tears as his fingertips trace the small scar above your eyebrow. You remembered how you got it.
It was during Halloween years ago. You and Michael were sitting in your treehouse munching on candy corns and bite sized snickers. You had trouble unwrapping a lollipop and ended up punching yourself in the face, your small ring nicking you on your brow bone.
Michael's fingers slid down to your cheek, moving his hands further down until his knuckles came in contact with your collarbones. It was silent. You stared up at the mammoth man. His fingers curled around the dirty, gold necklace around your delicate neck. He opened the locket easily with his thumb. Inside was a picture of you and Michael at age 8. When he finally looked into your glistening eyes, he dropped to his knees and buried his head against your stomach.
You let out a sob mixed with a wet laugh, readings streaming freely down your rosy cheeks. You held Michael's head and dug your fingers in his grimy hair. Michael's hands held your hips as pulled you closer.
"Oh, I've missed you so much, Mikey,” you whispered.
"Y/N,” he grumbles, standing to his full height and peering down at you.
His voice was gruff and deep and manly, unlike the young and high pitched voice you were used to hearing back then.
"Did you miss me too?" You shyly asked, your hands slowly and hesitantly cupping his cheeks.
MichaelMs shoulders slouched and his head bowed so his face reached your hands. His eyes closed as he took in your gentle touch. Your hands were small and warm and soft and felt like home.
"Missed you,” he mumbled, eyes squeezing tight as he moved passed you and into the basement.
He looked around at the broken down area and the broken floorboards. He knelt down and pulled up a floorboard. Inside was his beloved mask and crusted kitchen knife. You followed him and stood at the doorway, watching as he pulled on his mask, clutching the knife tightly in his hands. He stood up straight and walked towards you, breathing heavily, waiting to hear you protest. You knew where he was going. You knew what he did as a child. You kept it a secret. And you'd do it again.
"Be careful, Mikey,” you whispered.
You grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down to your small height. You pressed your lips against the lips of his mask and gave him a quick kiss. You blushed and quickly released him, but he stayed still and stared into your eyes.
"Come back to me, okay? I lost you once. I don't need to lose you again,” you mumbled, feeling intimidated by his intense gaze.
Michael straightened his back and lifts his hand to stroke your cheek. "Promise."
You smile and watch as he left through the back door. You hand reached up to your neck as you cradled the locket in your palm. You smile. You finally got your Mikey back.
It was nearing midnight. You had been on the rotten couch all day worrying about your precious Michael. You anxiously tapped your foot and fiddled with the hem of your red dress. You wore it just for Michael, only because his favorite color was red. You immediately shot up from your seat when you heard the front door open, followed by footsteps. However, there were more than one pair of footsteps.
"Look at what we got here, boys. Little pretty dolly trespassing."
A man stands in the doorway of the living room, behind him was three other men. They all looked in their mid 40s with trucker caps and dirty clothes. The leader stared at you and smirked.
"You—You shouldn't be in here,” you stammered, taking a step back with your hand outstretched in front of you as they took a step forward.
"Why? Cause of the boogeyman?" As the man said the word 'boogeyman', he take a large step forward, making you take many steps back.
He chuckles, as well as his buddies. You were trembling in your flats. Where was Michael? You prayed in your head as the men inches closer to your frozen body. The leader stood too close and sniffed your hair, gliding his hand down your arm.
"She's mighty fine. Ain't she, fellas?" He asked, earning approving grunts from the other three men.
You went to charge, but one of them grabbed you and hauled you up. You screamed and began beating at him from behind. Your legs kicked as the other men laughed. You were thrown into the wall, your face slammed into the dry wall. You fell to the floor as you felt blood leak out of your nose. You felt hands grab your wrists, pulling you across the floor. You screamed and cried as one of the men behind you held you down.
"Otis, shut her up!!" The leader bellowed.
You felt a hard punch land across your jaw. You whimpered and tasted copper from the blood leaking from your gums. The leader kneeled in front of your body and forcefully spread your thighs. You kicked and screamed, earning another hard punch.
"Pete, for God's sake, hold her damn legs!" The leader yelled as he began unbuckling his belt.
"Please don't do this. Please, please, please,” you sobbed, feeling your underwear being torn apart from your battered body.
You felt bruises form on your arms and thighs, as well as your face. Otis punched you more times as the leader painfully thrusts into you. You scream echoed the house as he went brutal and quick. Your toes curled in pain as the size of him tore you apart. Your throat was raw and burned as you screamed for help. A hand smacked over your mouth to silence your screams.
It must've been an hour later as all men finished their many rounds. Your vaginal area was bloody and torn. Your face ached and was caked with blood and cuts. Your inner and outer thighs had deep bruises from fat fingerprints. You were too tired to to scream. You were too tired to cry.
"What do we do now?" Otis panted as he stood up and buckled his belt, wiping the beads of sweat on his brow with the back of his hand.
"We kill the bitch,” the leader states, pulling out a long hunters knife from his back pocket. "She knows our faces and names. Might as well finish the job."
He leans down between your spread legs.
You licked your dry lips, and with another breath, you whispered, "Fuck you."
The leader sucked his teeth and shook his head. "Such a shame...you were so pretty."
Your mouth fell open at the feeling of a sharp knife harshly pushing into your stomach. Then the knife was being pulled out before he stabbed you in the chest. Your eyes widened and you gurgled, blood leaking from your mouth. As he stood, he sent one last look at you and scoffed at the tear falling down your temple. Your eyes were trained on the ceiling as you felt your body begin to numb out. You heard screams from behind you coming from the men. You didn't know why. You didn't care. You were dying.
From your peripheral vision, you saw the leader being thrown across the room. Then, Michael was into view, stabbing him in the chest and lifting him into the air. He wrapped a large hand around his neck and retracted his knife before slamming it into the leader's chest many brutal times. He fell to the ground with a thud. Michael stood before him, breathing heavy, chest rising and falling quickly.
"M—Mich—Michael..” you wheezed.
He turned around and spotted you, bloody, battered, and slowly losing life. He dropped his knife, and it fell to the ground with a clutter. He made his over to you and knelt down. He spotted the bruises on your thighs and ripped off his mask angrily. Your hand shook as you reached for his.
"I'm s—sorry, Mi—Michael. I'm so—so sorry for not v—visiting you. I'm sorry M—Michael,” you weakly whimpered, eyes falling shut at the pain you were starting to feel, not from the stab wounds, but from your broken heart at the thought of leaving Michael forever.
"Shhh,” he whispered, lip trembling as they formed a snarl.
The loud roar he released is one of heartbreak and pain. His voice cracked as he cried heavily. He rocked back and forth and cradled your hand to his chest.
"I lo—love you, Michael M—Myers,” you whimpered, tears escaping your eyes as you let out a final wheezing breath.
Michael releases another deep roar, tears now streaming down his cheeks. He let go of your bloody hand and looks at you. He kisses your lips gently and touched your check, as it was wet and warm with blood. He looks around at the mess of dead bodies and felt his chest hurt. Michael shakily stood and walked over to where his knife was. He bent down and picked up the weapon. He looks at the bloodied blade and walks over to your lifeless body. He stared down in pain and pressed the tip of his knife to his chest.
"I love you too,” he whispered and pushed the knife as deep as it could go into his chest.
Michael grunts at the sharp pain as he falls to his knees with a heavy thud. He lays on his back and breathes in and out shakily as he reaches for your limp hand. He clutches tighter as he hears police sirens from outside his childhood home. Michael's bleeding out quicker than he imagined. He's happy; happy that he could be with you forever.
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doharas · 3 years
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                                 “She was a dangerous, dangerous girl. A plague.”
Name: Do Hara Age: 30 D.O.B: november 6, 1990 Gender: cis female Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: bisexual Hometown: seoul, south korea Affiliation: Law enforcement, not corrupt Job position: forensic pathologist Education: BA in biology, M.D Relationship status: divorced Children: none Positive traits: punctual, maverick, dutiful, empathetic Negative traits: abrasive, enigmatic, demanding, brazen
TW: sibling death, alcoholism, psychological abuse
               for her start was very much calm, not having cried a single tear until the baby found herself on the arms of her mother. Together, both cried for the new life that arose in the world. Too proud to even show up, her father excused himself for a meeting just a few minutes before her arrival “Will this take too long?” He was heard asking the nurses more than once. But Hara and her mother were never alone, for her mom’s ‘big boy’ was right there next to them, crying with them both.
              It became a habbit for her older brother, being the one always taking care for her. Bora was a busy woman, and while she always tried to be there for her kids, there were times when she was just a little too late. Haseok was just six when his sister came into his life, and even if they were never left alone, he took the hard task of taking care of her and protecting her from any harm,
              And so the siblings grew up hand in hand, Hara always folling her brother’s footsteps.
              as she understood soon enough. In the movies, father’s took their chldren to ball games, and every time the father was too focused on his work, an extraordinary event happened to bring him back to his family. That never happened to Hara’s father. The girl used to sit on the front stairs to watch him go, and each time he came back he would find her waiting patiently for him. “Of course he loves you, baby, how could he not?” Her mother used to try and calm her each time it got a little to close to Hara’s heart.
              She knew her father wasn’t bad, he was just too cold, too proud, and always too far from home. But that had been her only concern in life, until one night the screams came to her.
              They all rushed to the hospital without saying much to the twelve year old. She stood still all night, seated at a chair on the waiting room while her parents discussed with doctors and nurses. She didn’t understand what was happening until the next morning, when she went up to meet her brother, who was laying on the hospital bed with a weak smile, “Hey monster, damn, even Godzilla would be afraid of you.” And they both laughed as if they were back home.
              Haseok took care of his sister even on his last moments. Hara does not remember watching him cry, nor complain. She remembers him smiling, the same way he smiled at her each morning. If it were a movie, her brother would’ve never left.
              how could it be without her best friend? She has always had him by her side, showing him the right path and encouraging her on the rough parts. Now, not even her mother seemed to be enough. “Mom?” She had gone to her parent’s room one night, almost a year after her brother’s death. “I had a nightmare...” But her mother was too busy taking care of her fund raising event. She smelt funny, but Hara had no time to comment before she was rushed away by her father.
              Suddenly, she became nothing but another piece of furniture for her parents, and funny enough, her father was there for those events always on time, always besides her wife. She even once lied and said her driver was her father, and even if the man scolded her for it, she only looked at him through the mirror with an apologetic smile.
              The people who worked at her parent’s house never left her alone. Each time her mother threw up after her events, they were there for the girl, doing their best in order to take her mind off the sounds coming from the bathroom. Hara couldn’t be tricked for much longer, for soon enough it was her who send her mother away. She has not heard of her parent’s ever since.
since there was no reason for her to stay. She left for New York to study, she wanted to be a doctor like the ones who had tried so hard to save her brother. It was also there were she met the love of her life. After all, life seemed to be a fairy tale, and she was living each second of it as if it were the last.
Perhaps someone with more experience would’ve warned her, and perhaps someone did, she was just in love and she refused to listen. But that type of love made her only hurt slowly, and her friends soon noticed the change in her eyes. “I’m sorry.” Her lips were used to those words, for it was all her fault and all she did was bother the rest. Her parents hated her for going against them, for leaving them behind to study something that would not help the family business. They hated her because she wasn’t her brother. Naturally, it was everything her fault.
So it wasn’t hard to make her believe it.
She got engeged, she got married, and suddenly all she felt was fear. Perhaps what made her wake up was walking in on her husband naked in bed with one of her best friends. 
or that was the last words she told herself before finally walking out of the apartment she had shared with her now ex husband. Finally, she feels like she has found her path, maybe a little later in life than either her or her brother would’ve wanted, but she finally felt like she was doing something right.
THE OTHER SIDE. Hara is someone who has always tried to follow the rules. She has a very strong moral, or so she thinks. After finally divorcing her husband she realized that she had not done much with her life, she had just worked, studied, gotten married and nothing else. She might be young for her profession, but she is good at what she does, and I think it would be interesting to see someone trying to bring her to the dark side (we can make it angsty too, looove angst).
YOU GOT A FRIEND IN ME. After she left her husband she really didn’t want to stay on their apartment, so she is now living with a roomate, most certainly just for a little while. I think this friend would’ve been with her through almost all of the process and she would hold them close to her heart.
MISC. I am honestly open to whatever!! She needs work friends, fwb, she literally is starting to live her life as she wants to, not caring about anything, so probably some bad influences too, some good influences, some drinking buddies. I am up for everything and anything!!
hello everyone! my name is moonie and I have been roleplaying for a lot longer than I should’ve. I began my rping journy on Spanish forums, then moved to tumblr, then tried my luck on twitter and now I am back!! I love plotting, I love being able to write a character and push them to places I didn’t think they could go to, and my favorite moment is when people send me random messages with plot ideas, or something that reminded them of our characters. random facts about me is that I have a new found obsession with maneskin and young royals . I’m so excited to write with all of you!B
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imaginarypeteel · 4 years
Dear Blue: Kurt Wagner x F! Reader
Your mutation: You have f/c hair and can control people when singing
A/n: This is my first one, just something that's stayed in my mind for awhile. Also, it's been a while since I saw X-Men's movies and I haven't been able to read the comics, so I'm sorry that it's kinda OOC. Also, the song lyrics are improvised by me. I also don't remember if the X-Men were known by mutants but here they are. I also apologize for any mistakes with any products.
Word count: 5k
Gender: Fluff
Warnings: Cursing
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Jubilee wanted to watch an interview with her favorite artist - Y/n L/n. Appereantly she made songs for mutants. Jubilee had also made them watch it when they had shown little to no care about the said singer.
"So, Y/n, a question that has been lurking in everyone's mind. What do you really think about mutants?" asked the interviewer. Jubilee's breath hitched.
Y/n gave her interviewer a small smile. "Exactly what I've said every other time it's been asked. I think they're misunderstood. Not everyone is the same. When you walk past a human, you don't scream and run, you just walk past them. But for all you know, maybe this human you just walked past is a psychopath who has killed fifteen plus people. But then you walk past a mutant and most of you will scream and run and maybe even call them monsters. But maybe this mutant you just called a monster saved a kitten and risked their life in the process. You don't know who they are as a person when you walk past them."
"Yes, that she is but other people there might not be as open minded," Jean explained her boyfriend's words softly.
After the interviewer had asked some more questions, the show had ended and a break game, Jubilee jumped up. "See? She's awesome! And she protects us!" the girl gushed.
The other mutants exchanged uncertain glances but shrugged and nodded, "I guess?" Jean said uncertainly.
"Yes! I knew you'd like her which is exactly why I got all of us tickets for her concert that is going to be in New York," Jubilee chirped, showing the tickets.
All of their eyes widened and Kurt filled with slight panic. "What the hell? How do you plan on getting us in? No offence but I don't think we can hide Blue boy over here when we go," Scott growled.
Kurt moved a bit uncomfortably.
Jubilee rolled her eyes, "Hello, where you even listening to what Y/n said? She is completely fine with mutants."
In the end, Kurt had went with the coat and hat since he didn't know what the inside of the giant concert house looked like. Surprisingly, the guards let him in.
Jubilee was quiet for a moment but then she smiled brightly. "But what if he teleports inside? Or maybe wears a coat and a hat?"
Jubilee was giddily waiting for the show to start, different colored glow rings wrapped around different parts of her body. They had seen a few other mutants with visible mutations like a teenage girl with cat eyes and tail and even some fur and a man who looked a bit like a fairy.
"Why did we agree to this again?" Scott groaned, earning a smack from Jean.
All of a sudden, all the lights turned off. Kurt looked around, he had never been to a concert and he thought that maybe the lights had died. "Oh my gosh, it's starting!" Jubilee squealed.
"Vhat do you mean, zhe li-" Kurt started but cut off as a popping sound came and most of the lights pointed to a girl in the middle of the huge stage with colorful and sparkly clothes. Other lights were running along the stage and some going through the crowd.
The catchy and loud music started and Kurt swore his heart started beating to every single beat. It was bizzare but he swore that's how it was.
"Hello New York! How are you this fine night?" the girl - Y/n - asked loudly into the microphone. There was chorus of screams of 'good' that made Kurt's ears ring. "Good 'cause I'm doing awesome too now that I'm with you," the star replied with a huge smile in her voice. "Now what do you say we get this party started?" Y/n asked. Once again, a chorus of screams 'yes' and Kurt cringed at it again.
"I fear what you think of me once you realize that I'm not like you."
"Will you think of me as a monster or not, as a monster or not?"
Were the first lyrics. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.
Kurt felt these lyricys hit him a bit close to heart.
"But I hope you won't because I'm not. I'm just scared. Just really really scared."
The concert had gone horribly wrong. Halfway through and mutant hunters had opened fire. Screams had filled the humongous room and people were trampling over each other.
Kurt had found himself liking the concert much much more than he thought he would. Like that much more that he was dancing. Same with the others, Jubilee and Jean already singing the lyrics off key with Y/n and the crowd.
Thankfully Kurt had teleported them out of the place, they were now outside and were about to run towards the X-Jet when hunters jumped in front of them, guns pointed at them. They debated if they should fight or just let Kurt teleport them away when:
"Don't hurt, just leave, just leave, just leave. No one hurt, no one hurt, no one hurt. Just leave."
The hunters froze before lowering their weapons and simply walking away. The X-Men turned their heads towards the source of the voice when a familiar f/c haired popstar jumped out of the shadows, still all colorful and glittery. "Okay! This won't last for long! Let's go!" she rushed them, her e/c eyes quickly snapping between the X-Men and the hunters. Said mutants were a bit... stunned. "Well?!" the popstar cried out desperately.
"Uhm, Kurt, would you teleport us to the X-Jet?" Jean mumbled. They all grabbed onto the blue mutant when Y/n exclaimed, "Waaait! Can I come with you? My driver took off when this started and my place is... not close enough for me to get away from the hunters on foot."
The friends exchanged looks but nodded. Y/n sighed with relief before jumping onto Kurt's arm, making the said boy flush violet.
With a bamf, they were on the X-Jet, Y/n still tightly clinging onto the teleporter's arm. "Woah! That's so cool!" she chirped with excitement, looking around, unknowingly hooking her arm around the German mutant's elbow, making him even more violet.
"O. M. G! Y/n L/n is a mutant! And she's here! On our X-Jet!!!" Jubilee chirped, earning the popstar's attention a shy smile forming on her face.
"I guess I am... Wait... X-Jet? Does that mean..." The f/c haired girl trailed off before letting out a gasp. She finally let go of Kurt to gather her hands around her mouth as she squealed some muffled words into it. "You're the X-Men, aren't you?"
They exchanged looks and nodded.
"Wow! I can't believe this is happening!" Y/n bounced a 360°. She then tucked a stray piece of her dyed hair behind her ear shyly. "Oh my gosh, I have dreamed  for this day. I'm Y/n... You already knew that, 'cause you were at my concert." She stayed quiet for a bit before her e/c colored eyes widened. "The X-Men were at my concert!" she exclaimed. "Holy-"
Two minutes into the flight of Jubilee asking her favorite star all sorts of questions, Y/n opened her mouth to request something. "So, can we stop by my place? I'm not sure if I want to get any more glitter over this thing."
"Not to be rude but we should get going," Ororo interfered.
The popstar blushed like a boiled lobster and nodded while smiling shyly at the floor. She hesitantly sat on a seat that no one took which just so happened to be beside the Nightcrawler.
Ororo, Jean and Scott had a silent conversation between themselves before Jean asked: "Depends, where's your Place?" Y/n grinned before giving her address, it was a bit off route for their path back to the X-Mansion but not too far, so they decided to go there.
Kurt wasn't sure what he was expecting. A rotten cottage in the middle of the woods? Not Really. An apartment in the city? Maybe. A private nice house? Yes. But not a freaking mansion that challenged the place they lived at.
"You live here alone?!" Peter gasped making the star chuckle.
"No, my parents, a few mutants who are taking cover there and my pig, Cookie also lives there."
Jean rose a brow, "You have a pig?"
Jubilee squealed in her seat, "O. M. G! Yes! Cookie is the cutest!!!"
About fifteen minutes later, a familiar figure was hopping towards them through the woods, clutching three bags. She also had different clothes and a small figure was running after her.
They decided to land hundred feet away from her gates. Y/n started to head off the X-Jet but then she stopped. "By the way what are your names? Only Jubilee told me hers," she chuckled. They all told her their names, Kurt earning a warm smile from the e/c orbed mutant before she bounced off towards her own mansion. She had decided to join the school to focus a bit on her abilities.
"So, Y/n," Ororo started, earning the giddy mutant's immediate attention. "Can you explain your mutation a bit better to us?" the white-haired woman asked.
Y/n smiled awkwardly, "Well I uh, I can control people's minds with what I sing. But it's a limited amount of people and after like um, 3 minutes it wears off and usually they remember that i controlled them. So uh yeah, almost every hunter in New York should know by now that I'm a mutant. If not everyone that is," she mumbled sadly. "Oh! And my hair colour, it's not dyed, it actually is that colour."
"Oh my gosh that's Cookie!" Jubilee exclaimed, her eyes shining brighter than ever.
"You are not taking that pig with you," Scott grunted as soon as Y/n stepped inside.
Her and Jubilee let out devastated gasps. "What?!" they exclaimed.
Cookie trotted between the seats, sniffing them like a bloodhound, occasionally letting out oinks. He then stopped beside Kurt as he sniffed his spaded tail, his snout and breath tickled it which made Kurt pull his tail back, up to his lap. Cookie didn't seem to like it, because the next moment, the small pig was on the blue mutant's lap.
"Awww!" Y/n was now leaning against Kurt's chair, making him turn from blue to violet once again. "Look! He already accepted Kurt, why not take him?" the singer argued with Scott.
"He's going to be roasted for dinner if you take him there, pets are not allowed," Cyclops huffed.
"Then they'll have to face me," the f/c haired girl said darkly, dumping her bags in the back, walking over to her previous seat and plopping down there.
"And me! And you know I don't control my powers," Jubilee said. The others made uncomfortable faces but let it go.
"Cookie, did you replace me with Kurt so quickly?" Y/n cried as they were walking towards Professor X's office. It was late... or early. However you would like to take 4am.
The singer waited for a response which was just Cookie running an inch away from the blue boy's strange feet. "I don't blame you, he's cute," Y/n shrugged. Kurt's amber eyes grew to the size of watermelons at the compliment. Cute? No one has ever called me cute. And for the uncountable number of time, she had made him blush once again.
Your pig came to you oinking, begging for food. You grabbed another white bread, turning around and connecting your eyes with your small pink friend. "Sit," you had chirped, two seconds after, the dots connected in his little brain and he sat down. You bent down and gave him the bread. Immediately, he started to chew on it loudly. You were used to the noise of his chewing but obviously, some weren't. Half of the people cringed at the sound while others awwed.
When you had entered the dining room in the morning, quite many of the students had choked on their drinks or foods or had spurted it out. "Is that Y/n really walking around the X-Mansion or am I still dreaming?" someone choked, earning a pat on the back from you.
"Are you okay?" you asked with concern.
"yes," they squeaked, earning a smile from you before you trotted to an empty space, once again beside Kurt.
Cookie soon came running down the stairs. Surprisingly, Professor X had let him stay after you had plead and howled on why you need him here. "Is that Cookie?!" a girl gasped, you hummed as confirmation as you rubbed some jam onto your white bread.
After he had eaten the bread and you had completely ignored him on giving another, he had decided to try and swoon Kurt. "Damn, he really likes you. Can't say he is the only one," you smiled, still eating your breakfast. Kurt didn't know how to take that statement. Did you like him as someone you tolerated or something more? No, the latter was nonsense, you had been in the X-Mansion for less than twenty-four hours, plus he looked strange and you hadn't even had a full conversation with him. You probably just meant it as a joke because of how keen on him Cookie was already. You were probably going to ignore him soon anyway.
A month had passed and anyone saying you were ignoring him would be the biggest liar in Earth's history. After the first week, you were clinging onto him like a koala baby to its mother. It made him shy while you were anything but. You asked him all sorts of strange questions. For example: "If you could be any planet in our solar system, who would you be?" and "Birch or maple tree?"
They had him very confused but he answered them anyway, after sometime, he was comfortable with you though and he thought that maybe that was the point of the strange questions. Something you also did was flirt with him shamelessly from time to time. You just got into that mood sometimes and at those times, you were usually hooked to his elbow with your own and occasionally leaning your head against his arm or shoulder. Now that was what made him shy, awkward and nervous.
"Kurt," you purred at him, throwing your arms around his shoulders as you headed towards the danger room. Professor X had seen potential in you and now you were training to become an X-Man. You had chosen on the first day to use Siren as your alias.
That fact had awakened Kurt's insecurities that had basically disappeared. You were a worldwide known singer who humans actually liked and you had probably dated lots of normal looking guys and maybe even girls. While he looked anything but normal, elf ears, amber eyes, serious lack of fingers and toes, a tail, fangs and most importantly blue skin. Your only visible mutation was your f/c hair and that was easily covered by two words: hair dye.
You were in your flirt mood again, Kurt gulped at that, "Uhm, hi Y/n."
You squealed at his reply and squeezed him tightly, "Aaah, you're so cute!" Your f/c haired self gushed as you leaned your head on his bicep, Still Walking so you made the two of you sway from side to side slightly. Kurt's tail nervously twitched. He knew a small crush for you had bloomed in him. He would've thought that maybe you liked him too but you often would be flirty with the other boys and sometimes with even Ororo and Jubilee.
Eventually you sighed before squeezing him tightly. "I would wish that you would know how amazing you really are," you said, your voice muffled since your face was buried into his side. He smiled at your words. "Zankz, Y/n."
"Hey Kurtie, if you could wish for one thing from a genie, what would it be?" You asked with interest.
Kurt bitterly replied, "That I could look normal."
His response made you jerk away from him, eyes wide. "What?! Don't you know how amazing you look?" The male mutant shrugged at that, you stared at him for ten seconds, trying to figure out if he was lying or not.
When Christmas Month rolled around, Kurt became a bit suspicious. You had suddenly started to offer to give him foot, neck and arm massages. You also asked more basic questions "what's your favorite color?" for example.
"And this one's for Kurt," Jean said, passing the gift to the blue mutant. Kurt took the box. It was wrapped in a pale blue paper, Kurt Wagner and Nightcrawler written endlessly in delecate silver handwriting. It was decorated with an indigo bow. By the way your eyes shined brighter and you bounced a little, he guessed it was from you. If you had put so much work into the outside, then was the gift equally as amazing or were you trying to make up for a horrible gift? There was a snow white box inside and this time written with black 'For Kurt'.
"Awwww! Thanks Kurt!" you squealed, squeezing the book he got you tightly.
The male's amber eyes widened at that. "H-How'd you know zat it'z from me?" he asked nervously.
You giggled, "Well honey, your handwriting." Kurt chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
He carefully opened the box and his heart softened as he saw the inside. A heart shaped gingerbread stared back at him, looking fancy with the pink and white icing. 'Kurt' was written in the middle of the heart. He put the gingerbread on his knee - he was sitting with his legs criss-crossed. Cookie came to sniff the gingerbread but Kurt shooed him away with his tail. In the gift box was a handmade knitted scarf, pair of wooly socks, gloves and even a hat. All in his two favorite colors. Kurt Wagner was embroidered into all of them delicately.
Nightcrawler bit his cheek with his fangs to stop himself from crying out of happiness. He rose his head and mouthed 'thank you' with a smile, his blue face full of graditude. You beamed at that, e/c eyes bright.
Kurt bent down, hands stretched out to take Scott's gift and then teleport back to his own room. The mutant was about to come back to a standing position when a force crashed into him, sending him towards the floor. Startled, Kurt teleported to the roof. He immediately heard feminine laughing. And jumped away while flipping also to see who had attacked him.
You were wiping a tear from your eye, quietly mumbling, "Oh my God." You then snorted before letting out another guffaw. Kurt playfully glared at you.
"Okay, I'm done," you said but snorted at the end. This time didn't laugh anymore though. "So, I forgot to put one of your gifts under the tree. It's in my room," you grinned. Kurt's amber eyes widened. You had made him another gift? But the one before was more than enough? With guilt, the blue mutant's shoulders fell. He had only gotten you book. "You zhouldn't have, Vögelchen. I only gotz you a book."
You frowned at his sad face. Your s/c hands flew to the mutant's face and made sure he was looking at you. "Hey, hey! Come on now. I had been searching for that book for ages with no avail. Now, get us to my room so I can give you the other gift," you ordered sternly, still holding onto his scarred cheeks. Kurt flicked his tail but bamfed to your room.
The lights were off but since your roommate was a fortune teller who could tell the future by looking into water, there was an exceptional aquarium in your room that's light brightened up most of the room.
Cookie made happy oinks as he saw Kurt and immediately flew off the bed, right onto the Nightcrawler's feet. "You could say the second gift is from Cookie?" you giggled, making two steps towards the big white box on your bed, pushing the crimson and white Christmas wrapping under your roommate's bed.
Kurt pet Cookie while you headed back to the boys, clutching the gift. Once again 'For Kurt' was written on the box. Kurt took the box and sat on your bed, the present in his lap. Carefully, he took the cover off, his eyes widening at the inside. Four pairs of designer footwear. Brown leather winter boots, white, black and red nikes, red and black flip-flops and finally, black rainboots. When he inspected them, he realized that all of them had 'Kurt Wagner' written on the inside.
While shaking slightly, the blue mutant wrapped his arms around you, "Zank you, Vögelchen," he whispered. You just squeezed him tight as a response. The moment was broken by Cookie scratching Kurt's feet, asking to have a hug too. You both giggled and Nightcrawler picked the pig up, giving him a gentle hug. He earned a snout on his cheek and affectionate licks on his chin.
"If you still want to, I think I know how you can make it up," you said slowly. Kurt gave you an expectant look, still rubbing the pink animal who kept giving him kisses.
"Oh....my....GOD!" you squealed which made Kurt open his eyes. You had asked for him to take you to Finland, so you could see what a real Christmas was like. He hadn't expected it to work. Basically teleporting to the other side of the world sounded impossible but he had done it apparently. It should be an early morning in Finland and it did appear like it was.
You placed the wiggling pig down and immediately, Cookie went to inspect the snow with his snout. A red Christmas sweater was wrapped around his small body.
Since Kurt was absolutely drained of energy - given the fact that he had just teleported the two of you across to world to another continent - you decided to visit a stall and bring the two of you some tea while he rested on a bench, Cookie sniffing circles around him.
After he was up and well again, the two of you had a snowball fight and visited different stalls. Interacting with the sellers was awkward since your Finnish was very very bad and they knew maximum of three words in English. But besides that, you two had fun.
You even saw other... SOME mutant couples hanging about in the very early hours of the morning. There was a girl with the same toned skin as Kurt and crazily long lighter shade of blue hair, she was holding hands with a man who's snake like tongue popped out from time to time. There was also a normal looking woman who's elbow was locked with the elbow of a man who was glowing. Literally. There were three more couples who did not seem normal but you had focused more on your tailed companion.
When you returned, you nearly gave your roommate a heart attack. She had been making out with her boyfriend Caleb but when she noticed you two awkwardly shuffling, "Oh my fucking God! What the hell Y/n?!" Jemila screamed, ignoring the distasteful twist on Kurt's face at her choice of words. Your Nigerian roommate glowered at you before apologizing to her ginger boyfriend who just nodded awkwardly. He was a shy boy unlike Jemila and at the moment, the color of his face would've matched his hair if it were a little pinker.
"Sooo..." you trailed but were cut off by clap, the lights went out. When they turned back on, Caleb was nowhere to be found. "Oh come on! It took me ages to convince him to come here," Jemila whined, her dark kinky hair pushing to the front of her face as she rolled her head against the walls.
"I better get going too," Kurt yawned. Yes, he was tired but also very uncomfortable with the situation.
When he bamfed away, you laughed nervously as your dark-skinned roommate glared at you.
Valentine's Day rolled around and you were walking to History class with Jemila. "I swear you better ask him out today because I am tired of seeing you two being all cutesy and cuddly everytime I feed my babies," the girl hissed at you. Oh man, everytime she started to feed her neon tetras and rainbow fish, she started moaning about seeing Kurt and you being a disgustingly cute couple, cuddling on a couch, both looking a bit older.
Even though the visions your roommate got were comforting, you still hesitated on asking the blue boy out. What if he didn't like you right now? Yes, he had taken you to the other side of the world on Christmas but that was because he felt bad for simply getting you a book. Which you loved and had read through three times by now.
"Yeah, yeah, you know very well what I have planned for today," you grumbled.
"I do and you better go through with it."
Kurt sat down beside his friends. He greeted them, all of them returned the gesture except for Jean and Scott who were being extra affectionate since it was... Well... Valentine's Day. Kurt's amber eyes ran over the cafeteria to see if you were hanging out with anyone. He was both relived and distressed about you not being there. Relieved since he didn't see you with anyone and distressed because maybe you were on a date or something with someone.
The blue-skinned boy shook his head and started eating his salad. He was almost done when there were claps heard and the cafeteria turned dark. There were confused and scared mumbles of other students. But given his multi mutations, Kurt was able to see you scrambling up on the table Jemila and her boyfriend were occupying. You had a guitar in your hands and a mini skirt wrapped around your lower body perfectly which was rare since you usually settled for pants.
Jemila and Caleb ran off before claps were heard again, letting the lights return into the cafeteria. The students mumbled among each other with confusion before noticing you standing there in a royal blue mini skirt and a white dress shirt with blue butterfly print.
"Thank you for your attention and I hope you'll keep quiet now. Hi, yes! I am going to serenade to my hopefully Valentine once I'll finish the song," you said and Kurt's brain started working fast, wondering who you were going to sing to.
"Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
When you found me I was lost, dark and scared and filled with dust.
The real me had gone to hiding,
feared what people might think of me once they will know who I am.
I put on a brave face, tried to save the ones I could without showing who I am.
But when my concert was crashed by the ones I feared the most,
I saw them try to hurt you and I couldn't just stand by.
So I revealed my biggest secret to the humankind.
It closed my door as a star but opened the door of joy and happiness.
The door which you showed me.
Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
You were one of the first ones, who knew who I was behind the mask I put on.
With you I've gotten better.
I don't fear as much as I once.
I feel free and I feel beautiful.
I feel accepted and I feel wonderful.
And so should you.
I know you sometimes feel bad because of who you are and so do I but we shouldn't.
I don't care what people think anymore because...
Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
I've kept these feelings hidden for as long as I've known you.
No it wasn't love at first sight.
But I did feel fascinated by you.
So I got to know you better and I fell in love within a month.
I fear it, yes but I will never regret it because it made me who I am.
The girl standing on a cafeteria table singing a serenade with a guitar.
All eyes are on me but I can only see you here.
Dear blue, this song I've made for you.
On Christmas I made you gifts, was so nervous how'd they fit.
They were perfect, I admit.
Fit you better than I thought.
But you took me to the other side of the world that night.
I know you were drained of that endless energy you always have but you still did it.
It was the best gift I've ever gotten and I thank you for that.
Dear blue, please be my Valentine because...
I love you,
Kurt Wagner"
Kurt felt a tear slip down his cheek. He knew you were singing about him the second you said the word 'blue' but hearing those last words really warmed his heart.
You shyly averted your e/c eyes from his amber ones as you climbed down from the table. You leaned the guitar against the long bench and started to make your way over to the blue boy.
All eyes were on you two.
Kurt stood up and bamfed in front of you, few tears still roaming down his scarred cheeks.
You bit the inside of your cheek while still smiling shyly. "So," you rocked on your heels, "what's your answer?" you asked. Kurt smiled warmly.
"Yes and I love you too, Y/n L/n."
The tailed boy quickly wrapped his arms around you and the cafeteria cheered, happy tears steamed from both of your eyes and he pressed a kiss to your temple.
Cookie ran over and started nudging the teleporter's foot with his snout and the two of you laughed as you detached yourselves and the Nightcrawler bent down to pick the pig up. The pig rubbed his snout against the boy's cheek while giving him kisses.
"And I love you too, Cookie."
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frogbe · 5 years
dr1 girls comforting their s/o after they told them about their previous abusive relationship?
1: Thank you so much for sending this in..! It helped me vent a good bit, and 2: I’m at my aunts currently without anything to do, so please, everyone send in as many requests as you want!! And 3: I’m sorry if some of the girls are slight ooc.!
(And thank you for allowing me to write about some of my favorite characters.. coughcoughSakura)
Kyoko Kirigiri:
~You were pretty skittish and nervous about getting into another relationship.
~Since your last one...well...didn’t go too well,
~Kirigiri, being the smart detective girly that she is, noticed your skittishness very early on,
~She could tell the signs of someone who used to be in an abusive relationship because of her detective work, but decided to not say anything and let you tell her when you felt comfortable doing so.
~One day when you said you had something very important to tell her, she knew what was coming,
~She thought she’d be prepared for it,
~but once you started to explain all about what your past “lover” did to you, she was shocked, and more so; disgusted.
~She didn’t get why people would abuse their lovers, I mean, they are called their “lovers” for a reason! Right?
~By the end of it, you were in tears and she was running her thumb over the back of your hand in an attempt to comfort you.
~If you were okay with it, she’d absolutely be okay with hugging you for a long time,
~(maybe even cuddling you~)
~“S/o....I’m sorry you had to go through all that. You didn’t deserve it..”
~She’d be more careful and make sure you felt absoutlely comfortable with everything you guys were doing,
~She’d start to give you hugs if you ever started thinking about it more, or just give you hugs(because she loves you~)
~and if you have any scars, she wouldn’t mind,
~(because of her hands, she thinks she isnt one to judge)
~She will even occasionally kiss one of the more visible ones! But that’s kind of rare, unless you are feeling particularly upset about them.
❤️Aoi Asahina🏊🏼‍♀️:
~She probably would take a bit of time to realize your skittishness and constant anxiousness, but once she does,
~Oh boy, is she concerned
~She loves you so much! And does her best to show it! But, your still very nervous around her.?
~There is a thought at the back of her mind that thinks someone else had caused you to be like this, but she ignored that thought thinking that it wouldn’t be possible.
~At least, thats what she thought, until you asked her to talk about something important.
~She was growing increasingly worried, ‘what’s wrong?’ ‘Did something happen?’
~When you began, she could already feel tears welling up in her eyes
~You went through...all of that...?
~By the end of it, you both are in tears and she has already hugged you and had your head on her shoulder(or against her forehead if your tall, like me-)
~“Baby...you are so strong...I had no idea you went through so much....but... I promise you...it gets better,”
~“And I’ll be here for you, every step of the way.. I promise.”
~Be prepared for long and warm cuddles after telling her that, her being the big spoon and giving you so many soft kisses everywhere
~She would constantly praise you for example:
~”You are one of the strongest people I have ever met” “Baby, you know I love you to bits, right~?”
~And If you have scars?
~Oh boy- Be prepared for them to smothered in kisses!
~Especially with cuddling~!
📕Toko Fukawa✏️:
~You and Toko could get along because of both of your nervous natures,
~but Toko could tell yours isn’t just random, and that there is some story behind it.
~You would sometimes flinch harshly near her and other people who were nowhere near threatening, which concerned her.
~Although, through all of her worries, she still didn’t want to approach you about it, because she feared that she was wrong,
~She thought nothing of it when you nervously asked to talk to her about something very important.
~As you began she became horrified and angry at the same one
~”They did what!?!?”
~She was angry to say the least,
~How dare they do that to you...
~She was VERY angry at your past “lover”
~ And I’ll tell you this; Genocider defiantly would ‘take care’ of your past “lover”
~Even though Toko isn’t one for physical affection, she would defiantly cuddle you throughout that whole night
~And give you a couple small head kisses
~and probably read you to sleep,💞
~She’d become generally more affectionate and loving to you after learning this,
~if you have any scars, she wouldn’t care, and would tell you that, and reassure you if they bother you.
♦️Celestia Ludenburg♣️:
~You used to be very nervous and flinchy around her
~I mean, she can get pretty intense at times,
~But cause of her gambling, she could tell something is wrong.
~Her gambling allowed her to learn how to read people’s emotions and easily tell how people were feeling
~but, She felt guilty whenever you flinched near her, because she felt as if she had made you uncomfortable,
~When you asked to tell her something important one day, she was all ears, she wanted to listen to your problems and was fine with doing so, she thought you had just had a bad day or something.
~Oh was she wrong.....
~As you countiued, she grew angry, but looked calm on the outside
~She wasn’t angry at you, she was angry at herself and your past “lover”.
~Why couldnt she have realized this sooner!?
~She was also very angry at your lover for doing this to you,
~’How dare they hurt a beautiful person like you!?’
~She quickly wrapped you in a hug by the time you were done explaining all of it,not caring about ruining her hair, and dress for once.
~She rubbed your back and allowed you to cry if you needed to
~She’d stay with you all night, laying on her side, facing you,
~She would be holding your hand and giving it kisses and giving you cheek kisses and reassuring you that ‘You didn’t deserve that’ ‘You were too good for them anyway.’ ‘They deserve to burn in Hell.’
~ Well, That last one wasn’t that reassuring. But it helped nevertheless.
~If you have any scars she would take time out of her nightly routine just to kiss, Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
~She will continue to do this every. single. night. Until your either okay with them now, or want her to stop,
~(But really- who would want Celes to stop giving you kisses everywhere~)
~And, If she ever meets your past “lover”....well, let’s just say they might need an ambulance.
🌸Sakura Oogami💪🏻:
~She is a naturally gentle person, so most people that actually know her aren’t nervous around her
~Except you,
~Your very skittish and nervous around her still, even after knowing her for a long time
~It breaks her heart whenever you flinch near her or from what seems to be because of her fault.
~She tried to show you more that she wasn’t going to hurt you,
~Being way more gentle, telling you she is going to touch you before doing it, giving you protectively gentle hugs, allowing you to hug her whenever you need to, and helping you in whatever way she can.
~But... You still always flinched...
~She was concerned, and that’s just putting it lightly.
~Unlike the other girls, she’d actually talk to you about this first.
~”S/o.....why are you always flinching whenever anyone of our classmates touches you.?”
~Or the unsaid question that you could clearly hear “.....Why don’t you trust me..?”
~You know there is no way to lie about this so you decided to just tell her,
~As you continued, she was relieved to learn it wasn’t her fault, and that no one was currently causing you to act like this
~But She was more so horrified and a bit angry
~Why would someone do that to their own lover!? No. Why would someone do that to ANYONE?!
~She didn’t get it
~She asked you if she can hug you, and if you say yes; she’ll gently pull you towards her and wrap her arms around you carefully.
~If you said no, she’d respect that and just stick to verbal comfort,
~”I apologize, love. You didn’t deserve to have to endure all of that pain.......You are so strong..........”
~She would coddle you for the next few days and do her best to make sure you constantly felt safe,
~That night she’d cuddle you, being big spoon that night
~She’d even gently play with your hair, and give it a soft kiss every once and awhile.
~If you have any scars, she wouldn’t mind, she has a couple too, so, it doesn’t matter to her
~But If they bother you, she’ll reassure you that you have no need to be ashamed of them, and she loves them
~”Those scars show that you survived something terrible...don’t be ashamed of them..”
~She will give emphasis on that by giving you a gentle forehead kiss and soft hug
~(gosh I just want a hug from her-)
🎤Sayaka Maizano🎼:
~Sayaka is a naturally kind and motherly person, so she only slightly confused by your behavior
~Shes mainly concerned
~You flinch a lot near her and your other classmates,
~So she assumed that you just didn’t like being touched without warning, so she didn’t touch you without saying she was going to for a while
~Until, you asked to speak to her about something very important,
~She sat you two down and listened quietly
~As you began to explain a couple tears filled her eyes,
~”You went through....all of that....?”
~She sounded terrified to say the least,
~She instantly would tackle you into a hug and let a few tears, that you couldn’t see, fall down her face
~”I’m so, so, so sorry that you had to go through something so.....terrible.......”
~She spend the rest of the day just pampering you and giving you SO. MUCH. LOOOOVVVVVEEEE.
~Like Aoi, she’d constantly praise you, and give you little Eskimo kisses~
~She would be big spoon that night and rubbing small circles on your tummy
~If you have any scars, she wouldn’t hesitate to every one of them and tell you;
~”Your scars are beautiful and I love them, just like I love you..”
~She’d also start trying to make sure your always comfortable, so if you feel uncomfy going on stage with her after her showing during the closing of it, she won’t force you to
~and she WILL find your past s/o and make sure they get a lot of jail time.
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letswritefanfiction · 4 years
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New Pokémon oneshot series! Mistakes Were Made.
A series of disconnected oneshots that poke fun at the fandom hivemind, canon, and past!me. I’m taking things that I’ve either observed or done myself and reframing them in parody where hopefully we can just all have some low stakes fun and, at best, maybe learn something about our favorite characters and writing.
Chapter One- Addiction: Redux
Summary: Once upon a time, an enterprising, young fanfiction authoress wrote the first chapter for her years-long alphabet challenge, and it sucked. Six years later, she makes a whole story devoted to making fun of it.
"Ash, Ash, Ash!"
Ash felt a tingle go up—or down?—his spine at the sound of his name. But not the good kind. He currently had a packaged cookie in his mouth and was reaching for a second one, but knew that wasn't why his name was being called. No, Misty's voice was farther away, there was no way she was in sight of the kitchen, watching him pilfer her snack cookies from the cabinet.
Pikachu filled him a glass of water so that he could swallow the evidence as soon as possible and then he walked towards where the sound had come from.
Misty's office.
That's where the dread came in.
If he'd heard her exclaim his name like that from somewhere else in the Gym, he might have thought it was Pokémon-related and he probably would have been too excited to remember to cover his tracks with the cookies. But in the time he'd spent in the Misty's Gym since becoming a couple, he knew that only bad things lay behind those doors.
Usually those bad things were nothing more malignant than paperwork and maybe an overworked, slightly cross-eyed Misty. Nothing he wasn't used to. But excitement…that probably meant that she wasn't working. Exciting paperwork could in theory be something like a grant, but he probably would have heard about that. And would probably remember it. Maybe. But since he didn't, he had to assume it was something much more sinister.
She'd found something on the Internet.
"Do I have to, Pikachu?" he whispered as he approached the door.
"Pika chu," Pikachu nodded, pushing his Trainer forward and then making a run for it. Coward.
"Hey, Mist," Ash said with false cheer as he came into the dark room. The sun had set maybe an hour or two ago—Ash didn't pay attention to those things well when he wasn't on the road—and Misty had yet to turn any lamps on. But her face was heavily illuminated with the cold, blue glow of her computer monitor, which she was staring unblinkingly at.
"Hey, babe," she said, always more comfortable with the pet names than he was. He'd get there someday. Maybe. She was just 'Misty' in his head! He couldn't help it. "Check this out."
Her voice was slightly maniacal as she pointed to the screen full of words in front of her. Gee, Ash's favorite. He rolled his eyes. He had a sinking feeling what this was about.
"Look at this terrible fanfiction!"
"Is it about you and me?" he deadpanned.
"Yes, and it's terrible! I mean, I'm pretty cute in it, but you're so OOC I can't help but cackle."
And cackle she did. Then, she began to read it out loud:
"Misty was nothing if not true to her word," she began, her voice taking on the lilt of a storyteller's. "I am that. Have I ever lied to you?"
"Probably wouldn't date you if you had," Ash said, wanting this experience to be over as soon as possible. He didn't have an especially good relationship with reading in the first place, but reading about himself…ew, there was just something icky about it. Especially since Misty had shown him…certain stories.
Misty continued. "Today, Ash found himself sitting in an uncomfortable plastic seat, the kind that he hadn't had to deal with since grade school. This one was missing the foot off of one of the corners, so Ash spent his time rocking from side to side—okay, that part is like you," Misty said, interrupting the story. "You've definitely done that before. So let's skip to the bad stuff. Long story short, you're in an AA meeting—"
"What?" Ash exclaimed. "Why would—okay, you're right. That doesn't sound like me at all."
"No you're not addicted to alcohol," Misty explained. "Just…Just wait for it. Ah, let's skip to here. 'Hello, my name is Ash,' Ash mumbled into his shirt as he avoided eye contact with all others in the room.
Ash—the real Ash, not story-Ash—rolled his eyes. Not at the story, surprisingly, but at Misty. She had taken to reading lines that he—or, rather, the fictional version of him—had in something of a stage whisper. She was making fun of his raspy voice just because she could.
"Resounding back to him was a dull chorus of, 'Hi, Ash.' His mouth was dry. As much as he loved being the center of attention—hah, now that part's right!" Misty interjected. "Oh, and this next part is good: Ash had never been good at the public speaking. He usually ended up saying something dumb that Misty would then make fun of him for later. So he said the only thing that he could think to say: "And I'm addicted to Pokémon Battling."
"What‽" Ash exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the desk as he got closer behind Misty to see the screen for himself. "What does that even mean? How can someone be addicted to Pokémon Battles? This is the stupidest—"
"Shh, that's explained. That's what I'm getting to. Listen:" Misty said, skipping down a bit further. "'Aw, Mist, it's not like you really believe that an addiction to Battling is a real thing, do you?' Misty turned sharply to look at him. "Ash, you battled to the point where Pikachu could hardly breathe! We had to spend the whole day in the Pokémon Center, remember? Clearly you have a problem, and I couldn't think of any other solution besides peer pressure to get you to shape up.'"
"Nope," Ash said immediately. "Nope, nope, nope. I would never do that in a million years."
"I know!" Misty explained, laughing as she stared in disbelief at the words on the screen. "You'd more likely run on the field and land yourself in the hospital."
"I have."
"I know."
Ash frowned as he read the words over again. They made him angry to read. Mostly because the idea of any Trainer doing that to a Pokémon incensed him, but it was more than that. "I can't believe someone out there thinks I would do that."
"Oh, Ash," Misty said, finally swiveling around to look at him. "This person doesn't know you. They just think they do, for some strange reason. Or maybe they knew this wasn't what you're like and wrote it anyway. There are stories like that too."
That didn't make him feel better. Suddenly Ash wanted to run and find Pikachu again, just to hold him. He wanted to hold Pikachu's warm, healthy body, stroke his bright, shiny fur, and feel his full, but muscular belly just to be reminded of the partnership that he had. He was nothing like that…stranger being depicted on the screen.
"I'm sorry if this story upset you, Ash," Misty said, turning the monitor off. "I just find it funny when people get it so wrong. Other than that, the story isn't too terrible. I mean, the writing itself is fine—it just has a crappy core premise. It's even a little funny, though. In the end, I get your mother's cookie recipe just so I can train you with them."
Ash stiffened a little bit. Cookies? Maybe that writer knew more than they seemed to…
"Gosh, it's pitch black in here isn't it? One sec…"
Misty turned on her desk lamp before swiveling in her chair back to Ash. As soon as she saw him, her eyes widened and she pointed to his face. Specifically to his lips.
"Cookie thief!"
By reflex, Ash licked his lips, and found the slightest taste of chocolate at the corner of his mouth. Why hadn't Pikachu told him? And…had he ever put the package of cookies away?
Well. The one thing this author didn't know—in addition to not knowing anything about how Ash battled, apparently—was that he wasn't the true cookie fiend. The true cookie fiend in the Cerulean Gym that day was not him or Misty, but a little electric rodent, who had been left alone for quite a while now.
"Misty," Ash said, his tone just desperate enough to draw her eyes up to his. "We've gotta go!"
Moral: Everyone writes some bad stories. In case you missed it, all those excerpts up there do come from a real story existing on this site. Written by me. This is the first chapter from my Alphabet Challenge, "Addiction." No, not even I am cruel enough to pick some rando's story off this site and make fun of it so heartlessly. No, luckily I've written enough poop myself that I was able to use my past mistakes to illustrate something.
Exception: None. Everyone writes some bad stuff.
Second Moral: Ash would never abuse his Pokémon. I mean, yes, his Pokémon have ended up in dangerous condition before, but always super by accident. In this story, Misty lets us know that it's Ash's fault and it's a habit and that just isn't our sweet baby boy. Ash would never hurt his Pokémon.
Exception: Again, none? Unless there's some real defendable ignorance—it is Ash, after all—then, I repeat: Ash would never hurt his Pokémon.
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onlyhereforangst · 5 years
Ok so maybe I shouldn’t call this Weekly Wednesday Reflections anymore since I’m terrible at writing it in time 🤷🏻‍♀️ granted it is Wednesday...just a week late 😅
I’m pretty sure this is my new favorite Ellick episode. After rewatching it, I’m just so- happy with it. From exploring Ellie’s range of emotions and character depth to the progress we saw in their relationship just 🥰
The opening scene already gives us SO MUCH. First, they jog as the cutest freaking married couple I’ve ever seen and this certainly is a routine because they knew to target him here. But Nick teasing her by sprinting, her struggling to keep up but giggling with each other because clearly it’s not the first time he does that little speed up thing & she’s working on getting faster because she used to hate training for marathons like- can you NOT. My heart can’t take the implications, ALSO Gibbs & McGee didn’t bat an eye that they just so happened to be jogging together in the early morning (everyone was only just leaving their house on their morning commute) so they know it’s their routine too and don’t even question it. GAH.
Flashforward to hospital scene with Ellie breaking my heart slowly. She’s clearly been crying by the red rimmed eyes, and yet also trying to hold it together to be strong for Nick & so she does the only thing she knows how to do since feelings scare her and the love of her life Nick just got hit. Ellie’s logical brain takes over as she does best (see 16x18 for reference) - when she’s dealing with emotions, all she can do is her job, it’s all that makes sense in the monsoon of feelings. She’s going to analyze every last bit of the hit & run and immediately parrot it back so that *something* can be done right away and she can find justice for Nick. She doesn’t care about her own health- just justice for Nick. And in that same vein, she doesn’t want to eat, she doesn’t want to rest, she doesn’t want to sit down until she knows Nick is okay (I’m sorry but to have a CODE NAME from the nurses because they feel the need to run from you- can you say “Crazy Worried Wife™️”??)
Kasie is our new captain, it has been decided. (I think this was already decided but I’m making an official decree) Her probing McGee to see his reaction because girl knows why Bishop is taking it harder, please. Then laughing it off for McGee, “we all gon need therapy if those two ever hook up” while thinking *boy you better stop denying because you KNOW they hooking up after this shit* is just 🙌🏼 the outright addressing of Ellick by the show- thank youuuuu.
Ok and now begins the Ellie show. Excuse me, the BADASS BISHOP SHOW. (Also why I’m partial to this being my fave ep). First- girl does not know how to holster her gun. Ellie: “you say there’s a tiny lead” *cocks gun* “let’s go” I’m herrrrrre for it. She’s blunt with everyone, she doesn’t care when Gibbs gives her the look, she don’t take no SHIT in interrogation. “You’d have to be [creative]” had me cry-ing 😭😭😭 AND THEN her equivalent of cursing out Vance over Nick, followed up by freaking out in the bullpen had me breaking on my couch. YES ELLIE GET IT is what I believe I chanted. The stare off, oh lordy. Y’all I was sweating I was pissed for her. Just the raw emotion in her eyes, the constant holding back tears and tears I just- 😭💔 and emojis don’t do it justice. I wanted soooo bad for her to land a sweet, sweet punch like she did with Victor, but knowing a second offense unprovoked wouldn’t go over too well, she held back. But aaaahh that scene was SO heartbreaking. And then, and THEN Ellie standing there gazing at his desk- oof. Her body language was key- her crossed arms, holding herself literally together so she doesn’t break?? She wants to break, y’all. She wants to break. Staying strong for Nick is the only thing getting her through.
When Gibbs sends her to be at the hospital because THE WHOLE DAMN TEAM KNOWS, I did a happy dance. McGee encouraging her but almost pulse-checking Gibbs after was very very intriguing. Gibbs’ “He’s a fighter” followed by McGee’s pulse-check, “so is Bishop...” and Gibbs’ exasperated look off towards the elevator and admission of agreement says SO MUCH. First- McGee is worried about not only Nick, but his sister, Ellie. He knows how much Qasim’s death hurt her, knows what she went through after- WHICH TIME OUT. For anyone saying this episode was OOC for Ellie? Sit the hell down and go watch 14x16. Then come back. Then continue reading. Ok resume WWR- McGee also knows how much more Torres means to her, he may try to deny it, but he knows. Implying Bishop is a fighter, obviously not about her health because *she’s fine* but more about what she’d do out of revenge. (And the man doesn’t even know Bishop is about to say she’s gonna kill him) Gibbs’ already sees himself a little in her, recognizing the same feeling he experienced with Shannon many years ago- hence the completive look on his face & heavy sigh. He knows he’ll have to revisit Rule 12 soon (but also in his mind he’s basically already burned it like Rule 10).
Speaking of Ellie saying she’s going to kill him, please see this excerpt from my notes during the ep: “FUCK YES BISHOP - the emotions!!!!!!!” That basically sums up how I felt the entire scene & commercial break afterward 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂 My reaction when it came back? KILL HIM. But like in all seriousness, her face- holy shit going from on the verge of tears when they rolled Nick away to calculating her next move as McGee’s talking to her to making up her mind that she will be committing murder (please, girl already planned it & is just deciding which lipstick to wear during it at this point). Emily Wickersham is an amazing actress and I don’t care what you have to say. And yes, McGee trying to calm her down in a big brother way is adorable, but Ellie not having it is great. “Torres doesn’t get a say” is such a Nick thing to do of her 😭 Remember Luis going off on his own, yeah- this is Ellie’s version because she wants to & her husband is rubbing off on her. Oh also, the office she refers to? Totally means Ziva’s office at Odette’s - “if we missed something, I’ll find it there.” Hmmmm sounds eerily similar to *why* Ziva had that office in the first place, doesn’t it 🤔 also explains the lack of her on HQ’s logs and her “going home” excuse— which by the way, her shrugging them all off? Suspect Bishop, suspect. Her trying to play it all off with a wry laugh, not gonna lie, I love it. Her “too late” to Gibbs is quite interesting though- she sees herself going down that path any way, because she killed him? Or because she triggered a chain of events that will lead to it? Or because she may not have killed him, but lord knows she wanted to & planned it down to every last detail? Like I said, interesting.
Ok side note: Jack suggesting taking her off duty kinda pisses me off - with the spiraling comment too. She got to spiral when that guy from her past came & it screwed with her psyche, why the f can’t Bishop? It just rubbed me the wrong way, but I don’t hate Jack (don’t @ me, people.)
Back to Badass Bishop Show. She literally always has her gun out now. Just walking to the penthouse again where they didn’t try anything last time, *cocks gun.* When Gibbs comes up and tells her Nick is away 😩 Her relief though in the fact that he’s asking about her and he’s hungry (Ellie rubbing off on him, you can’t tell me I’m wrong) to go to the kicking down the door because that’s what her baby does so therefore she kicks down doors now- the parallels & the influence 😭😭
THE BATHROOM SCENE. McGee like seriously? You actually killed him?? And Gibbs like “oh fuck here we go again.” And then Jimmy had me dyinggggg. Theory alert: I really think Ellie (maybe Gibbs went with her & they’re helping each other with alibis/cover up??) went to kill him but got there after it had happened, that’s why she’s a little cagey about it- not that she *actually* killed the guy. BUT reference 14x16 again, I wouldn’t put it past her.
The final hospital bed scene has my heart. Ellie is so relieved and just so happy and open (but also a little nervous about what happens next so she hides a touch of her emotions, can’t let him see alllll of her heart now can we)- going back to their teasing ways, “worst pretend sleeper”, “next time jump out of the way” - UGH so cute. Side note, they use last names here almost similarly to the submarine episode. When shit gets scary real for them, it’s their way of grounding themselves almost, trying to hide just how much that incident actually affected them. They both do it & yes, it frustrates the hell out of me, but at the same time shows me just how much they care for the other 😭 BUT this time!! Nick made it take a serious turn, and I think Ziva finally got through to him- that sentence “cause you know I risked my life to save yours” is more him openly saying like oh shit I really did that 1. to himself and 2. to finally take that next baby step in their relationship. The emotion behind it showing her it wasn’t just because they’re partners- he wanted her to know that for sure, to make sure he didn’t just make light of it & glaze over it. He needed it out there in the universe that he Nicholas Torres, of sixteen different identities & no family, nothing to live for anymore, would rather DIE- than see Ellie in harms way. He needed it to be tangible for himself AND for her. Because this is growth, this is not what most people think of when they think of him.
And Ellie’s response: the look, hesitation building up courage, and making that first move of physical touch speaks VOLUMES about Ellie at this point. Not only does she take hold of his hand, but she rubs it in a soothing gesture. As if she needs to confirm for herself he’s really there, he’s really alive. The struggle she went through, the turmoil- wasn’t all for not. It’s her saying “I know” not just to the fact that she was joking earlier, she knows he risked his life & she’s grateful for that, but she knows it was more than because they’re just partners, more than just best friends even. That first move is her saying “I know” and “I might be ready to open up & let you in to the walls that surround my heart because the last time I was in a hospital staring at someone I loved, it didn’t turn out the same. Except this time, it took the hospital trip to really bring that into focus, and I know I can’t let that happen again.” Aaaaaaand catch me sobbing in the corner, it’s fine. I’m fine.
Nick’s reaction speaks volumes from him too, his slight shock to Ellie reciprocating & making that first move with his soft smile that is hinted at across his face to show he knows she’s letting him peak in, just a little, and that’s a start. A start people!!!
Last notes: Gibbs being such a dad and defending Nick liking his fireplace is the cutest. Vance was eager to get out of there at the end- his contacts are very very suspicious... And on that note, I really do not think it was Gibbs. I think Gibbs and Bishop may have gotten there after it happened with the purpose of doing something, so now they’re covering for each other, but I do not think it was either of them.
Pretty sure this is officially my longest review to date, WHOOPS. If you made it this far, congrats & thanks for staying with my inner ramblings 🙃 Like I said- my favorite episode so farrrrrr (now let’s see if we get anything AFTER this episode......lol I got jokes 😅).
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Ground Zero | Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Genre: Fanfic. A bit OOC(?) Slight angst. Fluff. Sexual tension(?)
Hi guys! I've been gone a long time. I was just facing some problems that's why I was not able to write but here is another fanfic of our favorite hot headed porcupine. 😍 I hope you like it.
Sorry for the wrong grammar/pronouns/misspellings. Lovelots ❤️
Please do not copy/plagiarize ❤️
P.S. I do plan on adding short(?) bonus for this, like a smut one. 😉😉
You're currently inside the dorm room of Katsuki Bakugo being touched all over the places you like the most.
This hot tempered bastard is good at making you feel so good.
After a heated kiss, your breaths were labored, but both of you just want more.
He pushed you to the bed as he take off his top.
You bit your lip and pulled him to close the distance of your bodies.
Not long after your hot session, you had to go and prepare to go to school.
You went back to your room just to check of he left any marks on visible areaa, you also straightened out your uniform.
When you arrived in your class the brat is already there.
You sat in your usual spot behind him. You stared at his back.
"Hey! Y/N. Would you like to come with us later?" Mina asked you out of the blue.
"Whats up?" You answered.
"Its a mixer!" She exclaimed. You shook your head immediately.
"I dont wanna go there, mina."
"What? Again? Whyyy?" You just answered that you are not interested.
"Hmmm." She stared at yoy suspisciously.
"You have a boyfriend, don't you?" You were taken aback by her statement and can't react immediately.
She then gave you a malicious ooooohh, winked, and left.
You just blinked your eyes a few times before shaking the weird encounter off your head.
Today is the last day of school before christmas vacation, you and Katsuki decided to spend ot together playing video games and/or reading.
After having your ass handed to you by the bastard a few times with a video game, you decided to check out the books he has.
You started to check the plot one by one when Mina's words echoed through your mind.
(You have a boyfriend, don't you Y/N?)
A flashback of how this status with katsuki rolled through your mind like a tape.
You were running around the dorm looking for a spot to hide since all the girls decided to play hide and seek and those who would be found will have to face a consequence.
Your eyes are wandering around when you saw Bakugo's room.
An idea popped in your head.
Noone will dare to enter this room, and since the boys are in thw gym, training, this will be empty.
You hope it is unlocked and luckily, it is.
It is dark inside, you just went in and shut the door ever so slowly to avoid making a sound.
When you are already done so, you heaved a sigh and opened the lights.
You turned around and gasped.
Bakugo is lying down on his bed, hand over his eyes, and topless. You gulp ed.
You took a step further as quietly as you can, until you arrived beside his bed.
Your eyes looked at him from head to toe. God, he is so hot. His muscles are already defined, his quirk is strong.
Damn, what would you do just to get a piece of him.
The thought made you blush. You turned around and started to make your way out the door.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Your ears almost scrambled with the sudden shout you heard. You turned your head around, seeing katsuki already up on his feet and is probably ready to blast you out of his room.
"W-Well, I-Im sorry! The thing is... I was just- I- Nevermind! I'll leave now!!" You bowed for apology and started to dash out of the door when he caught you by the wrist and turned you around to face him.
Your response was to close your eyes, starting to brace yourself for whatever will he do. Your back hit the door making you let out a tiny whine.
One second. Nothing. Two seconds. Nothing. Three seconds. Nothing. Four seconds still nothing.
You opened one of your eye just to see another pair staring at you.
"Were you fucking watching me sleep?" He grinned. You gulped.
Damn! He is so hot. Your eyes went down to his lips, and then his chest, and then his abs, and then-
"Eyes up here, tiger." His smirk was evident when your eyes went back to his face.
Without thinking, your hand pulled him and the next thing you know, you are already kissing him.
You pulled away and realized what you just did. Your face flushed red
"Shit." He cursed before kissing you roughly, you are so surprised but immediately decided that you want this so badly and responded to his kiss.
His hands started to wander-----
"The fuck are you looking at there for so long?" You suddenly went back to reality.
You can't help but smile a little when you remembered that. It has already been a year after all and you continued your heated rendezvous.
"Katsuki." You called him out. He did not answer but you know he's listening.
"What is this?" He stood up from his bed asking which book are you talking about.
"No." You felt him stop on his tracks.
"This. Us. What are we really, katsuki." You turned around but you can't bring yourself to face him so you're just looking at the ground.
"What are you talking about you idiot?" His voice says that he is taken aback by what you asked.
"I wanna know, Katsuki." You mustered all the courage you could and looked at him.
After what happened a year ago, he has been gentle with you almost all the time that you are alone with him.
You've seen him do sweet things you would never in a million years thought he would
You fell in love with him, but you're scared to confess, then you realized, this can't just be the case forever.
You want to know what you are to him.
His eyes evaded yours, and that simple thing really hurt you. You're into him that deep.
Every second that passes by, he's not answering or even looking at you.
"Katsuki." You called him out again. He did not answer again.
You strided towards him and pushed him on the bed, making him sit down.
"Now, you're looking at me." You smiled.
"Katsuki." His name escaping your lips just feel so right.
You sat beside him.
"I just have one more question..."you started.
"Do you like me? Because I really, really like you." Your eyes stayed on the ground, but you know that his eyes are now fixed on you.
"I can't." Two words. Who knew that with just two words, a person can break your heart.
You nodded. You wanted to know, and now you do.
You stood up and went for the door.
"Well then, happy holidays, Bakugo." You flashed him a quick smile before exiting the room.
You went back to your room, grabbed your stuff and went straight home.
For some reason, the only time that you cried was when you entered your room.
Everything just sank in. You can no longer stay by his side.
The holiday vacation is passing by too quickly for you.
You are getting more anxious about going back to school. Thinking about how will you face him.
Finally, the day has arrived. You decided to just act as normal as you can.
You went early to unpack your luggage, you saw some classmates on the way but thankfully not him.
Half an hour before class started you already went to the room.
Almost all the girls are already there.
"Good morning, Y/N!" hagakure greeted you almost immediately, and as if its dominoes, one by one they greeted you.
You smiled and greeted all of them back.
Your eyes immediately wandered around and saw him sitting on the usual spot.
You walked towards your own seat behind him, trying not to shake of nervousness.
After placing your bag, all the other girls are already around you.
"How was your holiday?" Mina is raising her brows maliciously at you.
"It's fine." You smiled at her, trying to ignore her teasing.
"We were just showing pictures to each other. Show us yoours too!" Hagakure squealibg excitedly.
"Oh. Okay." You pulled out your phone and gave it to them.
Your holiday was pretty okay, considering you had your heart broken, but spending it with family made it better.
"I-is that who I think it is?" Ojiro said.
You looked at them, and all of them are now staring at you.
"Is this why you always deny going to Mixers?!" Uraraka exclaimed, pointing at the phone.
"Probably.He's even kissing her cheek." Your eyes widened and snatched back you phone.
You totally forgot about THAT.
"Is he your boyfriend?! You should havw told us!!" You stood up.
"No! He's really not." You tried to contain it within the girls but denki, mineta and kirishima is already snooping behind them.
"Woah! Isn't that Eiji?! Why is he kissing you, Y/N?!" Denki shouted.
"Eiji?! The idol?!"
"Ohhh. Is that your boyfriend, Y/N?" Kirishima asked.
You tried talking over them but you can't since they're already making a fuss about it.
Everyone fell silent and all of you looked at the guy in front of you
You blinked, in shock, but you took the oppurtunity to explain.
"He's not my boyfriend, okay? I just happen to see him nd asked for a picture. That's just you know- fan service!"
"Ohhhhhh" All of them said in unison.
Thankfully, that was resolved there immediately. You sighed.
Mr. Aizawa arrived not long after that.
The morning class went by as usual. Sometimes, you would stare at katsuki, thinking how much you miss him.
The teachers agreed to give the students a half day.
When lunch time came, you went up the stairs to have some alone time.
You called Eiji.
(Hey sis! Whats up?)
"Idiot. My classmates saw our picture."
(Really?! What did you say?")
"Well, I told them that I saw you and asked for a picture.They believed it."
(You could've just told them about me.)
"No, thanks. Its better this way. By the way, you still coming over on the weekend?"
(Yep. Im gonna sleep in your room!)
"I can't say no, can I?"
"Then bring me my favorite"
"What? If you dont want, you can't sleep beside me."
(Fine! Fine! I have to go now. Bye sis..love you!)
"Love you too. Dont skip meals! Bye."
You put down your phone and made your way down the stairs when you saw Katsuki just a few steps away from you.
"Did you hear that?"
"What do you fucking think?" He growled at you, he then grabbed your wrist, pulling you to follow him.
"Where will you take me?!" You protested.
"Just shut up!" He shouted back, still pulling you down the stairs.
"I'm not just gonna shut up! Let me go!" He stopped his tracks and freed your wrist.
"Fuck. You're really noisy." He pushed you on the wall and smirked.
His face inching closer to yours, you gulped, thinking about pushing him away.
You raised your hand to his chest level to push him but he caught it with his and intertwined them together.
His lips then closed the distance between the both of you. You told yourself not to give in but between his lips kissing you and his hand holding you, your logic just flew away.
He pulled away from the kiss and squeezed your hand.
"Now, will you just fucking follow me already, you noisy brat?"
You nodded. It's just how it is. No matter how much you resist or how much you hate it.
He can make you submit to him as easy as that.
A lot of people saw you and him walking hand in hand together. He brought you to the dorm where your classmate was.
All of them saw you and stopped whatever they're doing to stare.
"No one fucking dare to spy on us or I will fucking blast your insides out!" He shouted at them before pulling you again to follow him.
Your face as red as a tomato, you're looking down to avoid eye contact with anyone.
He brought you to his room. The moment you entered the room and shut the door he embraced you tightly from behind.
"Who the fuck was that bastard you're talking to?" He asked, placing his head on your shoulder.
You closed your eyes. Being wrapped by his arms feel just right, but this is just wrong.
"Katsuki, this should no longer concen you. Just let me go." You tried to open his arms but he just squeezed you tighter.
"I fucking care about it. You don't get to be with another guy other than me!" You frowned , and used all your strength to be freed, but still failed to do so.
"Seriously katsuki. I can't do this anymore. I'm done playing games!" you sobbed, this is the last thing you ever wanna show him but you just can't take it anymore.
Pushing and then pulling you, when will he be satisfied.
He let you go. "Fuck. Y/N. Don't cry. Shit." The panic in his voice evident. He turned you around to face him and he hugged you once more.
You continued sobbing.
"I r-really really like you, hell. I love you Katsuki but I can't keep going on like this. It's much better for me to just move on and forget you."
"fuck no! You're mine!"The words that came out of his mouth made you stop crying almost instantly.
"Sorry. Alright. I fucking apologize for hurting you. I just don't know what to do at that time. Fuck. This is annoying really.." You didn't answer him.
"If you become my girlfriend, I'd be so protective, I don't want other guys lurking around you. Its already so hard to restrain killing them when you're really not mine yet, and what the fuck am I supposed to do when I become the number one hero and villains attack you because they know that you're special. What the fuck, am I suppose to do then?!" The concern in his voice is very obvious.
"I can't have them touching, looking or even thinking of you. fuck.This shit os complicated." He continued rambling.
You stayed silent until he finished.
All of the sorrows and pain seemed to be lifted in a snap. You can't help but chuckle, pissing him off a lot.
He let you go, stood up and went to his bed cursing like a mad man.
"Why the fuck are you laughing at me?!!" He shouted at you.
You stood up yourself, and sat beside him.
"Katsuki, I really wouldn't mind you being possessive of me That's how I feel about you too. Imagine, the problem I'll have to face when you become a number one hero and girls are all over you?"
"I don't give a fuck about them." you smiled at him, hugging him.
"Well, I also dont give a damn about any other guys than you." He frowned
"Really? Then who the fuck is that Eiji guy? and why will he sleep beside you? He can't fucking do that. I'll kill him." You laughed. He really just can't let it go.
"You can't kill him, Katsuki. That's my little brother you're talking about." He looked at you in confusion.
"What the actual fuck?!"
"You can't tell anyone. I don't want girls asking me to get an autograph or setting him up with them." You said kissing his nose.
"Fine. Whatever." You nodded in approval.
You just sat there in silence, still hugging him, feeling his wamth spread to yours.
"Katsuki." He hummed.
"You really scared that a villain might kidnap me?"
"Of course you fucking idiot." You chuckled.
"You realize I'm also gonna be a pro-hero right?"
"Yeah. But you're weak." You let go of the hug and punched him lightly.
"I'm not, you idiot!" He pulled you back into his arms, lying on the bed.
"Just shut up." He gave you a little smile. "I know you're not weak." he whispered. You smiled and cuddled him.
"Do you love me too?"
"Do I have to fucking answer that? isn't that obvious?!" You pouted at his response.
"I wanna hear it from you too." You begged and he cursed.
"Seriously, you're acting like a fucking brat right now." You let go of him.
"I just act like this with you, you know, because katsuki is special." You winked.
His face looked so annoyed.
"Fine. I fucking love you too, Y/N." You smiled.
"So will you be my boyfriend now, katsuki?"
"The fuck is that question even?!" Well, that's a yes.
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Agent H’s AOS Rewatch
Season 3 Pro’s and Con’s 
We’re done with the season 4 rewatch, and I’m over here still trying to process season 3. First time watching, it was my least favorite season and I nearly stopped watching the show because of it. Second time watching…it’s still probably my least favorite just by comparison, but I have infinite more respect for it. Anyway, I needed to sort out my thoughts on this, so it’s all under “keep reading” and don’t get mad at me.
Cons (because let’s get the bad stuff out of the way)
-I really dislike revenge stories, so all the revenge stuff with Hunter and Coulson and Ward and all did not sit well with me and felt even OOC. 
-Speaking of, from the S2 finale through most of this season, there’s this theme of the men protecting and revenging their wounded or fridged girlfriends. It’s not super fun because this is a show where the women are clearly just as, if not more, competent than the men, but they’re not given the same opportunity to protect/revenge the men, much less given the same importance even in their own stories. I’m blanking on what MCU movies were going on around the time of this season, but I remember seeing this even in the movies. If I remember correctly there was a head of MCU who was later removed, but was apparently responsible. 
-The use of Ward is muddled. I’m cool with his takeover of HYDRA, that seemed natural. But you expect it to lead to a huge standoff with SHIELD because he, their worst enemy, is now head of their worst enemy organization. Instead, he gets converted to the HYDRA religion and literally becomes a vessel. Which is fine, but the transition was really hurriedly and poorly done. This is a man who has complex views of loyalty (Garrett not HYDRA. Skye and Coulson but not SHIELD), so I’m gonna need a lot more convincing that he’d believe Gideon’s HYDRA.
-This will be on both lists: I’m disappointed about how after three seasons HYDRA is taken out so quietly and quickly.
-I don’t know where to put this, but: I didn’t actually hate the space boyfriend arc as much the second time around, but the potential overall got squandered and I dislike that. 
-Rosalind’s death and possibly her whole arc was pointless. She was literally created and killed to serve Coulson’s character. Gross. And it’s a shame because it would have been really cool to use her as an actual foe-turned-friend for SHIELD throughout the season; she could have easily taken Mace’s place in S4 and that way at least would have been important for two seasons
-Okay, this is ABC’s fault not AOS’s. But like I remember how hard they advertised for Secret Warriors. Like that was the name of the arc. And. Then. They were a team FOR AN EPISODE.  Imagine my disappointment. Also, there really weren’t enough Inhumans this season to suit me.
-Bobbi and Hunter leave for a failed spinoff and I will never forgive Marvel for doing that.
-I mean…I appreciate that they give Andrew a noble death, but like…was it really necessary to have him turn and later die? Really? It gives Ming Na Wen and Blair Underwood opportunities to do extraordinary acting and they nail it, but like maybe don’t kill a guy to solve your inevitable ship? Don’t kill off your second black actor?
-The time jump in the season finale is too sudden. Like we barely get to grieve over Lincoln and they hit us with a time jump and Daisy on the run and new director in charge. Uncool. 
-This was the season I started to dislike Fitzsimmons. Don’t hate me. To me there’s an undercurrent in the writing that seems to favor Fitz over Simmons. FS’s subject to the same sexism that I mentioned in the first bullet. Like the story post-Simmons’ return focuses a lot more on Fitz’s feelings than on hers. He’s the one who has to stop her from getting tortured. He’s the one who saves Will, when it makes way more sense for her to go. He’s the one they all turn to for answers, when it should be both of them combined. And Simmons just gets a little pushed aside in her own story arc, but she just goes along with it anyway. 
-I had to write this last because this is the thing that hurts the season the most for me: Lincoln’s treatment. Okay, first, he’s a great character who got a major personality change between seasons. I don’t like the personality change, but I’d be okay with it if they didn’t do worse. For starters, we barely know him. His life and backstory are so vague, the guy he visits in 3x03 is just “a friend”, and like we get zero information on how they know each other. They spend the entire season having everyone in SHIELD (except Daisy) be against him, dislike him, belittle him, and mistrust him WHEN HE DESERVED NONE OF IT. Like they make it really obvious that Coulson dislikes him father-style because of his relationship with Daisy. They make him petulant and act out to prove that Mack and May are right to mistrust him when really given the fact that he was an Inhuman guide and a medical doctor and a recovered addict, he’d be a lot more under control. They make Fitzsimmons talk down to him just because no one can be smart except Fitzsimmons, when clearly he would know more about Inhuman biology and medicine in general THAN THE BIOCHEM PHD (sorry that one will always bug me). Like they make some work on him with Coulson and May, and that’s good, but overall he is not allowed to have a solid relationship with anyone but Daisy. I think the writers 1) knew he was gonna die and decided not to invest in him or his relationships. 2) were trying to get a moody bad boy in the cast, and decided to cast him as it when it didn’t really make sense. Also, while talking about Lincoln, I really wish they did some more interesting things with his powers than lightning blasts. He has electric powers!! There’s so much you can do!!
-Okay, this one is just real personal. LINCOLN IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR. Or at least a medical student or resident or fellow (I mean, he’s in the hospital doing rounds). TREAT HIM AS SUCH. HE WANTED TO HELP PEOPLE, LET HIM HELP PEOPLE. LET HIM DO THE SURGERIES AND KNOW THE STUFF ABOUT BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. LET HIM RETURN TO HIS OLD LIFE AS A DOCTOR. You had such a good character who turned himself around from addiction, dedicated his life to saving lives, got thrown multiple curve balls, and now has to decide how will he continue to serve others. Yes, he’s a hero in the end. But all that in between time, he could have been saving lives too.
Pros (because there is good stuff, I promise) 
-Someone mentioned that this is the first season to have a unified storyline throughout, and that’s so true and it’s so well done! 
-There’s a good natural continuation of the HYDRA and Inhuman storylines from S1 and S2. I think we can look at AOS as two large arcs: S1-S3 is about powered people and HYDRA. S4-S7 is about bending the limits of reality with Ghost Rider, LMDs, Framework, Space, and Time Travel,. S1 was about introducing us to powered people and HYDRA, S2 was about developing the history and politics of them respectively and how they relate to SHIELD. S3 is when Inhumans get involved with SHIELD and with the world directly and the fallout from that. For HYDRA it’s when we get the history and reasoning of the group, and even if it’s a retcon, I appreciate that it introduces the background of HYDRA as a way to end this arc
-Overall, I really do appreciate how this season fills out a lot of worldbuilding. We get a complete history on HYDRA, and we get way more info on Inhumans, but we also get to see how the human world is reacting to and divided on Inhumans, which carries over into the net season
-On both lists: It’s good that they take HYDRA out so quickly and quietly. That plotline had run its course, and it was so bittersweet because they finally had defeated their biggest enemy, but now they had even bigger problems to deal with it. That scene of Coulson and May watching HYDRA fall is one of my favorites because it mirrors that S1 scene of watching HYDRA takeover, but it’s so quiet and not celebratory like it should be.
-Like I said, I hate revenge arcs, but I do appreciate how it came full circle at the end with Coulson admitting his mistake and regret in seeking revenge. That’s much more on brand with Coulson and MCU even I had to sit through a painful arc just to get to that point. 
-Episode 1, Daisy’s entrance and, for that matter, Fitz’s entrance. HOT DAMN.
-One of my favorite things about AOS is the way that they mix up pairings and everyone feels like friends and family. This season did a fantastic job on that with like Fitz/Bobbi, Mack/Daisy, Hunter/May, and way more.
-I complain that there wasn’t enough Inhumans to suit me, but also I really enjoyed the ones we got. I expected them to do Inhumans with basic powers like water, fire, plants, shrinking. But AoS writers were like nah, how about a guy who melts metal?? How about Medusa eyes?? How about a guy who can predict deaths? Like they just went straight to the extremes and I respect that. And yes, we have our typical speedster and fire guy, but the sheer joy that comes from those characters makes up for the predictability of their powers.
-We get Joey and Yoyo who are the effin’ best and deserve the world. And with Lincoln and Daisy we got SECRET WARRIORS!!!!
-First time, we get introduced to Charles and Robin and manipulating time, which obviously becomes important later, so I like that they introduce it so early in the show.
-I also love the way things come full circle with Lash. I wish he didn’t die, but the reveal of his true purpose was amazing 
-THAT FITZ vs MONOLITH SCENE. That is top like five moments of the show for me, and I’m gonna need the Emmys to give Iain de Castecker his belated Best Actor award any day now.
-4722 Hours was a work of art, and Elizabeth Henstridge, I will be getting you that Best Actress Emmy one way or another. 
-Brett Dalton’s acting. This rewatch served to highlight how brilliantly he developed Ward’s evilness over the course of the three seasons and then the way he flipped the switch and played a completely different character as Hydra. You can feel it in his voice and mannerisms, it’s a totally different person even if it’s still technically Ward’s body. And to top it off, that finale where he pulls of a brilliant two-minute psychotic breakdown and a kickass fight scene. Standing ovation, good sir. I miss you.
-After S2 fridged three women of color, I do appreciate how this season chooses to take out four of its white characters even if I’m sad that they had to go.
-The Star Wars references were so effin’ funny
-Spy’s Goodbye. I will never be okay about this.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Sparkling People and The Cinderella Moment(Aoyama Yuga x Reader)
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Summary: After some cruel rejection from a group of mean guys at the UA dance, you’re surprised to be saved by an unlikely sparkly hero.
Aoyama needs more love! He’s so underrated it’s criminal! And I personally think he’s adorable and oddly sweet. Plus this is inspired by my own experience at prom, nobody teased me, but I wished that someone like Aoyama had asked me to dance since I did my hair, face and make-up but… never got a dance, but oh well, I got inspiration and this is for my sparkly boy! 
AND I SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AOYAMA TODAY!! MAY 30th! Happy Birthday to our Aoyama! 
There’s some angst in here though, especially self-image issues, inspired by my own self-image issues and I honestly kinda cried a little bit writing this.
Featuring: Our Sparkly Boi!!
I wasn't even goin' out tonight But, boy, I need to get you off of my mind I know exactly what I have to do I don't wanna be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight
Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger
-Dancing With a Stranger by Sam Smith ft. Normani
Dances are another form of torture for people. 
At least that’s what you always thought. Since dances put pressure on all students in a school and it was a pure double-edged sword. If you don’t go to a dance, you’re a loser who has no friends and supposedly doesn’t want to socialize, but if you do go then you’re just like everyone else and all you’ll do is blend in and not stand out at all. 
And the more you thought about it, the more you started to ask yourself.
What the hell am I even doing here?
Hearing that UA was even having a dance was still surprising to you, and you initially didn’t think about going, but since you were in Class 1-A, it was more or less expected of you to go even if they weren’t your thing. The girls were so excited, even though you didn’t understand why. 
They were pretty. All of them, even froggy-looking Tsuyu, pink, alien-esque Mina and the invisible Hagakure. Unlike you, your female classmates were beautiful and you kind of hated them for it, but you never said it. You felt bad that you resented them for that, but you couldn’t help it. 
So many guys were asking them to dance, all but you as you just watched them all get asked with bitterness in your (E/C) eyes. You did so much to yourself, even brushed your hair and got (reluctantly) got Mina to style it for you, and you chose a rather beautiful dress from the store. At least, you thought it was really beautiful because it was just your style, it was your favorite color (F/C) and rather comfortable as it defined some of your assets such as your (B/T) waist and bust. Hell, you even wore fucking make-up, eye-liner, lipstick to make yourself look a little bit prettier for tonight. All the work you did on your appearance and this is what you got, but you should have known better than to expect anyone to notice.  
At least you could sit around and watch everyone else dance. You told yourself that in a poor attempt to comfort yourself as you sat at a table, like a few others who were either bored, uninterested or too anxious to dance. And you were oblivious to the fact that you had some guys actually looking at you, including one of your classmates.
But you were extremely surprised when a boy did approach you, he was a shy-looking fellow and you were confused because you were all alone at the table. What made him approach you? 
“Say, uh… what are you doing by yourself? Not feeling up for dancing?” He asked you politely, and you blinked in confusion. You were pretty sure it was obvious why you weren’t dancing, but for some reason a semblance of hope was making you look at this person curiously. 
“I’m… not much a dancer…” You admitted with a small smile and shook your head, and you tried not to smile more when this cute person grinned shyly and chuckled, “Ah me neither, but you know… you’re really pretty…” He said to you with a sweet-looking smile, making you blush and widen your eyes slightly.
Did a boy really call you pretty? This couldn’t have been real. You felt like it couldn’t have been real when one of the guy’s friends came over to him, “Hey, so you did find a girl to dance with huh?” He asked cheekily, looking at you and smirking, “Oh… a pretty one… dude…” The guy playfully punched him in the shoulder, seeming impressed and amused at his friend. 
You let yourself feel flattered for a minute, did this guy also think you were pretty? “Don’t fight over her you two! Or else I’ll take her from you both!” A third guy showed up and winked at you as you blushed even more and couldn’t conceal your grin.
Unbelievable, you were actually being complimented by boys and for once you felt happy, and confident that you had garnered some attention from the opposite sex. You were so happy that you almost didn’t see their own grins as they stared at you.
“T-Thank you… all of you… I-I can… try to dance though… if you want, I really don’t mind…” You nervously said with a bashful grin, looking at them with joy in your eyes. However, you focused on their expressions as you saw one of them starting to snicker and the second boy seemed to be barely holding in his chuckles. And then you noticed some other girls, who weren’t your classmates, starting to snicker in your direction, which confused and disheartened you a little bit.
“Oh… no thank you… we’re good… we don’t really dance…” The first boy who approached you said, which fueled your confusion. At least until his second friend jumped right in, “We dance… but… mostly with cute girls like your classmates. Frumpy girls aren’t our type…” Your smile slowly started to fade, didn’t they call you pretty? You heard them, but then their laughter combined with the laughs of the other girls made your heartbeat speed up once you had figured it out. 
They were just playing with you. 
Yet, it still hurt you as disappointment started swelling in your chest and it suddenly became hard to swallow as it crept up your throat and your eyes became misty with furious, humiliated tears that you refused to let show. All you could do was breathe heavily through your nose, seething quietly and not saying a word. 
They continued to snicker and laugh with each other, many of them grinning at you and one boy even pointed at you. “She’s so pretty isn’t she?” The one who approached you smiled at you, but it was out of pure amusement. He wasn’t shy at all, he did that to embarrass you. 
“Too pretty to dance with…” 
“The Cutie Hero.” 
The boys and the girls all laughed at the jokes they made, not meaning a word they said when they called you ‘pretty’ because they were all laughing at you. “Ha! Yeah right… Yaoyorozu maybe, but not this one… you gotta be thin and sexy for that. And you need to have the face to be a cute hero.” The third and nastiest boy said, and you clenched your fists tightly as your face started to turn red in embarrassment and anger.
“Look how red she’s turning...!” A girl laughed as you inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to avoid using your quirk on these assholes. But there was only one thing that kept you from smacking them silly, and it was a bitter truth that you had known for a while only to have it thrown in your face tonight.  
You were the ugliest person in the whole school. 
Nobody would ever find you desirable or ever want to be seen with you because you lacked the good looks that your female classmates had. And you knew it because they were all dancing with guys that had asked them to dance and looked happy to, while you were left behind and had these assholes bother you and remind you of how ugly you were.
This was a big mistake, and you couldn’t stand seeing everyone else dancing without a care in the world while you just sat on the sidelines, willing your glossy eyes to not let any tears fall. Rejection hurt you worse than any attack from villains. This pain lingered and just tore what little else you had left of your self-esteem, self-image and overall look at yourself. 
So you turned away sharply from the snickering, grinning boys and girls, and you kept your head down and immediately headed for the exit. And you ignored some of the glances you were getting from your classmates, but before you could get out as quickly and discreetly as you could, you grunted a little bit once you bumped into someone. 
Gasping, you widened your tearful eyes and you were beyond surprised to see Aoyama of all people, and yet he was smiling at you even though you bumped into him. But the truth was that he deliberately got in front of you to keep you from leaving. He had been sitting at a table alone like you had been, and he had noticed how you dressed up tonight and showed off the beauty he saw in you, which is why it broke his heart when he saw what those boys had done to you. It made him sad, and it made him mad that they toyed with you like that, and after that he decided that he wasn’t going to let you run off in tears and feel miserable over those jerks.
“S-Sorry Aoyama…! I-I didn’t see you… I-I’m so sorry…” You mumbled nervously, averting your eyes and hating the moisture that had snuck out and you had to wipe it away quickly to avoid crying in front of a classmate. And to avoid smudging your make-up, even though you just wanted to wipe it all away and never use it again after tonight…
“Do not apologize. Although… I am surprised you did not see me, because I am wearing my best suit for tonight, and it sparkles beautifully non~?” He didn’t seem mad or annoyed with you at all, and instead kind of bragged about his admittedly shiny and well-tailored suit. It was so glittery, and yet it was really nice you had to admit that to yourself.
He was always an odd one to you, but not a bad person at all. Aoyama seemed pretty decent, a bit proud and vain, but nothing compared to Bakugou. Aoyama was nice, and fairly pleasant in many of your interactions and brief conversations with him. Which is why you felt bad now that you didn’t notice him… 
“Y-Yeah… you look really good… w-wow that is… a glittery tux… I like it though…” Despite how sad you were, you smiled at him and complimented him, unaware of how bad he felt for you. He knew a fake smile when he saw it and understood hidden sadness and masked insecurities all too well.
He chuckled a little bit, “Merci mon ami… but what about yourself? Your dress is lovely, and your hair too.” Aoyama made sure to compliment you, especially after what those jerks said to you. But he could tell it didn’t seem to do much for you as you kept your fake smile on. While you knew Aoyama wasn’t a liar at all, you couldn’t be so sure if it was pity or honesty he was giving you. “Thanks… I’m not really too sure about that… the other girls are much prettier… I just… didn’t want to look too much like a troll tonight since this is a dance...” Now he frowned, and you were surprised since Aoyama didn’t frown often.
But he smiled shortly afterwards, shaking his head, “Troll? No, no, no… do not compare yourself to such a thing. It is true… our other female classmates and male classmates are appealing in their own ways. But… don’t let their sparkle outshine your own~. Because you have a sparkle that shines every day, I can see it, like I see it tonight.” Aoyama said to you sincerely, but before you could even react, the princey-looking boy then offered his hand out to you, “Two sparkling people such as us should dance together, don’t you think?” He asked you politely as you widened your eyes slightly…
Was he asking you to dance? Oh God…
You didn’t think he was faking it though like the other boys, Aoyama wasn’t like that, but it didn’t make you any less nervous because you were worried that you would screw it up with your godawful dancing skills. And you were also kind of worried about what the other boys nd girls would think, and what they might say if they saw you dancing with someone else. What if they decided to torment Aoyama too? You couldn’t live with yourself knowing that they would make fun of one of your friends because of you.
But you didn’t want to rudely turn Aoyama’s kind offer down, so you reacted without thinking and shakily brought your hand out, which he gently took and placed his other hand over your shoulder.
“B-But I… I can’t dance…” You stammered and trembled ever so slightly, extremely nervous now that your hand was over his. This was perhaps the first time you’ve ever touched someone else and it sent little tremors throughout your body from the unfamiliar but not unpleasant touch.
Aoyama’s smile turned softer though, “Don’t worry, just follow my feet, and don’t worry about how you move. Dancing is dancing, your rhythm is your own. Let your body move the way it wants~.” He said to you in a tone that sounded so dulcet and sweet in your mind, because no one has ever spoken to you like that before.
As he started to dance with you, you looked down at his feet to follow his lead and nervously at him, feeling your cheeks darken and heat up with nervousness and bashfulness. His hand felt a little cold, but warmer now that he was touching yours, which sent rapid beats to your heart as you trembled slightly even as you managed to follow his lead and didn’t even realize that you were dancing.
He smiled with a little chuckle, but it wasn’t at your expense. He was happy that you had gotten the hang of it as you found yourself smiling. Aoyama wasn’t making fun of you or faking his smiles, not tonight at least. Sometimes you knew he was faking his smiles to conceal something heavier on his mind, it was something you had been familiar with, so you knew when someone was hiding sadness by smiling. 
With every step, you followed him, and the music allowed you find the rhythm. It was a little bit clumsy on your part, but Aoyama didn’t seem to mind, because it was your rhythm and he thought it was endearing and just you. 
“There! You’ve got it now~.” He sang-songed as he gave you a little twirl, making you giggle and grin a little bit when you were pulled back in. Somehow, you didn’t even need his hand to lure you back into him, and it felt so strange, but you couldn’t deny that you felt happy, almost secure and not alone in this moment with Aoyama. 
It was true, he was still something of a stranger to you since unfortunately, you two didn’t know each other that well, but you were still on good terms. Maybe you were both somewhat strangers to each other, yet here you both were, dancing with each other without a care in the world to the catchy music. Neither of you saw your other classmates pausing to see you dancing with Aoyama. It was quite a spectacle to them, since you weren’t known for your bright smile nor was Aoyama known for being so openly sweet and on the spot. After all, his classmates didn’t notice him often, but they were seeing him now, dancing with you and looking the happiest he had been in weeks, along with you. They had never seen you like that.
“Look…! Ahhhhhh!” Mina practically squealed while the rest of the girls had to smile and grin warmly when they saw just how… happy and bright you looked. “That’s SO romantic!” The pink girl swooned with her hands clasped together, kind of proud that the blondie she defeated in the Sports Festival had found somebody to dance with and get close to. 
“(L/N)… she looks so happy. So does Aoyama…” Among the boys, Midoriya appeared the happiest when he saw his good friend dancing with his other friend. He knew you fairly well, and you didn’t seem like the most cheerful person in the world, so he was a little ecstatic to see you smile like that. And Aoyama, whom he also knew pretty well, he knew that he was good at hiding his feelings and started learning when his smiles were either real or fake. The one he had the entire time he danced with you was all too real.
And it was beautiful.
For once, you were happy, but this felt like it was real, and not fake like earlier. No, you were actually happy where you were. Dancing with a classmate you didn’t know as well as you were hoping now, but it was so wonderful.
You couldn’t help but give a small laugh of glee when you were spun around and underneath the bright lights. The two of you outstretched your arms before coming back into each other with bright smiles and flushed cheeks as you both shared little giggles. So, this is what it felt like to sparkle…
However, when the two of you started to slowly dance, Aoyama leaned in closely to whisper to you, “Those boys and girls who said those things are dull imbeciles. Ignorant to what real beauty is and unimportant. Don’t listen to them, people like that do not deserve to be listened to. Anyone who does what they have done do not deserve to be listened to.” Despite his somewhat offended tone, his voice was laced with gentleness as you widened your eyes ever slightly. Dancing with Aoyama made you forget all about those guys, and the sadness crept into your heart again, which your partner noticed as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
“You look beautiful. Not just tonight, every other day.” He smiled at you again, and the sadness slowly started to escape when Aoyama’s sincerity scared it away and was replaced with hope as you looked surprised and extremely touched with every meaningful word coming from this… beautiful boy. These weren’t sweet nothings; these were words from the heart. 
Happiness mended your heart that had been broken tonight, and it was thanks to Aoyama. Even though, the insecure part of you was still doubting, “Aoyama I… thanks but… are you sure about that…? I mean… I’m not really fair… or skinny… or rich… or as successful as others are…” You listed many of your flaws, and insecurity started sneaking up on you again, until Aoyama shook his head with a chuckle, “I am sure… because you are not the ‘others’. You are you. And you are perfect as you are. Make-up, no make-up, rich or poor, dress, no dress… you are still (Y/N). Sparkling and beautiful (Y/N)~.” You swore you saw him blushing a little bit and even kinda of shyly looking away when he started talking about how beautiful you were.
Your eyes were wide and your cheeks became rosy pink, you knew there was no way he was lying. And then you felt your heart starting to beat as you gulped quietly. Somehow the disappointment you felt in your heart completely disappeared, and was replaced with an overwhelming sense of euphoria, anxiety and excitement? Whatever these feelings were, it was because of Aoyama…
Before you could even speak, you stared him deep in the eyes and reacted out of pure impulse as you suddenly lurched forward to his lips… only for you to completely miss and bump your nose right into his cheek…
“Oooooh…” Mina cringed along with Midoriya and Uraraka when they watched your epic fail of a kiss…
“OH!!” You both pulled away and threw your hands to your nose in pain, “Ohh God…” You groaned deeply and you could hear Aoyama’s own pained little moan, “Oh my GOD I am SO sorry… I-I don’t… I don’t…” However, your entire face started turning red from embarrassment which got worse when Aoyama chuckled rather nervously.
“N-Non, non! I-It’s okay… I uh… didn’t expect that but… in the same token… I’m actually, extremely flattered that you were going to kiss me~.” Despite the pain in his cheek, Aoyama still sounded flirtatious as he winked at you, and your blush only darkened. Yet, you didn’t feel so embarrassed knowing that he was flattered.
“Hee-hee… golly… I like, totally ruined the Cinderella moment…” You shyly giggled that off, almost unaware of the snickers coming from the same assholes who had made fun of you earlier. But they shut up when Aoyama gave them a look, and then turned to smile at you. “No… not ruined…” He said gently, and this time he leaned forward and slowly to give you a soft but sweet kiss on your lips as you felt yourself getting flushed with joy and butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the feeling of someone else’s lips upon yours for the first time. But it felt so right that you didn’t flinch or turn away as you held his face as you kissed him back. 
Those boys couldn’t say a word anymore, and you could hear Mina and the girls squealing happily for you as you felt truly at bliss in the arms of your Aoyama. Who was once a stranger to you, was now your new Prince in Sparkling Armor and you didn’t feel so alone anymore.
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authors note: this was something my friend wanted me to do and I love her for it. its probably incredibly ooc but it was a nice side project for the bigger things im working on
Warnings: panic attacks and dissociation written from personal experience, rly shitty angst, shitty in general, done on mobile for the majority sooo
Word count: 1k+
tags: @derpydanandphil
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
He remembered so vividly..  Having left him.
"Markus, there's nothing we can do! We can't take the risk!"
He remembered being handed a gun, and the intention behind it making him sick. He remembered looking into blue eyes filled with anguish and dread.
"I-it's okay, Markus. Just- just get it over with,"
His hand shook, the gun weighing heavy in his hand as he tried to lift it to aim at his.. his-
"No! No.. I won't... I.."  I can't...
He fell to his knees in front of Simon and forced himself to look up. They stared at one another for a moment before Markus was pulling the fatally damaged deviant to his chest for a long and heartbreaking moment. The gun was discarded to his side. The pair took in the presence of each other for a moment longer before the latter pulled back ever so slightly to press his lips to the former's hairline. He pulled the rest of the way back, reaching for the gun to hand to Simon as a knowing look passed between them. Knowing that he probably won't come back. Knowing that he may have to end his own life… Knowing that they were more than just friends. Knowing that Markus was trying so hard not to fall apart.
"Be strong, Simon." He heard North address him distantly but his eyes were trained on the ground. He wanted the color of icy-violet to be his last memory of him. Not crumpled and slowly dying in the snow.
So yes, the fact that the boy was standing right before him during his never-ending mourning was quite heart stopping.
Suddenly there was this huge weight that Markus felt lifting from his shoulders. He hadn't realized it was even there. His LED burned like a yellow flame whilst Simons was a feeble red, quivering with anxiety. Anxieties that elevated as Markus stepped closer, they were quickly dispelled as he felt arms close around him. He returned the embrace and didn't hesitate for a moment to bury his head into Markus' neck.
The hug started gentle but quickly escalated into something more desperate and passionate. Fabric was balled up under Simons' hands and he pressed himself farther into Markus as if trying to completely block out the rest of the world. Markus was squeezing him to death in waves upon waves of protectiveness and relief and pure love that Simon could practically feel it radiating. Skip to only moments later and He can feel the skin beneath his face turn damp and he pulled back a bit.
"Sh-sh-shhh, it's okay... I-it's okay,"
At the comment and the warm hand tracing patterns into his back he only cried harder. His body shook and his chest hurt from the little air making it to his artificial lungs. He didn't necessarily need it to breathe but, it maintained his comfortable temperature and without it, his stress levels rose dramatically. He could feel himself overheating and his head grew fuzzy. It got worse when the arms he was depending on to keep him safe began to pull away. He was hyperventilating.
"H-hey, Simon? It's alright... it's okay.. everything's fine, see? Hey look at me,"
Simon lifted his too-heavy head to look up at Markus' mismatched eyes.
"Your safe.. everything is gonna be okay" Simon nodded vigorously, eyes shutting tight and trying to get himself to calm down but to no avail. The hand that appeared on his cheek was frightening but they way it held his face made him feel just a bit better. Despite the available grounding points around him, he could feel himself slipping away with each passing moment, drifting farther and farther into the clouds. He ignored the body on the ground that was being held by the other in an attempt at comfort. He ignored the other body shaking his companion on the concrete far, far below. He just let himself float into oblivion as the body on the ground sat pale and numb and still struggling to breathe. Alive but not willing to live.
"S-Simon? What's wrong? C'mon, can you hear me?"
The voice threatened to pull him crashing back down and he let out a whimper. He wanted to stay floating, forever disassociating from the world that has caused him so much pain.
"Simon, can you hear me?"
He wanted to pull away but he knew that alone would call him back.
"I know you're scared, but I'm right here!"
He didn't want to be hurt but, that voice was stabbing him in the heart even in his numb space. His intense breathing became louder and louder as he felt himself coming down from his deadly high.
"Please say something!"
Markus didn't quite understand what was going on, all he knew was that Simon was hurting and he was trying desperately to fix it. He didn't understand panic attacks, despite his deviancy he still had plenty to learn. He reached out to stroke a thumb across his cheek when the eyes of the other snapped open.  "Mar-Markus?"
"Hey, hey buddy, it's alright. You with me?" A nod. More sharp intakes of breath and small mumbles in between. "Can I hold you?"
"N-no! No.. I-no.."
"That's alright," it hurt, but he didn't want to make it worse. "Is there anything I can do?"
"I don't- I don't know! I don't know what's going on-I don't like it!" He was far past hysterics and it was scaring the pair out of their minds.
"Can.. can you tell me our friend's names?" He hoped Simon would be desperate enough not to ask why, because Markus figured that maybe giving him something to focus on would distract him from whatever had triggered.. this.
"U-um... You, Josh-Josh, North… m-me"
"Yeah, good. Now, can you tell me when I found Jericho?"
"That was.. three- three and a half- a month ago? I-I think,"
"Mhm, you're right. Can you tell me what your favorite thing is? It can be anything,"
"My fav- favorite thing? I-" pause to cough " I like to sing.. with you and- and look at stars w-with you and.." At this point, he had calmed down considerably without fully realizing. Though whatever he was about to say next sent a few more shaking breaths and he covered his face in his hands.
"Hey, Si.. don't get yourself worked up again.." He took in a small puff of air and pulled crystal doe-eyes back to Markus. "That's better, right? Can- Do you want a hug?" Simon nodded and let himself be held. He melted into Markus' side and sighed heavily. His synthetic eyelids dropped and he dimly noticed a little notification in his peripheral, telling him that sleep-mode was imminent. He tucked into Markus' shirt and slipped away to a far more peaceful place, in the arms of someone he loved.
Markus rested his chin on Simons fluffy blonde hair and found his own artificial body aching for rest. Careful not to wake him, he heaved him and Simon off the ground to head back to what the survivors had dubbed ‘New Jericho'. Markus had an apartment at the very start of the town and that's where he was heading now, somewhere warm where he could ensure Simon's safety. He paused at the door for a moment to figure out a way to open it, then headed straight for his bedroom. rA9 forbid he make the poor boy sleep on the couch.
"Mmph... Markus..?" Shit. So much for not waking him...
"Shhhh, go back to sleep,"
"Where are we?"
"My house, try an' get some more sleep okay? Do..do you want me to sleep in the other room?"
"..No! U-um... Can.. can you stay? Please?" Markus didn't need to be told twice as he slipped into bed beside Simon.. who was shivering.
"Do you want me to turn the heat up?"
"Uhm…" He blushed and looked away but Markus just smiled fondly.
"C'mere," He inched closer to tuck him back into his arms, burying his face in soft, sand-colored hair. He heard the other sigh with contentment and decided that everything was alright, at least for the time being. They mumbled their goodnights and I love you as they fell into a comfortable sleep, knowing full well that tomorrow was going to be a whole ordeal of confusing feelings.
But that's a story for another time...
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genuine-wheeze · 6 years
Sweater Sharing
Rating: Clean/SFW/Safe
Pairing: Adam/Andrew
Prompt: Cozy Sweater
Tags: Pining; Mutual Pining; Friends to Lovers
Notes: This is my first fic for this pairing so it might be OOC. A lil rushed but I hope y’all enjoy
Partners: @mercury-skies @theseusinthemaze
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September 25. A mainly mundane day for most people, falling on a normal work or school day. Uninspired. Boring. But not for Adam and Andrew. September 25th for them was the start of their annual Fall road trip. A two week long cross-state drive-a-thon full of too much pumpkin scented shit and not enough sensibility to refrain from buying it. Every year the two of them piled all their “essentials” into Adam’s crappy hatchback and set off to the Oregon-California border. Every year the two did this to “build friendship.” Every year except for this one. Because Adam could not do this. He could not sit in a car with his obnoxiously heart wrenching crush and come out alive. But of course, nothing went his way.
“C’mon Adam. We do this every year! Every year buddy! Please? Please?”
“Andrew I just-“
“Do you have something else to do? Because I could do that with you, just tell me the plans!”
“No it’s not-“
“Is it a date? I could be your wingman!”
“No Andrew it’s just that I-“
“Please Adam?”
Andrew could do convincing puppy-dog eyes, in his defense. So here he was, Andrew deviously crafting a carpool karaoke playlist specifically designed to annoy him, Steven wishing them off through Skype call, sounds of his family in the background. Adam could feel butterflies in his stomach as he looked at Andrew, heartsick in a million little ways as his friend eagerly chattered with Steven about all the things they were going to do. But then the call was over and it was just them and all the stuff they needed to pack. Better for Adam to just get to work, maybe it would distract from the thumping of his heart.
Ah, roadside diners. Adam felt a special fondness for most of the quirky restaurants, having been to almost all of them in his time with Andrew. But he definitely hated this one. With all his heart. Because really, was it fair for them to be playing Andrew’s “most favorite song ever Adam!” after hopping him up on pumpkin spice coffee with unlimited refills? No, it wasn’t. And now Andrew was dancing, hips swaying as he moved to the beat of the cheesy 90s song. Adam was just about to give up on his pie and end himself with his fork right there when it got worse for him.
“Adam come dance with me!”
“These patrons do not want to see me flail about to jukebox music Andrew I promise you that.”
“Oh just get up here!”
And then Andrew had his hands and he was pulling him up to dance. Dear god wasn’t Fall supposed to be fun? Maybe that was Winter, the cold months when Andrew was too frozen to do anything. Yeah, maybe those were the good times. Because this definitely wasn’t one of them, Andrew’s soft hands in his as he moved him about. No, definitely not.
Being in the car with Andrew after that was scarcely better. He sang loudly and distractingly, even though it was adorable. But Adam couldn’t think stuff like that. He wasn’t going to allow himself to. So instead he settled on bobbing his head to the music, amicably filling his mind with the thoughts of all the stuff he’d waste his money on at the roadside stops. He was going to buy some stupid snow globes. He knew it.
Their first night in a hotel was brilliantly awful. Andrew insisted on laying in Adam’s bed with him, and he knew that he’d get cramps from how stiffly he sat, trying not to melt all over Andrew. But he guessed either Andrew was too tired to notice, or he just didn’t care, because they made it an entire season of Gilmore Girls before the shorter man wanted to go back to his own bed. Andrew was always a heavy sleeper, but Adam lay awake and stared at the ceiling, listening to the breathing of his friend. God, he had it bad. His heart skipping beats when Andrew touched him, his skin aching for a brush against Andrew. He was becoming a cliche. A terribly stupid cliche about unrequited love and friendship he would scoff at in movies. And he was living it, and enjoying it. Because even though it hurt, he loved it. Sighing, Adam rolled over, pulling the blankets over his body and trying to turn off his brain and go the hell to sleep. He didn’t succeed.
“Andrew can you drive today? I’m so tired. I think I’m crashing. Too much pumpkin pie at the beginning of this trip. It’s withdrawal.”
“Don’t be so dramatic Adam you’re not going through a withdrawal from pie.”
“No seriously dude. I have the shakes and everything.”
Andrew snorted at that, climbing into the driver's seat easily.
“Lay down in the back you pumpkin druggie, I’ll wake you up at the next hotel.”
“Thanks man.”
“No problem Adam. Get some sleep.”
Adam woke up as the car slowed to a stop.
“We ‘ere now?”
“No no I just gotta stretch. C’mon go back to sleep.”
“Mmph. ‘Kay. Turn the AC down though. ‘S freezing back here.”
“Ah just put a sweater on you big baby.”
Adam let out a groan, but groped around for a sweater in the backseat groggily, pulling one on quickly, immediately falling back asleep, snoring lightly under the soft music from the radio.
This next diner was kinder to him. Only lilting 70s songs over the stereo, so he didn’t have to dance with Andrew again. Although, this dining experience was definitely a… weird one.
“And what can I get for you two boys?”
“Two coffees, one burger and a salad. We’re sharing a plate, right Adam?”
“Yeah. Though you shouldn’t order croutons on this salad, last time you spent 10 minutes picking them out.”
“Oh, yeah, and no croutons. Thank you.”
“Of course babies, and I’ll throw in a slice of pie just because you two are so cute together.”
Adam chuckled at the thought that he and Andrew were cute, usually that was reserved for him and Steven, waiters always gushing over their friendship.
“Well that was new. Usually don’t see waitresses complimenting our friendship huh?” Adam looked up from his phone to see Andrew smiling strangely at him, before the other shook his head gently.
“Yeah Adam, don’t see that with our uh… friendship.” He chuckled to himself, as though that was another one of his puns. Adam was going to quiz him on it when the waitress, Cindy, returned.
“Okay cuties. Enjoy your date.” Adam blushed, startling at the insinuation, dropping his fork to the floor. When he got back up, fork in hand, he noticed the same strange smile on Andrew. Odd, Andrew had never given him that look before. Adam filed it for later, shutting off his phone and leaning towards his friend, listening easily to the story he started.
Another damn motel. Adam was getting antsy, the confined spaces he shared with Andrew seeming to shrink, pushing the two of them together, literally. Because this motel had no idea of space, beds pushed together to be able to fit the nightstand, pillows overlapping to create the appearance of one large bed. This was not good. This meant he and Andrew would be required to sleep in the same bed, next to each other, Andrew close enough for Adam to touch. Terrible. Adam threw his stuff down in the closet, bags piled in one corner, before piling Andrew’s stuff on the opposite wall. God, he hoped Andrew could sleep through Adam’s panic. But then, as Adam stood, he suddenly had something else to worry about. Because he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Him, in all his bespectacled, bed headed glory. Him, wearing Andrew’s sweater. The big one with a band logo on it he didn’t recognize, the one that Andrew had most definitely recognized. Shit. That’s why Andrew had been smirking in the diner. God, Adam was panicking. Hunched in the closet, hands in the folds of the stolen sweater. There was really only one option. Take it off.
Adam made sure to carefully fold the sweater. He laid it on Andrew’s bed gently, before deciding to hand it to him in person. It’d be useless to lay it on the beds because they were so close together, damn motel owners. So he sat and waited for Andrew to get back from the town with their dinner. But sitting down was definitely a mistake, because he hadn’t realized how tired he was, until he was drifting to sleep.
“Having a good nap?”
Adam startled awake, sitting up quickly only to bump foreheads with Andrew, smile back on his face from before. Adam looked down for the sweater and, oh God. He had fallen asleep, and managed to wrap himself in it, almost like a child with a plush animal. He blushed, quickly folding it and thrusting it towards the blond man.
“Uh. Here. Sorry for taking it.”
“No no. Here. Keep it, it looks good on you.”
Andrew pushed it towards him gently, smile turning a bit more mischievous.
“You know Adam. I think it looks really good on you.”
Adam was blushing wildly now, stammering and fumbling with the sweater as Andrew drew closer. And closer. Until he was practically on top of him, eyes full of wonder.
“Yeah. I think it looks nice on you. Makes you look like you’re…” he trailed off, mouth inching towards Adam’s.
“Makes me look like what?” Adam felt his heart rushing, blood thrumming in his ears because God, Andrew was so close.
“It makes you look like you’re mine.” And then Andrew’s lips were on his, moving softly together with his. Breaths warm on each other’s faces. The sweater tossed easily aside. Maybe Adam would put it on later.
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