#sorry i’m so yappy today
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bloomeng · 3 months ago
i haven’t seen arcane s2 yet but one thing i’ve always admired is that in a story about classism they chose to actually represent a form of the middle class (aka Jayce) bc I feel like most stories about classism tend to pick one extreme or the other esp in fantasy settings where we’re looking at feudalism so middle class doesn’t exist yet
Jayce to me will always be important because of that (and this is coming from someone who is neutral about him) I think the reason so many ppl didn’t like him in s1 is because most people know a “Jayce” someone who means well, wants to do good things, but is naive to their government and is ignorant to their privilege 
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rosy-crow · 1 month ago
Me: UGH, I don’t just want Sephiroth to be popular for his badassery or looks, I want his fanbase to be into his full story so we can all talk about it because I love it so so so much, but sometimes I feel like the majority of people only like him as a one-dimensional sexy villain character and what if this discourages the devs from going even deeper with his interesting writing dammit
Hamaguchi: Sephiroth’s popularity comes from everyone’s love of his background and humanity and relatability in losing that humanity when he becomes a villain ☺️
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qprpbj · 3 months ago
there’s some universe where this is paul darry and it kinda makes me so nauseous
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whatdoidosatoru · 2 months ago
the family business
chapter 1 of stardewnatural | ao3 stardew valley/supernatural crossover farmer/sebastian nobody really has a car in pelican town. so it's a little strange when a '67 chevrolet impala appears parked at the bus stop. soon, farmer sunny meets two monster hunters sent on a mission to figure out the (more than the usually) weird things happening in this quaint town. wc: 2207 cw: light violence, banter, some innuendo, sam and dean being sam and dean
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nobody really had a car in pelican town.
at least that’s what sunny thought until she walked past one on her daily walk into town.
the day started like any other fall day until now. the very first friday of the season always began with waking up at six and having a quick breakfast with her coffee, feeding the dog and cats, giving them some attention before heading out to pick up any crops that were ready, emptying the kegs and grabbing everything she needed for the usual trip into the town square when…
there was a menacing, old black car that stood parked next to the broken-down bus just outside the tunnel leading to the desert. being somewhat late in her daily schedule, sunny didn't stop to take a closer look, but faint voices could be heard as she kept walking, stepping on crinkly leaves littering the path.
“i’m telling you it's just in your head.”
“and i'm telling you there was a little… i don't know what it was but it was in the bush!”
“you need coffee.”
“i'm telling you there's something sketchy going on, sammy.”
she passed the ripe vegetable to the bespectacled shopkeeper in exchange for 120 gold that she pocketed before quickly waving and disappearing through the door. 
certain she would find the owners of these voices later, probably in the saloon, she kept walking, keeping herself as close as she could to her planned out schedule. but the oddity of unknown people stuck in her head.
“sorry, sorry, i got caught up with the canning,” sunny immediately started explaining as she walked into pierre's store, balancing a big basket full of items on her hip, “here's the bok choy you wanted.”
“woah, easy there, farmer.” a surprised voice snapped her out of focus as she nearly collided with the body in front of her. she apologetically looked up and fixed the soft knitted beanie on her head.
“sorry, doc, in a rush this morning.”
looking at the watch on her left wrist, she noticed the time. 9:10. shit, she was already supposed to be on her way up to the mountains.
“hey, doc, shouldn't you already be at the clinic?”
the town doctor stuttered, brushing his hair out of the way and fixing his brown framed glasses before rushing off into the store, muttering something about running out of coffee grounds.
sunny shrugged, fixed the basket on her arm, and started towards the old community center, bracing herself for another collision with the world of supernatural beings living alongside them here in pelican town.
“hey did you see the car?”
a voice greeted her at the door to the community center; the voice of, as of only a few days ago, her boyfriend, sebastian. his dark hair glinted purple in the rare fall sun, and he wore a sweet smile – it was nice seeing him finally in his element after so much summer heat. he approached and pulled her into a hug, ignoring the fact that she was awkwardly balancing a nearly full basket of stuff from the farm and the local mines. in fact, there was something in there for him.
“you saw it too?”
sunny responded as he slid his hand in hers, walking back to the town square with her since he knew the schedule for today. 
“sam heard it when he… anyway he called me all excited and yappy, wouldn’t shut up about it ‘cause he thought i’d wanna check it out. i mean, he was right.”
“looks cool, though, doesn't it?”
“what does?”
“the car, silly.”
“oh hell yeah, it's a beaut.”
she raised an eyebrow, but quickly shook her head at his comment. of course he'd call a car beautiful, he was somewhat obsessed with cool cars and motorbikes, having the latter himself. she remembered all the midnight rides on that motorcycle of his, the way he'd speed up just to have her grip onto his waist tighter, the wind in their hair, the view when they'd park and…
“you see who drove it?” his voice snapped her out of her head.
“huh? oh, the car?”
“earth to sunny, you awake?”
sebastian reached out to poke her on the cheek, smirking as he did so. by the pep in his step it was obvious that he was getting genuinely excited to see the car, it was certainly not an everyday occurrence to have new people and a new vehicle in town.
sunny murmured something about being frazzled today, probably from having a late night planning for the stardew valley fair.
they made their way to the bus stop, murmuring good morning to a few people in passing.
“hey sunny, you got any pumpkins going?” abigail's voice carried through the window of her bedroom. sunny looked up to see her smiling face peeking through.
“oh, i've got a bunch planted for you!”
abby blew her a kiss and disappeared into her room again, leaving the pair to keep walking past the store, past the clinic (still open despite their only doctor being outside in the park), and to the bus stop where the broken down bus had been sitting unmoving for years.
sunny could almost feel the excitement radiate from him, he squeezed her hand a little more as they approached the car, half-hidden by the shadow of the tunnel. 
“yoba, look at that design…”
his voice was full of awe, he kept going towards the car, offhandedly mentioning facts about the build of the car, about the sleek design, about the engine it must have…
and she couldn't keep my eyes off him. his eyes shone with fascination, with wonder at this machine in front of them. where she saw a cool vehicle, he saw the ingenuity, the remarkable angles. 
“...really wanna hear it”
she snapped out of the admiration to his words, realising she'd been clutching the basket a little tighter. barely had she had time to smile at him when an angry voice bellowed from behind.
“hey! get away from the car!”both of them quickly stepped back, sebastian with his hands already up in a gesture of surrender. two men approached, one with short hair and a face full of rage, the other taller, long haired, and with a look of worry.
“we’re…” she pulled sebastian back a little, keeping him closer to her in case they go for him because he was close to the car “ so sorry, we didn’t touch it or anything we just… looked, it’s rare to…” she snapped her mouth shut and tilted her head to the side as the shorter, angrier man approached the car as one would a lover, caressing it while checking for any dents or whatever else they could’ve done to it in the short time they were near. sunny could’ve sworn he called it baby.
“forgive my brother, he’s very…” the taller man looked at the brother in question and then back at them, clearly noticing their questioning expressions “ besotted with the car.”
sebastian raised an eyebrow at him and looked at the man checking the car, letting out a little huh as if to say yeah no shit.
there was a weird pause, seb and sunny awkwardly observing the car caressing, and what seemed to be loving whispering, while the taller brother’s eyes flitted between his, clearly embarrassing, brother and them two.
“i’m sam. that’s my brother dean.” he took a long step towards them, seriously, how tall was this guy , and held out his hand. sebastian shook it immediately, looking up at sam , who was nothing like their sam.
“sebastian. this is my girlfriend , sunny.” as she shifted the basket to shake sam’s hand, she noticed sebastian’s hand suddenly found its usual place on her waist, tugging a little closer to him. she smirked at his action before looking towards the newcomer.
“sunny. sorry if this is rude but…” she eyed the other brother, dean, who finally stopped touching up his precious car to join his brother in introducing himself and shaking hands, “what are you doing here exactly? the fair isn’t until the 16th.”
“the fair?” those were the first somewhat polite words directed at them by dean. he fixed his jacket and looked the pair over, as if estimating whether or not they’re from this earth or not. his eyes landed on the basket in sunny’s hands, no doubt wondering why the hell she was carrying so much assorted stuff with.
“the stardew valley fair?” sebastian sounded surprised that someone would venture into pelican town without the intention to attend one of the festivals. in his mind, there was no other reason to be here… well, at least not until we had got closer.
“sure, the fair.” the taller man sounded unconvinced, but the look in his eyes as he turned to his brother told everyone involved to just drop it.
“we’re hunters,” dean explained, “you know, anything out of the ordinary, anything… strange, we hunt it and save people. it’s kind of a family business.”
strange and out of the ordinary. the family business . that description just about covered the entirety of pelican town. from the forest spirits to the town wizard living on the outskirts of the town. and sunny knew a thing or two about keeping a family business alive, not that anyone in said family could actually appreciate it.
“like slime hunters?” she blurted out, causing sebastian to snort in laughter.
sam and dean looked at each other in confusion and maybe a little offense.
“sl- slime hunters?” dean raised an eyebrow, looking like he was about to explain how he was more dangerous and serious than anything called a slime hunter could ever be. clearly he hadn’t encountered a slime before.
the sweet gift earned her another kiss on the forehead and one directly on the lips, the one she never wanted to pull away from.
“yeah, the slimes in the mines?” she continued, ignoring the fact that sebastian tugged on her sleeve a little, leaning closer in warning.
“uh, sunny? i don’t think they know about the slimes…”
the silence was heavy. there was heat climbing up into her cheeks, making her hear heart beats in her head. oh, she’s blabbed too much again. she turned her head to sebastian, but he just slid his hand into hers now, drawing little hearts with his thumb over her knuckles.
“okay so other than… slimes … did you two maybe notice something weird going on around here?” sam questioned, earning a sigh from sunny and a light chuckle from sebastian.
“look, the weirdest thing in this town right now is you two.” unlike sunny’s awful overthinking about whether something she had said would be taken as rude or condescending, sebastian had no filter. if he spoke to people in the first place, he didn’t give a fuck about keeping them placated. “we don’t get many people just walking in and out unless it’s for festivals, and certainly not with awesome cars like that one.” he nodded towards the black car, making both brothers follow his gaze as if to make sure it was their car he was talking about.
sunny shifted the basket again as she cleared her throat.
“look, if you hunt… weird things, maybe you could talk to marlon up at the adventurer’s guild or to rasmodius.”
“asmodeus?” dean looked alarmed at the mention of the wizard, but his misunderstanding of the name earned him a smack on the back of his head by sam.
“she said rasmodius, dean.” sam rolled his eyes briefly before continuing, “that’s the wizard, right? we were actually sent by a… friend of his. where could we find him?”
sebastian quickly explained how to get to the wizard’s tower, wondering how the hell they knew this wizard’s friend .
sam and dean made their way towards the cindersap forest, throwing one last glance at the car as sebastian and sunny stood at a respectful distance from it, as if warned not to try anything funny.
“that was… weird, right? it’s not just me?” sunny’s question made sebastian chuckle.
“as much as i’d love to say it was just you being weird, i have to admit they were…” he finished the sentence simply by shaking his head a little.
in retaliation for his cheekiness she lifted their intertwined hands and bit his knuckles gently, making him nudge her with his shoulder.
“keep nudging me and i’m not giving you your gift.”
“gift?” he leaned in and kissed her temple, melting her with his spontaneous signs of affection. “you’re gift enough for me.”
she looked up and saw that self-satisfied grin on his face whenever he thought he said something incredibly funny. after the initial reaction of just rolling her eyes, sunny pulled out a somewhat chipped piece of obsidian from the basket. seeing his eyes widen in excitement made all the bruises and scratches from going into the mines worth it.
“wait, seriously? is that obsidian? oh man, you know it’s exactly what i’ve been looking for! i’m gonna see if i can shape it into a dagger!” with a smile he took it from her hand wrapped into a cloth and put it into his jean pocket.
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itsnotamatterofif · 21 days ago
Hello chat sorry, I’m yappy today. I’ve written a valentines themed thing, however it is nearly finished and I need to get working on my Valentines exchange, so would we like this published a bit early? Or would you like me to hold off until Friday? Vote now on your phones
(For context, it’s a 4+1 thing of the various Wembley freights being with someone on Valentine’s Day, mostly fluff with a bit of hurt no comfort at the end)
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crab-ran-goon · 2 months ago
sorry analysis is so scary for me and this is like a weird scrapbook of a discord conversation i had earlier today but like thinking abt Eiji Hino and what OOO reveals about him so early on in the show. a disclaimer is that i’ve seen under 10 episodes of ooo so like. obviously i lack the full picture this is just personal observation cus to me eiji sticks out from other kamen rider protagonists from shows i’ve seen! and i find it fascinating!
putting it under cut cus it got yappy
besides gavv, i had only ever watched heisei 1 shows. ryuki, blade, kabuto and i’m currently watching kuuga while having seen roughly half of den o. ooo is my first time watching anything neo heisei and i’ve seen no completed reiwa shows (so i can’t compare shouma to how a reiwa protagonist is like for example) ! enough like. background information my point is
To me Eiji Hino is not the typical primary rider. While I ultimately think his heart is in the right place his attitude towards saving others differs from early heisei “i protect others because i love humanity/love people/love this world” or any kind of variation on that sentiment. I took note of Eijj telling Hina pretty early on he saves people because he’s afraid he might regret it if he doesn’t.
So what does this tell me about Eiji? I feel like in a show all about greed and desire he’s holding back his true feelings. He’s not the hero because he feels any particular way about being one and being proactive but because he fears the person that would make him and his regret. I don’t think he’s a cruel person or an indifferent person at all. He shows a shit ton of kindness for his fellow humans as he has a lot of empathy for victims of the greed and regularly bickers with ankh about it. But he kinda carries this misery to him under a cheery carefree demeanor. He doesn’t want to let himself feel bad about things, because would it then force him to look at himself?
He doesn’t seem to want things. I don’t think he lets himself have these desires because he personally thinks he doesn’t deserve to be tied down and have a place of belonging. While pondering this I thought about how he was unlike other riders for his attitude on being a hero differing from characters like Godai and Shinji. It has a mild kick of “this is just the right thing to do and nothing more” but now that I think about it more he’s really just a good kamen rider protagonist too cus he has all those isolation from humanity type of feelings. I guess my point is 7 episodes in I can sense he has smth wrong with him and won’t let himself be happy.
But he will smile like a dumbass and bicker with Ankh and try to help Hina the best he can even if there is something he’s holding back and then he can allow himself to pretend there’s nothing wrong <3 clocking his depressive vibes when he’s done nothing but smile 👍
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hismercytomyjustice · 8 months ago
Also, because I have nothing better to do with my life, here are the song inspos for my Bloodweave BG3 fic Ancient Books and Horror Stories title and chapter titles!
Mostly I pick them because of particular lines I like in songs that embody what I’m trying to write. Almost all my fanfics have song titles as their titles because I’m terrible with and get very stressed out about titles! Yay!
Songs beneath the cut to save people’s screens. I don’t think there’s any spoilers included for the fic if you’re a reader who wants to check these out.
I am apparently just very bored and feeling particularly introspective today. And also in a wildly yappy mood.
Oh, well! ┐(´∀`)┌
Fic Title: Ancient Books and Horror Stories - Big Houses by Squalloscope
Heard this one originally on the podcast Welcome to Night Vale. It’s the weather for, I believe, episode 33. I’m not caught up on Night Vale, tho I did an actually get to meet Cecil Baldwin and Joseph Fink at one of their first live shows back in 2013. I even got a pic with them and an autograph and they are so beyond fucking nice. I fucking love their show and them.
This song ended up working better than I thought for the fic as a whole and I love it so much.
Chapter One: Why did it have to be me? from the Mamma Mia 2 Soundtrack. I’m sorry I’ve only ever really experienced ABBA through covers, please forgive. (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I struggled with this chapter title because it was originally gonna be “Ancient Books and Horror Stories” before I realized I wanted that to be the actual title. I like it tho! A little more upbeat than I necessarily wanted this chapter to feel, but captures the “helplessness” of falling in love with someone haha.
Chapter Two: All I Know is I Don’t Know a Thing - Dust and Ashes from The Great Comet of 1812 Musical
I fucking love The Great Comet of 1812. Hands down one of my fave musicals of all time. I am NOT IMMUNE to Josh Groban’s wiles.
I feel like Gale and Pierre have a lot in common, both being nice scholarly types who long for connection and a Great Love™.
Chapter Three: For I Sing Songs Until the Break of Dawn - Noel’s Lament from Ride the Cyclone
Not as familiar with this musical but love a few of the songs from it. Felt Noel envisioning himself as a sex worker really fit with how Astarion sort of views himself. Y’know minus the part of actually wanting to “be that fucked up girl.”
Chapter Four: This bottle of light from the sun - Calling the Moon by Dar Williams
I think this was actually an accident, oops. I was looking up the lyrics for Call on the Moon by D’Anna Stewart because I really liked it on the First Kill soundtrack (LET’S GO LESBIAN VAMPIRE LOVE STORY). I don’t know if I’ve ever heard the first song prior to me trying to find the lyrics again for this. OH WELL, still like the chapter title.
Chapter Five: Lucky to have what's left of your sanity - Digital Hallucination by OR3O
Spotify recommended this to me and it is a BANGER! Love OR30’s music in general (my fave is Greedy) even though I’m not super familiar with her inspiration for most of them. OR3O was the start of my descent into Electroswing, I fear, but damn if I’m not loving every minute of it.
Chapter Six: Give me one reason why I should live - I Imagine You’re Upset from Bat Boy
My bff in high school introduced me to the Bat Boy soundtrack. I thought she was joking at first. But here I am, still listening to it and loving it all these years later. Yay more vampire related inspo! Can you tell I like vampires?
Chapter Seven: A Hunger So Strong - Comfort and Joy from Bat Boy
MORE BAT BOY?! It’s more likely than you’d think!
Chapter Eight: Shared our Tears and Shed Our Sorrows - Stay, I Pray You from Anastasia
This is the result of me mishearing the actual lyrics of “shed our tears and shared our sorrows” and fucking loving the twist of expectations. OH WELL. More oopsies on my part. BUT I REGRET NOTHING.
Chapter Nine: I should be fine but it's all too much - Overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent
Damn if this song doesn’t speak to my anxious ass OCD having self.
Chapter Ten: Sink your fangs into my soul - Hold Me, Bat Boy from Bat Boy
Uhhh only just now reading how many chapter titles are from Bat Boy. This was not intentional. WHOOPS.
Chapter Eleven: The Pretty Lies, the Ugly Truth - Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds
This group was introduced to my bff who used to listen to them a lot while I was riding in her car with her.
Chapter Twelve: How can nothing seem to last - This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt
Heyyyy!!! More Night Vale weather! This time from episode eight! I started relistening to the podcast recently as well as their after show (this one included the weather artist) and came to really love this song.
Chapter Thirteen: Under a gathering storm - A Gathering Storm from Hadestown
Fucking LOVE the music from this musical. Yay Greek mythology too!!! Only been obsessed with that since I was I a literal child. Hermes has always been my fave, which is why I gravitate towards rogues/thieves in BG3 (coughAstarioncoughmyTavcough).
This may have actually begun my descent into Jazz related music and thereby Electroswing… And then Hazbin Hotel attacked…
Actually got to see this musical in person and loved every minute of it! Tho I’d suggest maybe knowing how the story of Orpheus and Eurydice plays out before going. Was with some friends who DID NOT and were a bit upset at the ending, haha.
Hmm. I’m sure there’s no parallels to that myth and this fanfic AT ALL.
Chapter Fourteen: Hoping you will ever find me in any place - The World from .hack//sign
Got into this anime around middle school/high school (can’t remember which) and fell in love with Yuki Kajiura’s music. Still listen to a bunch of songs from the .hack//sign soundtracks and used to actually own the CD haha. Really need to sit down and rewatch the anime it at some point.
…also just found out she composed some of the music for Demon Slayer and Aldnoah.Zero too. God she’s fucking amazing.
Chapter Fifteen: And they'll teach you not to pray to light - This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt
LOOK WHO’S BACK. Didn’t realize I used this song twice but IF IT FITS!
Chapter Sixteen: At least then I would be free instead of frozen - I Think You’re the Devil by Ellee Duke
The vampire lesbian romance from First Kill is BACK BABY! And this time I didn’t confuse the song for a different one! Yay! Fucking obsessed with this song tho. Love so much of that soundtrack in general tbh.
Chapter Seventeen: I have Died only to Find I’ve Come Alive - Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds
Ayyy look who’s back! Another unintentional repeat but OH WELL. Apparently I have no self control. This is going to be part one of the two part epilogue!
Chapter Eighteen: Trees Instead of Gravestones - Big Houses by Squalloscope
And the only INTENTIONAL repeat in this whole thing is *drumroll* Big Houses!!! This is for part two of the two part epilogue!
Felt very fitting to “start” and end the fic with the same song. It’s also not lost on me that the song is kind of about dealing with religious trauma and embracing your spirituality your own way.
Between this and This Too Shall Pass, one might think there may be “complicated relationship with spirituality” undertones to this fic! Definitely couldn’t be inspired by me growing up in the Bible Belt! No siree!
Anyway, if you read this far, kudos to you! And if you check out any of the music, I hope you like it!
Did not intend to steal from so many vampire related songs, but OH WELL.
I literally went through my Spotify playlists looking up lyrics for songs I liked that I thought might fit and put the snippets I liked in a notes doc with no added context. So yeah, serendipity lol. Genuinely the only one I actually meant to use twice was Big Houses. Dunno how the rest of those repeats snuck in.
So, ahem, can you tell I fucking love musicals???
ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
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dadsbongos · 2 years ago
draft i will never continue unless i do
eddie draft of you and him in a preschool program in high school because i'm reliving a nightmare
Summary: you and eddie are forced to clean the kitchen after a fight idk it was a good idea but I'll probably never finish it
Word Count: 979
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Your arms burn, fingers beginning to ache as you scrub, scrub, scrub against the spotted tables. Trying desperately to smudge and wipe away the marker stains and cracker crumbs and the juice left behind from halved grapes squashed under big plastic water bottles. The action is so repetitive and simple, you could easily get lost in the joy of seeing the mess cleared. You could easily forget Eddie even existed, if not for the sudden thunk and hiss and huff of him banging into an art shelf of colored papers and scraps. 
And your eye twitches, back snapping straight, head swiveling right towards where the man with chunky chains hanging out of his ill-fitting jeans is cupping the side of his thigh. You’re glaring straight through his skull, daggers or lasers or gunshots or whatever could make Eddie Munson drop dead right on the squeaky tiled floor. 
“You lose something over here, honey bunches?” Eddie’s dark eyes are narrowed at you through the side of his lashes.
“I’m annoyed,” you stretch out and slam the now damp and differently dyed paper towel in the tall trash can before grabbing a fresh couple of sheets, “At you.”
“Couldn’t tell,” his eyes roll now, and you almost see red at the lackadaisical way in which he responds. As if your overbearing hatred was blown away like dust on the most untouched non-fiction books in the back of the library.
So you settle to groan inside your soul and move onto the last table in need of a good sponging. 
Eddie, meanwhile, thinks about the big, wet eyes Hannah gave him this morning - with a wobbly little lip and hands squeezing at her puffy pink dress skirt. The entire reason he ignored you during fourth hour in the first place - his own mind was too clouded with that memory. 
The entire reason you two are stuck in this big chore day. 
“Hey,” he stops sweeping, broom ramrod straight between both his hands, but his face is completely downturned, eyes lingering on his shoes, “I need advice.”
“Oh, big Munson needs help?”
“Would you be a human being for five seconds?” his furrowed brows drop as soon as they’d crinkled up, “I’m serious.” 
You gnaw the smooth interior of your lip, paper towel crumpled in your hand, “Sorry. Yeah. What’s wrong?”
“Hannah, today,” you can see his throat bob as he swallows the pride and regret stuffed so full in his red, blotchy face. Eddie sighs, big and heavy just so you know it truly was him and not some new, sensitive guy you might actually like being around, “She was talking about her dog.”
“Okay,” you move closer, throwing away the last paper towel and settling a hand against his shoulder, the leather is uncomfortable in your palm, “What was she saying?”
“She misses him,” Hannah’s dog was run over just under two weeks ago. A big, yappy labrador that she’s been talking about since the very first day of school, “And I just, I dunno, I didn’t say anything worthwhile. Just that it was normal to miss dead dogs.”
“I mean, it is,” that’s not how you would’ve done it, but Eddie’s good at what he does, so you won’t nitpick, “So, it’s not like you lied.”
“No, sweetpea,” Eddie turns to face you, the uncomfortable leather sticking and smoothing to your skin under the shift, “Do what you’re best at and be mean to me. I need to do better for her, I can’t just say ‘yeah, that sucks’ and expect her to move on,” the dark eyes you once swore off as the black holes that swallowed souls and human kindness are lit up by the kitchen fluorescents, something sweet and kind and open-armed, “You always know what to say, you always know the best way to comfort the kids. I want to be like that. I want to become the person I needed when I was their age.”
“Hm,” your eyes slide to the hall that leads into the teaching room, specifically to where Mrs. Evans’ purple office door is still ironclad shut and locked, “Okay.”
[you explain how to better react, but not that he’s stupid or you wanting to be mean blah blah blah]
You swallow your pride before puking up your next thought.
“I like it, you know,” he stops before he can return to sweeping up the crumbs and leftover grape guts and cheese veins, turning back to you, “How considerate you are of Hannah. A lot of people, you know,” you suddenly twiddle your thumbs, chest tight and lips pressing, “A lot of people might just consider her a ‘princess’ or something,” you pull down the pleated edge of your pink skirt, fingers shaky, “But you actually take a lot of time to really listen to her.”
Eddie nods, slow and as if he doesn’t really understand why you’d point that out. But then his tender, sweet baby cow eyes flip over you. In your purple sweater vest and white button down and pink pleated skirt and mary jane shoes. And he remembers your cupcake skirts and ribbons and bows from childhood. He nods again, smiling big and broad and empty-headed, and you think that he does understand.
“I like you, too,” he clears his throat and shrugs, “The way you are with Zach. A lot of the others just brush him off as some rowdy kid wanting to be the center of attention.”
And you understand, too. 
“I always try to not assume kids do things on purpose,” and then you’re left gutted the longer Eddie’s dimples shine with his cherry-lipped grin. How he’s always grinned in the face of your aggravation and annoyance.
“Me too,” and Eddie’s left with weak knees at every memory of how terribly condescending he’s been to you.
And both of you feel that same sting.
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akehoshimystar · 11 days ago
Roka SSR
Sunny, rainy, and clear sky
Part 1
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Roka: Going out is fun ♪ Especially when I'm with Yappie!
His happy back looked like it's about to materialize in the manga-style handwriting ♫♪ as he turned around to face me.
Roka: Even the sun is in a good mood! Looks like it's celebrating our departure, don’t you think so?
Departure might sound a bit exaggerating, but it's nice when the weather is in our favor when we go out.
Ito: It's nice that it's sunny. But… Are you sure you don’t want to wear sunglasses? Roka: Oh, this one? It's cool, isn't it? It’s recently joined the gang. One of my favorite items. But for now, I want it to be on my head. Since I prefer to see the bright, shining sun at the moment. Ito: I see. Roka: Well, now that you get it, let's go on our shopping mission! Yeah!
Roka-san smiled cheerfully and raised his fist toward the blue sky with energetic cheer.
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It all started around noon. I was in front of my computer screen, sipping the cup of tea which had been refilled several times.
Ito: (Hmm… I want a little more twist. It seems pretty all set now, but I feel like they're too weak to be called a highlight…)
I was struggling with the proposal for a dress-up event. Just as I was having a hard time squeezing out the ideas I was missing, a cheerful voice suddenly rang out.
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Roka: Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone! I'm here, the man you've been waiting for! Good work, Aiai! Ai: …….
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Roka: Ciao, Yuzu-kun! Yuzuru: Ciao, Roka-san. Roka: Yappie! Love to see that you’re still as diligent as ever. Ito: Thank you, Roka-san. Roka: Oh, here’s a new tea I found on the way here! It's a strong mint flavor. I'll leave it here, so feel free to drink it! Yuzuru: Thank you. It’s a flavor that keeps our eyes peeled, I know it will surely be useful.
The quiet office suddenly became lively with the arrival of Roka-san.
Roka: By the way, I also got this….. Huh? Where did I put it?
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Ai: …Hey. Roka: Hmm? What's wrong, Aiai and his scary face?
Even with blatant glare, Roka-san showed no sign of caring at all. Kosaka-san sighed loudly as if to show his displeasure.
Yuzuru: Oh, that reminds me. We’re running low on sweets to serve to customers… Roka: Ohhh, is this my time to shine now?
Part 2
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Yuzuru: Sorry, my hand is pretty tied right now. Can I ask you to do the shopping for me? Roka: Of course! It's a piece of cake. Yuzuru: In that case, I would be grateful if you could buy some supplies in addition to the snacks. Also, I want you to go with him, Yashiro-san. Ito: Okay, no problem. Um, the list…
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Ai: I just sent it to you. Ito: (T-That was fast.) Yuzuru: There’s a link to shop information as well, can you see it? Ito: Yes. Roka: Then I'll be in charge of carrying the stuff. Can I leave the guidance to Yappie? Ito: Sure, thank you for your help.
Thus, Roka-san, who had just arrived at the office, and I decided to go out shopping.
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Yuzuru: Have a nice trip. Please be careful.
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That’s what brought us to this ‘outing”.
Ito: (I have a suspicion that this is for the sake of keeping the office quiet.) (Knowing those two, they probably noticed that I was stuck on my work.)
As per usual, I found their support very thorough and spot on.
Ito: (Proof of that is that I'm also getting excited thanks to Roka-san’s excitement.)
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Ito: Oh, Roka-san. Turn left at the next corner Roka: Okay♪ ……Hmm? Was it just me or I heard a water drop? Ito: Huh? I think it’s very nice out today… Ah.
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The moment I looked up at the sky, raindrops hit my cheeks.
Ito: (This is bad.) Roka-san, this way. Let's take shelter for a while.
Part 3
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We hurriedly entered the eaves of nearby shops. The sun that had illuminated us up until a moment ago had hidden beyond the grey clouds.
Ito: (Roka-san was happy that it was such a nice day to go out… I wonder if he’s feeling down.)
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Ito: It’s probably just a passing shower. So… Roka: Yeah. Maybe we should take a break here for a while. More importantly, Yappie, won’t you wipe where you got wet? Ito: Ah… I’m fine. It wasn't that wet anyway. (……. He doesn't seem particularly sad?) Roka: The sun is probably taking a break too. Just like us right now. Ito: Eh…..? Roka: If it keeps shining all the time, it’ll get tired. Sometimes a moment like this is necessary. Ito: …I see.
Roka-san’s words mysteriously seeped right into my heart.
Ito: (Apparently, I'm the one who's been cheered up. Break time, huh… Thinking about it like that…)
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Ito: …Rain isn't so bad, is it? Roka: That's right. Don't you think the sound of rain is rhythmic and wonderful? Ito: It's interesting that the sound is different depending on where it falls. Roka: Oh yeah, what a tasteful remark. Also, I think it's really cute when little kids are playing in puddles. Ito: That's true. Above all, I'm really grateful for the rain. Without it the crops wouldn't grow. Roka: Without rain, food gets more expensive, you mean? ……Does that mean Yuzu-kun gonna have a hard time buying supplies!? Ito: Sounds rough…
As we talked, I started to have fun to point where I almost forgot we were sheltering from the rain.
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After a while, a dazzling light suddenly appeared, and I reflexively put my hand up to cover my eyes.
Ito: Ah…. Roka: It's so sunny. The sun has returned. Ito: Well, shall we head out now? Roka: Wait. It just came to me. Another good thing about rain! Ito: Let me guess… Roka & Ito: "It feels good after the rain let up."
When our voice overlapped, Roka-san happily stuck out his thumb. And my heart was as clear as the sky after the rain.
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jihyology · 3 years ago
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BROOM, CRASH, BOOM,, shin ryujin.
WARNINGS: mention of heights, ryujin slightly snaps at yuna ( how dare she ), Yeji pulls Y/ns hair, mention of food, Ryujin loses control of her broom, Ryujin knocks Y/n unconscious 😍, implied Hufflepuff!Yeji and Y/n, other than that an attempt was made at fluff <3
IDOLS MENTIONED: the whole of Itzy, Tzuyu and Momo (t), Lisa (bp), Minho (skz), Karina (æ).
NOTE: my tumblr is glitching, and I’m about to have a mental breakdown— so please ignore all of the paragraph replications.
WORD COUNT: 2.3k <3
RYUJIN carefully sat atop her broom, lingering a few hundred feet in the air, and relishing in the dampened dewy eye of morning. It was too early, and the dark haired girl's teammates practically carved the words into her brain, screeching, as if it were a chalkboard and their voices the sharpened claws. She knew it was early, she could feel it first hand.
“I need to sleep too, and if they don’t shut their yappy little mouths they’ll be grazed by the bullet.” Ryujin grumbled to herself, rolling her shoulder blades. She was rambling, and didn’t mean to seem so harsh, but there was only a limit to her tolerance; testing it in the morning was a cheat code to letting her temper free.
“Unnie-yah, can’t we have a five minute break? It’s literally the buttcrack of dawn!” She heard a familiar voice whine. The dark haired girl sighed, knowing that the girl was elected among her peers to try and sway the quidditch captain. They weren’t exactly wrong to select the girl over all else, Ryujin did have a small soft spot for her, and they were the closest. Nonetheless, the elder girl swivelled her head around, glaring at the younger girl; Shin Yuna.
“Unnie-yah, can’t we have a five minute break? It’s literally the buttcrack of dawn!” She heard a familiar voice whine. The dark haired girl sighed, knowing that the girl was elected among her peers to try and sway the quidditch captain. They weren’t exactly wrong to select the girl over all else, Ryujin did have a small soft spot for her, and they were the closest. Nonetheless, the elder girl swivelled her head around, glaring at the younger girl; Shin Yuna.
“Unnie-yah, can’t we have a five minute break? It’s literally the buttcrack of dawn!” She heard a familiar voice whine. The dark haired girl sighed, knowing that the girl was elected among her peers to try and sway the quidditch captain. They weren’t exactly wrong to select the girl over all else, Ryujin did have a small soft spot for her, and they were the closest. Nonetheless, the elder girl swivelled her head around, glaring at the younger girl; Shin Yuna.
“We’ve been here fifteen minutes, Yuna. You know we have a game later today, and that we always practice beforehand. Even if it is at the buttcrack of dawn.” The captain deadpanned, tilting her head down, and harshly sighing through her nose.
“Look, Shin, it’s one last practice, the game is in less than three hours. And the slytherins have hogged the slot closest to the game. It wasn’t my choice,” she almost whispered, but Yuna still heard her. If Ryujin hadn’t made them all use a spell that enhanced hearing, the younger girl was sure she wouldn’t have done.
The blonde haired gryffindor nodded, frowning at the fact she pressed the girl. All Ryujin was doing was her job as captain, and Yuna now saw that.
“I know. And there’ll be no more complaints from me, unnie. I’m sorry.” The elder Shin smiled at her teammate, softly patting her back in thanks, and soon dismissing her.
And yet, all Ryujin could do was wonder if a certain someone was going to be there.
Bloody hell you were tired. It was nine in the morning, and you had just endured the wrath of a very grouchy Yeji. You just wanted to sleep, for pete's sake! The only reason you were to wake up this early on a Saturday was for the quidditch match. And the only reason you were going to the quidditch match was out of a partial feeling of duty.
Quidditch is a staple of Hogwarts, and appealing to that fact you felt as if it was your job to attend a few matches. Namely the ones where your house were playing, and the final match of the season. ( But, if you were asking Yeji, she’d tell you it was for the cute gryffindor captain. )
You stretched out your arms, and yelled a little in satisfaction. You sounded a little like a dinosaur to Yeji, and she always reinforced the idea whenever you practiced the action.
You groaned loudly, and again, to try and affect the older girl occupying the bathroom. If she was going to wake you, she needed to hear your discontempt.
“Y/n, stop whining! You know fully well you asked me to wake you!” Yeji yelled from next to the sink, the bathroom was only to the left of your bed, so she really didn’t need to yell. You whined, swivelling your dishevelled head to the left.
“I can, and will continue, Yej! I have a right to sleep, and I’m not sure who you are to think you can take it away—“ you slightly rambled, your voice rushed and heated.
“Seeker Shin is playing~” Yeji sang, and -despite still in the middle of chugging along your speech like a whizzing train- you suddenly grew quiet. Your best friend giggled, knowing exactly what would quieten you.
“That is so not fair!” You yelled, rushing to acquire some flattering clothes. It didn’t really matter what you wore, though; you looked gorgeous in anything. You may not think it, but blimming heck does the rest of Hogwarts know it.
You ran around like a headless chicken, looking for your mustard wool jumper. Snapping your head around every few seconds, you finally locked your eyes on a tuft of yellow, peeking from a small pile of tidily folded clothes.
You shed our pajama shirt, an oversized piece of merch from the muggle group Red Velvet, and replaced it with the soft jumper. The fluffed material welcomed you, and you grinned in comfort.
Wiggling on some jeans, you ran into the bathroom, much to Yejis amusement. Quickly brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, and doing whatever to your face you felt like wearing.
Yeji smiled, coming up from behind.
“I love that jumper on you, you have to let me borrow it at some point,” she playfully pouted, pulling your hair from your shoulders and crossing strands over one another. You loved it when Yeji did your hair, she was always so gentle. You let out a small laugh, smiling at her reflection in the mirror.
“Thanks, unnie. I think you’d really suit it actually.” The elder girl smiled over your shoulder, securing the braid with a hairband.
“Come on, Y/n-ah, let’s go down to the great hall and eat.” The Hwang prompted, yanking the hair she had just tied. In response, you gave a squeak. You blinked a little, not expecting your head to be thrown backward in such a swift motion, and cupped the hair she had just pulled on.
“What the heck, Hwang!” You called, swiftly hurrying toward her running frame. All you heard were Yejis giggles as she escaped you.
You didn’t eat too much for breakfast, just a small nibble, and now you found yourself and Yeji walking to the pitch. The both of you trot up the stairs, thee stone barely cushioning the fall of your steps. You were practically the mirror of a heated dog by the end of the journey. Heaving breaths, the two of you ran to be rested, eventually finding empty spots next to Lia, one of their best friends.
“Jisu-yah, do you mind if we stand here?” Yeji asked the girl, slightly surprising her, which was evident in the little flinch she made.
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to scare you, unnie,” you softly stated, wincing a little in guilt. Lia simply smiled, her eyes closing in the process, her head jumped with her little giggle and she raised her hand in dismissal.
“It’s fine, you just took me a little by surprise. Go ahead, I was hoping you’d be the ones to sit there.” She patted the park of the wall diagonal to her, her face now sculpted into a calm grin. Yeji shared a look with you, before deciding to surge into the spot designated to the person right beside Lia. You smiled, completely fine with occupying the spot at the end of the row.
“Thanks, Lia!” The oldest girl hummed, and you followed narrowly behind. Lia simply laughed a little, again, dismissing the thanks.
“It’s going to start soon, we’d better pay attention now,” The Choi swivelled her head toward the space of green grass, adorned with hoops hanging in the sky that were propelled by metal bars.
And they were off, two full teams of quidditch players zooming around the air of the spacious land plot. You recognised a few of the participants; Shin Yuna, Gryffindors keeper; Lee Chaeryeong, one of Gryffindors chasers; Chou Tzuyu, Slytherins seeker; And, of course, Shin Ryujin, Gryffindors seeker.
The game had barely started and yet there was already a lot of action, for one, Chaeryeong had almost been hit by a stray bludger ricocheted from a very guilty-looking Lee Minho ( or, so the commentator, Yoo Ji-min, had claimed his name was ).
And, the second pile of action was the very heated beginning to the first score. An upperclassman by the name of Lisa, had narrowly missed the same bludger as Chaeryeong, and the flying ball had coincidentally diverted the quaffle into the direction of the Thai girl. It was quite a journey to get to the hoops, but luckily the Slytherin keeper had been too involved in trying to dodge a bludger.
And while the players were impressive, your eyes wouldn’t leave even the shadow of the seeker. Honestly, if your house hadn’t already had a seeker, you’d be a great candidate with how intent your stare was.
But, even then, your eyes would latch onto Shin Ryujin.
Anything she did captivated you, and your brain would melt into mush at the mere sight of her. And, perhaps, that was why all you could do was stare hopelessly as she flew right toward you.
“Y/N— LOOK OUT!” Was all you heard before it was overtaken by the sound of a thump, and a loud crack!
All Ryujin felt was guilt. She should’ve had more control over her broom's movement. But she didn’t, and now it was her fault you were in the hospital wing. That her crush was in the hospital wing.
She may have been in the infirmary, too, but that doesn’t mean she's going to get any treatment for the overwhelming emotion. So, she sat beside your bed waiting for you to awaken.
And, as if on cue, you groaned and your eyes fluttered into a wince. The Shin sighed in relief, and it could clearly be seen washing over her face. At the sound, your brows furrowed further, and your eyes snapped open.
The confusion infused into your face was almost comical. Why was Shin Ryujin holding your hand, and why were you in the hospital wing?
Why was Shin Ryujin holding your hand in the hospital wing?
“Y/n! You’re awake!” Said girl almost cried, her presence further overwhelming your senses. The older girl almost surged forward to hug you, but stopped herself in the nick of time.
“I, yeah… What, what happened?” You groaned, unknowingly tightening your grip on the dark haired girl's hand. The girl opposing you’s reaction was almost instantaneous, shocking you as she looked sculpted from the mould of a scolded kitten.
“My,” she sharply inhaled, “I lost control of my broom, and I couldn't gain it back..” she closed her eyes, and let out a small awkward cough.
“It was too fast, and I wasn’t paying attention, and neither were you.. I accidentally crashed into you,” the older girl tore apart the bandaid, and slightly caved in on herself. She was honestly afraid you’d scream at her until your lungs hurt, and further than that. But, she’d understand if you did such, she gave you a concussion for goodness sake!
“Oh,” you blinked, raising your unoccupied hand to itch your eyebrow, as you did your eyes skimmed over the Shin girl. Realising your hand was in hers, finally, you squeezed it. She raised her head a little, probably to scope out if you had noticed the action; and when she realised you did, she may have blushed.
“I’m not mad at you. If anything, I’m thankful you’ve gotten me” you leaned a little closer, “out of potions, Slughorn is honestly insufferable,” you winked, acting as if you were telling her a low profile scandal.
It made her giggle a little, so you took that as a win. You were proud of yourself for making your crush giggle, even if it was a short one.
“Eh?” You suddenly heard someone shriek, making you jerk a little. Your eyes soon connected to Ryujins. She had made that noise.
“What’s wrong? You sounded like Momo unnie,” you nervously chuckled, seemingly confused by the large grin on her face.
“You.. have a crush on me?” She had answered immediately. Her face was no doubt cramping, but she still held the smile proudly. You blushed brightly.
You didn’t..
You said that aloud.
You gasped loudly at the realisation and Ryujin laughed at the visual of it. Your hands almost immediately ran to your face like magnets, and you blushed even darker at the newest revelation that your hands were still intertwined.
Taking charge, the older girl pulled your hands from their shielding positions and pulled them down onto your lap. Unlinking her right hand from your left, she raised it to cup your burning face.
“Don’t hide from me, love. You don’t ever have to,” she rubbed her thumb along your heated cheek, linking her eyes to yours.
Your lips parted a little.
Hers did too.
And then they darted to your lips. And at your nod, which was an unconscious plead for more contact, she placed her lips into the perfect puzzle slot. Her lips fit yours so perfectly, and that was all she had hoped to happen.
When the two of you reluctantly pulled from each other, another force pulled you close again, making you place your forehead onto hers. Your eyes didn’t open, and you let yourself linger in the memory of the kiss.
“If it isn’t obvious, a crush is the exact thing life replicated for me too. I have so many feelings for you Y/n.” She hummed. Your eyes finally fluttered open, and you stared at her, a pure look of adoration plastered onto your face.
“I’ve liked you for so long, and I’m not going to hide that anymore.”
“The second you kissed me, I didn’t want you to either.”
But, if, when Yeji checked up on you, the two of you squealed for a long time; that was something you wouldn’t tell anyone.
TAG LIST ! @itzyetc @lialuvr @roacheeznutz-in-an-openfire !
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abraxos-is-toothless · 3 years ago
white lights and tiny blonde angels
This is my @aftgexchange Fall 2021 piece for @lyndiscealin
I’ve been at work all week so I had to wait to post this today and then tumblr wouldn’t let me. This is all from an edit in my drafts, but a moment ago, tumblr let me post half of the fic. This is a new post with that first half and then the second will hopefully go up sometime tomorrow.
I am so sorry for this delay but work is work I’m afraid. I loved your long prompt so I’ve made a note of that one to fingers crossed, try and write as a gift for you. I went with this time Neil getting hurt though you won’t have a proper ending yet. Hope you like it!!!
Neil thought going for his run an hour or so before sunset on Halloween was a brilliant idea.
How wrong he was.
The streets were clear of kids at this time of the day, the sky not yet dark enough to create that added fear factor of walking around in creepy costumes and asking strangers for sweets. Neil frowned as he slowed his pace to side step an old lady walking her yappy dog. She gave him a little smile which he returned politely before picking back up some speed. He and Kevin, his adoptive brother, had not long moved to Palmetto and he was still unsure of the areas surrounding their apartment. Their dad, David Wymack, had moved out here years ago after they had both finished high school and were going to college in Boston. He’d only stayed out near Baltimore to not upend either Kevin or Neil’s lives, but once his boys were no longer at home, he took up a coaching position at PSU. Neil couldn’t blame him for wanting to move away; he suspected living in a place that no longer housed his deceased wife was hard. But he’d done it for them. Because he loved them.
He was happier out here now, loving his job, his new house with quiet neighbours, and he was in a new relationship with his team’s nurse, Abigail Winfield. They’d been together for a few years now, but Neil hadn't been able to meet her in person until they'd moved here. He remembered the video call coming through while he was in his college dorm room one day, his roommate Matt Boyd had not been in the room at the time. His dad had looked nervous, and it was weird for Neil not to see him,as his usual stoic self. When he’d asked Neil if it was okay for him to start seeing another woman, he had been confused. He and Kayleigh had only adopted a year before cancer had quickly taken his adoptive mother away from him. Still, his dad refused to let Abby into their lives unless both he and Kevin were fine with it. Neil had laughed as if someone had told him a joke, because of course it was fine. Since then, the woman would call them every week, fretting and fussing as any mother would. She was very excited to have them living so close now, and Neil smiled at the memory of her excitement a month or so back when he and Kevin said they were moving out to Palmetto. Kevin to work alongside their dad as an assistant coach, and Neil to join PSU as one on one Math tutor.
He was brought out of his reverie to the loud scuffling of shoes over gravel, loud enough to be heard over the music coming through his ear phones. He halted to a stop, pulling them out. Getting lost in his own head had caused him to go off of his usual route around the block. It was down a slightly darker, more rougher looking street, a few shifty looking people making their way into a run down apartment building. He suspected it was one of the small drug outlets for a town like this. The scuffling happened again but louder this time, and more importantly, it was closer. He turned on his heel looking behind him but he couldn’t see anything other than the flicker of street lights kicking in. He pulled out his phone, intent on calling Kevin, seeing as his brother was going to be on his way home from their dad’s place when he felt hot breath at his neck, and words whispered in his ear that he had not heard since he was a child.
“Hello there Junior.”
Neil spun away only to be gripped tightly on his biceps by strong hands and pushed further into a dark alley between two buildings, stumbling over his own feet and falling face first, He barely had time to use his hands to break the fall, pain spiking as the ground tore at the skin of his palms. “Now Nathaniel, is that any way to greet old friends? By trying to run away?” Romero Malcom’s low drawl made him freeze up, twisting to face both of his attackers slowly. The other man’s face was an angry sneer, seeming satisfied with the sight of Neil laying at his feet. Lola, however, was manic and almost feral looking. There was a knife in one of her hands, the fingers of her other running across the blade.
“You helped put Nathan in that hell hole, and a few days ago, someone from the inside did him in. They killed him and now you’re going to pay for a life that shouldn’t have been taken so soon.”
Neil laughed at that information, that Nathan was dead and gone, finally, and he didn’t stop laughing even as the two advanced on him.
He stuttered, when a cold blade met the skin of his cheek, cutting deep but he still laughed.
He laughed still when they dragged him deeper into the alley by his hair.
And he laughed through broken screams when Lola took a lighter to his face and arms, and Romero buried a knife in his abdomen.
He laughed and laughed and laughed as the world went dark.
Neil came around again, lying flat on his back and staring at the stars, stones digging into his sling. His body was on fire, pain radiating everywhere. He lifted a shaking and brutalised hand, pressing it to his lower stomach. Blood seeped through between his fingers, and his shirt was soaked through from more than just sweat. He was pretty sure he’d been lying in a pool of his own blood for a while.
He turned his head, finding his phone smashed to pieces a few feet away. Neil cursed under his breath. He tried opening his mouth to call out for help, but stopped instantly when he pulled at the wounds on his face, feeling blood run down his cheeks. His other hand shifted, fingers twitching against something rough. When Neil managed to look down again, there was a much larger rock next to him. He grabbed at it, ignoring the way the burns on his knuckles screamed in protest. With all the strength he could muster, he banged that rock against a trash can that had fallen over to his left.
He didn’t stop even when his eyes started to close.
He was just so tired.
There was a murmuring of voices, calling out to him. He told his dad that he just wanted five more minutes. He didn’t have school, it was the weekend.
“Come on, open your eyes dude. I’m not your dad, you’ve been hurt. Can you tell me your name?” Neil blinked slowly against a bright light. Oh, he knew this light, that light you saw right at the end. He didn’t want to die yet.
“You’re not going to die. An ambulance is on the way, but you gotta keep those eyes open.” He blinked again and realised he was seeing double. Two tiny blonde people hovering over him. The light gave them halos. How lovely. “Your vision is fine, and we’re not your angels. My brother is currently keeping pressure on that stab wound.”
Right. Lola. Romero.
Oh god Kevin was probably losing his damn mind. His dad and Abby too. He always called at the same time every day, always. “My dad, he…” he tried to move but screamed in agony. Neil relented to the hand pushing him back down. “I want my dad. Phone broke.”
He heard sirens getting closer, and the tiny blonde bear his head disappeared. The one with his hands on Neil’s stomach shifted so Neil could see him. “Whoever did this, they did quite the number in your face.” Neil flinched, because he just knew Abby was going to have a meltdown when she saw him. “Hey. You’re still attractive there, under all this grime. If I’d met you under different circumstances, I might have tried to bring you home with me.” Neil coughed, it wet and made him ache so much worse.
“I’m not, not…”
“Don’t talk anymore. You’ll hurt yourself. You can shut me down later. Name is Andrew. Do you want to tell me yours now, so I can give something to the paramedics who are coming over?”
“Neil. Is Neil.” His head spun and there were the heavy sounds of people running towards him.
And then he was out again.
Everything was white. Oh so very white. Machines were beeping and there was something attached to his hand. It was itchy. Out. He should take it out and the bad itchy itch would go away. Before he could pull on the offending item, a warm strong hand wrapped around his own. “That’s there for a reason, you know.”
He wanted to explain to the stranger about the big bad itch, but his mouth was as dry as a goddamn desert. “Wa…” the words cut off when bandages pulled at sore skin and he hissed.
“You can have ice chips.” Neil tried to force himself to sit up at the other voice, eyes running around the room. “Stop that, you’ll pull your stitches. Do you want to start bleeding out again?”
“Aaron, stop. Go see if his family has turned up yet.” The tiny blonde by the door, Aaron, huffed and disappeared from the room. Neil looked around again, realising he was in a hospital room. He turned his head to the other tiny blonde who had come closer, gently trying to feed him a tiny piece of ice. After one or two pieces, he waved one of his hands about, and the other man retreated. He sat in a chair by Neil’s bed.
“Wha’ ‘appened?” His words were a little slurred, but at least his tongue was no longer stuck to the roof of his mouth.
“My brother and I were on our way to meet our cousin when we could hear banging. Thought it was just some kids messing around for Halloween, but it was a constant sound, a repetitive tone. We followed it and found you lying there nearly dead.”
Ah yes. It was assaulted with an onslaught of images then. Lola and her lighter, Romero breaking his phone so he couldn’t call for help. They’d intended to let him bleed out and die, right there in that alley, alone. Neil’s breath hitched and one of the monitors started beeping rapidly. Kevin and his dad and Abby, they wouldn’t have known. They would have had some cop knock on the door to say he wasn’t coming home. The blonde man beside him, who Neil remembered had said his name was Andrew, went to press a button by his bed when a group of people stormed into the room.
His panic dissipated at the sight of his family standing there, looking haggard but so full of relief. “Jesus Christ. What the hell have they done to you?” It was Kevin who spoke but his dad was the first to the side of his bed. David Wymack was not a man who liked when his kids were put into harm's way.
“You didn’t call. You scared the hell out of us, kiddo.”
Neil smiled as much as he could. “I’m okay.” There was some more shuffling and Neil could see the two blondes who’d helped him trying to slip out of the room as his family crowded around him. “Wait.” The two meant stopped, both a mirror of the other with the way they had their hands in their pockets, and Neil also realised they were in blue scrubs. Probably Neil’s fault from all the blood he’d lost. They turned, Aaron flicking his eyes between everyone in the room but Andrew, the one who thought him attractive for some reason, only had eyes for Neil. “Thanks for saving my life.” Aaron simply nodded and turned to walk out of the door but Andrew didn’t follow immediately. He smiled at Neil, just a little one but a smile nonetheless.
“You can thank me with coffee when you’re all healed up. Number is on the table. You never did get to shut me down.” He winked and gave a two finger salute before disappearing to follow his brother.
“Only you, son, could say you had your first dating experience by almost dying.”
Abby came over to run her fingers through his hair checking him over. “Ignore your father. You don’t need to worry about anything right now. We’ll talk about the birds and the bees later.”
Kevin laughed, but not as loud and hearty as he would usually, when Neil frowned. He gripped Neil’s knee under his blankets tightly, the only part of him that didn’t feel like it was on fire. “So oblivious, baby bro. It’ll make sense soon enough.”
Underneath all of their relief and happiness, Neil felt like they were all a bit too smug. As if they knew some secret that he didn’t.
He pushed it all aside to figure it out at a later date.
Right now, he was just glad to be alive and kicking.
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leigh-kelly · 4 years ago
If She Never Showed Up What Could Have Been
Happy Brittana’s 6th Anniversary my fellow shippers! I’ve had this idea in my head since Folklore came out last summer, and I figured what better time to share it than today? Obviously, it’s based on “The Last Great American Dynasty.”
Her husband was dead. The doctors had warned them about it for months, that his lifestyle was going to kill him with his weak heart, but Bill hadn’t cared. He’d told her one night as they were lying side by side on the beach that he’d rather live the life he had the way he wanted then live a longer one with no fun. Brittany struggled with that a bit. She thought of the sunny day she got off the train in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, so far from home in St. Louis, and how she’d been madly in love. Their love hadn’t waned over the years, even as Bill traveled for work and Brittany did the fundraising that any young socialite was wont to do. But then, she’d woken up and found his lifeless body next to her and something inside her just snapped.
Everyone in town talked about her. Watch Hill wasn’t a very big place and it was difficult to get away from the gossip. More than once, she’d heard someone casually mention that it was her fault that he was dead. She’d let him party too hard, she was too concerned with having fun herself, some even said that she’d poisoned him for his money, despite what the coroner’s report had said. He was the heir to Standard Oil and they seemed to care more about what losing him meant to the company, not what losing him had meant to her. He wasn’t her first husband, but he was the one she’d truly loved and she missed him dearly. But Brittany was Brittany and she wasn’t going to let that end her life, no matter what everyone else said.
In the first months after Bill’s death, perhaps Brittany went a little mad. She was lonely and she was looking for anything to fill the emptiness. One day, she got it in her head that she wanted to swim in a pool full of champagne. Bill would have thought that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, and he would have indulged her, so she bought case after case and her groundskeeper drained the pool and filled it up for her bottle by bottle. The bubbles effervesced around her when she got in and she breathed in the sweet alcoholic scent. When she got out, she was sticky from head to toe, but the only way she was surviving was to give into whims like that. The neighbors talked, of course they did, but one, Rachel Berry, was so callous and cruel to her that the next time her dog—a yappy little thing—wandered into her yard, Brittany dipped him in RIT and let him dry a perfect shade of key lime green. After that, everyone had said she’d stolen him, but really, Rachel was always letting the thing out of her sight, and the dog was fine.
After a while, Brittany got tired of Watch Hill. It was the same thing every day, the big salt box house that reminded her of Bill, the gossip that seemed to persist everywhere, so she started going to New York. She’d always loved the ballet and she took in performance after performance. She spent more money than she probably should have, despite the fact that she was rolling in it, but it was the first thing that made her feel alive again. Then, she started flying her friends in from New York and St. Louis and spent even more money entertaining, showing suitors, both men and women, a good time.
It happened when she least expected it. Her friend Mercedes had brought a girl along with her on one of her trips, and when the woman stepped out of the cab, Brittany nearly fell to her knees. Her heart did something that it hadn’t done in too long to count, possibly ever, and she struggled for breath. Standing just outside the house was the most beautiful human being Brittany had ever seen. She wasn’t sure what was darker, her hair or her eyes and she stood with such a poise that Brittany could only dream about having. Her dress was cut low in the front and Brittany’s eyebrows raised a little thinking about what was beneath it. Mercedes came up to the door first and Brittany was stirred from her fantasy when she gave her a hug. Brittany smiled, probably wider than she’d smiled in a year and Mercedes looked at her knowingly.
“A little treat for you, maybe?” Mercedes whispered in her ear and Brittany’s throat went dry.
“Hi.” The other woman came up to her, extending her hand. “I hope you don’t mind that Mercedes brought me along. She just couldn’t stop talking about you and I had to meet the famous Brittany Harkness in person, and of course, see this Holiday House that Mercedes is in love with.”
“Oh, um, no, I absolutely don’t mind that you’ve come. There’s plenty of room, though I’m not totally sure who else will be joining us this weekend. I hope you don’t mind a party.”
“That I don’t.” Santana laughed, and the sound was like music to Brittany’s ears.
As Mercedes and Santana settled themselves into the house, the other guests began to arrive. Brittany was so likely to offer plane tickets to her friends that she never knew who was going to take advantage of it and show up, always, much to Rachel Berry’s chagrin. By the time the maids put dinner on the table, it was set for seventeen and Brittany tried to figure out a way to get Santana seated next to her.
“Santana,” She finally said softly as she sipped her old fashioned. “Since this is your first time a Holiday House, I’d love it if you took a place of honor beside me.”
“This house is full of your friends, Brittany, are you sure?
“I’m sure.”
Dinner was, as always, a boisterous affair, and Brittany hardly had the chance to speak two words to Santana that weren’t interrupted by Tina, or Mike, or much to her annoyance, Blaine. But she was staying for the whole weekend and Brittany kept reminding herself that there would be time for all of that once everyone had settled. After dinner was through and the dishes were cleared away, everyone trickled out into the backyard, wanting the cool sea air to settle their stomachs as they began to drink more heavily. Brittany noticed that Santana lingered near her and it caused her heart to flip, wondering, perhaps, if the woman saw something in her as well.
“I’m sorry, you know.” Santana murmured as she and Brittany stood beside the pool. “Mercedes said it hasn’t been easy for you since—you know.”
“Thank you.” Brittany nodded. “I feel like a fish out of water in this place sometimes. But now that I’ve thrown myself into founding the Harkness Ballet, my life seems to have some purpose again.”
“I’m looking forward to the first production. I just adore the ballet.”
“Do you?” Brittany smiled, glad to have found something in common with her. “I wanted to be a dancer when I was young, but my parents warned against it.”
“Would you like to dance now, with me?”
“I’m sorry, was that too forward? I just…thought I saw you looking at me a certain way.”
“No, no…I was, I mean, I am, I…yes, I would love to dance with you.”
Santana stepped into Brittany’s arms and they danced to the sounds of the cellist who had set himself up on the other end of the pool. It was strange, that Brittany had only known Santana a few hours, but found herself in a state of perfect security once they began to dance together. Brittany looked into Santana’s eyes and found that she longed to kiss her. She couldn’t do it here though, not right in front of everyone, there was something far too taboo about that, but she pulled Santana closer and they shared a soft smile.
Hours later, Brittany had more than her share to drink and everyone had began retiring to their rooms. It was just her and Santana, who still had a martini, who remained in the backyard, and Brittany looked down over the railing of the walkway to see that the ocean looked especially beautiful that night. On so many nights, she’d gone down there herself, sat herself in the sand and just stared out at the wide ocean, wondering what was next for her. In that moment, she had a strange thought, wondering, perhaps, if it was Santana that was next for her. It was an odd thought, definitely, but she just couldn’t seem to shake it.
“I normally go down to the beach at night before bed, what do you think?”
“I could go up to bed if you’d like the time alone.”
“I’d like to share it with you, if that’s alright.” Brittany told her, gently taking her hand.
Together, they walked down to the beach and Brittany found a spot for them in the sand. Santana was clearly very tipsy—not that Brittany wasn’t—and she rested her head on Brittany’s shoulder. Brittany touched her hair and suddenly, Santana lifted her head up, looking Brittany right in the eyes. Even in the moonlight, Brittany could see the softness in them and she pressed her hand to Santana’s cheek.
“Would it be alright—”
“Kiss me, please.” Santana whispered, and Brittany did just that.
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A Little Pick-Me-Up (Connor x Reader)
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Summary: Connor decides to come to over to your apartment to check up on you after a mission gone wrong but comes to find out that you weren't expecting the RK800 to show up so late at night. Awkward feelings ensue for both. 
A/N: Connor is best boi and I love him so much. Also, this is mainly in his perspective as well as in the third person.
Also found on A03
Words:  2,911
"I don't think she's doing too well, son."
Connor's eyes flitted up to the older male opposite him by his desk, a dour expression present on his face. 
"Who do you mean, Lieutenant?" Connor had placed his concern. He didn't need to really grasp exactly who Hank was talking about, getting the gist that it had to do with someone that they both knew. And Connor was quick to put two and two together. "I looked over Detective L/N's vitals and conditions and they're minor. Is there something wrong?"
"Yeah, that's the thing, I don't fucking think she is, Connor. She barely even said a word in the car, let alone we got back." Hank stated, his eyes flickering to behind Connor's head. "And besides, she didn't even say anything when she left."
Connor's head turned back towards the entrance of the station where he was able to scan quickly that indeed, you had left without a goodbye. How he hadn't been able to sense you leaving left him rather baffled and upset that you hadn't come over to them. 
The two of you always said goodbye before you left, your warm smile and eyes looking to him when you waved farewell, your eyes always seemed to keep him rigid in his spot, unable to let him function. "She did seem upset earlier. Could it of been to do with the deviant?"
"That was what I was assuming." Hank sighed heavily, his face read easily to Connor that he was more than just tired with the situation and the leads that came back to nothing. 
"Sometimes, human emotions are harder to understand. It's our blessing and fucking curse if you ask me." He paused briefly, looking over his android partner. "Do you mind going to check on her, Connor? I'm sure you would brighten her world with how she's feeling." 
"What about you, Lieutenant? I'm supposed to finish reading the reports." He was uncertain, or apart of his programming told him that, should he go do this? Connor was certain that you didn't really want to see anyone right now, but the possibility of cheering you up was high. 
76% chance of success. "Oh it's fine, I can get Wilson to get a look at it, and besides... you did enough already today." Hank huffed to himself, muttering, "God, why must I sound so soppy?"
"If that is okay with you? I will go to detective L/N's place to see her right away," Connor confirmed, standing already from his desk. "Woah, wait, you sure you don't need her address or something? I don't think walking around Detroit is a good idea." Suggested Hank. 
"Don't worry, Lieutenant. That's why I already looked through detective L/N's profile when we first met and found her details, just in case." Connor's simple words were enough to make Hank look at him in disbelief, shaking his head.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Connor, do you know how creepy if you ask me -- look, I don't even want to know where you found it-- oh whatever... fricking young people and their weird love, I guess."
Connor didn't exactly understand the meaning of what his partner had muttered, his LED spinning momentarily yellow before neutralising to a light blue. It didn't matter now when the RK800 had brought up your address into his vision, slowly retreating from Hank to take his leave. 
"Have a good night, Hank."
"Yeah, yeah, just tell Y/N I hope she's doing okay." Hank gave a brief wave as Connor left the building, entering the cold night with no distress against the sudden drop in temperature. The blue objective came over, and he scanned it into his peripheral:
Objective: Get to Y/N's.
Your apartment complex seemed quaint and warm. That was what Connor first thought - of course, he shouldn't have allowed himself to have such opinions or thoughts - when he entered the main entrance entryway, ascending to the fifth floor to get to your level as he walked down the long, dimly lit corridors. 
He finally came to your door, the wooden door had been beaten in with its white paint job fading and chipping. Perhaps it wasn't as nice as Connor had expected.
He gave a firm knock on the door when he stopped himself from hesitating, the three knocks were enough to bring a long pause from the inside, before shuffling came closer to the door before it was unlocked and opened, revealing yourself to him. He had only just heard the soft buzzing of a stereo play in the background of your flat, softly it lulled him into a sense of comfort that he didn't think was possible in feeling. 
"Connor," Your voice was oddly composed with a tint of surprised by his presence, your eyes darting back and forth between him and the inside of your door, "what are you doing here?"
"Lieutenant Anderson and I believed you weren't feeling too good after the mission this afternoon, so I came by to see if you were well." Connor kept it formal still regardless whether it was an out of work talk or not, but he couldn't decipher why his thirium pump regulator was pumping at an astronomical rate just from staring at you. 
He took a quick scan of your features, the tiredness in your eyes could've been excused but there was a likelihood it had been from something else; since Connor could tell that your eyes had been rather puffy and red. You gave him a gentle smile, the corners of your eyes wrinkling even when you had looked so blue.
"I'm fine, Connor, I promise. Just... didn't sleep so good these last couple of nights." Your cheeks seemed to heat up on sight, Connor had noticed, and you standing there in your pyjamas and hair tied up when you would usually wear such formal blouses and trousers, he couldn't deny that there was much more than just agreeing you were aesthetically pleasing to look at.
You were very pretty regardless, he confirmed. 
"Detective, I may suggest that the coffee intake you have daily may be contributing to your lack of sleep," Connor informed, his brown eyes lit up, watching your facial expressions.
Your face was flushed as you rolled your eyes playfully at his words. His inquisitive gaze never faltered as he observed. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know. You know you sound just like Hank, he complains too if I'm slacking." You gave a soft smile, holding the doorframe taut in your fingers. 
When you finally looked up to him, there seemed to be a hesitant uncertainty hiding in your eyes, nervous, Connor knew from how your heart rate had caught up. He titled his head to get a proper look at you, curious as to what you would do or say. 
"Do you... um, would you like to come in, Connor? Of course, if you're not too busy."
The smile that the RK800 gave you was lopsided, nervous as much as you had been looking, stroking his fingers with little thought. "That would be kind of you, detective." Your face lit up when he accepted, and excitedly, you took his hand to lead him inside. 
Had your hands always been this warm? They were pleasant and comforting, silently wishing he could hold your hand forever, Connor slipped inside your cosy flat, his LED spinning a constant yellow at the feel of so many questions and unknown emotions.
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"Please, you don't need to be so formal around me, just Y/N." You smiled sheepishly to him, your frame still close to the doorframe as possible. 
You looked innocent, pure and cute in Connor's eyes, the need to protect you washed over him so many times when he had been protecting you from an oncoming bullet, but this feeling that swelled in his chest? It made him feel much more than just warmth.
His attention from you was disrupted with a soft growl that came from behind him, and when he had turned, he hadn't expected to see such a small creature growl towards him. You intervened quickly. 
"Clover! Stop that!" The small black and tan dog hushed with its growling towards Connor who still held a curious and awestruck expression now towards the small creature.
"I'm sorry about her, she's never usually so yappy with new people." You sheepishly gained Connor's attention with a squeeze of his fingers that were still entwined. His gaze fell from your fingers to your face once more, giving you once more a timid smile. "It's okay. I like dogs." 
"So I have been told." Y/N smiled back at him, finally letting go of her grasp of his fingers, pulling away almost out of awkwardness. "Go on, have a look around if you want, I was just making dinner, I'll be in the living room shortly." 
Connor nodded, intrigued, to say the least with your place as he went to explore and learn much more about you in ways he didn't think he would. 
When you finally emerged from your small kitchen, Connor was stiffly kneeled in front of your corgi, trying to make amends by gingerly stroking the top of her head, Clover finally giving in and allowing the android to stroke her.   
"You've made a new friend, I see?" You smiled at the sight, Connor turning his head to see you walk over to sit on your couch just in front of him. 
"She's very soft." Connor softly spoke, as if careful of how he moved when he was next to this 12kg corgi. The sight alone was enough to make Y/N giggle, trying to suppress it when she didn't want to be spotted by Connor. 
Connor finally moved to stand, coming to sit stiffy beside you on the couch, so close that your bodies were touching side by side that he didn't think he would be able to take much longer having you there so close to him, he believed his stress levels would go up so high that he would simply just explode. 
You turned to him to look at him from the side on, smiling broadly to him. "Hey, wanna watch a movie?" 
Connor couldn't help but even feel his Adam's apple bob in the motion when he didn't even need to do so, gulping unnecessary when you turned on your tv to stream a movie, the movie he wasn't even paying attention to when he had been glancing back and forth to you every few seconds when the film began.
You had sensed his uncomfortable and stiff posture, smiling as you rested your head on his shoulder, almost immediately feeling him stiffen even more at the surprise touch. 
"Just relax, Connor." You murmured, trying to hide your own blush as you keep your eyes trained as much as you could on the movie.
The RK800 finally did relax, loosening his shoulders as he hesitantly put an arm around you, holding you in his embrace, his back reclining into the cushion of the couch as he finally eased to watch the film, trying his best to ignore the feelings in his heads.
ˢᵒᶠᵗʷᵃʳᵉ ᴵⁿˢᵗᵃᵇⁱˡⁱᵗʸ
Halfway through the film, he could sense you had stopped paying attention, and when he had glanced to look down at you, your soft and warm eyes were already looking up at him. He could feel the thirium in his body pump faster, "Is there something wrong, Y/N?"
You blinked yourself out of your staring, looking back and forth to him and the film as you slowly quietened at the sound. "I guess I can tell you why I wasn't feeling so good earlier today."
Connor shifted his body so that he could properly face you, look at your expressions and eyes, his hands came almost instinctively to touch at your knuckles, softly and slowly touching at the skin. "You can tell me anything, Y/N."
A sad smile washed over your features, squeezing his fingers tightly, and before him, Connor believed you may begin to cry again. 
"Hank was always so quick to chastise me if I did something wrong, always. But I knew that he meant the most for my career. Back downtown, I never felt so useless in trying to bring down a deviant, even stooping so low to almost get myself killed when I got shoved off the ledge."
Connor watched intently and closely, watching you hug yourself in support. "You had helped Hank from the ledge... but why me? Why had you saved me, when you could've caught up and gotten it?" You questioned hoarsely, sullen. 
“Because you were assigned to be my partner, as well as Lieutenant Anderson. I couldn't let you fall, regardless of whether the chances of survival were high or not." Connor spoke, but still, all you could think of was one thing; being nothing more than just a statistic.
"Am I just that though, Connor? Do those at Cyberlife make you feel any empathy for your human partners? Am I just a statistic to you?" It was clear to him that through your voice you were distraught, upset. 
His makers had made him so that he was faster and more efficient, the best deviant hunter there was in Detroit, to never feel such emotions because they were for deviants... and yet, he couldn't stop himself from feeling such a way with you.
"Y/N, you're more than just a statistic. You're bright, kind and funny. You withstand Detective Reed, Lieutenant Hank and his criticisms, but most of all," he gave a nervous bated breath once more and exhaled accidentally, "you put up with having an android partner, and never once did you complain about it."
"You're more than just an android of a plastic partner, Connor, you're human, whether you admit it or not." Y/N admitted, darting her eyes away from him as if nervous how he would react. 
"I don't think it is you deviating, but it is certainly much more than just coding or programming in your system telling you what is right and wrong through probability."
"What do you think it is then, Y/N?" He involuntarily felt his body lean closer into you as if feeling for this warmth that only you had, and he needed more of it to be pumped into his body, to help him feel alive. 
You gave a timid smile, your head leaning closer into him to meet him halfway, your eyes searching his as his LED spun constant yellow in questioning. "Connor, what are you thinking right now? Do you see anything?" You asked him softly, the fan of your breath across your cheek was tender.
"No," Connor confessed, "it's like I'm... doing this without... without needing to know what to do or the options." It felt clear to him, but it confused him greatly. It seemed almost as if he was in a state of spontaneity and impulse without him needing to know what he had to do or say. 
"Good," You whispered almost sweetly, your hand came to tenderly come to straighten his jacket. "just let it do what you think is right. Just switch it off." 
Connor swallowed once more, his brown eyes glancing back and forth towards your eyes and then your lips before slowly, he leant further forward until your foreheads were touching, breaths held, waiting whether or not you would pull away or push him off.
 Instead, you slowly craned your neck upwards, capturing his lips softly, carefully and shyly.
His lips were warm and didn't feel as plastic as you had imagined, there was a softness that came from them like humans had with their flesh and skin, and it was so lifelike, so incredible that you didn't believe that this was happening.
Connor brought his fingers to touch at the side of your face, pulling you ever-so-close to him as he wrapped his other hand around your waist, deeply kissing you with as many nerves as you had been feeling.
You finally pulled away first, first to look at his dishevelled and astonished expression, his cheeks heated with a light blue tint, his LED a steady blue. You laughed timidly, and he had too, like the two of you had been blushing young school kids and weren't experienced in kissing whatsoever. 
It was short but nice, his lips feeling amazing and you had already missed the feeling of them against yours.
"I-- wow," you breathed out, the smile on your face never faltering, sincerely you looked at him. Connor smiled back just as toothily, looking down to see that Clover had snuggled her body to fit between his feet, the sight alone was adorable. 
He wrapped his arm around you once more, allowing you to rest your head against his shoulder as he rested his head against yours. "I don't want this to end." He confessed smoothly.
"Me neither." You grinned, yawning, your eyes slowly drooping. "Stay here for the night, please?" You held his hand once more, his fingers smoothing over your knuckles to give you great comfort. Connor kissed your hairline with tenderness, ignoring everything and anything as he slowly laid beside you. "Of course." 
The two of you had fallen asleep quickly, with Connor going into static mode, waiting for when he was able to spend the next day with you so lovingly.  
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hopelikethemoon · 5 years ago
Bed Invader (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Bed Invader Rating: PG-13 Length: 1300 Warnings: Fluff. Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in Summer 1998. I’m sorry it’s so short. Summary: Reader and Javier enjoy a Saturday morning. 
@grapemama​ @seawhisperer​ @huliabitch​ @pedropascalito​ @rogrsnbarnes​ @thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate​ @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow​ @plexflexico​ @readsalot73​ @hdlynn​ @lokiaddicted​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale​  @roxypeanut​ @snivellusim​ @lukesrighthand​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper​ @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano​ @beskar-droids​ @space-floozy @cable-kenobi​ @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​ @findhimfives​ @pedrosdoll​ @frietiemeloen​ @arrowswithwifi​ @random066​ @uncomicalhumour​ @heather-lynn​ @domino-oh-damn @cyarikaaa​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl @xqueenofthecraziesx​ @punkass-potato​ @coredrive​​ @pascalesque​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​ @queenquazar​ @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps
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“We have a bed invader.” You laughed softly as Josie crept into your bedroom. She was a heavy-footed child and she was not gifted at tip-toeing — especially when she had Stevie in tow.
Javier grumbled, rolling over onto his back as he threw his arm over his face. “It’s Saturday.” He cracked one eye open, before he flopped onto his stomach and buried his face in his pillow. 
“And we left the door unlocked,” You poked him in the ribs, making him jerk beside you. “Incoming.” You warned mere seconds before Josie lept onto the bed, giggling like a mad woman.
Josie draped herself over you, “Did I wake you up, mommy?”
“Only a little bit.” You nodded your head towards Javier. “But someone doesn’t want to wake up.”
“Daddy!” Josie urged, reaching over to slap her hand against his bare shoulder. “Wake up!”
He grunted, “I’m sleeping.”
“So grumpy.” You teased, reaching over to rumple his hair, before turning your attention back to Josie. “Wanna wake him up?”
She nodded excitedly and you settled her onto the bed in between the two of you. 
“I’m gonna go get your sister, you know what to do.” You smirked as you climbed out of the bed. Josie practically threw herself onto Javier, her little hands going to his sides to tickle him. He groused and tried to escape from her, but only halfheartedly 
“I see someone was already awake,” You remarked as you pushed open the nursery door. Sofía was standing in her crib, hands clamped onto the side as she bounced. 
You swept her out of the bed and carried her back into the bedroom with you. Fortunately, she’d had a diaper change around four and was good to go for a little morning cuddle. 
Josie was perched on Javier’s lower back, sitting cross-cross. “He won’t wake up.”
“You might’ve broken him,” You gave her a look as you shooed Stevie out of your spot on the bed. “Move, pup.”
She barked and Javier groaned. “I’m not going back to sleep am I?”
“No.” You laughed, cradling Sofía against your chest. She flopped comfortably onto her stomach, babbling as she reached for Javier.
“Daddy, wake up.” Josie insisted, bouncing on him and you noted the way he winced.
“Sweetheart, don’t do that.” You shook your head. 
She leaned back down and tickled his sides. “Wake up!”
“I’m awake.” He grumbled, rubbing at his eyes before tucking his arm under his pillow. “Get up and let me roll over, princesa. You’re breaking my back.”
Josie flopped onto the bed beside you, before she leaned over and showered Sofía with kisses. “Good morning sissy!”
Sofía squealed, grabbing at Josie. “Jo-Jo!”
You nudged Javier in the leg, “Wake up, old man.”
Javier rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling as he dragged his hands over his face. “I was sleeping good.”
“Exhausted from all the fun you had yesterday?”
He snorted, “Six hours in the pool did me in.” Javier grimaced as he sat up, stuffing a pillow behind his back. “Shit.”
Josie turned towards him, “Daddy!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I owe you a nickel.” He told her gently, reaching over to play his fingers through her hair. “How’d you sleep, JoJo?”
“I dreamed I was swimming.” Josie flopped onto him, keeping one hand outstretched to hold Sofía’s hand. “Can I go swimming today?”
Javier gave you a look out of the corner of his eye, “Well…”
“We’ve already got plans for the day.” You told her, holding tight to Sofía as she squirmed and tried to reach for Javier. 
He pinched at the bridge of his nose, stifling a yawn before he reached over and took her from you, “It’s all good baby.”
“Mommy, what are we doing?” Josie questioned, snapping her fingers to encourage Stevie crawl further up the bed in between the two of you. 
“We’re gonna go down to the boardwalk. Maybe Monica and Nadia can join us at the arcade. Do you like the sound of that?”
Josie scrunched up her nose, “I want to swim.”
“JoJo, yesterday wore your father out.” You told her, wrapping your arm around her as you pulled her into your side. You pressed a kiss to her forehead and then her cheek, before warning her to behave. 
Sofía sprawled out on Javier’s chest, her chubby little cheek pressed against his skin. “She’s got the right idea,” He quipped. “Why don’t we stay home and watch a movie? We can grill.”
“I can grill.” You reminded him. He wasn’t a terrible cook, but he was terrible at grilling. “We’ve got veggie patties in the freezer.” You jerked, “Stevie quit licking my toes, you weirdo.”
Josie promptly leaned towards you and licked your cheek. ”I’m a dog!” She pretended to bark and Stevie echoed her with her own yelp.
Sofía gurgled and tried her own attempt at a yappy little bark. 
“If you try to lick me,” You warned Javier as he grinned at you.
“What’s going to happen?”
“I won’t rub your back tonight.” You told him pointedly. “You’re awfully grumpy this morning.”
Javier huffed, “I was looking forward to a lazy morning.”
You gestured to the dog and the girls, “Seems lazy to me.”
“You know what I mean.”
You laughed softly, “Poor Javi.” You reached over and played with his hair. “I’m a little jealous I missed out on the pool yesterday.”
“It was not nearly as fun as it sounds. Sofía was not having it. Steve and I had to trade off with her while the girls swam.”
“Olivia did cannonballs!” Josie explained to you as she scooted down the bed to pet Stevie. “Daddy wouldn’t let me try.”
“Because daddy knows that you barely enjoy getting your head wet in the bathtub.”
You snorted, covering your face to stifle your laughter. “No wonder you're exhausted.”
“Can we watch Homeward Bound?”
“Again?” Javier groaned, “Sure. Once. Then your mother and I are going to pick something else to watch.”
“I just bought Fifth Element the other night. We enjoyed it last time we rented.”
Javier nodded, “Yeah, I’m down for watching it again.” He reached up and took your hand out of his hair, interlacing your fingers. “But I will need a nap.”
“Do you want me to grab your reading glasses too?”
He flipped you off so Josie couldn’t see him. 
“If you’re going to act like that, then I’m not letting you nap at all.” You taunted with a laugh, rolling your eyes. 
Josie crawled back up the bed and flopped onto her back. “Mommy.”
“Yes, baby doll?”
“I want waffles.”
“That sounds like a daddy request.”
Javier snorted, “Now I have to make breakfast too?”
Josie pouted, “I want waffles.”
“Then I suppose I better get up and make waffles.” Javier sat up slowly, keeping Sofía secured against his chest with one hand as he dragged his fingers through his hair. “You want blueberries?”
She nodded her head quickly, “Please, daddy?”
“I’ve got you.” Javier stifled another yawn, letting Sofía crawl squirm out of his hold, depositing her on the bed in between you. “You owe me tonight.”
You grinned, “I have plans. Don’t worry, old man.”
“Good.” He winked at you. 
You crooked a finger at him, “C’mere.” 
Javier leaned over Sofía and Josie, planting a hand on the bed so he could press a kiss to your lips. 
“You’re a good father, Javi.” You patted your hand against his chest, brushing your nose against his. “Even if you’re getting old on me.”
“You try being in a pool for six hours with the Energizer Bunny.”
“That’s me!” Josie announced as she stood up and bounced on the bed.
“We were never getting a quiet morning.” You told him, scooping Sofía up as you got off the bed with Javier. 
You weren’t about to force him to make breakfast alone. 
“We did leave the door unlocked.”
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lokilickedme · 4 years ago
Well today was a shitshow.  Sit down and lemme tell you a little story about trusting your gut when someone seems too fakey-nice to be real.
Actually you know what? - it’s a long story so let me just give you a quick rundown.
(under the cut because my quick rundown ended up slightly longer than “quick” - this is a massive vent with trigger warnings for dog attack, injured children, animal bites, police, and hospitals.  Yeah, it’s been a goddamn HELL of a day)
Neighbors moved into the house next door maybe a year ago (it’s the house that inspired Hammer Of The Gods, just as an interesting side point) and the mom has always been one of those chirpy sunshiny waving-over-the-back-fence “call me anytime, I’ll bake cookies!” good neighbor types that make you feel a little bit unsettled, like, nobody can be that cheery and be for real, you know what I mean?  But we’ve never seen any dark side peeking out so we’ve always just accepted it at face value and waved back and gone about our business, happy in the belief that we got a real good neighbor this time.
So - neighbor lady has this rotten little shit of a dog that we have hated since day one.  We’re not dog haters, this is just a hellspawn beast that even Steve Irwin would want to euthanize.  It barks constantly (sometimes all night), and it gets out of their yard and comes into ours to either 1) take a shit in Little’s sandpit, or 2) snarl and chase Little while he screams and cries.  The kid is scared to go in his own back yard to play because he’s afraid of this shit dog even seeing him.
Neighbor knows this, has seen it happen, and always blows it off with a chirpy “Oh he just likes to roughhouse and play rough, you’ll be fine, he won’t hurt you!”
Yeah, no.  You don’t let your animal come into MY yard and terrorize MY children.  I have chased that beast off with rocks, the water hose, my own shoe more than once, and I stg if it hadn’t run off before I got back with the baseball bat there was one time when I likely would have killed the damn thing.  My child is terrified of it and it goes out of its way to come onto our property to snarl at him and chase him.  I’m not cool with that.  But we haven’t complained because we’re scared to death of making enemies of this neighbor.  Trust me, after the last people who lived in that house, we’re very anxious to stay friends with the ones in there now.  So we did the good neighbor thing and kept the peace by keeping our mouths shut.
Well.  Fast forward to tonight, after a year of putting up with that yappy vicious asshole.  Little is out in the front yard, playing right in front of the front door of our house.  He’s nowhere near their house or the fenceline to their yard, you can’t even see their front door from where he is.  Two steps and he would be inside our house, that’s where he’s at.  Absolutely ten THOUSAND percent nowhere near them or their house or their dog.  Neighbor opens her front door to leave and this shithead comes tearing out of their house on a straight beeline for Little.  It has to go all the way to the end of their front yard and around the end of the fence to even get into our yard, which means it had full intention of coming over here from the minute it got out of their house.  And it’s snarling and barking the whole way, which scares the everloving shit out of Little, because he’s been chased by this hellhound countless times and he knows what’s coming.  He immediately starts screaming and loses his damn mind to the point where he can’t think straight enough to turn around and run into the house, and he starts running in circles because, yeah, he’s a complete idiot when he’s scared, like most 8 year olds when being attacked by vicious animals.  And this stupid dog is right behind him, snarling and barking like a rabid goddamn demon, and Little is screaming that horrified deep-chest kind of scream that stops mothers’ hearts.
I hear it all the way at the far end of the house, over the loud music I have playing.  I’d already heard the dog but had assumed it was just barking through the fence like it always does.  But that scream - god, I hate that scream.  That scream is like a nightmare, you don’t want to hear it while you’re awake, ever.
So I run through the house and tear out onto the porch to see this dog straight up attacking my child.  My child is trying to run but the dog has hold of the back of the calf of his left leg, and Little is practically dragging the thing and screaming his lungs out, but it won’t let him go.  I slam the screen door open and scream BABY GET IN THE HOUSE!!!!! and bam, his brain kicks back in and he heads for me.  I grab him and he’s trembling so hard I thought he was having a seizure.
Now comes the kicker.  The neighbor lady is standing at the end of the fence, watching all this happen.  She yells for the dog to come to her, but that’s all she does.
Now for an even bigger kicker.  The teenage daughter is actually standing less than two feet away from Little and the dog when I get there, meaning she followed the dog into the yard but stood there and didn’t stop it when it started attacking him.  She was simply standing there.  I mean, I can sort of understand where she’s coming from on this, because she’s afraid of the damn dog herself.  But if I were watching my dog attack a small child, you better bet your ass and everything attached to it that I would be putting myself between that dog and that child - or at the very least kicking the dog or trying to grab it by the collar, anything to protect the child.  At least make a fucking effort.
Nope.  She stood there.  In my yard.  Watching her dog attempt to maul my child.  While the mother watched as well, from the safety of the end of the fenceline, while making one feeble attempt to yell for the dog to come.
Fuck them both.
So at this point I’ve grabbed Little and slammed the screen shut to keep the dog away, and the girl says “I’m so sorry!” and then just stands there looking at me like she’s expecting me to say it’s okay.  I’m inspecting my still-screaming child and I find that his leg is bleeding and has fucking HOLES IN IT.  I look through the screen at the teenager and say “IT BIT HIM!!!”
She just stands there.  She obviously doesn’t know what to do, she keeps looking over at her mother.  The mother never steps foot into the yard.  Not a damn step.
Again, fuck her.  I can forgive the teenager...but not the adult.
So my husband finally comes in from the back - up to this point he’s assumed the kids were just playing noisy and the neighbor’s dog was being a yappy little bitch from its own back yard like usual, but when I got Little into the house he finally realized those screams were serious and came running.  I told him the dog bit Little in our yard, and he runs outside but the dog and both women are gone.  He comes back in, confused about what’s happening, and I look him straight in the eye and say “That dog bit our kid, you do something.”
To his credit he snaps to action and runs out, heading straight over to the neighbors’ house to ask what the hell just happened.  She’s trying to get in her car and leave in a hurry, so he stops her and she starts laughing and saying how the dog loves to “roughhouse” and she wished Little wasn’t scared of him so they could play.  And husband, still not knowing what’s going on, has no choice but to let the woman get in her car and leave, but he asks her if the dog is current on its rabies shots and she says something to the effect of “I think so, we lost his tag” (husband was confused by the whole situation, bless him he’s no good at all in a crisis...that’s why he has me) and then she says she has to go and quickly gets the fuck out of Dodge.
When husband comes back in I tell him what I saw.  Little recovers his wits enough to start talking and tells us everything.  I clean the wound and hold him while we try to figure out what to do.  ER?  God, we were just in there a month ago when my eyeball exploded, we just got the bill for it a few days ago and have no idea how we’re going to pay it.  We’re not even sure they’ll see us again with that visit still on the books unless we pay them something on arrival.  But we’re going anyway, because this is our kid and we know we at the very least need to get this situation documented by someone official and make sure the bite doesn’t need care beyond what I can provide...but I need to know what to tell the ER crew when they ask if the dog has had its shots.  I start texting the neighbor, I send her pictures of the bite so she knows this is serious and she needs to work with me, I ask for information on the dog’s vaccine status, and she...straight up ignores me.  I text her again, making it clear that I need her to answer me ASAP because we’re likely going to the hospital and if I can’t tell them what they need to know, they’re going to be calling her.
A half hour goes by, and in the meantime I’m calling TeleHealth and googling shit as fast as I can, waiting for this woman to reply so we know what to do next, and when she finally responds she -
Two tries later - all I want is to know if the dog has had its shots, I even tell her she can just text me a picture of the dog’s collar tags or let me take a picture of its vaccine papers - and she comes back with “I don’t have any papers and his collar broke so the tags were lost.”
I realize at this point that there’s a reason why she won’t give me an answer and keeps evading.  I text her again and say “Ticia I need you to tell me right now HAS THAT DOG HAD ITS SHOTS”
She waits a while, then replies with “My friend does the vaccines for me.”  So I ask for the “friends” name and phone number so the hospital can call and get the information they need from them.  She makes me wait a long time again, after which she finally comes back with “Tell the doctor to call me and I’ll tell him what he needs to know.”
Okay, this is pure bullshit now.  One more try.  “IS THAT DOG VACCINATED OR NOT, YES OR NO?”
She finally replies one last time, with just a single name, “Hubbs”.
I google it - it’s a vet clinic, Hubbs is the doctor.  Wait, I thought she said her “friend” does it and there are no papers...?  So I call the vet clinic, but by this time it’s after hours and they’re closed and my only option is to leave a message and beg them to call me first thing in the morning.  Now I know why she waited so long in between replies...she was watching the clock.  I give husband a quick rundown of what’s been happening and he says “That’s it, I’m calling her.”
He calls her.  She doesn’t answer.
By this time I’m starting to cry and we’re both getting frantic.  I get the kiddo calmed down enough to leave the room and I call my mother - yeah, I know, I’m supposed to be on Active Shun status with her, but this is an emergency and she has experience in the legal field (I do too, but her know-how is far more recent than mine) and there’s no way in hell she would refuse to help her grandbaby.  She’s also the only level head I can think of at the moment.  So I suck it up and make the call.
In spite of everything, she comes through for me.  Lists off everything I need to be doing as far as documenting, getting him to the ER, filing a police report afterward if the neighbor decides to pull a vanishing act (the woman is out of town VERY frequently, sometimes we only see her once or twice a week so we know this is likely).  While I’m on the phone with her, my husband is on the phone with his friend, who is a veterinarian in another state.  Equine vet, but hey, they all have the same basic knowledge under their specialties.  Vet friend says get him to the ER tonight, as in right now, and starts a massive spiel on the danger of waiting since rabies is a possible factor in this equation.  Full panic is setting in now and I’m crying fullblown and vet friend is telling us to take him in NOW, we’re operating on a tight timeframe and rabies is something you don’t fuck around with and we do not want to cut it even remotely close.
So.  We grab our masks and get gone.  On the way to the ER I call the neighbor in one last ditch attempt to get something remotely useful information-wise from her.  She answers on what had to be the fifteenth ring, I was just about to hang up when there’s finally a terse “Hello.”  And while I’m breathlessly telling her we’re in the car on our way to the emergency room and I need to know if her damn dog has had its damn shots or my sweet little 8 year old boy is going to have to start a horrifically painful series of shots for something that likely isn’t even going to happen to him, she has the unmitigated BALLS to calmly and coldly say to me, “If I had that information I would have given it to you.  I can’t do anything until tomorrow.”
Again...say it with me.  FUCK. HER.  She doesn’t even ask if he’s okay.  Her attitude and tone make it clear that she’s considering this whole thing a waste of her time and she’s annoyed that I keep contacting her about it.
I hang up.  Not gonna let that bitch hear me cry.
We get to the ER, I run inside with Little, husband and Big have to stay in the car because Covid regulations.  We get temperature-checked at the door and then do the front desk check-in thing; it’s a quiet night and a small town thank god so we get taken to a room immediately, ER nurse asks what’s happened and I tell her.
She is PISSED.  Informs me that they’re going to be calling the police and that I won’t have to do anything, the Sheriff’s Department will handle it all.  She takes all Little’s stats, checks him over, then leaves to make the call.
Doctor comes in, super nice man, Dr Khan.  He’s not happy about the situation either, tells us they’ll get the police involved on our behalf, verifies that the bite will be okay with some careful tending and a ten day round of antibiotics.  He says since it’s highly unlikely a domestic pet is carrying rabies and this dog has a history of just being a bad tempered bitch, he’s not going to start Little on the horrific preventative treatment for the virus because it’ll likely be unnecessary - but that damn mutt IS going into quarantine and the CDC is being notified of the situation.
Husband texts me from the parking lot: COPS JUST PULLED UP.  About three minutes later Deputy Bishop walks in and he’s ready to rumble because he’s already mad about the call being for a dog attack, and when he sees the victim - all 48 lbs of tiny skinny little blue-eyed blonde haired angelfaced Little - he’s furious.  Takes all the information, asks a lot of questions, spends a lot of time with us, listens to Little, and then as he’s closing his notebook he tells me that he’s headed to neighbor’s house to inform her she’s in some shit now and she should have just cooperated with me from the start (yep I told him how she gave me the runaround).  But since she didn’t extend even the slightest bit of human decency, her dog is being put on the “problem animal” watch list and I’m to call him immediately if she gives me any trouble at all, ever, about any of this.
She not only has to quarantine the dog for ten days, she has to report to the CDC.  If she doesn’t comply, the dog will be taken by the authorities.  She’s also in trouble for not maintaining proper records on the dog’s vaccinations (which I think is because the dog ISN’T vaccinated - why would she have given me such a yank job about it if it was?  I straight up asked her FOUR TIMES “is the dog vaccinated” and she refused to give me a simple yes or no).
So it’s finally finished and we’re released from the hospital, and as we’re turning at the end of our street headed home we pass Deputy Bishop leaving neighbor’s house.  Neighbor is out in her front yard, dragging her trash cans to the corner in the dark as we go into our house.
She never looks at us, never asks how Little is doing.  Nothing.  Pretends we aren’t even there.  Her dog just fucking MAULED my kid, we’re literally just now home from the hospital because of it, we’re going to have an astronomical hospital bill, she could likely get SUED THE FUCK INTO OBLIVION AND BACK, she’s standing less than 20 feet away from us as we’re carrying the injured baby into the house...but she doesn’t even ask if the kid is okay.
This is where the learned lesson comes in.  Remember that fakey-sunshiny-chirpy-friendly “I’m a great neighbor, you’re so lucky to have me!” shit I mentioned at the beginning?  Yeah, we thought this lady was a super great person, we had nothing to make us think otherwise.  Now we do.  From the very first contact after the incident she attempted to make it our fault - said to me in one of the first texts that if we had a problem with her dog’s behavior we should have said so from the start (I had told her that the dog chased Little and snarled at him a lot, that this wasn’t the first time, and that she needed to make sure it was the last time).  She immediately got uppity with me and turned it into our mistake for not saying something every time the dog acted up.  Oh, okay, forgive us for trying to be good neighbors who don’t complain about everything.  That’s where we went wrong here!  Yeah it’s all our fault, sorry!  You’re completely within your rights to keep a dangerous animal that hates children next door to a family with children and not do anything to keep it under control.  Our bad, sorry to waste your time.
For the nth time...fuck her.  People show their true colors when they feel threatened, and I feel like she knew she likely has a lawsuit coming...and if she felt threatened by the possibility of a lawsuit, that means she knows she’s guilty and deserves one.
So anyway...Little is going to be fine, physically.  But he’s made it clear that he’s never going outside again.  (Say it with me, class...FUCK HER).  The shitty little dog has to be locked up for ten days, yay.  Personally I wish they’d taken it away, but at least there’s 10 days where Little can go out in his own damn yard without fearing for his life - if I can convince him it’s safe and talk him into it.  (Say it again...)
Tomorrow I talk to neighbor’s vet and get the truth, finally, about the damn thing’s shots (or lack thereof), and then I have to call our homeowner’s insurance and file a claim through them against neighbor’s insurance to try to get our hospital bill paid by her.  Which, you know, probably wouldn’t even have been necessary if the woman had cooperated with me from the start.  And then I get to start the long process of getting Little through his trauma and fear of ever going outside to play again.  And in 3-5 days I get the joy of going down to the police department to pick up a copy of the report.
And, of course, we get to deal with the cold shoulder from a suddenly not-such-a-nice-person uncaring next door neighbor who obviously thinks we’re assholes because the hospital called the police and reported her while our son was bleeding in the emergency room with holes in his leg the size of her precious pet’s teeth.
I won’t ever fall for that fakey-nice act again, from anyone.  My gut never truly believed she was as good as she pretended to be, and now I know my gut was right.  She’s a mother...yet she couldn’t even muster up that fake sunshine long enough to find out if a child was going to be alright.  A child whose injury and trauma were due to her negligence.  To me that makes the deception a thousand times worse.  She’s a goddamned mother and she flat doesn’t give a shit.  She didn’t even pretend to.
Words can’t even go where my feels are at the moment.  
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barry-j-blupjeans · 4 years ago
@taznovembercelebration - Day 5: Rockstar
Okay, so Taako didn’t really like working at the pet shelter. Don’t get him wrong, it was a lot better than like... working as a cashier or a waiter or something where he had to be interacting with people for ninety percent of his day. But he wasn’t a fan of ninety percent of his day interacting with dogs, either. They were yappy and snappy and frankly, too much for Taako. He was much more of a cat person, but they only had so many cats and they got adopted fast enough.
But the job had its perks. Working with Lup was one, obviously. Having a decent pay, hell yeah. Having people respect what he did, sure that was great. Maybe having Magnus as his boss wasn’t the best (gods know that Magnus didn’t need another thing to hang over his head), but overall, the work was fine. Taako could manage.
He was closing today. There was only about an hour left before closing. Lup and Barry were in the back, checking up on all the animals when the bell above the door jingled and a group of two stepped in. The adult was tall, with his hair done up in locs. He wore all black and an baggy, but fashionable, overcoat. Nearly attractive enough to make Taako stop and stare. With him was a small kid, bouncing excitedly. His glasses were almost slipping off his nose, his hair was wild and unruly and he was so eager that the man had to hold him back
Taako didn’t know who brought their kid into pick a pet out at 6:30 PM, but what the hell, work was work.
“Hey folks,” Taako said in his best costumer service voice, standing behind the front desk. “Welcome to Raven’s Roost pet shelter, what can I do for you today?”
“Kitty!” the boy said. He couldn’t be more than four years old. He broke free from the man’s hold and came up to the counter. His didn’t even peak over the top. “Do you have any, sir?”
Well, at least he was polite.
“Sure do,” Taako said. “What kind of cat are ya looking for, kiddo? And guardian, of course.”
“I’m his dad,” the man.  “Um, we can come back tomorrow if it’s too late-”
“Kitty,” the kid whined, tugging on his dad’s sleeve.
“We probably won’t be able to take one home today, Angus,” he said. “We’ll come back tomorrow and-”
“It’s fine,” Taako cut in. “Don’t worry about it, there’s still a bit til we close. I can even send you guys home with the paper work if you find a cat you like.”
“Kitty!” Angus said triumphantly.
“Yes, Angus,” the dad said wearily. He was smiling though.
“Right this way, then,” Taako said.
The pet shelter wasn’t too big, but it was noisy. The past the door that lead to the dogs and Taako could hear Barry talking- probably trying to calm them down.
“What’s your name again?” Taako asked as they neared the cat door.
“Oh, uh,” the man said, looking a bit nervous. “It’s, um. It’s Kravitz McAllister. And of course, my son, Angus.”
“I’m Taako,” Taako said, like they hadn’t already read his nametag. “Have any type of cat in mind?”
“Good with children?” Kravitz said. “Angus knows not to- he knows they’re not play things, obviously, but he gets excited around cats, he really loves them. Probably not any cat that loves outdoors and uh, age doesn’t matter. Kitten, been here for ages. Doesn’t matter.”
“Got it,” Taako said, holding open the door for them. “All the cats we got are in here.”
Taako spied Lup look over from where she was giving some food to one of the older cats. And then he saw Lup drop the food all over the ground and swear to herself.
“Sorry!” Lup called over and Taako rolled his eyes.
“Lemme go help her,” Taako said to Kravitz. “Feel free to look at any of the cats.”
Angus was already staring down a middle aged tabby. Kravitz smiled and went to join him as Taako went to help Lup.
“Doofus,” Taako whispered as soon as he got close enough, kneeling down to help help.
“Shut up,” Lup hissed intensely. She peaked over Taako’s shoulder at the customers and then ducked back down. “Taako, do you have any idea who that is?”
“Uhhhhh, a handsome fella here to get his kid a cat?”
“It’s Kravitz McAllister,” Lup said, like that meant something to him. “Like? Literally the most famous singer in the country at this very moment Kravitz McAllister, Taako, what the fuck.”
“Why haven’t I heard of him, then?” Taako said back, shoving the cat food in a pile. “If Taako don’t know him, he’s not famous.”
“Well now you fuckin’ know him, dumbass,” Lup said. “Fuck, should I tell Barry? Holy shit. Get a better music taste, Ko, how do you not know him?”
“I’m sorry your music is shit,” Taako said. “Help me clean this up.”
Lup was already up, scurrying out of the room to get Barry. Taako would have flipped her off but there’s a child and a celebrity in the room. He finished cleaning up the cat food and returned to feeding the cat that Lup had left behind. Taco.
Man, Taako loved Taco. Taco was the best cat here. A shitty, grumpy, silly old man.
“Who’s that?” Angus said, suddenly right next to Taako. Taako jumped, nearly dropping the food again.
“Oh, uh, this is Taco. T-A-C-O, verses my superior T-A-A-K-O.”
“It’s nice to meet you Taco!” Angus said and it took a moment to realize that he was talking to the cat. “I’m Angus. Do you like reading?”
Taco looked at Angus with the driest expression Taako had ever seen in a cat and meowed brokenly. His voice sounded like a broken harmonica.
“Daddy, did you hear that?” Angus said and Kravitz came to look at the cat, too. Taco glared at Kravitz and Kravitz had the sense to look intimated. Taco meowed again, but swayed his way towards Angus, who petted him gently.
“He’s so soft!” Angus said. “Can we get him?”
“We’ll come back to see him tomorrow and decide,” Kravitz said. “It’s very late for you.”
“Aw,” Angus said. “But he’s such a good kitty!”
Good kitty was not anything that Taco had been called before. But he preened under the praise and meowed a B flat at Angus.
“He sure is,” Kravitz said nervously and Taco gave him a sneaky stink eye as Angus petted his back. “We’ll be back as early as we can tomorrow morning.”
“Okay,” Angus said, retracting his hand sadly. “Bye Taco! And- and Mr. Taako!”
“See ya tomorrow morning, kiddo,” Taako said, leading them back out. “You want the paperwork to work on now, Krav.”
Kravitz looked startled at being addressed like that and Taako took even more stratification than normal, because he was a celebrity. Ha. Point one for Taako. Taako opened the door back up and paused upon seeing Lup and Barry giddily whispering down the hall. He shut the door and said,
“Actually, my... cohorts seem to be fans of yours and we could go out the back to piss them off,” Taako said offhandedly. Angus didn’t seem to mind, simply turning on his heel and waving to cat Taco again. Kravitz’s eyes widened comically and hurried to follow Taako with a quick pace.
“You know?” Kravitz said, astonished. “I didn’t think you knew.”
“Oh, I totally knew,” Taako said, lying his ass off. “I just don’t give a fu- I don’t care,” he corrected as he remembered Angus. “I mean, you can’t be as famous as me.”
“As you?” Kravitz said, amused. They reached the backdoor.
“Uh, yeah,” Taako said. “I’m Taako? You know, from TV?”
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