#aftg fall exchange 2021
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wolfgangwithoutgang · 3 years ago
best au?
tattoo artist! Andrew
cop! Andrew / butcher(retired)! Neil
cop! Andrew / butcherCop! Neil
firefighter! Neil
im ready to fight thats literally the best shit n i dont have enough of it
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fuzzballsheltiepants · 3 years ago
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Betsy Dobson & Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day & Andrew Minyard Characters: Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten, Kevin Day, Betsy Dobson, Mary Hatford Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Exy (All For The Game), Alternate Universe - College/University, Road Trips, friends to strangers to lovers, an inordinate amount of ducks, Fluff and Light Angst, just a smidgeon, Kissing, slightly softer background, AFTG Fall Exchange 2021, Andrew & Aaron were adopted by Bee in middle school, AFTG Exchange Summary:
Andrew Minyard had it all planned out. He'd drive home to New Hampshire for fall break, stopping to check out some law schools along the way and having his existential crisis in private. Except somehow Neil Josten ends up tagging along, and nothing ever goes quite as planned, does it?
My gift for @theicequeenwrites for the @aftgexchange! Sorry I'm so last minute but I hope you enjoy it! Read it here!
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imperfectcourt · 3 years ago
It's exchange fic time!
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abraxos-is-toothless · 3 years ago
white lights and tiny blonde angels
This is my @aftgexchange Fall 2021 piece for @lyndiscealin
I’ve been at work all week so I had to wait to post this today and then tumblr wouldn’t let me. This is all from an edit in my drafts, but a moment ago, tumblr let me post half of the fic. This is a new post with that first half and then the second will hopefully go up sometime tomorrow.
I am so sorry for this delay but work is work I’m afraid. I loved your long prompt so I’ve made a note of that one to fingers crossed, try and write as a gift for you. I went with this time Neil getting hurt though you won’t have a proper ending yet. Hope you like it!!!
Neil thought going for his run an hour or so before sunset on Halloween was a brilliant idea.
How wrong he was.
The streets were clear of kids at this time of the day, the sky not yet dark enough to create that added fear factor of walking around in creepy costumes and asking strangers for sweets. Neil frowned as he slowed his pace to side step an old lady walking her yappy dog. She gave him a little smile which he returned politely before picking back up some speed. He and Kevin, his adoptive brother, had not long moved to Palmetto and he was still unsure of the areas surrounding their apartment. Their dad, David Wymack, had moved out here years ago after they had both finished high school and were going to college in Boston. He’d only stayed out near Baltimore to not upend either Kevin or Neil’s lives, but once his boys were no longer at home, he took up a coaching position at PSU. Neil couldn’t blame him for wanting to move away; he suspected living in a place that no longer housed his deceased wife was hard. But he’d done it for them. Because he loved them.
He was happier out here now, loving his job, his new house with quiet neighbours, and he was in a new relationship with his team’s nurse, Abigail Winfield. They’d been together for a few years now, but Neil hadn't been able to meet her in person until they'd moved here. He remembered the video call coming through while he was in his college dorm room one day, his roommate Matt Boyd had not been in the room at the time. His dad had looked nervous, and it was weird for Neil not to see him,as his usual stoic self. When he’d asked Neil if it was okay for him to start seeing another woman, he had been confused. He and Kayleigh had only adopted a year before cancer had quickly taken his adoptive mother away from him. Still, his dad refused to let Abby into their lives unless both he and Kevin were fine with it. Neil had laughed as if someone had told him a joke, because of course it was fine. Since then, the woman would call them every week, fretting and fussing as any mother would. She was very excited to have them living so close now, and Neil smiled at the memory of her excitement a month or so back when he and Kevin said they were moving out to Palmetto. Kevin to work alongside their dad as an assistant coach, and Neil to join PSU as one on one Math tutor.
He was brought out of his reverie to the loud scuffling of shoes over gravel, loud enough to be heard over the music coming through his ear phones. He halted to a stop, pulling them out. Getting lost in his own head had caused him to go off of his usual route around the block. It was down a slightly darker, more rougher looking street, a few shifty looking people making their way into a run down apartment building. He suspected it was one of the small drug outlets for a town like this. The scuffling happened again but louder this time, and more importantly, it was closer. He turned on his heel looking behind him but he couldn’t see anything other than the flicker of street lights kicking in. He pulled out his phone, intent on calling Kevin, seeing as his brother was going to be on his way home from their dad’s place when he felt hot breath at his neck, and words whispered in his ear that he had not heard since he was a child.
“Hello there Junior.”
Neil spun away only to be gripped tightly on his biceps by strong hands and pushed further into a dark alley between two buildings, stumbling over his own feet and falling face first, He barely had time to use his hands to break the fall, pain spiking as the ground tore at the skin of his palms. “Now Nathaniel, is that any way to greet old friends? By trying to run away?” Romero Malcom’s low drawl made him freeze up, twisting to face both of his attackers slowly. The other man’s face was an angry sneer, seeming satisfied with the sight of Neil laying at his feet. Lola, however, was manic and almost feral looking. There was a knife in one of her hands, the fingers of her other running across the blade.
“You helped put Nathan in that hell hole, and a few days ago, someone from the inside did him in. They killed him and now you’re going to pay for a life that shouldn’t have been taken so soon.”
Neil laughed at that information, that Nathan was dead and gone, finally, and he didn’t stop laughing even as the two advanced on him.
He stuttered, when a cold blade met the skin of his cheek, cutting deep but he still laughed.
He laughed still when they dragged him deeper into the alley by his hair.
And he laughed through broken screams when Lola took a lighter to his face and arms, and Romero buried a knife in his abdomen.
He laughed and laughed and laughed as the world went dark.
Neil came around again, lying flat on his back and staring at the stars, stones digging into his sling. His body was on fire, pain radiating everywhere. He lifted a shaking and brutalised hand, pressing it to his lower stomach. Blood seeped through between his fingers, and his shirt was soaked through from more than just sweat. He was pretty sure he’d been lying in a pool of his own blood for a while.
He turned his head, finding his phone smashed to pieces a few feet away. Neil cursed under his breath. He tried opening his mouth to call out for help, but stopped instantly when he pulled at the wounds on his face, feeling blood run down his cheeks. His other hand shifted, fingers twitching against something rough. When Neil managed to look down again, there was a much larger rock next to him. He grabbed at it, ignoring the way the burns on his knuckles screamed in protest. With all the strength he could muster, he banged that rock against a trash can that had fallen over to his left.
He didn’t stop even when his eyes started to close.
He was just so tired.
There was a murmuring of voices, calling out to him. He told his dad that he just wanted five more minutes. He didn’t have school, it was the weekend.
“Come on, open your eyes dude. I’m not your dad, you’ve been hurt. Can you tell me your name?” Neil blinked slowly against a bright light. Oh, he knew this light, that light you saw right at the end. He didn’t want to die yet.
“You’re not going to die. An ambulance is on the way, but you gotta keep those eyes open.” He blinked again and realised he was seeing double. Two tiny blonde people hovering over him. The light gave them halos. How lovely. “Your vision is fine, and we’re not your angels. My brother is currently keeping pressure on that stab wound.”
Right. Lola. Romero.
Oh god Kevin was probably losing his damn mind. His dad and Abby too. He always called at the same time every day, always. “My dad, he…” he tried to move but screamed in agony. Neil relented to the hand pushing him back down. “I want my dad. Phone broke.”
He heard sirens getting closer, and the tiny blonde bear his head disappeared. The one with his hands on Neil’s stomach shifted so Neil could see him. “Whoever did this, they did quite the number in your face.” Neil flinched, because he just knew Abby was going to have a meltdown when she saw him. “Hey. You’re still attractive there, under all this grime. If I’d met you under different circumstances, I might have tried to bring you home with me.” Neil coughed, it wet and made him ache so much worse.
“I’m not, not…”
“Don’t talk anymore. You’ll hurt yourself. You can shut me down later. Name is Andrew. Do you want to tell me yours now, so I can give something to the paramedics who are coming over?”
“Neil. Is Neil.” His head spun and there were the heavy sounds of people running towards him.
And then he was out again.
Everything was white. Oh so very white. Machines were beeping and there was something attached to his hand. It was itchy. Out. He should take it out and the bad itchy itch would go away. Before he could pull on the offending item, a warm strong hand wrapped around his own. “That’s there for a reason, you know.”
He wanted to explain to the stranger about the big bad itch, but his mouth was as dry as a goddamn desert. “Wa…” the words cut off when bandages pulled at sore skin and he hissed.
“You can have ice chips.” Neil tried to force himself to sit up at the other voice, eyes running around the room. “Stop that, you’ll pull your stitches. Do you want to start bleeding out again?”
“Aaron, stop. Go see if his family has turned up yet.” The tiny blonde by the door, Aaron, huffed and disappeared from the room. Neil looked around again, realising he was in a hospital room. He turned his head to the other tiny blonde who had come closer, gently trying to feed him a tiny piece of ice. After one or two pieces, he waved one of his hands about, and the other man retreated. He sat in a chair by Neil’s bed.
“Wha’ ‘appened?” His words were a little slurred, but at least his tongue was no longer stuck to the roof of his mouth.
“My brother and I were on our way to meet our cousin when we could hear banging. Thought it was just some kids messing around for Halloween, but it was a constant sound, a repetitive tone. We followed it and found you lying there nearly dead.”
Ah yes. It was assaulted with an onslaught of images then. Lola and her lighter, Romero breaking his phone so he couldn’t call for help. They’d intended to let him bleed out and die, right there in that alley, alone. Neil’s breath hitched and one of the monitors started beeping rapidly. Kevin and his dad and Abby, they wouldn’t have known. They would have had some cop knock on the door to say he wasn’t coming home. The blonde man beside him, who Neil remembered had said his name was Andrew, went to press a button by his bed when a group of people stormed into the room.
His panic dissipated at the sight of his family standing there, looking haggard but so full of relief. “Jesus Christ. What the hell have they done to you?” It was Kevin who spoke but his dad was the first to the side of his bed. David Wymack was not a man who liked when his kids were put into harm's way.
“You didn’t call. You scared the hell out of us, kiddo.”
Neil smiled as much as he could. “I’m okay.” There was some more shuffling and Neil could see the two blondes who’d helped him trying to slip out of the room as his family crowded around him. “Wait.” The two meant stopped, both a mirror of the other with the way they had their hands in their pockets, and Neil also realised they were in blue scrubs. Probably Neil’s fault from all the blood he’d lost. They turned, Aaron flicking his eyes between everyone in the room but Andrew, the one who thought him attractive for some reason, only had eyes for Neil. “Thanks for saving my life.” Aaron simply nodded and turned to walk out of the door but Andrew didn’t follow immediately. He smiled at Neil, just a little one but a smile nonetheless.
“You can thank me with coffee when you’re all healed up. Number is on the table. You never did get to shut me down.” He winked and gave a two finger salute before disappearing to follow his brother.
“Only you, son, could say you had your first dating experience by almost dying.”
Abby came over to run her fingers through his hair checking him over. “Ignore your father. You don’t need to worry about anything right now. We’ll talk about the birds and the bees later.”
Kevin laughed, but not as loud and hearty as he would usually, when Neil frowned. He gripped Neil’s knee under his blankets tightly, the only part of him that didn’t feel like it was on fire. “So oblivious, baby bro. It’ll make sense soon enough.”
Underneath all of their relief and happiness, Neil felt like they were all a bit too smug. As if they knew some secret that he didn’t.
He pushed it all aside to figure it out at a later date.
Right now, he was just glad to be alive and kicking.
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lufwoodemilius · 3 years ago
Hey everyone, I did this Pinch Hit for a Haunted House Andreil playlist for the AFTG Fall Exchange. I was totally inspired. Hopefully, it reflects the Haunted House and Halloween feel. This is for sambutwithbooks!!! I hope you love this Sam!! :) @aftgexchange https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj4t8aGZLva5Xo9jFrjtG49yAhjTm5WNY
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dorykeepsswimmin · 3 years ago
My @aftgexchange fic for @thisuserlovesyou is posted, sorry for the wait! I really love soulmate aus so much, I hope you like it <3
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kevingayimeanday · 3 years ago
I’m in love tysm 🧡🥺
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kevin Day/Aaron Minyard, Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Past Aaron/Katelyn - Relationship Characters: Aaron Minyard, Kevin Day, Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten, Renee Walker (All For The Game), Allison Reynolds (All For The Game), Katelyn (All For The Game), Katelyn’s brother, random girl Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, fake dating au, Katelyn and Aaron got a divorce, Past Relationship(s), Minor Violence, Falling In Love, First Kiss, Kevin and Aaron end up together, Mutual Pining, Protective Aaron Minyard, Doctor Aaron Minyard, Bisexual Aaron Minyard, Professional Exy Player Kevin Day, AFTG Fall Exchange 2021 Summary:
“Hey… Kevin?” Aaron mumbled. 
“Do you want to go to Katelyn’s wedding?” Aaron asked. He didn’t dare to look at Kevin. “With me?” 
My @aftgexchange for @kevingayimeanday
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doodlingstuff · 3 years ago
My @aftgexchange Fall gift for @linecrosser is here! Hope you like how all your prompts were thrown into the blender and poured into one fic 😁
Soulmates existed for as long as anyone could remember.  
A mark on the inside of the wrist, made by tiny black blocks that shifted to reveal a name when the soulmate was close enough. 
However, there was a downside that no one liked to speak of. 
Every twenty years, those who hadn’t found their soulmate yet, would be turned into monsters lead by someone who wasn’t meant to have another half.  
The army of monsters made of humans longing for something as simple as love would hunt down their Soulmate until one of them was dead. 
But we all know that love is anything but simple and sometimes, it’s not so easy to find it when the leader of the group is seeking revenge. Even if such a pure love was meant to be from the very beginning. 
This is a story among many. A story of true love found in the strangest of holidays: Halloween. 
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patroklosandachilles · 3 years ago
hello from the void, I have come to post my gift for the @aftgexchange!! it’s for @cinnamonfoxjosten who requested a time travel fic so how could i not make andreil meet patrochilles? hope you enjoy it!! 
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linecrosser · 3 years ago
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AFTG Fall Exchange 2021 @aftgexchange
For @carladraws
Artist AU, but make it Street Artist Neil and Art Student Jean. One has all the knowledge and theory, the other all the energy and creativity. They are so different, yet still have much common ground. Learning from each other, progressing together much further than they would ever be able to do alone.
(Obviously Neil is standing on something, how else would he be tall enough reach up there otherwhise!)
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crumplelush · 3 years ago
Neil arrives a day early for a holiday break at Andrew's and finds something unexpected. Andrew has been keeping secrets.
My AFTG Fall Exchange 2021 giftfic for @patroklosandachilles - I hope you like it!
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lufwoodemilius · 3 years ago
AFTG Fall Exchange 2021
This is a fic that I wrote for the AFTG Fall Exchange for @jostenlovesminyard. @aftgexchange
Nicky has forced a Bachelor Party on Neil and Andrew in Las Vegas. You only get married once, right? What could possibly go wrong? Until Nicky wins big and everyone decides it's a good idea to get drunk. Chaos ensues!
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aftgficrec · 9 months ago
Favorite Neil/Jean or Neil&Jean fics?
In the aftermath of the publication of The Sunshine Court the relationship between Neil and Jean has been put under the spotlight a little more (no spoilers here though!), but there have always been authors who have shown this combo the attention it deserves. In addition, many fics under our raven!neil tag feature friendships or relationships between Neil and Jean. - S
Previously recommended:
Neil Josten & Jean Moreau:
close friends Neil & Jean here
BFFs Jean & Neil here
Neil/Jean tumblr fics and headcanons here
‘Afterthoughts Chapter 68’, ‘Jean, Neil, and Kevin hanging out’ here (plus some more Neil & Jean under previous recs)
‘not very good at this’ here
Neil Josten/Jean Moreau:
Neil/Jean fics here (you can also find a link to our Neil/Jean tag here)
More Jean/Neil fics here
‘we’ll survive, you and i’, ‘Heart on Your Sleeve, Eyes on the Street (the Heart-Eyes Remix)’, and ‘Doves & Ravens’  here
Some of our favourites from previous posts:
Your humble and silky life by moonix [Rated G, 3582 words, complete, 2019, locked]
Jean’s life these days is quiet, uneventful. His best friend has a hopeless crush on the unattainable Minyard, Jean’s colleague at the botanical garden. Jean has a standing appointment every week with the most beautiful woman in the world, who is happily married to someone else—but that’s okay. There’s still Jeremy the waiter, whose smile is the highlight of Jean’s week.
tw: animal death
Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner by nekojita [Rated E, 644156 words, complete, 2018]
When Wymack, Kevin and Andrew came to recruit Neil Josten in Millport, Neil decided to say 'no' instead of 'yes' to joining the Foxes and does what he does best, which is run. Unfortunately, that brings him to the attention of the Moriyamas, who return him to his 'rightful' place. Now Neil has to learn how to survive at the Nest with his only ally another 'asset' long kept under Riko's heel.
tw: violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: dubcon, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks, tw: drug use, tw: alcohol, tw: minor character death, tw: homophobia, tw: involuntary outing
Apart from Your World (A Part of Mine) by ApprenticedMagician [Rated T, 17647 words, complete, Aftg Big Bang 2018, locked]
David is shipping him off to the Isle of Anglesey and, frankly, Neil could use the time and distance away from an ugly break-up that still hasn't smoothed over. The problem is, if he isn't being reminded of his ex (courtesy of working alongside his identical twin brother), then he's being reminded of the mother who abandoned him (courtesy of their assigned patient who suffers the same affliction she once did). All around, it's shaping up to be anything but the trip he signed up for.
tw: references to past abuse
NB: find art for this fic by @llheji here
So Keep Your Heart On Your Sleeve (And Keep Your Eyes On The Streets) by CasTheButler [Rated T, 4162 words, complete, Aftg Winter Exchange 2018]
Cause it's a God damn long drive fall, Back to normality. Jean starts at a new school on a new soccer team, makes some friends, and spends the whole time falling in love with a punk. Written for the 2018 AFTG Winter Exchange.
tw: panic attacks
And here are some fics we haven’t rec’ed yet:
Neil Josten & Jean Moreau:
Je crois en la chance de rejoindre la mer by Elyant [Rated T, 2007 words, complete, 2021, locked]
Part 4 of The Devil Makes Three
Jean has chosen the café whose tables were closest to the large windows overlooking the tarmac. After spending so many years underground and under the harsh fluorescent light of the Nest, he doesn't think he will ever have enough of the natural warmth of the sun. A duffle bag of clothes that are too new to feel like his, the tin of home-baked cookies Renee thrusted into his hands before he left, and a small package wrapped in kraft paper are his only baggage.  He's waiting for a plane from London to land because of a phone call he received a few nights before. He is therefore purposefully two hours too early for the flight that will take him to South California, to meet the team in crimson and gold that will become his family, even if he doesn't know it yet.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
from rain by ratbandaid [Rated T, 62807 words, complete, 2023]
Over time, Jean grew unsure as to why he'd been so intent on running from the mafia. He barely took care of himself and could hardly call whatever he was doing living. After all, he knew that one day, he'll be caught and dragged back, kicking and screaming, to be killed or worse: put back in the hands of Riko Moriyama. But when a snot-nosed, cocky brat, Neil, stumbles into his life, Jean slowly realizes what he's running for.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: violence, tw: nightmares
based on this art by @estavs
NB: This one contains slight spoilers for The Sunshine Court:
epic understatement by LadyTimelessness [Rated T, 335 words, complete, 2024]
he's pissed off that jean had to go through this. they're basically nothing to each other, but damn it, neil wants to crack grayson's skull open that second. faith in the world finally burns out in the fire of disillusionment.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
Neil Josten/Jean Moreau:
Skip the Last Dance For Me (the Trojan Horse remix) by justadreamfox [Rated T, 3572 words, complete, Aftg Remix 2020]
Neil and Jean are free of the Nest, and wearing the Trojan red and gold, but they've still got "normal" life to navigate and friendships (past and present) to juggle. Really, sometimes you just want to be alone with your boyfriend.  Ft. Exy, pizza, and Steven Spielberg.
Nothing Mattered Until You by Lostintheuniverseslies [Rated M, 22497 words, complete, 2023]
On the docks in Marseille, Neil fell in love. But his mother ripped him away and for years he never dared hope to see Jean again. He believed that he would die before ever getting the chance. But when recuperating with his uncle after his father is killed, Neil's chance comes. Unfortunately, he isn't the only one who went through some horrible things over the years. Despite their horrible pasts, they decide to try for a future together. Going to college and even making some friends along the way. But Riko has other plans and wants back what he considers his.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced domestic violence, tw: stalking, tw: harassment,  tw: dissociation
It's Friday, I'm in love by Greenfallleaves [Rated T, 5834 words, complete, 2023, locked]
The day Neil had found himself pushed into the strong chest of their school’s new student Jean Moreau had been one of his luckiest in hindsight.
Hold my breath in your hands by Greenfallleaves [Rated G, 2154 words, complete, 2023, locked]
Adapting to the world outside the nest hadn’t been easy for either Jean or Neil but now that they had had a few years to get used to it, they got to complain about (i.e. enjoy) spending quality time with their friends.
sleep notes by nanatsuyu [Rated T, 2928 words, complete, 2024, locked]
Neil smokes a joint and discusses the possibility that Kevin is an honest to God vampire.
tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced abuse
A kiss while someone watches by @stabbyfoxandrew [tumblr, 2024]
Nathaniel never really saw the point of kissing until he was brought to the nest. Or rather, until the first time Jean Moreau backed him up against the wall of their shared dorm during an argument.
Jean & Neil by @ziegenkind094
Raven!neil au - napping by @dawnatlas 
Raven!neil au - partners by @dawnatlas
‘Stitch by stitch, tape and gauze…’ by @dawnatlas
two by @02511213942
Neil and Jean find an empty pool at night by @aminiyard
i believe in jean moreau supremacy by @caraleadraws 
secret santa gift for @nekojitachan by @aminiyard
Hello sunshine court by @estavs
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aftgficrec · 3 years ago
Cuddly flirty andreil for life!! Andrew and Neil THINK they are being subtle but all the Foxes watching like : could these two BE more obvious??? Just. Flirty Andreil in front of the Foxes!
Didn’t find much flirting or sass, but here’s a bunch of foxes reacting to soft Andreil with lots of warmth, cuddling, and pda. -A
our latest ask for this:
Foxes react to cute andreil here
Seared Into You by BelovedPoison [Rated T, 5113 words, Complete 2020, AFTG Summer]
AFTG Summer Day 12 - August 14th Bonfire: Seared Into You ~
Andrew thought Neil was good, that he was okay with this. The fire, the smoke, the marshmallows melting on sticks that Nicky had insisted was a thing they needed to do around the bonfire. As it turns out though, Neil wasn't quite as ready as he'd thought he was and now Andrew has to bring him back to himself, to them, to him. Because he's not leaving Neil alone in that dark place he's slipped into, not now, not ever.
And if it takes open affection and soft touches in front of their family and friends, well so be it. Neil's more important and that's all there is to it. Screw them and their stares, his only focus is his silly rabbit.
tw: panic attacks
Warmth by trubenblack [Rated T, 1967 Words, Complete, 2018]
The first time it happens, it’s a bit of a happy accident
the hand holding fic that nobody asked for but is completely necessary.
tw: alcohol
alright, pull your hatchets out by sundowne [Rated T, 9445 Words, Complete, 2021]
Years ago, Neil made a promise to his best friend, Aaron, that he wouldn't date his twin brother, Andrew. After a few years of college, new relationships, and a game of truths, Neil realizes his mistake.
tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: alcohol
it's you i've been wishing for by melopeya [Rated T, 9085 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2020]
When Neil decides to stay on campus for winter break, he’s looking forward to several weeks of peace, quiet, and Netflix. But as he gets to know the only other person staying in his dorm, he realizes he might be getting a lot more than he bargained for.
tw: alcohol 
A very Covid Christmas by Lyndis [Rated G, 1602 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andrew never thought he would ever mind having a very good excuse to not see his chosen family over Christmas. But the sad and bitter truth was that he did mind and it sucked.
The Jumper by CrownOfAloe [Rated G, 1536 Words, Complete, 2017]
When Andrew sees the jumper, he has half a mind to burn it.
tw: anxiety, tw: violence
Carry Me Home by Amyiguess [Rated G, 3491 Words, Complete, 2018]
Contrary to popular belief, Neil had never been dropped as a child. Being dropped would insinuate he had ever been held in the first place…
(Or the 5 times Neil asked Andrew to carry him + the 1 time he didn't have to ask)
tw: alcohol
They're Twins by superfluoussplendor [Rated T, 7314 Words, Complete, 2016]
Neil's second year at PSU dealing with the new additions to the team and his relationship with Andrew.
tw: alcohol
Sleepy Neil by samikuzo [Rated G, 891 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil is tired after a rough day and falls asleep during the foxes' movie night. Andrew carries Neil back to the dorm. Nicky is absolutely loving life at the moment.
tw: alcohol
AFTG/TFC minifics, headcanons from @/neilsexy on tumblr by mugglecastiel [Not Rated, Collection, Updated 2016]  
Chapter 26 (852 Words)
ANDREIL + #127 (“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”) 
Afterthoughts by wesawbears [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2017] 
Chapter 6: Andreil- Alternate Take [1063 Words]
The Foxes find out about Andrew and Neil's relationship in a slightly different way.
tw: involuntary outing
Chapter 15: Andreil- Drunk!Neil (536 Words)
Neil gets drunk with the Foxes and lets himself relax.
tw: alcohol
Chapter 39: Andreil- Trip with the Foxes [522 Words]
During the few weeks between the end of the school year and the beginning of summer practices, the Foxes decide to take a well deserved vacation, this time to one of Allison’s beach houses. It’s a fun and relaxing time for all, with even Kevin bitching only tangentially about Exy.
tw: alcohol
the foxes by shewhoisntnamed44 [Rated G, Collection, Updated 2017]
Chapter 1 (363 Words)
they were sitting in the last row. every time the bus hit a speed breaker, neil's head banged against the window, and every time, he woke up. of course he went back to sleep two seconds later. he was tired and he'd slept in worse conditions.
Chapter 2  (271 Words)
"what the fuck is this neil?", andrew said as he slowly removed a jumper from the bag neil had given him.
Chapter 3 (393 Words)
imagine the foxes walking in on andreil making out for the first(and probably not last) time
Chapter 12 (838 Words)
Dan was the captain of the Foxes, she sees, knows everything. 
All for the Game Prompt Fills (drabbles+oneshots) by Marmeladeskies [Rated T, Collection, Updated 2019] 
Chapter 12: They're good for and with each other. (519 Words)
neil being oblivious to everyone but andrew prompt fill by @ravenvsfox [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
“You’re all zoned out,” Matt says in her ear. Dan tips him immediately backwards with a hand to the chest.
“Shush,” she tells him, gritted through the straw she’s worrying between her teeth. She ran out of the watered-down pepsi they’re serving in battered plastic jugs a half hour ago.
Foxes Reacting to Andreil by @kanekicure [Tumblr, 2021]
…a mix of my personal thoughts as well as some written out scenes.
Everybody knows prompt fill by @luci-cunt [Tumblr, 2020]
can i get "everybody knows" + "innocent physical contact" for andreil?
Foxes react to Neil sleeping on Andrew by @georgecostanzaatemysoup [Tumblr, 2020]
Andreil cuddling during movie night hc by @knox-knocks [Tumblr, 2021]
Hc that Andrew is actually CONSTANTLY blushing over Neil by @imperfectcourt [Tumblr, 2018]
andriel soft touches headcanons by @dumbwaves [Tumblr, 2019]
Soft Andreil headcanon by @smol-midgets [Tumblr, 2021]
Some sleepy foxes and a song that makes me think of them art by @monster-minyard
in which Andrew and Neil kiss in the middle of an exy game art by @gthechangeling
zonked + stronk 🧡 art by @kashjsnsndnan
Andreil forehead kisses by @chemdoodles 
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aftgficrec · 3 years ago
Do you have any under-appreciated Andreil fic recs? Or any comfort andreil fluff??
Anyways, thanks for all the fic recs! Much much love and support!!!!!! 💗💗
Here are some good fluff and mild hurt/comfort andreil fics that you may have missed. -A
Roadside Motels (a The Little Things remix) by static_abyss [Rated M, 7108 Words, Complete, AFTG Remix 2020]
Neil's well aware that this is the first time he and Andrew are away from the others. And the idea that there's no one but Andrew for miles sets a low heat in Neil's stomach. They're by themselves on the road and Neil isn't sure what to expect. But he figures he'll know by the end of the week whether this trip was a good idea.
You Feel Like Home by BelovedPoison [Rated M, 12369 Words, Complete, AFTG Fall Exchange 2020]
Neil hadn't been sure on getting cats at first. Andrew was certain and firm in his desire. Neil on the other hand, worried he'd be a terrible cat parent. Turns out though, Sir and King are great, owning cats is great, even when they look you dead in the eyes and knock shit off the table like a fluffy asshole. And surprisingly they work wonders with Andrew. Cats are the perfect pet for Andrew and Neil hasn't fucked anything up, and he's pretty sure they are the perfect blend of caring and asshole to fit into their life, so yeah cats are good and Neil loves every minute with them.
So does Andrew but he'll stab anyone who isn't Neil that tries to say that. Seriously, ask Nicky, he knows.
burning bright right 'til the end by emmerrr [Rated T, 5300 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
A mysterious, potentially world-ending light appears in the sky, inching its way across the world and swallowing everything it touches.
As Neil desperately tries to keep ahead of it, Andrew tries to hold on to Neil.
tw: implied major character death
You Know I Never Forgot by RainbowObsidian [Rated M, 11734 Words, Complete, 2021, Locked]
Part 2 of The Charleston Chronicles
Topher was Andrew’s longest and least complicated relationship. The dusty brown fur-ball had followed Andrew home from the grocery store one cold fall day when he was a pup. Small and scruffy, ordinary, forgettable.
Topher was the reason Andrew’s writing career had taken off.
Topher was the reason Andrew could deal with the mindfuckery that was discovering he had a twin.
And Topher would be—if Andrew wasn’t Andrew—the reason he never forgot the first unmemorable, dusty creature he’d come across almost twenty years ago.
Or, a lifetime ago Andrew met a dusty and thoroughly (un)forgettable barista. A lifetime later he meets him again.
tw: pet death, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
the shuffling of cards by jostens_pitch [Rated T, 5039 Words, Complete, 2020]
“I don’t even know how to play cards.” Andrew said.
“That’s not funny,” Betsy sighed. “You’re hurting.”
Andrew stared blankly at her, he had already begun to imagine shuffling a deck of cards. “I’m content.”
“‘Content’ and ‘lonely’ are closely related, Andrew.”
non exy/mafia au where all andrew had known all his life was disappointments and despondency. he'd never wanted anything because he was always given nothing, but somehow neil had managed to become a something
told through unproductive therapy sessions and late night rooftop talks.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
The good omen of a dying money tree (claim by Nicky Hemmick). by melbopo [Rated T, 10000 Words, Complete, 2022]
Part 1 of the Foxglove Favors series
Looking for a cactus for your nightstand with needles that rival a knife for sharpness? A hedge that becomes toxic when unexpected guests try to scale it? A flower that changes color based on the mood of the room? Or maybe your request is different, a little more unique or even ultra specific, maybe it's for a plant that's something dangerous or poisonous or magical. For the right price, it might just become a reality.
To find out more, contact Foxglove Favors -specializing in protective plants.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction
Before Rainfall by tsauergrass [Rated G, 2417 Words, Complete, 2021]
On his path were traces Neil had left: a dent in the couch, a mug half-full with coffee on the table. They were eleven hours apart and neither of them celebrated Christmas, but still Neil had come.
teaching love to dance by Bookdancer [Rated T, 2068 Words, Complete, 2019]
On twilight nights, on aching ones, on sunny days with chirping birds or thunderstorms that split the sky, Neil liked to dance with Andrew.
Aka, 5 times Neil asked Andrew to dance and the 1 time Andrew asked first
A clear powder sky by tansie [Not Rated (we say T), 4134 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape Exchange 2022]
Andrew waits to meet someone he hasn't seen in a while.
Sink Into Your Sunlight by tasteofink [Not Rated, 33879 Words, Complete, 2019]
"These days are good as gold so I will never let go." 
There's a road trip, kisses, and learning to trust before they almost lose each other.
tw: violence, tw: kidnapping, tw: blood, tw: nightmares
low quay, no pressure (just hang with me and my weather) by scribbleb_red [Rated T, 11024 Words, Complete, 2021]
NB: Find the playlist for this fic here
A terrible storm. A daring rescue. For Andrew, fisherman by day and lifeboat crewmate of the RNLI's Sea Fox by night, it should all be in a day's work. But when it puts him face to face with Neil Josten, someone he thought he'd left firmly in the past, it does more than interrupt his quiet, seaside town life. Loosely inspired by Rose-Coloured Boy by Paramore.
tw: implied/referenced violence
the colour of love by moonflora [Rated E, 5112 Words, Complete, 2019]
perhaps this is how icarus felt when he flew too close to the sun and plummeted to his death.
NB: This comes with art  by @mdmaple on Twitter
tw: implied/referenced drug use, tw: blood, tw: vomit
Do I Wanna Know? by AfraidOfBananas [Rated M, 7091 Words, Complete, Aftg Mixtape Exchange 2021]
”It’s like Schrödinger’s Cat; If you open the box, you’ll find that the cat is either dead or alive. But as long as you keep the box closed, then the cat is both dead and alive at the same time because you don’t know the actual truth of what’s inside. Andrew could just ask Neil where they stand with each other, but Andrew’s not sure if he wants to hear the answer. What if Neil rejects him? As cliched as it sounds, Andrew doesn’t think he could handle that. Neil is the first person that Andrew had made a place for in his life after finding Nicky and Aaron. Andrew can’t imagine losing that.
So he’ll keep his thoughts to himself and lock the box tighter.”
tw: alcohol
ghostin' by jewelsofnight [Rated T, 13124 words, Complete, Aftg Exchange 2020]
His tone turned mocking. "What do you think a man can do in five years, to get past that?"
Neil looked directly at him this time, not backing down. "We do whatever we can to survive in that time. You weren't the only one, Andrew. I didn't actually leave by choice."
Neil Josten is a singer with two jobs, trying to make ends meet for another miserable winter. But every plan he has is turned upside down when he's unexpectedly reunited with a love from the past who wants answers for his lies. He may not believe in fate, but he thinks he may believe in the choices 'yes or no', and that family is not always chosen but sometimes found.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: ptsd
the wind rises hug but andreil art by @306saint
this is always going to be yes art by @verdiris
I just really wanted to draw andreil art by @stillbeautifulstilldean
I didn’t know I was lonely ‘til I saw your face comic by @creekgods
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