haru-snixx · 4 years
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Happy wedding anniversary to brittana❤️
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mdverse · 4 years
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It’s Brittana’s 6th anniversary today so I’ll take this moment to express how grateful I am that I got into this fandom and found some wlw representation during a time when I desperately needed it. Especially knowing that Naya and Heather were the ones pushing the writers into taking Brittana’s storyline seriously. They really mean the world to me and I could talk about them for ages.
So on that note, here’s a Brittana fic I wrote a couple of months ago, along with some art :)
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
I know it’s been a rough year for the Brittana fandom. We lost our captain. Every day, I still think of Naya and grieve for her. I’m so appreciative that we’ve all had each other and that we’ll always have each other because this fandom is where amazing friendships (and love) have been found. I thank you all for coming together today, and I know that Brittany and Santana are having the most amazing 6th anniversary together.
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xandylytex · 4 years
Summary: After everything that's happened in their Junior year, Santana struggles to determine if she and Brittany are officially dating. Set sometime between 3x03 and 3x04. Written for Brittana’s 6th Anniversary. 
Warning: There’s smut. There always is, I guess?
A/N: I had a lot of feelings about canon. ;o;
On ffn. I know no one uses ffn anymore, okay? D: Eventually I’ll move to AO3 or whatever the Next Big Thing is at that time.... once I figure out how to use it. >:[ 
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i-am-gek · 4 years
Brittany and Santanta Snixxth Anniversary
Santana and Brittany weren't the most traditional of couples- being gay being the least of their unorthodox sins. Nevertheless, Brittany had been insistent since their first anniversary that they follow one tradition. The blonde had, with the promise of sweet lady kisses, gotten her Latina to agree to give the traditional gift for every anniversary. Santana, to her benefit, agreed but also used Valentines day, which fell only 6 days earlier, as her opportunity to be extravagant. As their 6th anniversary approached, Santana was pleasantly surprised that candy, for her sweet sweet Britt, would be the perfect gift. But it couldn't just be a small pack of gummy bears- no Santana would be going all out.
On the other hand, every year Brittany wondered why she'd chosen this restriction for their gifts. Santana always found a way to take something simple, like paper, and make it extravagant. Last year, the gift had been wood, and while Brittany had ended up getting her girlfriend a wooden treble clef pendant, Santana bought Brittany a custom cherry wood guitar after the blonde expressed interest in playing. She'd even enlisted Blaine to give her lessons, which he did gladly. This year, Brittany was at a loss again- she could give Santana another necklace but the other traditional gift was iron. It was symbolic of strength, and if there was one word Brittnay always thought of when she thought of the raven haired seductress, it was strength. After she'd exhausted herself looking at classic gifts, realizing none would suit her wife, Brittany called up her best resource- Quinn.
"B, you know Santana better than anyone. I don't see how I can be of assistance." Quinn said, pushing her sunglasses up as she sat across Brittany at Starbucks. 
"I know I do, but I'm stuck. Iron is such a weird material." the taller blonde ran a hand through her hair.
"You said it symbolizes strength, right?" the shorter girl asked, and after receiving a nod "What's the strongest moment you can think of? The strongest thing Santana has ever done."
"Admitting she loved me." Brittany said softly.
"Well, I don't know exactly how that went down, but I bet you can figure something out." Quinn patted the back of Britrany's hand "But she'll love it, as long as it comes from the heart."
Santana stood in the middle of something that reminded her of the Wonka chocolate factory, and was beyond overwhelmed by the choices. She knew there was lots of ways to customize candy- but this was extravagant. A worker wandered over and offered to help, and for the first time, she actually appreciated it.
"Yeah, it's my sixth anniversary and I need it to be awesome. She loves candy, but I want it to be special." Santana explained.
"I think something that you made yourself always stand out. We have a way for you to make some of the candy. A skilled chef will help you along the way but the heart is still there." he offered.
"I think that's a splendid idea. Could I get in as soon as possible?"  Santana asked "I'll pay."
"Come in tomorrow and they'll help you out." he smiled and Santana left, writing ideas for what to make Brittany on her phone. On the other side of town, Brittany had found a jewelry shop where she could help make the jewelry. They even made custom shapes. She put an order in, beyond excited for the moment Santana saw the new bracelet and ring.
It was the night before and both girls were running to collect their gifts from the shops. They'd exchange at midnight- their own personal tradition they'd started. Brittany's gifts took up two small boxes, while Santana struggled to carry the assortment she'd gotten Brittany. They arrived home, and as soon as midnight struck, Santana went first. She revealed a candy bouquet of spun sugar roses (that she'd managed to make after nearly a billion tries), a rainbow unicorn lollipop, personalized M&Ms with their initials instead, chocolate hearts and Hershey's kisses piled high with gummy bears and more candy than the blonde should ever eat or could ever imagine. 
"Did you make these roses?" Britrnay asked, delicately tracing a petal.
"Yeah, it's a lot harder than it looks. You should eat them soon, they don't have any preservatives and are bound to break. But did you see the ribbon?" Santana pointed to a pulled sugar ribbon around the vase in the bi flag colors. "I just wanted to remind you that I love you as you are. Nothing will ever change that."
"Thank you Sanny. Here's mine, I feel like I lost again." she looked down bashful but the shorter girl met her eyes.
"It's not a competition. I love your little gifts. My love language is giving gifts, and yours is relieving them, but my love language is also quality time and you love to give it to me." she softly kissed a freckled nose before opening the two jewelry boxes. Enclosed was a iron band bracelet with the lyrics "I love you like never before" stamped into it, and in the  other box a ring with a small songbird on it, with a tiny amethyst as it's eye. Santana rubbed at her eyes as tears threatened to fall. She slipped the ring on her right hand and the bracelet on her wrist. A small tear fell, and Brittany wiped it away. 
"Do you like it? I know the stamping is a little uneven but I did it myself." Brittany admitted. Santana, never one for words, pulled Britrnay into a soft kiss that conveyed everything she wanted to say. She loved the gifts. She remembered the day she sang songbird to Brittany. It was so emotional and painful, and she still regrets not going on Fondue for Two. How this reminds her of how weak she was but how strong she was trying to be. How Brittany made her stronger. Always. Brittany always gave her strength.
"I'll take that as a yes." Brittany said.
"For you, it's always been yes" Santana said.
Going on ff.net too :)
@leigh-kelly thanks for hosting :)
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
If She Never Showed Up What Could Have Been
Happy Brittana’s 6th Anniversary my fellow shippers! I’ve had this idea in my head since Folklore came out last summer, and I figured what better time to share it than today? Obviously, it’s based on “The Last Great American Dynasty.”
Her husband was dead. The doctors had warned them about it for months, that his lifestyle was going to kill him with his weak heart, but Bill hadn’t cared. He’d told her one night as they were lying side by side on the beach that he’d rather live the life he had the way he wanted then live a longer one with no fun. Brittany struggled with that a bit. She thought of the sunny day she got off the train in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, so far from home in St. Louis, and how she’d been madly in love. Their love hadn’t waned over the years, even as Bill traveled for work and Brittany did the fundraising that any young socialite was wont to do. But then, she’d woken up and found his lifeless body next to her and something inside her just snapped.
Everyone in town talked about her. Watch Hill wasn’t a very big place and it was difficult to get away from the gossip. More than once, she’d heard someone casually mention that it was her fault that he was dead. She’d let him party too hard, she was too concerned with having fun herself, some even said that she’d poisoned him for his money, despite what the coroner’s report had said. He was the heir to Standard Oil and they seemed to care more about what losing him meant to the company, not what losing him had meant to her. He wasn’t her first husband, but he was the one she’d truly loved and she missed him dearly. But Brittany was Brittany and she wasn’t going to let that end her life, no matter what everyone else said.
In the first months after Bill’s death, perhaps Brittany went a little mad. She was lonely and she was looking for anything to fill the emptiness. One day, she got it in her head that she wanted to swim in a pool full of champagne. Bill would have thought that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, and he would have indulged her, so she bought case after case and her groundskeeper drained the pool and filled it up for her bottle by bottle. The bubbles effervesced around her when she got in and she breathed in the sweet alcoholic scent. When she got out, she was sticky from head to toe, but the only way she was surviving was to give into whims like that. The neighbors talked, of course they did, but one, Rachel Berry, was so callous and cruel to her that the next time her dog—a yappy little thing—wandered into her yard, Brittany dipped him in RIT and let him dry a perfect shade of key lime green. After that, everyone had said she’d stolen him, but really, Rachel was always letting the thing out of her sight, and the dog was fine.
After a while, Brittany got tired of Watch Hill. It was the same thing every day, the big salt box house that reminded her of Bill, the gossip that seemed to persist everywhere, so she started going to New York. She’d always loved the ballet and she took in performance after performance. She spent more money than she probably should have, despite the fact that she was rolling in it, but it was the first thing that made her feel alive again. Then, she started flying her friends in from New York and St. Louis and spent even more money entertaining, showing suitors, both men and women, a good time.
It happened when she least expected it. Her friend Mercedes had brought a girl along with her on one of her trips, and when the woman stepped out of the cab, Brittany nearly fell to her knees. Her heart did something that it hadn’t done in too long to count, possibly ever, and she struggled for breath. Standing just outside the house was the most beautiful human being Brittany had ever seen. She wasn’t sure what was darker, her hair or her eyes and she stood with such a poise that Brittany could only dream about having. Her dress was cut low in the front and Brittany’s eyebrows raised a little thinking about what was beneath it. Mercedes came up to the door first and Brittany was stirred from her fantasy when she gave her a hug. Brittany smiled, probably wider than she’d smiled in a year and Mercedes looked at her knowingly.
“A little treat for you, maybe?” Mercedes whispered in her ear and Brittany’s throat went dry.
“Hi.” The other woman came up to her, extending her hand. “I hope you don’t mind that Mercedes brought me along. She just couldn’t stop talking about you and I had to meet the famous Brittany Harkness in person, and of course, see this Holiday House that Mercedes is in love with.”
“Oh, um, no, I absolutely don’t mind that you’ve come. There’s plenty of room, though I’m not totally sure who else will be joining us this weekend. I hope you don’t mind a party.”
“That I don’t.” Santana laughed, and the sound was like music to Brittany’s ears.
As Mercedes and Santana settled themselves into the house, the other guests began to arrive. Brittany was so likely to offer plane tickets to her friends that she never knew who was going to take advantage of it and show up, always, much to Rachel Berry’s chagrin. By the time the maids put dinner on the table, it was set for seventeen and Brittany tried to figure out a way to get Santana seated next to her.
“Santana,” She finally said softly as she sipped her old fashioned. “Since this is your first time a Holiday House, I’d love it if you took a place of honor beside me.”
“This house is full of your friends, Brittany, are you sure?
“I’m sure.”
Dinner was, as always, a boisterous affair, and Brittany hardly had the chance to speak two words to Santana that weren’t interrupted by Tina, or Mike, or much to her annoyance, Blaine. But she was staying for the whole weekend and Brittany kept reminding herself that there would be time for all of that once everyone had settled. After dinner was through and the dishes were cleared away, everyone trickled out into the backyard, wanting the cool sea air to settle their stomachs as they began to drink more heavily. Brittany noticed that Santana lingered near her and it caused her heart to flip, wondering, perhaps, if the woman saw something in her as well.
“I’m sorry, you know.” Santana murmured as she and Brittany stood beside the pool. “Mercedes said it hasn’t been easy for you since—you know.”
“Thank you.” Brittany nodded. “I feel like a fish out of water in this place sometimes. But now that I’ve thrown myself into founding the Harkness Ballet, my life seems to have some purpose again.”
“I’m looking forward to the first production. I just adore the ballet.”
“Do you?” Brittany smiled, glad to have found something in common with her. “I wanted to be a dancer when I was young, but my parents warned against it.”
“Would you like to dance now, with me?”
“I’m sorry, was that too forward? I just…thought I saw you looking at me a certain way.”
“No, no…I was, I mean, I am, I…yes, I would love to dance with you.”
Santana stepped into Brittany’s arms and they danced to the sounds of the cellist who had set himself up on the other end of the pool. It was strange, that Brittany had only known Santana a few hours, but found herself in a state of perfect security once they began to dance together. Brittany looked into Santana’s eyes and found that she longed to kiss her. She couldn’t do it here though, not right in front of everyone, there was something far too taboo about that, but she pulled Santana closer and they shared a soft smile.
Hours later, Brittany had more than her share to drink and everyone had began retiring to their rooms. It was just her and Santana, who still had a martini, who remained in the backyard, and Brittany looked down over the railing of the walkway to see that the ocean looked especially beautiful that night. On so many nights, she’d gone down there herself, sat herself in the sand and just stared out at the wide ocean, wondering what was next for her. In that moment, she had a strange thought, wondering, perhaps, if it was Santana that was next for her. It was an odd thought, definitely, but she just couldn’t seem to shake it.
“I normally go down to the beach at night before bed, what do you think?”
“I could go up to bed if you’d like the time alone.”
“I’d like to share it with you, if that’s alright.” Brittany told her, gently taking her hand.
Together, they walked down to the beach and Brittany found a spot for them in the sand. Santana was clearly very tipsy—not that Brittany wasn’t—and she rested her head on Brittany’s shoulder. Brittany touched her hair and suddenly, Santana lifted her head up, looking Brittany right in the eyes. Even in the moonlight, Brittany could see the softness in them and she pressed her hand to Santana’s cheek.
“Would it be alright—”
“Kiss me, please.” Santana whispered, and Brittany did just that.
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
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Happy Brittana’s 6th anniversary everyone! Here’s just a little sneak peak at what’s to come soon!
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