#sorry for the Reeve fans
renegadeem · 1 month
Cid Loving Week - Day 6 - Friends/Family
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deadmothsketches · 1 year
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Be more chill or else.
Wandered down memory lane and am relistening to this musical again. lol BMC was the first musical I saw with my gf so it holds a special place in my heart.
Anyway back to rant. I might do an animatic for the song Be more chill part 1 and 2 but only snippets of it so i can draw akuma Kara just rip Karla a new one for being a nerd. lol
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casualtydept · 5 months
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my two favourite video game characters who have absolutely nothing in common
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sillydeafwitch · 1 year
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Silly little comic for this au.
This is basically Aphrodite episode for this au lol
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sonknuxadow · 5 months
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my reaction to that information
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female-buckets · 1 year
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The Lynx are building something 🙃
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selfiesforalgernon · 8 months
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Just watched Neon Demon, I think I might be a huge Nicolas Winding Refn fan actually 😅 I liked Drive, liked Only God Forgives more, even saw Pusher and liked that (though that's not as aesthetic as his later stuff) if you enjoy art you should give this a chance lol
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claudead60 · 11 months
This is supposed to be John from Keanu Reeves :/ I can't draw
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a i'm sorry guys 😿
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evrensadwrn · 14 days
i fear i am also chad stahelski’s number one fan
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peppermintspider · 2 years
I’m a DC bitch and I don’t mind admitting that
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altocat · 4 months
Through the power of magic, Angeal wakes up as a fan favourite,
Genesis wakes up with a full beard,
And Sephiroth wakes up with smooth flirting skills.
So basically Angeal is Sephiroth. Genesis is Angeal. And Sephiroth is Genesis lmao. Okay. Fun fun.
Angeal: He finds himself endlessly tormented by fans and admirers. Cameras in his face everywhere he looks. Suddenly, he feels more alone than he ever has before. No one actually knows him. And he feels exploited and lonely. Moreover, he feels there's no one he can really trust. They're all using him for their own gain. And meanwhile, his own emotional needs feel severely neglected. They want to know everything there is to know about him, but he knows that if they knew, they'd never accept him. He's different. He barely knows himself. And the feeling is overwhelming. He just wants to run home to Gillian and curl up in her arms. That's the only place he feels safe.
Genesis: FUCK. What the hell is going on? Why the hell is he so hairy and exhausted? It all comes tumbling down on him all at once, to the point where he feels he HAS to get everything organized or else he's going to explode. Everyone keeps acting stupid and they're not paying attention to him at all. Even worse is that everyone seems to be ignoring him even more than usual. It's like he barely exists at all. At least the cadets are being supportive? Even if he has no idea what's happening. First thing's first--shave this ugly thing off his face. Then see who was fucking around with magic agai--ZACK STOP RUNNING IN THE HALL YOU'RE GOING TO HURT SOMEONE WHERE'S YOUR PRIDE AS A SOLDIER? Oh God. It's finally happening. Genesis puts his face in his hands and sobs. He's turning into a STIFF.
Sephiroth: Hot damn, it's good to be alive. Wakes up and has the inexplicable desire to not only socialize but to also make as many people suffer in one afternoon as humanly possible. As a treat. He hangs all over Genesis and Angeal asking why the hell are they bumming around in the office when they could be out scoring a little slice of the Promised Land over at the Honeybee? Stop being such a nag, Genesis. If you're going to have a midlife crisis, go piddle around with Reeve and his weird puppets. Or better yet, go nurse Angeal. Looks like he could use it. Sephiroth is feeling just DANDY, thank you very much. Actually he feels GREAT. Anyone up for a fight in the training room? Anyone up for a threesome oh fuck sorry uncalled for never min--actually no. Not nevermind. Offer stands.
Lazard locks them in the supply closet so they'll stop scaring everyone.
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runawaymun · 4 months
i'm very obsessed with your depiction of Song in and the stars shine the same. you write it with such a different feel for each character, if that makes sense? especially since it's always been to me such a difficult concept to portray well in fic. i've been wondering, what do you think everyone's Singing is like, if you've thought about it? whether just as like the general feel to it to a bystander/listener, or just purely sound qualities, like i seem to remember glorfindel's baritone singing voice as a thing a lot of people would write.
i'm very sorry if this was asked/discussed before however i am...well not *new* but it's been years since i was active around lotr/silm tumblr. i am rapidly getting pulled back in to fan spaces it would seem. anyways. <3
Ahhhh oh wow! What a cool ask this is! Thank you so much. Playing with Song and Music and Themes in my fics is one of my favorite things to do. Songs of Power are just soooo damn cool I can't help myself. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this, I've just been trying to compile my thoughts! Buckle up cause this is gonna get kind of long.
Elrond is easiest for me to nail down for obvious reasons. I've dug into his Music the most out of everyone, but it feels different to different people. For a lot of elves it can be very overwhelming because there is just SO much going on in his Theme. A lot of syncopation and dissonance (in the best possible way. Just super fun note combinations). Usually his Music is quite steady and calming. Generally I think of his actual singing voice to sound like Colin O'Malley does in Thomas Bergensen's Sonera. Strong and open-sounding and just....the slight rasp but like it's still so gorgeous and hngggggg. Though, with Rings of Power (or just a younger) Elrond specifically I imagine more like Reeve Carney's voice -- especially as Orpheus in Hadestown. Again you get that bright, open sort of voice but there's a sweetness and a vibrato to Reeve's voice that I just adore for a young Elrond!
Gil-Galad is another character whose music I have thought about a whole bunch (mostly in contrast to Elrond's, due to To Partake), and he has a very even quarter-time beat and just. Idk he sounds and feels so orderly and steady and kind of brassy to me. I don't have headcannons on his singing voice, though.
Celebrimbor also has an even quarter-time beat but his music is more relaxed and there's room in it for play. Like it has a swing beat every once in a while, and in general he just has this very big, open, echoing feeling. Like he is just huge idk. Music that just thunders around your ears in the best possible way. I also don't have a headcannoned sound for his singing voice yet but in general I think it would be pretty low.
Maglor is different for me depending on pre or post Oath, in terms of his actual Theme. Pre Oath there is a lot of interest and complexity, and post Oath that sort of gets drowned out by the overlaying Theme of the Oath (which feels horribly loud, with this plodding sort of beat that gets faster and faster the more Oath-madness is upon the Feanorians). His singing voice is like Joey Batey from The Amazing Devil. The way that Joey is capable of singing with this gorgeous, soulful, sweet voice and then he can turn on a dime to sound like he's about to tear someone to shreds and you're pretty sure that nobody should be able to sing THAT fucking loud without breaking their vocal chords? The RANGE? The way his voice just sends shivers up your spine? Yeah. Maglor.
Galadriel I don't have much on because she is kind of an enigma to me. But I think there would definitely be an aspect of her Theme that would put you on edge. As far as her singing voice go, I actually wrote Convergence I while listening to "Sonera" and yeah the male voice in Sonera I headcannon as Elrond, and the female voice I headcannon as Galadriel for that specific scene. In general though, I tend to hear her voice as sounding like Kate St. Pierre in Hurt by Thomas Bergensen.
Celebrian has a lot of strings and flutes in her theme to me. It's orderly but more like a 3/4 time signature. The kind of thing you want to dance to or listen to while you're taking a long walk. Mostly high notes. Her singing voice sounds like the the female part in Sun and Moon (which I would like to find out who that is but unfortunately I can not seem to find her credited anywhere). Like it's pretty but there's this sort of untamed edge to her voice, just a bit. (Also I am a big fat nerd about Sun and Moon because a) Cel and Elrond are sun and moon coded to me and b) the male voice which is actually the song's composer sounds CLOSE enough to my headcannoned Elrond singing voice that I can sit back and imagine they're singing a duet haha)
Arwen is like a mix between her parents. She's got that 3/4 beat like Cel but there IS a bit of syncopation from Elrond in there, but similar sort of harps/strings vibes. Purple, to me. I do not know how to explain what purple even means or sounds like in this context asdlkgh. But her voice sounds like Eurielle - very much thinking about Luthien's Lament, specifically.
I unfortunately do not have a lot of headcannons for Elladan and Elrohir yet but we'll get there quite shortly with boundless sky.
Luthien has the sort of voice that will just fucking blow your socks off. I know she sang Morgoth to sleep blah blah but girl has power in that voice and the world's most ridiculous range. I am thinking specifically of ghost love score. And yes, her Theme sounds like orchestral metal. Sauron fucking hates it.
Morgoth is jazz. That is all I have to say on that.
That's all of the people I have nailed down as to what they sound like! Thank you SO much for this ask. It was so much fun to respond to!
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amomentoftimeandword · 3 months
Finally gave this one a chance...🫣
For my DC fans.. I'm *very* aware Ezra Miller was/is currently? controversial. BEFORE you come at me, I am a huge Batman nerd and that's really the only reason I watched this movie! 🫣
1. Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman 🦇🙌🏼 . 2. Batman being Batman. 3. George Clooney showing up at the end as Bruce Wayne (solid ending). 4. Gal Gadot 🤩👏🏼 That's it 🤷🏼‍♀️
** I hate saying this as a DC fan, but DC just CANNOT do live action movies well at ALL (The Dark Knight trilogy aside)!! I feel like they've never learned from their mistakes?? Have they never analyzed what is wrong and why their movies tank more often than not?? Sorry not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'll stick to the animated movies/shows which they excel at!! **
1. Ezra Miller's Flash. Can you say cringy?? (Not the whole time honestly, but majority, yes) 😬 seriously my least favorite version. Might be biased because I don't particularly care for Miller as a person... (Grant Gustin will always be my Flash) 2. The cameos of both George and Christopher Reeves and Adam West's Batman, felt weird. They don't appeal to a younger generation. The only reason I know about them is because my owner parents were around during that time and educated me on them. I think this film had plenty of missed opportunities to have current cameos of the same heroes. Especially since the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths pulled in Miller's Flash. Could have returned the favor?? 3. Nicholas Cage Superman?? Hated that. No no no. Honestly not a huge Superman to begin with, but I respect a good portrayal of him when it happenes. But that was just bad. 4. Supergirl/Kara.. eh. 5. The Jason Momoa cameo in the post credits... Come on 🤦🏼‍♀️ Aquaman could have been so much better. 6. I love The Flash, as much as the next person, but there seems to always be a recurring theme with this character and it lacks uniqueness. Which theme? The one where Barry tries to go back in time to save his mom and inevitably f*cks up the timeline, creating a paradox. It is an overused plot to say the least. There's GOT to be more out there on him besides that?? I wanna see more of him taking on his enemies, his known ones from the Rogues gallery!!
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fandombandomfics · 5 months
Fates Intertwined (Noah Sebastian x F!Biker!Reader)
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This work is entirely fictional involving real life people. Situation and feelings do not reflect the individuals involved in real life. Simply work of fiction and brain worm that came about after my aesthetic I made.
Tag list: @darkmxgician @jilliemiw86 @littlefoxkota
Chapter 2
A few days later, I text Noah to see if he wants to hang out. I wanna know more about him, like his job, his hobbies, his interests. Doesn’t help that he’s really cute. No no no Y/N no don’t think like that of him. As I wait for him to reply, I start to think of ideas for the next video. I look at my phone and see that Cleo is Facetiming me. I answer and set the phone down as I type on my laptop. 
“Hey girl,” I say 
“Hey girl what you up to?” She asks
“Not a whole lot, I texted Noah just waiting for him to get back to me,” I say and she smirks. 
“Noah and Y/N sitting in a tree,” She sings and I groan. 
“It’s not like that, we’re just friends,” I say and she laughs.
“Yeah for now,” She says and I shake my head. 
“We just met Cleo, we’ll just see where it goes,” I say 
“Anyways I have a date tonight,” She says 
“Ooo with who?” I ask 
“His name is Mason and he’s really sweet,” She says
“Picture of him,” I say. She shows me a picture of him and he is pretty cute, has lots of tattoos like Noah. 
“Oo he’s a cutie, if you guys work out see if he has any friends for me,” I say with a chuckle. She smiles and nods. 
“You got it sis,” She says. I see the notification that Noah texted me back. I pick up the phone and see what he says. 
Noah: just heading to the mall with the guys, wanna tag along? 
Me: sure let me just change and I will meet you guys there. Who is coming along anyways?
I see Noah is typing when Cleo grabs my attention again. 
“Earth to Y/N,” She says 
“Sorry Noah texted me. Going to the mall with him and his friends,” I say
“Ooo well I will let you go then. Have fun and don’t get murdered,” She says and I laugh. 
“Same goes for you Cleo,” I say and she laughs. 
“We have our locations so talk to you later,” She says and hangs up. I look back at my messages and see that Noah responded. 
Noah: Jolly, Davis, and both Nick’s 
Me: will meet you guys there in an hour 🙂
I change into appropriate clothes and grab my backpack and helmet. I text Noah that I am on my way to the mall and reeve up my bike. I make sure I have my film camera and regular one in case I wanna take pictures. As I drive to the mall, I play some Motionless in White through my bike speakers. As I drive to the mall, I wave at my fellow bikers and jam out to their music. As I wait at a red light I send a quick text to Noah that I’m about ten minutes away. As I pull up, I spot Noah and Davis out of the group and wave to them. They wave back and I park my bike and take off my helmet. I get off after switching the engine off and walk over to them. 
“Hey Noah hey Davis,” I say 
“Hey Y/N,” They say. I look at the three other men and the shorter one looks at me like he fell in love or something. The two taller ones chuckle at him and shake their heads. 
“I”m Jolly,” 
“Nick Ruffilo,” 
The last one to introduce himself to me finally snaps out of it and I giggle. Aww how cute 
“I’m Nick Folio,” 
“Nice to meet you guys, I’m Y/N,” I say with a smile. They smile back and we walk inside. 
Jolly’s POV 
When we walk in, I stay in the back with Noah. 
“Does she know we are in a band?” I ask him and he shakes his head. 
“I don’t think she does,” He says 
“Good, last thing you need is a fan to fall in love with you,” I say and he chuckles. 
“I mean fans already are? Besides she seems cool,” He says 
“Just don’t want you to get hurt man,” I say 
“I know dude, let’s just have fun and get to know her,” He says and walks towards the front to talk to her. 
“I know you don’t trust her Jolly, I don’t fully either but we need to see how this plays out before we make assumptions about her.” Davis says 
“You do have a point…ok I will give her a chance for Noah,” I say 
“We all will,” Davis says 
Let’s hope this doesn’t end in shambles
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Personally, while I think it’s a weird choice, I think a voice actor ,and actor in general is only as good as the writer, and director, I think as long as the story works, as the the powerful moments are directed and written and kept powerful and meaningful then the VA and actors will do their best. I ain’t 100% but I think a actor is only as good as the thing their acting for. If that makes sense.
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I think that these asks are supposed to go together. If not, I’m sorry for the assumption. I’m reading them as if they’re supposed to be the same ask, but sent salt a different time…
Hey Hon!❤️✨
I can completely understand where you’re coming from. I do, I promise. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me.
The reveal did feel a bit underwhelming. Like you, I think we were expecting a little teaser of sorts. With Idris Elba, we did get the poster reveal and him actively sharing his excitement. (If you’ve ever seen him do interviews about Knuckles, you can 110% see that he loves the guy a lot). Since Keanu Reeves doesn’t have a social media outlet, I think that we were hoping for something from the main SCU Twitter account to promote it. It felt a bit odd to hear it from a Hollywood reporter, then having other entertainment news outlets confirm the authenticity.
I think that part of the divide that I’m seeing is that we didn’t have the hype of the reveal that came with it. We had a blast with Idris as “Knuckles” because he actively participated in fan engagement.
Like you, I believe that we need to wait a little bit longer before we make a final judgement call. I was very careful about that last night. We don’t have all of the details of how this will play out. I’d hate to make an assumption about something until I’m able to see the full picture. And with the announcement made, I’m sure that the SCU account will share something fun😁
For those of you who are overjoyed, I’m so happy for you! I truly am! I can’t even begin to imagine how excited you are for your dream actor to appear in SCU. “Exhilaration” isn’t a strong enough word to describe the hype that you’re creating. I’ve greatly enjoyed seeing the celebrations all over Twitter, Instagram, and here. And thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and excitement with me! Let’s be respectful of others—regardless of where they stand with their beliefs/views of the casting choice—and continue to have fun!
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thatseadog · 24 days
I'm sorry but ever since the announcement for Shadow's VA being Keanu Reeves I've been plagued by the thought that one of the first things Sonic 1 did was directly establish Keanu Reeves existence in the world as cannon and that Sonic was a super fan. So imagine being summoned by the government to fight this random ass alien and he sounds exactly like your favorite celebrity/influencer/character
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