evrensadwrn · 14 days
i fear i am also chad stahelski’s number one fan
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s0fter-sin · 8 months
prince!ghost and lord in waiting!soap
ghost is a warrior prince, next in line after king price and it’s always been accepted he would be the lone ruler; never one for entertaining the courts or indulging foreign rulers trying to consolidate their power. he hardly acts like a prince at all, in name only when he spends more time as a pseudo captain of the guard. price has never begrudged him that, not when he himself has been a lone king since his inauguration
though he’s a warrior prince, he’s never lost the favour of the people; many see him as a guardian even if he doesn’t interact with the people as much as benevolent and stalwart king price. who he does interact with is the kingdom’s children; always ready to bend a knee and listen to bright voices, to praise stick swords and shields or hear the plight of a struggling family. it was a common belief that if he wasn’t out protecting, then he was with the protected; face covered, blonde curls shining in the sun
soap’s always loved ghost. as his lord in waiting, it’s been his job to attend him since they were young and even as a child, he’d idolised him; his skills in battle, his surety. he thought his life would be nothing but service, clothing a brat prince and making sure his shoes shined. but ghost has proven more than that; he treats him as an equal, consults him on strategy and court politics and over time that idolisation turned into love
and ghost has always felt the same. he’d begrudged the idea of a lord in waiting, not wanting someone always in his business but then came this spitfire who never missed an opportunity to push back on him; to make him dig deeper. johnny is more than some mere servant; he’s his confidant, his best friend, his… everything. he could be simon with him, not prince ghost
but simon figures that out too late
king price gets word from king shepherd, a kingdom they’ve only recently stopped feuding with and he’s offering up his son, prince graves, as a way to bond their kingdoms together and firmly put war behind them. price is ready to deny him, he doesn’t fear war from shepherd, when he sends some ancient laws that leave him unable to refuse. he hates it, hates that he’s ruining ghost’s happiness and feels like he’s betraying his adopted son but there’s nothing he can do
graves comes to their kingdom within the month and it’s clear from the moment he walks through their gates that he’s the opposite of ghost; arrogant and conceited, his ceremonial armour glossy and untouched by battle. he’s dismissive of their servants, of their ways, of their people and ghost hates him
graves insists that the wedding happen as soon as possible, pushing the craftsmen and cooks beyond their limits to prepare and every moment ghost spends with him, the more he dreads his wedding day. every evening he retreats to his room, exhausted, and it’s all johnny can do to keep him afloat; trying to keep him positive as ghost falls away and simon breaks in his arms. he wants to whisk him away like the old tales, the pain his oldest friend and love is in making his heart ache but all he can do is promise to be there with him
but it seems graves wants to take even him away
“soap’s been my lord in waiting since we were children,” ghost protests, voice barely clinging to civility. “i wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable worker.”
“there are plenty of decent servants in our kingdom; you’ll forget this one soon enough,” graves waves away, carding a possessive hand over his curls and it’s only bc he’s looking for it that soap sees ghost’s jaw twitch beneath his neck gaiter. “it’s custom for one marrying into our kingdom to embrace all that it has to offer, leaving who they were behind to become someone better. you’re entering a new life with me; you don’t need the baggage of this dreary place.”
soap feels sick as he walks behind them, his blank expression hiding all sign of his breaking heart.
“soap is beholden to me,” ghost declares. “we were sworn together by the old laws. i’m afraid a custom isn’t enough for me to break a vow to the gods.”
graves lets out a disgruntled noise, tugging harshly at one of ghost’s curls with only a thin veil of fondness; his conceding smile not reaching his eyes.
“i never made a vow to the gods,” johnny points out later. “price gave me to you because he was sick of me setting fire to the kitchens.”
simon hums and sets his freshly cleaned armour aside, turning to him with a twinkle in his eyes he’s barely seen since sheperd’s missive. “you pinkie swore that you would never leave me; that’s more powerful than any promise to the gods,” he says and soap’s thrown back fifteen years, to a willow tree big enough to touch the sky; to two boys from different stations who didn’t care that one was dressed in silk and the other in scraps.
johnny feels a lightness he hasn’t in a month as simon winks at him. “besides, do you really think graves is smart enough to figure it out?”
the days pass quickly, graves’ veneer of affection growing ever thinner, and before either of them are ready, it’s the eve of ghost’s wedding.
he’s said nothing, done nothing but stare at the wedding robes graves had tailored for him in the fashion of his kingdom and johnny doesn’t know how to break the silence. he draws out each second as he fusses with the cape piece and ensures the shoes shine in the fire light until he has no more excuses.
he sighs as he straightens up, brushing off polish onto his pants. “i suppose this is where i leave you,” he says with a weak smile but it quickly dies when simon still doesn’t look at him. “i’ll be here in the morning to help you get ready… good night, simon.”
johnny bows and makes for the door, trying to convince himself he didn’t just say goodbye.
but he’s stopped by simon’s hand loosely wrapping around his wrist.
he looks back as simon finally tears his eyes away from the robes, looking at him with such clear longing it almost brings him to his knees.
“i don’t want graves to be the first man to touch me, johnny,” he confesses and johnny’s breath hitches. “i don’t want to be married to another… not when the one i’m set to wed isn’t you. but if i have to do this… please let me feel loved one final time.”
simon’s thumb brushes the back of his hand; their kingdom’s greatest warrior caressing him with a touch light as silk. he doesn’t pull johnny in, doesn’t need to; johnny’s already sinking into his touch.
desperation and love tinge every movement; johnny dancing his fingers over simon’s neck gaiter until he all too happily removes it, baring his scarred cheeks and lips. johnny kisses each one, willing his love and his touch to linger above all others as they move together; sharing breath, sharing body, sharing soul the way they wish they always have.
when ghost makes his way down the aisle, it’s not in the fine embroidered robes graves had laid out for him. he’s in his battle armour; dark and weathered, the sign of the ghost, the warrior prince, going to battle. the only thing missing is his helm, tucked under his arm.
showing his hair; curls gone and shaved tight to his skin.
a thing done only in a time of great mourning.
graves looks irate and it’s the only spark of joy ghost feels as he stops before the altar; set beneath the willow tree where johnny promised himself to him. one final insult.
ghost is silent throughout the ceremony and in spirit and in grief, so is the entire gathered kingdom until the priestess reaches the final vows and suddenly, a great roar rises above the crowd as seemingly every child in the kingdom swarms the altar.
ghost is too shocked to do anything but let them push him away from graves, bullying their way between them like they’re preparing to protect him just as he’s always protected them.
graves is furious but the children stand firm in the face of his threats until he moves to strike one-
and freezes as soap’s blade finds his throat.
“you would dare hurt these children?” he growls, sword following graves as he stumbles back. “you’ve kept up your charade the entire time and here is where you show your true colours. i think it’s time i show mine.”
graves splutters as johnny turns to the priestess and king price, falling to one knee and offering up his blade. “your grace, i wish to challenge prince graves for the hand of prince simon!”
his voice rings clear and he feels the eyes of every person in the kingdom.
but he only cares for one man.
who is watching him with more love than he’s ever felt.
“who are you to challenge me?” graves sneers. “you’re nothing more than a servant; no better than the dirt on my boots.”
johnny doesn’t bother to look at him, too caught in the love in simon’s eyes and the grateful look on king price’s face. “then you should have nothing to worry about. you’ve been crowing your accolades from the rooftops since you got here; let’s see if you live up to the hype.”
because simon only ever introduced him as his lord in waiting.
never as sir soap- his second in command and one of the greatest swordsmen their kingdom has ever seen.
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effrvsnt107 · 2 months
“to our world”
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bovineblogger · 6 months
There is a field next 2 my house that has highland cows in it. They never get close enough for me to say hi to them. But i got to watch their baby cow grow up last year.
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AAAAAAAH IM YELLING RN THIS IS SO CUTE !!!!!!! i.. i cant wait to watch my calves grow up . when i have cattle . thats what im most excited for
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dragons-bones · 16 days
FFXIV Write Entry #4: Lominsan Girls
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Prompt: reticent || Master Post || On AO3 (coming in October)
Nhaama bless every hair on their ridiculous heads, but sometimes Alakhai’s fellow Upright Thieves could not shut up.
She wouldn’t have minded the sound bouncing around the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss—the hum and chatter of daily activity was a soothing sound all the way back to her childhood on the Steppe, where silence was only acceptable when out alone in the grasslands—but Jacke’s ego had swelled up after leading his first successful mission without supervision from the guildmaster. Three years her junior, Jacke was already being groomed to eventually take over the leadership of the Upright Thieves, and normally he had a fairly good head on his shoulders.
But teenage boys were teenage boys no matter how well-behaved they could be, and V’kebbe had decided his pride needed deflating.
T’vanoh had shaken his head as the pair devolved into name-calling in both standard Eorzean and thieves’ cant, but had merely waved Alakhai on as she had stomped out of the convent. The surest way to rein Jacke in was to have one of his peers yank him down to ground level with the rest of them, and trying to step in between Jacke and V’kebbe when they were a hair away from outright brawling was never wise, so she knew why the guildmaster didn’t try to pull them apart. Didn’t mean Alakhai was willing to tolerate the noise, on top of everyone else chattering in an attempt to drown the two out.
Not for the first time in her life, Alakhai thought the Qestir had the right idea about words and talking and just not bothering.
So instead of curling up for a nap in her hammock, Alakhai was out in Fisherman’s Bottom, feet dangling in the water of the harbor as she sat on the edge of one of the currently-empty piers with a little wooden tray overflowing with fish and chips in her lap. The boat she’d bought her lunch from was one pier over, and she’d return the tray once she’d finished. Much as she had wanted that nap, food was a decent secondary option.
She sniffed appreciatively; there was something about fried food that always made her happy. Maybe it was because it was the one of the few constants between the Steppe and Yanxia and Kugane and Eorzea: everyone had at least one dish they put something in dough or a batter and then dunked in hot oil to cook.
Alakhai took out her pocket knife, about to cut into the thick filet of fried cod to make easier pieces to pick up, when a tromp of boots along the wood caught her attention. The footsteps were coming towards her, and then stopped a handful of fulms away. She lifted her head to see who had come to bother her.
The lean, gangly Highlander girl in arcanist greys, nerves dancing in her green eyes behind a mask of steely determination, brown hair sporting fresh grass-green dye and pulled back into a braid that hit the back of her knees, was not the person Alakhai had been expecting. She was not even in the top ten.
But Alakhai did recognize her. She was in only the second, maybe third, official class of baby arcanists of the newly-formed Arcanists’ Guild, and Alakhai had seen her and her classmates throughout Limsa Lominsa over the past two moons, usually in Hawker’s Alley and the food stalls. This one stood out especially; there was a small Highlander population in the city, expat mercenaries who had been stranded when Ala Mhigo had fallen to the Garleans, but there were very few of this one’s age that were local.
Good sense for trouble on her. The first time Alakhai had seen her, the baby arcanist had clocked one of the shadier pirates eyeing one of her classmates as they had waited for their orders at Mama Fyrwyb’s fish stall, and put herself between the creep and her friend. Alakhai had been on duty in the Alley that day, and she had chucked said shady pirate into the harbor and a slipped word to one of the Yellowjackets before skulking back into the crowd.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” the student arcanist said.
Alakhai glanced down quickly, noting the bucket she had in hand. Probably full of oysters purchased from the Fishers’ Guild; her own lunch then.
Eh, why not?
“Go ahead,” Alakhai said.
The girl stepped closer, crouching down to set her bucket aside and then quickly work her boots off. She sat properly on the edge of the pier, legs dangling down into the cool water up to her skins, and pulled her bucket closer as she pulled a pocket knife from the pouch on her belt.
A flash of turquoise caught Alakhai’s eye, and she turned to see an emerald carbuncle toddle up and loaf itself next to its person. The carbuncle turned to look at her, and Alakhai blinked as it—she?—gave her a narrow-eyed once over. After a minute of feeling as if she was being assessed by something that wasn’t just a mere magical construct, the carbuncle turned away and cuddled her hyur.
Alakhai blinked again. Huh.
Lunch passed quietly. The Highlander shucked oysters, slurping contently and ensuring her empty shells went back into the bucket so the fishers could reseed the local oyster beds. Alakhai neatly dunked strips of fried cod into fresh tartar sauce, enjoying the mix of crisp breading, tender fish, and tangy sauce, interspersing them with unceremoniously shoving the thick-cut popoto chips into her mouth, wonderfully crunchy on the outside and soft and still hot on the inside.
Neither of them spoke, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, Alakhai would call it pleasant. Sitting with this baby arcanist felt like when Alakhai had spent time with her auntie on foal watch; just enjoying one another’s company and the simple joy of sharing a beautiful day with another person.
Eventually, Alakhai’s tray was empty. She sighed contently, stomach pleasantly full, and pushed herself to standing, shoving her still-wet feet into the loose sandals she had. She tucked the tray under her arm, ready to return it to the lunch boat, but took a step towards the arcanist and stuck out her hand.
“Alakhai,” she said simply.
The arcanist looked up at, still chewing one of her last oysters, surprise on her face. But she swallowed, and smiled, a little shy. She took Alakhai’s hand. “Synnove,” she said in turn as they shook. “And this is Galette.”
The carbuncle sneezed.
“Nice to meet you both,” Alakhai said. “I’ll see you around.”
Synnove waved, her smile a little less shy, and Alakhai wandered back down the pier, a sense of satisfaction curling in her chest.
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halfadoginatank · 10 months
Simon and his father take a trip to the Scottish highlands for the summer, he knows only one of them will leave.
Johnny is a boy obsessed with filming explosions from fireworks he's not supposed to have.
Los Vaqueros are a group of Mexican teens derailed from their field trip waiting for teachers that might not come back.
Huge lore and plot dump below.
Mild tw for Simons father
Simons father has always taken him on hunting trips, sometimes he hated them, some times he liked them. But he'd never taken him this far from manchester. There are weapons in the cabin they rent, his father is eerily sober, one of them is going to die out here. Simon can only hope that Tommy won't be next.
Johnny meets him when he strays too far from his father. Part of it on purpose, he would never be on equal footing, more so when his father had the rifle and not him. He's in the tree's, at first simon thinks its prey, but there's a camera lense staring right at his scope.
Los Vaqueros come later, the leader arguing with a girl with choppy hair, Valeria and Alejandro trade glares while Rodolfo tries to mediate. Their bus broke down, leaving them stuck in town desperately renting a cabin near but far from the one simon is in.
It's the most interesting thing thats happened to johnny, and in the makeshift bonfire Valeria corners him and Simon. Her gaze is snakelike and a ring clinks on the bottle she's holding
"You say that he's an asshole yes? Your padre. Mine was the same, en mi opinión? It is kill or be killed."
Valeria nods at Alejandro, she tells them of a faceless force where she's from. The person sponsoring the trip for them, 'good will'. The five of them band together, the rest of the Vaqueros utterly ignorant.
Simon will save his family, Alejandro will get them home, and johnny? He's going to make the best home video.
Yeah so thats the whole plot, originally it was just going to be ghoap but somehow the Vaqueros fell into place. It kind of made more sense to have Valeria give them the idea? She doesnt have a whole bunch of canon lore so I figured she'd have an in with the cartel via her father, who was awful. And when Valeria killed him the nameless helped her cover it up and she got her own little spot.
Alejandro broke off their relationship after that, it's why they're on bad terms. He formed the Vaqueros as a funny joke that he started to take seriously when kids around Las Almas genuinely needed help that wasnt someway connected to the cartel, adults had that with rudys mother, so Ale and his childhood friend Rudy decided to help people their age in a way that doesn't rely on adults too much.
Everyone here is about 16-18. Soap is 17, ghost is as well but a few months older. Rudy Alejandro and Valeria are 18. And the youngest cowboy is 16.
Im trying to fit Gaz and Alex in? Im thinking that they both live in Texas, Gazs parents had a falling out since mum was from Texas hes there. Their school is on the same trip in the same bus a sort of cross trip to help the shitty american public school get a better name, as well as the cartels big PR move with having a class from one of Las Almas' schools.
Johnny is a bit weird here, but his motivation is he's suffering from extreme middle kid issues. Loves his family but since he's almost invisible is able to just kinda run off as long as hes back home eventually. He has a camera he uses to film any of his mishaps with, its essentially just jackass. As well as a video diary. Dont be fooled, its also an excuse for me to write some of it in script like format.
Simon is almost exactly the same as he is in the 09 comics, obviously a bit different. But childhood is the same.
I wanted farah to be here so bad but her childhood is literally a warzone and theres no way I can get her and her brother in Scotland. Because im trying so hard to make this somewhat believable, like yes its is a summer mystery horror au. But god I just really need things to make a little sense otherwise I cant do it. Same with Price Nik and Laswell. Like I could group Laswell in with Alex and gaz, and maybe I could pair her with Valeria for funsies. However Nikolai is in russia so... oopsie, and price? Like... how do you turn price into a teenager, he'd be what 19 or 20? Theres no reason he'd be in school, I dont think he'd be held back.
Also you may wonder, why is graves not here? Uh.... because I dont care, he wouldn't have a place here. The antagonist is Simons father, and honestly man? I just dont care that much for his character.
Man theres... theres so much I have here dude, I want to throw roach in there, and I THINK I could squeeze him in as one of ghosts school mates but the point is the first act has Simon completely isolated.
Anyway thats it. Bye.
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ieatnomnom9823 · 3 months
wait remember Chick Days at Tractor Supply? I just realized that I don't think I've seen anybody do a gag about that before. man, the potential of that would've been great to see. like, imagine heading down to the hick store looking for chicks and you end up being told to buy fresh nuggets and now you've got fuzzy nuggets (maybe including ducklings) pooping all over your couch. or whatever you can imagine. heck if you draw anything about it, mad respect lol. for the sake of it let's assume Highland is like a dead town surrounded by rural areas just so we can have a Tractor Supply scenario because yes.
i cant draw birds but uhh ask and you shall receive
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cocainegirlsnblunts · 11 months
Hey! So I’m making a series based off of Euphoria called Ecstasy. To sum it all up, your mom moves you and your family across the country for a fresh start after your mother chose to give her marriage another shot after catching your dad cheating. You move to East Highland and become closer with your cousin Maddy Perez. Right now we are in Season 1 of Euphoria and you’re a Sophomore. Hope you’ll like itt
Here are the main characters and who’s gonna be in it!!
Audrey Alister as Layla Carter
Main character
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Alexa Demie as Maddy Perez
Your Cousin
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Maggie Lindermann as Serena Baxter
Your Best friend
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Brian Altemus as Dalton Johansson
Your Boyfriend
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Danna García as Karla Carter
Your Mother
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Reynaldo Gianecchini as David Carter
Your Father
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Elpidia Carillo as Sonia Perez
Maddy Perez Mother
Your Aunt
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Cant wait to share everything!! <333
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vii-is-free · 19 days
Leona's Feldcroft Date
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First of all, shout out to @silverxstardust for Sebastian's coat and scarf mod, because the biggest thing missing from this quest is Sebastian pouting in style
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Look at hiiiiiiim :3
Anyways, apologies for the radio silence, in addition to personal stuff and finally taking a T break, I’ve been romancing Goatjo on Stardew Valley
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I love this mod. It's teaching me self love. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT GOJO
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We’re here for a completely different breakout star side character that completely overshadows the actual plot
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Nah, I’d kill his uncle
But seriously, THANK YOU MODDERS. Do you realize how pissed I was when, while playing on the switch, I got my mc all dressed cute and hair done only for Sebastian to show up in his stupid uniform?
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Should have been the first red flag honestly.
Also, in case anyone is wondering,
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We're still ignoring Duncan
So i show up to Feldcroft with my cute outfit and hairstyle and what do I see
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HIGHLAND COW. It literally just walked up to me and sat down.
I fucking love highland cows. But do you know what I fucking hate?
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Sebastians uncle lmao.
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In all honesty I don't think Sebastian lives in the shed when he visits - he's more of a sleep outside on the hay, under the stars kind of guy.
Also, it's a fucking dump. Sebastian doesn't strike me as a messy person, and there's broken bottles everywhere. I think this is Solomon's "get drunk and think about how miserable my life is until I pass out" shed.
But seriously, he's HORRIBLE to them. And it's not only the "no cure for Anne" thing. That part I can understand. What I can't understand is this:
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You're a former Auror, probably the only one in Feldcroft with the capability of protecting the hamlet and you're not doing anything about the goblins? Not one thing? Don't even have connections to the ministry to get some backup?
Which, I don't think is an oversight in the plot at all. I think it was intentional to show us that Solomon did not leave the ministry on good terms.
What I'm saying is...
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Let our boy get away with murder, guys.
Anyways, idgaf about the keepers plot so have some screenshots of Sebastian and Leona sharing the same braincell posing
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I need fanfics of mischievious Anne right now like right now.
So we get back to Hogwarts and this happens....
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But I ignored her because I'm tired and not interested in her weird vigilante shit. Also, how about a "Hi, hope you're doing well?"
So I go to bed and the next day, THIS happens:
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Ominis: You're always going on adventures with Sebastian! I'm tired of being left behind!
Sebastian: *quiet for once*
Leona: You want to...go on an adventure? I have a treasure map right here.
Ominis: Ah - I mean --
Leona: Let's set off, then
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Ominis: Now, don't get the idea that this is some kind of date, Hart.
Leona: What?
Ominis: What?
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Ominis: Is that a...whirlpool?
Leona: Hm...seems like whatever this map leads too is at the bottom.
Ominis: Well, that's a shame -- WAIT
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Leona: Keep watch for me, okay?
Ominis: Keep....watch!? Seriously!?
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Leona: That was a fun.
Ominis: That wasn't fun at all! I spent 38 minutes in a damp cave wondering whether or not you were alive!
Leona: Do tell me what your idea of fun is, then.
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Ominis: Shopping. Shopping is fun. Shopping is safe.
Leona: I'd hate to spend all the galleons we just found on something I can brew myself, though.
Ominis: Get what you want, I'll pay for it.
Leona: And if I want the whole store?
Ominis: Fine, I'll buy the store.
Leona: Ominis... is this a date?
Ominis: What?
Leona: What?
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Sebastian: I cant believe they left me here with him.
Duncan: Has she found anything to, uh, prove my bravery yet?
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lumiereandcogsworth · 5 months
Tell me about the worst birthday Belle ever had! :( But also... Tell me about the best birthday she ever had post-canon~
AGH!!!! i had so much fun answering this 🤧
okay, i think in GENERAL, belle has had pretty wonderful birthdays. pre-canon it’s just always been so sweet and lovely, spending time with her beloved papa. she’s always been rather content in this regard. and post-canon, GOSH, one of adam’s biggest love languages is gift giving, so you Know he just goes crazy every year. not to mention the balls and the trips they always have !! belle really has had some incredible birthdays.
BUT OKAY. TWIST MY ARM ! truthfully the only “bad” birthday she had, pre-canon, was this one time that it RAINED. on her BIRTHDAY. and it was so unprecedented and she was Devastated. i think this was maybe like her fourteenth birthday? and it just BUMMED HER OUT. because it’s Always so nice on her birthday!!! what the heck!!! but it was just a wild flash of rain that literally only lasted a day. and i think belle is Very affected by the weather; Really loves the sun and Really gets sad when it rains, so the fact that it was on her birthday just sucked😭 maurice still did everything he could to make it count. he made her favorite meals and they read her favorite stories. (AND HAD APPLE PIE !!! their birthday tradition!!) père robert even surprised belle and braved the rain to run across town and join them for dinner 🥰 which was lovely. so it turned out alright but i think she was Sad about it for a good chunk of the day :(
post-canon, like i said, she’s really had some incredible birthdays. adam really wins in this department. honestly, not to be too morbid, but i think her worst birthday post-canon would just be her first birthday after her father passed away ☹️☹️ i don’t wanna think about it!!!! but yeah. i don’t know how many months it is between his death and her next birthday, but regardless, i think it would just be very very very hard!! :((
BUT ANYWAY HEYYYY BEST BIRTHDAY POST-CANON?!? i keep saying it but that’s SO HARD!!!!!! i think her 21st birthday (first birthday with adam) would be AMAZING because WOWOW !!! BIRTHDAY WITH HUSBAND WHO LOVES ME SO MUCH !!! BIRTHDAY TRAVELING SOMEWHERE BEAUTIFUL !!! AAAHH !!! yeah that’s certainly an unforgettable birthday. and the NEXT birthday, omg ! it’s her first birthday as a mama!!! renée was born in april and so her baby girl is like a month old 😭 that was one birthday where she probably didn’t do too much, haha. probably just lots of soft kisses and snuggles in bed, THE THREE OF THEM 🥹🥹🥹
she definitely loves having birthdays as a mama, because her kiddos always love celebrating her 😭😭 SOMEONE GET HER AN 18TH CENTURY “WORLD’S BEST MOM” MUG RIGHT NOW !!! but anyway yeah she loves getting all their little craft gifts!! they’re so creative and cute!!!!!! they often put on shows for her, like writing silly scripts and acting them out with fun costumes, performing with their friends. VERY CUUUUTE.
she mostly loves when adam takes her to surprise places. in general they plan where they’re going together, but i think for her birthday some years, if belle can’t decide where she wants to go, (which happens frequently, she always wants to go everywhere), adam will pick a place that’s either new to them (or at least new to her) or a place he knows she loved but they haven’t been there in a while. and he’ll do the WORKS. making sure she doesn’t see any sign of where they’re going, covering up any indications, and blindfolding her when the ship (or carriage) is approaching the destination. and she’s always SO EXCITED SHE CANT STOP WIGGLING AND ASKING ADAM FOR CLUES!!! and he does give Some vague hints but he cuts her off eventually because girl you’re gonna spoil it!!! just wait!!!!! lmao. anyway she’s always SOOOO happy of course. i think one of her FAVORITE places to go is the scottish highlands, SPECIFICALLY to see those adorable ass cows. definitely one of her all time favorite animals.
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the first time they went here was probably pretty early in their marriage. and life is busy and there’s so much to explore so they probably don’t go back for a handful of years. so when they DO go back and it’s a SURPRISE !!!! she just explodes. definitely up there for one of her favorite birthdays ever.
she sees the baby highland cows and she asks adam every time if they can take one home. and he has to be like no, darling, they thrive best here. and we have cows at home. (THE COWS AT HOME ARE NOT AS CUTE AS THESE ONES!!! ADAM!!!!!!!!)
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carrionsong · 9 months
🎧🌒 and ❤️for ingo? :]
thank u anon ;3;!!! rosario uses they/she/he interchangeably, i forgot to mention earlier :]
🎧 - a song that reminds me of us: touch by daft punk! we have no idea how long ingo has been in hisui... how long hes been trying to find answers for why he's here, his constant visions and dreams of the people he's unknowingly left behind plaguing him? who can he talk to about it?
after meeting rosa, so relieved to meet another person like him in this time, and being inexplicably drawn to them... something as simple as his gentle, shy smile and firm handshake as they introduced themself shook ingo. was he really so touch starved that he'd fall for another at the first (warm, reassuring, solid...) touch? as if he knew he would be able to depend on them in the highlands soon enough, without a second thought? theyd just met!... hadn't they?
little did he know that rosa was as awestruck as he was; ingo made one hell of a first impression with that get up, And he was easy on the eyes?? a powerful and respected trainer who didnt need to be showoff-y and brash to show their strength... ingo already had rosa swooning a bit, shes immediately wanting to battle him already, but waits until ingo asked for one :3
but all that to say one touch opened up the flood of thoughts and memories for the both of them, as well as make them realize how incredibly lonely theyve been and how Good it feels to hold and be held, to be reunited even if they dont know it yet ;3; (aside from the obvious, *youre both in love and happy but cant shake the feeling of a part of you Missing. there is a hole in your heart that you cant seem to fill and youre mourning it, but have no idea what it is.* lol. (EMMET BABY IM SOWWY WE'RE IN FUCKIN MEIJI ERA HOKKAIDO AND UR NOT HEREEEE AUGHHHHH)
🌒 - something f/o loves about me: ingo can be real a workaholic, and trying to get him to finish for the day when theres always something to do is like pulling teeth at times😭 hes simply a responsible guy! who has been overworking himself for. arceus knows how long... as much as he wants to keep chugging along with his tasks, he loves that rosa is as stubborn as he is and is determined to get him to stop working as hard and take breaks, often having to resort to bribing him with a favorite sweet or snack for a break in which he Still insists, he can enjoy with them once hes done... . if he insists on staying put, they get hands on and start working alongside him so they can either get to battling or get their asses to Sleep (with rest being as precious a resource as it gets in this time period, naps double count as dates to rosa hehe)
❤️ - a fact about our relationship: its a lot of work, literally! ingo trains rosa with battles when she comes back from field research, coming up with different strategies and movesets to prepare them for alpha pokemon and catching legendaries, which doesnt leave very much down time for them at all ;;; rosa likes to show off both their skills in a battle for the villagers to watch, and may be a Little flirty when tossing out a command n give him a kissy face and a wink bc theyre cheeky, and throw him off for a second kshvbjks :3
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otrtbs · 2 years
i haven’t asked in a min but how was your first semester abroad? i want all the details <3
ahh hello!!
it has been amazing!! first and foremost i cannot speak enough about the wonder and joy of living in a walkable city !!! like it has changed my entire life. also the public transportation system is nice as well!!
okay so the free entry museums get me, i cant lie. i am in those museums all the time just wandering around. i took a trip up to the scottish highlands and visited loch ness which was amazing!! classes were good, i waited until last minute to write all my term essays (i never learn) but i got them done and should get my grades back soon!! tried haggis for the first time, enjoyed it! tried irn bru for the first time, liked it! still waiting to try the fried mars bars here but i have finally had a regular mars bar (which is not uniquely scottish by any means but worth mentioning i think!) (very open to any and all scottish people giving me more suggestions to try!!). i made friends with a bunch of jazz club students because i go to all the student nights at the jazz bar which has been so fun! the weather is lovely,, i quite enjoy the rain and coolness !! found my favorite bookshop ever and i drink a lot of coffee these days (not that i’m complaining) and idk the history, the architecture, the art ,,, it’s all so wonderful!!
i am notoriously bad at taking pictures but here are some from my first semester abroad!! 😋
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also this ask is so sweet !! ahh thank you for asking !! <333 i hope you are doing well and having a wonderful end to your year !!!
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rockheadcd · 2 years
@electrivolt​ said: With the kind of downwards spiral his life had been in the recent years, there's never been much time to just... sit there like this, alone in the middle of nothing, laying down to look up, forget about the world and count the stars in the sky, for these little pointless things that still felt like so much more than most of his life ever did.
He wasn't even sure of how the conversation had taken the turn it did, how he had allowed it to happen, from the stars and constellations Roark knew of to a little more, their lives, their thoughts no one else was privy to, to that silence that felt heavier than it should've, still comfortable and yet holding so much more than anyone would believe at first. To Volkner, it felt right, in some way. He trusted Roark enough to let this be known.
"You know... when I was a kid, sometimes I would try to stay out all night like this. Find some nice and lonely spot where I could look at the sky." It's one of those little moments where it feels right to speak, to let out what he was never allowed to voice. "It... never really went well. He'd get... really pissed off whenever I finally came back... but it was worth it. I liked just... having time to myself. Not having to think about anything, forgetting how shitty life is." 
How often had he done this, really? Sitting outside like that, Luxray curled around him in an effort to warm him up, wondering whether or not it was worth it to even go back, where could he even go, what would come next. And then the stars would let him forget, take his mind somewhere else in those moments that for once, were only his, before reality came crashing down on him once again. Before he started to consider how freezing out there might've been a better option than whatever was waiting at home.
He hated a little how much those nights in Hisui reminded him of it.
"I guess... I guess it was kinda sad, though."
How lonely was he, really? To never had anyone by his side outside of his one friend... he can't quite help himself, the hand held in his own squeezed just a bit tighter, that grounding presence he's needed all along. ( how could he ever believe he wouldn't need anyone else when he could've had all of this sooner? )
And then, without thinking much about it, Volkner inched a bit closer, leaned in to pull him closer, an almost careful kiss to his cheek before deciding to rest his head against his shoulder.
"... Thank you... for not letting me be alone like that again. It's nice. I like it."
Roark deserved at least that much after all he's done for him. And maybe he could find himself looking forward those quiet moments under the night sky once again. / they’re at it again. | accepting. 
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The chill of being out in the middle of Arceus-knows-where, natural, flourishing forests surrounding the cities that danced around Mt. Coronet, had little affect on such a warm frame. Roark had done this many times over, laying against flattened wild grass, the clearing of coniferous trees a grasping reach towards a clearing of the night sky—they were far enough away from the light pollution to truly admire the great unknown. Roark simply couldn't help himself when he started to point with his free hand and trace and explain the constellations that were gracing them during this time of the year.
And with nothing with them aside from the gentle cacophony of nocturnal animals, he shouldn't have been surprised when conversations that had once been in silence over weary eyes and haptic feedback finally found a voice. They were comfortable here, and Roark was more than happy to listen to Volkner in such a peaceful place, the spoils of their split-second decision to drive up in elevation into the forests of the highlands. He felt at peace, for once, shoulder to shoulder and keeping at least one hand warm, laced fingers reminding him that this was no dream—this was their reality and they both felt safe enough to speak of history. His head cants towards his love, watching pale lips move and lashes idly flutter when his gaze wanders. There's no need to look at the sky when Roark can see the stars littered along cobalt if he searches hard enough.
To hear about his father, still, had been a surprise, but Volkner isn't focusing on that in his recollection, so neither does Roark as he looks back up at the sky, tracing stars as they burn brightly against the scab that was their home galaxy. "I can't claim I was any different when I'd do this myself. Different reasons, of course, but.." To say he didn't spend all those hours on Iron Island, doing this same exact thing, with Ramses in his arms, all because he wanted to exist somewhere else for a little while.. he understood now what it was that had pulled his wanderlust out into the open when the sky was at it's deepest indigo. Back then, he didn't really know any better, but now, it was obvious that he was coping, trying to humble his growing tendencies to be such a lone little wolf in the world, telling himself that it was okay to do it all on his own.
It was kind of sad, wasn't it? "Well. Maybe. But when there's so much to be in awe by, it's just so much better than having to be at home, isn't it?" Roark offers softly, "It's never gotten old despite all these years." And he can't help but squeeze his hand in reciprocated reassurance, surprised when Volkner shifts him enough to press a kiss against his cheek, settling on him and resting once again ( his poor little heart was too susceptible in such peace, so warm and fluttering in his chest as something so simple, yet so meaningful ). It really takes nothing for Roark to thread his fingers through disheveled blond, short nails comfortingly grazing his scalp.
If coming out at this hour meant moments like this, he wouldn't be associating them with loneliness, huh.
"You've never deserved to be alone, Volk," he points out softly, even if he feels so assured that he's been doing something good for his storm all this time. "…But you're right. It's nice, like this—just you and me, here." Roark is quiet for a moment, fingers nestled and resting in choppy strands. "When you think about it, we've probably stared at the same sky on the same night at least once. Maybe we were never really as alone as we thought we were because of it. Maybe that was why it was comforting until we had to go back to our lives." Or something like that. "Now we know, though. 'Cause you're right here. Right where you belong."
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sayurifellfrost · 1 year
Message Received
An uneasy silence stalked the infirmary, with barely a soul in sight and the door shut, everyone having been told to deal with their problems elsewhere as Eanwin sat by Arnkel’s side - tears in her eyes and seething with rage.
She held her brother’s hand, slowly caressing it with her thumb as she watched his chest rise and fall with every struggling breath he took.
She was confident he’d survive the ordeal, but knew it’d take him time to recover from the wounds he had received..
Which -she- had caused. The damnable Seeker X’llaya called her sister.
Eanwin’s teeth grit as she heard the door begin to open behind her, not turning one bit before she spoke up.
“I thought I told you all to fuck off!”
The door shut, but two sets of footsteps continued through the room, finally making her twist herself around to glare in their direction - laying eyes upon Grymahtyn and Ketenblaet, which decreased her scowl, just a touch.
Ketenblaet offered a sympathetic look to Eanwin before stepping closer to Arnkel, letting his gaze scan the wounds he had suffered.
“.. How’s he doin’?” He asked carefully.
“.. He’ll live.” Eanwin retorted curtly. “.. I put him under, don’t want him to suffer that fuckin’ pain the bitch caused him.”
“Did he tell you who did it?”
Eanwin’s gaze snapped to Grymahtyn as he spoke, frowning.
“Told me fuckin’ plenty.” She snapped. “And who the fuck do you think did it? Your fuckin’ pet’s sister, is who!”
Grymahtyn’s expression twitched slightly, head canting down to stare a little more directly at the Highlander. He said nothing, and merely waited - making Eanwin exhale a frustrated breath.
“She’s fuckin’ comin’ for X’llaya, and won’t stop until she bloody has her. Kill anyone who gets in her way, fuckin’ all of us if she has to.” She frowned. “She used my brother as a fuckin’ messenger, Grym. That’s the only Twelvesdamned reason he was left alive.”
“At least he is alive.” Grymahtyn responded curtly.
“.. He was fuckin’ tortured, Grym!”
The Sea Wolf raised a brow slightly, peering down at the unconscious Arnkel.
“As are many in our walls.”
“Aye, slaves! This is my brother we’re fuckin’ talkin’ about!” Eanwin yelled. “He could’ve fuckin’ died! You might not know how it bloody feels to lose a siblin’, but he’s all I fuckin’ have left from my family!”
Again, the Sea Wolf’s expression twitched, looking more struck by her words than he normally would - gaining a small glance from Ketenblaet before a faint cough left the other Sea Wolf.
“.. He manage t’say anythin’ else..?” Ketenblaet questioned.
Eanwin broke the steady eyecontact she had held with Grymahtyn in favour of looking in Ketenblaet’s direction, before it wandered further to settle upon her brother’s features.
“.. That she wasn’t alone.” She replied. “.. Another archer, lightnin’ user, the name ‘Khive’ was given, but he aint seen her. Well hidden.”
A sudden silence took to the room, as Ketenblaet gave a slow blink.
“.. Khive?” He questioned, and began to look in Grymahtyn’s direction. “.. Weren’ tha’ th’name o’...”
His words trailed off as he saw Grymahtyn’s expression harden, more than he had ever seen before, yet he recognised the irritation that swiftly followed, and the glint in his eye that spoke of nothing but malice.
“..Grym.” Ketenblaet spoke up. “.. If it’s who it sounds like, y’can’t hurt her.”
Grymahtyn’s pale green glare shot to Ketenblaet as his features pulled into the worst scowl anyone present had ever seen, leaving even Eanwin cautiously glancing at him.
“I can hurt whoever I’d like.” Grymahtyn snapped back, clearly agitated by the developments. “And if it’s her–..”
“Y’fuckin’ vowed before Nymeia’s stone y’wouldn’t lay a finger on her, Grym.” Ketenblaet cut his sentence, frowning. “I know y’don’t give a shite ‘bout th’Gods, but I know y’respect him well enough.”
“IF it’s her.” Grymahtyn repeated, louder. “.. I will give her a chance to back off from the situation. If she doesn’t.. I’m going to remove her from it, lock her up in a bloody cell if I have to.”
Eanwin’s brows had furrowed in confusion, at this point - having no clue who the duo spoke of. Grymahtyn exhaled a sharp breath of frustration before he turned on his heels and began to walk towards the door.
“.. Where y’goin’, Grym?” Ketenblaet pressed.
“To send a group to hunt her down.” He responded, as he shoved the door open. “Then to punish X’llaya for the injuries Arnkel received.”
And with it, he stepped through and slammed the door shut.
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celticbarb · 1 year
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Book: Highlander Honored
Author: Jayne Castel
Series: Rebellious Highland Hearts, Book #2
Release Date: june 22, 2023
Publisher: Winter Mist Press
Print Length: 251 Pages
Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5 Saltire Flags
Kilchurn Castle, Argyll, Scotland
July, 1453
This book is centered on two emotional souls Davina is Laird’s daughter Davina Campbell. She is an emotional wreck since her father murdered her lover. A man he felt was too far beneath her in status. Now her father is determined for her to marry this powerful Laird who is related to King James. It could give Campbell a powerful ally and ear of the King. Yet Davina absolutely refuses and claims she wants to go to the nunnery and become a nun. Not that she is a very pious woman, however her father claims if she leaves she can never return and will be dead to him!
BLennox MacKay was now Captain of the Kilchurn Guard for the Campbell clan. He also was hurt by his own MacKay clan for a number of reasons, one is that his brother Iver who is Laird gave his younger brother Kerr the honor of being the Captain of the Mackay Guard. Instead he made Lennox the Bailiff of Clan Mackay, a position he despised and was one of the reasons he abandoned his family and clan. As he desperately wanted the position Kerr had and was extremely jealous, hurt and angry that his brother had not given him that position that he selfishly felt he deserved!
One of the reasons he went after the position of Captain of the guard with the Canpbell’s is he knew that they were looking for a Captain . Especially after Laird Campbell murdered the former Captain who was his daughter’s secret lover. A man he felt betrayed his Laird and was far beneath his daughter in status. However the other problem Lennox does not have the mens respect yet the former Guard did. So he is pretty much a loner here. A man with no clan or friends as the his men make is very clear they do not like. So he is missing his MacKay clan family and friends. Also knowing he made a big mistake to take this position and deserting his clan! Now he is asked to be the Campbell Lairds daughters nursemaid!
Lennox is not thrilled that he has to escort the headstrong Davina Campbell to the nunnery in Iona when he had just enlisted several new guards that needed to be trained desperately! Unfortunately there is an enemy in their midst that Davina mistakenly trusts and hurts her opportunity to enter the nunnery, as the nun’s reject having Davina in their household. Now Lennox who was home sick missing his clan and offers her to possibly be a companion for his brother’s new wife since she had no place to go. Now Lennox and Davina soon see each other in a new light where one thing leads to another.
The problem is when Lennox offers marriage without the true reason why as Davina being independent and headstrong feels she cant marry any man. She soon realizes this is a mistake where Lennox ignores her but Lennox is also jealousy with any man who shows interest her way. Though Davina knows how handsome and appealing Lennox is to other females. She soon realizes she made a big mistake and is she too late? On top of that will her father feel Lenoox abandoning his position and bringing his daughter to his clan is an act of war? Will this stubborn couple ever be honest and open up their hearts? Read and find out.
Another fabulous Jayne Castel book as this is an author that always knows how to draw readers into her breathtaking Scottish setting and the fascinating characters that she brings to life. Again another phenomenal story that I absolutely loved! This is the second MacKay book in the Rebellious Highland Hearts series and Kerr’s book is next which I can't wait to read. I am definitely enjoying the MacKay brothers and the women that capture their hearts.
Disclaimer: I received an advance readers copy and agreed to do an honest, fair, review and blog through Booksprout. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i got thirty minutes. i warped to the gerudo tower so i can do the yiga hideout quest...but i also wanna take a picture of spectacle rock for the stable, so up i go
oh wait no scratch that when i spawned zelda was RIGHT next to me i am not taking pictures of shit i am gonna go say hi to (and shoot, and groom??) my girl
OH IT'S NOT ZELDA...IT'S FAROSH.......i haven't ridden farosh yet i don't think bc it took so long to get my rubber armor...rad.......
ok ive DEFINITELY never done this. she's the hardest dragon to ride for sure bc you cant climb in the ran, and of course it's raining and lightning like crazy lol. and i def cant put on any rain ARMOR bc i gotta use my rubber armor. hard mode!!
im so glad i got to do this before beating the game lol
uh oh we are going Down
THERE'S zelda, way off in the distance...but i can't wait ten minutes on farosh if i go get her and i def don't have time to wait ten minutes on her and THEN zelda. sorry babygirl :(
BACK DOWN TO THE DEPTHS....this is what i wanted to get away from lol. maybe its a good thing?? i dont think ive been to where she's gonna take me yet. like yes ive been under lake hylia but i think she flies all the way to the desert. so i can snag my part, and then a lightroot, and then go back to the gerudo tower where i started
god i am literally cruising thru here in SUCH style. i take back every single thing i said about them ruining dragon farming, it totally rules now. i wish some other gameplay elements had been done so cleverly
at least in the depths it isn't raining, lol
got my scale just as i reached unknown territory. sadly i don't see any lightroots from here...
OH there it is...wow, lucky, i would've had to do some serious climbing on foot but farosh boosted me all the way up to the ceiling. thank you girl
lit up a big piece too. this whole area looks like it'd be fun to explore...some other time
a few poes, and i'm outie
ok, got the pic! it's too bad stuff is so hazy up here
there's also a shrine which i might as well get while i'm here
got a better pic now that it's sunset. i'm satisfied lol
and a korok seed so i don't have to come back...ohhhh it's zelda again...i can't let her fly by twice but this sky island has SECRETS
unfortunately a choice for another time, i have to take a break for now lol
ok im back. this is a SERIOUS puzzle to get this sage's will chest...but, if i do it now, i won't ever need to return to these islands. sorry, zelda :( again :(
oh FUCK me there's a shooting star. so i have to miss zelda AND make a return trip to these islands AND i still havent done the fucking. yiga quest. which is what i SET OUT TO DO. these games lol
it landed in a monster camp.
fuck it. i warped out w/o fighting and now im hitting a different tower to catch my girl lol
am i really gonna miss zelda three times...
ok. got it. in the NICK of time. now BACK to the highlands tower. and to. MY GIRL! and then to the sage's will island. AND THEN!!! to the yiga quest
i made it to zelda but i missed the fang i shot so i had to take a dive. so i have to warp AGAIN to get back up to her...
MADE IT. so much fucking trouble but anything is worth it to spend a little time with the gf.......
fun visual glitch happening with some water below coming in and out lol. kinda freaky
got my second part and went back to the sky island. this is the puzzle from hell. i fell off and fast traveled to a nearby shrine to come back and the whole fucking thing reset itself. i am SO pissed
ok i finally got it but that was fucking ridiculous
im making myself crazy. multiple sources tell me theres a hudson sign right by this tower but i cant find it anywhere. unless it's fucking underground lol. i give up
HACKER VOICE IM IN......i took off the master sword just in case lol
i like how me and the entire gang can come tromping thru here woth no repercussions whatsoever lol. i wonder what happens if i take off my mask...
SCREAM HE DOESN'T RECOGNIZE ME...... "i feel like i know you from somewhere but i'm drawing a blank" wow he should join the lookout landing search party
anyway. five banana offerings. classic. one down four to go
three to go...
two to go. might as well foght this gleeok while i'm up here on spectacle rock...
one to go!!
I DID IT...now what
lol pay no heed to the glowing ruins. inwant my shrines, pal
is that it...? i thought there was more to it for some reason. maybe vague internet spoilers mislead me lol
wait. wheres that damn frog
omg if you touch trap bananas while dressed up you'll get scolded by the yiga instead of attacked lol. i wanna try chopping a yiga tree down in this getup
ok, i could have sworn i saw addsi9n from a distance, but i went to check a new different sign place and he wasnt there. i think my game is borked
reloaded and there he is. i was literally fucking glitching. i wonder if i could find the other one now...
oh wow yeah here it is. wtf
ok, that's all i can do tonight. more tomorrow hopefully fighting kohga again!!!!!!
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