#sorry for such a long post but i hope you enjoy the goodies under the cut!
acerathia · 8 months
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pink camellias || Chapter 1: hyacinth
Chapter Summary:
purple hyacinth: sorrow
Wordcount: 3.2k
Read on AO3 || Masterlist
Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
royalty au, inspired by Mulan, war and its consequences, violence, childhood friends to strangers to companions to lovers (i am sorry), Angst, Acts of Service, Character Death (Major, and Minor), swordfights, misogyny, f!reader, kidnapping, implied torture, let me know if I missed anything lol
I got too impatient, so, I'm posting the first chapter today lol, still, i hope you enjoy reading it!
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You opened the windows as soon as you woke up. As the soft sunlight warmed your skin, you watched the breeze rustle the flowers of the garden. Beyond that garden was a beautifully constructed posh house, barely blocking your view to the adjacent village. The rows of different houses gave the scenery a special kind of feel. The view was breathtaking, the bustling of all these people making you feel alive under your skin. 
You stood by the window, trying to discern the lives of the common people below you in the valley. There was a small stripe of forest bordering the village and the mansion, which stood atop a hill. 
“I wonder how life is down there”, you mumbled before looking back to your bed.
The softest of fabric was spread over the king-sized bed and you slowly stepped closer, your hand enjoying the feel of silk between your fingers. Then with a tiny jump you threw yourself onto the mattress, sinking deeply in its comfort and warmth.
With a sigh, you tried to imagine living in such a village. Maybe you would operate a bakery, making tasty bread and confects. You would wake up early, which you usually would never even think about, but this was only imaginary. If you were lucky, you could watch the sunrise for some time, while waiting for the dough to rise. Your hands would be kneading and caressing the dough into different, but nonetheless tasty goodies for the day, the lit oven warming your back with a gentle sigh. It would hug the soft dough and prepare it for the day.
After the bread and sweets would be ready, you would open up the shop, awaiting the first jingle of the door. You would, as usual, greet the oncoming customers, the ones you saw regularly with some deep questions, and the newer ones with some welcoming small talk. Your heart would beat in happiness every time something of yours would find its home somewhere else. And if everything got sold, you would close the shop and head to the market to replenish some of your necessities. If not, you would go around and give the bread to someone who would need it at the moment, not wanting to let anyone go hungry. 
You imagined such a routine to be relaxing and enjoyable, especially connecting with so many people. The wish to go out and change something for yourself lit a spark, even if the possibility of leaving this place without guard would never happen. 
Some day you would wake up with the hope of appearing in another place, like the characters in your stories. Landing inside a novel with the knowledge of every scenario, being actively a part of some grand scheme or an adventure. But no matter how long you kept your eyes closed, you stayed in your little bland life. 
Sometimes you would dare to write down some ideas, with your scrawly font. And while doing so you blamed yourself for not listening to your teacher when learning how to write. But you wrote. You wrote every little idea that emerged in your little head. Huffing and puffing when the intricate dreams vanished after waking up. 
With a low grumble, you stared at your ceiling. You grew weary of only imagining things and felt the urge, the desire to actually live your own adventure. 
“My Lady, I’ve brought water to wash up”, the voice of your maid Hana sounded before she entered the room. 
You furrowed your brows, wondering how long you had been lying there, and if you would succeed in sneaking out, if your maid wouldn’t be so punctual. But you only greeted her and rolled from the bed to walk towards a stool.
While you were washing your face, Hana brushed your hair gently and got rid of all the knots taking residence on top of your head. You looked into the mirror, feeling the soft towel on your skin. 
This was your face, even if you wished you were another person. No matter what you think, the baby fat on your face would not dwindle until much later. For a moment you wondered how soon your birthday was. 
“You should go to the dining room to eat some breakfast, my Lady.”, Hana told you, after helping you into a simple baby blue wrapper. Something simple for your indoor endeavors, as you did not plan on leaving this mansion any time soon. 
With a nod you made your way to the dining room, greeting your father, who was leaning over some papers spread over the table. 
“Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?”, he asked while stretching his arms for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 
“Yes, thank you for asking, Father.”, you smiled with a slight crook, before turning to greet your mother the same way. 
After the greetings, you took a seat and started eating your breakfast. 
Despite the current silence at the table you were quite attached to your parents, as they were to you. They both were loving and warm and so doting on their only daughter. And who were you to resist getting spoiled like that? You would do anything for your parents, and even if you longed to go outside and experience new things, you were aware how your disappearance would break their hearts, and yours. 
“Ah, we’re supposed to return to the palace today, did you prepare your luggage, or did you forget again?”, your mother started speaking with an amused smile after finishing the meal.
“Mother! Of course, I prepared everything! But, I’m still going to ensure that everything has its place.”, you hurriedly responded and jumped from your seat. Soft chuckle followed you out of the room. 
How could you forget the return to the palace? Your father was the marquess and your mother attended to the queen herself. And despite your current young age, you wanted to make a good impression on the people living there, even if they may have already formed one around your person. But nothing speaks against working to better those impressions. 
With the help of your maid, you threw everything you may need in that visit into a tiny case, fitting for your tiny stuff. And when Hana suggested you take your stuffed cat with you, you vehemently refused. Because what if someone saw it and thought of you as inferior? Especially little kids your age, they were usually the most vicious and you refused to be the victim of their bullying. 
After making sure everything was in order, you let your maid help you into some outdoor gown with the same blue color as the other one. With a fitting pair of gloves and a bonnet, you were ready to leave your home for your stay at the palace. 
Clutching Hana’s hand you made your way outside to the awaiting carriage. The coachman already heaving their luggage into its respective space. But you didn’t need his help to get into the carriage, not even Hana’s help. You grabbed some of the fabric of your dress and took the large step with one stride. The next step let you tumble into the insides of the carriage, where you immediately acted like everything went as planned. 
Hana took the seat in front of you and the car slowly left the property. You knew that your parents were in the carriage in front of yours, so you did not fret and simply enjoyed the passing sights of the marquisate.
After a couple of minutes, someone slightly shook you and you blearily opened your eyes. You didn’t remember closing them in the first place. Did you already arrive at your destination? That was weird, you thought the way would take some hours. But beggars shouldn’t be choosers and you didn’t mind that very convenient time skip of sleep. Even if you now felt tired and grumpy. 
With half-closed lids you let Hana lead you to the inside of the palace, where you already occupy a room. This wasn’t the first time your character visited the palace, but every time felt like it was. And no matter how much you wanted to look around, you felt drained and wanted nothing more than to continue your nap in peace. 
The moment you stepped into the room, you threw yourself onto the bed, without care of your bonnet falling off your head. But for some reason you could not fall asleep again, making you whine into the soft pillows, before sitting up. 
And before you could even plan anything for the afternoon, someone started knocking on your door. 
“Hello! We were wondering if you wanted to play knights with us?”, a boy your age with bright green eyes, Izuchan,  asked you with a smile, the moment you opened the door. Another was lingering with crossed arms and a slight scowl. 
You turned to look at Hana, who just nodded with a sigh before you also nodded to the boys in front of you. “Yes! I’d love to participate in a game!”
With that, you followed them outside, where the sun shone upon your heads and warmed you slightly. 
They immediately started clashing their wooden swords and began screaming something about ‘villains’ and ‘crime’. You wondered when it would be your turn, but you didn’t hold a wooden sword in your hands. 
For some reason you felt the need to fix it, so you started wandering to the training camp of the real knights, looking for some kind of sword you might be able to use. 
The only thing you discovered were of course actual knights in training. Their movements and the swing of the sword in their hands were mesmerizing and you could not help yourself but stare. Their flow seemed like a hidden dance, its steps only obtained by the truly worthy. 
You felt trapped in watching the blades clash, eliciting bursts of tiny stars. A desire to wield this magic grew in you and a grin formed itself across your face. Now you fully understood the reason everyone admired knights. And you desired to be one. 
You barely managed to rip your gaze from their dangerous dance only to see the object you were seeking only minutes ago. Without a second thought, you grabbed the wooden sword to return to the fighting boys. Only to see them running towards the training grounds, their gaze focused on something behind you. 
And what were you supposed to do but follow them? So you ran with them towards a group of people converging around a massive person. 
“Allmight!”, Izuchan gasped and started talking about the best knight in this whole kingdom and you couldn’t do anything but listen with rapt attention and interest. 
Kacchan tried to get to the overrun knight, but before he had the possibility of reaching him, Allmight found the right timing to detach himself from the crowd and thus was missed when the boy finally broke through. 
The blond started raging, concealing his disappointment in a fit of anger and screams. The other boy tried to calm him down, yelling ‘Kacchan’ to get his attention.
Undeterred by his outburst you gripped the wooden sword tighter in your hand and declared something to him, maybe you hoped to calm him down or to distract him from his missing hero. 
“I am going to be a knight! One better than you!”, you declared war on these two young boys, who were supposed to be your friends, but your ambitions seemed to destroy any semblance of kinship. 
“Hah? A girl can’t be a knight, are you stupid?”, Kacchan immediately replied, his anger only simmering, but directed at you nonetheless. 
“You’re stupid!”
While you could have replied with a better comeback, annoyance made your brain empty, only the desire to show him filling you to the brim. 
Without waiting for the next words of this brash boy, you turned and ran towards the toy dummy, which has been abandoned offside the actual training grounds. You didn’t care if your dress stained, the seams filling with mud, as you hit the dummy repeatedly, acting as if you were already a seasoned knight. 
The two boys joined you soon after. And while the blond and you could not do anything but push each other into anger, you still played with your wooden swords, even if any of you would have dared to say that it has been a fight for life and death. 
And if your maid clicked her tongue and reprimanded you for ruining your dress, you only responded with your dreams and hopes of becoming a knight. Out of necessity, your maid had, soon after that conversation full of sighs and aspirations, sewn you some proper clothing resembling the ones of a knight. 
With your pants and shirt, you continued to fight your friends at every possibility, even if it meant getting stained in blue blood underneath your skin and ripped hair between your fingernails. 
The seasons have passed and you still lived at the palace with your mother. You spent your daily life studying everything this place had to offer and everything your duty obliged you. But the moment you managed to free yourself some time, the people found you in a pair of pants, swinging that old wooden sword with your friends. 
Finally, you had finished your reading for the day, getting some free time for your extracurricular activities. But before the teacher could properly dismiss you, your maid knocked and entered the room, a grave expression marring her face. 
“Miss, I’m afraid, your mother is at death's door…”, she started speaking, but you jumped from your chair, grabbing the fabric of your dress to allow you to run as fast as you managed. 
Your mother, your dear, loving mother, laid there, unmoving in her too-big bed. Her pale frame almost sunk into the soft fabric of the bedding and you were afraid. You were so afraid to step too close and to hurt her. 
Still, you carefully sat at the end of the bed, taking her hand in yours, as soft as your rough hands cared to achieve. You only had eyes for her, everyone around you nothing but a blur. Nonetheless, you caught some pieces of information from the people hurrying around you in a senseless frenzy. The white plague. Your mother has been suffering under the act of consumption for longer than any of the people around her anticipated. Her paleness mistaken for lack of sun and worry. Her feverishly red cheeks and lips simply for a mistake in the chosen shade. 
You wondered how long she had been plagued by this illness. How long had she been suffering without anyone taking notice? Had she already known prior to this? 
Suddenly her lack of presence in your life in the last couple of months started to make sense. She knew you would have noticed her lack of energy immediately. How could you not? Your mother used to be the sun in any dark room. Her presence soothing and warm, even if bright. This woman in front of you was nothing but a pale, sick shadow of her old self. And it hurt you.
It hurt to see the most important person in your life suffer and on the brink of death. Oh, how you would do anything to soothe her aches and take her pains away. 
Something cold dripped onto your hands, but you were not able to find the source of those tiny drops. Not until you took a shuddering gasp and a sob broke free, your lungs yearning to scream and cry. 
Even if you grew weary and bored of your life, you cared for this woman, it drove you crazy. How were you supposed to move on after this? 
People grabbed your sobbing shoulders, but you refused to let go of her frail hand. Someone was whispering empty words into you and you didn’t react with anything but a heartbreaking wail, lowering your head against her hand, pressing her cold skin against your cheeks. 
Despite your vehement protest, someone managed to loosen your grip around your dead mother, leading you into your room. After getting pushed onto your own bed, everything became a blur. 
You barely noticed getting moved around or getting into a carriage. The only thing you numbly remember was the regret of not telling your friends about your hasty departure. Even if you yourself had not known about it until you arrived back at the mansion you used to live at. You supposed this was your actual home, even if the palace felt more like it. 
After your arrival at the mansion, you refused to eat and did not leave your room under any circumstance. At some point, your father's worry grew and he started trying to lure you with different things. Most of them got no reaction from you at all. 
“Hello dear. How have you been?”, he asked with a soft voice, taking a seat at the end of the bed. You gave him a tired smile as an answer, your voice itching and scratching. 
“Good, good.”, he nodded, taking your hand in his. “I know I have said it multiple times already, but you need to get out a bit… I know, I know. But she would not want you to suffer in such a dark room.” He tried to persuade you, already knowing your answer, even just with your nonverbal facial expressions. 
“How about this: You still want to be a knight, don’t you? Well, then we shall get you some proper sword master to teach you. Can’t have you swing a wooden sword without instructions forever.”, and his suggestion made you perk up. 
You still wanted to master swordsmanship, but your father had never supported that particular endeavor of yours. Until to this day, it appeared. Even if the circumstances should have been better, your mother should have been there to celebrate that milestone with you. Still, you knew she would have wanted you to run towards your dreams, even if she wasn’t there. You decided to dedicate this work of life to her before you agreed to your father's suggestion with a slight nod and a hesitant smile. 
And your agreement seemed to spark some happiness in the eyes of your old man, as his smile gained that special depth. Without further words, because you simply didn’t need to, he pecked your forehead, before standing up. And if he pulled the curtains open and let you bask in the warmth of the estranged sun before he left your room, then so be it. Because this time, the sun didn’t symbolize another day without her, but a new opportunity dedicated to her, in remembrance of her. Starting with that day, you promised yourself to think of her every time you held a sword. Your dear beloved memories with her would lend you whatever strength you would have needed in any possible situation. 
Your gaze wanders out of your window, into the beautiful garden. And you were mesmerized by the whipping flowers, almost like it was your first time seeing them. With this breathtaking, familiar view you held your promise close to your heart and planned on never letting go.
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cmyknoise · 3 years
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a happy ghost
anyway, under the cut are some references, sketches, and other extras! included is two versions of the lineart (transparent and not).
if anyone wants to try coloring it in, they can do it! the only ‘rule’ with that if you post it, please tag me! not only would i love to see it, it’s for credit purposes. 
(Alt Images)
(Brighter/More Saturated Colors)
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(Practice Sketches & References)
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(Sketch for the Final Drawing)
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Now for the linart! Like I said before, please feel free to color them however you’d like! My only ask is that my signature in the corner stays and that you tag me!! I’d just love to see it because I struggled so hard coloring this and I’d just love to see how others would color it, also y’know, because I drew it! 
(If there’s an issue with the quality and you’d like a better quality image of the lineart because tumblr messes it up (i’ve checked on mobile and desktop it seems fine to me but who knows) please dm me!)
(White Background Lineart)
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(Transparent Lineart)
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P.S. Very simple headcanons: Ghostbur knit and sewed his own cardigan after watching Tommy. Due to his gradual loss of feeling, he would prick himself constantly and he likes colored bandaids. He carries around a bag where he collects old books, papers, and cornflowers for blue purposes. Friend’s lead is tied to his waist/belt
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hoony-parker · 2 years
Could you do a Steve x reader where she has anxiety and it’s really bad for the day and so she kinda just clings to Steve the whole day?? Like she constantly hugging him/cuddling into him while he works and runs errands (maybe picks up Dustin)?
notes: aaand i'm back! so sorry for the long wait, but i had to take some time for myself <3. i won't promise any weekly updates or anything, because i'm really busy with uni, lately. but, i'll try to post every time i can! hope you enjoy!
warnings: mentions of anxiety, mentions of not eating (very brief) a lot of fluff and some teeny tiny angst at the end (happy ending!!). a litte bit suggestive, also? i changed the request a little bit... hope it still works!
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
w/c: 2.9k (uh-oh)
four times you needed to be close to steve and one time the tables turned.
steve really didn't know what was going on with you.
he was starting to get concerned. it wasn't like you weren't an affectionate person. you always were— always cuddling him at night or while watching a movie, or always kissing his cheek when you were out or holding onto his hand at all times.
but, although you weren't all that shy about pda, you also knew your limits. after all, not everyone needed to see how needy you were with your boyfriend.
but this... this was on another level.
it all started the night before. steve had come home late from work after robin had literally abandoned him after telling him that same afternoon she'd help him restock the videos — she didn't by the way. she had a date, or something — and steve was left to rearrange the very, very large pile of films on his own.
he did make it up to you, though. steve made sure to make a quick stop on the service station near home to get some goodies for you: your favourite gummie bears and some sour cream and vinegar chips for you, and some tampons just cause he knew you were about to start your period.
when he safely made it home, he found you all scooped up in the living room couch, wrapped up in a blanket and what he could only assume was his yellow sweater, a sliver of fabric peeking out from under the blankets.
you were asleep, the room dark and the only light coming from the tv, still running some crappy sci-fi movie you had probably settled with after not finding anything good to watch. steve smiled tiredly, placing the plastic bag on one of the sofas and crouching in front of you so he'd be on eye level with your pair, and gently removed some strands of hair from your face, tucking them away and petting your head with gentle touches.
you hummed tiredly, eyes fluttering and a yawn way too cute for steve to handle, and he'd felt his heart clench behind his ribs because fuck, you just looked so cozy and comfortable.
he pouted when you humphed in annoyance at being woken up and leaned down to kiss your forehead, then both of your cheeks, then the tip of your nose and, finally, your lips, still plump with sleep.
"c'mon, sweet face. let's go to bed," he whispered, as not to disturb you further. you hadn't fully opened your eyes yet, and he could only imagine how exhausted you were.
it was finals' week and you had been studying your ass off since last month, simultaneously going to work every day for eight full hours and as if it weren't enough, you had to bare with the asshole of your boss, who just couldn't shut his damn mouth.
with his words, you finally opened your eyes, stretching your legs under the blanket and shaking your head no, then wrapping both of your arms around steve's shoulders and burying your face into the juncture of his neck. he chuckled lowly, breathlessly, because he felt you press a few wet kisses to his skin and then nuzzle further into his warmth, and he couldn't help his pulse from picking up its pace.
tha blanket had fallen from your back, and steve placed one of his hands there and caressed up and down so you wouldn't lose any warmth. he kissed your temple and put his lips just above your ear. "could you get any sleep at all? hm?" and then a few more kisses.
you only hummed, the answer unclear to your boyfriend. but, when he made a quick move to get out of your embrace and stand up, you whined and sat up straighter, not letting your arms fall from around his shoulders and you wrapped both of your thighs around his waist, hoisting yourself up along with him. steve made a little 'umph' sound in surprise, laughing and placing both of his hands under your thighs to keep you safely close to him.
he didn't complain. how could he? when all he had wanted all day long was to have you just like that — in his embrace, all sleepy and yearning for his warmth, ready to fall asleep in each other's arms.
so, he carefully walked up the stairs, chuckling softly every now and then after hearing your sleepy mumbles you let out.
steve didn't hate a lot of people, but if his alarm clock was a fucking person—
it was a thursday, and you had a day off. finals' week was finally over, and steve may or may not have called in sick for you, so you could stay and catch up on some much needed sleep. he, however, couldn't stay with you.
keith had made it very, very clear that steve could forget about coming back to the store if he called in sick again this month— he had done so for at least four times already. it wasn't his fault, really. it wasn't like the supernatural would let him get his sleep after attacking hawkins.
but, what really didn't make it any easier was how, when the absolutely horrible sound of the alarm, he felt you hug him tighter and you cuddled closer to his body, sighing in annoyance at the idea of having your boyfriend leave your embrace.
"mmh, no. you don't get to leave," you mumbled into his chest. steve chuckled, bringing one of his hands up to your hair and scratch your scalp, making you almost pathetically melt into his touch. in return, you gently traced figures with your nails on the skin of his stomach, your hand under his shirt, and you smiled when you felt him shiver beneath your touch.
"gotta go, sweetheart. keith'll fire me if i don't," he insisted, though his smile was almost sad at the idea of leaving you and having to yearn for your snuggles all day long.
"i'll get you a job at the bakery, then," you mumbled, and steve tickled your sides, his smile widening when you squirmed away. "i couldn't possibly rock that cupcake hat like you do, doll."
you didn't answer, only nuzzling your face into the softness of the fabric of his shirt. "don't want you to go yet, though," you sighed. steve frowned, looking behind him to get a glimpse of his alarm clock.
"it's still pretty early. why don't you have breakfast w'me, hm?" he offered, brushing your hair out of your face. you hummed, smiling in approval. "you gonna make scrambled eggs?" you asked sheepishly. he laughed. "with a glass of orange juice and some coffee. what d'ya think?" steve mumbled into your hair, leaving sweet kisses on the crown of your head.
when you nodded with a smile, steve slowly took your arms from around him and stood up from the bed, stretching his arms over his head. "gotta take a quick shower first, 'kay?" he looked at you, and you made a smiled softly, still laying on his sheets, and made a single 'come hither' motion.
he smiled in return, letting himself drop on the bed and putting his hands before him as not to crush you in the process. you giggled, placing one of your hands on the back of his neck and pulling him in, lips on his, and you felt him smile through it all. when you pulled on the hair on his neck, steve let out a low moan, and he pulled away, panting into your lips and dropping his forehead on your collarbone. "i really have to take that shower," he repeated.
you bit your bottom lip, wrapping your legs around his waist in silent question. he groaned needily, supporting your weight with both of his palms under your butt and hoisted you up, pushing his lips back on yours and walked the two of you into the bathroom.
breakfast with steve was the best thing of the day. and, because it wasn't every day you could enjoy it together, as you weren't living together — not yet, at least —, that just made the two of you yearn for it even more.
you sat on the countertop, legs swinging back and forth while you watched as steve cooked breakfast, a cute apron over his bare chest and his hair still tousled from sleep. he hummed to a song, absentmindedly swinging his hips while he stirred the eggs on the pan.
you laughed to yourself, hopping down the counter and walking to the other side of the kitchen, taking two mugs from the shelf and taking them with you on the way to the coffee machine. you poured some of the beverage in both of the cups and prepared them just how steve liked it, before walking to him with both of the cups.
placing one next to his hand on the countertop, you kissed his bare shoulder, singing the lyrics of the song he was humming seconds before.
"thank you, sweetheart," he smiled warmly, turing his head over his shoulder and puckering his lips, asking for a kiss.
you did as he asked, a quick peck on his pink lips and you took your free hand to his forehead to clean his sight from any fallen strands of hair, then caressing his cheek with your thumb.
after deciding against hugging him from behind while he cooked, because you knew steve gets distracted very easily and it was for the best for him to finish breakfast without any incidents, you waited for him on your seat by the window. he quickly joined you, putting a bowl with the scrambled eggs on the small table next to you and his cup of coffee next to his plate, sitting down on his chair.
quickly, though, you decided that he was sitting way to far from you. so, you took your mug, rounding the table and walking towards him. he frowned, confused, but you placed a hand on his shoulder and just waited for him to get the hint himself. when he leaned back, you climbed on his lap, one hand around his shoulder and the other bringing the coffee to your lips. he just smiled at you, his fingers tracing patterns on your thigh and his other hand gripping his fork.
steve knew you had a test today. he knew, because you hadn't slept at his in weeks trying to prepare yourself for it. and, yes. it was torture for him, sure, but he was worried for you.
even though you and him weren't meeting after your shifts or after your lessons so you could study, you'd try to make some time to grab lunch with him, or meet on your respective breaks. he'd seen the bags under your eyes, the way your nails looked bitten and the skin around them looked red and angry.
he could feel your anxiety from a mile away.
you had your morning shift today, and then your exam half an hour after your last lesson of the day ended. it was noon now, almost eight, and he had yet to hear from you.
it was funny, really. how, even though he couldn't even imagine himself sitting for an exam as hard as the one you're sitting for right now — something you had told him multiple times before that he's more than capable of doing so —, he felt as nervous as if he was the one in that classroom with the sheet of paper in front of him.
but he had seen you through the process of getting ready for it. he'd seen you with your head in your hands, highlighter in hand while you went over and over the same page, trying to get all the information in it to stay in your head.
he'd seen you skipping meals, only ingesting caffeine as if your life depended on it, and it worried him.
so, he waited, and he waited, and tried to busy his mind by restocking the videos and organizing them by alphabetical order — just like keith had told him and robin they had to actually organize the movies like, but hadn't really done so before — but it wasn't really working. a frown found itself permanent over his pretty brown eyes, and robin watched, amused, with her chin on the palm of her hand on the counter.
"watcha thinkin' about, lover boy?" she smiled, teasingly. steve hadn't had any time to bother himself from reacting to her teasing. "haven't heard from her since this morning, tha's all," he mumbled under his breath, not even looking up nor facing her, as he continued placing the videos on the shelves.
"she'll come soon enough," she assured. "speaking of," robing exclaimed and, as if on cue, the bell above the door ringed. steve looked up, and he barely got to see your figure, head down while you walked with long, hurried steps towards him.
"hey, sweethe—", he interrupted himself with a sound of surprise, your body crushing into his and you buried your face deep into his vest.
he could feel your heart beating hard and quick, but, even though he tried to get a glimpse of your face, the angle wouldn't allow it. steve, looked at robin with a worried face, which she mirrored, and she shrugged, leaving the room and walking into keith's — now empty— office to leave you some space.
your breathing was heavy and your grip was tight, and steve, although it took him some time to understand the situation, didn't hesitate to hug you back just as tight. it wasn't until he felt a wet patch forming on his shirt that he realised you had started crying, and he kissed your forehead and began to sway the both of you side by side. "s'all good, doll. jus' breathe f'me," he mumbled into your hair, his voice hushed and sweet like honey, calming and comforting like a fuzzy blanket in a cold morning.
after a couple of minutes of silence, only the sound of your sniffles in the empty store, steve spoke up, still holding you tightly. "hey, how 'bout a movie night? you've wanted to watch back to the future for a while now, right? we can take it from here. no one'll notice. and, if they do, we'll just blame robin," he shrugged, and felt himself perk up at the sound of your teary laugh. "don't be mean," you accused.
"hey, she's been stealing the pb&j sandwiches you make for me for months now. she'll get over it."
steve was a reserved guy. never been one to talk about his issues with anyone. not when nancy broke up with him, not when he went through all the supernatural. he's never told a soul.
but, when you came into his life, things slowly started to come out of his mouth by themselves. as if they'd just slip from his tongue swiftly and without struggle. as if the words had been begging to come out for months now and needed the relief.
however, steve had never, ever, talked about his family to you. you knew it wasn't easy. knew he didn't have a great family and, being an only child, he was all by himself for most of the time. even more when his parents were away for work trips for the most part of the year.
you didn't know when the breaking point had been. when, all of the sudden, couldn't even talk about his parents. about his dad, specifically. but, a couple of years forward, steve had graduated from community college.
it wasn't a big deal, he had said. although, it really, really was. and you couldn't have been anymore prouder.
the ceremony had been small — just the family of the graduated students and their friends — but they were just a few of them. of course all the kids had been invited and every single one of them had shown up. but, even though you knew steve was glad all of you had made it, he couldn't mask the disappointment on his face when he looked around the room and didn't catch his parents' eyes.
he'd been quiet the rest of the day; at the restaurant you had all gone to to celebrate, at dustin's house, where his mother had so kindly baked him a cake with frosting that read 'con-grad-ulations, steve!'.
steve was more than grateful, of course. he had recieved more love from all of those people than from his own family in his entire life. but, nonetheless, his smile couldn't quite reach his eyes. and you couldn't blame him for it.
when you made it to his house — emtpy, as usual—, steve threw his cap on the couch and walked into the kitchen. you knew he needed his time, so you went upstairs and got ready for bed.
once in bed, you waited for him with a book in hand. a couple of minutes later, he came into view, already in his pajamas and threw himself over you, immediately burying his face in your chest, tangling his legs with yours.
your hands went, as natural, to his head in a second, petting and comping and scratching his scalp to get to relax him. but, when you felt hot tears meet your skin, you held him tighter and let him cry. he cried for minutes, gripping you with such strength, as if he was scared you'd slip away from him. you kissed his forehead, hands and fingers, nose and cheeks, and let him cry.
"shh, breath f'me, mkay? s'all good, honey."
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@filmsbyemma @m-rae23 @hello1276 @bijleegiregi @tiaamberxx @dirtytissuebox @mads-weasley
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 3 years
Mother’s Day Drabbles
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader, Miguel Galindo x Black!Reader, EZ Reyes x Black!Reader, Obispo Losa x Black!Reader
Summary: Four drabbles with my four favorite men from Mayans MC commemorating Mother’s Day with their loves.
Warning(s): Grief, loss of a child in the last drabble (sorry to my bishop girls) but the other ones are all fluffy goodness
Word count: 1,545
AN: It’s almost Father’s Day so y’know what sounds good? Reading some EXTREMELY late Mother’s Day drabbles!! lol. I haven’t posted anything in so long and these were in the drafts so here we are. Enjoy these random ideas that popped into my head. Trying to force myself to get into shorter form writing like drabbles and headcanons. As always, questions, comments, and concerns are welcomed. Happy reading! xo
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Breakfast in bed - Angel (fluff)
“Daddy shhh! You gots ta be quiet.”
“Lo siento princesa.”
You fought to keep your eyes shut and not smile as they tried and failed at surprising you. You wouldn’t ruin their efforts so you just listened as they came into the bedroom and something was set on your nightstand.
It was silent for a moment before a ball of energy landed firmly on top of you, knocking the wind out of you and fully waking you up.
“Good morning mommy. I made you breakfast in bed.” Your beautiful little girl told you once she saw your eyes open.
A throat cleared and your eyes connected with your husband’s.
“Oh, Daddy helped too.” She added, getting comfortable in your lap as you sat up against your headboard and adjusted the bonnet on your head.
“Oh he did? Well thanks for helping Daddy.” You teased, as he took a seat on the bed next to you.
“Anything for you. Happy Mother’s Day.” Angel leaned in and kissed you on the lips once, twice, three times. The last peck lingered a little too long and the princess was not amused.
“Let her eat! The food is gonna get cold.” She grumbled, and you broke down in giggles. That daughter of yours was a sass machine and she stayed on her daddy’s head. He loved every bit of it.
“Okay, okay.” He relented, a grin on his face. Anything for his girls.
Coming home to a spotless clean house - Miguel (fluff)
As your driver pulled into the driveway of your large home, she sighed knowing your day had only just become. After a full day of work, she knew as soon as you stepped foot in the house you would need to pick up after the kids from their time running the nanny ragged. Then, you’d have to get dinner cooked before wrangling the kids to eat, bathe, and then sleep. No clue if you’d see your husband or if he was having a late night.
You loved your life. You loved your family. Sometimes things could just be a little tiring. But you put that smile on your face and you made your way into the house.
The quiet was the first thing to hit and surprise you. Your home was never this quiet at this time of day. You slowly walked further into the house, your nose guiding you to the kitchen where a delicious aroma caught your attention. As you rounded the corner, you were shocked to see your husband standing at the stove.
“Miguel?” You asked, confused at his presence and the state of the house. Everything was clean and put away. He was at home at a decent time and not off somewhere handling business. Something was going on.
“Hello mi amor.” He walked closer to you before grabbing your face and kissing your lips. You’d missed him today so you added a little pressure to the kiss, but it didn’t last long as there was a burning question on your mind.
“What’s going on? Where are the kids?” You asked, head swiveling, as soon as you ended the kiss, to see if you could spot them. You didn’t even notice Miguel maneuvering you onto one of the kitchen stools.
“The kids are in their rooms, dinner is cooking, the house is clean and you are going to enjoy this chardonnay I bought for you.” He handed you a glass and you took it without complaint. A sweet smile spread across your lips as you realized he did all of this for you.
“You do so many wonderful things for this family. I want you to enjoy your night to yourself. I will handle putting the children to bed and you will relax for the night. Your dinner should be done by the time I get back downstairs but in the meantime, I know you’ve been wanting to catch up on the new season of A Black Lady Sketch Show. It’s queued up in the living room.”
A kid wrangling free night? Your favorite tv show and wine? He already bought you everything you could ask for but this? This is so much better than any present he could have come up with. “How did I get so lucky?” You pondered, a dreamy smile on your face.
“I ask myself the same question every day. Happy Mother’s Day.” He replied, kissing you again before going to fulfill his promise.
Spa day for expectant mom - EZ (fluff)
Knowing what comes with being pregnant and actually experiencing the symptoms are two very different things. You don’t wanna say you underestimated things, but you were in the middle of your third trimester and you weren’t handling things very well.
“EZ!! EZEKIEL!” You hollered for him, from where you sat propped up on the couch. Your back was killing you, you couldn’t see your feet but you knew they were a hot mess, and you just generally felt uncomfortable. You knew it would all be worth it in the end, but the end was taking too damn long to get here.
Your boyfriend had been incredibly understanding of your constant mood swings. When you first told him you were pregnant, he went out and bought a bunch of pregnancy books. He was always reading one that first trimester. Angel would tease him and say he could just google everything, but EZ had always preferred having physical copies of text. He wanted to know everything you’d go through so he could help you deal with it.
You call him now and he doesn’t respond. You grow annoyed, but also slightly concerned because he never doesn’t answer you.
It took several tries but you manage to get yourself off the couch and head back towards your bedroom. When you push the door open, a wide smile breaks out on your face. The lights in the room were dimmed and your favorite candles were lit, bathing the room in a soothing scent. Songs from your ‘self care day’ playlist filled the otherwise silent air. On the bed was the biggest, fluffiest robe you’d ever seen in your life. There was also a basket filled with goodies including face masks, different color nail polish, massage oil, and your favorite snacks.
“What is all of this?” You asked your boyfriend who had almost as big a smile on his face as you did.
“You didn’t seriously think I’d just let your first Mother's Day go by with no acknowledgment, did you?”
You blinked somewhat in surprise. “I...I mean yeah I guess. My first Mother’s Day is next year. Baby Reyes isn’t even here yet.”
“So? You’re carrying our child. You gonna let me spoil you or you gonna keep making excuses why I can’t?” He asked, his eyebrow raised and a sly smirk on his face.
“Spoil away then.” You grinned, holding out a hand for him to take before pampering you for the rest of the night.
Cuddles - Bishop (angst, heed the tw up top please)
The ray from the television was the only light source illuminating the living room. You were laying on your side on the couch, eyes on the tv but not truly paying attention to it. The light from the tv reflected off the tear stains left in her cheeks.
Bishop came back from dealing with club stuff and leaned on the doorway just watching you. He knew it was a rough day for you. Everyday was hard, but today was especially hurtful. He’d be feeling the same way just next month.
He placed his kutte onto the armchair and slipped off his shoes before climbing over you. You jumped a little at his presence but he just gently nudged you up so he could squeeze between you and the back of the couch.
One arm slid under your head and the other rested on your waist as he settled in. The hand on your waist reached out and gently ran a thumb over the little face in the picture frame you held tightly in your hands.
“Our sweet boy.” He whispered, a sad smile on his face.
Your breath hitched and your shoulders began to shake as you silently cried. You missed him so much. The whole day you stayed inside hoping to avoid all the mother celebrations, but that didn’t help. The hurt ran deep and no amount of avoidance could stop it. This day was a special slap in the face and every year the last three years have been spent like this.
Bishop curled the arm under your head until his elbow laid on your clavicle. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you tight against him.
“You’ll always be his mother. That love is forever.” He softly but firmly stated before pecking your shoulder over and over.
You released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in at the feel of him squeezing you tightly. It was comforting. He was always holding you together. He understood your pain and even though it hurt worse some days than others, you knew you had to continue on.
But for right now, you would cry in your man’s arms and hope next year went better.
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exosmutfactory · 3 years
◤Off The Rails◢
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You remembered the first time you met, passing his figure that was enveloped in a cloud of smoke; a cancerous stick held between his fingertips. You knew he was trouble, knew the chaos he comes with. Yet every time he had to skip town, you wished… he’d come back for you instead.
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Originally posted by tipannies
(This is my favorite gif to date, okay. I’m a hoe for Bambi Baek)
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— Pairing: You & Baekhyun
— Genre/AU: smut, angst, fluff & comedy (if ya squint),
— Word Count: 11.7k (yikes!)
— Rating: 18-21+ (M) This sh*t is filthy, I’m not even kidding, don’t @ me (just kidding, please do, I’d love to discuss 😇)
— [ Contains: dom/sub themes, degradation, unprotected sex, public sex, oral / blow job / whatever you’d like to call it, bbh goes deep in that throat ok ]
— Warnings: blood, weapons, violence (mafia!au style), mention of prostitution, and a whole lot of bad luck.
❥ New year, new smut, new me, yo. Hehe, hello! I’m back with another shame(ful)less one-shot. This one will be longer than the rest. I hope you enjoy the ride this Baekhyun emits!
❥ Ps: sorry to all spaghetti lovers out there. Don’t read this while eating or if you’re queasy. It’s not that bad, but it’s mafia au. I’ll just leave it at that :’) 💔
❥ Happy reading, readers and lovelies~ Take a peek over at aff for more goodies 🌹
⏰🚂Off The Rails Tag List:🚂⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love  @insta1010 @bellamendoza @wooya1224 @byuntrash101 @ateliersaab @geniusloey​ @blahblahblah-boo​ @taehcore​ @thegreatandi​ @kimyhappy​ @bigbobohu​ @byunbabybaek​ @byuns-asscheeks​ 
❥ Forgive me for the long plot :’)
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You don’t know how you got here. Backed up against the wall of a darkened alleyway, too far away from the main street for anyone to hear you if you screamed.
Well... you actually do, but you wish you didn’t.
“Please...” your voice is a mere whisper against the ambiance of the late December air. “Please just- just one more month and I’ll have everything-”
“You said that last month, girly.” A tall, burly man steps forward from the shadows, the glint of his golden tooth making you shiver, pressing yourself further against the rough brick wall. “And the month before that.” His white, sinister grin is the only clear thing you can see in the dim lighting as his goons close in around you. “Time to,” he punches his fist into his hand, “pay up.”
In that moment, you lose your composure, swearing your late stepfather’s name loud enough for the heavens to hear. How dare that asshole take the easy way out and set you up to be the one to pay off his staggering debt of 3 million dollars? Who is foolish enough to rank up such a high price from gabbling - gabbling?! You’ve been kicked out of your house earlier today and fired from your stable job last week. There’s no way you’ll ever be able to pay it off at this rate, and now you are meeting your fate. All because of a selfish, addict-gabbling prick.
“Mother fucking, boot-licking son of a b-”
Just as the men step in front of you, a loud bang! crackles through the still night.
You freeze, squeezing your eyes shut. You know exactly what that sound was; there’s no mistaking it. The smell of gunpowder and the heavy thud of bodies falling to the ground around you only adds to your building fear. Your breath catches in your throat, something warm and sticky slides down your cheek. Breathe, you have to remind yourself, scraping your nails over the rough wall. You can handle many things, but gore isn’t your strong suit.
“The coast is clear.” A gruff voice pipes up from the entrance of the alleyway, switching off their static radio soon after. Multiple pairs of boots stomp closer to you and you can only flinch at the squish of human remains under their feet. “And then there was one…” A different voice humors.
You stay stock-still, maybe they won’t notice you. You’re wearing all black, how can they possibly see you in the darkness?
Unfortunately, your hiccup gives you away. Three sets of flashlights beam at you from beyond your eyelids. Great. Just great. Luck really isn’t on your side today. You are now faced with two options, either accept your new fate or make a break for it…
When you sense someone reaching for you, you duck your head and bolt.
“Hey!” They yell after you. You don’t even stop for a second, you pretend that the pile of bodies under your feet is merely spilled spaghetti while high-tailing it out of there. Their footsteps thunder after you on the pavement, growing fainter the more you force yourself forward. You can thank your lucky stars for running track in high school and having to avoid rabid canines on the streets of your shabby neighborhood. Everything happens for a reason, and you aren’t one to endlessly question what the universe has in store for you.
You push yourself further, working your legs to the limit for a couple of blocks. After a few twists and turns down alleyways you’ve memorized by heart, you don’t hear their furious strides and demanding voices anymore. Listening carefully to your surroundings, you slow down to a light jog, looking for a place to hide for a while. All you see are barren buildings and a lone road that stretches out for miles. “Shit,” you pant, leaning onto a collapsed building. You slowly make your way down the street, screaming on the inside at your bad luck. Every single place you come across is too dangerous to enter, with various warning signs plastered onto their boarded-up doors.
“For fuck sake.” You tangle your fingers into your hair, too pumped up on adrenaline to care about the burn on your scalp from pulling mercilessly on the tangled locks. Please. I need something. Anything. Just as you’re ready to give up, coming to terms with the fact that you will either die from the cold or the bloodied hands of strangers, you see a faint light up ahead. There… There! Just beyond a fallen wall partially hidden behind an old staircase.
You fly through the small hole in the wall, just big enough for you to fit through, and you manage to go down the steep slope of the crumbled wall without falling on your face. Your surroundings are a blur as you faintly hear a heated conversation between the men from before, coming closer to where you are. You take cover behind the first wide, stone pillar you see, stopping for a moment to catch your breath. God... what the hell was that? What has your life turned into? How could your life go from worrying about paying off student debt to running from loan sharks and other hoodlums?
“What a fucking joke.” You chuckle at your expense, resting your back against the pillar. Thankfully the group of men seems to have moved on, or at least they are not hovering around where you are anymore…
Uh, where are you exactly?
A spark of fear goes down your spine - even more so when you hear an amused chuckle that is definitely not your own.
You spin around on your heel quick enough to give yourself whiplash and raise your fists, bracing yourself for anything. Your eyes widen at your surroundings. All you see is an underground train track that goes on for miles, and a wispy cloud of smoke that is coming from more than just the freezing late night December air.
“If you think you’re being intimidating, sweetheart,” a low, raspy voice echoes across the abandoned concrete walls, “I hate to break it to you, but you’re not.”
The smoke clears up for a moment, letting you catch a glimpse of the man and his midnight black hair. His eyebrows are hidden behind the length of his hair, the straight locks long enough to dangle into his droopy brown eyes. You lock eyes with those deep, brooding orbs before smoke obstructs your view of him again. “Your form is off, your shoulders are too stiff.” He lists off in a humorous tone. “You’d break your own hand before you’d break anyone’s nose, sweetheart.”
“Who the hell are you?” you demand, not ready to let your guard down yet.
He seems to be even more amused. “I go by many names,” he shares, the smoke clearing up just enough to show the quirk of his lips as he holds up a cigarette. His all-black outfit of a dark blazer, black tie, matching dress pants, and a white button-down shirt makes him stick out like a sore thumb compared to the stone pillar he’s leaning against. And to your horror, you realize he’s standing inside of the train tracks… you’re standing inside of the train tracks!
“What’s yours?” he inquires while you frantically look around for an exit.
You pause, throwing him an unamused look over your shoulder. “None of your business, creep,” you sneer, having enough of his antics. What reason does he have to hang out on an abandoned railroad anyway? Definitely not something you’re up for waiting around to find out.
He actually laughs. “You’re a feisty one, huh, sweetheart?”
“Stop calling me that,” you snap, trying to find a way to climb back out the way you came in.
“You really are a handful, huh.” The raven sighs, lowering his cigarette and stuffing his other hand in his pocket. “I guess that is to be expected.”
“Excuse me?” your voice is higher in pitch as your anxiety reaches uncharted levels. What the fuck is this guy going on about?
“Tsk so ungrateful.” He shakes his head as the smoke clears and you realize that he has a fucking mullet while he snubs the cigarette under his boot.
Before you can reply, he’s tilting his head to the side, long strands of hair following the movement. A wishful-like smile forms on his lips. “Tell me, sweetheart.” His voice carries through the still air. He lifts up his gloved hand to reveal a gold coin. “Heads,” he flips it around, “or tails?”
You narrow your eyes, scrutinizing him for a moment. He does nothing but keep those deep brown eyes focused on you. You shrug after a while. Oh, what the hell. You’re homeless, jobless, and technically still on the run from your stepfather’s debt. You’ll play his little game; it’s not like you have anything else better to do. “Tails,” you decide, crossing your arms and lifting your chin only to freeze. A lone, echoing whistle fills the air of the abandoned railroad - or well, what you thought was abandoned.
The ground starts to shake under your feet, stray pieces of gravel and chunks of concrete jumping up like water bubbling in a pot. You start to make your way over to the man continuing to rest against the pillar without a care in the world, moving faster as the train’s whistle drowns out your voice.
He flicks the coin into the air and nonchalantly turns his head towards the train. The coin plummets to the ground, landing right in the middle of the train track. You watch in horror while he steps out to pick up the coin, briefly struggling to get it in his grip. You scream for him to move, the train close enough to cast his shadow in its light. Its tires screech in protest as if the driver has noticed you standing in the tracks-
You cover your ears and turn away, pressing yourself against the nearest pillar. The volume of the train going past nearly deafens you. Its high speed and aged machinery croaking loudly while the tracks quiver under its weight. You can do nothing but cling onto that cold, stone wall until it leaves just as suddenly as it came.
You wait until you can’t hear the train anymore before stepping back, nearly falling onto the ground in a heap. For a moment, you wonder why the tracks are still trembling until you realize it’s you that is shaking like a leaf, your knees buckling under the weight of your own emotions. Tears brim your eyes, stinging them painfully when you turn around. The wintry cold wind continues to be unmerciful while you look all over the place, trying to spot his head of black hair against your better judgment.
Something shiny on the other side of the railroad catches your eye. You slowly make your way over to it, stumbling along the way. The cold air brushes against the fresh, open wounds on your elbows, the sleeves of your old denim jacket torn in your haste to run for cover. You barely plant down your hands on the ledge in time to catch yourself before you fall, your ankle throbbing painfully under your unsupported weight. Your lips tremble, emotions from the tiring day hitting you all at once when your eyes spot the shiny object again. You reach for it, pulling it closer while roughly rubbing the blur from your eyes. Your eyes widen as the metal rests in the palm of your hand.
His gold coin; the face of a deer on one side and its rear end on the other. That isn’t why fear grips at your heart for the fourth time tonight, however. No.
It’s the fact that the coin had landed on Heads.
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“That’ll be $9.65, ma’am.”
“Alright,” you mumble distractedly, dragging your eyes away from the rainy view of the backseat window. You open up your purse, searching and digging around for your wallet. Come on… The last thing you need right now is bad luck.
Earlier this week you had managed to land yourself an apartment and a new job in a local grocery store. It’s a downgrade from the office position you once had, but beggars can’t be choosers. You’re just grateful that someone took you in after weeks spent going door to door with a stack of your resume in hand. You’ve gotten so many paper cuts over the last two weeks alone that you have sworn to get a laptop as soon as you have enough money saved up.
When you do pull out your wallet, it feels lighter than it should be between your fingertips. You flip it open in a hurry, mindful of the driver tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight.
Right before you stepped into the back of the cab, a group of children had approached you. Anyone from miles away could tell that they didn’t come from a “well-off” home, with their tattered clothes and smudge-covered faces. They pleaded for your help, for a few dollars to buy themselves food to get through the night. You caved in. You couldn’t just walk away after hearing their cries and seeing them clutch their growling stomachs. Their little eyes had lit up when you pulled out your wallet, counting enough notes for each of them to be able to afford their own meal. If only you had paid more attention when all three of them decided to wrap their arms around you in a hug…
“Ah…” you smile nervously, looking up at the irritated driver with a sheepish expression on your face. “I… I seem to have left my wallet at home - can I run and get it?” you propose, noticing the annoyance rise on his aged face.
“It’s right around the corner-”
The old man shakes his head, putting the car back into drive. Before you can say a word, he does an illegal U-turn in the middle of the street, tires squealing in protest as you slide onto the sidewalk for a few seconds. He roughly spins the wheel in the opposite direction to get off of the patch of black ice and zooms back down the way you came. Taking shortcuts down roads you’ve never seen before until you reach a bridge that crosses a railroad and the beginning of a highway.
“Get out.”
“I-” you protest, holding onto your seatbelt for dear life. What the fuck? I’ve never been on this side of town before! “You-”
He glares at you from the rearview mirror, spitting a mouthful of tobacco into his empty beer can. “Beat it.”
You want to stand your ground, demand that he at least drop you off closer to a populated area, but something in his beady eyes dares you to utter a single word. So you bite your tongue, and climb out of the cab, already shivering from the cold wind. The old man doesn’t even wait for you to step onto the sidewalk before he revs the engine, making another illegal U-turn to speed off back the way he came.
“Asshole!” you scream after him, wrapping your arms around yourself for warmth. You realize too late that you have forgotten your winter coat in the back of the cab. Now standing at the side of a silent underpass, barely sheltered from the heavy rain, you really are starting to think that the universe has just decided for your luck to run out.
“Fucking dick,” you mutter, eyes stinging from your tears and the cold. Great. Your phone is dead, you’re God knows where, and your fingertips are going numb. What a perfect way to end the week. So much for a new lease on life.
After a while, you start to grow weary of the quiet underpass. No one has driven past you in the last ten minutes, car or train. Did he… drop me off at an abandoned road? You shiver at the thought, and even more so when you remember what happened to you a month ago.
Somehow, between those thirty sleepless nights and bleary mornings, you haven’t forgotten that man you met on those train tracks. Not even for a second. His brown eyes plague your thoughts, his raspy voice takes over your dreams. Sometimes you even swear you see him around town, hanging out in the shadows that reflect his mysterious aura so well-
“Achoo!” your nose and eyes burn as one. “Shit.” You hiss before letting out a sigh. There’s no use standing here like an idiot, you need to find the nearest payphone to use with the coins you keep stashed in your shirt pocket-
You instinctively reach down inside of your shirt, flinching at the cold that touches your skin. The familiar piece of metal tucked safely next to your heart calms you down a little. It’s funny how a reminder of such a fear-inducing situation helps you find your peace.
You’ve tried to throw away that damn coin multiple times: on the train tracks, over a bridge, inside a dumpster… But every single time, you curled your fist around it as if it was some sacred trinket of a past lover. An object that you had to keep. For some reason, the thought of tossing it away makes your chest ache. It would be so much easier if it wasn’t so pretty…
A bone-chilling breeze washes over you, mercilessly freezing your exposed skin. Your teeth chatter; you quickly pull your hand out of your bra. Whatever. You need to get out of here. You can reminisce about your encounter with that infuriating stranger when you’re not becoming an icicle.
Patches of ice cling onto the sidewalk, not making your life any easier. Your choice of wearing converses today has left you in the hands of fate - the fate of slipping and sliding with every other step you take. Inconvenience or not, you’re just glad you still have shoes. Even if you have to hold onto the stone walls for support.  
“Well, well, well,” a voice echoes throughout the underpass.
You lose your footing, nearly falling face-first on the ground if it wasn’t for a nearby trash can. You whip your head around, staring at the person behind you with wide eyes. Your heart stops dead in its tracks. Oh no.
It’s a fucking biker, seated on top of a brand new motorcycle. A brand of the vehicle that you have no idea how to pronounce, but can recognize anywhere thanks to the lousy friends of your stepfather. Have they found you? Are you going to have to face those loan sharks again? You can’t help but tremble while watching the biker take off their helmet as the engine continues to purr. How the hell you didn’t hear it, you have no idea. All you know is that their all-black, leather outfit is hella intimidating...
until you see a mullet.
He slowly raises his head and those familiar, droopy brown eyes greet you from under the veil of heavy rain. “Fancy seeing you here, darling.”
Your heart skips a beat. Oh my god, he’s alive! “Oh…” you mumble dryly, “you’re alive.” 
“That I am.” He raises a brow, a mischievous grin tugging on his lips. “It takes more than that to kill me, sweetheart.”
Yeah… right. You roll your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Business meeting.” He looks you over for a moment. “You?”
“Minding my business,” you lean against the trash can, trying to come off as nonchalant as possible. Just because you are in a dire situation doesn’t mean you’ll let him know about it. 
“‘Minding my business,’ she says,” he humors, raising another brow. “You don’t look too comfortable doing that out here.”
His words remind you of the lack of your coat. You don’t respond to prevent your teeth from chattering and giving yourself away, wrapping your sweater tighter around you.
His eyes narrow, “what are you doing on this side of town, darling?” his words are sugar-sweet, the expression on his face is not.
“Nothing,” you quip.
He pulls something shiny out of his jacket, something much bigger than a coin. “You might want to start talking, sweetheart.” His lips curl up in warning, combat knife in full view.
“I-” you gasp, staring horrified at the red stains clinging to the silver metal. “I got put out, okay?!” you yell, backing away from his murderous glare. “I-I got robbed by a group of fucking kids earlier and my cab put me out…” Just repeating what happened to you less than an hour ago has your eyes filling up with tears all over again. “God...” you hide your face in your hands, “God I’m so stupid.”
“Stupid isn’t the term I’d use,” he murmurs, carrying on despite your cries, “more like gullible.”
You stop at once, peeking at him from between your numb fingers. “Wow,” you sniff, not sure if you’re more upset at him or yourself, “how comforting of you.”
He looks into your eyes for a while. “Get on,” he commands, gesturing towards the back of the motorcycle with his chin.
“And what makes you think I’d go anywhere with you?” you can’t help but scoff, wrapping your arms around yourself. Shivering involuntarily from the drops of rain meeting your skin in the bitter wind.
“You have two options, sweetheart,” he lowers his voice, his tone filled with barely-concealed annoyance. “Either let me take you home or freeze your ass off,” he raises a brow. “Your call.”
You glare at him, warily eyeing his motorcycle. You’d have to cling onto him if you didn’t want to fly off of his bike the moment he drives off, and that’s not something you particularly want to do. But that versus the likelihood of you getting frostbite…
“Take me straight home,” you demand, stepping closer to him, the tips of your hair getting wet from the rain. “I mean it.”
The raven slowly drags his eyes to meet yours, looking at you with an emotion you can’t quite identify. He wordlessly lifts up his helmet and places it on your head, surrounding you in the smell of smoke with a hint of vanilla. You bite your lip to refrain yourself from mentioning how bad smoking is; now is not the time for a life lecture. But the way his eyes drop down as if he can see your lips through the helmet’s dark tint and the flickering streetlight overhead has you feeling a lot less cold than you did two minutes ago...
“Come on,” his breath fogs up your view of him, reminding you of the first time you met while he urges you to climb on. You glare at the back of the motorcycle. It’s not just the fact that it’s his bike that has you apprehensive, it's the fact that you have never been anywhere near a motorcycle in your life. Yeah, you’ve seen them around town. Yes, you hear about biker gangs all the time - you just never dared to step foot near one of the vehicles your mother had deemed the most dangerous on the road, let alone climb on the back of one. How the hell do you mount this thing? It’s way too complex for your cold and exhausted brain right now.
After a few failed attempts to climb on - your shoes having no chance of gripping onto its rain-covered surface, the man gives a loud, suffering sigh. He throws his head back, face pinched up in utter annoyance. For once you feel bad about giving him a hard time. You’re at your wits end over here; it’s not like you are doing it on purpose!
His eyes snap open when you slip one more time, and before you can blink, his hands are on your waist, pulling you up onto the seat as if you weigh nothing.
“Hold on tight if you don’t want to fall,” he mutters lowly, ignoring your gasp. He removes his hands as soon as you are settled. You carefully wrap your arms around him, feeling your face heat up from the proximity. Something rough brushes against your chin. You lean back a little, blinking at the letter stitched onto the back of his leather jacket. “B?” you ask, tracing it with your finger.
He tenses up for a moment, seemingly surprised by your question. “Baekhyun,” he clears his throat, gripping onto the handlebars.
“Oh,” you smile, “good. I thought it was for Bernard.”
You feel more than hear the rumble of laughter in his chest when he revs up the engine, speeding away from the underpass.
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You haven’t seen Baekhyun since that night. For someone who meets you in the most random of places, he sure isn’t easy to find. Maybe that’s all he is… All he’ll ever be. Someone you meet on late nights in the middle of dangerous situations. Wondering when the hell he showed up and how long before he leaves…
A loud chink brings you back to the present, you quickly catch the spinning gold coin before it can fall to the floor. The familiarity of its weight in your hand confirms the reason for your stray thoughts even further.
You have a confession to make, something long overdue: a fact that you need to accept… 
How you feel about Baekhyun.
You’re not stupid - you’re hella dumb in some parts of life, yes, but you’re not purely idiotic. You know you have the tiniest crush on him, and you know what that means. Your feelings are one-sided, your emotions are a mess. You’re that good girl slash damsel in distress falling for her mysterious, bad boy savior…
How clique, but can you help it, really? When he’s all lean muscle, broad stature, and has brown eyes you want to hide from yet fall into at the same time?
Baekhyun is bad, like the cigarettes he smokes, but you know he’s more than what meets the eye. At first glance, he’s intimidating, daring you to approach him. But if you stick around long enough, you’ll see his softer side. Still rough around the edges, but he isn’t completely heartless. And the final blow, the last straw that has you in this particular predicament…
Being in his presence is more addictive than the nicotine in his favorite brand of cigarettes. 
He’s mysterious, charming despite you rejecting him every time, and downright gorgeous to look at. With his brown eyes, button nose, slightly chapped lips, sharp jawline, and that neck. God, that long, slender neck.
-Everything that I don’t need.
You sigh, leaning your head back against your leather seat. There’s a lot of things that you don’t need, but what you do need is a drink.
With that in mind, you get up to make your way to the bar. You saw it on your way inside of the train, and now you plan to use it. Fully intending to wash away all your stray thoughts of that mullet man while on your way to a pharmacy across town. Not your best idea to go get multi-vitamins - since the store you work at has run out - but anything is better than spending another day daydreaming about dark brown eyes and a man you cannot have...
until you trip in the middle of the aisle.
A walking cane owned by an oblivious elderly lady is the only one to blame for you falling to your demise, but to make matters even worse, the train’s stewardess has returned, with a tray full of drinks. Hot drinks. Delicious coco-filled beverages meant to help passengers shake off the hands of the bitter cold beyond the fogged-up windows.
-Basically, you are fucked.
Your fall seems to happen in slow motion, seconds dragging by as you come face to face with that tray full of glasses heading your way. You close your eyes, bracing for the scorching hot liquid to burn your skin…
-only to be yanked right out of the stewardess’ path.
You gasp, landing onto someone’s lap in a heap. You brace your hands against their chest, snapping your head up, eyes widening at the familiar man in front of you. “B-Baekhyun?!”
“Hello, sweetheart,” he murmurs, lips curling up into a lopsided smile that knocks the wind out of you.
“I…” you don’t know what to say, you can only stare at him, blinking in disbelief. He looks just as good as he did the other day, except this time you can appreciate his leather outfit in proper lighting. The smooth material hangs onto his shoulders for dear life, most likely pushed further down from you abruptly landing on his lap. His white t-shirt is a little wrinkled, with a few rips and tears, as if snagged on the edge of something during a hasty getaway. His leather pants are cool to the touch when your hand lands on his thigh, still struggling to get up from his lap. Why hasn’t that woman moved her cane? Can’t she see that you’re struggling here through those wide-rimmed glasses of hers?!
“What do you say?” Baekhyun perks up after a while, raising a brow.
“Huh?” you blink at him, finally managing to get off of his lap and settle beside him in the seat. Drink be damned, you need to sit down for this.
Baekhyun continues to look at you with those brown eyes, pointedly arching his other brow. Your heart is still in your throat and you’re growing more frustrated by the minute. What the hell is up with him? It’s not like he saved you or some-
Your eyes widen, not even the cold air drafting from the window can cool the warmth growing on your cheeks. “T-thank you,” you cough, looking away from him. His smug ass, you want to wipe that smirk right off his handsome face.
“You kept it,” he mentions out of nowhere, prompting you to look back at him.
It’s your turn to raise a brow at the hint of surprise on his face, “what?”
Baekhyun opens his hand, revealing a coin in his palm - a coin you know all-too-well after these past two months. “Bambi,” he breathes, smiling so softly when he looks back up at you that you have to do a double-take.
“Listen, Baekhyun.” You lean closer to him, keeping your voice low. Something tells you he wouldn’t appreciate it if the whole train knew his name - then again, he could have made it up. But you aren’t up for facing the consequences if it is his name, so you make sure the conversation stays between you and him. “This…” you pause, making hand gestures between you two. “Whatever ‘this’ is,” you look him in the eye. “I’m done with it.”
“What?” he frowns, brows furrowed.
“I’m tired of playing games with you, Baekhyun,” you explain. “You always show up when I need help, flirt with me, and the minute I ask you anything, you’re gone,” you snap your fingers, “like that.”
“Some things are better left unsaid, little fawn,” he utters lowly, irritation swirling in his dark orbs. “Knowing too much can and will get you hurt.”
“I’m a big girl,” you scoff, lips curling up into a mocking smile. “Admit it, you’re scared I’ll find out that you’re all bark and no bite.” You don’t know what possessed you to be so brave, but you regret it the moment you look into Baekhyun’s eyes.
“Oh?” he raises a brow, the hard expression on his face dares you to utter another word. “You’re a big girl, huh?” you can only put your hand on his chest as a feeble attempt to push him away when he leans closer, his minty breath fanning over your face. “Tell me, sweetheart,” he voices lowers to a lifeless monotone that you never wanted to hear from him, “how much money do you think it took to keep those loan sharks from selling your ass out on the streets?”
You gasp, appalled beyond belief, feeling tears sting at your eyes despite your wishes to save face. It all makes sense... the shootout, the chasing, the railroad, the underpass… Baekhyun is everything you thought he’d be, and everything you wish he wasn’t. He’s one of them. The gangs partaking in bloodbaths to claim ownership over your worthless town. And by what happened all those months ago… he’s not just one of them, he’s a ringleader.
“I-I’m done,” your voice wavers. You bow your head, crying or not, you won’t let him see you like this. Not again. Not over something so stupid and so damn obvious you could kick yourself over it. “I’m done, Baekhyun. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me, but I can’t do this. Not anymore.”
“What do you want?” he asks. He asks as if he doesn’t already know the answer.
You sniff, throwing the last of your dignity out the window when your voice cracks. “I want to be left alone.”
“What if that isn’t what I want?” he tucks a finger under your chin, coaxing you to lift your head and meet his brown eyes that express more than words ever could. “What if I don’t want to leave you alone?”
“Stop playing with me,” you pull away, you can’t even bear to face him now. Or listen to that damn chink of the coin he keeps tossing in his palm.
“One more,” he urges you to look at him again. “Heads, or tails.”
“If you win,” he talks over you, “I’ll leave you alone. If you lose…” he trails off, looking you dead in the eye, his voice no louder than a whisper, “I won’t.”
“Fuck you,” you sniff, shaking your head, pressing yourself against the cold window. “Your games have been rigged since day one.” You look out as the wintry landscape passes you by, your stomach turning when you notice the frozen lake below the train tracks. “Why do you do this?” you can’t help but ask. “Huh? Why do you do it? What reason do you have for this?”
Baekhyun sighs loudly, closing his eyes and holding his head in his hand. “Because you’re my favorite.”
“What?” you sit up at once. If you were a porcupine, all your needles would have launched into his ass by now. What did he mean by that? Are you some… side piece? His certain flavor of the week? Are you competing with others in some race that you didn’t even know you were in?!
Baekhyun just shakes his head, alarming you when he gets up. “Wait, Baekhyun-” you hurry after him, nearly falling over again in your haste. Last time you checked, the next stop for the train was in less than ten minutes, and something tells you that if you don’t do something now, you’ll never see him again.
He heads over to the bar you wanted to go to earlier, ordering what looks like Bourbon, and you swear you see a golden deer head attached to the center of the glass.
“Baekhyun…” you tug on his sleeve, trying to get his attention while he scrutinizes the drink in his glass. “About what you said, what-”
“That’s a nice coin you got there.” The bartender chimes in, drying a wine glass in his hand, eyeing the gold coin sitting idly on the counter. “Mind if I give it a go?”
“Be my guest,” Baekhyun mutters, rolling the drink in his hand.
“Heads,” the bartender grins, flicking it over, “or tails?”
Baekhyun looks over at you, resting his arm on the counter. “Heads.”
You stare right back at him; you know how this goes. If there’s one thing you’ve learned about flipping a coin, the losing side is always… “Tails.”
The bartender hums, grinning while the coin is in mid-air. He covers it with his hand before you can see, waiting a few moments for effect. When he finally uncovers the coin, your jaw practically drops to the floor:
Baekhyun’s nostrils flare and he nods, leaving a tip just as an announcement of the next train stop plays overhead. He gets up and walks to collect his fedora from a coat rack without saying a word.
“Wait-” you look between him and the bartender before taking back the coin, skidding your bar stool loudly across the floor while standing up to follow him. “Baekhyun, wait!” He walks ahead of you with determined strides - determined not to give you the time of day, as he swore he would. You have to double your speed to catch up to him when he turns the corner to exit the train.
“Baek- excuse me,” you bump into various passengers, pushing past them. No one else seems to be in a hurry to step off of the train, and you have a raven head man to find before he disappears on you.
It doesn’t quite hit you until you’ve stepped off the train, how your roles have reversed. For once, you’re not the one being chased. For once, you’re willingly - willingly seeking him out. Chasing after him in your yellow trench coat that is instantly drenched under the merciless rain.
“Baekhyun!” you scream for him in the middle of the icy, deserted streets. You don’t care anymore about what he does, who he is. You just need to find him.
Thunder booms overhead, the world around you brightening up with streaks of lightning scattered across the sky, and for one time - for one last time, you swear his name up to the heavens.
“Good for nothing asshole wearing all black during a mother fucking thunder-”
Someone yanks you into an alleyway, and for once, there isn’t an ounce of fear or uncertainty in your heart.
You lift your head up to look at him as he tucks your wet hair behind your ear, leaning down to capture your blue lips in a chapped kiss that warms you up from the inside out.
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Baekhyun has been coming around more often. He still is shit at picking you up from your place, but he walks you home from work - more often than not when you don’t know it's him and you feel watched for the entire journey home. He gets off on keeping you on your toes and you just let him get away with it because it’s him.
Tonight is different, however - hell, you’d even say it's special because tonight, oh tonight, Baekhyun wants to take you out. On a date.
A date on a train you don’t frequently ride, but you won’t question it. You don’t bore him with your daily endeavors and he doesn’t tell you his body count from the previous evening. If this is the only functioning dynamic you will have between you, you’ll take all you can get.
“You ready?” his voice rings through your phone, tickling your ear in the most pleasant of ways.
“Almost,” you muse, biting back a smile while wedging your phone between your ear and shoulder to slip on your low-platform heels. Rain, sleet, or snow, you’re on a mission tonight, and that mission is… well, you can take a guess. “Are you here?”
Baekhyun doesn’t say anything, but you hear a knock at your door. You smile, adding final touches to your makeup before hanging up the phone. With your clutch in hand, umbrella hanging from your finger, and a dress way too short for the middle of winter, you are ready to go.
“Coming, coming!” you yell at the impatient knocking at your door. You’re flattered by the enthusiasm, but your neighbor just put her newborn to sleep and you know what glare you’ll receive in the morning for ruining the little sleep she could get. You unlock the deadbolt and pull the door open to reveal a sharply dressed Baekhyun. The way he looks in a suit will never fail to have butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “Hi,” you breathe, leaning against the doorframe for support.
Baekhyun chuckles, raising a brow with a smirk. “Hey, baby.”
You’re either going to faint or cry, so you choose neither, closing the door behind you to be by his side instead. “Are we going by motorcycle today?” you inquire, a little too late to change anything if you must admit. Maybe you should have put shorts on underneath your dress...
Thankfully, Baekhyun shakes his head. “I rented a car.”
“Rented?” you arch a brow, “you didn’t hotwire some poor soul’s BMW, did you?”
“A Range Rover,” he mumbles.
Your neck cracks when you snap your head around to look at him. “Range Rover?!”
Baekhyun only smiles, encouraging you to link your arm with his.
It doesn’t take long to reach your destination, between the fast car and Baekhyun’s, (illegal,) driving skills, you make it to the train station in record time, and, thankfully, in one piece.
“Whoa…” you blink, peeking from under your umbrella, “is that a steam engine?”
Baekhyun nods, readjusting his fedora before closing the passenger door for you.
“I’ve only seen those from far away…” you continue, staring at the coal-filled train with astonishment. “Why are we riding on it, though? We could have taken another random train.”
Baekhyun merely hums at your endless chatter - helpless on your part. Your skin is buzzing from being near him and you’ve just arrived!
Okay, okay. Less talk, more walk. Be cool-
Anddd you slip on the icy asphalt.
“You know,” Baekhyun murmurs, distracting you from your own embarrassment. “You don’t have to fall to be in my arms, sweetheart,” his lips curl into that infamous smirk. “All you had to do was ask.”
You groan so loud you turn heads while grabbing his hand and power-walking over to the line waiting for the train. God, why does he have to be so infuriating and sexy at the same time? It’s making your head spin.
You move up the line without a hitch, thankful that it doesn’t take too long to get inside of the train once it arrives. The sooner you get out of the chilling rain, the better. You climb on board, being greeted by decorative picture frames and lively chatter within the homey cabin. To your surprise, however, Baekhyun gestures to the stewardess upfront before leading you away from everyone else to a door at the very back.
“Baekhyun..? Is this okay?” you whisper, looking around worriedly. It’s not that you don’t trust him, you just don’t want one of his mischievous schemes getting you kicked out again, or worse.
He stops in a dark corner of a cabin filled with boxes to press you against the wall, pulling you into a kiss that makes you forget everything else entirely. “Do you trust me?” he holds your face in his hands, looking into your eyes. The shadow casting over his face from his fedora adds onto that mysterious flare that riles you up all over again.
You can only nod, gulping a little when he shoots you one of those rare, soft smiles before leading you further into the back of the train. Soon you arrive at another cabin, filled with dining booths and pretty string chandeliers like the one towards the front of the train.
“Whoa…” You look around, in awe of the simple yet beautiful touches of small knick-knacks and antiques around the room.
“What do you think?” you feel Baekhyun behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“It’s so…” you’re at a loss for words; it’s hard to describe how wholesome and warm it makes you feel, “pretty.”
“Mm.” His nose brushes over your neck, making you shiver, “like you.”
You blush all the way up to your ears.
Baekhyun takes a seat, sitting with his back facing the front of the train to your surprise. You’d think they’d teach mafia guys not to sit with their back exposed or something. You move to sit across from him only to feel his hand wrap around your wrist, wordlessly beckoning you with his brown eyes to sit next to him. And who are you to deny?
“This place is really nice,” you run your hands over the tabletop, marveling at how crisp and clean the table mat is, “where did you find it?”
“Asked around,” he shrugs, folding his arms behind his head.
“Oh,” you leave the conversation at that, having been around him long enough to recognize when you’re stepping into uncharted territories. The last thing you want to do is ruin the time you and Baekhyun spend together - especially when it’s your ‘first date.’ You tuck your hands between your thighs, sticking to your side of the booth. Even after three months of meeting him and a few weeks of getting to know him, being in close proximity with Baekhyun hasn’t gotten easier. Blame your bashfulness on the indifferent aura constantly around his broad form.
“Good evening!” someone perks up out of nowhere, making you jump. You turn around, looking wide-eyed at the young man stepping through the door. His name tag on the front of his uniform and the notepad in his hand calms you down a little, but your heart is still in your throat. Geez, you inwardly roll your eyes - at yourself or Baekhyun, no one really knows. Probably both.
Baekhyun shifts next to you and you freeze. Thanks to your panic, your body is completely pressed against his. Well shit... You need to do something - would it be rude if you moved away? The warmth of his body is too much to handle, your face will burst into flames at this rate.
“What can I get you today?” the waiter asks you with big eyes, clicking open his pen. The way he looks at you doesn’t help your situation at all.
Baekhyun turns to you, raising a brow. Something about the way his jaw clenches comes off as a warning to you.
“A-ah!” you smile, hurrying to pick up one of the menus you failed to notice earlier. You scan your eyes over the pages quickly but carefully, mindful of the other two pairs of eyes set on you. Um... can you look away? Staring into the side of your face won’t make you decide faster, in fact, it makes you have to reread the same page again. Do they have nothing else better to do?! 
Finally! you set the menu down, feeling like you’ve struck gold when you find your favorite drink and meal. “I’ll have this with extra fries, please.” Hopefully, the waiter will leave soon, there’s only so much staring you can take before you sweat out your hair. The quicker you order, the faster he’ll leave.
“No problem!” the waiter smiles, not even looking down while scribbling your order onto his notepad. “Anything else?”
“I’ll have what she’s having.” Baekhyun joins in, his voice deeper than usual.
“Y-yes, sir.” You can only imagine the look he’s giving the poor waiter until a cold hand lands on your inner thigh. You gasp, banging your knee on the table.
“Are you okay, Miss?” the waiter focuses on you again, pen not even pressed to his paper.
“I-I’m good!” you reassure, trying to play it off as best you can as if Baekhyun’s wandering hand isn’t sliding up your thigh. “Just slipped,” you lie, shooting him a warning look. He only grins in reply, biting his lip and playing with the edge of your underwear.
“Okay,” the waiter glances down at his notepad and looks back at you with a sheepish expression, “um let me repeat what I have to make sure I got everything right.”
Baekhyun grunts in reply, slowly rubbing your folds through your underwear. 
Mother fucker. You clench your fists, holding onto the bottom of your dress, trying to be discreet while shooing his hand away. You breathe heavily when he presses his palm flat against you, having to bite the inside of your cheek to suppress a moan.
The waiter repeats your order, having to fix it three times. Is he just having a bad day or are you having a bad life because you are not keeping it together with Baekhyun’s fingers slipping under the hem of your panties. Your wet core shows no resistance to his slender fingers sliding inside of you. You bite back a gasp, gripping his thigh as he lightly taps your clit. The rumble in his chest makes your cheeks flush; you’re struggling to keep quiet over here and he’s getting off on it.
“Anything else?” the poor waiter asks, oblivious to what’s happening underneath the very booth you’re sitting at.
Baekhyun turns to you then, all nonchalant as if he isn’t knuckle-deep inside your pussy. “Anything else, baby?”
Baby. Yep. You know you’re in deep shit.
“N-” it takes all your willpower not to moan when he crooks up his fingers just right, you don’t even want to imagine the expression that’s on your face right now. “N-no, that will be all.”
Baekhyun flashes another one of those rare little smiles your way while the waiter departs from your secluded cabin, and you can’t help but beam back at him, proud to have evoked such emotion out of him - until your lips tremble, thighs shaking under the work of his merciless fingers. You’re so close you can taste it, or maybe that’s just the tears slipping out the corner of your eyes.
Baekhyun doesn’t stop when your nails dig into his thigh, in fact, he goes even faster, egged on by how hard you’re trying not to make a sound. The slick noises of his digits driving into your weeping cunt are enough to echo around the confined room, pushing you closer to the edge. Just as you’re there, stomach coiled tight, back arched like a broken bedspring, he fucking pulls his fingers out.
You turn to him with tears in your eyes as your high vanishes quicker than an extinguished flame, ready to give him a piece of your mind. The words die on your lips when you notice him holding his dick in his hands, using your slick to tease around his tip.
“What do you say?” his voice comes out husky, scorching in lust while looking at you with his dark brown eyes.
“Thank you,” you whisper, flushing all over again at the way he looks at you.
Baekhyun smirks devilishly, pausing in stroking his lubricated cock. Then, he spreads his legs, his dress pants straining against his sturdy thighs. “Come show me how thankful you are.”
You don’t know how you do it, but somehow you manage to climb under the booth with the little space you have in between the chair and the table, shuffling closer to Baekhyun’s waiting cock on your aching knees. You’ve only been on the cold, hardwood floor for a few moments and you already know you’ll have matching bruises on your knees for days, but you don’t mind. Not for him.
You pause in the realization that this is the first time you’ve seen his cock, and damn is it pretty. Why does he have to be perfect all over and ruin every other man for you? Who gave him the right? The sting on your scalp brings you back to the task at hand, Baekhyun’s fingers brushing your hair out of the way so he can see when his cock enters your mouth. It hurts like a bitch, and yet… It ignites the fire between your legs all over again. Especially when he moans at the first touch of your tongue swirling around his tip, tightening his grip on your hair. You could get drunk off of his moans - you could get drunk off of him period.
Praises fall from Baekhyun’s lips as you lower your mouth onto his shaft, tears brimming your eyes when he hits the back of your throat. But you push yourself onward; you take a deep breath and relax your jaw to cram the rest of his cock in until his fine hairs tickle your nose.
“Fuck,” Baekhyun groans, jerking his hips, aiding you in fitting that last little bit of his cock down your throat. He holds you there for a while, until you choke, throat constricting around his length.
“Good girl,” he whispers, tracing the bulge in your throat with his fingertips. “Fuck, such a good girl.” He groans. “My perfect little cock slut.”
You preen under his praise, pulling back for a much-needed breath when he releases you. The little moan he lets out when you flick your tongue over his slit just makes you hungry for more - hungry for him; his eyes, moans, cock, and everything that makes him, him. You bob your head faster, lathering the prominent vein on the underside of his cock with your tongue. His breathy gasps and low grunts have you in a frenzy. No matter how much your throat burns and eyes well up with tears, you’re on a mission to give him the best suck of his life.
Baekhyun is in heaven by how loud he’s getting, fucking further into your throat. He swears under his breath when you lock eyes with him. “Fucking perfect,” he breathes, swiping under your eye with his thumb.
You moan, noting how his movements falter, hips jerking erratically and cock throbbing on the back of your tongue. The thought of him finishing in your mouth turns you on more than you’d like to admit, and the thought of him shoving it down your throat…
Suddenly, Baekhyun’s grip on your hair turns brutal, bringing tears to your eyes when he yanks your head back. Before you can ask him what’s wrong, another voice fills the empty cabin.
“Here are your drinks!” the waiter walks up to the booth, the tips of his shoe inches away from your hidden form under the table. “Sorry for the wait.”
Feeling brave, you lean forward, lapping at the head of Baekhyun’s cock.
“It’s fine.” He gruffs, tapping his fingers on the table and clearing his throat. You hear his breath hitch when you take him in deep again; his thighs tense up under your wandering hands. Seeing him like this makes you smirk around his dick in your mouth, tracing the vein on the underside of his cock with your tongue. He’s twitching more and more in your mouth by the minute.
“Your order will be out shortly.”
Before the waiter can take a step back, Baekhyun’s gripping your hair once again, shoving you so far down his cock that your nose touches his pelvis. It doesn’t take long for you to figure out why; the spasms on your tongue are immediate. He fills up your throat with his cum, bringing tears to your eyes from the endless spurts of his release. You try your best to not choke and give yourself away.
“Thank you,” he says softly; the breathy tone of his voice has your eyes rolling into the back of your head, swallowing every last drop he has to offer. You wait until you hear the door close behind the waiter before pulling off of him, gasping for air; you already know your throat is going to be fucked in the morning, and not by his cock.
Baekhyun detangles his fingers from your hair, smoothing it down in a gentle manner that leaves your heart and pussy quivering as one. “Come here.” He grunts, urging you out from under the table.
You crawl out on shaky hands and knees, looking up at him only to gasp, clutching onto his arms when he pulls you off of the floor, “what-”
Baekhyun’s lips crash to yours. “You.” He hisses, gripping your waist and sitting you on top of the table. “You little minx.”
You can’t help but giggle, pointedly licking your lips while he wraps your legs around his waist. His unwavering gaze makes you ache between your legs and goosebumps cover your skin. “What about it?” you murmur, tugging him closer by his tie.
Baekhyun’s eyes are like two deep pools of mahogany wood, swirling with excitement and lust. He presses his index and middle fingers to your lips, eyes blazing in heat when you don’t even hesitate to take them into your mouth. A chuckle falls from his kiss-swollen lips. “Let’s see how fast that pussy can come before the waiter gets back.”
A hint of worry sparks in your chest, making your breath hitch, blinking wide-eyed at him. Are you really about to get dicked down in public? On a train nonetheless? Where any passenger or employee could walk in at any moment? You’re left shocked by how wound up the thought makes you; the possibility of someone finding you spread out for Baekhyun, too blissed out in pleasure to care... You barely held it together with his fingers inside of you earlier, you can only imagine what that cock can really do.
Before you can utter a word, he’s yanking your underwear out of the way, guiding his cock into your weeping core. The stretch of his thick cock has your jaw dropping, hands gripping the edge of the table when he slams inside of you. Baekhyun doesn’t even give you a moment to adjust, he goes straight for fucking your brains out.
It takes all your might to keep quiet. You hold onto the table for dear life, sucking on his fingers to muffle your moans, and Baekhyun isn’t having any of it.
“Let me hear you.” He whispers, spreading his fingers to keep your mouth open. You’re in no position to deny him with the way he’s pounding into your cunt - as if you’d ever want to. Anything he wants, he gets. Baekhyun is taking you to the seventh heaven with every thrust and swirl of his hips, and you have no complaints on how he’ll get you there. 
The squelch of your arousal coating his cock, loud creaks of the table, and his balls slapping against your ass fills the room with the filthy sounds of sex, bringing you to a dangerous peak. Being denied an orgasm earlier has left you way too high strung to fight against the wave about to wash over you. You try not to bite down on his fingers while feeling the pressure build in your stomach.
“You might want to come, sweetheart.” Baekhyun pipes up in a humorous tone, tightening his grip on your hips. “Your loverboy is coming.”
Your eyes snap open, you don’t even remember when you closed them as you frantically look around, craning your neck to see the silhouette of someone approaching the door to your cabin. Shit. Arousal and fear grip your heart all in one. You’re tempted to just tell Baekhyun to stop to save yourself the embarrass-
“Come on,” he whispers, slipping his fingers from your mouth to slide his hand down between your legs. “Don’t be shy.”
You bite on your lip hard enough to bleed while meeting his eyes, clenching around him when he lifts your hips to slam into that spot that has your mouth falling open.
“That’s it.” He grunts, rubbing vigorously on your clit. The little smirk on his face and mischievous glint in his eyes push you further over the edge. “Come for me, slut. Drench this cock for everyone to see.”
You start to say something - to tell him to stop or keep going, you have no idea. All you know is that one minute you’re watching the waiter open the door, and in the next, the train skids to an abrupt halt. Tires squealing in protest while the coil in your stomach unravels faster than Baekhyun flickering open his lighter to ignite a cigarette.
Stars burst behind your eyelids, heightened by Baekhyun continuing with his earth-shattering pace. All you can hear is the ringing in your ears when your thighs slam shut, trembling as you dig your heels into his lower back. He doesn’t stop for a second to let you cool down when you reach the tail-end of your climax.
“What do you say?” he pants, hovering his thumb over your clit. You catch a glimpse of his wet hair sticking to his forehead under the shadow of his fedora while the shrill screams of the other passengers on the train reach your ears.
“T-” you have no idea how he expects you to be able to talk much less think under the works of his unrelenting hips. Just when you think it can’t get even worse, (or better, as you hate to admit,) he’s back to roughly rubbing your clit. “T-Thank you,” you choke out, arching your back. The force of the pressure building in your stomach this time is stronger than the last. It feels so good it almost hurts - especially when he shifts to rest your right leg on his shoulder.
“Tsk coming again?” Baekhyun grins, the wind and rain whipping from the open doorway behind him casting him in a misty glow. “What a greedy whore you are,” he murmurs.
Before you fall over that blissful, yet frightening edge, you start to notice the signs: his sloppy thrusts, tightening grip, and the clench of his jaw.
“J-Just for you,” you pull him closer, purposely clamping your walls down on him, the sway of his hips when he falls out of rhythm egging you on. “Only for you.”
Baekhyun sucks in a breath, holding you down to the table, watching intently as your wet cunt spasms around his cock. “Fuck.” He growls, throwing his head back. You shake under the force of your orgasm, pulling him closer. “Fuck!” with one last, hard thrust, Baekhyun trembles, filling you to the brim with warm spurts of cum. The sensation is enough to make your toes curl, warmth bursting in your chest, the feeling leaving you content. You have little time to enjoy it, however, because the table gives one last, aching croak before falling out from under you.
You scream, gripping onto Baekhyun. His quick hands grab the back of your thighs, tugging you onto his lap when he sits back down with a huff. “Shit...” he chuckles breathlessly, running a hand through his hair before meeting your eye. “Guess this piece of shit is old after all.”
You know you should say something, but your attention is elsewhere. Between watching sweat slide down his chest from his messily unbuttoned shirt and his cock twitching inside of you, you’re more than a little preoccupied at the moment.
Baekhyun sits up after a minute, “let’s get out of here.” He tries to grin, but something is off in his smile while he swivels his head around, hurrying to pull you off of him. You stumble over a little, taking two steps away from the booth before your legs give out. Baekhyun swoops you up into his arms without a word, carrying you bridal style out of the cabin that reeks of sweat and sex. His wide strides make for a very rough ride within his arms. “Baekhyun,” you look up at him, confused at the hint of panic on his face. “What’s wrong-”
He doesn’t even walk back to the main cabin. He turns left and fucking leaps clean off of the train, hitting the ground running. Climbing up the steep hill alongside the railway. You’re even more confused at his hurry. “Baek-”
“Cover your ears.” He demands.
For once, you do what he says without complaint. And your hands do little to drown out the explosion that makes you jump in his arms. Baekhyun keeps running while you peek over his shoulder, staring horrified at the train that has burst into flames.
“I need you to do something for me, okay?” he sets you down at a bench a few feet away. “Stay here while I grab my bike.”
“Baek-” you keep glancing back at the fire, watching it envelop the field in flames. “But-”
He crouches down to look you dead in the eye. “Stay. Here.”
You quickly nod, urging him to go on. Now is not the time to argue. You need to get out of here and you need to get out of here now. If only you could fucking walk. You swear you can feel the heat waves coming off the fire.
A loud roar rings out into the empty clearing. You’ve never been more relieved to hear the loud-ass engine of Baekhyun’s motorcycle heading towards you. “Get on!” he yells, holding out his helmet, waiting for you.
Looking back at the fire nearing the bench you’re sitting on, you use every last ounce of strength you have left in your jelly-like legs to climb onto the back of his bike. Baekhyun waits until you strap on the helmet before speeding off, leaving the ablaze train and burning field in the dust.
You cling onto him like a lifeline, hiding in his back to shelter your face from the icy rain. Funny how you just began to appreciate the cold after encountering that inferno. If you had to choose between that and shivering under the rain, you’d gladly tremble like a wet rat.
Baekhyun doesn’t speak for the entire ride, wordlessly navigating down endless alleyways and streets until you start to recognize your surroundings. As shabby as your apartment is, you’re so damn glad to be back home.
Baekhyun pulls up to the curb, slowly climbing the hill your place resides on. You breathe a sigh of relief, hugging him briefly before stepping off of his bike.
“Thank you for tonight,” you scan the street, confused to not find a single soul outside this time of night. You glance back at him, managing a smile, “wanna come up?”
Baekhyun shakes his head. “Busy,” he insists. Something in the air tells you that there’s more to that simple word.
“Okay,” you chirp, not wanting the night to end. Crazy train explosions and all, you’re not ready to let go of him yet. “When are you free? Tomorrow? Next week?”
Baekhyun turns off the motorcycle, slowly climbing off of it before making his way to you. Every step he takes feels like a goodbye, and you don’t understand why…
“I have to skip town,” he drops, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“W-why..?” you falter.
“They found me,” he shrugs.
“How do you think?” he snaps, the flickering street light reflecting the anger in his dark brown eyes.
“I…” Him? Having to leave town? To leave you? You can’t believe it. You don’t want to believe it.
“They found me.” Baekhyun sighs, running his hand through his hair. “They found me and traced it back to you.”
Your heart stops, something tells you that you don’t want to know who they are, or what they’d do if they come for you. After the situation with your stepfather, you are even more wary of being in the Mafia’s eye.
Baekhyun takes a step closer, standing in front of you. “They caught onto me, little fawn.” He cups your cheeks in his hands, “and I can’t bring them to you...” He pauses as if carefully choosing his words. “You deserve better than that.”
“No,” you’re automatically shaking your head, holding his hand to your cheek. “I don’t care.”
“I don’t-”
“Well I do!” his thunderous tone is loud in the quiet night. “I do,” he softens, brushing away a tear from your cheek, “and I can’t let you throw your life away for someone like me.”
“Baekhyun,” you can’t - you literally cannot right now. “You can’t do this.”
“I can,” he straightens up, determination in his low voice, “and I will.”
“B-But,” you grab onto his wrist, blabbering and fighting back tears like the coward you are. “C-Can’t I go with you? Can’t you take me-”
The finality in those words hurt more than any other heartache you’ve ever felt in your life.
Baekhyun turns to head back to his bike but stops in his tracks, looking back at you. He walks to you again, pulling something out of his pocket. Something shiny that catches your eye...
“Keep this,” he lowers his voice, wanting an audience with you and only you. “Keep this and the memory of me close to your heart.”
You don’t even try muffling your sobs, because he is your heart.
Baekhyun slips the coin into the palm of your hand, and you ball your hand up into a fist, finding comfort in its contours and shapes that you know by heart.
“W-will you come back one day?” you can’t help but ask, your view of his broad back growing blurrier by the second.
Baekhyun looks back at you and he nods, a solemn smile on his handsome face. “One day,” he promises. “Remember me, okay?”
You watch him climb onto his motorcycle, trying to memorize every part of his face, his voice, his presence growing farther and farther away. All you can offer him is a small nod, plastering a shaky smile on your face.
Baekhyun smiles, and for the first time, you see a spark of unmistakable affection in his brown eyes. “I hope the sun doesn’t rise while I keep my eyes closed,” he whispers, yet somehow you hear it; the words caressing your tear-stained cheeks like the cold wind. That’s what he is, after all: your night. Your hero when the rest of the world turned its back on you. The one you could only spend time with during those few hours before the sun rose again.
A smile cracks at your lips and a chuckle escapes you despite the sadness entrapping your heart. “See you, Peter pan.”
Baekhyun tips his fedora, his eyes crinkling when he smiles, and you watch him start his engine, driving back down the road you’ve watched him drive up so many times.
You roll the coin around in your hand, taking deep, shaky breaths. The unfairness of the situation dawns on you in waves.
It’s so unfair - he’s so unfair.
There are over seven billion people on earth, yet you know in your heart that you’ll never meet another him, you wouldn’t dream of meeting another Baekhyun. You can’t forget him, he’s engraved in your heart, tattooed on your mind...
It’s so unfair... because all it takes is another pretty little thing for him to forget you.
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“For some reason, the thought of tossing it away makes your chest ache. It would be so much easier if it wasn’t so pretty…”
-More like:
“For some reason, the thought of tossing him away makes your chest ache. It would be so much easier if he wasn’t so pretty…”
Come on, OC, we know you’re whipped for Baekhyun :’)
Hi guys! So that was the long asf Bambi inspired one-shot I’ve been planning since last month. I honestly expected this to come out as 4k at best. I don’t know what the heck happened, but I hope it was a good read? Let me know! My ask box is always open. I’d love to hear your thoughts 🥰
By the way… 👀 anyone up for a part 2? My schedule is packed, but damn if I don’t miss Rattlesnake already 🥺
Who’s Rattlesnake you ask? Well well well then, you should check out Mafia!Baekhyun from this universe’s present/future in Need.
-Yes I plan to write a whole mafia fic eventually :'DDD my drafts are screaming at me rn-
Thank you for reading, everyone! I’m running away now to do my walk of detailed plot and smutty shame :’D Stay happy, healthy, and hydrated! (>.<) See you next time!~
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random-tinies · 3 years
For the prompts- maybe 32 with tiny!karl and giant!Sapnap or quackity??
This is the post they’re referring to. Prompts are still open ^^
Thank you so much for this lmao It’s been sitting in my head all day and I’ve been so hyped to write it. I could have made it a little angsty, but who knows, maybe I’ll write the same prompt again but with a different scenario :P I made it very fluffy with a mild dash of fearplay because big teeth, little body. 💙 (We love to see it) Some Karlnap for the soul uwu
32. “Hey! What did we say about the teeth?!”
It’s been exactly two months since Sapnap and Karl started living together on the Dream SMP. With Dream in prison and George AWOL half the time, the half-demon needs to distract himself from the shock of it all. And besides, with Karl being only four inches tall, it isn’t like much changed. The only difference is that now they both have someone to talk to and share experiences with.
And they definitely love to share experiences. Nowadays, Sapnap could be seen hanging out with Quackity while Karl rides on his shoulder or the new shirt pocket he sewed on specifically for his tiny boyfriend. Sometimes they make mischief together, other times they just relax together under a large tree that Sapnap’s been carefully cultivating.
The times that Karl especially enjoys, however, aren’t when they’re walking around the SMP. No, his favorite moments are the soft, stolen moments in the privacy of their home where the soft side of the infamous “Pet Killer” would show its full extent.
Not many know it, but Sapnap is a very tactile and affectionate person. He gets nervous about it in public, but he lets himself relax behind closed doors with Karl. The fiery human loves to pick Karl up and cradle him in his large hands as he thinks to himself, giving the little man plenty of gentle pets.
Occasionally things even go a bit further. On any day where Sapnap either had a fantastic day and needed to share the love or a truly dismal day where he just needed a little extra loving, he would come home, scoop Karl up and lay down in his bed and carefully nuzzle his nose into his partner’s chest.
Today, Sapnap’s on cloud nine. George showed up out of the blue and the two got to hang out together. They went out to a jungle temple George had found with some mysterious new friend and raided it together with ease. Sapnap came away from it with several gold ingots and emeralds. George took the diamonds to give to his friend.
Karl picks up on Sapnap’s chipper mood as soon as he walks into the home. It’s not hard to tell the difference in how light his steps are. Just knowing this puts a smile on the tiny’s face as he climbs onto the crafting bench next to the chest Sapnap is using. “Well someone’s in a good mood!”
“Karl!” Sapnap looks up from the chest and at his tiny partner. Karl’s heart swells seeing the excited energy in Sapnap’s eyes. “I had such a great time! Look at all this loot!”
He gestures to the chest and Karl peers over the edge to look at all the shiny goodies the half-demon came back with. He makes his voice sound impressed, not wanting to make Sapnap feel any less enthusiastic. “Wow! That’s quite the haul, Pandas.”
Sapnap nods, humming. He seems to be studying Karl’s expression, grinning. “You know, none of this treasure is as good as the treasure of coming home to you.”
Karl splutters, giggling as a light blush dusts his cheeks. “That was incredibly cheesy of you. I can’t believe you just said that.”
“You know you like it.”
“And I know you do it just to see me flustered.”
Sapnap chuckles and scoops his boyfriend up, cupping him in his hands. He lets the chest close and brings Karl up to his face so he can smooch the top of his head. Karl covers his face with a high laugh as he’s sure his giant boyfriend gives him a smug look. “If I wanted to see you flustered, all I’d have to do is that.”
The world shifts as Sapnap lowers him to chest-level and walks through their house to their shared bedroom. The quiet thumping of his heart and the ashy smell brings a sense of peace to the tiny man. These things mean Sapnap and Sapnap means safety.
Sapnap lays down on the bed and brings Karl back up to his face. He nuzzles his nose into Karl’s chest and a quiet purr rumbles through him. Karl hugs him back and plants a kiss in between his eyes. He doesn’t need to look behind him to know the thin demon tail Sapnap usually keeps hidden away is swishing around with content happiness.
All of a sudden, Sapnap cracks one eye open with obvious mischief and opens his mouth with the tiny still pressed against his face. Karl gasps as fangs as long as his arm gently bite down on his sweatshirt, heart pounding in sudden fear as adrenaline jolts his system. He quickly pats the demon’s nose and looks up sharply at him. “Hey! What did we say about the teeth?!”
Two soft brown eyes look down at him pleadingly but Karl fixes him with a loving glare and stands his ground as Sapnap purrs at him. “Pandas, come on.”
Sapnap sighs through his nose, the air ruffling Karl’s fluffy hair, and lets go of his sweatshirt, giving him a quick peck. “Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s just how demons show affection, but you know that. Maybe someday?”
The bean looks so hopeful that Karl can’t find it in his heart to crush that hope. “Yeah, sure, maybe one day you can nibble on my sweatshirt. Your fangs are terrifying though, dude. At least give me a warning beforehand.”
A quiet, breathy chuckle blows air around Karl again before Sapnap sets him on his chest and gets more comfortable in the bed. He covers his mouth as he lets out a wide yawn. He hums at Karl and nods. “Sorry about that, I’ll let you know next time. I can wait for when you let me, no rush.”
Karl sighs and gets settled on his boyfriend’s chest, listening to his heartbeat and the way his breath whooshes in and out of his lungs. One day for sure… He can’t imagine it would take him that long to trust Sapnap enough for that. Sleep tugs at the edge of his consciousness and he lets it drag him under. “Love you, you big oaf…”
The only answer he gets is quiet snores as they both fall asleep for the night.
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sad-baddie001 · 3 years
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Aizawa: Kitty’s got claws
This was a request. Feel free to request.
Quirk: Neko-Neko : A mutation type quirk which includes cat ears, claws and a tail. Readers eyes change color depending on emotions, equipped with claws and a tail along with heightened stealth and agility.
Yn P.O.V
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
My phone buzzed under my pillow causing me to stir lightly. A soft purr left my lips as I stretched. I hopped out of bed and turned off my alarm. Today is Friday, the last day of my first week at UA as a support corse teacher. Today was also special because the teachers are having a little party after school. I haven't met all of the teachers at UA high school but hopefully today will be my chance to get better aquatinted with everyone.
I strolled over to my bathroom to begin getting ready. I completed my morning routine before getting dressed. I put on my hero costume before having a quick breakfast and heading out. As I reached the school I began walking to my classroom, only to run into principle Nezu.
   "Hey there principal Nezu." I smiled and waved at him as he walked the hall sipping from his tea cup.
   "Well hello there ms (hero name)!" How are you?"
   "Pretty nervous about tonight actually" I said with a nervous chuckle. "Oh? Why so nervous?"
   "Well I haven't met all the teachers yet so the thought of meeting everyone at a party is pretty nerve racking."
   "Aah, I understand. Have a good one ms. (Hero name)."
   "You too." I entered the teachers lounge and began to put away my things at my desk. My good friend hound dog came into the teachers lounge and we greeted each other carrying on simple conversation. The teachers lounge intercom cut on stopping us in our little back and fourth.
   "Good morning teachers, tonight social event will be held in meeting room A starting at 5 pm. See you there and have a wonderful day."
Small sighs and groans were heard going around before midnight spoke. "Alright, who told Nezu about our party?" I kept my head down and bit the inside of my lip now realizing what I had done. To be fair I didn't know it was supposed to be a secret. I heard a small growl coming from next to me as I tried desperately to not turn around. He knew it was me, we've known each other for far too long. He's the one who helped me land my job at UA. Knowing hound dog would spaz on me I decided to jump ahead of the situation. I stepped out from my desk and bowed continuously as I spoke.
   "It was me everyone, I wasn't aware that the party was a secret. I apologize for my incompetence. I will make it up to all of you in any way that I can, I promise." There were some mumbles here and there, mainly about the tea Nezu brought but I turned back to my desk finished unpacking and headed to my classroom to start my day.
Time skip
   Immediately after school I headed to my room on campus to start preparing goodies for the party to try and smooth things over. With only a few hours to have everything ready, in the lounge and have time to get ready I had to move quick. I made onigiri, mochi, coffee milk tea with boba, tea sandwiches and tea cookies. I even brought a couple apple sauce pouches and juice pouches. As I finished making things one by one and I transported everything to the meeting room with the help of my amazing student Mei Hatsume and her brilliant gadgets. I rushed back to my room to do some light cleaning and self touch ups before heading over to the party.
   Not realizing how long I had taken, when I had arrived to the party most people were already there and enjoying the refreshments I made. There was tea also set out on the table that was barely touched. Not long after I showed up hound dog arrived. "Hey, I figure out how to make it up to everyone. I made refreshments, you should have some."  He grumbled and we talked for a little before he told me to at least eat a little of what I made. After all the cooking I wasn't that hungry. Not wanting to hear the loud barking for disregarding what he suggested I went to the front to get a coffee milk tea. As I was pouring other people around the table grabbed other refreshments. Suddenly a loud voice rang through the room.
   "Yo! Who made all these amazing snacks?!" The voice was unmistakable, present mic. The room continued its casual conversation so he blurted out again, this time even louder. "WHO MADE THESE DOPE SNACKS?!" Hound dog's growl could be heard across the room before he barked out. "(HERO NAME) DID YOU IDIOT, SHES RIGHT NEXT TO YOU AND ERASERHEAD!"
   Suddenly all eyes were on me as Nezu approached me. "Oh ms. (Hero name), thank you for making these wonderful refreshments. They compliment my tea so well. You're fitting right in at UA. Have some of the tea, you may like it."  He walked off and all conversation resumed. "The tea is good but it's always the same. Eventually you get tired of it." I turned my head to see eraserhead next to me.
   "Thanks for the advice, I'm (hero name)." He let out a chuckle. "Yeah I heard. Nice to meet you." He grabbed a cup of boba and a juice box before walking off. I stood around introducing myself to a few people here and there. Eventually I was in a corner drinking my boba and just watching. Getting to the bottom of my drink I went for the last juice box only to collide hands with someone else. I looked up to see eraser again. I chuckled as I placed my hand on the juice box. "Sorry, but you're not getting the last juice box."
   "Tch. I think I am." His voice was gruff as he also grabbed the juice box. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you willing to fight for it?"
   Before I knew it eraser and I had snuck off to the training arena with the juice box to find out who would be getting it. We sat down the juice box on the bleachers and moved down to the city area of the training arena.
  "First one to take down the other and reach the gate gets the juice box. Agreed? And since you're pretty well known and I'm aware of your quirk I'll at least tell you the name of mine." He sneered lightly under his breath causing me to glance up at him. "The name of my quirk is neko- neko, pretty self explanatory, no? So how about we get started?" I took my stance and so did he. "Sounds pretty rational to me."
   My ears twitched as he took his stance. My tail curled as my eyes changed from black to green. "Then let's begin." I immediately jumped as high as I could into the air dropping down into an ally. Hearing the sound of his infamous scarf following behind me I took off sprinting. I have to stay out of his line of vision. Hiding under one of the nearby buildings I watched him carefully. His demeanor calm almost as if this wasn't a challenge. He walked slowly through the ally his hair suddenly went up. He's using his quirk. His scarf went flying through the air followed by him. He landed on top of a light post with his scarf wrapped loosely around him.
   "I'm going to get that last juice box." He said as his hair stayed on end. But why? Why is continually using his quirk? It has to be draining, but why is he doing it?
   "Oh come on? You think so?" I stalked around the arena as I spoke. "Come on man, there's apple sauces left too. Did you even try them?"
   "I did, and they were quite enjoyable but I can't live without my juice boxes." I creeped closer and closer toward him as I spoke. "Well I hate to break it to you, but you may have to because I don't play fair." I jumped up behind him and wrapped my tail around his eyes as my claws grabbed onto him. I stood up and leaned back causing us both to fall toward the ground. Immediately using his scarf he wrapped it around the top of a high buildings. I sprinted up his scarf connected to the building. "I figured you out." I yanked on his scarf as hard as I could to send him flying as I pounced over toward the juice box. "Your quirk doesn't work on genetic mutations." Grabbing the juice box with my tail I poked the straw through and took a sip.
   I turned back around to eraser gathering his scarf with his quirk. A long tear was visable on his scarf. I immediately jumped down made my way to eraser. "I am very sorry, my deepest apologies. I didn't mean to damage your scarf, I should have filed down my claws. Please accept the juice box and my sincerest apologies." I frantically apologized as I held out the juice box to him with my tail. A chuckle left his lips as he gently touched my tail and pushed the juice box back towards me. "It's fine, I'm actually quite impressed. Keep the juice box, you won it fair and square." He turned to walk out, speaking before he walked away. "Your coffee boba is one of the best I’ve had by the way. We're sparring for that next."
   He disappeared as I took a sip of the juice box barely able to contain my excitement and hold back my smile. I just got to spar with THE eraser head.
   Two days later
   It was now monday and I was headed to the school. Reaching the teachers lounge right before the bell rang I saw eraser on his was out. I stopped him and spoke. "I know you don't like being late to class but I just wanted to give you this really quickly. Again, I am very sorry." I handed him the box in my hands as he slowly opened it. His slow sleepy motions along with his tired eyes went from looking drained to drained and cheerful— almost.
   "You have to lift the scarf, theirs something else under it. He sat the box down and pulled out the new scarf I made for him over the weekend with my knowledge of support gear. He sat the scarf to the side and immediately picked up one of the 12 juice boxes I had given him. "Here let me help." I grabbed the old torn scarf from around his neck with my tail and set it to the side. Finally seeing his full face for more than a moment, I didn't let my eyes linger too long. Picking up the scarf with my freshly filed claws I wrapped it around his head and stepped back. 
   "I hope you like it, I made a few modifications but I'll let you figure those out on your own. Let me know if there's any problems or anything I can do eraser head." I walked toward my desk and placed my things down. "Sparring session after school to see who pay for drinks tonight. Training arena 5pm sharp. Don't be late." He began walking out with the box in hand as my face flushed. He stopped on his way out and turned to me. "Thank you (yn)." He stepped out and I had an internal excitement almost too much to contain. And to think, all this was for a juice box.
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bloody-peach · 3 years
False Impressions (part 2) [Marcus x Peach x Corn FNAF fic]
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[Art by @fatgumsupremacy]
Goody bag: threesome, grinding, groping, nipple play, LOTS of pet names (half are in Korean), praise kink, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, panties worn on head, anal fingering, double penetration, creampie, mention of breeding kink, vaginal sex, bits of fluff, size difference (big dick), clit rubbing, slight ahegao, slight temperature play (warming lube) [let me know if i missed something and i’ll add it in]
TW: mention of abuse, Peach has scars from abuse
Author’s Notes: Welp, this took forever. Like I said in a post, my best writing comes out when I’m lying in bed tired either in the morning or at night, so forgive me for the wait! Hopefully once you read it, it makes it all worth it. Also, this is my first time writing consensual anal stuff, so if I made it inaccurate, I’m so sorry, I tried. Anywho, enjoy!
Taglist: @fatgumsupremacy @omniuravity​
It took a while for Peach to recover, her tears and lack of nutrition left her dehydrated and weak. But luckily when she got better, she was back to work.
Sun was so happy to see her back that he hugged her tight and cried. She explained to him what happened and Sun felt so relieved when he heard that they all made up.
Sun then showed her the big 'Get Well Soon' card he and the kids made for her. She almost cried when she saw the crude crayon drawing of her and Sun holding hands, surrounded by the kids and as she read all the little names scribbled in the card.
It was nice to know that the kids cared about her too.
 Things between Peach and the boys were getting better, too. If anything, they all ended up closer than before.
At this week's smoke circle, which took place at Peach's apartment, Peach was sitting in Marcus's lap, with his arms around her waist and her head under his chin. You could see the big smile on his face the whole time.
Peach showed up in a white decal shirt, a short pink skirt and lavender zip up hoodie along with her plague mask. All the boys were losing it at how cute she was, especially Marcus and Corn.
It was an hour in when Marcus started to be flirty with Corn. Peach had talked about the fuck buddy situation with Marcus and Corn not long after their apology and she decided that they can continue it. Corn was a constant horndog and the only way to cool his jets was for Mark to fuck him, that made sense, she figured.
But in all honesty, after a while, when they would sneak away to have their fun...she couldn't help but get a bit jealous. She even started to get slightly aroused at the mental images she had of them doing it together, which was happening as the flirting went on.
Peach could feel Marcus getting hard as they kept at it, which made her blush hard and the lower half of her body tense up inside. Peach still had her mask on, so she was glad her face was hidden. But then she heard Corn say something.
 "Can we have Peach join us this time?"
 'Eh?' Peach thought, her blush growing and her heart starting to race.
Marcus smiled and said, "I was hoping you'd ask that. What do you think, yeobo?" "I..uh..well..I mean, I'm not saying no, but I..uh...uhhmm... "
Marcus took off Peach's mask, revealing her tomato red face and shy expression. "Aww how cute, she's shy," Marcus cooed. "Don't worry, aein. We wanna make you feel all kinds of good."
He then moved to her ear and asked in a soft, low voice, "Would you like that?"
The way Marcus would whisper in her ear like that would always get her waterworks going, and he damn well knew that.
He positioned her on his lap so his tent would press against the crotch of her panties under her skirt, a small noise coming out from her. Marcus caught this and he kept whispering in her ear, "You want more?" Peach automatically nodded. "Nell and I can give you much more than that."
Corn nodded and asked her, "Pleeeease? We wanna show you how much we love you." Marcus smiled and whispered, "So how about it? Do you wanna play with us?" It took a moment, but Peach finally gave in and nodded. David smiled and took that as his cue to leave, saying "You three have fun," as he left.
 Wait, did they plan this?
 Once David left, Marcus held Peach and stood up, carrying her bridal-style towards the bedroom, Corn trailing behind.
When they got in, Marcus sat Peach on the side of the bed, knelt to her height, cupped her cheeks with his hands, and kissed her deeply.
As they kissed and he took her jacket off, he thought about how he loved that anywhere he grabbed or held Peach, it would fit perfectly in his hands. Her face, her breasts, her ass, anywhere. There were times where he liked to think that Peach was specifically made for him.
He started to slide his hand up the back of her shirt as he unfastened her bra and kept caressing her skin. He could feel the roughness from the countless scars on her back, which her father gave her over the years.
He thought about if her father showed up anywhere near him or Peach, he'd pulverize the bastard where he stood.
He remembered the day when he found out about the scars, how he saw Peach's resolve start to waver as she described how they got there and how he felt the intense need to protect her from whoever did this to her, or from anyone who wanted to hurt her in general.
He would show in many ways how he found her scars to be as beautiful as her, like running his hands and fingers along them and kissing them whenever he can.
He let his fingers slowly brush up the length of her spine. He knew this was a weak area for her, a place where he could touch in the right way and get her to melt like ice in his hands. She soon moaned in his mouth and leaned towards him, showing he had hit a sweet spot.
That was when he lost it.
He immediately started to undress her and himself, right down to their underwear. He groped and massaged her bare breasts, licking her nipples as the tent in his pants prodded against her panties, begging for the fabric barriers to be removed. He pulled down his boxers, revealing the raging erection he had, and he was just about to slide Peach's panties off when he was interrupted by Corn tossing his shirt at his head.
“Ahem,” Corn said slightly annoyed.
This snapped Marcus out of his carnal desire and as he took the shirt off his head, he turned to look at Corn, who was already down to his boxers and had his arms folded across his chest, his face having a pouty expression. Marcus chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he said sheepishly, "Sorry bout that, Corn. I got a bit carried away."
Marcus then scooped Peach up and he pushed the pillow back and sat on the bed, his back against the headboard and Peach’s back against his chest. Peach started to blush when she felt Marcus’s cock resting against her spine, she could feel it throbbing and the heat it radiated.
Corn got on the bed, sat on his legs in front of them, and Corn just stared at Peach in silence. “Uhm...Nell?” “S..Sorry. It’s just...I just love your eyes. They’re so pretty,” Corn said as he had a goofy lovesick smile. Peach couldn’t help but giggle as she blushed.
Corn scooted a bit closer, cupped her cheeks with his hands, and kissed her, catching Peach by surprise. This kiss lasted for a few seconds until Corn broke it, saying, “I love your lips too.”
He then started to kiss down her neck and chest until he reached her breasts, when he grabbed them and said, “Gotta admit, you also got great tits.” Peach giggled a bit at his wording.
He then kissed down her belly, stopping above her tattoo. “This tattoo is one of my favorite things. I love that you decided to place it on such a sexy spot.”
That’s when Corn took the corners of Peach’s panties and slid them down her legs. Once they were fully off, he put them on his head like some perverted crooked crown before putting his head between her legs.
“Now this, this is just gorgeous. This is one of the best pussies I’ve ever seen. It’s so nice and pink and always so sensitive.” He traced a finger around her lips, causing her to gasp slightly. “And your clit is just too cute, oh my God.” When he gently caressed it, Peach let out a soft moan.
Corn smirked and used two fingers to caress the inside of her lips and prod at the opening. Soon enough, he slowly pushed them inside her and kept going til he reached his knuckles and his thumb was pressing on her clit. “Gaaah!” Peach moaned out.
Marcus slipped his hands up to Peach’s breasts and started to massage them as he tugged gently on her nipples with his fingers. Marcus bent his head down and kissed Peach’s neck, saying softly, “Your moans are something I love hearing. You’re being such a good girl, aegiya.”
Corn started to pump his fingers slowly, curling them to reach her g-spot while rubbing her clit with his thumb. Peach was starting to get lost in the pleasure, her walls twitching around Corn’s fingers. “Wow, you’re really clamping onto my fingers here.” “Dude, I love it when she does that on my dick, it’s the best feeling ever,” Marcus chimed in. “So soft and warm inside..”
Soon enough, Peach could feel her inner core starting to tighten until she broke, clamping hard on Corn’s fingers, juice coating his hand. Corn pulled his fingers out and licked his hand clean. “I love your taste too. It’s always so sweet, I can’t get enough of it.” “Hey, don't keep it all to yourself,” Marcus said before he slid his own fingers inside Peach.
She moaned at the suddenness of it and how much more his fingers stretched her out than Corn's. After a few pumps, he pulled his hand out and brought it close to his face, licking it clean. Peach felt his dick twitch against her back as he groaned, "Mmm...you taste so good, nae sarang..I want more..."
He then grabbed Peach by her waist, turned her around and laid her on her back as he knelt down to her groin. Peach ended up covering her face in embarrassment and Corn commented, "D'aww, you're just too cute, baby girl."
It wasn't long after that til Marcus immediately started to eat Peach out, which caused her to moan and put her hands on his head, her fingers partially entangled in the small bun he put part of his hair in. "Gahh..M..Marcus..I...ohh..ahhh.!" was all Peach could say as she felt him slide his tongue deep into her cavern, the piercing gently pressing against her walls. Corn was able to grab Peach's breasts and knead them as Marcus continued.
Marcus was eating her out like he was a man dying of thirst and her pussy was an oasis. He loved her taste too, probably more than the other two guys. He loved how sweet she always tasted and how soft she felt on his lips and tongue.
He then decided to suck on her clit, causing the woman to moan even more, "Ahh..! M-Marcus! If you do that, I'll...I...I'm...I'm gonna cum..!" Corn bent down and said softly in Peach's ear, "That's the idea, angel. Go ahead, it's alright." Peach panted and soon, she finally granted their wish a second time, cumming on Marcus's mouth while moaning out. Marcus drank everything that came out of Peach greedily and left a small kiss on her clit before lifting his head up and cleaning his face.
"That's it...I can't wait anymore...get me in there..!" He flipped Peach onto her belly and had her kneel as brought her hips close to his groin as he stood from his knees. Peach was facing Corn and had her arms around his shoulders. She felt as Marcus rubbed his length along her pussy, feeling the piercing touch her clit for a second. "W..will it fit..?" She asked slightly nervously.
Marcus always knew the answer to that question. He and her had sex many times before and he was able to have most of it fit inside each time, but he was a bit cautious because he noticed that compared to his size, her pussy was a bit smaller than any others he'd seen. But that's what makes her even more adorable, he thought.
"Don't worry, naekkeo. I won't go all at once," he said as he caressed her side. "Ok.." Peach responded. With that, he started to prod her opening with the tip before slowly sliding the head inside.
Once he was 1/5th of his way inside, he paused to let Peach adjust, who was already moaning. He started to thrust in and out a few times to get her used to his size before he slid another fifth in. He repeated this process until he was able to get it all except an inch of his length inside. Once he started to do full thrusts was when Peach was losing her mind in the pleasure.
As she was moaning, Corn smiled and asked, "How does it feel, Peaches?" "I...it's so big...s..so good...I...I...I'm sorry!" Peach started to cry at the end of that sentence, which made the boys start to worry.
"Sorry? For what?" Marcus asked. "Y..You always struggle to fit it all in...a..and even then, I can't take it all...I'm so sorry..!"
Marcus knew that Peach always wanted to make her lovers feel their best when they were with her and she must've felt that she was letting him down by not being able to take all of him. It damn near broke Marcus's heart.
"Oh, cheonsa, there's nothing to apologize for. I'm not..ngh..disappointed at all." "R..Really..?" "Far from it. I still feel you clamping onto me so tight..mm..and even if I..agh...couldn't get half of it in, I'd still be happy because it’s you.." Peach almost cried more at that statement, saying, "M..Marcus.."
It was then that Marcus flipped Peach on her back, pulled her into his lap, and kissed her deeply as he helped her ride him. Peach returned the kiss and once they broke, he said, "Naekkeo..you've always been..so good to me..that's another thing..I love about you.." Peach couldn't help but hug him tightly, her head over his shoulder.
Not too long after that, Corn chimed in, saying, "Man, I'm so fucking jelly right now..." Marcus smiled and said suggestively, "Oh? Wish you were in her place?" "No, I wish I was in YOUR place. Getting to dick Peach down til she's a mess...I wanna fuck her too!"
Marcus then got an idea. He brought Peach closer to him and had her show her ass to Corn, and he said, "There's still a spare hole. You got that strap-on, right? I'm sure she'd let you join in, so go ahead!"
"W-What?" Peach said, in a mix of pleasure and fear.
Corn got really excited as he took his boxers off, put on the strap-on, and inched his way to Peach. He touched her shoulder, asking, "Can I? Can I? Can I? Please please pleeease?"
Peach thought about it. She was always curious how it'd feel if one of the boys took her from behind like that, and the idea did turn her on. "Okay...but...can I request something?" "Sure. What's up?" Peach blushed as she said, "I..It's my first time back there, Nell, so..please be gentle with me..!"
An ear-to-ear smile grew on Corn's face and he said, "You mean I get to be your first?! Fucking poggers yo!" Peach leaned her face onto Marcus's shoulder, since she couldn't do a facepalm. 'Oh God, this dumbass...' she groaned in her mind. Luckily, Marcus hugging and nuzzling her was able to bring her back to what was happening.
He smiled and said, "Well aren't you a sweetheart, aein?" He then reached his hand toward the nightstand drawer and pulled out a bottle of warming lube. "Better use this," he said before handing it to Corn. Corn took it and put some of the lube on his index finger.
"Hey Marksman? You mind leaning back a bit so I get a better angle?" "Sure." Marcus slid back until he was at the right angle for Corn to get to work. "Now you just try to relax your muscles back there, ok? It'll be much easier that way," Marcus told her, her nodding in response.
Peach did just that, relaxing her anal muscles while Corn slowly slid a finger inside. It wasn't painful, the lube made it easy for Corn to slide in, plus the warming sensation from the lube and Marcus still inside her helped her ignore the pain.
Once Corn slid a second finger in, that's when it started to feel good. "You're doing awesome so far, Peaches. Just keep relaxing," she heard Corn say. Luckily the warming lube helped with that too.
Soon enough, Corn got into position and said, "Alright, I'm going in. I'll go slow, but hang in there, ok?" Peach nodded. With that, the toy pushed against her anus and once it broke through, Peach let out a noise, "Ah-ahh..!" The pain did increase, but luckily she had relaxed enough so the pain wasn't as bad as she thought it'd be.
Corn bottomed out and had his chest against her back and he put his arms around her, his hands on her breasts. Peach put her arm around Corn to keep steady. Corn stood still to let Peach get used to the fullness as he asked her softly, "Does it hurt?" "Not really...it just feels..different.." "Does it feel good?" "Y..Yeah..weirdly.." Corn smiled and said, "Don't worry, first time's always weird."
After that, Corn proceeded to start thrusting, and so did Marcus. It wasn't too long when her ass started to feel really good. Peach could feel both men rubbing against her walls and it drove her insane. The pleasure was just so much for her to take.
"How's it going, Peaches?" "I...mm..nngh..gaahh..!"
Marcus looked at her face and smiled as he saw her drooling, smiling, and her eyes rolled back. "I think we blissed her out, Nell." "Aw hell yeah!" The boys started to thrust in unison, making Peach moan more.
After a while...
"M-Marcus..! Please cum in me..! I can't take it anymore..!!" "Ok..but only if you cum too..!" Marcus reached his hand down and rubbed Peach's clit. This was enough to bring Peach to her mind-melting orgasm as her walls clamped down on both members.
She heard Marcus groan as he put his face against her neck and filled her up with his hot cum. She could feel him still rubbing her clit to make her orgasm last as long as possible, milking all the cum out of him. "Ahh that's it, take it all..." she heard him whisper.
Peach rested her hand on the back of his head as they started to come down from their highs. Marcus turned his head towards Peach and said breathily, "God I wish I could put a baby in there...you'd be such a good mama.."
Peach blushed but smiled and heard Corn chime in, "Oh she'd be a super mom. You oughta see her at the daycare, the kids love her."
 Corn then slowly pulled out and when it was Marcus's turn, he raised his head up and said, "I...wanna stay like this for a bit longer...please..?" He asked Peach. She smiled and kissed his cheek, saying "Ok."
Marcus had him and Peach lay on the bed, facing each other, with Corn being the big spoon behind Peach. After Marcus pulled the blankets over them, he touched he and Peach's foreheads together and said, "You did so good, nae sarang. I love you so much..." Corn snuggled Peach, saying, "Ditto and then some." Peach reached her hand up to touch Corn's cheek and she nuzzled Marcus, saying "I love you guys too."
Peach loved all her men with all her heart. And she was so happy to have them in her life. So of course it hurt when she caught two of them together and assumed the worst. But once everything was cleared up, things were better than ever. And now as she drifted off to sleep, she knew that when it came to these two, she wouldn't have things any other way.
 'Wait, what was that about putting a baby in me?'
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doudecim · 4 years
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I want to say that 99% of the fics here are on FF.net for I have only recently discovered the wonders of AO3, and I still didn’t dig deep in there to find all the HitsuKarin goodies.
That being said, I will put the list under the cut because this will be one very long post. So, I hope you all enjoy it!
A Constant Fascination, by back-in-a-bit. — 'Colour me blood red passionately.' Hitsugaya makes it his personal mission to get Karin to blush. Pity it's easier said than done. In fact, it might just take him a lifetime. [rated T]
A Fall in the Fall, by MeteorLeopard. — This was ridiculous! There she was, just looking at the fish, and the next thing she knows, she's up in a tree being held against her will! And it's all his fault! [rated T]
a little suffering is good for the soul, by the milliner’s rook. —  Future fic. If there are stupider ways to get courted, Karin can't think of them. [rated K+]
A Woman Scorned, by Glowing Blue. — The twisted fairy tale of Karin finding her own invite to the ball, though she's hardly looking for a Prince Charming. [rated T]
but leave the soul alone, by the milliner’s rook. — AU. Death, it's catching. Or: the one where Toushirou and Karin share night shifts at the hospital. And coffee. Terrible, terrible coffee. [rated K+]
Collection, by ichilover3. — A drabble/oneshot dump. Shenanigans, silliness, and sexy-times abound. Also alliteration, apparently. [rated M]
crawl into your shadow, by the milliner’s rook. — AU. There's a witch in this sleepy little village now that goes by the name of Karin, but nothing has changed since she's arrived. Not really. [rated T]
Delirous, by carved in the sand. — Matsumoto finds her captain to be a lovestruck teenage boy. [rated T]
duckling theory, by the milliner’s rook. — The first thing Karin notices is watermelon. Looking back, maybe it should have been startling green eyes. [rated K]
For You, by Glowing Blue. — Death had never been the paradise everyone wished it to be. But then they found each other. [rated T, two-shot.]
frostbitten, by the milliner’s rook. — Set during the time skip. The winter they meet is unkind with snow. [rated K+]
Frozen Moments, by CrazyAce'n'PokerFace. — 101 drabbles/one-shots that give a glimpse into Toushirou and Karin's life together. A love story told in snapshots. [rated K+]
funny valentine, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — I'll be yours if you'll be mine. [rated K+]
humour me, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — True love's kiss. That ought to do it. [rated K+]
i’m high on believing, by the milliner's rook. — For the record, he prefers his plain black shoes to her fancy red sneakers. [rated K+]
ice breaker, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — AU. There are better ways to get found out than making out in a closet and tumbling onto the ground. [rated T]
if my heart was a compass you’d be north, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — Future fic. Give me a reason to believe. [rated K+]
In Every Season, by Adobo-chan. — A collection of HitsuKarin oneshots. [rated T]
In the Dark, by ichilover3. — It really wasn't anyone else's business. She should be allowed to fornicate with midgets if she wanted to. [rated T]
innocent guilt, by SebonzaMitsuki27. —  AU. Oh, I know! You're a tramp with wings! [rated K+]
Juxtaposition, by Lady Azar de Tameran. — Something within Hitsugaya Toushirou thinks that he may have met his match. [rated T]
keep me in your pocket, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — Set during the timeskip. Don't stay out of touch, okay? [rated K+]
Kuchiki Rukia, the Glorified Courier, by MeteorLeopard. — Delivering super-top-secret messages between dimensions is tough work; believe me, I know. If it weren't such a rewarding experience I'd downright refuse to play the messenger. Honestly. [rated K+]
liliputians, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — Future fic. It's alright, kid. I'm short too. [rated K+]
Lovely Complex, by Unknown lazy ass. — She slyly grinned, “Wow, you really are head over heels for me, aren’t you Toushirou?” [rated K+]
Momo knows Best, by MeteorLeopard. — Sometimes having a meddling older sister... sucks. [rated T]
of halos and wings, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — Future fic. He had betrayed Hinamori with nothing but his heart. [rated T]
Old Haunts, by the milliner's rook. — Future fic. You were just gone, Toushirou, what was I to think? I thought—I thought you'd come back, and you did, twenty years too late. [rated T]
Peeping Tom, by Glowing Blue. — The love story of Hitsugaya and Karin, as seen from open windows and heard through thin walls. "Hisagi's eyes had a tendency to stray." AU. [rated T]
phantasmagoria, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — Flickering through black and white, they find their perfect shade of grey. [rated K+, two-shot.]
put down your sword and crown, by the milliner's rook. — AU. When her old man dies to save Ichi-nii's life, everything changes. Days after the funeral, the word Quincy is spoken for the first time, and at five years old, Karin becomes defined by it. [rated K+]
Red, The Colour of Despair, by the milliner's rook. — It was strange how much difference one colour could make. [rated K+]
Revenants, by carved in the sand. — Hitsugaya ponders the ghosts that haunt the girl he still loves. [rated T]
Sports and Sex are Universal (but never the twain should meet), by back-in-a-bit. — Toushirou gives Karin a flat look. "I'm not high-fiving you over sex," he says. [rated M]
Subtle, by nublados. — Toshiro comments on the subtlety that is Karin Kurosaki. [rated K+]
The Art of Asking, by Felix02. — He should have known that her father wouldn't be able to keep a secret, especially from one of his daughters. [rated T]
The Art Of Getting By, by the milliner's rook. — AU. There's some difficulty between juggling flirting, killing Hollows and getting to class on time with the hottest guy in high school, but Karin's certain she'll get the hang of it eventually. [rated T]
The Staircase not Taken, by MeteorLeopard. — Perhaps it was a good thing that the stairs were destroyed, her brother acting demented and a violent fight going on without her just upstairs. After all, the visitor who happened to drop by was worth the wait. [rated T]
the winter sun smiled for things to come in spring, by the milliner's rook. — What is it with you! You're either too young or too old! What the hell! [rated T, two-shots.]
Urahara's Lawn Mowing Service, by MeteorLeopard. — Incorrect phone numbers are a messy business. Even messier though is the business that happens after said incorrect phone call. "Fine, but I bet your girlfriend didn't call back because your lawn needs to be mowed." [rated T]
velocity, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — Aim for the goal, and don't look back, no matter what. [rated T]
where angels fear to tread, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — They belong in hell. [rated K]
You Taste Like Birthday, You Look Like New Year, by the milliner's rook. — Future fic. She likes his hands, Toushirou notices. Loves them, in fact. [rated M]
lune, by SebonzaMitsuki27. — AU. Me and you and moonlight shivers. [[rated T] other main pairings are ByakuyaHisana, ShinjiHiyori and UlquiorraNel, so beware that HitsuKarin is not the only focus in this one.]
Waterlogged, Wind-chapped, and Sun-bleached. — They grow up together, and the slow progression of their relationship shapes their world. AU. [rated T]
Wendybird Chronicles, by the milliner's rook. — She wonders if they ever had a chance. If they might have missed it, somehow. [rated K+]
on going
Wrong Number, by Lunatasha. — Unknown (10:22): So! I just read all of the conversations I had last night while I was out drunk and thoroughly embarrassing myself and please let me apologise for bothering you (especially as I think you were working if you were in your office?) last night. I mean in hindsight I probably should have stopped messaging you as soon as it was clear you weren't who I was looking for, but drunk me apparently hates sober me so yeah, I'm sorry. That being said thank you again for helping me out even though I must have been bothering you, I appreciate it. [rated T]
Only in Dreams, by TullyBlue. — Brother, she had called him, but he spent the entire meal acting like she was a ghost. Eating with the twins, he can’t even imagine being that cold to his sisters. Yuzu’s laughter brightens his day and that admiring glint in Karin’s eye, that he only catches every once in a while, means the world to him. The so-called brother in his dreams makes Ichigo’s skin crawl. Everything else, though, he wants to see more of, to know more about, to understand. Old, wood floors, a spacious room, flowing black robes, and those swords... [[rated T] other main pairings are IchigoRukia, UryuuChad, GanjuHanatarou, so beware that HitsuKarin is not the only focus in this one.]
abandoned or on permanent hiatus, probably won’t ever post a new chapter again
Blizzard Blues, by the milliner's rook. — Future fic. I heard your brother had an eight pack, Captain Hitsugaya! That he was shredded! [rated T]
Catalyst, by Etiena. — With captain-level shinigami in her family, it is no surprise that Kurosaki Karin has potential. But it isn't family which triggers her change. Instead, a chance encounter with a young shinigami captain leads to startling revelations. [rated K+]
Go Against the Grain, by Adobo-chan. — Old law deems that only a son may become the Kurosaki House's next leader. Born from this ancient tradition, a tragic betrayal and her mother's sacrifice, Karin is brought up as Kurosaki Kazuto, the 29th head of the family. [rated T]
oh sinful rose, by the milliner's rook. — AU. Five years after the monarchy is overthrown, a noble finds a forgotten princess in chains. DISCONTINUED. [rated T]
Quandary, by Glowing Blue. — Funnily enough, meeting such a spirited single mother was actually part of his job description. AU. [rated T] (I love this one so much!)
Roommate For Sale, by SavageTrickster. — AU. There are many things in life that she didn't know, but the one thing Kurosaki Karin was certain of is that her overprotective brother is going to blow his top when he meets her new roommate.
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violentinblack · 3 years
Hello been pondering about whether or not I should post this since I haven't been vocal about it but I think my mutuals/tumblr friends/followers deserve to know and decide if they're okay with it:
I do not participate in fandom discourse/shipping discourse/whatever it's called and I never will. The reason for it being: I cannot agree with either side. I am on Twitter, too, and I see how the discourse there looks like; I don't want to participate in it.
(Warning: mentions of p*dophilia and inc*st in the upcoming text)
To clarify: I only believe in consuming media with a critical eye. The claim that fiction doesn't affect reality in any way, something that proshippers love to use in their argument, is baseless and untrue, especially concerning teens and minors who have not entirely developed a critical thinking ability. I can't support the way horrifying themes like inc*st and p*dophilia are seen in, or perpetuated in, a positive likeness and considered as completely harmless in every single way, and no, I will never support such content nor want to come anywhere close to it.
However, I do not agree with the opposing side, either. As already mentioned, I spent a certain time on Twitter; I have seen what the shipping discourse has turned into. Something that started as a critical debate on harmful propaganda, evicting offenders from fandom presence and importance of consuming media carefully has turned into driving young people to suicide over baseless claims, free harassment, and complete disregard of the fact that internet users are, in fact, human beings. The way accusations over the internet had been watered down to the point where half the people don't take them seriously anymore because they're not used properly is scary. It's worrying. It's weird. It's so little about the genuine harmful themes (re:aforementioned) anymore: now exploring anything that isn't goody-two-shoes mentality in fiction is a ticket to being harassed. It's turning into another "video games cause violence" where, instead of focusing on how harmful themes in fiction can be used to endanger people, the battle is turning towards anything bad ever portrayed in media.
My point being: the extremes through which this discourse has escalated are sickening and I, for one, will not take any of my time to participate in it.
Be careful in fandoms. Large internet spaces allow horrible and harmful people to get through to their victims, oftentimes using so-called "fictional content that doesn't harm anyone" to do it. I know. I was manipulated myself.
On the other hand, if you are an adult person who believes people cannot consume media without turning into a glorifier of every dark fictional theme irl, then the media simply is not for you. A person with developed critical thinking can, and should, explore fiction without mixing it up with reality. (Again, I don't agree that themes such as inc*st and p*dophilia fall under this category). Young teens and minors do not have said way of thinking developed yet: so TAG. YOUR. DAMN. WORKS. Tagging is important. It saves people from being harmed by content they don't wish to see.
Sorry for the long post, I was thinking about this and felt like I wanted to say my point on it; after all, I've been more active on tumblr lately, enjoying the company of my mutuals and I want anyone who follows this blog to know where I stand with this. At the end, I hope for my point to be respected, I see harm in both of these mentalities and don't wish to be a part of either of them or this discourse at all. If you want to know where I stand on human rights, equality, danger of propaganda and anti-bigotry, feel free to take a look at my blog, everything is there to see and I hope to never arrive in a situation where I need to explain what I think about fandom discourse, because this is the only post about it I'm ever going to make.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
off the grid | two
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summary: it was as simple as swapping places with a stranger from across the world to get away from everything back home. that is - until you meet Jimin. things become more complicated as he unfolds a new chapter in your life that you were initially trying to avoid.
pairing: reader x pjm
genre: post-college au, christmas/holiday au | angst, fluff, smut (to come)
words: 3191
chapter warnings: cussing / mature language, definitely inaccurate depiction of transportation, events and whereabouts in South Korea since i only did my research thru the internet, jimin is cute as fuck for being such an angel
> series masterlist <
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You tried sleeping in after Namjoon and Yoongi's call, but you couldn't fall back asleep no matter how exhausted your body still felt. Instead, you sat up in bed, scrolling through the pictures you took from your stroll in the nearby streets yesterday. You didn't get too far, yet you came back with so many small goodies already. You kept stopping by every shop on the street, and you ate such delicious food that you were contemplating on getting more today. But, you were also determined to travel a little bit further and start some real adventures for yourself.
You got yourself washed up and ready for the day. You did your usual of prepping a very light breakfast for yourself, just to give you enough fuel to kick off the morning. While doing so, surprisingly unsurprised, you were certain you heard Jimin's voice in the hallway. You stared at the door as you stood and ate some cereal on the kitchen island, waiting for his knock to come.
"Knock, knock." He says, following with two soft knocks. You walked over, bowl in hand, as you opened the door to see Jimin standing there with a huge smile on his face and another tupperware in hand. "I come bearing gifts?" He steps in as you shut the door behind him.
"Aw, thanks! More food?"
"Assuming your parents still don't know Yana isn't here?" You chuckled.
"Not at all." He scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously. "But I'll deal with it later."
"Mm, you should probably deal with it before Christmas rolls around, sir."
"Yesma'am." He salutes you playfully. "Did you eat the stuff that I brought yesterday?"
"Sure did, for a night time snack." He chuckled as he placed the new tupperware in the fridge.
"Body still adjusting?"
"Pretty much." You say as you begin to wash your bowl.
"What's your plan today, Miss Y/N?" You softly chuckle as you wipe your hands down.
"Just roam around."
"Let me know if you need anything, or if you need anyone to show you around." He held out his hand, signaling for your phone so he can put his number in.
"I may just take you up on that offer."
"Good." He smiled. "Well, I'll catch you later? I'll leave you to your peace." You nod as you follow him to the door.
"Thanks again for the food."
"No problem. Eat up." He taps the door frame before shutting the door close. You look down at your phone and see Jimin's contact info still on the screen. Or should we say, "PRINCE CHARMING 🥵😍" since that's what he decided to name himself?? Let's not forget to peep the little tidbit he put in the notes: "My name is Jimin but you can call me tonight ;)" Who even uses the 'Notes' section under the contact's info?
His use of emojis and cheesy lines made you laugh to yourself, but you left it anyways. You were highly thinking about taking up his offer on having someone show you around, but you kept reminding yourself that the whole reason you came here was to do this solo. But, god, there's only so many things you can achieve as a solo newbie in a place like South Korea. Would it truly hurt to get some help or advice from someone?
On your way to the train station, you came across a lively farmer's market. The cold was biting at every inch of your body no matter how bundled you were, cheeks rosy and glowing. Being that the farmer's market was booming at this time, you figured checking out the station map could wait. Long aisles of stands with colorful fresh fruit and vegetables had you stopping almost every second to try samples. Fruit and veggies certainly tasted fresh, and it was a nice feeling on your tongue. None of that pesticide, wax-covered bullshit back home. There was music playing in the background, one being a street artist playing his violin in this cold. You threw some change into his case and continued down the aisle, where more vendors were selling their own art and home-made goods.
You spent quite some time here, as it seemed like the booths would never end. It eventually did, and it brought you right to the train station that would bring you to Myeongdong. Luckily, it was a simple, straightforward trip and you'd be on your way to more exploring. You planned to get some lunch first though because you can most definitely hear the street food calling your name.
As you continued down the street with your food in hand, you heard someone call you by name from behind.
"Y/N?" You turned your attention towards the street behind you to find Jimin pushing his way through the crowd with a huge smile on his face.
"Are you following me, Park Jimin?" You chuckled. He was wearing the same outfit you saw him in this morning, which was a thick sweater and leather jacket, dark grey jeans and boots. He had a hat on and some oversized glasses, which you thought fit his frame perfectly well.
"Definitely. Just had to make sure you knew what you were doing out here." He laughed. "Enjoying yourself?"
"Yeah, it's great. Do you come here often?"
"To be honest, not really. But the guys and I had nothing else to do today, plus-"He holds up a bag. "Ma put in a request for some stuff she was looking for since I was going to be here."
"That's sweet of you." You smiled toothlessly, watching as he beamed from ear to ear. Definitely a mama's boy, and a handsome one at that.
"Yeah, I do what I can." He shoved the bag down back to his side and tugged on his own shoulder bag. "Where are you headed after this?"
"Honestly? Wherever the wind brings me." You shrugged.
"You should tag along with me and my friends. We're uh, not doing anything fancy besides going to the comic cafe." He snorted nervously, hoping you wouldn't be one to label him as a dweeb this early on. "It's near the Dongdaemun Night Market. I think you'll enjoy grabbing some dinner there."
"Yeah, I'll come with. That sounds fun." You began to walk alongside of him as he walked back towards the opposite end of the street.
"Sorry, were you done looking here? I could accompany you while you keep looking." He paused to look down at you.
"No." You instantly shook your head. "Uh, I think I'm all good." You took one last look behind you, a little unsure since there was a store you still wanted to check out before leaving. You didn't wanna burden Jimin and his friends though, this wasn't their plan.
"You sure?" He smirked.
"Maybe not?"
"Let's go, I can tell you still wanna look around."
"Jimin, I can go alone-"
"It's not an issue, Y/N. Besides, Jungkook and Taehyung are still wandering around." He nodded towards the one shop you were eyeing. "Come on." You smiled toothlessly and followed him into the store.
"By the way, nice contact name." You showed him his contact info on your phone, making him laugh.
"Yeah, it's gold isn't it? Trying to stand out. I'm surprised you kept it."
"Your work of art. I don't meddle."
"Ah, touché. I like a girl who can appreciate good art." He winked, causing your cheeks to heat up as you blushed and looked down at the ground below you. He stepped into the clothing store and slowed his pace to let you lead the way. The one thing you were eyeing were the puffy jackets and coats because who can have too many outerwear? Jimin bit onto his bottom lip as he watched your eyes light up at the coats in front of you, touching everything you came across.
"These are so cute. I want it all." Jimin chuckled.
"Looks like you'll be needing another luggage to go home with you." You hung onto a beige colored puffy jacket, then reached out for a plaid coat.
"There's so many colors, I can't decide." He pointed to the plaid coat next to the one you had reached out for.
"That color would look nice on you." You smiled at him and nodded.
"Thanks. That makes it easier."
"You do have enough warm jackets for your stay right? There's a possibility it'll snow soon."
"Yeah, I think I'll be alright?" He nodded.
"I don't know Y/N, that doesn't sound convincing." He did a quick head tilt. "Make sure you get something warm then, please. The cold bites down here. I wouldn't want you to be miserable for the rest of your stay." He leaned against the rack. "Like that." He pointed at a thick parka. "Might be good to have that in your stack."
"Ou." Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you grabbed the olive parka and swung it over your arm.
"Well, that was easy." He laughed.
"I trust your word." You began to quickly scan the rest of the floor, making sure you wouldn't miss anything. But also, you didn't wanna take too much time off of Jimin's hands.
"Ayo!" You hear someone call from behind you. You continue to walk the floor, hearing Jimin's laugh from behind, followed by a couple of unfamiliar voices. "Stop being a creep."
"I'm not being a creep, you idiot." Jimin laughed and shrugged off his friend. "I'm helping Y/N out."
"She's here?" You turn to look at the three boys standing behind you.
"Y/N, this is Jungkook and Taehyung." You smiled softly and shook their hands. "I really apologize about them in advance."
"Hey, nice to finally meet you!" Jungkook smiled as he pushed Jimin aside. He was also very attractive, standing just an eensy weensy bit taller than Jimin. He had tattoos on his hand and his wavy, black hair was parted, falling down on either sides of his face and right at the eyes. He had big, doe eyes and a good build. Even though he was wearing baggy layers, you could tell his ass lived at the gym with the way his shoulders were built and how his collarbone was sharply poking out from his shirt.
"Sounds like you've heard of me." You chuckled.
"Jimin won't stop bringing up your name."
"Don't listen to him. He's making that up." Jimin's cheeks turned slightly rosy.
"That's not nice to lie, Jimin-ssi." Jungkook pinched his side, making him laugh and playfully hit him back. You scrunched your nose at how cute the interaction was, not feeling out of place at all between the two.
"Hey Y/N, Taehyung." Taehyung shows off a boxy smile as he gently shakes your hand. He looked like an artist, pulling a Jack from Titanic who was ready to draw one of his french girls kind of vibe - clad in brown pants, a black turtleneck, a long coat and low cut sneakers.
"She's gonna come along with us."
"Cool! Preparing yourself for the weather?" Jungkook asked as he quickly checked out the men's shirts across from you, while Jimin and Taehyung continued to talk and laugh on the side.
"I was warned by Jimin." You chuckled.
"He's right, it can be freezing here. Do you need any help carrying your stuff?"
"I'm good! Thanks. I think I'm about done anyways." Your mouth curved into a small smile before you walked off to the registers, grabbing a scarf on the way over just because. You definitely did not anticipate to spend like this already, but hey, self-care am I right?
"Let me hold that for you." Jimin takes the paper bag from you.
"You don't-"
"Is it like this in California or something?" He laughed.
"Feeling shy when someone offers to hold your bags?"
"It's just not a consistent thing, I guess? At least not that I've experienced much. It could be different for others." You spare him the details. Now that you think of it, Romeo has never offered to carry your bags like that. Ever. He obviously lacked a lot of common courtesy.
"Interesting." Is all he says as he shrugs and continues on. You clutched onto your bag strap as you followed the three, suddenly questioning how you got from going around solo to now tagging along with your home swapee's brother and his friends. Jimin slightly slowed his pace to catch up to you, pulling you out of your thoughts when he shared a small laugh. "You okay? Suddenly having regrets?"
"No, I'm good." You chuckled as you tugged into the strap harder.
"Do you ready any comics?"
"I used to when I was younger. Now I just don't have time to even find a good read."
"That busy, huh?"
"I guess so. Or I guess, sorry, I just don't find the time so it's partially my fault."
"No need to apologize. You should make more time for yourself though."
"Yeah, I know." You looked up at him and smiled toothlessly. He returns the favor before opening the back passenger car door for you, allowing you to situate yourself first. As you fasten your seatbelt, Jungkook adjusts his rearview mirror before starting the car and switching its gears.
"So, what's California like?" Taehyung asked as he whipped his head around from the passenger's seat.
"You never said exactly where you were from." Jimin chimed in as he cocks his head to the side to look at you.
"Los Angeles." The boys collectived oo'd and aw'd together.
"I've been there before!" Jungkook rose one hand off of the wheel. "I did a summer dance camp there and spent time with my family going around. Like Universal Studios, that was fun." He excitedly bounced in the driver's seat.
"Did you like it?" He nodded happily.
"Very much so. I'd love to go back. You should take me with you when you go back." Jimin threw a piece of crumpled paper at the back of his head.
"I'll keep that in mind." You laughed.
"The views are amazing and-" Jungkook continued to reminisce on his memories, but was abruptly cut off by Taehyung.
"I wanna hear what it's like from Y/N, not you." Jungkook popped Taehyung on the side of neck.
"It's busy." You chuckled. "It's busy and usually always hot. Lots of people, lots of cars, lots of things to do. People are always on the move."
"Does it feel any different being here?"
"Yeah, it does. I can't really explain it." Although Seoul was just as lively and the hustle and bustle was apparent, Los Angeles just felt like.. life was moving way too fast. Like no one really had time to appreciate life as much as they do here. There's always things that need to get done, and you're more worried about other people than yourself. No one took the time to just slow down.
"I imagine so. I've seen a lot of things about LA. Lots of Hollywood stars and famous people." Taehyung continued to look at you, resting his head against the head rest.
"Yeah, that's definitely the it thing there."
"Maybe we can all go back with Y/N."
"I don't have a big place but I'm sure we can make it work." The rest of the ride included the boys loudly singing along to the songs that came up. If you weren't mistaken, you could have sworn you heard Jimin's angelic singing voice pop out every now and then. He tried to keep it lowkey. Keyword: tried.
At the comic cafe, Taehyung and Jungkook went their separate ways to find what they were looking for while you stayed near the entrance, looking at the cute stationary items. Jimin had left you to browse but came back to your side as soon as he found what he needed, worried you'd feel lost and out of place. You reassured him and told him he didn't need to rush, but as you were picking up quite quickly, it was just in Jimin's nature to be that caring.
Time had gone by so fast, you didn't even realize how hungry you were. Dongdaemun Night Market was crowded as hell; so crowded that you had to try your best to squeeze through without being rude.
"Y/N, hold onto me." Jimin looked back, holding out his arm for you to hook onto. Jungkook led the way, with Taehyung holding onto his shoulders as they navigated through the crowd. Jungkook looked back at you both, pointing towards one of the food vendors. "Are you okay with eating some tonkatsu?"
"I'm down for whatever." You said, feeling a little flustered from the crowd. Jimin signaled a thumbs up to Jungkook before turning towards the seating area. He was able to snag a table so that you both could sit and wait, instead of being in the crowd.
"Sorry, I forgot to mention that it gets really busy here."
"It's alright, thanks for guiding me through the crowd."
"You feeling tired or anything?"
"A bit." You yawned into your elbow.
"We'll get you home after so you can rest up." Sooner or later, Jungkook and Taehyung come back with two trays, both loaded with tonkatsu rice bowls and sauce.
"Here you go." Jungkook smiled as he placed your bowl down in front of you.
"Oh, thank you! How much do I owe you?"
"Don't sweat it. My treat." He shook his head.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive, Y/N. Please eat." He chuckled. The rest of dinner was pretty quiet, as everyone was hungrier than expected. They would break the silence every now and then, talking about the rest of their friends and what they had been up to.
"What are your friends like, Y/N?"
"Well, to be honest, I don't have too many." You chuckled. "Not many I can actually call friends, at least."
"That's valid. That's like us, too." Jungkook responded.
"I met both of my bestfriends in high school. I'd meet people through them, but that's about it. They're really cool though, I think you all would get along with them quite well."
"What are their names?"
"Yoongi and Namjoon. They're all I really know. We've done almost everything together and we've always stuck by each other. They've always had my back and protected me."
"That's good. It's nice to have people like that in your life." Jimin says.
"What about you guys?" Taehyung adjusts the heat in the car before whipping his head around to face you.
"You should hang out with us more so you can meet Hoseok and Seokjin-hyung." Taehyung smiled. "They're super social and they always have good energy. They're fun to be around."
"Sure." You chuckled. By the time you were getting really comfortable with the warmth in the car, you had arrived back home. Jungkook and Taehyung greeted you goodnight before Jimin had shut the door and walked you upstairs.
"I know we didn't do much, but I still hope you enjoyed yourself."
"I did, thank you. Seriously."
"Did you wanna, maybe, hang out again?" He shyly asked as he scratched the nape of his neck. He was cute nervous, and there was no way you could say no to him. Besides, you were sure Jimin could help you explore more. "I just have to help my mom and dad out at their cafe tomorrow morning, but I should be good by lunch time."
"Yeah, I'd love to."
"I promise I won't disappoint." He laughed. "Goodnight, Y/N. See you tomorrow?" You nodded as you walked in. He gave off one last big smile before descending down the steps.
And you weren't gonna lie to yourself. He was so damn attractive. Everything about him so far was just different. You couldn't help but feel a little bit excited to hang out and spend more time with him.
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deepperplexity · 4 years
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Prompt: 3. Smiles
A/N: Here we go, day 3 of SNAPEMAS and today we get Smiles as a prompt! :D I decided to play with one of my favourite Snape love tropes in this one; age difference. So while you are young - a mere 21 of age, Severus is 43 (so, 22 years age difference - same as my grandparents btw xD)
Also, please know that I use the term 'Christmas morning' since some celebrate on the 24:th (Christmas Eve) and some celebrate on the 25:th (Christmas Day). I don't want to limit it by writing Christmas Day Morning or Christmas Eve Morning ^^ Same goes for when I write Christmas - rather than Christmas Day or Christmas Eve :P
Setting: Diagon Alley, Sugarplum's Sweets Shop
Pairing: Snape x Reader
Word count: 1467
Warnings: Fluff, Age Difference
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST
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Diagon Alley was brimming with activity, teeming with merriness and joy as people rushed here and there. But you, however, did not rush. You simple walked slowly through the crowd with your boyfriend next to you. Your arm wrapped around his. Your heavy coats kept you nice and toasty as tiny flakes of snow sifted through the cold air.
You could not have been happier. This would be your first Christmas with the love of your life. Your first Christmas by his side. The first time you exchanged presents and the first time you'd wake up on Christmas morning and be able to cuddle in his arms. Oh, how you longed for Christmas to actually come around so you could make many new memories with your beloved.
It would be different this year of course. Your family had shunned you after you got together with Severus; he was more than twice your age and your family did not approve. He was almost as old as your own father - but what did it matter? You loved him, he loved you and you never felt as cherished as you did under his loving gaze. He was all you could ever have hoped for. And you chose him, you would always do so.
"Do you want to go in?" Severus asked as you had stopped in front of a second-hand bookstore. You shook your head, today was not for books. You both usually got stuck and the whole day would be lost. No today you wanted to be with him, in every way. "Let's go there," you said and pointed towards a very pink store called Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. Severus's lips tugged in a half-smile as he nodded. "As you wish, love," he said and your heart pounded at his voice and the utterance of the word 'love'.
The store was quite full of people but they seemed to clear a path as Severus strode in with his commanding presence. He always did that, it was just who he was and you loved it. His command, his aura, his posture and the respect he seemed to demand just by breathing. You relished in his strength and felt as soft as cotton in comparison. As brittle as glass. Yet he was like a barrier between you and all things that could break you. You were safe with him. Strong with him. Happy and carefree with him.
You looked around, there were sweets of all kinds; and pastries. The air was thick with a sugary scent and it was too hot with the heavy cloak you wore. But it didn't matter. You took his hand and dragged him over to the liquorice corner. So many goodies, you thought as you let go of Severus and looked at all the sweets. You smiled so broadly, had you not had ears it might have gone all the way around your head.
"What should we get?" you asked and turned towards Severus. He smiled at you, one of those smiles he never gave to any other person, as his arms laid crossed over his chest. "Whatever you wish, love," he said in that rumbling voice of his that made your heart pound a little harder as your knees grew a little weaker. You gave him a joyful expression before you turned back to the liquorice. you grabbed a bag and started to fill it with four pieces of each candy you wished to eat and share with him.
You walked around the store, filled your bag with care and grabbed a few pastries as well. You wanted to share them with him, with your beloved Severus and see his smile as you both shared such a sweet little moment in private. You were well aware that he had a different persona in front of others. That he had to, it was like a protective wall of his own. Like he was to you. But you didn't mind. You knew his true nature and the love he held for you. Just thinking about it made you all giddy.
He came up behind you as you were pondering whether to take the pumpkin pastries or the cinnamon rolls. He gave the top of your head a kiss and whispered in your ear, "Take both, darling. You know you will regret it later otherwise." You giggled as he gave your warm ear a little nibble before he kissed your jaw tenderly. You grabbed both the pastries and the rolls before he led you to the register.
Your goodies were packed, Severus paid and out the door you went. Your arm yet again wrapped around his as he carried the bag with all the goodies in his free hand. You talked animatedly about how you wanted to decorate his house, buy a tree, make a Christmas dinner among many other Christmas related activities. He barely said a word but every time you glanced up at him he wore the brightest of smiles. Despite being in public. Despite the looks everyone gave you. Despite the whispers and the people who swirled to avoid walking in his path. He smiled so brightly. You could not help but smile just as brightly as you walked down Diagon Alley.
When you arrived at Severus's house at Spinner's End you hung up your coat, kicked off your snowy boots and slipped your feet in the fluffy slippers he had bought you a few weeks ago. You had only complained once, once, that the floors were a little cold and just an hour later he presented you with the cutest little bunny slippers that were so soft and warm it felt as though you walked on sun-heated clouds.
You had grabbed the bag from him before you headed to the kitchen. You unpacked the goodies and placed them in different boxes to keep them fresh in the hopes you would be able to enjoy it all for a few days at least. Severus came in on muffled steps. His arms wrapped around you as he kissed the top of your head again. You leaned back into him and that smile was back yet again.
"If you don't stop my cheeks are going to hurt," you chided softly as your hands landed on his forearms that were wrapped right over your chest. "Stop what?" he murmured softly and the words vibrated through your entire body as his voice seemed to reach every inch of you. "Making me smile like this," you hummed and closed your eyes, completely content.
Severus chuckled and kissed your temple. "Never. It is my mission in life to keep you smiling," he said and you giggled. "Sev, you're so sweet." "Hm, perhaps for you. For you," he murmured and kissed your temple again, "I will be as sweet as I can." His words made you tremble and you felt so adored it nearly burst out of you in pure energy.
"This Christmas will be the greatest one ever," you sighed happily as your thumb stroked his arm. "I am sorry your family has not-" "Oh hush, they can rot in their mansion without the joy of watching the golden star on top of the tree." Severus leaned back a little and you looked up at his pondering face. You smiled wickedly on a soft shrug of your shoulder. "It's mine, the golden star was a gift from my great grandfather and it always sits at the top of the tree, every Christmas. Well, except, this year it will sit at the top of our tree," you said with that wicked smile and he let you go on a soft hum.
You spun around and embraced him as you tilted your head back to look him in the eye. "It is mine and it will be where I will be. And I, I will always be with you, from now and until the end of time." Severus's arms encased you in warmth as he gave your smiling lips a soft kiss. "You are a wicked delight, my love," he chuckled, "and I am the happiest man in the universe to be with you." You reached up and kissed him to convey all the feelings you had for him. He returned the favour.
You kissed while you smiled and everything seemed right in the world. Warmth, light and heavenly love filled you up as he refused to let you go until you wined about eating the goodies you had purchased earlier. And even then he only let go a little bit, so you could reach the goodies before he walked you to the living room with his hand at your lower back. His face in such a bright smile it made you feel as if the brightest of Christmas lights had nothing on his shine.
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Day three of SNAPEMAS and this was just a pure joy to write - I so rarely stick to just fluffy love stuff ( I don't feel I'm really good at it so xD ) but this was so rewarding to write. I feel as though our lovely Snape deserves to have some pure love and joy in his life. Especially around Christmas!  
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and please join me for SNAPEMAS - it is not too late! :D 
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byakuyasdarling · 3 years
2 and 8 for the domestic life asks? ^^
Thank you so much for the ask ^//v//^ I hope you’re having an amazing day <33
All under the cut :D
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends? (Domestic Life)
I detailed a lot about their wedding in this post [here]! But I’ll insert some paragraphs here form that post to summarise :)
“Byakuya would prefer to keep things small and rather private, however, it appears he’s going to get the opposite of what he would like. His family and S/I seem to want a large wedding (because you know, this is kinda massive for the Togami family, especially considering how famous they are. S/I’s Ultimate would also put her in the position to garner fame too). S/I is MASSIVE on family, and invites all members of her very large family too.”
Not only both of their families will attend (Byakuya doesn’t have many family members there as his exhiled half-siblings don’t count to him as “they lost their right to the Togami name.” — so, most of his family would come from his mother’s side), but S/I has an extensive guest list of friends she loves and cherishes that will also be there. Easily over 150 people in total. Much to Byakuya’s dismay, she wants to share her special day with everyone — and I mean EVERYONE.
To be fair, this is the one thing Byakuya could never really have direct control over — he easily recognised this is in his family’s interest too, so he won’t be too argumentative over it. He loves S/I so dearly as well, he’s inclined to give her what she wants since she has been excited for her wedding ever since she was a little girl (a rhetoric she tells him all the way up until the wedding day). The honeymoon is where Byakuya will be pleased though; he finally gets all that privacy he wanted with her.
“It’s all very lavish. Definitely held in one of those really fancy venues with the high glass ceilings. Lots of white, black, and gold with a hint of wine red regarding the colour theme for the wedding”
8. How do they celebrate holidays? (Domestic Life)
Valentines Day:
Very much just a day they have to themselves. S/I implores him not to get her anything on the day (as they’re both very aware it’s just a day for companies to capitalise off — Byakuya is more aware of that than anyone), but he always buys her a bouquet of roses, especially because he knows red roses are her favourite. He’ll take her out for dinner too! S/I is thankful for all of his efforts; she tends to cry a little bit since she really doesn’t have anything for him in return. He doesn’t ever say it directly, but for him: the gift of tangible happiness she has always given to him is more than anything he could ever ask for — he really didn’t know the feeling before her.
Byakuya never celebrated Easter until he was with S/I. Assuming they take a flight back to S/I’s family together for the Easter holidays, they get to celebrate the joys of Easter together. S/I gets all the egg hunts ready for all her little cousins at her grandmother’s house. Family members too old for the hunt will give each other bags of chocolate goodies :) S/I helps her grandmother put up all the Easter decorations around her house and helps her with Easter breakfast (Eggs Benedict!).
Byakuya is very much on the sidelines for all of this and doesn’t talk to her family too much (especially her father. The two clash a lot — Byakuya tends to be very aggressive towards him knowing everything he knows about S/I). He is happy for S/I though. He loves seeing the pretty smile on her face when she’s genuinely happy (even though he doesn’t vocalise that).
Growing up in Australia (which is not very big on Halloween, my area is so dry on that holiday), S/I never really cared for it. She went trick-or-treating once in Grade 4, but that’s about it. Byakuya just sees the holiday as another opportunity to fork money from people’s pockets (as the business man does). Suffice it to say, they don’t dress up (Byakuya would despise that), and they don’t go out for any parties or anything. They are invited by close friends to parties, but Byakuya really despises them and prefers to be alone with her for the the night; so she decides not to go.
They stay in and watch horror movies though! Byakuya manages to recover a packet of Minties for her; he has to police them though otherwise she’ll eat the whole packet in one sitting (one thing she definitely misses about Australia is the Minties). Poor S/I gets so scared though, she clings to his arm a lot — he does secretly enjoy that a lot; he’ll always let her lie on his chest and rub her back a little to comfort her though (despite the fact he does tease her a bit about it).
🎶it’s the most wonderful time of the year🎶
S/I LOVES Christmas with all her heart. Everything about it: the carols, the decorations, the gifts, the family spirit, nothing is bad on Christmas Day!!
It’s the time when Byakuya’s mother’s side of the family gets to meet the very extensive family of S/I’s. S/I’s family is flown down to Europe in Byakuya’s mother’s manor to spend the next two weeks celebrating.
S/I’s grandmother brings all her Christmas decorations to fill their accomodation — S/I is ecstatic to set all the special decorations up (I really can’t imagine that there’s going to be a year where we won’t be setting them up together. I’ve been doing it ever since I was a little — I mourn for the day I’ll be setting them up by myself and hosting Christmas instead). Anyway, Byakuya watches her set up the trees happily. There’s a lot of times he’ll just walk up and hug her from behind while staring at her handiwork. If she asks what he’s doing he’ll just gently hum and give her a kiss. Christmas makes up a lot more of his positive memories: he’s a bit more detached from his grumpy self around this time.
God forbid if anyone from S/I’d family is driving because every time they see a roundabout with a Christmas tree in the middle, they’ll drive around it as much as possible before while singing “O’ Christmas Tree” and try and beat their previous record. Obviously they’ll stop if there’s too many cars (our family record is 27 laps if you’re wondering). Byakuya finds this VERY obnoxious.
Again, family breakfast! Eggs Benedict! Cooked by S/I and her grandmother; they also make the pudding! They have awesome lunches and get the evening to themselves.
S/I always makes something special for Byakuya, while she is swarmed by gifts he bought for her. He pays attention and takes note of the things she expresses interest in and buys ALL OF IT for her. Even though the things she makes for Byakuya may seem a lot smaller in comparison; he adores all her gifts. He has all the money in the world, but he can’t buy the things she makes for him: they’re one-of-a-kind.
Byakuya loves Christmas evening with her. He gets exhausted (ironically) catching up with all of S/I’s family activities, he is in such a good mood by the end of it though (mainly because of how happy she has been though). They’ll put on some Michael Bublé Christmas songs and cuddle up and read for the rest of the day. He gives a lot of affection that day; it’s one of those very rare times of the year he’s detached enough from his own ego and family expectations that he allows himself to openly express all the love he feels for her (a lot of it usually being bottled up — grumpy man <<333).
Ahhh, I’m so sorry this is so long! I just love talking about them, and I love talking about Christmas! (So naturally, that section is very long). Thank you so much for the ask, I promise next time I won’t ramble as much, ahaha <33
Have a great day 💙💙
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agrestebug · 4 years
Marichat May 2020
Hey everyone! I’m so glad that you guys have been enjoying these one shots from my Marichat 2020 collection, so here’s another one! If you like the ones I've posted so far, you can always find the full collection on FFN. I’m still cross-posting other stories to Ao3, so it’s not there just yet. I’m still AgresteBug on FFN so it shouldn’t be too hard to find! And please, don’t repost my stories without permission! Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
Day 27 - Secrets
Marinette let out yet another annoyed sigh, and Chat couldn’t help but ask as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, "All right, that's the third one. What's wrong purrincess?"
A softer sigh escaped her, "It's just," she turned around to face him, "I'm sick of Lila, Kitty. It's been nearly a month since you let everyone know you were dating someone, and Lila has been dropping hints for days that it's her."
He tried to smile, "Ignore her mon coeur."
"I can't!" She said frustratedly, "She is driving me crazy! I swear she is purposely doing it when I'm around, like she KNOWS something."
"Hey," he whispered lovingly, putting his hands on either side of her face, "we have been nothing but careful. There is no way she knows the truth. We went five months without saying anything, and no one was the wiser. Let her spout her lies,"
"But everyone believes her." She said, pulling his hands from her face, "You can see it in everyone's faces that they know what she is implying, and you should hear the things she says about you."
He rubbed the back of his neck, thinking back to all the things he had heard Lila saying. If truth be told, he was getting sick of it too. He wanted to try and be the bigger person, and just leave Lila to her lies, but seeing how upset his purrincess was, maybe it wasn't the right route to take anymore.
"I can only imagine." He relented, pulling her back into his arms and staring down into her beautiful bluebell eyes, "So, what do you want to do? I'm game for a little of this, or a little of that." He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she giggled, "Oh I'm sure if I set my Kitty after the rat, you'd have far too much fun."
"I do quite enjoy a game of chat and mouse." He said with a smirk, "but you're my favorite mouse to catch." He squeezed her closer and a light blush dusted her cheeks much to his delight.
She completely ignored the comment and told him, "Unless we flat out reveal our relationship, I really don't know what to do. She is a master manipulator, and she'll turn anything I say in her favor. I say anything, and by the time she's done, she'll even have ME convinced that you are dating her."
"Hmm," Chat mused, his eyes suddenly sparkling in mischief that instantly made her suspicious. She stared at him hard as a wide grin spread on his face, "I think I have an idea. It might be a bit risky, but we won't have to tell anyone anything."
She knew this probably wasn't a good idea, but asked anyways, "What's your plan?"
'They should be on their way to the bakery from Alya's any minute now. Have fun Kitty ;)' Marinette's text read, making him grin.
He stretched out of his comfortable position on the rooftop, getting to his feet and checking to make sure the small package was securely in his pocket. With the bait in hand, he started vaulting quickly across the rooftops.
Most people were going about their day, but he was glad that a few people noticed him. This was the one time he wanted eyes on him. This way, there were a few witnesses at least.
He found Alya's cinnamon scent, along with Nino's musky herb scent. They were close. He smiled wider, spotting them just across the street. He couldn't have asked for a better set up. He vaulted straight across their path, letting the small package drop directly in front of them.
Alya let out a small gasp in shock, instantly looking around. He jumped down instantly, feigning relief, "Oh thank god it didn't fall far." He picked up the small box and saw Alya's eyes widen in joy, "Chat Noir! This is yours?"
"Yeah, sorry about that." He said sheepishly.
Alya was already pulling her phone out of her pocket, Nino shaking his head, "No sweat man. It must be important."
Chat nodded, smiling down at the little box, "It is."
Alya had her phone pointed right at him, "What is it? A gift for your mystery girl?"
He smiles into the camera, "We can't hide anything from the great Ladyblogger, can we? Yes, it's an anniversary gift for my girlfriend. I would have hated to have lost it."
Alya's face lit up with the joy of the scoop, "Anniversary huh? One month? Three, a year?"
Chat smirked, "Now, now Ladyblogger, you know the rules. You don't get any details. I told you the truth about having a girlfriend, but that's all you get."
Nino chuckled at Alya's obvious disappointment, "You did promise you wouldn't pry Als."
"What's the harm in knowing how long they've been together?" Alya tried, but Chat shook a finger at her, "Tisk, tisk, fur shame Ladyblogger. No details means no details," he added it for good measure, "or Ladybug would have my tail."
Alya asked again the same thing she had the first time, "And, Ladybug is NOT your girlfriend?"
He sighed, "No, m'lady is the best, dearest friend I could ever ask for. I do love her, that will never, ever change, but she is NOT my girlfriend."
Alya looked just as disappointed as she had the first time, "Right. Ruin my LadyNoir ship why don't you."
He saw the smirk on her face and knew what was coming, "Since you won't give me details about her, maybe you'll give us a peek of her gift? I'm dying to know what it is."
He held the small box protectively, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"What are the odds that I know her Chat Noir? There are thousands of people, of girls, in this city. Odds are, I'll never see, whatever it is, ever again." Alya tried, knowing that she would actually see whatever it was on Lila at school soon enough. Lila would be tickled to know that she had run into Chat Noir and knew what the gift was before her.
Chat looked at the box with a frown before looking up at her, "No recording."
Alya beamed, putting her phone away. He told them the second the phone is in her pocket, "You have to swear you won't say anything about this to anyone, at least until Monday morning. I want it to be a surprise."
Nino and Alya instantly agree to keep their silence, and he reluctantly opened the small box.
It's a ring, a white gold band that looks like a tiara. The middle of the tiara is heart shaped, and the small diamonds lining it don't overcrowd it. It was a simple design, but absolutely beautiful.
"Wow, that's legit dude." Nino told him, impressed, seeing the usually suave and confident black cat looking nervous, "You think so? You think she'll like it?"
"Without a doubt man." Nino said without a hint of hesitation.
Alya nodded, thinking that it was a little simple for Lila's usual style, but knew it was true anyways, "It's absolutely adorable. She is going to love it."
Chat gave them a bright smile, "Thanks." He lifted the ring out of the box, showing them the inside, "I even had it engraved for her."
There, etched into the white gold, was an elegant script that read 'My Purrincess'.
"Do you really call her that?" Alya asked, teasing.
Chat put the ring back in the box and nodded not the least bit embarrassed, "Every opurr-tunity I get." He told them again, "And you won't say anything right?"
They nodded again, "Not a word." "We'll keep your secret dude."
Chat gave them a quick, two-fingered salute before vaulting back up to the rooftops and disappearing as he headed for home. He landed in his room and pulled out his baton, texting her happily, 'The secret's been planted purrincess.'
It didn’t take long for her response to come through, 'Good job Kitty, now will you PLEASE tell me what the secret is?'
He laughed to himself, proud of all the secrets he was juggling at the moment, 'Tomorrow mon coeur. I promise.'
Monday morning, Adrien walked into school with a pep in his step. Not only had he managed to surprise his purrincess with the ring for their sixth month anniversary, but she had finally relented and asked to know who he was under the mask.
She had cried when she saw that it was him, which he'd panicked about initially before she explained that they were happy tears. They knew it was going to be a dangerous road going forward, but it was working out for the best. Adrien wasn't allowed to have a girlfriend at the moment, but there was nothing stopping Chat Noir from continuing to date her.
Marinette hadn't batted an eye when he told her that as Adrien, his father didn't want him to date anyone right now because of the brand. To his mild surprise, she actually thought their dating in secret would be for the better anyways. This way, they could date out of the spotlight, and not paint a bigger target on their backs for being together.
Lila’s too sweet voice immediately broke through his thoughts, "You sure you are okay Alya?"
He only looked around for a few seconds before seeing Lila walking towards the stairs with Alya who was frowning, "Yeah, everything is fine. You are sure you didn't see anyone special this weekend?"
Lila giggled, making him roll his eyes, "You know I can't tell you if I did or didn't."
He followed behind them at a safe distance, keeping his smirk to himself. He knew what Alya's problem was. There was no ring on Lila's finger.
"H-Hey Adrien. Good morning."
He turned instantly, smiling brightly as she walked up to him slowly, "Good morning Marinette."
They smiled secret smiles at each other before Marinette held out a small box to him, "Oh, I brought these for you."
He took the box as he told her softly, a slight blush on his cheeks, "You didn't have to do that." He opened the box and saw the small array of goodies. There were chocolate covered croissants, a couple of cheese danishes that he was sure weren't going to make it past the first hour if a certain kwami got a hold of them, and his favorite passionfruit macarons.
She said it somewhat teasing, "Well if you don't want them, I'm sure someone else,"
"NO!" He told her, holding the box to his chest, "I want them."
She giggled and leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before whispering it, "I thought so Kitty."
He whispered back with a grin, "Careful purrincess, or someone might see."
She tapped his nose with a wink, "I know how to keep a secret. Trust me."
They laugh before heading upstairs together to class. As they took their seats, with Lila nowhere in sight, Alya told Marinette instantly, "Someone looks extremely happy this morning."
Nino snickered as Adrien pulled out a chocolate croissant, "Here too."
Adrien took a bite and melted against his seat, "Don't judge me Nino." Nino laughed anyways and turned to Marinette, "Where's the treats for everyone else?"
Marinette's response was instant, "You ate them all this weekend when you and Alya came over. Adrien didn't get any since he had that photoshoot."
Adrien nodded instantly, "Exactly! I missed out and deserve these."
The girls giggled, Marinette's right hand going to cover her mouth. The tiara ring twinkled beautifully in the light, and Adrien made his move as he saw Alya eyeing it in shock, "Hey, that's new, isn't it?"
Marinette blushed instantly, looking at the ring on her middle finger, "Oh, uh, yeah."
"Can I see?" He asked innocently. She held her hand out to him, Alya and Nino both leaning closer to get a better look. Adrien thumbed the ring lightly, the shocked exchange of looks between Nino and Alya didn't go unnoticed.
"Wh-Where'd you get that dudette?" Nino asked, trying not to sound nervous.
Lila walked into the room at that exact moment as Marinette answered, "Oh, someone special gave it to me last night as a surprise. It's pretty, don't you think?"
All three of them nodded, and Lila of course, stopped to add her opinion, "Wow, that is such a cute ring Marinette. It's simple, but perfect for you." She said it with a slight flair in her tone, "MY special kitten gave me a ring when we first started dating. I can't wear it out of course, it's so big I'm sure someone would try to steal it."
Adrien saw the slight scowls on Nino and Alya's faces, knowing that they knew now that Lila was lying. He asked them concerned, "Are you guys okay?"
They both instantly smiled, trying to act like nothing was wrong. He smiled at them, before turning back to Marinette, "Do you mind if I take a closer look at the ring?"
Marinette pulled it off and held it out to him. He started commenting on it out loud, making sure to keep Lila's face in his peripheral, "The band is white gold, not silver or a gold-plated overlay either. You can see the Maker's mark for 20 karat gold, which is the highest quality of white gold out there."
He smiled to himself, seeing Lila's face harden, "And the design is simple, sure, but elegant. The tiara is beautifully crafted and the way the heart is integrated into the design is genius."
He held it up to the light, the diamonds catching and sending small prisms everywhere, "The diamonds themselves are flawless and colorless, easily D quality, not one has a bit of cloud or yellow tinge. Based on how many there are, despite them being smaller, there is at least a carat and a half worth of diamonds here."
Lila looked like she was practically seething in jealousy now, and he brought the ring closer, adding it innocently, "Whoever gave this to you must love you immensely. Even the inside engraving of 'My Purrincess' is flawlessly done."
She took the ring back from him, putting it back on her finger quickly as she said it hushed, "You weren't supposed to see that."
He glanced at the others, seeing the surprise on their faces before he faked it himself, lowering his voice, "Purr-incess, that sounds a lot like, are you the one dating Chat Noir Marinette?"
Marinette blushed heavily but didn't say anything to confirm or deny it. Lila stormed off towards her seat without another word, Alya asking her again, "Are you?"
Marinette smiled at her, saying it calmly, "My boyfriend just has a thing for cat puns, that's all."
Adrien grinned at her comment, giving her a small wink as Nino and Alya held knowing stares.
Marinette grinned happily, knowing that his plan had worked, and glad that their secrets were working out after all.
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robuttsinyourthighs · 4 years
Starscream telling Arcee and the Autobots he killed Cliffjumper cause Cliff killed Star’s trine with an explosion and Bumblebee sadly admits that it’s true and Star tearfully says that Skywarp and Thundercracker were the last of his loved ones after losing Vos... "I lost everyone... At least you still have Jack and your fellow Autobots!" 💔
I kind of took the idea of this and went on a bender. I’ve been writing this on my phone for... well, however long this ask has been in my inbox! I’ll also be posting this on my AO3
Please ENJOY~!
He was backed into a corner yet again. That blasted femme always had it out for him, even after all this struggle and strife to hop on board the Autobot goody-two-shoes-train. He always had to prove himself, even when he wasn't up to something he was never fully trusted and especially not by her. He just wanted a ration, that was all, and Ratchet had sanctioned it and Bumblebee offered to go as his chaperone but it didn't stop Arcee's pent up frustration and mistrust from tailing the seeker and exploding at him.
"I've been with you lot for nearly a year and you STILL want to badger me?" The seeker cracked open the corner of his cube right there in the storage room, not wanting to give the two-wheeler enough time to make him lose his appetite by stalking him to his hab-suite as well.
"It's not badgering, it's questioning. I deserve answers, and the team deserves to know what you REALLY are." The former Con-turned-Not-quite-Autobot sneered.
"And what am I, exactly?" He leaned over her, a common intimidation tactic he used when on occasion he was taller than the other person in the room. "I would so LOVE for you to tell me."
Bumblebee tried to fit between the two somewhat, hands held up while buzzing and beeping his concern and warning Arcee to move back. The blue and pink motorcycle refused, clenching her fists and fighting to not transform out her blasters.
"You are a sick monster who has killed more Cybertronians than any Autobot or 'Con! You killed Cliffjumper in cold blood!" The jet sucked his teeth in irritation and leaned back from her space, folding an arm over his torso and resting his elbow on the back of his hand.
"Oh this old song and dance again? Please, find something new to hyperfixate on," he sneered dismissively, 'We've all lost someone in this war, you're not SPECIAL. Look at your scout, he's always sunshine and fluttering doors despite what Megatron did to his vocalizer." The seeker flicked his wings irritably and his plating flared around his collar and sides, a sign he was more upset than he was letting on. Arcee read him well enough to not want to back down yet, even with Bumblebee between them and actually having to put his servos on her shoulders to keep her back.
"You're nothing but an emotionless, unfeeling   BEAST! You're unfit to call yourself a Cybertronian!" The seeker curled his lip in a snarl at that, wings rattling and giving the femme the justification she wanted to finally ping the entire base to assist.
Bee could only keep Arcee back for so long, but he'd be nearly helpless to stop an attack from Starscream. The two wheeler scoffed at the display and took a couple of steps back from the amount of force Bumblebee was putting against the femme.
"Look at you, Screamer. You're NOTHING. No wonder you don't care about the pain and suffering you dish out. You've never known what it's like to lose someone. Who would care about a sparkless THING like YOU??" Arcee didn't have time to flinch when the cube of energon was smashed into her face, the liquid splashing out and covering Bumblebee's chest and arms. The room exploded with movement, Optimus and Bulkhead bursting into the storage room and grabbing both of Starscream's arms and pinning them back and under his wings, Ratchet closely following with the stasis cuffs needed restrain his hands and wings.
On the other side of the spat Arcee was thrashing against Bumblebee until Wheeljack jogged in and promptly bear-hugged her from behind, lifting her off her pedes and trying to get her to stop yelling and listen. Smokescreen stood at the door, watching the chaos unfold and unable to tell what was happening before they'd arrived to the shouting pair smothered in wasted energon.
"Let me at him! Let me go!! He deserves to pay for what he did!!" Arcee nearly got an arm loose to transform it but Bee caught it in time, beeping and pinging her desperately to stop.
Starscream was forced to the ground rather quickly, pinned while the bots bound his wrists and wings.
"Told ya it was a matter of time before Starscream tried something," Wheeljack called over. "Better get on disarming him quick, doc, before 'Cee does it for us." The scout finally had enough. He revved his engine so loudly the whole room was filled with the vibrations of it. When it stopped Arcee was still, though venting heavily from her struggling, and Starscream was seething quietly.
::Arcee started it!:: Bumblebee group-commed them, including Starscream so he knew he wasn't going to just let this go by without all sides knowing exactly how this went down.
That certainly changed the perspective of things a little. Wheeljack flattened his mouth into one of thin annoyance since he looked like an aft for accusing Starscream of being the root of this predicament. Bulkhead and Optimus helped him up and kept him steady on his feet.
"Starscream, can you tell us what happened? Why would you resort to violence?" Optimus started, wanting to open a dialog where the seeker could be heard.
"That's all he knows, Optimus! He only knows how to destroy and kill!" Arcee shouted past the Autobot leader. Starscream's heckles raised again, wings clattering in their confines even as Optimus began to admonish Arcee.
"HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!!" He shouted over the Prime's voice. "Did it HURT, Arcee?! Did you feel his spark GUTTER?!! Did it HURT?! DID HE TAKE PART OF YOUR SPARK WITH HIM?!" Starscream's voice was strong, unwavering and profoundly pained. "I can only hope so! I hope I gave him just one ounce of the pain he put in mevwhen he slaughtered MY TRINE!!"
The two wheeler opened her mouth to argue back initially but couldn't process what she was hearing right away. She was immediately skeptical of his claim. "How? Your what??"
"My bonded!" Starscream stamped his pede in frustration, bending forward and wanting to just collapse but the sturdy Autobots on either side of him holding onto his arms prevented that. "He ripped them away from me! He tore their wings off and made them watch each other while they were TORTURED!!" He tried to lunge forwardn in his hurt and fury, Optimus and Bulkhead changing stances to hold him back more easily.
"He wouldn't do that!" Arcee bit back, though the bite in her voice was ebbing into confusion.
"You don't believe that, do you?" Starscream looked up at her, coolant having flooded down his face in his grief. "You were his partner. You know he delighted in torturing the enemy, don't you?"
"Starscream," Optimus spoke up. "Autobots do not condone unnecessary torture of prisoners. If what you're saying is true, please understand it was never under any order to do so. I am sorry for your loss."
Following Optimus' lead, Bulkhead gave a light pat to the jet's shoulder. "Its messed up that that happened to you... I'm sorry." Bee gave a small whirring noise of sympathy to the seeker, knowing his words wouldn't be enough to help his ache.
The jet was finally settling into his footing and standing properly and very still. A calm came over him as he shoved his hurt and pain deep down. Something finally clicked in Arcee's mind while she watched the jet mask his emotions and lift his helm with pride. The way he brought his snarkiness back into his voice so effortlessly and pretended there were no wet streaks on his cheeks from the tears that were streaming just a moment ago.
This was what she always saw as his facade- his ability to just LIE and feign emotion he couldn't actually feel, the remorseless way he would dupe others into helping him and then stab them in the back without batting an optic, but her perspective had shifted.
His raw emotion, his unhinged E.M. field lashing out just moments before would be a tremendous feat to fake. His shift into calm was not a lack of actual emotion, but it was his defense. How often did he have to do this? To be this convincing? How long had he developed this skill to just HIDE his pain?? How much trauma... His bonded... To lose such an integral part of your spark not once but twice at the same time? Bots wouldn't normally survive that without going insane, which she thought he was up until this point.
He was untrusting, angry, bitter, and always plotting for his own survival, none of that changed. The only new ingredient was the WHY. He wasn't cruel for cruelty's sake. He was just another victim of this ridiculous war, and he was acting out of revenge against Cliffjumper.
In spite of everything he had still joined the Autobots, coming to them scarred and broken almost beyond repair, all at the hands of the Decepticon warlord he never fully obeyed. Everything made so much sense but made it so much harder for Arcee to feel steady.
Her beliefs were upended and in an instant it was as if she didn't know anything anymore.. Who could she be angry with? Who was the real victim here? Who was the monster? She had no focus, she had no real motive if she didn't know?? The clawed servo on her helm startled her from her thoughts and she looked up to see Starscream's calm, vermilion optics gazing down into hers.
"Ground yourself, Arcee. Be proud that you've come so far." What was he saying?? Was he mocking her? A small wave of regret trickled from his field against hers. "Let's clean you up. It's only fair I start taking care of the messes I create." She pulled herself back from his touch and Wheeljack eased his hold on her when he was sure she wasn't going to go on the offensive.
The two wheeler realized she'd been covered in thrown energon and he was offering to make amends. After everything, all these years, he was sorry without actually saying it. She understood him more clearly now, though it would have been easier to just keep hating him senselessly. Jack would be pretty disappointed if she went about like that.
He had already expressed concerns for her before due to her conduct when it came to Starscream and Airachnid. She heaved a sigh and turned on her heel to follow the jet as he began to walk.
"Fine. Let's put this behind us." She sounded stiff and unsure. "No funny business."
Starscream scoffed. "Please, you're hardly my type." The jet brushed his wing against Wheeljack's door as he moved past him, startling the wrecker into turning to give them room to go by and catching the suggestive stare the jet gave. Smokescreen had a front row seat to the show and his jaw dropped in shock, not hiding his entertained he was at all.
Arcee hadn't missed it either and grinned to the explosives expert. "Uh oh, better watch out Wheeljack, I think somebody's got eyes for you," the two wheeler teased in passing.
The rest of the Autobots were left in a mix of relief and amusement, save for Wheeljack's open confusion and concern. "Wait what?? Wait-!!" Bumblebee and Bulkhead broke into laughter, Smokescreen clapping Wheeljack on the back and congratulating him. "Was that serious?! He wasn't being serious!"
Optimus let out a cycle of air he didn't know he was holding, relaxing his shoulders just a little at the progress his team seemed to be making. Ratchet's troubled field got his attention and he looked to the medic.
"Something has you worried?" He inquired down to him. Ratchet tisked and propped his hands on his hips.
"They're going to be unstoppable, you know, now that they're getting buddy-buddy. Who else do you know that can get Wheeljack FLUSTERED like that??" Optimus looked back over to the team laughing at the fretting Wrecker. The smile the Prime made was undetectable behind his mask, but highly evident in his soft and amused tone.
"I don't believe it is entirely bad if Wheeljack is on the receiving end of some teasing once in a while."
The medic gaped up at the Autobot leader. "Optimus!" He scolded but the Prime was already heading out to attend to other duties. The medic scrubbed his hand down his face.
"Out of one mess and into another."
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Paris in the rain.
Pairing: Bryce x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
Book: Open Heart
Word Count: 2362 
Warnings: FLUFF. 💕😉
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry. I do not own anything, except for the storyline. 
A/N: Hi! This is officially my third fic that I will be posting, AHH! I feel giddy right now typing this, and its a compilations of more than a dozen of emotions in my head!! This story was inspired by Lauv’s song called ‘Paris in the rain’ and boom, this story happen! Its mostly fluff, and sometimes our life needs a lil fluff right? 🙈 I apologize in advance if there is any mistakes since English is not my first language 😅  Alsoo, I want to give a huge thanks to @maria-soederberg for checking all my mistakes and helping me with the story! GO CHECK OUT HER STORIES, SHE WROTE A LOT OF AMAZING STORIES ! <3 To end this, I hope you all enjoy this story! READ AWAYYY. 😊 
Tags: @maria-soederberg @choicessa @bitchloveskcbaseball @annekebbphotography ❤   (comment down if you want to be tagged!)
Paris in the rain. 
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The voices around Casey are fading away into the background as her thoughts start to wander towards a certain surgeon who is 3346 miles away.Casey is currently at a prestigious medical conference in the city of lights, also known as the city of love. She was invited to share her latest insights regarding the medical world.
But Casey feels her concentration leaving and her mind continuing going back to their last moment back in Boston. They had a heated argument about something useless, such as ‘Bryce leaving his dirty socks on the floor, or walking with his shoes through the apartment, not cleaning the dishes just as Casey asked him to.’ Those arguments were useless, yet one argument led to another one. And Bryce snapped at her which shocked Casey. He never had snapped before. Then he even started to point out Casey’s biggest insecurities. He knows it was wrong but he said it, and couldn’t undo it. It was all so pointless at the end that she wishes she could undo all these small arguments that led to this one big one.
It is her second and her final day in the city of love; France. Yet, Casey wasn’t able to enjoy it. Paris has always been on top of her bucket list, therefore shouldn’t she be here and enjoy it? But she can’t, because it is not how she imagined the trip to Paris.
“Dr. Valentine, do you have anything to add before we end the conference?” Dr Lanchester’s voice rings from the microphone.  His voice brings Casey back to reality. She puts up a smile that does not reach her eyes as she shakes her head. Dr Lanchester nods before giving a farewell speech to all the doctors that joined the medical conference.
Suddenly Casey feels someone placing their hands on her shoulder, she glances at her colleague, Dr Lindsay Russell who is a doctor invited from the UK to give an insight regarding the medical world in her country.
“Are you okay, C? You seem a bit zoned out in the end there.” She asks as the other doctors starts to exit the room.
“I know, I just have problems at home y’know.” She states as they both start to make their way to the exits as well.
“Let me guess, boy problems?” Lindsay smiles gently.
“Ding, ding, ding . Give the girl a prize.” Casey lets out a small laugh as they walk side by side enjoying every second of the foreign air that shows them that they are far from home especially in Casey’s case.
“I know this won’t solve the problem, but I think we should enjoy our final night here. It’s a rare occasion where the hospital sent us miles away from home.” Lindsay states with an enthusiastic smile plastered on her face.
“Alright, but under one condition.” Casey lets out a mischievous laugh making Lindsay feeling terrified. Lindsay wonders what the condition could be.
“Don’t leave me in suspense, C!” Lindsay shouts, laughing.
“You need to buy me the biggest croissant one can ever find!” Casey beams at Lindsay who lets out a laugh.
Lindsay nods and responds, “You have my word, now c’mon! Let’s explore the medical convention for now, before we continue with our adventure tonight.” She states. Not long after Lindsay suggesting this, Casey is pulled on her arm towards the various parts of the annual medicine convention.
After three hours of exploring, Casey and Lindsay says their goodbyes to get themselves cleaned up for the evening. Despite the excitement of discovering the City of lights, Casey feels a pang of sadness as the thought of Bryce starts to fill her mind again. Before their fight, they talked about how amazing their trip to Paris would be. They would hold hands while walking alongside the Seine, they would share kisses in front of the Eiffel Tower or even at the top of it. As criminal as that might be, they would even sneak out some of the little soaps from the hotel room because they smell so good and also look great. And of course, they cannot forget to eat all the chocolate they would find in Paris. It all seemed so perfect, but at the end it was too good to be true.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost missed the notification on her phone. It was a text from her roommates, she smiles thinking about her friends who had been nice enough to take her back in after the fight with Bryce. Casey looks at their group chat and the different messages of her friends.
Sienna: Casey, have fun! We can’t wait for you to be back, Edenbrook is so quiet without you. :(
Elijah: Hit me up with all the goodies from the conventions Cas! You’re the bomb!
Jackie: Don’t forget to enjoy all the expensive booze as you spend your time around snotty doctors Cas! ;)
Aurora: She ain’t wrong, see ya soon!
She smiles at  the texts, but looking at those messages make her eyes wander to a particular name in her messages. They hadn’t been texting since the ‘fight’. She wants to tell him how much she wants to be in his arms, how she wants to make all those fantasies come true. But she can’t do it. She lets out a sigh, as she continues to get ready for the night out with Lindsay.
Meanwhile, at a motel not so far away. Bryce Lahela is adjusting his tie.Bryce struggles as he  tries to look his best, he is aware that people think he looks good in everything. But today, he wanted to look even better. It is for a special occasion after all.
In the meantime, he facetimes Elijah as he guides him through a tie tutorial. “Almost there, and… done!” Bryce lets out a scream as he successfully managed to tie a tie. Although, he is from a wealthy family which required him to dress up like some stuck up corporate workers, he never made an effort to dress up. It made his parents mad all the time, yet he never really cared what they think. He had lived all his life with casual attire and it’s pretty comfortable.
His phone lets out a ping as a message pop up over their video call.
Linsday: I already told her about tonight, you better not screw up, Lahela!
Bryce: Thank you, I owe you one. And, don’t worry I won’t.
Linsday: I will believe it when I see it, let me know when it’s time.
Bryce: Gotcha.
Bryce takes a deep breath, Elijah looks at him through the phone, noticing how nervous he gets. Soon, Elijah is joined by Sienna and Jackie who instantly whistles at him.
“You clean up good, meathead.” Jackie shouts from the other side of the phone while Sienna gives an approving nod.
“Thanks, Jackie, I am doing everything I can to fix this.” Bryce lets out a sigh. “I can’t lose her, she  means a lot to me. And, I don’t want to be away from her anymore. I-“
Before Bryce can continue, Elijah’s voice fades into the background. He looks at his phone and sees their call got disconnected as his phone lets out a ping once more.
Elijah: Sorry about that buddy, Jackie immediately hung up before you start one of those sappy  monologues. All of us are rooting for you, get em tiger!
Bryce lets out a small laugh before heading out the door, with a high amount of determination to fix it. Both of them were at fault for their fight, Bryce feels himself getting anxious and the fear of losing her resurfaces even though deep down he knows that she loves him.
 Casey always felt like she is not good enough for him. No matter how many times he had tried to assured her that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Bryce made this one mistake and pointed that out in their fight leads to Casey walking away from him, and a quiet night for Bryce. The next day, he wanted to clear the air between them but Casey unfortunately had left for Paris, without a goodbye.
 Casey feels herself enjoying the perks of being a foreigner, living her best life in Paris despite the small pain in her chest. The night went on and she even got the chance to enjoy her croissant which was promised by Lindsay. They managed to go café hopping, and doing everything she desired.
 As the night continues, Lindsay lets out a small yawn. Casey’s head perks up at the sudden reaction. “Tired already?”
 Lindsay nods, as she stretches her arms making Casey laugh with her antics. “I think I am going to hit the hay, you ready to go?”
 Casey shakes her head, as she gestures to the Eiffel Tower which is a short walk away from her. “I think I’m going to stick around a little longer, I will see you tomorrow?”
Lindsay pulls her into a hug and waves her goodbye. “See you tomorrow, C!”
 After Casey continued her commute, Lindsay takes her phone out and sends a text to Bryce, to proceed his plan. After getting a thumbs up reply, she whispers ‘I hope he doesn’t screw up this time.’ to herself as she makes her way back to her hotel.
 Casey takes her time enjoying the view around her. The night is getting darker but the people around her are still smiling, enjoying the atmosphere around them. Some of them are sightseeing, and some are enjoying each other’s company at one of the most romantic places on earth.
 After a few minutes of walking, the Eiffel Tower comes into her view. The sight makes Casey smile uncontrollably. She stops to look at it properly. It looks spectacular, better than what she had been seeing on her desktop when she was 6.At first she was so focused on the sight in front of her that she had barely noticed the presence next to her. As she takes a glance at the person beside her, her eyes widen. It was him. He is standing there beside her, with his signature smile that is one of Casey’s favourites. Both of them were silent for what felt like an eternity until Bryce clears his throat to capture her attention.
 “What are you doing here?” Casey asks maintaining her distance because she still can’t believe Bryce is standing next to her.
 “I came here to make your dreams come true; one of them involves this building.” Bryce states as his gaze stays on her whilst gesturing the Eiffel Tower, his eyes displaying every emotion someone can have.
 Before Casey can reply, he continues, “I want to fix this, and I won’t leave your side until I achieve my goals. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I am not ready to let you go, or to let us go. This thing that we had, is much more than any fight, any quarrel or any insult. What we have is something special, and I wouldn’t have it any other way…” The sound of thunder causes him to stop as they both glance up towards the sky, where lightening covers the sky from time to time.
 “Bryce...” Casey looks back down to him, ignoring the weather above her.
 “I love you Casey Valentine and I don’t want to lose you ever again.” He stops when suddenly the rain starts to fall. His eyes went down towards his clothes and notices that it’s soaked. But he doesn’t mind, he is not finished yet. He looks over to her and his breath stops for a short moment. Of course, Casey always looks beautiful in his eyes, but the light of the Eiffel tower reflecting in her eyes, followed by the rain that covers her face in small pearls makes her more beautiful than she has ever been.
 Bryce takes a deep breath as he continues, “I’m sorry that I said all those things back in Boston. I never meant to hurt you, Casey. I love you with all I have. My life is evolving around you. Waking up every morning? I can’t imagine it without you by my side. Walking through the hospital halls? I cannot imagine it without our ‘stealing kisses’ moments or jokes we share while bumping into one another. And I can’t bear the thought of living without you. I love you and I cannot live without you.” Bryce admits. “Please come back.”
 Casey felt her eyes gaze into his. The rain caused his hair got stuck on his forehead, and followed the little drops on his nose; somehow he still looks amazing in her eyes. Their eyes connect to one another and in that moment they know that whatever happened in Boston, its one of the bumps of being in relationship. Casey feels glad that Bryce had came this whole way to Paris, finally being able to make both of their dreams come true. After a few moments, Casey closes the distance between them as she puts her arms around his neck. She nuzzles her face into the crook of his neck and whispers, “I love you too, so much.” Bryce smiles as he hold her close.
 As they are in each other embraces, Bryce is glad that she forgave him and they can start a new page together leaving the fight behind. He promises to himself for their next trip to Paris, he will do all the little things with her. Bryce wants her to be happy and he never wants to leave her side again. He loves her too much, to imagine the world without her in it.
 Despite the weather, they got a chance to find each other once more in one of the most beautiful city in the world. After a while, Casey felt a notification from her phone. She smiled after reading the message, and give him a light kiss.
From: Bryce
'Cause anywhere with you feels right
Anywhere with you feels like
Paris in the rain
Walking down an empty street
Puddles underneath our feet’ – Lauv.  
A/N #2: Hii! So, I hope all of you enjoy it! Its one of those stories that brings a smile on my face and its fill with fluff! The best in both worlds; happiness and fluff, hehe. 🙈 I still felt anxious about posting this, but I am growing everyday! Don’t forget to like, reblog and leave a comment!  It would really means a lot for all writers! 😊 Once again, THANK YOU FOR READING! <3 
Check out my other fics here ! ❤❤
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