#sorry for saphron
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meadowindreams · 21 days ago
Message received
In the city of Vale, Jaune Arc’s sister Saphron was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.
Saphron: I wondering how Jaune is doing?
Saphron’s phone buzzed with a message from a number that she didn’t recognised
Saphron: Who sent this?
As she opened the message she saw the image of her brother that was attached to it and she scream not in fear hut of anger. Then Terra fearing for her wife rushed in.
Terra: Babe what’s wrong?
As Saphron rain the sink area to grab something, terra looked at her phone.
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Saphron then rushed to her phone weirding a knife, and deseperalt trying to stab the phone.
Terra:Babe please
Saphron: That short ice cream hussies is going to corrupt my baby brother
Terra: Don’t break your phone
Saphron: AHHHHHH
Somewhere Neo was smiling as she was being cuddled by her blonde knight in no armour.
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arc-misadventures · 3 months ago
Signal's Blocked
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Jaune: Looking nice, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Oh thank you, Jaune~!
Jaune: It's a good thing you're getting some excessive in while, you're reading!
Pyrrha: Wait… what…?
Jaune: Well, I got to get going, keep up the good work!
Pyrrha: …?!
Pyrrha: What the hell?! Can't a guy get a hint?!
Saphron: Yeah, no. Half of our sisters do the belly splits while reading books… He thinks this is normal for woman, not anything sexy.
Pyrrha: I got fucking sister-zoned?!
Saphron: Yeah… sorry…
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littlelewdmable · 1 month ago
Me And My Faunus Part 1: Sisterly Advice
*Context: This is a grimmless Remnant*
Jaune walks up the front steps of his house wearing his his work uniform. The house being clearly way too nice for a fast food worker to own as he sets his keys in a bowl by the door, kicks off his shoes, goes up to his bedroom and plops down on his bed and tried to get a little sleep.
If only he could actually fall asleep.
Jaune rolled over and stared at his ceiling. Between classes and work he'd barely had time to do anything over the last few months and it was starting to get to him. Maybe he was just getting homesick. So, Jaune did what he always did when he needed a little pick-me-up. Picked up his scroll.
Saphron: *Over scroll* This better be good, Jaune.
Jaune: You don't want to talk to your favorite brother?
Saphron: At 1 in the morning? Not really.
Jaune: Oh shit, sorry. Forgot you were a few hours ahead of me. I'll let you go back to sleep, it's not that important.
Saphron: You already woke me up. I might as well hear what's going on over there. Did you fail all your classes cause you were busy partying too hard?
Jaune: No?
Saphron: Good. That call with dad afterwards isn't fun. So what's up?
Jaune: Nothing much. Just needed someone to talk to I guess.
Saphron: Haven't made any friends yet? You know mom is gonna be disappointed if you aren't engaged by the end of the semester.
Jaune: I have friends. They're all just busy.
Saphron: What, are you lonely?
Jaune: A little bit.
Saphron: Get a faunus.
Jaune: ...A faunus?
Saphron: Yeah.
Jaune: I thought only perverts got faunus.
Saphron: We have a faunus, you don't think me and Terra are pervs, do you?
Jaune: I don't think Terra is a pervert.
Saphron: Very funny. But you should really consider it. Ilia is great at keeping me and Terra company when one of us is away. She even helps around the house.
Jaune: ...I'll think about it, I guess.
Author's note: Don't think about the moral implications of faunus as pets. It's just an excuse for smut.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year ago
The great baby fever.
Saphron: Jaune, we need to talk
Jaune: About...?
Saphron: I'm going to be honest with you Jaune. You are a slut.
Jaune: *Shock* Excuse me?!
Saphron: Don't act surprised, the whole neighborhood knows that you sleep around with any woman.
Jaune: I-I don't.
Saphron: You slept with Ruby, Weiss, Emerald, that green girl from that superhero universe, that mute girl Neo, and Oum knows who else.
Jaune: *embarrassed* I can explain
Saphron: Explain what? The why are you horny all the time?'
Jaune: I- *Lowers his head* I'm sorry
Saphron: I hope so, you horny brat.
Mama Arc: I sense a disturbance in Arc legacy. Someone is trying to ruin my plan for 100 grand-babies. I need to make a call.
She picks up the phone and dials a number.
Kali: *Happy* Hello~
Mama Arc: Did you feel it?
Kali: *Serious* That someone is threatening the Belladonna bloodline? Yes I did.
Mama Arc: Tell the others that we will have a meeting at the same time and place as usual. Tell them "Our dream is at risk"
Kali: Understood.
The call ended.
Mama Arc: Whoever you are, I won't let you this away from me.
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waltat04-kevinknight · 10 months ago
Why you never flirt with Jaune's sisters wife
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Coco: Hey there sexy, you looking for a good time~?
Terra: I'm sorry? I'm married
Saphron: Yeah, to ME.
Coco: Come on, we all could have some fun together~
*Jaune walks over wearing a black jacket, a white shirt and jeans*
Jaune: hey sis, oh hey Coco what's going on?
Saphron: Your friend is flirting with Terra.
Coco: *Feels the intense glare from Jaune* Jaune we can talk about this right?
Jaune: Sure, Coco and i will be back in a few. *Takes Coco's hand and brings her to a private room and pins her to the wall and glares into her brown eyes* So you think you can just flirt with my sisters wife?
Coco: I-Im sorr- MPNM!
*Jaune kisses Coco while running his hands onto her ass and giving her rear a squeeze causing Coco to melt into the kiss*
*After a few moments Coco is facing from Jaune, her jeans and thong pulled down as she moans like a wild whore*
Coco: f-f-fuck~! I'm sorry it won't happy again Daddy~! Please keep using me I'll be a good girl, I promise~!
Jaune: I don't know, only good girls get rewards but you've been nothing but bad-*Smacks her ass* -And rude to my sister and her wife. Maybe I should just stop using your pussy as punishment.
Coco: N-No please don't stop ill be good, I'll apologize just keep fucking me please~!
Jaune: *He smirks and keeps railing her pussy much to the delight of Coco who had her tounge sticking out of her mouth as her ass jiggled from the thrusts from Jaune and her breasts bounced.*
*Jaune slams deep into Coco's pussy and cums causing her legs to shake as he pulls out and pulls up his boxers and pants and slaps her ass once more.*
Jaune: Now pull up your pants so you can apologize.
*Coco does so with zero hesitation and walked with Jaune back to saphron and Terra.*
Coco: I'm very sorry for my behavior it won't happy again *She says feeling Jaune's hand on her left ass cheek rubbing it.*
Saphron: it's fine just glad you learned your lesson, see you two later *Walks away with Terra, while having her hand on her wife's chocolate ass.*
(Credit to @fatallybsessedart @fatallyobsessednsfw @evenmorefatallyobsessed for the picture I used)
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year ago
The Arc Sister Challenge
Jaune: *restrained at the top of an ornate pyramid* I’m sorry, Pyrrha! But for us to date, you have to defeat my seven deadly sisters in combat! No girl has ever succeeded!
Arc Sisters: *wielding various weapons and squaring up for an Arc boss-rush* 👿
Pyrrha: *rolls her shoulders and readies her spear* No challenge too great for my love!
One furious combat gauntlet later…
Pyrrha: *panting and leaning on her spear at the top of the pyramid, almost to her goal* You were formidable opponents…but you won’t stop me from reaching my goal…! 😮‍💨
Pyrrha: …now, who’s next?
Saphron: *steps forward* Just me…!
Pyrrha: *squares up*
Saphron: *holds up her baby*
Adrian: *baby noises*
Pyrrha: *screeches to a halt* Uh…
Saphron: To defeat me and claim the right to date our brother, you must hold this baby without him crying!
Pyrrha: *awkwardly holds out her hands* Um…all right…?
Adrian: *becoming fussy in Pyrrha’s arms* 😢
Pyrrha: 😨
Jaune: *manages to break free* Pyrrha! Quick, use this!
Jaune: *tosses delicious chocolate chip cookie*
Pyrrha: *snatches the cookie out of the air and quickly gives it to Adrian*
Adrian: 😃
Jaune: You did it! 😚
Pyrrha: YES!! *shifts Adrian to her other side and claims her victory kisses from Jaune* 🥰
Saphron: *sinks to her knees in defeat* 😞
Adrian: *enjoying his cookie with absolutely no idea what’s going on* 😋 🍪
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pilot-boi · 9 months ago
I wonder how the Arc clan is handling the news of Jaune's death only for Saphron to call in hysterics saying Jaune's back oh Brothers and Creator he's back but he's not the same and he *Que Arc family vomit trait activating*
The Arc clan were not dealing with Jaune’s death at all well
Their only brother, their son, their boy. They told him not to go, but they were so proud when he went anyway. They said it would be fine if he had to come hope, but every day they rejoiced when he didn’t
Jaune thrived at Beacon. Their boy. He was the leader of his own team, he made actual friends. His own friends, not just the friends of his sisters. Every call he made was full of stories of missions and lessons, and always his friends. Always his friends
Team RWBY and team JNPR
And then the Vytal Festival, and they SAW him fight. They watched him lead his team into battle, and they watched him win. Their boy. Their baby boy
Most of them couldn’t watch the Fall. The younger ones were sent to bed while the older ones kept vigil by the television. Watching for any glimpse of Arc blonde and white steel. All they see are Atlas paladins mowing Huntsmen down and Grimm devouring civilians
That Wyvern dive bombs the tower, the feed cuts
With the CCT down, they don’t find out Jaune is dead until his team visit them with haunted expressions and empty armor
They leave, and the Arcs mourn. Their sunshine is gone. A guitar is left without hands to play it. His room sits empty like a shrine. They visit Saphron more, their only family away from home, all the way in Argus
They get by. As well as anyone does. Neighbors skirt around the topic, drop by with casseroles. Their farm feels cold in the morning, and months go by with a hole in their hearts
And then, nearly a year and a half later, there’s a call from Saphron over the limited CCT
A frantic, staticy, half-garbled call from a hysterical Saphron about how Jaune is in Argus, he’s alive, oh gods he’s alive, but he’s different, he’s changed, please you have to come, please dad, he’s here, I can’t do this, please-
The call cuts off with Arc family vomiting and sobs. High emotions, anxiety, they’re all susceptible. They think she’s seeing things, think she’s losing her mind from grief
But then they hear someone comforting. Not her wife, not her son
Anxious and stubborn and frantic and their boy “Saph! I’m sorry, oh gods I’m sorry. It’s me, it’s really me. C’mere, I’ve got you-”
The call hangs up
The Arc family is in chaos. They’re chattering an airship for Argus before they’re even packed, the whole clan heaped in the back. Half in pajamas, half in clothes, all out of their minds with just the HOPE that their boy is alive
By the time they get there, of course, Jaune is gone. In his way to Atlas with the rest of his friends. But Saphron swears up and down that he was here, and Terra and even the Atlas military at the base back her up
He’s alive. But he’s not quite himself. He’s still their boy. But he’s not quite human. Pictures and words don’t do it justice
What has happened to their boy?
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novankenn · 10 months ago
the Invasion...
Glynda Goodwitch, the deputy Headmistress of Beacon Academy, and current Combat instructor, looked about herself checking to make sure she hadn't been followed. Seeing the coast was clear she entered the derelict looking storefront. Inside she came face to face with herself. Though this version was wearing a summer dress, and not business attire.
????: GLYN!!!
THE Glynda Goodwitch was instantly subdued by a hug from her twin sister. Which the stoic professor instantly melted into a returned.
Glynda: Jasime, it's been too long.
Jasmine: It wouldn't be if you'd just come home for visits!
Glynda: I'm sorry, you have no idea what it's like! All these kids, all these hormones!
Jasmine: (deadpans) I gave you 7 nieces and 1 nephew. I know.
Glynda: But you had help! I have... Ozpin!
Jasmine: You have a point, there.
Glynda: Anyway (pulls out her scroll and expands it.) I have everything we need right here. We can begin the operation as soon as the girls get here.
Jasmine: They're already here, girls.
Six blond haired girls all dressed in spec-ops gear step out of the shadows, and wave at their aunt.
Glynda: Oh... (sniffles) they've all got so big! I've missed so much!
Jasmine: It's okay, sis.
Glynda: But... (sniffles) wait, I see... Vert, Jade, Violet, Noir, Blanche and Juniper. Where's Saphron?
Jasmine: Adrian is teething, so she had to stay in Argus.
Glynda: Ohhhh, the poor little guy.
Jasmine: So are you sure? These... targets are the correct choices?
Glynda: They are. Trust me Jas, I know how to profile individuals.
Jasmine: Then let's get started. (Turns to the collection of armed Arc Sisters) You will all have a target. Neutralize and exfil. No mistakes. Understood?
Arc Sisters: Yes mama.
Jasmine: Glyn if you please.
Glynda nodded and turned on the projection function of her scroll. On the dirty wall a list of target names matched to a family member.
Pyrrha Nikos -- Jasmine Arc Cinder Fall --- Glynda Goodwitch Ruby Rose -- Vert Arc Weiss Schnee -- Jade Arc Arslan Atlan -- Violet Arc May Zedong -- Noir Arc Emerald Sustrai -- Blanche Arc Ciel Soliel -- Juniper Arc Velvet Scarlatina -- Saphron Arc
Glynda: Full dossiers of each target have been uploaded to the family's secure server. Pull the info you need.
Arc Sisters: Yes Auntie.
Glynda: I think we're ready.
Jasmine: Girls, sister, it is time. Jaune is as dense as his father, and it is up to us to secure his safety and future. Are you ready?
Glynda & Arc Sisters: YES!
Jasmine: Then let's begin...
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 year ago
Jaune: Saph, I swear Adrian gets bigger everytime I see him!
Saphron: *Over the phone* Ugh, Jaune, You sound just like Uncle Drayk.
Jaune: Hey! I can't help being right!
Pyrrha: Who are you talking to?
Jaune: My sister Saphron! You wanna meet her?
Pyrrha: Uhm .. Sure. Hello?
Saphron: Hey! You're Pyrrha Nikos! Every restaurant around town claims it was your childhood favorite. You treating my brother Well?
Pyrrha: ...
Jaune: Sorry Saph! She can be a little nervous when people greet her like she's a celebrity.
Saphron: SHE'S A CELEBRITY? Well, I guess it'd make sense why people around here like her so much!
Pyrrha: *licks her lips* Oh, I'm sorry, yes I am, and I do my best to give Jaune the same respect he gives me!
Saphron: Well that's great to hear! He's told me a lot about you - You should come meet the Family! Here - I'll send Jaune a picture!
Jaune: Thanks Saph! Look at this- this is my Family!
Pyrrha: *internally* Oh lords who art in the Heavens, I give the my most deep of Thanks for the wondrous Gift of Jaune and his family! So many beautiful Blondes~
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howlingday · 6 days ago
Summer: Ambulance, please? ...Mhm, yeah, it's the same old story; first day of spring, he got too drunk, stumbled headfirst into a trash can, waddled about with it on his head shouting "EXTERMINATE~!", fell over, and got his dick stuck in a deck chair.
Taiyang: Even by your standards, Raven, it's pretty lazy. At least BURY Ichi before Yang got home!
Qrow: (Sobbing) We never found her head, Oz...
Ozpin: You have my condolences, Qrow, but I'm not sure the "smiling face on the balloon" is the right way forward for Summer's funeral.
Yang: I'm sorry, Blake... I don't know how they make sharing a bath together look so romantic in the movies...
Blake: Y-Yang! Your big toe is still up my
Ruby: I see the Belladonnas are trying to have sex against the wall again. Brothers, how sweet... I see Mr. Belladonna is going for the "pushing the sofa up the stairs" technique. Oum, his legs are shaking like a shitting dog...
Jaune: But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Weiss is the sun~!
Cardin: Wow... Coming off a little desperate today, aren't' we?
Jaune: Fuck off, Cardin!
Weiss: How annoying... My pen's leaking everywhere...
Pyrrha: Brothers, Weiss! You look like you gave an octopus Grimm a sloppy handjob!
Goodwitch: Stick to the facts, Ms. Rose. Explosions were heard from the top of Beacon tower, and frame 313 clearly shows Pyrrha lurching FORWARD when she was shot.
Adrian: What are they doing?
Terra: Keep walking, Adrian. It's just two people showing their love for each other.
Adrian: I think she has a bit of love in her eye~.
Roman: It's got hand-stitched Valian leather, purrs like a pussycat, and just look at those curves~! This little minx is a real, little go-er!
Winter: Relax, buddy. I'm planning to drive it to the grocery store twice a month, not buying it dinner and fucking it.
May: Holy fuck, she's up to the elbow...
May: Poor Jaune Arc...
May: Honestly, May, she's treating his bowels like a bag of oranges.
Ren: ...Nora, where's the picnic?
Nora: I can't be expected to remember everything, REN!
Saphron: I'd give it five minutes before going in there. I just saw a different kind of crowning, and let me tell you, it was NOT very majestic.
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Robyn: Fuck me, this incessant reign is depressing...
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meadowindreams · 21 days ago
Early surprise: hoodie
Once Saphron arc has recovered from the fact that her baby brother has become a man, for about a few days, she was once again at the door of her little baby brother. Terra who was already both tired and concerned for her wife and her antics.
Terra: Babe are you sure this is necessary
Saphron: I'm sure of it
Terra: I know but you were really startled by how you met that Coco girl
Saphron: How do you know her name?
Terra: Jaune told me over scroll
Saphron: Why didn't you tell me
Terra: Because when i did you just started crying
Saphron: Oh yea
Terra: Im jjust saying thast its a little rude to come in unannounced without telling him before hand
Saphron: why would it be an issue
Terra: Saph....
Saphron: Hush dear its fine
Terra: Not for you
Saphron: i cant want to hug my baby brother again
They waited for a while but no one has answered
Saphron: huh i wonder why its taking so long
Terra: maybe theyre not here or theyre just sleeping, we should go
Saphron: Nonsense
However much to Terra's dismay and Saphron's delight, the door open, revealing someone that isnt Coco but isnt Jaune either
Saphron: Jaune! Im here to see my baby bro-
Reese: Sorry it took me so long, my legs are sore, and i think i pulled a muscle
Saphron: Who are you, Miss?
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Reese: Reese, and you are?
Saphron: Jaune's sister, is that... *points at the hoodie*
Reese: Oh this? yea, sorry i currently occupied and idnt have much time to put on anything,
Saphon.exe has stopped working
Reese: Miss?
Terra Hi sorry about my wife, she is just trying to process the fact that Jaune is seeing someone
Reese: I wish
Terra Wait what?
Reese: Cant talk i need to go the bed is calling me
Jsts like that Reese, close the door while Saphron is mentally buffering anf frozen in place,
Terra: Saph?
Saphron wasnt responsed as she was using all the mental processing to take in infomation
Terra: Come one Saph we need to go home, your mother is watching over Adrein.
Saphron was then dragged away by her wife, as Reese enjoy some quality time "sleeping"
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arc-misadventures · 4 months ago
Morning. For the Friends Au it appears that Winter is trying to reach out to Jaune... and maybe he sees it and it's confusing him as to why.
Does her each out to Saphron and Terra, and seek their advice?
On a side note, great series. Looking to further posts as you have time.
Specialist J.A.
Winter: Specialist Jaune Arc. It has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?
Jaune: It has a bit of ring to it... But, it's not as special as you're making it sound.
Winter: You should be proud, Jaune: You're the youngest person to ever be accepted as a, Specialist, and the first person of none, Atlasian descent to become one. So, take pride in your accomplishments, Jaune.
Jaune: Okay, being the first none, Atlasian to join the, Specialist doesn't sound like that much of an achievement. But, am I really the youngest member?
Winter: Oh yes, I was twenty when I joined, most others, Specialist were around twenty one as well when they joined. You are nineteen years old; You are the youngest member to ever join the, Specialist!
Jaune: Wait really...? Wait, twenty? Does that mean you're around twenty three then?
Winter: Careful, Arc... You should know better than to ask a lady her age...
Jaune: I-I-I'm sorry! I've just been curious how old are!
Winter: And, why do wish to know that?
Jaune: I was just curious!
Winter: Curious...?
Jaune: Yeah. You have this ageless beauty about you, Winter. So, I've always been curious.
Winter: Ageless beauty...?
Winter: Ahem! So... So what do you think of your new uniform?
Winter changed the topic as she looked away from, Jaune hiding a faint blush threatening to spread across her face. Meanwhile, Jaune looked at his reflection taking in his new, Specialist uniform.
It wasn't what, Jaune had expected, but he loved it nonetheless. It was similar to the uniforms to the rest of the, Specialist work as in style.
Jaune's uniform was more of a long sleeve sweater than a dress shirt. A zipper ran up the middle of it to the high collar. A sleave that ran over zipper to connect to a series of buckle buttons on the side. The front was a vibrant white with red stripes running along the side. The rest was the vibrant deep blue that was commonly found on, Atlasian uniforms.
His blue denim jeans had been replace with black combat cargo pants, giving him extra pockets to store necessary supplies. His boots had also been chaged for more modern combat boots, rather than the surplus boots, Ruby tends to wear. He found the boots quite nice, there was space in the boots he could fit something like a knife in it, perhaps her should do something like that.
Jaune: I didn't expect the blue would fit me so well. I know the red, and white suit me. But, I was never sure of the blue.
Winter: The blue is quite fetching on you; it matches your eyes quite well.
Jaune: Really? T-Thanks...
Winter: Your welcome. So, how does your armour feel?
Jaune: Mmmm... It feels a little tight; I think I need to ask one of the armourers to readjust it for me.
Winter: I see... Well, you can ask the armourers to resize it for you, that shouldn't be a problem for them. In fact, they could forge you new armour if you want.
Jaune: New armour? I know my armour is pretty good as it is, but would I be able to get some of that, Paladin Armour plating if I asked?
Winter: Hmmm...?
Winter: That’s a possibility… You'll have to ask about it.
Jaune: Okay, I'll ask them to remake, Crocea Mors then... It's probably best if I ask for, General Ironwood’s permission first. I suspected considering the metal this is used for your, Paladins its restricted from personal use.
Winter: While I'm not sure about that myself. But, I'm sure he'll agree to it, at least he may eventually let you do that. Once you prove your worth to, Atlas.
Jaune: That's fair. He's already upgraded my gear as is. It feels a little greedy of me to ask for another upgrade.
Winter: So, everything alright with your new uniform, Jaune?
Jaune: My armour is a little snug, but everything else is just fine. But, what's with this sash?
Jaune pulled out a deep rich crimson sash with a white snowflake pattern on the edge of it. Jaune looked at the beautiful needle work before staring at, Winter. She looked away as a small blush crossed her face.
Jaune: Winter?
Winter: I uhh... I got you a gift...
Jaune: A gift?
Winter: Yes, a gift to celebrate you're joining the, Specialist core. I would have gotten you something else, but I wasn't sure what... what you would like...
Jaune ran his thumb across the sash marveling on the smooth fabric, and the intricate detail woven into the snowflake.
His mind wondered at the red sash, he wore, Pyrrha's stash as a memento of her, the gold of his armour was also from her. He worse it keep her close to him. But, maybe...?
Winter: Do you... Do you like it, Jaune?
Jaune's mind was running until he saw a flash of red, and gold in his eyes, his eyes moved up to see the ghost of, Pyrrha looking at him. A smile spread across her face as she nodded her head, and gestured to the sash. Jaune's eyes darted to the crimson sash in his hands before looking back at, Pyrrha, and realizing she was gone.
Jaune smiled as his hands reached down, and grab the sash before wrapping it around his waist. Jaune looked down at the sash, then at it in his reflection. He nodded his head before turning to look at, Winter with a smile on his face.
Jaune: Thank you, Winter, it's beautiful.
Jaune hand pulled on the sash to move it so it ran parrel with his hip, while he was fiddling with it, Winter stepped forward, and readjusted it so it would look better.
Winter: Oh thank goodness... I was worried you wouldn't like it. I rarely get presents for my siblings, I've never gotten one for someone else so I was really... worried...
Winter's rambling was cut short as she finished adjusting, Jaune's sash before standing back up staring directly into, Jaune's cerulean blue eyes, their faces mere centimeters apart.
Jaune: I uhhh...
Winter: Y-Yes...?
Red slowly creeped across their faces before the game of chicken was called to the end as the both turned away,. Brushing away their blushes in the process.
Winter: S-So... did... Did you tell your teammates about you're appointment to the, Specialist's?
Jaune: Uhh... no.
Winter: Do you plan to?
Jaune: They'll find out eventually. Just like when I learned that they forgot to invite me to, Ruby's birthday party the other day.
Winter: What? They did, when?
Jaune: They texted me my invitation when I was about to talk to, General Ironwood about me becoming a, Specialist.
Winter: The message you said was from, 'no one important.'
Jaune: Yep, that one.
Winter: You don't see them as anyone important in your lives now do you?
Jaune: Just returning the favour...
Winter: I see. Well then... Specialist Arc!
Jaune: Sir!
Winter: Are you ready for your first mission as a, Specailst?
Jaune: Yes, Sir!
Winter: Good! You will follow me to the cafeteria where we, Specialist will be holding your initiation!
Jaune: Yes, Sir. May I ask what this incitation process will be, Sir?
Winter: Yes, to survive, Marrows cooking!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Eh?
Winter: The incitation is just a simple welcome party with food, drink, and cake that we, Specialist have. We're expected to each bring in our own food, hand crafted, or store bought. Marrow insists on bringing his family's chili recipe.
Winter: It taste terrible...
Jaune: Chili? Well... now I'm worried about the surviving bit... Should I bring something?
Winter: If you want to, but you're the guest of honour you don't have to.
Jaune: Why don't I cook something edible then. Something we can all enjoy.
Winter: You can cook?
Jaune: Seven sisters, and not a chef among the lot of them.
Winter: Well then, I'm looking forward to whatever it is you plan to make.
Jaune: When is the party?
Winter: This evening around six.
Jaune: That give me... five hours. I can whip up something nice by then. I best get to it. But, I'm going to change first. Don't want flour on my new uniform now.
Winter: I'll see you later then.
Jaune: till later then.
Winter soon made her way to the exit as, Jaune started unbuckling his armour. As the door opened, Winter stopped to say one last thing to, Jaune.
Winter: Oh, and Jaune...?
Jaune: Yes?
Winter: You... You don't need to call me, Sir, or Specialist Schnee... Just call me, Winter, okay?
Jaune: Okay... Winter...
Winter: Thank you~!
Winter smiled a sweet smile as she left, leaving, Jaune behind dumbfounded as he nervously swallowed.
Jaune: Shit...
Jaune: She does like me...
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spahhzy · 10 months ago
Saphron: It was so good to see you again ,baby brother!
Saphron gave her brother a big hug, to which Jaune reciprocated in kind.
Terra: We all held out hope that you'd come back...even when some of the family gave up.
Jaune: I thank you for holding out for me, honest.
Saphron: So...what are you gonna do now?
Jaune: I... don't know...with Team RWBY forever trapped in the EverAfter...does Remnant even have a chance anymore?
Saphron: Nonsense, regardless of what happened back in that place, humanity will always have a fighting chance!
Jaune: Your belief in humanity is impeccable, sis.
Terra: Adrian, please sit still...
The toddler in question squirmed around in his mom's arms as if he were trying to move away. He began to start crying when he saw Jaune move close to him
Jaune tilted his head at the boy.
Saphron: Forgive him. He's just tired from the long flight to Vacuo.
Jaune: Oh, I could never be mad at him!
Terra: Hun, we should get going. The rest of the family is going to come soon, and they all want their moment of time with Jaune.
Saphron: Oh, alright, okay Jaune... please don't disappear into another dimension.
Jaune: I make no promises!
The brother and sister laughed before giving one more hug.
Saphron: Be ready, parents and the rest of our siblings are gonna tear you apart.
Jaune: Oh, don't worry... I'm quite curious to see them.
Saphron: Don't you mean 'happy' or 'nervous'?
Jaune: Oh yeah...
Saphron: Heh, alright, little brother.
Saphron picks up Adrian from her wife's arms and brings him closer to Jaune.
Saphron: Say goodbye to Uncle Jaune Adrian.
Jaune held out his arms to hug the child, but said child just became even fussier, and his cries became more vocal.
Terra: I'm sorry, Jaune. He must be really out of it if he doesn't wanna give his favorite uncle a hug.
Jaune: No worries *looks at Adrian* You're Uncle loves you, Adrian, never forget that.
That did nothing to quell the boy.
Jaune walked the three to the door.
Saphron: Have a good night, Jaune. Enjoy your meeting with the rest of the family.
Terra: Have a good night!
Jaune waved at them with a smile as he watched them walk away as he did, Adrian looked at him from Terra's shoulders, and Jaune stopped waving.
Adrain felt his lip tremble as he looked at his uncle.
Gone was the smile replaced by a long jagged chesire grin, his normal blue eyes, now shone a neon blue with a singular white pupil.
'Jaune' looked at Adrian and brought a finger to his lips, making a 'shhhhh' gesture.
Adrian could only look on in fear and cry as 'Jaune' disappeared from view.
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kamen20ghost · 8 months ago
Arcfall fail
Jaune sister had come to visit and he was hanging out with his best friend ren and girlfriend cinder who she meeting for the first time.
jaune: Hey guys this is saphron. This is cinder and you both know ren. I’m get something to drink do you guys want anythin.
Saphron: waters good.
Jaune: Ok. *Walk out of the room into the kitchen.*
Saphron: Hi! *Looks over to cinder.* your really pretty
Cinder: *Intimidated* duh sarha was it?
Saphron: Saphron
Ren:*Look between the Girls with a smile on his face.* This going to be so good.
Cinder: so… how long have you know jaune?
Saphron: practically my whole life.
Cinder: huh that weird.
Ren: Wait for it.
Cinder: He’s never mentioned you before.
Ren: *Pretending to hold a mic like a commentator.* Cinder comes in with a right hook will saphron retaliate.
Saphron: Funny I could say the same about you.
Ren: Saphron holds her ground and the crowd, waited for the next move.
Cinder: Slightly annoyed. Haha funny girl, huh. So how’d you meet?
Saphron: my mom introduced us. How long have you know jaune?
Cinder: for like 3 years now
Saphron: Huh doesn’t ring a bell actually, I don’t think he’s ever mentioned you. At least not by name.
Ren: Saphron wipes, the floor with cinder. Will she recover?
Cinder: I doubt he would talk to you. I’m the only girl in his life you bitch.
Ren: oOoOoOoo the crowds settles as the stand off continues.
Cinder: This is my boyfriend’s apartment.
Saphron: *Understands what happening.* Ooooooooo…
Ren: Ladies and gentlemen saphron has connected the dots will cinder catch on?
Cinder: *Still oblivious.* That right, I’m his girlfriend you tramp. I don’t know what you think you’re doing here but you need to leave.
Ren: *Grinning at how cinder messed up big time.* The stakes raise, does cinder realize what she doing?
Saphron: *Having fun before the revel.* You know what I think I have heard of you.
Ren: *Really excited.* The crowd waits for the final shoe to drop
Cinder: *Is angry.* Of course you have. Because I’m the only woman in his life, now leave.
Saphron: *With a smirk on her face.* Hey jaune can you text mom and let her know that i’m here.
Jaune: *Comes back from the kitchen with her water and heard what saphron said.* Already did and here you go also I’m glad you’re getting along with my sister. I was a little worried not gonna lie.
Ren: The crowd goes crazy as cinder stands there with her dick in her hand.
Cinder: *Surprise mix with worry.* Sister?!
Saphron: *Grabs her drink.* Thank you jaune and yup
Cinder: *Trying to do damage control.* Wow you’re so pretty.
Saphron: Tired of Cinder’s BS. Nope too late. *Turns to her brother best friend.* Ren which one is she?
Ren: *Looks over to Cinder smirking.* Saphron makes her final move.
Cinder: *Very confused.* Which one what do you mean which one?
Saphron: I’m trying to figure out which one you were on the roster. Is she the rebound or the one who sharts in her sleep?
Ren: *Is bowing repeatedly.* All hail saphron she is the god of retaliation.
Cinder: look I’m so sorry! Please don’t tell jaune!
Ren: ladies and gentlemen in an unseen sight. Cinder grovels for forgiveness will saphron accept?
Saphron: *Smirking evilly.* This is gonna be fun.
Ren: oh my god that terrifying you should really be worried.
Cinder: *Hopefull.* So am I forgiven?
Saphron: For a price.
Cinder: Oaky fine I’ll pay anything. What’s the price?
jaune: *Was texting with his mom so didn’t notice what was happen.* hey mom wants us home for dinner. You ready? *Makes his way to the front door.*
Saphron: yup ta-ta Cinder I’ll see you later. * Follows after jaune.*
Ren: *Chuckling.* You’re so screwed.
Cinder: *Waves them off and glares at Ren.* Ren what the fuck?
Ren: ok let not pretend you did not have that coming.
Cinder: why didn’t you warn me that she was his sister.
Ren: let’s also not pretend like where friends okay
Cinder: ugh whatever
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howi99 · 9 months ago
Meeting from the past 3/3
Mercedes: *looking around the room* This school... *Smile* It reminds me of my hold school, back when i was your ages.
Ruby: Oh oh! Where you a huntress? Did you kick bad guys butt? *Does karate chop* aya!
Mercedes: Oh my, yes. *Looking sad* I never really liked fighting. But, to protect others against bad people, i fought with all i had.
Ruby: *feeling a bit bad* W-well, now we are the one who will protect you!
Mercedes: *smiling again* And i thank you for your help... Ruby, was it?
Ruby: Yep!
Mercedes: *looking at everyone until her eyes met Ash's one*... Sorry, my dear, but... Have I seen you before? I feel like we met before.
Ash: *sweating* N-no! I'm from Vacuo, no way you could have seen me! Ah ah ah!
Mercedes: Is that so? But your eyes...
Jaune: *opening the door* I'm back! And with enough food for everyone!
Mercedes: Jaune!
Jaune: *smiling while giving the food bags to Yang and Pyrrha* Mom! *Hugs her* I missed you! How's dad? And my sisters? Did Saphron finally move?
Mercedes: *laugh* They are fine! And yes, they finally moved. *Chuckle* the house has finally known silence for the first time in 3 years.
Jaune: And what about yourself? Did you sleep well? Did you eat correctly?
Mercedes: I'm the mom here, Jaune. Shouldn't i be the one asking this kind of question?
Jaune: You know me well enough, but i know you too. You only bake!
Nora: *poking Jaune side* You don't present us, fearless leader?
Jaune: *slap his forehead* How could i forget! Mom, this is my team! Nora, Ren and Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Hello!
Ren: Nice to meet you.
Nora: HI! Are you as good of a cook as Jaune?
Ren: Nora!
Nora: What?
Mercedes: *laugh* Oh, i don't know... Jaune, what would you say?
Jaune: *sigh* In making sweet, she beat me... But i am getting better!
*everyone is talking to everyone*
Ash: *sigh while looking at Jaune*
Mercedes: *sitting next to her* I won't tell him who you are.
Ash: *heart skip a beat* L-like i said, i-
Mercedes: Do you wish me to tell your father you are ok?
Ash: ... *Sigh* How did you know?
Mercedes: You mean outside of the knife you have at your side, your amber eyes and the fact you keep looking at Jaune while smiling like you fid when you were height?
Ash:... I'm that obvious?
Mercedes: *smile* Don't worry, you hide it well enough for him to not recognize you and spill your identity out. But Ash? Really?
Ash: Well, it was close to my real name. Or at least the one they gave me back then. Beside, it goes well with my hair, no?
Mercedes: *sigh* I'm so sorry for what happened to you-
Ash: It wasn't your fault. Besides, if it wasn't me, it would have been someone else. *Smile* And i don't wish anyone that.
Mercedes: *hugs Ash*
Mercedes: *leaving* It was fun seeing you! We will be there for the vital festival!
Jaune: Bye mom! See you next time!
Sun: Welp, it's been fun, but we gotta bounce. Ciao everyone!
Neptune: Yeah, Ciao!
Ash: *timidly* S-see you later! *Leave with Sun and Neptune*
Ruby: I like your mother.
Jaune: *smile* Everyone does... *Sigh*
Yang: What's wrong VB? Already missing her?
Jaune: No, just... *Looking at the gift from her childhood friend* Just having a bit of nostalgia, i guess.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year ago
Mutually Exclusive Sibling Goals
Yang: Listen, Jaune, you’re my friend, but if you lay a finger on my sweet baby sister, we’re gonna have a problem.
Jaune: Even if we’re playing tag? 😆
Yang: I’m serious, Vomit Boy! 😡 Ruby is still too young to be dating right now and she’s under a lot of pressure!
Jaune: I get it! I’m just kidding around! 😅
Jaune: Besides, I’m actually kinda dating Pyrrha anyway! She’s the best…! 🥰
Yang: …what, so my sister’s not good enough for you or something?
Jaune: But you just said…?
Yang: I’ll have you know that Ruby is super smart, kind, and damned adorable! What’s your problem?
Jaune: You just told me not to date her!
Yang: …oh right…
Jaune: What’s happening right now?
Yang: Sorry! My big sister instincts have a conflict of interest! I want to protect Ruby’s innocence but I can’t stand the thought of anyone turning her down! 😖
Jaune: *puts a comforting hand on Yang’s shoulder* I understand completely…😔
Saphron: It was so nice to meet you, Pyrrha! I’m glad my baby brother has a girlfriend who will take care of him! He’s our special little boy and deserves all the good things! *pinches Jaune’s cheeks* 🤣
Jaune: Saaaaaph…! 😫
Pyrrha: Thank you so much, ma’am! It was lovely to meet you too!
Pyrrha: *joking* And don’t worry, I intend to take VERY good care of him…! 😉
Saphron: *slams her hands on the table* DO YOU INTEND TO STEAL MY BABY BROTHER’S INNOCENCE?!?! 🤬
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