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Jaune: Cinder, you better stop causing destruction!
Cinder flying around like a deranged maniac.
Jaune, with some 'Arc ingenuity', procured himself a rope and tried lassoing the fall maiden back to the ground.
Unfortunately Cinder, in all her evil fall maiden powerness(?) was a bit stronger than Jaune thought, as she proceeded to drag the poor knight all around the city.
Jaune: You better stop this evilness right now!
That only served to make Cinder turn up the jets to max, but Jaune held on valiantly!
Jaune: Im not letting go, not even for *gasp* GOTH GIRLS IN FISHNETS!?
Ruby: Uh, you sure this is gonna help me talk to Jaune?
Yang: Of course Rubes, it's practically foolproof
Weiss: Says the fool!
Yang: Weiss, let's go somewhere so I can kick you on the mouth.
Jaune was weakened but did not let go!
Jaune: Im. Not. Letting. Go! Not even for *gasp*
Pyrrha: Uh... Are you sure being direct with Jaune is necessary?
Nora: That man is dense as a black hole, you got go in their and explode the black hole!
Ren: What nora means is...be up front.
Pyrrha: *gulp* up...front?
Nora: Renny! She's sweating again! Quick get the water!
Jaune groaned in agony but still held onto the rope!
Jaune: If you think I'll let go for a little *gasp* PSYCHO SHORTSTACK!? OH NOOOO!
Roman: Seriously? You stole a mech? For him?
Neo: 😁
Roman: I don't know what you see in him, but hey, who am I to tell you who to love?
Here lies Jaune... defeated...by himself.
#jaune arc#neopolitian (rwby)#rwby silent knight#ruby rose#weiss schnee#yang xiao long#nora valkyrie#cinder fall#rwby lancaster#rwby arkos#rwby pyrrha#spongebob
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Blake: Nya!
Jaune: No, I won't pet you, kitty! Your EVIL kitty!
Blake: Nya...
Jaune: To my sadness, it was good kitty, and I missed the opportunity to pet kitty...
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Currently, a police chase was going on in downtown Vale.
Neo: 🤢
Lisa: Uh guys, Neo is looking a little green here...
Roman: Is that bad?
Lisa: I think she's gonna vomit.
Jaune: Not in the car!
They kept driving around city blocks, Jaune evading police with his excellent driving skills, but he was still upset.
Jaune: You told me that Lisa wasn't 'emotionally available for me' and that it was better to 'lose a lover than to love a loser! '
Roman: That's because you would faint every time you saw her!
Jaune: I don't faint!
Neo: 😵💫🤢
Lisa glaring daggers at Roman.
Lisa: You called me a loser?
Roman: He was depressed I was trying to make him feel better!
Jaune began drifting around a big roundabout.
Roman: Jaune, this is some of the best driving I've seen you do, ain't that right, ladies?
Neo: 🤢👍
Lisa: Your amazing Jaune!
Jaune: You all can go kiss my ass!
Round and round they went.
Roman: Jaune, you gotta get us out of here...
Jaune: I can't hear you!
Lisa: You're being ridiculous, Jaune!
Jaune: Life is ridiculous, Lisa!
And round and round...
Jaune: What's the purpose of this circle!?
Finally, after escaping the circle, while still being chased by police, Jaune drove them under bridge.
Roman: Jaune, you're scaring the ladies now get back on the road.
Jaune: Not until you apologize for stealing Lisa.
Roman: You guys were never together!
Jaune: Yeah, but I liked her, and you betrayed that!
Roman: I liked her too!
Jaune: I liked her first!
Lisa: Calm down, Jaune!
Jaune: I will calm down when he says he is sorry!
Neo: Say you're sorry!
Roman: I ain't saying I'm sorry!
Jaune: Have you made your peace with the Brother Gods yet, Roman? Cause you're about to meet your makers!
Jaune eye twitched as ahead of them was a large concrete slope, which made for an excellent choice to escape from the police... much to the terror of the passengers.
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Alrighty then, tagged by @smokinferret
Destroy Something Beautiful- Kevin Sherwood
Lunar Halo- ERRA
Sleep- Before I Turn
Ascensionism - Sleep Token
Unsympathetic Intellect- Rings of Saturn.
Yall Want A Single - KoRn
Awaken- Breaking Benjamin.
Is it really you? -Sleep Token (cover)
Dearly Beloved (KH3 version) -Yoko Shimomura
Tagging: @notmaplemable @kennythecaveman @lil-red-reaper @themixedcoffee @bssaz97 @noneatnonedotcom
Tagged by @cheese-sample-official so let's gooooooo
Shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 tracks then tag 10 people to do the same;
1. Dead Man's Gun - Ashtar Command
2. Hell March 2 - Frank Klepacki
3. Praise the Lord & Pass the Ammunition - Kay Kyser & His Orchestra
4. (Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
5. Ace of Spades - Motörhead
6. God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
7. My Little Armalite - The Irish Brigade
8. Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
9. Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
10. Holiday in Cambodia - The Dead Kennedys
I'll taaaaagggg @bprinny @mr-double-downer @stetson-sarsaparilla @eternally-dentheaded @to2llynottoby @reve-nant @twenty-fourth-order-simulacra @konigstigerr @crispingloverofficial @theodoretheninja
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Weiss: So you got the dolt of a knight, am I supposed to be scared to attack?
CCJaune: We'll only if destroying an innocent soul concerns you?
Weiss: Nah, as the heiress of a major corporation, i have to do that every day!
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NeoCat: What's wrong scared to hurt the one you love?
Jaune: Actually...
Jaune gives a strong strike into Neo's gut, the force causing the Curious Cat to skid back and feel her aura shimmer as it looks at the knight in shock.
Jaune: Neo's been a bad girl as of late, and it's time I give my little mute some much needed punishment.
NeoCat:...I don't like that this body is rising in heat, and it's making me think weird thoughts! Stop it!
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Neo: Why don't you take off that battle armor and slip into something more comfortable~ 😈
Jaune: I am most comfortable when I am impervious to most physical forms of damage.
Neo: ...
Jaune: 😁
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Jaune, with a sleeping Neo in his arms, moved a strand of hair from her face as he stared contently at her sleeping form.
Jaune: I have no right to complain, I knew you were a gamble from the moment I met you.
Neo just nuzzled herself deeper into Jaunes chest.
Jaune: But I will say this, and I stand by it until the day I die.
Jaune planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Jaune: You were the greatest risk I ever took.
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Ruby walked up to her partner, wondering where she went for the party.
Ruby: Weiss? What are you doing?
Weiss just took a sip of her wine before slowly turning her head to Ruby.
Weiss: Hello Ruby...
Ruby: Your...your drinking?
Weiss: Excellent observation.
Ruby just winced at the tone as Weiss to another sip of the red liquid.
Ruby: Why?
Weiss said nothing as she just looked forward, Ruby followed Weiss's gaze, and eyes widened.
Ruby: Oh...
Their, under the moonlight, dancing together was Jaune Arc, and the former criminal turned ally Neopolitan.
Weiss began began to chuckle.
Weiss: It's funny isn't it? how the tables have turned.
Ruby: ...
Weiss: I'm happy for him truly, I am...It just-it just hurts.
Weiss: And the worst part of it? Watching him suffer...and not being able to do anything about it.
Ruby: Have you tried-
Weiss let out a hollow laugh.
Weiss: I've tried...to no avail...she's the root of his suffering.
Weiss then took one huge chug from her glass and sat in down.
Weiss: and therefore...she is his only remedy.
#jaune arc#neopolitian (rwby)#rwby silent knight#weiss schnee#unrequited love#one sided love#rwby whiteknight
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Neo: You're dumb as hell, but you're my feb. 14th! (Hands him chocolate)
Jaune: ...
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Yang: What's wrong with you?
Jaune: I just dropped a heavy box of berries on my foot.
Yang: Yikes, that sucks.
Jaune: I know... I cranberry walk.
Yang: ...
Jaune: 😁
Yang pulls out scroll.
Yang: Yes, Mama Arc?
Jaune: 😲
Yang: 15 kids. Minimum.
Jaune: 🤯
Yang: We'll get started right away (hangsup), ooooh Loverboy~
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Tagged By :
Last Song: Grim Reaper and A Uzi- Darko Us
Last Book: To Sleep In A Sea of Stars.
Last Game: Legends Arceus/CoD
Last TV Show: WWE
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Honey Jalapeńo Bacon.
Relationship: This person I'm seeing is in my top five on MySpace, so things are getting quite serious.
Favorite Color: Charcoal.
Last Internet Search: how to break into my own garage.
@infoglitch @jaunes-specter @razorblade180 @arcpaladin-jaune @arc-carnage
Tagged by: @howlingday @dicknouget
Last Song: Freaking Out- Mystery Skulls.
Last Book: I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream.
Last Movie: Sonic 3.
Last Game: Roblox and Marvel rivals
Last TV Show: invincible
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: 50sweet and 50 Spicy.
Relationship: In love with my gf <3
Favorite Color: Yellow and Purple
Last Internet Search: Super Sonic 4
@rwac96 @arc-misadventures @gorillageek27 @spahhzy @juanarc-thethird
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while at a party Jaune was alone and was being cornered by a random girl, who wasn’t taking no for an answer
How does you OTP save your Jaune?
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Misery System.
YOU were designed to fail.
Forget it all.
Forget your name.
Jaune just looked at the destruction with dismay, as the rest of Team RWBY chased after their leader.
CC: It's going to be okay, Jaune... they'll be reborn once more, and It will be like nothing ever happened...
But that didn't make Jaune feel any better.
CC: You know... you once told me how amazing this 'Neo' person was... but from what's been going on here, she seems nothing more like the monsters she sends!
Jaune: She-She isn't..she's just hurting and-
CC: And lashing out at others is right? You humans have a horrible way of dealing with grief.
Jaune: No! I just have to help her...she-
CC: You tried to help her and look where you ended up! Look at what happened all cause she can't see past her anger towards Ruby.
CC: And look at how horrible it's made, Ruby! Don't you care that your best friend is in the condition she is in? Hate to say it, my dear knight, but that is Neo's fault, and unfortunately, it's your fault too... Have you even told her about Penny and what you had done?
Jaune: I-I
CC: I don't know... it just feels like you're choosing a monster over your best friend.
Jaune: She isn't a monster! She-she isn't! and it wouldn't ever choose between them...
CC: But you have Jaune...can't you see that? How can you defend someone who willingly hurt you and your friends? She was part of the group that helped get Pyrrha killed?
Jaune: I-she -
CC: No, Jaune... she's hurt you, she's lied to you, and she's chosen revenge over you, can't you see that? That wound she gave you... Isn't that proof enough?
Jaune gripped his arm tightly as he felt a pit of despair begin to naw away at him.
CC: I know you have very strong feelings for her, but from everything I know and saw... she isn't someone I'd give my fish to.
CC: Some people just aren't worth the time and effort, Rusty...
Was CC right?
Was the woman he saved from a burning car years ago just an illusion?
All those smiles and memories?
Or was he just a fool believing that he could have caused a change in her?
Was she really this heartless?
Did losing Roman really cause her this much pain that she would destroy the world if it means taking Ruby down with it?
Did she really not care for him like she made him believe?
And Ruby...he yelled at her when it was his own weakness that caused the paper pleasers to..to..
The emptiness continued to grow in his heart, and his eyes began to lose a little life in them.
Rising slowly from the floor, Jaune looked at CC, who tilted their head to the side. Jaune didn't say anything to it as he looked into the direction of where the gang went before he began his trek to find them.
CC just looked at the retreating form of Jaune and gave another smile before chasing after him.
#jaune arc#neopolitian (rwby)#rwby silent knight#ruby rose#penny polendina#au#the curious cat#Jaune will continue to suffer.
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Jaune: If your wife brags about 'sticking through the tough times with you', let her know that she should... because she caused them.
Neo flicks, Jaune on the head, causing him to laugh.
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Ren: Sweetheart, calm down... we can go get some more.
Jaune: Who did what?
Nora: Oh, fearless leader! Someone stole all my delicious pancake mix! Now Renny can't make me my pancakes!
Jaune: oh...I mean we always have waffles.
Jaune: ...okay...so do you need some money?
Ren: Sure.
Nora: Oh fearless leader, your generosity knows no bounds, but their is a thief among us if you catch my drift.
Jaune raises an eyebrow before looking back to see one Neo, giving a yawn, wearing one of Jaune's larger shirts, walking past them all she opened the refrigerator before reaching and pulled out some Yogurt and a water before walking back into the room but not before tugging Jaune along with her.
Jaune: Money is in my coat Ren.
Nora: I know it was her, Ren. She stole leaders' heart, so stealing my delicious pancake mix is childplay to her.
Ren: Come on, Nora, let's go to the store.
Nora: I will have my vengeance, Ren!
Ren: Yes, yes, come on.
Jaune: Did you steal Nora's pancake mix?
Neo: 🤔
Jaune: Neo...
Neo: 😁

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Jaune and Neo 'arguing'.
Ren: This is what is called 'Aggresive Flirting' right?
Nora: Oooooh, it's like one of those books Blake reads with Yang.
Blake and Yang:

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