#sorry for once upon a witchlight posting
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mischieviem ¡ 5 months ago
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More ouaw stuff because I am 50 episodes in and losing sleep
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basket-of-loquats ¡ 5 days ago
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fake screenshot from that ep 38. really hated the part where frost fell to his death, i can't believe he never came back and derek had to make a completely new character
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luna-the-cretar ¡ 4 months ago
When Gideon was really little—let’s say about 5 or so—they had some pigs on the farm. One pig gave birth, and Little Gid immediately got attached to the runt of the litter. His Pa wanted to kill her and spare her, but Gid cried and insisted otherwise. His Pa, not wanting to deal with a sobbing fire genasi (who he quickly learned whose powers get really out of control if Gid’s emotions get out of control—there’s still a good portion of the farm that got burnt down after one particularly bad tantrum), let Gid keep the runt. And Gideon, being 5 and also generally not good with names, named her Oinkee.
Oinkee was Gideons best friend. He would burn the world down for her. Loved her almost as much as Gricko loves Hootsie.
When Gideon was about 8 years old, his Pa handed him an axe, and told him that they needed bacon for the morning. By that point, the only pig with enough meat on her bones to be worth killing was, well, Oinkee.
Gideon doesn’t like to think about that time. He’d rather think about the happy memories. Before the axe. Before he betrayed his best friend.
Gideon can’t help but find himself relating to Oinkee now, in some sick cruel way. She was a small scrawny thing, and Gid—young and not knowing the consequences of his actions—fed her until she got big and strong, before he was handed the axe. Later on, Gid ended up being a small scrawny thing, and Kremy saw him, and fed him until he got big and strong.
Now Gideon is just waiting until Kremy gets handed the axe.
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weevilfan2006 ¡ 3 months ago
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coaleqroux moodboard
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whomstsnek ¡ 4 months ago
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Another addition to my Krew early childhood headcanons, featuring Gricko Grimgrin himself!! Ecstatic to introduce you all to Gertrude Grimgrin and, of course, the infamous Uncle Glorbo :)
As per my usual disclaimer, I'm still only half way through canon and I'm sure there's a lot of canon backstory stuff that I'm missing. Also, I don't know ANYTHING about goblins, in Avantris or in DND in general, so uh. Please keep that in mind <3
I envision that Gricko grew up in a pretty secluded goblin camp nestled deep in the swamp. I think that it was a pretty closed society, but the people definitely had a "it takes a village" mentality; goblins, especially in this particular village, are quite good and banding together and helping each other in times of need.
Gricko was raised almost exclusively by his mother for the beginning of his life after his father walked out on them when Gricko was still young. It really took a toll on his mother, and even though she loved him a lot, it took her some time to separate her son from his father. Changing their names back to her maiden name, Grimgrin, definitely helped.
Glorbo entered the picture when Gricko was around 5-6, deciding to come home from traveling abroad after catching wind of Gertrude's situation. He's actually Gricko Sr.'s older brother, rather than Gertrude's, but he felt compelled to step up to help his nephew and sister-in-law where his brother wouldn't.
Gertrude, personality-wise, was always a "tough love" kind of woman, partially due to her own upbringing and partially due to the heartbreak she'd suffered. She had pretty strong opinions about how she wanted to raise her son, hoping that she would be able to give him a great life regardless of their struggles. She's constantly stressed and worried, wondering how to provide for her family and how the future will shape out for them.
Glorbo, on the other hand, is a carefree spirit. He's a lot like the Gricko we know in canon, eccentric and excitable. He's a sort of foil to Gertrude, valuing freedom and self expression, not worrying about the future under the belief that the future would sort itself out. He focused on the present, making sure the people around him were happy in the 'now'. He encouraged Gricko (and Gertrude) to let loose and explore the world around them instead of worrying so much about what's to come.
Naturally, Gertrude and Glorbo butted heads frequently, especially as Gricko got older and took on more and more of Glorbo's traits; in fact, the only thing they could ever really agree on was wanting the best for Gricko, no matter what exactly that entailed.
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digital--devil ¡ 1 month ago
Kremy Lecroux - Gator
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SeaWing/NightWing hybrid
(Some quick basic worldbuilding: Animus dragons are a lot more widespread, but also a lot less powerful, instead most have a limited set of enchantments/abilities that they are capable of. Certain powerful animus dragons also have the ability to give others powers, who are known as Artificial Animus dragons)
-Animus dragon, became one after striking a deal with another, much more powerful Animus
-has slight prophetic powers that manifest as ‘good intuition’ and the occasional prophetic dream
-can breath underwater
-can understand aquatic but can’t speak it, due to not having all the needed glowscales. He can say some phrases with the ones he does have though
-a very talented cook, particularly with complicated seafood stews and soups
-comes from a small unknown swampy SeaWing village
-his family was quite poor, which caused him to grow up fixated on becoming rich and powerful by any means necessary
-in his youth he would steal gems and jewellery from more upper-class SeaWings, he was sometimes caught and punished, but this did little to deter him
-briefly worked as a cook in a seafood restaurant, but would steal from and con dragons on the side to satiate his growing ambitions
-attempted to steal from a mysterious NightWing who appeared in his village one night. The NightWing easily caught him, and revealed himself to be a powerful Animus. In order to save his scales, Gator quickly attempted to talk his way out of a nasty punishment.
-The NightWing, appreciating his guts and silver tongue, offered to make a deal with him: if Gator agreed to work for him in his group of swindlers, he could be given powers of his own. Gator agreed, and was introduced to the very powerful animus that gave the NightWing his own powers.
-after a few years of employment, Gator left the NightWing’s employment on less than favourable terms
-a notorious con artist, travels the land swindling and scamming any dragon foolish enough to trust him
-was the owner of a travelling carnival, had to give it up and now is the leader of his band of adventurers
-his abilities include:
being able to breath a ghostly purple fire (he could not breath any sort of fire before his deal)
Illusion casting
Temporary mind control
His ‘dread’ form
Can make soul-binding contracts that have physical consequences
-can enter a shadowy ‘dread’ form where his abilities become more powerful, and he can hide in shadows, becoming almost invisible in water
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mewtillidae ¡ 8 months ago
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posting a kremy every single day until new episodes of OUAW are out DAY 59
this one was done by my friend @meraarts !!!! ❤❤
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way-too-obsessed-gamer ¡ 7 months ago
I don't think enough thought is spent on how absolutely heartbreaking Gricko losing Hootsie was. Can you even fucking imagine...you are trying to be the best father you can be to this little creature (who cares if she's basically the size of you? She's still just a tiny baby) who you rescued from some less than stellar circumstances. Watching her grow up, helping her survive and live a (mostly) comfortable life, it was all its own reward. You think, yeah...this is what I'm meant to do.
And then you fuck up, and you fuck up badly. And suddenly she's gone. No opportunity to stop it, nothing in your books or your parenting classes prepared you for the chaos and swiftness of fey magic. You fucked up. Oh my God, you fucked up. Your child, who you rescued from shitty circumstances, is now in infinitely worse circumstances. That's your fault. You should have listened better. Always so fucking flippant. Look where that got you. Maybe you shouldn't have even taken her in the first place, all those years ago. She was sad, anxious, abused, but at least she wasn't...wherever she is now. Is she even alive? Why did they take her? Why not you? You messed up, it's your fault. Goddammit. It's all your fault.
You are the worst father ever.
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morning-frost-daily ¡ 11 months ago
Day 46
Final sculpture
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Haha. It's been a week since my lost post. Oops. Anyways, suggestions for drawing or even submissions are very very welcome my brain is tired
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donethatbeforelong ¡ 2 months ago
Hot take: this feels very Coalecroux to me (I suggest you listen to the song while reading my rant)
Like, when Kremy first took Gideon in and was still frustrated at the fact that he wouldn't have money to pay Gideon, and in return, has to cook for both of them and pay for Gideon's expenses. Having a big guy like Gideon around him makes some things difficult, like scamming poor suckers or just robbing in general.
Gideon was also sometimes a pain in the ass, Kremy got frustrated at him often.
And then later on, Kremy realized that he's been admiring Gideon from afar, and that results in a small crush that got bigger over time. And with his insecurities, he tries to hide and lie about it (like he does to most things) and pretends that Gideon was just a close friend. So much to the point that he himself started to believe his own lie.
"Gideon was just a friend " He would tell himself, and then wave off those complicated feelings that usual comes around when Gideon is flirting with girls or when the genasi wrap his arm around Kremy's shoulder, insisting on providing warmth for him.
Not until he saw Gideon got married to the pixies.
The wedding was so beautiful, flowers and silky white fabric everywhere. Everyone was dressed up nice and tidy, even Gideon himself was in a suit.
At that moment, he felt like he would never have a chance with the man that had been his best friend and only friend for so long. I mean, the man got married to some beautiful women, not only that they're his type as well.
Kremy couldn't risk their whole relationship for his own gain, for his own selfishness. He cried at the wedding, because it was beautiful, but also a part of him knew that there was another reason why he cried.
That man could never be his. He manipulated him so many times already. He's a horrible person.
And then, one faithful day, Gideon confessed.
Kremy, in disbelief, thought that maybe Gideon is under some kind of curse again. He was a bad person, he knew that about himself. He had manipulate everyone around him, even Gideon himself, just for his own gain.
His lie and feelings ate at him, had been burrowing so deep into his mind that even with Gideon under Suggestion, he still couldn't believe his ears.
Over time, Kremy started to accept that fact that, if he was going to walk through Death's door when his time comes, Gideon will be right beside him, racking some ridiculous joke that always made Kremy smile and laugh.
That Gideon was willing to stay with him, to go through the thick and thin to stay together. Their relationship started off awkward at first, with Kremy not being able to fully comprehend his feelings being out in the open for the first time. But, as per usual, it felt nice to be around the man he loved.
Gideon would confirm it himself that Kremy would be the only man he's willing to die by.
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mightbeorphanedidk ¡ 27 days ago
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Me when I make myself upset with my own writing that I came up with myself (This wasn't supposed to happen):
Part 2 to Hollow Air if anyone's curious....
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torbek-smellyhair ¡ 5 months ago
can u draw the silly? *looking at you with the most wettest eyes*
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t-toorrbekkkk triiieeedddd… tooorrbekk only knows how to draw on a dddssssssss….
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basket-of-loquats ¡ 2 months ago
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"[Unlike] other cats who purr when they’re happy, comfortable and safe, tigers will squint or close their eyes because losing vision at any other time lowers their ability to defend themselves."
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weirdglassthing ¡ 8 months ago
I warned you all
Anyways, here it is, my favorite characters from any and all media ever!!
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Not featured that I remembered (Ben Wyatt, Rasputin Aquato, The unbelievable Gwenpool)
(I could only fit 10 pictures alas the mobile user curse)
I like too many things.
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luna-the-cretar ¡ 5 months ago
Can I just take a moment to praise OUAW (and the LOA cast as a whole), and their subtle yet VERY effective method of storytelling?
(Spoilers for OUAW below the cut)
For starters; the mix of comedy and gut-punch, and how they usually lure the audience into a false sense of security using humor, before hitting them with a really dark and angsty moment/episode, and then jumping right back into comedy to cut the tension.
Don’t believe me? Fuck, listen to episode fucking ONE, which inadvertently introduces this whole method that the continue to do for the rest of the campaign (and maybe others, im not entirely sure, but I’ve noticed this same method for Icebound, but almost in the reverse). The whole episode is full of jokes and antics, before hitting us with the (really depressing) death of a fairy at the end of the episode, immediately turning the mood around. And then the following 15 EPISODES were just a whole lot of fun and chaos.
Jokes and antics > depressing moment > more jokes and antics
Or how about episodes 41 and 42? They were joking around and doing their usual antics, before tensions rose with the death of Twig and everything afterwards, and then in episode 43 they spent the first hour as dancing singing mushrooms
Humor > angst > humor
Or episode 46? The first two thirds of the episode, the party were turned into toys and it was just…absolute chaos. Before they all got killed by the Jabberwock
However, I also noticed that episode 47 onward, this changed. Dont get me wrong, they still joke around and do their usual antics, but it seemed like it stopped being as a way to try and shrug off what just happened. Though, I guess this could partially be because of the circumstances, all things considered. Though I’m interested to see where season 2 takes us with this.
Also; character arcs. Or perhaps the lack thereof? I’m honestly not sure, to be honest.
There has been a change in these characters throughout the campaign thus far, don’t get me wrong. But these changes have been so incredibly subtle that you won’t even notice that they are going through a character arc unless you’re specifically looking for it.
Like how Torbek has been growing more confident—both in general and in his abilities; or how Gricko has been slowly shedding his “comic relief” exterior to show just WHY he’s a valued member of the party (other than his ability to heal); and fuck, I’ve even noticed a bit of a change in Kremy and Gideon (tho I can’t quite place what that character arc is, or when it started, but there IS a character arc happening here)
And like, I’m generally pretty good at picking up subtleties like this from media (in fact, most of my fics and character studies/analysis require this), but somehow OUAW managed to make their character arcs so subtle that I completely missed that there even WAS a character arc even happening until it suddenly reared its head (again, like with Torbek and Gricko)
It’s so subtle yet so effective and I just…agh! I can’t wholly verbally express how much I love the storytelling and character development in OUAW, it’s so good
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sevenminiaturemonkeys ¡ 2 years ago
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*drops this and runs back into my cave*
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