#sorry folks but i have strong opinions about this
bignaturalsenergy · 26 days
To get serious for a moment, you do have to vote.
Biden is not going to save the Palestinians. Trump is not going to save the Palestinians.
You still have to vote.
Surrendering your vote because it feels bad, because it isn't the purest moral action, will literally help nobody. It is a coward's route.
Millions of Americans are organizing and protesting to help save the Palestinian people- those aren't conservatives, they are largely marginalized communities and young people. Conservatives want Palestinian activists and allies dead. Those allies are the people who will have their lives and livelihoods destroyed if Trump takes office.
Ignoring all other harm that puts millions of people in- to focus solely on aide for Palestine-
If American allies have their lives destroyed, they won't have the means to help Palestine any more.
I'm seeing some aggressively anti-voting posts lately. Some of them come from places of genuine hurt and horror. Some of them are the propaganda machine, loud and proud. There is a genocide in Palestine. Anyone would feel reactionary. Anyone would want to avoid voting for someone who makes them feel guilty.
For the love of whatever gods you believe in, do not make this decision based on feelings. Your feelings will not help the Palestinians. Your feelings will not stop a genocide.
Fight smart at every opportunity. Use every avenue of influence against your government, at every level.
You are not fighting a one sided war. There are pro-genocide supporters, and they are using every resource they have to wipe out the Palestinians.
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braisedhoney · 10 months
Hey captain! What’s your take on fellswap and swapfell if you have one?
i. don't know actually?
what is the distinction between swapfell and fellswap? why is one of them purple but only sometimes and also red but only sometimes? where did the purple come from???
i know i've seen both before. it seems like they get redesigned a lot, i don't know if i've seen a canon (fanon-canon? canon-fanon?) design for either, and i'm not totally sure what makes them different.
i mean the art. slaps? it looks like it slaps. i don't have a clue what's going on here, but i'll act like i do!
(ig that means i don't really have a take. i like the underfell au enough so seeing a variety of swapped version of it is chill, i kind of get the appeal. glad people are having fun.)
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
My Sun, Moon, And Stars
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Clarice Starling x fem!reader
Prompt- “The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.”
I felt silly. Like a little kid. At first I tried to claim it was just a schoolgirl crush. Something small and ineffectual that would pass as the days go on. But, here I am absolutely in love with Clarice Starling. It is terrifying. It feels like the days only last a few minutes with her. Almost like if I blink I will miss it all.
We are best friends. I can't imagine what it could do if I told her. Aside from my fear of losing my closest friend it seems like anyone who openly flirts with or asks out Clarice gets turned down.
Then again, they are all men.
Then again, not everyone plays for the other team. 
I have to do something about pestering feelings. I just don't want to lose her. Those bright eyes and simple conversations. Bringing each other snacks when we forget to eat. Movie nights and dancing to the radio. Making her laugh, making her smile. 
Somehow in between all the chaos my world became hers, and it would crumble without her.
I have to get out of my own head. Whatever happens it was worth telling her.
I prop the popcorn on the table and grab the mugs of hot chocolate off the counter. It’s going to be a terrifying exciting movie night. I put the disk in the player and wait for Clarice to arrive. She’s never late.
As if on cue, how convenient, she comes walking in. I never have her knock because it’s pointless if she is going to come in anyway.
We always chat a bit before we start the movie. This is my chance to tell her. If things go well then we can probably continue on with movie night. If things go south then I set up the room for nothing.
“Hey, can I talk to you about something?” My voice is unsteady, dammit.
“Of course, is something wrong?” Her voice always sounds so sweet. Her accent lightly coats floats through the air.
I run my hands down my face and turn to face her more. In a last ditch effort to hide my nerves I grab my mug off the table and wrap both hands around it.
“Yeah, everything is fine I just. I jus- listen ok. Here me out. We are really good friends right?”  I didn’t wait for an actual response before I continued. “We always hang out together. And have fun. And and and I just-fuck this is hard!” A let out a huff of air.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” She reaches out to hold one of my hands. Moving it to let her hold it I stare as she says, “Whatever is going on, you can tell me. Whatever you say I’m here to listen.”
“You're beautiful! I think you’re way too smart and so unrecognized for it and your hair is really soft and your accent is something I wake up wanting to hear and you make me so happy all the time and I think if you wanted to we could, we could be together…” I haven’t been looking at her so I moved my head to look back at her.
She looks at me with a soft smile and even puffs out a little laugh. I feel confused and scared. “The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.” 
I started laughing with tears in my eyes I haven’t noticed till now. “Ha! I think my heart just stopped!”
Clarice pulls my hand toward her and me along with it. Her lips land on mine, softly. With this my head spins and my soul brightens.
I’m so glad that we can be happy together.
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Having unfortunate gaps in my CR watching experience because of my poor discipline in catching up is simply a Fact Of My Life. But apparently i do REALLY need to watch the eps 42 to 45 and the half eps i've been missing because I Want. To See. The progression of Imogen's headspace and justifications in realtime and the way that the others have been glimpsing it and been poking at the edges of it as things get darker and darker. The sympathy for the nuclear options, the buy-in of arguments that sound right, if you indulge them far enough. The "if", the lives collapsed to "collateral", the arguments that are wrong but- you can see the reasoning if you keep twisting it. Its wrong. Its slow. Its scary. Her friends, asking questions around the point, pushing back and exchanging looks-
there is a thoroughline somewhere between all that love and loss and desperation and red in her veins to Orym, exchanging quiet words with Fearne, thinking of all the things he's lost and unsure if the weight of all his grief is enough currency to turn Imogen away from the direction she's looking.
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trans reddit in general is a very dark place but i think the sentiment of being so obsessed with some damning physical trait of yours and letting it be so painful that you cant bear to look at cis people is the EXACT reason you havent realized how many cis men have round jawlines or 0 muscle mass or how many cis women have big heads or long arms or flat chests or high foreheads. the combination of living inside your head 90% of the time and spending the other 10% of the time on the internet where the visual presence of people who dont look like models is smoothly and algorithmically culled is making your life so much more painful than it deserves to be. like, you cant just quit that cycle cold turkey, but every time you get on the bus or go to the grocery store or at your job or whatever, maybe start thinking about all the people you see and how your eyes glaze over all the perfectly average unattractive people that exist in real life because it feels like they "dont count" because youve internalized the idea that every average looking person is an anomalous outlier against all the tabloid-beautiful people you were taught is how people are SUPPOSED to look. you really really really have to understand how much of a lie it is. understand that all of the people you see on the subway, and how many of them are perfect looking vs how many of them are unattractive and not done up, and know that that is what its like everywhere. everywhere is full of people who look weird and some of them are self conscious about it and some of them arent. thats just the human condition. people look weird! everyone has weird traits because the idea of 1 perfect beautiful man and woman is stupid and fake! and everyone's still subject to that pressure to conform to that fake ideal, and that does absolutely still manifest into material conditions, but at least know in your heart that your traits that youre told are ugly and by extension anomalous are both FINE and VERY MUCH UNIVERSAL
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rosesnbooks · 1 year
Astrology observations #1
-gemini moons talk A LOT, or at least, so many things are in their head..i feel sorry for them lol.
-3rd house placements are usually really good at something, and others praise them for this. very smart individuals. may be good with words or memorising lots of info
-libra rising know how to dress and they have their own unique style. even if they are wearing something basic, the outfit fits like a glove
-scorpio mars are either highly sexual or aspec, i feel like there is nothing in between. i'm a scorpio mars and my bestie is a scorpio rising and we are both aspec
-aquarius rising always give off this mysterious and private vibe, and when they start talking you realise there's so much more to them
-11th house stelliums may focus a lot on friendships in their lifetime, and they often leave a strong impact on them. but they need to choose them more carefully
-taurus mercury and their voices are so sweet and pretty. men's voices are deep and calming.
-taurus moon people? i love you, never change. the way these people are so welcoming and kind, so grounded yet soft and sensitive. you feel like coming home in the best way possible.
-sagittarius mars people are all over the place. even if they have introverted placements, i feel like they want a lot from life, a lot of excitement.
-aries moons want to be in charge wherever they go. if you make them feel small, they will cut you off from their lives. also, i think they focus their identity on specific things they like, such as music and films
-scorpio venus and their love can be addicting and suffocating at the same time. as if they want to become one with their partner. honestly, a lot of people can deal with this intensity, and if well-developed, this love can be rewarding
-capricorn mercury seem very mature when they speak, people always listen to them and trust them with their opinion. however, they are so stubborn sometimes and they don't even see it. it takes a lot of effort to change their opinion
-i think cancer moons worry too much about how people feel all the time, it drains them. very sensitive and moody folks, but so loving and attentive
-leo venus shine so bright, and they want a lot of fun. romance is important to them, and they seem like a kid when in love. it's really sweet. they just need to find someone who would provide them this idealistic view of love, otherwise they'd get bored and disappointed
-virgo placements are so hard on themselves, such perfectionists. some are harsh on others too, while others observe people's flaws easily but accept them momentarily.
-gemini moons, surrounding themselves with knowledgeable people makes them inspired
-capricorn venus are really loyal. they don't want to settle, their standards are high. if you seem flaky to them, they won't waste their time with you
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arielstruggles · 9 months
The Dawn of Regret
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem reader
Summary: You have a crush on Joel Miller and he becomes your patrol partner.
W.C: 3.4k
Warnings: Smut (mdni), P in V sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), Katoptronophilia, praise kink, slight dirty talk, breeding kink, big fat age gap (reader is 26 Joel is 56), angst.
A/N: Happy kinktober folks!. I love angst so i incorporate it in everything :| sorry. I honestly don't know if this will be a one shot or not, we will see. I'm sorry i'm not the best for descriptions. And if i have any grammar mistakes, sorry in advance i am not a native English speaker. Anyway, if anyone reads it, let me know your opinions, love you bye!
ch2 ch3
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You and Joel have known each other for quite some time now. It has been roughly four months that him and Ellie decided to stay in Jackson, instead of trying to find the Fireflies. Since then, they were joining you at different tasks. Ellie was too young to join the patrols without a training but Joel, as a 56 years old, fearless man; he was the perfect fit. Well, obviously he was a mass murderer too but it was helpful in this situation. But other than that you were nothing to each other. Just a couple of “Hello”s and “How is it going”s  here and there. But you couldn’t help to feel attracted to him. Normally, you were teaming up with Maria and Joel was teaming up with Tommy but Tommy and Joel decided that they were "sick of each other" so Maria came up with the solution that you were supposed to team up with Joel. It caught you off guard. You were so used to went on patrols with Maria that you didn't know what to do exactly. Not that you were unable to protect yourself or anything. You were living in Jackson for more than two years now and before that you basically learned how to survive on your own. No, it was not a doubt that came from your skills, it was because of Joel.
You were a little bit, just a little bit intimidated by his presence. He was not a chatty, lively man. His brows were mostly furrowed, well he was grumpy to say the least. Not that he was rude or mean towards you. On the contrary he knew where to stand. So, he sort of knew when to be nice which was obviously not around you. But you were not sure if you were okay where he was standing, you wanted more. He was a handsome man, grumpy old man to be fair but it didn't take anything from his charm. His broad shoulders, warm brown eyes, the dimple on his cheek which is a shame that you could barely see since he was not laughing around you that much. He was big and strong. His hands, his fingers... The thought of it showed itself as dampness on your panties. You were feeling guilty for dreaming about him from time to time but in your defense, who would not? Gosh those Fingers. “What would happen if he wrapped them around my throat?" you thought, on the couch where you were lying at the moment. "What would happen if he kissed me, or better bite me?" you get so worked up that dipped your fingers inside your panties.
After you came imagining it was his fingers inside you instead of yours, a wave of warmth washes your whole body. You are feeling so guilty. You are about to go on a patrol with this man and you masturbated, in your couch, thinking of him. And you had no idea how he felt about you, you saw him flirting with women before in the Tipsy Bison however none of them were as young as you. They were mostly older than forty. You are in your mid-twenties. Also, you know the fact that he had a daughter which if she was alive would be older than you so this was both unethical and impossible. You shake your head due to your own stupid thoughts and realize that it' almost three a.m. that means Joel and you are about the meet in an hour. You fix your clothes and decide to make yourself a coffee, you have limited supply of coffees so even though you really love it you can't drink as much as you want to but tonight, or this morning to be precise, you need to.
While you sip your coffee with the shame on your shoulders you hear a knock on your door, you leave your mug on the table and walk towards the door. “Who is that?” you ask, even though the low and husky tone makes it clear that it is Joel, you are just trying to be careful. “It’s Joel. I was just checking you if you were awake.” To hide the reflection of that stupid grin on your voice, you clear your throat “Yes, I am.” You can’t help the heat that rises from your core. “Okay, be outside of your door in 30.” He says and you hear footsteps fading away. You realize you didn’t even open the door, let alone kindly inviting him but it was probably for the best. You still feel warm and fuzzy because of your Joel fantasies. You grab your coffee and sip the rest while thinking of him. 
Once you’re done with your coffee, you step outside of your door with you backpack on your back and gun in its holster, waiting for Joel. After a while his big figures approaches which makes you feel giddy. You curse under your breath for feeling like a high schooler who sees their crush. “Mornin’” he rasps, “morning” you say in return. “We’re heading towards east this time. Tommy claims. There are riders.” It is obvious by his tone that he mocks with his brother. You nod as a response to his explanation and you both start walking. You know, silence is better to search the area but it makes you so uneasy. You want to talk to him desperately. “So, why you and Tommy decided to not to be partners anymore?” you ask, your tone is louder than you expected. “You wanna get attention of clickers or sumthin?” he is not mad, it’s his usual grumpiness but still you feel ashamed. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. “sorry.” You murmur, this time your tone is quiet. “He was being a pain in the ass, I’m sick of his bullshit.” He answers your question without looking at your face, you are grateful for that. You hum in return while you keep on walking. It’s still dark outside and cold. You wish you were in your warm bed. But the man who is walking right beside you seems so unbothered. He doesn’t care about the cold or how dark it is. It is as if he is living for the sake of living. You study his demeanor, trying to be sneaky. “Is there sumthin on my face?” “no, i- I’m sorry.” “well, you should focus on the road not me.” his tone is amused this time, not annoyed, not grumpy. You see a smile dancing around his lips, it is not a smile but it’s the best you got which sort of encourages you. “I can do both” “Aren’t you sumthin?” he chuckles, you made him smile.
That little conversation is all you need for you to have a crush on Joel. Not that you had not anything towards him but it was not a strong feeling whatsoever. But the moment you were able to make him smile. Well, it worsens the situation. For the rest of the road, you are mostly quiet. The sun is about to rise, the sky is turning into a lighter shade of blue. The birds chirping. It almost sounds peaceful. In the middle of an apocalypse. You can’t help but laugh audibly. Joel turns towards you with a questioning look on his face. “I was thinking how peaceful it felt. The sky seems so pretty, birds are chirp-“Joel covers your mouth with one of his hands and yanks you to a tree trunk which sends a shock to your body. While you try to grasp what is the reason behind this, he gestures with his other hand to be quiet. You nod in return and both of you listen carefully. You hear the clickers around. High pitched screams of a bunch of them fill the woods. It’s disturbing. You are grateful for it though, it distracts you from thinking how close your bodies are, how one of his hands is on your mouth. After he gives you the que you wait in silence, you kill them one by one. “Morning exercise I guess.” You say. “Yeah, right.” He replies grumpily and rolls his eyes. Here he is again, the Joel you are familiar with. It is saddening honestly. Witnessing a side of him which he only shows people whom he really cares and trusts, which you crave to be one.
You look at your pocket watch it reads 8.45. Morning sun shines through the sky, it is warmer than a couple of hours earlier. You still have more than three hours and frankly, after your last unsuccessful attempt to make him talk, you give up. Morning sun hits his face in a way that invigorates his handsome features. You want to reach his face and caress his cheeks, kiss tip of his nose. Of course, you can’t do any of that, how could you? You don’t even know him, he doesn’t even know you. It’s just your hormones talking, you assure yourself. “Cat got your tongue?” he questions your silence. “Huh?” “You seem lost in your thoughts. You were chatty earlier.” “I thought you would be annoyed if I talk too much.” “Yeah, you thought that right.” Well, he is honest at least. You don’t say anything back. He breaks the silence when you find an old shed. “I know this is safe, I’ve been there before you wanna rest a bit? Before heading back to Jackson?” even though staying in a small space with Joel for a couple of hours seems like not a good idea your feet hurt from all that walking and fighting with clickers was draining so you decide it’s for the best “Yeah, sure.” He opens the door and checks out the shed just in case then nudges his head for you to get inside. There is a mirror at the corner. It has cracks here and there and sort of rusty but you can see your reflection.
You sit on a moldy couch, it’s not the best thing to sit but at least better it is than floor. He sits right next to you, you are pretty close to each other. This surprises you but considering it is the only somewhat comfortable thing in this place it should not. The silence is too loud. You want to speak, to say something but you don’t know what to say. It’s as if you forgot how to talk, as if all the words in you have lost their meanings. The hand on your thigh jerks you awake from your thoughts. You look at his hand on your thigh then his eyes. He looks at you as if he is about to devour you. Even if you dreamt about this before, it feels different when he really touches you. You feel shy all of a sudden. “Darlin’ you thought I didn’t realize how you look at me?” his raspy tone sends shivers down on your spine. You want to give in and let him fuck you senseless but a part of you still wants to resist. You clearly have no idea how this thing is going to work or what he really wants. “What? You must be dreaming Joel.” You chuckle nervously. “I most certainly am not.” His hand moves up and up till your crotch but he doesn’t touch there yet. “Tell me darlin’” he leans on your ear, his breath tickles your neck, you’re sitting side by side but you want him on top of you. “Tell me you don’t want it and I’ll stop.” “Fine, okay. I want you.” you try not to sound so desperate but the last part of your sentence comes out as whining. “Atta girl, was that so hard?” he murmurs and cups your crotch through your jeans. He doesn’t dip his fingers, not yet. He leaves wet kisses all over your neck. You do something bold and climb on his thigh. His large hands find their places on your waist. You kiss him deeply. Your tongues dance with harmony. You get wetter with each passing second and press yourself on his thigh a little more. He moans into your mouth. “Naughty, naughty” a smirk spreads across his mouth. You grind on his thigh more and more; the tension is unbearable at this point. “Joel, do something!” you burrow your face in the crook of his neck “Do what darlin?” “Fuck me Joel.” Your voice comes muffled. You bite down on his neck. he cradles you and take you in front of the mirror which you saw earlier. You are confused. “What are you doing?” you ask him. “Just want you to see everything.”
You are standing before the mirror; Joel is pressed behind you. His cock is nestled between your ass cheeks. His movements are slow, you still have a couple of hours left and everywhere seemed clear so you can take your time. But you are so restless. He takes off your coat, then your shirt, then your bra. You’re half naked. Your reflection in the mirror startles you. You are as much eager as Joel. He cups your right tit. His calloused fingers brush your hardened nipple while he licks your neck. You gasp with the overwhelming feeling. You’re dripping cunt flutters against nothing. You want him inside. “Joel” you moan. He bites your shoulder in return. You both watch your reflections in the mirror. You take one of his hands that are on your waist and slide it into your panties, he takes the hint, an amused laugh leaves his lips but he does not want to tease you so he starts toying with your clit while leaving wet kisses all over your shoulders and neck. While his thumb circles around your clit and he dips his middle finger to your hole. “Aren’t you a slut, hm? Waiting for me to fuck this hole of yours?” You moan to the vulgarity of his words. He adds a second finger, hitting just the right spots. The overwhelming sensation takes over your whole body, you feel weak in the knees and rest your back against his chest more and more. At this point you look like a body with two heads. You feel your first orgasm is about to hit. “Joel ‘m close, I’m so close.” You coo, “let it go baby girl. You’re such a good girl for me, let it go darlin’” he whispers to your ear. You don’t even hesitate to ruin his fingers with your cum. He takes his fingers off of you and licks them. You see the reflection in the mirror. It feels so unholy. You feel as if a sinner, for letting a man who’s the same age as your father, if he was alive, to finger fuck you. “Now darling, I want more. I want to my cock in that sweet pussy of yours. I want to eat you out.” “Yes Joel, please.” Your voice sounds so needy that you cringe. “I want you to watch baby girl. Every second of it.”
He lays down his coat to the floor and then lays you down on it. Unbuttons your jeans and strips down the rest of your clothes. He starts kissing your neck and makes his way down while leaving kisses on your torso. His tongue finds his way on your clit, it moves with ease. You grip a fist full of his hair and press him against your pussy more. The warmth of his tongue mixed with the warmth of your pussy sends shock waves to your body. He eats you out with such ease and pleasantly. Your moans fill the old shed. Then Joel stops, “time to take my cock darling’” he coos and unbuttons his jeans. Cold air hits your glistening folds, makes you shiver. He takes off his jeans and boxers. His fat cock is up against his belly. Your mouth waters, you want to take it to your mouth. He catches your hungry eyes. “Next time darling’”. His tip shines with pre cum. He is hard as a rock. He checks on the mirror, to see your reflections, you do the same. You can’t name the feels in you at the moment because it feels nice. He leans on your body and aligns his cock with your entrance. “You ready?” you nod eagerly. It has been a while-3 years to be precise- since you last got laid and you don’t have that much experience but you want to hide this fact from Joel. Once he pushes himself inside you, you scream. Then you adjust to his size and he picks up his once slower pace. “So wet and tight for me. So pretty.” He mutters in your ear. “good girl, aren’t you a sweet girl for me, darlin’?” you nod, he grabs you by the throat, “Answer me!” his tone is demanding, his gaze is dark. “Yes, yes Joel” you answer but frankly, you don’t even know what was he saying. Your hips move in sync. He is close “Where do you want me to come, darling?” “Inside” you say. You come together.  He fills you up. After you’re both done, he lays on you. You wrap your arms around his torso. It feels so intimate. You have so many questions you want to ask. But you don’t know how he will respond. You clearly have a crush on him but you are not sure if he feels something towards you or if it was just a bodily pleasure. You decide to wait for him to take the first step.
You lay there for almost half an hour. Then he speaks “It’s almost 11 a.m., we better get going.” You can’t tell if he sounds distant or not. He helps you to get up and you wear your clothes and he does the same. You leave the shed and head towards Jackson. He does not talk; you don’t want to talk as well. But you have more than two hours of walking distance so after a while you are so bored of silence and curiosity eats you alive. “what’s gonna happen now?” you ask expecting for him to say something positive. “Nothing.” he almost barks. You are stunned by the tone of his. “Oh?” is all you can say. “Look, it was a mistake, I shouldn’t be so reckless. You forget what happened, I’ll do the same.” It hurts you. He is so blunt and there is no emotion behind his words. You feel so stupid for even thinking this could have led to something. You feel tears sting to your eyes but try to hold them back. You have no intention to feel smaller in front of this monster of a man. You are unsuccessful though. He hears you sniffing, does not look at you. He does not want to feel more guiltier than this. “Now, don’t cry on me.” he wants to sound harsh; he wants you to hate him so that you will never like him. It does not help. He wants you to be safe and being closer to him is not the safest option.
You can see Jackson, you’re close. That means you can go to your home and cry for hours. Your sadness leaves its place to anger. “You know, you are a disgusting man. You gave me hope and now you’re leaving me like this.” You know that is not the truth but you want to hurt him. “You are right about that. But I didn’t think you could be this naïve to fall for me.” “You deserve to die alone! If your daughter knew all this, she would’ve hated you.” You can see the burning flame in his eyes. For a second you think he will smack you across your face but he does not instead he grabs your arm tightly. “Just because we fucked does not mean you are something to me. You are clearly desperate for attention. You want someone to love you. But that ain’t me. You’re nobody.” He leaves your arm and walks towards his home. You stand there like a fool you tried to hurt him but he did it. You start to walk as well, Maria approaches you. “So, how was your patrol? You seem pale.” “It was okay, a couple of clickers, nothing unusual.” Your voice cracks, she looks at you worriedly. “please, I don’t want to talk.” You explain and she nods. You open your door and enter your house. The moment the door shut closed you start crying.
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wangxianficfinder · 4 months
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In the mood for...
March 12th
1. hi! for the next itmf could i please get lxc being called out on his bs? i was obsessed with “weep no more, sad fountains” but i still wanted to see him actually having to come to terms with that fact that he put his trust on jgy above his trust on his brother and was complicit on all of it. thanks!!
break by justdoityoufucker (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LXC Critical, JC Critical, Canonical Character Death, Guānyīn Temple Scene, BAMF WN, Protective WN)
Ghosts Shouldn’t by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 15k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending) also contains many "FU"s against Lan Xichen but more for how the Lan Clan treated Lan Wangji when he protected Wei Ying & took in Yuan.
2. Hi! For ITMF, can you please recommend wangxian fics where other people (could be other canon characters, OCs or outsider pov) find out about wangxian’s marriage and are jealous of how lan wangji is the most devoted, doting husband or even just surprised/ awed with their relationship!
Thank you always for your efforts and time 🫶
Life before you was tragic by covalentbonds (Not rated, 4k, wangxian, Fluff and Humor) The part that’s relevant to the ask is in the second chapter
3. Hi again. ITMF two sets of fics a) where wwx and lwj end up taking care of yuan er after they find him on the door step, a family member leaves him in their care etc b) wwx and lwj having loads of kids adoption or birth wise maybe even a few of the children finding them and just kind of latching on and it's kid fics, the longer the better @thatperson0-0
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition,Kid Fic, explicit in much much later chapters, green card marriage (but not really), pining for your own husband, endless pining, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Nothing else bad or traumatic happens to the baby, [Podfic of] The Simplest Way Forward by knight_tracer) maybe? WY & LZ aren't together when Yuan shows up but get together days later.
🔒💖 so take my hand (take my whole life too) by cicer (E, 92k, wangxian, Modern, Accidental Baby Acquisition, oh my god they were roommates, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, this fic is not about trauma, it's about the yearning, slowburn, some characters have a pretty strong bias against folks with drug addiction, (this does not reflect the author's opinion of people with addiction disorders!), none of the really grim abuse/drug use affects our main characters, and it takes place offscreen) should be a good fit
🔒💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it's gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn't begin until chapter 19!, bottom lwj in chapter 20 and 27)
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, 🔒[PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
🔒and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They're Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending, podfic of and having a marvellous time by varnes by Spinifex) this story has WWX adopting a bunch of kids (or maybe them adopting him), but LWJ loves then as soon as he meets them do hopefully this will work for the request.
4. Hiiii thank you for all your hard work!!!!
For the next itmf do you have any
A. Child abuse / neglect wwx where lwj realize something is wrong like in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie(cl410) or works that mention the fact that wwx is not giving his all in exams / is being disruptive on purpose (maybe he corrects lwj on something super complicated) and after he stops his grades gets so much better…
B. Anything where wwx safeword out of a nonsexual situation? Like a meeting with the Jiangs or something triggering??
Anyway thank you so much for everything ✨✨✨✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
Just Say Yes series by edenwolfie (M, 338k, wangxian, canon divergence, matchmaking, pining, cloud recesses study arc, getting together, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, everyone lives au) Wei Ying misbehaves because he's not challenged enough
🔒 Warming up (to him) by barisan (T, 9k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, Hypothermia, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Temporary Character Death, Medical Inaccuracies, YZY Abuses WWX, JFM Bashing, pre-wangxian, Good Uncle LQR, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort)
Company by WithBroomBefore (T, 29k, wangxian, canon divergence, not YZY friendly, pre-relationship, getting together, fix-it, hurt/comfort, light angst w/ happy ending)
🔒💙 Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY,  Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
please don't let me be misunderstood by sysrae (T, 3k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, getting hit by cars, Past Child Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Abusive YZY, Caring LWJ, Injured wwx)
5. ur favorite darkji fics? thanksss
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 84k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, graphic depictions of violence, underage, LWJ pov, JC pov, dark LWJ, manipulation, grooming, teen body adult mind for LWJ, happy ending for wangxian, problematic consensual underage sex, blood & violence, insane LWJ, manic LWJ)
💖 Ominous by 3neetee (T, 5k, wangxian, pre-relationship, established relationship, character death, fae & fairies, changelings, dark LWJ, dark WWX, BAMF WWX, graphic description, suicide, implied/referenced domestic violence)
Like stones on an unseen board by Vir_Abelasan (Not rated, 11k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Dark LWJ, Older LWJ, Teacher LWJ, dark twin jades, Age Difference, Manipulation, Protective LWJ, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Corporal Punishment, Relatively canon-typical abusive Jiangs, WWX Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Not Jiang Clan Friendly)
💖 I just wanted to see you so bad by Blackberreh, ThatOnePlatypus (T, 1k, wangxian, canon divergence, dark LWJ, minor character death, blood)
💖 Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 19k, WangXian, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, tgcf fusion, Gods & Goddesses, Ghosts, Romance, vengeance, Dark LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending)
💖 Do you want to hear by allollipoppins, dameauxgentianes (T, 12k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, canon divergence, not everyone dies au, epistolary, Madam Lan lives, minor character death, dark LWJ, Lan WWX, bad parents JFM & YZY, good uncle LQR, no sunshot campaign)
💖 demons run when a good man goes to war by Miranda_Aurelia (T, 20k, wangxian, LWJ & NHS, JYL/JZX, canon divergence, angst w happy ending, NHS & LWJ friendship, not JGY friendly, dark LWJ, revenge, (presumed) major character death, not LXC friendly)
💖  Like the sea loves the shore by Say (E, 15k, wangxian, LQY & WWX, implied/referenced WWX/WC, F/F, rule 63, dark LWJ, protective LWJ, sirens, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, eventual smut, human WWX, siren LWJ, age difference, non-human genitalia, minor character death)
💖  Buried in the Sky, Hallowed by thy Depths by themunchking (T, 9k, wangxian, supernatural elements, sirens, dark wangxian, canon-typical violence)
💖 The Way You Tremble by themunchking (E, 6k, wangxian, murder husbands, vampires, blood, violence, supernatural elements)
At heart by apathyinreverie (M, 8k, wangxian, WIP, Dark LWJ(Ish), Amnesia, WWX gets to be Not Okay after the BM, Hurt WWX, Recovery, Caring, Protective LWJ, Possessive LWJ, some definite manipulation, but not everything is as it seems, not nearly as dark as the tags make it sound, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Domestic WangXian, Fluff, WWX Goes to Gusu, WWX happily atticwifing away, Sunshot Campaign, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ)
6. Hi!!
It's been a while since I asked here, but I can't help but to come back for MXTX stories jahaha
I Was wondering, for the next "I'm in the mood fof", may I ask for fics where WWX is good friends with HC from TGCF? I need their bromanceeeeee
Tysm!! @nia-rarita
🧡 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Ghost City, a bit of beefleaf, Immortality, Cultivation Partners, Juniors, XL and HC find a child who happens to be WWX, Fluffy wangxian, WWX is a Supreme Ghost King, First Time, TGCF)
🔒Can we skip to the Good Part? by pink-lotus-pods (kkomaism) (T, 107k, HuaLian, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Crossover, YLLZ WWX, HuaLian are in Love , Married HuaLian, Slow Build, Canon Temporary Character Death, Ghost WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence, Blood and Violence, Character Study, Panic Attacks, WWX Has a Mental Breakdown, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, unbearable amounts of sexual tension, Suicidal Thoughts, mild but it's still there!, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Genius WWX)
7. Hiiii for the next itmf do you know any alpha to omega wwx ??? Like Juste A Taste by anxiousTypist or any omega wwx and alpha lwj being “roommates”
Thank you for your work !!!!! 🤍🩵❤️🖤
Blissful Ignorance and All Its Benefits by DrPanda99 (E, 20k, wangxian, WIP, A/B/O, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Oblivious WWX, Alpha WWX, Alpha LWJ, Bitching, Self-bitching?, Masturbation, Size Difference, of the penis variety, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Knotting Dildos, Large Cock, Small Penis, Size Kink, Accidental Voyeurism, Size Queen WWX, LWJ & WWX Have a Breeding Kink, PWP, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Humor)
Two Alphas, One Ship by fenaly (E, 6k, wangxian, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, A/B/O, Bitching, Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-consensual sex, Non-Consensual Bitching, Aliens, Non-Human Genitalia, Blood and Gore, Murder Husbands, Feminizing genitalia terms, Among Us AU, Sci-Fi, Explicit Smut, Tentacles, Shapeshifting, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Monsterfucking, Violence, Alpha/Alpha becomes Alpha/Omega, Breeding Kink, Wank and Tell)
🔒 Unpreventable Happened by 3neetee (G, 15k, wangxian, Modern, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, but not for long, Bitching, Roommates, baby acquisition, fostering, Pre-Relationship, Mutual Pining, WWX is irresponsible with himself, Domestic Fluff, Kid Fic)
Changing by Dixielis (T, 2k, wangxian, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, Omega WWX, Bitching, Mpreg, POV Outsider, Hurt/Comfort, Good Uncle LQR, Modern)
Mutual Nurture by NinaCarow (E, 9k, wangxian, Mentions of Character Death, mentions of abuse, Mentions of Rape, no rape occures tho, A/B/O, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Past Alpha WWX, Biting, Bonding, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, WWX Has a New Golden Core, its just sex and cuteness, mostly)
what home feels like by callmeb6104 (E, 7k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Alpha WWX, Omega WWX, changing of (secondary) gender, Whump, WWX Whump, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Aged-Up Character(s), Domestic Violence, Bad Parent YZY, Anal Play, Anal Fingering, Ass to Mouth, Multiple Orgasms, sex tears, Hand Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, First Time, Nipple Licking, Nipple Play, Body Worship)
I care for you by Lanwangjisnights (M, 27k, wangxian, WIP, Modern with Magic, Magical Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Alpha WWX, Fox WWX, Knotting, Nesting, Dual Cultivation, Mpreg, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics)
8. Hey!!
I hope youre doing well <33 i wanted to read something similar to how to fall in love with a catfish - a guide by wwx in terms of humour. Im fine with whatever premise/canon/non canon/au etc etc i just want to read something witty-ish funny like how that was.
Thank you in advance!!!!
Inter-Sect Politics for the Absolute Beginner by Elpie (Horribibble) (M, 3k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Brothels, BAMF WWX, Chaotic WWX, Humor, JGS Being an Asshole, Justice, JGY & WWX Friendship)
9. Is there a fic where wwx becomes pregnant through artifical insemination. He doesn't know it's lwj and neither does lwj. They end up getting close and falling in love and later lwj learns he's also the bio dad?
10. hii :D im in the mood for some magical girl/hero AU fics, preferably wangxian but i dont mind other ships or a lack of thereof. what i mean by "magical girl AU" is a modern setting in which cultivators are more or less vigilantes/heroes who can transform using their powers. hellinglaozu on tumblr has an AU similar to the genre im looking for btw, if you'd want a more concrete idea as to what i'm looking for you could refer to it (it's called seventeen romance). thank you!! ^^ @harapecowee
Wei Wuxian Makes a Wish series by natcat5 (M, 119k, wangxian, major character death, underage, madoka magica au, modern w/ magic, time travel, high school au, body horror, self-harm, angst w/ bittersweet ending, time loop, mental instability, suicidal thoughts) absolutely phenomenal madoka magica wangxian au
11. Hey! I’m in the mood for fics similar to Impossible Remains on AO3, aka wangxian fics where WWX dies after the golden core transplant or just earlier than canon! thank u so much to all the mods and the lovely work u guys do! 🥰🫶
Blood of the Black Earth by wirevix (M, 48k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Xuánwǔ of Slaughter Cave, Sunshot Campaign, Sad with a Happy Ending, Ghost WWX, Monster WWX, Canonical Character Death, Although not at the canonical time, Grief/Mourning, Good Sibling JC, Horror)
12. thanks for ur hard work! any pregnant wwx fic recs?
Accidents Will Happen by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 45k WangXian, Post Canon, Mpreg, Fluff, Light angst)
🧡 Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 53k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sex Pollen, Mpreg, dubcon, Modern Cultivators, Dubious Medical Science)
All I Want by Selenay (E, 47k, wangxian, Modern, Mpreg, Post Holiday Romance, Consequences, Reunions, Idiots in Love, wangxian attempt to be sensible adults about it, they are very bad at it, Teacher WWX, Handwavey Biology)
Impermanence, Transience, Permanence by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (E, 39k, wangxian, canon divergence, unplanned pregnancy, mpreg, gore, sunshot campaign, assumed miscarriage, medical procedures, childbirth, golden core reveal)
13. Hello! I need your help in suggestions. Can you suggest me a Wangxian fanfiction where Wei Ying hurts Lan Zhan for jiangs or others and latter reunited with him. I have read various Lwj hurting Wei Ying fanfiction but not Wei Ying hurting Lan Zhan @abz18699-blog
14. hii, this is for itmf!
fics where they struggle w remembering things, not like memory loss, maybe where they disassociate. forgetting things which r not so nice and then starting to forget small random details?
thank you!!!!
to the river of rivers by haysel (T, 26k, WangXian, Character Study, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Dissociation, Getting Together, Misunderstandings, Trauma, Angst with a Happy Ending, tw for dissociation, sort of sickfic, Hurt/Comfort)
15. I'm assuming that this is where I ask about ITMF recs? If it is, do you have any fics focusing on like, the past characters reacting specifically to Nie Huaisang's 10 year revenge plan, or to how differently Nie Huasang acts after everything? Or at least any fics where the past characters react to the future (whether it be through watching the show, or going to the future, meeting future selves, etc.) that has some amount of focus on Nie Huaisang along with everything else? Thank you!
💖 The Path by Seastar98 (Not rated, 279k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, fix-it of sorts, CQL verse, golden core reveal, angst w/ happy ending, BAMF NHS)
Nie HuaiSang's Diaries - When Spirits Drift in Time by IlnaHers (T, 37k, wangxian, WIP, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reveal, Time Travel? only the diaries though, Characters Watching the Show, Serious WWX, Hurt WWX, Hurt JC, Hurt LWJ, Protective LWJ, Protective JC, Protective WWX, Hurt NHS, Protective NHS, Character Death Reveal, Progressive Reveal, Melancholy, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Angst, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, Sad, Shock, Mentioned Junior Quartet)
16. Hewwo!!!!! For the next ITMF could i pretty pls get recs for Wen remnants/burial mounds era???? Bonus points if there’s the Wens and/or Yilling people loving their patriarch and extra bonus points if there’s the sects realizing they’re wrong and leaving them alone but not necessarily requirements, i just want Wei Wuxian and his found family being happy making a dire place their home!
🔒 the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 91k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
Until It's Dark by suzvoy (M, 120k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LWJ Finds Out, Pining, Fluff and Angst, First Kiss, First Time, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hair-pulling in chapter 23) also has Lan Wangji in the Burial Mounds but has a great depiction of the Wens and how the sects could have responded better
💖 Return to Sender by Thesaurus_with_no_words (M, 72k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, BAMF WWX, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Temporary Amnesia, Slow burn)
17. Anyone wanna rec me some light-hearted time travel fics? I like the serious ones fine but it's hard to find ones that are funny.
Thanks in advance! o7
🔒 ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water by RoseThorne (G, 1k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JYL & WWX, JC & WWX, WWX & WQ, LQR & LWJ, LQR & WWX, Time Travel Fix-It, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Past Character Death, Future Character Death, Timey-Wimey, Truth, Honesty, Guilt, Crack and Angst, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc) kinda
Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
rerun from the outside by Eicas (T, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time travel, Crack, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, JC POV)
River Stones by littlesystems (M, 18k, WangXian, Time Travel, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study arc, Junior Quartet, Oblivious WWX, Suffering LWJ, Voyeurism)
Wangxian's Time-Travelling Shenanigans Series by pupeez4eva (Varies, 18k, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, POV Outsider, Love confessions, PDA, Everyone Lives/Nobody dies) most of their wangxian fics explore lighthearted time travel fix it
🔒An Arrow Through Time by syrus_jones (M, 166k, WIP, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Time Travel, Reverse time travel, into the future, Potentially a Fix-it-fic?, Time Travel Fix-It, Mistaken Identity, POV LWJ, Angst, Gay Panic, Falling In Love, Fluff and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Young LWJ, Older WWX, Internally Screaming LWJ) though it is not been updated since long
💖 vinegar jug by dandelion_san (G, 7k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, Awkward Crushes, Jealousy)
Look forward, the future looks back by SerlinaBlack (T, 1k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Dialogue Heavy, Crack Treated Seriously, Madam yu's a+ parenting mentioned, Oblivious WWX, jealous LWJ, WWX in WWX's body)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
~~Delightfully inspired by being at home~~
Bakugou Katsuki is an only child. No siblings - because one gremlin spawn is enough to take care of. All of Katsuki’s cousins are older than him. Katsuki IS the baby of the family. . . Which is why when he meet you, and then proceeded to meet your family, he was in a total culture shock. You’re one of the oldest kids in your family. When the two of you arrived to your families summertime reunion he was absolutely flabbergasted. Once you stepped into the house you were gone in a flash!
I mean he expected as much since you lived so far away now and had such a good working relationship with your family. But he didn’t expect for you to DISAPPEAR ON HIM.
To be swallowed by a hoarde of similiar-faced relatives all shouting about how you’ve been!! the L/N genes were strong apparently . . . you really all do look alike, huh.
Bakugou had barely stepped into the house, your luggage’s still in hand, before becoming an obstacle for children. One of your little cousins actually barrelling into his muscular thigh with a little “oof” and “sorry mister! hey! wait for me!”
Before bounding out the wide open front door to chase their playmates back around to the backyard, and then through the entire house again . . . as children are often prone to do. Now, Bakugou tried to find you amoungst the little gaggle of children and sometimes teenagers that blew around his ankles, as they giggled and shouted and whooped as they weaved their way around him. at least let him find you, or one of your parents or siblings, so they can tell him which room you’d be staying in. he’d meet them on several occasions before and secretly reveled in watching watching you and your siblings engage throughout the few visits and events he’s been invited on. All these other people and rambunctious kids he wasn’t all too sure about . . . ——————
now Y/N was having the time of her life relaxing and catching up with her family
Her boyfriend, Katsuki, was not finding this relaxing. Bakugou Katsuki felt totally out of his element: a fish out of water. Or rather, an explosive man in water. ———— his ruby eyes would snap open most mornings, at some inhumane hour from some early bird kids stomping around and giggling in hushed tones (not so hushed in his opinion) as they moved down the hallway and past your door. And Bakugou would squint his eyes into the blackness; the void. And stare at where the door was supposed to be until they passed and burrowed his face back against your perfectly sloped shoulder and slept until some kid was send by the older folks to slam open the door and wake you up. Bakugou absolutely couldn’t fathom this part of the routine. He absolutely hated it.
You however only ever seemed a touch miffled. And always informed the tiny correspondent with a playful pat on the head that you and him were now awake and would join the rest of them downstairs. . . . but eventually the little cousins would soon come running around the side of the bed to make sure he was awake too. . . and Bakugou couldn’t help but turn, pick the kid up, and playfully wrestle the flailing and giggling kid on the bed into submission, and they revealed the menu for breakfast. And they would giggle and dart out of the room so fast saying, “Y/N’s awake! And her boyfriends Bakugou’s awake! He wants extra eggs!” And it definitely wasn’t his idea of relaxing playing UNO with about 10 players every other evening. And constantly hearing you and the older kids and adults all explaining what color card the youngest one needs to put down. Or GO-FISH for that matter!
Since apparently that silly game of chance seems to be the only one every age group can play without explaining the rules. What’s the point of a game of guessing who’s got what card? Especially when he never even gets close to winning. (Yes, he was terrible at it.)
Your family even plays for second to last place, and lo and behold he’s somehow duking it out with a 9 yr old now. And Katsuki Bakugou definitely doesn’t enjoy participating in the family water balloon fights, or watching and dodging the stray streams from squirt guns fights as he stands at the grill with all the other men, or chasing down the muddy dog in the house, or the epic made-believe quests. And you definitely believe him when you pass him walking through the house on morning after finishing the dishes in company with a fairy princess, pirate, and a mermaid “but-she’s-got-legs-right-now-cause-she’s-on-land.” as he walks about wearing an eye-patch on his face and a tutu around his arm
And he’s no longer “not in his element” by the end of the trip when he takes his turn to make breakfast for the whole family. Going upstairs himself to wake up the little ones and the grumbling teens. Making sure to let you sleep in and it’s a pleasant surprise when you make your way downstairs a little later to see him manning the kitchen. everybody sat down or standing around as they chow down. And you get greeted with a swift kiss to your temple and grumbled “g’morning.” your mom chirping up, “Katsuki’s made your favorite sweetpea!” ——— And you’re pleasantly surprised once again as Bakugou joins you in on the last day of your visit. Finally stepping foot into the mattress/sleeping bag kingdom that’s set up in your house. He comes in to find you sitting at the front of the room waving your hands across the air as you engage in the last saga of this thrilling interactive bedtime story you’ve been narrating the whole trip. And Bakugou walks in and tosses all the fallen blankets back over peoples beds. Shuffling himself underneath a blanket he’s just rescued and making himself comfortable as he squeezes in next to the teens. And it’s at some part in your story that he furrows his brow and opens his mouth muttering something to the two adolescents squished beside him. His arms crossed across his chest as a dinosaur stuffed animal rests, precariously balanced, on his broad shoulders because, “you need a stuffie for Y/Ns storytime” and the three of them wave their hands and signal for you to pause and Bakugou grumbles out “- hold on babe, who is this dragon prince character anyway?” And all the kids erupt in laughter shouting, “YOU, YOU SILLY BOYFRIEND.” and his mouth is agape. And you simply shrug, “well duh ‘tsuki. who else? Now where we’re we? Right so then the Dragon Prince, the Swordsman, and the Dashing Runaway Prince of the Kingdom decided that they . . .”
2K notes · View notes
05/31/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Nathan Foad; Con O Neill; Vico Ortiz; Courtney Andersen/Rigging BTS; Adopt Our Crew - Shareholders Meeting Guide; Adopt Our Crew - Pride Month Prizes; Save OFMD Crew Pride Month Poll Results; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
No Fan Spotlight tonight dearies, sorry I ran out of picture space as there's a lot going on, will pick back up tomorrow.
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys out with Theo playing pickleball!
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Source: Rosie's Instagram Stories
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika's out here being a supportive husband <3 The video is available on his Instagram Stories,
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Source: Taika Waititi's Instagram Stories
== Nathan Foad ==
Oh no, Nathan 😭
Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
== Con O Neill ==
Just a short video from Con about Mad Max: Furiosa
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico pics from Phoenix Fan Fusion with EnbyBruje <3
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And a short Video: Vico dancing with EnbyBruje at Phoenix Fan Fusion
Source: Enby Bruje's Instagram
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And finally--Vico Will be at the Dynasty Typewriter on June 25: 7:30! For tickets, visit www.dynastytypewriter.com
== Courtney Andersen ==
One of the lovely folks behind the scenes on OFMD was Courtney Andersen and his team that put together the fantastic rigging for The Revenge that made everything so authentic! Below are some BTS pictures of the rigging!
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Source: @ Saphena69's Instagram
== Adopt Our Crew Fuckery Cont'd ==
Our dear friends at @adoptourcrew have put together a guide for the upcoming Shareholder Meeting! Check it out below.
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Instagram
== AOC: Our Flag Mans Pride ==
Starting off Pride Month strong our friends at @adoptourcrew have shared the price catalogue for #OurFlagMeansPride. More details will be added soon, but you can check out the prize list here.
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
== Save OFMD Crew Pride Month Poll Results ==
The SaveOFMD Crew had a poll earlier this month asking for suggestions on how to celebrate pride month! Those poll results are available now on the REPO under the Save OFMD Crew Folder. There will be more information regarding plans coming soon!
Poll Results
Please note: Write-In Answers were not included in the public file due to data privacy reasons.
== Articles ==
== Big Bang Reminder ==
Reminder! The OFMD Big Bang Starts sign ups tomorrow!
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For all of you who're seasoned OFMD tumblr folks, you probably have heard of OFMD Big Bang before! For our newer members of the fandom check out the description below by OFMD Big Bang Tumblr.
What is the Our Flag Means Death Big Bang? A big bang is a writing and art challenge pairing authors and artists to complete a long work of fiction. The OFMD Big Bang is centered around stories which take place in the Our Flag Means Death universe with a minimum word count requirement of 10,000. 
Interested in joining? Author and Artist sign-ups open on June 1! Here's the upcoming Schedule. Visit the @ofmdbigbang tumblr for more information!
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Tomorrow is the start of Pride Month! Happy Pride to everyone :)
I apologize, I know I have a lot of messages I need to catch up on, I've just been so swamped I haven't had the time. I promise I'll get to them and the rest of the things I've been behind on, this weekend sometime. In the mean time, I just want to say I hope you're being kind to yourself today. I know it's really hard to do some days. Outside influences, people's opinions, the state of the world, everyday stressors, brain chemistry, sometimes just about anything can make it hard for you to love yourself the way you deserve. Just remember that you are wonderful. Not everyone is going to see just how amazing you are. They aren't going to see the spark in you that makes such a huge impact on the world tiny minute waves at a time. But you know who can see that spark if you let them? You.
You light up the world with every movement, every gesture, every word. You truly are a marvel. Sure, we all make mistakes, we all struggle, but every day you keep going and even though you can't see it, you are blooming little by little in your own light-- and your light is helping others to bloom too. You are brilliant lovelies, remember to bask in that light a bit for your own sake. Rest well, drink some water, take your meds if you have them, and get some sleep if you can. Tomorrow is another day.
Take care <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Not sure about tonight's theme, mostly just the two of them chatting it up with each other. Gifs Courtesy of the wonderful @mulder-isms and @ofmd-ann
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4lmosthum4n · 2 months
I just wanna address something that i've seen happen within and outside of the community.
Stop shaming someone for wanting their animal life back?! Someone made a whole post somewhere, talking about how they don't understand how anyone would want to be an animal again (They're also alterhuman) and ok yeah i respect that.
But then the comments went into a direction of "No one should want to be an animal/want their life back" speak for yourself. While it's still absolutely fine to have a personal opinion, the whole comment section went on to shit on folks who talked about WHY they would want their life back. Example: "I personally want my life back due to strong dysphoria and just because i want to be myself again" response: "Ah yes, and get brutally killed by infections or getting eaten" ??? Bro chill 💀💀?? Leave them be??
And the WHOLE comment section was like that, also turning into a "Are people who wanna be an animal again really Therians?" They didn't driectly state that but it really seemed like that was what they were trying to say at the end.
While i get everyone's point of getting infections and dying of a brutal death, there's more to being an animal than just that. And even if, coming from someone who wants that life/that life back: I honestly don't care? As brutal as being a wild animal can be I want my life back, no matter the circumstances.
If you don't experience Species Dypshoria that's completely fine and valid! But please, don't shit on anyone who does!
Maybe i'm on the wrong side of the internet, but i've seen SO MANY people that shit on alterhumans that are a bit on the more "extreme " side
Sorry but this just made me so mad :/
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Sub Shigaraki’s Guide To Sex Toys:
As you all can imagine, behind Shigaraki’s nonchalant, aloof exterior lies a needy masochistic boy who needs some love. And love he gets. So, I thought I’d share with you all what I believe his opinions of certain toys would be.
Handcuffs: 3/10 or 5/10
On Shigaraki:
Honestly, he doesn’t care for them.
On the outside, there’s a power hungry brat who hates the feeling of not being in control. He has a primal, irrational hatred for the feeling of helplessness as you have your way with him no matter how much he trusts you. It’s just how he was raised.
On the inside however, he also hates it, but for a different reason. He loves sex with you for multiple reasons but one of them is having access to the warm touch of a loving sweetheart that he never had when he was growing up.
So restricting his ability to feel you while you both make love is going to make it hard for him to get into it, no matter how many head pats or praising you give him
On you:
Again, just doesn’t really care for them. He’ll use them if you want to, but really they do more harm than good for him.
He likes the feeling of control they give him of course, but it’s just not worth it to him if it means you can’t tug at his hair in pleasure.
It also makes it so that you’re trapped there with him, and although sometimes is nice, kind of feeds into a growing insecurity that you don’t want to be with him by choice.
It’s irrational, he knows, but he won’t be able to shake the feeling you’d run first chance you got if he took them off.
So, while it’s better if it’s on you, still not a fan.
Vibrating cock ring: 8/10
Honestly this guys got the stamina of a god, so the cock rings the only way to even the playing field.
Without it he doesn’t cum enough in the amount of time it takes you to cum, and he’ll last much longer than you. This sounds like a good thing, but it’s not.
If he doesn’t use up his energy fast enough, you’re not going to be able to handle it when you use up yours and he’s still going strong. So the cock rings the only successful way to help him cum enough that he crashes at about the same time as you.
Also… he has an overstim kink, because of course he does
Strap-on: 10/10
His absolute favorite. Doesn’t matter what time of day his ass is ready to be filled by your thick silicone length. He especially loves it when it vibrates.
All the other toys on this list are appetizers to him, and he finds this main course item to be essential.
Use it to punish him, reward him, or use it when you’re bored. He doesn’t care, he just wants it in him now.
Don’t worry he’ll take care of your needs too just…. Mmm just a little longer.
Also, he’s definitely not going to talk about this with Shigaraki, but AFO disapproves of this toy ever since Shig forgot to mute the tv and AFO heard him calling you “mommy”.
Paddle: 7/10
So this guy is a softie for his mommy, and although he does like being coddled during sex, he likes being punished even more.
Smack his firm, dry little ass with it when he distracts you during your phone call, and don’t stop until his sweet cakes are cherry red.
You better not stop until there are tears flowing freely down his face or he’ll sulk afterwards.
This guy actually looks forward to not being able to sit down because each pang of pain from his sore ass reminds him of good times.
Honestly, you should be honored that he’s letting you hurt him. Despite what it may look like sometimes, it means you’re doing something right, so keep it up.
Chastity belt: 0/10
Yeah, sorry, he doesn’t care how expensive it is, whether you’re wearing it or him he’s dusting it immediately.
Taser: 9/10
Yep, you heard it right here from me folks. This guy actually uses a tactical grade legitimate taser as a sex toy. Remember how I said he’s a masochist? Well, he’s a masochist.
You can shock him anywhere really, but because he’s a freak he’s gonna beg that you punish his sensitive balls. Or maybe his nipples. Your choice.
Don’t shock him for too long though or he’ll start to froth at the mouth. He’s gonna insist you keep going and that he’s fine but you’re gonna have to use your best judgement here. Something tells you he’s not all too concerned about his health right now.
This is the only toy AFO actually approves of believe it or not. After all, if he’s gonna disobey orders and have sex with you anyways, might as well throw in some pain tolerance training as well.
Toga was snooping through his room while you two were on a mission and found his “special drawer”. Needless to say this toy was the main highlight of discussion that night as everyone took in how much they had been underestimating their bosses kinky-ness.
Sometimes for fun you’ll go up to him and shock him out of no where. Like you’re just sitting at the bar and you decide he deserves a punishment right then and there for breathing. A few snaps of static as you warmed it up were the only warnings he got before you jammed it deep into his side. Don’t worry, he loved it. He loved it a lot.
One time while he was out and about a police officer charged him and shocked him with their stun gun. He dropped to the ground and moaned loudly, writhing around as he begged them to stop so he could fight them seriously. But each jolt of electricity delivered to his gut caused him to grind his obvious erection on the pavement and groan.
Eventually they did disengage the stun gun, but only because the secondhand embarrassment was just too much to bear.
Fortunately the cop was alone and taken down easily, but after that experience he made a mental note to never fight Kaminari… ever…
First time doing the head-canon format so, hope I did a good job. I know you guys are waiting for Creepy Tenko part 3 but I had this idea and I wanted to write it. Thanks for reading!
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oneiroy · 5 months
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what sky are you? [quiz]
sunrise no matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get back up. you defy expectations and stay true to yourself. you are a leader - maybe not in a traditional sense in that others follow you, but you've carved out your own path in life. you are kind but unyielding. you have strong opinions and values. there's a part of you that just wants to make everyone else around you happy, but you know your limits - that you can only share what you have to give. you may seem unassuming to others at first but in time they will watch as you grow into something incredible
i do associate her with the sun and sunrises, but the descriptions isn't 100% fitting i'd say. unassuming at first? sorry, but ryss has always been loud and unapologetic ahahah! or knowing her limits... i guess she does, but it doesn't mean she cares about them!
tagged by: @chadhunkler @verysmallcyborg @spiral-cut @menphinaswhitemage thanks <3
tagging: @elf-simp @marceandrowan @elliewiltarwyn @iron-sparrow @viiioca @selnyam and you if you want to do it! (no clue who's already been tagged so sorry if you folks have already done it)
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Tadc x reader who has the appearance of a princess, but is more of a badass warrior who hates dresses and such?
Kinger, Gangle, Caine, Ragatha x badass!princess!reader !
the wheel has picked these four since the admin is currently not doing full casts; sorry anon! i know i got a princess reader right here so heres a similar post too!!
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originally hes drawn in by your princess look but is a little shocked when youre trying to take off your crown and tugging at your dress... finds out very quickly that you do not at all vibe with your digital clothing; and the admin is feeling nice today.. i think he lends you a new wardrobe so you can dress in something more comfortable for you (shhh we can pretend the dress wasnt a part of your body), and finds out not long after that that you like diving into IHAs, especially if theres any beast or danger... honestly? i think he would be into it! youre pretty AND youre cool? hubba hubba, hes giving you heart eyes and probably making train whistles... i think he makes IHAs more challenging just because you seem to like the thrill and challenge, though sometimes he might go a little overboard...
similar to caine i think shes initially drawn in by your princess look that youve spawned in; but thats because i like to hc that prior to the digital world she grew up with fairy tales and instinctively finds herself drawn to things that remind her of it, even if she cant quite pin point why... i think she would try to make you new clothing so you can ditch the dress.. thinks youre very cool, frequently offers to patch up your clothing if youve gotten any tears in it or anything! sometimes likes watching you work out or train yourself... definitely doesnt have this look on her face while shes watching you, no her cheeks have always had that blush..! dont mention it please- honestly youre probably her type i can easily see her being into strong feminine folk (assuming reader is femme thanks to the princess motif)
oh?? another royal? ah! not another royal, you are not happy with your arrangement! though... this does give me an idea; king and knight dynamic. what started with kinger lingering around you because you totally smashed any threats during an IHA turned into you intentionally shielding him from danger! so thats nice at least! probably gives you some knight-ly nicknames.. might actually believe youre a knight, assuming he was being serious when he said "as a royal myself" (personal admin note, i think he was just bullshitting and trying to appeal to the gloink queen, though i do think he does playfully lean into the king role). sometimes get a little surprised when he sees you standing outside his pillow fort making sure no one comes to knock it down or dismantle it... its sweet, in my opinion...
thinks youre really pretty, princess or not. can also see you being gangles type. i think i mentioned this somewhere before a few times but gangle gives me "i used to play dating sims in the real world" vibe, and her go to route would either be the moody monsters or strong feminine leaning folk.. ponders... sometimes ties your hair up so it can stay out of the way when youre going about your business throughout the day! sometimes braids it, other times will leave it as a plain ponytail! depends on how both of you are feeling that day! subconsciously goes to you for protection me thinks, sometimes also does it when jax is being mean to her.. .generally sees you as a person of strength, you know?
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cloudmancy · 9 days
again. sorry for clogging your website time. this whole wuvvy & rue & hob conversation is sooooo messy in my head cuz like. Yup. everyone loves Plot Thing. and the only folks whose analysis and art and everything of it i enjoy and which make the gears in my head really turn are big haters (slash very complicated relationship) of Plot Thing. i nod to and understand every word. nothing made more sense. the problem is im head over heels for Plot Thing. what is even the move in this case. just try and save equestria.
I get this sort of sentiment a lot ('I love your art but I HATE your opinions/I hate what your opinions are doing to my brain'). I have very strong thoughts on plot points/themes since I pay close attention to them for art purposes. I also tend to keep to myself and draw what I want... I think at no point in my entire d20 watching history have my thoughts ever aligned with the mainstream fandom 😭😭😭
historically people have seen a lot of success dealing with this by either a) sending me hatemail [please don't] b) becoming my friend and assimilating with my thoughts [fun!] c) producing content of THEIR point of view. what I mean to say is if this is about you liking ruehob but you can't unsee the fact that ruehob is kind of built on cardboard foundations and wuvvy gets totally overlooked... you simply have to assimilate that into your own head and synthesize your own point of view. it's there and you can't IGNORE it but... who says you can't still be into it? maybe ruehob have a gutting realization 3 yrs in and then they have a serious discussion and they come out stronger and happier together for it. maybe they have terrible coping mechanisms and there's some sort of a plot event that forces them to work together more closely and rue discovers what love is to them for real. maybe wuvvy goes back to the court of hoof and claw and finds a lesbian situationship. I don't know! the world is your oyster, up to you to make pearls out of it. I'm just the grain of sand.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 1 month
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New at Scarleteen today! When It's Harder to See It: Signs of Sexual Coercion and Impending Sexual Violence for Folks Struggling with Social Cues.
Since early childhood, writer Maya Strong "experienced sexual⁠ violence ranging from sexual harassment⁠ to rape⁠. I have been sexually assaulted and subjected to sexual violence more times than I can count. For a long time, I felt it was my fault or that I did something to deserve it. That’s hardly surprising given that when I told others about these incidents, they asked questions about what I was doing before, during, and after they happened, even though I was the victim, not the perpetrator. They usually even had an opinion about what they would do differently if they were in my shoes. With therapy, I learned that what happened wasn’t my fault, even if I’d made decisions that others might, in their ignorance, see as the cause of those events. Sexual violence and inappropriate behavior happen because of the people who choose to do it to others, period⁠. It’s never the fault of the person receiving the unwanted behavior.
If you’re a survivor of sexual violence, I’m guessing you have a similar story. I’m sorry that we’ve had to go through that.
For those of us who also struggle with social cues due to a history of trauma⁠, autism, lack of socialization, or other factors, learning to identify potential signs of sexual coercion or impending sexual violence can be empowering and help us to avoid unsafe situations. Still, even if we intellectually know the signs, it doesn’t mean we will be immune to this kind of harm. Unfortunately, we can only control our actions and choices: we can’t control the behaviors of predatory people. At the same time, we can be better equipped to protect ourselves from harm, some of the impacts of that harm, or know when to get support if we keep some information in mind."
You can read the rest of this important and helpful piece here.
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