#sorry abt the infodump
voydtalksaboutshit · 2 months
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redrew older ocs from about 2020, Wisp and Spirit! They've got a bit of a conjoined twin situation i guess ? not really? They're inspired by those cats with two faces and chimeras, but they've both got their own personalities, thoughts, etc. like they're two completely separate cats. Wisp is a lot more soft spoken and sensitive, while Spirit is a lot more loud, energetic and a bit of a control freak. Im still figuring out what i'll do with the body, but they fs dont have extra limbs or anything. Love these freaks hope i can draw them more
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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mrzombielover · 2 years
Wait who Krueger? I never heard of him
my god am i exited you asked this
Sebastian krueger is an austrian chimera operator in the MW timeline. (we don’t talk abt him in black ops iii) he’s similar to könig in that they are german speaking and both wear a sniper hood. hes 5’10, 35 years old, 172 lbs (zamn) and also dirty blonde with brown eyes (😍😍)
his backstory is a TRIP he has a bunch of aliases, fled austria to avoid murder charges before joining the military. (it’s okay he’s still my bbg) He was in the german KSK until a mission went wrong and his identity was found out, so he fled to russia and joined the chimera allegiance (under nikolai!!!)
don’t get me wrong, könig is my forever girl, but krueger’s up there too
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his default (?) skin is very similar to könig’s lol ^
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reaper skin is my fav cause i’m a whore ^^
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remember this guy? I finally found a design for him I really like :D
More designs, a poll, and also some lore under the cut
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Some less polished, alternate versions :)
if you like the brown leather armor more than blue lemme know
ok so here are a few things!
First, he’s very colorful now! This is because he’s a member of the nobility, and, being rich, he can afford color! It’s also kinda an unofficial sign of status.
he honestly doesn’t wear it for this reason, although he’s aware of what bright colors imply (to an extent). He just really likes colors XD
second, most everyone has long hair in this culture. Shorter hair is a sign of, well, slavery (which is, sadly, a thing; it’s been recently made illegal but the law is not well enforced… for reasons)
men wear their hair down and women typically cover theirs. It doesn’t need to be fully covered, although richer women usually prefer this.
I totally didn’t make all this up bc I wanted to give all my guy characters long hair XD
someday I’ll get around to posting actual official character posts or smth but for now I can’t even decide this poor kid’s name…
I could use some help so here are some ideas I’ve got
(if you wanna know more abt what kind of names I’m looking for, look below the poll)
ok sooo
I’m looking for something old and potentially Celtic? But I honestly don’t love any of these… none of them quite fit…
this guy is very joyful and bright, a bit goofy and very determined to keep everyone’s spirits up. He’s definitely a bit idealistic and naive, and he’s kinda a free spirit! He finds the world beautiful and wonderful, and kindaaa ignores flaws a bit too much. One of the key things he has to learn during the story is responsibility and duty.
So if anyone has a name that evokes that (zero pressure lol) I would be endlessly grateful
a random fact about my story: no matter what happens, I am determined to find a way to include mountain lions.
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parkitaco · 3 months
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last wip wfriday of pride month 😘🏳️‍🌈
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bonetrousled · 11 months
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FUCK YOU papyrus undertale iceberg 2023 edition
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dinoswordsb · 2 months
Everything you say about caves terrifies me
Caves are very terrifying it's true as for the story I left in your tags I really oversimplified it for the sake of a joke so let me rectify that (read: this ask has given me a chance to talk about a cave accident)
It's true that a group of divers went into an underwater cave system and two died. The system, the Plura system in Norway, was actually a popular diving spot from what I can tell, as you can find a dry cave system within without going too deep, but this group went much further than that. Two of them went down first and the other three allowed the sediment to clear before following. One of the first two got caught in some cords in a narrow section of the cave, panicked, and died, blocking the path for the other three and leaving the survivor between the two alone. And its believed that the second death was a direct cause of witnessing the first one. So without the appropriate equipment, the survivors either had to push past their friend or turn around and take the long way back up. Either way was risky because these accidents caused them to take longer than planned to surface, so they would have to make much longer stops on their way up or risk decompression sickness, and oxygen is very limited on these dives because you have to plan for the duration youll be down there. Luckily the other 3 survived.
Plura was closed off and became illegal to dive within because of the incident. So the reason the group returned approximately a month later wasn't for fun; they were retrieving their friends bodies out of the system. They'd been left there because the cave was deemed too dangerous to retrieve them, even for trained and experienced police divers. So they did something very risky and illegally returned to the cave they'd lost their friends in and successfully got them out. After the retrieval, the system opened back up to divers, and iirc someone even had a wedding within the dry cave system you can find down there.
It's a very very interesting story to me ^_^ I think it is endlessly fascinating the lengths people will go through to get someone out of a cave because when I think of body retrievals all I can think of is how there's none on the big mountains like everest and k2 because of how dangerous it is. I know a lot of people would say these men were stupid for doing this and maybe they were but i cant help but be a little touched by the idea of them risking everything just to save the memory of their friends. I don't really have a larger takeaway otherwise, I just think it's neat.
I did also of course summarize this quote a bit. If you have the stomach for it I definitely recommend looking more into it :]
^video that talks about it pretty well
^really good article on the incident
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joleneghoul · 1 year
Infodumping here about the re-contextualized history of Rip and Booster now that Rip his canonically his son because I can't stop thinking about it.
Like i said before I really like the balance of Rip and Booster being really similar when they're in their 20s and within the same period of time VS that NOT adding at all to their possible friendship that booster seemed to want
Obviously Booster didn't know Rip was his son and just saw him as an expert in time travel, someone who he could relate to maybe. But Rip is someone who refuses to let them be closer at this point in time of their history.
like that is explicitly a barrier we see Rip put up between him and Booster multiple times in the older comics.
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In the back to the future arc of BG vol 1 at the start when Rip says he thought about just turning in Booster instead of helping him but Jack convinced him to help (this also coulda just been a joke). Then again at the end Booster proposes that Rip could work with his company and brand as a time travel expert and Rip outright is like "nope, im going home, if you really need me then we can talk".
I also really like that Rip has an annoyance towards Boosters whole persona at this time too, and outwardly shows it.
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He places this same barrier at the end of BG vol 1 when Booster begs him to take him to the future again to get away from his troubles and Rip reminds him that it is HIS fault his time machine is broken and that he can't, and wont help.
There's always a unease on Rip's end when it comes to Booster during this time period, which to me makes a lot of sense because I feel as though because Rip is so young in this time (he is honestly maybe a year younger than booster, i feel its implied that jack is younger than booster and jack went to school with Rip. Rip was the youngest person to get a doctorate at the time. so. but still they're around the same age range.) and even if you're a super genius like he is nobody knows completely what they're doing in their 20s.
Rip canonically also has poor personal skills at this time (Rip only gets good at manipulating people and keeping up lies when he is older and that's when him training Booster comes into play and who we see in comics now).
So imagine all of that and then your dad just shows up, also your age, and you can't slip up and let him know anything or else you could ruin your own existence. Avoidance is the easiest route.
Though, despite that Booster in this time remains Rips connection to the league and who HE ends up going to when he needs help. Of course Jeff has to convince him the first time to do so but Rip does end up calling Booster again and asking for help to get SUPERMAN to talk to him. We know Booster doesn't even like superman at this time so, big ask but Booster still pulls through. Not to mention the "call dad" sticky note in the bg of this panel.
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Despite all of this we also get the implication that...Booster and Rip talk on the phone enough for Booster to know a lot about Rip's partner and Rips paranoia later on. There is also a point a bit later comics where the linear men want to kill Booster and the person they ask to do it is Rip (this goes nowhere really).
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Anyways, It's really evident that Rip cares A LOT about his father and who he was to him growing up. Rip doesn't just save Booster over and over because it saves himself, he does it because he loves his family. The Rip who is forced to watch Booster hurt himself over and over is a Rip who learned to cope with it and keep his feelings hidden- It was impossible for Rip to do this in the past.
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It's also really interesting to see younger Rip's reactions to seeing his dad go through emotional distress and bad choices, seeing him put up walls and push him away. Then later seeing a older Rip see his dad go through the same thing times ten and while he still puts up a wall and boundaries its in a different way. He grew into someone who could handle it.
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doostyaudi · 5 months
I have so many headcanons abt the employers. I have a whole plot involving them. They have their own massive story going on. They have rules, expectations, flaws, EVERYTHING. They have their own law for each other. They hate each other. They love each other
But yall aren't ready for that
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charamuscadmango · 6 months
What kind of abilities do you think the jashlings would have as DST characters?
 So about individual abilities:
Heart would have a big advantage at night, because he’s already mostly blind and wears the blindfold most of the time he’s already used to the dark, so he would lose sanity a bit slower than others and also would have no problem picking up things in the dark. He would have higher health than most characters but it’s compensated by lower sanity. 
Mind,since she has mechanical hands, wouldn't take damage if she picks up a burning/smoldering object. She would have higher sanity than most characters but it’s compensated by lower health.
Soul  has average stats (loser), he's a bit faster than others but only at dusk, there’s also their trident (I’ll get to that in a bit).
I also thought about each of them having their own individual items they can craft 
So Mind’s would be her crown, which would be crafted with rocks, boulders and gold (I was thinking marble too but it’s a bit harder to obtain that the other minerals I mentioned so idk.) It would essentially have as much durability (8 days) and sanity boost as a top hat (so +3.33/min), it would also give her a speed boost during the day but would make her attacks weaker, at dusk and night she would just walk normally. The crown only gives said benefits to Mind, if any other character wears it their sanity would decrease.
Heart would have his blindfold which would be crafted with silk, petals and grass (or reeds) and like Mind’s crown it will increase his sanity (about +2/min)  and have as much durability as the garland (6 days), the difference is he will lose sanity if it’s not being worn during the day, he’s fine without it at night and dusk, he would only lose a bit less sanity than other characters like I mentioned,regardless if he’s wearing the blindfold or not. His blindfold would also make his attacks stronger at night. It only works on Heart too, if any other character wore it they would decrease their sanity.
Soul would have his trident which would be the hardest item to craft out of the 3 since they would need boulders, marble and gold (not super hard to find materials but would probably take a while to obtain enough of all of them), it would be used as a weapon and it would would deal about as much damage as a tentacle spike (so 51 damage per hit.) The advantage of it is that at dusk whatever he attacks with their trident will get Soul’s sanity to increase, if they attack anything with it at night or during the day it will decrease  their sanity. If he manages to get a red gem he can put it in the trident and the attacks would be even stronger, but so would be the sanity aura of it. And like the other two only they (Soul) can use the trident, if any other character tries to pick up the trident it would decrease their sanity significantly (even more than the blindfold or crown). In addition Heart's and Mind’s sanity will decrease if they’re near Soul while he's using the trident.
I also think it would be cool if each of their items could only be crafted at specific times, Heart’s blindfold at night, Mind’s crown during the day and Soul’s trident at dusk.
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d3stroyman · 5 months
Okay I talk a little bit my CBS + CPS rewrite
CPS is a member of a cult of angels who believe the world as it's known is doomed. Heaven in its entirety is a bit of a struggling thing due to how evil freaks are by nature, and hell is a much more threatening force.
Pure Spy's goal is to summon Nightmare Medic to wipe every freak off the globe and allow things to start anew, he doesn't understand the entirety of what he's doing.
Karma Soldier and Pure Spy are siblings, KS is the younger and WAS unaware of the shit Pure Spy was doing
Pure Spy lost his wings due to a GRN Sniper, after he tried to kill another angel. He's a fallen angel because of this.
Brutal Sniper gets some hereditary shit going on. Everything that happened to him happened because of a demon's intrusion. Hes not doing the best.
Works with Pure Spy after Pure Spy revealed the truth of what DeGroot had done to him. He doesn't understand everything they're doing, as Pure Spy's refusing to explain it to him, but all he knows is he's getting revenge.
Gentlespy is the RED spy that followed him initially, she has BPD and is just bad mentally which led her to following Brutal down a similar path.
Perceived Brutal as having "abandoned her" due to the fact he disappeared entirely with Pure Spy. Is desperate to get back at him
There's other characters but generally it's a combo of Lost in Nightmares and CBS + CPS. Complete with sooo much personal lore too
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franken-loser · 4 months
Edit: Turns out i actually misunderstood her and she actually just wanted me to tell my brother as well as her💀 she asked me to tell him stuff again juet now and i said no cause he doesn't care and she said that she cares WAHHHWAHWWAHHHHH
Nahh i was yapping to my mom about frankenstein and i asked her if she's annoyed when i talk about frankenstein and she said no and invites me to talk more!! So i continue talking thinking maybe shes actually interested AND LESS THAN A MINUTE LATER, SHE DOESN'T EVEN TELL ME TO TALK TO MY BROTHER she just interrupts me in the middle of a sentence, turns to my brother and says "okay, they're gonna tell you all about frankenstein" and then just goes and plays on her phone LIKE😭😭 just tell me you're not interested and to be quiet or something don't interrupt me
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politemagic · 2 months
Just casually dropping this here, because your fic touches on that too 👀
This part of TØP's Fall Away:
I'm screaming submission and, I don't know if I am dying or living 'Cause I will save face For name's sake Abuse grace Take aim to obtain a new name And a newer place But my name is lame I can't walk and I ain't the same And my name became A new destiny to the grave
- in relation to Jericho / Take Aim / Descending, and the implications of Sleep taking Vessel's name and erasing his identity to make him Theirs.
Okay that's it byeee~
DARYA I AM SCREAMING TØP X THE HAUNTING OF SLEEP MANOR?????????? this has the gears in my brain whirring so you're getting some insight into the Sleep lore of my au 😇 (spoilers for chapter 4 if anyone has not read it)
first of all, Fall Away will be added to my playlist immediately because this entire section is just. fucking spot on. but especially:
and my name became a new destiny to the grave
so I have always been fascinated by the fae, and so when Trish says “You’ve given him your name, haven’t you?” in ch. 3 it was very much based on the legends of giving them your name gives them power to control you to some extent. and as Charlotte reveals in this new chapter, Sleep needs to consume human energy in order to re-enter the mortal world and reclaim the power He once had. by becoming the True Vessel of Sleep, Vessel has damned himself to be given over to Sleep, he is the final piece of His puzzle.
until I wake I, dine on old encounters
this line from Jericho is precisely what inspired me to go so hard into the Sleep lore in this fic!!!! I cannot tell you the rush of euphoria I felt seeing you point out Jericho specifically because it's so heavily embedded in my plan for this story. Sleep is the thing that keeps the ghosts in the house, they can't move on to the Beyond because they no longer have control of their soul, Sleep does.
He came to all of them as they were dying and convinced them that He could help them (much like he has done to Vessel by offering this place of solace). part of why all the ghosts are spaced out the way they are is because that energy can only sustain Him for so long, depending on their strength. so He is, quite literally, dining on old encounters. and the line "you taste like new flesh say my name again" is in direct connection with Sleep's intentions to consume Vessel.
you led me on when the moment is perfect I will fire and forget til we both lay broken
this line from Take Aim I feel like sums up Vessel's feelings towards Sleep (not quite yet, but he's on his way there). if III's response to this revelation in chapter 4 wasn't enough evidence, the vessels feel deeply betrayed by their deity. Sleep is waiting for the perfect opportunity to consume them, but their allegiances are slowly shifting. they have spent so much of their lives now channeling all of this power and energy into Sleep, yet now they know that they've been led on by His false promises. they are starting to question if they should allow this being to have reign over the mortal world. Sleep lost His power initially by being forgotten, yet they have reminded the world of His existence... hm.....
okay I simply cannot resist so SLIGHT SPOILER WARNING!!!!! (I feel like most of you could imagine this is where I'm going but either way you can skip this next section)
you come crawling back to me but I'm already on the ground and we all know that talk is cheap so come on and save me now
this line from Descending, looking through the lens of this au, comes from Sleep to Vessel. He has seen Vessel fight back against Him before, yet he always comes back. Vessel feels torn between wanting to save himself and this deity he has given everything to. when Vessel first turns his back on Sleep, He is furious and wants to hurt Vessel (I WON'T spoil how. I will exercise restraint) in an attempt to get Vessel to come back to Him. but Vessel's actions have already hurt Sleep and His power (hence, already on the ground) and the "talk is cheap" refers to the warnings of the ghosts. He is trying to coax Vessel back into His service, trying to get him to take those last steps so that Sleep can be "saved" and return to full power.
til I let you fall, ah (why don't you just say what you wanted to say?) I've been left no choice (why don't you just say what you wanted to say?) don't you see that? (why don't you just say what you wanted to say?)
this is between Sleep and Vessel. Sleep is trying to explain to Vessel that He has no other choice to return to His power except for him. He's waited centuries, feeding off the energies of others however He can, but the True Vessel is the last missing piece. Vessel, trying to be reasonable (because he's hurt 🙁), wants to know why Sleep wouldn't just tell him the plan. beneath the part of him that feels betrayed that Sleep had planned this for him all along, he can't help but feel hurt that Sleep didn't think he was loyal enough to follow through with it. I think, if Sleep had told him what He needed, Vessel wouldn't have fought it, honestly.
there's a little a lot Sleep Manor lyrical interpretations for you🥰
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marsbotz · 2 years
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thats really interesting dude have you been evaluated for autism
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butchdykekondraki · 8 months
curls up in your inbox. cyrus would you tell me something nice. or infodump to me.. or somethng. anything really
hmm uhh. did u know that crows like to hop around for funsies. also they sunbathe sometimes!!
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^ look at em ok? :-]
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furnass · 9 months
What is steam world you need to enlighten me
HELLO. So sorry its been a HOT SECOND. this has been my fixation for around... 3 years? So, here's an infodump under the cut
Steamworld is a game series that has been running for over 10 years! Starting with Steamworld Tower Defense in 2010, the game series has been going strong. I'll give a little explanation on the games, then each of them individually:
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Steamworld: Robot game series of many different genres, I believe there Is something for everyone! Most recent game came out last year, in December of 2023. There are more games scheduled to come out! The series (chronologically, not by release) goes as the following: Steamworld Tower Defense - Steamworld Dig - Steamworld Dig 2 / Steamworld Build (happening at the same time) - Steamworld Heist - Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech [Quest is Strange. its not in the timeline really]
Now, onto the games!
Steamworld Tower Defense: (gonna be real i have it but never played it), super old tower defense game and idek if it has lore connected to it. Might be considered lost media now? It was on the DS before the shop closed.
Steamworld Dig: a mining + metroidvania game - Follow Rusty, a mining bot who arrives to Tumbleton, a very small mining town. Pick up after your Uncle Joe, explore the mines, and uncover an ancient secret.
Steamworld Dig 2: A digging + metroidvania game - Play as Dorothy McCrank, or Dot, as she explores and searches, making new friends, finding old history, and learning things as she explores the mines of El Machino.
Steamworld Build: A citybuilder game - Build a bustling town as the Earth slowly crumbles apart. Watch as Jack Clutchsprocket and his daughter Astrid work to build a rocket before time runs out. Explore the mines, build a city, and keep everybody happy.
Steamworld Heist: A turn based RPG strategy shooter game - Play as Piper Faraday and her crew of rag-tag bots as they not only explore space, but do a bit of pirate work. Get your hands dirty, explore, and make sure to collect that loot. (recommend playing with the outsider. Adds a new character who is fantastic)
Steamworld Quest: A deckbuilding RPG game - Start out with two, but grow your party of heroes as you explore the world, starting in your small quaint town. Meet others, uncover deep secrets, and be told a wonderful story with characters you will grow attached to.
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