#sorry I procrastinated too close to the sun
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whosthere54 · 7 months ago
I can’t find my original post about it but I did do a poll a while ago on what fic I should finish. Yes it’s been a WHILE but I finally did it so here’s the “If Icarus got that hug in family reunion” fic cause I can
Until Ao3 Works you get it here :]
The TWs for Family Reunion are Panic, Yelling, and Manipulation. Let me know if you believe anything else should be added and I’ll edit the list.
You know how it is, these themes will carry over to my fic so pls make sure to take care of yourselves first <3
“I never asked to be here at all. So why do I still have to face the fear of loosing it?” - Song: The fear of loosing this by Florist
Or - What if Icarus got that hug?
There’s a moment of silence between the two brothers, Rae glancing at Aax before speaking again.
“Do you… do you want a hug?”
They look up, surprise and confusion washing over them before they’re able to adjust their expression to something neutral.
“I… yeah. Please.” Their wings adjust on their back, draping themselves over their shoulders as they move their arms to cross over their chest.
Rae nods, glancing at Aax again who gives him a nod back. He takes a few test steps forward, when they don’t move he walks over to them. Aax follows, keeping a decent distance between her and Rae- letting him have space but making sure he’s safe. They can’t exactly blame him, like they said- the two don’t have the best track record when it comes to “talking” right now.
Rae gets close, and they instinctively take a small step back, feathers flaring for just a moment before settling again.
Rae stops, holding his hands out placatingly. He gives a gentle reassurance, a simple repeat of what they’d said before- another “we’re not here to hurt you” “I-I’m not mad.” and some other quiet reassurance they didn’t quite hear.
After a moment of hesitation, they take the next step forward- Rae immediately pulling them into a hug.
It was nice. They couldn’t remember the last time they had a hug from Rae.
Trying *so hard* not to let tears escape, they look at Aax over his shoulder. Though immediately regretting it when she just looks so… sad. Pity held in her gaze that makes them feel sick.
They hid their face against Rae’s neck, quiet shaky breaths the only indicator that they were trying not to cry. Rae sighs softly, and when he speaks again it sounds like he’s close to crying as well. “It’s gonna be okay Icarus… I’m still going to try- I promise I’m not going to give up on you.”
Maybe that causes some of their tears to fall, and maybe Rae holds them just slightly tighter.
When their knees shake and threaten to give out Rae adjusts them so they’re both sitting in the wet grass, not letting go of them. (Not letting them fall, even if it’s something as stupid as this.)
They hear Aax settle to sit nearby, facing away from the brother to scan for threats. It was comforting, they couldn’t do it themself and if Fable came back and did something to him they don’t think they’d be able to forgive themself.
They sit like that for a while, Rae occasionally murmuring soft reassurance not once loosening his hold. It was nice, a comforting pressure- a distraction away from the cave they were still sitting outside of. Rae seems to think of something then- adjusting slightly and causing Icarus to pull away. Not completely- just enough so the two brothers were looking at each other. Icarus tilts their head just slightly as Rae looks at them with renewed sadness- pity in his eyes causing them to look away, fidgeting with the hem of their sleeves.
“I… Icarus it’s four months today isn’t it…” He says it so softly and they can’t-
“Shut up-“ They mumble.
“No-no. He isn’t… he isn’t gone I can fix it I’m going to fix it! He’s gonna come back-“ They wrap their arms tight around their chest careful of the ever-changing wound still concealed.
“Icarus…” Rae tries again, but they cut him off just the same.
“No- if you’re gonna say what all of them have been saying I’m not- I don’t have to *mourn* him he’s gonna come back, I don’t have to think about it because when I fix it it’ll be fine… you can go back to normal and it’ll be fixed…”
Rae’s face contorted into something confused, and then shocked and it crumbles into something sad, he blinks tears away so he can see them clearly.
“Is that… is that why you’re working with him?”
They give him a weak laugh, head angled down so their hair covers their face- goggles having fallen to their neck earlier that day and they didn’t bother to put them back up.
“Icarus…” they can’t handle this. They can’t handle the way he’s talking to them, holding them so gently like they’re something that’s going to *break.* they can’t handle him looking at them like that- they can’t-
“You have to go.” They say their voice firm and monotone.
“Icarus no-“ Rae’s brows furrow slightly and his hands linger on their shoulders.
And that makes Rae pause.
“I don’t… Icarus I don’t want to leave you alone here. I- even if I don’t… *like* him Fable isn’t here right now. I’d rather you at least have him here.” When Icarus frowns at that Rae asks another question that leaves them thinking- more than they should be. When they think it doesn’t usually lead to anything good.
“Icarus how long has fable left you alone?”
They shrug. They really haven’t been keeping track of the time he was gone.
“He’s… he’s busy. The faster he gets whatever he’s doing done, the faster we can get this over with.” They mumble. It feels like they’ve said the same things over and over and *over* again and it still seems like nobody understands what they’re doing even after they explain it. Geez how many times have they done this circle of conversations with the things in the past four months?
“So you’ve been… you’ve been alone out here most of the time?”
They shrug, and nod. (They don’t want to lie anymore. It leaves them feeling sick and *wrong*)
Aax gets up quickly, face contorting into muffled anger, motioning at them to get up as well.
Rae turns to them- “Icarus-“ but they shake their head, getting up and helping Rae up as well.
“You have to go-“ They repeat the words, this time fueled by anxiety.
“Icarus!” Fable’s booming voice echoes through the small clearing and they back away muttering a quiet apology under their breath that only Rae was meant to hear.
“Are you alright? Are they… are they here for anything?” He pulls out the reaver and it takes all of their power to look away from the blade glinting in the rain dimmed light.
“I’m okay… I ’m-I’m okay.”
“We’re not here to fight.” Rae’s gaze lingers on them for just a moment to long that it makes their skin crawl, arms wrapping around their torso and wings pulling slightly tighter to their back as Fable sighs.
“Of course. I see that it is only the two of you.”
Aax moves to stand only slightly in front of Rae, trident out and ready to attack if necessary. His voice carries confidently actress the clearing, low and sharp. An easy enough warning to understand. “We wouldn’t be stupid enough to come just the two of us if we were here for a fight.”
“No. You wouldn’t be that… stupid. No one would be.” He looks at Icarus then, solid gold meeting heterochromatic gold and purple. His eyes are too sharp, and they look away, casting their head down again.
He turns back to Rae, head held high. “But why are you here?”
“I’m here for Icarus.” They look at Rae through unkempt bangs, eyes darting between Rae and Aax as if analyzing them for a threat.
“Because they don’t need to be alone out here with just you, isolated from everyone else.” His tone holds more anger with Fable than it had with them.
“I’m not alone.” They say, loud and probably too sharp. They wince at the sound of their own voice casting their eyes to Fable when he looks at them again.
“Yes.” He looks away, and they do too. “They have me, they have Ven, they have Arisanna…”
“Which don’t know where you are?”
They cast their eyes down once more shuffling their feet.
“This place is supposed to be a secret for a *reason*, Rae. To keep others safe.”
“From… what, exactly? We’re not the ones running around hurting people.”
“Perhaps not now.”
“You haven’t changed! You’ve always hurt people! I’m starting to remember more of that now! You’ve always been like this… and now…” Rae turns to them, his voice softening just slightly again. “Look, Icarus he’s not a good person!”
“Neither am I!” They hold their head up as they say that, regretting it immediately in the way Rae shuffles and glances between them, Fable, and Aax.
“None of us are good people right now, Rae.”
He starts talking, he starts talking and they try so hard to tune him out. They don’t want it- they don’t want him to say more stupid words that get them to comply because they’ll comply regardless of what he says. They don’t think he knows that, but they will. They don’t… like him. They don’t trust him. But they’re good at putting on a show, and they can pretend they do. (Maybe deep down they do. They try not to, they know he’s wrong and they know what he’s doing to them -they don’t want to acknowledge the fact that it *is* working- but they love him. He’s their dad after all, and when they have no memory of their childhood he’s something that they can cling to)
“You hit me!” Rae says, anger disappearing to leave a suffocating tone of sadness fear, and *betrayal* that lingered in his voice.
“I did.”
They just look between him and Rae feet shuffling against the grass, begging their head to go blank like it tends to do. They’re feeling too much and it’s too wrong and they’re thinking- thinking leads to questioning and questioning leads to things they don’t want to know-
“Where is she.” Rae’s voice wobbles with anger and unshed tears. They glance up to Fable as he turns to them- “Where…”
“Icarus, do you wish to see your mother?”
They blink, looking back up at him with a muted look of confusion. “Yeah…” they said it too quietly, too much emotion filling their voice that wasn’t supposed to be there. They can tell in the way they feel Rae’s gaze on them again. They try to cover it up- “Yeah, yes, yes.” But then Fable starts to walk towards the stupid fucking cave and-
“W-wait- wait” they stare with wide eyes as Fable creates a small opening, just enough for them to get through. “Uhm..” Rae glances at them again, Aax moves to stand in front of Rae, trident in hand face contorted into disgust and then anger. “Wait-wait where…” He pulls his shield out.
“It was the one place I did not think anyone would go.” He breaks a small hole through the stone, just enough that they would be able to walk through. Rae walks closer to him, while Aax lingers behind.
“Uhm…. Um…” They walk towards him, stopping about the same distance Rae is away from the entrance for a moment before moving up to stand beside Fable.
They don’t want to be here anymore- they don’t want to be that close. They don’t want to *see* it again- they can’t…
Their breathing shakes.
“Where are you… where is…” Aax moves quickly back in front of Rae. “Where is that? What are you…”
“She is in a pocket dimension. Just as Enderian had held her before.” He says his sister's name with a sneer. “I will bring you Rae, and I will bring Icarus to see her.”
They can’t breathe- they look through the space Fable had cleared into the cave. The first thing they noticed was that there was still blood on the floor… theirs or Centross’s they couldn’t quite tell. Their eyes fell on the slab, seeing their blood still dried on the smooth stone and splattered on the ground in front of it. Fuck they can’t breathe… their chest *hurts* they can’t-
They manage to pull their gaze away from the cave back onto Fable as he speaks again.
“I’m sorry, Aax, but I will not let you see her. I cannot take the risk.”
“Why… why does it smell like death in there?” They turn to look at Aax, his tone settling on a heavy undertone of sadness as they speak.
They try to bring themself to explain.
“It… it’s-“ Fable cuts them off sharply. “Because it is a place that I thought was of life. I was *foolish* enough to believe it was of life. But it is a place of death. This is where the first mortals were made by me. This is the place where I first mourned them when they *died.*”
“This is where… Centross… died.”
“And you’re taking him in there alone, just the two of you?”
“Yes. I know you do not trust me…”
Their chest aches. They have to take a moment to breathe through a wave of pain that courses through their chest, through their ribs. They tune back into the conversation a moment later when Fable says their name again, though they don’t pay much attention. Their mind won’t stop wandering, and the things won’t stop talking.
“If *anything* happens to him. Know that I will be hunting you to the ends of the earth.”
“As you should. Rae is important to you, as he is to me.” He turns and walks into the cave, but before they can even *think* about following him Aax stops them.
“Icarus. I need you to promise…”
They nod, trying to get their thoughts to work to the current conversation. “Yeah… I’m- he won’t-“
“Promise me he’ll be okay.” Aax asks, and they nod firmly this time.
“He’ll-he’ll be okay.” They can’t tell if they’re trying to reassure her or themself.
Icarus turns to the entrance, hesitating a moment before heading inside.
“Are you ready?”
“We’re going… in?”
“Yes. I did not think Enderian had this power. I thought she could simply create the bubbles, but she could move if she wished it. If she had other abilities I now hold. She might have been able to escape at any time if she had known. If she could’ve held the same powers I now have .”
They have to take another minute to even out their breathing.
“She couldn’t escape. She- she gave them to me. She was trapped there.”
“Just as Isla was. But now we can move freely to see her.”
They nod lightly. “Okay.”
Fable inhales, “Here we go.” They teleport into the small pocket dimension.
It was a bright, glow stone blinding encircling the small space. As soon as they looked up at their mother- blonde hair blocking a face they couldn’t even remember- they felt an overwhelming sense of dread. It was almost like anxiety, the way it thrummed through their veins. Just a sense of something was wrong.
They couldn’t tell if Rae felt it, but when they got in there they knew he was more distressed, probably at the sight of their mother in a stasis chamber than anything else.
“Icarus I can… I can help. You don’t need him- I can- I can help her! I can help us…” They don’t know what to say, but they get cut off by Fable before they could respond.
“How, Rae?”
“I… I’m not going to tell you. I’m not going to let you do something else to her. Or screw up trying.” He spits the last part with lingering anger, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
“Rae…” He turns to look at them a moment before turning back to Fable as he speaks again.
“You will not give me the chance to help your mother? *My wife?* To bring her back to us.”
Rae doesn’t speak, he simply shakes his head.
Fable frowns. “No?”
“No.” Rae says softly.
“You’d have her stay here?” Rae’s expression crumbles.
The next time they look back at Isla, they can’t look away. This is the first time they’ve seen their mother in person. They don’t have any image of her in their memory other than the portrait that’s sat locked away in Fable’s house. She looks different, they can’t quite see her face but she seems so… tired. A lingering sense of sadness seems to be all she has in that small tube, and it almost physically pains them to see her like that. (To have her feel so similar to what they feel locked up in their house.)
“I have Enderian’s powers now. I could wield them.”
They look back at Fable then. “What?” They glance between him and Rae.
“You could do this! You could hurt her all over again!”
They frown. “He wouldn’t.”
“He did it the first time!” Stray tears are beginning to fall down Rae’s face now that make them stop.
“As a *mistake*, Rae.” He tries, but Rae isn’t having it.
“So what’s preventing you from making the same one?!”
Fable sighs. “Remembering what happened the first time. Seeing my wife’s face, and having it haunt-“
“She doesn’t want to be yours!” Rae yells, his voice echoing in the small chamber. There are more tears spilling down his face, and Icarus can’t help but take a step back as they take another shaky breath. They watch Fable's face, but he doesn’t seem to react. Simply responding calmly, anger quiet and reserved (as if that doesn’t scare them more.)
“She gets to make that choice. Not-“ Rae cuts him off again. “Does she?!”
Fable frowns, and his tone comes out just slightly more angry than he probably wanted it to. “Yes. When she is well, Rae.”
“You don’t get to make that choice, you tried to take that choice away from her. I won’t tell you shit!” Rae talks over what he tries to say next, words hitting their mark effectively when Fable sighs again.
“Rae!” They start, trying to maybe help in some way, try to get that information. But they go quiet as Fable talks again.
“I understand. If that is what you wish.” He inhales sharply again, and they are teleported back outside the bubble. Back into the cave.
They can hear Rae’s breathing shake, as he is ushered out of the cave by Fable. They take a lingering glance back, eyes falling on the slab, and then spot Centross died before Fable pushes them out.
They linger near the cave entrance as they hear Fable walk out behind them with a sigh. Rae goes to huddle next to Aax with his head down as he wipes the lingering stray tears from his face.
“Rae. When you are ready to help your mother and to fix our family, now you know where we are. You said it yourself, you can do that Rae. Bring her back to us. I have made mistakes in the past, but I have done my best to watch over *you* and your brother in her absence. I have protected you and your brother as best as I *could.*”
His tone changes then, more earnest, more desperate. It was all tinted with an undertone of anger a force perfectly covered as he says the words that hit their mark as Rae seems to cower as he says them.
“It was not perfect, I admit this, none of this has been perfect. None of this had been perfect. I have not been perfect, Rae. But *you* gave me a chance. All the same. As you have given so many others. *You* freed me from purgatory Rae. I owe you my life. You can do the same for your mother. You can give her a *chance.* When you are ready to give her that chance, we will be here.”
There’s a deafening silence as Rae takes a few steps back, eyes moving between Fable and Aax.
“We should go- we should go.” His voice sounds like he’s trying so desperately not to cry and something in them feels concerned, it does, but as Rae and Aax fly away all they can think of is that he didn’t say goodbye.
All they can think of is that he didn’t even look at him after they left the bubble. All they can think about is how he left them alone again without saying goodbye. He’d just said he wasn’t going to give up on them. That he wasn’t going to leave them alone here again, but that’s all they feel like is happening.
Fable ends up coaxing them inside. They take the confirmations and reassurance he gives them, ignoring the fact that they know that sometimes he’s lying to them. They ignore the things all yelling, ignoring the way they erupt again when Fable apologizes to them. Apologizing that he couldn’t remove Quixis from them. They ignore them as they say he just apologized for not killing them that day.
They just don’t want to think about it anymore. (They don’t want to remember… and that’s a concerningly familiar wish for them.)
Fable finally gets them to take their mind off it, changing their focus to the birds lingering at their bedside.
They eventually lie down, Fable leaving them to their own thoughts again. The things leave soon after that, sleeping or going somewhere else they still don’t exactly know.
The silence is so so much worse. They curl in on themself under the covers, their birds having fallen asleep a bit ago on the birch next to their bed, so they weren’t making any noise either.
There’s a lingering feeling they can’t quite explain. It’s something under their skin that just makes them want to cry. It’s the lingering feeling of their brother’s hug, his hands running through their hair and his arm wrapped securely around their back. Their wings try to compensate, wrapping around their curled-up figure tightly as their arms wrap around their chest and their tail falls over their legs.
They want their dad. As stupid as that sounds. They want their dad, they want Rae they want… they want Centross.
Four months.
Their hand moves to stifle a quiet sob.
They miss him- gods they miss him so much.
They miss him randomly interrupting what they were doing to get them out of their house. They miss talking with him, joking with him. They miss being *near* him, as pathetic as that sounds. His presence was always comforting. Something that made them feel *safe* and fuck they missed that feeling.
They miss his voice, they miss and they miss and they miss.
They *swear* they’re going crazy when they get the phantom feeling of fingers running through their hair, just closing their eyes and willing themself to just sleep as their breathing shakes through more muffled sobs.
It takes too long in their opinion. By the time they fall asleep, they’ve run out of tears. Sitting in heavy silence for too long until they finally fall asleep.
Maybe sleep isn’t much of a release, the only thing they see is the memories of their best friend, the happiness stained by a lingering sadness and guilt that follows them when they wake up in the morning because of the memory of the cathedral that the dream always ends with.
That’s all they have to remember.
It will be over soon.
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readingloveswounds · 1 year ago
oh boy i may not have time to get all these edits in before the deadline to send to my advisor
0 notes
thelov3lybookworm · 4 days ago
Misreading Letters
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Day 4: character A thought it was a date and character b thought they were going as a group
Summary: Maybe misreading letters sometime lead to happy nights.
Word Count: 1283 (longer than i thought it would be honestly)
Warnings: a bit of angst ig? heh
A/n: i wanted this to be SO, SO ANGSTY, but then i was like eh lets see where this goes, and its kinda fluffy i think! so ig thats a plus? as always, with me not liking my fluff fics, i think i could have done better with this one, but i wrote half of this in like 30 mins lol (dont we love procrastination 😍😍😍)
ANYWAYS. not proofread but hope yall like it!!
my entry for day 4 of @starfallweek <3
Sometimes, Y/n had learned, the cold that seeped into her bones was not always a bad thing.
Sometimes, instead of the cold heralding an impending arrival of doom, the feeling grounded her. It made her focus on getting herself warm and ignore the nervousness spreading through her veins like venom.
On the evening of starfall, it was the giddiness of finally having her mate to herself that induced the feeling.
For months now, Y/n had felt like she had been waiting for this very day. The two had barely been mated for six months before the high lord had him deployed at the outskirts of a city on another continent, one too far for Azriel to be able to winnow or fly home easily. And so Y/n had endured, written letters that barely got a response, usually two sentences detailing his health, inquiring about hers, and a small, little promise at the end, telling her he’d be back soon.
The day before starfall, she finally got more.
The cold I’d acquired a week ago is gone. How are you, love? Be ready for starfall. I’m visiting for the night. Though I won’t be able to stay. Let’s make the most of our time together, right?
She hadn’t been able to sit still for more than a few moments since she had received the letter. Nerves made her jittery, her heartbeat erratic at any given moment.
Most of her day had passed making cookies, the same ones she had baked the day they had accepted the bond. It would be a nice touch, she hoped, for their first starfall together. It gave her a reprieve from her thoughts too, from the constant buzzing in her head. It gave her something to do with her hands, gave her something to focus on.
Just before night dawned, the table was spread with aromatic foods, all his favourites, and desserts. He had a sweet tooth, something Y/n adored. She was dressed up too, hands on her hips, surveying the sparse ornaments she had decorated the space with.
It was perfect for the two of them, she thought.
The sun set. Moon rose.
Candles were lit, the faelight enhancing the soft glow.
And yet, the one who Y/n waited for didn’t arrive.
But.. she had waited four months.
One hundred and twenty one days.
Two thousand nine hundred and twenty hours.
Another hour of wait wouldn’t kill her.
She glanced out the window. No trace of shadows.
And another hour.
Y/n picked up a book, having covered the feast she had prepared.
And one more.
Starfall was almost about to begin.
Finally, the sound of wings descending stole her attention, and Y/n was out of her seat and opening the door before she could even think about it.
"A… Cassian?"
The general smirked. "Oh don’t look so disappointed. Any other day, I’d be sobbing if you greeted me with that look."
Y/n straightened her shoulders, pushing a smile onto her face. "I’m sorry! It’s just- I didn’t expect you-"
"Oh hush. I was just teasing." His smile softened as he took a step onto the porch, his eyes moving behind her, taking in the decorations inside. His brows furrowed. "Were you… expecting someone?"
Y/n tucked her hair behind her ear. "Az. He said he’d be home for starfall."
Cassian’s eyes widened with understanding and something close to…pity? "Oh. He didn’t tell you that we were meeting at the river house?"
Y/n blinked in confusion. "He… is at the river house?"
Cassian nodded matter of factly. "He was asking about you."
Her heart dropped a little, yet she ducked her head, a bashful smile on her face. "I- I must  have misread his letter. I-"
"It’s okay. Happens sometimes. Come, he’s waiting. Let me take you." His voice was gentle, understanding, like he knew she was lying. She had not misread the letter. After all, there weren’t enough words to mis-read. She had just assumed he’d want to spend time with her after months of absence.
Y/n nodded, her shoulders bunching inwards as she closed the door behind her, feeling the scrutinising gaze of the general on her back. His grip was gentle when he wrapped her in his arms, and Y/n could tell he was trying to purposefully look anywhere but her.
In a way, she was glad. She did not want to see the pity in his eyes.
The flight was quick, leaving her with little time with her thoughts. Another blessing on a ruined evening, one she was grateful for.
Soft laughter poured from the sitting room as Cassian landed, and Y/n hurried to find her balance and waited for Cassian to lead the way.
"Well, fly safe, Az."
Y/n’s heart stopped at the high lord’s voice.
Was he already leaving?
There was no response, except a quiet hum that ignited the longing residing within Y/n’s heart that she had tried so hard to hide from her mate, lest he abandon his mission. And if he had to leave now…
Only one glimpse. That’s all she wanted. She wouldn’t stop him. This was important to him.
He was still in his leathers when the main door opened, the siphons on his body glowing like a beacon in the dark night, beckoning Y/n closer like she was prey. His wings were slumped, almost imperceptibly, but Y/n noticed. Not in the way they slumped in her presence, relaxed, but… dejected. That’s what he looked like. Like his expectations for the night weren’t met. And she had an inkling why. After all, she felt the same.
His eyes were rimmed by darkness, the spark in them dimmer as they swept the foyer, waving to his family. And then he turned, his eyes landing on Cassian walking up the steps towards him. Azriel’s brows furrowed.
"Where were you?"
Cassian shrugged, pointing behind him. "Happy starfall, brother."
Azriel’s eyes flared the moment they landed on Y/n
His body jerked lightly, as if it were trying to move towards her without command. The corner of his lips lifted as he began towards where she stood, frozen.
"Thank- thank you." Azriel mumbled softly to Cassian, who nodded, shooting Y/n a teasing smile. Azriel reached out to clasp his brother’s shoulder gratefully before he began down the steps towards her, the door closing behind him and giving the two a reprieve from the curious stares.
"Az." Y/n mumbled, her gaze fixed on his.
"Y/n." He whispered, his eyes tracing over her figure. "I… I’m sorry."
She shook her head. "Did you forget to tell me that we were having dinner with them?"
He swallowed. Nodded. His hands reached out to lightly caress her face, his shadows already twining around her fingers and hair. "I was in a hurry. And excited. And it is no excuse. Forgive me, love."
Y/n wrapped her arms around him, an involuntary sigh escaping her as her figure relaxed into her mate’s body. "It would have been nice knowing I was not going to have my mate all to myself, but… I forgive you, Az. It’s no big deal."
He scoffed, his arms winding tight around her. "The hell it isn’t."
Y/n huffed out a laugh, pulling back to search over his features. "So… you’re leaving now?"
He offered her a gentle smile. "No. Bullied Rhys into letting me stay till tomorrow."
Her heart soared, and she stepped out of his embrace, her hand’s clutching tightly at his forearms. "Really?"
He grabbed her jaw, pulling her into a soft, quick kiss. "Really."
"Let’s go home?"
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@lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @garden-of-runar @girlswithimagination
@sunnyspycat @artists-ally @milswrites @kingdomofstarrynights
@berryzxx @buttermilktea11 @loving-and-dreaming @yucanbmylxdy
@mellowmusings @dnfhascorruptedme @fuckingsimp4azriel @moonchildlv @curiosandcourioser
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tarotlexa · 4 days ago
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS- my personal experience with the signs!
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disclaimer: ASTROLOGY GOATS, DO NOT COME FOR ME. i don't like to view myself as a professional astrologer, thus i will be warning you that this is based on personal observation of the people that i've met over the years so pls don't take it personal! i've been studying astrology since 2015 but i might be wrong about some of those takes, don't hold it against me and much love as usual <3
(btw this is for placidus/whole sign, can be applied to your big 6/chart ruler and so on)
aries: libras (their sister sign) are commonly associated with being unable to make decisions, but really it's those mfs who will refuse to make one LMAOOO super indecisive people when it comes to crushes/friends and so on. can also have a weird relationship with faith for some reason. great at making things with their hands.
taurus: this sign gets sometimes (rightfully) associated with laziness/procrastination and gluttony and while they love their sweet treats, they're also some of the biggest hustlers that i've ever known. very prone to switching careers, especially if they're a taurus sun (which makes sense to me because their sister sign is scorpio, the sign of renewal and transformation). i'm gonna also mention that sometimes i don't like how my taurus moon friends treat their relationships as they have a tendency to put the blame on others a tiny bit too much.
gemini: LET ME PREFACE BY SAYING THAT I ADORE GEMINIS, most of the close friends that i have had throughout my life had some gemini placements. you guys are so incredibly fun, energetic and wise when you want to be but DAMNNN stop trying to make drama happen lmaooo they love creating drama or fights when they're bored. can also lack self awareness (esp if gemini sun). somebody give those people a padded room, paper and pen and they'll come out with the wildest takes you could ever hear from another human being. their creativity is UNMATCHED if they have a gemini+5h placement in their chart. let them cook
cancer: i'm going to hold your hand when i say this: RELATIONSHIPS WILL NOT SAVE YOU, no, not even that relationship. stop chasing others so damn much and start chasing yourself first wtf, also cancer men need to stay away from me (my previous evil twink best friend has a cancer stellium) because they're so manipulative it makes you feel insane. cancer women are so comforting to me tho, even when they're moody.
leo: they looove to read about themselves and that's why most of them are really into astrology (we listen and we don't judge), also i feel like the whole "natural born leader" doesn't always pertain to them. they can get placed in that role but most of the time they won't like stepping into it, they prefer to have fun for themselves more than anything else (very similar to gemini on this aspect imo)
virgo: you know how virgos get associated with being germ freaks? i believe they can become germ freaks after a very intense illness in childhood, virgos are prone to getting some sort of disease while growing up and that instills them with an amazing standard of hygiene and prevention. i don't find the germ freak stuff to be particularly relatable to virgo suns, i'd say it could be more of a virgo rising thing. also virgo risings are so pretty to me, literal representation of the maiden
libra: i'm ngl they can be quite the deceptive ones of the zodiac but when they lie it's usually for a reason (can't excuse the cheating tho, sorry <3): they think that by lying they're upholding the peace. usually libras have some of the worst home lives, their parents are either divorced or on the brink of divorce and from a very young age libras are expected to keep the peace at home, usually by being their parents therapists. also i find cheating to be more common with libra suns or risings rather than moon libra. i must also say that they can be great friends, they're usually the biggest supporters ever when it comes to loving on friends and family, they will always give you a shoutout!
scorpio: i might be biased here because i am one of them. scorpio gets a reputation for being this mysterious dark entity but they're some of the funniest people ever to me lmao (although i must say that our sense of humor isn't for everyone), especially scorpio sun signs. also we need to learn how to stop gatekeeping our hobbies and talents, especially when it comes to art or spirituality.
sagittarius: NERDS. i know that it's not really as common to see sagittarius get associated with nerdy stuff but when you think about, their sister sign is gemini (ruled by mercury) so sometimes they can be the biggest nerds on the planet. they usually love old cartoons/videogames and can be very self absorbed at times imo
capricorn: MY BABIES, so misunderstood. they're so so so hated but they're one of the sweetest kindest souls to walk this earth. unfortunately they cannot seem to keep their haters away, especially if they're a capricorn rising since saturn is their chart ruler (this makes life harder for most of them but it also depends on how well aspected their saturn is alongside other indicators). i will forever be their lawyer, please give them a chance.
aquarius: ngl, one of the most misunderstood signs when it comes to astrology and maybe that's why they're some of the biggest skeptics on earth (probably more than virgos). one of my previous best friends was an aquarius moon and my dad is an aquarius stellium so please be aware that i might be biased about your sign: personally i love you but you guys can be hard to love, not because of what you are but because of the way you distance yourself from people. one day everything is sunshine and rainbows in your close relationships and the next day you hate them LOOOL regardless i still think that you're one of the most interesting signs. also the gang ain't neurotypical, my bro got autism (at least in my experience with this sign)
pisces: i know that the word "healer" can be frequently associated to them but it's for a good reason, even if they're not healers in the traditional sense they can assume that role within their friend group (they'll always be the ones who make sure to include who has been left out or their shy friends because they know what it feels like to be excluded), sometimes that role can degenerate into martyrdom, especially if they're a pisces venus or pisces moon or pisces 12h.
as always, thank you for reading! <3 let me know if any of these made sense to you lol
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sinful-lanterns · 2 months ago
I totally forgot about Holstaur!Korryn from your Monster AU. I liked the idea enough that I'm sending you this little snippet of what I had in mind though. 😏 So let's say that Cow Hybrid Reader is the newest gal on Mira's ranch. The normal procedure is to have new cows settled into a separate pen next to the rest of the herd for at least a week. This allows you all to acclimate yourselves to one another safely before a proper introduction can be done.
And who should immediately notice you other than the best breeding bull on the ranch? 😏
Korryn is completely smitten with you, and while Mira already has several breeding contracts set up in place for her from several other prominent ranches (all hoping to get Korryn's genes passed along to their calves), Korryn stubbornly refuses to mount any of them. Thus, it's an absolute week of frustration as Mira tries her best to cajole Korryn into breeding the cows that have been arranged for her, but no amount of special treats or drinks or even the artificial scent of a cow in heat had been enough to convince her.
To Mira's immense chagrin, the latter just made the holstaur's cock even harder as she stared longingly at your pen from afar, but she still refused to get her dick wet with anyone else but you, so she just continued to nap out in the pasture under the warm sun, utterly ignoring Mira's demands.
Things finally get to a head when one of Mira's new ranch hands makes the mistake of letting one of the other breeding bulls too close to your pen, and Korryn is not having it. 😤
Korryn immediately races over and immediately headbutts the other holstaur with her larger set of imposing horns, knocking the other bull out with a single hit. While you're not particularly violent yourself, you can't help but get aroused at the sight. You can see why Korryn is considered Mira's best bull. Korryn is tall, strong, but also so very sweet. Sometimes, she would sneak (a funny sight considering how large Korryn is) around the ranch hands to get you the best apples from around the nearby orchard while flirting with you outrageously (and sometimes even filthily about the things she wants to do to you).
It's been a trying week for everyone to say the least, and when Mira tiredly opens your pen to let you out to meet the rest of the herd, you shyly approach the holstaur that's been occupying all your waking thoughts. Korryn, of course, preens under this acknowledgement that she was the one you chose.
She leads you away to a more secluded part of the enclosure. Her instincts are running high, and she doesn't want other holstaurs to try and interrupt you both.
On the grass, with the sun gently warming you both overhead, you get on your hands and knees to present yourself to the breeding bull, who eagerly kneels behind you to paws at your hips before properly mounting you. This breeding session goes on for hours and in various positions: Korryn had you on your knees, on your back, atop a hay bale, bent over the fence, against that tree...
Finally, however, you and Korryn are both sated, and she has you on her lap as she sits beneath a shaded tree, smug with her dick still inside you while you suckle at one of her large breasts to regain your energy. You'll all hers, and now every cow and bull on the ranch knows it.
Meanwhile, Mira is tiredly having to cancel any current breeding contracts regarding Korryn for the foreseeable future. 🤣 - 🌙 anon ((P.S. - I've still been procrastinating on making a blog, but I hope you liked this! Let's see how long it stays in your inbox, Angey. 😏 ))
CW: Breeding, monsterfucking, cow hybrid reader, bull hybrid character, monster au
🌙 anon you’re back! (Sorry I’m still hoarding like two of your asks but I will bring myself to post them I swear. The Drider! Garofano one and the Sugar Mommy Shalom and Rahu one are just too amazing, but I know I have to post them soon, it’s been a very long time)
As always, your asks never fail to deliver, they’re so nice and lengthy you should totally open up that writing blog! Anywho, Korryn being so turned on by Cow! Reader, but stubbornly refusing to mate with any other Holstaur is cracking me up. Her dick is all hard and leaking precum but she refuses to mount any of the pretty Holstaurs that Mira has on her ranch. What a stubborn bull! All Korryn wants is you, how pretty and innocent you look munching on the grass and sleeping under a tree. Her mind occupied with wanting you to be hers as she paces anxiously around her field waiting for Mira to let you in.
God forbid any other Bull Holstaur eye you up while under the watch of Korryn. She’d headbutt anyone who looks at you wrong, already staking her claim on you so everyone knows you belong to the best Bull on the ranch. I feel like similar to Rooster! Mavuika from my Genshin blog, Holstaur! Korryn never leaves your side and is insanely protective over you. While she refuses to mate with any of the other cows, with you it seems like she’s in a constant rut, always wanting to mount you and breed you so you can have a strong healthy calf with her genetics 😖
Korryn’s dry spell has now turned into a dripping wet spell because she can’t keep her dick out of you 💀
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liseytopia · 1 year ago
summary: the love of your life, julien, finds an activity for the two of you to do together <3
pairing: julien baker x fem!reader
contents: fluff, flirting, cutesy cutesy physical touch & words of affirmation!!
warnings: barely proofread
an: help me i'm sorry this took so long @littleacrxbat . i know it seems like i'm just a procrastinator (i am) but i've been struggling with stuff like homework and friends and my mental health so i'm sorry </3 hope this was worth the wait tho!! happy late bday <3
wc: 1k
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.
- 𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳
it was always the small things when it came to julien. yeah, she cared about big moments like your anniversaries, birthdays and parties, but she oh so loved more than anything to spend time with you and make memories from the little things in life.
the front door to your apartment clicked shut and your keys jangled in your hands before being set on the nearby table. "hey lovely, i'm ho--" you started before the excited footsteps down the hallway cut you off.
she gleefully squealed your name, rounding the corner over to you, and pressed a quick, welcoming kiss to your cheek. you smiled at the action and grew curious what julien's suddenly joyful mood was all about.
you slid off your shoes and threw them in the coat closet, walking over to the kitchen to get a snack. "what's the matter? why so cheery?" you asked, looking back at her, who was sitting on the couch and handling a tall paper bag while smiling like a child.
"you'll see," she responded, smile beaming while she pulled a plastic organizer of beads and string out of the paper bag. you leaned over slightly to get a clearer view of what she was doing and saw a bracelet making kit. you immediately knew how this was going to go down and giggled quietly to yourself at the thought.
you poured yourself a glass of water and traced your steps over to the soft, carpeted ground and moved a pillow from the couch to the floor right next to julien to sit down on. in front of you on the coffee table was the organizer of beads and you rotated your head to look at julien. "you're such a child," you teased to her, although smiling because you loved her no matter what.
"you love it though," she said in a lower voice. you got chills down your spine from the way she looked at you lovingly. julien opened the organizer and requested for you to go get some scissors as she set up your shared playlist on the tv.
it was rainy outside but you kept the living room window open anyways because you liked the crisp air that drifted through it. it was evening and the sun had just set, leaving the sky with that dark sunset color. the background music wasn't too loud and you thanked the lord to be given such a perfect moment to spend with the girl you loved most.
you snagged a blanket from off the couch and covered it over you and julien. she pulled you in front of her causing a quiet gasp to leave your lips. your back was against her chest and she had her arms wrapped aroumd your torso, head rested on your shoulder. you sat still, butterflies fluttering your stomach with every touch she induced on you.
your head relaxed back into her and your eyes closed in relaxation. julien's voice startled you, "i didn't buy all this just to sit and here and cuddle, y'know." you smiled and reassembled yourself. "not that i wouldn't want to, though," she added. you shushed her and giggled, reaching out for your water as she pulled out some string and cut it for you and her to use.
"whatcha gonna make?" you asked her.
"it's gonna have your name on it with a bunch of hearts," she said in a teasing way that had a serious undertone to it.
"we should match," you started, "i'll make one with your name on it." you two both giggled at the ideas but actually went through with them.
you hummed the songs playing in the background while completely resting yourself back into julien, stringing the beads onto your work one by one. you added beads of her favorite colors & grays, every one that was strung onto the bracelet was strung with love. each time you put a new bead on, you thought about how much you loved her. and that made sure that whenever you wore it, which you would keep it on day and night and only ever take it off to shower, you would think of her and remember how much she cared for you. she truly wouldn't know what to do without you.
meanwhile, julien was trying her hardest to make her bracelet perfect. she wanted it to resemble you perfectly. it had your favorite colors on it too and, as she said, little heart beads alternated throughout the pattern. her fingers made sure to be delicate while creating it, knowing she wouldn't ever want it breaking because that evening would be a memory held between the two of you like golden treasure.
you made julien tie your bracelet because you knew she could do it better and you didn't want it to snap. as she handled the beaded ring, she smiled like a kid. she couldn't help it when she saw how much it resembled her and how it showed how much you truly loved her.
of course the night wouldn't end with just those two bracelets, however. you both continued making jewelry, some being your favorite songs from your band or inside jokes you both have together.
you gossiped and chatted about your days, your weeks, your lives, rather. you felt safe telling her even your deepest, darkest secrets. you knew she would keep safe everything you ever told her. and you knew she would remember the little things about you, too, things you loved or disliked or memories you wanted to go back to or fix.
you ended up falling asleep late at night in that same position, halfway through what would have been your last bracelet. when she tried to ask you a question and you didn't answer, she looked down at you, who was curled up in her arms with closed eyes, and laughed to herself. you were too cute for her wellbeing. she stroked your hair and cradled you in the same spot for the rest of the night, whispering to you how much she loved you and hoping you weren't actually awake while she did so.
© liseytopia 2024 : do not copy, translate, or steal my work.
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nrc-asteryn-crew · 7 months ago
"Woow~ That's so nice of ya Casi'! Kyehehe."
He teased lightly, laughing softly, his eyes creasing at the corners as he grinned.
"Soo... does one of these 'endeavors' include goin' back ta wherever we left off on VOCALOID-? Oor- do ya got somethin' else in mind ta do now? I don't mind!"
He asked, briefly glancing towards Casimir's device, then back to him.
"Heh, 'nd don't worry 'bout that. Trust me- I definitely wouldn't be goin' along if I didn't wanna. 'Sides, it seems fun!"
- Mace (🔌)
For the second afternoon in a row that week, Mace found himself walking down the same corridor of the Diasomnia dorms. He would have come by sooner, having finished downloading all of the stuff onto the drive way earlier, but he got a bit distracted doing... a few different things. He hoped Casimir didn't mind the wait too much. It would be a shame if he did.
Approaching Casimir's door, he knocked the same way he did last time, before stepping back.
"Yello~! Guess who it is~!"
He called out, combing his fingers through his hair to neaten it up a bit while he waited for the door to open. Not that he was trying to make it look extra neat. But more... trying to make it seem like he didn't just crawl out of bed a few hours ago, just to only make it in time to attend the last class of the day. Because he definitely didn't. Definitely.
- Mace (🔌) [ @nrc-asteryn-crew ]
( ooc// i cannot the way he starts monologuing in his thoughts then gets more sentimental STOPP I CANT DO THIS I LOVE HIM SM ACTUALLY if he was in game i WOULD whale /pos silly guy if anything ur inability to control ur UM is just making mace more interested in you (i actually love that it does that tho its so silly) anyway I FINALLY MADE THE GOSH DARN BLOG . well sorta i more so just had to revamp the pinned post that was already there but YEA!!! :D )
*the knocking on the door startled Casimir from his thoughts that, today, mainly consisted of some nonsense on a homework page. He relaxed though, at the recognition of the knocking pattern and voice and stood up*
*He took a deep breath to compose himself and adopt his typical, grandiose persona before opening the door*
Greetings to you, Vassal Mace! It is a pleasure to see that you have decided to return to my lair on this day.
I assume that your being here means you have successfully completed your quest?
*Casimir did his best to contain his excitement, tapping his fingers together in what, to most appearances, could be read as excitement or a gesture of evil plotting - the perfect gesture for one of his status, now that he thought about it.*
(✨HELL YEAH! banger that u have a blog now! I think I'm already following ur acct from my main but yaur!!! Also thank u SM that means. A lot actually bc I'm just here like "yeah this silly guy who exists in my brain is gonna get thrown from a window" and I really appreciate when other ppl like my silly guys dhhdsjdj. I'm so excited to be able to learn more Abt ur guys now tho too whehehehe >:3¢. Probably should've done this from the tags. Anyways.)
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year ago
Butterfly's Repose
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Two fics in such a short span of time?! Yeah, I'm procrastinating. I actually wasn't going to finish this little thing I started in my notes today, but then I got an idea for how to continue it and HAD to get it out. So here it is
Title comes from "Butterfly's Repose" by Zabawa
Warnings: nightmares, crying, references to past abuse, low self-worth, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 804
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
Tag List Form
Arms squeeze tighter around your middle. You don't notice at first - you've just woken up and your brain hasn't caught up yet, and having arms around you like this is not unfamiliar or strange. In fact, you know right away that it's Astarion. You'd fallen asleep in each other's arms, wrapped around each other with intertwining legs and faces pressed into necks and shoulders.
He shifts so his head rests squarely over your chest, and again you think nothing of it. You relax back into the bed, into your pillow and the warm sheets. Sleep starts to claim you again, grabbing you with syrupy tendrils that make it hard to think.
But then you feel something wet against your skin. Wet and hot, and he's trembling. You force your eyes open, fighting against the desire to sleep. You can't see his face in the dark, but you know. You know he's crying.
You slowly begin to slide your fingers through his curls, careful not to startle him or pull at any knots. "Star?" you murmur into the dark. "What's wrong? What happened?"
A choked sob rips from his throat. There’s no point hiding his tears now. He tries to speak, but he can’t come up with anything. All he can do is shake his head and press further against you.
You wrap your arm around his shoulder to hold him close and fully begin to play with his hair in all the ways you know he enjoys. You shush him gently, kissing the top of his head. “You’re safe, love. You’re safe. Nobody is going to hurt you here.” Another harsh sob wracks his body, and you begin rubbing up and down his back. “It’s okay. Let it out. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
It must have been a nightmare or a memory - nothing else could upset him this much, and he flipped between trances and normal sleep so often it was hard to know which he’d endured. You would kill Cazador over and over again if it meant removing Astarion’s suffering. You’d kill the bastard 200 times - once for each year of life he ruined for your lover. And a million more for every other life he ruined.
His fingers curl into the fabric at your back, holding on as though letting go would cause him to fall off a deep precipice. But you wouldn’t let that happen. Not for as long as you live - and further if you had any say in the matter.
Sleep does not come to visit again. You’re too worried for the man in your arms to care. By the time his crying has softened to whimpers and sniffles, you can see the orange of the sun trying to break through the dark curtains. And still you don’t care.
When the whimpers reduce further to mere shaky breaths, you know it has finally passed. You kiss his head again, whispering into the white hairs that tickle your face just how proud you are of him, how much you love him, how strong he is. You’d never stop until he finally got it through his brain just how true each word was.
He pulled away and you let him, watching as he cringed and tried to wipe away the wet spot he left on your skin. You chuckled gently and grabbed his hand to stop him. “It’s okay, love, I don’t mind.” He sighs, relenting. He can’t meet your eyes. You wonder if you were in his dream.
“I’m sorry,” he croaks out. You immediately shush him again.
“It’s okay, my love. Thank you for trusting me.”
He sighs shakily, eyes closing. He’s relieved. When he opens his eyes again, he notices the sun’s orange glow behind the curtains, just as you had. “Gods, I’m sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean to keep you up all night.”
You cup his cheek and lift his head just so you could place a kiss to his forehead. “It’s okay. Just means we get to have a lazy day in bed.”
He holds your wrist and turns into your palm. “You’re too good to me.”
“And you deserve every second of it.” He kisses your hand, but argues no further. “C’mon, love. I’ll hum to you for a bit, how does that sound?”
It must sound perfectly lovely, because he wastes no time repositioning so his head is tucked into your shoulder, nose pressing into your neck. His hands rest loosely on your back now. You continue to stroke and comb through his hair and hold him close. He can feel the vibrations of your voice as you begin humming a quiet lullaby. They mix with the heartbeat thrumming through your pulse and the breaths you take to continue singing. A symphony of sound to reassure him you’re alright. You’re alright.
Tag List:
@hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @olitheghostboy-blog @puppyg1rl666 @maruichio @cyber-dump-171 @katharynmarie @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @phantoms-fandom-blog @thespectacularspaceace @lynnlovesthestars
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justchelleing · 2 years ago
Dazai arguing with his S/o
Inspired by: Soysaucefu
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TW! Cursing, explicit language, angst, alcohol,
Type: Hcs/Oneshot
Genre: Fluff/Comfort, little Angst
Pairing: Dazai x Reader
A/n: I am not used to doing fluff with Dazai :( Like anything Dazai related Oneshot is always angst. I should've made Dazai's part a Oneshot...
This is only one character because it's so fucking long... And stressful
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Dazai Osamu (Ada)
Red flag, red flag, red flag! Big red flag!
This man is so fucking toxic and shit! If you're basing off of my oneshots man this man is shit! But hot
I believe that if he ever fell in love, he would be Lovesick.
Too the point that he would cry if his s/o would leave him.
He's a womanizer
If he doesn't cheat or plans to murder you accidentally then he loves you.
You don't argue with him often because you knew it was a loosing game to begin with if it's your fault. But if it HIS fault that you two argued...
"You fucking womanizing manwhore!" You hissed at him.
"What about it?! It's not like I did it more than once!" He replied getting closer to you.
"So you admit fucking cheating?" You raised a brow at him raising your head as you looked at him.
"Yeah! If it would make a bitch like you shut up." He taunted.
"How dare you-" you gasped but he interrupted you.
"What?! She is prettier than you!" He raises his voice making your eyes widen.
After his comment a loud slap was heard. His cheeks are now swollen as you looked at him with anger, and tears left the corner of your eyes. You slapping him did everything to make him sober. His eyes widened and his lips parted but no sound left his mouth. You bit your lower lip.
"I'm leaving.." you muttered, laying your head low as you turned back and grabbed your purse along with your coat.
"Wait-" he pleaded but was cut off by you closing the door on him.
He was speechless as he fell down the floor. After you left the apartment, you are not doing better than him. Tears refused to stop flowing as you sniffled. You were soaked by the rain and you walked through the streets of Yokohama, sobbing.
When you finally calmed down and went back to the apartment, you were shocked by the sight of Dazai. Bottles of alcohol was scattered on the floor, his hair was messy and some of his bandage was everywhere. When you entered, the door creaked and as you closed it, it released a loud thud. He was shirtless, laying on the couch and a pillow was on his face, covering it. His eyes were full of dark circles and red from crying. When he heard the door close he sat up to see you hanging your soaked coat on the hanger. He rushed towards you, discarding the pillow. He hugged you tightly, upon seeing his state your plan to break up with him was also discarded.
"I'm sorry.. I never meant those words... Please" he muttered between sobs burying his face on the crook of your neck. You put your arms around him, returning the hug as you patted his back to comfort him. Now both of you were soaked.
"I only kissed her while I was drunk.. I'm sorry.." He cried, holding your shoulder as he shook you. Now you refused to stop crying. You fell down to your knees and brought your hands to your face. He hugged you and muttered "sorrys". He apologized over and over while you comforted him.
The rain stopped and the sun rose. You both cuddled at the couch feeling the warmth of each other's embrace. You both shared a brisk yet passionate kiss muttering "I love yous" to each other's ears.
Ps: I procrastinated for a whole week. I was supposed to make a bigass project and deadline is tomorrow but guess what my dumbass did... I have a deadline tomorrow so I'll continue other part next week :)
Peace out virgins!
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tqavaaas · 1 year ago
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ೃ༄ Crescent moon . ˚◞♡ ⃗
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 ┊your death was inevitable.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ┊ major character death, ooc characters, blood, implied murder, incorrect timeline, not proofread, slightly rushed, events are told different from in the anime.
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ┊fem!reader x choso
𝘈/𝘯 ┊LONG SIGHH, after 2 weeks of procrastination I finally got this done. Merry Christmas Eve 😋
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“Choso, what’s that?” Itadori asked, a puzzled expression as he pointed on something on the end of his gi-like vest.
“It’s my mother’s pin” He replied, glancing over at it, then Itadori. A crescent moon shaped pin.
In response he nodded, his eyes turning elsewhere as he successfully identified the object.
Your curse was simple. Your curse was as strong as 15-17 of sukunas fingers: but in return, you could only live 30 years.
Later on, you met a man like you, geto. Whose values were aligned with his, allowing you to end up with other people who thought like you two, hopefully.
“What year are you on again?” Geto asked calmly, a friendly—too friendly smile on his face.
“26, we’ve been working together for 3 years and you don’t know?”
Geto nodded. “Right, I’m sorry.” He said, with an unapologetic tone in his voice. “now, if you’ll excuse me.” He looked at you. “Unless..”
“you care to join?” He offered, the same odd smirk on his face; you nodded, having nothing to do after all.
A board game? Your eyes basically twitched. Before you knew it, the brother of the 2 geto had sent was holding a crushed piece.
“Woah, hey! Why’d you do that for?” Mahito explained.
“Both of my brothers just died.” Choso said, he spoke in a monotone voice, though his face said otherwise.
“You can sense that?” You said, surprised.
“Yuuji Itadori, and Nobara Kugisaki..” Geto raised his voice, his calm attitude oddly eerie. “How about some revenge?”
You have him the, ‘so that’s what you were planning’ look. He merely chuckled.
The years seemed to go by quicker, making you more worrisome.
“Choso and [name], I want you two to go this time.” Geto spoke, he knew your years left were limited: slowly you inched closer to that ticking time-bomb.
“Midnight is the beginning of her final year..”
You and Choso headed off. He glanced at you for a mere second, but he noticed how you looked weaker; like an old person on a death bed. Choso knew though, your final year was the height of your curse.
Choso looked intimidating—moreover, he probably is. Though, his unbothered persona didn’t stop you from talking to him, ending in you two being closer than the rest.
The saying opposites attract is undoubtedly true, you were bubbly, full of life, a human. While choso had a monotone voice, and the same expression on his face.
“We were told to kill the whole village?” You asked, hoping choso would confirm. And he did.
“Over 500 people.” He added.
The sun had set, not even the moonlight was bright enough to see you two. Creating the optimal conditions for your scheme.
It didn’t take much time, nearly everyone was fast asleep. Making it easier.
Now, you and choso sit on a swinging bench in front of someone’s house.
“What a beautiful night.” You hummed, looking at the sky as if you were stargazing, counting each individual star.
The moon was crescent shaped. Your favorite lunar phase.
“The moon looks beautiful tonigh-“ you were cut off. A sudden pain in your body, but then nothing. Not a sound around you, you were in a daydream.
it was calm, oceans hitting the beaches surface calm, much so serene, tranquil. Your eyes closed, feeling no worry.
choso looked at you.
Today was January first, midnight was 30 seconds ago, your time of death. That ticking time-bomb had finally exploded.
“It is, isn’t?” He hummed as he got up. He noticed a pin on your hair. A crescent moon shaped pin.
He carefully took it out of your hair, then proceeded to head back, letting out a soft sigh.
He carefully placed the pin on his gi-like vest.
He remembered that you told him, the Hinduism God, shiva, had a crescent moon on his head. Symbolizing time itself, and he himself was timeless.
unlike shiva, you had a countdown.
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mytardisisparked · 3 months ago
Syrup and Salt
Mulder and Scully enjoy an evening somewhere warm and sandy.
Read on AO3
Everything smells like salt. Her hair. His hair. Their clothes. The condo they’ve rented for the next two glorious weeks. The air inside and outside every building they have been in so far. The towels they toted down to the beach and the bag they stuck the towels in. The red swim trunks he wore in the ocean. Her black tankini and the sunhat she used to protect her porcelain skin when she wasn’t in the ocean, laughing with him. Her hair. Her hair. Her hair–
“Mulder. You’re going to get hair in your lungs if you keep that up.”
He chuckled, inhaling one last, deep breath of the salt clinging to Scully’s red curls before he pulled back to give her a smile. 
“Sorry. You’re just…” he trailed off, lost for words. Instead, he reached up and took one of her curls in his fingers. She smiled back.
He liked her curls. She usually styled it so neatly for work, but the humidity here had inspired (or, perhaps, forced) her to let her hair revert to its natural state. He’d seen it so rarely before that the sight had enchanted him and he was struggling to focus on anything else. 
Scully shifted in their hammock, resting her head on his shoulder. “We should head to dinner soon.”
“Yeah, we should.”
Neither of them moved.
“We really should.”
The ocean waves shushed quietly somewhere nearby. No other sound interrupted it. 
“I’m getting up now.” Scully said without even twitching a muscle. 
“Me too. I’m going to get dressed.” Mulder pulled her closer, holding her more tightly.
It was half-an-hour before they finally dragged themselves from the comfort of the sea breeze and swaying hammock. They dressed quickly – Scully in a sundress and Mulder in shorts and a tee – and walked down the beach to their restaurant.
The Pelican Stand had caught their eye on their drive to the condo; it boasted a large, seaside porch, a huge selection of seafood, and a cute pelican mascot on the sign that had made both of them smile. They had decided immediately that it would be their first dinner location for this trip. 
Despite their procrastination in leaving their hammock and solitary peace, they seemed to have arrived early at the restaurant and beat the dinner rush. They were seated immediately and Mulder put in an order for a couple of fruity drinks that had clever, pelican-themed names.
“Want an appetizer?” Mulder studied the menu a little too close to his face. He’d left his glasses at home since “we won’t need glasses in the ocean.” He now regretted that statement.
“The fries sound good.” Scully flipped her menu over, holding it at a fairly normal length from her face as she peered through her prescription sunglasses (Mulder really needed to update his health insurance plan). “Looks like they come with crab dip.”
Mulder grinned. “Scully, you read my mind.” The waitress came over with their drinks and then headed back off to put in their order for crab dip fries. 
Scully leaned over the back of her chair, taking off her sunglasses and watching the ocean as she sipped her drink. The shimmering blue waves reflected in her eyes and the wind played with her hair, drawing Mulder’s attention to it again. With a smile, he pulled a small camera out of his pocket.
“Hey, Scully.”
Just as she turned to look at him, a smile playing on her lips, he snapped a picture. She smiled even more widely as she realized what he was doing.
“Mulder…” she chuckled.
“I’m just capturing memories.” He grinned. “Maybe we can make a scrapbook later.”
She reached out and took his hand in hers. “Sure, but I don’t think I’m ever going to forget this.”
Mulder squeezed her hand. “I don’t think I will, either. But maybe I want to keep some pictures anyway.”
“Fair enough.” Scully smiled even more brightly, the low sun turning her skin golden and her hair to fire. She leaned over and, gently, captured his lips with hers.
Mulder smiled into the kiss. She tasted like syrup and salt. One of her curls brushed his cheek.
He set his camera down and held her face instead.
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roseyposeylemonsquozey · 10 months ago
non idol!shotaro x fem!reader • fluff • best friends to lovers
warnings: this is my first fic so brace yourself, just some kisses.
a/n: feel free to send feedback, I procrastinated this a lot bc tumblr decided to not let me save like half of it and I had to restart 😭. I love sunshine by skz so was inspired to write about this sunny boy after listening.
osaki shotaro has been your best friend since your mothers introduced you two in diapers. he's still your happy, bright companion from toddlerhood. your taro, supplying your favourite snacks from the times of juice boxes to post-dancing ramen. the one constant rock in your life. the two of you have a set of clothes at each other's houses, buy things that remind you of one another, compete in the same dance team, notice small habits only a lover would realise. neither of you know the feelings you harbour for each other, and it’s painful.
pausing the generic rap music your teacher assigned for your hip hop duo, you turn to him with mochi filled cheeks. you're sitting on the floor of the studio, having a snack break. 10-year-old you gently points to the corner of your eye as he laughs at some long-forgotten dad joke you made. "taro, did you know that when you smile your eyes smile too?" the quietly comforting atmosphere is bubbling with innocence and joy. as you mimic his expression with a scrunched up face, he giggles even more and you smile too. "look, they did it again! they kind of- kind of light up! like they're getting bigger even though they're getting smaller." he tilts his head at your specific realisation. "really? do you think it's cool?" turning to the mirror, he begins smiling and fixating on his eye shape. "I love it! your smile is like sunshine." he stops and looks down, flustered. that's all he needs to know. now he smiles at everything you do.
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"ugh, today sucks!" you exclaim, walking home from high school with shotaro. he hums understandingly as you kick a rock and asks you to elaborate. it's sweltering, and he's offering his water bottle every minute. "I argue with my dad this morning, then jiwook has something enlightening to say about my body, I get a low score in science and the one time I get to talk to you I'm upset." his heart pangs at your recount. shotaro’s conflicted by the way he's so affected by a slight change in your mood. you’re his best friend. he almost comes to the conclusion he's hurt by the way your sparkling eyes look worn down because he stares at you more than he'd like to admit. but he's too distracted by something you said.
"what did jiwook say?" he flinches sheepishly, knowing that shouldn't be his immediate reaction. "is that all, osaki?" it gets quiet. you continue. "s-sorry, i'm just on edge. um, he said something about me being an eyesore and no one liking me, i guess. why?" you reply nonchalantly. now he's angry, and he doesn't know how to react without it screaming i'm in love with you. he frowns. "don't listen to him. everyone loves you and you're so beautiful and amazing! my day gets better just when I see you! I wish I could make your day better. gosh, how could he say that about you?" he begins rambling, and you have to cut his usually composed self off by leaning into his side. alarm bells ring in your head and a cacophony of fireworks go off in shotaro’s. you start to realise he's coming off as more than a friend - he might like you too. as the conversation returns to normalcy, the burning sun pulls you away from that wild fantasy. "thanks taro. i'm so lucky to have you in my life."
growing silent, he pulls you into an embrace, stomach blossoming into a flurry of unspoken love. suddenly you've reached your house and you're hugging goodbye. it's just the two of you. he smiles contentedly into your hair until the sun starts to get to you and the world closes in. "you're the only sunshine i need." you mumble into his chest before pulling away and ruffling his hair, walking up to your front door for what feels like forever. "bye! love you!" you holler and he returns it faintly. he wishes it wasn't platonic, beginning to move away defeatedly. little does he know as you shut the door, your head falls and you let out a longing sigh.
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"yah. did you hear me?" he nudges, resting his head on yours from behind playfully. you're staring at the dance studio mirror, lost in thought. moonlight spills into the dark lit room from overhead windows, outside it's quiet at this hour. "I called your name like, 3 times." head moving faster than your eyes, you spin around to see your smiley best friend also on his practise break. you're staying late together to perfect routines and have fun freestyling. really, though, it's just to have each other to yourselves while your team is gone. "huh? oh, yeah, what is it sunny boy?" he momentarily freezes, caught off guard at the nickname. god he loves your sleepy tone. he's lucky his endearing smile conceals it all. "wake up! I wanna show you a new choreo i learnt in LA last month!" you nod, immediately dropping crossed legged. shotaro loves the way he always has your undivided attention. you each steal glances at each other through the mirror as he walks to turn on 'siren', and you hype him up with all of your remaining energy. you would've caught the blush on his cheeks if he hadn't began executing the moves with such finesse, power and flow.
your eyes lock for the entire routine. growing shy from the tangible tension in the room, the music abruptly ends with the signature scratch, saving you as your cue to shower him with praise. you clap for eons. his immovable smile is widened by your vocal admiration and he bows like it’s his life duty to thank you. after his name leaves your lips for the nth time, you start to calm down. playfully whistling, you suddenly acknowledge anyone from an outside perspective would recognise you’re blindly in love with him. all he can think about is your appreciation. he joins you on the floor, you pull him into your front and his head finds solace in your lap straight away. should i tell her? echoes through his mind. you fiddle with his hair nervously. sparks fizzle between your bodies, years of want climaxing in a cliche full circle moment.
shotaro finally mumbles your name. “hmm?” you respond, making eye contact. he smiles up at you. rehearsing his big speech inside his head and running through all possible outcomes, he bites the bullet.
“I like you, like beyond friendship. I think I have for a while now. please don't say this changes us, you’re everything to me. I-I just needed to get this off my chest because I live to make you happy and can't keep lying to you."
you sit in shock. the dim lighting of the room amplifies all of your emotions at his confession, and the lower your jaw falls the lower his heart does. time stops in the room and you feel like you're floating. "wow." you breathe. "what is it?" he urges, cheeks already heating up. "I, uh, yeah. me too. I love you too, forever. just can't believe what's happening right now." you giggle. "who knew the flurry of sunshine had some poetic potential?" he tries his best frowny glare but fails, and instead opts for his trademark smile that you adore so much.
sitting up, he gazes at the crescent moon, entranced. you're gazing at his face as his arm absentmindedly snakes around your waist. your eyes quickly find his lips. you're both caught up in how your entire relationship is changed and it's electric. "taro, can I-" you begin, not realising he's thinking the same thing as his eyes have found your lips long ago. his glimmering eyes meet yours and you kiss.
it's a slow, uncertain clash that quickly deepens as you melt into each other. he pulls away and smirks before kissing you again with more passion. your lips dance, hands finding his neck and it seems like eternity in this state would be bliss. but eventually you're pulled back into your senses and your lips part. "i love you" is exchanged at the same time immediately and laughs erupt throughout the room at the sickeningly sweet moment. sighing, you lay down next to each other. "y'know, you're like the moonlight, and i'm like sunshine. yin and yang." he remarks, only ever revealing his sincere side to you. "here comes shakespeare..." you dig. "yah! I wanna be sentimental!" you kiss him again before he can defend himself further. "here's something sentimental. be my boyfriend." shotaro's never smiled harder.
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jitzlemonade · 1 year ago
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Good news is, I'm not dead and I'm finally back. Sorry for the long hiatus, hehe. Life and procrastination got in the way. Anyway, Mima anon, I really appreciate you and your comments >< It really lets me know what people like about my work. This would have taken much longer if it wasn't for your ask that really motivate me to finally crunch it out. I bloody adore you, as a writer towards their reader. For the other anon, I did include Childe, so hope that partially satisfy your request. As for the second half? Haha, we'll see...
Hope you guys enjoy this, and as always, let me know what you think. Contains: Slight angst, fluff, happy, overcoming past love until whoops Pairing: Zhongli x Reader; Childe x Reader (featured)
What was life meant for without Zhongli? Another person that stepped into your life seems to have the answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------
What are you without Zhongli?
The stone pavement feels cold against your back, and you could feel unknown liquid seeping into the fabric of your clothing. You would've been disgusted and immediately gotten up, but for now, you find that you don't care enough to bother getting up. 
You gaze at the skies vacantly. It's sunny and bright and so full of life, but even as sunlight falls upon your motionless body splaying on the floor, you felt cold and tired. There's only one thing left to do now, you tell yourself, sleep. Your eyes closed, and you were gone from the conscious world.
It was unknown how long you remained there, but you awoke when you felt your body shaking. You opened your eyes again, blinking a few times to shake off the drowsiness. Ah, the skies were dyed with shades of orange and blue. Sun set, your brain supplemented.
Then, a tuff of reddish-orange hair entered your vision, followed by a grinning face. "You're awake," Judging by the way you can see even the pores on his skin clearly, he was probably squatting while his body hunched over you, and at an uncomfortably close distance.
You remained still, making no movements in response to his sudden appearance. You were startled, but it just happened so suddenly you didn't even have time to react. When you fully comprehended the situation along with the shock, it was already too late to react at all. However, he interpreted your inaction differently, "Hah? You even lost the spirit to live?"
That's one hell of a misunderstanding, you thought to yourself. He seemed to have lost interest, pulling back from your face. You could see more of him now. Ginger-red hair, with a red mask attached on his head. A ruby crystal hangs from his earlobe, which against his fair skin, glints with a shade so similar to blood that you were reminded of a chevalier rose that grows in the midst of winter.
Originally, you didn't want to care, but when you look him in the eyes, it was like something had you in a vice grip. Those ocean blue eyes of him seemed to stir something deep inside you, and before you knew it, you had already gotten up into a sitting position. For some reason, his eyes remind you of Zhongli, for a reason you can't quite determine yet.
You stared at him, and even though he had every chance to break the eye contact, he didn't. He merely looked at you with an amused expression, gazing upon you as he awaits your reaction. The cogs in your brain started rotating, slowly at first, but the longer you stared at him, the faster they turned.
His eyes were ocean blue, the type of blue you see when you're out in the open sea when the clouds obscure the blazing sun just right. It was the same shade of blue that you see when you stared at the skies while you were lying down on the floor. The same shade of blue in which a field of glaze lilies brushes gently against your legs as you run through them, with petals that dances with the wind.
Yes, his eyes were ocean blue. The type of blue that calms and soothes the soul as you embraced it, the type of blue in which you would confide your deepest and darkest secrets in. Yet, it also bears resemblance to the shade of the lost civilization Enkanomiya. A deep, dark blue that's closer to black.
Something else lies within those eyes. A bottomless depth, in which even the strongest light can never reach. Even as the evening sun dyes him in a warm, golden hue, there's a darkness that's ever present even as a smile lightly shows itself on his lips. An abyss that beckons unknowing travelers to explore its depths, unaware it will be their undoing.
His eyes were different from his outspoken and friendly demeanor, they were cold, frigid like frosty hails in the harsh winters of Snezhnaya. You had never been there, but if all the authors that had written about the country were right, the coldness in his eyes would be the personification of Snezhnaya.
However, even then, those eyes of his are breathtaking all the same.
Like Noctilucous Jade in the dark, his eyes shines so brilliantly that one can't help but to reach out, in hopes they'll be the salvation that saves him from the darkness that plagues his eyes.
Suddenly, everything clicked together in place.
Ah, so that's why he reminded you of Zhongli.
While blue and amber couldn't be any more different, his eyes are similar to Zhongli's.
Both tell a tale, a tale of someone who has lived far too long, a tale of someone who has seen too many miseries in a lifetime.
He pulls you onto your feet, and your body effortlessly follows the pull of his arm. A fleeting thought passed your mind, he’s strong. The silk of his gloves feels smooth against your skin. It reminds you of Zhongli, even though the silky texture differs from velvet. Sorrow rears its head within you once more; but for now, you really appreciate the body warmth of another human being.
He drags you to somewhere with a firm grip of his hand on your wrist. You can tell he has a clear destination in mind judging by his decisive steps. Logic and reason tell you to shake his hand off and head home, that you shouldn’t let him bring you to an unknown place, yet like a puppet pulled by its puppeteer, you let him. Perhaps, even if it’s just for today, you wanted to stop thinking so much.
You zoned out, your feet automatically walked in whatever direction you feel him pull. Your brain faintly registered the passing sceneries, enough to tell you’re moving, but still unable to predict where exactly you’re going. You felt the pull stopped, and like it’s a signal, you snapped out of your trance. You paused, scanning your surroundings. Huh, he brought you to Liyue Harbour.
At this time, the sun had already set, leaving nightfall in its leave. The stars glitter in the night sky like countless tiny diamonds, when the only light source bright enough to illuminate your surroundings was the moon. Your ears can pick up the clash of the waves against the rocks and the quiet rocking of boat along with the waves. A familiar scenery, but with someone new and different by your side.
This serene moment was interrupted by an abrupt shout. “Here!” You looked towards the source, only to be greeted by the sight of an object getting larger and larger–– wait a minute, it’s actually coming towards you!!!! To say you panicked was an understatement, any passerby would immediately label your series of actions aimed towards trying to catch the object as some form of demonic possession.
When you do finally catch it, you released a sigh of relief. You were too caught up with the feel of the item against your hand to think of admonishing the culprit that was the cause of your mini-panic attack on the streets. You gave yourself a pat on the back for catching it without breaking it. A boisterous laughter filled the street, when you looked at him, the ginger was holding his stomach due to laughing too hard.
Your eyes narrowed and you could feel your eye twitching in anger. “Glad one of us can laugh at my expense,” you say sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. “Oh, no problem. It was the funniest thing I’ve seen since coming to Liyue.” For dramatic purpose, he even mimicked wiping off a tear from the corner of his eye. Your eye twitched even harder, and you swear you can feel a blood vessel or two in your blood stream burst.
You were speechless, so you examined the object which you painstakingly caught after spending more than half of your sweat and spirit. “A fishing rod?” You questioned, because you did not spend all that effort for a fishing rod. He nodded his head, “Yes, and it’s just so happened to be a full moon, perfect for night fishing!”, his eyes were bright as he pointed to the moon.
You paused, waiting for the anger to fill your body so you can do what needs to be done. Contrary to your expectations, you mysteriously felt a sense of calmness enveloping you. Instead of flaring up, you sat down beside him and copied his actions as he set things up for fishing. When it comes to hooking the worm through the fishhook, you grimaced at the slimy texture against your fingertips.
It didn’t take long before a fish took bite, and it took a lot of effort to reel your line back in. However, all come to naught when all that’s left was a single hook, no bait in sight, and no fish either. You looked towards him, and he was trying his best to not fall over from laughter as he stifled his giggles. You glanced back at your hook, how in teyvat did the fish get the worm and not get caught on the hook when you clearly used the hook to stab the worm?
Honestly, the end result came as no surprise to you. You peered down at your basket, only for it to be empty. There was nary a worm, much less any fishes, as if a supernova had occurred in your basket and vanquished all the fishes into oblivion. The man besides you, had 2 baskets overwhelmed with fishes, to the point some escaped from the basket and was hopping their way back into the sea. 
Your eyes met his, and he smirked smugly at you. As an honorable citizen of Liyue, you respond childishness with reason and logic. Just kidding, you retaliated by swatting his arm. All he did was chuckled even more. This mystery man indeed gets on your nerves, but you must admit that if it wasn’t for him, you would have still been lying on the ground in some alleyway, wallowing in self-pity.
“Thank you, weird ginger-haired stranger,” you told him before you stood up. You didn’t leave immediately, instead you glanced at the moon once more, and for this once, you took your time. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him looking at you, seemingly contemplating something. Then, he tilts both the buckets towards the sea, releasing all the fish he had caught back to their homes.
“Call me Childe,” he said as he watched the fish swim away from the shoreline until they completely disappear from sight. “Childe,” You tried copying his pronunciation, with zero idea on how do you spell that. You waited, and he didn’t say anything. Okay, since he didn’t correct you, you must have the sound of his name right then. “Thanks for the company, Childe.” You nodded at him and left.
When you reached the doorsteps of your accommodation, you paused. You suddenly remembered something, you didn’t tell him your name… It completely and utterly slipped your mind. No matter, you shrugged. It wasn’t like you’ll see him again anyway.
You were wrong.
You began running into him at a frequency higher than the time you spent sleeping on your bed, and taking into account that you do in fact sleep every day, this alarmingly high rate is appalling. 
Though you do admit you were familiar with the ginger man, to the point that he managed to wrangle your name from your lips regardless of the tight reins you had on yourself.
You didn't know why Childe had asked you to meet him at the bridge at this god forsaken hour. It's 4 am, and you wondered why you bothered humoring him. Though you can already see a few merchants buzzing about to set up their stalls, you remain insistent that it's too early. You could've been at home and sleeping.
“Hey!” He called your name out loud and his booming voice sounded through the streets, causing everyone to look at the both of you. You sighed, might as get used to it by now. 
“Hello to you too, Childe,” you whispered, too tired to deal with him this early. He slaps you on your back, causing you to stumble and almost fall, which naturally lead you to glare at him “Lighten up, we got things to do!”
“Oh yeah,” you muttered before asking, “What exactly do we have to do?” He flashed the brightest grin you had ever seen, “Crab hunting,” You nodded before the words finally sink in, you stared at him as you repeated “..crab..hunting?” His grin did not falter, “Yup, crab hunting,”
You closed your eyes as you wondered what you have gotten yourself into.
You should've left him when you had the chance, you thought, yet here you are leaping towards a crab before it slips past your fingers and burrow itself in the sand.
You gave up, letting your body hit the sand without trying to soften your fall. Luckily, there wasn't any rocks or sharp objects. You sighed, this is why you have a desk job.
Suddenly, your sight turned dim, a shadow was charged over you. Turning your head slightly up, you see Childe bent over at the waist chuckling at you. “You look like a worm,”
You didn't even bother retorting with words, instead cupping a handful of wet sand to throw at his clothes. “Hey!” he laughed in protest, “not fair! I wasn’t ready!”
You quickly got up as he started scooping up wet sand to throw at you, he threatened you “Don't you move!”. In turn, you hollered, “Never! And you suck at aiming!” To finish him off, you stuck your tongue at him.
You had a strong start, but not even 10 minutes later, you were left panting on the ground again. Your clothes were stained all over with mud because while Childe has shitty aim, you have shitty stamina.
Both of you looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. You were terrible to look at, but he didn't get off easy either, the mud even stained his hair and face.
“How many more crabs we need again?” you questioned once you regained your bearings. “4 more,” you looked at him, and he looked at you. Damn it, he wasn't kidding.
Though thankfully, by a stroke of pure, sheer luck, you managed to catch 1 more crab, which makes a grand total of 2 crabs captured by you.
When you looked over to Childe's side, you saw 6 crabs in his basket. You decided you should just be proud of yourself and not boast in any way, shape, or form.
“Why do you want so many crabs anyway?” you looked at Childe as he tied the crabs' pinchers using strings. He grinned, “I'm gonna treat you to a feast,”
“.... with these crabs?” He nodded, “Exactly with these crabs,” All the effort may have been worth it, scratch that, not all, but most of the effort. Seafood was a luxury, and if he's treating you? You are indeed, going to have a feast.
On the way, he kept selling his cooking skills. Giving details how he honed his craft by learning to make 'dishes filled with love' for his family, and how you would definitely find his food delicious.
You didn't even mind when he says he was the one going to cook it. After all, he must be confident if he's offering, right? You paused, could you actually trust his cooking skills? Ultimately you shrugged it off, there's no point in doubting him now.
That was until you saw the dish served in front of you.
You had a million things to say, and none of them are nice, not even remotely. You glanced at him, ready to give him a piece of your mind.
However, the moment you looked at Childe's puppy eyes, the harsh words that were originally going to come out of your mouth stopped. You pursed your lips, contemplating on how to word it to not hurt his feelings.
“Is this... still alive?” you mutter as you poke at the tentacle at the very top. The fact that it trembled from the poke makes you die slightly inside. Dang, it still has its muscle memory.
You put down the chopsticks next to the dish, suddenly finding your originally ravenous stomach to be extremely quiet now.
“Dont be shy, comrade! Go ahead and dig in,” Even with Childe's cheerful voice ringing beside you, you can't possibly stomach this in any universe.
Where in the world did the octopus' tentacales and the reddish hue of the soup come from? In fact, why did it look like a kraken drowning in its own blood?
You blinked once more, trying to see if you were mistaken. Nope, it's gotten even worse. The Kraken seemed to be screaming now, though you can't hear physically, your soul felt its torment and suffering deeply.
Were you just not getting enough sleep, or did the hot sun cause you to hallucinate? You gazed up at the ceiling, pondering all your life's choices that had lead you to this exact moment.
“...How exactly did you.... make this?” You questioned, because you were extremely sure all you did was spend half of your lifespan trying to catch some crabs, and buying Calla Lilies and mint from a merchant. 
How exactly did this abomination come about with such limited choice of ingredients? Perhaps Childe had a hidden talent for making something out of nothing, which is a talent that you desperately pray he should not have at this moment when you’re the guinea pig.
He smiles, though it comes out a little weak and weird in a way you can't quite pinpoint, “This is something I fished out of the sea, along with some products from my homeland on the side,”
Though that weirdness faded as quickly as it came, which makes you dismiss it as your imagination. Or is it really? It was pointless, you won’t breach this subject when you’re not even close to him.
“I assure you, it's delicious! My family are always scrambling for more when I cook,” You closed your eyes, they were probably scrambling for their lives instead.
Nevermind, you lived long enough. Bracing yourself, you took your first bite. You thought you would faint or at least choke from horrible and indescribable flavours, but none of that happen.
“It's... edible,” you muttered in surprise, as your mouth keep chewing. It's actually tasty, you realized. “Not bad, right?” He grinned as he sat down opposite you with his own bowl. “It'll taste even better since you worked for it,”
You stared at him, and ended up with the decision of keeping your mouth shut. The last thing you'll do is admit his cooking is delicious. It was necessary to avoid feeding his already enlarged ego.
Though the moment he held up the chopsticks and failed miserably, you flexed by clicking your chopsticks together multiple times in front of his face. Your Liyue ancestors would have denounced you for your chopsticks etiquette, in this case, the lack of it; but you were too gleeful on this victory over him. Like a crab, you continue to clink the chopsticks.
He put his chopsticks down, complaining, “It's because I'm new to Liyue, I never had any experience with chopsticks. Just give me some time and I'll be adept with them in no time!”
You simply nodded, “Yup, anything you say goes,” Though, you stand up and went to the cupboard immediately after, which cause Childe to look at you with a curious gaze.
Without saying anything, you place a spoon and a fork next to him before you went back to your seat. Specifically, a baby spoon and fork with cartoon images on them. You do have a normal set, but you choose this particular set just to piss him off.
Seeing his dumbfounded face was definitely worth all the effort you've exerted today. This debt is cleared, ginger man, you thought to yourself.
As you walked along the shoreline of Yaoguang Shoal with Childe, you couldn’t help but reminisce of a past where you shared such walks with a different person. Not one with auburn hair and ocean blue eyes, but rather one with hazel locks and amber eyes. You smiled wistfully at your thoughts, regardless of your wishes, your mind will always recall him, a ghost of your past that you can’t quite get rid of, even when there is another person accompanying you.
“Come here!” Childe’s voice pulled you away from your trip down memory lane. Before you realized, he was distant from you and you chastised yourself for losing track of your surroundings. You hurried, lengthening your strides into a semi-jog before finally catching up to him. He was already sitting, upon your arrival, he patted the spot next to him. Thus, you sat down at where he motioned.
Both of you watched in silence as the sun slowly sets below the horizon, dyeing the skies and seas an orange-gold hue. You can never get tired of watching this, there was always something mythical about this phenomenon that leaves you mesmerized. “You know, back in Snezhnaya, we were too busy trying to keep moving and stay warm that we never really has the chance to stop and really take the time to watch the sun set.”
You watched him as he narrates his homeland in a gentle tone. His features now had a soft touch on them, losing the sharpness of a hunter. The frigid winter in his eyes has melted, revealing the first sprout of spring, with a gaze that contains affection. The golden hue of the sun gave him a warm glow, paints him with a ethereal beauty, highlighting the love he has for his family. 
You stared at him, transfixed upon the radiance in his eyes, with a light so strong that it banished the dark and brightens the abyss within. His eyes curved into crescents, his lips formed a gentle smile. Ah, you realized, it wasn’t that no light can ever reach the bottom of the abyss, all it requires was the right person, or people.
All of the sudden, his hands reached out towards you, covering your ears. You wondered what was going through his head, but came up blank when he looks upon you with such soft eyes and smile. Then, you heard it, the longing calls of the ocean singing in your ears. He senses the epiphany in your eyes and grinned.
His hands moved away, and he revealed what was in the palm of his hand. A starconch, you observed. “Take this as a token of our friendship,” he smiled, pulling your hand and eveloping it with his own. You felt the press of the shell against your palm. “Now everytime you hear the ocean or see a starconch, you’ll think of me,” He smirked like he had gotten one over you.
You carefully etched his visage in your memories, soaking in the way he looked at this moment in time. His hair sways in the breeze, following its every motion. His smile that bares all his teeth, jubilant and proud. His countenance framed with the stray rays of sunlight. His ocean blue eyes that encompasses the beauty and divinity of the sea itself.
You weren’t ready to love someone else.
However, you can trust him.
For the first time in a while, you smiled. 
Yeah, you can trust him.
You started at Wangshu Inn situated at the top of the tree before you sighed. The elevator was currently used, and as a certified introvert, you knew you would use the stairs to avoid any chances of a conversation happening, even standing near strangers creeps you out.
You patted your legs, in hoping just like countless times before, they will not fail you now. Another deep breath in, you started your way up the stairs, one at a time. Luckily, you had plenty of time left before your appointment with Childe.
Normally, you wouldn't have come here. After all, it's too far away from Liyue city that coming here was really going out of your way. However, Childe was insistent on getting you to try out their latest dish, claiming it to be a once-in-a-century opportunity.
Halfway up the stairs, you were already panting. Looking at the third elevator to pass you since the start of your journey, you regretted succumbing to your social anxiety. Oh well, no can do. You were already halfway there, might as well finish it.
You sigh once more, actually, since there's no one around to judge you, you will just rest here for a while. Once more, you thank Sevens that you came here 1 hour early. At first, you thought you were too paranoid about being late, but in the end you did need all the extra time.
Speaking about Sevens, the thought of Zhongli once again popped up in your mind. “To think that he was Rex Lapis,” you muttered as you gaze vacantly at the surrounding scenery. You wonder the state he's in now, especially since it's been weeks since you last saw him.
Is he heartbroken over the way you just left? Or did he got over it and was secretly glad that you left him and spared him from the effort of breaking up with you? Maybe you were overestimating your significance to him, and he had already moved on.
You caught yourself thinking about him; on reflex, your hand immediately went to slap your cheek. Right, there's no point thinking about it too much, you told yourself. This is the best scenario for you and him. Although at this rate, you weren't sure if it wasn't just you trying to convince yourself that it was.
When you finally reached the top, you felt the tension melting from your shoulders. Finally, you released a sigh of relief. Surprisingly, you had around a quarter of an hour left before you were supposed to meet with Childe. You thought you were stuck on those staircases much longer from all the suffering and aching you felt.
Stepping in, you noticed that the proprietress seems to have been informed of your arrival. She motioned to a room, stating “Mr. Childe is waiting for you,” You paused, wondering how did she know you were supposed to be meeting with Childe.
Perhaps Childe has just given a very detailed explanation of you so she recognised you at first glance, so you shrugged it off. You smiled at her, your own form of greeting and thanks for her service. She nodded towards you, acknowledging your smile, in a way. Or was she smiling at the customer behing him? You paused, but decided it wasn't worth musing over it.
Thus, you made your way up the stairs to the private room. While you weren't sure what Childe had planned, you were sure your legs will be crying by the time you get home. When you got closer to the door, you realized it wasn't completely closed, instead it was left slightly ajar. You mused, was he implying that you could just come in?
You were about to knock, but then the sight that enters your eyes through the crack of the door froze you in your steps. You could see Childe was facing the door, the red shade of his hair certainly stood out. However, there's someone whose back was facing you.
You could never mistaken him for anyone else. Even if he was thrown into a sea of the masses, you can pin point him out before one could even blink. He was also someone who has been monopolizing your thoughts for years.
His back was hunched, his hand was halfway threaded through his brown locks and rested on his head, he seemed to be deeply gazing upon the cup of wine he had in his other hand. Signs that showed his not very well concealed frustration.
His throat was sore, his deep voice cracking as he iterates his thoughts and emotions, “I want to be there, I want to give them the best, but how could I when they no longer trust me?”
He had always been prim and proper with a posture as straight as a bamboo. He had always held himself with confidence and elegance, coming to him as natural as breathing air. He had almost been the epitome of manners, the prime example of an accomplished and cultured gentleman.
It was the first time you saw tears falling from his eyes. The first time you saw him revealed such weakness. The first time a splotch of stain appeared upon his profile. It was a side to him that you never got to know or understand.
He lets out a shaky breath, his voice trembling, barely steady as he asked “Tartaglia, tell me, what can I do when their gaze is devoid of the love I used to see? What can I do when all I can tell is that they want to leave me?”
All the sudden, you were reminded of bittersweet memories. The chuckles he gives off as he listens to your narrations. The warmth of his hand that calms you as he holds your hand during late night walks. The photos of stunning landscapes as he narrates his adventures. The steady beats of his heart luring you to sleep as you lay upon his chest during slumber. The little trinkets that filled your drawer from all the letters he had sent you.
Everything that he has shown and given you comes crashing all at once. Suddenly, you found yourself tearing up. How could you be so wrapped up in yourself that you disregarded all the times he had told and shown you he loves you in the little things he does?
You had always told him for you, actions mean louder than words. How could you be so selfish that you let your insecurities get the better of you, and render everything you and him had so painstakingly built together into nothing?
“Tartaglia, what did I do wrong?”
A moment of silence before he spoke once more.
“Am I not enough?”
You can't believe it took the love of your life to break down and become a mess for you to finally wake up and realize the truth. All your previous concerns were irrevalant and ridiculous. It didn't matter if he's a god, hell, it didn't matter if you weren't good enough.
All that matters is him, and if he feels you are enough, then who are you to go against his decree?
It was time you seek for his forgiveness, to kneel before him and confess your sins and how he was everything you ever needed and more. That he deserves the glow of the Sun to the tiniest sparkle in the universe, that he deserves so much more than you.
  The part of you that's riddled with insecurities thinks, he loves you this much, and maybe, there was an unknown part of you that deserves all this love, that deserves to call him your own.
Your hand pushed against the door a little more, widening the crack just a little more.
Your lips parted slightly, about to call his name.
Then, you watched as Childe pull Zhongli into his embrace. You stood there in the crack of the door as you watched Zhongli didn't struggle away, but proceeded to cry in his arms. Perhaps this is for the best, you thought to yourself as your hand fell back to your side once more.
Someone like Tartaglia would certainly be better for Zhongli than you. It feels like someone had taken a sharp knife and gouge the flesh of your heart piece by piece. You couldn't bear it, so without turning back, you left.
You knew the problem had never been him, but you.
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magolandandfriends · 2 years ago
Marx, did you go on any adventures with Magolor in the past? Do you recall them being related to the Ancients or something like that?
CW: Scars/Open wounds (Kinda Healed)
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Marx: you’d be surprised on how safe it was most of the time, rarely ran into any kind of danger.
(Magolor hyperfixated too close to the sun and got Marx on board-)
(I KEPT MY PROMISE HAHAHAHAHA- it’s been 2 months since I got this ask. We don’t talk about the fact that it’s been 2 months. Don’t tell anyone it’s my biggest secret. Anon I’m sorry for putting this off. It won’t happen again. I hope-)
(I hope this isn’t that confusing to read- I tried my damn best- plus I didn’t even write a script for the dialogue so I had to wing it- but hey it gets the job done)
(Also the toys and the hall that Marx is seen with is a stress ball, Magolor gave them to Marx so that he can have something to bite. He couldn’t fidget with his claws so he resorts to biting)
(Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH FOT THE ASK. EVEN THOUGH I PROCRASTINATE I LOVE BACKSTORY ASKS!!!! I think next post will be just a simple text answer since 1- I don’t feel like drawing. 2- I don’t know how to draw it out. 3- because I said so- but I’m not sure. But we’ll see what the wheel says)
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aredlemon · 1 year ago
A Part. Ao3
Sure, it was only obvious that the breakup would hurt Patton. But did no one think about love itself?
The others forget Roman is literally love but his bro comforts him
First fic! Pardon me if it isn’t up to par but I wanted to get something for you out. (Also some shit happens in my real life, oh and procrastination)
Cw: oblivious/ignorant sides, slight Patton bashing, descriptions of someone looking sick, Remus comforting his bro, Roman has self deprecating thoughts.
Pairings: none!
It had been only about a week since the breakup. Not that it mattered, the others were still furious. Rightly so. It was all his fault!
The window was open, a slight drift moving the curtains. The sun was setting, casting the room in a low, orange light. The floor was littered with tissues, an overflowing trash can not too far from them.
Roman lay on the bed staring up. His prince costume had long been discarded. His skin was pale, rosy cheeks stained with tears only accentuating that. His hair was disheveled, it looked to be less saturated than before.
“Why must you ruin everything…”
A chocked sob escaped Roman. His voice was barely above a whisper, throat aching after what must have been hours of crying. He let out a shaky breath before continuing his soliloquy.
“If only you had just…Done you *job*…”
Roman turned to his nightstand. There lay a letter. A love letter. Funny wasn’t it? How the one to call Thomas all those names was the same person who called him ‘love’. It didn’t matter anymore. Roman had failed at his sole purpose. Keeping Thomas happy.
Remus paced around his room. Not out of anxiety or worry. Janus had prohibited him from entering the living room after he brought in a second dead body. It wasn’t his fault the first one needed a friend!
“Wonder how he’s holding up…” he thought out loud.
Remus seemed to have been the only one to notice Roman’s sudden absence. He was his brother after all, plus Roman was his favourite person to annoy! The others seemed to be too preoccupied with Patton…That bastard. ‘Oh look at me so sad! I am feelings!’ Well, Roman was passion, love for fucks’s sake! It made Remus feel weird…He didn’t like Roman…but they were still brothers.
“That’s it” and with that, Remus quickly vanished from his room.
It was deafeningly silent. A tear made its way down Roman’s cheek. He didn’t even bother wiping it away this time, much too tired to move. He looked sick. White hairs had started appearing on his head, all colour having been drained from his eyes. There was no point in trying.
‘At least I won’t burden them anymore’, ‘It’s better like this’, ‘I deserve this’, thoughts like these were floating in Roman’s brain. His eyes slowly closed.
“I’m so fucking sorry Thomas.”
Few moments passed before Remus rose up. Morning star in hand, ready to cause trouble.
“Oh Ro-Bro~ Are yo-“ Remus was cut short.
The sight of his brother made his stomach churn, something not many things were able to achieve. No, that wasn’t his brother. His brother was lively, loud, happy…this…
A loud thud was heard as the morning star fell from his hands. Rushing to his brother he sighed in relief when the faint heartbeat and slight coldness of Roman’s breath against his hand alerted Remus he was still alive. He withdrew and placed a hand on Roman’s shoulder, shaking him lightly.
“Ro-Bro, get up.” Remus’ worries came back, since Roman didn’t seem to wake.
“Come on now,” he growled, “get up you fucker!” He shook him more violently, worry slipping into his voice despite his efforts to remain calm.
Why was he even so worried? Roman was still alive after all, and he probably would wake up…oh for the love of fuck! Remus allowed tears to spill from his eyes, voice coming out in a sob as he begged Ro to wake up.
Roman’s eyes slowly fluttered open. It must have been morning, perhaps early mid day? Whatever, it’s not like he really cared. His eyes took a bit to adjust to the light invading the room through the curtains. He felt light, almost as if he were floating. Was this a dream?
“Hmmmgg…Ro?” A voice startled him.
Turning his head ever so slightly he was met with Remus’ gaze staring down at him. It seemed as though he had just woken up, still rubbing his eyes. Dark circles framing them, still damp from tears cheeks accompanying them. He looked so…exhausted? Roman had never seen Remus like that, let alone crying. Roman looked at him, trying to ask what was wrong but his voice betrayed him. What came out was a slight whine, barely audible.
“Oh you fucker.” Remus dipped down and hugged him.
Resting his head in the space besides Roman’s head he wrapped his hands around the prince. He felt so relieved. Roman was ok. He quickly pulled back after a groan from his twin’s lips reminded him that he was crushing him. Sitting besides him, he helped Roman sit up on the bed, making sure not to move him too quickly.
Roman felt dizzy, as if his brain was melting in his head.
“What ‘re you doin’ here…?” He slurred out.
Remus stammered, bewildered. Was he really being serious? “You’re kidding right? Roman, you haven’t come out of your room in a week, I come in and find you barely alive, and you ask me why I am here!?”
He didn’t intend on sounding angry, let alone upset, but it happened to come out that way. But was he at fault? Roman was acting like such an idiot.
Roman jolted back a bit. He looked scared. Upset. Worst of all he looked sorry. Ready to break and start apologising, saying sorry for making Remus worry, sorry for being a burden, sorry for being a failure.
Tears spilled from his eyes. They had gained back some of their colour, same with his skin and hair, but he still looked sickly. He tried to speak, but all he could muster up was a faint “s-sorry”.
No, Remus must have misheard right? He all but lunged forward and embraced Roman.
“No. Stop. Just…it’s ok, I’m here” he said as Roman started to sob into his shoulder.
“Sorry for *hic* making you…w-worry” Roman’s words came out barely audible.
“Don’t be. You did nothing wrong, hear me? Nothing.”
Remus patted his twin’s back, humming softly to soothe him. Oh dear….He didn’t like seeing his brother like this. He missed the brave, annoying, over the top Roman. As he made a mental note to give the others a piece of his mind Roman spoke up, finally having calmed down a bit.
“You’re…not mad?”
‘Might as well have driven a dagger straight through my heart’ Remus thought. “No I’m not. Just…I’m sorry, I should have noticed sooner.”
Before Roman could protest Remus continued.
“Just, listen, you’re not a failure, a screw up, whatever. Thomas will find someone new. Shit happens ok? Just cause it’s a part of your job to be love doesn’t mean anything. That’s only a part of you. A part of the amazing Roman.” Remus chuckled. “The, very sadly, lesser of the twins~”
Roman chuckled and pushed Remus off of him.
“Fucker” he said while smiling. ‘Well, what did I expect?’ Roman thought. Remus was his brother after all, and as much as he wanted he couldn’t stay mad.
Plus, the teasing was a part of him, right?
Hope you enjoyed! Again this is my first one so sorry for the bad writing. Also for the fact that it’s short, wanted to get it out this week.
-ARedLemon :)
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the-soul-of-a-morningstar · 11 months ago
It's time for matchup! Sorry my English, it's not my native language.
Sexuality: demisexual and pansexual
Gender: genderfluid
I often become the voice of reason in situations where everyone around is too emotional and acting impulsively. I also take a calm and thoughtful approach to problems and try to think about and analyze them neutrally and without unnecessary emotions. This quality helps me help someone find a solution to their problems, or at least support them emotionally. I have a high thirst for justice and I have a moderate empathy for others, and I can take action to help someone. I am careful not to open up to people right away, but study them well before doing so (although this has a negative side in the form of my extreme distrust, but I will write about this later). Despite my laziness, I can be full of inspiration and enthusiasm for things that interest me and very quickly learn something related to the subject of my interest, or direct my enthusiasm in a positive direction. I have a courage and independence, which I "charge" others with. I also have a sense of humor that my friends like (although not everyone likes my sense of humor). I am caring and attentive to those who are dear to me, and I try to act for their comfort. Loyalty to those I care about is also my strong point. I consider myself an optimist, but I also take into account the real facts.
People quite often really annoying me with their emotionality and a lot of different misconceptions that are in their minds (I deal with this very often, unfortunately). Against this background, I often look down on those around me, although I do not show it. This sounds a bit hypocritical against the background of the fact that irritability and short temper are also my traits that I (sometimes) find difficult to control. I have very big problems with trust, it's not easy for me to open up to others. I rarely show my real emotions, even to those with whom I am close, and try to appear calm. Another problem is my laziness and procrastination. I'm very sarcastic with people I don't like, or when I'm just in a very bad mood. I also have moments of low self-confidence. And finally, sometimes I get jealous.
My life and mind are very chaotic - I have a habit of changing plans quickly, and for this reason I try not to make plans even for the next day.
I don't notice social signals well and sometimes don't understand whether some people's emotions are true or not and what certain hints mean (people need to tell me directly what they think or feel, otherwise I probably won't understand and guess it).
Love Language: words of affirmation and physical touch. I can tell my mate a lot and often how much I love them, reminding them of this more often, I try to come up with pleasant affectionate nicknames, and I realy like praise them! I can compliment their positive traits to cheer them up and boost their self-esteem. Usually my affectionate nicknames are words that I associate with this person in a good way. I also often hug my mate and stroke them. I really like hugging. I have no problem with showing affection in public, and I even like to do it.
Likes: coffee, spicy food, video games (I mostly like RPG), science fiction and fantasy (books, movies, cartoons, anime, video games - it doesn't matter), astronomy, psychology, birds, reptiles, dinosaurs, dragons (my favorite kind of mythical creatures, although dragons are now very diverse and unusual in popular culture), cold weather, night, winter, unusual inventions (it's even funny - when I see some real person or character succeeding in creating some technologies and inventions, I immediately feel an interest in them and their inventions), new discoveries in science
Dislikes: hot weather, bright sun and light, stinging insects, people who are too fanatical and confident in their rightness, yandere (I really don't understand why everyone loves this type of character so much)
Hobbies: I am good at writing texts and composing stories, I like to come up with the plots of my stories and make their text pleasant to read. I also like to draw, but it's harder for me than writing. In drawing, I prefer to use a technique, that is, a drawing tablet with a screen, rather than paper and pencils. I also like to spend time playing video games and reading books or watching some movies and anime (my favorite genres are related to fantasy and science fiction… And when it comes to video games, I prefer RPG). I also like to study things related to my interests - astronomy, psychology, birds, reptiles.
Aesthetic/Style/Overall Vibe: I'm not quite sure what that means… well, I prefer a combination of several colors, usually black with some other color (for example, blue) in clothes, if that's what it's about. Did I understand correctly what this means?
Character preferences: Characters I DO NOT want to be paired with: Valentino (I really hate him), Adam, Lute (I won't be able to get along with them), Niffty.
a/n: Just a note, what I meant by ‘Aesthetic/Style/Overall Vibe’ was like clothing style - It helps me imagine ya a lot better y’know?
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Due to your short-temper, but also your factual mindset, I think Husk would be a good fit for you. You both have similar traits and similar ways of thinking, and despite the fact that both of you have some pretty shitty trust issues, you both know that you can trust eachother.
Husk admires your creativity when it comes to literature and art in general, though, he doesn’t necessarily understand most aspects of it, he does think it’s sorta endearing that you have things your proud to do and show off, y’know?
I can see Husk being into words of affirmation, as he’s not really afraid to say it how it is, and he doesn’t really have shame in saying that he loves you. Husk isn’t too into the public part in PDA, not that he’s not affectionate in public, simply he just doesn’t see a reason to be, nonetheless, best believe he’s awfully cuddly behind closed doors, he’s a cat after all!
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Runner-Ups: Charlie, Lucifer, Cherri Bomb
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@the-soul-of-a-morningstar : please do not copy, repost or translate onto any other platform.
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