#sonic time skip au
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twipsai · 2 days ago
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some things never change, not even in time skip au!
Sonic and Tails are doing their usual thing, traveling the world and helping people along the way -- but nowadays, Sonic is the one following Tails while his little brother attends meetings, press conferences, conventions, and meets up with people in his industry! Sonic follows him to support him and to see new places around the world, as well as meet new people along the way. who knows, maybe he'll meet someone real special...
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version without the cloak! Sonic takes it off when he fights bc it gets in the way
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smolldust · 2 months ago
Sonic sketches that I haven’t posted (and are slightly unfinished)
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fireyartccoon · 10 months ago
Prismatic Parallel shenanigans
this is probably going to become its own little thing
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this was for no particular reason, just felt like posting
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infinitethejackal · 1 year ago
My love for sonic media has come back and it has me looking at the ceiling of my bedroom like. Thinking about Silver and Elise and the missed potential. There should be a multi chapter fic out there where Silver stays with Elise after her dad dies and tries to prevent the events of sonic 06 from happening at all but it's actually about Silver dealing with trauma and being a teenager trying to basically raise a recently traumatized kid. Sorry I need to rewatch sonic 06 my brain is foggy as shit rn
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sonadowcentral · 25 days ago
Wait, how many years has Eggman usurped? If the younger generation didn't catch Green Hills, that's uuuuuh ten-fifteen years.. at least?
You know that one scene in the show where Rouge and Knuckles watch Green Hills get destroyed? Yeah that takes a few years to happen in the AU. Kids like Tails grew up watching Green Hills disappear, but they're around the same age they are in canon by the time Eggman is fully in control.
There is a bit of a time skip but I've kept it kinda ambiguous because the last time I tried to write a clear timeline, I nearly crashed out so just assume it took Eggman a few years to take over (since he has prism power/ influence or whatever) and the younger kids didn't have much time to know exactly what they have lost.
The older characters like Amy, Rouge, Knuckles and Shadow are aware of what was taken away from them since they were all in their late teen years when New Yoke was fully formed.
(I completely forgot to mention this earlier, but in the OG universe Sonic is from, everyone is kinda already grown up OOPS)
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simp-ly-writes · 27 days ago
Lost Souls & Broken Hearts
─────── · ·  For All Time: The Series (pt.1)
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─ · · PAIRING: 10th Doctor x F!Time Lord!Reader, 10th Doctor x Rose Tyler
─ · · SUMMARY: You thought yourself to be the last remaining Time Lord but that all changes when a certain Rose Tyler catches you breaking into your own apartment and is dead set on introducing you to the Doctor, your husband back on Gallifrey.
─ · · TAGS: female pronouns used, second person perspective, canon divergence, soulmate au, emotional angst, depictions of anxiety attacks, coarse language, eventual happy ending (but not yet), not beta read.
─ · · A/N: I'm so excited to finally be writing this, hope you all enjoy!
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It was easy blending in with human life, a bit too easy, you thought to yourself while carrying your shopping bags up the stairs and around the corner down the hall towards your apartment.
Living in the city made it easy to blend into the crowd and not be questioned, chased or judged. You could simply observe as the world spun around you day after day and as the human race followed its canonical historical calendar.
Sure you could skip time to make everyday Christmas or take a turn around the stars and be back for breakfast but the utter domesticity and simplicity of taking a boring human job, studying at a boring human university, and generally performing a boring human life was a pleasant enough change from the usual or what was the usual at least, you often thought. 
Once reaching the oak door, you jiggled the door handle with a huff before remembering the silly little key the landlord gave you, like that would stop anyone from coming in.
Patting down every pocket and starting to lose hope, you take one long look left and then right before quickly pulling out your sonic screwdriver from your jacket pocket and point it at the lock.
"Excuse me Ma'am, but can I ask you-" a young blonde woman halts your motions causing you to take a sharp breath in through your nose before turning swiftly on the heels of your leather boots, long coat sweeping with the dramatic motion to meet the younger woman's sheepish stare and greeting her with a plastered smile on your painted lips.
"It's The Lady actually, or Lady for short, but I also go by (name, last/name) now… what's your name and how may I assist you?" You tilt your head forwards, eyebrow raised to observe the woman's fashion choices with intrigue as the younger woman appears to do the same to you with squinted eyes.
"Well hello, Lady,” she drags out your old title with a sarcastic tone, “I'm Rose Tyler and I was just about to ask what the hell do you think you're doing breaking into that apartment with that-" she takes a sharp breath inwards, the recognizable type gasp, you thinks to yourself, eyes gone with with pure panic before kicking open your front door and throwing your bags to the floor before starting to rush inside.
Rose grabs your arm, pulling you back into the hall and pinning you against the chipped plaster wall. Blowing a strand of hair from your face, you shake underneath Rose's hold with a huff before managing to shove her off. "You know on this planet I was told they shake hands in greeting- not the whole bloody body!" you exclaim with a huff, adjusting the jacket on your shoulders, sonic screwdriver in hand.
Rose shakes her head, mouth aghast, "how did you get that?" she asks, fingers pointing towards the device in your  hand, taking a step forwards as you take one step back, "Get what?"
"That screwdriver!" Rose reaches out with both hands now, brain half frazzled with her discovery, the other clouded over with worry as to what this woman must have done to the Doctor in order to get that off of him.
"Oh, this?" you dangle the device from between your fingertips before tossing it upwards and catching it with a wink, "got it from the contractor's store on Yonge Street. They were having a sale, I think you may still be able to get the deal, half-off or something like that-"
"Don't lie to me, I know what that is. Now tell me how. did. you. get. that?" Rose demands, hand slipping into her pocket to phone the TARDIS.
"If not a screwdriver then what is it?" you ask, looking over Rose's shoulder and into your apartment, calculating.
"Just answer my question!" Rose yells, phone starting to ring. 
“What is going on out here?!” You both look towards an older blonde woman who steps out from across the hall in what looks to be a dull yellow bathrobe, “and who the hell are- you’ve got to be kidding me, you’ve found another one? Fucking ‘ell Rose Tyler, I’m starting to think danger follows you better then your own shadow!” 
“Mum! Now is not the time please and you-” Rose begins to speak before realizing you had taken down the hall and slammed the apartment door shut with a heavy BANG! Echoing down the hall. 
“Now look at what you’ve done!” Rose huffs, fingers balling up into fists as she walks past her mother to stand in front of your door, knocking repeatedly. 
“And what have I done?” Rose’s mom stands back, arms crossed as she watches her daughter switch between ringing your doorbell and banging on your door. “I know you’re in there! I’ve got words for you!”
Meanwhile inside the apartment, you are rushing around, tripping over the various groceries that have spilled out onto the wooden floors and knocking into the picture frames across the walls. You were not expecting to have to move so soon and to say you were disappointed to have to leave so soon would be an understatement.
Your features hold a frown as you rip open the closet doors and throw every article of clothing out onto your bed in search of a specific piece of luggage. I know I left you here somewhere girl. C’mon I know you must be just dying to get out there again so now’s your chance! Just have to show me where you- your thoughts are cut off by Rose’s relentless pleas as she yells in through the mail slot now. 
Gods that girl is really getting on my nerves now, is this really any way to introduce yourself? You scoff. Turing back out of your room and down the hall to the guest room and closet in search, nearly tipping over a tangerine on your way there with a curse. 
Never liked those fruits either, clementines are superior in every way, why do I torture myself with these things- why do I- oh! There you are, you look at the red luggage with a smile before unzipping it to find the uncovered stairs within and throwing down various papers and gadgets, anything that could link to her identity within the apartment. 
Textbooks, tea, pictures… you felt yourself pausing on the last one of that list, your fingers hovering over the some dozen faces you saw right through that all contained the same hearts and those hearts that you willingly connected yourself to all those centuries ago…
Shaking your head of those distant thoughts you throw the frames down into the luggage before taking one last look towards your… open front door? Shit. You spin on your heel, darting off towards the guest room and falling into your luggage, tumbling down the stairs and finding yourself at the console. 
The machine stirs to life with a joyous tune, Hello! Hello! Welcome back, I have missed you so! You laugh at the voice in your head, I’ve missed you too, girl. Now who’s ready for an adventure? You watch as the room comes to life, every bulb shining to full illumination, switches and dials spinning without your hands to command them and that familiar buzz underneath your feet has you giddy in your shoes- it had been quite awhile since you’ve had a frill… since… you remind yourself not to have such memories before inputting a time and destination and lean back against the rails waiting for the vworp sound to commence. 
But before you can begin to enjoy the sound, a voice calls out to you and not the two you had accounted for in your brain. Grabbing the edge of the console and poking your head around you look to see… Rose?! 
“Do explain yourself,” you cross your arms with squinted eyes. 
“How’re you alive?” Rose rebuttals. 
“Answering a question with another question again?” you tease a smile, biting your lip to hide its spread across your cheeks as you try and maintain a straight face. 
“What are you smiling about? Gods you are just as worse as him! And you started the question-answer thing!” Rose exclaims before taking in a deep breath and meeting your eyes once more, “Okay. I decided to follow you. I was… curious. I’ve travelled with your kind before but had never seen another one of… well you unless you’re the Doctor and decided to regenerate again… but then again we’d be in a blue box not some luggage.”
“The Doctor?” you question in a raised tone, you feel your hearts skip a beat in your chest, no… that couldn’t be… 
“Yeah, the Doctor. Do you know him?... Them? They? I don’t know how you refer to each other in the past,” Rose explains, starting to walk around the console, picking up on the various differences between the two machines she’s travelled inside. 
“I don’t know them,” you lie, turning back to the console and flicking some levers. 
“Really? You don’t know the Doctor?” Rose asks again in a much softer tone. You can feel the disappointment in her tone rattling your bones causing you to shiver at the sound of his name. You could distantly remember the sound of his voice calling after you regenerations ago, feel his touch against your skin, feel the way his essence buzzed with pleasure being combined with your own- “No. I… kept to myself back on Gallifrey,” you lie again. 
“Huh, do you know any other Time Lords?” she peers into the valves at the centre of the console, watching as the flicker between yellow and blue hues like a rampant fire. 
“What is this?- an interrogation Miss. Tyler?” you tease, walking behind the girl to reach the other side of the console as you correct your travel angle to a quarter of the degree, “I’ve met one other one… but he is long gone now…” your voice trails off as you stare at the specks of dirt on your outfit with utmost intrigue. 
Rose apologizes, “sorry.”
“For breaking and entering? Or for questioning me?” you joke, bumping the bad mood off yourself and into her shoulder as you smile at the girl. 
“May I ask a few questions? Since it seems you’re stuck with me now for the next hour or so,” you look down at your watch before tipping your head in the direction of your kitchen, “tea?”
“Yes please.” 
─────── · · 
Rose tells you all about her travels with the Doctor across the years, you don’t miss the sparkle in her eyes nor the sound of her heart soaring, pupils dilating everytime she brings up his name. You remember being that person, in utter awe of his intelligence, wit and wisdom. Put under a spell of his charm, weak to his touch… But with every word she adds, every memory that resurfaces, a new pain settles across your skin that you pick at, eyes flashing with a burning pain at the physical proof that he moved on from me… thought me good as dead… didn’t think of our bond…  
“Are you alright there?” Rose asks, reaching across the table to hold your hands, “I’m really sorry now. I was not thinking how painful it must have been to be alone for so long… you don’t have to be alone anymore though, you could take us back to earth after this adventure and I could introduce you to the Doctor and-”
You squeeze her hands in yours, leaning forwards across the table and letting out a long breath to only answer in a whisper, “it’s okay dear. I rather liked being alone… gives me time to think and after what you’ve told me… I think I need more time than ever.” 
Rose nods, “Are you sure- I think he’d love to meet- I mean okay! But do let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
“I will,” you nod back before dropping your touch and leaning back in your chair, “now I do believe you had more questions and I have many answers.” 
“I wish for only the truthful ones,” Rose smiles as you mirror hers to hide the guilt gnawing at your hearts. “How old are you?”
Coughing up a part of your tea with the shock of the question, you laugh, “you know it's rather rude to ask a Lady her age,” you tease, “but I’m.. old… I think I’ve recently reached 900 but I would have to count again. I’ll get back to you on that.” 
Rose nods, “what planet do you like the most?” 
“Earth,” you say instantly. 
“It's become a second home to me.”
“I’m sorry about what happened to your home planet.”
You look away, remembering the skyscrapers that reached the reddish glow of the homeworld atmosphere. “It was a sad necessity or else the wars never would have stopped,” you explain. 
“Is that what you truly believe?” she whispers, tone anxious, knowing that she really shouldn’t have asked but can’t help but desire to know. You partially admire this trait of hers. 
“It’s what I know,” your head falls, eyes cast to the remaining tea leaves at the bottom of your cup, observing the abstract picture with a frown.
“Lighter question, where are we going?” you shrug, “It didn’t really matter to me then… but with a human aboard…” you stand, speaking to yourself as you look at the travel log on the console, huh, why Earth?
“Say Rose, does Earth, January 2025 ring a bell?” 
“That's the first time I met the Doctor!” Rose smiles, jumping up from her spot and running down the hall to meet you, eyes cast over your shoulder with intrigue. 
“Great,” you smile tightly before slowly turning back to the screen, cursing your TARDIS.
─────── · · 
You could laugh at yourself, back where you started just a few years behind at some random street corner in Scotland. “Now this is not where we met but the time’s the same,” Rose says, eyes cast over wet cobblestones reflecting the setting sun. You let out a breath in relief. 
The streets were quiet as people prepared themselves for work the next day and you took off down the street, peering into various storefronts and cafes, a whole sleepy city all to ourselves, and to think I doubted you girl. You can hear the TARDIS buzz excitedly before quieting down once more within your head. 
“What’re we doing here exactly?” Rose asks, you turn around and shrug, placing your hands into your pockets. 
“Enjoying the world like we’re the last ones on it,” you reply with a smile before tilting your head, “how does a walk around the park sound?”
“Sounds a bit too easy than what I’m used to,” Rose laughs, looping her arm around your own, “usually when I’m with the Doctor the worlds about it end.”
“Is that so?” you mumble, “and what does he do about it?”
“Well, he saves the day of course!” Rose deadpans, scoffing at your question. 
“Does he shoot them? Kill them? Converse with them? How does he save it?” you keep your stare forwards so that Rose cannot pick up on your minute expressions, I know how he ‘saved the day’ last time… you think to yourself bitterly. He left you behind, better left for dead, you watched him do so without a second glance back and now he was with the girl on your arm that you walked around with in a barren Scottish park.  
You cursed yourself in this moment for not being able to move on centuries later, for waiting to feel his soul call out to you once more. You could still feel a part of him, maybe it was hope but you thought-no, knew him to be alive after all of these years. You wondered if he still felt you too but then again… he wouldn’t have gotten with her then… right? You ask yourself.  
You could remember his smile on your skin on your soul-bonding day, your wedding day where two became one for all time, for all existence, until the very end… or at least that's what you gave to him, the promise of forever… but at least he’s happy now… but that thought almost hurt more knowing what he was happy with someone else, you curse yourself for the selfish thought. 
Rose notices you stopped listening to her as she stops walking, causing you to pause alongside her. She walks in front of you, grabbing your shoulders as you tense in wait, remembering how the morning went. “I’m not gonna shake you for all your worth again, don’t worry about that but what’s going through your head? You stopped listening long ago…”
You stare at her, observing her youthful features, worried smile and kind eyes. You feel a stake driving through your chest, the last strand of your bond wilting away painfully slowly, untying itself from inside you causing you to grip your chest as you heave over your knees, falling to the ground. 
“Oh my god, you’re not okay. Shoot, shoot, shoot! You we’re supposed to tell me if I could help with something! I’m going to call the Doctor, okay? He’ll know what to do with a sick Time Lord better than I will, just gimme a minute okay? Don’t go anywhere,” she warns you like a stern mother, finger in your face as she waits for you to nod. You just stare blankly up at her, a singular tear falling from your eye that opens the floodgates to a waterfall. 
You cry out your pain, knowing this to be how heartbreak feels. You remember reading about the science behind the bonds in your youth, enraptured with them. You would become soulmates with someone from them… two parts always able to recognize the other no matter what and even after death. And when treated right, the bond could strengthen and so would the couple and when weakened… so would its parts. 
You felt it vividly. A fire starting up from your feet spreading up to your head as you shook off a sweat in the grass watching as the moon came up from the horizon… I wonder if he’s looking too, feels this too…
─────── · · 
“Doctor!’ Rose yells down the line, eyes watching as you rock yourself back and forth refusing to meet her gaze, actively wincing everytime she tips her head trying to chase your own stare. 
“What? Where are you? I’m waiting outside your flat and your mother keeps staring me through the window like I’m the creep,” the Doctor replies, he feels a pang at his heart as he stares down at his chest, eyebrow raised in question as he touches the hurt gently before hitting his chest with a grunt and standing up straight one more. 
“I’m currently in Scotland-” Rose begins to speak before being cut off by a worried Time Lord. 
“What on Earth are you doing there?! When did this happen?” 
“Well only about two hours or so ago, I met another Time Lord and I kinda became a stow-away, she’s really nice! A bit sassy but I take that’s a part of your species DNA,” Rose rambles, kneeling down by your form, hand outstretched that you flinch away from, she pulls away quickly, feeling guilty for trying in the first place. 
“A what?” the Doctor gasps, vowels open alongside his jaw as he stares at Jackie, not believing a word he hears. 
“A Time Lord, you know console, sonic screwdriver, time travel and all that jazz,” she explains, “and she’s hurt, I don’t know what happened but she looks to be in a lot of pain. Please come quickly… I'm scared for her, I don’t like the thought of you being the last one left when we could have done something about it.”
“C-can you tell me her name?” the Doctor asks gently, sprinting back to his TARDIS.
Rose pauses, did I really just hear the Doctor stutter? She asks herself before responding, “She said her title was Lady but takes on a human name now-”
“Are you absolutely sure that was her name?” the Doctor asks, a sudden wave of sickness has him crashing into the console, gripping its ledge as he sways side to side, impossible, he thinks to himself. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“I’ll be there soon,” the Doctor says with utter determination, with utter need, he must see this for himself… see possibly you, “keep your phone on Rose, I’ll track the signal to your location.” 
─────── · · 
You hear as their conversation ends and you stare up at the star filled sky above as the oil lamps flicker on around you both. “If-” you wince at your weak tone, clearing your throat before beginning again, “If he’s coming here then this is where we must part ways… it was… nice getting to meet you Rose. Please, treat him well,” you smile softly up at Rose as she stares down at you, shock evident across her features before they are sculpted sharp into a frustrated expression. 
“You lied to me! You told me you didn’t know him, who are you truly?” she demands, watching as you stand with a wobble on your feet. You can hear the Doctor's muffled voice in her pocket, demanding to know what is going on. You look between both voices before turning back and walking towards your red luggage left on the street corner, “Goodbye Rose!” you yell hearing as she chases after you. 
“Please just tell me who you are, please stay, please-”
You fail to turn around, one foot in your TARDIS, the other on the cobbled streets, another play of history about to be written on these very stones. “I’m the Lady, I’m (name, last/name), and I’m leaving behind the past like I should’ve many centuries ago. Live a good life, Rose. The best life, with many walks in the park… make sure he does the same, okay?” 
Rose stares at you for a long moment, you both look up to watch as a blue box descends from the sky at a rapid speed. “But why can’t you tell me who you are?”
“Let the Doctor tell you whatever he wants you to know… I don’t want to become between you both,” you smile at her one last time before shutting and locking the door behind yourself and setting a course off somewhere you knew yourself never to be found, at least not for a long time. 
─────── · · 
The Doctor falls out the door, cursing as he sees the red box flicker before disappearing before his very eyes. He chases after the spot in which you last stood, shaking his head in disbelief as he grips his hair before turning towards his companion. “You really weren’t lying, there was another Time Lord here,” he blinks rapidly, hearts squeezing in his chest- impossibly tight as he coughs, feeling his airways somehow becoming affected. 
“Doctor? Are you alright?” Rose races to his side, shocked when he flinches away from her touch as if she burned him. “I’m fine just a little under the weather is all, should be good in a minute or two,” the Doctor rushes out to explain, “and are you positive that was her name?”
“Yes!” Rose replies exasperatedly, “why do you keep asking? Who is she? Why- how do you know each other?” 
The Doctor remains silent, choosing his next words carefully as he slowly walks back to the Blue Box, Rose in tow. “We grew up together…but that's a story for another time.”
“Why another time, why not now? She had the same reaction you're having,” Rose presses, taking a step forwards, cornering the man in between two sets of rails. The Doctor keeps his head low, “Is she your friend, companion, ex?” The Doctor does not even breathe. 
“She’s your ex, huh… girlfriend? fiancee?... wife?” Rose whispers the last title underneath her breath catching the way the Doctor’s breath hitches as he takes in a sharp breath of air.
“So that’s why you could never call anything official?” Rose questions yet she knows the answer. She blinks rapidly, stepping back as she is confused as to how to feel. She knew him to be a centuries old creature, lived longer and will live longer than she ever could, ever would and yet… she couldn’t help but feel disturbed knowing that in the few years they shared together… he hadn’t been entirely truthful. 
“What else are you hiding from me, Doctor?” she whispers underneath her breath. The Doctor remains silent, simply staring down at his converse, gripping the rail behind him with white knuckles. “I thought her to be dead, could feel it up in here,” he points up to his head in explanation.
Rose strides forwards, painted finger poking at his chest, he swears to feel it underneath his suit, gritting his teeth at the pricking feeling that spreads across his warm chest. “But you failed to listen here, didn’t you?” 
─────── · · 
↳ Taglist: @just-levyy
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amorkuku · 1 year ago
Hello! No drawing today, just general answer. This is my first large publication. =)
Some people like my Superman/Batman Animated Series Kon AU and wish to learn more. Here I will include my ideas.
The beginning of Superboy's life is basic. Cadmus clones a young Superman that they can control and Kon is born in their laboratory.
Kon breaks out before the cloning process is complete, resulting in him being troubled, having poor eyesight and limited vision. He is confused and needs constant guidance.
He is not a pervert, nor is he heavily attracted to women like he was in the original version. I skipped that part to include him in the animated series universe. However, even if he doesn't do that, he's still bad. He uses his powers to steal from people, and citizens confuse him with Superman (a similar case with Sonic Adventure 2). Due to this, Superman's reputation is ruined constantly.
Kon steals items he thinks are pretty (his jacket and glasses were taken from a clothing store). He is only a few months old so his knowledge is limited. He doesn't know stealing is wrong..
Superman eventually learns of this and instead of blaming him, Superman becomes his mentor. Although Kon always somehow messes things up. Superman likes him regardless.
Superboy will also appear on BTAS alongside Robin. I can think of a reason, but I haven't thought of one yet. When they reunite, they clearly don't get along at first. Superboy is too absent-minded and Robin takes everything seriously. It takes a long time for them to become friends. Also, Superboy's limited vision leads him to believe that Robin's blurry silhouette is a girl and that Batman is a giant cat who has somehow learned to speak. Fortunately, Superman is with him and reveals that this is not the case. After all, Superboy thinks it makes sense.
I'd like to turn my idea into a fan-made comic issue, but it's still too early. I'm busy with life. I'll be making more joke drawings over time until I'm free and able to explore the AU better. I also like to apologize for my mistakes in my writing. Again, this is not my language and errors are being made. & Thanks for 2000 follows too! That's a big number and makes me happy knowing people like my joke creations. Thank you ;)!!
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celli-ohs · 5 months ago
and scene!
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A seven-part written series taking place at EN High School, featuring Enhypen, with supporting roles from Tomorrow x Together, &Team, BoyNextDoor, Le Sserafim, and Illit. Loosely based off of Enhypen's official series En-Drama.
Author's Note: this is going to be a rollercoaster folks! I wanted to basically make a crack/fluff version of En-Drama. I thought the stereotypes they put the members in were cute and fitting of them, but was like "what if I made them all losers lol" and that's how this series was born! disclaimer, the plots for my works are not the same as En-Drama, this is all just for shits and giggles! btw, everything is connected, so stay tuned for each member! lmk who you're most excited to read!!
Status: ongoing
ATTENTION: reply/comment for taglist
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and scene! masterlist
I Can't, I Have Rehearsal
socially awkward!park sunghoon x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
What happens when you get seated right next to the most handsome boy in your entire grade? Well you thought it'd be a great excuse to get to know him better, but the guy won't even talk to you! After a mishap in the science lab, you come to find out that Park Sunghoon, the cold-hearted prince of EN High, isn't in fact rude, he's just afraid of women.
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Show Must Go On
secret softie!park jongseong x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
When you told the waitress to give your compliments to the chef, you didn't expect the chef to come out and thank you personally, and you really didn't expect the chef to be your classmate Park Jongseong. Realizing how bad this could be, he has you keep it a secret. That shouldn't be too hard for you to do he thinks, but you're full of surprises- and slip ups.
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Lights, Curtains, Action!
popular!sim jaeyun x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
You weren't a very sociable person. Sure you had some friends, but you preferred to stay home on your days off. Your family has other plans though, and you're forced to explore the great outdoors during summer break. On your adventure, you never thought you'd find rowdy Sim Jaeyun, otherwise known as Jake, sitting patiently at the docks waiting for a single fish to bite his line. You also never thought he'd reel in your missing shoe before an actual fish.
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All the World's a Stage
younger!kim sunoo x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
You've known Kim Sunoo since middle school when your friend Jaeyun introduced him to you as his 'little brother'. He was a sweet and funny boy. But over the summer, something changed with Sunoo and suddenly you feel your heart skipping a beat every time he looks your way. You'd think he's finally grown up and matured, but there he goes again, quoting some random romcom and you're reminded he'll never see you the way you do him. Or does he?
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Tough Act to Follow
loser!lee heeseung x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
This had to be a mistake. It couldn't be true, how could you end up being seatmates with the biggest loser in school, Lee Heeseung?! You can feel your social status plummeting with every word he speaks to you. But on a late walk from the convenience store, you witness something that changes your view of Heeseung drastically. And maybe he's right, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie is actually kinda good.
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Break a Leg
tease!nishimura riki x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
Nishimura Riki was the bane of your existence. You can't tell where your hatred for him begins and ends. Every day is a constant battle of teasing between the two of you, and you have had it. One day after an accident, Riki shows his true colors and now his insults start to make your heart race, and it's not because you're angry. Surely you've caught something, right?
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No Business Like Show Business
student body president!yang jungwon x reader; high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
When you flunked that math test, you didn't think it was that serious- until your teacher assigned you a tutor: Yang Jungwon, student body president. Honestly, you didn't really know the guy, he seemed like the type to be strict and responsible. Except he isn't, Jungwon is just some guy. You'd argue he's even worse at math than you. His friends thought it'd be funny to elect him as president when the poor boy fell asleep during class. So now you're wondering if you should get a tutor for both of you.
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itz-pandora · 5 months ago
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Doomed Sonadow AU (B-4)
Little time skip between the previous part and this! They got outfit changes 💕
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sonic-au-collision · 1 month ago
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And that's a wrap folks! Without further ado, I present to you the winner of our first ever Sonic AU Collision: @flightyalrighty with their AU, Infested!!!
Thank you all once again for helping make this such an amazing experience. Sonic AU Collision couldn't have happened at all without you guys. I hope that through this event, you've discovered AUs you love that you haven't even known of before. I know I have. And if you haven't, I encourage you to look through the round 1 tags to see a glimpse of all AUs that have participated in our first event.
Now, while we wait on some news for the upcoming Mini Collision this spring, this blog will now function as an AU showcase. Meaning any AU I find or that I am tagged in, will be reblogged here for others to discover under the tag #world entry log! You don't have to have participated in the collision to tag me!
Quick guidelines/rules to keep in mind when tagging me:
Do not tag this blog in any sexual content. This is because of a personal preference AND I am a minor!
Blood & minor gore is fine. Please include content warnings
At least for the first time you tag me in your AU, include its name somewhere so I can tag it properly for organizational purposes!
Hate speech, derogatory language, etc. is not permitted
Essentially, the same rules as tagging me for propaganda in the collision.
Also! I have decided that every Saturday, there will be an AU Spotlight when the collision is not ongoing. This means, if your AU is the one to be in the spotlight, that AU will be this blog's entire focus for the entire day! I will not be reblogging any other AUs except the one in the spotlight. The hope here is to continue discovering and supporting wonderful AUs to a great extent even without the collision.
More information on the AU Spotlight (and sign-ups) will come later this week. This is for the spotlight, not collision. This upcoming Saturday, on February 1st, will have to be skipped while I take the time to set things up.
With all that being said, I hope you've all had and will continue to have fun creating wonder with your AUs. If you wanna come find me for unrelated things or even see collision sneak peeks/behind the scenes, my main account is @starzdeath. I already posted some important dates regarding upcoming collisions :)
One last thing. Since this was the first AU Collision, I'd like to ask you all to fill out this feedback form. This one is different than the one I've had linked on each bracket. It goes more in depth when asking in certain areas you believe I did well or not so well in. This way, I can make future collisions better. Thank you for your honesty <3
This is Sonic AU Collision, aka Ghost, signing off for now o7
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twipsai · 2 days ago
Would Cyrus ever use his uncle's tails as a blankie?
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smolldust · 2 months ago
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More Sonic sketches I haven’t posted (also shadow design for my time skip au)
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starlightsigner · 2 months ago
Iced Avocado AU
coffee shop/alternate ending to Sonic 3 (movie spoilers) Shadow will find Sonic coffee in every universe <3
Two years after the end of movie 3 Shadow comes to Green Hills to fulfill Eggman's dying wish, deliver a message to Stone, who took up running the Mean Bean again
With no real plan or place to go after the message is delivered, Stone adopts offers Shadow a place and a job until he decides what he'd like to do next with his life
Taking him up on his offer, Shadow becomes Green Hills' newest barista
News travels fast in a small town and it doesn't take long for the Wachowski's to hear about who just moved into town
At first Sonic is just glad to know Shadow is alive, but he knows they could be friends if Shadow could just learn to chill and act his age -50 years
Shadow just knows that Maria loved life. She talked about the good in people and the joy of living. He hadn't seen much of it yet, and he didn't think he was going to see much of it in this small town, but his stay is just temporary. It doesn't matter that the people here aren't afraid of him, that the doctor's lovesick assistant treats him well, or that he's free to come and go and just BE as he pleases. He'll be gone sooner rather than later
If anything Shadow is starting to think that the longer he stays in Green Hills the worse off he may be. He thought Sonic's dad had forgiven him for the mistaken identity thing, but the more he hangs around the Wachowski home he cant help but feel his spines stand on end a bit when it's just the two of them. Not only that, but he's beginning to think this fresh mountain air is having negative side effects on him, why else would his heart start skipping beats whenever he sees streaks of blue?
As the reactor core rapidly destabilizes Eggman knows he's out of time to tell the one person in the world who ever cared about him what his companionship meant to him, but as he prepares to go live he realizes the signal is to scrambled to even send out an audio file
Refusing to let his last words go unheard, he gives the file to Shadow, mumbling about how as improbable Shadow's survival would be he's come to realize how annoyingly resilient hedgehogs seem to be
After watching the Eclipse Cannon explode out of range of Earth's atmosphere, Stone sits in the streets of London, looking at another situation that no person could possibly survive. The last time he knew for sure the doctor would come back, this time he refused to acknowledge the part of himself that wasn't so sure.
What he did know for certain is that even though he'd been fired, he hadn't been cloned yet, and as long as he was Doctor Robotnik's assistant he would be sure that there would be an evil lair and a latte waiting for him when he returned
Meanwhile in an unknown corner of the world, Shadow pulls himself out of an impact crater, taking a moment to finally breathe before tracking down a man he barley knows on a planet that even 50 years later he knows even less
Two years later Stone's life is the closest to normal its been since before he joined Gun. Not everyone trusts him and most people still call him the 'weird bean guy' but that doesn't stop any of them from coming in daily or making the Mean Bean the top rated coffee shop on Yelp this side of Montana. It's only a matter of time before Cuppa Heaven falls to the Mean Bean's superiority, then the whole state will be his
While cleaning behind the counter after closing the locked front door rattles as someone tries to force it open. Stone calls out that they're closed and they can come back in the morning (he's got a date with a telenovela). The rattling stops and he goes back to cleaning his equipment
The cup that he was holding falls to the ground with a clang that's completely drowned out by Stone's shriek as a hooded figure teleports beside him
Before Stone can react Shadow removes his hood, complaining about how long his ears will be hurting from that
At first Stone is excited, if Shadow survived then surely the doctor could have as well! Finally a sign that he could be alright
But alas, not everyone can come back like in a soap opera
After receiving the doctor’s message Stone walks over to a table and pulls out a chair, absentmindedly also pulling one out for his guest
He starts musing about how the Mean Bean is where he set up operations to wait for the doctor to return after his last ‘hedgehog induced sabbatical’ so it felt fitting for him to come back here to wait out this one
Shadow asks what he means by wait it out, the doctor is dead. Stone just chuckles and slowly shakes his head, telling Shadow he'd be surprised to hear all of the impossible things the doctor had lived through, this was just the latest
Shadow eventually takes the empty chair next to Stone. He knows that the doctor is dead, he’s sure that Stone knows this even if he wont admit it, but he also can’t help but envy him. The doctor didn’t die right in front of him, he didn’t see the body. Even if the odds are a million to one, there’s a single drop of hope in an ocean of despair, and Stone has refused to let it be swallowed by the sea. As long as there’s a chance of ‘what if’
After a time Stone thanks Shadow for bringing the message to him and gets up to make him a latte as thanks, Shadow lets him know he'd prefer it black
As he works on the coffee he asks Shadow what he's been up to the past two years, about all it boiled down to was him looking for Stone. With no leads, little knowledge about Earth, and a need to stay out of sight, things went far slower then he was happy with
Well, what are you gona do now?
What indeed. Eventually Shadow looks down at his hands and admits that he doesn’t know. He had been so driven by revenge and then by the need to fulfill Eggman's last request (almost as if it were the start of some sort of penitence) that he never really took the time to figure that out. Without a goal, he’s found himself bereft of purpose
Stone stops to take a good look at the lost kid sitting across from him, maybe the doctor had sent him more than just a message
He offers Shadow a job at the Mean Bean, saying that Green Hills is a nice enough town and that while he’s more than able to run the place on his own it can get busy, humble brag but he had the best Yelp reviews for miles for a reason. + maybe a delivery service is what he needs to get the edge over Cuppa Heaven
He tells Shadow that he can think on it if he wants and he's free to hang around until he makes up his mind
Shadow scoffs at him, he's been fine on his own he doesn't need anyone's pity
Stone hands over the coffee before picking up the forgotten cup on the floor, cleaning it again. He tells shadow it's not pity, just an offer from one former coworker to another. A temporary arrangement that could benefit them both while Shadow takes whatever time he needs to decide what his next step will be
Shadow stares into his coffee for a time, Stone cant tell if he's looking for life's answers or if it owes him money
Eventually Shadow drinks and looks to Stone with conviction, agreeing to his proposal. He vows to do his best to serve this place that is to be his temporary home and master the ‘art of the mean bean’
Stone laughs at how serious he is as he puts everything away. He says that they’re gona have to work on getting Shadow to loosen up a bit if he’s gona serve customers
Shadow tenses at that. Asking Stone what he means, surely he can’t suggest that Shadow will be interacting with humans
Stone points out that that’s kind of a big part of being a barista, is that a problem?
Looking to the side trying not to appear apprehensive (boy needs acting lessons), Shadow brings up the fact that he’s very clearly a 'dangerous alien' won’t the people be frightened of him?
It clicks for Stone what he means and he smiles, walking over to Shadow and placing a hand on his shoulder, motioning with his head for him to follow
He tells Shadow not to worry about that, Green Hills is the one place on Earth where a new alien hedgehog will only be the talk of the town for a week or so before the next farmers market drama takes over as peak gossip
After a beat Shadow registers exactly what Stone just said “wait, what do you mean a NEW alien hedgehog?!”
Grinning as he walks away, Stone activates the Mean Bean’s ‘back room’ walking forward while saying that they’ll do a quick tour of the lair and get Shadow settled in
Stone thinks to himself that instead of ending the day with eating his feelings away with a tub of ice cream while watching soap operas, it might be nicer to watch Gabriella's long lost niece backstab (possibly literally if the preview was right) Juan with a new friend. He should make guac. Celebration guac.
Shadow, the ultimate barista
(no first name given) Stone, a man who is unprepared to be a single father to a Hot Topic wannabe
Sonic, guy who's cool until he starts trying to flirt (or the guy who would be on every sports team if he went to school)
Miles 'Tails' Prower, the youngest fox to illegally attend MIT online
Knuckles, volunteer youth camp counselor
Tom Wachowski, promised he wasn't going to intimidate his son's new boyfriend (he lied, but he's only about 40% successful anyway)
Maddie Wachowski, mom of the year 5 years running
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valentinebugzee · 23 days ago
Chapter 2 of Sonic Boom! Stone AU
Love, Trust, and a handful of thread
Finally Stone gets to serve eggman a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk
Sticks and Shadow form an alliance, besties with different trust issues yay
EDIT: I accidentally posted the unedited version on here so it's better to read the fic on Ao3!!
Meanwhile back at the cafe:
Amy apologized profusely for Stick's behavior
"I'm so sorry Mr. Stone, she's usually way nicer..." The Hedgehog's ears drooped
Stone shook his head "No need to apologize, Ms. Amy, she's not the worst customer I've ever had."
It was true because Sticks wasn't even a customer yet, she was a whole other problem...
She was getting close to blowing his cover, her theory was dangerously close to the truth, just who was that badger?
A nut job according to her friends, but she wasn't the first person to be suspicious of the human, the cops (well, cop: singular) were wary of him, warning him from causing havoc, "Eggman is enough work already!" to which Stone scoffed internally at, Sonic and his team do all the work.
He didn't want to defend "heroes" but had to admit even if it pained him, they weren't so bad, if he could divide his time between his job as a barista and his..hobby then he'd be able to maintain a somewhat normal friendship with the rodents.
Were echidnas rodents? He'd look it up later.
A little kid was sitting next to his brother eating a cupcake, his little brother started fighting him over it until it dropped for the older brother's hand.
Stone grabbed two cupcakes from behind the glass display and went to give one to each boy.
"Here you kiddos, free of charge." He smiled giving each kid a cupcake, he also briefly glared at their mom who just sat there and let them fight each other.
Sure he may be a villain but he will judge bad parents, he needed good reviews for his restaurant anyway.
Amy internally cooed at how nice Stone was to kids.
Sonic took the last sip of his coffee and patted his legs seemingly looking for his wallet, even though he wasn't wearing any pants, Stone made a face at that.
"Crap, I forgot my wallet, let me just scurry back home and grab some money, I'll be back in a blink of an eye."
"You don't have to do that, this is the first time you guys grace my cafe with your presence after all, your orders are on the house."
"That's so nice of you mister!" Tails beamed at the man, "Yeah a little too nice, you give out a lotta free stuff, money doesn't grow on trees y'know" Sonic said, there was no malice in his tone.
"Yeah, we all know money comes out of printers." Knuckles spoke between bites of his brownie.
They all stared at him for a moment.
Tails sighs "Remind me to discuss Knuckles's counterfeiting habits."
A loud blast from outside interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.
It was Eggman, of course, "Told ya' Eggman would appear sooner or later." Sonic said to Stone, "Stay right here Stones, we'll protect the place."
The moment the barista's eyes landed on the villain beyond his glass doors his heart skipped a beat, suddenly no one else existed it was just him and that man.
That maniacal laughter only served to make the pink effect around him grow even brighter and more glittery.
Or however the hell you describe Shoujo vision in writing.
The team ran out to fight the man in the egg mobile, the fight went on for a minute while Stone stared in awe at the evil doctor, admiring his every command to his robots, and how determined he was.
"Why's your face like that, Mister? And what's with all the glitter?" the little kid from earlier asked
Stone realized how odd he was behaving, he'll have to get his act together if he wants Dr. Eggman to become his new boss.
Another laser blast hit the spot right in front of his cafe if it had been any closer it would've absolutely destroyed the entrance.
He quickly adjusted his clothes and hair and sprinted toward Eggman.
"Hey! You there! uh, sir!" Stone waved to the doctor, in return he raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar man.
He lowered his egg mobile enough to not have to raise their voices to hear each other, he yelled anyway.
"What do you want?!...and who are you." Dr.Eggman questioned, looking the man up and down.
Stone breathed in, "This is it, don't mess it up", he thought to himself.
The barista grins, "I'm Stone..my name is Stone, and this is my coffee shop, I was wondering if you could move this battle a little further away from my shop, I don't want to be destroyed...is all." Stone cleared his throat nervously.
Eggman stared at him for a moment.
"Stone! What are you doing man!? He's gonna laser blast you!" Sonic yelled out, Amy prepared her hammer, ready to protect Stone.
But Stone didn't waver or spare them a glance, he felt like this was his first test, to prove how worthy he was, so he stared right back.
Everyone in this village has a staring problem.
"...and why should I listen to you?" Eggman snarled, if it was anyone else talking to him he would've ordered a robot to throw him in the ocean immediately, but he was intrigued with this "Stone" guy, if he was speaking honestly to himself he'd admit that Stone was the most beautiful man on this godforsaken land.
Which doesn't sound that impressive since every other man was an animal.
"um... please?" Stone awkwardly tilted his head to the side.
Eggman groaned, "Okay fine! Now stop glittering!".
And with that Eggman's egg mobile floated away.
"Glittering?.." Stone parroted, he shrugged and just sighed with one last glance at Eggman.
The team quickly went after him, but Sonic zoomed back in front of Stone.
"Okay I don't know how you did that but that was impressive." He smirked before speeding back to his friends.
Soon, the team went back to their previous seats, they noticed that Stone seemed a little happier than before.
Then Eggman appeared, without his egg mobile and robots that is.
Stone's back straightened and his eyes went wide, he smiled again.
"Welcome, sir." Stone greets him as calmly as he can, "It's "Doctor"." Eggman corrected.
Stone nodded enthusiastically, "My apologies, Doctor."
The Doctor asked the questions literally everyone else has asked already, "when was this place even built?", "What are all these coffees?", "what's with the red stain on the ground?"
"Let me serve you something special, Doctor." The villain raised an eyebrow, "Just go take a seat and I'll bring it to you in no time."
And that's what the doctor did.
Stone started working on his special order, He gasped a little when he turned around and found Amy and Sonic right behind him, "Dude, do you want us to get this guy out of here?" Sonic offered, "Yeah, you don't have to serve him if you don't want to." Amy added.
"No! No no, don't do that, this is exactly what I want.." He looked back to smile at the doctor, whose back was facing him.
Amy can recognize that smile anywhere, and Sonic recognizes that pink aura...
"Oh boy." Sonic moans, "Don't be like that." Amy giggled and nudged her blue friend.
"What?" Stone asks while already turning around to resume making the drink.
"Stone..is there something you want to tell us?" Pinky sways gently.
"uh yeah, customers are not allowed behind the counter." Stone tries to hide his crimson face from the other two.
"She means about Eggman, don't tell me you got the hots for a guy that needs his robots to do every little thing for him"
"I can do every little thing for him." Stone thinks.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Stone shrugs.
Amy and Sonic exchange a look before chuckling together.
"Okay, but we're gonna kick his butt if he tries anything, just signal for us whenever." Sonic and Amy return to their friends, who have equally smug looks on their faces.
Stone finally finishes the drink and servers it.
"Here you go sir-I mean Doctor!" he stammers.
Eggman looks at it suspiciously before taking a sip, his expression changes for a second before going back to faux annoyance.
"This is...good...what is it?" "It's a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk." Stone beams, Eggman takes another sip, and Stone stands there staring at him with fond eyes.
"What? Are you just gonna stand there? Scram!" Eggman commanded.
Stone immediately obliged with the goofiest grin on his face.
Sonic and his friends were severely judging him.
15 minutes late Cubot and Orbot barged through the doors, "We fixed the Egg mobile, boss!" the two robots announced, the cube-shaped one pointed at Stone "Hey isn't that the handsome guy with the stupid grin you told us about?"
Eggman quickly got on his feet, "What? No! What are you talking about!?" And dragged his henchmen out the door.
Stone was sure that he might just die.
Sticks looked for the hedgehog, she knew this forest like the back of her claw, there were only so many caves she could look through before finding the morally ambiguous emo dude.
The purple glowing symbols on the cave's walls caught her attention, surely he was here.
She dragged her hand along the rough texture of the cave's interior, admiring it for a moment, she wondered if tails could decipher what was written.
"What are you doing here." She snapped her head around quickly to face the black and red hedgehog.
"You!" Sticks's grating voice echoed through the cave.
She stepped forward, "I need your help, this is urgent."
Shadow squints his eyes as if telling her to go on.
"There's this man- a "Stone" as he calls himself, he's pure evil I'm telling you!" She squeaked, "His coffee shop just appeared in the middle of town, and everyone seems to like him." She glared at the ground beneath her.
Shadow eyebrows furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly, the badger's hands were at her side clenched tightly, and the hair on her head and back stood up, this was serious.
"What will I gain from helping you?" Shadow scoffs.
"It's what will you gain from not helping me, we'll all be under that man's mercy if we don't do anything." she flailed her arms around.
Shadow thought about it for a moment, he can't have somebody establishing dominance over the entire area, he can't let a lower lifeform do that...
"He wants to brainwash us all, I'm tellin' ya!", "and what good would that serve him?"
Sticks grabbes Shadow by the shoulders, "He wants to discover the village's most crucial secrets!" Shadow rolls his eyes "What 'crucial secrets' would this pathetic village even have?"
"Um, Comedy chimp's real name, the real secret ingredient in Meh Burger, Soar the eagle's shady past." She lets go of him and snaps her fingers, "Catch up, Shads."
"And why did you choose me specifically to help you?" he lifted his nose up high, "I'm sure the colorful bunch you call friends would love to help you sort this out."
"They don't believe me!" She screeched.
His face scrunched up and his ears twitched at her loud voice, "Chaos, I wonder why" The ultimate lifeform thought.
"And they're all probably brainwashed already! They ate and drank from that guy's food, it's definitely *full* of microchips." Sticks stomped her foot, "And I can't do this on my own, I need someone strong enough to handle him if I'm kidnapped!"
Shadow hums and thinks to himself...
Her theory sounded insane, yes, but anything is possible, he doesn't want to deal with the aftermath if they could deal with this before it starts to get ugly.
"...How about this." He approaches the brown and cocoa girl, "I need proof, something to go off of, I can't just dive blindly into action like I'm some...blue boy."
He puts a claw on her shoulder, "Prove to me that this man is something more than just a barista, then I will form an alliance with you."
Sticks's eyes light up with anticipation, "Deal!" she announced before grabbing his hand in a handshake.
He regrets this already.
The sun was almost setting, and Stone's off the clock.
He locked the cafe's doors and stretched his back, today was draining and eventful, now he had to go pick up some stuff for the shop and himself, and *then* he could go home.
He picks up the bag he was gonna carry groceries in.
From behind a tree nearby Sticks nudges Shadow, "Okay, he's out of the shop and he's heading for the market, we just have to wait until he's all alone, and *bam*! Catch him and make him spit out the truth!"
The hedgehog tapped his foot impatiently, "This sounds idiotic, if your theory about him being a government agent is correct how are you going to combat him to interrogate him?"
"I don't have to, I'll set up a net for him to tangle up in."
"Oh really? And how will you be able to do that if you don't know his specific path?"
"I'll follow him and when the time's right I'll run a few steps ahead and set up a trap."
Shadow snorted, "You can't possibly believe that you'll be able to set up a whole trap when you're only a few steps ahead."
Sticks crossed her arms, "are you doubting my skills? 'Cause let me tell ya' I've been hand-making nets, boomerangs, weapons, and all kinds of traps since I was a little cub! This is easier than..than.."
"taking candy from a baby?"
"Yeah!" she fumed.
"If you seriously believe that you can pull this off, then have at it, but I won't stand around and watch this pathetic display."
"Fine." She stomped and turned her back to him.
"He's gone by the way."
She gasped and stepped out of the tree's shadow and turned her head around frantically looking for the subject of her distress.
She turns back to Shadow, "This is all your fault-" Before she could point an accusing finger she realized that he had already left.
After a few minutes of looking and cursing Shadow out to herself, she finally found him.
She hid behind a stack of wooden crates staring at the human who was negotiating the price of some fruit with the merchant.
She sat there monitoring him.
The sound of the merchants, buyers, and kids all blended together as she started to space out, her thoughts becoming louder than outside noises.
Why don't her friends ever trust her? She was right that one time with Eggman's dreambot, was that not enough? Were her contributions to her team not enough?
And then here comes Shadow, her last resort.
They've only spoken once and at the end of that interaction, he dropped her from the sky!
The badger rubs her eyes before her tears fall, she was thankful that Amy wasn't here, the last thing she wanted to talk about was her feelings.
"I'll show 'em.." she mutters to herself.
She shifted her focus back to the government agent, he's been standing there since forever, what could possibly be that intriguing about fruits!?
She crawled out of her hiding spot and rolled over to hide behind a stand closer to Stone.
Her ear perked up as she tried to pick up on what Stone was saying.
"Beige berries you say?"
"I didn't say anything." The merchant deadpanned.
"A beige berry pie does sound good... you're prices are ridiculous though."
The merchant scoffed, "If you don't like it then how about you go pick the berries yourself."
"oh yeah I'll just venture into the forest while the sun is setting with zero protection just to pick berries for a pie, that sounds like a great idea."
There was a short pause... before Stone headed towards the forest to do just that.
"He's going to look for berries... I'll have to be quick and swift and precise, I only have one chance to catch him." she took a bite of her apple.
"Are you going to pay for that?" The merchant asked.
"Put it on the government agent's tab." she sprinted away.
Stone admired the forest, which I will not describe because you know what a forest looks like.
Walking through the forest at this hour was rather nice, it was quiet except for some chirping and other animal noises, and the vague sound of someone setting up a net which he would gracefully ignore.
He thought about the pie he was planning on making, would the doctor like it? Would he even come by again?
Stone didn't know why he was asking himself these questions, he wanted to be the man's henchman, nothing more, nothing less, so why did the mere thought of him make his heart flip, jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin?
He shook his head, this was no way to think of his future boss.
He kneeled to pick the berries from a bush, that bush didn't have enough to make a pie, so he'd have to continue his walk.
His mind wandered for a minute, how would he grab the doctor's attention enough to get him to even *consider* Stone as a worthy henchman? The only things he knew about him so far were that he hated the rainbow furry hero squad and he treats his robots like garbage.
Oh, and that he loved the latte he served him. Stone beamed to himself proudly at the memory, if he could sell his latte-making skills to Eggman then he could definitely sell his evil-doing skills.
He should've spoken more to him when he had the chance instead of creepily staring at him from the counter. Stone's smile fell and he inwardly cursed himself.
Whatever, what's ahead of him is more important, he still has time to figure out how to win the villain over.
"He hates those rainbow critters huh..." Stone strokes his beard, "Maybe if I can catch them for him.. he'll see how useful I could be."
He giggled to himself in anticipation, he looked back up from his feet and saw another beige berry bush a few steps ahead of him, that one will surely suffice for the pie.
He trotted towards the bush, and all of a sudden everything was upside down and his bag was on the ground with the fruits spilling out, he had let out a shriek before coming down from the initial shock with a few deep breaths.
He fought against the restraints of the net he was caught in but it just wouldn't budge, his arms were tightly bound at his sides, and his legs were also bound together, he huffed and looked around for help or any sign of whoever put him in this predicament, all he found was a wooden stick to the head and then darkness.
Stone groaned before slowly opening his eyes and quickly closing them again when the light assaulted them, which only served to make his pounding headache worse.
The sun had already set, and the only source of light was an electric lantern hanging from one of the tree branches, emitting a strong white light directly at his face, it brought back many unpleasant memories.
"Ugh..where am I?" His eyes adjusted to the light and he could make out the figure of a badger in front of him, holding his wallet, he knew this lunatic was going to be a problem, he could see a hut just a few feet away, it matched its owner.
"I'm the one that should be asking questions here Mar-...Mar-wane" She pronounced his name like it hurt.
"It's Marwan... honestly that pronunciation is more offensive than the stick to the head you just gave me..and being hung upside down on a tree." He rolled his eyes, thankfully he was off the clock and out of uniform now and he could disrespect people as much as he pleased.
And yeah his name is 'Stone Stone'
"Shut up!" The wallet fell from the badger's claw.
She stomped towards the man and pressed her finger against his chest.
"This is an interrogation."
"Oh really? I thought I was roleplaying a pea pod." Stone snorted but there was no humor behind it.
"The only role you're going to be playing right now is the victim."
Stone raised an eyebrow "Pardon?" he was unimpressed.
"That didn't come out right." Sticks scratched the back of her head, "But that's not the point!"
"The point is I want to know exactly who you are." Her voice got low.
"You were holding my ID just a second ago."
"I mean who you *really* are, I know that you're not just some barista." Stick put her arms behind her back.
Stone swallows.
"I see right through your act and I will not stand around and watch you hornswoggle those innocent villagers and my friends!" She circled him.
Stone made a face, *"hornswoggle?"* he mouthed.
"As much as I enjoy this 60's caveman detective persona you got, I haven't a clue what you're talking about."
Sticks noticed the shift in his tone immediately, she stopped in her tracks, and her jaw clenched, he was using his sweet talker voice on her and would spew out a bunch of bunk.
"I'm just a guy trying to get by you know?... My old manager wasn't the nicest, so I had to find my way, I quit my job and I just happened to have enough to move here and start my own independent business, just to serve happiness in the form of freshly made coffee." He fluttered his lashes
Sticks wanted about to barf.
"I'm not as dumb as I look."
"Unfortunately." His tone went back to his *real* one.
"Then explain to me how the crud did your shop just appear in the middle of town?" she interrogated.
"Let's just say that it was already built just...moved."
She squints at him, "And why did you choose this town specifically?"
"I just heard good things about it."
That's the biggest piece of horse junk she's ever heard in her life, the only good thing that could be said about this town is that you don't have to go there.
Sticks decided that she needed to try a different approach, accusations.
"I know exactly what you are."
"...Why did you ask then-"
Sticks clutched Stone's shirt in her hand and pulled his hanging form towards her until they were nose to nose.
She inhales, "You're a government agent that's her to plant microchips into our food to brainwash us and learn all of our secrets to rule this village and turn us all into soldiers! and when that works out for you you'll be promoted to general and then betray your agency and who knows what else!" She exhaled and pants.
Stone looked at her in a way that could only be described as something between disbelief, anger, and exhaustion.
"Why would I plant microchips into your food...When I could just use your damn phones for that?! And what agency!?" Stone argued.
"Because I don't got a phone, so you can't control my brain."
Stone closed his eyes tightly for a second and took a deep breath, she's so lucky he has his arms tied.
"The only way your brain would prove useful is if I scoop it out of your carcass with a screwdriver." Stone countered, making the author debate whether they should change the fic's rating or not.
"Your threats don't scare me."
The human sighs deeply and prays that this is all just a very bad poised-berries-induced nightmare, "Can you at least put me down? It's hard to focus with all the blood rushing to my head."
"No! You don't deserve to be put down! You will stay right there like an oversized bat mutant until I can prove to my friends that they can trust me." she let go of him and crossed her arms, continuing her previous route of circling him.
Stone's expression faltered at the confession.
"Your friends don't trust you?"
Sticks pressed her lips together, there was something more genuine about Stone's shift in tone, perhaps pity.
"Not usually..or maybe they do-or-ugh!" Sticks made a noise of frustration that was equivalent to a chihuahua choking on a kazoo.
The badger sits down on a conveniently placed rock, "I dunno..."
"At first I thought it was because they don't trust my intuition," By intuition, she meant insane theories, "But I haven't even had a conversation with Shadow before today, and he also doesn't trust me!" She kicks the ground in frustration.
Stone hated this badger, he truly did, but that didn't mean he didn't feel at least a little bit of empathy for her, he went through something similar himself.
"..it sounds like to me that this is more about proving yourself than proving me evil."
The badger wailed, "That ain't it it's- it's about both... maybe." she rubbed both hands through her hair frantically, "I hate feelings talk! I'm so glad Amy isn't here she would've- wait a minute." she paused abruptly through her vent.
Her head slowly turned to the hanging man, she jumped from her seat "You're changing the subject!"
"Oh, am I?" He rolled his eyes, though he wasn't sure if he was actually changing the subject or that he cared, His moral compass was jammed.
"You're trying to persuade me into being vulnerable and talking about my feelings like a- like-"
"A therapist?" Stone guessed.
"A journalist!"
That checks out.
"This isn't working... I'll grab something to get you to talk, stay right there!" she ran inside to her hut.
He wasn't going to wait and find out what it was.
It only took Sticks a few minutes to emerge from her home with a comically large feather.
"Now you'll think before you talk- where did he go!?" She yelped, and she ran towards the spot where the government agent was previously hanging.
All that was left was a net that was burnt to a crisp around some edges.
The realization consumed her before the anger did, "I was right... I'm not paranoid...I was right!!" she pumped her fist in the air, the feather long forgotten.
Her friends were going to be so sorry when they find out just how wrong they were, she started doing her little "I told you so" dance over the burnt net.
"What are you doing?" a hoarse voice a few feet behind her interrupts her short victory shimmy, she screeches.
"Shadow?!" She was almost happy to see him, almost, before she remembered that she was mad at him, she crossed her arms and turned away from him.
Shadow kneels down over the ruined net, "These burn marks... they're precise, it was a machine that had done this."
"You were right," Shadow said the words with hesitation, he hated being wrong.
Shadow narrowed his eyes when no reply came, the badger just glanced at him with one eye for a second before shutting them again and turning further away.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
She huffs and takes another step further away.
"Seriously?" He approaches her, "What has gotten into you? I don't have time for this foolishness."
"And I ain't got time for jerks either." She huffs.
"Is this about the trap thing?"
No reply, but she did turn slightly to glare at him.
"I was... wrong, okay? Now get over it."
She turned around again, they were back to square one.
"What do you want an apology?"
Sticks made a noise of frustration before sitting back down on the rock she was sitting on earlier.
"Speak up!" Shadow's patience was running thin.
"I want to understand why you don't trust me! You don't know me!"
"That's exactly why I don't trust you."
The badger's ears twitched, "oh.. that makes a little sense." her ears drooped.
The red and black hedgehog didn't want to get sappy with one of Sonic's hooligans but seems like he'll have to in the meantime.
He sat on a conveniently placed log next to the conveniently placed rock.
"I am..." He sighed, "I'm sor..." He groaned, "Sorry." it looked like he wanted to throw up, he looked down at his feet, "If we want to make this alliance work, we're going to have to trust each other from now on, happy?"
He looked down at his feet, he had the faintest blush on his cheeks, wow he was much worse than Sticks at this feelings thing.
Sticks smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "No worries Shads', I forgive ya'."
"Never call me that." Shadow stands up. "Let's discuss our next move tomorrow, he probably already went home by now."
"Let's kidnap him!"
"Yes because kidnapping a man from his home would make people trust you way more." He snarked.
"Oh, you're right, that's why we need each other."
"I don't need anyone."
"Oh yeah? Why're you teaming up with me then?" she teased, leaning her face uncomfortably closer to his.
"Don't push your luck." He grabbed her face and pushed it away.
Does anybody else have this problem where they write so so much but there are more words than events actually happening? yeah same
sorry for the abrupt ending lol
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sonderblade · 2 months ago
Okay so we all know that Shadows survives at the end but I was thinking about if they went down the path of Shadow feeling extremely guilty for almost destroying the world and doing the opposite of what Maria wanted but I also was thinking about Shadow having strong guilt towards SONIC considering he almost made Sonic lose someone so important to him and Sonic ends up talking it out with him and helps him despite everything.
So I’m thinking about this AU where Shadow gets ambushed by GUN agents and there we see that soldier lady (who was very efficient in messing up everybody’s plans😭😭go queen, I Stan her) and he’s in a terrorgation room with no cuffs, nothing, just her and him. She approaches him saying that he wouldn’t have come willingly because he most likely would’ve thought they were ambushing him anywYs blah blah blah- we get to the point where she guilt-trips him using Maria, him almost destroying millions of innocent lives, and then she brings up Sonic and how he put aside his hatred and helped him instead and how good of person Sonic is and that Shadow didn’t deserve someone like Sonic to be good to him- that he didn’t deserve a second chance. And she does this WELL. She doesn’t yell, she’s calm and she has such a sure face that it messes with Shadow despite him trying really hard to not take everything to heart and agreeing WITH it. She says that he could EARN that second chance if he starts helping GUN because “today’s GUN isn’t the same GUN as before”. And adds,
“if not for the world, then for her.”
And THAT gets him on board, although still reluctant.
Then we can time skip into shadow having a REALLY bad time where he’s constantly switching from mission to mission to fighting in an underground illegal fighting ring because he can’t stand being at GUN’s room for him and he needs to let out his emotions. He’s in between fighting as an agent and as a bloodied fighter(he lets himself get beat bc he thinks he deserves it) and he’s seeing hallucinations of Maria but also starts to see hallucinations of Sonic and he begins to consume his mind because why??? Why help him??? Why console him? Why choose to understand him? Why did he smile at him knowing all the things he’s done? Why laugh and talk with him like they’ve known each other forever?
And he CANNOT get Sonic out of his mind. He’ll be fighting bad guys on missions and Sonic’s smile flashes or he can hear him laugh. And shadow doesn’t know how to feel about it. He barely knows the guy!!! But it doesn’t click until he gets a talk from someone in the locker room for the fighting ring where she tells him, “when someone looks at you with care even though you’ve done nothing to deserve it… it’s hard not to think about warmth after years of freezing.”
And it clicks. Sonic’s the only other warmth he’s felt besides Maria. But Sonic’s different, he isn’t someone to be like family- like Maria, it’s something else entirely and he’s so confused at the feeling. But he thinks of him anyway. And he dreams of new times with him anyway. And he’ll never plan to visit him.
Until a new foe arrives which causes the Sonic team+ Amy (so excited to see her!!)+ Shadow & GUN. Sonic and Amy are getting along fine but Sonic is just. So. Glad that Shadow is in fact alive. He introduces her, they talk about what happened but Sonic is all like “it’s all in the past, who cares??!!!!!” “Sonic, he almost killed Tom and you tried to kill him” “it’s all in the past!!!!!”
And they get to develop their relationship and Sonic’s talking about how Shadow needs to go “popular place” and needs to do “trendy cool thing” because he’s “uncultured to a horrifying degree”. They get to have teamwork, argue with each other, reconcile, laugh, bond, and it’s NOTHING like these boys have felt before. It’s so easy to share with each other but also have some sort of friendly rivalry and continue to push themselves to impress one another. It’s sportsmanship , it’s friendship, it’s romantic(tho they won’t admit it), it’s a genuine connection.
ITS A ROMANTIC LYRICS BUT REALLY GOOD MUSIC TYPE OF SONG (think of “Ma Meilluere Ennemie” from Arcane which is SO THEM btw) BUT ANYWAYS.
I just really hope we see Shadow and Sonic become friends that everyone knows as complicated but They still Care. For one another even if they don’t want to admit it.
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sonadowcentral · 1 month ago
hiiiiiiiiii yay I'm so happy to see your artblog evolving and I'm sending you rays of goodness, you deserve it and your art is awesome *dumps a mountain of hearts on you*
anyway I wanted to ask a little question, what is the age of all guys in AU and their height, because that idea of short king Shadow is hilarious and my favorite headcanon, AND guys seem kinda more serious than teenagers to me, so I would give them at least 19 y o, (correct me if I'm wrong) anyway bye-bye ilovu!
Ahhh thank you for the love!! I appreciate it 🫶🏾
And yes, Shadow is a short king in this au lollll 😭 Sonic is only like a few inches taller but yeah short Latino Shads my beloved <3
For their ages, I’m not sure if I’ll be getting specifics but there was a time skip sort of? Weird prism magic stuff happens and now Sonic and Shadow are like in early adulthood (age range is prolly 19 to mid twenties idk)
Again no specifics but they aren’t kids anymore, that’s about it!
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