#sonic frontiers rewrite
siggiedraws · 3 months
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Echo's Apology
a sketch comic based on chapter 2 of sonic horizons by @blurredblu
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izzydaninja · 7 months
Sonic Frontiers - Rewrite (Preview)
With one more push forward, he’s engulfed by blinding white everywhere, and soon the static starts to retreat, and his body starts to wake up: feeling a more natural coolness rush over him with a breeze.
“Mmmhh…” He groans aloud, and being able to audibly hear his voice around himself was enough of a relief. Then he forces his hands under himself and pushes off the grass.
His surroundings felt like a dizzying swarm of overwhelming sounds and feelings all at once, he almost wished he was back in that dream-realm.
Bracing himself on a knee as the fog in his head receded: he was steady enough; he opened his eyes. The brightness of daylight breaking through the cloudy view overhead sent him reeling all over again. He had to blink a few times: shaking the headache away as best he could, before he got to his feet.
“Ngh–Guys..?” He groaned, searching his surroundings.
There were no signs of his friends or the Tornado anywhere, and that was–to say the least–alarming.
“Amy? Tails?” He called, cupping his hands around his mouth. He waited for a response, but none came.
With a jolt, he tensed and searched the skies, expecting to see someone or something overhead, but there was nothing. With a quick glance around him, he asks: “..Who? Me?”
“You have done the impossible. You have escaped Cyber Space through your own power.”
He slowly loosened his stance, keeping his guard up, looking along the rocky walls, and cloudy sky overhead: rain falling all around.
“You.. are the key.”
He stood; fists ready on either side of him as he glared at the sky. This whole thing was beyond fishy to him. Just the starting phrase: “mortal,” was an easy indicator to not trust them.
He waited a moment longer, arms crossing with a huff as he taps his foot.
“Find the Chaos Emeralds. Destroy the Titans. Tear down the walls between Dimensions.”
His arms tighten. This voice was being strangely vague. “Yeah, no thanks. I’ll do my own thing.” He points to himself with a bit of a smile before zipping off through the little cavern and straight for more open space.
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saviorpilled · 2 years
thinking abt the cyber corruption resolution ideas i have for this rewrite i’m so normla abt this game
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asunnydreamer · 2 years
My semi-rewrite of Sonic Frontiers.
WARNING: It will contain spoilers for Frontiers.
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rambles-of-a-dreams · 1 month
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marinaiguess · 1 year
i have a new angst fic idea with someone different than sonic or tails. or blaze. not original or creative but if done right, it could be a decent one.
first, i have to finish my exams. then, write a wip that i should be working on more consistently if you ask me, and then that
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helpful-hardware · 2 years
an au of shadow's game!
less go (wip but hey i gotta share at least my take on the opening)
shadow does not lose his memory after the fall.
hes a bit delirious in heroes and isnt able to start processing what the hell happened
but is able to help defeat neo metal.
the opening scene of the game would be with the festival flyer, but the monologue would be a fair bit different. something like:
"what am i? i know my name. shadow the hedgehog. i know my past, at least enough of it."
"aside from the memories that i am burdened with, i know i should protect the people of this planet, as she wished."
"beside that though.. what am i? what is left for me when its all over? what other secrets lay in my past? and... does any of it even matter?"
thunder in the distance, the black arms invasion begins.
now, for black doom, shadow should've been suspicious from the moment he saw him.
so here im just going to make his motives a bit more obvious in the beginning
shadow... an echo coming from all around. the hedgehog is instantly on guard. "who's there?"
you seek answers, do you not? the apparition appears in front of him. "who are you and what do you want?"
i only wish to inform you, shadow. i know more about your past than you could possibly imagine. "right. give me a reason why i should believe you, or piss off."
all will be revealed, as soon as you gather the seven chaos emeralds. "ha! fat chance. as if i'd hand over the most powerful artifacts on mobius to someone i've only just m--GAACK!"
sharp pain spreads from shadow's chest to the rest of his body. he topples onto his hands and knees, one hand clutching his torso. "what... the hell.. are you doing to me?"
you will gather the chaos emeralds before the black comet is out of range, or you will suffer a far greater pain than this. don't make this harder on yourself, child. "child? what are you--"
the apparition vanishes, and so does the pain. for now. nothing makes any sense, but shadow knows he cant figure this out alone.
he will figure out what this demonic entity knows, and what kind of power he seems to have over him.
first step: get back in touch with team dark. he flicks on his communicator. "rouge, i need yo--" "perfect timing! me and omega are getting our asses kicked by these aliens and we could really use some help right about now!"
"on my way." shadow skates towards westopolis, and the story begins.
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escapewiththestars · 2 years
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stachehand · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers scene tweak: the Sequel
Sage: "All we did was chase it out of it's shell. It's retreating into space to regain it's true form. Even Super Sonic won't be able to stop it. I know what I must do. I must... leave you."
Eggman (fully composed): "The baby bird has to leave the nest eventually. So do it."
Sage: (hijacks Supreme) "Hurry! Before it regains it's full strength!"
Sonic: "Ladies first!"
(Sonic and Sage follow The End into space)
Eggman (shouting): "Don't fail me, my greatest invention!"
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whimsical-sonic · 1 year
please let there be a sonic boss fight (as in you are fighting sonic) where he is not himself please please please please pl
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siggiedraws · 2 months
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Cover for Sonic Horizons - a Sonic Frontiers rewrite fic by my friend @blurredblu! The story is beautifully poignant and just getting started, so check out the AO3 series and tumblr masterpost!
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mysuperlaserpiss · 3 months
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Proud to have been a part of the 2024 Sonic Big Bang Event. This piece is dedicated to the incredible Sonic Horizons by @shizuumi151 💙 They put their very heart and soul into this Sonic Frontiers rewrite!
I got to meet really great people on this project, including another fantastic artist, @fleemoo 💙who also made art for Umi's work! Please give their painting lots of love when they post it!! 🥰
Sketch Below
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aquillis-main · 2 years
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Since I introduced him already, have THANATOS.
He's based off the Persona from Persona 3. He may eventually get a skull helmet. I dunno.
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saviorpilled · 2 years
decided i am in fact going to extensively recreate sonic frontiers out of pure passion and hyperfixation bc i thought of some cool stuff w the titans :3
first tho i am going to research the FUCK out of greek mythology this is very important
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asunnydreamer · 2 years
Chapter 2 is done!
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rambles-of-a-dreams · 3 months
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