☆ shining hope ☆
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escapewiththestars · 18 days ago
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
i don't see any info doc or anything. so i was just wondering. how old is your Sonic? Is there any difference between the canon storyline? stuff like that. no hate, just wondering!!
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ooc; no worries at all, ever since i came back from hiatus i've been floating so much that i haven't really done upkeep or solidifed what i'm even doing. there is an about page but that was made back when google docs for tumblr rp weren't a thing so i have yet to actually make a google doc in my return
to make a long story... less long, star started pretty tightly bound to game canon, but after i stopped RPing on tumblr a few years ago i started playing around with him more on my own and loosening him up. he's still pretty close to game canon and IDW canon as that's just what i prefer, but there are some differences in his timeline that i made. that broad strokes however are generally the same- the major differences are that generations and sonic 06 have a different middle, with similar beginnings and ends. i also gave star electrokinesis for fun rather than his usual aerokinesis. and of course i have plenty of hc's from before and between games.
as for star's age, tldr: he's 18 as of sonic frontiers. as for nledr (not long enough did read): while this sometimes changes as i need to make room for different things or change my mind... breathes in
sonic is 8 in sonic the hedgehog 1
9 in sth 2 and segasonic
10 in sonic cd and sth 3
11 in sa1
12 in sa2 and heroes
13 in rush, riders, sonic 06, and unleashed
14 in generations and colors
15 in sonic lost world, free riders, and the beginning of sonic forces
16 at the end of sonic forces (he had his birthday in space jail <3) and the battle for angel island idw arc
17 for the metal virus, the zeti attack on the restoration base, and surge vs sonic
since we dont know when frontiers takes place in idw (yet, i think?), eventually idw will "catch up" to his current age, but he's effectively 18 since sonic frontiers is one of his coming of age beats. thanks for asking i love to ramble
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
dig a little deeper | answered
ooc; the first thing that comes to mind for star is not leaving christmas island. i wrote a little bit about this in star's version of generations, where in one version of reality, eggman sabotaged sonic's way off the island (the tornado). if star had decided to stay of his own volition too, that'd have been a huge shift in literally everything in his life- he'd have just been an island boy forever, i figure... although i guess at the end of the day, keeping sonic down would be hard and he'd probably find another way off. its interesting to think of a sonic who never explored or left his home though.
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a number and an OC, and I'll answer.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
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… I’ve lived a long time doing exactly whatever I wanted. Care free. Doubtless. That’s the kind of person I always wanted to be, so that’s the kind of person I became. Limits were always a suggestion for me.
They were supposed to be.
That comes with a reputation. I don’t really care for reputation, but I have one. I’m supposed to not care at all, but I have one. What people see when they see me is something unstoppable. Something that can’t be broken. Something that’s always there at the end of the day. 
A shining hope.
i think i’m
starting to flicker
I wanted to believe the same thing. That I’m perfect. That I can’t be touched. But I can. But I do. But I flicker, and people are
to notice
I don’t know what it’s supposed to mean for me
Because I don’t care
But something in me doesn’t know where it is
Something terrified to flicker
I’m not afraid to die
I can’t stop the feeling that somethings out to get me
And I won’t be able to outrun it
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
ooc; hi i got access to my account again . x
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
So guys like Jet, then?
lover boy | answering
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"Hey, hey, I'm not in the business of hints or let downs. Gotta leave some things to mystery. Won't be fun otherwise."
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
What's your type? 💕
lover boy | answering
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"Mm... Not sure I've 'xactly got that narrowed, but if my track record is anythin' to go by, 've got chemistry with fellas who know how to have fun- who make bein' alive feel vibrant, I guess? And guys who can share some common ground... Which isn't all that common, actually."
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
On or off anon, send my muse romance asks!
Ask them whatever you want to about romance! Ask them who they have a crush on or ask if they have a crush on a specific person, have your muse admit their feelings to them, ask them about their behavior/romantic headcanons. Just send anything pertaining to love and relationships!
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
NOTE: THIS IS FOR THE SONIC RPC ONLY! Check this post for basic rules.
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    The weather is getting warmer (somewhere), don’t you just wish you could get out there and see it all? How about instead of that, you’re stuck on a gigantic cruise ship, no expense spared, full amenities, and your way completely paid! Welcome, one and all to TBM's EXTRAVAGANT CRUISE SHIP! You, YES YOU, are invited to take a load off for a FULL WEEK! Celebrate with friends, participate in all kinds of activities, please enjoy the complimentary HIGH SPEED WIFI in case you get bored of social interaction, as well as really anything you can imagine! We’ve GOT IT! But, you can’t leave until the Cruise is done.
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    Huh? You didn’t want to come? That’s too bad, because you’re already here! You’ve woken up in your quarters! The lodgings have been split up so everyone has at least once roommate! Who’s your roommate? No idea! We at TBM like to make sure your vacation is as eventful as it is relaxing!
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(examples of what the cabins look like-- Who will you be sharing your cabin with?)
    Any luxury cruise activity you think would be fun, feel free to do! Just don’t try to jump off the ship or fly off of it… It’s a real pain to have to go back for you. And if you just fly off well… you’ll definitely get tired eventually. Why not just stay, relax, and take a load off?
(Want an idea for on-cruise activites? Check here!)
    You can be fine for a full 7 days on a cruise ship with only a limited space to be able to run around in, right?
    -Destroy the property.     -Kill or seriously injure another character     -Have 18+ RP tied to the event. If you really want to write that kind of stuff, please use your own tags for it. DO NOT POST IT IN THE EVENT TAG! I BEG OF YOU FOR ALL OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS RPC PLEASE DO IT FOR THEM GIVE THEM A CHANCE
    Muses of any and all ages are welcome in this event, but there MAY BE ALCOHOL consumption, depending on the thread! Please respect people's rules when you're interacting with their posts.
    Sonic muses only! Sonic fandom OCs are also allowed. Duplicates encouraged! Everyone should have a chance to participate.
    (Please remember that there are people using the beta editor and people who aren’t. Dash stretch may happen regardless, so as a courtesy to your RP partners, consider putting the bulk of your starter under a read-more, in case the post breaks on trimming!) (If you’ve recently started using the Beta Editor and don’t know how to trim, be sure to get Xkit Rewritten! Trimming comes AFTER the post is posted, not before! You can save your reply to drafts and then trim, AND THEN post. Also you can now respond to Asks and then trim the ask box itself off later.)
    If you want to participate, you may reblog this event post to boost it, but DO NOT START THREADS OFF THIS POST. IC wise, the cruise is for one week, but feel free to continue your threads as long as you want. Despite how ominous this event feels, it’s not a murder mystery nor is Dr Eggman behind it. But feel free to set up your own fun!
    Important to know: Since characters have to have roommates, feel free to plot with each other in private and come up with who is staying with who, you can also make it open ended if you want someone to take up the opportunity! It's up to you! If you don't get any takers, a random NPC will be the roommate, or whatever you choose to do. Have fun! Read and respect each other's rules!
    the tag for the event is:
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
Likeable Person Test
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You are a greatly likable person (87.86%).
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
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Instinctively they shy away from any encounter with another.
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Sonic takes notice, but he's well attuned to shy-types. Far be it from him to pick the battlefield they have to meet him at. He just offers up a casual peace sign and slight smile.
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
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ooc; tag dumping
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
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ooc; gonna share some of the writing i got up to while being away. i mostly write a bunch of random scenes that happen in star’s verse when i feel like it (although whether they’re canon or not fluctuates). here’s just a quick little thing that takes place when sonic is presumed dead in forces, and jet’s feelings on it.
google drive link (easier to read usually) ao3 link
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
from here | @sentientquillbeast​
“... I don’t think those are the words.”
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“I feel attacked. I’m an innocent man. We can’t help it.”
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
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# CARACALCLAWS : afraid  of  someone  stronger  coming  along  to challenge  you ? you  should  already  know  that  kind  of  thinking  is  only  for  losers ! besides ——— YOU’VE  ALREADY  FOUND  SOMEONE  WHO’S  WILLING  TO  FIGHT BY  YOUR  SIDE .
independent sonic the hedgehog oc, MINT THE CARACAL. game-based/idw inspiration.
follows from @blue-rphub.
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escapewiththestars · 2 years ago
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Defending himself from a flurry of attacks. "Geez, buddy. Happy to see you too."
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